Chapter L: Matthew W. White (2005) - This Research Paper Explores How Consumers React To Price

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Chapter l


Electric is a part of our life nowadays, but because of high demand, electric supply

constitutes a large portion of customers' expenses. This study aims to assess the impact

of electricity cost in household budget of Brgy: M.H del Pilar residents.

Significance of electricity consumption as a recurring expense for families highlights its

importance in Brgy. M.H. Del Pilar, specifically among lower-income residents. The rising

demand for electricity strains household budgets despite its essential nature, leading to

increased costs that some residents might struggle to afford. The researchers aim to

assess and investigate how this impact of electricity cost in household budget of Brgy:

M.H del Pilar residents.

This study has been previously conducted, but it remains an evolving field of research

due to the dynamic nature of the energy sector, societal changes, and technological

advancements, continual research is essential to provide relevant up-to-data insights for

policy makers, consumers and stakeholders in the energy industry.

Likewise, in our research, we did not find a study that exactly mirrors our forecasted

topic. However, there's a study closely related to it, conducted by Peter C. Reiss and

Matthew W. White (2005). This research paper explores how consumers react to price

changes in markets, specifically addressing electricity. The study presents a model for

evaluating the effects of different electricity tariff designs, tackling consumer price issues
like nonlinear pricing and sensitivity. Utilizing data from California households, the

research estimates the model's parameters, discovering that the most significant impact

on demand response is seen in a minority of households. The study also analyzes the

recent tariff charges in California and their consequences.

The key finding from these studies emphasizes the impact of electric cost on household budget

in Del Pilar. In a study conducted by “Alberini, 2006”:, it was revealed that households in Del

Pilar with elevated electricity demand incurred greater expenses for their electricity

consumption in contrast to households with lower demand. This discrepancy arises from the

fact that high-demand households necessitate more electricity to operate their appliances and

lighting, resulting in escalated energy bills.

The study of (Alberini, 2006) focus on the consequences of high demand Electric supply they

don't assess the impact of electricity cost to household budget.

The potential contribution of this research on the electricity cost in household budget of Brgy:

M.H del Pilar residents could be significant, as it could provide valuable insights into the

financial burden of high electricity costs on low-income households.

Statement Of The Problem

This study delves into the economic repercussions of electric cost on households

residents of Brgy Del Pilar. The investigation aims to discern the direct and

indirect electric cost experienced by residents in light of the challenges posed by

the increased demand for electricity. Additionally, the research endeavors to

determine the average monthly electricity expenditure of households ,

particularly those in Brgy M.H. Del Pilar, that are directly affected by the strain of

high-demand electric supply. By addressing these questions, the study seeks to

contribute valuable insights into the financial burdens and considerations

associated with sustaining electricity needs in this specific residential area,

thereby informing potential interventions and policy adjustments.

1.)What is the average monthly electricity expenditure of household in Brgy M.H

Del Pilar affected by high demand electric supply?

2.)What is the impact of electricity cost in household budget of Brgy: M.H del Pilar


3.) How does the electricity cost effect the household budget of Brgy: Del Pilar

Significance of the study

The findings of the study may provide a deeper insight and knowledge about the Assessing the

impact of electricity cost on household budget of Brgy: M.H del Pilar local residents

The study would likely benefit the residents by providing a comprehensive understanding of the

financial implications of the monthly electricity cost on their household budgets. This

knowledge could lead to the implementation of targeted measures to reduce costs, improve

energy efficiency, and enhance overall financial well-being for the residents.

Moreover, this study will be significant endeavor to the residents because this study will be

beneficial to them in terms of Assessing the impact of electricity cost in household budget and

this study maybe can give contribution to the formulation of more effective and sustainable

energy infrastructure plans. It will also serve as a future reference for researchers at the subject

of human resources.

• Researchers and Academicians

Academics and researchers studying energy economics or conducting related research could

find this study valuable for reference and further analysis.

Investors interested in the energy sector may use the findings to assess investment

opportunities and market demand.

