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NU 608

Position Statement Paper

University of South Alabama

College of Nursing

Kayla Barnes

Schizophrenia is often a chronic disorder requiring long-term treatment. Schizophrenia is

associated with significant health, social, occupational, and economic burdens as a result of its

early onset and its severe and often persistent symptoms (Cleveland Clinic Health Diseases,

2022) There are new studies conducted constantly for pharmacological and nonpharmacological

treatment for schizophrenia. These new studies allow for expanded knowledge on previous

treatments for schizophrenia. The goal of pharmacological treatment with antipsychotic

medications is to reduce symptoms with the aim to return the patient to his or her baseline of

functioning (Cleveland Clinic Health Diseases, 2022). The purpose of practice guidelines for

treatment of schizophrenia is to help healthcare professionals adjust care for patients by

providing evidence-based statements that improve knowledge and increase the appropriate use of

treatments for schizophrenia.

POI Significance

Schizophrenia symptoms differ from person to person. Symptoms of schizophrenia can

make it difficult for an individual to participate in daily activities. However, starting treatment as

soon as possible following the first episode of psychosis is an important step toward recovery

(Rubio, et al., 2021) . Advanced practice nurses must be able to assess these symptoms early on

to provide appropriate treatment. Current treatment focuses on helping an individual manage

symptoms and improve day-to day functioning. The goal as an advanced practice nurse will be to

improve the quality of care and the treatment outcomes for patients with schizophrenia.

Health care professionals are constantly faced with new methods and technologies that

require changes within practice. Quality systems help to sustain these changes while
providing quality patient care. The structural measure gives consumers the overview of

who comprises the health care system and the processes the system uses to provide

quality care. The process measure includes what a health care provider does to care for

healthy people as well as those diagnosed with certain health conditions. This measure is

equivalent to evidence-based practice because these processes are accepted

recommendations guiding clinical practice. The process measure is also a way for

consumers to know about what medical care to expect to receive given a certain diagnosis

and the means to improve health outcomes. The outcome measure is the result of certain

health care services or health status. An outcome can be negative or positive, but the

results will determine if the outcome leads to long term implementation. All three

measures will be used continuously as an advanced practice nurse. The goal is to provide

best care for all patients. When improvements in outcomes can be vividly seen then that

is evidence as an advanced practice nurse . Does antipsychotic medications help improve

the quality of life for those with schizophrenia.

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