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Accredited by Ministerial Order N° 005/2010/Mineduc of 16 June 2010

Scientia et Lux






Prepared by: KAYUMBA Aimee Liliane

Reg number: 22/18380
B.P. 155
Supervisor: Eng. Valerie Anne ISHIMWE Ruhengeri

T : +250 788 90 30 30
: +250 788 90 30 32
W :

December, 2023
This is to certify that the Industrial Attachment report carried out Eight Weeks from
30th September, to 22nd December 2023 in CHINA STAR Construction Co. Ltd. This
is record of the original work done by KAYUMBA Aimee Liliane in partial
fulfillment for the requirement for the award of Bachelor in Civil Engineering in

Supervisor: Eng. Anne Valerie ISHIMWE

Date: …………………….

Signature: ……………..

I KAYUMBA Aimee Liliane, student in faculty of Applied fundamental sciences, Civil
engineering department, am hereby declaring that the content presented in this report is my
own work carried out during industrial attachment program from 30 October up to 23
December 2023, in a construction company called CHINA STAR Co Ltd. in one of their sites
located at KIREHE District and to be submitted to meet the requirements for Bachelor
degree in Civil Engineering at INES-RUHENGERI.

KAYUMBA Aimee Liliane

Reg n°: 22/18380

Signature: …………………

Date: 27/December/2023

I am pleased to dedicate this report to:
 Almighty God
 My beloved Family
 Lovers and haters
 INES-RUHENGERI civil engineering department staff especially my supervisor
Eng. Anne Valerie ISHIMWE and all classmates.
 Whoever contributed to the successful of my IAT especially my workmates.

I wish to acknowledge and express my profound gratitude to almighty God for all his love,
guidance, help and protection and to present my sincere thanks to my parents and my
siblings for their unconditional love, advice and support along this whole period of
Industrial Attachment I.
I would also like to express my gratitude to all site engineers who shared me their
engineering knowledge and experience and all workmates for the skills they have shared
with me and for that, each time of the Industrial attachment was an opportunity to learn new
To everyone who has contributed either directly or indirectly in the successfulness of my
IAT, you are highly appreciated, without your support, this industrial attachment would not
have been successful.

INES-RUHENGERI: Institut d’Enseignement Supérieur de Ruhengeri
RCC: Reinforced concrete
IAT: Industrial Attachment
CABC: China-Africa Business Council
List of figures
Figure 1: Administration chart
Figure 2: Batch concrete mixer
Figure 3: Construction hoist and its remote
Figure 4: Concrete vibrator
Figure 5: Handheld circular saw
Figure 6: Table saw with circular saw
Figure 7: Hammer drill machine
Figure 8: Bar bending machine
Figure 9: Bar cutting machine
Figure 10: Grinders
Figure 11: Electric bolt tightening machine
Figure 12: Construction laser level
Figure 13: Engineering drawing
Figure 14: Dumpy level surveying
Figure 15: Type of Scaffolding used on site
Figure 16: Column shuttering
Figure 17: Slab and beam shuttering before placing reinforcements
Figure 18: Slab shuttering after placing beam reinforcement
Figure 19: Stair and ramp formwork before placing reinforcing mesh.
Figure 20: Stair and ramp after placing reinforcing mesh.
Figure 21: Manual bar bending place.
Figure 22: Formulas for curtailment of reinforcement
Figure 23: Hanger bars
Figure 24: Cement bags
Figure 25: Column concreting
Figure 26: Screeding for stair and ramp
Figure 27: Curing method employed on site

List of tables
Table 1: Formwork Stripping Time
Table 2: Standard Grades of Concrete

Industrial attachment is one of the main courses in civil engineering programme. The period
of the training was 8 weeks which started at 30th October to the 22th December 2023.
The purpose of this course is to apply the class theoretical knowledge into real practical
work. The student can be trained as site engineer; it gives opportunity to supervise the
construction work closely.
In order to comply the industrial attachment objectives, I gained and learnt more from my
summer internship. I participated in all technical works done at construction site include site
preparation; interpretation of technical drawings; rebar reinforcement works such as cutting,
bending, reinforcement binding of structural members, carpentry works such as formwork
preparation, scaffolding; quality assurance and quality control of concreting operations such
as volumetric batching, concrete ingredients mixing, transportations, placing into well
prepared formworks, compactions with the aim of consolidating fresh concrete to remove
void and avoiding bleeding and segregation, curing with aim of achieving cement hydration
which leads to the strength of concrete, removal formwork and finishes; stone and brick
masonry works; checking quality of construction materials; human resources management;
site management; practical skills of using tools and equipment at construction site.
During the industrial attachment, I also increased knowledge about team work skills, time
management skills, working under pressure, meeting with deadline, multitask management.
Industrial attachment played great role in my studies where I practiced the class theoretical
knowledge. So, I am hopeful and confident that the future will be bright in my career as a
civil engineer.

