DMA Performance of Pure 3D Printed ABS & PLA - Mat. Today, 2022

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Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 1559–1562

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Dynamic mechanical analysis performance of pure 3D printed polylactic

acid (PLA) and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
K. Arunprasath a, M. Vijayakumar a, M. Ramarao b, T.G. Arul c, S. Peniel Pauldoss d, M. Selwin e,
B. Radhakrishnan f, V. Manikandan a
Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSN College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli 627152, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bharath Institute for Higher Education, Chennai 600126, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St Mary’s Engineering College(SMEC), Nalgonda 508284, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Brilliant Group of Technical Institutions, Hydrabad 501505, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil 626126, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NadarSaraswathy College of Engineering and Technology, Theni 625531, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is a technique that is used to study the viscoelastic behaviour of
Received 10 August 2021 polymeric materials. 3D printing is one of the well-known applications of additive manufacturing tech-
Received in revised form 2 September 2021 niques which has wide areas of application. In that, Fusion Deposition modelling (FDM) has very fine out-
Accepted 8 September 2021
comes with better printing qualities to execute good products. In this research work, the 3D printed
Available online 22 September 2021
samples of pure ABS and PLA were examined under dynamic mechanical analysis to study the various
temperature heat, absorbing, storing, and dissipating behaviour of these samples. The results show, both
ABS and PLA performed well under the heat flow categories. While comparing to conventional manufac-
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
Polylactic acid (PLA)
turing technologies, these 3D printed DMA results are showing some excellent results. These polymeric
Fusion Deposition modelling (FDM) samples may prepare as composites and used for various applications, for better outcomes and capabil-
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) ities. Storage modulus, while taking the temperature values of ABS to 90 °C maximum and for PLA about
48 °C. This will happen, but this pure form of materials printed through FDM also has such a very good
energy storing capacity. Considering the loss modulus energy dissipation in the form of heat started from
110 °C, this is one of the good signs on the fabricated technique and build quality of ABS. The continues
decrease in the degree of crystallinity of the PLA and ABS increases the meshing strength noted in the
damping factor.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Con-
ference on Functional Material, Manufacturing and Performances

1. Introduction supports a higher degree of consumption towards economic

volume from renewable energy resources. It also has a very wide
Additive manufacturing (AM) is one of the finest innovations for of applications with very good mechanical, physical, and chemical
all sets of engineering applications. In this principle, 3D printing is properties [3-5]. ABS is one form of thermoplastic and amorphous
one of the most successful areas where we can make wonders. This polymer which poses very good heat responding properties. This
3D printing technology (3DPT) is mostly utilized for mechanical material is used to prepared many plastics which are utilized for
analysis to study the performance of the material in different heat processing applications. Both the materials (ABS and PLA)
mechanical loading conditions. The selection of materials and the are very good in the 3D printing technology for manufacturing
right technology play a key role in the desired applications [1,2]. many products with different forms of application has been seen
In that case, Polylactic acid (PLA) and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styr- in various fields. Fusion Deposition Modeling (FDM) is one of the
ene (ABS) are having some unique performance in mechanical and 3D printing manufacturing methods which has more advantages
thermal studies. PLA is one of the bioplastic materials which to produce very low-cost in-situ components. This technology is
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Functional Material, Manufacturing and Performances
K. Arunprasath, M. Vijayakumar, M. Ramarao et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 1559–1562

