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A deep groove encircles the body of the

circumvallate papilla.

a. Serous (von Ebner’s) glands (serous) drain into

the base of this groove.

b. The flow of fluid from these glands serves to

wash surface of the papilla and clean materials from
taste buds so they are ready for new gustatory

c. Other serous and mucous glands in other parts of

oral region serve the same sort of purpose for
cleansing other types of papillae.
7. Taste buds
a. Oval multicellular structures
b. Cells surround a cavity that communicates with
the oral cavity via a small pore between the apexes
of the cells.
c. Dissolved substances enter the cavity through this
pore and come into contact with the microvilli of
gustatory cells (neuroepithelial sensory cells) of the
taste bud.
d. These chemical stimuli are transduced to an
electrical impulse that is transmitted through afferent
axons of cranial nerves 7, 9, and 10 that synapse on
the basal portions of the neuro-epithelial cells.
e. Action potentials travel along these axons to the
portions of the brain responsible for our sense of
f. Taste buds are composed of 3 cell types
* Gustatory (taste) cells
* Sustentacular (support) cells
* Basal cells - stem cells for replacement of gustatory cells
** gustatory cells live for about 7-10 days
g. Both gustatory and sustentacular cells have similar structure, i.e. long microvilli that
extend into the lumen of the taste bud.
1. In adult humans there are 32 permanent teeth.

2. These are preceded during childhood by 20

deciduous teeth.
3. The tooth lies in a bony socket, the alveolus, that
is covered my an oral mucosa called the gingiva
(gums) that consists of,
a. keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
b. lamina propria of loose connective tissue that
lies directly adjacent to the bone of the alveolus.
The tooth consists of two major parts,

a. the crown - the portion that protrudes

above the gum line.
b. the root - the portion that extends
into the alveolus.

Internally, the tooth consists of a layer of dentin

that surrounds a pulp consisting of loose
connective tissue, nerves and blood vessels. In
the dentin, directly adjacent to the pulp is a
layer of specialized cells called odontoblasts -
secrete organic matrix that calcifies and forms
the dentin.

Odontoblasts extend thin processes (Tome’s

fibers), along which the organic matrix of the
dentin is secreted.
Crown region
Dentin is covered by a layer of calcified organic matrix
- the enamel
a. Hardest substance in body Lami
b. Formed by ameloblasts before tooth “erupts” from na
socket propri
Root region
Dentin (mineralized organic matrix) surrounds the
In the root region, the dentin is covered by calcified
organic matrix - the cementum - similar to bone, but no
haversian system
Between the cementum and the bone of the socket lies
the periodontal ligament - consists of fibroblasts and
associated collagen fibers with glycosaminoglycans in

a. forms cushion between tooth and bone

b. Attaches tooth to bone - Sharpey’s fibers (insert
into bone and cementum)
Where the gingiva meets the tooth -
specialized epithelium - junctional epithelium
- binds epithelium to enamel.

•Junctional epithelium is non-keratinized stratified

squamous without “dermal” papillae
•Bound to enamel by cuticle (looks like extra thick
basal lamina - called epithelial attachment of Gottlieb)
•Cells of junctional epithelium tightly attached to
cuticle by hemidesmosomes
•Between this attachment and the gumline is the
gingival sulcus. Lined by sulcular epithelium. This is a
non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
•When dentist probes around your teeth - checking
depth of sulcus.
•If too deep, indicates breakdown between enamel and
junctional epithelium - periodontal disease
There are a number of terminologies that are used to describe the
early development of teeth prior to the cap stage.

In some cases, there is disagreement about what a given term

represents (e.g. dental lamina, tooth bud).

The following description of tooth development tries to make sense

out of the available reference material I’ve been able to find;
however, be aware that you may see other terminologies used in
dental school.

1. Prior to the 6th week of gestation in human embryos, the
developing jaws are solid masses of tissue with little differentiation.

2. Tooth development begins during the 5th - 6th week of gestation.

3. The first indication is the appearance of a thickened plate of
epithelium (labial lamina = vestibular lamina) between the tongue
and the upper and lower jaw. This, and the following events occur in
both the upper and lower jaw.

4. This thickened epithelium spreads over the inner (oral) jaw surface.

5. An invagination (labial groove) forms in this thickened epithelium.

This becomes the vestibule that separates the lip or cheek from the

6. The labial (vestibular) lamina overlying the forming gums gives rise to the
dental lamina (dental ledge). Neural crest cells in the underlying mesenchyme
induce the vestibular lamina epithelium to grow into the surrounding gum tissue.
This forms a C-shaped band of tissue in the gums of the upper and lower jaw that
is called the dental ledge or dental lamina.

