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International Journal of

Environmental Research
and Public Health

Nonylphenol Toxicity Evaluation and Discovery of
Biomarkers in Rat Urine by a Metabolomics Strategy
through HPLC-QTOF-MS
Yan-Xin Zhang 1 , Xin Yang 1, *, Pan Zou 1 , Peng-Fei Du 2,3 , Jing Wang 2,3, *, Fen Jin 2,3 ,
Mao-Jun Jin 2,3 and Yong-Xin She 2,3
1 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China; (Y.-X.Z.); (P.Z.)
2 Key Laboratory of Agro-Product Quality and Safety, Institute of Quality Standard & Testing Technology
for Agro-Product, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China; (P.-F.D.); (F.J.); (M.-J.J.); (Y.-X.S.)
3 Key Laboratory of Agro-Product Safety and Quality, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081, China
* Correspondence: (X.Y.); (J.W.); Tel./Fax: +86-451-8628-2910 (X.Y.);
+86-10-8210-6568 (J.W.)

Academic Editor: Huang-Tsung Chang

Received: 22 March 2016; Accepted: 10 May 2016; Published: 14 May 2016

Abstract: Nonylphenol (NP) was quantified using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
(LC-MS/MS) in the urine and plasma of rats treated with 0, 50, and 250 mg/kg/day of NP for
four consecutive days. A urinary metabolomic strategy was originally implemented by high
performance liquid chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-QTOF-MS) to explore
the toxicological effects of NP and determine the overall alterations in the metabolite profiles so as to
find potential biomarkers. It is essential to point out that from the observation, the metabolic data were
clearly clustered and separated for the three groups. To further identify differentiated metabolites,
multivariate analysis, including principal component analysis (PCA), orthogonal partial least-squares
discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA), high-resolution MS/MS analysis, as well as searches of Metlin
and Massbank databases, were conducted on a series of metabolites between the control and dose
groups. Finally, five metabolites, including glycine, glycerophosphocholine, 5-hydroxytryptamine,
malonaldehyde (showing an upward trend), and tryptophan (showing a downward trend), were
identified as the potential urinary biomarkers of NP-induced toxicity. In order to validate the
reliability of these potential biomarkers, an independent validation was performed by using the
multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)-based targeted approach. The oxidative stress reflected by
urinary 8-oxo-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) levels was elevated in individuals highly exposed to NP,
supporting the hypothesis that mitochondrial dysfunction was a result of xenoestrogen accumulation.
This study reveals a promising approach to find biomarkers to assist researchers in monitoring NP.

Keywords: nonylphenol; metabolomics; exposure; HPLC-QTOF-MS; biomarker

1. Introduction
Nonylphenol (NP) is an artificial environmental pollutant produced from alkylphenols and
a scientifically well-known xenoestrogen and endocrine disruptor [1]. NP is ubiquitous in the
environment, such as in the wastewater, drinking water, rivers, and animals. As important sources
of NP, alkylphenol polyethoxylates (APEOs) are used all over the world and in only a few Asian
countries [2–4]. According to a study in Taiwan, NP in the milk of women who often have fish oil is
abundant, reaching a concentration of 4.47 µg/kg [5,6]. In a recent study of 62 drinking water samples

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in 31 major Chinese cities, NP was found in 55 samples with the median and highest concentrations
of 27 and 558 ng/L, respectively. In all 62 water source samples there were median and maximum
concentrations of 123 and 918 ng/L, respectively [7]. NP easily accumulates in animal and human
bodies due to its hydrophobicity, demonstrating its great toxicity. Therefore, it is important to improve
the accuracy of the evaluation of NP exposure and to monitor the health risk related to NP.
Conventional toxicological studies showed that NP is a xenoestrogenic compound bound to
estrogen receptors and competes for natural hormones [8]. NP at a certain concentration in the
environment is highly toxic to many organisms. It affects the reproduction, endocrine, immune, and
nervous system functions, as well as promoting tumor growth [9–11]. Sakazaki et al. [12] conducted a
gene-based research to prove that NP could act on (ER)-α (ER: estrogen receptor) in the lymphocytes
of mice. The reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) results indicated that the
expression of ER-α in the spleen cells of male and female mice obviously decreased, influencing
the specific immune response of the organisms. Laurenzana [13] analyzed the effects of NP on the
testosterone metabolism in the livers of male mice and on the expression of CYP450 using proteomics.
The testosterone hydroxylase and 5α-reductase activities as well as the CYP3A and CYP2C protein
levels are higher in male mice than in female mice. Genomics and proteomics are effective measures
for studying the toxicity and mechanisms of toxicants [14]. However, some substances do not influence
gene expression and protein synthesis. Genomics and proteomics are therefore not adequate for
accurate toxicity evaluation of toxicants [15]. When toxicants interact with cells or organisms, the
concentrations of the endogenous substances in the organisms during the key metabolic process will
change. By applying this principle, researchers could measure metabolite changes to obtain global
information about the binding sites, strengths, and action mechanisms of chemical toxicants [16].
Metabolomics applied to systems biology becomes popular and powerful in quantitatively
measuring global changes in the individual metabolic profiles in response to biofluid analyses [17].
Recently, metabolomic approaches were used to analyze biofluid metabolic profiles and extensively
employed to unravel the action mechanisms of toxicants in combination with multivariate data
analysis [18,19]. However, there are few studies on the evaluation of NP toxicity using metabolomics.
Sang Hee adopted GC-MS to measure the toxicological effects of NP based on rat urine [20]. Among
the numerous analytical methods, liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS),
gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR) have become major tools in metabonomics, with the advantages of high throughput and
high resolution [21]. In contrast to GC-MS and NMR techniques, LC-MS was established as a more
suitable choice for biomonitoring NP since it is superior in sensitivity, selectivity, and precision, even
in low-concentration samples without derivatization.
Based on these studies, an advanced strategy high performance liquid chromatography time of
flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-QTOF-MS) was carried out to determine NP in the urine and plasma
samples of ten rats in the control group, ten rats with low-dose exposure to NP, and ten rats with
high-dose exposure to NP. HPLC-QTOF-MS was utilized in both positive and negative ion modes
to detect endogenous metabolites in the urinary samples of rats exposed to NP. To investigate the
global changes in the metabolic profiles after the rats were exposed to NP, a metabolomic approach
was applied with multivariate data analysis (MVDA). The changes in the metabolite profiles with
varying treatment amounts and time were analyzed, and a proper dose was chosen to further
evaluate the toxic effect by principal component analysis (PCA). Orthogonal partial least-squares
discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) was then performed by SIMCA software (version 14.0, Umetrics,
Umeå, Sweden) to identify discriminant variables. To find out all significant metabolites and define
their correlations, the discriminating metabolites were selected with little loss. After the fragmental
or isotope ions were selected from all discriminating metabolites, the database systems consisting of
Metilin and Massbank were applied to metabolic correlation analysis. These database systems can
identify the components of the discriminating metabolites that were used as potential biomarkers.
Therefore, non-targeted and targeted metabolomic approaches may be employed as a tool for toxicology
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evaluation and biomarker identification. After glycine, glycerophosphocholine, 5-hydroxytryptamine,

malonaldehyde, and tryptophan were found as biomarkers, the oxidative stress (determined by the
8-oxo-deoxyguanosine levels in urine) showed elevation in individuals highly exposed to NP, achieving
the biomarker accuracy.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Animal Treatment

