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(Series 1 Through 900XP) (All Models on A3EU TCDS except BAe-125-1000A/B and Hawker 1000)

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for the Minimum Equipment List

Corresponding to FAA MMEL HS-125 Revision No. 8b Dated: 05/21/2009 Aircraft Model/Serial __________ /________________

Copyright 2009 Hawker Beechcraft Corporation. All rights reserved. Hawker and Beechcraft are trademarks of Hawker Beechcraft Corporation.

P/N MOP 306094

Revision A5 July 2009

Published by HAWKER BEECHCRAFT CORPORATION P.O. Box 85 Wichita, Kansas 67201-0085 USA

The export of these commodities, technology or software are subject to the US Export Administration Regulations. Diversion contrary to US law is prohibited. For guidance on export control requirements, contact the Commerce Departments Bureau of Export Administration at 202482-4811 or visit the US Department of Commerce website.


ATA System Number

System Table of Contents Record of Revisions List of Effective Revisions List of Effective Pages Highlights of Changes Introduction

Page Number(s) i and ii i i i and ii i through iii 1 through 10 1 through 23 1 through 7 1 through 11 1 through 8 1 through 6 1 through 5 1 through 12 1 through 14 1 through 4 1 through 12 1 through 3 1 1 through 7 1 through 36 1 through 6 1 through 4 1 1 through 4 1 and 2 1 through 3

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 45 46 49 52

Air Conditioning Auto Flight Communications Electrical Power Equipment/Furnishings Fire Protection Flight Controls Fuel Hydraulic Power Ice and Rain Protection Indicating/Recording Systems Landing Gear Lights Navigation Oxygen Water/Waste Central Maintenance System Information Systems Airborne Auxiliary Power Doors

Table of Contents

Page i Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST ATA System Number 56 73 74 77 78 79 80 System Windows Engine Fuel & Control Ignition Engine Indicating Exhaust Oil Starting Page Number(s) 1 1 and 2 1 1 and 2 1 through 5 1 1

Table of Contents

Page ii Jul.2009


Revision Number Original Issue A1 A2 A3 A4 A5

Date June 2007 Nov. 2007 Feb. 2008 Sep. 2008 Feb. 2009 July 2009

Initials (for Revision Incorporation) Hawker Beechcraft Corporation Hawker Beechcraft Corporation Hawker Beechcraft Corporation Hawker Beechcraft Corporation Hawker Beechcraft Corporation Hawker Beechcraft Corporation

Record of Revisions

Page i Jul.2009


Revision Number Original Issue A1 A2

Date June 2007 Nov.2007 Feb.2008

Page Numbers All All Title/Backup, Table of Contents i and ii, Record of Revisions i, List of Effective Revisions i, List of Effective Pages i and ii, Highlights of Changes i through iv, Introduction 1-10, 21-1 through 21-23, 22-1 through 22-7, 23-1 through 23-11, 24-1 through 24-8, 25-1 through 25-7, 26-1 through 26-5, 27-1 through 27-12, 28-1 through 28-14, 29-1 through 29-4, 30-1 through 30-12, 33-1 through 33-7, 34-1 through 34-36, 35-1 through 35-6, 38-1 through 38-4, 46-1 through 46-4, 52-1 through 52-3, 56-1, and 78-1 through 78-5 Title/Backup, Table of Contents i and ii, Record of Revisions i, List of Effective Revisions i, List of Effective Pages i and ii, Highlights of Changes i through ii, Introduction 1-10, 21-1 through 21-23, 22-1 through 22-7, 24-1 through 24-8, 25-1 through 25-6, 29-1 through 29-4, 30-1 through 30-12, 33-1 through 33-7, 34-1 through 34-36, and 35-1 through 35-6 Title/Backup, Table of Contents i and ii, Record of Revisions i, List of Effective Revisions i, List of Effective Pages i and ii, and Highlights of Changes i Title/Backup, Table of Contents i and ii, Record of Revisions i, List of Effective Revisions i, List of Effective Pages i and ii, Highlights of Changes i through iii, Introduction 1-9, 23-1 through 23-11, 27-1 through 27-12, 28-1 through 28-14, and 35-1 through 35-6







List of Effective Revisions

Page i Jul.2009


ATA Chapter Number

System Title Page/Backup Table of Contents Record of Revisions List of Effective Revisions List of Effective Pages Highlights of Changes Introduction

Page Number(s) i and ii i i i and ii i through iii 1 through 10 1 through 23 1 through 7 1 through 11 1 through 8 1 through 6 1 through 5 1 through 12 1 through 14 1 through 4 1 through 12 1 through 3 1 1 through 7 1 through 36 1 through 6 1 through 4 1 1 through 4 1 and 2

Issue Date Jul. 2009 Jul. 2009 Jul. 2009 Jul. 2009 Jul. 2009 Jul. 2009 Jul. 2009 Sep. 2008 Sep. 2008 Jul. 2009 Sep. 2008 Sep. 2008 Feb. 2008 Jul. 2009 Jul. 2009 Sep. 2008 Sep. 2008 Nov. 2007 Nov. 2007 Sep. 2008 Sep. 2008 Jul. 2009 Feb. 2008 Nov. 2007 Feb. 2008 Nov. 2007 Page 1 Jul.2009

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 45 46 49

Air Conditioning Auto Flight Communications Electrical Power Equipment/Furnishings Fire Protection Flight Controls Fuel Hydraulic Power Ice and Rain Protection Indicating/Recording Systems Landing Gear Lights Navigation Oxygen Water/Waste Central Maintenance System Information Systems Airborne Auxiliary Power

List of Effective Pages

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST ATA Chapter Number 52 56 73 74 77 78 79 80 System Doors Windows Engine Fuel & Control Ignition Engine Indicating Exhaust Oil Starting Page Number(s) 1 through 3 1 1 and 2 1 1 and 2 1 through 5 1 1 Issue Date Feb. 2008 Feb. 2008 Nov. 2007 Nov. 2007 Nov. 2007 Feb. 2008 Nov. 2007 Nov. 2007

List of Effective Pages

Page 2 Jul.2009


ATA Chapter Number System Front Matter Title Page/Backup Table of Contents Record of Revisions List of Effective Pages Highlights of Changes Introduction 23 23-60-1 23-60-2 27 27-20-2 27-60-3 28 28-20-1 Fuel Flight Controls Communications

Change Description Front matter updated for Revision A5. Front matter updated for Revision A5. Front matter updated for Revision A5. Front matter updated for Revision A5. Front matter updated for Revision A5. Verbiage changed on pages 1 and 2. Abbreviation added to the list beginning on Page 4. Changed expiration date for ATA number listed and changed comments provided. Changed expiration date for ATA number listed. Verbiage changed within a CAUTION for the ATA number listed. Changed expiration date for ATA number listed. Added (M) to Category, placing appropriate Maintenance Procedures in that column. Provided Table 1 reference for Fuel Booster Pump Deactivation procedure. Placed Operational Procedures in the appropriate column. Verbiage changed in step 3. of Operational Procedures column. Verbiage changed in step 2. of Operational Procedures column. Verbiage changed in step 3. of Maintenance Procedures column. Verbiage changed in step 1. of Operational Procedures column. Verbiage changed in step 2. of Operational Procedures column. Verbiage changed in step 3. of Maintenance Procedures column. Reference for Pressure Refueling System Inactivation Procedure renumbered as Table 2.

List of Effective Revisions Front matter updated for Revision A5.

28-20-3 28-20-4 28-20-5 28-20-7 28-22-1 1)

Highlights of Changes

Page i Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST ATA Chapter Number System 28-22-1 2) 28-22-2 28-42-1 28-42-2 28-43-1 28-43-2 28-43-3 1) Change Description Verbiage changed in step 2. of Maintenance Procedures column. Reference for table in step 2 of Maintenance Procedures renumbered as Table 2. Verbiage changed in Operational Procedures column. Verbiage changed in step 1. of Operational Procedures column. Verbiage changed in Remarks and Exception column, step b). Verbiage changed in Operational Procedures column. Verbiage changed in Remarks and Exception column, step b). Verbiage changed in Operational Procedures column. Verbiage changed in Remarks and Exception column, step b). Verbiage changed in step 1. of Operational Procedures column. Verbiage changed in Remarks and Exception column, step b). Verbiage changed in step 2. of Operational Procedures column. 28-43-3 2) Verbiage changed in step 1. of Operational Procedures column. Verbiage changed in Remarks and Exception column, step b). Verbiage changed in step 2. of Operational Procedures column. 28-43-4 28-45-1 1) 28-45-1 2) Table 1 Tables 2 through 4 Table 2 Table 2 35 35-00-1 1) 35-00-1 2) Oxygen Procedures moved into Maintenance Procedures column and verbiage changed for steps. Operational Procedures step 2. moved into Maintenance Procedures column. Steps 1. through 3. in Operational Procedures column renumbered, and step 2. verbiage changed. Verbiage changed in Operational Procedures column. Verbiage changed in step 3. of Operational Procedures column. Verbiage changed in step 1. of Operational Procedures column. Table 1 - Fuel Booster Pump Deactivation procedure added. Previous Tables 1 through 3 renumbered due to new Table 1 introduction into ATA Chapter 28. Verbiage changed in various steps within Table 2. Reference at end of this table renumbered to Table 3, due to new Table 1 introduction in ATA Chapter 28.

Highlights of Changes

Page ii Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST ATA Chapter Number System 35-00-2 1) Change Description Added (M) Category in Remarks and Exceptions column. Added steps 1. and 2. to Maintenance Procedures column. Operational Procedures steps 2. and 3. verbiage changed. Operational Procedures steps 3. and 4. added Operational Procedure statement about oxygen duration including the references to Table 1. Table 1 also added at back of Chapter. 35-00-2 2) 35-00-3 35-20-1 Verbiage changed in Operational Procedures column. Verbiage changed within steps 1. and 4. in Maintenance Procedures column. Verbiage changed in step 1. of Operational Procedures column.

Highlights of Changes

Page iii Jul.2009


NOTE: Reissues or revisions are automatically provided to the subscription holder of this manual. Additional publications are listed on the web at For Information on these publications or to check subscription status, contact the Technical Manual Distribution Center (TMDC) at 1-800-796-2665 or (316) 676-8238, fax (316) 671-2540, E-mail The Interactive Maintenance Library (IML) contains selected Manuals in a digital format. This manual is available as a single CD and is not included in IML.

Maintenance procedures are for certified mechanics. Some procedures can be performed by an appropriately trained crew member when approved by the regulatory authority. Operational procedures are to be performed by either or both flight crew members. Individual procedures may include application of appropriate placards. This document installs placards where it is essential to provide flight crew awareness of inoperative equipment. The M&O for Minimum Equipment List is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Air Transport Association (ATA) Specification 2200 with respect to the arrangement and content of the System/Chapters within the designated numbering system. It shall be the responsibility of the owner/operator to make sure that the latest revision of the publications referenced in this manual are utilized during operation, servicing and maintenance of the airplane. Hawker Beechcraft Corporation expressly reserves the right to supersede, cancel and/or declare obsolete any parts, part numbers, kits or publications that may be referenced in this manual without prior notice. WARNING: Use only parts obtained from sources approved by Hawker Beechcraft Corporation, in connection with the maintenance and repair of Hawker Beechcraft Corporation airplanes. Genuine Hawker Beechcraft Corporation parts are produced and inspected under rigorous procedures to insure airworthiness and suitability for use in Hawker Beechcraft Corporation airplane applications. Parts purchased from sources other than those approved by Hawker Beechcraft Corporation, even though outwardly identical in appearance, may not have the required tests

A. General
This manual was prepared by Hawker Beechcraft Corporation to provide operators with Maintenance and Operational Procedures to use in association with the FAA Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL). The operator should place the appropriate Preamble from the FAA MMEL ahead of this section, in the written Minimum Equipment List (MEL) for that operator. Numerous procedures were copied from the existing Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) to develop this M&O so operators would have necessary requirements for their MEL under 14 CFR 91.213. Many of these procedures were reviewed with the FAA-AEG to address specific issues when Revision 6 of the MMEL was developed. The operator should be familiar with FAA AC91-67 and be aware that the operator is responsible for procedures used in the individual MEL. All items in the current FAA MMEL are listed. The operator may tailor entries that are not directly applicable before obtaining authorization from the FAA for an airplane-specific MEL. Maintenance procedures may require the use of the applicable AMM and/or the Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC) to aid in identification of location or supplement procedures provided.


Page 1 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST and inspections performed, may be different in fabrication techniques and materials, and may be dangerous when installed in an airplane. Salvaged airplane parts, reworked parts obtained from sources not approved by the Hawker Beechcraft Corporation or parts, components or structural assemblies, the service history of which is unknown or cannot be authenticated, may have been subjected to unacceptable stresses or temperatures or have other hidden damage, not discernible through routine visual or usual nondestructive testing techniques. This may render the part, component or structural assembly, even though originally manufactured by the Hawker Beechcraft Corporation, unsuitable and unsafe for airplane use. Hawker Beechcraft Corporation expressly disclaims any responsibility for malfunctions, failures, damage or injury caused by use of parts not approved by the Hawker Beechcraft Corporation. WARNING: Any maintenance requiring the disconnection and reconnection of flight control cables, plumbing, electrical connectors or wiring requires identification of each side of the component being disconnected to facilitate correct reassembly. At or prior to disassembly, components should be color coded, tagged or properly identified in a way that it will be obvious how to correctly reconnect the components. After reconnection of any component, remove all identification tags. Check all associated systems for correct function prior to returning the airplane to service.

B. Correspondence
If a question should arise concerning the care of your airplane, it is important to include the airplane serial number in any correspondence. The serial number appears on the model designation placard. Refer to Chapter 11 of the IPC for placard location.

C. Normal Revisions
Normal Revisions to this manual are issued to provide changes to information. 1. CD-ROM Revision Normal revised text on the CD-ROM will be denoted by a solid revision bar adjacent to the text. Each revised page will ONLY show revision bars for text changed by the revision. There will not be a revision bar if text was deleted from the page. This document is not published in a paper format.

D. Revised Text
That portion of text which has been revised by the addition of, or a change in, punctuation and/or information is denoted by a solid revision bar adjacent to the textual column in the margin of this paragraph. Each page may or may not have revision bars. That date printed on the bottom of each page indicates when the information on that page was changed. Each page will ONLY show revision bars for punctuation and/or text changed by the current revision.


Page 2 Jul.2009


E. Warnings, Cautions, and Notes

D. List of Effective Revisions

The List of Effective Revisions follows the Record of Revisions and lists any revision(s) currently effective for the manual.

WARNING - Brings attention to an operating procedure, inspection or maintenance practice, which if not correctly followed, could result in personal injury or loss of life. CAUTION - Brings attention to an operating procedure, inspection, repair or maintenance condition, which if not strictly observed, could result in damage or destruction of equipment. NOTE - Brings attention to an operating procedure, inspection, repair or maintenance condition, which is essential to highlight.

E. List of Effective Pages

The List of Effective Pages follows the List of Effective Revisions and lists all pages currently effective for the manual. The List of Effective Pages includes page effectivity for the Title Page(s), Front Matter pages, and the Introduction pages.

F. Highlights of Changes
The Highlights of Changes page(s) describe the changes made in the latest manual revision.

2. MANUAL LAYOUT A. Title Page

A Title Page located at the beginning of the manual provides the part number of the manual and lists the aircraft models applicable. Information throughout this manual applies to all Hawker 125 (Series 1 Through 900XP) models, unless specifically stated otherwise.

G. Introduction
This section contains general and specific information on the contents of this manual, and it has instructions on how to use this manual.

H. Chapter Data
Chapter Data pages provide specific information for the ATA chapter topic listed.

B. Table of Contents
The Table of Contents is arranged by ATA Chapter Numbers and follows the Title Page(s).

3. HOW TO USE THE MANUAL A. ATA Subject Matter Assignment

The contents of this manual are organized into one level for the ATA System/Chapter.

C. Record of Revisions
The Record of Revisions follows the Table of Contents. When a revision is inserted, the revision number, the date the revision is inserted into the manual, and the initials of the person(s) inserting the revision should be recorded on this page.


Page 3 Jul.2009


B. Application
Any publication conforming to the ATA format will use the same basic numbering system. Thus, whether the manual is a Maintenance Manual or a Wiring Diagram Manual, the person wishing information concerning the electrical system, would refer to the System/Chapter Tab 24 - ELECTRICAL POWER.

NOTE: Items which are placarded on the aircraft may or may not be listed in the abbreviations table within this section. Also items using the same terminology may have more than one abbreviation, depending on the manual usage and/or location. Commonly used abbreviations within this manual are contained in the following listing: Terminology Above Ground Level Actuator Air Conditioner Air Data Computer Air Position Indicator Air Traffic Control Air Transport Association Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System Air Position Indicator Air Traffic Control Air Transport Association Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System Aircraft Flight Manual Aircraft Maintenance Manual Alternate Alternating Current Alternator Altitude Altitude Heading Reference System Abbreviation AGL ACTR AC ADC API ATC ATA ACARS API ATC ATA ACARS AFM AMM ALTN AC ALTNR ALT AHRS


Page 4 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Terminology Ampere Annunciator Area Navigation Assembly Automatic Automatic Direction FInding Automatic External Defibrillator Automatic Performance Reserve Autopilot Auxiliary Auxiliary Power Unit Battery Beacon Bearing Distance Indicator Brake Bulkhead Celsius or Centigrade Center Chapter Circuit Breaker Circuit Card Assembly Cockpit Voice Recorder Code of Federal Regulations Communications Compartment Condenser Configuration Connector Abbreviation AMP or Amp ANNUN RNAV ASSY AUTO ADF AED APR A/P AUX APU BATT BCN BDI BRK BLKHD C CTR CHAPT CB CCA CVR CFR COMM COMPT COND CONFIG CONN


Page 5 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Terminology Control Control Display Unit Cursor Control Panel Direct Current Display Processor Unit Electronic Attitude Display Indicator Electronic Flight Bag Electronic Flight Information System Emergency Emergency AC Bus Emergency DC Bus Emergency Medical Kit Engine Exhaust Gas Temperature External Baggage Compartment File Server Unit First Aid Kit Flight Flight Data Recorder Flight Deck Flight Guidance Computer Flight Management System Forward Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance Fuel Management System Fuselage Fuselage Station Generator Abbreviation CONT or CTL CDU CCP DC DPU DPU EFB EFIS EMERG, EMRG, or EMRGY XE PE EMK ENG EGT EBC FSU FAK FLT FDR F/DK FGC FMS FWD FLTA FMS FUS FS GEN


Page 6 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Terminology Global Positioning System Go Around Governor Ground Ground Proximity Warning System Heater Hertz High High Frequency Horizontal Hydraulic In Accordance With Illustrated Parts Catalog Indicated Mach Number Inertial Navigation System Inertial Reference System Inertial Reference Unit Inoperative Interactive Maintenance Library Interstage Turbine Temperature Instrument Flight Rules Instrument Landing System Integrated Flight Information System Jet Pipe Temperature Lateral Navigation Lavatory Left Left Hand Abbreviation GPS GA GOV GND GPWS HTR Hz or HZ HI HF HORIZ HYD IAW IPC IMN INS IRS IRU INOP IML ITT IFR ILS IFIS JPT LNAV LAV L LH


Page 7 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Terminology Light Emitting Diode Liquid Crystal Display Low Main Air Valve Main Landing Gear Maintenance Master Minimum Equipment List Maximum Operating Limit Speed Mean Sea Level MIcrowave Landing System Millimeters Minimum Control Speed Minimum Equipment List Multi-Function Display Multi-Function Processor Unit Navigation Non-Essential Equipment & Furnishings Nickel Cadmium Nose Landing Gear Normal Temperature Pressure Dry Operational Outside Air Temperature Overflow Overhead Overheat Passenger Address Pounds per Square Inch Pounds per Square Inch Dial Abbreviation LED LCD LO MAV MLG M MMEL VMO MSL MLS mm or MM VMC MEL MFD MFPU NAV NEF NiCad NLG NTPD O OAT OFLOW OVRD OVH PA PSI PSID or psid


Page 8 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Terminology Pounds per Square Inch Gauge Premature Descent Alert Pressurization Primary Flight Display Protection Radio Tuning Unit Radio Management Unit Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum Refrigeration Unit Bypass Valve Resolution Advisory Right Right Hand Runway Awareness & Advisory System Satellite Communications Selective Call System Standby Inverter Static Air Temperature Synchronization Symbol Generator Unit Tactical Air Navigation Total Air Temperature Touch Control Steering Traffic Advisory Transponder Ultra High Frequency Valve Very High Frequency VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range Abbreviation PSIG or psig PDA PRESSN PFD PROT RTU RMU RVSM RBV RA R RH RAAW SATCOM SELCAL STBY INV SAT SYNC or synch SGU TACAN TAT TCS TA TDR UHF VLV VHF VOR


Page 9 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Terminology Visual Flight Rules Weather Radar Abbreviation VFR WX


Page 10 Jul.2009

Chapter 21---Air Conditioning 22222222222222222222222222222

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning 10-1 Engine Main Air Valves C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) (O) One may be inoperative for pressurized flight provided: a) Valve is secured closed, and b) Flight Deck Heat Valve System is operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

1. Verify affected valve With engines running, select AUX mechanical indicator arm is HEAT (F/DK VLV) and confirm that secured closed. airflow is present. 2. Pull and collar the affected MAIN AIR VLV circuit breaker. 3. Disconnect electrical connector from valve, bag, and stow. 1. Visually confirm valve Reference Table 1, Configure mechanical indicator arms are Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight. in the closed position. 2. Pull and collar the affected MAIN AIR VLV circuit breaker. 3. Disconnect electrical connectors from valves, bag, and stow.

