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Practical No.

3: Gather application specific requirements for assimilate into RE

(Requirement Engineering) model.

Requirement Engineering:
It is the set of tasks that helps in understanding following concepts:
1. Business impact of software.
2. Exact expectation of customer.
3. Interaction of user with system.

Requirement engineering consists following tasks and phases:


Requirement Eliciation

Validation Phases Collaburation


 It is nothing but beginning.

 Requirement enginnering is communication based activity.
Aims of inception:
1. To know basic understanding about problem.
2. To know major of problem.
3. To maintain effective communication.
4. To establish collaboration between customer and developer.
5. To know people who are you going with.
In this phase,developer can understand basic requirements of customer.Some
problems that relates to JDK software handled in this phase.For solution of these
problems we have to maintain effective communication.
 It means to draw out reality or truth on paper.
 It helps to define what is require.
 It solves problem of scope,problem of understanding and problem of

1. Problem of scope:
1. Many times customers state unnecessary technical details.
2. It will confuse developer about overall system.

2. Problem of Understanding:
Sometimes customer and developer has poor understanding of
1. What is need?
2. Limitations and capabilities.
3. Problem domain.
4. Specific requirement.

3. Problem of Valatality:
1. It means change from one state to another.
2. Customers requirement may change time to time and this is major
problem while deciding fixed state of requirements.
Developer take actual requirements from customer ralated to JDK software.

 Collaboration means to work out in detail.
 It explains detailed work done required for software developmemt.
 It tells about functions, features and constraints.
 Therefore,we can call collaoration as analysis modelling.
The Java Development Kit (JDK) is one of three core technology packages used
in Java programming, along with the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and the JRE
(Java Runtime Environment). The JDK allows developers to create Java programs that
can be executed and run by the JVM and JRE.
Features of JDK:
 Object Oriented.
 Platform Independent.
 Simple.
 Secure.
 Architecture-neutral.
 Portable.
 Robust.
 Multithreaded


 It means disscussion on financial and other commercial issues.

 In this phase,user and developer discuss about .
1. To rank the requirement.
2. To decide priorities.
3. To finalize Project cost and delievery dates.
4. Impact of above issues on project cost and delievery date.
In this phase,developer discussed on financial and other commercial issues relates to
JDK software.
Developer decide priorities of our project. They are finalize cost and dates about


 It is final work produced by requirement engineering.

 There are following specification forms:
1. Written document.
2. Set of graphical model.
3. Formal mathematical model.
4. Collection of scenerios.
5. Prototype.
In this phase,developer produced final work and provide to customer like
document,graphical model,prototypes etc.

 All workdone must be validated against customer expections.

 Validation checklist includes statement of requirement.
 There are following requirements.
1. Tracabale requirement.
2. A requirement associated with behaviour,performance and operational
3. Statement of requirement.
It is the last phase of requirement engineering.In this phase,all work done validated
against customer’s expections.


We have more clear about requirement engineering and its types.

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