Female Sprague–Dawley rats (190–220 g) were supplied by the Laboratory Animal Center of
the Academy of Military Medical Sciences. They were fed with food and water available ad libitum
in a temperature-controlled environment with a 12 h:12 h dark/light cycle applied. The female rats
were randomly divided into three groups: control group (n = 10, labeled C1–C10), low-NP group
(n = 10, labeled L1–L10), and high-NP group (n = 10, labeled H1–H10). NP was purchased from Tokyo
Chemical Industry (purity 99%, Tokyo, Japan) and used as the standard. 4-NP was dissolved in corn oil
and then separately given to the rats in a low dose (50 mg/kg/day) and a high dose (250 mg/kg/day)
by gavage for 4 consecutive days, and corn oil of an equal volume without NP was gavaged into rats
in the control group. The urine samples of the rats were collected with the metabolic cages during
the following periods: 0 h (prior to gavage), first period (0–24 h), second period (24–48 h), third
period (48–72 h), and fourth period (72–96 h). This research was conducted in accordance with the
Declaration of Helsinki (2013), and all experimental protocols were approved by the Guidelines for
Animal Experiments of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (No. 20110320).

2.2. Monitoring the NP Exposure Levels

2.2.1. Sample Preparation

Extraction of NP from serum samples: 0.1 mL of 0.01 mol/L acetic acid-ammonium acetate buffer
solution (pH 4.5) and 4.0 mL of n-hexane/ether (70:30 v/v) was added into a 0.50 mL serum sample.
They were immediately stirred for 30 s and centrifuged at a speed of 4000 r/min for 5 min. Then,
the liquid was divided into the upper organic layer (n-hexane/ether) and lower inorganic layers
(acetic acid-ammonium acetate). The organic layer was collected into a bottle for evaporation in a
water bath at 37 ˘ 1 ˝ C. After the organic solvent was evaporated, 0.5 mL of acetonitrile was added to
redissolve the non-volatilized components in the wall of the bottle. Then, the solution was determined
by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).
Extraction of NP from urine samples: 2 mL of 1 mol/L ammonium acetate solution (pH 5.0) and
10 µL of β-glucuronidase (20,000 U/mL) were added into 4 mL of urine samples [22], and the mixture
was incubated at 37 ˝ C overnight [23]. A Sep-Pak® C18 solid-phase extraction (SPE) column was
employed to clean each sample as follows: The column was preconditioned with 6 mL methanol–water
(1:1). Then, 3 mL of the pretreated sample was loaded onto the SPE column. The column was air-dried
and eluted with 3 mL methanol-water (3:7). Subsequently, the eluate was evaporated to dryness and
redissolved in 200 µL methanol. This solution was filtered through a 0.22 mm membrane into an
autosampler vial for HPLC-MS/MS detection.

2.2.2. NP Analysis by HPLC-MS/MS

An Agilent 1200 series HPLC system (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA) was used with a
tandem mass spectrometer in ESI mode (API 5000, SCIEX, Middlesex, MA, USA) to analyze NP.
Chromatographic separation was implemented with a Phenomenex C18 column (100 ˆ 2 mm, 3 mm,
Phenomenex, Torrance, CA, USA) and under 10 mmol/L ammonium acetate/methanol (1:9, v/v;
mobile phase) isocratic conditions at a rate 0.2 mL/min.
NP analysis was performed using the following mass spectrometry parameters: precursor ions,
219.3; product ions, 133.2 and 147.3; curtain gas, 20 psi; voltage, ´4500 V; ion source gas 1 and gas 2,
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 501 4 of 17

both 40 psi; declustering potential, ´30; collision energies, ´40 and ´38; entrance potential, ´10;
source temperature, 500 ˝ C.

2.3. Metabolomics Analysis in Urine with HPLC-QTOF-MS

2.3.1. Sample Preparation

Urine samples were stored at ´80 ˝ C before being analyzed by LC-MS/MS and HPLC-QTOF-MS.
Prior to the analyses, the urine samples thawed at room temperature, and then were diluted
with water until 1:3, centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 10 min, and filtered through a 0.22 µm
membrane. For the HPLC-MS/MS validation test, the urine samples containing the internal standards
(chlorophenylalanine, 5 g/mL) were prepared. Finally, the 150 samples were bottled for measurement,
and each sample was replicated 3 times.
The quality control (QC) samples were prepared by drawing 10 µL urine samples from the
abovementioned 150 sample and mixing them up. To clearly assess chromatographic reproducibility,
the first 5 consecutive QC samples in each batch were analyzed, and then 15 QC samples were
repetitively analyzed by the analytical run following every ten urine samples.

2.3.2. HPLC-QTOF-MS Data Acquisition

A 1200 series HPLC (Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA) was used in combination
with a QSTARTM Elite QTOF-MS (AB SCIEX, Middlesex, MA, USA) for urine metabolic profile
measurements. The urine analysis method that was established in our previous study was applied
with other parameters detailed in the Supporting Information. Data acquisition was performed with
Analyst QS 2.0 (AB SCIEX, Middlesex, MA, USA), and qualitative analysis was performed using
PeakView 2.0 (AB SCIEX, Middlesex, MA, USA) equipped with Formula Finder, which was directly
linked to the ChemSpider database (Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK).

2.4. Processing and Statistical Analysis of MS Spectra Data

2.4.1. Data Extraction and Normalization

MarkerView (version; AB SCIEX, Middlesex, MA, USA) was used for processing
HPLC-QTOF-MS data, which involved data extraction, alignment, filtering, and normalization. Data
extraction was performed using an automatic algorithm for finding the retention time (RT) peak; the
RT range 0.5–60 min and m/z range 50–1200 were employed for metabolomic analysis. Then, the RT
and m/z peaks were aligned with the tolerances of 0.2 min and 0.05 Da, respectively. Data matrices
comprising molecular features depicted for each sample by (1) RT, (2) m/z value, (3) intensity, and
(4) charge state (monoisotopic or isotopic), were automatically obtained by MarkerView, and the total
area was normalized for each sample.

