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Julieth F. Saleto
Gley L. Meres
Zeky L. Fanon
Marice S. Planko


Denzel Parcal Min


Research Adviser

March 2023
Chapter 1


1.1 Background of the Study

Chemical fertilizers are a problem because they are known to have detrimental effects

both locally and worldwide. Waterway pollution, crop chemical burn, increased air pollution,

and soil acidification are a few instances of the problems chemical fertilizers may bring about.

A fertilizer is a chemical, either synthetic or natural, that is added to soil to provide one

or more nutrients necessary for plant growth. Chemical fertilizers may boost plant vigor and

development, helping to ensure global food security, but plants cultivated in this way lack

desirable traits including a strong root system, healthy shoots, and nutritional qualities. They also

lack the necessary time to develop properly. Chemical fertilizers are widely acknowledged as

one of the primary causes of the planet's slow demise. Pollution, from the air to the water, poses

a serious risk to all life on Earth, not just to humans. The rate of population growth in the world

is worrying. More farmland areas have been put under intense cultivation, along with increased

fertilizer use, to fulfill the rising demand for food.In the Philippines, the usage of chemical

fertilizers began to rise rapidly in the late 1950s; between 1961 and 2005, fertilizer applications

climbed by 1,000%. (Figure 1, FAOSTAT 2007).

The production of rice and maize only grew by 200% and 280%, or doubled and tripled,

respectively, despite this enormous rise in the usage of chemical fertilizers, the output of pulses

remained relatively constant. This suggests that there has been a significant loss of fertilizers in

the environment as a result of their improper application and inadequate management. Even

though fertilizer sales nearly doubled in the 1990s, crop yields barely increased. The imbalance
in the usage of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), as well as the deficit in sulfur brought on by the

widespread use of urea, are the main causes of the low responsiveness of crops, particularly

grain. But, the current system also causes farmers to struggle with increasing input costs and

suggested technologies (NEDA 2004a). Globally, crop soils that get excessive or improper

chemical fertilizer application generally degrade and lose soil fertility. Farmers in the Philippines

are beginning to notice these issues. And even though the government's Fertilizer and Pesticide

Authority (FPA) recognizes that finding the right "balance" in fertilizer application is one of the

current priorities (Arboleda, 1998), fertilizer policies in the Philippines have typically aimed for

competing objectives of low-priced, subsidized fertilizers for farmers and incentives to fertilizer


Fertilization improves agricultural activity efficiency and yields higher-quality product

recovery. That is among the most crucial methods. The major ingredients of non-organic

fertilizers are salts of phosphate, nitrate, ammonium, and potassium. Natural radionuclides and

heavy metals are thought to be sources from the fertilizer industry. There are significant amounts

of natural radionuclides such 238U, 232Th, and 210Po as well as heavy metals like Hg, Cd, As,

Pb, Cu, Ni, and Cu [1-2]. Yet, the consumption of fertilizer has drastically expanded recently,

seriously harming the ecosystem. The deposition of heavy metals in soil and plant systems may

be impacted by fertilization. Through the soil, plants take up the nutrients and can then move up

the food chain. Consequently, fertilizing causes pollution of the land, water, and air. Turkey uses

fewer chemical fertilizers than many wealthy and many developing nations do. Turkey uses

100.4 kg of chemical fertilizer (N+P+K) per acre. These values are 665,5 in the Netherlands,

624,8 in Egypt, 373,2 in Japan, 301.5 in China, 287,5 in the United Kingdom, 205,4 in Germany,
180,1 in France, 160,8 in the USA, 126,4 in Italy, 121,4 in India, 115,4 in Greece, and 106,9 in

Indonesia, respectively.

Native to South America, tomatoes belong to the nightshade family of fruits. The family

includes chilli peppers, potatoes, eggplant, and other familiar vegetables. Lycopersicon

esculentum is its scientific term. This unique vegetable is cultivated and stays available for

consumption in all seasons. Although with its botanical categorization as a fruit, it is widely

consumed and served as a vegetable. Lycopene, an antioxidant linked to a number of health

benefits, including a decreased risk of heart disease and cancer, is mostly found in tomatoes.

They also contain large amounts of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and vitamin K.

A tomato is a very nutritious superfood that supports many different biological systems.

Its nutritional value promotes heart health, weight loss, and healthy skin. Despite their

widespread use, tomatoes were only considered poisonous in the United States (U.S.) 200 years

ago. This is probably because tomatoes are a member of the dangerous nightshade family. After

potatoes, lettuce, and onions, tomatoes are now the fourth most popular fresh-market vegetable.

