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Women empowerment refers to making women powerful to make
them capable of deciding for themselves. Women have suffered a lot
through the years at the hands of men. In earlier centuries, they were
treated as almost non-existent. As if all the rights belonged to men
even something as basic as voting. As the times evolved, women
realized their power. There on began the revolution for women
As women were not allowed to make decisions for them, women
empowerment came in like a breath of fresh air. It made them aware of
their rights and how they must make their own place in society rather
than depending on a man. It recognized the fact that things cannot
simply work in someone’s favor because of their gender. However, we
still have a long way to go when we talk about the reasons why we need

Need for Women Empowerment

Almost every country, no matter how progressive has a history of ill-

treating women. In other words, women from all over the world have
been rebellious to reach the status they have today. While the western
countries are still making progress, third world countries like India still
lack behind in Women Empowerment.

In India, women empowerment is needed more than ever. India is

amongst the countries which are not safe for women. There are various
reasons for this. Firstly, women in India are in danger of honor killings.
Their family thinks its right to take their lives if they bring shame to the
reputation of their legacy.

Moreover, the education and freedom scenario is very regressive here.

Women are not allowed to pursue higher education, they are married off
One of the greatest fears that affect women worldwide is getting sexually
attacked. These are occasions that leave the victims with emotional scars that
last a lifetime. Sexual abuse is an act that underline inhumane and repulsions
of torment for women. The horrors are an understatement when the victims are
kids. Most women, who have encountered rape, have had the assault in their
younger ages. Recuperating from such recollections and scars can result into
two actions; carrying on with a productive life or committing suicide. In
Morrow and Smith 's study that was published in 1995, depicted a portion of
the women who survived the ordeal and managed to adapt with the emotional
scars have done to get to that state. Sexual abuse for women causes a great
deal of fear, given that more than 40% of women in the United States and
Canada are victims. The figure within the study demonstrates exactly how
pandemic the abhorrent is and the impacts that are a great deal more than the
figures would indicate. Experts helping the women that are experiencing
mental and physical trauma resultant from such abuse, utilize the construct
approach and the indications to try to comprehend and react accordingly.early.
The men are still dominating women in some regions like it’s the
woman’s duty to work for him endlessly. They do not let them go out or
have freedom of any kind.

In addition, domestic violence is a major problem in India. The men

beat up their wife and abuse them as they think women are their
property. More so, because women are afraid to speak up. Similarly, the
women who do actually work get paid less than their male counterparts.
It is downright unfair and sexist to pay someone less for the same work
because of their gender. Thus, we see how women empowerment is the
need of the hour. We need to empower these women to speak up for
themselves and never be a victim of injustice.

How to Empower Women?

There are various ways in how one can empower women. The
individuals and government must both come together to make it happen.
Education for girls must be made compulsory so that women can
become illiterate to make a life for themselves.
Women must be given equal opportunities in every field, irrespective of
gender. Moreover, they must also be given equal pay. We can empower
women by abolishing child marriage. Various programs must be held
where they can be taught skills to fend for themselves in case they
face financial crisis.

Most importantly, the shame of divorce and abuse must be thrown out
of the window. Many women stay in abusive relationships because of
the fear of society. Parents must teach their daughters it is okay to come
home divorced rather than in a coffin.

India is a traditional male-dominated country where women have to face various

violence in the society from the ancient time. As the world is leading in the technological
improvement, advancement of material prosperity, etc; the rate of unnatural sex and
violence with women is also on the way. Rapes and brutal murders have been so
common now-a-days. Other violence are like harassment, assault, and chain-snatching,
etc have been involved in the daily routine in the modern Indian society. Violence
against women has grown to a great extent in the free India. Dowry deaths, murder,
bride burning, etc are giving rise to other violence in the society. Simultaneous increase
in violence against women is hindering the social, economical, political, and cultural
progress in the country.

The continuous practice of dowry system in the society proves that the violence against
women can never be end. It is a complex phenomenon covering several dimensions of
violence. It has reduces the status of young girls in the society as well as lowers their
dignity. At the time of marriage, if a bride do not bring adequate dowry with her, she
would really be at high risk of maltreatment after the marriage. Thousands of girls are
bring victims of this social devil on daily basis.

Majority of the research published in the past attempted to

demonstrate the issues that the women experience, drawing on
the negative aspects of the encounters and the emotional turmoil
connected with this ordeal. There is an alternate point of view
that takes a gander at the positive
The number of rapes reported in the last month is seriously alarming and brings

about the question of how safe are women in our societies today. From Kerala to
Kashmir and from the west to east India, the rising number of rape and assault

cases on women cast doubts on the status and security of the 'empowered, new

generation' woman of India. And the sad fact is that most of the perpetrators of

this heinous and cruel crime go unpunished and enjoy their respective lives,

leaving the victim to suffer in ignominy.

The recent news of a girl in Kerala pushed out of the train and the unconscious

girl raped and killed shows how even in a state that boasts of 100% literacy and

high respect for women, such barbaric acts take place. The involvement of

politicians in rape cases in states like UP and Maharashtra show that there is

little the poor victim can do against such influential and powerful persons. Most of

the victims therefore do not report cases of assault due to fear of humiliation and

retaliation (by thperpetrator especially if he is influential). Our system of tackling

this crime is also inefficient. Instead of encouraging the victim to register the

complaint, she or her family members are threatened and dissuaded by the

authorities against registering complaints. The delay in getting justice and the

further inspection, examination and questions in police-stations and courts

makes the victim feel humiliated and this experience is as bad as going through

the trauma once again.

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