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On the day of our benchmarking day, it was indeed a tiring day for all of us. I took a Psychology
course. We were together with those students who took the Social Work. We went first to the CIBI
or Children International Bicol. We met a few social workers there, and they told us about their
agency; they also told us what social worker does, how they became social worker, and how they
love their job. Hearing their stories about how they sacrificed their lives to become a social
worker, I was amazed. I learned a lot from them.

At first, I was confused why the guards told us that it is forbidden to handle candies or even
gadgets. When we entered the three large gates, I was amazed at the appearance of the rehab
center because it looked like a normal house. We went to the room where the workers were there
and they started sharing the services they do inside the rehab center. They explained why they
ban the carrying of menthol candies, gadgets, money, etc…. After they share about their agency
they toured us inside the center and while we were going out we saw some patients. And we went
to the other building where female patients are there, we saw them cleaning. That day I also
found out that not everyone in the rehab center is mentally unstable; others just want to start a
new life.

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