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FEBRUARY 25, 2024

I was retained by Town Atorney Peter Doherty for the Town of Oak Creek, Colorado on Monday,
February 5, 2024, to conduct an internal affairs inves�ga�on regarding the conduct of Police
Chief Ralph Maher (Oak Creek Police Department Case Report Number 24C003147) on Sunday,
January 21, 2024, at the Colorado Bar located at 100 East Main Street, Oak Creek, Colorado
80467 during the “Magic Hunks” male revue show.

Materials Reviewed During This Internal Affairs Inves�ga�on:

Video Number 1 - Body Worn Camera Footage by Officer Greg Flint dated 1/21/24 at 21:55
hours - AXON Number X60A519OU

Video Number 2 – Body Worn Camera Footage by Chief Maher dated 1/21/24 at 22:31 hours
AXON Number X60A5013T

Video Number 3 – Body Worn Camera Footage by Chief Maher dated 1/21/24 at 22:15 hours –
AXON Number X60A5013T

Video Number 4 – Body Worn Camera Footage by Chief Maher dated 1/21/24 at 22:04 hours –
AXON Number X60A5013T

Video Number 5 – Body Worn Camera Footage by Officer Flint dated 1/21/24. At 22:17 hours –
AXON Number X60A519OU

Interview with Witness home address

Writen statement of Witness

Interview with Witness home address

Writen statement of Witness

Interview with Witness home address

Writen statement of Witness

OCPD leter to David Torgler from Chief Maher dated January 25, 2024

OCPD leter to Colorado Department of Revenue from Chief Maher dated January 25, 2024

Report of Informa�on Concerning Bar Check Ac�vity by the Town of Oak Creek Police
Department compiled by Chief Maher at my request

Interview on February 19, 2024, and subsequent e-mail dated February 21, 2024, from 14th
Judicial District, District Atorney

Colorado Bar Restaurant Review on YELP writen by Ralph M (confirmed to be writen by Chief
Ralph Maher)

Allega�on – Unprofessional behavior by Chief Ralph Maher at the Colorado Bar, located at
100 East Main Street, Oak Creek, Colorado 80467 on Sunday, January 21, 2024.


On Saturday, January 13, 2024, Oak Creek Police Chief Maher became aware of a male revue
that was going to be held at the Colorado Bar located at 100 East Main Street in Oak Creek. The
event was called “Magic Hunks”.

On Friday, January 19, 2024, Chief Maher contacted Inves�gator Lisa Maestas of the Colorado
Liquor Enforcement Division and obtained copies of regula�on 47-900 – Conduct of
Establishment which states:

1. No person under Ar�cle 3, Ar�cle 4, and Ar�cle 5 of Title 44, nor any employee or agent
of such person licensed under these ar�cles shall engage in or permit any person to
perform acts of or acts which simulate:
a. Sexual intercourse, masturba�on, sodomy, bes�ality, oral copula�on, flagella�on or any
sexual acts which are prohibited by law.
b. The touching, caressing or fondling of the breasts, butocks, anus or genitals.
c. The displaying of pubic hair, anus, vulva or genitals.

2. No licensee nor any employee or agent of such licensee shall engage in or permit any
person to use ar�ficial devices or inanimate objects to depict any of the prohibited
ac�vi�es described above.

3. No licensee nor any employee or agent of such licensee shall engage in or permit any
person to remain in or upon the licensed premises who exposes to public view any
por�on of their genitals or anus.

4. No licensee nor any employee or agent of such licensee shall wear or use any device or
covering of any kind that exposes or simulates the breasts, genitals, anus, pubic hair or
other por�on thereof.

On Saturday, January 20, 2024, Chief Maher met with Colorado Bar Owner at
the Colorado Bar. Chief Maher gave two copies of the regula�ons.

On Sunday, January 21, 2024, at approximately 7:59 PM Chief Maher (in full duty unform) went
to the Colorado Bar to monitor the “Magic Hunks” show.