(M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Both valves are secured closed, b) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, c) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, d) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, e) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and f) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with.


Page 1 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning 10-2 Engine Main Air Valve Position Indicators C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided both engine main air valves are operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES With engines running and APU OFF, 1. Sequentially select L & R Main Air Valves OPEN and CLOSED. 2. Confirm that airflow is present with valve OPEN and that flow stops when valve is closed. With engines running and APU OFF, 1. Select operative Main Air Valve OPEN and CLOSED. 2. Confirm that airflow is present with valve OPEN, associated indicator illuminates while valve is OPEN, and that flow stops when valve is closed.

(O) One may be inoperative provided indicator associated with the operative main engine air valve is operative.


Page 2 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Both valves are secured closed, b) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, c) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, d) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, e) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and f) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, b) Both MAIN AIR VALVES are selected CLOSED, c) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, d) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, e) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and f) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

1. Visually confirm both valve Reference Table 1, Configure mechanical indicator arms are Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight. in the closed position. 2. Pull and collar the affected MAIN AIR VLV circuit breaker 3. Disconnect electrical connectors from both valves, bag, and stow.


Refrigeration Unit System/ Air Cycle Machine

Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.


Page 3 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning 10-4 Footwarmer and Windscreen Demister valve Cockpit Ventilation Hawker (Excluding aircraft equipped with Collins Pro Line 21 Avionics) Cabin Flood Valve Two-Way Cabin Flood Valve (Aircraft without Cabin Floor Valves) Cabin Flood Valve (Aircraft with Cabin Floor Valves) C 1 0 C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided windscreen heating system is operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

10-5 ***

10-6 1)


(O) May be inoperative provided Left Hand (LH) or Right Hand (RH) Cabin Floor Valve is verified operative.

With APU AIR ON or MAV open (engines running) 1. Select Cabin Floor Valve OPEN, and 2. Confirm airflow from Cabin Floor Vent.


Page 4 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, b) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, c) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, d) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. (M) (O) May be inoperative for pressurized flight provided: a) Valve is secured fully closed, and b) Dump Valve is operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.


Ram Air Shut-Off Valve

1. Locate RAM AIR VALVE Operate Dump Valve OPEN and circuit breaker on DA-A Panel. CLOSED 2. Pull and collar the RAM AIR VLV circuit breaker. 3. Install INOP placard adjacent to shutoff valve lever. 4. Operate Dump Valve OPEN and CLOSED.


Page 5 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning 10-8 *** Rear Baggage Pannier Heating System C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) May be inoperative provided: a) Inlet and outlet valves are verified closed, and b) Pannier heating is selected OFF. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES NOTE Refer to AMM 21-10-205 page 401. 1. On panel DA-H, identify and remove F5 fuse. 2. Locate Inlet Shut-off Valve. Verify valve is closed by valve position indicator. 3. Locate Outlet Shut-off Valve. Verify valve is closed by valve position indicator. 4. If either valve position indicator does not indicate CLOSED, valve(s) may be blanked. Fabricate blanking plate to match 25-8VF405-1 gasket using 0.050 2024-T3 Clad aluminum. Install plate with two gaskets between valve and Pannier. NOTE: Bolt length may need to be increased. 5. Install INOP placard adjacent to PANNIER HEAT switch. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Refrigeration Unit Bypass Valve (RBV) D 0

Moved to 21-60-7, Revision 5.

10-10 Overhead Air Flow Distribution Vents (Punkah Louvers)


Page 6 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning 10-11 Cabin Floor Valves C C 2 2 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided Cabin Flood Valve is verified operative. With APU AIR ON or MAV open (engines running), 1. Select Cabin Flood Valve OPEN, and 2. Confirm airflow from Cabin Flood Vent Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

(O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air and Dump valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, b) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, c) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, d) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Cabin Flood Valve is verified operative, and b) Cabin Floor Valve Indicator is verified operative.

10-12 Cabin Flood Valve Indicator (Series 750, 800A, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP)

1. Confirm Flood Valve control by cycling open and close, check audibly for change in flow. 2. Open and close Floor Valves; confirm indicator for position change.


Page 7 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, b) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, c) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, d) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Cabin Floor Valve is verified operative, and b) Cabin Flood Valve Indicator is verified operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.

10-13 Cabin Floor Valve Indicator

With either APU or main engine air, 1. Confirm operation of Cabin Floor Valve. 2. Confirm Flood Valve operation and indication by listening for flow change and observing Flood Valve Indicator. Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.

(O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, b) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, c) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, d) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with.


Page 8 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning 10-14 Flow Control Valve (Series 1 Through 800, except 750) C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air Valve is verified operative prior to each departure, b) Dump Valve is selected OPEN, c) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, d) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.


Page 9 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning 10-15 High Pressure (HP) Air Valve (With TFE-731 Engines Only) C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Affected Main Air Valve is verified closed, b) Cockpit auxiliary heating system verified operative, and c) Flight is conducted at or below FL 250. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. With the engines running and APU off, Select Main Air Valve on affected side OPEN and CLOSED. Confirm airflow is present with valve OPEN, associated indicator illuminates while valve is OPEN, and that flow stops when valve is closed. 2. With engines running, select AUX HEAT and confirm that airflow is present. 3. Conduct flight at or below FL 250. Note Special attention should be given to planning low altitude flights.


Page 10 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Both MAIN AIR VALVES are verified closed. b) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, c) Before each departure, DUMP VLV is selected OPEN. d) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, e) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and f) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air Valve is verified operative prior to each departure, b) Dump Valve is selected OPEN, c) RH Main Air Valve is selected CLOSED, d) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, e) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and f) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.

10-16 Pressure Regulating Shutoff valve (PRSOV) (Series 800XP, 850XP, 900XP, C-29A, and 750)

Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.


Page 11 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning 20-1 20-2 Cabin Recirculating Fan Flight Deck Heat Valve/ Auxiliary Heating Valve C C 1 1 0 0 (O) May be inoperative closed provided flight is conducted at or below FL 250. Operate at or below FL250. NOTE Special attention should be given to planning low altitude flights. 20-3 Flight Deck Recirculating Fan (s) Mixing Valves (TFE 731 Engine Only) C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


One may be inoperative provided Main Air Valve is operated LP ON only. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, b) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN. c) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, d) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. Relocated to 34-70-12, revision 5. Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.


Nose Compartment Ventilation System


Page 12 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning 30-1 Cabin Altitude Warning Light/ Annunciator C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Cabin altimeter is operative, and b) Cabin altitude aural warning is operative. (O) May be inoperative provided aircraft is operate at or below 10,000 feet MSL. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm that cabin altimeter is operative, and 2. Confirm that cabin altitude aural warning is operative. Operate at or below 10,000 feet MSL. NOTE Special attention should be given to planning low altitude flights. 1. Confirm that cabin altimeter is operative, and 2. Confirm that cabin altitude Warning Annunciator light is operative. Operate at or below 10,000 feet MSL. Note Special attention should be given to planning low altitude flights.


Cabin Altitude Aural Warning

(O) May be inoperative provided: 1. Cabin altimeter is operative, and 2. Cabin Altitude Warning Annunciator / light is operative. (O) May be inoperative provided aircraft is operated at or below 10,000 feet MSL.


Page 13 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning 30-3 Automatic Cabin Pressure Controller C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Manual pressure control system is operative, b) Cabin altitude, Differential Pressure and Cabin Rate of Climb indicators are operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm manual pressurization control is operative with cabin door closed and either engine or APU air ON: Select PRESSN OVRD on roof panel. Select Cabin Alt Control knob fully counterclockwise. Select Pressurization Control to GROUND TEST position. Operate Manual Cabin Altitude Control knob to increase and decrease cabin pressure. Return Pressurization Control to NORMAL and PRESSN AUTO. 2. Confirm normal operation of cabin altitude, differential pressure, and cabin rate of climb indications.


Page 14 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, b) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, c) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, d) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. (O) May be inoperative provided: 1. Dump Valve is verified operative, and 2. DUMP VLV is selected OPEN for all ground operations, and 3. DUMP VLV is selected OPEN for Takeoff and Landing MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.


Fan Operated Venturi

WARNING Do not open the Main Entry Door before the aircraft cabin is depressurized. Confirm cabin is depressurized before Main Entry Door is opened by either opening Cockpit C-Panel or selecting DUMP VLV fully OPEN.


Page 15 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning 30-5 Outflow / Safety Valves C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, b) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, c) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, d) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.


Cabin Pressure Instruments (Triple Indicator or Separate Indicators) Cabin Altitude Indicator C 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: Reference Table 2, Aircraft Altitude a) Cabin Differential Pressure Versus Cabin Altitude. Indicator is operative, and b) Cabin Rate of Climb Indicator is operative, and c) A chart is provided to the flight crew to convert cabin differential pressure to cabin altitude. 1. Confirm Cabin Differential Pressure Indicator is operative. 2. Confirm Cabin Rate of Climb Indicator is operative, and 3. Use a chart to convert cabin differential pressure to cabin altitude.



Page 16 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, b) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, c) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, d) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. (O) May be inoperative provided; Reference Table 2, Aircraft Altitude 1. Cabin Altitude Indicator is Versus Cabin Altitude. operative, and 2. Cabin Rate of Climb Indicator is operative, and 3. A chart is provided to the flight crew to convert cabin altitude to cabin differential pressure. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.


Cabin Differential Pressure Indicator

1. Confirm that Cabin Altitude Indicator is operative. 2. Confirm that Cabin Rate of Climb Indicator is operative, and 3. Use a chart to convert cabin altitude to cabin differential pressure.


Page 17 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day b) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, c) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, d) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. (O) May be inoperative provided all remaining cabin pressure instruments and functions of the pressurization system are operative. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, b) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, c) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, d) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.


Cabin Rate of Climb Indicator

Confirm all remaining functions and instruments of the Cabin Pressurization System Instruments are operative.

Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.


Page 18 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning 30-7 Automatic Pressure Regulators C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, b) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, c) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, d) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. Moved to 21-10-14, revision 5 C 0 (O) May be inoperative provided cabin ambient temperature remains suitable for equipment cooling. Periodically confirm with passengers that cooling is suitable. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.

30-9 50-1 ***

Flow Control Valve Auxiliary Cooling Pack


Temperature Control System 1) Automatic C 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided the manual control system is operative. (O) May be inoperative provided the automatic control system is operative. With engines running, confirm that conditioned air temperature responds to manual temperature control changes. With engines running, confirm that conditioned air temperature responds to automatic temperature control changes. Page 19 Sep.2008

2) Manual


HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning 60-2 60-3 Cabin Temperature Indicator Cabin Duct Temperature Indicator Turbine Unit Bypass valve (Series 1 through 800) / Low Limit Temp Control Valve (Series 750, 800XP, 850XP & 900XP) C C 1 1 0 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


(O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, b) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, c) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, d) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. (O) May be inoperative provided temperature control system is operative from the cockpit. Renamed reformatted, and moved to 21-10-6, revision 5

Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.


Cabin / VIP Temperature Control Switch Cabin Flood Control Valve / Flood Flow Valve

With engines running, confirm that conditioned air temperature responds to temperature control changes.



Page 20 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 21 - Air Conditioning 60-7 Refrigeration Unit C Bypass Valve (RBV) (Series1 through 800) / Cabin Temperature Control Valve (Series 750, 800XP, 850XP& 900XP) 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (0)May be inoperative provided: a) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before first flight of the day, b) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, c) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, d) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Applicable Oxygen requirements are established and complied with. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.


Page 21 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Table 1 Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight 21 - Air Conditioning Chapter 21 Para. 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-6-2, 10-11, 10-12, 10-13, 10-14, 10-15, 10-16, 20-4, 30-3, 30-5, 30-6-1, 30-6-2, 30-6-3, 30-7, 60-4, & 60-7 Item Stated in each listed paragraph OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Perform the following steps for unpressurized low-level flight: 1. Prior to the first flight of the day and before engine and APU start, confirm Ram Air and Dump Valves are operative. Ram Air Valve movement can be heard from Rear Equipment Bay when DUMP VALVE OPEN is selected. 2. Configure the aircraft for unpressurized flight:

Select DUMP VLV fully OPEN. F/DK VLV positioned as required.

3. Operate at or below 15,000 feet MSL. 4. Comply with FAR 91.211 or FAR 135.89 and FAR 135.157. Passenger Oxygen Masks will deploy automatically when the cabin altitude reaches 12,000 feet MSL +/- 500 feet. The Passenger Supply Valve may be selected closed to prevent passenger oxygen mask deployment, provided the aircraft is operated at or below 10,000 feet MSL or the passenger cabin has no occupants. Note Special attention should be given to planning low altitude flights.


Page 22 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Table 2 Aircraft Altitude Versus Cabin Altitude Cabin Altitude (feet) Aircraft Altitude (feet) 41,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 2 Pounds per square inch dial (psid) 28,875 28,250 24,980 21,410 17,625 13,650 9,525

4 psid 20,575 20,120 17,605 14,785 11,710 8,390 4,860

6 psid 14,120 13,750 11,700 9,350 6,735 3,870 765

8 psid 8,785 8,470 6,725 4,705 2,525

8.6 psid 7,345 7,045 5,375 3,430 1,230


Page 23 Sep.2008

22---Auto Flight

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a- 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 22 - AUTO FLIGHT 10-1 Autopilot System(s) C 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided operations do not require dual autopilot use. May be inoperative provided enroute operations and / or approach minimums do not require autopilot use. NOTE Any operative autopilot mode may be used. NOTE RVSM is not authorized. 10-2 Autopilot Control Yoke Disengage Switches C 2 1 (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot is not used below 1,500 feet AGL, and b) Approach minimums do not require the use of the autopilot. Disengage autopilot at or above initial approach altitude. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Plan flight to ensure that: a) Operations do not require dual autopilot use. Plan flight to ensure that: a) Enroute operations do not require use of autopilot. b) Approach minimums do not require use of autopilot. NOTE Any operative autopilot mode may be used. NOTE RVSM is not authorized.


Page 1 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a- 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 22 - AUTO FLIGHT B 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot is not used, and b) Enroute operations and / or approach minimums do not require autopilot use. NOTE RVSM is not authorized. 10-3 Autopilot Disconnect Annunciator Lights (Except Collins Pro Line21 Equipped Aircraft) C 0 May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot is not used below 1500 feet AGL, and b) All remaining A/P disengagement alerts are operative. May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot is not used, and b) Enroute operations and/or approach minimums do not require autopilot use. May be inoperative provided both Autopilot Control Yoke Disengage Switches are operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Yaw Damper / Autopilot Disconnect Switch on Autopilot Controller Panel


Page 2 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a- 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 22 - AUTO FLIGHT 10-5 *** Touch Control Steering (TCS) (Honeywell Equipped Aircraft Only) C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Before each departure, TCS is verified to be OFF, and b) TCS is not used. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Prior to takeoff perform the following: Engage Autopilot. Press (ON) TCS button on either pilot control wheel and confirm servo clutches are disengaged (no resistance to hand/foot input). Release switch (OFF), confirm servo clutches remain disengaged. Disengage autopilot. 2. Do not use TCS.

May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot is considered inoperative and not used, and b) Enroute operations and / or approach minimums do not require autopilot use. NOTE RVSM is not authorized.


Go Around (GA) Switches

One may be inoperative provided approach minimums do not require its use.


Page 3 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a- 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 22 - AUTO FLIGHT C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot is not used for approach below 500 feet AGL, and b) Alternate procedures are established and used. (O) One may be inoperative provided Autopilot Controller is operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Disengage autopilot at or above 500 feet AGL. 2. Prior to each departure, review missed approach procedures. 3. Select 12 pitch when a go-around is required. Prior to each flight, confirm normal operation of the autopilot controller.


Control Yoke Pitch / Roll Switches (Collins APS-85 Equipped Aircraft Only) A/P Flap Annunciator(s) (Honeywell Equipped Aircraft Only)


May be inoperative provided autopilot and flight director are not used with flaps extended. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Yaw Damper is not used, b) Autopilot is not used, and c) Rudder Pedals have normal freedom of movement. NOTE RVSM is not authorized. 1. Do not use Yaw Damper or Autopilot. 2. Confirm Rudder Pedal movement is free.


Yaw Damper System


Page 4 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a- 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 22 - AUTO FLIGHT 20-2 Aileron Out-of Trim Annunciators (Honeywell-Equipp ed Series 800 and 800XP Aircraft Only) C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot is not used, and b) Enroute operations and/or approach minimums do not require autopilot use. NOTE RVSM is not authorized.


Elevator Out-of Trim Annunciators (Honeywell-Equipp ed Series 800 and 800XP Aircraft Only)

May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot is not used, and b) Enroute operations and/or approach minimums do not require autopilot use. NOTE RVSM is not authorized.


Page 5 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a- 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 22 - AUTO FLIGHT 20-4 Autopilot Trim Annunciators (Collins APS-85 Equipped Aircraft Only) B 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot is not used, and b) Enroute operations and/or approach minimums do not require autopilot use. NOTE RVSM is not authorized. 20-5 Autopilot Aileron Trim Indicator (Series 1 through 700 Only) B 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot is not used, and b) Enroute operations and/or approach minimums do not require autopilot use. NOTE RVSM is not authorized. 20-6 Autopilot Elevator Trim Indicator (Series 1 through 700 Only) B 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot is not used, and b) Enroute operations and/or approach minimums do not require autopilot use. NOTE RVSM is not authorized. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Page 6 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a- 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 22 - AUTO FLIGHT 20-7 Guidance Controller (Honeywell SPZ-8000 and Collins APS-85 and Collins Pro Line 21 Equipped Aircraft) B 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot is considered inoperative, b) Enroute operations and/or approach minimums do not require autopilot/guidance controller use, and c) For 750, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP aircraft, 0.73 IMN is not exceeded unless Mach Trim is operative. NOTE Autopilot and yaw damper will not be available. NOTE RVSM is not authorized. 20-8 20-9 Mach Trim System Mode Select Panel B 0 This item moved to ATA 27-30-5, Revision 5 May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot is not in use, and b) Enroute operations and/or approach minimums do not require autopilot use. NOTE RVSM is not authorized. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Plan flight to ensure that: Enroute operations do not require use of autopilot. Approach minimums do not require use of autopilot. 2. For 750, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP aircraft, 0.73 IMN limitation is not exceeded unless Mach Trim is operative. NOTE Autopilot and yaw damper will not be available.


Page 7 Sep.2008


Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b- 05/21/2009 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 23 - Communications 05-1 RMUS/RTUs C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Inoperative Unit is not powered by an Emergency Bus, or equivalent and is not required to accomplish Emergency Procedures, b) Remaining RMU/RTU is operative, and c) Alternate procedures are established and used. Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative provided they are not powered by the XE or PE Bus and are not required for emergency procedures. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm that inoperative RMU is not powered by PE Bus. 2. Confirm operative RMU/RTU functionality. 3. Crew will establish and coordinate using alternative procedures.


Communications System (VHF, UHF)


VHF Comm Control Panels (Except RMU/RTU or Pro Line 21 Equipped Aircraft) Frequency Transfer Light Frequency Transfer Switch Frequency Selector Knob Frequency Indication C C C C 0 0 2 2

a) b) c) d)


Page 1 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b- 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 23 - Communications 2) 10-2 HF Communication System Audio Control panels C 2 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions Moved to 10-4, Revision 7 (O) Any in excess of those required at pilot and copilots seat positions may be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. Deleted, Revision 6. 1. Place INOP placard on or adjacent to affected panel(s). 2. Coordinate with affected user(s) for procedures to be used. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Standby Nav / Com Controller (Clearance Delivery Unit)


Page 2 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b- 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 23 - Communications 10-4 *** HF Communication System C 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative while conducting operations that require two LRCS provided: a) SATCOM Voice Data Link system is operative, b) Alternate procedures are established and used, c) SATCOM coverage is available over the intended route of flight. d) If INMARSAT Codes are not available while using SATCOM voice, prior coordination with the appropriate ATS facility is required. NOTE SATCOM is to be used only as a backup to normal communications unless otherwise authorized by the appropriate ATS facilities. D 20-1 *** SELCAL C 0 Any in excess of those by FAR may be inoperative. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. (O) May be inoperative provided procedures do not require its use. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm that remaining HF COMM system is operative. 2. Confirm that SATCOM Data link is operative. 3. Prior to flight, confirm that SATCOM Data link service is available for intended route of flight.


Page 3 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b- 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 23 - Communications 1) Channels C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. (O) May be inoperative provided procedures do not require its use. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. (O) May be inoperative provided procedures do not require its use. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. 1. Place INOP placard on AFIS panel. 2. Prior to flight, determine alternate communication to be used. Voice or other communication will be used between the aircraft and the ground. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

D 20-2 *** ACARS System C

0 0

D 20-3 *** AFIS (VHF / SAT) C

0 0

D 30-1 1) Passenger Address System Passenger Configuration C

(O) May be inoperative provided procedures do not require its use.

(O) May be inoperative provided: a) PA System is not required by FAR, and b) Alternate normal and emergency procedures, and/ or operating restrictions are established and used. (O) May be inoperative provided procedures do not require its use.

1. Verbally brief passengers and cabin crew in the event that normal or emergency procedures dictate such action. 2. Confirm that Flight Deck/ Cabin interphone system is operative (if installed).


Cargo Configuration


Page 4 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b- 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 23 - Communications 30-2 Cabin Chimes C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided PA system is operative. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. May be inoperative provided procedures do not require its use. May be inoperative provided: a) Procedures do not require their use, and b) Headsets are installed and operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Confirm that PA system is operative. Verbally brief passengers and cabin crew whenever cabin chimes would be used. Verbally brief passengers and cabin crew.

