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Ce finishes ti ose inepands given os numer ‘somial fonction, ‘inary aie set of iste serordinary i foomto Use the MATLAB lines solvers to solve inca diferetial equations 'oobiain he fee response an the sep response for waa Toeang fonctions. ‘Wehavenocoveredalle ifeenial equation solvers provided inMMATLAB, bus fmied our coverage to ordinary diferent! equations whose ial cond ‘ions a specified. MATLAB provides alors fr slvng bounderytuc problems (VPs) socks 4410-0 O)n2 A) Soe the Help forthe function bwp tc. Some tere equations are specified inp 8 fy, 9) = 0 Te solver ode canbe ose for sch pblens MATLAB cn aso solve delaydferenial equations (DDES) such st SF Te It SK =0 Seethe heb fr the incon dee, dest, and dev. Te function pepe can sols pot fren eqtion Seealso eval. naden, MATLAB provi ‘oppor fi ralyzing and pong the savers ont Soe the entos adele, ‘nephasd,edephas?, nl cdepr ine Key Terms Beko dence, 428 Ina pblen, 432 Cachy form. 0 Lolacan er et 133 Proicoccoreor eed 23 Fovvarerece, 428 Sine arable frm, 440 Freepone, 32 Sep se, 43 Problems ‘You can fad the anners to problems marked wth an aerisk athe end of he Section 91 ‘An object esata velocity) = 5+ 7° ms starting frm he postion NO)=Smarr= 2s Determine its postions = 105 2 Theta distance eaveed bya obect moving a veloc 4) om he x) f° wore +30 “Te absolute vale Mis wed ascot fo the possibility that x) tsight be negative. Sappos an object starsat ime = O and moves wits veloc of) cox) Find the tll stance ele by the wath an acceleration of ot) = 4 mv, Find the Lota distance the object, tvs ine 4. The equtin forthe voage 4” ass. capacitor as futon of time is «=H fi0asa] where ihe ape cuenta Qs theta hag. A cetin pacar ily hls ochre. is apetance C= 10°F Ira uivent ) = 0.031 + sin (0.3) As apd th eapckor compute the vlage a1 =08 sisal charge is ea 5. Acer object acoerain i gen hy a) = Sin m/s? Compt ively tt 20 fits illo seo 6 Acerttin object moves wit the velocity 1 given nthe able Below Determine te abet positions) at 105i 0) 71 tank ving vertical des and btm rea of 100 swe 0 soe Se THe tank tally emp To fl ee tank, wae pumped io Ine tops ne ate given ne lowing ite, Determine he water Meg Hoja 10min 8 Acosta pig ip ead plea at ve bathe Suppose tha he cop's mensions are R =n and = Si ee nom he «te tt mth mith caps 3m en wi tte Few ae rom the fuss te cp sven by 1 ~~ in ow log wilt il te ep the ra? shew 9. Acari object has amas f 150 kg and is ced om bya fre) Pe R002 snSa]NThe mas i rests = 0, Detemlos fe objec’ Corrs velo ati M+ A rockers ras deeeases ait burns el, The ution of motion for 8 itaceleres "cht in veal Might ean be obtained fom Neston at aad pie aera fees te rocker thst ad its masa fanction of sme given by mi) = mt — rib) The socket masse me the borne asthe faction of he tal mas accounted bythe fot censin Use te vais T= 48000 N,me= 2200p. r=08, g = 981 ms and ees 40. Determine the rocker’ velocity a burt compute 41. The equator or the woe op actos a capacitors fnctinof tne is 8. Compute oso] sk below hee) she appli cure and ys the nial chage. Suppoe tat = 10" Favd tat Qy =0. Suppose the applied cuneate yeos Oe rsinGéan A Pekevotape vt) d's ee =. sel’ Pessmace amano 14 Compete txbleineyal ed AL linseed secup is the I. Use MATLAB o eval the following double inp L L'a + smrava 16. Compete cable nepal An [Pat ndrdy [Note tht he gon of integration esto the right ofthe ne y= x Use is fact anda MATLAB clatonlopemor a eliminle values for which > = 17. Compu eile ier Aa ff Paruae 18 Use MATLAB o evalu the allowing ups inep LE [92 teas Section9.2 19 Plt the exit ofthe derivative dd om the following ss, Di Tyrasing fra backward, and cena dirences. Compare the ess, 20, Ataselative aaximm ofa curve yn the slope dvd is 20, Us the folowing dt to estimate the values of randy tat corterond to a max sum poi 21, Use the ai ££ function wo enna te derivative of sina) atthe points #06 22, Compa the expresions fer dpe dps: a ds for APF Banlp Te Bee Pot he conta plot ard he pratien(shown by sro) forthe Fxetin fis e292 Section 9.3 24, Plo she slain of he equation oy +y=A0 30 fort 2 0. The nia contin is x0) =9 1p Oforr . Pr ford £65 20s: Dots forthe following tee ees Compre the relics cck 35. Va der P's equation ha buen wd io desert my naar pro ceses His SW =v phye0 Plt 4 foru= 1 and <1 20 sing the nil onions yO) = 5, sO). 