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Egzamin 8-klasisty

Grammar Set 1- tłumaczenia fragmentów zdań

1.Przetłumacz na j.angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach.

1. Who is (najszybszym)…………………………….runner in the team?

2. (ile)……………………………………money do you need to buy a new bike?
3. They (przyjechali)…………………………………2 hours ago.
4. I (chcę)………………………… tell you something important.
5. My mum went shopping but she didn’t buy (nic)……………………………. because she forgot to take the
6. I feel (okropnie)…………………………….. because I’ve got the flu.
7. You look pale. I think you (powinieneś)………………………………sit down .
8. (gdybym był tobą)……………………………………….I would stay at home tonight.
9. Could you (obrać )………………………….. these vegetables for the salad,please?
10. In the future (zamierzam)……………………………………….to become a teacher.
11. If the weather is fine (pójdę)…………………………………….for a walk with you.
12. I’m afraid (nie ma żadnego)…………………………………………..milk in the fridge.
13. I’d like to (wziąć udział)…………………………………………..this chess competition.
14. „Thank you for your help Cindy” „ Oh, (nie ma za co)……………………………………….. it.”
15. Excuse me,(jak dostanę się )…………………………………………… the city centre?
16. You (potrzebujesz)…………………………… to finish this task before noon.
17. (Tobie nie wolno)…………………………………………park your car here!
18. My dad (zazwyczaj pracuje)……………………………………………….on Saturdays but today he isn’t working.
19. Her students (nie napisali)……………………………………..their final exams yet.
20. Mr Davis has worked in this factory (od)……………………… 1994.
21. His little sister (uwielbia tańczyć)…………………………………………….. .
22. (Spójrz na )………………………………………the whiteboard ,please.
23. I often (opiekuję się)………………………………………… my younger brother.
24. Jack has to (rzucić)…………………………………. eating fast food. It’s bad for his health.
25. The desk is (zbyt ciężkie)………………………………….for me to lift.
26. This soup isn’t (wystarczająco gorąca)……………………………………… to eat.
27. Ania is (tak wysoka jak)…………………………………………her twin sister.
28. „When (ty kupiłeś)……………………………………. this new apartment?” „I bought it 2 months ago.”
29. Let’s (zjedzmy coś)…………………………………………… sweet.
30. (dlaczego by nie pójść)……………………………………………….to the cinema tonight?
31. How about (odwiedzimy)…………………………………….our cousins next Saturday?
32. I have (właśnie skończyłam)……………………………………………. writing my essay.
33. Her mum works (8 godzin dziennie)…………………………………………………. .
34. Maths isn’t (tak łatwa jak)……………………………………………. Art.
35. „Did you like this (wystawę)……………………………………..?”
I must say, I’m not (fanem/zwolennikiem )…………………on modern art.”
36. I (nie rozumiem)……………………………………what you mean.
37. (Ile kosztują)…………………………………………. these jeans? I’d like to (przymierzyć)……………….them……
38. He is (boi się)…………………………………flying by plane.
39. Mrs Scott is (najlepszą)…………………………….teacher in our school.
40. Daniel got the (pierwsze)………….. place in the running competition.
41. We have (nigdy nie byliśmy)……………………………………….to Italy .
42. What’s (jaka jest pogoda)………………………………… in Poland in spring?
43. (Ile pieniędzy)……………………………………did you take with you on holiday?
44. Excuse me,(która jest godzina)………………………………………………….now?
45. Zakopane is situated (na południu)…………………………….of Poland.
46. (jakiej narodowości)………………………………………….is her husband?
47. (obawiam się)……………………………………..I can’t come to your party.
48. This is (najdroższy)……………………………………………… in my town.
49. America (została odkryta)…………………………………………… by Columbus.
50. I always(zdejmuję)…………………………….my clothes in the evening and I (zakładam)………………………my
51. Look at them ! They (tańczą)……………………………………. .
52. Mary (często słucha)……………………………………… pop music.
53. (oni biegali)…………………………………in the park when they saw the robber outside the bank.
54. Our father (jeździ swoim samochodem)……………………………………….. to work every day.
55. Jenny won’t be at the party (ponieważ jest na wakacjach)………………………………………………………….. .
56. Her brother (złamał nogę)…………………………………while he was playing basketball.
57. (zamierzam zostać)………………………………………………at home this weekend.
58. That film is awesome. You (musisz go obejrzeć)………………………………………….it !
59. (nikt nie lubi)…………………………………… doing too much homework.
60. (Czy przeczytałeś)………………………………………………this article about Robert Lewandowski yet?
61. (Czy ty rozumiesz)…………………………………………what the teacher says about the Present Simple tense?
62. She will visit us ( w Sobotę)………………………………….. evening.
63. Shall we meet (o 10.00 rano)……………………………………….. ?
64. I promise I (nie powiem)…………………………………….anybody about your secret.
65. (Nie ma)…………………………………..a theatre in our city.
66. I was the first in the race and my friend was (drugi)……………………………. .
67. He (miał 18 lat)……………………………………when he got his first car from his parents.
68. „(kto zamknął)……………………………………….. the door?” „ It was Mark”.
69. You(masz rację)……………………………………. . I will find a better place to live.
70. (Czy są jakieś)…………………………………………………restaurants in this area?
71. That bridge (został zbudowany)…………………………………….. 10 years ago.
72. Susan is (taką miłą)………………………………………….. girl.
73. If I (spotkam)………………………… cousin I will ask her about this situation.
74. Could you (podać mi)…………………………………the salt please?
75. „(Czy kiedykolwiek próbowałeś)………………………………………………………….sushi?” „No, not yet”
76. Can you (zdobić mi przysługę)……… me a …………………. ?
77. I usually (opróżniam zmywarkę )……………………………….the dishwasher and my sister takes our (psa na
spacer)…………………………………….. .
78. Look at the sky ! (będzie padać)…………………………………………. rain !
79. Andy is (zbyt niski)…………………………………to play basketball.
80. Our teacher is (zawsze na czas)…………………………………………………….. .

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