30-3 ***

Prerecorded passenger Announcement System

D 30-4 Flight Deck Speakers C

1 -

0 0

30-5 *** 1) 2)

Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) Survival Type ELTs Fixed ELTs D A 0 Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative or missing. May be inoperative or missing provided repairs are made within 90 days.


Page 5 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b- 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 23 - Communications D Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative or missing. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Crewmember Interphone System Flight Deck Cabin, Cabin to Flight Deck Function(s) C 0 (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. (O) May be inoperative provided procedures do not require its use. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. May be inoperative provided procedures do not require its use. One may be inoperative at either pilots station provided speaker system is operative. One may be inoperative at either pilots station provided associated headset with boom microphone is operative. Brief crew members and ground personnel on hand signals to be used. Use verbal communication between flight deck and cabin.


D 2) Flight Deck to Ground Function C

0 0


Headsets (Except Microphone)


Handheld Microphones


Page 6 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b- 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 23 - Communications 50-3 Boom Microphones (Including Headset Microphones) (CVR with FDR Installed) 1) Airplanes with Cockpit Voice Recorder Equipped To Record Boom Microphone Per FAR 135.151(d) Airplanes with Cockpit Voice Recorder Not Equipped to Record Boom Microphone (CVR without FDR Installed) 1) Cockpit Voice Recorder Not Equipped To Record Boom Microphone Per FAR 135.151(d) Cockpit Voice Recorder Not Equipped to Record Boom Microphone A 0 May be inoperative provided repairs are made within three flight days. A 0 May be inoperative provided: a) Flight Data Recorder is operative, and b) Repairs are made within three flight days. Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

2) ***

2) ***

Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative.


Page 7 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b- 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 23 - Communications 50-4 *** 50-5 *** Glareshield Microphone Key Button(s) Flight Deck Pilot-to -Pilot Interphone System D 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided Handheld Microphone on affected side is operative. (O) May be inoperative provided:. a) Alternate pilot-to-pilot communication procedures are established and used, and b) Repairs are made within three flight days. One Static Discharger from each control surface or structural area may be damaged or missing provided one discharger is operative for the affected surface or area. One discharger may be damaged or missing. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Utilize Handheld Microphones or Yoke Microphone switches Use hand signals and/or direct voice communication.


Static Dischargers (Expires 10/31/2009)

Static Dischargers (Non CDL Aircraft) 60-2 Surface Bond Straps (Expires 10/31/2009)


Page 8 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b- 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 23 - Communications 1) Ailerons and Aileron Tabs C 12 4 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) Two may be broken or missing per surface provided: a) Condition of the remaining straps is confirmed to be satisfactory prior to each departure, b) Aircraft is not flown in precipitation, and c) Aircraft is not flown within 50 nautical miles of active or potential lightning activity. (O) One may be broken or missing per surface provided: a) Condition of the remaining straps is confirmed to be satisfactory prior to each departure, b) Aircraft is not flown in precipitation, and c) Aircraft is not flown within 50 nautical miles of active or potential lightning activity. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Prior to each departure: Determine satisfactory condition of remaining bonding strap(s). Plan flight to avoid all precipitation along entire route. 2. Flight must avoid all potential and active lightning activity by at least 50 miles along entire route. 1. Prior to each departure: Determine satisfactory condition of remaining bonding strap(s). Plan flight to avoid all precipitation along entire route. 2. Flight must avoid all potential and active lightning activity by at least 50 miles along entire route.


Airbrakes (Upper and Lower)


Page 9 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b- 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 23 - Communications 3) Flaps C 4 2 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be broken or missing per surface provided: a) Condition of the remaining straps is confirmed to be satisfactory prior to each departure, b) Aircraft is not flown in precipitation, and c) Aircraft is not flown within 50 nautical miles of active or potential lightning activity. (O) May be broken or missing provided aircraft is not flown within 50 nautical miles of active or potential lightning activity. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Prior to each departure: Determine satisfactory condition of remaining bonding strap(s). Plan flight to avoid all precipitation along entire route. 2. Flight must avoid all potential and active lightning activity by at least 50 miles along entire route. Flight must avoid all potential and active lightning activity by at least 50 miles along entire route.


Nose and main gear Doors


Cockpit Voice Recorder (Aircraft with FDR) A 0 May be inoperative provided: a) FDR is operative, and b) Repairs are made within three flight days. May be inoperative provided repairs are made within three flight days.

(Aircraft without FDR)


Page 10 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b- 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 23 - Communications (Aircraft operated by other than Air Carrier or Commercial Operator Certificate Holder) 70-2 *** 1) 2) 70-3 *** 80-1 *** Flight Phone Cockpit Cabin Satellite Communications System (SATCOM) Heads Up Technology Inc. Checklist System D D D 0 0 0 A Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions 0 May be inoperative provided repairs are made in accordance with applicable FARs. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

(O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. NOTE Any activation switch which functions normally may be used.

Use paper or other checklist.


Page 11 Jul.2009

24---Electrical Power a

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 24 - Electrical Power 20-1 AC Main Inverters (Only Aircraft Equipped with Standby Inverter) C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Standby inverter is verified operative before each departure, b) For aircraft with two (2) AOA Vanes and SSU systems, both Engine Driven AC alternators are operative, and c) Flight is not conducted in known or forecast icing conditions. May be inoperative for Day Minimum Speed Control (VMC) provided both main inverters are operative. May be inoperative provided both main inverters are operative. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Auto-changeover system is operative, and b) Both main inverters are operative, and c) AC voltmeter is installed and operative. 1. Confirm both inverters are operative. 2. Confirm AC powered equipment operates with either inverter selected OFF. 3. Confirm AC voltmeter indicates correct voltage. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Perform inverter check prior to each departure. 2. For aircraft with two (2) AOA Vanes and SSU systems, verify both Engine Driven AC alternators are operative. 3. Plan each flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternate destination.


Standby Inverter (Except Pro Line 21) (Pro Line 21 Only)


1 2

0 0


Inverter Fail Lights/ Annunciators


Page 1 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 24 - Electrical Power 20-4 Standby Inverter ON Light / Annunciator C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided standby inverter is verified operative before each departure. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Prior to each departure: 1. Select STBY INV to ARM. 2. Select INV 1 and INV 2 to STOP. 3. Confirm normal Standby Inverter voltage on XE buss.


AC Voltmeter

(O) May be inoperative provided: a) All inverters are operative, and b) All AC system Annunciators are operative. May be inoperative provided electrical busbar fail lights are operative.

1. Prior to each departure, confirm INV and buss FAIL annunciators illuminate with all inverters OFF. 2. Confirm annunciators extinguish with inverters ON.


AC Frequency Meter (Series 600 and 700 only)

21-1 1)

AC Alternator(s) Aircraft with One AC Alternator C 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) AFM Limitations are observed, b) Windshield fluid de-icing system is installed and operative, and c) Aircraft is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions. 1. Observe AFM airspeed (birdstrike) limitations. 2. Confirm windscreen fluid de-icing system is operative. 3. Plan each flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternate destination.


Page 2 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 24 - Electrical Power 2) Aircraft with Two AC Alternators C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) For aircraft with 2 AOA Vane and SSU systems, both Main AC inverters are operative, and b) Aircraft is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. For aircraft with two (2) AOA Vane and SSU systems, both Main AC Inverters are operative. 2. Plan each flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternate destination.


AC Alternator Fail Warning Light / Annunciator(s) Aircraft with One AC Alternator C 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided both windshield heating systems are operative. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Both AC alternators are operative, and b) Auto-changeover system is operative. 1. With RH engine running select W/SCREEN HEAT ON. 2. Verify by feel that windscreen heating is operative. 1. Confirm both AC alternators are operative. 2. With engines running, select screen heats and alternator ON, and verify screen heat is operative. 3. Switch one alternator OFF and verify the B screens are no longer heated and the associated VANE HTR FAIL does not illuminate.



Aircraft with Two AC Alternators


Page 3 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 24 - Electrical Power 21-3 *** 115 VAC / 60 Hertz (Hz) System D 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) May be inoperative provided: a) Procedures do not require its use, and b) System is deactivated. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Refer to applicable Hawker Aircraft Wiring Parts Catalog (Chapter 24). 2. Remove fuse from affected inverter DC input. 3. Place INOP placard adjacent to affected inverter switch on CG Panel. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Battery Temperature (With NiCad Battery Only) Indicator C 0 (M) May be inoperative provided Battery Hot Caution annunciators are operative. 1. Disconnect Batt Temp connector from both batteries. 2. Jumper across Pins A & B. 3. Verify BATT HOT lights illuminate. 1. Prior to flight, confirm No. 1 and No. 2 Battery Temperatures are normal. 2. Regularly monitor No. 1 and No. 2 Battery Temperatures during flight.



BATT HOT Caution Annunciators

(O) May be inoperative provided: a) Battery Temperature Indicator is operative, and b) Battery temperatures are monitored in flight. NOTE Not required for lead acid battery systems.


Battery NO CHARGE Light (Series 1 through 700 only)

(O) May be inoperative provided battery is verified to be charging normally.

With engines running, confirm battery charging by checking ammeter on CG panel. Page 4 Sep.2008


HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 24 - Electrical Power 32-2 *** Battery Heater Muffs C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Battery Temperature Indicator is operative, and b) Battery temperature is monitored to ensure temperature remains above 10 C at all times. Deleted, Revision 3. C C 1 2 0 Deleted, Revision 5 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Both ammeters are operative, and b) DC voltmeter is operative. With engines running and both generators ON, confirm: 1. Both ammeters indicating current, and 2. Both DC voltmeters indicating proper voltage. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Prior to flight, confirm No. 1 and No. 2 Battery Temperatures are normal. 2. Regularly monitor No. 1 and No. 2 Battery Temperatures during flight. 3. Battery temperatures must remain above -10C.

34-1 34-2 37-1 37-2

Engine Driven Generators APU Generator DC Voltmeter DC Generator Fail Lights / Annunciators


Page 5 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 24 - Electrical Power 37-3 DC Bus Tie Light Annunciator C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Bus Tie system is operative, b) Both ammeters are operative, and c) Generator fail lights / annunciators are operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Prior to each departure: Select GEN 1 to TRIP. Confirm current on GEN 2. Confirm Power (PS)1 and PS2 voltage with Buss Tie CLOSED. Open Buss Tie and verify voltage on PS2 only and GEN 1 FAIL annunciator. Reset GEN 1 and Buss Tie. 2. Repeat above for GEN 2 TRIP by substituting GEN 1 for GEN 2 and vice-versa, in above steps. 1. Confirm Batt 1 and Batt 2 voltage on overhead voltmeter. 2. Select Battery switch to ON and confirm PE voltage on overhead voltmeter. 3. Start APU or either engine. 4. Confirm increase of Batt 1 and Batt 2 voltage on overhead voltmeter when generator is brought on line and Buss Tie switch is selected to CLOSE. 5. Confirm charging current to Batt 1 and Batt 2 on overhead ammeter.


Battery Contactor Annunciators (Series 1 through 700)

(O) One may be inoperative provided before each departure: a) Emergency contactor is verified operative, and b) Battery (Batt) contactor is verified operative.


Page 6 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 24 - Electrical Power 37-5 APU Generator Fail Light / Annunciator APU Generator Overheat Light / Annunciator External Power System AC Bus Fail Lights / Annunciators (Standby InverterEquipped Aircraft only) C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


May be inoperative provided APU generator is not used.

40-1 50-1


1 3

0 2 (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Standby inverter (STBY INV) is verified operative before each departure, b) Inverter associated with the inoperative light / Annunciator is verified operative before each departure, and c) Voltmeter is operative. Before each departure: 1. Turn off both main inverters and note that STBY INV ON light illuminates. 2. Confirm standby inverter output voltage on XE bus. 3. Confirm inverter output voltage for associated bus fail annunciator on XS1 or XS2.

50-2 *** 1) 2)

26 VAC Bus Fail Annunciators INST 1 FAIL INST 2 FAIL C C 1 1 0 0


Page 7 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 24 - Electrical Power 60-1 Bus Tie Contactor System (Split Bus Tie Contactor Aircraft only) C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Both engine driven DC generators are operative, b) Bus Tie contactor is verified to be open before each departure, and c) PS1 AND PS2 voltage is verified normal before each departure. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Prior to each departure: 1. Individually check #1 & #2 Generator voltage. 2. Turn #2 Generator ON, turn #1 Generator OFF and confirm PS1 Buss voltage is zero. 3. With both generators ON, confirm Generator (GEN) 1 FAIL and GEN 2 FAIL annunciators are both out. 4. Confirm PS1 and PS2 voltage normal.

60-2 ***

FIS Power Recovery System

May be inoperative provided procedures do not require its use.


Page 8 Sep.2008


Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 25 - EQUIPMENT/ FURNISHINGS 00-1 *** Non-Essential Equipment & Furnishings (NEF) 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative, damaged, or missing provided that the item(s) is deferred in accordance with the operators NEF program. The NEF program, procedures, and processes are outlined in the operators (insert name) Manual. (M) & (O) procedures, if required, must be available to the flight crew and included in the operators appropriate document. NOTE Exterior Lavatory Door Ash Trays are not considered convenience items. 10-1 Pilot(s) Seat Adjustment System C 2 0 (M) May be inoperative provided: a) Position of the seat(s) permits normal pilot visibility and full flight control movement, and b) Seat(s) is/are secured with mechanical stops. 1. Thoroughly inspect seat locking mechanisms for engagement and security. Alternative means may be used to ensure locking. 2. Ensure that seat position is satisfactory for pilot vision and control. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

1) 10-2

Crew Shoulder Harness Cockpit Convenience Items

Deleted, Revision 2. Deleted, Revision 8a. Use NEF Program.


Page 1 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 25 - EQUIPMENT/ FURNISHINGS 10-3 10-4 Cockpit Sun Visors D Observer Seat (Including Associated Equipment) A 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions . May be inoperative provided: a) A passenger seat in the passenger cabin is available to an FAA inspector for the performance of official duties, and b) Repairs are made within two flight days. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Page 2 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 25 - EQUIPMENT/ FURNISHINGS A Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided; a) Required minimum safety equipment (safety belt and oxygen) is available, b) Seat is acceptable to the FAA inspector for performance of official duties, and c) Repairs are made within two flight days. NOTE These provisos are intended to provide for occupancy of the above seat by an FAA Inspector when the minimum safety equipment (oxygen and safety belt) is functional and the inspector determines the conditions to be acceptable. NOTE The Pilot-in-Command will determine if the minimum safety equipment is functional for other person(s) authorized to occupy an observer seat. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Page 3 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 25 - EQUIPMENT/ FURNISHINGS 20-1 Passenger Seats (Including Seat Backs and Armrests) C Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided: a) Seat does not block an Emergency Exit. b) Seat does not restrict any passenger from access to the main aircraft aisle, and c) Affected seat(s) are blocked and placarded, DO NOT OCCUPY. NOTE A seat with an inoperative seatbelt is considered inoperative. NOTE Affected seat(s) may include the seat(s) behind and / or adjacent seat. 1) Recline Mechanism(s) D (M) May be inoperative and seat occupied provided seat is secured in the full up-right position. 1. Confirm that seat is locked in full up-right position. 2. Tape recline lever in the locked position. 3. Placard recline lever, INOP DO NOT USE. Confirm that seat is locked in full up-right position and does not move. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

(O) May be inoperative and seat occupied provided seatback is immovable in the full upright position.


Page 4 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 25 - EQUIPMENT/ FURNISHINGS 2) Underseat Baggage Stowage C Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Baggage is not stowed under seat with inoperative stowage, b) Associated seat is placarded DO NOT STOW BAGGAGE UNDER THIS SEAT, and c) Procedures are established to alert Cabin Crew of inoperative stowage. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Armrest does not block an Emergency Exit, b) Armrest does not restrict any passenger from access to the main aircraft aisle, and For an armrest with a recline mechanism, seat is immovable in the full upright position. 20-2 *** 20-3 Flight Inspection Panel System Waste Receptacle(s) Access Door(s)/ Covers D D 1 0 May be inoperative provided procedures do not require its use. May be inoperative provided: a) Container is empty and access is secured to prevent waste introduction into compartment, and b) Sufficient waste receptacles are available to accommodate all waste that may be generated on a flight. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Placard associated seat DO NOT STOW BAGGAGE UNDER THIS SEAT. 2. Confirm there is no baggage under associated seat(s). 3. Brief passengers and Cabin Crew not to place baggage under associated seat(s). 1. Confirm armrest does not block any emergency exit. 2. Confirm armrest does not restrict access to aisle. 3. If armrest has a seat back recline lever, confirm seat back is in full up-right position and does not move.




Page 5 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 25 - EQUIPMENT/ FURNISHINGS 20-4 60-1 1) Exterior Lavatory Door Ash Tray(s) Emergency Medical Equipment Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) and/or associated equipment Emergency Medical Kit (EMK) and/or associated equipment First Aid Kit (FAK) and/or associated equipment Overwater Equipment Emergency Vision Assurance System (EVAS) (STC#SA00892LA) D Any in excess of those required by FAR may be incomplete, missing, or inoperative. Any in excess of those required by FAR may be incomplete, missing, or inoperative. Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. Any in excess of those require by FAR may be inoperative. A 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be missing provided it is replaced within 3 calendar days. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES



60-2 60-3 ***



Page 6 Sep.2008

26---Fire Protection

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 26 - FIRE PROTECTION 10-1 Engine Fire Warning Lights/ Annunciators Series 1 through 700 only Series 800, 800XP, 850XP, 900XP and 750 HP Cock Annunciator Fire Warning Lights APU Fire Detection System Warning Bell C 2 0 May be inoperative provided HP Cock Fire Warning lights are operative. May be inoperative provided HP Cock Fire Warning lights are operative. May be inoperative provided Engine Fire Warning System is operative. May be inoperative provided APU is not used. May be inoperative for ground operations provided: a) APU Fire warning Annunciator is operative, and b) System is continuously monitored by a qualified person from the cockpit control panel. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES




15-1 1)


1 1

0 0


Page 1 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 26 - FIRE PROTECTION 2) Warning Annunciator C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative for ground operations provided: a) APU Fire warning bell is operative, and b) System is continuously monitored by a qualified person from the cockpit control panel. (M) May be inoperative provided: a) Failure is verified to be in the light circuit, and b) System operation is verified once each flight day. May be inoperative provided APU is not used. May be inoperative provided APU is not used. (M) May be damaged or missing Verify that fire extinguisher provided Indicator readings or other pressure is within limits. acceptable means are used to verify adequate charge. May be damaged or missing provided APU is not used. (M) May be inoperative provided an acceptable procedure is used to verify bottle charge is adequate before each departure. 1. Prior to each flight, verify that fire extinguisher pressures are within limits, or 2. Perform weight check on both fire bottles. Page 2 Feb.2008 Prior to the first flight of the day, push and hold FIRE TEST switch (APU), then verify the bell sounds. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


APU Fire Detection C

C 20-1 APU Fire Extinguisher System APU Extinguisher Pressure Relief Discharge Indicator C

1 1

0 0


C 20-3 Engine Fire Extinguisher Relief Discharge Indicator C

1 2

0 0


HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 26 - FIRE PROTECTION 20-4 Portable Fire Extinguishers D Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) Any in excess of those required by FAR may be unserviceable or missing provided: a) Inoperative fire extinguisher is tagged inoperative, removed from location, and placed out of sight so it can not be mistaken for a functional unit, and b) Required distribution is maintained. (O) May be inoperative provided procedures are established and used to ensure the associated compartment remains empty, or is confirmed to contain only cargo handling equipment, ballast, which may be loaded in Unit Loading Devices (ULDs), and / or Fly Away Kits. NOTE Operator Minimum Equipment Lists (MELs) must define which items are approved for inclusion in Fly Away kits, and which materials can be used as ballast. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Tag affected fire extinguishers INOPERATIVE and stow out of sight. 2. Verify that required fire extinguishers are operational and properly located. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Forward / Aft Baggage Smoke Detection Systems

1. Install DO NOT USE placard prominently inside baggage compartment. 2. Check that affected baggage compartment is either not used or contains only cargo handling equipment, ballast, which may be loaded in ULDs, and/or Fly Away Kits.


Page 3 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 26 - FIRE PROTECTION 30-2 *** Lavatory Smoke Detection System C Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided: a) Lavatory waste receptacle is empty, b) Lavatory door is locked closed and placarded INOPERATIVE-DO NOT ENTER, and c) Lavatory is used only by crew members. NOTE These provisos are not intended to prohibit Lavatory use or inspections by crew members. NOTE A lavatory Smoke Detector System is not required for all cargo operations. 30-3 *** Rear Baggage Pannier Smoke Detection System (Except 750) C 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: 1. Compartment remains empty, and 2. Pannier Heating Selector remains OFF. 1. Install DO NOT USE placard prominently inside baggage compartment. 2. Prior to each departure, verify that compartment is empty. 3. Select and leave Pannier Heat OFF. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Page 4 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 26 - FIRE PROTECTION 30-4 External Baggage Compartment (EBC) Smoke Detector (750 Only) C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions One Smoke Detector system may be inoperative provided the remaining Smoke Detector System is operative prior to each departure. (O) May be inoperative provided: 1. Compartment remains empty, and 2. EBC Air Valve is OFF. (O) May be inoperative provided: 1. Compartment remains empty, and 2. EBC Air Valve is OFF. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Verify remaining Smoke Detector System is operative prior to each departure.

1. Prior to each departure, verify that compartment is empty, and 2. Verify EBC Air Valve is OFF. 1. Prior to each departure, verify that compartment is empty, and 2. Verify EBC Air Valve is OFF.