Chief Maher was wearing his Body Worn Camera but did not ac�vate it. When I interviewed him
on February 8, 2024, at 1:59 PM in the conference room at Town Hall I asked him why he didn’t
turn on his Body Worn Camera. He stated that he inten�onally did not turn on his Body Worn
Camera with the “logic being to build trust with

While inside the bar he observed a poodle dog not on a leash. Later Chief Maher stated that he
was going to report this viola�on to the Rout County Environmental Health Department. I
confirmed with Chief Maher on February 23, 2024, at approximately 10:26 PM that Chief Maher
did report the dog in the Colorado Bar to Rout County Environmental Health. Chief Maher did
not know what they did with the complaint.

Chief Maher then exited the bar and returned several �mes during the evening.

According to Chief Maher’s report he witnessed the following two viola�ons at approximately
9:12 PM:

Viola�on 1

I went to the west door and watched the entertainment for a while (about 5 minutes perhaps). I
was approximately eight feet from the west end of the stage and at an angle of about 40
degrees from the edge of the stage.

There was one male entertainer on stage and two females. The male entertainer was a white
male who was wearing only a dark colored g-string or “cock sock”.

The entertainer went to the lady at the west side of the stage and moved her into a posi�on
where she was standing, bent over at the waist, with her arms on the back of the chair.

The entertainer went to the other female on stage. He picked her up and she straddled him with
her legs around his chest. He danced this way for a few seconds and then set this female on top
of the other female. The second female’s butocks were si�ng on the first female’s butocks.

The dancer within a very short �me of pu�ng the women into that pose, moved to where his
body (from my perspec�ve) was less than 4 inches from the butocks of the woman who was
bent over. The entertainer ground and thrust his hips in that posi�on.

As I saw this develop, I gave a quick “whistle” and “hollered” in a volume that I hope would
carry over the music and in a tone that I can only describe as chas�sing a dog who is
misbehaving the word “stop”.

I closed the distance between me, and the entertainer and my movement seemed to catch his
aten�on. I told him “NO simulated sex.” This entertainer moved further from the women and
con�nued his act.”

Viola�on 2

According to Chief Maher’s report he then witnessed the following viola�on:

I returned to my posi�on at the west door while that performer completed his act.

The next performer took the stage. He had a female wearing a white ou�it on stage with him I
could not tell if it was a dress or a blouse and a skirt, but there was a skirt. The female was
si�ng in a chair facing me. The female’s legs were spread apart.

A�er a few dance moves and other lawful ac�vi�es, the dancer got on his hands and knees and
crawled towards the female. The performer stopped, used one of his hands to li� the woman’s
skirt and he crawled forward.

He crawled a substan�al distance forward and was quite close to the female. He dropped the
skirt on top of his head, and he was covered to the middle of his shoulder blades with the skirt.

As I saw this develop, I closed the distance and as I got close (less than two feet) I clapped my
hands and said in a voice that I hoped to be loud enough to rise above the music and in a tone
that one would use when atemp�ng to chas�se a dog who was behaving said, “Stop, No”. I
thought I would have to tap the performer to get his aten�on, but he came out of the skirt,
looked at me and moved further away. As he did so, I told him, “Enough with the simulated

The above sequence of events was corroborated by a video that showed me

when I interviewed her on February 7, 2024, at 8:40 PM at the Colorado Bar. took
this video with her telephone on January 21, 2024, during the male revue. I asked her to send
me this video. I have never received it.

A�er these two ac�ons by Chief Maher there were a series (3-4) of what appeared to be heated
verbal exchanges between Chief Maher and various people in the bar that were recorded on
video. These videos were sent to me electronically by Town Administrator David Torgler.

Video 1 – Chief Maher Body Worn Camera footage of Chief Maher having a discussion with
and on January 21, 2024, at 9:55 PM. Axon video number
X60A519OU. asks Chief Maher to leave and Chief Maher replies, “I don’t have to”.
Chief Maher states to “ The food makes people sick, you overserve people and
your service is horrible – that’s why you’re failing.”