6. The labial or vestibular lamina overlying the forming gums gives rise to the
dental lamina. Neural crest cells in the underlying mesenchyme induce the
dental lamina epithelium to grow into the surrounding gum tissue. This forms a C-
shaped band of tissue in the gums of the upper and lower jaw that is called the
dental ledge or dental lamina.

In regions where a tooth will form, a further ingrowth of the dental lamina forms
the tooth bud.

A - dental lamina; B - Mesenchymal neural crest
7. In 10 distinct regions of each jaw, the cells of the dental ledge
proliferate rapidly by mitosis forming a cup-shaped structure called
the enamel organ that is surrounded by jaw mesenchyme. The
enamel organ remains connected to the vestibular or labial lamina by
the cord-like remains of the dental lamina.
8. Five enamel organs will develop on the right and left sides of both the
upper and lower jaw. These will form the child’s “milk” (primary)teeth.

9. The mesenchyme that fills the enamel organ cup will become the
dental papilla which eventually forms the dentin and the pulp of the

10. The enamel organ and dental papilla are surrounded by a sheath of
connective tissue called the dental sac.

11. The entire structure is called the cap stage of tooth development.

A, Enamel organ; B, Dental lamina; C, Vestibular lamina; D, Dental Papilla; E, Dental sac
12. The cap stage of tooth development continues to differentiate, forming the bell
stage. Concurrent with this, the successional lamina, that will form the
secondary tooth later in life, forms as a outgrowth of the remaining dental lamina.

13. This differentiation includes the enamel organ. As is the case for the optic cup,
the cup of the enamel organ consists of two adjacent layers of cells that result from
the formation of the cup. These are an inner layer of cells (adjacent to the dental
papilla) that is called the inner enamel epithelium and an outer layer of cells
(adjacent to the dental sac)called the outer enamel epithelium.

A - Inner enamel epithelium; B - Outer enamel epithelium; C - Stellate reticulum; D - Successional

lamina; E - Dental lamina; F - Dental papilla; G - Dental sac.
14. The ectodermally derived tissue between these two layers forms a matrix of cells called
the stellate reticulum. This matrix is essentially a connective tissue with lots of
extracellular material (mainly mucopolysaccharides) between the cells.

15. The inner enamel organ epithelium will eventually differentiate into cells called
ameloblasts that will form the enamel of the tooth.

16. Neural crest cells in the dental papilla will form an epthelial layer directly adjacent to
the ameloblasts that will differentiate into cells called odontoblasts which will form the
tooth dentin.

17. The remainder of the dental papilla will form the dental pulp of the tooth.

A - Inner enamel epithelium; B - Outer enamel epithelium; C - Stellate reticulum; D - Successional

lamina; E - Dental lamina; F - Dental papilla; G - Dental sac.
18. The lips of the cup that forms the enamel organ are called the cervical loop. This
structure consists of a portion of the inner and outer enamel epithelium at the region
where they join.

19. Research indicates that the inner enamel epithelium portion of the loop is a source of
stem cells for the developing ameloblasts (the cells that produce the tooth enamel). The
cervical loop will partially degenerate as the root of the tooth develops and will become
the Epithelial Root Sheath of Hertwig. In species with continuously growing teeth (e.g.
rodents), the cervical loop is retained through adulthood, thus emphasizing its importance
in providing stem cells to produce ameloblasts for enamel formation.

A - Inner enamel epithelium; B - Outer enamel epithelium; C - A, Cervical loop; B, Inner enamel
Stellate reticulum; D - Successional lamina; E - Dental lamina; epithelium; C, Outer enamel
F - Dental papilla; G - Dental sac. epithelium; D, Stratum intermedium;
E, Stellate reticulum
20. As differentiation of the inner enamel epithelium proceeds, cells called
preameloblasts differentiate from the epithelium, adjacent to the dental papilla.
These cells induce neural crest cells in the adjacent dental papilla to differentiate into

A - Preameloblasts; B - Preodontoblasts; C
A - Inner enamel epithelium; B - Outer enamel epithelium; C - - Stellate reticullum; D - Dental papilla
Stellate reticulum; D - Successional lamina; E - Dental lamina;
F - Dental papilla; G - Dental sac.