2.4.2. Multivariate Data Analysis

The mass spectral data in MarkerView were imported into the SIMCA software for multivariate
statistical analysis. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed in parallel with orthogonal
partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) in Pareto mode. To investigate NP exposure,
preliminary PCA was carried out for all three groups. OPLS-DA, a supervised pattern recognition
approach, was applied for differentiation between the three groups. Ion-induced differences between
the groups can be identified by S-plot in the OPLS-DA model. The model quality was given by
two parameters, R2Y (goodness-of-fit), and Q2 (predictive ability). A permutation test (200 iterations)
was conducted to validate each OPLS-DA model. The mass spectra with variable importance in
projection (VIP) above 1 were selected in this study, and a non-parametric t test based on MarkerView
with the critical p-value of 0.05 was used to further determine whether a significant difference existed
between at least two groups for each metabolite obtained from the OPLS-DA models.
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2.5. Identification of Metabolites

The following procedure was used in this study for metabolite identification: (1) the exact mass
of the potential difference ion was used for predicting possible compositions; (2) the high-resolution
mass spectra of precursor and product ions were used for determining the structure by comparison
with the databases Metlin [24], Massbank [25], and HMDB [26]. Subsequently, commercially available
standards were adopted to confirm the structure of some metabolites.

2.6. HPLC-MS/MS-Based Validation Test

The gradient conditions were obtained as follows: Solvents A and B were water with 0.1% formic
acid and acetonitrile, respectively. The following multi–step elution gradient was used: 0–2 min, 95%
solvent A; 2–15 min, 95%–30% solvent A, which was kept for 2 min; 18–23 min, 30%–5% solvent A,
which was kept for 1 min and then changed back to the initial mobile phase rate and kept for 10 min.
The flow rate of the mobile phases was 0.3 mL/min. The sample injection volume was 5 µL for all
experiments. All of the potential biomarker candidates were detected by HPLC-MS/MS MRM mode.
Levofloxacin and rhein as non-endogenous metabolites were selected as internal standards in positive
ion mode and negative ion mode, respectively. The declustering potential (DP), collision energy (CE),
and ion pairs were pre-optimized for each potential biomarker to give the best signal. The details were
shown in Supplementary Table S1.

2.7. Quantitation of the Oxidative Stress Biomarker 8-oxo-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) in Urine

After being removed from the refrigerator (´80 ˝ C), urine samples were thawed at room
temperature and precipitated into protein on the tube by centrifugation at 12,000 r/min for 5 min.
The levels of urinary-8-oxodG (U-8-oxodG) in the supernatant of urine were detected by the
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit obtained from Japan Institute for the Control of
Aging (JaICA, Shizuoka, Japan). A standard curve was established for each ELISA plate within
the concentration range of 0.5–200 ng/mL, and two parallel samples were prepared for each urine
sample. The creatinine level in the urine sample was measured with the Jaffe method to calibrate the
U-8-oxodG concentration.

3. Results

3.1. Determination of the Level of Exposure to Pesticides

The concentration of NP in plasma is usually recognized as an excellent indicator of NP
exposure since it integrates all routes, pathways, and sources of exposure into biologically relevant
measurements [27]. NP was measured according to the method described in Section 2.2.2, with the
limit of detection (LOD) of 0.6 µg/L and relative standard deviation (RSD) of 2.6.
After NP was fed to rats by gavage, the distribution and clearance of NP in serum (A) and
urine (B) changed with time (Figure 1). As shown in Figure 1A, NP was quickly absorbed after the rats
were exposed to NP with different doses, and obvious absorption peaks (about 8 h later) appeared
in the serum and then the concentrations gradually decreased. When the rats in the control group
were exposed to the NP-free condition, no NP was detected in the serum. NP was maintained at a
certain concentration in blood for a period, and then allowed to migrate to and accumulate in tissues,
requiring subsequent experiments focusing on the study of NP-triggered variations of endogenous
metabolites in the organisms. After the rats were exposed to NP at different doses, the excessive NP
that failed to be absorbed was excreted in 48 h, as shown in Figure 1B. NP was almost not found in the
urine samples of the control and low-dose group (50 mg/kg/day), whereas NP was detected in the
urinary samples of the high-dose group (250 mg/kg/day), indicating that NP in the low-dose group
was completely absorbed and that in the high-dose group was partially excreted, which was a result of
metabolic saturation. The evaluation of the NP influence on organisms would be conducted in later
experiments based on the 50 mg/kg/day dose group.
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Figure Distribution of
1. Distribution of NP
NP in
in serum
serum (A)
(A) and
belowthe limit
the of of
determination considered
determination considered 0.0.

3.2. Acquisition of
of Mass
Mass Spectrum
Spectrum Data
AA successful
successful metabolomic
metabolomic study
study involves
involves aa high
producesa biochemical
a biochemical
snapshot, with the endogenous small molecules or metabolites of an organism its
snapshot, with the endogenous small molecules or metabolites of an organism reflecting temporalits
state [28]. In order to obtain reliable data, operation errors in sample preparation and
temporal state [28]. In order to obtain reliable data, operation errors in sample preparation and instrumental
errors must be
instrumental minimized.
errors must be In this study,Insamples
minimized. fromsamples
this study, different groups
from were groups
different arranged in random
were arranged
order in each analysis batch. In addition, a QC sample was inserted between
in random order in each analysis batch. In addition, a QC sample was inserted between each each of the 10 urine
of the
10 urine to monitorto
samples themonitor
the stability [29]. Principal
instrument stability component analysis
[29]. Principal (PCA) showed
component analysisthat(PCA)
deviation variation of the QC samples were in the range of 2SD and all of the 20 QC samples were in
showed that the deviation variation of the QC samples were in the range of 2SD and all of the 20
the range of 95% confidence interval, indicating the data obtained from HPLC-QTOF-MS were valid
QC samples were in the range of 95% confidence interval, indicating the data obtained from
(Figure 2). QC1 was out of the range of 2SD (Figure 2C), which may be caused by initial instability of
HPLC-QTOF-MS were valid (Figure 2). QC1 was out of the range of 2SD (Figure 2C), which may be
the instrument. The above data quality evaluation showed that the significant differences obtained
caused by initial instability of the instrument. The above data quality evaluation showed that the
by PCA between different groups were a result of metabolite changes, but not experimental errors.
significant differences obtained by PCA between different groups were a result of metabolite
The total ion chromatogram (TIC) of the urine samples analyzed with the optimized chromatography
changes, but not experimental errors. The total ion chromatogram (TIC) of the urine samples
and mass spectrometry conditions was shown in Figure 3, which illustrated that chromatographic
analyzed with the optimized chromatography and mass spectrometry conditions was shown in
peaks were evenly distributed in the entire elution process. Analyst QS 2.0 showed that 1203 ions in
Figure 3, which illustrated that chromatographic peaks were evenly distributed in the entire elution
positive ion mode and 486 ions in negative ion mode were detected.
process. Analyst QS 2.0 showed that 1203 ions in positive ion mode and 486 ions in negative ion
mode were detected.

