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A bushfire is a natural disaster that can be caused by many things.

The three main things that can cause a bushfire are drought,
lightning and humans (accidentally, or on purpose). Bushfires have
many causes.
Firstly, bushfires can be caused by drought. Drought usually carries
all four friends of fire. The four friends of fire are fuel, dryness,
ignition and weather. Drought is dry, kills trees (fuel), is hot
(ignition) and brings winds (weather). Drought is one of the main
causes of bushfires.

Secondly, bushfires can be caused by lightning strikes. Lightning is

electricity and has ignition which is one of the four friends. When
lightning strikes a tree or plant, if the plant is dry, then it can cause
a bushfire. Lightning can easily cause bushfires.
natural causes, such as lightning strikes, or by people

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