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Inglés Etapa Final

Miss Lorena Lama F.

Key words:
1.- Nightmare: pesadilla/tormento
2.- check in counter: mesón o ventanilla para registrarse (aeropuertos, clínicas, consulta médica, etc)
3.- bedside table: velador
4.- angrily: enojadamente
5.- few: poco, unos pocos
6.-quickly: rápidamente
7.- flight: vuelo

Underline all the verbs in the text .
Inglés Etapa Final
Miss Lorena Lama F.
Read and answer the questions from the text.

1.- Where did Martin go on vacation? _______________________________________________________

2.- What time did Martin leave the house? ___________________________________________________

3.- How did he get to the airport? ___________________________________________________________

4.- What happened with his passport? _______________________________________________________

5.- Where was his passport? _______________________________________________________________

6.- What happened when Martin arrived to the airport the second time? ___________________________

7.- What was the solution? ________________________________________________________________

Jennifer Aniston
Task 3: Put the following sentences into the Past Simple.
1. Jennifer Aniston was born in city Sherman Oaks (state California, USA) in
the family of an American actor John Aniston and Nancy Dow.
2. When Jennifer turned 9, her parents ________ (get) divorced.
3. 11 years old Jennifer _________ (begin) to play in drama club in school.
4. She ___________ (continue) her professional studying at New York
drama school in 1987.
5. Then she __________________ (take part) in a few Broadway
performances («For Dear Life», «Dancing on Checker’s Grave», etc.).
6. She _____________ (move) in Hollywood in 1990 and __________ (get) her first role in
TV sitcom «Molloy».
7. In «Friends», one of the most famous sitcoms worldwide, she _________ (play) Rachel
Green. The sitcom _________ (become) popular quickly and it ________________ (make)
Jennifer famous, too. Women all over the world ______ (try) to copy her haircut. Jennifer
_____________ (earn) 1 million dollars for one episode of «Friends» during its last season.
8. She __________ (be) named "Woman of the Year" by GQ magazine in 2005.
Task 4: Answer the questions using information from the text.

1.- Did she study drama in a drama school? _______________________________

2.- Did she act in sitcoms? ___________________________________________
3.- Name of the famous sitcom worldwide ________________________________
Inglés Etapa Final
Miss Lorena Lama F.
Task 5: follow the pattern to make complete questions use DID + a verb from the

Task 6:Match questions with its correct answer. Follow the example.

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