1 Antigone Journal Entries Running List

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Answer2 questions with 1 quote per question for every entry.

1 1. What do Antigone and Ismene “inherit” from Oedipus?

2. Who are Eteocles and Polynices, and what has happened to them?
3. What is the punishment for disobedience? Why does Antigone bring this up?
4. When Antigone asks Ismene whether she will join her in burying Polynices what does
Ismene say?
5. What does Ismene’s refusal reveal about her? What does it say about Greek culture?
6. What are the points that Ismene makes for why she won’t follow Antigone?
7. What is Antigone’s response? What does that tell us about her?
8. How is Antigone different as a tragic hero?
9. What is the business that Ismene refers to on 194 (“in a business that chills)?
10. Find evidence for how Antigone interprets Ismene’s denial to join her in flouting
Creon’s edict.
11. The chorus cites an eagle in the first choral ode. What does this eagle represent? Do
they believe that they are on the right or wrong side?
12. How does Creon address the elders?
13. What oath does Creon swear?
14. Significance of “Money never makes as many as it mars”?
15. Treating fallen enemies poorly could be equivalent to treating prisoners of war
poorly. What does this say about Creon? About justice?
16. What does he intend to do as a ruler?
17. How does Creon treat his inferiors? What does this say about him?
18. How does the way the sentry treat Creon indicate public sentiment towards him?
19. What contradictions come up in the Sentry’s statements…page 201
20. How does the Chorus respond to Creon?
21. What does Creon tell the Chorus to do?
22. Explain line 181.
23. What does the Chorus say after the guard’s report of the burial? Why is this
24. How does Creon react to this?
25. What does the Chorus say is the greatest wonder on earth?
26. What is the theme of lines 279-310?

2 1. Who enters at the beginning of the second scene? How does Creon react?
2. What was Antigone doing when they found her?
3. How does Creon react when he hears the sentry’s story? Does he believe him?
4. What simile does the sentry use to describe Antigone when she found her brother above
the ground?
5. How did Antigone act when the sentries caught her?
6. How does Antigone answer Creon?
7. How is Creon affected by her words?
8. What does Antigone say about Creon’s command and authority in lines 378-395? Do you
agree with her feeling in terms of today’s society?
9. Explain what the Chorus says in line 396-7.
10. What punishment will Ismene receive? Why?
11. Explain Creon’s thought in lines 414-7.
12. Antigone says that everyone agrees that her action is “honorable,” but that “fear locks
their lips.” In saying this, what is she saying about Creon’s decree?
13. How does Creon react to her statement?
Answer2 questions with 1 quote per question for every entry.

14. From lines 434-4 Antigone and Creon discuss the world and respect of the dead.
Comment on both of their views. Which one do you agree with?
15. Who enters crying?
16. What does Creon compare her to? Why does he use this image? Do you agree?
17. Describe the dialogue between the two sisters from lines 454-477.
18. What final plea does Antigone ask of Ismene?
19. Explain Ismene’s comment, “The strongest mind/Cannot but break under
misfortune’s blows.” 216
19.5 Sig of line: I do not take to those who take to talk
20. What foreshadowing is found in this dialogue?
21. What does Creon believe is the “proper place for women”?
22. What curse does the Chorus talk about? Why is it compared to “the restless surge of the
23. What law is immutable?
24. What causes people to suffer?

3 1. Starting on line 533, what does Creon ask Haemon?

2. How does Haemon reply?
3. What does the phrase “cold comfort” mean in line 549?
4. For Creon, where does obedience start? Why is this important to him?
5. According to Creon, who makes “the wisest king”?
6. Why does it appear that Haemon is flattering Creon at the beginning of his speech at line
7. What device does Haemon use to deliver his true feelings to his father?
8. What advice does Haemon give Creon? What analogy does he use?
9. In light of his previous statements, what is revealed about Creon when he says, “I am king,
and responsible only to myself.”?
10. What tone does Haemon take with his father in the dialogue at the bottom of page 209
and top of 210?
11. What is the implication of Haemon’s statement that “If she dies, she does not die
alone.”? 206/205
12. What death does Creon have planned for Antigone? Why this, and not the stoning he
first promised?
13. What, if any, shift in tone in the Chorus do you detect from the beginning of this section
to the end?
14. What does Creon gain from sticking to his decree?

4 1. What is personified in the Chorus’ introduction to section 4? How is it described?

2. What is going to happen to Antigone?
3. How is the Chorus’ initial them appropriate for the beginning of this fourth scene?
4. With whose death does Antigone compare hers to? Why is this an appropriate
5. What does the Chorus attribute Antigone’s stumble to from lines 726 to 740
6. Does Antigone appear to regret her actions, or does she still support them? Why?
7. Who is Persephone?231 Why does Antigone mention her?
8. How does Antigone explain her action? Would she have done the same for another
9. Explain lines 775-779. What does this show about Antigone?
10. In line 789, Antigone says she is “his prisoner.” Whose prisoner is she?
Answer2 questions with 1 quote per question for every entry.

11. What does the Chorus says is more powerful than any armory?
12. From lines 791-814 the Chorus speaks of others who suffered cruel imprisonment. What
does this say about Chorus’ thoughts on Antigone’s fate? On Antigone herself?
13. Why does Creon refer to Teiresias as “father”?
14. Explain line 823.
15. Explain why Teiresias says that omens and signs are gathered by birds.
16. What test does Teiresias use to verify his prophecy.
17. Explain what is meant in lines 851-854.
18. Both Teiresias and the Chorus speak of using your “self-will.” Compare the two
comments in line 740 and 855. What are they both saying?
19. Explain “self-will” comments on both Antigone and Creon
20. Compare the third choral ode 227 to Antigone’s comments about the l-word on 231
21. How does the dead disown Antigone (229)
22. Differences between Teiresias/Creon and Teiresias/Oedipus?
23. Parallel between Creon Haemon sweet talking
20. Does Creon respect what Teiresias has said? What does Creon say that is ironic in
lines 871-874? Why is it ironic?
24. Briefly describe the exchange of one-liners between Creon and Teiresias.
25. What punishment does Teiresias say is waiting for Creon? Why?
What does Teiresias’ speech say about Creon and his action?
26. According to Aristotle’s definition of a Tragic Hero, there is a Reversal and a Downfall
before the final Recognition. Between lines 917-937, what will be attempted to be
27. What will Creon’s men bring with them?
28. What will Creon do himself?
29. What will the spades and mattocks be used for?
30. Who then is the Tragic Hero?
31. Creon says, “It is by the laws of heaven that man must live.” Does Creon live in
accordance with this statement? What does this show about his character?
32. Why does Creon change his mind?

5 1. Starting on line 967, why doesn’t the messenger simply come right out and say the
Haemon is dead?
2. Who is Eurydice?
3. When Eurydice says, “I am not unacquainted with grief” what is she referring to?
4. “Truth is always best” harkens back to what other minor character’s method of discourse?
5. What did the messenger do when he saw the body of Polynices?
6. “Maid that was married with Death” refers to whom? What poetic device is used in this
7. Creon is quoted as saying, “I am the sport of Gods” in line 1022. What does this mean?
8. What did Haemon do upon seeing his father at Antigone’s death site?
9. What is Eurydice’s initial reaction upon hearing the news of Haemon’s death?
10. What is the reaction of the messenger to her disappearance?
11. What parallel structure do you find in lines 1066 and 1067?
12. How has Creon changed as revealed on pages 222 and 223?
13. What was the fate of Eurydice?
Answer2 questions with 1 quote per question for every entry.

14. Paraphrase the Chorus’ final speech on page 224.

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