Table of content
CERTIFICATE ...................................................................................................................... i
DECLARATION ................................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION ...................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................... iv
Abbreviations ..........................................................................................................................v
List of figures ..........................................................................................................................v
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................... vi
CHAP I: GENERAL INTRODUCTION .............................................................................1
1.1. OBJECTIVES OF INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT ............................................1
1.2. Site selection ..............................................................................................................1
1.3. SITE LOCATION AND BACKGROUND ............................................................2
1.4. BRIEFLY DESCRIPTION OF CHINA STAR Construction Co. Ltd. ..............2
1.5. MISSION & VISION ...............................................................................................2
1.5.1. Mission statement...............................................................................................2
1.5.2. Vision statement .................................................................................................3
1.6. ADMINISTRATION CHART OF CHINA STAR Construction Co. Ltd. .........3
CHAP II: LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................3
2.1. TRAINING BENEFITS AND MOTIVATION .....................................................3
ATTACHMENT .....................................................................................................................8
3.1. INTERPRETATION OF ENGINEERING DRAWINGS ....................................8
3.2. SURVEYING USING DUMPY LEVEL ................................................................9
3.3. SCAFFOLDING .......................................................................................................9
3.3.1. Advantages of steel scaffolding. ......................................................................10
3.3.2. Requirements for scaffolding. .........................................................................10
3.3.3. Parts of steel scaffolding (Scaffolding components) .....................................10
3.4. FORMWORK .........................................................................................................11
3.4.1. Requirements of Good Formwork .................................................................11
3.4.2. TYPES OF FORMWORK ..............................................................................12
3.4.3. Construction of formwork ..............................................................................13
3.4.4. Factors affecting striking time of concrete formwork..................................17
3.4.5. Order and method of formwork removal ......................................................17

3.5. STEEL BAR WORKS ............................................................................................18
3.5.1. Cutting and bending of stirrups. ....................................................................18
3.5.2. Curtailment of bar in continuous beam .........................................................19
3.5.3. Overlapping ......................................................................................................19
3.5.4. Hanger bars ......................................................................................................20
3.6. CONCRETE ............................................................................................................20
3.6.1. Ingredients of Concrete ...................................................................................21
3.6.2. Steps of concrete manufacturing processes ...................................................22
3.6.3. Grade of concrete .............................................................................................25
3.6.4. Septic tank ........................................................................................................26
CHAP IV: RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION ............................................26
4.1. Conclusion ...............................................................................................................26
4.2. Recommendations ...................................................................................................27
4.2.1. Recommendations towards CHINA STAR Construction Co. Ltd .............27
4.2.2. Recommendations towards INES-RUHENGERI .........................................27
Reference ...............................................................................................................................27

Industrial attachment, also known as work placement, is a structured program that allows
students to gain practical work experience in an industry related to the field of study. It
provides an opportunity for students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations,
develop essential skills, and establish professional connections. During industrial
attachment, individuals work under the guidance of experienced professionals, gaining
insights into the industry’s operations and enhancing the employability for future career

Linking theoretical knowledge with practical skills is the most important experience to be
acquired by every student before graduating as it appears on the schedule of the academic
activities of INES-RUHENGER that is why industrial attachment is very crucial for the
following objectives:

 To apply theoretical knowledge acquired in school to solve practical problems in the

 For building professional connections and networks within the industry, which can
be valuable for future career opportunities.
 Gaining experience in a real work environment related to your field of study.
 Developing soft skills such as teamwork, communication, and time management,
contributing to personal growth.
 Developing and enhancing specific skills relevant to your field and improving your
overall competence.
 Acquire a deeper understanding of trends, challenges, and best practices in your field
of study.
1.2. Site selection

My site selection was firstly based on my desire and curiosity about building construction.
Building construction combines many class modules which are fundamental theoretical
knowledge required to be applied into practical experience of the civil engineering as a
career. From this perspective I chose to apply to the local civil engineering company that
shares nearly all its practice with the majority of other firms in the country. This influenced
my decision of working on a construction site under the supervision of a site engineer of
CHINASTAR Co. Ltd. I also wished to use that opportunity to gain more knowledge in
construction works. Hence, I chose to work with CHINASTAR Co. Ltd which is a
construction company and it was executing the project of Kirehe district hospital
upgradation and this has always been my wish to be involved on site works where I have to
take some responsibilities. I had already studied some subjects related to building
constructions so, I wanted to match the theory learnt in class and how it is applied on the

Kirehe District Hospital was established in 2007, Kirehe Hospital is located in Eastern
Province, Kirehe District, Kirehe Sector and Gahama Cell.
Kirehe district is one of seven district within Eastern province having 12 sectors, 60 cells
and 612 villages and it is located at south-East of Rwanda for 133 Kilometres (Km) from
the capital city of Kigali.
Kirehe district also has Akagera river which makes border between the district and the
country of Tanzania (Rusumo point point) in East, makes border with the country of
Burundi in South, it also makes border with Ngoma district in West and Kayonza district in
North. Kirehe district has area of 1,118.5 Kilometre square (Km2) and its population is
estimated at 460,860 inhabitants.

About the project I was working on during this period of two months of industrial
attachment which was about upgrading Kirehe district hospital.