External Baggage Compartment (EBC) Fire Extinguisher System (750 Only)


Page 5 Feb.2008

27---Flight Controls

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 27 - FLIGHT CONTROLS 10-1 Aileron Trim Position Indicator B 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided, before each departure: a) Aileron trim system is visually verified operative, and b) Aileron trim is visually verified to be neutral. (O) May be inoperative provided, before each departure: a) Rudder trim system is visually verified operative, and b) Rudder trim is visually verified to be neutral. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Operate aileron trim while observing LH aileron trim tab for appropriate movement prior to each departure. 2. With controls in neutral position, confirm the aileron trim tab is centered. 1. Operate rudder trim while observing rudder trim tab for appropriate movement prior to each departure. 2. With controls in neutral position, the rudder trim tab is centered. NOTE Check requires coordinated effort of both crew to perform.


Rudder trim Position Indicator


Page 1 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 27 - FLIGHT CONTROLS 20-2 Rudder Pedal Adjustment Systems C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) May be inoperative provided affected adjustment system(s) can be secured in a position which suits affected pilots requirements. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Remove the crew seat and flight compartment carpets from affected side. CAUTION Make sure correct securing screws are identified and kept with correlating floor panels. 2. Remove flight compartment floor panels as necessary. 3. Disconnect the rudder pedal assembly adjustment cable at the lever. 4. Pull up on cable to disengage locking pin and move rudder pedals to desired position. 5. Check that the pin is fully engaged in locked position and that spring force will maintain lock. 6. Disconnect adjustment cable from rudder pedal adjustment assembly. 7. Install flight compartment floor panels using correct screw length. 8. Install flight compartment carpets and the crew seat. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Page 2 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 27 - FLIGHT CONTROLS 30-1 Electrical Elevator Trim B 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Associated circuit breakers are pulled and collared, b) Mechanical Elevator Trim System is verified operative, c) Autopilot is considered inoperative, and d) For 750, 800XP, 850XP, and 900XP aircraft, the mach trim system is considered inoperative and appropriate AFM speed limitations observed. NOTE RVSM is not authorized. 30-2 Stall Warning Identification System (Series 1 through 700 Only) B 2 1 (M) (O) May be inoperative Prior to each departure, verify Prior to each departure, confirm provided, before each departure: operational stall detector per Table that stall test is operative for the a) Remaining stall detector operational system. 1. pneumatic system is verified operative, and b) Remaining stall test channel is verified operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Locate ELEC PITCH TRIM Circuit Breaker. 2. Pull and Collar ELEC PITCH TRIM circuit breaker. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Operate mechanical elevator trim throughout full range before departure, and 2. Verify that trim is set in normal position prior to takeoff, and 3. Plan for flight without autopilot, and 4. Do not exceed AFM speed limitation of Mach 0.73 (750, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP Only) 5. Plan flight to avoid RVSM operation.



Page 3 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 27 - FLIGHT CONTROLS 2) (Series 800, 800XP with 3 Channels Only) B 3 2 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) (O) One stall warning and / or identification channel may be inoperative provided: a) Inoperative channel is inhibited by pulling and collaring the associated STALL IDENT circuit breaker (SSU and STALL IDENT amber annunciators illuminated if IDENT 1 or 2 is inhibited), b) Before each departure, normal operation of the remaining channels is verified by independently pressing the cockpit TEST buttons, c) Before each departure, normal operation of the stick pusher is verified (stall valves A and B OPEN with red annunciators illuminated) by pressing the two operative TEST buttons simultaneously, and d) Lights erroneously ON due to system failure are deactivated. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Pull and collar associated STALL IDENT circuit breaker. 2. Remove light bulb from any annunciator which is erroneously illuminated. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Prior to each departure, confirm both remaining stall channels operate normally by independently pressing associated TEST buttons, and 2. Confirm normal operation of pusher by pressing both operational TEST buttons.


Page 4 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 27 - FLIGHT CONTROLS 30-3 Stick Shaker Motors (Series 750, 800, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP Only) Stall Warning Autopilot Disconnect System (Series 800 without Mod. 253146 Installed Only) C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions One may be inoperative provided: a) Both stall warning channels are operative, and b) Remaining stick shaker system is verified operative. (O) May be inoperative provided Stick Shaker Autopilot Disconnect functions of both Stall Warning Channels 1 and 2 are verified operative before each departure. 1. Prior to each departure, perform the following checks: 2. Engage Autopilot and hold light force on control yoke. 3. Push and hold No. 1 STALL button Confirm that stick shaker motors are operative and autopilot disengages. Confirm IDENT 1 (both sides) and STALL IDENT annunciators illuminate after 4 or 5 seconds. 4. Release No. 1 STALL button. 5. Engage autopilot and hold light force on control yoke. 6. Push and hold No. 2 STALL button. Confirm that stick shaker motors operate and autopilot disengages. Confirm IDENT 2 (both sides) and STALL IDENT annunciators illuminate after 4 or 5 seconds. 7. Release No. 2 STALL button. Page 5 Jul.2009 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES



HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 27 - FLIGHT CONTROLS 30-5 Mach Trim System (Series 750, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP Only) C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Mechanical Elevator Trim System is verified operative before each departure, and b) AFM Speed Limitation of 0.73 Indicated Mach Number (IMN) is not exceeded unless Auto Pilot verified operative and is used. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Flap position is visually verified to be at 0 before each departure, b) AFM procedures for flap 0 take-off and landing are observed, and c) Flaps remain in the retracted position for the entire flight. (O) May be inoperative, and flap used, provided: a) Flap position Indicator (On Center Instrument Panel) is operative, and b) Before each departure, flap position indication is visually verified for each flap selection. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Operate mechanical elevator trim throughout full range before departure, and 2. Confirm that trim is set in normal position prior to takeoff, and 3. Do not exceed AFM speed limitations with autopilot disengaged. 1. Visually confirm that flaps are at 0 prior to each departure by checking the position of the rig marks on the wing and flap assembly. 2. 0 flap performance will be used for takeoff and landing. 3. Flaps will not be used in flight. 4. AFM FLAPLESS LANDING procedures will be followed. Confirm that actual flap position indication is correct for each flap position prior to each departure.


Flap Position Indicator (On Center Instrument Panel)


Flap Handle Select Position Indicator (On Control Pedestal)


Page 6 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 27 - FLIGHT CONTROLS C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Flap position is visually verified to be 0 before each departure, b) AFM procedures for flap 0 take-off and landing are observed, and c) Flaps remain in the retracted position for the entire flight. (M) (O) May be inoperative Perform the LH and RH Flap Bias provided: Switches - Bypass Procedure, a) LH and RH Flap Bias Refer to Table 3. Switches are bypassed to position flaps in 0 position, b) Flaps are verified to be in the 0 position and are not used. c) AFM procedures for flap 0 take-off and landing are observed, and d) Repairs are made within one flight day. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Visually confirm that flaps are at 0 prior to each departure by visual use of marks on flaps. 2. 0 flap performance will be used for takeoff and landing. 3. Flaps will not be used in flight. 4. AFM FLAPLESS LANDING procedures will be followed. 1. Confirm LH and RH Flap Bias Switches are bypassed to position flaps in 0 position. 2. Visually confirm that flaps are at 0 prior to each departure by visual use of marks on flaps. 3. 0 flap performance will be used for takeoff and landing. 4. Flaps will not be used in flight. 5. AFM FLAPLESS LANDING procedures will be followed.


Flap Position Switches


Page 7 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 27 - FLIGHT CONTROLS 60-1 Air Brake Position Indicator(s) C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided, before each departure: a) Airbrakes are visually verified operative, b) Takeoff Warning System is verified operative with Air Brake deployment, and c) Airbrakes are visually verified retracted. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Extend and retract airbrakes and visually confirm normal operation. 2. Confirm Takeoff Warning system is operative by advancing the throttles to 40% to 60% and pull back on the airbrake handle to slightly deploy the airbrake. The warning horn should sound. 3. Airbrakes are visually confirmed retracted prior to departure by observation through cabin windows. Trailing edge of Air Brakes should fair smoothly with wing.


Page 8 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 27 - FLIGHT CONTROLS 60-2 Control Column Lock System C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Procedures are established and used to prevent damage from gusts while aircraft is on the ground, and b) Throttle Lever Baulks are verified disengaged prior to each departure. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. A suitable alternate means is provided to secure controls to prevent ground gust induced damage to control system when aircraft is parked. NOTE Assure that any alternate means employed are prominent in display, so they will not be inadvertently left in place when the aircraft is dispatched. Such means shall be effectively secured to prevent slippage under gust load conditions. 2. Advance each throttle lever through full range of movement noting travel limits. 3. Confirm throttle lever baulks are disengaged by advancing both throttle levers simultaneously through full range of movement without travel restriction. 60-3 Rudder Gust Lock Flapper Door (Expires 10/31/ 2009) D 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided opening is covered by an approved means. Confirm opening is covered by an approved means.


Page 9 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Table 1 Stall Detection Maintenance and Operational Procedure 27- FLIGHT CONTROLS Stall Warning Identification System (Series 1 through 700, Only) MAINTENANCE/ OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Connect the pressure outlet of one pitot/static test set to the right pitot head, and the pressure outlet of the other test set to the operative wing stall detector vent. 2. Confirm that No.6 static vent orifices on each static vent plate are clear of obstruction. 3. Energize PE busbar. 4. At the pitot head connection, apply sequentially the pressure (P) values given in Table 2, and in each case slowly increase pressure (V) to the stall detector vent until the stick shaker motor operates. Note V pressure at each point. 5. Verify that V pressures meet requirements of Table 2, and then release pressures. NOTE Table 2 provides a V/P ratio of 0.71 0.02 on increasing pressure, when checked using Millimeter(s) (mm) water. NOTE When A.S.I. gauges (calibrated in knots) are used as alternative to mm water gauge, the readings will not provide the same ratio as mm water to knots as conversion is not linear. Reference Check Pressures Table 2. 6. Remove test set connection from pitot head and apply increasing pressure to stall detector vent until stick shaker motor operates. Maintain this vent pressure, reconnect test set to pitot head and apply increasing pressure (P) until warning system cuts out. Verify that, at cutout, the pressure (P) was between 76.5 and 86.0 mm water (70 2 knots). Release pressures. 7. Disconnect and remove test sets. 8. De-energize busbar.

30-2 1)


Page 10 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Table 2 Check Pressures MIllimeters (mm) Water Pitot (P) 1st Check Point 2nd Check Point 3rd Check Point 100 150 200 Vent (V) 67-73 103.5-109.5 138-146 Pitot (P) 78 95 110 Knots Vent (V) 64.5-66.5 79-81 91-94


Page 11 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Table 3 LH and RH Flap Bias Switches - Bypass Procedure 27- FLIGHT CONTROLS 50-3 Flap Position Switches MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE Perform the following procedure to bypass the LH and RH Flap Bias Switches: 1. Ensure power is removed from aircraft. 2. To bypass LH Wing Flap microswitches:

Remove 2nd (from the rear) overwing access panel on LH side, using quick release fasteners. Locate terminal block JBA, remove nut from JBA8, and remove the wire marked A8JB:W1:55:W1:JD3L. Stow wire to safely isolate the 15/45 Flap LH microswitch. Remove nut from JBA7, and remove the wire marked A7JB:W1:55:W1:P1N from JBA7 and place on JBA8. This isolates the 0 Flap LH microswitch and provides 28V to the SSU 1. Replace nuts on JBA7 and JBA8 terminal blocks and replace overwing access panel. Remove 2nd (from the rear) overwing access panel on LH side, using quick release fasteners. Locate terminal block KB, remove nut from KB8, and remove the wire marked 8KB:W2:55:W2:KD4L. Stow wire to safely isolate the 15/45 Flap RH microswitch. Remove nut from KB7, and remove the wire marked 7KB:W2:55:W2:P2N from KB7 and place on KB8. This isolates the 0 Flap RH microswitch and provides 28V to the SSU 2. Replace nuts on KB7 and KB8. terminal blocks and replace overwing access panel.

3. To bypass RH Wing Flap microswitches:

4. Power up the aircraft and check that the SSU Fault light and the STALL IDENT light are not illuminated.


Page 12 Jul.2009

28---Fuel *

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 28 - FUEL 20-1 Fuel Booster Pumps A 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Inoperative pump is deactivated. b) Crossfeed and Wing Transfer Valves are operative. c) Aircraft is operated in accordance with AFM Supplement. d) Low Pressure (LP) Fuel Warning System is operative. e) Both Wing Fuel Content Indicators are operative. f) Repairs are made within three flight cycles. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Both Fuel Booster Pumps are operative, b) Wing Fuel Content Indicators are operative, and c) Before each departure, TRANSFER and CROSSFEED Valves are verified operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Refer to Table 1 and do the Fuel Booster Pump Deactivation procedure. 2. Make sure the Crossfeed and Wing Transfer Valves are operative by checking fuel gauge for movement. 3. Make sure the LP Fuel Warning System is operative. 4. Make sure both Fuel Content Indicators are operative. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Observe limitations and procedures in AFM Supplement Flight With One Pump Inoperative.


Wing Transfer Magnetic Indicator (Series 1 Through 400 Only)

Prior to each departure, 1. Move X FEED/TRANSFER lever to the transfer position. 2. Sequentially, operate LH and RH fuel booster pumps. Fuel will transfer to the wing with the operating fuel boost pump, indicated by an increase in the respective fuel contents indicator.

28 - FUEL

Page 1 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 28 - FUEL 20-3 Fuel Transfer/ Crossfeed Indicator (Series 600 Through 850XP Only) C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Both Fuel Booster Pumps are operative, b) Wing Fuel Content Indicators are operative, and c) Before each departure, TRANSFER and CROSSFEED Valves are verified operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Prior to each departure, 1. Move X FEED/TRANSFER lever to the crossfeed and transfer positions. 2. Sequentially, operate LH and RH fuel boost pump. Fuel will transfer to the wing with the operating fuel boost pump, indicated by an increase in the fuel contents indicator. 3. With lever in X FEED position and one boost pump operation, make sure both fuel low pressure annunciators extinguish.

28 - FUEL

Page 2 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 28 - FUEL 20-4 Ventral Tank Fuel Transfer Valve C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Tank remains empty, b) Valve is secured closed, and c) Dorsal tank remains empty for Series 600 and 700. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Defuel Dorsal (Series 600 and 700) and Ventral Tanks; Refer to Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) 12-28 for cautions. Select AUX FUEL TRANSFER cock OPEN. Unlock and remove filler cap(s) from tank(s) being defuelled. Unscrew blanking adapter from fuel drain valve and install the fuel drain adaptor assembly to tank(s). Off-load fuel from each tank. Remove the fuel drain adaptor assembly and install blanking adapter to fuel drain valve. NOTE: Series 700 may be defueled by Single Point. 2. Set valve selector in CLOSED position. 3. Check valve FWD RH face of ventral tank) to make sure it is in the CLOSED position. 4. Install INOP placard adjacent to selector handle. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Plan flight without ventral or dorsal fuel. 2. Monitor refuel operations to make sure fuel is not placed in ventral or dorsal tanks.

28 - FUEL

Page 3 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 28 - FUEL 20-5 Ventral Tank Transfer Light/ Annunciator C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) May be inoperative provided: (a) Associated valve is verified operative, and (b) Valve position is verified after each refueling. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Tank remains empty, and b) Dorsal tank remains empty for Series 600 and 700. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Access ventral tank transfer valve (FWD RH face of tank). 2. Observe valve for proper position when selector is moved from CLOSED to OPEN. Monitor refueling to make sure Ventral and Dorsal tanks are not refueled for Series 600 and 700. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Fuel Filter De-Icing Systems (Series 1 Through 600 With Viper Engines Only) Automatic System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided fuel temperature indicator, fuel low-pressure warning, fuel filter ice warning, and manual system are operative. May be inoperative provided: a) Fuel temperature indicator is operative, and b) Automatic fuel pump filter ice warning Press-to-Test function is operative.



Manual System

28 - FUEL

Page 4 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 28 - FUEL 3) Manual and Automatic Systems C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided; a) Fuel temperature indicator is operative, and b) Fuel temperature remains at or above 5 C. (O) One may be inoperative provided automatic fuel filter de-icing system is operative and is used during flight. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Make sure the fuel temperature indication is normal. 2. Monitor fuel temperature during flight and maintain 5C or above. 1. Select AUTO filter deice ON. 2. Press affected warning light and make sure the filter deice pump runs. 3. Leave filter deice in AUTO.


Fuel Filter Warning Lights (Viper Engine Only)

22-1 1)

Pressure Fueling System (Series 400 through 700) (If Installed) C 1 0 (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Failure of the fueling system is verified not be due to fuel pipe leakage, b) Both refueling vent valves, master refuel valve, and refueling valves are closed, and c) Overwing refueling procedure is established and used. 1. Inspect external lower fuselage for evidence of fuel leakage. 2. Defuel Dorsal and Ventral fuel tanks. 3. Make sure both refueling vent valves, master refuel valve, and dorsal and ventral refueling valves are closed (Refer to Pressure Refueling System Inactivation Procedure, Table 2.) 1. Follow Overwing Fueling refueling procedures. 2. Plan flight for Dorsal and Ventral fuel tanks empty.

28 - FUEL

Page 5 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 28 - FUEL 2) (Series 750, 800, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP) C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Failure of the fueling system is verified not be due to fuel pipe leakage. b) Master refueling valve and all tank refueling valves are closed, and c) Overwing refueling procedure is established and used. (O) May be inoperative provided master refuel valve is verified closed. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Inspect external lower fuselage for evidence of fuel leakage. 2. Make sure the master refuel valve and ventral refueling valves are closed (Refer to Table 2 steps 2 and 4 for details). OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Follow Overwing Fueling refueling procedures. 2. Plan flight for Ventral fuel tank empty.


Pressure Refuel Blanking Cap

Prior to each flight, make sure the MASTER REFUEL selector is CLOSED.

28 - FUEL

Page 6 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 28 - FUEL 42-1 Wing Tank Fuel Content Indicators B 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Before departure, fuel quantity in associated tank is verified by an alternate means, b) All remaining fuel system components are operative, c) FUEL FLOW/FUEL USED COUNTER/ FUEL TOTALIZER indicators are operative, d) Aircraft remains within one (1) hour flying time from a suitable airport, and e) Alternate procedures for monitoring enroute fuel consumption are established and used. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Wing Tank Content Indicators are operative, and b) Alternate procedures for monitoring enroute fuel consumption are established and used. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Make sure the fuel in the associated wing tank is full by checking wing filler cap, or 2. Airplane is fueled with a known quantity from an empty condition. 3. All remaining fuel system components are operative. 4. Aircraft must remain within one (1) hour flying time of a suitable airport at all times. 5. Fuel Used Counter/Fuel Totalizer indicators are used to determine remaining fuel.


Fuel Used Counter(s)/Fuel Totalizer(s)

1. Make sure the wing fuel contents indicators are operative. 2. Regularly compute fuel remaining or check FMS for fuel remaining, or 3. Compute fuel remaining utilizing Aircrew Manual Performance charts.

28 - FUEL

Page 7 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 28 - FUEL 43-1 Ventral Tank EMPTY/FULL Indicator C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Ventral Tank is verified to be empty before each departure, and b) Procedures are established and used to make sure fuel is not transferred into Ventral Tank during flight. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

1. Defuel Ventral Tank IAW AMM Refuel operations are monitored to Chapter 12. make sure fuel is not placed in the ventral tank. 2. Check that Ventral Tank EMPTY/FULL indicator is extinguished. 3. If Ventral Tank EMPTY/FULL indicator is not extinguished, disconnect Ventral Tank Float Switch, bag and stow connector. Make sure that dorsal tank is drained IAW AMM procedures. Refuel operations are monitored to make sure fuel is not placed in the dorsal tank.


Dorsal Tank Empty/Full Indicator (Series 600 and 700, Only)

(M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Dorsal Tank is verified empty before each departure, and b) Procedures are established and used to make sure fuel is not transferred into Dorsal Tank during flight.

28 - FUEL

Page 8 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 28 - FUEL 43-3 1) Low VMO Audible Warning System Series 3A/RA, 3B/ RA Through 400, 800, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP Only C 1 0 (M) (O) May be inoperative Make sure that ventral tank is provided: drained IAW AMM procedures. a) Ventral tank is verified empty before each departure, and b) Procedures are established and used to make sure fuel is not transferred into Ventral Tank during flight. 1. If aircraft has not been refueled since previous flight, make sure ventral fuel was transferred from the tank on previous flight. 2. If aircraft has been refueled since previous flight, make sure the ventral tank is empty by checking sump drains. Ventral tank must be Single Point defueled and drained if fuel is present at sump. 1. If aircraft has not been refueled since previous flight, make sure dorsal and ventral fuel was transferred from tanks on previous flight. 2. If aircraft has been refueled since previous flight, make sure the dorsal tank is empty which requires the ventral tank to be empty also. Both the ventral and dorsal tank must be defueled and drained if fuel is present at sump. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Series 600 and 700, Only

(M) (O) May be inoperative Make sure that dorsal and ventral provided: tanks are drained IAW AMM a) Ventral and Dorsal Tanks are procedures. verified empty before each departure, and b) Procedures are established and used to make sure fuel is not transferred into Ventral Tank or Dorsal Tank during flight.

