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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region Xll
Schools Division Office of Cotabato
Bialong, Mlang, Cotabato

First quarter examination

Instruction: Read and analyze each problem.
Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer among the choices. Encircle the letter of your answer
on your answer sheet.

_____1. Based on the musical element timbre, arrange the following instruments according to the size:
(1 Bass 2 Banduria 3 Guitar 4 Octavina)
A. 1 2 3 4 B. 2 4 3 1 C. 3 1 4 2 D. 4 3 2 1
_____2. What musical element do the songs Atin Cu Pung Singsing and Manang Biday have in common?
A. dynamics B. melody C. meter D. timbre
_____3. Ilocano dances show inward movement and are closer to the center and their musical notes stay
close to each other. What characteristic or value does this show?
A. fright B. poorness C. proudness D. reservation
_____4. Because of its high pitch range, the banduria usually plays the melody. What musical element
does the banduria show in this situation?
A. melody B. meter C. mood D. timbre
_____5. The guitar guides the rondalla in terms of rhythm or beat. In this situation, what musical element
does not belong to the group?
A. melody B. meter C. mood D. tempo
_____ 6. It is usually played by a marching band to accompany sagalas in procession.
A. DIOS TE SALVE B. Regina Coeli Laetare C. PASYON D. ALAY
_____ 7. This song is sung by a child dressed like an angel lifting the veil of the mourning Virgin Mary.
A. DIOS TE SALVE B. Regina Coeli Laetare C. PASYON D. ALAY
______8. It is a narrative with stanzas of five lines and eight syllables.
A. DIOS TE SALVE B. Regina Coeli Laetare C. PASYON D. ALAY
______9. It is sung while people offer flowers to the image of the Virgin Mary.
A. DIOS TE SALVE B. Regina Coeli Laetare C. PASYON D. ALAY
______10. A dizzying weaving design of Ilocanos that represents the waves of the sea.
A. Binakol B. Ginaspalawanes C. Inabel D. Kain
______11. A hand weaving technique of the Ilocanos that is produced using traditional wooden looms.
A. Ginaspalawanes B. Ikat C. Inabel D. Kain
______12. The Southern Kalinga women’s wrap-around skirt or tapis.
A. Binakol B. Ginaspalawanes C. Inabel D. Kain
______13. A burial cloth woven by female elders of Mountain Province.
A. Bakwat B. Calado C. Kadangyan D. Wanes
______14. A clothing made by Gaddangs of Nueva Vizcaya used by mothers after giving birth.
A. Bakwat B. Calado C. Kadangyan D. Wanes
______15. A belt with designs composed of continuous zigzag patterns woven in double faced with
braided warps that end as tassels.
A. Ginaspalwanes B. Ikat C. Inabel D. Kain
______16. It has designs that are inspired by natural elements, patterns that depict different landforms,
and the colors of nature and animals.
A. Ginaspalawenas B. Ikat C. Inabel D. Kain
______17. The word used by Ilocanos which literally means “woven” is _____________.
A. Ginaspalawenas B. Ikat C. Inabel D. Kain
______18. It was built in 1885 located in Olongapo City, Zambales and served as the entrance to the
original Spanish naval station that provided repair, ammunition, supply, and medical support for ships.
A. Abucay Church B. Calle Crisologo C. Spanish Gate D. Tumauini Church
______19. Considered as the “Woodcarving Capital of the Philippines” located at Laguna which is
popular for the carving of saints and other religious images, decorative carvings of floral patterns and
geometric designs.
A. Abucay B. Masinloc C. Nueva Ecija D. Paete
______20. A wooden sculpture that represents the rice granary spirits and is used in rituals that are
performed to call the ancestors to protect their rice fields from pestilence and to ask for an abundant
A. Bul’ul B. Calle Crisologo C. Giant lantern D. Higantes
______21. They are the big papier maché caricatures of humans that represent farmers and fishermen.
A. Bul’ul B. Calle Crisologo C. Giant lantern D. Higantes
______22. Generally restful, like the horizon, where the sky meets land.
A. Horizontal Lines B. Vertical Lines
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region Xll
Schools Division Office of Cotabato
Bialong, Mlang, Cotabato

