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Discerning of spirits

Prophetic Insight Into the Realm of spirits

Volume 3, Spirit Without Measure

Munashe Soka
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture
quotations are taken from the King James Version
of the Bible.

Scriptures quotations marked NKJV are taken from the Holy

Bible, New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by
Thomas Nelson, Inc., Nashville, TN. Used by permission.


Copyright © Munashe Soka/2023

Munashe Joash Soka asserts the moral right to be

identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved
in all media. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, or transmitted, in any form, or by any
means, without the prior written permission of the
author and/or publisher.


Published & Printed by Munashe Soka Publications

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Chapter 1 .................................................................... 5
Spiritual Senses ...................................................... 5
Chapter 2 .................................................................. 15
The Gift of Discerning of spirits ........................ 15
Chapter 3 .................................................................. 24
Seeing Visions In the Spirit ................................ 24
Chapter 4 .................................................................. 37
Taste, Smell, Touch and Hearing ...................... 37
Chapter 1

Spiritual Senses

The writing of this book has been

inspired by the desire to share and impart
my knowledge on the prophetic gift which
I feel is the most misunderstood of all. My
knowledge came as a result of
experiencing this wonderful gift and the
benefits I got from operating in it.
I was in high school and I had this zeal
in me to grow in my knowledge of Christ
and into a deeper relationship with the
Holy Spirit. I had started working up early
in the morning to pray before I went to
school. In all of my praying in the morning
I discovered that the more I prayed the
more I felt like I was giving God less of my
time in prayer.
Normally around 05:00am, I would
take my bath and that was the time my
mom would come to wake me up to take
my bath. You might find it funny to hear

Discerning of spirits

that a high school student (dong lower six)

needed to be woken up by his mother. The
thing was that I didn't have a phone or an
alarm clock during those days. Mobile
phones were not yet as popular among
school going children as they are now and
I felt no need for one because almost all my
classmates didn't own one.
I used to sleep at around 11pm or even
around 12 midnight because I would be
studying up to that time and, of course, I
would need to pray at least an hour before
I sleep. Because I slept late, I feared that I
might wake up late in the morning and go
to school late. So I asked my mom to wake
me up if her phone's alarm rang at
05:00am. My mom was good at keeping
time when it was time to wake up.
On most of my high school days I
would be fasting and so I would not need
to sit for breakfast. So while my dad took
breakfast, I would be in my closet praying
and waiting for a signal for him that it is
now time to go. Normally at 6:30 my dad
would drive me to school. (My school and
his place of work were just meters away).

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Not Enough Morning Prayer Time.

Praying at around 5:40am and saying

amen at 6:10am was just 30 minutes of
prayer and I always felt like that was not
enough time to pray. At night I prayed an
hour and in the afternoon, after school, I
prayed an hour as well. The morning time
was what was not enough.
So I decided to wake up at 04:00am so
that I can pray until 5:30am. To ask my
mother to wake me up at 04:00am was a
nonstarter. So I had to ask God to do it
since I would be dedicating an hour and 30
minutes to Him. So I did ask God to wake
me up at exactly 4am in the morning for
prayer. The next morning God was on
time. The amazing thing about God
waking me up is what I am about to share
with you. He did it through the
manifestation of a spiritual gift of the Holy
Spirit and it was so amazing.

Wow, It's 4am...

The first day, while I was sleeping,

Discerning of spirits

someone came into my room and pulled

the blankets away and when I woke up to
see who it was, I saw no one. I thought it
was my mother but my door was shut. My
mother used to just come in, pull away the
blanket and say, "It's now time to wake up"
and she would remain standing there until
she made sure I was fully awake and then
she would leave without shutting the door
behind her.
So this unusual day, someone just
came in, pull the blankets and left leaving
the door as closed as it was. So I quickly
woke up and opened the door to know
why my mom did something different that
day. I checked the passage, there was no
one and the lights were off. I went to the
kitchen to look for her and there was no
one as well, and the lights were off.
Finally, I went to the sitting room and
still there was no one. In the sitting room,
our satellite decoder would be on standby
and indicating what time it was. So the
only light in the sitting room was the light
from the decoder indicating time. It was
4:01am and that is when I realised that it

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was God who had woken me up in

response to my prayer. I then prayed but
everything was just so unusual and funny
to me. I asked myself many questions. I
had thought that God would just wake me
up by just letting me suddenly come from
sleep without any supernatural thing

Different Ways of Waking Up.