28 - FUEL

Page 9 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8b - 05/21/2009 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 28 - FUEL 43-4 Fuel Vent Surge Tank Indicators (Series 3A/RA, 3B/ RA Through 600 Only) Fuel Temperature Indicator Viper Engine Only C 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Fuel filter ice warning system is operative, b) Fuel filter de-icing system is operative, c) OAT indicator is operative, and d) Fuel temperature AFM Limitations are applied. 1. Prior to each flight with fuel pumps OFF, select AUTO fuel filter deicing. 2. Press FILTER TEST and ENG 1/ENG 2 LO PRESS and FUEL annunciators shall extinguish. 3. Make sure the OAT indicator is operative. 4. Do not operate where OAT is below minimum AFM fuel temperature limit. 1. Make sure the OAT indicator is operative. 2. Do not operate where OAT is below minimum AFM fuel temperature limit. C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Both fuel content indicators are operative, and b) Vent valves are operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

Make sure both wing fuel 1. Drain any fuel from Vent indications are normal. Surge Tanks. 2. Quantity drained must be less than one (1) gallon.

45-1 1)


TFE-731 Engines Only

(O) May be inoperative provided: a) OAT indicator is operative, and b) Fuel temperature AFM Limitations are applied.

45-2 ***

Fuel Management Computer System (Garrett GEMS System)

28 - FUEL

Page 10 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Table 1 Fuel Booster Pump Deactivation Left Hand Pump Deactivation: On overhead panel CG, locate switch in the Engine section labeled L PUMP and select center position OFF. On Main Distribution Panel DA/D, open and safety tag the following breakers: B28 B27 B26 Fuel Pump CTL LH Fuel Pump LH STBY Fuel Pump LH Grid Reference C8 Grid Reference C7 Grid Reference C6

Right Hand Pump Deactivation: On overhead panel CG, locate switch in the Engine section labeled R PUMP and select center position OFF. On Main Distribution Panel DA/D, open and safety tag the following breakers: B38 B37 B36 Fuel Pump CTL RH Fuel Pump RH STBY Fuel Pump RH Grid Reference D8 Grid Reference D7 Grid Reference D6

Table 2 Pressure Refueling System Inactivation 28 - FUEL 22-1 1) Pressure Fueling MAINTENANCE System PROCEDURES Series 400 though 1. Make sure the Refuel Vent Valve is closed. 700, Only (If a) Make sure the MASTER switch on the refuel control panel is selected OFF and the wing VENT Installed) valve indicators show SHUT. If indication is not present, b) On panel DA/D, open circuit breakers REFUEL MASTER VALVE and REFUEL VENTS. c) Remove the wing access panel, outboard of rib 13 d) Make sure the indicator on the actuator is horizontal. e) Disconnect and stow the electrical connector from the valve.

28 - FUEL

Page 11 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Table 2 Pressure Refueling System Inactivation (Continued) 28 - FUEL 22-1 2) Pressure Fueling MAINTENANCE System PROCEDURES Series 750, 800, 2. Make sure the Master Refuel Valve is closed. 800XP, 850XP and a) Make sure the MASTER switch on the refuel control panel is selected OFF and Refuel Valve 900XP Only indicators show SHUT. If indication is not present, b) Make sure the landing gear ground lock pins are installed. c) Close the crossfeed and both low pressure valves (cocks). d) Close the auxiliary fuel transfer lever. e) Make sure the MASTER, DORSAL and VENTRAL REFUEL switches are selected OFF. f) Isolate the electrical circuits of (4); refer to REFUEL SYSTEM CIRCUIT POWER SUPPLY DETAILS, Table 3. g) Open left main gear door. h) Remove the rear inboard sidewall panel in left main landing gear wheel well. i) Make sure the indicator on the actuator is aligned with the marks. j) Disconnect and stow the electrical connector from the valve. 3) Series 1-700 Only 3. Make sure the Dorsal Tank Refuel Valve is closed (For Series 1-700 Only). a) Defuel dorsal tank (Chapter 12, SERVICING - FUEL). b) Close No. 1 engine low pressure valve (cock). c) Make sure all switches on the refuel control panel are OFF and the MASTER VALVE is indicated SHUT and that the Dorsal Refuel Valve indicator shows SHUT. If indication is not present, d) On panel DA/D, open circuit breakers REFUEL DORSAL & VENTRAL, and REFUEL MASTER VALVE. e) Gain access to the rear equipment bay; the valve is on the left side of the bay, just forward of the engine beam. f) Make sure that the position indicator shows closed. g) Disconnect and stow the electrical plug from the valve.

28 - FUEL

Page 12 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Table 2 Pressure Refueling System Inactivation (Continued) 28 - FUEL 22-1 Pressure Fueling MAINTENANCE System PROCEDURES 4. Make sure the Ventral Tank Transfer Valve is closed. a) Make sure the MASTER switch on the refuel control panel is selected OFF and that the Ventral Valve indicator shows SHUT. If indication is not present, b) Close the auxiliary fuel transfer valve. c) Defuel the ventral tank (Chapter 12, SERVICING - FUEL). d) Make sure all switches on the refuel panel DB are OFF and indicated as SHUT. e) Close No.2 engine low-pressure fuel valve (cock). f) On panel DA/D open circuit breakers REFUEL DORSAL AND VENTRAL and REFUEL MASTER VALVE. g) Make sure the landing gear locking pins are installed (Chapter 10, PARKING AND MOORING). h) Release hydraulic system pressure (Chapter 29, HYDRAULIC - MAIN SYSTEM). i) Lower left main landing gear door and install door jack clamp (Chapter 32, LANDING GEAR MAIN GEAR FAIRINGS AND DOORS). j) Remove inboard access panel in rear wall of left main wheel bay to gain access to refuel valve on ventral tank forward wall. k) Operate the manual override lever on the valve to the closed position. l) Disconnect and stow the electrical connector from the valve. Reference the REFUEL SYSTEM CIRCUIT POWER SUPPLY DETAILS, Table 3.

28 - FUEL

Page 13 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Table 3 Refuel System Circuit Power Supply Details Equipment Master Refuel Valve PE (a) PE (a) PE (a) PE (a) Wing Refuel Valve L & R Dorsal and Ventral Refuel Valve PE (a) PE (a) Sub Panel D Sub Panel D Sub Panel E Sub Panel E Sub Panel D Sub Panel D Supply Panel DA C.B. Ident REFUEL VENT REFUEL MASTER VALVE REFUEL CONTROL WING OFLOW (Overflow) REFUEL WING REFUEL DORSAL & VENTRAL

28 - FUEL

Page 14 Jul.2009

29---Hydraulic Power

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 29 - HYDRAULIC POWER 30-1 L/R HYD LO FLOW Annunciators (Viper Engines, Only) C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Associated hydraulic pump is operative, b) Main hydraulic supply pressure indicator is operative, c) EMRG HYD LO PRESS annunciator is operative, d) Associated engine is started first to verify pressure buildup before each departure. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm HYD LO PRESS indicator is operative. 2. Prior to each departure, start the engine on the affected side first and confirm a pressure increase on the main hydraulic pressure indicator. 3. If HYD LP lamp illuminates in flight, follow EMERGENCY BRAKE SUPPLY FAILURE drill.


Page 1 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 29 - HYDRAULIC POWER 30-2 HYD LO PRESS 1 or 2 Annunciators (TFE-731 Engines, Only) C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Associated hydraulic pump is operative, b) Main hydraulic supply pressure indicator is operative. c) EMRG BRK LO PRESS annunciator is operative, and d) Associated engine is started first to verify pressure buildup before each departure. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Prior to each departure,

Prior to engine start, select Emergency Brake and operate brake pedals until EMER BRK LO PRESS annunciator illuminates.

Caution Airplane must be chocked during engine start.

Start the associated engine first and observe pressure buildup on the main hydraulic pressure indicator. Observe EMER BRK LO PRESS annunciator OFF at 2250 to 2450 psi.

2. Series 1 thru 700: If brake EMERG BRK LO PRESS warning light illuminates in flight, follow EMERGENCY BRAKE SUPPLY FAILURE drill.


Page 2 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 29 - HYDRAULIC POWER 30-3 Combined Brakes and SUPPLY Pressure Gauge BRAKE Pressure Indicators C 2 1 (O) One may be inoperative provided before each departure: a) Main hydraulic SUPPLY indication is within normal limits, b) Emergency Brake Pressure Indicators/Annunciators are verified operative, and c) Normal braking is confirmed independently for left and right brakes. Deleted, Rev. 3. 1. Prior to each departure: Confirm Supply Pressure indication is normal. Prior to taxi, select EMRGY wheel brake and confirm both 1 and 2 WHEEL BRAKE EMRGY annunciators illuminate. 2. Confirm normal braking independently for left and right brakes. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES



Accumulator Pressure Indicators AUX HYD LO LEVEL Annunciator (Series 3 Through 900XP, Only) C 1 0


(O) May be inoperative provided fluid quantity is visually verified to be adequate before each departure.

1. Gain access to Nose Landing Gear (NLG) wheel well. 2. Visually confirm Auxiliary AUX HYD Reservoir has adequate quantity prior to each departure.


Page 3 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 29 - HYDRAULIC POWER 30-6 Accumulator Pressure Indicators (Main and Emergency Brake Only) C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Combined BRAKES and SUPPLY Pressure Gauge is operative, and b) Associated accumulator pre-charge is verified adequate before the first flight of each day. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Perform the following prior to the first flight of each day: With engines not operating, check hydraulic pressure indicator pressure to be ~2,300 PSI. Operate brakes five (5) times and confirm negligible change in hydraulic pressure. 2. Select WHEEL BRAKE lever to EMERGY and operate brakes 5 times. Confirm EMERG BRAKE annunciators illuminate. 1. Prior to each departure, confirm Thrust Reversers are operative, and 2. Confirm Main Hydraulic Accumulator pressure is normal. NOTE: Thrust Reversers may be inoperative with loss of main hydraulic system pressure.


Thrust Reverser Accumulator Pressure Indicator (Series 800, if installed, and 750, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP)

(O) May be inoperative provided before each departure: a) Thrust Reversers are verified operative, and b) Main Hydraulic Accumulator pressure is verified normal. NOTE: Thrust Reversers may be inoperative with loss of main hydraulic system pressure.


Page 4 Sep.2008

30---Ice and Rain Protection w

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 30 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 10-1 TKS Airframe De-icing System WING/TAIL ANTI-ICE Control Switches WING/TAIL TIME Switch (Series 1 Through 400, Only) C 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) WING/TAIL ON/OFF Switch is verified operative, b) WING/TAIL ON/OFF Switch is verified OFF when not in use (no audible sound from Anti-Icing Pump), and c) Alternate procedures for accomplishing timing are established and used. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) WING/TAIL ANTI-ICE System is verified OFF (no audible sound from Anti-Icing Pump), and b) Airplane is not operated in visible moisture or known or forecast icing conditions. 1. WING/TAIL ON/OFF switch is confirmed operative. 2. Confirm the switch is OFF when not in use by listening for operation of the pump. 3. Use clock or other means to time the use of TKS. C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided the airplane is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Plan flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along intended and alternate flight path.


1) a)

1. WING/TAIL ANTI-ICE System is confirmed OFF (no audible sound from Anti-Icing Pump). 2. Plan each flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternate destination.


Page 1 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 30 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION b) Time Function (Series 600 Through 900XP and 750 Only) C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) System is verified OFF when not is use, b) Priming can be accomplished, and c) An alternate timing method is established and used. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm the system is off when not in use by listening for operation of the pump. 2. Confirm that system can be primed. 3. Check ANTICE LO PRESS annunciator OFF 15 seconds after selecting airframe anti ice ON. 4. Use clock or other means to time the use of TKS. Plan each flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternate destination. 1. WING/TAIL ANTI-ICE System is confirmed OFF (no audible sound from Anti-Icing Pump). 2. Confirm normal operation of the WING/TAIL TIME Switch by selecting ON and confirming TKS flow. 3. Use WING/TAIL TIME Switch for selecting TKS ON for anti-icing.

May be inoperative provided airplane is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) WING/TAIL ANTI-ICE System is verified OFF when not in use (no audible sound from Anti-Icing Pump), and b) WING/TAIL TIME Switch is verified to operate normally, and is used for Anti-Icing.


WING/TAIL ON/OFF Switch (Series 1 Through 400 Only)


Page 2 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 30 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) WING/TAIL ANTI-ICE System is verified OFF (no audible sound from Anti-Icing Pump), and b) Airplane is not operated in visible moisture or known or forecast icing conditions. (O) May be inoperative provided fluid quantity is verified adequate for each flight. May be inoperative provided airplane is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Fluid delivery system is operative, and b) Quantity indication system is operative. May be inoperative provided airplane is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. WING/TAIL ANTI-ICE System is confirmed OFF (no audible sound from Anti-Icing Pump). 2. Plan each flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternate destination. Prior to each departure, confirm TKS quantity adequate for intended and alternate flight path. Plan each flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternate destination. 1. Confirm that TKS system is operative, and 2. Confirm that TKS quantity indication is operative.


TKS Quantity Indication System


ANTI-ICE LO PRESS Annunciator (Series 750, 800, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP Only)

Plan each flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternate destination.


Page 3 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 30 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 10-5 ANTI-ICE LO QTY Annunciator (Series 750, 800, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP Only) C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided fluid quantity is verified adequate for each flight. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Prior to each departure, confirm fluid quantity adequate for intended and alternate flight path.

May be inoperative provided airplane is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. (O) One may be inoperative ON provided: a) Associated Engine Inlet Anti-Ice (ENG A/ICE) Annunciator is operative when ENG ANTICE for that engine is selected, b) Takeoff and Landing field temperatures do not exceed +10 C, and c) Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) Engine Anti-Ice ON Performance and Limitations are observed.

Plan each flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternate destination. Plan flight for normal TKS fluid quantity only. 1. Select ENG A/ICE ON for affected engine and confirm normal annunciation. 2. Plan flight such that takeoff and landing temperature does not exceed 10 C for intended flight including alternates. 3. Use Anti-Ice ON takeoff and landing performance data. 4. Monitor engine ITT during flight.

10-6 *** 20-1

Auxiliary TKS System Engine Inlet Anti-icing Systems (TFE-731 Engined Aircraft, Only)


Page 4 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 30 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Airplane is not operated in visible moisture or in known or forecast icing conditions, b) Takeoff and Landing field temperature do not exceed +10 C, and c) AFM Engine Anti-Ice ON Performance and Limitations are observed. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Plan flight to avoid visible moisture and known or forecast icing conditions for icing conditions for the intended flight including alternates. 2. Plan flight such that takeoff and landing temperature does not exceed 10 C for intended flight including alternates. 3. Use Anti-Ice ON takeoff and landing performance data. 4. Monitor engine Interstage Turbine Temperature (ITT) during flight. WARNING Do not reach inside engine lip with engine running. With engine running, verify that inlet lip is not heated. 1. Confirm that all engine indicators operate normally. 2. Confirm that ITT EGT increases when anti-ice is selected ON. Plan flight to avoid visible moisture and known or forecast icing conditions for icing conditions for the intended flight including alternates.

(M) (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Associated anti-ice valve is verified closed, and b) Airplane is not operated in visible moisture or in known or forecast icing conditions. (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) All power indicating instruments for associated engine are operative, and b) Associated valve operates normally.


Engine Inlet Anti-Ice Indicators/ Annunciators


Page 5 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 30 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 20-3 MWS ENG ICE PROT ON White Annunciator (Series 600 and 700, Only) C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) ENG A/ICE white annunciators on overhead panel are verified operative, and b) Alternate procedures for determining operation of Engine Anti-Ice are established and used. (O) May be inoperative provided ENG A/ICE amber annunciators are verified operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. With engines running, Select ENG ICE PROT ON and confirm ITT rise while selected and white annunciator lights in the overhead CG panel are on. 2. Select ENG ICE PROT OFF.


MWS ICE PROT SELECTED White Annunciator (Series 750, 800, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP only)

1. With the engine off and the ENG ANTICE ON confirm (amber) ENG A/ICE annunciator illuminates dim. After 2 seconds it should illuminate bright. 2. With the engine running and the ENG ANTICE ON confirm (amber) ENG A/ICE annunciator illuminates dim and then extinguishes as the air pressure rises.


Page 6 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 30 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 30-1 Pitot Probe/Pitot Mast Heaters B 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Flight is conducted in day VMC flight conditions only, and b) Airplane is not operated in visible moisture, or in known or forecast icing conditions. NOTE RVSM is not authorized. 30-2 Pitot Ammeters (Series 1 Through 400 With SB 34-140, Or Mod. 252733 Installed, Only) C 2 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Pitot/Mast Heater Fail annunciators are verified operative before each departure, and b) Alternate procedures are established and used. 1. Briefly select PITOT HEAT ON and confirm pitot probe has heated for affected probe(s) prior to each departure. 2. Select L & R Pitot Heat OFF and confirm that PITOT HTR FAIL annunciator(s) is (are) operating. 3. Confirm that Pitot Heaters are on prior to each departure. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Conduct flight in day VMC only, and 2. Avoid flight in visible moisture, and 3. Plan flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternates.


Page 7 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 30 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 30-3 Pitot Ammeter & Selector (Series 600 and 700 With SB 34-140, Or Mod. 252733 Installed, Or 750, 800, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP Only) Pitot/Mast Heater FAIL Light(s)/ Annunciator(s) (Series 1 Through 700 With SB 34-140, Or Mod. 252733 Installed, and 750, 800, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP Only) C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided Pitot/Mast Heater Fail Lights are confirmed to operate normally before each departure. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Select L & R Pitot Heat OFF and confirm that Pitot/Mast Heater Fail annunciator(s) is (are) operative. 2. Confirm Pitot Heaters are on prior to each departure.


(O) May be inoperative provided: a) Associated Pitot Heating System is verified operative before each departure, b) Associated Pitot Heat Ammeter is operative, and c) Alternate procedures for monitoring Pitot Heater function in icing conditions are established and used.

1. Select Pitot heat ON and check ammeter for normal current for both left and right Pitot Probes prior to each departure. 2. Monitor Pitot Heater Ammeter frequently when in icing conditions.


Page 8 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 30 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 30-5 Static Plate Heaters (Series 700, if installed, 750, 800, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP Only) B 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Enroute operations do not require operation of both static plate heaters, b) Flight is conducted in day VMC flight conditions only, and c) Airplane is not operated in visible moisture, or in known or forecast icing conditions. NOTE RVSM is not authorized 30-6 Stall Vane Heaters (Series 750, 800, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP Only) B 2 1 (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) VANE HTR FAIL Annunciator for operative Stall Vane Heater is operative, b) Flight is conducted in day VMC flight conditions only, and c) Airplane is not operated in visible or forecast icing conditions. 1. Confirm VANE HTR FAIL Annunciator for operative Stall Vane Heater is operative. 2. Conduct flight in day VMC only, and 3. Avoid flight in visible moisture, and 4. Plan flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternates. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Conduct flight in day VMC only, and 2. Avoid flight in visible moisture, and 3. Plan flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternates. 4. Plan flight to avoid rush operations.


Page 9 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 30 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 30-7 L and R VANE HTR FAIL Annunciators (Series 750, 800, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP Only) B 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Both Stall Vane Heaters are verified operative before each departure, b) Flight is conducted in day VMC conditions, only, and c) Airplane is not operated in visible moisture, or in known or forecast icing conditions. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Prior to each departure, using caution to avoid burns, confirm that both vane heaters are operative, and 2. Plan flight to be performed in day VMC conditions only, and 3. Avoid flight in visible moisture and known or forecast icing conditions.

40-1 1)

Windscreen Heating System Series 1 Through 700 Series Only C 2 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Airplane is operated in accordance with AFM Limitations, and b) Windscreen fluid de-icing system is installed and operative. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Airplane is operated in accordance with AFM Limitations, and b) Airplane is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions. 1. Refer to Bird Strike Speed in AFM Limitations for temperature and speed limitations. 2. Confirm normal operation of the windscreen de-icing system. 1. Refer to Bird Strike Speed in AFM Limitations for temperature and speed limitations. 2. Plan flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternates.


Page 10 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 30 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 2) Series 750, 800, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP Only C 4 3 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions Heating to one side screen B only may be inoperative. (O) Both B screens may be inoperative provided airplane is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Airplane is operated in accordance with AFM Limitations, and b) Airplane is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions. May be inoperative provided: a) Affected windscreen heat system in not used, b) Airplane is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions, and c) AFM take-off temperature and airspeed limitations are observed. May be inoperative provided airplane is not operated in precipitation within 5 nautical miles of the airport of takeoff or intended landing. Plan flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternates. 1. Refer to Bird Strike Speed in AFM Limitations for temperature and speed limitations. 2. Plan flight to avoid known or forecast icing conditions along entire route including alternates. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Windscreen Overheat Lights/ Annunciators


Windscreen Wiper Systems (Series 1 Through 700 Only)


Page 11 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 30 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1) Park and Slow Speed Function C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative without an operational restriction provided blade(s) can be positioned in a location that will not obstruct forward vision. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Airplane is not operated at night, and b) Alternate procedures are established and used for detection of icing and activation of airplane anti-icing equipment. 1. Conduct flight in day only, and 2. Avoid flight in visible moisture, and 3. Activate anti-icing systems when near or in visible moisture below 40 F OAT. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Ice Detection System


Page 12 Sep.2008

31---Indicating/Recording Systems

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 7 - 09/07/2007 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 31 - INDICATING/ RECORDING SYSTEMS 20-1 30-1 Clocks Flight Data Recorder (FDR) System C D 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions As required by FAR. Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. May be inoperative provided: a) Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR), is operative, b) Airplane is not dispatched from a designated airport as listed in the operators MEL unless: The FDR failure occurs after pushback but before takeoff, or FDR repair was attempted but was not successful. c) In those cases where repair is attempted but not successful, the aircraft may be dispatched on a flight or series of flight until the next designated airport where repair must be accomplished before dispatch, and d) Repairs are made within three flight days. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Page 1 Nov.2007

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 7 - 09/07/2007 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 31 - INDICATING/ RECORDING SYSTEMS 1) FDR Recording Parameters Required by FAR A Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided: a) Cockpit Voice Recorder operates normally, and b) Repairs are made within 20 calendar days. May be inoperative provided repairs are made prior to the completion of the next heavy maintenance visit. May be inoperative provided repairs are made in accordance with applicable FARs. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


FDR Recording Parameters Not required by FAR (Aircraft operated by other than Air Carrier or Commercial Operator certificate holder)

40-1 ***

Flight Hour Meter

(O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used.

