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1ST SEMESTER, S.Y. 2023-2024

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1. Read and follow the instructions carefully

2. Check your Test Questionnaires first before answering.
3. Answer the 100-item examination for 2 hours only.
4. Review your answer and make sure no items are skipped.
5. Use a black ballpoint pen to answer the paper. Answers written in pencil will not be accepted.
6. Erasures, changing of answers, and superimpositions are not allowed.
7. Cheating is strictly prohibited.
I – MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter that best corresponds with correct answer. Write your answer in the space

___ 1. The ability to interpret and create messages in D. Media and Information Literacy
different media forms called ____________. ___ 10. In this age, people had learned or discovered
A. Media Literacy C. Information Literacy fire, developed paper from plants, and forged weapons
B. Technology Literacy D.News Literacy and tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron.
___ 2. The understanding of how technology influences A. Pre-Industrial Age C. Industrial Age
communication and information dissemination called B. Information Age D. Electronic Age
_____________. ___ 11. This is were people discovered the used of
A. Information Literacy C. Library Literacy power steam, developed machine tools, established iron
B. Technology Literacy D. Media Literacy production, and the manufacturing of various products
___ 3. This is the skill emphasizes the importance of (including books through the printing press).
discerning bias, misinformation, and propaganda in A. Information Age C. Electronic Age
information sources. B. Industrial Age D. Pre-Industrial Age
A. Technology Literacy C. Information Literacy ___ 12. In this age, people invented the transistor
B. Cultural Literacy D. Media Literacy ushered in the electronic age. People harnessed the
___ 4. What is the general term for the ability to read, power of transistors that led to the transistor radio,
write, and comprehend information in different formats? electronic circuits, and the early computers.
A. Literary B. Literaly C. Literature D. Literacy A. Industrial Age C. Electronic Age
___ 5. What is the general term for the ability to read, B. Pre-Industrial Age D. Information Age
write, and comprehend information in different formats? ___ 13. This is were the Internet paved the way for
A. Media and Technology Literacy faster communication and the creation of the social
B. Media and Information Literacy network.
C. Technology and Information Literacy A. Pre-Industrial Age C. Electronic Age
D. Technology and Media Literacy B. Industrial Age D. Information Age
___ 6. When engaging with multimedia content, which ___ 14. When did the telegraph and telephone become
literacy skill helps individuals interpret and analyze the prominent means of communication, connecting people
messages conveyed through images, videos, and over long distances?
sound? A. Information Age C. Electronic Age
A. Information Literacy C. Media Literacy B. Industrial Age D. Pre-Industrial Age
B. Technology Literacy D. Neither of the choices ___ 15. When did the telegraph and telephone become
___ 7. In the workplace, which literacy skill is prominent means of communication, connecting people
increasingly important for employees to navigate and over long distances?
utilize digital tools and technologies for productivity? A. Information Age C. Electronic Age
A. Media Literacy C. Library Literacy B. Industrial Age D. Pre-Industrial Age
B. Information Literacy D. Niether of the choices ___ 16.During which age did the internet start to play a
___ 8. When researching a topic online, which literacy significant role in transforming the way information is
skill helps individuals evaluate the relevance and accessed and shared globally?
reliability of the information they find? A. Pre-Industrial Age C. Industrial Age
A. Media Literacy C. Information Literacy B. Electronic Age D. Information Age
B. Technology Literacy D. Neither of the choices ___ 17. Which of these is considered as Traditional
___ 9. In a world dominated by digital communication, Media?
which literacy skill is crucial for understanding and A. Smartwatches B. Computer C. Newspaper D. Bluetooth
critically evaluating various forms of media? ___ 18. Which of these is considered as New Media?
A. Technology and Media Literacy A. Telephone
B. Media and Technology Literacy B. Televison
C. Technology and Information Literacy C. Radio
Prepared by: Mr. Essiah A. Cantoja 1
D. Streaming services B. Broadcast Media D. Social Media
___ 19. You come across an article online that claims a ___ 33. What was the first form of media that allowed
breakthrough in cancer treatment. What should you do information to be transmitted through audio and visual
first? signals?