From that day onwards, God would

rouse me up in different ways. I think
during the first week God only used the
method of blanket pulling to wake me up
but the methods changed in the following

Who Pulled my Legs?

One of the days I was sleeping and I felt

the blankets being pulled from my legs
only and then two hands grabbed both of
my legs and started pulling me out of the
bed. It happened so fast that by the time I

Discerning of spirits

woke up to check what was happening I

was already almost halfway out of the bed
and there was no one in the room.
I went to the sitting room as usual and
time was 4:01am. I seemed to me that I
normally took a minute trying to
contemplate on how I was awakened
before I went to the sitting room to pray.
That day as I prayed I would feel the
presence of a being in the room with me. I
was so afraid. I thought, "Today, I am most
likely going to see the one who usually
wakes me up and I don't think I am ready
to see him." I prayed with fear in my heart
as to what this being I sensed, but not
seeing, could do to me. So I cut my prayer
short and went into the bathroom.
The leg pulling went for a few days and
by each day my fear would drop down.

Wind Is Blowing, Are the

Windows Open?

One day as I slept, I was suddenly

woken by the wind that was blowing into
my room from outside. I woke up and saw

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the curtains being moved by the wind and

I thought that I had forgotten to close the
windows and so I pulled the curtains to
close them. As I looked, the windows were
shut and there was not even a small
opening that would allow wind to pass
Still being confused, the wind stopped.
By this time, I had gotten used to being
woken up in different unusual ways, so I
quickly went to the sitting room and time
was 4:01am as usual.

A Gentle Blow

Another day, I felt someone blowing

on my forehead as I slept and woke up to
see no one.
This gentle blow happened for most of
the days that followed.

Who Moved Me Out Of Bed?

This day in my dream there was a

preacher who was preaching about prayer
and I sat listening. We were in church and

Discerning of spirits

the preacher told everyone to kneel and

pray. So we all knelt and started praying.
As I prayed in that dream I was
suddenly raised from sleep by what my
mouth was uttering. I was talking in sleep,
but it was not just any talk. It was prayer. I
opened my eyes and here I was, kneeling
beside my bed and praying in tongues.
"How did I get here? Did I ever sleep in
that bed?" I asked myself.
The thing was that the previous night
after studying my school text books I had
gotten into an hour of prayer before I slept
and I prayed kneeling beside my bed.
I remembered well that after prayer I
went into bed, but now I am waking up
and finding myself still kneeling on the
side of the bed as I was the previous night.
My mind quickly thought of checking
the time and there it was 4:12am (I think
that day it was around that time) and I
concluded that and angel pulled me out of
bed and was the one who instructed me to
pray in the dream. That was so unusual to

Munashe Soka

Munashe! Munashe!
Some of the days, I would be wakened
by someone calling my name so loudly that
I would need to rose from sleep. I would
get up and hear no more calling of my
name but total silence. When I checked the
time it would be 4:01am as usual.

The Spiritual Sense of Feeling.

Those experiences suddenly vanished
after about a year of them happening. By
this time, I was now able to wake up on my
own without needing God to send an
When time stuck 4:00am sleep would
just go away from me without any
supernatural happenings. From this time
God began to show me dreams of me
seeing angels and the very angel that used
to wake me up. This angel would tell me to
do many things in my dream as an
instruction from God. I saw demons and
evil beings and as well I would see beings
from heaven in my dreams.
I would see, hear voices from the

Discerning of spirits

spiritual realms, smell spiritual odours, eat

spiritual foods which had different
meanings because of their tastes. It was this
particular angel that would have me taste
things in the spirit in my dreams.
Go had begun teaching me the gift
called the discerning of spirits. While I was
awake, I would still sense the tastes of
some of the spiritual foods on my tongue
and they meant different things to me. I
would also sense the presence of that angel
many of the times but I never saw him
while I was awake.
It was about four years later when I got
a book, "The School of the Seers" by
Jonathan Welton that I realized that all the
experiences and the dreams I used to have
for the past 3 or 4 years were a result of the
gift of the Spirit called discerning of spirits
which God had given me.
This is the gift I want to talk to you
about in this book. As usual, my motive for
teaching is to have you operate in the same
gifting as I do so that you fulfil your God
given mandate effectively.