Record total flight time and flight cycles per flight in aircraft records.


Dual Filament Annunciator(s) Filament C One filament in each annunciator may be inoperative.



Page 2 Nov.2007

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 7 - 09/07/2007 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 31 - INDICATING/ RECORDING SYSTEMS 60-1 Transfer/Reversion Switch Lights (Collins Pro Line 21) 1) CDU REV Transfer Switch Lights C 4 0 Switch backlight and switch annunciation lights, left and right, may be inoperative provided switch operates normally. Switch backlight and switch annunciation lights, left and right, may be inoperative provided switch operates normally. Switch backlight and switch annunciation lights, left and right, may be inoperative provided switch operates normally. Switch backlight and switch annunciation lights may be inoperative provided switch operates normally. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


PFD REV Transfer Switch Lights


Multifunction Display Reversion (MFD REV) Transfer Switch Lights Right (R) Primary Flight Display (PFD) Engine (ENG) SELECT Switch Lights



Page 3 Nov.2007

32---Landing Gear

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 7 - 09/07/2007 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 32 - LANDING GEAR 32-1 Main Landing Gear Door Latch Springs Maxaret Unit (Anti-Skid System) Gear Down and Locked Indicators Primary Indicators B 3 2 (O) One indicator may be inoperative provided all standby indicators operate normally. (O) One indicator may be inoperative provided all primary indicators operate normally. Deleted, Revision 6. Relief already provided for in item 31-50-1. Confirm all standby indicators are normal. Confirm all primary indicators are normal. D 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

40-1 60-1 1)

Deleted, Rev. 3.


Standby Indicators


Gear Unlocked Indications


Page 1 Nov.2007


Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 33 - LIGHTS 10-1 Cockpit/Flight Deck/Flight Compartment and Instrument Lighting Systems C Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions Individual lights may be inoperative provided remaining lights are: a) Sufficient to clearly illuminate all required instruments, controls, and devices for which they are intended, b) Positioned so that direct rays are shielded from flight crew members eyes, and c) Lighting configuration and intensity is acceptable to the flightier. One flasher may be inoperative provided all remaining system-warning lights are operative. NOTE Not required for inoperative systems. 10-3 Master Warning Light Systems (Series 600 Through 850XP Only) C 2 1 One flasher may be inoperative provided all remaining system-warning lights are operative. NOTE Not required for inoperative systems. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


CAGS Warning Light Systems (Series 1 Though 400 Only)


Page 1 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 33 - LIGHTS 20-1 Cabin Interior Light System C Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) Individual lights may be inoperative provided: a) Cabin Emergency Lighting is operative. b) Sufficient Lighting is available for crew to perform required duties, and c) Sufficient Lighting is available for passenger carrying operations at night. NOTE Not required for cargo operations. NOTE Cabin emergency lighting does not include floor proximity lights. 20-2 Passenger Notice System (No Smoking Fasten Seat Belt/Return to Cabin) Signs C 0 (O) May be inoperative and associated passenger seat(s) occupied provided: a) PA System is operative, and b) PA System is used to notify passengers when seat belts should be fastened and smoking is prohibited. 1. Confirm PA system is operative, and 2. Use PA system to notify passengers when: To fasten seat belts and Smoking is prohibited. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Select Cabin Emergency lighting and confirm it is operative. 2. Confirm Sufficient Lighting for crew to perform required duties, and 3. Confirm Sufficient Lighting for passenger carrying operations at night. NOTE Turn off all electrical power after Emergency Lighting check to reset the Emergency Lighting System.


Page 2 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 33 - LIGHTS C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used to notify passengers when seat belts should be fastened, and smoking is prohibited. (O) May be inoperative provided, before each departure: a) Passenger cabin emergency lighting system is verified operative, and b) Flight crew ensures the INTERIOR LIGHTS EMERG switch is ARMED. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Prior to flight, brief passengers how they will be informed: 1. When to fasten seat belts, and 2. When smoking is prohibited.



1. Select Cabin Emergency lighting and confirm it is operative. NOTE Turn off all electrical power after Emergency Lighting check to reset the Emergency Lighting System. 2. Confirm EMERG LIGHTS switch is ARMED prior to each departure.

30-1 *** 30-2 *** 30-3 *** 30-4

Wheel Well Lighting System Rear Equipment Bay Lighting Pannier Lighting System (Except 750) External Baggage Compartment (EBC) Lighting System (750 Only)


0 0 0


Page 3 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 33 - LIGHTS 40-1 1) Anti-Collision Beacons Fuselage/Vertical Fin C 2 0 May be inoperative provided Wing/ Tail white strobe lights are operative and used. May be inoperative for day operations. May be inoperative provided Fuselage/Vertical Fin Anti-Collision Beacons are operative. May be inoperative for day operations. One may be inoperative provided adjacent taxi light is operative. May be inoperative for day operations. (O) May be inoperative provided both landing lights are operative. May be inoperative for day operations. (O) May be inoperative provided nose taxi lights are operative. Confirm that both landing lights are operative. Limit operations to daylight hours. Confirm that both nose taxi lights are operative. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

C 2) Wing/Tail White Strobe Lights C

2 -

0 0

C 40-2 Landing Lights C C 40-3 Taxi Lights (Wing Mounted) C C C

2 2 2 2 2

0 1 0 0 0 0


Page 4 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 33 - LIGHTS 40-4 Position Lights (Navigation) (Except aircraft with Hawker Winglets) C 3 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided the following minimum Position Lights are operative: a) One stationary red wing tip light, b) One stationary green wing tip light, and c) One stationary white taillight. One stationary white taillight may be inoperative. NOTE All LEDs in both position lights in each winglet must be operative for night operations. C C 0 0 May be inoperative for day operations. May be inoperative provided an operative white strobe light is located in close proximity to the inoperative white position light. May be inoperative for day operations. May be inoperative provided: a) Ice Detector System is installed and operative, and b) Ground deicing procedures do not require their use. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

(Hawker Winglet Aircraft with Light Emitting Diode (LED) Wing tip Lights)

(All Models) 1) Stationary White Tail Light(s) (all models)


Wing Ice Light(s)


1 0 0


Page 5 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 33 - LIGHTS 40-6 *** 40-7 *** 40-8 *** Logo Lights Nose Taxi Lights Pulselite System D C D 1 0 0 0 (M) May be inoperative provided system is deactivated. 1. Open the nose cone. 2. Locate the Pulselite Control Unit. Disconnect the Control Unit connectors. 3. Cap and stow the connectors. 4. Pull and collar the Pulselite circuit breaker. 5. Install an INOP placard adjacent to the Beacon (BCN)/Pulse position on Beacon/Pulselite switch in overhead control panel CG. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions c) MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

40-9 ***

Wing Tip Taxi Lighting System


1 1

0 0

40-10 Weight on Wheels *** Switch (Automatic Dim Function On Landing) 50-1 Cabin Emergency Lighting System INCANDESCENT LIGHT SYSTEM

May be inoperative for all cargo operations and operation without passengers.


Page 6 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 33 - LIGHTS 1) Entryway Floor Lighting (Aft Base Crew Cabinet) Exterior Emergency Lights (Over/Under RH wing) LED LIGHT SYSTEM 1) 2) 3) 4) 50-2 *** LH FWD Reading/ Table Lights RH FWD Reading/ Table Lights LH Aft Reading/ Table Lights RH Aft Reading/ Table Lights Floor Proximity Lighting System C C C C C 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 Any two may be inoperative. Any one may be inoperative. Any may be inoperative provided one remains operative. Any one may be inoperative. May be inoperative provided light is not part of Emergency Lighting System. C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided both adjacent cabin aisle lights are operative. May be inoperative for Day operation. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES



Page 7 Sep.2008


Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 9-1 1) Mach Indications Non-EFIS Equipped Aircraft C 2 1 One Mach indicator may be inoperative provided VMO/MMO aural warning is operative. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Flight remains at or below FL 295, and b) A placard which sets forth this limitation is affixed to the instrument panel. One may be inoperative provided: a) EFIS Airspeed Tape displays are installed at each pilot station and are operative, b) One Mach/Airspeed warning system is operative, and c) VMO/MMO aural warning system is operative. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Flight remains at or below FL 295, and b) A placard which sets forth this limitation is affixed to the instrument panel. 1. Place a placard MAX FL 295 on the instrument panel. 2. Plan flights at or below FL 295. 1. Do not exceed FL 295. 2. Affix a placard with this limitation on the instrument panel. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


EFIS Equipped Aircraft


Page 1 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 9-2 *** SAT/TAT Indicating System C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Outside air temperature (OAT) indicator is operative, and b) Flight Management System (FMS) (if installed) is operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm OAT indicator is operative, and 2. Confirm FMS (if installed) is operative.

9-3 *** 9-4 ***

True Airspeed (TAS)/Indicating System RMI/BDI Indicators

One indicating system may be inoperative provided one independent compass-heading indicator is available at each pilots station. May be inoperative provided any combination of three gyro or INS (IRU) stabilized compass systems are operative.


Non-Stabilized Magnetic Compass (Standby)


Page 2 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION B 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Any combination of two gyro OR INS (IRU) stabilized compass systems are operative, and b) Airplane is operated with dual independent navigation capability and under positive radar control by ATC, on the enroute portion of the flight. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm any combination of three gyro or INS (IRU) stabilized compass systems are operative, OR 2. Confirm any combination of two gyro or INS (IRU) stabilized compass systems are operative, and 3. Airplane is operated with dual independent navigation systems, and 4. Airplane is operated under positive enroute ATC RADAR control. Flights that are entirely within areas of magnetic unreliability may be flown provided at least two stabilized directional gyro systems are operative and used in conjunction with approved free gyro navigation techniques.

(O) May be inoperative for flights that are entirely within areas of magnetic unreliability provided at least two stabilized directional gyro systems are operative and used in conjunction with approved free gyro navigation techniques.


Page 3 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 10-1 VMO/MMO Aural Warnings B B 2 2 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Both Mach/Airspeed indicators at both pilot positions are operative, b) If installed, Ventral Tank is either empty or EMPTY/FULL indicator is operative, and c) VMO/MMO Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) limitations are observed. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot (A/P) with altitude hold is operative, b) Enroute operations do not require its use, and c) Repairs are made within three flight days. NOTE RVSM is not authorized. 10-3 1) Altimeter Vibrators Servo Pneumatic C 2 1 One may be inoperative provided associated air data computer is operative. 1. For air data computer driven indicators, confirm that both left and right Mach/Airspeed indicators are not flagged, and 2. For aircraft equipped with Ventral Fuel Tank, tank must either not be filled or EMPTY/ FULL indicator must be verified operative. 3. Observe AFM VMO/MMO limitations. 1. Autopilot with altitude hold is operative. 2. Flight planning must avoid use of RVSM airspace. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Altitude Alerting System


Page 4 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 2) Pneumatic C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions One may be inoperative provided VMC exists at departure and arrival airports. Servo Pneumatic may be inoperative provided: a) Associated air data computer is operative, and b) VMC exists at departure and arrival airports. May be inoperative provided VMC exist at both departure and arrival airports. Incorporated into Item 34-20-9. Revision 6. Deleted, Revision 7 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


One Pneumatic and One Servo Pneumatic


Standby Altimeter Vibrator (With Electric Altimeters Installed) Standby Altimeter Altimeter Static Error Correction Module Outside Air Temperature (OAT) Indicator

10-4 10-5


(O) May be inoperative provided alternate temperature indicating system (True Air Temperature (TAT) or Static Air Temperature (SAT)) is operative and used.

Use the TAT/SAT indicator or the Air Data page in the FMS for Temperature indications.


Page 5 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 10-8 Air Data Computer (ADC) Changeover/ Reversion Switches C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Associated instruments are operative from independent sources, and b) Inoperative switches are not moved during flight. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Associated instruments are operative from independent sources, and 2. Inoperative switches are placarded Inoperative (INOP) and not moved during flight. 3. Confirm the both ADCs are providing information to their respective sides (not cross transferred) and in the event of an ADC failure, the pilot with the operating instruments will become the flying pilot. No attempt to cross-transfer data should be made. Confirm PFD annunciation each time affected switch is moved.


ADC Reversion Switch Lights (Honeywell)

(O) Switch backlight and annunciation, left and right, may be inoperative provided associated annunciation on the PFD is operative. (O) Switch backlight and annunciation, left and right, may be inoperative provided associated annunciation on the PFD is operative. One may be inoperative for day VMC flight only. Incorporated into item 10-3, Rev 3.


ADC REV Transfer Switch Lights (Pro Line 21)

Confirm PFD annunciation each time affected switch is moved.

10-9 20

Vertical Speed Indicator Altimeter Vibrators


Page 6 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 20-1 1) Flight Director System(s) Aircraft Equipped With Honeywell Avionics C 2 1 One may be inoperative provided approach minimums do not require its use. May be inoperative provided: a) Auto Pilot is considered inoperative, and b) Approach minimums do not require their use. NOTE RVSM is not authorized. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Page 7 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 2) Aircraft Equipped With Collins Avionics B 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided: a) Auto Pilot is considered inoperative, and b) Approach minimums do not require their use. NOTE With Collins Pro Line-equipped aircraft, the A/P cannot be engaged unless both Flight Director Systems are operative. NOTE RVSM is not authorized. 20-2 1) Turn and Bank Indication Rate of Turn Indication C 1 Turn function of one instrument may be inoperative provided flight is conducted in VMC conditions only. May be inoperative provided standby attitude indicator is operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) / Inertial Reference System (IRS)


Page 8 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 1) Primary AHRS/IRS B 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Standby attitude reference system is selected and verified operative, b) AFM limitations are observed, and c) Autopilot (A/P) is not used. (O) May be inoperative provided both primary AHRS/IRS systems are verified operative. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Associated instruments are operative from independent sources, and b) Inoperative switches are not moved during flight. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Select and confirm operation of Standby Attitude Reference System. 2. Autopilot is not used.


Standby AHRS/ IRS

Select and confirm Primary Attitude Reference System. 1. Confirm associated instruments are operative from independent sources, and 2. Inoperative switches are placarded INOP and not moved during flight. 3. Confirm the switch is not in the cross transfer position, and in the event of an AHRS failure the pilot with the operative instruments will be the flying pilot. No attempt should be made to cross transfer data.


Compass and Attitude/AHRS Changeover/ Reversion Switches


Page 9 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 1) AHRS Reversion Switch Lights (Honeywell) C 6 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) Switch backlight and annunciation, left and right, may be inoperative provided associated annunciation on the PFD is operative. (O) Switch backlight and annunciation, left and right, may be inoperative provided associated annunciation on the PFD is operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Confirm PFD annunciation each time affected switch is moved.


AHS REV Transfer Switch Lights (Pro Line 21)

Confirm PFD annunciation each time affected switch is moved.

20-5 ***

Angle of Attack System (Series 1 thru 700) Teledyne AOA System (BAe-125-800 & Hawker 800 Only)


Standby Attitude Indicator

Incorporated into Item 34-20-9, Revision 6.


Page 10 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 20-7 Symbol Generator Reversion Switches C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Associated instruments operate normally from independent sources, and b) Inoperative switches are not moved during flight. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm associated instruments are operative from independent sources, and 2. Inoperative switches are placarded INOP and not moved during flight. 3. Confirm the switch is not in a cross transfer position and in the event of a symbol generator failure on either side, the Reversion Switches are not used to transfer data. However the symbol generator from the MFD may be switched over to the inoperative pilot station. The MFD will be inoperative if this is accomplished. Confirm PFD annunciation each time affected switch is moved.


SG Reversion Switch Lights (Honeywell)

(O) Switch backlight and annunciation, left and right, may be inoperative provided associated annunciation on the PFD is operative. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Approach minimums do not require its use, and b) Flight crew monitors instrument indications for accuracy.


Instrument Comparator

Plan flight to avoid requirement for Comparator.


Page 11 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 20-9 Standby Flight Instruments/ Displays Standby Attitude Indicator(s) (Electro-Mechanical Gyro Horizons) C 0 May be inoperative provided not required by FAR. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


May be inoperative provided: a) Operations are conducted in day VMC, only, and b) Operations are not conducted into known or forecast Visual Flight Rules (VFR)-on-Top conditions.

a) 2)

Glideslope/Localizer Indicator(s) Standby Altimeter(s) (Stand-Alone Unit)


0 0 May be inoperative provided airplane is operated in day VMC, only.


Page 12 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 3) Secondary Flight Display (3-In-1 Color Graphic Standby Attitude, Altitude, and Airspeed Indicator) OR (4-In-1 Color Graphic Standby Attitude, Altitude, Heading and Airspeed Indicator) (Meggitt) Standby Attitude Display C B 1 1 0 0 May be inoperative provided not required by FAR. May be inoperative provided: a) Operations are conducted in day VMC, only, and b) Operations are not conducted into known or forecast VFR-On-Top conditions. May be inoperative provided airplane is operated in day VMC only. May be inoperative provided airplane is operated in day VMC only. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES



Standby Altimeter Display Baroset Knob



Page 13 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION d) Standby Heading Display(s) C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided: a) Two independent Heading Reference Systems are operative, and b) Magnetic compass is operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

e) f) g) h) 24 30-2

Standby Mach Number Indicator Instrument Landing System (ILS) Button HP/IN Button Light Sensor Air Data Computer System Marker Beacons


1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 Deleted, Revision 2.

May be inoperative provided approach minimums do not required their use. As required by FAR. NOTE Equipment is not operationally approved for steep approaches in the United States of America.

30-3 ***

Microwave Landing System (MLS)

30-4 30-5

Radio Compass (ADF) System NAV/COM Preselect Tuning Functions


As required by FAR. May be inoperative provided direct tuning mode is installed and operative for each associated unit.


Page 14 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 30-6 NAV/COM/ADF/ TDR Memory Channels NAV/COM/ADF/ TDR Digital Frequency Selector/LCD/LED C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided manual tuning is operative. One pilot side only may be inoperative provided: a) Manual remote tune or dual FMS/CDU tune capability is operative, and b) All Digital Frequency Selector/ LCD/LED display units on opposite pilot side are operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


32-1 *** 40-1

ILS Offset System

May be inoperative provided procedures do not require its use. (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) TAWS/GWPS is considered inoperative, b) TCAS is considered inoperative, c) Approach minimums or operating procedures do not require its use, d) Alternate procedures are established and used, and e) Repairs are made within two flight days. 1. Confirm there is no Radio Copilot will call out altitudes during Altimeter display. approach including minimum 2. If Radio Altimeter is displayed, altitudes. pull and collar the RAD ALT circuit breaker.

Radio Altimeter System


Page 15 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 40-2 1) Weather Radar System Windshear Detection and Avoidance System (Predictive) C C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions As required by FAR. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established and used. NOTE Operators alternate procedures should include reviewing windshear avoidance and windshear recovery procedures. 40-3 *** VTA (Voice Terrain Advisory) System or Equivalent Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS)/Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) (Class A or B required) C 0 (M) May be inoperative provided system is deactivated. 1. Pull and collar affected circuit breaker(s). 2. Place INOP placard adjacent to system control. 1. Exercise extreme caution and vigilance with regard to vertical descent rate, radar altimeter readouts, recognizing signs of windshear, and 2. In the event of a windshear encounter, promptly act to counter the effects of the windshear as described in the appropriate aircraft manuals. 1. Check departure, enroute, arrival, and alternate weather conditions for potential windshear conditions. 2. Review windshear recovery procedures. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

40-4 1)

(O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established and used, and b) Repairs are made within two flight days.


Page 16 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION (Class C TAWS or GPWS not required by FAR) C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. NOTE Any mode that is operative may be used. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Exercise caution and vigilance with regard to vertical descent rate, radar altimeter readouts, recognizing signs of windshear, and 2. In the event of a windshear encounter, promptly act to counter the effects of the windshear as described in the appropriate aircraft manuals. Exercise extreme caution and vigilance with regard to vertical descent rate and radar altimeter readouts. Exercise extreme caution and vigilance with regard to vertical descent rate and radar altimeter readouts.


Modes 1-4 (Class A TAWS required)

(O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established and used, and b) Repairs are made within two flight days. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established and used, and b) Repairs are made within two flight days.

Modes 1 & 3 (Class B TAWS required by FAR)


Page 17 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION b) Test Mode A 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) GPWS is considered inoperative, and b) Repairs are made within two flight days. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Exercise extreme caution and vigilance with regard to vertical descent rate, radar altimeter readouts, recognizing signs of windshear, and 2. In the event of a windshear encounter, promptly act to counter the effects of the windshear as described in the appropriate aircraft manuals. 3. TAWS alerts are not to be considered reliable.


Glideslope Deviation (Mode 5) (Class A TAWS required by FAR) Modes 2, 4 & 5 (Class B TAWS required by FAR)

B *** C

0 0


Page 18 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION d) Advisory Callouts B 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Exercise extreme caution and vigilance with regard to vertical descent rate, radar altimeter readouts, recognizing signs of windshear, and 2. In the event of a windshear encounter, promptly act to counter the effects of the windshear as described in the appropriate aircraft manuals. 1. Exercise extreme caution and vigilance with regard to vertical descent rate, radar altimeter readouts, recognizing signs of windshear, and 2. In the event of a windshear encounter, promptly act to counter the effects of the windshear as described in the appropriate aircraft manuals.