well suited for manufacturing both plastics and biopolymers, most the materials go through cyclic deformity under unique stacking
of the low-cost products are developed through this extrusion pro- conditions. In applications like the car business, most FDM-
cess [6-9]. printed materials are dependent upon dynamic pressure, material
The components printed through the extrusion process, have deformation, and vibration, which can make parts inclined to dis-
many advantages and cost benefits are there. In addition to this, appointment, particularly at higher temperatures [14]. This pre-
energy consumption is also very less compared to other 3DPT. sent study states the effect of pure forms of PLA and ABS in the
The presence of more amount of oxygen-carbon content in the dynamic loading conditions printed through FDM and their possi-
bio-degradable products confirms the very good bonding of the ble parameters are studied for the dynamic range of mechanical
materials [9]. The build quality of these 3D printed products applications.
through FDM and PLA/ABS is highly appreciated with a greater
number of respected properties. Besides, the mechanical perfor- 2. Materials and method
mance and slicing parameters of these materials show better
results. FDM technology always produced improved interfacial Polylactic Acid (PLA) was purchased from Natur Tec India Pri-
bonding for single, and multi-layered polymers [6,10]. Miguel vate Limited, Chennai with the grade PLA 4043D. ABS filament is
et al. [11], said that the physical properties of the 3D printed prod- purchased from ESUN filaments, Bangalore. The dynamic mechan-
ucts are identified only through the thickness of the printing pro- ical analysis (DMA) was done with tension mode with the temper-
cess. The determination of mechanical properties of the 3D ature range from 10 to 120 °C at a rate of 3 °C min 1. The printed
printed products, the physical structure is very important in the samples are tested under the ASTM D4065-01 with the dimension
time of application loads. General, mechanical properties such as of 60 x12  3 mm3. The analysis is done through Hitachi DMA7100
tensile, flexural, impact, hardness, and other evaluations were with 1 Hz of the frequency with a fixed load of 2 N. Industrial grade
done as per the norms, similar to conventional manufacturing FDM Pratham series of 3D Printer is used to print the samples with
techniques. a single extruder purchased from MakerBot, USA. Fig. 1 and b rep-
ABS and PLA based always show very good mechanical, electri- resents the deformed ABS and PLA, under various dynamic loading
cal, and thermal mechanical properties. In this combination, addi- conditions.
tionally, the graphene nanoparticles were added to improve the
mechanical properties of the composite. Not only, the particulates, 3. Result and discussion
fibers in various forms are also added as the reinforcing materials
to achieve better outputs [12]. The 40 wt% CF in acrylonitrile–buta The DMA study on the viscoelastic behaviour of polymer mate-
diene–styrene (ABS) composites conferred strength and flexible rials with three analyses are storage modulus which represents the
modulus upsides of around 67 MPa and 13.8 GPa, with an addition storage of energy in the elastic region by the polymeric material.
of 115 and 700%, individually, over the flawless network. In com- Then loss modulus represents the dissipation of energy from the
posites, they likewise noticed a high fiber direction in the printing polymer in the form of heat. The ratio of storage modulus to loss
course and diminished void substance between globules. Likewise, modulus represents the tan delta which is also called a damping
3D-printed tests by utilizing a business composite fiber with 15 wt factor.
% CF in polypropylene (PP). 3D-printed tests of PLA/CF composite
displayed a rigidity of 74.2 MPa and a modulus of 5.6 GPa. utilized 3.1. Storage modulus
carbon fiber and glass fiber as supported strands in polyether ether
ketone (PEEK). Look/CF 5 wt% and PEEK/ABS 5 wt% composites The storage functions of both polymeric materials show very
showed strength upsides of 86.0 MPa and 94.0 MPa, separately good ranges of decent energy absorption characteristics. While
[13]. taking the temperature values of ABS to 90 °C maximum and for
The traditional way to deal with machining utilizes deduction
preparing directed by PC mathematical control (CNC). The princi-
pal issue begins if the item is excessively intricate for the deduc-
tion measures can’t meet the determinations and goals of the
products. Over the long haul, the solitary arrangement was to build
the exactness and intricacy of innovation. On the other hand,
added substance fabricating enjoys benefits that deduction prepar-
ing [14].
The dynamic mechanical properties and it was inferred that the
twisting between the raster was the justification less strength. The
very boundaries with two levels to examine the impacts on rigidity
and recommended that base layer height& width and negative air
hole could expand the strength except for bed temperature and
spout temperature any remaining cycle boundaries were kept
steady while printing the examples [15]. The direction factor is
higher in the fiber delivered at 250 °C for ABS and 280 °C for
CNT 6 than fiber got at 220 °C because of the handling conditions.
The higher the CNT content, the higher the direction factor of fila-
ments. Additionally, see that direct thickness of fiber is logically
diminishing with CNT content. announced worth in the materials
specialized information sheet. The thickness of ABS/CNT compos-
ites increments directly with rising part of CNT up to 1.081 g/
cm3 at 8 wt% of CNT comparing to around 4 vol% [16,17].
FDM measures boundaries on the dynamic mechanical proper-
ties of materials under static stacking and overlooks the way that
FDM-printed materials may show viscoelastic properties when Fig. 1. (a) Deformed PLA and (b) Deformed ABS.

