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Ditch --- ban

Should exams be banned?

Don’t stress, do your best, forget the rest.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I hope you’re having a great day I’m Nouha, let me ask you a
simple question: Would you choose to have the exams or not to have them? I know probably
you will say of course not to have them and this is due to many drawbacks.

First of all, the examination can cause the stress and anxiety among students, many apprentice
experience panic attacks besides test encourage student to cheat for improving their marks
along with A student who scores a D on their math test is expected to be compared to students
who score an A. Every Childs learning ability is different why comparing child with other.
Also, students usually focus more on rote memorisation and ignore concepts that’s lead to
forget about this knowledge in the next day.

Although there are people that like having exams since exams have plenty of advantages to
begin with: exams create competition among students This competition encourages the
students to work harder and acts as a motivation for them. furthermore, Exams not only
improve knowledge but also improve memory. students improve their learning skills and can
store more knowledge in their brains in a short period of time. In addition, Practical tests
strengthen confidence and give a real picture of the individual. Examinations prepare students
for future challenges. They provide students with the opportunity to develop important skills such as
time management, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Moreover, Exams can help students in
achieving their goals and aspirations by providing them with a clear pathway to success.

So, what if we ban the exams?

When we will ban the exams, we can replace tests by using long time projects or Portfolios they can
include essays, artwork, presentations, and other artifacts that demonstrate learning outcomes. Also,
Continuous assessment methods such as quizzes, polls, class discussions we can either Use technology
or even Encourage students to reflect on their own learning process, setting goals, and assessing their
progress fosters metacognitive skills and self-directed learning.

In my opinion I think that the best way to develop ourselves is to eliminate exams this way student
will have more freetime no anxiety and no stress also reducing the academic pressure and letting
students focusing on what they interests them so what do you think ?

Thank you for your good listening .

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