Quiz 1 WR

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Quiz 1 - World Religion

Quiz 1 - World Religion

Name: ________________________________________
Gr. & Section: _____________ Date: __________ Name: ________________________________________
Gr. & Section: _____________ Date: __________
I. Write only the letter of your answer.
I. Write only the letter of your answer.
a. El Amin e. Islam
b. Rashidun caliphate f. caliphs a. El Amin e. Islam
c. Muhammad g. Muslim b. Rashidun caliphate f. caliphs
d. Hegira h. Allah c. Muhammad g. Muslim
d. Hegira h. Allah
___ 1. One who practices Islam and surrenders to God.
___ 2. He is recognized as the founder of Islam and the Prophet of ___ 1. One who practices Islam and surrenders to God.
Allah. ___ 2. He is recognized as the founder of Islam and the Prophet of
___ 3. It means obedience , submission, or surrendering to God. Allah.
___ 4. It is the journey when Muhammad and his followers migrated ___ 3. It means obedience , submission, or surrendering to God.
from Mecca to the city of Yathrib/ Medina. ___ 4. It is the journey when Muhammad and his followers migrated
___ 5.The title dubbed to Muhammad after having faithfully paid all from Mecca to the city of Yathrib/ Medina.
the owners he transacted with. ___ 5.The title dubbed to Muhammad after having faithfully paid all
___ 6. The name of the one and only God in Islam. the owners he transacted with.
___ 7. The term used for the first four successors of prophet ___ 6. The name of the one and only God in Islam.
Muhammad. It means the rightly guided caliphs. ___ 7. The term used for the first four successors of prophet
Muhammad. It means the rightly guided caliphs.
II. Encircle the letter of your answer.
8. He wast the first caliph. Under his rule, bonds among the tribes were II. Encircle the letter of your answer.
strengthened. 8. He wast the first caliph. Under his rule, bonds among the tribes were
a. Uthman b. Abu Bakr c. Muawiyyah d. Umar strengthened.
a. Uthman b. Abu Bakr c. Muawiyyah d. Umar
9. He was the second caliph who brought Islam outside the Arabian
Peninsula. 9. He was the second caliph who brought Islam outside the Arabian
a. Uthman b. Abu Bakr c. Muawiyyah d. Umar Peninsula.
a. Uthman b. Abu Bakr c. Muawiyyah d. Umar
10. He was the fourth caliph who reorganized and transferred Islam to
the city of Damascus in Syria. 10. He was the fourth caliph who reorganized and transferred Islam to
a. Uthman b. Abu Bakr c. Muawiyyah d. Umar the city of Damascus in Syria.
a. Uthman b. Abu Bakr c. Muawiyyah d. Umar
11. It is the holy book of the Islam. It is the word of God revealed to the
Prophet Muhammad. 11. It is the holy book of the Islam. It is the word of God revealed to the
a. Hadith b. Qur’an c. Sunnah d. Shariah Prophet Muhammad.
a. Hadith b. Qur’an c. Sunnah d. Shariah
12. The book that provides sets of Islamic religious law that governs the
day-to-day life of Muslims. 12. The book that provides sets of Islamic religious law that governs the
a. Hadith b. Qur’an c. Sunnah d. Shariah day-to-day life of Muslims.
a. Hadith b. Qur’an c. Sunnah d. Shariah
13. The duty in this pillar is the declaration of their faith.
a. Salah b. Hajj c. Sawm d. Shahada 13. The duty in this pillar is the declaration of their faith.
a. Salah b. Hajj c. Sawm d. Shahada
14. The duty in this pillar is to have a pilgrimage to Mecca and must be
performed by Muslims at least once in their lifetime. 14. The duty in this pillar is to have a pilgrimage to Mecca and must be
a. Salah b. Hajj c. Sawm d. Shahada performed by Muslims at least once in their lifetime.
a. Salah b. Hajj c. Sawm d. Shahada
15. The duty in this pillar is to practice fasting and self-control during holy
month of Ramadan. 15. The duty in this pillar is to practice fasting and self-control during holy
a. Salah b. Hajj c. Sawm d. Shahada month of Ramadan.
a. Salah b. Hajj c. Sawm d. Shahada

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