Portfolio Making

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For your FINAL REQUIREMENT for Personal Development subject, you are going to make a portfolio
containing some reflections and information relating to what you have learned on this subject. You can use the
attached worksheets as the template (you can also make some modifications like making a cover page or
making the whole content creative.) Upon submission, kindly put this in a long folder.

Contents of the Portfolio

 My Simple Career Plan

 My Personal Profile Analysis
 My Personal Profile Analysis Report
 My Life Goals
 My Resume and Application letter

Note: Please return this rubric together with your output

‘My Simple Career Plan’

Name : Chrixy Y. Peñas Year & Section: 12-Competence
School: Brokenshire College Toril

Career Goal :

What particular career do you want? By considering the external factors which may affect your career choice,
write down the career you wish to pursue which is also in line with your personal goal/s. (e.g. I want to become
a teacher because it is my passion to impart wisdom and knowledge.)
My goal is to become an aspiring nurse because, in addition to providing good care and assisting patients, I'm
also enthusiastic about alleviating the agony of the sick and giving hope to those who are dismayed of their


What are necessities for you to reach your dream career? (e.g. Bachelor’s degree in Education requires good
command of the English and Filipino languages, emotional maturity, and patience).
Soft competencies like empathy, adaptability, analytic skills, and ability to interact with others, together with
compassion and determination, are what I believe are essential for me to pursue my dream profession in
addition to education and practical expertise.

Skills and interests:

What are the skills and interests you currently possess that are relevant to your career goal? (e.g. I have received
awards in speech contests; I have attended teaching seminars and workshops; and, I am a member of Student-
Tutor Club, an organization of students providing free tutorial to other students.)
I've attended a few seminars on mental health and well-being, as well as patient care and safety, and I've also
volunteered as a healthcare volunteer in our barangay.

Agenda/plan to reach goal:

What do you need to accomplish in order to reach your goal? (e.g. I have to take and finish a bachelor’s degree
in Education. As much as possible, I have to take it from a university that specializes in offering teacher
education programs).
Acquiring a degree in nursing from an accredited nursing program or university, such as a Bachelor of Science
in Nursing (BSN) or a nursing diploma, as well as a license and clinical experience.

Other helpful things pertinent to career goal:

What else do you need to do to achieve your goal? (e.g. I have to undergo higher level trainings and workshops,
take related short courses to supplement my education, and join relevant organization.)
Participate in volunteer work, clinical rotations, or internships to obtain practical experience. Participate in
networking, attend seminars, and join nursing associations. Participate in programs that provide the resources
and curriculum. Furthermore, explore attending higher coursework or specializations related to my interests in

Possible barriers to career goal.

What are the possible hindrances in achieving your career goal and how would you deal with them (e.g.
Financial constraints- I can be a working student; I will change my lifestyle to save for my education.)
There are a few obstacles I may face in achieving my career goal of becoming a nurse. The first is academic
discipline: nursing programs are challenging, obligating commitment and concentration because of the amount
of coursework, clinical hours, and exams. I think the most efficient way to overcome these obstacles is to
manage my time well and prioritize solely on nursing. Financial restrictions: given that nursing is an expensive
field with high tuition, books, uniform costs, and other expenses, I think the best way of dealing with this would
be to learn how to properly organize my finances and embark on a small part-time job to help me keep up with
the constraints. Lastly, work-life balance: nursing schools can have erratic schedules, which makes it difficult to
strike a balance between schoolwork, personal life, and part-time work. I think this can be addressed with
careful scheduling and effective time management.

The so-called ‘Plan B’:

If conditions would not allow you to pursue your career goal, what would be your alternative plan? (e.g. I will
pursue becoming a call center agent until I have enough money to take a degree in Education
Prior to meeting those requirements, take on relevant courses and employment that I am qualified for, or work
in alternative healthcare occupations.


