CAPE Communication Studies 2020 P1 Done

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ysrcopr 02114010 MAYHSUNE 2020 AMINATIONS. ACLENCY EXAMINATION” FORM TP 2020199 councit CARIBBEAN EN p PROF CARIBBEAN ADVAN COMMUNICATION STUDIES Paper 01 Thawr 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. dB. sm, which is NOT ineluded in the Jo minutes 1 look at the READ THE FOLLOWING This test consists of 45 items divided into 1wo sections. A Section A, based on a poem, consists of 7 questions. The pow ecstion Booklet, will be read to you tice but you will be allowed Ww ‘questions betore the poem is read to you, is of 38 questions. Answer each question based on the informa tion given. Section B consist In addition to the test booklet. you should have an answer sheet Each iter inthis test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you ‘are about to answer and decide which choice is best ponds to your item and shade the space having Ie item below. 6. ‘On your answer sheet, find the number which corres} the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sampl Sample Item Which of the following is an advantage of the questionnaire as a data collection method? (A) _ Ease of administration Sample Answer (B) _Immediacy of feedback (3) Sbpernty foclaieaon e960 ‘The best answer to this item is “Ease of administration”, so (A) has been shaded. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 8. When you are told to begin, tun the page and work as qui i quickly and as carefull; If ‘cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may dic ta har aes a - DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2018 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. 02114010/MJ/CAPE 2020 TION A si which ofthe fitting deseribe the tone 4 which of hy ving bind nts of teror pera esi Metaphor, contrast and thyme B) Disgust and resentment ‘ o> ie ation and triumph The MAIN purpose of the poem is to @p affirm the progress that was made ing slavery ci (B) __ inspire courage among the descend- ants of the enslaved (C)__ encourage readers to show much respect for their ancestors (D) encourage readers to face life fiereely and courageously ‘The use of the word “daybreak” in the poem BEST conveys a sense of 1. optimism IL expectancy II. clarity of purpose (A) Tand Ilonly (B) Land Ill only oy Tand III only 1, Hand Il ‘or, repetition and rhyme Th imagery and rhythm alliteration and (B) ‘Metaph« (© daxtaposit {by duxtaposition. rhythm ions, “Did you want to The rhetorical questions. irene broken? Head bowed with lowered, eyes?” are used in the poem to (A) _swegest the persona’s defiance ‘convey the persona’s depression evoke confidence and determination @ appeal to the oppressor’s sense of sympathy Which of the following BEST captures the mood of the poem? (A) Aversion (B) Inspiration ‘Acceptance (D) Indifference The change from the use of the second person at the start of the poem to the use of first person at the end is effective in conveying the speaker’s (A) _ bittemess about slavery (B) attitude towards her ancestors shift in focus from past to present (D) freedom as a descendant of the enslaved DON OT WAIT FOR THE EXAMINER TO TELL YOU TO GO TO THE NEXT PAGE. SECTION B cms 810 Instructions: Read the following scenario « nswer Items 8-10, A news report indicates that citizens have been buying used cars rather than new ones, Your sixth-form class has decided to conduct research to find out which ears people prefer and why. Which of the following would be the MAIN a. Which of the following does NOT reflect advantage, to the researcher, if precoded how an interview might be administered, questions were used as the method of data for this research? collection? (A) Sending an email to a manager (A) Cost savings [BY Taking note of certified vehicles (B) Obtaining confidential data (C) Talking with a contact over the Easy analysis of the findings phone & Ability to probe for further details (D) Discussing preferences with consumers 10. Which of the following could be a DISADVANTAGE, to the researcher, if interviews were used as the method of data collection? (A) Low rate of data return (B) Difficulty making inferences Subjectivity of the researcher (D) Limited scope to explore variables 1. .swer Items 11-15, me sully and then ~ refully school, the Ministry of Edueaig, snscustions: Read 1 of Mansfie High ed that some senior stdens of the principal of Mim otdes to hire a research ¢ a se msn wah EE gy eel mp Ar Segara check of the 08S es, rendanice rte been regulrly atending seperate the likely reasons euch copy ep cud ME Norn, which of the flo hich of the Following sources ¢ i rnin. “rect the wale arc the MOST use information 12 in iat