Basically this hospital serves 17 public operational health Centres and 2 Health Centres of
Mahama Camp. Kirehe Hospital has 4 units: Director General Office Unit, Director of
Administration and Finance Unit, Medical and Allied Health Sciences Services Unit and
Nursing and Midwifery Unit and the project was about upgrading hospital facilities by
constructing a new G+2 building.
China Star Construction Group is located at Kigali – RWANDA, B1 Plot, Free Trade Zone,
Sector of Masoro.
China Star Construction Group is the Vice-Chairman Unit of China-Africa Business
Council (CABC). It has a subsidiary founded in Rwanda in 2010. And in 2013, another sub-
company in Uganda was also established. The group has contracted to projects of 2 phases
of Rwanda development zone, Kigali International Airport, Rwanda RPF conference centre,
China Star Group holds a good annual productivity of steel structure of 40 thousand tons
and has become the largest steel structure contractor in Rwanda. In fact, its subsidiaries are
the first-by-now steel structure processing plant in East Africa. And the group got on The
Lion of Africa.
1.5.1. Mission statement
Its mission is to actively guide Chinese enterprises in their commitment of “going into
Africa” and help African enterprises with their operations in China; work with domestic and
international public and private sectors to promote China-Africa economic and trade
exchanges, push forward China-Africa and South-South Cooperation, and to promote
cultural and people-to-people exchanges and it is committed to Africa's sustainable

1.5.2. Vision statement
Its vision is to become a specialized and internationalized platform that facilitates China-
Africa economic and trade cooperation, and thus serves as a model for China-Africa and
South-South Cooperation.

Fig 1: Administration chart



It is commonly planned for qualified graduates to be competitive and motivated when they
are looking for job opportunities, training helps them to open their mind and relate
theoretical knowledge in practical skills, in fact I chose to work with construction of
building due to the following motivation:

 To get the opportunity of improving professional knowledge

 To develop skills about the application of theory to practical work,
 To get skills and techniques which allow me to develop my career, served as a key to
develop professional behaviour and social skills;
 To be familiar in adjusting from university lifestyle to full-time employment, and to
participate actively in accomplishing goals and objectives of an organization while
conducting the practical training and to acquire basic knowledge and new skills.
 To provide recommendation on how problems met in an organization can be solved.
 To prepare the practical training report showing how the student understands the
accomplishment of activities in an organization.
 Doing internship helped me to gain self-confidence and motivation and developed
expertise in interacting with different people.
 Internship is an excellent way to become more attractive to employers because one is
already trained and can be productive immediately.

In our everyday life we face difficulties especially when you are experiencing new thing, in
fact there are some challenges I faced during this industrial attachment as follow:
 The first challenge was about the terminologies used on site, in our studies
English is everything but on site it is totally different because French and
Kinyarwanda is mostly used, it takes time to be familiar with those
 The other was IAT season. It was in rainy season, so it was sometimes hard to
reach to the site and sometimes work doesn’t progress as expected.
1. Batch concrete mixer: enable you to mix cement, sand and aggregates with water in
concrete production. These mixers are commonly used in construction projects,
allowing for efficient and controlled mixing of materials to achieve the desired
concrete consistency.

Fig 2: Concrete mixer

2. A construction elevator or a construction hoist or lift: This is a vertical
transportation system used to move workers and materials between different levels of
a construction site.

Fig 3: Construction hoist and its remote

3. A concrete vibrator: is a concrete tool that produces stronger concrete by vigorously
shaking the concrete right after you pour it to eliminate the air bubbles or air pockets

Fig 4: Concrete vibrator

4. Handheld circular saw: is a power tool with a circular rotating blade, they are
commonly used in carpentry, woodworking, and construction and they are known for
their ability to make straight and precise cuts.

Fig 5: Handheld circular saw

5. Table saw: This is a woodworking tool equipped with a circular saw blade,
protruding through the surface of a flat table.

Fig 6: Table saw with circular saw

6. Hammer drill machine: This is a power tool designed for drilling into hard materials
like concrete, masonry, or stone. It combines a rotating drill bit with a hammering
action, providing a more effective way to break through tough surfaces.

Fig 7: Hammer drill machine
7. Bar bending machine: This facilitate the construction of reinforced concrete
structures by bending rebars into various shapes and angles

Fig 8: Bar bending machine

8. Bar cutting machine: As its name, this is used for rapidly cutting of various steel

Fig 9: Bar cutting machine

9. Grinder: This tool also is used for cutting steel bars but the difference with bar
cutting machine is that this is handheld while bar cutting machine is not.

Fig 10: Grinders
10. Electric bolt Tightening Machine: This machine is used for rapid bolt tightening on
steel scaffold.

Fig 11: Electric bolt tightening machine

11. Construction laser level: This is a precision tool which emits a laser beam that
serves as a visual guide used in construction and surveying to establish a level
reference plane or straight line across a surface.

Fig 12: Construction laser level

12. Tie Wire Twister or binding hook (Tenaille): is a fabricated tool used to tie rebars of
various diameters together at intersection using galvanized tie wires.
13. Manual rebar bender: usually made of rebar itself and it is used for unfolding steel
14. Chalk line: is a tool for marking long, straight lines on relatively flat surfaces, much
farther than is practical by hand or with a straightedge.
15. Plumb bob: is a pointed weight attached to the end of the string and is used to find a
vertical reference line called plumb.
16. Hose level: is a simple device that can provide an accurate elevation comparison
between multiple points that rival each other to be a county high point, or to be the
highest summit of a major peak.
17. Tape measure: is a flexible instrument used for measuring lengths and distances.
18. Safety belt: Should wear while doing work at heights.


Interpreting engineering drawings is a crucial skill for engineers, architects, and other
professionals involved in the design, construction, and manufacturing of products.
Engineering drawings convey detailed information about the geometry, dimensions,
materials, and other specifications of a component, structure, or system.
Effectively interpreting engineering drawings requires a combination of technical
knowledge, experience, and attention to detail. Professionals in the field should be familiar
with industry standards and practices to accurately understand and communicate the
information presented in engineering drawings.

Fig 13: Engineering drawing.

