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Ilagan, Von Harris P.

BSED English 1

Date Reflection
March 3, 2024 • This day March 3, 2024, our group decided to attend
the holy mass at Sta. Teresa College. The said mass
was presided by Rev. Carlo Ilagan, the school’s
president. The first reading was all about the ten
commandments, the Lord made such covenant that
they should be followed by the Israelites. The first three
commandments are all about respecting God and the
rest is all about respecting other people. With this, as a
living Christian catholic, we must obey those ten
commandments to fulfill our duties and serve God as
one of His creations. The Gospel is all about the famous
story of Jesus cleaning the temple in Jerusalem. We
can always feel the presence of God. One of His
presences can be observed in His own church. We
need to value, respect, and do not insult the church of
God. As Jesus was really angry when the people were
doing such wrong things around the house of His
Father, we can clearly reflect that such house is sacred
and holy. People need to realize that a church is a
sacred symbolism of what Jesus sacrificed to redeem
the sins of the world.
March 10, 2024 • This day March 10, 2024, our group decided to attend
the holy mass at Minor Basilica of St. Martin of Tours –
Taal, Batangas. The said mass was presided by Rev.
Fr. Paul Hermano, Parochial Vicar. The fourth week of
lent is the Laetare Sunday which means rejoicing. The
whole church invites us to rejoice even in the midst of
praying, fasting, and almsgiving. God’s discourse to
Nicodemus in attaining the everlasting life. Jesus said
that there is more important blessed fulfillment, which is
His crucifixion on the cross to redeem our sins. We
know that the summary of the Holy Bible is centered to
God the Father as the God of love. He created us by
His love for us and the rest is goodness. But despite our
weaknesses caused by sin and failure, the Father sent
his Only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, on the appointed
March 17, 2024 • This day March 17, 2024, our group decided to attend
the holy mass at Immaculate Conception Parish –
Bauan, Batangas. The said mass was presided by
Rev. Fr. Federico Magboo, Parish Priest. The fifth
Sunday of Lent is called as Passiontide to remember
and commemorate the last moments of the will of God
through the paschal mysteries of Jesus Christ:
passion, death, and resurrection. We can observe
inside the churches that the images are covered whit
violet cloth. Disobedience equals to death. On the
gospel, Jesus’ profess’ His upcoming passion,
crucifixion, and death on a cross and He is troubled
because He knew it would come, but He talked to His
father to give honor to His holy name. It's the same in
life that we will all die one day so that we can have
eternal life in heaven. The reflection is that we should
be prepared on what to come and always pray and
talk to God.
March 24, 2024 • This day March 24, 2024, our group decided to attend
the holy mass at Immaculate Conception Parish –
Bauan, Batangas. The said mass was presided by
Rev. Fr. Federico Magboo, Parish Priest. Palm
Sunday is the start of the most sacred and greatest
season on the liturgical calendar of the whole catholic
church, the Semana Santa. We commemorate the
majestic entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into the Holy
City Jerusalem to fulfill the will of God the Father
through his Paschal Mystery. He did not enter like a
warrior who would overthrow the Romans, but he
entered very simply, riding on a donkey, according to
the prophecy of Zechariah. That's why the palm
symbol itself means martyrdom, and when a saint
holds a palm like San Pedro Calungsod, it means he
is a martyr who has been a witness to the faith and the
Gospel. May our celebration of Holy Week be
meaningful in commemorating his sacrifice through
prayer, sacrifice, and doing good to our neighbor, for
what he did, especially in the great will of God the

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