Chapter 2

The Gift of Discerning of spirits

1 Corinthians 12 : 10 (NKJV) another discerning of spirits,
to another different kinds of tongues, to
another the interpretation of tongues.

If you go on google, you will find out

that many authors and bloggers call
discerning of spirits the "gift of
discernment" and they define it as the
ability to know the truth or falsehood of a
statement. But that is not what discerning
of spirits is about.
The gift of discernment, as they say, is
just a critical mind in people and it is based
on their level of knowledge of the bible and
what they think is the truth of God's word.
For example, someone who does not
believe that speaking in tongues is for us
today will think that he has discerned the
evil spirit in me when I teach that speaking

Discerning of spirits

in tongues is for us today, and vice versa.

So who between the two of us would be
having the true gift of discernment?
Yes, the bible talks about discernment,
which is good judgement based on our
maturity in Christ but it is not termed a gift
of the Spirit or a manifestation of the Spirit.
It is just your enlightened mind that is
being able to walk in truth. It is not a gift.
There is no gift of discernment.
The bible talks about discerning of
spirits as a gift or manifestation of the Holy
Spirit. It is something that only the Holy
Spirit enables you to do.

What Is Discerning of spirits

The bible is clear. This gift or
manifestation of the Holy Spirit is when
you can see, know or distinguish spirits
only. Discerning of spirits deals with spirits
not with bible doctrines. When you have
this gift or when the Holy suddenly
manifest this ability in you, you will be
able to see spirits and the spiritual world.
Not only seeing, but you will be able to
use all your five spiritual senses to

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recognize the spirits or the spiritual world.

The spirits include angels, the Holy spirit,
demons, Satan, human spirits, spiritual
objects, the glory of God, heaven, and the
entire spiritual world, whether the dark
world of evil or the kingdom of light in the
The spiritual senses I am talking about
are just like the same senses we have in our
bodies. These are the five senses of sight,
smell, touch, taste and hearing. We have
the same senses in our spirits because our
spirits are actually beings with
Your spirit is shaped like your body
and is a person with eyes, ears, feelings,
nose, and a tongue. When you die, it is only
your spirit (together with your soul) that
leaves your body and when your body is
left without the spirit it becomes lifeless
and useless. It starts to decay.

James 2 : 26 (NKJV)
For as the body without the spirit is dead,
so faith without works is dead also.

Discerning of spirits

Your spirit and the spiritual World

The real you is your spirit and this
spirit in your body is designed to live or to
be more aware of the spiritual world than
this physical world.
When God created man (a human
being), He created him as a spirit being
that was supposed to function and live
here on earth in a body of flesh but using
spiritual authority. This body of flesh was
made from the dust of this earth and so it
belongs here. The spirit in your body was
made from God’s own spiritual material.
(God is a spirit.)
The body of flesh does not have a
personality of its own or a nature of its own.
Its personality comes from the soul or from
the spirit of man within it. The soul of man
(human) is the connecting thing that connects
the spirit with the body.
Remember, your spirit is spiritual. It
was made to live in the spiritual realm and
not in this earthly realm. Your body was
designed to function on this earthly realm.
So the challenge here is that your spirit

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will keep finding it hard and difficult to

relate well with your body because they
are from different realms and yet they
should live together.
Your body cannot fly, but your spirit
can do so and even more also as to just pass
through walls. Where your body gets tired,
your spirit wants to keep on going.
These two will find it hard to live in
harmony. The spirit feels like the body is
liming it to do what it wants. The body
feels like the spirit is straining and
forcefully pulling it to do what it cannot
do (like walking in faith and in the spirit).