A. Verify the information from reliable sources before A. Newspapers B. Radio C. Television D. Blogs
sharing. ___ 34. Which media type involves the use of
B. Share it on social media immediately. electromagnetic waves to broadcast information over the
C. Ignore it, as it's probably fake news. airwaves?
D. Neither of the choices A. Digital Media B. Print Media C. Newspaper D. Radio
___ 20. You find a statistic in an article without a clear ___ 35. What media format gained prominence with the
source. What should you do? development of the internet and allowed for the easy
A. Assume it's accurate and use it in your project. sharing of text, images, and videos?
B. Look for another source that confirms the statistic. A. Television B. Print Media C. Social Media D. Radio
C. Disregard the statistic and find different information. ___ 36. What media type encompasses the use of QR
D. Neither of the choices codes, augmented reality, and virtual reality for
___ 21. Your teacher asks you to give a presentation, interactive and immersive experiences?
and you find images on the internet to include. What A. Print Media B. Books C. Broadcast Media D. Digital
must you consider regarding image usage? Media
A. Avoid using images altogether to be safe. ___ 37. Which of these is an example of Broadcast
B. Use any image without attribution since it's for educational media?
purposes. A. Radio B. Newspaper C. Book D. Computer
C. Provide proper attribution and ensure you have the right to ___ 38. Which of these is an example of Print Media
use the images. A. Television B. Book C. Smartphone D. Radio
___ 39. If you are interested in traditional knowledge and
D. Neither of the choices
perspectives of a specific community, which source
___ 22. You come across an article online that claims a
would be most relevant?
new miracle cure for a common illness. What should you
A. Secondary Sources C. Indigenous Media
A. Share it on social media immediately. B. Library D. Internet
___ 40. If you want to explore a variety of academic
B. Believe it and use the cure right away.
journals, books, and research papers, where would you
C. Ignore the article.
typically go?
D. Neither of the choices
A. Indigenous Media C. Internet
___ 23. What does the "C" in CRAAP emphasize in
B. Primary Sources D. Library
terms of timeliness of the info?
___ 41. Which source would be most appropriate for
A. Credibility B. Currency C. Coverage D. Calendar
researching the latest news and current events?
___ 24. What does the "R" in CRAAP mainly address on
A. Secondary Sources C. Library
how the info fits your needs?
B. Internet D. Indigenous Media
A. Relive B. Reliability C. Relevance D. Realism
___ 42. If you are looking for cultural expressions,
___ 25. What does the "A" in CRAAP primarily focus on
stories, and perspectives from a specific community,
the sources of the info?
which source would be most relevant?
A. Applicability C. Argumentation
A. Primary Sources C. Indigenous Media
B. Authorship D. Authority
B. Internet D. Secondary Sources
___ 26. Which CRAAP criterion explores whether the
___ 43. Where can you find articles, blogs, and videos
information is biased or presents a particular agenda?
created by individuals with expertise in a particular
A. Adaptation C. Accuracy
B. Agreement D. Assessing
A. Library C. Primary Sources
___ 27. What is the main focus of the "P" criterion in
B. Indigenous Media D. Internet
___ 44. A biography written about a historical figure using
A. Peer review C. Personal experience
letters and personal diaries as references is an example of:
B. Point of view D. Purpose
A. Indigenous Media C. Primary Sources
___ 28. A type of media sources that provides firsthand,
B. Secondary Sources D. Tertiary Sources
original, or uninterpreted information from the time
___ 45. An analysis and critique of a literary work written
period it was created?
by a literature scholar is considered:
A. Primary Sources C. Tertiary Sources
A. Indigenous Media C. Primary Sources
B. Secondary Sources D. None of the choices
B. Tertiary Sources D. Secondary Sources
___ 29. A type of media sources that analyze, interpret,
___ 46. What refers to the established norms and
or summarize primary sources?
practices within a particular media form that audiences
A. Primary Sources C. Tertiary Sources
understand and expect?
B. Secondary Sources D. None of the choices
A. Media Conventions C. Media Messages
___ 30. Which form of media was dominant before the
B. Media Codes D. Media Discourse
advent of the internet and digital technology?
___ 47. Which term is used to describe the symbolic
A. Broadcast Media C. Print Media
elements, such as camera angles and lighting, employed
B. Digital Media D. Social Media by media producers to convey meaning in a message?
___ 31. What media category encompasses platforms A. Media Messages C. Media Conventions
like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram?
