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Período de recuperación (Diciembre 2020)

Lengua Extranjera – Inglés.

1er Año
1) Reading Comprehension.

Read the text and answer the questions. Use full sentences. (Leer el texto y responder las
preguntas. Responder usando oraciones completas)

• Are Katie and Lucy sisters? yes they are sisters

• What do they do *after they finish their homework? after finishing their homework they play
and enjoy *after= después

• Do they like listening to the radio when they do homework?yes they listen to the radio while
doing homework

• Does Lucy like The Vamps? Yes, she likes the vampire gang

• Is One Direction their favourite band? no, one direction is not your favorite band but if you like

• Do they do *outdoor activities? yes they ride bikes *outdoor = al

aire libre

• When do they take dancing lessons? they take dance classes on weekends

• Where do they play tennis? hey play tennis in the club with their parents

• Do they read books in the living room? no, they read a book in bed

• Does Katie play hockey on Saturday? no, katie doesn't play hockey
2) Write ten true sentences using these words and phrases (escribir 10 oraciones verdaderas
usando estas palabras y frases):

• A free time activity (page 39).exercising is a free time activity

• A daily routine (page 51).riding my bike every day for me A daily routine
• A meal (page 40).the meatloaf An excellent meal

• Food (page 40).the food my mother makes is very tasty

• A drink (page 40).water is a healthy drink

• Two adverbs of frequency (page 42).Every Monday I have gym.I always eat at two

• Una oración diciendo a qué hora realizás una actividad de tiempo libre o rutina (recordá usar la
preposición de tiempo AT – page 55).I always eat at two o'clock.

• Una oración diciendo qué día realizás una actividad de tiempo libre o rutina (recordá usar la
preposición de tiempo ON – page 55).I normally work on Tuesdays, but on January 1st I won’t
have to work.

• Una oración diciendo en qué mes cumplís años (recordá usar la preposición de tiempo IN – page
55).my birthday is in march

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