The Soul
There is only element God created
which is called the soul. The soul of man is a
spiritual part of man that is capable of living
very well in both the earthly world and the
spiritual world. It feels okay living in the
spirit and it feels okay living in the flesh as
well. it is your decision as a Christian to
control it to live only in the spirit.
This soul is that thing that puts
harmony between the spirit and the body

Discerning of spirits

of flesh. In my book, The Hidden Man of

the Heart, I described this soul as an
interpreter or a bridge between the spirit of
man and his body of flesh. I dedicated an
entire chapter on the spirit, soul and body
in that book.
This soul is where the mind of man is
located. (We can also call your soul the
mind.) It is where the emotions of man are
located. These emotions can either be
spiritual or fleshy because the soul knows
how to adjust to both the spirit world and
to the physical world (where your body of
flesh functions.)
Christians who live most of their lives
in the flesh are people who have filled their
souls and minds with the things of this
world and their souls have gotten used to
Those who can live in the Spirit,
shunning sin and hearing God always are
people who fill their souls and minds with
the things of God and the word of God.
Your soul is that part of you that
determines whether your spirit wins or
your body of flesh wins the battle of life.

Munashe Soka

If you want the gifts or manifestations

of the Holy Spirit to increase in your life,
you must fill your soul with the
meditations of God's word and follow the
leading of the Holy Spirit in your life. For
example, when you want to pray, your
body of flesh may be feeling tired or just
not wanting to pray, because prayer is
when your spirit talks to God. Remember,
your body of flesh does not like doing or
living in the world of the spirit, but your
spirit finds joy living in the spiritual world.
So your body of flesh will not like
prayer. The only way you can force and
lure your body to pray is only when you
convince your soul that prayer is good.
You do it by constantly feeding your soul
or your mind with God's word and
avoiding anything that is not spiritual to
stay in it.
When your soul is more inclined to the
spiritual world of God, then your body can
follow the direction of your soul because
the soul of man can relate well with both
the body and the spirit. Your body feels
okay obeying your soul than obeying your

Discerning of spirits

I do not have much problem praying
and fasting because I am always feeding
my mind with the information about the
goodness of God, the importance of prayer
and knowledge about who I am in Christ.
If you spend most of your time watching
worldly dramas, series, listening to
worldly music, cracking ungodly jokes and
sharing them, and just talking gossip or
other natural things of this earth, you are
feeding your soul with the things that your
body of flesh likes the most.
When you live like that you will find it
very hard to pray for long, engage in
fasting, hear the voice of God, paying your
tithes, living in holiness, studying the
bible, worship or flowing in the gifts of the
Spirit like discerning of spirits. This is
because your soul is more on the side of the
desires of your body of flesh than your
So if you are going to have any trouble
operating in the manifestations of the Holy
Spirit, you know where you are lacking,
there is little of God in your soul. From this

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point I am going to be explaining more

about this gift of discerning of spirit. At
least, for now, I have given you one key to
start operating in the Spirit, your soul (and
this is the most important of all the keys).

James 1 : 21 (NKJV)
Therefore lay aside all filthiness and
overflow of wickedness, and receive with
meekness the implanted word, which is
able to save your souls.

Chapter 3

Seeing Visions In the Spirit

As I have said before, the discerning of

spirits is when you can recognize the
spiritual world using the spiritual senses of
your spirit which are sight, hearing, smell,
taste, and touch (feeling). I want to talk
about the sense of sight, which is the seeing
of visions by the gift of discerning of spirit.
This is where you will be seeing visions of
what is in the spiritual world.
Any Christian can see these visions
here and there by the Holy Spirit
manifesting discerning of spirits to them.
However, there are people who are called
by God to be prophets and these they can
be given the actual gift of discerning of
spirits as a special anointing and call, not
just as a manifestation of the gift here and
there. (For more about manifestations of
the Spirit refer to volume one of this series,
Spirit Without Measure.)

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These ones who are anointed with the

gift of discerning of spirits can see in the
spirit on regular occasions in their
ministries. In the days of Samuel, the
prophet, these people were called seers not
prophets. However, as time moved, they
began to be called prophets and that is
what we call them today. But you must
know that there are prophets who do not
see visions. These ones they just speak by
the inspiration of the Holy Spirit the word
of God for today without seeing any vision.
They are normally gifted with the gift of
interpretation of tongues also. In this book,
I am talking about prophets who are seers.

1 Samuel 9 : 9
(Formerly in Israel, when a man went to
inquire of God, he spoke thus: “Come, let
us go to the seer”; for he who is now
called a prophet was formerly called a

Levels of Visions
Prophets who are seers normally see
their visions of the spiritual world in many

Discerning of spirits

ways but in this book I shall mention 3

ways which are dreams, visions or trances.
Remember I said any Christian can
have discerning of spirits manifesting in
their lives here and there if only they are
filled with the Holy Spirit. So even if you
are not a prophet you can sometimes have
a manifestation of this gift by the Holy
Spirit in you.

