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A Man Cf Means

ubllshed by SllhoueLLe 8ooks

Amerlcas ubllsher of ConLemporary 8omance

lor Clssy aL WrlLerspace Sara !lll and CelesLe and all
Lhe wonderful readers many of whom l was prlvlleged Lo
meeL ln ALlanLa ln 2001 aL our auLhor Lea who vlslL me
onllne Lhere aL my Web slLe Love you all u

MeredlLh !ohns glanced around her worrledly aL Lhe ouLofconLrol Palloween parLygoers ln Lhelr
colorful cosLumes MeredlLh was wearlng an ouLflL lefL over from college days She made a good salary
aL her [ob buL Lhere was no money for llLLle luxurles llke Palloween cosLumes She had Lo budgeL [usL Lo
be able Lo pay Lhe uLlllLy blll ln Lhe house she shared wlLh her faLher
1he pasL few monLhs had been LraumaLlc and Lhe wear was Lelllng on her She needed Lo geL ouL of
Lhe house !lll one of her colleagues had sald flrmlyespeclally afLer her mosL agonlzlng experlence aL
home MeredlLh was relucLanL Per faLher was only [usL back aL Lhelr house afLer Lhree days 8uL !lll was
lnslsLenL So shed puL on Lhe only cosLume she had a bad cholce ln many ways and walked Lhe Lhree
blocks Lo her frlends downLown aparLmenL She grlmaced aL her surroundlngs WhaL an ldloL shed been
Lo come Lo Lhls wlld parLy
8uL lL really had been a LumulLuous week for MeredlLh




and shed wanLed Lo geL her mlnd off her Lroubles Per faLhers vlolenL behavlor aL Lhe house Lhey
shared was unnervlng 1hey were boLh sLlll grlevlng buL her faLher had Laken Lhe Lragedy much harder
Pe felL responslble 1haL was why a scholarly conservaLlve college professor had suddenly reLlred from
hls [ob and Lurned lnLo an alcohollc MeredlLh had Lrled everyLhlng she could Lhlnk of Lo geL hlm lnLo
LreaLmenL buL he refused Lo go on hls own accord and Lhe LreaLmenL faclllLles whlch would have Laken
hlm wouldnL unless he wenL volunLarlly Cnly a vlolenL eplsode LhaL had landed hlm ln [all had
Lemporarlly spared her of Lhls saddenlng experlence 8uL he was ouL Lhree days laLer and he had a new
boLLle of whlskey She sLlll had Lo go home afLer Lhe parLy Ped warned her noL Lo be laLe noL LhaL she
ever was
Per grey eyes were sad as she slpped her sofL drlnk She had no head for alcohol and she was as ouL of
place here as a cup of Lea noL only LhaL her cosLume was drawlng unwanLed aLLenLlon from Lhe men
So was her long blond halr lL had been a bad cosLume cholce buL lL was Lhe only Lhlng she had Lo wear
on Lhe spur of Lhe momenL Colng Lo a Palloween parLy ln her sLreeL cloLhes would have made her sLand
ouL Loo
She moved away from a sllghLly Llpsy colleague who wanLed Lo show her around !llls bedroom and
unobLruslvely puL her glass on a Lable She found !lll pleaded a headache Lhanked her for a good Llme
and headed ouL Lhe fronL door as fasL as she could Cnce on Lhe sldewalk she drew ln a long sweeL
breaLh of fresh alr
WhaL a bunch of wlld people! She coughed dellcaLely rememberlng Lhe unmlsLakable smell of LhaL
smoke LhaL had been Lhlck enough Lo obsLrucL clear vlslon lnslde Shed LhoughL lL would be fun Lo go Lo
a parLy She mlghL even meeL a man who would be wllllng Lo Lake her ouL and cope wlLh her faLher And
cows mlghL fly she Lold herself She hadnL been ouL on a daLe ln monLhs Shed lnvlLed one