Surveying is defined as the art, science and technology of making measurements of objects
on, above or beneath the ground to show their relative positions on paper. The position
required is either horizontal, vertical or both.

The main objective of surveying is to collect field data so a map or plan can be prepared
based on the calculations of the field parameters before an engineering operation is actually
executed to begin a construction project.

Plumbing professionals use surveys to confirm sanitary waste line and septic tank locations,
confirm code compliance of water heaters, check for pressure regulators, and more.

Fig 14: Dumpy level surveying.

Scaffolding is a temporary structure used in construction to support workers who needs to
work at height and their materials during the building, renovation or maintenance of the
structure. Scaffolding is typically made from metal poles and wood planks.

There are many types of scaffoldings being used in building activities but the most used
type is Steel scaffolding for its advantages over other kinds of scaffolding and it is the one
being used on the I was working on.

Steel scaffolding is made primarily with construction steel pipes and tubes. These
components are joined together using steel couplers and other fittings. It is the most widely-
used temporary structure in construction, aside from its durability, it also offers workers
convenience, safety, and fire resistance and It is easier to dismantle than other types.

3.3.1. Advantages of steel scaffolding.

 It has a high load capacity of up to 800 KN.

 Steel scaffolding is non-combustible and safety.
 It is used for high construction.
 It is adjustable for different heights.
 It is environmentally friendly.
 Steel scaffold parts are easily erected & dismantled with fabricated fixed linking
points and connectors.
 Steel scaffold tubes are easy to cut to customized sizes and lengths.
 Steel scaffolding is designed with safe and convenient stairs and access ways
3.3.2. Requirements for scaffolding.
1. Materials: Here scaffolding components should be made of durable materials like
2. Design and planning: It should be designed based on the specific requirements of the
project by a trained and competent person.
3. Foundation: Here the support structure must be levelled and be able to bear all loads
imposed on it.
4. Erection and dismantling: Scaffolding should be erected and dismantled by
competent person following proper procedures
5. Load capacity: Scaffolding should be designed to support the anticipated loads,
including the weight of workers, materials, tools and equipment.
6. Platforms: Its platforms should be fully planked and secured and the gap between
planks should be minimum.
7. Access: Provide safe access to and from the scaffold using ladders or stair towers
8. Inspection: Scaffold should be regularly inspected by competent person to address
any issue promptly.
3.3.3. Parts of steel scaffolding (Scaffolding components)

1. Standards: They are perpendicular tubes that transfer the load to the baseplates
which stabilize the scaffolding and create working platforms.
2. Ledgers: These are horizontal tubes that connect the standards and help in
distributing the load evenly across the scaffolding structure.
3. Transoms: are horizontal tubes spanning ledgers, normally at right angles (90°) to the
face of the building and they may also be used to support a working platform.
4. Bracings: This bracing helps to keep the structure rigid and stable, preventing it from
collapsing or tipping over.
5. Base plates: Scaffolding base plates are small square metal plates that the standards
(uprights) rest on to prevent them from sinking into the ground.
6. Sole boards: These are flat pieces of timber placed under the base plates of
scaffolding to distribute the load over a wide surface area.
7. Scaffold Boards (Planks): Are wooden or metal planks that create the working
platform for workers and materials.

8. Couplers and clamps: These are fittings which connect scaffolding tubes together
9. Guardrails: Horizontal and vertical barriers installed along the open sides of
scaffolding platforms to prevent falls.
10. Toe boards: are one of the most important safety features of scaffolding which
prevent tools and materials from falling off the scaffold and injuring people below.

Fig 15: Type of Scaffolding used on site.

Formwork is the structure, usually temporary, used to contain poured concrete and to mould
it to the required shape and dimensions and support it until it is able to support itself weight.

The construction of formwork takes time and involves expenditure up to 20 to 25% of the
cost of the structure or even more. The design of these temporary structures are made to
economic expenditure. The operation of removing the formwork is known as stripping.
Stripped formwork can be reused. Reusable forms are known as panel forms and non-usable
are called stationary forms.
Timber is the most common material used for formwork. The disadvantage with timber
formwork is that it will warp, swell, and shrink. The application of water-impermeable cost
to the surface of wood mitigates these defects.
3.4.1. Requirements of Good Formwork
 It should be strong enough to withstand all types of dead and live loads.
 It should be rigidly constructed and efficiently propped and braced both horizontally
and vertically, to retain its shape.
 The joints in the formwork should be tight against leakage of cement grout.

 Construction of formwork should permit removal of various parts in desired sequences
without damage to the concrete.
 The material of the formwork should be cheap, readily available, and should be suitable
for reuse.
 The formwork should be set accurately to the desired line, and levels should have a
plane surface.
 It should be as light as possible.
 The material of the formwork should not warp or get distorted when exposed to the
 It should rest on a firm base.
Concrete formworks (shuttering) are required for fresh concrete constructions such as walls,
slabs, beams, columns, footings etc… Formworks requirements for different structural
members are different and they are named based on type of structural member. Formwork
(shuttering) is a temporary mould to provide support to fresh concrete when placed in
structural member until the concrete has set. This helps the structural member to gain
sufficient strength to carry its self-load and load from other members. There are many types
of structural formwork or shuttering based on its material, their use and the type of
structural members. They can be named based on that. However, core functioning of the
formwork remains the same.
According to the site I was working on, the type of formwork used there based on material
was Plywood formwork which was moulded into different shapes based on the structural
member. Based on materials
1. Timber formwork: Timber used for shuttering for exposed concrete work should have
smooth and even surface on all faces which come in contact with concrete.
Timber for formwork should satisfy the following requirement:
It should be:
1. Well-seasoned
2. Light in weight
3. Easily workable with nails without splitting
4. Free from loose knots
2. Plywood formwork: Resin-bonded plywood sheets are attached to timber frames to make
up panels of the required sizes. The cost of plywood formwork is favourably compares
with that of timber shuttering, and it may even prove cheaper in some instances given the
following considerations:
1. It is possible to have a smooth finish in which case on cost in surface finishing
is there.
2. By the use of large-size panels, it is possible to affect saving in the labour cost
of fixing and dismantling.
3. The number of reuses are more as compared with timber shuttering. For
estimation purposes, the number of reuses can be taken as 20 to 25.