Figure 2. PCA of QC samples. Line plot (X-axis: run order; Y-axis: standard deviation) in positive ion
mode (A);
Figure scoreofplot
2. PCA QC(cycle represents
samples. 95%(X-axis:
Line plot confidence
run interval) in positive
order; Y-axis: ion mode
standard (B); line
deviation) in plot in
ion modeion mode
(A); score(C); and(cycle
plot score represents
plot in negative
95% ion mode (D).
confidence interval) in positive ion mode (B); line
plot in negative ion mode (C); and score plot in negative ion mode (D).
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Figure 3. Typical chromatograms—total ion chromatogram (TIC) of a rat’s urine sample by

Figure 3. Typical chromatograms—total
in positive ion mode (A) and chromatogram
negative ion mode (B). (TIC) of a rat’s urine sample by
LC-QTOF-MS, in positive ion mode (A) and negative ion mode (B).
3.3. Dose Selection
3.3. Dose Selection
MarkerViewTM 1.2.1 (AB SCIEX, Middlesex, MA, USA) was used to pretreat the collected mass
spectrometric data, which were converted into an excel matrix with the mass-to-charge ratio being
MarkerView TM 1.2.1 (AB SCIEX, Middlesex, MA, USA) was used to pretreat the collected mass
the variable after retention time calibration, peak extraction, peak alignment, and peak normalization.
spectrometric data, which were converted into an excel matrix with the mass-to-charge ratio being
Then, the data were imported into the SMICA software. In our study, we always used PCA methods but
the variable
becauseafter retention
of the grouping time
and the calibration,
characteristics peak
of PCA, extraction,
no obvious result waspeak alignment,
obtained. So, OPLS-DA and peak
normalization. Then, the
was subsequently data were
performed imported
as a statistical intotothe
model find SMICA software. In our study, we always
latent variables.
used PCA methods R2X (0.296),
withbecause R2Ygrouping
of the (0.795), and Q2 (0.832)
and was obtained in
the characteristics ofthe scoreno
PCA, plot (Figure 4).
obvious result was
As shown in Figure 4, the data points of the 0-unit class were not separated from each other. However,
obtained. So, OPLS-DA was subsequently performed as a statistical model to find latent variables.
we could clearly discriminate the data points of the 50- and 250-unit classes, which started at the same
OPLS-DA with R2X (0.296), R2Y (0.795), and Q2 (0.832) was obtained in the score plot (Figure 4).
point on day 0. After they were exposed to NP from the first day, the data points of these groups
As shown wereingradually
Figure scattered
4, the data points ofin the
and distributed 0-unit
different classwhich
regions, were not separated
showed from
serial patterns witheach
the other.
However, we could
following clearlytime
treatment discriminate
from day 1 the data
to day 4. points of theresults
Our analysis 50- and 250-unit
of the patternsclasses,
that started
the metabolic profiling in rat urine could facilitate the study of the NP’s toxicological
at the same point on day 0. After they were exposed to NP from the first day, the data points of these effects. After
metabolic patterns were visually inspected with the values of R2Y and Q2 considered, we found
groups were gradually scattered and distributed in different regions, which showed serial patterns
that distinct clusters were categorized into the normal control, 50 units, and 250 units (Figure 4).
with theThe
following treatment time from day 1 to day 4. Our analysis results of the patterns indicated
pattern of the 50-unit class was more greatly differentiated from the normal control (0 unit) than
that the the
metabolic profiling
experimental in rat
group (250 urine
units) could
(Figure 5). Thefacilitate the study
50-unit values (R2Y =of theQ2
0.836, NP’s toxicological
= 0.878) had higher effects.
After metabolic patterns
coefficients than thewere visually
250-unit valuesinspected withQ2the
(R2Y = 0.641, valuesTherefore,
= 0.659). of R2Y and we Q2 considered,
speculated that thewe found
pattern of the 50-unit NP treatment offered the most distinguishable pattern for
that distinct clusters were categorized into the normal control, 50 units, and 250 units (Figure 4). the evaluation of the
NP effect on endocrine metabolism.
The pattern of the 50-unit class was more greatly differentiated from the normal control (0 unit) than
the experimental group (250 units) (Figure 5). The 50-unit values (R2Y = 0.836, Q2 = 0.878) had
higher coefficients than the 250-unit values (R2Y = 0.641, Q2 = 0.659). Therefore, we speculated that
the pattern of the 50-unit NP treatment offered the most distinguishable pattern for the evaluation of
the NP effect on endocrine metabolism.
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Figure 4. Score plot of OPLS-DA obtained based on the urine samples from the 0-unit group (green
4. Score
Figure the
4. period
Score of
plot ofbefore
OPLS-DA exposure,
obtained blueon
based oncircle represents
the urine samples
samples 0–24
from the h,
from orange
0-unit group circle
0-unit (green represents
group (green
h, red circle
circle represents
the period
represents 48–72
the period h, and brown
before exposure, blue circlerepresents
blue circle represents
represents0–24 72–96
h, h);circle
h, orange
orange 50-unit
circle group (purple
24–48 h,24–48
box represents h,
redthe red
circle circle represents
period 48–72
before48–72 h, h,and
exposure, andblue
brown boxcircle
circle represents
represents 72–96 h); 50-unit
0–24h, group
h); 50-unit
red box (purple (purple
represents 24–48 h,
boxbox box represents
represents the period
the period before exposure, blue
blue box represents 0–24h, red box represents 24–48 h,24–48 h,
yellow represents 48–72before
h, andexposure,
green box box represents
represents 0–24h,
72–96 h);redand
yellow box represents 48–72 h, and green box represents 72–96 h); and 250-unit group (green
represents group (green
triangle box represents
represents the 48–72 h,before
period and green box represents
exposure, orange 72–96 h); andrepresents
triangle 250-unit group 0–24 (green
h, triangle
blue triangle
triangle represents the period before exposure, orange triangle represents 0–24 h, blue triangle
represents the period before exposure, orange triangle represents 0–24 h, blue triangle represents
represents 24–48 h, purple triangle represents 48–72 h, and yellow triangle represents 72–96 h).
represents 24–48 h, purple triangle represents 48–72 h, and yellow triangle represents 72–96 h).
24–48 h, purple triangle represents 48–72 h, and yellow triangle represents 72–96 h).