‘My Personal Profile Analysis’

Objectives: This aims to enable you to construct your own ‘personal profile analysis’


Name : Chrixy Y. Peñas Date : 10/12/2023

Age : 16 years old Gender: Female

1. Good interpersonal skills
2. Has a strong drive for improvement
3. Highly determined and persistent
4. Has a strong physical and emotional stamina
5. Adept in handling crisis

1. Having a hard time rejecting additional task or a favor
2. Anxious all the time
3. Perfectionism


Ms. Peñas’ excellent physical and mental stamina make her a good fit for jobs requiring extensive shift that
needs physical endurance and emotional fortitude to deal with difficult conditions. She can do duties that call
for delivering outstanding treatment, creating a supportive environment, and upholding professional
connections attributable to her strong interpersonal skills. She has a strong drive for improvement, so she
looks for methods to keep learning new things and having progress. She is resilient and determined, which
makes her adept at managing difficult assignments. In addition, she is useful when an unforeseen issue comes
up due to her sharp thinking and proficiency in managing crucial situations.

Ms. Peñas’ has difficulty refusing offers or favors, which may cause her to take on a large number of duties
and be unable to handle them well, in addition to overcommitment, spreading herself unevenly, and not
having enough time or energy for personal needs or current obligations. Her constant anxiety may develop to
avoidance behaviors, in the sense that individuals retreat from events or experiences out of dread, restricting
personal growth and opportunity. Her unwavering quest of perfection can lead to burnout, a condition of
emotional, physical, and mental weariness that leads in enormous pressure and dread of failure.


Name: Chrixy Y. Penas Grade & Section: 12-Competence


Objective: This enables you to distinguish between your short-term and long-term goals.
Procedure: Complete the following questionnaire:

1. My long-range goal: Write your primary life goal.)

My long-term objectives are to become a top-notch nurse and ambitious café owner with a thriving
business, all while giving my family a respectable livelihood and long-term stability.

2. My specific goals related to my long-range life goal: (Enumerate your particular goals that will serve as
smaller steps in reaching your long-term life goal.)
In terms of my long-term life objective, my particular objectives are to complete my education, save
enough money for investments, and land a steady work.

3. My plan in reaching the above-mentioned goals: (List the steps that you will take to make your
identified goals achievable.)
Achieve academic excellence, participate in business and career-related programs, and help my family
with daily responsibilities.
4. My career goal: (Write the particular profession, occupation, or vocation you want and the rank, status,
or position you want to achieve in that career.)
My chosen particular profession is a nurse that obtains a doctoral nursing degree and become Chief
nursing operator (CNO) or administrator that takes the lead towards fostering a good nursing service.

5. My specific goals related to my career goal: (Enumerate your particular goals that will serve as smaller
steps in reaching your career goal.)
Earn a nursing degree, gain admission to a renowned hospital, and keep a steady employment that

6. My Plans in reaching my career-related goals: (List the steps that you will take to make your identified
career goals achievable.)
Focus solely on my chosen field of study and achieve academic excellence; take part in clinical
workshops or seminars to get expertise and background knowledge; volunteer for any healthcare service
or initiative to build up my credentials regarding that field.

7. My family goal: (Write whether or not you have dreams of marrying someday and becoming a parent.)
In terms of my family's ambitions, I will provide a decent living, grant my family's long-held desires,
meet all of their needs, and then work toward creating a warm and loving family.

8. My specific goals related to my family goal: (Enumerate the particular goals that you have to
accomplish first to become a good husband/wife and parent)
Aside from having a stable job and sustainable living, giving time for personal growth and
understanding myself is the thing I must accomplish first in order for me to become a good wife or

9. My plans in reaching my family-related goals: (List the steps that you will take to make your identified
family goals achievable.)
Become successful in my work, begin investments, and assess oneself in order to grow and become a
better version of oneself. Take the time to fully understand the significance of starting a family and seek
advice if needed.

1. What are your realizations about yourself after doing the activity?
After settling on my goals and future strategy, I came to the realization that I had just conducted an
assessment of myself. My understanding of myself has grown, enabling me to better grasp my goals and
areas for improvement.

2. What did you learn from this activity?

I learnt that in order to attain my long-term objectives, I must first complete the smaller ones and plan
each step ahead of time. I also learnt that we must carefully consider how we would attain our objectives
and make the best option.
Resume and Cover letter Writing

To complete your portfolio, make a good representation of yourself through writing a resume and
application letter, make sure that the position you’ll be applying for is in line with the career goals that
you wrote on the previous worksheets. It must be printed and in 12-point Arial font, and letter must
be single spaced and justified.

Note: Please return this rubric together with your output

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