(O) May be inoperative provided: a) Advisory callout not required by FAR, and b) Alternate procedures are established and used.


Page 19 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION e) *** Windshear Mode (Reactive) (Class A TAWS required by FAR) B 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. NOTE: Operators alternate procedure should include reviewing windshear avoidance and windshear recovery procedures. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Exercise extreme caution and vigilance with regard to vertical descent rate recognizing signs of windshear, and 2. In the event of a windshear encounter, promptly act to counter the effects of the windshear as described in the appropriate aircraft manuals. 1. Exercise extreme caution and vigilance with regard to vertical descent rate, radar altimeter readouts, recognizing signs of windshear, and 2. In the event of a windshear encounter, promptly act to counter the effects of the windshear as described in the appropriate aircraft manuals.

(Class A TAWS required by FAR)

(O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established and used, and b) Windshear Detection and Avoidance System (Predictive) operates normally.


Page 20 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION (Class B TAWS required by FAR) C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Exercise extreme caution and vigilance with regard to vertical descent rate, radar altimeter readouts, recognizing signs of windshear, and 2. In the event of a windshear encounter, promptly act to counter the effects of the windshear as described in the appropriate aircraft manuals. Exercise extreme caution and vigilance with regard to vertical descent rate and radar altimeter readouts.


Terrain System Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance (FLTA) and Premature Descent Alert (PDA) Functions Terrain Displays (Class A TAWS required) (Class B TAWS required) Runway Awareness & Advisory System (RAAS) Lightning Sensor System

(O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used.


B *** 4) *** 40-5 *** C C

0 0 0


Page 21 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 40-6 *** 40-7 *** 42-1 *** 43-1 *** 50-1 50-2 *** 1) Radarnav/Datanav System Storm Scope TACAN Number 2 Tuning System ATC Transponder Attenuation System LNAV or RNAV Systems Flight Management Systems (FMS) NAV Data Base C D C C 1 1 0 0 0 0 May be inoperative provided procedures do not require its use. May be inoperative provided procedures do not require its use. As required by FAR. (O) May be inoperative provided operations do not require FMS. (O) May be out of currency provided: a) Current Aeronautical Charts are used to verify Navigation Fixes before dispatch, b) Procedures are established and used to verify status and suitability of Navigation Facilities used to define route of flight, and c) Approach Navigation Radios are manually tuned and identified. Confirm that flight may be conducted without FMS (See Item 28-42-2). 1. Current Aeronautical Charts are used to confirm Navigation Fixes prior to dispatch, and 2. The status and suitability of Navigation Facilities used to define route of flight are checked prior to each flight, and 3. Approach Navigation radios are manually tuned and identified. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES



Page 22 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 50-3 Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) Systems ATC Transponders and Automatic Altitude Reporting Systems D Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


May be inoperative provided: a) Enroute operations do not require their use, and b) Prior to flight, approval is obtained from ATC facilities having jurisdiction over the planned route of flight. NOTE RVSM is not authorized.

D 1) Elementary and Enhanced Downlink Aircraft Reportable Parameters not Required by FAR ATC Transponder Identification (Ident) Buttons VHF Navigation (VOR/ILS) System Global Positioning System (GPS) A

1 0

Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. May be inoperative provided: a) Enroute operations do not require its use, and b) Repairs are made prior to completion of the next heavy maintenance visit. May be inoperative provided one is operative at each pilot position. As required by FAR. As required by FAR.


50-5 50-6 ***



Page 23 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 50-7 *** Traffic Advisory System (B.F. Goodrich Skywatch/ SKY-497) Automatic Dependent SurveillanceBroadcast (ADS-B) System D 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


May be inoperative provided it is not required by 14 CFR. NOTE If ADS-B is installed in lieu of or as a replacement for 14 CFR required equipment, the repair category in the operators Minimum Equipment List (MEL) will be the same as that of the 14 CFR required equipment.


Link and Display Processor Unit (LDPU)

NOTE Cockpit Display Traffic Information (CDTI) display of data from other aircraft systems may be used.


Cockpit Display and Traffic Information (CDTI) CDTI Control Panel

NOTE ADS-B data transmissions may continue.


May be inoperative provided: a) Flight Identification (ID) can be set, and b) Screen Display is acceptable to the flight crew.


Page 24 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 4) 5) 60-1 Data Link Transmitters Data Link Receivers Traffic Collision and Avoidance System (TCAS I) D D B 0 0 0 (M) May be inoperative provided: a) System is deactivated and secured, and b) Enroute or approach procedures do not require its use. 1. Pull TCAS circuit breaker and tie-wrap. 2. Install TCAS INOP placards on both RMUs for Honeywell equipped aircraft and near the FMS-CDU for Collins equipped aircraft. 1. Confirm the associated (M) procedure has been completed to deactivate and secure the system. 2. Plan flight so enroute and approach procedures do not require use of TCAS. 3. Use ATC on (modes S and A) or ATC ALT (modes A, C, S). 1. Confirm the associated (M) procedure has been completed to deactivate and secure the system. 2. Plan flight so enroute and approach procedures do not require use of TCAS. 3. Use ATC on (modes S and A) or ATC ALT (modes A, C, S). NOTE TCAS is not required on any aircraft with a seating configuration of less than 10 seats, excluding any pilot seat, per FAR 135.180, and it is not required by FAR 91. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

(M) May be inoperative provided: a) System not required by FAR, b) System is deactivated and secured, and c) Enroute or approach procedures do not require its use.

1. Pull TCAS circuit breaker and tie-wrap. 2. Install TCAS INOP placards on both RMUs for Honeywell equipped aircraft and near the FMS-CDU for Collins equipped aircraft.


Page 25 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION (TCAS II) B 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) System is deactivated and secured, and b) Enroute or approach procedures do not require its use. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Pull TCAS circuit breaker and tie-wrap. 2. Install TCAS INOP placards on both RMUs for Honeywell equipped aircraft and near the FMS-CDU for Collins equipped aircraft. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm the associated (M) procedure has been completed to deactivate and secure the system. 2. Plan flight so enroute and approach procedures do not require use of TCAS. 3. Use ATC on (modes S and A) or ATC-ALT (modes A, C, S). 1. Confirm the associated (M) procedure has been completed to deactivate and secure the system. 2. Plan flight so enroute and approach procedures do not require use of TCAS. 3. Use ATC on (modes S and A) or ATC ALT (modes A, C, S). NOTE TCAS is not required on any aircraft with a seating configuration of less than 10 seats, excluding any pilot seat, per FAR 135.180, and it is not required by FAR 91.

(M) May be inoperative provided: a) System not required by FAR, b) System is deactivated and secured, and c) Enroute or approach procedures do not require its use.

1. Pull TCAS circuit breaker and tie-wrap. 2. Install TCAS INOP placards on both RMUs for Honeywell equipped aircraft and near the FMS-CDU for Collins equipped aircraft.


Page 26 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 1) Combined Traffic Alert (TA) and Resolution Advisory (RA) Dual Display System(s) C 2 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative on the non-flying pilot side provided: a) TA and RA visual display is operative on the flying pilots side, and b) TA and RA audio function is operative on the flying pilots side. May be inoperative on non-flying pilots side. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Traffic Alert (TA) visual display and audio functions are operative, b) TA only mode is selected by the crew, and c) Enroute and/or approach procedures do not required their use. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) RA visual display and audio functions are operative, and b) Enroute and/or approach procedures do not require its use. May be inoperative provided enroute or approach operations do not require use of TCAS. 1. Confirm visual and audio functions. 2. Place INOP Placard adjacent to affected RA position. 3. Select only TA mode. 4. Plan flight such that RA mode is not required. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Resolution Advisory (RA) Display Systems


Traffic Alert (TA) Display System(s)

1. Confirm visual and audio functions. 2. Place INOP Placard adjacent to affected TA position. 3. Select only RA mode. 4. Plan flight such that TA mode is not required.


Audio Functions


Page 27 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 5) 60-2 *** 70-1 Airspace Selection Function Windshear Detector System EFIS/MFD Cooling Fans (Except Collins Pro Line 21-Equipped A/C) Aircraft with 5 Fans Installed A 5 4 (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Standby attitude indicator is operative, b) Bearing Distance indicator (BDI) and standby compass are operative, c) Cabin temperature can be maintained below 35 C, and d) Repairs are made within three flight days. 1. Confirm standby attitude indicator is operative, and 2. Confirm BDI and standby compass is operative. 3. Maintain cabin temperature below 35 C. 4. Make repairs within three flight days. C 0 Deleted Revision 7; conflicts with other Windshear Detection Relief. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES



Page 28 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 2) Aircraft with 3 Fans Installed A 3 2 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Standby attitude indicator is operative, b) Distance Bearing Indicator (BDI) and standby compass are operative. c) Cabin temperature can be maintained below 35 C, and d) Repairs are made within three flight days. (M) May be inoperative provided: a) All EFIS/MFD cooling fans are verified operative before each departure, and b) Associated EFIS/MFD FAN FAIL annunciators are operative. 1. Reach up behind the instrument panel and verify the EFIS instrument blower/s and/or the MFD blower is forcing air out its respective piccolo tube. Verify all of the following fans are operating: DPU fan 2 ea MPU fan 1 ea EFIS fan 2 ea MFD fan 1 ea. 2. Verify that associated EFIS/ MFD FAN FAIL Annunciators are operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm standby attitude indicator is operative, and 2. Confirm BDI and standby compass is operative. 3. Maintain cabin temperature below 35 C. 4. Make repairs within three flight days.


EFIS/MFD OVHT Annunciators (Series 700, 800 and 800XP, Except Pro Line 21 Equipped Aircraft)


Page 29 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION C Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Nose Cooling Fan and Fan Door are verified operative, b) Associated EFIS/MFD FAN FAIL Annunciators are operative, and c) Ground use of EFIS is limited to not more than 30 minutes. (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Nose Cooling Fan and Fan Door are verified operative before each departure, b) Associated EFIS/MFD OVHT Annunciators are operative, and c) Ground use of EFIS is limited to not more than 30 minutes. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm Nose Avionics Fan Door is OPEN and airflow is present with power ON, and 2. Confirm EFIS/MFD Fan Fail annunciators operation. 3. Limit use of EFIS/MFD ground use to 30 minutes before takeoff and after landing. 1. Confirm Nose Avionics Fan Door is OPEN and airflow is present, and 2. Confirm EFIS/MFD Overheat annunciators operation, and 3. Limit use of EFIS/MFD ground use to 30 minutes before takeoff and after landing.


EFIS/MFD FAN FAIL Annunciators (Series 700, 800, 800XP Only Except Pro Line 21 Equipped Aircraft)


Page 30 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) May be inoperative provided: a) All EFIS/MFD cooling fans are verified operative before each departure, b) Associated EFIS/MFD OVHT Annunciators are operative, and c) Ground use of EFIS is limited to not more than 30 minutes. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Reach up behind the instrument panel and verify EFIS instrument blower/s and/ or the MFD blower is forcing air out its respective piccolo tube. Assure all of the following fans are operative: DPU fan 2 ea MPU fan 1 ea EFIS fan 2 ea MFD fan 1 ea. 2. Verify associated EFIS/MFD OVHT Annunciators are operative. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

70-4 1)

Electronic Flight Displays (EFDs) Non-Collins Pro Line 21 Equipped Aircraft, Only B 4 3 (O) One unit may be inoperative provided: a) Inoperative display is positioned in the Right Side EHSI location, b) RMI/BDIs) is/are operative, and c) Standby Instrument(s) are operative. Confirm an EADI is available on the RH side. Two EFDs will display on the LH side. The captain will determine if this is a safe configuration for the flight.


Page 31 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 2) Collins Pro Line 21 Equipped Aircraft B 4 3 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions Right side MFD position may be inoperative. NOTE With IFIS-5000 AFD installed, the EFB is affected (Refer to Chapter 46). 70-5 EFIS Symbol Generator Units (SGU, MSG, DPU, and/or MPU) B 3 2 (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) The No. 1 (left side) SGU/ DPU remains operative, and b) Each pilots EFIS is driven be an operative independent symbol generator unit (SGU, MSG, DPU, or MPU). (O) May be inoperative provided: 1. Procedures do not require its use, and 2. When radar is required, at least one radar display is operative. Confirm each pilots EFIS is driven by an independent SGU, MSG, DPU, or MPU which is operative. Refer to the applicable Avionics Operating Manual for guidance. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Multi-Function Display (MFD) (Except Pro Line 21 Equipped Aircraft)

1. Plan flight ensuring procedures do not require its use, and 2. When radar is required, at least one radar display is operative. 3. Confirm both pilots Symbol Generators are operative. 4. Printed checklist will be used since the electronic checklist will be inoperative.

70-7 *** 1)

EADI Annunciator/ Displays FAST/SLOW Indications C 2 0


Page 32 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 70-8 Laser Altimeter (FAA Flight Inspection Aircraft Only) Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions Deleted Revision 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Page 33 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 70-9 Multifunction Display Controller (Honeywell Equipped Aircraft, Only) C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Procedures do not require its use, b) When Radar is required, at least one Radar Display is verified operative before each departure, and c) Before each departure, both Symbol Generators (SG) and their reversionary switching are verified operative, and d) Alternate Normal and Emergency Procedures are established and used. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Plan flight ensuring that the procedures do not require its use, and 2. Ensure that one RADAR display is operative, and 3. Ensure that both SGs and reversionary switching are operative. Confirm both SGs are operative, observing operation with independent control using each respective Display Controller. Confirm reversionary switching works normally by selecting Pilots SG pushbutton and observing amber boxed SG2 in both EADIs. Deselect SG pushbutton and confirm the SG2 annunciation is removed. Select Copilots SG pushbutton and confirm an amber boxed SG1 in both EADIs. 4. Deselect SG pushbutton and confirm SG1 annunciation is removed.


Page 34 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 70-10 Nose Compartment Avionics Cooling System (Except Pro Line 21 Equipped Aircraft) 1) Avionics Cooling Fan C 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Avionics Cooling Fan Door remains closed, and b) Ground operation of the EFIS and MFD is limited to not more than 30 minutes. 1. Confirm door is closed for aircraft with external fan door. 2. Follow AFM abnormal procedures. See abnormal checklist for NOSE FAN. 3. Limit ground operation of the EFIS and MFD to 30 minutes. 1. Confirm door is closed for aircraft with external fan door. 2. Follow AFM abnormal procedures. See abnormal checklist for NOSE FAN. 3. Limit ground operation of the EFIS and MFD to 30 minutes. Use paper or approved alternate checklist. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Avionics Cooling Fan Door

(O) May be inoperative provided: a) Avionics Cooling Fan Door remains closed, and b) Ground operation of the EFIS and MFD is limited to not more than 30 minutes.

70-11 Electronic Checklist System and Controls

(O) May be inoperative provided alternate checklists and procedures are used.


Page 35 Sep.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 34 - NAVIGATION 70-12 Nose Compartment Ventilation System (Collins Equipped Aircraft Except Pro-Line 21) 1) Avionics Cooling Fan Low Speed Warning Detector Avionics Cooling Fan Nose FAIL Annunciator Airborne Flight Instrument System (AFIS) C 1 0 (M) May be inoperative OFF provided Avionics Nose Cooling Fan is verified operative. (M) May be inoperative OFF provided Avionics Nose Cooling Fan is verified operative. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. Check for airflow from Avionics Nose Cooling Fan. Check for airflow from Avionics Nose Cooling Fan. Utilize any other type of communication available such as Flight Phone, HF/VHF phone patch, etc. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


80-1 ***


Page 36 Sep.2008


Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 35 - OXYGEN 00-1 1) Oxygen Content Indicator(s) Servicing Gauge D 0 (M) May be inoperative provided: a) Cockpit gauge is verified operative, and b) Contents are verified full after servicing the oxygen system. 2) Cockpit Gauge C 1 0 (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Flight remains at or below 10,000 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL), b) Fault is verified to be in the indicator only and have no leaks, c) An acceptable procedure is used to confirm oxygen supply is above minimum required to complete the AFM smoke evacuation procedures, and d) Passengers are appropriately briefed. 1. Make sure the cockpit gauge is operative. 2. Make sure the contents are full after oxygen system servicing. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

Make sure the fault is in the indicator only and no leaks exist.

1. Plan flight for operation at or below 10,000 feet MSL, 2. Provide appropriate passenger briefing. 3. Make sure by viewing the ACT/POM Oxygen Servicing Gauge that adequate oxygen is available for performing Emergency Smoke Evacuation procedures.


Page 1 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 35 - OXYGEN 00-2 1) Oxygen Cylinders (Remaining Oxygen Cylinders have less than 1,400 Liters but more than 750 Liters of combined volume available for use. A (M) (O) Any bottles in excess of 750 Liters useable oxygen may be inoperative provided: a) Aircraft remains at or below 10,000 feet MSL, b) Passenger oxygen supply valve is verified closed, c) Passengers are appropriately briefed, d) Oxygen supply to flight crew is verified adequate to meet operations being conducted, e) Cockpit oxygen quantity indicator is verified operative, and f) Repairs are made within three flight days. NOTE Aircraft cannot take off with less than 750 Liters of oxygen available for crew use. 1. Make sure the inoperative bottle(s) shutoff valve is closed. 2. Post a placard in the cockpit noting the number and nominal sizes (in liters) of remaining operative bottles. 1. Plan flight to operate below 10,000 feet MSL, and 2. Make sure the cockpit oxygen quantity indicator is operative. 3. Make sure the oxygen supply to flight crew is adequate to meet operations being conducted including planning for Smoke in the Cockpit procedure. Oxygen duration may be factored using the duration data provided in Table 1. 4. Plan flight in accordance with applicable operational FAR. Oxygen duration may be factored using the duration data provided in Table 1. 5. Brief passengers that flight will be conducted at low altitude. NOTE Aircraft cannot take off with less than 750 Liters of oxygen available for crew use. Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Page 2 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 35 - OXYGEN 2) (Remaining Oxygen Cylinders have more than 1400 Liters of combined volume available for use.) C 1 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) (O) Any bottles in excess of 1,400 Liters may be inoperative provided oxygen supply to the flight crew and passengers is verified adequate to meet operations being conducted. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Make sure the inoperative bottle(s) shutoff valve is closed. 2. Post a placard in the cockpit noting the number and nominal sizes (in liters) of remaining operative bottles. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES If one (1) bottle is operative, make sure that the remaining oxygen quantity is adequate to meet operations being conducted.


Page 3 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 35 - OXYGEN 00-3 Barometric Valve Automatic Function C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) May be inoperative provided: a) Manual deployment system is operative, b) Flight remains at or below FL 300, and c) Passenger supply valve is operative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Make sure the oxygen cylinders are fully charged and cylinder stop valves are open. 2. Open the passenger oxygen supply valve. 3. Select OVERRIDE on the oxygen control panel, on pilots side panel. 4. Make sure all drop out mask boxes have opened and all masks are hanging from lanyard cord. NOTE Oxygen pressure remaining inside the cabin oxygen lines must be decreased before repacking mask. 5. Reset the cabin oxygen manual override knob. 6. Decrease remaining oxygen pressure at each deployed mask box by pulling the lanyard cord which removes the lanyard pin from the valve. 7. Let the inlet oxygen pressure exhaust, and install the lanyard pin into the valve. 8. Carefully restow all deployed masks. 9. Place placard MAX FL 300 on instrument panel. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Do not exceed Flight Level (FL) 300.


Page 4 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 35 - OXYGEN 10-1 Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) Passenger Oxygen Masks and Stowages D Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. (O) May be inoperative provided associated seats are blocked and placarded to prevent occupancy. 1. Block and placard any seat with an inoperative mask to prevent occupancy, and 2. Brief passengers not to occupy affected seats. 1. Make sure all components of the pressurization system operate normally. 2. Place placard MAX FL 250 on instrument panel. 3. Flight is not to be conducted where the MEA is above 14,000 feet MSL, 4. Flight to be conducted at or below FL 250. 5. Provide portable oxygen to each passenger above 15,000 feet MSL, 6. Brief passengers. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


(O) May be inoperative provided: a) Flight is not conducted where the minimum enroute altitude is above 14,000 feet MSL, b) Pressurization system is operative, c) Flight remains at or below FL 250, d) Portable oxygen is provided to each passenger above 15,000 feet MSL, and e) Passengers are appropriately briefed.