21. The preodontoblasts become odontoblasts as they begin to secrete predentin
(which will become dentin). The predentin blocks nutrients from moving from the pulp to
the preameloblasts. This causes the preameloblasts to become ameloblasts and begin their
secretion of enamel. The odontoblasts and ameloblasts move away from each other as the
dentin and enamel layers increase in thickness.

22. As this begins to occur, the developing tooth enters the crown stage.

1 - Ameloblasts; 2 - Enamel; 3 - Dentin; 4 - Odontoblasts; 5 - Pulp A - Odontoblasts; B - Predentin; C - Ameloblasts;

D - Dentin; E - Enamel 35
23. Once enamel depostion is completed and the crown is fully formed, the enamel
organ collapses and the cells form a sheath called the reduced enamel epithelium
that covers the crown of the tooth until eruption. This epithelium may be considered
stratified and consists of the ameloblast layer, called mature or protective
ameloblasts at this point, and the cellular remnants of the rest of the enamel organ.

A - Reduced enamel epithelium; B - Maturative/protective ameloblasts; C - Capillary

24. Once the formation of the crown is completed, the root forms. The inner and outer
enamel epithelial layers of the cervical loop region continue to grow toward the future
base of the tooth. These tissues form the epithelial root sheath of Hertwig.

25. The root sheath induces the formation of additional odontoblasts that form the
dentin of the root.

26. The central region of the root is called the radicular pulp cavity.


E Epithelial root sheath

of Hertig

A - Epithelial diaphragm; B - Radicular pulp cavity; C - Dentin; D

- Enamel space; E - Alveolar Bone; F, Root
26. The leading edge of the root sheath turns inward toward the root of the tooth and
forms the epithelial diaphram.



A - Radicular pulp cavity; B - Dentin; C -

Dental sac; D - Point at which epithelial root A - Epithelial diaphragm; B - Radicular pulp cavity; C - Dentin; D
sheath begins to disintegrate; E - Epithelial - Enamel space; E - Alveolar Bone; F, Root
27. Once the root odontoblasts have formed and are secreting dentin, the epithelial
root sheath begins to break down. At this time, cells from the dental sac that
surrounds the developing tooth migrate to the surface of the newly formed dentin and
become cementoblasts. These cells secrete the cementum layer that acts as an
attachment region between the root of the tooth and the peridontal ligament. The
periodontal ligament binds the root of the tooth to the bone of the alveolar socket.

A, Enamel organ; B, Dental lamina; C, Vestibular lamina; D, Dental Papilla;

E, Dental sac

A - Cementoblasts; B - Odontoblasts; C - Predentin

29. As the epithelial root sheath degenerates it leaves small groups of cells that are in the
peridontal ligament around the root and that are called epithelial rests.

A - Epithelial rests; B - Mantle dentin; C - Globular dentin; D - Circumpulpal dentin

30. Once the tooth is fully formed it is ready to undergo eruption. This process occurs after
birth and involves active movement of the tooth such that it penetrates the gum tissues and
extends above them.

31. It is likely that there are a number of factors involved in eruption. While there is no
consensus on the cause of tooth eruption, there seems to be agreement that root growth,
alveolar bone remodeling, and possibly the peridontal ligaments are involved in this process.

32. In humans, eruption of the milk (primary) teeth generally begins in the second month and
continues until the end of the second year.

33. Thirty-two permanent (secondary) teeth develop, 20 from the successional laminae of the
milk teeth and 12 from additional tooth buds along the dental lamina in same manner as
primary teeth. The primary teeth will be replaced and 12 additional teeth will be added to the
34. Twenty-eight of the secondary
teeth erupt between the ages of 6
and 13 years. The four wisdom
teeth may erupt between 17 and
21 years; however, they often
remain impacted.

Esophagus and Stomach
The wall of the digestive tract
starting with the esophagus.
A. The wall of the digestive tract (starting with the
esophagus) can be divided into 4 layers,
1. Mucosa - Mucous layer

a. epithelial lining

b. lamina propria of loose connective tissue - includes blood,

lymph vessels, and sometimes glands.

c. Smooth muscle region called muscularis mucosae lies below the
lamina propria. pathphys/digestion/basics/gi_microanatomy.html

d. The mucosa forms selectively permeable barrier to the contents

of digestive tract. In the stomach and small intestine, it takes part in
both the digestion of food and in the small intestine, the transport
of nutrients into the body.

e. The movements caused by the muscularis mucosae act to

increase contact of the mucosa epithelium with food in the
digestive tract.
f. glands may be present in lamina propria.
1. Mucosa

f. The lamina propria is often rich in macrophages. Aggregations of “free” lymphoid cells
and lymph nodules may also be present

* This area can be said to act as a barrier to bacterial invasion.

