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Quotations “The 'Selfie Stick' has to top the list for what best defiies iarcissis ii societ

toda .”
- Alex Morritt

“These da s we speid ore ti e takiig selfies thai leariiig about the self.”
- Joseph Raii

Questions • How do ou feel about people who take “selfies”” Too ai selfies”

• Do ou take selfies” How oftei do ou take selfies” Have ou beei criticized or felt

foolish afterwards”

• Would ou take a risk to take the “ulti ate selfie””

• A stud fro the U.K. iidicates that people who post too ai "selfies" oi

Facebook risk da agiig their real-life relatioiships. Aiother UK stud fouid that

excessive photo shariig aid shariig certaii t pes of photos akes al ost

ever oie like ou less. What do ou thiik of the studies” Do ou agree or


• Whei do ou thiik takiig a selfie is oka ” Whei is it iiappropriate or uisafe to

take a selfie”

• Do ou thiik selfie sticks should be baiied due to public safet coiceris”

• Wh do ou thiik older people rarel post selfies”

• Do ou believe that people who take a lot of selfies have iarcissistic persoialities”

• Ii which couitries do ou thiik people post the ost selfies”

• What do ou thiik is the purpose of takiig selfies” Do ou thiik people wait to

share their life experieices or just wait to “show of” aid brag about their life”

• Do ou thiik there is a difereice betweei who ou reall are aid who ou wait

people to thiik ou are ii a photo”

Presentation Provide selfies ou fiid oi Iistagra . Have studeits draw coiclusiois about these
people ii the selfiess positive aid/or iegative.

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