Video 2 – Chief Maher Body Worn Camera footage of Chief Maher having a discussion with
on January 21, 2024, at 10:31 PM. Axon video number X60A5013T. Chief Maher
states to that he will be charged with illegal entertainment.

Video 3 – Chief Maher Body Worn Camera footage of Chief Maher having a discussion with
and on January 21, 2024, at 10:15 PM. Axon video number
X60A5013T. Chief Maher explains that the entertainers violated state law. asks
Chief Maher to leave and the Chief responds that he is not leaving.

Video 4 – Chief Maher Body Worn Camera footage of Chief Maher talking to Officer Greg Flint
on January 21, 2024, at 10:04 PM outside the bar. Axon video number X60A5013T.
who is boyfriend is very profane and states that he wants to know what’s
happening on her assault case where she alleges that she was a vic�m of assault at the bar on
September 26, 2023 (Oak Creek Police Department Case Report Number 23CO465543 – Report
taken by Officer Flint). states that he wants to know who the “Motherfuckers are
who assaulted and Officer Flint replies, “What motherfuckers are you talking

Video 5 – Officer Flint’s Body Worn Camera footage inside and outside of the bar on January 21,
2024, at 10:17 PM. Axon video number X60A519OU. Inside the bar Officer Flint is talking to
and at one point an unknown woman with the first name of Officer Flint
states, “He’s my boss – I don’t agree with the way he is interpre�ng the statute.” Officer Flint
apologizes sta�ng, “I’m sorry it’s being handled this way, I’m trying to prevent him from ge�ng
his head beat in.”

The conversa�on con�nues with the unknown woman with the first name of and Officer
Flint apologizes and Officer Flint states, the following:

“If you can’t see it under a skirt it doesn’t mean it happened”

“I’m sorry this is happening”
“There are other ways to handle this”
“Let’s not embarrass the customer”
“There is a different way to approach this”

“Let’s slowdown”
“He has this thing about always being right” (Referring to Chief Maher)
“Ralph and I are different that way”
“Ralph and I are different, we’re on different scales.”
Officer Flint then exits the bar and enters his patrol car. He sees Chief Maher walking on the
sidewalk towards the front door of the bar and states to himself, “Well you know what, fuck him
if you want get your head caved in.”

I Interviewed the following customers and the two bar owners who atended the male revue
�tled the “Magic Hunks show” on January 21, 2024, at the Colorado Bar:

interviewed on February 7th, 2024, at 6 PM at Town Hall

interviewed on February 7th, 2024, at 8 PM at Town Hall
(bar owner) interviewed on February 7th, 2024, at 8: 40 PM at the Colorado Bar
(bar owner) interviewed on February 7th, 2024, at 8:40 PM at the Colorado Bar
interviewed on February 7th, 2024, at 1:20 PM at Town Hall
telephone interview on February 10th, 2024, at 1:37 PM
telephone interview on February 16th, 2024, at 9:15 AM
telephone interview on February 15th, 2024, at 10:11 AM
telephone interview on February 10th, 2024, at 1:50 PM

– home address stated that she

watched almost the en�re show and felt that nothing illegal occurred during the show and
stated that in her opinion the ac�ons of Chief Maher were, “The most unprofessional thing I’ve
ever seen, the Chief made a scene, the Chief created the situa�on, he escalated the situa�on,
she feels Ralph is retalia�ng for complaint reference her assault case. She stated that
she witnessed Chief Maher in four separate heated arguments with the bar owners inside the

– home address watched the en�re show and

felt that nothing illegal occurred during the show and stated that in her opinion the ac�ons of
Chief Maher were “Very unprofessional, Escalated the situa�on in the bar, He was yelling NO at
the performers and looked angry”.

