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Final Term English Grade 8

School Name: GPS CHAK 7/GD (EMIS: 39330321) - (B)

Q. No.1 : c Q. No.2 : d Q. No.3 : d

Q. No.4 : a Q. No.5 : d Q. No.6 : c

Q. No.7 : c Q. No.8 : b Q. No.9 : b

Q. No.10 : b Q. No.11 : c Q. No.12 : c

Q. No.13 : a Q. No.14 : c Q. No.15 : a

Q. No.16 : c Q. No.17 : a Q. No.18 : b

Q. No.19 : b Q. No.20 : d Q. No.21 : a

Q. No.22 : a Q. No.23 : c Q. No.24 : c

Q. No.25 : a Q. No.26 : a Q. No.27 : a

Q. No.28 : b Q. No.29 : b Q. No.30 : d

Q. No.31 : a Q. No.32 : c

Question No.33:
Item Rubric (English) :
Sample Answer:
There are many incidents in a person’s life that can change his thoughts. I have also experienced the same feelings. I am a very good cricketer.
It's been very difficult for any bowler to out me. It made me proud as well. In such a final match, I was very confident about my win but I was out on
the first ball. I was shocked. The sense of failure made me angry and disappointed. Then I got up and realized that losing should not hurt you. A loss
can never define you or your abilities. Everyone loses in life but it's only bad when we don't get back up and try again. Losing builds your character
and makes you stronger. In the end, I decided to work harder for the surety of my success.
Award of Marks:
Irrelevant content will not be marked.
a. 10 Relevant Sentences --------------------------- Marks (5)
b. Main Idea ----------------------------Mark (1)
c. Formal Language and Word Choice ----------------------------Marks (2)
d. Compound Sentence Structure ----------------------------Marks (2)
Scoring Rubrics:
a. 10 Relevant Sentences

Any Ten (10) relevant sentences to the topic will be awarded and assigned (0.5)mark for each sentence =Marks (5)

b. Main Idea·

Clearly stated the main idea. Presents one main idea = Mark (1)
Missing, invalid, or inappropriate topic sentence; the main idea is missing = Mark (0)

c. Formal Language and Word Choice

Uses formal language and 2 or more adjectives = Marks (2)

Uses either formal language or 1 adjective = Mark (1)
Inconsistent or Inappropriate language = Mark (0)

d. Compound Sentence Structure

Uses at least one compound sentence structure =Marks (2)

Uses a simple sentence structure =Mark (1)
Uses sentence fragments =Mark (0)

2. Deduction of Marks:

No mark will be deducted for up to 3 mistakes in punctuation, grammar and spelling.

Every four mistakes in punctuation, grammar and spelling will lead to a deduction of one mark from gained marks.
Capitalization errors will be included in the punctuation errors.
Maximum deduction of marks of punctuation, grammar and spelling will not exceed 2 marks.

Question No.34:
Item Rubric (English) :
Sample Answer:
I offer you the warmth and brightness of summer. I also provide you with the snowy winter with icicles like spears. I give you the four seasons with
their joys, pleasures, and fears.

Award of Marks:

Irrelevant content will not be marked.

Paraphrased stanza. Marks (10)

Scoring Rubrics:

Accurately paraphrase the given stanza/lines with a complete idea of the text: Marks (10)
Partially paraphrase the given stanza/lines with maximum ideas of the text: Marks (6)
Paraphrase half of the stanza/lines with some ideas of the given text: Marks (3)
Paraphrase just one line showing a relationship with the text: Mark (1)

Deduction of Marks:

No mark will be deducted up to 3 mistakes of punctuation, grammar and spelling.

Every four mistakes of punctuation, grammar and spelling will lead to deduction of one mark from gained marks.
Capitalization errors will be included in the punctuation errors.
Maximum deduction of marks of punctuation, grammar and spelling will not exceed from 2 Marks.

Question No.35:
Item Rubric (English) :
Sample Answer:
Title: The Central Library of Bahawalpur

Central Library Bahawalpur, a historical building known for its Italian architecture, is a popular educational hub in the area. It has expanded to three
blocks, serving different readers. With a vast collection of books and old newspapers from 1947, it is the second-largest library in Punjab. The library
also hosts various events like seminars, workshops, and Book Fairs.

1. Award of Marks:

Irrelevant content will not be marked.