1. Dreams
Dreams are the deepest level of seeing
in the spirit for all seers because in a dream
you will actually be present in that realm
and seeing and experiencing everything as
if you are a main actor in a movie. Dreams
will make you interact with the vision.
When God began to teach me how the
gift of discerning of spirits operate, He
made me see spirits in my dreams. I saw
the angel who usually came to wake me up
in dreams. I saw demons and many things
in the spirit like fire, the wind of God,
clouds of glory, spirits of saints in paradise
and even the Holy Spirit Himself.
I related with so many angels and

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saints of old in my dreams as the Holy

Spirit allowed me to see the other world by
a dream. I received many prophecies
through that and God directed me as well
through those dreams.

2. Visions
The second level of seeing in the spirit
is seeing a vision while you are awake.
These will be visions that suddenly flash in
your spirit and soul. These are more than
mere imaginations that your mind does.
They originate from your spirit.
Everyone imagines things and our
imaginations are based on things that we
have seen in the past in our lives. If I say,
"Jesus" many people will begin to imagine
the picture of that Jesus they saw in a film
or which they saw on Jehovah's Witnesses’
books. However, none of those films or
books present the true picture of Jesus.
When you see those pictures in your mind,
they are just imaginations that originate
from this natural world and from what the
eyes of the body of your flesh have seen in
the past.

Discerning of spirits

The true visions of God originate from

your spirit and into your mind. Yes, these
vision are imaginations and pictures that
come in your mind but they originate from
your spirit and not from your body of flesh
or from this world. I have seen quite a
number of visions in my mind before, and
because, I have filled my mind with the
word of God and the things of the Spirit, I
find it easy for me to tell whether the
pictures or imaginations that come in my
mind are from my spirit or from my body.
Training your soul to be spiritual takes
a lot of time and effort. It took a number of
years of not entertaining worldly movies,
sin, lying, worldly books and novels and
other thoughts that are negative like fear
and worry. It took a lot of prayers,
speaking in tongues, fasting, studying of
the bible day and night, speaking the word
of God in most of my conversation,
avoiding spending time with people who
do not want to speak the word always and
many other spiritual things that the world
normally look down upon as religious

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I am not saying I am a holy and perfect

person, but my holiness comes from Christ
and from Him alone. In fact, every
Christian's righteousness comes from
Christ. We are all righteous in Christ and
that is what makes it easy to live in
righteousness. He is the one who enables
us to live for Him if we surrender to Him.
Now that my soul is trained to
recognize things that come from my spirit,
I do not struggle telling if the imaginations
coming into my mind are actually visions
from God or natural imagination from my
body of flesh. I can prophesy to people and
tell what I have seen and they can confirm
that it is true. You might be thinking that I
have seen a very deep vision of God or
something spectacular. No, it will just be a
picture flashing in my mind.
One day someone said to me, "I want
you to come to our new church, there is this
Pastor who is gifted in teaching the word
of God and he can prophesy....." Before he
went on I interrupted him and said, "He is
a young man in his early 20s and he is still
in bible school, second year to be precise."

Discerning of spirits

When I said that, this guy was surprised.

He asked, "How do you know him? You
just came to this city today and haven't
been living here. How do you know him?
Who told you?" I said to him, "I just know
him, I saw him in a vision."
I had never met this man before and I
had never been to this church and neither
had I lived in that city before. I had seen
some visions while I was praying some
weeks before. The visions were just flashes
of pictures that flashed across my mind as
I prayed and details about this man were
disclosed to me.
Still on visions, there is a higher level of
vision where you do not only see pictures
in your mind. At this level you will see
things in the spirit and they will be looking
as if they have materialized to this world.
They look like they have been imposed on
this world and hanging in the air. Here you
will actually see an angel, not in your
mind, but actually standing in front of you
here on this earth. They will be looking
more like transparent things in the air. At
this level, it is very easy to know that what

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you are seeing is a vision.