One of the most nutrient-dense plant foods is tomatoes. The advantages of eating various fruits

and vegetables are astounding, and tomatoes are no exception. The likelihood of acquiring heart

disease, diabetes, and cancer reduces as the percentage of plant-based foods in the diet rises.

Tomatoes come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be prepared in various ways. Cherry

tomatoes, stewed tomatoes, raw tomatoes, soups, juices, and purees are a few of them. Different

varieties can have different health advantages. Cherry tomatoes, for instance, have more beta-

carotene than ordinary tomatoes. Also connected to healthier skin and hair, more vitality, and

reduced weight are high fruit and vegetable intakes. The risk of obesity and overall mortality is

dramatically reduced by increasing the diet of fruits and vegetables.

The Aztecs were the first people to cultivate tomatoes, centuries before the Spanish did.

Depending on the requirement, people cultivate and grow them in various ways. Because of this,

it differs in size, color, and cultivation techniques. Moreover, it can be modified, hybridized, or

organic according on preferences. When fully grown, tomatoes are normally red, although they

can also occasionally be yellow, orange, green, or purple. Moreover, there are various tomato

subspecies, each with a unique shape and flavor.

The purpose of this study is to provide the community with a novel method for enhancing

plant development without adversely influencing the environment; to assist in the advancement

of agriculture.

1.2 Research Objectives

The main goal of this research is to evaluate the potential of coffee grounds as an organic

fertilizer for tomato plants.

Specifically, this study will intend to:

1.) Find an alternative to chemical fertilizers for tomato fertilization;

2.) Determine if the growth of tomato plants is positively affected by coffee grounds

in terms of:

a.) Plant Nutrition

b.) Plant Growth

c.) Environmental Impact

d.) Cost
1.3 Research Problem

This study aims to determine if Coffee Grounds are effective as fertilizer in regards to

Tomato plant growth.

Specifically, this aims to answer the following questions:

1.) Do Coffee Grounds have a positive effect in coordination to the growth of tomato


2.) How effective Coffee Grounds are as fertilizer in terms of:

a.) Plant Nutrition

b.) Plant Growth

c.) Environmental Impact

d.) Cost

3.) Are coffee grounds a better form of fertilizer than chemicals?

1.4 Research Hypotheses

The following alternative hypothesis has been developed in response to the foregoing

research problem:

1) Coffee Grounds are found to be effective as fertilizer to tomato plants.

2) Coffee Grounds are a better form of fertilizer than chemicals.

3) The tomato plants grew well, and are nutritious.

1.5 Conceptual Framework

Plant Growth
Growth of
Coffee Grounds Plant Nutrition
tomato plants
Type of Tomato

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1 depicts the main concept of this study, which is to find an alternative and

effective fertilizer that is less expensive and has no negative impact on the environment, in order

to reduce the possibility of worse pollution and the threat to all life on Earth.

1.6 Scope and Limitations

Various experiments can be used to investigate the effect of using coffee grounds as

fertilizer on tomato plant growth and its effectiveness as an organic fertilizer. The study, entitled

"The Effectiveness of Coffee Grounds (Coffea Arabica L.) as an Organic Fertilizer to

Tomatoes," aims to find an alternative to chemical fertilizers that farmers or plant growers can

use. Tomatoes are one of the most important requirements, as our research focuses on the growth

of tomato plants using coffee grounds as fertilizer.

1.7 Significance of the Study

This research study assesses the feasibility of finding an alternative fertilizer out of coffee

grounds. If the study if shown to be approved, there may be a chance where air to water pollution

will be greatly reduced and there will be a less threat to all life on Earth, Thus, if this study will

be found acceptable, then it would be significant to the following:

Farmers: This study may be helpful to farmers since it identifies an affordable and sustainable

alternative to chemical fertilizers that may boost crop productivity. By employing coffee grounds

as fertilizer, farmers may also experience higher earnings and lower costs.

Environment: Using coffee grounds as fertilizer could benefit the environment by lowering

waste and encouraging sustainability. Because they are organic, coffee grinds are known to be

safer than chemical fertilizers. The research may demonstrate that waste materials, like coffee

grounds, can be valuable supplies for plant growth.

Consumers: Coffee grounds are quick to provide plant nutrients and restore soil fertility because

they are organic. As a result, consumers have access to goods that are significantly safer and

better for them.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Fertilization - the process of fusing male and female gametes to create

a zygote in order to fertilize an egg, female mammal, or


Organic fertilizer - are fertilizers that are created naturally.

Fertilizer - are substances that can be used to enrich soil or plants with

nutrients and promote growth either synthetically or


Effectiveness - the extent to which something succeeds in achieving the

desired outcome.

Tomatoes - a glossy red, or sporadically yellow, pulpy fruit that can be

eaten raw or cooked.

Coffee grounds - are what brewed coffee is made of.