Title----------------------------------------------- Marks (03)

Summarized Paragraph------------------------- Mark (07)
Scoring Rubrics:

Create a title for the paragraph related to the main idea: Marks (3)
Partially correct title related to the main idea: Mark (1)

Summarization/ Precise

Accurately summarizes 1/3rd of the given text: Marks (7)

Excellent understanding of the main idea and key points including most relevant details.:Marks (6)
Good understanding of the main idea and key points including most relevant details.:Marks (5)
Adequate understanding of the main idea and key points including most relevant details.:Marks (4)
Limited understanding of the main idea and key points including most relevant details.:Marks (3)
Summarizes leaving half of the key components of the text : Marks (1-2)

2. Deduction of Marks:

No mark will be deducted for up to 3 mistakes of punctuation, grammar and spelling.

Every four mistakes of punctuation, grammar and spelling will lead to a deduction of one mark from gained marks.
Capitalization errors will be included in the punctuation errors.
Maximum deduction of marks of punctuation, grammar and spelling will not exceed 2 Marks.

Question No.36:
Item Rubric (English) :
Sample Answer

1. Examples of specific AI applications mentioned in the paragraph include advanced web search engines like Google Search, recommendation
systems used by YouTube and Amazon, and voice-activated assistants like Siri and Alexa.
2. The advantages of using AI include solving difficult problems/making our lives easier, while the disadvantages include potential job
displacement/privacy concerns.
3. Students can interact with AI by using appropriate commands to ask questions and receive answers from AI bots or websites.
4. AI can assist in solving complex problems by analyzing large amounts of data and providing valuable insights and solutions.

Award of Marks:

Award 2 marks for a correct answer to 1,2,3 and 4 Marks to Ans 4.

Award 1 mark for a partially correct answer to 1,2,3 and 2 Marks to Ans 4.
Award 0 marks for incorrect answers.

Deduction of Marks:

No mark will be deducted up to 3 mistakes of punctuation, grammar and spelling.

Every four mistakes of punctuation, grammar and spelling will lead to deduction of one mark from gained marks.
Capitalization errors will be included in the punctuation errors.
Maximum deduction of marks of punctuation, grammar and spelling will not exceed from 2 Marks.

Question No.37:
Item Rubric (English) :
Teacher’s Copy:
Instruction for the Teacher:
Prior to the Test
1-Read the test instructions and scoring rubrics before taking the test.
2-The reading activity should be conducted in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.
3-The teacher should maintain a friendly environment so that the student feels comfortable.
4-The students should be briefed about the aim of the activity and the time-bound grading format.
5-Encourage students to focus on reading correctly.
During Testing
1-The teacher should note the mistakes on his/ her sheet while the timer is maintained.
2-When the student makes an error he/she should be encouraged to keep trying and moving forward.
3-An error includes any word omitted, mispronounced or substituted for another word.
Note: Make an award list according to the given sample and record the results on that sheet.

Reading Paragraph Text for the Student:

Northern Areas of Pakistan is home to some of the most stunning landscapes in the world. From the snow-capped peaks of the Karakoram Range to
the fertile plains of Balochistan, visitors are sure to be impressed by the beauty of this area. The region is also home to some of Pakistan’s most
pristine natural ecosystems, including forests, mountains and lakes. These areas offer a wealth of outdoor activities, such as hiking, camping and
fishing. Northern Areas also have a rich history and culture. The people here are known for their warm hospitality and friendly nature. They are also
known for their traditional music, dance and crafts. Pakistan has a rich and varied wildlife, which can be found in the northern areas. The region is
home to a wide array of animals, including elephants, lions, leopards, bears, primates, and many other species that are very interesting.

Scoring Rubrics
The fluency level will be calculated following these steps:
Step 1: Count the number of words read by the student.
Step 2: Calculate words read correctly:
Total number of words read _____- errors_____=_______words read correctly.
Step 3: Compare the score of the students with the standard table and award the marks.

Standard Table Grade 8

Marks 4 3 2 1 0
Range of score 105-140 71-105 36-70 10-35 Below 10
Reading text for Teacher:

Question No.38:
Item Rubric (English) :
Instructions for the Teacher
For Listening
1. Read the instructions and the Rubrics before the start of the activity.
2. The activity should be conducted in a quiet and peaceful environment.
3. Ask the students to listen to the instructions carefully and guess the object.
4. Call each student one by one and give the following four instructions at the same time to perform the activity.
(1) Come to the board
(2) Pick the board marker.
(3) Draw a circle on the board.
(4) Write your name in the circle.
For Speaking
Ask the student to repeat the teacher’s instructions in four sentences.
Award of Marks:
(a) For Listening
There are total four marks for the activity.
For each correct sentence the student speaks award one mark for the speaking activity.
(b) For Speaking
There are total four marks for the activity.
For each correct sentence the student speaks award one mark for the speaking activity.

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