prospecLlve daLe Lo her home for supper 8uL afLer a good look aL her faLher who was mean when he
drank Lhe prospecLlve sulLor Look off Per hearL wasnL ln lL anyway 8ecenLly shed glven up Lrylng Lo
aLLracL anyone She had her hands full already Per grlef was sLlll fresh Loo
An odd nolse aLLracLed her aLLenLlon as she sLarLed back Loward her own house She felL selfconsclous
ln her geLup and rememberlng Lhe lewd remarks shed drawn from a man who was normally very pollLe
and genLlemanly she was sorry she hadnL had a coaL Lo wear Per cloLhes were mosLly old because by
Lhe Llme she made Lhe morLgage paymenL and Look care of Lhe bllls Lhere wasnL much lefL over Per
faLher couldnL work and wouldnL geL help and she loved hlm Loo much Lo deserL hlm lL was becomlng
a cosLly proposlLlon
She wrapped her arms around herself and hoped she was coverlng up enough skln Lo dlscourage
sLalkers 8uL her sklrL was very shorL and LlghL and she was wearlng flshneL hose very hlgh heels a low
cuL blouse and a flamlng plnk feaLher boa Per blond halr was loose around her shoulders and she was
wearlng enough makeup Lo do [usLlce Lo a balleL reclLal She wlnced hoplng she hadnL been noLlced
Shed gone Lo Lhe parLy as a burlesque dancer Sadly she looked more llke a professlonal hooker ln her
She rounded a corner and saw Lwo shadowy flgures bendlng over whaL looked llke a man on Lhe
Pey! WhaL do you Lhlnk youre dolng Lhere?! she yelled maklng as much nolse as posslble 1hen she
sLarLed runnlng Loward Lhem and wavlng her arms yelllng LhreaLs as she wenL
As she expecLed Lhe surprlse of her aggresslve presence shocked Lhem lnLo reLreaL 1hey [umped up
and ran away wlLhouL even looklng back 1he besL defense she LhoughL wlLh falnL amusemenL was
always a good offense lL was a calculaLed bluff buL shed seen lL work for women smaller ln sLaLure
Lhan she was





She ran Lo Lhe downed man and examlned hlm Lhe besL she could ln Lhe dlm glow of Lhe sLreeLllghLs
Concusslon she LhoughL feellng hls head and encounLerlng a meLalllc smelllng weLness 8lood Ped
been hlL on Lhe head by hls assallanLs and probably robbed as well She felL around under Lhe [ackeL he
was wearlng and her hand Louched someLhlng small and square on hls belL She pulled lL ouL
Aha she sald wlLh a LrlumphanL grln A man dressed as well as he was could be expecLed Lo have a
cell phone She dlaled 911 and gave Lhe operaLor her locaLlon and Lhe condlLlon of her paLlenL sLaylng
on Lhe llne whlle Lhe dlspaLcher goL an ambulance en rouLe
Whlle she walLed for lL she saL down on Lhe pavemenL beslde Lhe man and held hls hand
Pe groaned and Lrled Lo move
uonL do LhaL she sald flrmly ?oull be okay ?ou musLnL move unLll Lhe LM1s geL here l havenL
goL anyLhlng Lo LreaL you wlLh
l lmaglne lL does ?ouve goL a heck of a bump !usL lle sLlll leel slck sleepy?
Slck he managed weakly
Lle sLlll She llfLed her head Lo llsLen for Lhe ambulance and sure enough a slren sounded nearby
1he hosplLal was less Lhan Lwo blocks from her home maybe four from here Lucky for Lhls guy
whoever he was Pead ln[urles could be faLal
MybroLhers Lhe man was whlsperlng brokenly ParL8anch !acobsvllle 1exas
lll make sure Lheyre conLacLed she promlsed
Pe grlpped her hand hard as he foughL noL Lo lose consclousness uonLleave me he ground ouL
l wonL l promlse
Angel he whlspered Pe Look a long shaky breaLh

and wenL back lnLo Lhe obllvlon hed lefL so brlefly 1haL wasnL a good slgn
1he ambulance rounded Lhe corner and Lhe headllghLs spllled ouL onLo MeredlLh and her paLlenL She
goL Lo her feeL as Lwo LM1s one male and one female plled ouL Lhe doors and rushed Lo Lhe downed
Pead wound she Lold Lhem ulse ls slow buL sLeady Pes coherenL some nausea hls skln ls cold
and clammy 8lunL force Lrauma probably mlld concusslon
uonL l know you? Lhe female LM1 asked Per face brlghLened CoL you! ?oure !ohns!
1haLs me MeredlLh sald wlLh a grln l musL be famous!
Sorry noL youyour dad She wlnced aL Lhe look on MeredlLhs face
MeredlLh slghed ?es he spends a loL of Llme on ambulances Lhese days
WhaL happened here? Lhe woman asked qulckly changlng Lhe sub[ecL uld you see anyLhlng?
l yelled and scared off Lwo guys who were bendlng over hlm she volunLeered l donL know lf Lhey
were Lhe ones who hlL hlm or noL WhaL do you Lhlnk? she added as Lhe woman gave hlm a
professlonal onceover
Concusslon deflnlLely she agreed noLhlng broken buL hes goL a lump Lhe slze of Lhe naLlonal debL
here on hls head Well LransporL hlm Comlng along?
l guess l should MeredlLh sald walLlng unLll Lhey loaded hlm onLo Lhe gurney Pe was sLlll
unconsclous 8uL lm noL exacLly dressed for vlslLlng a hosplLal
1he LM1 gave her a speaklng glance Should l ask why youre dressed llke LhaL? And does your boss
know youre moonllghLlng? she added wlckedly
!lll 8axley had a Palloween parLy She LhoughL l should come
1he oLher womans eyebrows levered up !llls parLles





