Project Assignment 1 2

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Project Assignment 1

You will need to have collected your Student Data Set (cars) before you can begin this
assignment. See the video in Course Kaltura for more information.
Complete your work in this document in black type. Leave the existing document in the blue
type it is currently in and do not edit the document in any way except to add your responses
below each prompt. If you submit an incorrect document or incomplete document, you MAY be
allowed to re-submit (although this is not guaranteed) at a penalty of 25% (absolutely no
exceptions). The assignment is due by Friday, February 9 at 5:00pm. There will be a grace
period extended though 11:59pm on Sunday night, any assignments submitted after this point
are assessed a penalty of 10% of the total grade per day or portion of the day.
The point value for each response follows each prompt; however, you may also have point(s)
deducted for failing to follow the instructions.
Do not put this off! There will be NO extensions granted for technical issues, and there is
ALWAYS the possibility that these may occur.

PART 1: Upload your Student Data Set to the Canvas portal labelled “Student Data Set.” 10

PART 2: Use the student data set that you collected (cars data) to answer the following
questions. 9 points total.
a. Identify your experimental unit. (1 pt.)

One Car

b. Identify the four variables of your data set and give the type of variable (quantitative or
qualitative) for each. (1 pt. each)

Variable 1: Vehicle make/model Type: Qualitative

Variable 2: Price Type: Quantitative

Variable 3: Mileage Type: Quantitative

Variable 4: Earlier/ Later Model Type: Qualitative

PART 3: Use the Statistix 10 software to create a histogram of the price of your vehicles. 8
points total.
a. Insert a clear screenshot of the histogram of the price of your vehicles (5 pts.).

b. By looking at the histogram above, do you expect there to be any outliers in your
sample? Why or why not? (2 pts.)
No, the reason is that the histogram has a normal flow there isn’t one that is way out there
apart from the rest of the data.

c. How would we determine if there were in fact any outliers? Describe a method that was
discussed in class. (1 pt.)
You would determine the z-score. How you do that is subtracting the mean from the
initial measurement and dividing this result by the standard deviation. And the further
the z-score is from 0, the more likely it is an outlier.

PART 4: Use the Statistix 10 software to complete the following section. 13 points total.
a. Run the descriptive statistics for the price of your 75 vehicles, finding the mean, the
standard deviation, and the confidence interval. Insert a screenshot of the printout
below. Make sure the screenshot is legible. (5 points)

b. Based on the Printout above, what is the average price of the used vehicle? Put the
value in the appropriate unit of measure. (2 pts.)

c. What is the standard deviation? Put the value in the appropriate unit of measure. (2

d. What is the 95% confidence interval? (1 pt.)

Lower 95%: 27869
Upper 95%: 30464

e. What is the practical interpretation of the confidence interval? (Use the appropriate
units of measure. (3 pts.)
With 95% confidence, based on 75 samples the population mean is between 27869
and 30464.
Be sure you remember to submit this document to Canvas on time, then CHECK TO MAKE
SURE YOU SUBMITTED THE CORRECT DOCUMENT! If you neglect to do so and submit an
incorrect document in error, you will be penalized a 25% point deduction IF you are allowed

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