B. Media Codes D. Media Discourse
A. Broadcast Media C. Print Media
___ 48. In media language, what term is used to
B. Traditional Media D. Digital Media represent the content or ideas conveyed through various
___ 32. What type of media includes radio and television media forms?
as its primary channels of communication? A. Media Codes C. Media Messages
A. Digital Media C. Print Media
Prepared by: Mr. Essiah A. Cantoja 2
B. Media Discourse D. Media Semiotics ___ 63. Which of the following involves the use of
electronic communication to harass, intimidate, or
___ 49. In a film, the use of camera angles, lighting, and threaten an individual or group?
sound falls under which category of media codes? A. Trolling B. Cyberbullying C. Spamming D. Hacking
A. Cinematic codes C. Written codes ___ 64. Which aspect can media influence instructional
B. Symbolic codes D. Technical codes opportunities and accessibility?
___ 50. When analyzing a newspaper article, which type A. Educational B. Economic C. Social D. Political
of media code includes the font style, layout, and ___ 65. What is a potential challenge associated with
typography? media's influence on financial matters?
A. Technical codes C. Symbolic codes A. Social B. Economic C. Political D. Educational
B. Written codes D. Editorial codes ___ 66. Which dimension of society is particularly
___ 51. In a music video, the use of colors, costumes, susceptible to media manipulation and misinformation?
and props represents which category of media codes? A. Economic B. Educational C. Social D. Political
A. Technical codes C. Symbolic codes ___ 67. What potential risk is associated with the
B. Visual codes D. Aesthetic codes media's role in shaping diplomatic narratives?
___ 52. In a mystery novel, the use of red herrings and A. Economic B. Educational C. Social D. Political
unexpected plot twists would be examples of: ___ 68. What potential issues might arise when
A. Form conventions C. Literary conventions individuals intentionally spread false information through
B. Genre conventions D. Story conventions media platforms?
___ 53. A science fiction movie often includes futuristic A. Misuse B. Risks C. Abuse D. Benefit
technology, extraterrestrial beings, and space ___ 69. When information is manipulated for deceptive
exploration. Which convention is being highlighted here? purposes, what term best describes this intentional
A. Form conventions ` C. Genre conventions distortion?
B. Story conventions D. Visual conventions A. Risks B. Honesty C. Misuse D. Threats
___ 54. A sitcom employing a laugh track and recurring ___ 70. In the context of media and information, what
catchphrases aligns with: term refers to the improper or excessive use of
A. Humor conventions C. Story conventions information for a harmful purpose?
B. Genre conventions D. Form conventions A. Threats B. Misuse C. Integrity D. Abuse
___ 55. A student uses images from the internet in their ___ 71. When media platforms are used as tools for
school project without giving proper credit. What ethical cyber attacks or the dissemination of malware, what
issue does this situation primarily involve? challenge does this pose to digital security?
A. Plagiarism B. Copyright C. Digital Citizenship D. Fair A. Misuse B. Transparency C. Threats D. Rsiks
Use ___ 72. What is a key characteristic of media and
___ 56. What legal concept protects original works of information that enables shaping public opinion and
authorship, such as books, music, and movies, giving influencing decision-making?
creators exclusive rights to their creations? A. Limitation B. Opportunites C. Challenges D.
A. Digital Citizenship B. Copyright C. Patent D. Power
Trademark ___ 73. What term refers to the phenomenon where
___ 57. A company develops a new software application individuals adopt certain behaviors or trends because
and wants to protect its unique features and many others are doing the same?
functionality. What legal protection should the company A. Bandwagon Effect C. Bandwagoon Effect
seek? B. Bandwaggon Effect D. Badwagon Effect
A. Copyright B. Plagiarism C. Patent D. ___ 74. Which trend involves the widespread availability
Trademark and accessibility of learning materials through online
___ 58. Which term refers to the exclusive right granted platforms?
to the creator of a unique and original logo, symbol, or A. Wearable Technology C. Ubiquotous Learning
name for a product or service? B. Massive Open Online Content D. 3D Environment
A. Digital Citizenship B. Copyright C. Patent D. ___ 75. What technology allows users to wear devices
Trademark that integrate with their daily activities, enhancing the
___ 59. A teacher educates students about responsible way they consume media and information?
and ethical use of technology, including respecting A. 3D Environment C. Wearable Technology