•Electric Utility Companies

The research could be interesting to the electric utility companies operating in the area, helping

them to understand the impact of their services on resident's budgets.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to assess the impact of electricity cost to household budget of Brgy: M.H del

Pilar ,focusing on the residents budget, electric cost, and supply dynamics.

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature

Access to reliable and affordable electric supply is a fundamental component of modern living,

affecting various aspects of daily life.The residents experience high electricity demand,

potentially influencing their household budgets.This review of related literature aims to explore

and analyze the existing research on the economic impact of high electric supply demand on


According to Smith et al, (2018), the economic implications of electricity demand on household

budgets have been the focus of several studies. A similar urban area found that increased

electricity demand can lead to higher monthly utility bills. Impacting the financial stability of

households. This suggest that residents may experience similar challenges.

on the other hand, Johnson and Martinez (2019) highlighted the disproportionate impact of

high electricity costs on low-income households.The residents include diverse socioeconomic

groups. making it essential to understand how high electric demand might affect vulnerable


according to the Department of Energy (2020) government policies and initiatives play a

crucial role in mitigating the impact of electricity cost on household budget .The strategies for

promoting energy and reducing costs for households. it's important to consider how these

recommendations could be applied to the specific context of residents.

Chapter lll

Research design
The objective of the study is to measure a cause from a pre-existing effects, so that we use Ex

Post Facto research design because it is more appropriate to use in this study. In this design,

the researcher has no control over the variables in the research study. Thus, one cannot

conclude that the changes measured happen during the actual conduct of the study.

We choose ex post facto design for our study titled assessing the impact of electricity cost on

household budget of Brgy: M.H Del Pilar residents because this is the research design that fit to

our study.

Population and sample

A subset of 50 households randomly selected from Brgy. M.H. Del Pilar, which represents a

smaller group that can be studied to draw conclusions about the entire population. This sample

could include a diverse mix of households to ensure a comprehensive assessment of the impact

of electricity cost on household budgets in that barangay.

Sampling procedure

In this study we use a simple random sampling to ensures unbiased

representation and all of the households in Brgy: M.H Del Pilar have an equal
chance to be selected . It helps avoid selection bias, providing a fair assessment of

the electricity cost impact on the entire community's household budgets.

We conduct a door to door survey in our selected household and ask a

representative for their household to answer our structured questioner.


In this study we use structured survey questioner, there's a ten(10) questions inside of the

survey questioner, five(5) nigatibe and five(5) positive questios. The questions inside of our

instrument are aims to answer the questions in the significance of the study (SOP).

Research intervention

Promote the use of energy-efficient appliances over regular heavy-consuming ones in Brgy:

M.H Del Pilar to reduce electricity consumption and alleviate the impact on household budgets.

These measures aim to encourage residents to adopt energy-efficient practices and appliances,
aligning with the research objective of minimizing electricity costs for households in the


Data collection procedure

In order to obtain important information for our research, survey questionnaires are sent as

part of the data collection procedure. The goal of the study will be explained to participants,

and they will be reassured that their answers will remain private. We will acquire informed

consent before going into detail about any particular survey question, stressing that

participation is entirely voluntary.

To contextualize replies, demographic data will be gathered first. This will include information

on family monthly income, monthly bill and the name weill be a optional. There will be a range

of question forms in the survey, including multiple-choice, Likert scale, and open-ended items,

all of which have been carefully designed to prevent leading biases. In order to guarantee

participant comprehension, succinct language will be used, and order bias will be reduced by

randomly assigning response options to different slots. Before going into full swing, a pilot test

will be carried out to fine-tune.

Medic analysis test the realibility and measure the validity.

To ensure the reliability of the medical analysis assessing the impact of electricity costs on the

household budget in Brgy: M.H del Pilar residents, you could employ test-retest reliability by

repeating the analysis on a subset of the population and comparing the results over time.

For validity, consider content validity by ensuring the analysis covers relevant aspects of

household budgets affected by electricity costs. Additionally, criterion-related validity could be

assessed by comparing

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