Figure 5. Score plot of OPLS-DA obtained based on the urine samples from the 50-unit group (A)
and 250-unit group (B).

Figure 5. Score
Figure plot
5. Score ofofOPLS-DA
plot OPLS-DA obtained basedonon
obtained based thethe urine
urine samples
samples from from the 50-unit
the 50-unit group
group (A) and (A)
and 250-unit group (B).
250-unit group (B).
3.4. Multivariate Data Analysis of HPLC-TOF-MS Spectra
A PCA score plot was drawn for the mass spectrometric data of both the 0-unit group (green
circle) and 50-unit group (blue circle) (Figure 6). R2Y and Q2 of the PCA model are respectively 0.797
Int. J. Environ.
and Res. Public Health
0.684, indicating the13,
that2016, 501 model has excellent goodness-of-fit and predictability and
PCA 9 of 17
suitable for subsequent data analysis. A clear separation suggesting that the disturbance of urinary
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 501 9 of 16
metabolites was significantly different between the exposure group and the control group. In Figure 6,
3.4. Multivariate Data Analysis of HPLC-TOF-MS Spectra
3.4. samplesData
Multivariate (green circles)
Analysis in the 0-unit group
of HPLC-TOF-MS and samples (blue circles) in the 50-unit group
coincided inscore plot was
a region. Thisdrawn for the
is because mass
they spectrometric
were both collecteddataon
of day
both0,the 0-unit group
revealing (greenbefore
that urine circle)
and A PCA
50-unit score
group plot
(blue was drawn
circle) for
(Figure the
NP exposure contained approximately the same metabolites.6). mass
R2Y spectrometric
and Q2 of the data
PCA of
modelboth arethe 0-unit group
respectively (green
0.797 and
0.684,The and 50-unit
OPLS-DA group
the PCA(blue circle)
wasmodel (Figure 6).
has excellent
established R2Y and Q2 of
to discover the
NP-initiatedand PCA model are
metabolic respectively
alterations 0.797
is suitable
revisedfor to
use 0.684, indicating
subsequent datadata
multivariate that
to theclear
differentiate model
the has
0- and excellent
50-unit goodness-of-fit
group. the loading
The disturbance and(S-plot)
plot ofpredictability
urinary and is
of OPLS-DA in
was for subsequent
significantly data
different analysis.
between A
the clear
group suggesting
and the that
control the
Figure 7 showed that all variables represented an S symbol and a few variables at the two ends of the S disturbance
In Figure of6, urinary
symbol was
(green significantly
scattered, in thedifferent
which 0-unit between
led to the and the exposure
discrimination of(blue group
the two and
circles) in the
groups. the control
50-unit group.
Therefore, group
the In Figure 6,
biomarkers in
a region. samples
This is (green
because circles)
they in
were the 0-unit
both group
collected and
on day samples
0, (blue
revealing circles)
were located in the two corners on the upper right and lower left. The molecular structures of the urinein the
NP group
variables in a region.
identified,This is potential
and because they
same metabolites. were both
biomarkers collected
might be found onfor
revealing that urine before
NP exposure contained approximately the same metabolites.
The OPLS-DA model was established to discover NP-initiated metabolic alterations and revised to
use multivariate data to differentiate the 0- and 50-unit group. The loading plot (S-plot) of OPLS-DA in
Figure 7 showed that all variables represented an S symbol and a few variables at the two ends of the S
symbol were scattered, which led to the discrimination of the two groups. Therefore, the best biomarkers
were located in the two corners on the upper right and lower left. The molecular structures of the
variables were identified, and potential biomarkers might be found for the toxicants.

6. Score
Figure 6. Scoreplot
principal component
component analysis (PCA)
analysis obtained
(PCA) based
obtained on the
based onurine samples
the urine from
the 0-unit
from groupgroup
the 0-unit (green(green
and 50-unit groupgroup
and 50-unit (blue circle).
(blue circle).

The OPLS-DA model was established to discover NP-initiated metabolic alterations and revised
to use multivariate data to differentiate the 0- and 50-unit group. The loading plot (S-plot) of OPLS-DA
in Figure 7 showed that all variables represented an S symbol and a few variables at the two ends of
the S symbol were scattered, which led to the discrimination of the two groups. Therefore, the best
Figure 6. Score plot of principal component analysis (PCA) obtained based on the urine samples
biomarkers were located in the two corners on the upper right and lower left. The molecular structures
from the 0-unit group (green circle) and 50-unit group (blue circle).
of the variables were identified, and potential biomarkers might be found for the toxicants.

Figure 7. The loading plot (S-plot) of OPLS-DA for the 0 unit vs. 50 units.

The model (R2X = 0.286, R2Y = 0.783, and Q2 = 0.702) was highlighted as an excellent
high-quality model, which properly classified all samples. The results demonstrated that 28.6% of
the variables (R2X) could be used to explain 78.3% of the variations between the exposure group and
the control group (R2Y). The results of projection validity indicated that the average prediction
capability (Q2) was 70.2%. The difference between R2Y and Q2 was less than 0.2 and the Q2 value
Figure loadingplot
the00unit vs.50
unitvs. 50units.