others' online privacy. What concept does this fall B. Ubiquotous Learning D. Massive Open Online Content
under? ___ 76. In which trend do users engage with information
A. Plagiarism B. Digital Citizenship C. Copyright D. Fair Use and content within a simulated three-dimensional space?
___ 60. A news organization uses a brief excerpt from a A. Ubiquotous Learning C. Massive Open Online Content
copyrighted article to provide commentary or criticism. B. Wearable Technology D. 3D Environment
Which principle allows for this without infringing on ___ 77. What term describes the concept of learning
copyright? happening everywhere and at all times due to the
A. Digital Citizenship B. Copyright C. Fair Use D. Plagiarism seamless integration of educational content into daily
___ 61. What is the unauthorized access and life?
manipulation of computer systems for malicious A. Massive Open Online Content C. Wearable Technology
purposes known as? B. Ubiquotous Learning D. 3D Environment
A. Encryption B. Firewall C. Spamming D. Hacking ___ 78. What technology is likely to play a significant
___ 62. Which term refers to the fraudulent attempt to role in the future of news delivery?
obtain sensitive information by disguising as a A. DVDs B. Fax Machines C. Virtual Reality (VR) D. Pager
trustworthy entity in electronic communication? ___ 79. Which platform is most commonly associated
A. Spoofing B. Malware C. Phishing D. Denial of with short-form video content and trends?
Service A. Myspace B. LinkedIn C. Facebook D. TikTok
___ 80. In the realm of information sharing, what does
the term "deepfake" refer to?
Prepared by: Mr. Essiah A. Cantoja 3
A. Traditional News Reporting C. Manipulated Videos ___ 82. How can being a media and information literate
B. Authentic Photos D. Verified Facts individual contribute to a person's life?
___ 81. Which social media feature has gained A. Improved quality of life B. Increased stress levels
popularity for its disappearing content? C. More confusion D. Decreased well-being
A. Status Updates B. Tweets C. Blogs D. Stories
___ 83. What is a potential outcome of media and ___ 87. You come across a news article claiming a
information literacy in the realm of politics? breakthrough in medical science. What should you do
A. Lower voter turnout first?
B. Greater political participation A. Share it immediately on social media
C. Increased political apathy B. Ignore it and move on
D. Limited civic engagement C. Verify the information with reliable sources
___ 84. How does media and information literacy impact D. Like the article to show support
economic opportunities? ___ 88. You come across a meme that seems to mock a
A. Limited job prospects public figure. How should you respond?
B. Reduced income potential A. Ignore the meme
C. Better economic opportunities B. Report the meme as offensive
D. Stagnant career growth C. Share the meme for a good laugh
___ 85. In what way can media and information literacy D. Analyze the context and potential bias
contribute to the learning environment? ___ 89. A website asks for personal information claiming
A. Decreased educational outcomes you've won a prize. How do you respond?
B. More challenging assignments A. Provide the information to claim the prize
C. Reduced student engagement B. Share the news on social media
D. Improved learning environment C. Report the website as a scam
___ 86. What is a potential result of a society with a high D. Provide someone’s infomation to test it
level of media and information literacy? ___ 90. You encounter a social media post containing an
A. Increased social conflicts image with potentially misleading information. What do
B. More cohesive social units you do?
C. More isolated individuals A. Ignore the image
D. Weaker social bonds B. Share the image to warn others
C. Like the post to acknowledge the effort
D. Fact-check the information before sharing

II - EXPLANATION WRITING. Answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences. Write your answer in the space provided.

Items 91-100. Using a graphic organizer, explain the differences between People as Media and People in Media.

Score Description
Excellent The answer showed excellent application of the theories and strategies discussed in the
(10-8 points) lesson, it is well-organized, and far from issues of plagiarism.
Fair The answer showed an application of the theories and strategies discussed in the lesson, it is
(7-4 points) quite organized and original but demonstrates minimal errors in grammar.
Needs Improvement The answer showed poor explanation, incoherent writing, and many grammatical errors.
(3-1 points)

--- End of the Examination ---

Prepared by: Mr. Essiah A. Cantoja 4

"We don’t have a choice on whether we DO social media, the question is how well we DO it."
Erik Qualman


Prepared by: Mr. Essiah A. Cantoja 5

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