K. Arunprasath, M. Vijayakumar, M. Ramarao et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (2022) 1559–1562

PLA about 48 °C. Debasement temperatures of these materials can

be resolved from the mid-point of the slipping part of each bend,
which is roughly 331.85 °C for PLA. This esteem showed a type
of consent to the worth announced in business PLA information
sheets 353 °C. The level of loss of PLA has settled around
14.13% at a temperature of around 370 °C. The set DMA tempera-
ture utilized in this test was thought not to be sufficient for the
debasement of carbon fiber and CNT as both of these have corrup-
tion temperatures higher than 700 °C. Likewise, both CFR-ABS and
CNT-ABS showed very comparable upsides of around 426.43 °C
[18]. While comparing the results of pure ABS and PLA, the com-
bined products show some better results. This will happen, but this
pure form of materials printed through FDM also has such a very
good energy storing capacity. Fig. 2 represents the effect of storage
modulus (ABS and PLA).

3.2. Loss modulus

Fig. 3. Effect of loss modulus (ABS and PLA).
The printed parts are as opposed to giving the determined vol-
ume divisions. Albeit the measure of added CFR in ABS fiber is
higher than the PLA fiber; elastic, bowing, and compressive moduli
of CFR-PLA are as yet higher than that of CFR-ABS. This can be sup-
ported as unadulterated PLA generally has a higher Young’s modu-
lus than unadulterated ABS. Subsequently, adding a higher volume
part of support into the ABS lattice can be helpful. Notwithstand-
ing, CFR-PLA and CFR-ABS are business-grade fibers and both are
very weak. [19]. Fig. 3 represents the effect of loss modulus (ABS
and PLA) From Fig. 3, the energy dissipation in the form of heat
started from 110 °C, this is one of the good signs on the fabricated
technique and build quality of ABS. But while seeing the other side
for PLA it stands only 58 °C this shows the poor energy dissipation
capability of the polymer under dynamic loading conditions.

3.3. Damping factor (tan d)

As the polymer test is exposed to dynamic tension, macro-

molecular chains are revamping and adjusting toward strain. In
the great circumstance and fittingly low strain rate, chains are at
long last arriving at their greatest length previously the break. Such
a circumstance is unimaginable because of entrapments and the Fig. 4. Effect of damping factor (ABS and PLA).
spreading of polymer chains in 3d printed materials [20]. The con-
tinues decrease in the degree of crystallinity of the PLA and ABS
increases the meshing strength of the polymeric materials. In the
case of PLA at 55 °C melting enthalpy of the PLA is responsible this intervention represents the formation of crystal structure in
for absorbing heat in the polymeric material and tend to deform. regular intervals. The morphology of the formation of crystal struc-
Under this condition, ABS shows some better results up to 95 °C, ture in 3d printing is based on the isothermal bed temperature
[16,21]. The tan delta (d), the peak for both ABS and PLA shows
the layer absorbing effect. This layer energy absorbing capability
responsible for the dynamic property of the individual polymers
without any combinations [13]. Fig. 4 represents the effect of the
damping factor for (ABS and PLA).

4. Conclusions

In this research work, the FDM-3D printed pure PLA and ABS
were undergone for dynamic mechanical analysis, and their inter-
ventions are studied. While comparing to conventional manufac-
turing technologies, these 3D printed DMA results are showing
some excellent heat flowing properties.

 The storage functions of both polymeric materials show very

good ranges of decent energy absorption characteristics. While
taking the temperature values of ABS to 90 °C maximum and for
PLA about 48 °C. This will have happened, but this pure form of
materials printed through FDM also has such a very good
Fig. 2. Effect of storage modulus (ABS and PLA). energy storing capacity.
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