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Mathematics in the Modern World Assignment 2

c b n d 2020 Joel Reyes Noche · Department of Mathematics · Submit on August 1, 2020 · Score: /8

First name: Last name: Signature:

Promotional boxes of Commando brand safety matches, in-
cluded with a detergent bar soap, claim to have an average of
38 sticks per box. Six boxes were opened and had the following
numbers of matches: 37, 35, 39, 39, 38, and 40. Use a recent
version of a spreadsheet (such as Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc) to create a
blank workbook and enter these values into cells A2 to A7.
38 1. In cell E2, enter the text mean . In cell F2, enter the formula =AVERAGE
(A2:A7) . What value appears in cell F2?
38.5 2. In cell E3, enter the text median . In cell F3, enter the formula =MEDIAN
(A2:A7) . What value appears in cell F3?
39 3. In cell E4, enter the text mode . In cell F4, enter the formula =MODE.SNGL
(A2:A7) . What value appears in cell F4?
(This function only returns one value even if the data has more than one mode.)
5 4. In cell E5, enter the text range . In cell F5, enter the formula =MAX(A2:A7)
-MIN(A2:A7) . What value appears in cell F5?
3.2 5. In cell E6, enter the text samp var . In cell F6, enter the formula =VAR.S
(A2:A7) . What value appears in cell F6?
1.789 6. In cell E7, enter the text samp std dev . In cell F7, enter the formula
=STDEV.S(A2:A7) . What value appears in cell F7 (rounded o↵ to 3 decimals)?
7. and 8. Type the values 35 36 37 38 39 40 into cells B2 to B7. Select
cells C2 to C7. Type =FREQUENCY(A2:A7,B2:B7) then simultaneously
press Ctrl + Shift + Enter . Select cells B2 to C7. Insert a clustered column
chart (by choosing from a menu like Insert Charts ). You should get a
histogram (with the horizontal axis labeled from ‘35’ to ‘40’). (If not, then
treat the first column as labels when choosing the data range.) Modify the
histogram to suit your taste. Select the histogram and save it as an image
file (say, by copying it and pasting it in a graphics editor). Submit this image
file along with your answers to this assignment.

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