adversely affect the validity of ye Fetpthe researchers to identify the sample results. f the data Gi ee 1, Adequney ofthe data HW Cass registers IL, Reliability of the «© Class monitors ml. Representativencss of the sample (D) Students’ report cards (A) Lonly only Which of the following must the research i [and Ill only Beanery soresiceray fem lecting* @ uteoart sample? ato a census documen's 5, which ofthe following isthe MOST ( average number of respon ‘eater timeteate [@ How well the population is repre pepulaticty z sented (A) _ Students of Mansfield High School (D) _ Howknowledgeable the respondents who attend classes areata are Senior students of Mansfield High School who attend classes , irregularly If the research company used observation , ‘asa method of collecting data, which of the (©) Students of secondary schools in following could be an advantage? the coy who attend classes irregularly (A) Predicting the behaviour to be (D) Senior students of secondary observed schools in the country who 8 Dare witnessing the behaviour attend classes irregularly of participants (©) Spending an extended period of time collecting data (D) Participants changing their ; behaviour while being observed 16. 17. tems 16-18 Hems 16-18. Instructions: Read the following dintogue carefully and Paul: Good morning everyone. How are you toda Samantha: — Mi good Paul, although mi foot bottam a hat mi Bryan: Mi no feel good because Paw eva a try chat hoity tity, speaky spokey 10 #1 an mi no like it. {do not understand. We are all educated so we should be speaking Caribbean Paul: Bry Standard English and not some broken language: Samantha: Yes mi educated but when mi a chat to mi fren dem mi no afi use Caribbean Standard English, aftarawl mi naa do interview: Bryan: ‘Tru Samantha, plus mi naa speak no broken language. 1 am speaking Caribbean Creole English. When Bryan accuses Paul of speaking 18. Which of the speakers advocate using “hoity toity” in line 3, Bryan is suggesting language as a form of identification? that Paul is using language to (A) Paul and Bryan A) assert authority B) Paul and Samantha show sophistication Samantha and Bryan (D) Paul, Samantha and Bryan (©) _ make social commentary (D) discriminate against others lowing factors would affect Which of the fo .d by the various the dialectal varieties use speakers? (A) Social class (B) _ Job opportunity Religious affiliation Intellectual capacity “6+ Anemis 19-20 iate answer J the most approre Anseeuctions: Selec 19, Ifa speaker changes his language USE 20. which of the following Creole featur petween Caribbean Stank English and evident in the structure. “tangle upwint eons lish during a conversation: HE svar an his FestNgS?” "ia would be engaging in . (A) Repetition a) ‘ g cose mining (a) _Setial verbs a switching (c)_ Reduplicaro inn Gp verter tens (D) semantic differentiation 22. Instructions: Read the following dial Mother: Robbie, since yuh chupid computer talkin to dem only yu and dem understan. Lissen. ¥ So you's comin to de Robbie: Motherrr, I'm proud of ho remember What feature of Creole English is reflected issen yuh home now in the expression home” (lines 3-4)? (A) Auxiliary a Reduplication Front focusing (D) —_Subject-adjective structure Which of the following quotes from the dialogue is NOT an example of Creole syntax? (A) “sittin in front ah dat chupid computer” (lines 1-2) (By “.-. in dat highfalutin language” (line 2) jn to de market wit (C) “So you's com me in de morning.” (line 4) @O> “Motherrr, I really have t this?” (line 5) 10 do me back home from coll 1 foreign friens ab yout ‘uh home now kel awit me in ds ww T speak but do 1 really have anyone around here anymore. 23. refully and then answer Items 21-23, rege all yuh doin is sittin in front aly dat ry in dat highfalutin language dat fand yuh have 10 behave as if yuh to do this? 1 do not even f the following words describes tude towards her son's (ine 2)? Which o! the mother’s attitude 1 shighfalutin language” Scorn (B) Proud (C) Gloomy (D)__ Interest GO ONTO THE NEXT ad then answer Htems 24-26, tap the devil own self when she rt nee over Aliside that born the paket er here you did know one day she was going dovg “ .t, Yes"m- Standing Hight thers ay ae an come not so : chan when eve at gal. Right ia evens ithe midwife no see a shadow fly Bi ose her tO eye tight and is soe gevileseaPe” , now about that, Beccks certainly don"t porn with no two head or nothing wrong wi, sell I don’t c to er Isjust bard ears she hard ears. “Den no so me saying?” in Summer Lightning and Other Stories, jive Senior, " Js Wear Brassieres “Adapted from Olive Senior, “Do Angels We insane i es ‘The speaker's question at the end of the 26+ Which of the following points or Creole language continuum are oo extract indicates that in the speech of the characters? (A) Miss Mary did not understand the speaker (A) Basilect and aerolect (B) __thespeaker did not understand Miss Be Basilect and mesolect « Mary's statement © ect ¢ @ the speaker and Miss Mary are () saying the same thing (D) the speaker and Miss Mary are in complete disagreement 25. She sents POLL apt Ras about that. Beccka certainly don’t born with oto head or nothing wrong with her.” (line 9) present examples of 1 Instructions: Select the most appropriate answer for Htems 27-30. 