3. Steel formwork: This consists of panels fabricated out of thin steel plates stiffened along
the edges by small steel angles. The panel units can be held together through the use of
suitable clamps or bolts and nuts. Types of formwork based on different structural members (Beams,
columns, slabs and footings)
Formworks are used in construction of reinforced concrete foundations, columns, slabs,
walls etc., and these are named as follows:
 Footing Forms – Formworks for foundation
 Beam Forms – Formwork for beam
 Column Forms – Formwork for RCC Column construction
 Wall Forms – Formwork for RCC wall construction
 Floor Forms – Formwork for construction of RCC Slabs
 Ramp and stair Forms – Formwork for construction of RCC ramp and stair.
Formwork construction as a part of my IAT, I had chance to work on some of these kinds or
types of formwork based on the structural member which I will be explaining below except
Footing and wall formwork.
3.4.3. Construction of formwork
Normally the construction of formwork normally involves the followings operations:
1. Propping and Centering.
2. Shuttering.
3. Provision of camber.
4. Cleaning and surface treatment.
1. Propping and centering:
The props used for centering may be of steel, timber posts or bullies. Pillars made up of
brick masonry in mud mortar are also sometimes used as props.
It involves the installation of temporary support structures, such as props or braces, to hold
up a building or structure while work is being done on it.
2. Shuttering:
The shuttering can be made up of timber planks, or it may be in the form of panel units
made either by fixing plywood to timber frames or by welding steel plates to angle framing.
In any case, the shuttering should be constructed in such a manner that the joints should be
tight against leakage of cement grout.
Sometimes the architect specifies the provision of moulding in slabs or columns or
provision of chamfers at corners of beams and columns.
3. Provision of camber:
Certain amount of deflection in structure is unavoidable. It is, therefore desirable to give an
upward camber in the horizontal members of the concrete structure (especially in members
having long spans) to counteract the effect of deflection.
The provision of desired camber should be made in the formwork itself during erection.
4. Surface treatments:
Before laying concrete the formwork should be cleaned of all rubbish particularly the
sawdust shavings and chippings etc.

All surfaces of timber shuttering that are to come in contact with concrete should be well
wetted with water.
This is necessary to prevent the chances or dry shuttering absorbing water from the concrete
which may cause warping, swelling and distortion of timber besides resulting in defect of
honeycombing in concrete. Column shuttering
Column formwork comprises of the following:
3. Side and end planks
4. Yokes
5. Bolts and nuts
Construction sequence for a column:
 Before placing column formwork, verify that steel for the column is checked and
cleared for casting.
 Place formwork for the column from prearranged grids.
 Plumb formwork both ways and safely support with modifiable steel props.
 Make sure that the steel props are securely attached to the column formwork and the
floor. Modification for pushing & pulling is going on.
 Arrange the placements of column clamps from a storey rod.
 Move the column damp positions from the storey rod onto column formwork.
 Apply nails to provide support to the arms of column clamps at the time of wedging.
 Place and wedge the bottom, middle and top clamps sets.
 Examine the formwork at the top for square.
 Place and wedge the rest of the column clamps.
 Plumb the column with a plump bob that is hanging from a gauge block.

Fig 16: Column shuttering Beam shuttering
When it comes to constructing beams, one crucial aspect that demands attention is the
installation of beam formwork. The process of installing beam formwork requires careful
planning and execution to ensure the structural integrity and stability of the beams.

Installation sequence for beam formwork:
 Preparing the Construction Site
 Marking and Aligning the Beam Positions: Properly marking and aligning the
positions of the beams is crucial for accurate installation. Use string lines, laser
levels, or other alignment tools to ensure precise positioning of the beams. This step
helps in maintaining the desired dimensions and alignment of the structure.
 Assembling the Beam Formwork Panels: These panels are typically made of timber,
plywood, steel, or aluminium and are designed to provide support and shape to the
concrete during pouring and curing.
 Placing and Securing the Formwork Panels: Once the formwork panels are
assembled, carefully place them in position according to the marked beam positions.
Ensure that the panels are securely attached to each other and to the supporting
structure. Use appropriate fasteners or clamps to hold the formwork panels in place.
 Installing the Shuttering and Reinforcements: After securing the formwork panels,
install the shuttering, which is a temporary support structure used to hold the
formwork panels in place. After, add reinforcements to enhance the strength and
load-bearing capacity of the beams.
 Pouring and Curing the Concrete: With the formwork panels and reinforcements in
place, it is time to pour the concrete into the formwork. Slab shuttering
Slab Formwork essentially consists of a horizontal load-bearing structure which supports
the form lining and transfers the forces into the shoring.
The procedures for installing slab formworks is the same as for beam shuttering. The most
essential thing is while erecting slab and beam formworks is marking, once it is done
properly the remaining is normal.