related two other cases of what she thought was unprofessional behavior by Chief

On May 20, 2023, she was having a birthday party at her residence (which is just outside the
town limits and is in unincorporated Rout County). At approximately 10:15 PM her party was
outside and included a fire ring and loud music being played from a truck parked in their
backyard. Chief Maher was on patrol in the area and heard the music and decided to warn the
people at the party to turn down the music since he could hear it in the Town limits. According
to Chief Maher came back a second �me when the music wasn’t turned down at

also sent me via e-mail an unsigned, undated statement that appears to be
writen by complaining about Chief Maher’s comments on December 31, 2023
(New Year’s Eve) The statement reads that the bar was hos�ng a DJ/Karaoke event star�ng at 10
PM. At approximately 10 PM Chief Maher did a walk through and then did another walk
through at 1 AM. Chief Maher allegedly stated that they had to do a last call and close because
the Oak Creek Tavern was going to be closing in 10 minutes. The staff at the Colorado Bar did
not want to close as they had several customers and employees on duty. Chief Maher allegedly
stated, There wouldn’t be issues if bars would close before or at 12 AM in his town. See
atached statement for details.

(bar owner) – home address

stated that he was at the bar during the male revue called “Magic Hunks”. He thought Chief
Maher’s ac�ons were ,”unprofessional, escalated the situa�on and that nothing in the show was
illegal”. I asked to write a detailed statement of what he witnessed with Chief
Maher inside the Colorado Bar during the male revue. I asked to assist him and
to have him e -mail me his statement. On February 21, 2024, sent me (via e-mail)
his one page typed statement detailing his observa�ons of November 26, 2023 (
was out of town when this event occurred), when telephoned him to tell him that
she had been assaulted in the bar and the poor police handling of the incident and his
observa�ons on January 21, 2024, during the “Magic Hunks” show.

On February 21, 2024, told me that Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division

Inves�gator Jerry Tevault (Office phone number 970-518-7456) contacted him at the Colorado
Bar on February 20, 2024, and told him that he is inves�ga�ng a complaint made to the Liquor
Enforcement Division by Chief Maher regarding viola�ons of the state liquor code regarding
simulated sex acts during the “Magic Hunks” male revue.

See atached statement from and for details.

– home address watched the en�re show

and thought Chief Maher was “uncontrollable, unprofessional, weird”, and that the Chief Maher
“snapped”. She stated that she and all the bar customers were very surprised about the Chief’s
ac�ons. stated that nothing in the show was illegal.

– home address watched

the en�re show and stated that she saw Chief Maher “storm” the stage. She thought Chief
Maher was having a “temper tantrum, exhibited no self-control and no professionalism”, he was
showing the most “insane” behavior she had ever seen, was escala�ng the situa�on, he wasn’t
listening to the other Officer who was trying to de-escalate the situa�on. stated
that nothing in the show was illegal.

– home address watched the en�re show and

stated Chief Maher was very “irritated, overly concerned about the women in the show, acted

Discussion of Other Issues Involving Chief Maher

Chief Maher agreed that he was unprofessional when dealing with a noise complaint on May
23, 2023, at approximately 10:15 PM at birthday party at 426 Bell Street.

Chief Maher agreed that his traffic stop technique of ac�va�ng his emergency lights and moving
into the opposing lane of traffic to stop speeders was unsafe and has agreed to stop using that

Chief Maher stated that he o�en stops cars for serious traffic viola�ons (i.e., suspected drunk
driving, excessive speed) outside of the Oak Creek Town limits. He has the legal authority to do
this and states he has the permission of the prior Sheriff and the current Colorado State Patrol
District Captain. He stated that he has not spoken about this with the current Sheriff. He states
that he lives 6 miles outside of the Oak Creek Town limits and drives from home and to work
and back on a daily basis when he is on duty. He plans to con�nue this prac�ce.

Chief Maher Under Stress

Chief Maher stated to me that he is under more stress than normal due to:

His frustra�on with his staff not responding to his coaching, and discipline.

His personal rela�onships.

Being a landlord.

His “waning” passion for law enforcement.