The model (R2X

The model (R2X= 0.286,
= 0.286,
R2YR2Y = 0.783,
= 0.783, and Q2and Q2 =was
= 0.702) 0.702) was highlighted
highlighted as an
as an excellent excellent
model, which model, which
properly properly
classified all classified all samples.
samples. The The results demonstrated
results demonstrated that 28.6% ofthat
the 28.6% of
the variables (R2X) could be used to explain 78.3% of the variations between the exposure group and
the control group (R2Y). The results of projection validity indicated that the average prediction
capability (Q2) was 70.2%. The difference between R2Y and Q2 was less than 0.2 and the Q2 value
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 501 10 of 17

(R2X) could be used to explain 78.3% of the variations between the exposure group and the control
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 501 10 of 16
group (R2Y). The results of projection validity indicated that the average prediction capability (Q2)
was 70.2%. The difference between R2Y and Q2 was less than 0.2 and the Q2 value was greater than
was greater than 50%, revealing an excellent predictive capability [30]. A 200-time permutation test was
50%, revealing an excellent predictive capability [30]. A 200-time permutation test was conducted to
conducted to further validate the established model. The goodness-of-fit (R2) and predictive capability
further validate the established model. The goodness-of-fit (R2) and predictive capability (Q2) of the
(Q2) of the unmodified model were then demonstrated (Figure 8). The acquired R2Y (green circle) and
unmodified model were then demonstrated (Figure 8). The acquired R2Y (green circle) and R2Y of the
R2Y of the actual model formed a regression line with an intercept of 0.115, which was theoretically
actual model formed a regression line with an intercept of 0.115, which was theoretically required to be
required to be less than or equal to 0.3. The Q2 (blue box) and Q2 of the actual model formed a regression
less than or equal to 0.3. The Q2 (blue box) and Q2 of the actual model formed a regression line with
line with an intercept of −0.705, which was required to be no greater than 0.05 in theory. The obtained
an intercept of ´0.705, which was required to be no greater than 0.05 in theory. The obtained values
values met the critical value requirements. The validity test results indicated that the mass spectrometric
met the critical value requirements. The validity test results indicated that the mass spectrometric data
data matrix obtained from batches of urine samples had established a reliable identification model after
matrix obtained from batches of urine samples had established a reliable identification model after the
the above treatment, which could be used for later differential variable acquisition.
above treatment, which could be used for later differential variable acquisition.

Figure 8.
Figure The 200-time
8. The 200-time permutation
permutation tests
tests for
for the
the PCA
PCA and
OPLS-DA models.

The correlations
correlations between
variablesand andcomponents
componentswere were determined,
determined, as as
shown in Figure
in FigureS1. S1.
In the OPLS-DA model,
model, there
morethanthan48 48variables
variables considered important (VIP > 1) (VIP means
variable importance
variable importance in projection values),
in projection values), amongamong which 20 20 variables
variables werewere considerably
considerably different
between the the0- 0-and
group(t(ttest; p <p 0.05).
test; < 0.05). TheThe
ions andand
ions their p-values
their were
p-values given
were in Table
given S1. S1.
in Table
The ions with VIP values greater than 1 and their p-values were listed in Table S1. The changing
trend of these ions with the p-values less than 0.05, which showed a difference between the 50-unit
group and
and the the 0-unit
presented.The Themost
most significant
changes were observed
were observedat the
bottom of the
the bottom S-plot
of the withwith
S-plot a downward
a downward trend for for
trend the the
50-unit group
50-unit groupandandon the upper
on the upperpartpartwith an
an upward trend for the
trend control
for the group.
control The trend
group. The trend couldcould
also bealsoobserved
be observedin Figure S2. The
in Figure S2. m/z
value (up-regulated
205.092 for thefor
(up-regulated dosethegroup compared
dose group with the
compared control,
with Figure Figure
the control, S2a) and m/z
S2a) andvalue
177.087 (down-regulatedfor the dose
forgroup compared
the dose group with the control,
compared with Figure S2b) were
the control, Figureused as an
S2b) example.
were used as
an example.
3.5. Biomarkers Identification
3.5. Biomarkers Identification
The metabolite identification procedure was described using 5-hydroxy-tryptamine as an
The metabolite
example. The structure identification procedure was described
of 5-hydroxy-tryptamine using 5-hydroxy-tryptamine
is 3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-oxyindole as an9),
(Figure example.
has the retention time of 12.6 min in mass spectrometry, where the [M + H] molecular ionhas
structure of 5-hydroxy-tryptamine is 3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-oxyindole (Figure
+ 9), which wastheat
m/z time Figure
177.0869. of 12.6 9min in mass
shows spectrometry, where
the high-resolution LC-MS/MS + H]+ molecular
the [Mspectrum ion was atwhich
of the metabolite, m/z
indicates Figure
that the9 shows
isotopicthe high-resolution
peak of the metabolite LC-MS/MS[M + H] spectrum of the metabolite,
+ ion is extremely which indicates
low, implying S is not
that the isotopic +
included in the peak of the metabolite
compound. According[M to +the H] preceding
ion is extremely low, and
conditions implying S is not
accurate mass included
value of in the
molecular According
ion, to theformula
the molecular preceding conditions
in Analyst and
QS 2.0 wasaccurate
used tomass valuepossible
calculate of the molecular
compositions, ion,and
molecular formula in Analyst QS 2.0 was used to calculate possible
the only possible element obtained was C10H13N2O , by which the metabolite was inferred as
+ compositions, and the only possible
element obtained was C + by which the metabolite was inferred as 5-hydroxy-tryptamine.
5-hydroxy-tryptamine. 10 Hproduct
The 13 N2 O ,ions in the MS/MS spectrum could all be reasonably elucidated.
The m/z
160.0865 was produced from the [Mcould
ions in the MS/MS spectrum all be
+ H]+ ion reasonably an
by discarding elucidated.
NH3 molecule, The m/zwhile160.0865
the m/z
was produced from the [M + H] + ion by discarding an NH molecule, while the m/z 133.0854 was
133.0854 was generated from the [M + H] ion with the loss + 3 of 44.0025 Da, which should result in
generated from theis[M +
+ H] ion with the loss of 44.0025 Da, broken
which should
CH 2CH2NH 2. This because 5-hydroxy-tryptamine is easily to formresult in CH
a stable 2 CH2 NH2 .
ring. After the comparison with 5-hydroxy-tryptamine standards in the MS/MS spectra, the possible
biomarker’s structure was finally determined as 5-hydroxy-tryptamine. This method was conducted
to identify other metabolites with a similar flow.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 501 11 of 16

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 501 11 of 17

This is because 5-hydroxy-tryptamine is easily broken to form a stable 5-membered ring. After the
comparison with 5-hydroxy-tryptamine standards in the MS/MS spectra, the possible biomarker’s
structure was finally determined as 5-hydroxy-tryptamine. This method was conducted to identify
other metabolites with a similar flow.

