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Date A* In Change Description

M, D charge

8/1/2024 A Nam Adding common requirement design

10/01/202 A Team Design Code Packages & Database


11/01/202 A Huy Add Database Description


12/01/202 M Huy Update database design


13/01/202 A Huy Add common/login


14/01/202 A Khải Update file jsp forgot password


15/01/202 A Đạt Add common/register


15/1/2024 M Đạt Update common/register

16/02/202 A Khải Add reset password


17/03/202 A Thắng Update edit information debtor


17/03/202 M Thắng Change Password


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Table of Contents
I. Overview
1. Introduction
2. System Functions
a. Screen Flow
b. Screen Details
c. User Authorization
3. Entity Relationship Diagram
a. Diagram
b. Table Description
II. Functional Requirements
1. Common Feature
b. User login
c. User register
d. Reset Password
e. View/Change user profile
f. Change password
2. Main feature
a. Add debtor
b. Add Transaction
c. Edit profile debtor
d. View detail transaction
e. Pagination
III. Non-Functional Requirement
1. User Interfaces
2. Communication Interfaces

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I. Overview
1. Introduction
This project aims to develop an online ledger book to replace the traditional ledger book. This
project will help users easily create debts, receive notifications about debts when they are due, and
quickly search for debts. This system support for the types of users:

● Regular User: they are registered users who are actual customers or potential customers

● Admin: the organization, acts as the system administrator

2. System Functions
a. Screen Flow
● Regular User

● Admin

b. Screen Details
[Provide the descriptions for the screens in the Screens Flow above]
# Feature Screen Description

1 Common Homepage Introduction

2 Common User login User sign-in to the system

3 Common User register Create an new account

4 Common Reset password User reset the password

5 Main Feature User profile User change their information

6 Common Change password User change the password

7 Main Feature Profile debtor User update profile debtor

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8 Main Feature Debit note details Note details money

9 Main Feature Add debtor Add new debtor

10 Main Feature View details transaction Review details transaction

11 Main Feature Pagination Paging for Debt Records

c. User Authorization
Screen Role1 Role2

User login X X

User register X X

Reset password X X

User profile X X

Change password X X

Profile debtor X

Debit note details X

Add debtor X

View details transaction X

Pagination X

Profile debtor X

In which:
● Role1: Regular User

● Role2: Admin

3. Entity Relationship Diagram

a. Diagram

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b. Table Description

No Table Description

01 Debtor Store information of an debtor

02 HistoryTransaction Store information of a history transaction of a customer

03 Account Store information of an account

04 VerifyRequest Store information of an verify request

05 EmailLog Store information logs of email

16 TypeVerify Store information of type verify request

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II. Functional Requirements
1. Common Feature
● Function trigger: User click on link of website
● Function description: User can view all homepage

● Screen Layout:

b. User login
● Function trigger: This use case starts when the user clicks to "Sign In" button on the
navigation bar
● Function description: User sign-in to the system

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● Screen Layout:

● Function Details:
o The system prompts the user to enter an email and password
o The user enters their email and password, and the system validates the input after
the user clicks “Sign in”. If the email is associated with an account in the system and
the password is correct with the entered email, the system lets the user log in
o If a user does not have an account in the system, the user can click “Sign up” either
at the Menu or login page. Once the account is created; the user can consider
logging in to the system with the created account.
o User forgets password: If the user forgets their password, the user can click on
“Forgot password” below the password field to reset the password using the email
which the user used to create the account

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c. User register
● Function trigger: This function is triggered when the user goes to log in and chooses to
● Function description: create a new account.

● Screen layout:
o Sign up

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o Verify email

● Function details: This is a pop-up screen that allows the user to register himself/herself to
the system by inputting the following information: full name, gender, username, password,
Re-enter password, email, address, phone; User then needs to verify by clicking the link sent
via email to him/her before being able to access the system.

d. Reset Password
● Function trigger: User click “Forgot password” button

● Function description: reset the password

● Screen layout:

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o Reset password

o Check your mail

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o Created new password

● Function Details:
o Input email in the email text area
o Click the “Send instructions” button to send the link to reset the email input
o Click on the link and redirect to a page to reset
o Input a new password in the password text area
o Input re-password in the re-password text area
o Click “Reset Password” to reset the password

e. View/Change user profile

● Function trigger: After login user clicks avatar, and chooses “Profile”

● Function description: User change their information

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● Screen layout:

● Function Details:
o Users choose which field to edit and click "Save" button to save the changes

f. Change password
● Function trigger: When the user clicks on the "Change password" button

● Function description: change the password

● Screen layout:

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● Function detail:
o The user can input their current password, and new password into the input box and
click the "change password" button to save the changes

2. Main feature
a. Add debtor
● Function trigger: When the user clicks on the “Thêm người nợ” button
● Function description: Adding debtor/lender

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● Screen layout:

b. Add Transaction
● Function trigger: When the user clicks “Thêm phiếu nợ”
● Function description: Adding transaction

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● Screen layout:

c. Edit profile debtor

● Function trigger: When the user clicks on the "Edit" button
● Function description: edit information debtor
● Screen layout:

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d. View detail transaction
● Function trigger: When the user clicks the “View detail” button.
● Function description: The user views all history transaction of the account.
● Function Details: List all information about the transaction made (Date created,
Purpose, Cost).
● Screen layout:

e. Pagination
● Function trigger: Pagination is activated throughout when the user views the
dashboard or any list.
● Function description: Divide all records into smaller sets of records per page.
● Screen layout:

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● Function detail: Users can click on the number below the dashboard list to view the
set of records on that numbered page instead of viewing all records on only one

III. Non-Functional Requirement

1. User Interfaces
● User interfaces are suitable to display on computers.
● Screen layouts are simple and easy to use.
● Main color of the screen layout is green (#00B98E).
● Buttons and links are easy to use and access.
● Data grid on the dashboard has ascending/descending sorting functions.
● Font must be easy to read.

2. Communication Interfaces
● Verified mails have enough information for users to understand the verification request.
● Expired time for verifying email is 24 hours.
● Language of the system must be Vietnamese.

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