Imagine seeing an angel in your house
standing in front of you but looking like he
is more transparent and you cannot touch
him. Some people call these type of visions
open visions. I have not seen many of
these, but I can tell you one of the few
which I saw recently.
I was asleep a week ago and then
suddenly I just woke up. So I checked time
and it was 02:07am. It is normal for me to
wake up around this time and I usually get
out of bed and go into prayer. Sometimes I
have this tendency of delaying getting up
until 3am because my body would be
feeling “lazy” to wake up. So as I lay there
in bed, while lights in that room were off,
and I was just looking up to the ceiling in
that darkness. Suddenly I saw a light
flashing there on the ceiling. It was more
like somebody outside was directing a
bright torch to our window and I could see
this light flashing across the ceiling.
The light flashed 3 times. I thought we
could be having a thief, and I quickly rose
to open the curtain and I saw no one. I

Discerning of spirits

quickly ran to another room to check

through the window if there was someone
in the yard and still there was no one and
not even a sound of footsteps.
So as I began to think about this I heard
the Holy Spirit tell me, "Now that you are
out of bed, it's time to pray." To tell the
truth I first of all laughed before I started
praying. It was God who was busy
directing His light in our house just so that
I can wake up to pray. God has got a good
sense of humour, don't you think?
This type of vision was not a picture
that flashed in my mind. It was actually a
real spiritual light showing itself in front of
me as if it is part of this physical world.

3. Trances

Acts 10 : 10-11 (NKJV)

Then he became very hungry and wanted
to eat; but while they made ready, he fell
into a trance and saw heaven opened and
an object like a great sheet bound at the
four corners, descending to him and let
down to the earth.

Munashe Soka

A trance is when you actually get into

the vision itself. When you get into a trance
you will not know that you are in a trance,
you will just be knowing that you are in the
spiritual world. The same feeling you have
when you are dreaming and not even
knowing that you are lying on the bed is
the same feeling you have when you fall
into a trance.
However, a trance is not a dream. A
dream is when you go to sleep and you
slowly fell asleep until you start seeing
yourself existing in a different place and
doing other things.
When it comes to a trance, you don't
start by going to sleep. A trance is
something you can just suddenly fall into.
You can fall into a trance even while
walking. I have not had many trance
experiences that I can recall but I
remember this one where I was just
praying and I just saw myself in another
place which was more like a heavenly
place. There I saw saints of God both who
are dead and those who are still living.

Discerning of spirits

They were sitting in a very high place of

authority in the heavenly place. As I was
there I just suddenly knew that the place
was called Christ and it was the right hand
of God's throne. I heard a voice say, "There
is therefore now no condemnation to them
that are in Christ Jesus." The moment I
heard that voice I suddenly found myself
still lying on the floor in my room praying
in tongues. I didn't know whether I fell
asleep why praying or whether I was in an
actual trance. But I strongly believe I was
in a trance.
Other times where I think I get in a
trance is when, after much prayer, I just sit
and be still before God and thinking
deeply about His word and on Christ. It
normally takes 15 minutes or more before I
start seeing myself somewhere in the spirit
and seeing visions. However, I cannot call
these moments of meditation on Christ
trances. I can only relate them with
something that can be close to a trance. I
have not had many trances in my life, I
normally see the spirit world through
dreams and spiritual visions flashing in my

Munashe Soka


Remember This.....

Remember that the seeing of visions

we are talking about are a manifestation of
the Holy Spirit. He is the one who decides
which visions to give to us and whether we
should have a vision or not. We do not
force ourselves to see visions. They come
by the will of the Holy Spirit.
Since most visions come through your
mind from your spirit, remember to guard
your soul with the word of God and
spiritual things of God. Remember to think
on Christ always and to live in the
righteousness of Christ always. The more
you live and indulge in sin, the more your
soul fails to recognize visions from your
spirit. There are so many things that are not
sin. Some movies and earthly music are not
sin at all. You must not think that I said that
believers should not watch movies. A lot of
them are not sin at all. Some things we
browse on internet and we spend time
seeing on social media are not sin. They are

Discerning of spirits

just entertainment and nothing wrong.

But most of these things do not help you
in anything when it comes to feeding your
soul with the light of God. It is up to you if
you like to be a deeply spiritual man, to
choose to stick to things that are spiritually
filled with the light of God's word. Or you
can just be an average good Christian who
does not really move in the gifts of the
spirit and still go to heaven.
But as for us who are too radical for
Christ and the deep spiritual things we
rather starve ourselves from a lot of
entertainment just so that we move in the
power of God. It is just a choice and
sacrifice we made and we enjoy it.