27, Which of the following expressing BEST 29. In Which of the following expressions is explains the meaning ofthe tem “ingua the process of reduplication evident? (A) Stepsister (A) A language which is derived from (B) — Eye-water French and used by African Awan gwaan slaves Chaka-chaka house (B) Any language which is native to African peoples who have been transplanted 4. Which of the following are regarded as @® 4 common language vsed in Which languages of the Netherlandic dialogue by persons with territories of the ‘Caribbean? itterert wale glad (D) Any language whit i foreign 1 Latch i Sena ls ove tn a.oem ti, French speech community Til, Portuguese [and Il only ‘A Caribbean English Creole may be defined Land Ill only as a language (C) Mand It only (D) LMWand It (A) with limited linguistic funetions (B) _ used by the poorest people in the society (C)__ understood only by some persons inthe society @ developed from contact between European and frican languages a ake TH MEW DAL 10> «carefully anaven answer Items 31-33, * jowing extHE 7 ions: REM! the fol r «visiting Cuba to improve their know) gh in Jamaica oF Tn José Marti High. When the student ren ste Hi My stants £7 on their experience, me Ci wait they will be required to write cai aie S geoments of 3 Cuba the stents ated wich of he apps deseribes the wininar, The guest speaker noticed jg camino BS OF Seay of the visitors seemed restless du corn between the (0 BTOUP sous Is Jing audibly. Which of th lig students? syas LEAST likely to be responsible for their restlessness? (ay Public Tamme ) Interpersonal 4 o Orsanizatonal (A) He was speaking too fast. (B) He was speaking in a monotone, (©) He was using many unfamilic In which of the following genres will the words. report MOST likely be written? @ te complemented his speech with projected slides. 1 Argument IL Exposition IIL Narrative (A) JandITonly (8) Landittonly e Wand Il only ) A, Mand 111 36. ems 3438 jastnustions: Select the most a the Most approprinte answer for tems 34-35. 4 suident council Wants to raise awarene A seam santo miscawarenesy 38, whieh of the flowing forms of Responsibilities” among thee tice) communication is the communicator Re Thecss ne the student both the source and the destination of the poration. The sou decid es message? 3 fous a communication campaign a cay memberiof Gseclien et (Public audente whowere lid Gee ne (B) Smal group lunch. ined up awaiting their (C)__ Interpersonal @® _invapersora \hish presentation fomat woud be st woutbe MOS (A) Impromptu (B) Memorized E@__Extemporancous (D) Manuscript del items 36-37 Instruction: Read the following scenario carefully and then answer Items 36-37, ing directly in his face and touching his hands when she fersation with her about it but finds himself stuttering and and “You see ...”, before he can share his discomfort Benjamin’s friend has a habit of talki speaks. He has decided to have a conv hesitating in ways such as“Ab ... I mean”, with her on this delicate matter, ‘The stutiering and forms of hesitation in 37. Benjamin is concerned about his friend’s Benjamin’s speech serve MAINLY to nae (A) __vocalies ir i (B) artifacts (A) manage impression : substitute for words @ _ proxemies (©) convey a contradiction (D) _chronemics (D) establish their relationship GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0211401 0/MJ/CAPE 2020 en answer Heems 38-39, ee carefully ane nssruction: Read dhe folowing seen? put she is unsure about how to seech in class vanes Your friend, Sandra, has to deliver # peruse Peet cs a onder livery entation. She is netY effectively organize her pres f ing, techniques sich of the following techniques could which o” “to boost her confidence when Which of the following organizational 3 us he methods would be MOST effeetive i" Sativering the speech Cnhancing Sandra’s speech? rawing support from the audience (A) Summary points and examples (Bee Pacing the room and avoiding eye (B) Researched examples and in-text ‘contact citation 3 ing directly from her prepared = ecraneaicel’ (©) Reading

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