Page 5 Jul.2009

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8a - 08/01/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 35 - OXYGEN 30-1 Portable Oxygen Dispensing Unit C Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) Any in excess of those required by FAR may be unserviceable or missing provided: a) Required distribution of serviceable bottles is maintained throughout the aircraft, and b) Bottles not properly serviced are replaced, serviced or removed at the next available maintenance facility. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Bottles not properly serviced are to be replaced, serviced or removed at the next available maintenance facility. 2. Bottle is to be secured in its original housing and placarded as inoperative and empty. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

Table 1 Useable Oxygen at Reduced Supply Pressure NOTE Oxygen duration may be factored for the number of bottles installed to number of bottles available and for the percentage of full indication using the following values: Gauge Indication (PSIG) Full (1800) 3/4 (1350) 1/2 (900) 1/4 (450) Useable Capacity (Liters - Normal Temperature and Pressure Dry (NTPD)) Bottle Configuration (Liters - Nominal) 1 X 750 675 487 300 112 2 X 750 1350 975 600 225 3 X 750 2025 1462 900 337 4 X 750 2700 1950 1200 450 2 X 750 + 1096 2336 1687 1038 389 1400 1260 910 560 210


Page 6 Jul.2009


Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 38 - WATER/WASTE 10-1 Potable Water System C Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) Individual components may be inoperative provided: a) Associated components are deactivated or isolated, and b) Associated system components are verified not to have leaks. NOTE Any portion of the system which is operative may be used. D (O) May be inoperative provided: a) System is drained, and b) Procedures are established to ensure that the system is not serviced. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Pull and collar appropriate circuit breaker(s). 2. Check associated components to assure that there are no signs of leakage. 3. Install INOP placard. NOTE Reference applicable AMM, AMM Addenda, or AMM Supplement for procedures and associated Circuit Breakers. 1. Remove water supply tank and drain existing water. 2. Ensure that system is not serviced. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Basin Waste System


Page 1 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 38 - WATER/WASTE 1) Basin Drain Mast(s) C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Associated components are drained and not used, b) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, c) DUMP VLV is selected OPEN, d) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, and e) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL. f) Applicable Oxygen Requirements are established and complied with. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Associated components and water supply are drained, and b) Procedures are established to ensure the system is not serviced or used. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Drain associated components, as needed and install INOP placard, 2. Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.


Basin Waste System (Except Drain Mast and Mast Check Valve

1. Drain associated components and water supply, and 2. Establish procedures to ensure system is not serviced or used.


Lavatory Waste System (Blue Water)


Page 2 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 38 - WATER/WASTE 1) Lavatory Plug Assembly (Lavatory Doughnut) C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative, or missing, provided: a) Associated Lavatory Waste Tank is drained, b) Pilot in Command determines that flight duration is acceptable with toilet unusable, c) Associated toilet is secured closed and placarded, INOP DO NOT USE, d) Ram Air and Dump Valves are verified operative before the first flight of the day, e) DUMP Valve (VLV) is selected OPEN, f) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, and g) Aircraft is operated at or below 15,000 feet MSL. h) Applicable Oxygen Requirements are established and complied with. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Associated components and water supply are drained, and b) Procedures are established to ensure the system is not serviced or used. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Ensure that Lavatory (LAV) Waste water is drained, 2. Determine if flight duration is acceptable with toilet unusable, 3. Secure lavatory door(s) and placard INOPERATIVE, DO NOT USE, and 4. Reference Table 1, Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight.


Lavatory Wastes System (except Plug Assembly)

1. Ensure associated components and water supply are drained, and 2. Establish procedures to ensure the system is not used.


Page 3 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Table 1 Configure Aircraft for Unpressurized Flight 38 - Water/Waste Chapter 38 Para. Item OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Perform the following steps for unpressurized low-level flight: 1. Prior to the first flight of the day and before engine and APU start, confirm Ram Air and Dump Valves are operative. Ram Air Valve movement can be heard from Rear Equipment Bay when DUMP VALVE OPEN is selected. 2. Configure the aircraft for unpressurized flight:

10-2-1, & Stated in each 10-3-1 listed paragraph

Select DUMP VLV fully OPEN. F/DK VLV positioned as required.

3. Operate at or below 15,000 feet MSL. 4. Comply with FAR 91.211 or FAR 135.89 and FAR 131.157. Passenger Oxygen Masks will deploy automatically when the cabin altitude reaches 12,000 feet MSL +/- 500 feet. The Passenger Supply Valve may be selected closed to prevent passenger oxygen mask deployment, provided the aircraft is operated at or below 10,000 feet MSL or the passenger cabin has no occupants. NOTE Special attention should be given to planning low altitude flights.


Page 4 Feb.2008

Chapter 45---CMC

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 7 - 09/07/2007 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 45 - CENTRAL MAINTENANCE COMPUTER 00-1 Maintenance Diagnostic Computer (MDC) (Pro Line 21 only) D 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

4. Remarks and Exceptions


Page 1 Nov.2007

46---Information Systems

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 46 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10 *** Electronic Flight Bag System (EFB) C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used to ensure all information associated with the flight is available in current and appropriate form. Note If alternate source is electronic, dual redundancy is required for operation. Any function, program or document which operates normally may be used. 1) *** Power Connection (Class 1 & 2) C 0 (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) The associated EFB and hardware is secured by an alternate means or removed from the aircraft, and b) Alternate procedures are established and used. Remove or secure EFB mounting device to assure the device does not interfere with Normal or Emergency crew duties. Operations are to be conducted in accordance with FAA approved EFB Policy and Procedures Manual. Operations are to be conducted in accordance with FAA approved EFB Policy and Procedures Manual. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Operations are to be conducted in accordance with FAA approved EFB Policy and Procedures Manual.

2) ***

Mounting Device (Class 2)


Page 1 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 46 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS 3) *** Data Connectivity (Class 2) C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. (O) May be inoperative provided all affected pertinent flight information is printed and available prior to departure. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Operations are to be conducted in accordance with FAA approved EFB Policy and Procedures Manual. Operations are to be conducted in accordance with FAA approved EFB Policy and Procedures Manual.

4) ***

EFB Printer


Integrated Flight Information System (Pro Line 21 IFIS-5000)


File Server Unit (FSU) (FSU INOP) Message)


Page 2 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 46 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS *** C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One or both may be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used to ensure all information associated with the flight is available at the pilot station in current and appropriate form. Note If alternate source is electronic, dual redundancy is required for operation. 2) Cursor Control Panel (CCP) C 2 0 (O) One or both may be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used to ensure all information associated with the flight is available at the pilot station in current and appropriate form. 1. Traditional paper data will be carried and used for intended flight, or 2. Operations are to be conducted in accordance with FAA approved EFB Policy and Procedures Manual. Weather data for the intended flight path including alternates shall be obtained prior to departure. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Traditional paper data will be carried and used for intended flight, or 2. Operations are to be conducted in accordance with FAA approved EFB Policy and Procedures Manual. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

3) ***

Communications Management Unit (CMU)

(O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used for Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) and Universal Weather Radar (WX) inoperative.


Page 3 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 46 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4) *** Third VHF Comm Radio C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used for ACARS and Universal WX inoperative. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Weather data for the intended flight path including alternates shall be obtained prior to departure.

5) ***

XM Satellite Weather System


Page 4 Feb.2008

49---Airborne Auxiliary Power

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 7 - 09/07/2007 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 49 - AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER 00-1 10-1 Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) APU Air/Load Control Valve C C 1 1 0 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided APU is not used. (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Air valve is secured closed, and b) APU air switch remains OFF. NOTE If APU and APU Generator operate normally, APU may be used to provide electric power. C 10-2 1) APU Instrumentation Revolutions Per Minute (RPM)/ Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) Indicators (T62T-40C8D/ T62T-40C8D1 and 36-150/92/100/ APU Only) C 2 0 May be inoperative provided APU is not used. 1 0 May be inoperative provided APU is not used. 1. Locate APU air valve in Rear Equipment Bay. Check valve mechanical indicator CLOSED. 2. Disconnect electrical connections, bag and stow. 3. In cockpit locate APU Air Valve Switch and insure that it is OFF. 4. Place Inoperative INOP Placard at APU air valve switch. 1. Do not use APU bleed air. 2. If APU and APU generator are operational, they may be used. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Page 1 Nov.2007

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 7 - 09/07/2007 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 49 - AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER 2) 30-2 *** Ampere (Amp) Meter/Load Meter APU Operating Cycle Recorder C C 1 1 0 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions May be inoperative provided APU is not used. (O) May be inoperative provided an alternate procedure for recording APU operating cycles is established and used. Record APU cycles used in APU logbook. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


Page 2 Nov.2007

Chapter 21-10- Through 60--Air Conditioning

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8- 02/18/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 52 - DOORS 11-1 Main Entry Door Unlock Indication System C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided door is both visually and manually verified to be fully closed and locked before each departure. (O) May be inoperative OFF provided door(s) is/are visually and manually verified fully closed and locked before each departure. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Prior to each departure, close and lock door and visually confirm the handle is in the locked position and that each (6) lock is seated. 1. Prior to each departure, Open Left Hand (LH) Pannier Door, Operate latching handle checking for extension and retraction of all three (3) latching pins, and Close and latch door. 2. Repeat above bulleted steps for Right Hand (RH) Pannier Door (if installed). 1. Gain access to Connectors UL and UK through Access Panel F162 behind Baggage Pannier. 2. Remove wires K and V from both connectors, cap, and stow. 3. Check that indication is OFF. 1. Prior to each departure, perform the following: Open LH Pannier Door, Operate latching handle checking for extension and retraction of all three (3) matching pins, and Close and latch door, and 2. Repeat above bulleted steps for RH Pannier Door (if installed).


Rear Baggage C Pannier/External Baggage Compartment (EBC) Door Unlock Indications

(M) (O) May be inoperative ON provided: a) System is deactivated, and b) Door(s) is visually and manually verified fully closed and locked before each departure.

52 - DOORS

Page 1 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8- 02/18/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 52 - DOORS 25-2 Rear Baggage C Pannier/EBC Hatch Unlock Indication 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative OFF provided associated hatch is both visually and manually verified fully closed and locked before each departure. (M) (O) May be inoperative ON provided: a) System is deactivated, and b) Hatch is both visually and manually verified full closed and locked before each departure. (O) May be inoperative provided annunciator is not visibly illuminated and associated door(s) or hatch(es) are visually and manually verified fully closed and locked before each departure. NOTE Optional doors/hatches approved for relief under the above include the following: Remote Refuel Panel Door; Single Point Refuel Door; Ventral Tank Gravity Refuel Door; Rear Equipment Bay Door; and Lavatory Service Panel Door. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Prior to each departure, 1. Open the lower hatch door and visually confirm the upper hatch is installed and locked. 2. Close and latch the lower hatch door. 1. Gain access to Connector UL Prior to each departure, through Access Panel F162 1. Open the lower hatch door behind Baggage Pannier. and visually confirm the upper 2. Remove wires H and T from hatch is installed and locked. connector, cap, and stow. 2. Close and latch the lower 3. Check that indication is OFF. hatch door. Prior to each departure, confirm both visually and manually that affected door(s) are closed and latched.

70-3 ***

Optional Door or Hatch Unlocked Annunciator

52 - DOORS

Page 2 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8- 02/18/2008 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 52 - DOORS 70-4 Right and Left Avionics Access Doors Door Locks D 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions Deleted Revision 5. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

70-5 ***

(O) May be inoperative provided checks are made to ensure the lock does not interfere with normal operation of the latch.

Confirm the inoperative lock does not prevent the affected door or hatch from being properly closed and latched.

70-6 ***

Ramp Guard System

52 - DOORS

Page 3 Feb.2008


Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 56 - WINDOWS 10-1 Windscreen (Panel A) (Series 1 Through 700) C Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) (O) May be delaminated provided: a) Visibility through the affected windscreen(s) is acceptable to the crew, b) Airplane is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions, c) Associated SCREEN HEAT Control (CTL) circuit breaker is pulled and collared, and d) AFM limitations are observed. (M) (O) One A or B windscreen may be delaminated provided: a) Visibility through the affected windscreen is acceptable to the crew, and vision is not impaired on the remaining windscreens, b) Airplane is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions, c) Associated SCREEN HEAT CTL circuit breaker is pulled and collared, and d) AFM limitations are observed. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Locate affected SCREEN HEAT CTL circuit breaker. 2. Pull and collar circuit breaker. 3. Place INOP placard adjacent to affected switch. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm that delamination does not affect visibility. 2. Plan flight to avoid flight in known or forecast icing conditions. 3. Review AFM low altitude airspeed limitations for windscreen heat inoperative.


Windscreens A or B (Series 750, 800, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP)

1. Locate affected SCREEN HEAT CTL circuit breaker. 2. Pull and collar circuit breaker. 3. Place INOP placard adjacent to affected switch.

1. Confirm that delamination does not affect visibility. 2. Plan flight to avoid flight in known or forecast icing conditions. 3. Review AFM low altitude airspeed limitations for windscreen heat inoperative.


Page 1 Feb.2008

73---Engine Fuel & Control

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 7 - 09/07/2007 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 73 - ENGINE FUEL & CONTROL 22-1 Engine Synchronizer System (Series 1 Through 800A With TFE-731 Engines Only) C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) System is selected OFF, b) Automatic Performance Reserve (APR) system is not armed, and c) AFM limitations are observed. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Prior to flight, review Aircraft AFM procedures with APR inoperative. 2. Observe limitations with APR inoperative. 3. Select engine synchronization (synch) OFF and do not use. 4. Install INOP placard adjacent to engine synch switch. Pull and collar affected TOP Temperature (TEMP) CONTROL circuit breaker. 1. Select associated system OFF. 2. Confirm normal operation of associated JPT indication.


Top Temperature Control System (Viper Engine Only)

(M) (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Associated switch remains OFF, b) Associated circuit breakers are pulled and collared, and c) Associated JPT indicator is operative. Deleted, Revision 2.


Engine Electronic Fuel Computer System (Series 1 Through 800 With TFE-731 Engines Only)


Page 1 Nov.2007

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 7 - 09/07/2007 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 73 - ENGINE FUEL & CONTROL 23-1 *** APR Computer System (Series 1 Through 800A With TFE-731 Engines Only) C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) AFM performance limitations are observed, b) APR system is selected OFF, and c) Procedures for monitoring engine limitations are established and used. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Prior to flight, review AFM procedures with APR inoperative. 2. Observe limitations with APR inoperative. 3. Select APR OFF and do not use. 4. Install Inoperative (INOP) placard adjacent to APR switch. Confirm that takeoff power can be set manually.


Automatic Thrust Limiter System (Viper Engines Only) Fuel Flow Indicators

(O) May be inoperative provided Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) and JPT can be controlled manually. (O) One may be inoperative provided: a) Associated RPM and JPT/ITT indicators are operative, b) All fuel quantity indicators are operative, and c) A fuel monitoring procedure is established and used.


1) Confirm associated RPM and ITT indicators operate normally, 2) Confirm all fuel quantity indicators are operative, and 3) During flight, monitor engine gauges to ensure that both engines are operating normally, 4) Fuel consumption will be monitored to ensure that abnormal fuel imbalances do not occur. 5) Fuel flow may be available on the Fuel Management page in the FMS. Page 2 Nov.2007



Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 7 - 09/07/2007 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 74 - IGNITION 10-1 Ignition Systems B 4 3 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) One igniter on one engine may be inoperative provided: a) Aircraft is not operated in visible moisture or from contaminated runways, and b) Aircraft is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Prior to each flight, confirm that only one igniter is inoperative on only one engine. With battery power only on, select Ignition ON, and Then listen to each engine for two distinct snaps. If only one distinct snap is noticed only one igniter is working on that engine. 2. Ensure that the aircraft is not operated in visible moisture or from wet or contaminated runways, and 3. Aircraft is not operated in known or forecast icing conditions. 4. Plan flights to avoid any of the above mentioned conditions.


Page 1 Nov.2007

77---Engine Indicating

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 7 - 09/07/2007 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 77 - ENGINE INDICATING 10-2 1) a) Engine Indications N1 Indicator Digital Readouts Digital Readout(s) (Except Pro Line 21-Equipped Aircraft) N2/RPM Indicators C 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES


(O) One may be inoperative provided N1 and Fuel Flow Indicators for the associated engine are operative.

Prior to each departure, confirm that the N1 and Fuel Flow Indicators for the associated engine are operative.

a) 3)

Digital Readout(s) Interstage Turbine Temperature (ITT) / Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) Indicators Digital Readout(s) (Except Pro Line 21-Equipped Aircraft) Power Loss Indicator Systems (Viper Engine Only) Above 92% Light Systems (Viper Engine Only)



(O) May be inoperative provided all remaining engine indicating systems are operative. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used.

Prior to each departure, confirm all remaining engine indicating systems are operative. Closely monitor engine RPM, especially when setting takeoff and climb power. Page 1 Nov.2007



HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 7 - 09/07/2007 (Continued) 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 77 - ENGINE INDICATING 32-3 Climb Power Annunciators (TFE-731 Engines Except Pro Line 21 Equipped Aircraft) C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Ensure climb power does not exceed AFM Limitations. 2. Non-Flying Pilot will monitor and adjust climb power as needed. 3. Captain will brief procedure to be used before each departure.


Page 2 Nov.2007

78---Engine Exhaust

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 78 - ENGINE EXHAUST 30-1 Thrust Reversing C System (Series 700 and 800, If Installed, and 750, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP) 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm that the associated (M) procedure for disabling thrust reverser(s) in the stowed position is accomplished, and 2. Confirm that no apparent damage to the thrust reverser system exists which would adversely affect operation of the airplane, and 3. Plan flight to ensure that safe landings can be made at the airports to be used with the thrust reverser(s) inoperative (INOP). NOTE Care should be exercised when advancing single reverse thrust to avoid controllability effects.

(M) (O) May be inoperative Refer to Table 1 for maintenance provided: procedure. a) No damage to the thrust reverser system exists which would adversely affect operation of the airplane, and b) A procedure is established and used to ensure that the associated thrust reverser(s) is disabled and pinned in the stowed (forward thrust) position.


Page 1 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 8 - 02/18/2008 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 78 - ENGINE EXHAUST 30-2 Thrust Reverser Indicating Annunciators C 4 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (M) (O) May be inoperative provided procedures are established and used to ensure associated thrust reverser(s) is disabled and pinned in the stowed (forward thrust) position. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Refer to Table 1 for maintenance procedure. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm that the associated (M) procedure for disabling thrust reverser(s) in the stowed position is accomplished, and 2. Plan flight to ensure that safe landings can be made at the airports to be used with the thrust reverser(s) inoperative. NOTE Close attention should be paid to the appropriate brake cooling times as set forth in the Normal Procedures section of the Flight Manual.


Page 2 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Table 1 Thrust Reverser Maintenance Procedure 78 - EXHAUST Thrust Reverser Indicating Annunciators Series 700 and 800, (If Installed) Series 750, 800XP, 850XP and 900XP MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES For NORDAM (Dee Howard) Clamshell Thrust Reversers, perform the following steps: a) Verify that the airplane bus bars are de-energized and that no external electrical power is connected. b) Open and collar the Thrust Reverser (TR) circuit breakers (Refer to Table 2). c) Remove the outboard fairing from each TR. d) Verify that the TRs are stowed and latched. e) On the outboard of each engine install the two latch lock pins through the latch box cover and the latch box. NOTE It may be necessary to remove the lockwire from the bolts in the latch box. f) Attach the two latch lock pins with screws. g) Lockwire the bolts in the latch box and route the wire over the lock pins. h) Inspect visible operating mechanism for evidence of damage. i) Install the outboard fairing to each TR. j) Put a warning placard over the annunciators in the flight compartment reading, THRUST REVERSER INOP.

30-2 1) 2)


Page 3 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Table 1 Thrust Reverser Maintenance Procedure (Continued) 78 - EXHAUST Thrust Reverser Indicating Annunciators MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES For Aeronca Cascade Thrust Reversers perform the following steps: a) Remove the inboard and outboard pneumatic latch access panels. NOTE Before the inboard access panel can be removed, the detachable panels on the engine mounting pylon, adjacent to the pneumatic latch panel, must first be removed. b) At each pneumatic latch-mounted switch assembly, verify that the switch operating plunger is fully up. Insert a stop pin and push the stop pin fully home. NOTE The stop pin is retained by its handling loop abutting the access panel when the panel is closed. c) At sub-panel DA-E open and collar circuit breaker C1 (LH system) and/or D1 (RH system). d) If both systems are to be inhibited, open and collar circuit breakers C4 and D4 (3A) and E1 (5A). e) Inspect visible mechanism for indications of damage. f) Check that blocker doors are correctly stowed and free of damage. g) Put a warning placard over the annunciators in the flight compartment reading, THRUST REVERSER INOP.



Page 4 Feb.2008

HAWKER 125 (SERIES 1 THROUGH 900XP) M&O FOR MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Table 2 Thrust Reverser Circuit Breakers No. 1 Thrust Reverser Ident Panel DA-D LH DEPLOY LH ANNUN LH STOW No. 2 Thrust Reverser Ident Panel DA-D RH DEPLOY RH ANNUN RH STOW


Page 5 Feb.2008

79---Engine Oil

Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 7 - 09/07/2007 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 79 - ENGINE OIL 30-1 Oil Pressure Low Warning Lights/ Annunciators C 2 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Associated Oil Pressure and Oil Temperature Indicators are operative, b) Associated Oil Tank is serviced to recommended capacity before each departure, and c) There is no evidence of above normal oil consumption or leakage. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 1. Confirm associated Oil Pressure and Oil Temperature indicators are operative, 2. Associated oil tank is serviced to recommended capacity before each departure, and 3. There is no evidence of above normal oil consumption or leakage. 4. Monitor the oil pressure gauge during flight to ensure engine limitations are not exceeded.

79 - OIL

Page 1 Nov.2007


Maintenance and Operational Procedures for Federal Aviation Administration Master Minimum Equipment List - Revision No: 7 - 09/07/2007 1. SYSTEM, Sequence Numbers & Item 80 - STARTING 00-1 Starter Power Available Annunciator (TFE-731 Engines Only) Starter Select Light (Viper Engines Only) Starter Operating Annunciators (TFE-731 Engines Only) C 1 0 Repair Category 2. Number Installed 3. Number Required for Dispatch 4. Remarks and Exceptions MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES



(O) May be inoperative provided: a) Procedures are established and used to assure that start power and EXT PWR switches are disengaged when engine reaches self-sustaining speed, and b) Procedures are established and used to assure that associated generator(s) is (are) on line after each start.

1) Start power and EXT PWR switches are disengaged when engine reaches self-sustaining speed, and 2) Generator is verified to be on line. (Reference After Start checklist.)


Page 1 Nov.2007

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