Alternative - a scenario or proposition in which there are two or more

options, but only one can be selected.

Plant growth - the growth of a plant's mass or volume, whether or not new

organs, tissues, cells, or cell organelles are formed.

Plant nutrition - the examination of the chemical substances and elements

required for plant growth, reproduction, metabolism, and

external supply

1.9 Review of Related Literature

Pollution and poisoning of soil are two big issues in the modern world. Today, more than

300 million pounds of various chemically poisonous materials are produced as fertilizers and

pesticides under various brand names (Tomkins & Bird, 2002). The over use of synthetic

fertilizers and pesticides has had a negative impact on the environment and subsequently on the

human population. Continued use causes the insect to develop resistance, making it more

challenging to control with alternative methods. Synthetic chemical fertilizer use results in leaves

with improperly formed protein, which causes inferior yields and, in turn, unhealthy diseases in

people and animals fed such inadequate food (Talukdar,2003).

Although chemical fertilizers have been credited with being the main factor in the rise in

global agricultural output over the past few decades, boosting plant vigor and development, thus

ensuring global food security, however plants produced in this manner do not develop desirable

traits like strong roots, healthy shoots, and nutritious qualities. They also do not have enough

time to grow and mature properly. Toxic compounds from chemically generated plants will build
up in the human body and are extremely harmful. The production of these chemicals, whose end

products and byproducts include some hazardous chemicals or gases like NH4, CO2, CH4, etc.

that will create air pollution, is where the harmful effects of chemical fertilizers will begin.

Moreover, water pollution results from the untreated disposal of industrial pollutants into

surrounding bodies of water. Also, it contains the most harmful consequence of chemical waste

buildup in aquatic bodies, known as water eutrophication. Moreover, when applied to soil, its

continued use impairs the health and quality of the soil, resulting in soil pollution. It is therefore

imperative that we acknowledge how this crop production input is harming our ecology and

environment. So, continued use of it without any reduction or wise use measures will eventually

exhaust all natural resources and endanger all forms of life on earth. The only way to lessen or

eliminate the negative effects of these synthetic chemicals on human health and the environment

is to implement new agricultural technical methods, such as switching from agriculture that uses

a lot of chemicals, such organic inputs including manure, biopesticides, and slow-release

fertilizers fertilizer, nanofertilizers, and other substances that would enhance the application

efficiency of the fertilizers' use as well as production. A healthy natural environment and ecology

will result from choosing organic farming for both the present and the coming generations.

If not disposed of appropriately, used coffee grounds are regarded as a potential harm to

the environment. The global problem of climate change is exacerbated by the release of methane

from used coffee grounds into the sky (Caetano et al. 2012). The use of used coffee grounds as

fertilizer has been studied in the past, but it has never been settled. Some researchers assert that

coffee ground fertilizer (CGF) will make the soil too acidic and harm plants by causing this

(Hardgrove et al. 2016). According to some experts, CGF makes the soil more fertile for plants

by adding numerous critical elements like nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, and magnesium
(Crumbley 2009). Moreover, studies indicate that used coffee grounds may function as a

pesticide to deter pests (Crumbley 2009).

Warm-season crops like tomatoes are delicate, adore the sun, and can't withstand frost.

It's crucial to avoid planting seeds too early. Except in zone 10, where tomatoes are a fall and

winter crop, the soil is typically not warm enough to plant tomatoes outdoors until late spring or

early summer. See the tomato planting schedule for your area.

Depending on the cultivar, tomatoes might take anywhere from 60 to more than 100 days

to harvest. Most gardeners choose to use small "starter plants" or transplants rather than seeds

because of their comparatively long growing season requirements (and later planting time).

Although many gardeners buy their transplants from nurseries or garden centers, you can grow

your own from seeds indoors.

Wait until the weather has warmed up in the spring before planting tomatoes because

they are long-season, heat-loving plants that cannot survive frost.

Sow tomatoes indoors six weeks prior to the last anticipated spring frost date in your

location if you're beginning them from seed. Plant seeds in tiny trays at a depth of 1/2 inch.

About two weeks after that time, or once nighttime temperatures are consistently in the mid-

fifties, sow seedlings outside.

Direct-seeding tomatoes in the garden soil (1/2 inch deep) is also an option if your

growing season is long enough, but you must wait until the soil temperature reaches at least

55°F. Keep in mind that soil at 70°F is ideal for maximizing germination within 5 days.

Tomatoes need full sun, which entails at least eight hours each day of direct sunshine.

Choose an open place that is far from structures, trees, and tall vegetation. Moreover, exposure
guarantees that the plants receive sufficient ventilation, assisting in the prevention of frequent

garden illnesses.

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