Functional Analysis 10

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Lec#10 Functional Analysis > Linear operator(Results) : > Kernel or null space of a linear operator > Norm of a Bounded linear operator(Examples) > Linear functional Linear operator(Results) Theorem1: Product of two linear operators i operators then 7,7, is also linear operator. linear operator. i.e. If T, and T, are linear Theorem2:Let T: X > Y be a surjective linear operator. Then 1) T7? exists if and only if Tx = 0 implies x = 0 2) If T7? exists, it is linear operator. 3) IfTis bijective and dimX = 7 then Y also has dimension n. Theorem: Linear operators map linearly dependent sets in X to linearly dependent sets. Kernel or null space of a Linear operator Definition: Let T: X > Y be a linear operator. Then the set of those elements of X which are mapped onto the zero element of Y is a subspace of X called the kernel or null space of T and is denoted by Ker(T) or N(T). i.e. Ker(T) = {x € X:T(x) = 0} Example: Let T: R? > R? be a linear operator defined by T(x, y) = (y,x) then Ker(T) is given by; Ker(T) = {(x,y) € R?: T(x, y) = (0,0)} Ker(T) = {(x,y) € R*: (y,x) = (0,0)} Ker(T) = {(0,0)} Similarly; Let T: R? > R? bea linear operator defined by T(x, y) = (x,0) then Ker(T) is given by; Ker(T) = {(x,y) € R*: T(x, y) = (0,0)} Ker(T) = {(x,y) € R?: (x,0) = (0,0)} = ((0,y) € R?} So the Ker(T. - axi Kernel of a Linear operator(Examples) Q: Let T: R? > R* be a linear operator defined by T(x, y) = (rx, ry); r # 0 then Ker(T) A) Origin B) X-axis C) Y-axis D) R? Q: Let T: R? > R? bea linear operator defined by T(x, y) = (rx, ry); r = 0 then Ker(T) A) Origin B) X-axis C) Y-axis D) R? Q: Let T: R? > R be a linear operator defined by T(x) = ¥- d then Ker(T) is A) Origin 8) line through origin _C) plane through origin D) R? Some important results Theorem1: Let T be a linear operator then a) The range R(T) is a vector space. b) IfdimD(T) =n < ©, then dimR(T) Y bea linear operator. then a) Tis continuous on X if and only if T is bounded. b) Tis continuous if and only if it is continuous at 0 € X. c)_ If Tis continuous on X then ker(T) is closed in X. d) If Tis continuous at a single point, it is continuous. Norm of a Bounded linear operator Definition: Let T: X > Y be a bounded linear operator. Then the norm of T is defined as Ie Th = Si Wr = sup Te oa Two other relations for a bounded linear operator T are: ITI = Sup IIT@)Il and IIT Il = Sup ||7@)II tbxli=1 iixils Definition: A linear operator T': X > Y is said to be bounded if and only if |IT'| is finite. Norm of a Bounded linear operator(Example) 1) Identity operator: The identity operator I: X > X is defined by I(x) = x for all x € X. LES ESI Identity operator is bounded, III| = Sup 4" = Sup jay = Sup 1 = 1 tel ~ eb Ire ~ 3b = xex ‘xEX 2) Zero operator: The zero operator 0: X ~ Y is defined by 0) = Oforallx eX. HoGeyil _ oll _ Zero operator is bounded, lIol] = Sup "ST" = Supp = Suzy = 0 wx xex xex 3) Every linear operator on a finite dimensional normed space is bounded. 4) Product of two bounded linear operators is a bounded linear operator. i.e. IFT; and T> are bounded linear operators then TT; is also bounded linear operator. Norm of a Bounded linear operator(Example) 5) Differentiation: Let X be the vector space of all polynomials on [a,b] then the operator T:X > X defined by T(x(t)) = x'(t) for all x(t) € X is a linear operator. But it is not bounded. Let x(t) = t",n € Nand t € [0,1]. Ilx(t)ll = max|x(.)| = maxle"|, t€ [0,1] Iix@ll=1 T(x(t)) = x'(t) =nt™1 IT (x(t))II = max|T(x(t))| = max|nt"™|, te [0,1] IIx@Il = 1 Ir~e@yI Ilell Since n € N is arbitrary. This shows that there is no fixed point c such that “7&0 < ¢ 59 xl T is not bounded. Norm of a Bounded linear operator(Example) 6) Integration: The operator T: C[a, b] > C[a, b] defined by T(x(t)) = f if x(t)dt for all x(t) € C[a, b] isa linear operator. This operator is also bounded operator. 7) Matrices: A real matrix A = [aj)] with r-rows and n-columns defines an operator T:R" > RY by means of y=Ax Where x = (x;) has n-components and y = (yj) has r-components. Then this operator will be a linear operator. This operator is bounded. Linear functionals Definition: A mapping from a normed space X into a field F (R or C) is called a functional. Definition: Let X be a normed spaces. A function f: X — F is said to be a linear functional iffor anya € F andx,y EX fe+y) = FG) +O) F(ax) = af (x) Alternatively: Let X be a normed spaces. A function f: X — Y is said to be a linear functional if for any a,b € F and x,y € X Ff (ax + by) = af (x) + bf(y) Linear functionals(Examples) 1) Norm: A function f: X > R defined by f(x) = ||x|| is a functional on X which is not linear. So a norm on X is also a functional. 2) Dot product : The function f:R? > R defined by f(x) = x - ais a functional which is linear and bounded. Thank You

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