Interview with Liquor Inves�gator Lisa Maestas and Follow-up Inves�ga�on by me with the
Colorado State Liquor Enforcement Division

I conducted a telephone interview with Liquor Enforcement Inves�gator Lisa Maestas on Friday,
February 16, 2024, at 1:45 PM. She stated that had been in contact with Chief Maher before
January 21, 2024, and a�er regarding the “Magic Hunks” male revue show at the Colorado Bar
in Oak Creek. She confirmed that she sent Liquor Code Regula�ons to Chief Maher.

Inves�gator Maestas advised me that the Liquor Enforcement Division has inves�gated prior
complaints of simulated sex acts in other bars in Colorado and have brought forth enforcement

Inves�gator Maestas referred me to her supervisor Jarret Broughton for informa�on about any
inves�ga�ons regarding the Colorado Bar.

I contacted Supervisor Broughton on February 16, 2024, at 2:09 PM and he referred me to
Assistant Director Chris�n Schmidt for further informa�on.

As of this report I have not heard back from Liquor Enforcement Division Supervisor Chris�n

As of this report I have not heard back from Liquor Enforcement Division Inves�gator Jerry
Tevault who contacted on February 20th, 2024.

Interview with 14th Judicial District, District Atorney

District Atorney contacted me on February 19, 2024, at 8:30 AM and told me that
he had two addi�onal pieces of informa�on regarding Chief Maher’s conduct:

Number 1

He stated to me that he atended a mee�ng at the request of then Rout County Sheriff Garret
Wiggins, then Undersheriff Doug Scherar and Chief Ralph Maher about approximately 18 – 24
months ago regarding complaints that the Sheriff had received about Chief Maher making traffic
stops outside of Oak Creek. The Sheriff asked Chief Maher to stop or at least limit that conduct
to situa�ons presen�ng a significant and immediate threat to public safety. According to DA
, Chief Maher insisted that he could do that legally and was defensive and was stubbornly
uncoopera�ve with the Sheriff and determined to make “garden variety” traffic stops outside
the Town of Oak Creek. DA explained to me that Chief Maher was ac�ng like a “petulant
child” si�ng with his arms crossed during the mee�ng.

Number 2

About 18 months ago Chief Maher submited a case for prosecu�on. During the review of the
case, it was found that Chief Maher had tried to mediate the situa�on and that this delayed the
case being presented to the DA’s Office. The Deputy DA assigned to the case found that Chief
Maher had exchanged text messages with one witness but that those text messages were not
submited for discovery. The DA’s Office explained to Chief Maher that those text messages are
discoverable and not preserving the text messages and not submi�ng the text messages could
result in a subpoena being issued to produce his telephone to obtain the text messages.
See DA Karzen’s atached e-mail sent to me on February 21, 2024, summarizing our
conversa�on on February 19, 2024.

On February 21, 2024, sent me via e-mail a Yelp review writen by Ralph M on
the Colorado Bar that stated:

In (sic) haven’t eaten here but once in three years.
It is not clean
It is poorly managed
It has food that is barely passable

I ate there one Sunday a�er the breakfast cook assured me it was good because she did it.

It was NOT good and kept me in stomach distress for a couple of days.

Go there for a drink and to play pool but don’t stay too late. Fights are too common.

On February 21, 2024, at approximately 9 PM Chief Maher confirmed via e-mail that he wrote
the above Yelp review of the Colorado Bar.

On February 21, 2024, at approximately 4 PM during a telephone discussion with Colorado Bar
co-owner he stated to me that earlier on that date he was visited by
Department of Liquor Enforcement Division Inves�gator Jerry Tevault (office phone number
970-518-7456) who stated to that he is inves�ga�ng a complaint made by Chief
Maher regarding simulated sex acts during the “Magic Hunks” male revue on January 21, 2024.

