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The title Developing Asessment For Speaking ( Indonesian Journal Of English

Education, 2014 )

Research questions :
1. How can speaking assessment instruments be designed to accurately measure not
only linguistic proficiency but also pragmatic competence, including sociolinguistic
appropriateness and discourse management skills?
2. What role do individual differences, such as learner motivation, anxiety, and
personality traits, play in the development and implementation of speaking
assessment tools?
3. How to develop a speaking test design that meets the assessment criteria? Or How to
developed the criteria of speaking test asessment?

The article



Recently there have been debates on assessing students’ performances on speaking

since the cultural and subjective issues embedded in bringing awareness on how
teachers construct their speaking assessment. The main focus of this paper is a way to
design assessment for speaking suitable for the Indonesian context at a university
level. This paper stresses the criteria of effective assessment proposed by Brown and
Abeywicrama which consists of a specific criterion, an appropriate task, a maximum
output and practical and a reliable scoring procedure. It is recommended that
teachers develop their speaking assessment which is appropriate and contextual.

Key Words: assessment, effective assessment, speaking

B. Development of Listening and Speaking Textbook for General Communication

Based on Laboratory Language Operating Software ( Journal of English Education
and Teaching, 2023 )

Research questions :
1. What are the key design features and functionalities of LLOS that enhance
listening and speaking skill development within textbook materials?
2. How can LLOS be effectively integrated into textbook activities and exercises
to maximize engagement and learning outcomes for learners?
3. How does the use of LLOS in textbook development influence learner
motivation, interest, and engagement in listening and speaking practice?
The article

Development of Listening and Speaking Textbook for General

Communication Based on Laboratory Language Operating Software


This study aims to produce the development of a listening and speaking

textbook for general communication based on laboratory language operating
software viewed from the validation result of expert materials, expert design,
media expert and students’ need This study uses, ADDIE consists of analysis,
design, development, implementation and evaluation. Data collection and
analysis techniques used in this research and development are data generated
through interviews, observation, documentation, through informant and
questionaries involving respondents analyzed descriptive qualitative. Findings
of the development of English language teaching materials audio – based
visuals can improve students’ language skills at a very good level. This
evidenced by knowing the result of preliminary pre-test students of English
department at UKI Toraja before the development of the textbook of listening
and speaking for general communication with score 75,04 is enough level.
After teaching materials development based on language laboratory operation
software, the value of language skill of English department at UKI Toraja
increased with the score 88,28 was at very good level and the average
percentage of the survey results on student satisfaction in using the book
development shows 80.35%. Teaching listening and speaking for general and
communication based on laboratory language operating software can provide
convince in teaching and learning process, thus impacting the effectiveness of
learning. Thus, audio-visual materials based on audio- visual can be
considered for lecturers in delivery the subject metter to make it more
interesting and fun.

Keywords: Development; Listening; Speaking; Textbook; Laboratory

C. Teaching And Learning Process Of Speaking (Getsempena English Education

Journal, 2017)

Research questions :

1. Effectiveness of Different Pedagogical Approaches in Teaching Speaking Skills:

o How do various pedagogical approaches, such as task-based learning,
communicative language teaching, and content-based instruction, impact the
development of speaking skills among language learners?
o What are the comparative advantages and limitations of different pedagogical
approaches in fostering speaking proficiency, learner motivation, and
communicative competence?

2. Role of Technology in Facilitating Speaking Instruction and Practice:

o How does the integration of technology, such as digital speaking platforms, video
conferencing tools, or speech recognition software, influence the teaching and
learning process of speaking skills?
o What are the perceptions, attitudes, and experiences of learners and instructors
regarding the use of technology in speaking instruction, and how does it affect
engagement, motivation, and language acquisition outcomes?

3. Factors Affecting Speaking Anxiety and Strategies for Anxiety Reduction:

o What are the underlying factors contributing to speaking anxiety among language
learners, and how does it impact their speaking performance and learning
o What effective instructional strategies, classroom techniques, or interventions can
be implemented to alleviate speaking anxiety, enhance learner confidence, and
promote more effective speaking skill development?

The article



This study was investigated the process of language teaching and learning of speaking in
terms of teaching materials, teaching methods and learning assessments to the students’
at MTsN Blangpidie in the Academic years of 2016/2017. This study was a descriptive
research. Two English teachers who taught at MTsN Blangpidie were participated in this
study. An Interview was used to collect the data. The data were recorded, transcribed
and coded based on the the problems. The finding of the study showed that the teachers
at MTsN Blangpidie of South West Aceh used various teaching materials, teaching
strategies and also learning assessments.

Keywords: Speaking, Teaching Materials, Teaching Methods and Learning Assessments

3 pertanyaan penelitian penting tentang pengembangan penilaian berbicara

Bagaimana instrumen penilaian berbicara dapat dirancang untuk mengukur secara akurat tidak
hanya kemahiran linguistik tetapi juga kompetensi pragmatis, termasuk kesesuaian
sosiolinguistik dan keterampilan manajemen wacana?

Apa peran perbedaan individu, seperti motivasi pelajar, kecemasan, dan ciri-ciri kepribadian,
dalam pengembangan dan penerapan alat penilaian berbicara, dan bagaimana faktor-faktor ini
dapat diperhitungkan untuk memastikan hasil penilaian yang adil dan dapat diandalkan?

Bagaimana pendekatan inovatif, seperti penilaian dinamis atau penilaian portofolio, dapat
diintegrasikan ke dalam praktik penilaian berbicara untuk memberikan evaluasi yang lebih
komprehensif dan otentik terhadap kemampuan bahasa lisan pelajar dari waktu ke waktu dan
dalam konteks yang beragam?

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