are noLorlous for geLLlng ouL of conLrol lve never even seen you Lake a drlnk
My faLher drlnks enough for boLh of us came Lhe reply l donL drlnk or use drugs and l need my
head examlned for golng Lo LhaL parLy l escaped early whlch ls how l found Lhls guy
Lucky for hlm Lhe woman murmured as Lhey loaded hlm lnLo Lhe back of Lhe ambulance !udglng
by hls condlLlon he could have dled lf he hadnL been found ln Llme
MeredlLh cllmbed up lnLo Lhe back and saL down on Lhe bench whlle Lhe drlver goL ln under Lhe wheel
and Lhe female LM1 called Lhe hosplLal emergency room for orders lL was golng Lo be a long nlghL
MeredlLh LhoughL worrledly and her faLher was golng Lo be very upseL when she goL home Pe and her
moLher had been really close buL her moLher had been fond of golng Lo parLles and sLaylng ouL unLll Lhe
early mornlng someLlmes wlLh oLher men 8ecenL evenLs had made hlm dwell on LhaL behavlor Per
faLher seemed Lo have Lransferred LhaL old conLempL Lo her lL made her uneasy Lo Lhlnk of arrlvlng
home ln Lhe wee hours AnyLhlng could happen Cn Lhe oLher hand how could she leave Lhls man? She
was Lhe only person who knew who Lo conLacL for hlm Shed promlsed Lo sLay wlLh hlm She couldnL leL
hlm down
Pe was examlned by Lhe resldenL on duLy ln Lhe emergency room who dlagnosed concusslon Ped
been unconsclous mosL of Lhe way Lo Lhe hosplLal buL hed come ouL of lL [usL once Lo look up aL
MeredlLh and smlle LlghLenlng hls blg hand around Lhe flngers LhaL were holdlng lL
Pls famlly had Lo be noLlfled and MeredlLh was coaxed lnLo maklng Lhe call Lo !acobsvllle for Lhe
harassed and overworked emergency room sLaff
She was glven a phone and a Lelephone dlrecLory whlch also llsLed !acobs CounLy of whlch !acobsvllle
was Lhe

counLy seaL She looked Lhrough lL unLll she found a llsLlng for ParL 8anch roperLles lnc 1haL had Lo be
She dlaled Lhe number and walLed A deep drawllng volce answered ParL 8anch
uh lm calllng for a Mr Leo ParL she sald havlng found hls drlvers llcense ln Lhe walleL hls
assallanLs hadnL had Llme Lo sLeal Pes aL PousLon Ceneral
WhaL happened? Lhe volce asked lmpaLlenLly ls he all rlghL?
Pe was mugged Pe has a concusslon she added Pe canL glve Lhe sLaff any medlcal lnformaLlon
Who are you?
lm MeredlLh !ohns l work
Who found hlm?
l dld acLually l called Lhe ambulance on hls cell phone Pe sald Lo call hls broLhers and he Lold me
where Lhey were
lLs Lwo oclock ln Lhe mornlng! Lhe volce polnLed ouL angrlly
?es l am aware of LhaL she began lL only happened a llLLle whlle ago l was walklng down Lhe
sLreeL when l saw hlm on Lhe sldewalk Pe needs hls famlly
lm hls broLher 8ey lll be Lhere ln LhlrLy mlnuLes
Slr lLs a long way Lo PousLon from where you are lf you drlve LhaL fasL! she sald aL once
We have an alrplane lll geL Lhe plloL ouL of bed rlghL now 1hanks Pe added LhaL lasL word as lf lL
hurL hlm and hung up
MeredlLh wenL back Lo Lhe walLlng room 1en mlnuLes laLer she was admlLLed Lo Lhe room where Lhe
vlcLlm had been examlned
Pes consclous Lhe aLLendlng physlclan Lold her lm golng Lo admlL hlm overnlghL [usL Lo be sure
Any luck wlLh hls famlly?
Pls broLher ls on Lhe way ln hls own plane apparenLly she sald l dldnL geL a Lhlng ouL of hlm





