Essay Samples

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The best lesson a relative ever taught me

 identify the relative – uncle/aunt/grandparent/cousin

 describe the person – old/middle-aged/tall/short/dark/fair
 describe the character – kind/generous/has a sense of humor/responsible/considerate
 relate what happened
 use ‘Wh-questions’ – Where? – home town/his house; When?-time/year
 what lesson you have learnt from the person-learn to respect others/learn how to be humble or
compassionate/have a positive outlook
 describe how you felt-grateful,regretful,inspired,motivated

What would be your idea of a beautifully-landscaped school?

 Explain/ give a definition of beautifully, landscaped, school

 Give examples on how a beautifully-landscaped school should look like-flowering plants, shady,
fish pond, well- tended lawn
 What the effects of a beautiful school are-cleaner environment, good for health, calming effects
 Write about what you hope your school would look like

What are the benefits of establishing wildlife sanctuaries?

 Define the term ‘wildlife sanctuary’

 Give reasons for establishing wildlife sanctuaries – to save endangered species (pandas, whales,
dugongs), protect animals from extinction, increase their population, etc
 The location of the sanctuary park e.g Sepilok, Orang Utan Sanctuary Park
 Our responsibility to ensure the survival of wildlife
 Future generations can still view them in natural habitats
 Hope for a better future for these animals

If I were a science teacher, I would…

 Describe what you would do as a science teacher regarding;

 Attitude towards students
- caring, motivated, inspiring, fair, challenge students to perform better, aid students
with personal growth.
 Teaching methods
- create interesting classrooms lessons; employ various creative learning methods
-use computer applications for various presentations
-use music/students-oriented activities such as music, games, quizzes, experiments
 Classroom management
- ensure students are well-disciplined
-hand out firm and fair punishment
-ensure classroom is clean and neat
 State various roles that you play in school;
 As the Science Society teacher adviser
 Organizer of school trips, science exhibitions, inter-state/national level competitions,
 Conclusion; stress important role that teachers have in society/use appropriate

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