Math. 401-22

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MATH. 401/22
MIN.- 16
Note: The question paper consists of three sections A, B & C. All questions
are compulsory.
Section A- Attempt all multiple choice questions.
Section B- Attempt one question from each unit.
Section C- Attempt one question from each unit.

× =
MCQ (Multiple choice questions)
1. If be sequence of bounded linear transformations defined on
Banach space into a normed space and →∞ ( )=
( )∀ ∈ . Then is bounded linear transformation on to .
This is –
(a) Banach steinhauss theorem
(b) Uniform boundedness theorem
(c) Open mapping theorem
(d) Close graph theorem

MATH. 401/22 MATH. 401/22
State and prove Hahn Banach theorem for real linear spaces.
2. Choose correct answer -
The graph of a linear transformation is -
(a) Open (b) Closed Q.2. State and prove Jordon Von Neumann theorem.
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of above OR
State and prove –
3. Choose correct statement –
(i) Bessels inequality
Let and be non-empty subset of an inner product space . Then-
(ii) Polarization Identity
(a) ⊆ (b) ⊆
(c) (d) All of the above
Q.3. Let be a sequence of linearly independent vectors in a Hilbert

4. Hahn Banach theorem is based on – space , then there exists an orthonormal sequences such that

(a) Extension of a mapping from subspace to whole space. for every n, the linear subspace of spanned by , , − − −, is

(b) Extension of a mapping from whole space to subspace. the same as that spanned by , , − − −, .
(c) Restriction of a mapping from subspace to whole space. OR
(d) Restriction of a mapping from whole space to subspace. Let be a Hilbert space and be a positive operator on , then
+ is non singular.
5. If H is Hilbert space, then -
(a) ∗
is normed linear space (b) ∗
is an inner product space Q.4. Prove that an operator on a Hilbert space H is unitary if and only if
(c) ∗
is Hilbert space (d) None of above is a complete orthonormal set whenever .
6. Suppose , , are some vectors in an inner product space such that - If P is a projection on Hilbert space H with range M and null space
( , ) = ( , ), ℎ = N, then ⊥ if and only if P is self adjoint and in this case
(a) True (b) False = .
MATH. 401/22 MATH. 401/22
[3] [4]

7. If and are normal operators on Hilbert space H with the
Q.3. If ∈ ( ), then prove that there exists a unique ∈ ( ) such
property that either commutes with the adjoint of other, then
(a) + is normal operator (b) , is normal operator
( , )=( , ) , ∈ .
(c) Both (a) and (b) are true (d) Both (a) and (b) false
A linear transformation on a linear space is idempotent if and
8. If is an arbitrary operator on Hilbert space and , are scalars
only if there exists subspaces and N of such that = ⊕
such that | | = | |, then
is the projection on along .
(a) + is normal (b) ∗
+ ∗ is normal
(c) + ∗
is normal (d) ∗
+ ∗
is normal
SECTION ‘B’ × = Q.4. The real Banach space of all self adjoint operators on a Hilbert space
Short Answer Type Questions (Word limit 200-250 words.) is a partially ordered set whose linear structure and order structure

Q.1. State and prove uniform boundedness theorem. are related by the following properties -

OR (i) ≤ ℎ + ≤ + ,

Let be a normed linear space over field and let be a linear (ii) ≤ ∝≥ 0, ℎ ℎ ∝ ≤∝ .

subspace of . Suppose that be a vector not in M and ( , )= OR

> 0. Then there exists ∈ ∗

such that ( ) = 0 , ( ) = If and are the projections on closed linear subspaces and

‖ ‖ = 1. , then is projection if and only if = . In this case

is a projection on ∩
Q.2. Show that |( , )| = ‖ ‖. ‖ ‖ if and only if and are linearly
dependent. SECTION ‘C’ × =
OR Long Answer questions (Word limit 400-450 words.)
Let be non-empty closed and convex set in a Hilbert space , then
Q.1. State and prove open mapping theorem.
there exists a unique vector in of smallest norm.
MATH. 401/22 P.T.O. MATH. 401/22

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