Fig 17: Slab and beam shuttering before placing reinforcements.

Fig 18: Slab shuttering after placing beam reinforcement. Stair & ramp shuttering.
 For stair and ramp shuttering, also the first thing is to mark the position of landings
and headroom and their supporting beams and columns.
 Once all marked, the next step is to build the landings and head room where marked.
 After, by fixing two building lines both from landing to the starting point of the stair
or ramp and other to the stair or ramp end, respectively you install bottom plywood
board or panels which will support your structure element.
 Next, you fix the side boards on both sides of ramp or stair.
 For stair the next step is to mark riser and goings on the side board.
 The concrete steps are to be reinforced with steel bars so as it carries the loads
coming upon the stairs or ramp and transfer them to the ground.
 Construct the riser forms: These are the vertical elements of the formwork. The riser
forms should be spaced evenly and should be the same height as the risers of the

Fig 19: Stair and ramp formwork before placing reinforcing mesh.

Fig 20: Stair and ramp after placing reinforcing mesh.
3.4.4. Factors affecting striking time of concrete formwork
The striking time of concrete formwork depends on the strength of the structural members.
The strength development of concrete member depends on:
1. Grade of concrete
2. Grade of cement
3. Type of Cement
4. Temperature
5. Size of the concrete member
6. Accelerated curing

3.4.5. Order and method of formwork removal

The formwork should under no circumstances be allowed to be removed until all the
concrete reaches a strength of at least twice the stresses to which the concrete may be
subjected at the time of removal of formwork.
All formworks should be eased gradually and carefully in order to prevent the load from
being suddenly transferred to concrete.
The sequence of orders and method of removal of formwork are as follows:
1. Shuttering forming the vertical faces of walls, beams, and column sides should be
removed first as they bear no load but only retain the concrete.
2. Shuttering forming soffit of slabs should be removed next.
3. Shuttering forming soffit of beams, girders, or other heavily loaded shuttering should
be removed in the end.

Type of Formwork Formwork Removal Time

Sides of Walls, Columns and Vertical 24 hours to 48 hours (as per engineer’s
faces of beam decision)

Slabs (props left under) 3 days

Beam soffits (props left under) 7 days

Removal of Props of Slabs:

i) Slabs spanning up to 4.5m 14 days

ii) Slabs spanning over 4.5m 14 days

Removal of props for beams and arches

i) Span up to 6m 14 days

ii) Span over 6m 21 days

Table 1: Formwork Stripping Time (When Ordinary Portland Cement is used)


Steel reinforcement bars or rebars are used to improve the tensile strength of the concrete,
since concrete is very weak in tension, but is strong in compression. Steel is only used as
rebar because elongation of steel due to high temperatures (thermal expansion coefficient)
nearly equals to that of concrete.
There are differently types of steel reinforcement used in concrete structures but generally in
Rwanda including the site I was working in; the Hot Rolled Deformed Bars are mostly used.
Hot Rolled Deformed Bars: This is the most common type of reinforcement for regular
RCC structures. Hot rolling is done in the mills which involves giving it deformations on
the surface i.e. ribs so that it can form bond with concrete.
3.5.1. Cutting and bending of stirrups.
Stirrup is an enclosed steel ring that supplements extra reinforcement to beams and bars,
preventing deformation or crumple under the brick and mortar weight.
The main purpose of stirrup is to hold the primary reinforcement bars and also prevent
columns and beams from buckling. The stirrups get placed diagonally when there is tension
and compression caused by vertical and transverse tension.
The total cutting length of stirrups = Straight length + 2Hook length which is totally
different to what is done on site.
The total cutting length of stirrups = Straight length + 1Hook length

 Here, one hook of the stirrups is neglected because steel has the property of elasticity
and it simply means that when you bend a steel bar, it stretches. So as to avoid that
risks, we neglect one hook length.
The straight length of the stirrups depends upon the cross-section of the member.
Important values for calculating bend length are mentioned below,
For 45-degree bend = Add 1D
For 90-degree bend = Add 2D
For 135-degree bend = Add 3D (Theoretically but it is not applicable in practices)

Fig 21: Manual bar bending place.

3.5.2. Curtailment of bar in continuous beam
Curtail bar in beam is a way of reducing the area of tensile reinforcement at points/areas
(either on a beam/slab) where bending moment is minimum or zero for the purpose of
achieving an economic design.

Fig 22: Formulas for curtailment of reinforcement

3.5.3. Overlapping
Overlapping is a practice in concrete construction where two or more lengths of reinforcing
steel are placed next to each other and connected to ensure continuity and strength in the
reinforced concrete structure.

The main functions of overlapping of reinforcement are; To maintain the continuity of steel.
To transfer the load safely from one bar to the next bar.
Lapping of reinforcement is usually done where minimum bending stress is required. In
general, the minimum lap length is 50d which means 50 times the bar diameter is provided
if both bars are of same diameter.
3.5.4. Hanger bars
Hanger bars are provided in beams to support and distribute the load of the structure. They
help to prevent the beam from sagging or bending due to the weight it carries. By providing
additional support underneath the beam, hanger bars help to maintain the structural integrity
of the overall construction.
Hanger bars shall be provided in concrete beams which supports secondary beams.
Reinforcement shall be provided in the primary beam, and they shall be placed around the
joint of the two beams. Latter figures shows the method of detailing of reinforcements.
Design Technique
Generally, we provide primary beams to support the secondary beams. Reaction of the
secondary beams is carried by the primary beam. We normally design the primary beams for
the reaction of the secondary beams, and most of the time many engineers miss the design at
the joint. Joint should be design to carry the reaction of the secondary beam. We provide
hanger reinforcement at the joint, in the primary in addition to the normal shear

Fig 23: Hanger bar.