* These cells in lamina propria (and also the submucosa) act to help prevent spread of
infectious organisms into the body via the digestive tract.
2. Submucosa

a. Another layer of loose C.T. with many blood and lymph vessels that lies just below the muscularis

b. This layer also contains nerve plexuses each called a Meissner's plexus (parasympathetic).

c. Glands and Lymph nodules may also be present in this layer.
3. Muscularis externa - smooth muscle layer

a. In most regions, circular and longitudinal bands of smooth muscle.

b. closest to lumen - circular smooth muscle.
c. furthest from lumen = longitudinal smooth muscle.
3. Muscularis cont.

d. C.T. lies between these two layers

e. A myenteric (Auerbach's) nerve plexus and blood and lymph vessels are present in this layer of C.T.
between the two muscle layers (sympathetic and parasympathetic components).
f. Note - while the circular and longitudinal muscle layers are responsible for gross movements of the
digestive tract, we shouldn't forget that the muscularis mucosae causes movements of the mucous layer
that are independent of the rest of the digestive tract.
g. The longitudinal, circular and oblique smooth muscle layers of the stomach undergo
relatively slow rhythmic contractions that act to mix ingested food with various stomach
secretions and also move the food through the digestive tract.

h. These muscles can also respond to adverse conditions with very strong and rapid
contractions. (Often seen at frat parties.)
4. Serosa or adventitia

a. Thin layer of loose C.T.

b. Around most of the esophagus it is an

adventitia - blends with surrounding

c. In peritoneal cavity, it is a serosa

covered externally by a simple
squamous epithelium.

d. The simple squamous epithelium is a

continuation of the lining of the
peritoneal cavity - mesothelium

e. This layer is rich in blood and lymph

vessels as well as adipose cells
III. Esophagus

A. Basically a muscular tube that transports food

from mouth to stomach.

B. Lining same as in much of the oral cavity -

nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.

C. Layers same as general digestive tract as outlined


1. mucosa
a. epithelium
b. lamina propria
c. muscularis mucosae
2. submucosa
3. muscularis externa
a. inner circular muscle
b. outer longitudinal muscle
4. adventitia or serosa
D. Specializations of esophageal tissues

1. Tubuloacinar mucus secreting glands

called esophageal glands proper are
present in the submucosa. Their ducts
extend to the esophageal lumen.

2. Small branched mucus secreting glands

are also sometimes found in the lamina
propria near the stomach. These are
called esophageal cardiac glands.

3. The muscular layer of the

esophagus changes from striated
4. A serosal layer with a simple squamous epithelium as its outermost
muscle near mouth, to smooth component is only found in the peritoneal cavity, below the diaphragm and near
muscle near stomach. Why would the stomach. The rest of the esophagus has an adventitia - outer layer of loose
this be the case? C.T. that blends with surrounding tissues.
IV. Stomach

A. There are 3 major regions of the stomach, each

with a different histologic structure.

1. The cardia - cardiac stomach

2. The body (corpus) and fundus

3. The pylorus - pyloric stomach
B. The inner surface of the stomach is thrown into
folds called rugae that include both mucosa and

1. The mucosa of the rugae is also folded. These folds form

invaginatoins, such that the basal areas of the invaginations
penetrate into mucosal lamina propria.

2. The upper portion of these invaginations in the mucosa are

called the gastric pits - foveolae gastricae.

a. The epithelial lining of the the pits and general surface area
of the stomach consists of simple columnar epithelium of
mucous secreting cells in all parts of the stomach.

3. The gastric glands of the stomach connect to the bottoms of

the gastric pits. The cellular structure of these glands is
different in the different parts of the stomach. C. Cardiac stomach

1. A narrow circular region where esophagus connects

to stomach.