1 Corinthians 6 : 12 (NKJV)
All things are lawful for me, but all
things are not helpful. All things are
lawful for me, but I will not be brought
under the power of any.

Chapter 4

Taste, Smell, Touch and Hearing

Sense of Taste

Psalms 34 : 8 (NKJV)
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
iBlessed is the man who trusts in Him!

There are prophets who prophesy by

tasting things in the spirit. Oh how I love
this God. I thank God that He has allowed
me to experience some of these things. I
always tell of a time when I was in this
dream and a certain angel gave me bread
and water to eat and drink. I drank these
and the taste of bread was so pleasing to
my tongue. When I woke up I still felt this
taste on my tongue. I started having more
and more of these visions where bread
would be given to me and it had a certain
taste that is totally different from the bread

Discerning of spirits

of this world. God told me that the bread

was the word of God He was giving me. It
enables me to teach like I do, understand
the bible like I do and to give out prophetic
messages by utterance. This is the same
bread that enables me to interpret the
tongues I speak. God placed His words
into my spirit and He continues to do so
the more I seek Him.
The taste of that bread I still feel it on
my tongue even today, as long as I stay in
the spirit. When I am fasting, the taste of
this bread increases, especially when I read
the bible so much on my fasting, this taste
increases on my tongue and sometimes it
makes me feel no hunger at all. I might be
feeling very weak because of fasting but
my stomach may not be feeling extreme
hunger because as I study the bible, I begin
to feel this spiritual bread entering my
spiritual belly and it feels the same on my
natural belly.
It is not always that I don't feel hungry.
Many times I do feel hungry on my fasting.
But the most common thing I feel is the
taste of this bread on my physical tongue.

Munashe Soka

When I feel it I know God's prophetic

words are within me. If I can open my
mouth by faith, I can start releasing
prophecies. As well, if I begin to preach or
teach at that time, I easily explain the bible.

Psalms 119 : 103 (NKJV)

How sweet are Your words to my taste,
Sweeter than honey to my mouth!

Sense of Smell

1 Corinthians 12 : 17 (NKJV)
If the whole body were an eye, where
would be the hearing? If the whole were
hearing, where would be the smelling?

If you are familiar with 1 Corinthians

chapter 12, it is that same chapter where
discerning of spirits was mentioned as a
manifestation of the Spirit. Now, you go
down to verse 17 here and Paul reveals that
in the body of Christ there are people who
actually have the gift of smelling. This

Discerning of spirits

smelling is a part of the gift called

discerning of spirits. You will be smelling
what is in the spirit.
Recently, as I was praying I smelled the
scent of olive oil. There was no olive oil
close to me but I just smelled it. I then
moved to pray in another location and still
I smelled olive oil. So another day as I was
sitting and studying the word I smelled
olive oil again and later in the night I had
this dream where God gave me a certain
instruction I cannot say in this book and
then He began to tell me that He was about
to anoint me with fresh anointing. Truly, I
received a new anointing and this
anointing was another level in a certain gift
of the Spirit that I have. This is the reason
why I had been smelling the scent of olive
oil in my nose when I had been praying in
three different locations.
When you dedicate your whole self to
God and forsake the things of the world
and take it upon yourself to be given many
names by the world (like religious fanatic,
‘holier than thou’) God will not leave you
alone. He will surely visit you and show

Munashe Soka

you the goodness of His Kingdom. Oh how

sweet this God is.

Sense of Touch (feeling)

I cannot say much about this because

this the sense of the spirit that I opened this
book talking about. All those experiences
of God waking me up. I felt the wind of
God on my body waking me up. I felt an
angel touching my legs and pulling them
out of bed. The sense of feeling is one of the
senses that I experienced a lot. The power
of God itself can be felt.

Jeremiah 20 : 9 (NKJV)
Then I said, “I will not make mention of
Him, Nor speak anymore in His
name. ”But His word was in my heart
like a burning fire Shut up in my bones;
I was weary of holding it back, And I
could not.

