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CIV 112 : Strength of Materials

3 Cr. Hrs. ( 2 Lect. , 2 Tut., 1 Lab )

Lecture 2
Dr. Amr Galal Abdelhamid Abdellah
Lecturer Galala University
Strength of Materials

• I- Properties of homogeneous cross-section

• II- Straining action and stress distribution when subjected to axial,

flexural and tortional loading

• III- Analytical determination of combined and principal stresses

1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 2

Strength of Materials

• Lecture 2
Stress and strain, axial loading
Simple stress and strain
Direct stress

1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 3

Concept strength of materials
• Straining actions
• Normal force N
• Shear force Q y
• Beding moment M

• Properties of section, Geometry

• Area A x
• Inertia Ix, Iy, Ixy (if symmetrical section Ixy = 0)

1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 4

Concept strength of materials
• Mechanical properties
• Youngs Modulus, strength, expansion coeficient, .........
• Stress
• Actual stress
• Normal stress
• Shear stress
• Normal stress
• Normal stress

• Flexural stress

1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 5

Concept strength of materials
• Normal stress y
• Normal stress

• Flexural stress

• Shear stress x
• Shear

• Torsion b

1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 6

• The same plank is much less stiff when the load is applied to the long edge of the
cross-section. As we will soon see, this is related to the area moment of inertia.

• Area moment of inertia values (in mm4) for three shapes

Mechanical properties
• Stress : In continuum mechanics,
stress is a physical quantity that
describes the magnitude of forces that
cause deformation. Stress is defined
as force per unit area.

• Strain : change in length due load

with respect to original lenght

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Design example
Concrete Load = 200 kN
column fcu = 20 N/mm2

Theoretical Design

 =P/A

( )∗
A=W/ = 2

 Square 100 mm * 100 mm

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1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 12
Normal Strain

• Figure 2.1 Undeformed and • Figure 2.3 Twice the load is required to • Figure 2.4 The deformation is doubled when
deformed axially loaded rod. obtain the same deformation δ when the the rod length is doubled while keeping the
cross-sectional area is doubled. load P and cross-sectional area A.
P 2P P P
  stress     
A 2A A A
  2 
  normal strain    
L L 2L L
1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 13
Stress-Strain Diagram: Ductile Materials

• Figure 2.6 Stress-strain diagrams of two

• Photo 2.4 Ductile material tested typical ductile materials.
specimens: (a) with cross-section
necking, (b) ruptured.

1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 14

Stress-Strain Diagram: Brittle Materials

• Figure 2.7 Stress-strain diagram for

• Photo 2.5 Ruptured brittle a typical brittle material.
materials specimen.

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Elastic vs. Plastic Behavior

• If the strain disappears when the stress is removed,

the material is said to behave elastically.
• The largest stress for which this occurs is called the
elastic limit.
• When the strain does not return to zero after the
stress is removed, plastic deformation of the
material has taken place.

• Figure 2.13 Stress-strain response of

ductile material load beyond yield and

1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 16

Deformations Under Axial Loading
• From Hooke’s Law:
 P
  E   
• From the definition of strain:

 
• Equating and solving for the deformation,

• With variations in loading, cross-section or
material properties,
Pi Li
• Figure 2.17 Undeformed and deformed  
axially-loaded rod. i Ai Ei
1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 17
Problems Involving Temperature Change
• A temperature change results in a change in length or thermal strain.
There is no stress associated with the thermal strain unless the
elongation is restrained by the supports.
• Treat the additional support as redundant and apply the principle of
 T   T L P 
  coefficient of thermal expansion
• The thermal deformation and the deformation from the redundant
support must be compatible. PL
 T L  0
  T   P  0 P   AE T 
• Figure 2.27 Superposition method to find force at point B of
restrained rod AB undergoing thermal expansion. (a) Initial
rod length; (b) thermally expanded rod length; (c) force P
    E T 
pushes point B back to zero deformation.
1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 18
Poisson’s Ratio
• For a slender bar subjected to axial loading:
x  y z  0
• The elongation in the x-direction is accompanied
by a contraction in the other directions.
Assuming that the material is homogeneous and
isotropic (no directional dependence),

y  z  0
• Poisson’s ratio is defined as
lateral strain  
   y  z
• Figure 2.30 Materials undergo transverse
axial strain x x
contraction when elongated under axial load.
1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 19
Multiaxial Loading: Generalized Hooke’s Law
• For an element subjected to multi-axial loading, the
normal strain components resulting from the stress
components may be determined from the principle of
superposition. This requires:

1) Each effect is linearly related to the load that produces it.

2) The deformation resulting from any given load is small
and does not affect the conditions of application of the
other loads.
• With these restrictions:
 x  y  z
x    
 x  y  z
y    
 x  y 
• Figure 2.33 Deformation of unit cube z     z
under multiaxial loading: (a) unloaded; E E E
(b) deformed.
1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 20
Dilatation: Bulk Modulus
• Relative to the unstressed state, the change in volume is
e    1  1   x   y   z   1
 x y z
1  2

 x   y   z 
 dilatation (change in volume per unit volume)

• For element subjected to uniform hydrostatic pressure,

31  2  p
e p
E k
k  bulk modulus or modulus of compression
31  2 

• Subjected to uniform pressure, dilatation must be negative, therefore

Figure 2.33 Deformation of unit cube under
multiaxial loading: (a) unloaded; (b) 0    12
1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 21
Shearing Strain
• A cubic element subjected to only shearing stress will deform
into a rhomboid. The corresponding shearing strain is
quantified in terms of the change in angle between the sides,

 xy  f  xy 

• A plot of shearing stress vs. shearing strain is similar to the

Figure 2.36 Unit cubic element previous plots of normal stress vs. normal strain except that the
subjected to shearing stress. strength values are approximately half. For values of shearing
strain that do not exceed the proportional limit,

 xy  G xy  yz  G yz  zx  G zx

where G is the modulus of rigidity or shear modulus.

Figure 2.37 Deformation of unit cubic

element due to shearing stress.
1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 22
Concept Application 2.1

Divide the rod into components at the
load application points.

Apply a free-body analysis on each

component to determine the
internal force

Determine the deformation of Evaluate the total of the component

the steel rod shown under the deflections.
given loads.

1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 23

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1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 26
1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 27
• Beer, Johnson, DeWolf, Mazurek “Mechanics of Materials”; 8th Edition ;
McGraw-Hill Publishing

• McGraw Hill connect link :

1-Mar-23 Strength of Materials 28

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