2. Mostly simple, unbranched, slightly coiled, tubular

cardiac glands in lamina propria - produce mostly

3. Cell types present

a. mucous secreting cells

b. lysozyme secreting cells

c. enteroendocrine cells

d. a few parietal cells
Cardiac Stomach
D. Body (corpus)and fundus

1. Has branched, tubular gastric glands.

2. Each gastric gland is divided into 3 regions

a. isthmus

b. neck

c. base
Gastric glands of fundus and body of stomach - structure
3. Five cell types are present in gastric glands of the body
and fundus

a. Isthmus mucous cells - present in isthmus.

* Similar to mucous secreting epithelial cells of gastric pit


* Secrete neutral mucus that protects surface from acid.

b. Neck mucous cells

• May be present in clusters in neck of gastric

gland (also found in other regions of gland), secrete
acid glycoprotein mucus.

• Irregular in shape with basal nucleus.

• Thought to be stem cells for other cell types

in the gastric glands
c. Parietal (oxyntic) cells
* Most present in upper half of gland. Fewer in
basal portion of gland.

* These are rounded or pyramidal cells with

spherical nucleus and eosinophilic (acidophilic)

* These are the cells that produce hydrochloric


* When examined with EM, deep invaginations of plasmalemma into cytoplasm can be seen that
organology/digestive/o_d_36.html form intracellular canaliculi. Lined with

* Large number of mitochondria and a descrete

golgi apparatus are present near the base of each

* Resting cell and actively secreting cell have
different structure.

** In the resting cell there are many

tubulovesicular structures that can be seen below
the plasmalemma in the apical region.

** In the active cell, the tubulovesicular

structures fuse with the plasmalemma to form
many microvilli in the canaliculi and thereby
increase the surface area through which HCl can
be actively transported into lumen of canaliculi.

*Both neural and hormonal factors cause

secretion by these cells.

d. Chief (zymogenic) cells (basophilic)

* Predominant basally in glands.

* Typical protein synthesizing and secreting

cell structure.

* Granules (membrane bound vesicles) of

inactive enzyme pepsinogen in cytoplasm.

* When inactive pepsinogin is released into

acidic environment of stomach it is activated.

* Forms proteolytic enzyme pepsin.

* Also, some lipase is secreted.
mages/hl8A-43.jpg e. Enteroendocrine cells - hormonal

Amine Precursor Uptake and Decarboxylation (APUD)

cells, Argentaffin cells (old terminology)

• There are a number of different types of these cells.

• Granules of secretory material collect at base of cell

and are released into underlying tissue.

• Have hormonal function.

• At least one kind (Argentaffin cell)releases

hormone 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) also called serotonin

• 5-HT stimulates the activity of smooth muscle and

can greatly increase the movements of the muscle layer of
the stomach.

• Also found in intestinal glands.

(Actually, this is an intestinal gland)
Enteroendocrine cells might be considered a
sort of diffuse endocrine gland.
E. Pylorus

1. Has deep, branched, gastric pits that connect to pyloric

glands that have similarities in structure to glands of both the
cardiac and body/fundic portions of stomach.

2. These glands secrete lysozyme (into gland lumen) and

gastrin (into surrounding tissues - enteroendocrine cells).

a. Gastrin is a hormone that stimulates the secretion of HCl

by parietal cells that are mostly in body and fundus of
F. Cells of epithelial lining of stomach are G. The muscle layer of the stomach has 3 sub layers
constantly being replaced. instead of 2.

1. This is accomplished by mitotic activity of cells 1. External muscle sublayer is longitudinal.

in neck regions of gastric glands (neck mucus
cells). 2. Middle muscle sublayer is circular.

2. Cells move from mitotic regions in two 3. Inner muscle sublayer is oblique.

a. Upward to replace the columnar mucous

secreting cells*. H. Serosa

* Replacement of these cells occurs every 5 days.

b. Downward to replace cells of gastric gland

epithelium, e.g. chief cells and parietal cells**.

** This replacement is relatively slow.

Bagian Histologi Fakultas Kedokteran

Universitas Andalas
Mata tdd :
 Bulbus oculi
 Palpebra
 Glandula lakrimalis
 Otot penggerak bola mata
Bulbus Oculi
 Dinding bulbus oculi
Tunika nervosa
Tunika vaskulosa
Tunika fibrosa
 Isi bulbus oculi
Lensa kristalina
Corpus vitreus
Humor Aquous
 N.opticus
Tunika fibrosa
Fig. 386.
Low power
meridional section
v i e w of a h o r i
through the CORNEA
human eye (camera lucida drawing).
Van G i e s o n s t a i n i n g . M a g n i f i c a t i o n 7 x .



Papilla nervi optici

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