C. Diagonal Lines D. Constructive Lines

______23. Other lines that are very measured, geometric, directional and angular
A. Horizontal Lines B. Vertical Lines
C. Diagonal Lines D. Constructive Lines
_______24. Shapes that have more complicated edges and are usually found in nature
A. Constructive Lines B.Expressive Lines
C. Geometric Shapes D. Organic Shapes
_______25. A shape that has become 3- Dimensional (3-D)
A. Lines B. Shapes C. Form D. Color
_______26. A mark drawn by a tool such as a pencil, pen, or paintbrush as it moves across a surface
A. Lines B. Shapes C. Form D. Color
_______27. Tend to be found in nature and are very organic.
A. Constructive Lines B.Expressive Lines
C. Geometric Shapes D. Organic Shapes
_______28 . It is the ability of the muscles to function effectively and efficiently without undue fatigue.
A. Physical Fitness B. Flexibility C. Power D. Short Term
_______29. It is a set of measures designed to determine the level of physical fitness.
A. Physical Fitness Test B. Flexibility C. Power D. Short Term
_______30. It is the ability of the joints and muscles (muscle) to move through in full range of motion.
A. Flexibility B. Flexibility C. Power D. Short Term
_______31. It refers to the proportion of the lean body mass to the fat free body mass.
A. Body Composition B. Flexibility C. Power D. Short Term
_______32. It is the ability of an individual to quickly shift or change direction of the body from one point
to another.
A.Agility B. Flexibility C. Power D. Short Term
________33. It is the ability to perform a movement in one direction in the shortest period of time.
A. Speed B. Flexibility C. Power D. Short Term
________34. It is the amount of time to respond to a stimulus.
A. Reaction Time B. Flexibility C. Power D. Short Term
________35. It is done by doing gradual stretching activities from upper to lower extremities.
A. Strength exercises B. Warm-up exercises
C. Flexibility exercises D. Endurance exercises
________36. The exercise that specifically prepares the muscles for active contraction is called ______.
A. Static stretching B. Strength exercise
C. Dynamic stretching D. Endurance exercise
________37. Which of the following exercises is the most appropriate as a cool down exercise?
A. Static stretching B. Strength exercise
C. Dynamic stretching D. Endurance exercise
________38. The following are examples of dynamic stretching, EXCEPT:
A. Calf B. Front swings C. Plank walk-outs D. March and Reach
________39. The following are events held in a 400-meter track, EXCEPT:
a. Sprint b. Relays c. Shop put d. Hurdles
________40. It is a collection of sport events that involves running, throwing, and jumping
. a. Swimming b. Gymnastics c. Athletics d. Archery
________41. The following choices are the starter’s command in running, EXCEPT:
a. Set b. Ready c. On Your Marks d. Go
________42. This event is participated by four runners. Each runner covers 400 meters.
a. 4 x 800 b. 4 x 400 c. 4 x 200 d. 4 x 100
________43. It refers to the state of complete physical, mental or intellectual, emotional, social, moral-
spiritual and environmental well-being.
A. Health B. Physical Health C. Social Health D. Emotional Health
________44. It is an aspect of spending quality time with family on weekend.
A. Social B. Mental C. Emotional D. Environmental
________45. It refers to the ability of an individual to rationalize things.
A. Physical Health B. Mental Health
C. Moral Health D. Emotional Health
_______46. It refers to the ability of an individual to accept failure, understanding and liking oneself.
A. Mental Health B. Physical Health
C. Moral Health D. Emotional Health

________47. What period in life when a child develops into adulthood?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region Xll
Schools Division Office of Cotabato
Bialong, Mlang, Cotabato

A. Puberty B. Adolescence C. Adulthood D. infancy

________48. How can an unpleasant body odor due to active secretion of sweat glands be prevented?
A. Change clothes more often. B. Shave the hair of the armpit.
C. Take a bath regularly. D. Use perfume to hide odor.
________49. What is the best way to improve your moral- spiritual well- being?
A. Choose friends who share the same interest with you.
B. Get adequate rest and sleep.
C. Show respect and affection for others.
D. Spend quality time with your family and friends.
________50. This test will inform you about your general health status.
A. Dental examination B. Hearing test
C. Medical examination D. Vision test
________51. This examination can help females check any abnormalities in their breast.
A. Breast-Self Examination B. Dental examination
C. Medical examination D. Scoliosis screening
________52. This test will inform you about your teeth and mouth condition.
A. Dental examination B. Hearing test
C. Medical examination D. Vision test
________53. Jogging and walking is a good substitute to fitness gym activities.
________54. Exercising on a regulate basis is a healthy practice.
________55. Bringing your own basket on a market day is a good practicee

TEST II: Write APPROVED if the statement is true and if not, write DISAPPROVED.
__________1. Luzon lowland folksongs have a very distinctive Spanish influence.
__________2. Folksongs are generally taught in schools.
__________3. Sitsiritsit is a Tagalog folksong.
__________4. An example of a Kapampangan folk song is Sarung Banggi.
__________5. The composers and lyricists of folk songs are usually unknown.

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