Just like Jeremiah there, I started

having this feeling of fire on my body back

Discerning of spirits

in 2013. I remember this day when the

whole left side of my body was on fire. It
was so hot while the right side of my body,
from head to toes, was so cold. I asked the
Lord what it was and He said it is the
anointing. I did not ask God what type of
anointing it was but I had to figure out part
of it.
The part of it was my left hand. My left
hand could sometimes be on fire while my
right hand was not. One day I touched
someone who was sick with that left hand
and the person was healed. I continued
testing it out and I think I can safely say
that when my left hand is on fire, it is an
indication that the anointing to heal has
come. These are just my conclusions.
However, when the whole left side of
my body is on fire, I have discovered that
when I begin to read the bible I feel like
there is someone who comes to sit on my
left side. I get so many revelations as a
result. I think it might be an angel who
comes to my left side. However, I haven't
asked God who that one is whose presence
I feel on my left side.

Munashe Soka

Sense of Hearing

1 Samuel 3 : 8
And the Lord called Samuel again the
third time. So he arose and went to Eli,
and said, “Here I am, for you did call
me.” Then Eli perceived that the Lord
had called the boy.

This one is the most common of the

senses that accompany the discerning of
spirits. This is where you are able to hear
the voice of God, the sounds in the spirit,
the voice of angels and even the voices
from evil spirits.
Many prophets prophesy by hearing. I
have told you about my experiences where
I could hear my name being called while I
was sleeping. These were audible voices of
God or from an angel that sounded as if
they were coming from this world. It is
easy to recognize an audible voice from
God like the voice Samuel heard.
However, many times God does not
speak in a loud voice like that. God speaks

Discerning of spirits

by what I call impressions of the heart.

These are just like small thoughts or small
revelations that come upon your spirit.
They sound as if you have just suddenly
knew about something in your spirit. It’s a
sudden knowing that gets into your mind
but coming from your spirit.
Like the visions that flash in your mind
as I have taught before, these impressions
in your spirit sound like your mind
thinking or your mind discovering
something. It might be difficult for you to
tell whether it is just you yourself thinking
about that thing or actually God speaking
to you. It takes a soul that has been
renewed by the word of God and that has
been made to think on spiritual things
always. A soul that is focused on Christ
always. Such a soul can distinguish
whether the thoughts, the impressions in
your heart, the sudden revelations, are
coming from your spirit or from your mind
of the flesh. It truly pays to be a religious
fanatic, a holier than thou, as the world
mocks those who are serious about God.
Most of the times, and in fact on a daily

Munashe Soka

basis, this is how I hear God. The

impressions in my heart eventually begins
to sound like a real voice of God the more
I am in the spirit and walking in constant
meditation of God's word and in prayer. If
you are still struggling in this area of
recognizing the voice of God, you need to
be more serious with God, you may need
to fast and pray regularly with meditations
and regular studying of the word as
something you do mostly. You need to
speak in tongues more often and keep your
mind free from things that do not benefit

Discerning of spirits

Books By Munashe Soka

 Faith Doesn’t Move God
 Depths of the Spirit
 Spirit Without Measure (Volume 1)
Volume 2: Interpreting Tongues
Volume 3: Discerning of spirits
 The Hidden Man of The Heart
 God Is Not A Wicked Judge (Volume 1)
Volume 2: Curse Breaking Prayers
Volume 3: Strong Cries & Tears (Prayers That
Heaven Will Not Ignore)
 Faith Is Confidence In God
 Faith Doesn’t Move God
 Why Giving
 The Three That Are One
 God Is Not In A Bad Mood Towards You
 Spiritual Fatherhood
 Hello Prophet. Until When? (The cure for delay in
prophecy fulfilment)
 A Place Called Christ
 Faith Is A Force (Vol 2, Faith Doesn’t Move God)
 The Inside of Christ

These and more titles are available on

You can also check for availability of any of these
books in your local bookstore

Munashe Soka


The writing ministry of Munashe Soka has
never stopped expanding since the publication
of his first book, "The Hidden Man Of The
Heart", in 2016. More and more titles by the
same author have been well received with
great enthusiasm among his ever increasing
The author is a teacher of the word of God
as well as the founding Pastor of Life City
International Ministries whose roots are
founded on bible based teachings, faith, love
and soul winning. It is the writer's passion to
see the gospel reach as many ethnic groups as
is possible and impact many lives.

Connect with the author on his Facebook

Page, Munashe Soka Words, for regular
devotional messages and teachings.


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