Concrete is a versatile and widely used construction material composed of a mixture of
cement, water, aggregates (such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone), and sometimes

3.6.1. Ingredients of Concrete
1. Cement.
Cement is the main binder material used to bind other building concrete materials together.
It is used for making mortar and concrete during the construction process.

Fig 24: Cement bags

2. Fine aggregates.
Fine aggregate such as sand used to fill in the spaces left between the large coarse aggregate
and to “lock” the larger pieces together. Sand helps in reducing the quantity of cement paste
required and decreases the amount of shrinkage that could occur.
3. Coarse aggregates.
Coarse Aggregate forms the major body of concrete. The aggregates contribute to the
overall strength of the concrete by increasing density.
4. Water.
It is the key ingredient, which when mixed with cement, forms a paste that binds the
aggregate together. The water contributes to the hardening of concrete through a process
called hydration. Its role is major in concrete because the strength of concrete extensively
depends on water to cement ratio and it is the critical factor in the production of perfect
5. Admixture.
These are optional additives that can be incorporated into the concrete mix to enhance or
modify its properties. Admixtures can enhance workability, accelerate or slow down the
curing process, improve durability, or achieve other specific goals.

3.6.2. Steps of concrete manufacturing processes

Quality control ensures concrete is produced with consistent strength from batch to batch.
To achieve this, some principles must be followed during the different concrete production
Concrete-making steps include:
1. Material batching
2. Mixing
3. Transportation
4. Placing
5. Compacting
6. Treatment
1. Material batching:
For good quality concrete a proper and accurate quantity of all the ingredients should be
used. Measure the aggregates, cement, and water with a 3% accuracy of the batch quantity
and the admixtures with a 5% accuracy of the batch quantity. The two most common
methods of batching materials are volume batching and weight batching.
2. Mixing:
Concrete can be mixed either with hand mixing or machine mixing depending on the type or
quantity required for a given job. Machine mixing is the one we used in my IAT site.
3. Transporting:
Move the freshly mixed concrete to the construction site using various techniques, including
wheelbarrow and hand hauling, conveyor belt operations, and more complex projects,
including cranes and pumps. All of these techniques required some level of manual labour
and sophisticated protective gear. Also the technique employed on my IAT site is
Construction elevator and wheelbarrow technique.
4. Pouring and placing:
Pour the concrete into the forms or moulds at the construction site. This can involve various
techniques, such as pumping or bucketing. Concrete must be placed with the utmost care to
ensure homogeneity during mixing and prevent segregation during transportation.

Fig 25: Column concreting.
5. Compacting:
Fresh concrete is consolidated by compaction around embedded components, reinforcement
steel, and moulds or frames to remove air voids and ensure that it fills the forms completely.
6. Finishing:
Smooth the surface of the concrete to achieve the desired appearance and texture. This may
involve screeding, floating, and trowelling.

Fig 26: Screeding for stair and ramp.

7. Curing:
Curing is defined as the process of maintaining the moisture and temperature conditions of
concrete for hydration reaction to normally so that concrete develops hardened properties
over time. The main components which need to be taken care of are moisture, heat, and time
during the curing process.

The time to start the curing of concrete depends on the evaporation rate of moisture from the
concrete. The evaporation rate is influenced by wind, radiant energy from sunshine,
concrete temperature, climatic conditions, relative humidity.
The curing of concrete for longer duration increases the strength and durability of concrete
structural members. However, after 28 days of the casting of a concrete, 99% of the
hydration process of the concrete is completed. Further to which continuation of curing is of
no use.
Why the curing of concrete is required?
 To prevent the concrete from drying out prematurely (plastic shrinkage) due to solar
radiation and wind.
 The hydration process requires water to carry on and releases heat in fact this helps to
maintain the concrete temperature.
 This helps the development of impermeable, crack-free, and durable concrete.
 Curing helps the concrete to harden and bond with internal materials and
Methods of curing.
There are various methods of curing concrete, which are used on the site depending upon
the size and nature of the work.
1. Immersion curing: This is the best water curing method. Here, finished concrete is
immersed in the curing tank or curing pond. This method is practically not possible
unless the concrete is a laboratory test specimen for small precast units.
2. Ponding method: Here, small rectangular or square artificial ponds are built using
bunds of clay or lean mortar or sand across and along the concrete surface. Water is
filled in two or three times per day depending upon the atmospheric conditions. This
method is very efficient but the amount of water required is huge.
3. Spraying or fogging method: Here by using nozzles or sprayers, water is sprayed on
the concrete members, which are to be cured and it is an efficient method for curing
by supplying additional moisture during hot weather.
4. Wet covering method: Here jute bags, cotton mats, Hussain cloth, etc. are used to
maintain moisture on the concrete surface by completely covering the surface
immediately after the concrete has hardened sufficiently.
5. Concrete curing compound
6. Steam curing.
During my IAT period, the curing methods used on site were wet covering and spraying or
fogging method as shown in the following picture.