Figure 9. The MS spectrum and product ion spectrum of the metabolite ion at m/z 177.0869 obtained

3.6. Potential Biomarkers Validation by Targeted Metabolomics Based on HPLC-MS/MS

Figure 9. The MS spectrum and product ion spectrum of the metabolite ion at m/z 177.0869 obtained
By PCA and t test, 20 ions that introduced the inter-group differences were selected. To further
validate the reliability of potential biomarkers, a targeted metabolomic experiment based on
3.6. Potential Biomarkers Validation by Targeted Metabolomics Based on HPLC-MS/MS
HPLC-MS/MS was conducted. 0.1 g levofloxacin and rhein were selected as the internal standards to
By PCAand
monitor the stability, and tRSD
test, 20
ofions thatarea
peak introduced
in each the sample
inter-group differences
was less thanwere7%selected.
and 8%,To further
respectively. The
validate the reliability of potential biomarkers, a targeted metabolomic experiment based on
typical XICsHPLC-MS/MS
of the 20 biomarker candidates in HPLC-MS/MS in MRM mode are shown in Figure 10.
was conducted. 0.1 g levofloxacin and rhein were selected as the internal standards
According to the results
to monitor of independent
the stability, and RSD of peakt test (pin<each
area 0.05) between
sample was lessthe experimental
than and control groups,
7% and 8%, respectively.
12 metabolites were screened
The typical XICs of the out of the previous
20 biomarker candidates 20 biomarker candidates.
in HPLC-MS/MS in MRM mode Theare 12 metabolites
shown in were
Figure 10. According to the results of independent t test (p < 0.05) between the experimental and control
selected after the validation test and regarded as the more reliable potential biomarkers. Finally,
groups, 12 metabolites were screened out of the previous 20 biomarker candidates. The 12 metabolites
according to the
were methods
selected mentioned
after the inand
validation test 3.5, five metabolites
regarded werepotential
as the more reliable identified by structural
biomarkers. Finally, analysis
and comparison
accordingwith the
to the standards,
methods mentionedand thefive
in 3.5, structures
metabolites and metabolic
were identified pathways
by structural of the
analysis and biomarkers
comparison with the
were determined, as shown in Table 1.standards, and the structures and metabolic pathways of the biomarkers were
determined, as shown in Table 1.

10. The typical XICs of the HPLC-MS/MS MRM mode analysis in potential biomarkers.
Figure 10. Figure
The typical XICs of the HPLC-MS/MS MRM mode analysis in potential biomarkers.

Table 1. LC-MS/MS data of the discriminant metabolites related to NP exposure and their
identification results.

Molecular VIP Monitored Monitored Exact

Metabolite p-Value Trend
Formula Score Structure M.W. Mass
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 501 12 of 17

Table 1. LC-MS/MS data of the discriminant metabolites related to NP exposure and their
identification results.

Molecular Monitored Monitored Exact

Metabolite VIP Score p-Value Trend
Formula Structure M.W. Mass
5-hydroxytryptamine C10 H12 N2 O 2.59281 0.036 M+H 177.0869 176.0950 upward
tryptophan C11 H12 N2 O2 2.39113 0.027 M+H 205.0918 204.0899 downward
glycine C2 H5 NO2 2.40796 0.041 M+H 76.0335 75.0320 upward
glycerophosphocholine C8 H20 NO6 P 2.2673 0.032 M+H 258.1031 257.1028 upward
malonaldehyde C3 H4 O2 2.89664 0.023 M+H 73.0634 72.0211 upward
M.W.: expressed molecular weight.

3.7. Association of NP Exposure and Oxidative Stress

The U-8-oxodG content can be used to reflect the DNA oxidative damage degree of an
organism, which is a new type of internationally recognized sensitive index and biomarker for
evaluating oxidative damages and oxidative stress states of organisms.[31] To define the relationship
of NP exposure with the potential of oxidative stress, U-8-oxodG was measured. The U-8-oxodG
concentrations were 1.247 ˘ 0.018 (nmol/mmol creatinine ˘ standard error of the mean (SEM)) in
the control group and 5.932 ˘ 0.021 in the 50-unit group. A significant (p < 0.05, t test) increase was
discovered in the U-8-oxodG concentration (mean ˘ SD) in the individuals. The result suggested a
positive correlation between U-8-oxodG and NP and indicated that the mitochondrial dysfunction and
reactive oxygen species (ROS) may increase, which is consistent with our hypothesis.

4. Discussion
The test results showed that the tryptophan level in the urine of rats exposed to NP was
extremely low. When there was inflammation, the tryptophan was converted into kynurenine by
inflammatory lymphatic tissues [32,33]. It is expected that the exhaustion of tryptophan may be caused
by the inflammation after contact with NP [34]. An important study has elucidated the process of
inflammatory intestinal disorder, in which male mice with ACE2 genes knocked out were used [35].
ACE2 could activate the expression of the tryptophan transporter in intestinal epithelial cells. Therefore,
the mice in the test seriously lacked tryptophan. When exposed to dextran sulfate sodium (DSS), the
mice had more obvious responses to the occurrence of colitis compared with the mice in the control
group. This enhanced the filtration of inflammatory cells. A series of further experiments indicated that
the mice in the control group had similar responses after being fed with feedstuff in which tryptophan
was greatly lacking. Therefore, NP affects the synthesis of tryptophan in organisms and may lead
to the most severe inflammatory intestinal diseases [36]. The disturbance of this metabolic pathway
revealed that NP may damage the immune system.
A large number of reports indicated that NP had an influence on the anti-oxidative balance of cells
and therefore triggered oxidative stress [37]. The increase in the malondialdehyde concentration and
decrease in the glutathione level implied the increase of oxyradical generation [38]. Glycine is a type
of protective agent, which clears ROS and suppresses inflammatory responses. Earlier research data
indicated that exposure to organophosphorus and pyrethroid insecticides may trigger the generation
of ROS [39]. We suspected that the increase of tryptophan in urine may provide protection against
oxidative stress initiated by exposure to NP. GPC had a critical function in the structural integrity of
cell membrane [40]. The GPC increase indicates the start of the protection mechanism in cell damage,
which might be caused by oxidative stress.
Using tryptophan as its source, 5-HT was synthesized and catalyzed into 5-hydroxyindoleacetic
acid (5-HIAA) by monoamine oxidase (MAO) before being excreted with urine. Normally, 5-HT was
not contained in urine but the 5-HIAA metabolite might exist. This study demonstrated that the
nonylphenol-contaminated urine of rats had an apparently increased 5-HT concentration [41]. It was
reported that NP entering the kidney tissues of rats might produce or trigger to produce a large amount
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 501 13 of 17

