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Dyllan April 2nd

Blog Journal #1

During the first week of progressing within my Capstone, I have created a useful and funky
flyer to promote my service to expand my business. It includes my prices, hours that I am
available, contact information, and information about myself. The flyer is going to be put
up around the city and in my grandmother's apartment. Throughout this week, I am going to
create a relevant YouTube channel that will be easy to follow, and I will start my
progression videos about creating my service. Another thing that I will need to complete is
creating an effective schedule that incorporates my schoolwork, my job, capstone, family,
and outside free time. There are plenty of apps out there that are made for this. I need to
make sure I do not work on Sundays and Tuesdays so I can focus on making my capstone
successful. Some objectives that will need to be overcome are how I can still have free
time and time for my job while also working on my capstone, I will still need to work
because of payments that I will need to complete but I also cannot work as much. It will be
difficult, but I know with my courage and strength, I will overcome these struggles and turn
them into something brighter. The reason that I do not have much progress on my
capstone is because during spring break I wanted to work as much as possible without
worrying about anything else.

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