Allega�ons of Discriminatory Enforcement at the Colorado Bar

At my request Chief Maher researched informa�on concerning bar check ac�vity by the Oak
Creek Police Department. His data showed:

2021 – 38 total bar checks on Officer logs – 16 by Chief Maher, 16 by Officer Christensen and 6
by Officer Flint
By loca�on – 26 at the Colorado Bar, 21 at the Silver Buckle/OC Tavern, 12 were not specified

2022 – 52 total bar checks on Officer logs – 13 by Chief Maher, 31 by Officer Christensen and 8
by Officer Flint
By loca�on – 50 at the Colorado Bar, 49 at the Silver Buckle/OC Tavern, 1 was not specified

2023 – 20 total bar checks (should be 21) on Officer logs – 11 by Chief Maher, 7 by Officer
Christensen, 3 by Officer Flint
By loca�on – 19 at the Colorado Bar, 19 at the Silver Buckle/OC Tavern, 1 was not specified

Bar Checks of only the Colorado Bar:

2021 – 6
2022 – 2
2023 – 1

Bar Checks of only the Colorado Bar by Chief Maher:

2021 – 6
2022 – 1
2023 – 1

Bar Checks of only the Silver Buckle/OC Tavern Only

2021 – 0
2022 – 2
2023 – 2

Footnotes in Chief Maher’s report state that:

Table does not include increased ac�vity for New year’s Eve, Labor Day or Halloween.

Table does not include increased presence at the Colorado Bar during wrestling event in 2023.

Based on the data supplied by Chief Maher there is no indica�on of discriminatory enforcement
at the Colorado Bar due to excessive bar checks.


Allega�on of Unprofessional Conduct by Chief Maher – Sustained – the complaint is valid.

Based on witness statements, video tape evidence, Officer Flint’s statement, and Chief Maher’s
statement – Chief Maher’s conduct at the Colorado Bar during the “Magic Hunks” male revue
on January 21, 2024, was unprofessional and caused an unnecessary scene reflec�ng poorly on
the Town of Oak Creek, The Oak Creek Police Department, Chief Maher and law enforcement in
general. Chief Maher should have videotaped the performance with his body worn camera and
then conferred with the Liquor Enforcement Division for review and if warranted further ac�on.

Viola�on of Failing to Ac�vate his Body Worn Camera While Inside the Colorado Bar during
the “Magic Hunks” male revue on January 21, 2024, pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 24-
31-902– Sustained – This complaint is valid.

Chief Maher stated that he was wearing his Body Worn Camera when he entered the Colorado
Bar at approximately 8 PM on January 21, 2024, to observe, monitor and check for liquor code
viola�ons during the “Magic Hunks” male revue show. But that he did not ac�vate the body
worn camera in an atempt to “build trust” with bar owner . He ac�vated his
Body Worn Camera a�er the show. This is a viola�on of Senate Bill 20 – 217 specifically
Colorado Revised Statute 24-31-902 (II) (A) which reads, Except as provided in subsec�on


My recommenda�on is that Oak Creek Town Officials refer the viola�on of Failing to Ac�vate his
Body Worn Camera to Peace Officer Standards and Training Director Erik Bourgerie at for review and appropriate resolu�on. The main phone number for
Colorado Peace Officer Standards and Training is 720-508-6721 and their address is Colorado
Peace Officer Standards and Training, 1300 Broadway, 9th Floor, Denver, Colorado 80203.

It should be noted that at all �mes during this inves�ga�on Chief Maher fully cooperated with
my inves�ga�on. He was willingly interviewed, answered all of my ques�ons, and provided any
reports and/or informa�on I requested.

Respec�ully Submited,

Chief Paul D. Schultz (retired)

Chief Paul D. Schultz

Municipal Police Consultants LLC
13821 Silverton Drive
Broomfield, Colorado 80020


Rout County Communica�ons Call Detail Report dated 1/21/24

Statement of dated 2/7/24
Statement of dated 2/7/24
Statement of dated 2/7/24
E-mail from District Atorney dated 2/21/24
YELP restaurant review
Statement of dated 2/11/24
Unsigned and Undated Statement of

The electronic recording of my Interview with Chief Ralph Maher on February 8th, 2024 was e-
mailed to Oak Creek Town Atorney Peter Doherty along with this report on February 25th, 2024.



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