of ROS by interacting with some cells, which would lead to interruption of the antioxidant defense
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 501 13 of 16
system and consequent damage to the rats’ kidneys [42]. From the test results of this study, it can be
inferred that NP may cause damage to the rats’ kidney tissues, especially kidney tubules [43].
enrichment analysis; the term “Impact” on the X axis is the pathway impact value calculated from
According to an investigation, the structure of NP is similar to 17β-estradiol (E2), and NP can
the pathway topology analysis. The bubble area is proportional to the impact of each pathway, with
compete to inhibit the combination of E2 with the estrogen receptor (ER) of the target organ [44,45].
different colors denoting the significance from the highest in red to the lowest in white.
It has been reported that E2 could increase the 5-HT level in the nervous system by inhibiting the MAO
Many kinds of substances in the environment lead to the oxidative stress in animal or human
activity [8,46]. The MAO dysfunction is considered to be associated with nervous system diseases [47].
bodies. In this experiment, we did not detect other exogenous environmental pollutants except
In this study, NP was considered as a type of environmental estrogen and simulated the function of E2
nonylphenol, because the exposure study was carried out by feeding nonylphenol standards in
to suppress the MAO activity in the rats’ bodies so that 5-HT accumulated to a high level due to the
metabolic cages without other pollutants. Even if the environment contained other pollutants, their
interruption of decomposition and metabolism. As a result, the nervous system of the organism was
contents were considered to be very low, with little impact on the oxidative stress in rats. This could
injured. The metabolic pathways affected by NP exposure are shown in Figure 11. MetaboAnalyst
be achieved only in animal experiments, in which the experimental conditions were well controlled.
was used to analyze the metabolic pathways affected by NP exposure. In Figure 11, the term “log (P)”
However, animal-to-human extrapolation still remains a challenge because human beings are
on the Y axis is the transformation of the original p value calculated from the enrichment analysis;
affected not only by pollutant exposure, but also by many kinds of environmental pollutants with
the term “Impact” on the X axis is the pathway impact value calculated from the pathway topology
similar structures. To be specific, there is always a possibility that other chemicals apart from NP
analysis. The bubble area is proportional to the impact of each pathway, with different colors denoting
may contribute to oxidative stress through a synergic mechanism [48].
the significance from the highest in red to the lowest in white.

Figure 11. The metabolic pathways affected by NP exposure.

Figure 11. The metabolic pathways affected by NP exposure.

Many kinds of substances in the environment lead to the oxidative stress in animal or human
5. Conclusions
bodies. In this experiment, we did not detect other exogenous environmental pollutants except
This study
nonylphenol, is the first
because exploratory
the exposure workwas
study aiming at the
carried outdiscovery
by feeding of the link between
nonylphenol metabolic
standards in
changes and NP exposure in rats.
metabolic cages without other pollutants. Even if the environment contained other pollutants, their
contents metabolic spectrum
considered to beanalysis
very low, based
with on HPLC-TOF-MS
little was applied
impact on the oxidative to in
stress therats.
This couldin
be urine of rats
in animalto NP in this study.
experiments, PCA was
in which the used to analyzeconditions
experimental the obtained
weredata, and
well the score
plot of PCA
However, indicated an obvious
animal-to-human urinary
extrapolation stillmetabolite
remains a change
challengein because
the exposure
humanand control
beings groups.
are affected
not metabolites were acquired
by pollutant exposure,bybut accurate
also by massmany value match,
kinds multiple database
of environmental search, and
pollutants withstandard
sample comparison. They were glycine, glycerophosphocholine, 5-hydroxytryptamine,
structures. To be specific, there is always a possibility that other chemicals apart from NP may malonaldehyde,
and tryptophan.
contribute The biological
to oxidative functions
stress through of the biomarkers
a synergic mechanismindicate
[48]. that NP can cause multiple toxic
effects on humans such as oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, nervous system damage,
immune system damage. Furthermore, it was helpful to experimentally confirm the oxidative
stress, which
This study supports ourexploratory
is the first assumption.workThisaiming
methodatwas establishedofbased
the discovery on between
the link NP contamination,
and was a product of the systematic
changes and NP exposure in rats. study on the effects of NP exposure by using new techniques.
It was extremely important for optimizing NP toxicity identification and evaluating toxicity risks.

Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at,

Figure S1: VIP distribution in the OPLS-DA model, Figure S2: (A) The m/z value 205.092 upward for the 50 units
group compared with the 0 unit) and (B) the m/z value 177.087 (downward for the 50 units group compared with the
0 unit), Table S1: The conditions of HPLC-MS/MS to validate potential biomarkers, Table S2: The VIP, p-value,
and trends of different ions found by OPLS-DA.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 501 14 of 17

The metabolic spectrum analysis based on HPLC-TOF-MS was applied to the metabolites in
the urine of rats exposed to NP in this study. PCA was used to analyze the obtained data, and
the score plot of PCA indicated an obvious urinary metabolite change in the exposure and control
groups. Five metabolites were acquired by accurate mass value match, multiple database search,
and standard sample comparison. They were glycine, glycerophosphocholine, 5-hydroxytryptamine,
malonaldehyde, and tryptophan. The biological functions of the biomarkers indicate that NP can
cause multiple toxic effects on humans such as oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, nervous
system damage, and immune system damage. Furthermore, it was helpful to experimentally confirm
the oxidative stress, which supports our assumption. This method was established based on NP
contamination, and was a product of the systematic study on the effects of NP exposure by using
new techniques. It was extremely important for optimizing NP toxicity identification and evaluating
toxicity risks.

Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at,

Figure S1: VIP distribution in the OPLS-DA model, Figure S2: (A) The m/z value 205.092 upward for the
50 units group compared with the 0 unit) and (B) the m/z value 177.087 (downward for the 50 units group
compared with the 0 unit), Table S1: The conditions of HPLC-MS/MS to validate potential biomarkers, Table S2:
The VIP, p-value, and trends of different ions found by OPLS-DA.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Special Program for Basic Work of the Ministry of Science
and Technology of China (Project No. 2013FY110100) and the Innovation Team of Residue Detection & Behavior
for Agricultural Contaminants (The Science and Technology Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy
of Agriculture).
Author Contributions: Xin Yang and Jing Wang conceived and designed the experiments; Yan-Xin Zhang
performed the experiments and wrote the paper, Pan Zou, Peng-Fei Du, Fen Jin, Mao-Jun Jin, Yong-Xin She
contributed to the analysis tools.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

NP Nonylphenol
ESI Electrospray ionization
MS Mass spectrometry
Q-TOF MS Quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer
HPLC Ultra high performance liquid chromatography
IDA information-dependent acquisition
MVDA multivariate data analysis
PCA principal component analysis
OPLS-DA orthogonal partial least-squares discrimination analysis
8-oxodG 8-oxo-deoxyguanosine

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