'e equation of motion fra pendlum whose basis acelesing hor 2owtlly with ancceestion is 10+ sind main cos Sumo at 981 «The acceleration is constant: a = $v, and 0} = 05 ead 2 The aelenton is constant = S ms and 0) = 3 a, The sceerton linear with ime a= 051 and 0) = 3 a 37. Van der Po’ eqition is i, and 0) = 0.Pot for 01 This equation is si er lye aes ofthe parce. Compare the Derlormanc of ode an ede Se for ihsequstiom Us 0D and 8.1 300, with ein condtions 0) 22 M0) 0, late) 38 Consider mas spring damper sytem in which the sping cement ges eaker wih ine det meal fag. Suppose the sing conta aes ‘it ie flows 0) The equation of mations a0 ot +20(1 eA Use the values n= ,e=2.and f= 10 and solve the egetion and plot I for zero nal onto overt itr [Lwin 39, Two similar mechanical systems are shown in Figure P39. nbs cases the np she eplacenen 9a he se nthe ping ont online so the ferential eqns ae roninest. Tei eqation of t= lS 8) 4 805-1 + yO =) snd to par) mem ert le =)" “The only ference between thes sytem ha the system in gure P39 hs on equation of motion containing he derivative othe ‘spt fieton wr) Astep function ificl se with «maria solution meta expel hen the int dere preset, de the anconimuty at? 0. So we will mel the wise np with the funtion = |e “The prance # held be chosen to be sal compared othe oi cama an cst by using the character rot the oer mel ‘hued by suing = 0. Use the values = 10, ¢= 60, = 800, and) = 24.00. Chose ‘the parameter 1 be Small compared he peso and ine coosiat of sn mode with 2. Pet he slton sf) or boheme on te tap Use er al coins, Section 95 40, ‘The equation fran amature-contlled deer ar he ellowing. The mois erent sand te oon veloc Kaew i eeeeenEeeeee! es Rn athe ote’ inductance resistances inet ana the rae conta and back ef cota Sep contan nl) th ped wags q Ue the ales R= 080. L= O08 Ky =D 8 NWA, y O65 Vad = 0. an = 8 10 Sig re 4 Spas the spied voltage 20 Plat te mtr ped and ca E ‘en vers tie, Choose ail tine ae cnueho see tess ‘peed becoming conan 2 Sappos te spied wots is taped sven below 008 012005 athens cof voser02 saan #04 -02)+20 02 <15025 ‘nso fo 13035 Pte mat’ ped versie for 0 <1 035 Alo plot te api vole eas ine. How wel doe the nat ped oes sinner pelle” 4 Compan poh onisimgue espns ofthe following mate woot ie lors e+ Ir=ty parry 2 Conputand pt the unit respome ofthe oloning mode tthe (W646 2¢= F417 otto +8. de reduce x of allowing te del (I-03 Ue + Bao (00. Choose conan of ‘H. Tic llowing ate motel dsb he mono acertin massa. S}=L3 allel fj loving Te * Us te insta fton plot the postion of he mith ial pston Sa he ively oon 4 Us the step function tpl the sep espns ofthe poston nde loi freon cons 63) rete magne the sap ‘51 Compare your lot with tht shown n ie 4S. Consider te flowing ean Sy + y= A 0 1) = 5 Pro ie Fee sesponse fo the intl conions yO) Plt the nist response for 2 initial eon. ‘Te tal response astep inp the sa of he re response and the step response. Deronsrae this ht for this equation by pati the stm of the solutions found in parts and and comarig the plot ‘vith that prea by solving forthe tl eponse wih 30) © 0, NO= 3 46. The motel forthe RC cic shown in Figure P46 it acti, For RC= 02s, plot the vlage respons (0) forthe cae where the "plied woage is asinge square ple of eight 10 V and duration Os, arig at =O, The inl eapacorvokge 20. 47. Use the metho of Seton 5 tose Probe 26 48. Use the metho of Seaton 9S tose Pobem 27 so) sonse and linge Fhe pot x0) 10, tere the ration 04 ». ‘The flloing equation describes the movon of mass connected to & ‘orig, with sous friction onthe sera. o my bes thy Po 0 for 0) = 100) 2. m=3,e~ 18 andi 102 2 m= Xe=38.and k= 120 Use the methods of Section 9.5 to solve ablem 3 Use the methods of Seton 95 to solve Problem 33,

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