Fig 27: Curing method employed on site.
3.6.3. Grade of concrete

Grade of concrete is defined as the minimum strength the concrete must possess after 28
days of construction with proper quality control. Grade of concrete is denoted by prefixing
M to the desired strength in MPa. For example, for a grade of concrete with 20 MPa
strength, it will be denoted by M20, where M stands for Mix. These grade of concrete is
converted into various mix proportions. For example, for M20 concrete, mix proportion will
be 1:1.5:3 for cement: sand: coarse aggregates.
The concrete grade is divided into three categories: Ordinary, standard, and high. The grade
of concrete depends on various factors, including durability, comprehensive strength, and
water-cement ratio, among others.
Regular grades of concrete are M15, M20, M25 etc. For plain cement concrete works,
generally M15 is used. For reinforced concrete construction minimum M20 grade of
concrete are used.
The grade of concrete being used on my site was M25.
Concrete Mix ratio Compressive strength
Grade MPa(N/mm2) psi
M25 1:1:2 25 3625
M30 Design mix 30 4350
M35 Design mix 35 5075
M40 Design mix 40 5800
M45 Design mix 45 6525
Table 2: Standard Grades of Concrete.

3.6.4. Septic tank
A septic tank is an underground chamber made of concrete, fiberglass, or plastic through
which domestic wastewater (sewage) flows for basic sewage treatment.
The septic tank is a buried, water-tight container usually made of concrete, fiberglass, or
polyethylene. Its job is to hold the wastewater long enough to allow solids to settle down to
the bottom forming sludge, while the oil and grease floats to the top as scum. Functions of septic tank
 Septic tanks receive all wastewater from the house
 Septic tanks separate solids from the wastewater flow
 Septic tanks cause a reduction and the decomposition of solids.
 Septic tanks provide storage for the separated solids (Sludge and scum)
 Septic tanks pass the clarified wastewater (effluent) out to the absorption area. Working principle of septic tank
A typical septic system consists of a septic tank and a drain field (or soil absorption field).
The septic tank digests organic matter and separates floatable matter (e.g., oils and grease)
and solids from the wastewater. In conventional, or soil-based systems, the liquid (known as
effluent) is discharged from the septic tank into a series of perforated pipes buried in a leach
field, chambers, or other special units designed to slowly release the effluent into the soil.
This area is known as the drain field.
Alternative systems use pumps or gravity to help septic tank effluent trickle through sand,
organic matter (e.g., peat and sawdust), constructed wetlands, or other media to remove or
neutralize pollutants like disease-causing pathogens, nitrogen, phosphorus and other
contaminants. Some alternative systems are designed to evaporate wastewater or disinfect it
before it is discharged to the soil.


4.1. Conclusion
By summing up, the Industrial attachment conducted in a period of 8 weeks played great
role in my undergraduate program. It was period full of opportunities to apply or interpret
class theoretical knowledge into real practical skills. I participated in multitasks at
construction site that helped me gain some experience in building construction activities like
CAD drawings and its interpretation into real practice; surveying; steel bar works or steel
related activities including cutting, bending, overlapping of reinforcements; carpentry works
at site include formwork erection for different structural members, scaffoldings, ladders; and
concreting operations, here includes batching, mixing, transporting, placing, compacting
and finishing.
Being on construction site was highly contributed my level of sociability like
communication skills, team work skills, time management, motivation skills, labor
management skills, personal work ethics, consultative skills, to meet with dead line, task
scheduling skills and analytical skills. Participating with the consultants and supervisors
helped me to produce valuable and qualitative work to meet client requirements. Skills
obtained during this IAT will help me in the career of civil engineering.

4.2. Recommendations
In order to make Industrial attachment more beneficial for the future trainees and meet its
objectives, according to the observations and findings during mine (IAT), I would like to
recommend to:
4.2.1. Recommendations towards CHINA STAR Construction Co. Ltd
 The company should provide many qualified supervisors in order to give
more time and attention to internees.
 Motivation should be given to trainees, if motivated, they can do more things
of great importance to the company.
4.2.2. Recommendations towards INES-RUHENGERI
 Most student have struggled in getting companies which hosted them in
period of industrial attachment that is why INES should seek partnership
with different construction companies which will host the student.
 They should seek information from various companies regarding new site
procedures and technology of performing work before elaborating academic
curriculum and to update their teachings to comply with company owners’
 To put more effort in practical teachings like in workshop courses in order to
balance both theoretical and practical skills.


 ACI (1995) In-place methods to estimate concrete strength. ACI 228.1R-95.

 ASTM (1987) Standard practice for estimating concrete strength by the maturity
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 BS 8110 - code of practice for the structural use of concrete
 IS-456 – Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice
 Gagg, Colin R. (1 May 2014). "Cement and concrete as an engineering material: An
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 Allen, Edward; Iano, Joseph (2013). Fundamentals of building construction:
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1118420867. OCLC 835621943.
 Kahmen, Heribert; Faig, Wolfgang (1988). Surveying. Berlin: de Gruyter. p. 9. ISBN
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 Orr, J. J., Darby, A. P., Ibell, T. J., Evernden, M. C. and Otlet, M., 2011. Concrete
structures using fabric formwork. The Structural Engineer, 89 (8), pp. 20-26
 BS5975:2008 + A1: 2001 Code of Practice for Temporary Works Procedures and the
Permissible Stress Design of False work (BSI 2011).
 Neville, A. M., & Brooks, J. J. (1987). Concrete technology (Vol. 438). England:
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