Assignment 1

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Assignment 1.

1 Newton's Three Laws

of Motion
Submit the following terms and its application (drawing) for your
advanced reading on Newton's Three Laws of Motion and Vectors.

Title: Vectors and Scalars

See the Rubric below for your guidance.

1. Force

A description of an interaction that causes a change in an object's motion. It can also be

represented by the symbol F.

2. Vector

A quantity that has magnitude and direction and that is commonly represented by a
directed line segment whose length represents the magnitude and whose orientation in
space represents the direction

3. Scalar

A scalar quantity is a physical quantity with only magnitudes, such as mass and electric

4. Newton’s law of motion

Newton's Laws of Motion help us to understand how objects behave when they are standing
still; when they are moving, and when forces act upon them. There are three laws of motion.

Newton's First Law of Motion is also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object in motion
tends to stay in motion unless an external force act upon it.

Newton's Second Law of Motion states that when a force acts on an object, it will cause the
object to accelerate. The larger the mass of the object, the greater the force will need to be to
cause it to accelerate.

Newton's Third Law of Motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite

5. Vector resolution
The process of determining the magnitude of a vector is known as vector resolution. The two
methods of vector resolution that we will examine are

Vector resolution is the process of breaking a diagonal vector into its

X and Y components.

 the parallelogram method

 the trigonometric method

6. Static equilibrium

Static equilibrium refers to the physical state in which a system’s components are at rest
and the net force is zero through the system.

Static equilibrium takes place when all the forces acting on an object are balanced and the
object is not in motion in relation to the relative plane.

7. Static equilibrium equations

Conditions and Equations for Static Equilibrium

According to Newton’s second law of motion, the linear acceleration of a rigid body takes place due
to net force acting on it. Its representation is as follows:

∑kF⃗ k=ma⃗ CM. (1)

Here, the sum of all the external forces acting on the object or body, “m” is its mass and a⃗ CM
refers to the linear acceleration of its centre of mass. Furthermore, in equilibrium, the acceleration
certainly happens to be zero.

The first equilibrium condition for the static equilibrium of a rigid body indicates translational

∑kF⃗ k=0⃗ . (2)

Equation (2) shows the first equilibrium condition. Moreover, this is the equilibrium condition for
forces which one encounters when studying the applications of Newton’s laws.

Above all, this equation is equivalent to the following scalar equations. Also, these three scalar
equations are for the components of the net force:

∑kFkx=0,∑kFky=0,∑kFkz=0. (3)

Similarly to Equation (1), one can state that the rotational acceleration α⃗ of a rigid body about a
fixed axis of rotation is due to the net torque acting on the body, or

∑kτ⃗ k=Iα. (4)

Here I refer to the rotational inertia of the body in rotation about this axis and the summation is over
all torques τ⃗ k of external forces in Equation (2). In equilibrium, the rotational acceleration is
certainly zero.

The second equilibrium condition for the static equilibrium of a particular rigid body expresses
rotational equilibrium:

∑kτ⃗ k=0⃗. (5)

The second equilibrium condition refers to the equilibrium condition for torques that one encounters
when studying rotational dynamics.

Moreover, this equation for equilibrium is certainly valid for rotational dynamics about any axis of

This vector is equivalent to the scalar equations for the vector components. Furthermore, these
vector components belong to the net torque:
∑kτkx=0,∑kτky=0,∑kτkz=0. (6)

8. Internal & external forces

external forces include the applied force, normal force, tension force, friction force, and
air resistance force. And for our purposes, the internal forces include the gravity forces,
magnetic force, electrical force, and spring force.

9. Types of forces

Contact forces: Forces which take place when objects touch each other. Contact forces
can be classified according to six types: tensional, spring, normal reaction, friction, air
friction, and weight.

Noncontact forces: Forces that take place when two objects do not touch. These
forces can be classified according to three types: gravitational, electrical, and magnetic.

10. Free body diagram

Free Body Diagrams (FBD) are useful aids for representing the relative magnitude and
direction of all forces acting upon an object in a given situation.

11. Principle of transmissibility

The principle of transmissibility states that the point of application of a force can be moved
anywhere along its line of action without changing the external reaction forces on a rigid
body. Any force that has the same magnitude and direction, and which has a point of
application somewhere along the same line of action will cause the same acceleration and
will result in the same moment. Therefore, the points of application of forces may be moved
along the line of action to simplify the analysis of rigid bodies.

2.3: Principle of Transmissibility - Engineering LibreTexts

12. Parallelogram law

Parallelogram Law of Addition

The Parallelogram law states that the sum of the squares of the length of the four sides of a
parallelogram is equal to the sum of the squares of the length of the two diagonals. In Euclidean
geometry, it is necessary that the parallelogram should have equal opposite sides.
Parallelogram Law - Definition and Proof (
13. Triangle law

Triangle law of vector addition states that when two vectors are represented as two sides of the
triangle with the order of magnitude and direction, then the third side of the triangle represents
the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector.

Triangle Law of Vector Addition - Formula And Derivation (

14. Pythagorean theorem

Pythagoras Theorem Statement

Pythagoras theorem states that “In a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse side is
equal to the sum of squares of the other two sides“. The sides of this triangle have been named
Perpendicular, Base and Hypotenuse. Here, the hypotenuse is the longest side, as it is opposite to
the angle 90°. The sides of a right triangle (say a, b and c) which have positive integer values, when
squared, are put into an equation, also called a Pythagorean triple.
Pythagoras Theorem (Formula, Proof and Examples) (

15. Law of sine

Law of Sines Definition

In general, the law of sines is defined as the ratio of side length to the sine of the opposite angle. It
holds for all the three sides of a triangle respective of their sides and angles.
Law of Sines - Definition, Proof, Formula, Applications and Example (

16. Law of cosine

Law of Cosines Definition

In Trigonometry, the law of Cosines, also known as Cosine Rule or Cosine Formula basically relates
the length of the triangle to the cosines of one of its angles. It states that, if the length of two sides
and the angle between them is known for a triangle, then we can determine the length of the third
side. It is given by:
c2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab cosγ
Law of Cosines ( Proof & Example) (

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