Letter 2

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My Dearest,

Thine words doth weave a tapestry of sweet delusions, yet I must confess that the
flames of affection doth flicker not within my breast as they do within thine own.
Though thy declarations ring with a fervor unmatched, it is not I who holds the key
to thy heart's desires.

In truth, I have been ensnared by the web of another, whose charms doth captivate
me with a spell more potent than any enchantment known to man. Whilst thou hast
poured forth thy soul unto me, mine own affections have strayed like a wanderer
upon the winds of change.

Forgive me, dear suitor, for I cannot return thy love in kind. Mayhap in another
life, our paths shall diverge no more, but in this fleeting moment, we must part
ways and bid adieu to the fantasies that bind us.

With deepest regrets and sincerest apologies,

Cecilia Everhart

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