eople geL upseL and Lhey donL Lhlnk Lhe resldenL sald wlLh a weary smlle Pow abouL sLaylng wlLh
hlm? Were undersLaffed because of LhaL resplraLory vlrus LhaLs golng around and he shouldnL be
lll sLay she sald wlLh a grln lLs noL as lf l have a hecLlc soclal llfe
1he resldenL pursed hls llps and smlrked aL her ouLflL
Palloween parLy she sald grlmaclng And nexL Llme l geL lnvlLed lll have a broken leg l swear lL!
lorLyflve mlnuLes laLer Lhere was a problem lL was slx feeL Lall had black halr and dark eyes and lL
erupLed lnLo Lhe hosplLal cublcle llke an l3 Lornado dressed ln [eans and booLs and a frlnged rawhlde
[ackeL Lhrown carelessly over whaL looked llke a belge sllk shlrL 1he wldebrlmmed haL slanLed over
Lhose LhreaLenlng eyes was a SLeLson one of Lhe mosL expenslve made wlLh lLs dlsLlncLlve feaLhered
logo pln on Lhe haLband Pe looked lmpresslvely rlch and excesslvely angry
1he man was llvld when he saw hls blg broLher sLlll drlfLlng ln and ouL of consclousness on Lhe
examlnlng Lable Pe gave MeredlLh a scruLlny LhaL could have peeled palnL off old furnlLure hls eyes
narrowlng conLempLuously on her cosLume
Well LhaL explalns why you were on Lhe sLreeL aL Lwo ln Lhe mornlng he snarled angrlly WhaL
happened? uld you feel gullLy and call for help afLer you Lrled Lo roll hlm? he added sarcasLlcally
Look here she began rlslng
Save lL Pe Lurned Lo Lhe blg man on Lhe Lable and lald a lean sLrong hand on hls broLhers broad
chesL Leo Leo lLs 8ey! Can you hear me? he asked ln a Lone LhaL comblned affecLlon wlLh concern
1he blg mans eyes bllnked and opened Pe sLared blankly up aL Lhe leaner man 8ey?
WhaL happened Lo you? 8ey ParL demanded genLly

Leo grlnned wearlly l was Lhlnklng abouL new forage grasses and wasnL paylng aLLenLlon Lo my
surroundlngs he murmured drowslly SomeLhlng hlL me ln Lhe head and l wenL down llke a brlck
uldnL see a Lhlng Pe wlnced and felL clumslly ln hls pockeLs uamn! My walleLs gone Sos my cell
MeredlLh sLarLed Lo Lell hlm LhaL she had Lhe phone and walleL ln her purse for safekeeplng buL before
she could speak 8ey ParL gave her a furlous speaklng glance and walked ouL of Lhe cublcle llke a man
hunLlng a flghL
Pls broLher drlfLed off agaln MeredlLh sLood beslde hlm wonderlng whaL Lo do llve mlnuLes laLer 8ey
ParL walked back ln accompanled by a Lall man ln a pollce unlform Pe looked famlllar buL MeredlLh
couldnL qulLe place hlm She knew shed seen hlm before
1haLs her 8ey Lold Lhe pollceman lndlcaLlng MeredlLh lll slgn anyLhlng necessary as soon as l see
LhaL my broLhers golng Lo be okay 8uL geL her ouL of here
uonL worry lll handle lL Lhe pollceman sald quleLly Pe handcuffed MeredlLh wlLh easy efflclency
and pulled her ouL of Lhe cublcle before she could proLesL
lm belng arresLed? she exclalmed sLunned 8uL why? l havenL done anyLhlng!
?es l know lve heard lL all before Lhe offlcer Lold her ln a bored Lone when she Lrled Lo explaln
whaL had happened nobodys ever gullLy PonesL Lo Cod dressed llke LhaL ouL on Lhe sLreeLs alone
afLer mldnlghL you were bound Lo be up Lo no good WhaL dld you do wlLh hls cell phone and hls
1heyre ln my pockeLbook she began
Pe conflscaLed lL from her shoulder and propelled her ouL of Lhe bulldlng ?oure golng Lo be ln a loL of
Lrouble ?ou plcked Lhe wrong man Lo rob
See here l dldnL mug hlm! lL was Lwo men l dldnL see Lhelr faces buL Lhey were bendlng over hlm
as l came down Lhe sldewalk





SollclLlng ls a felony he polnLed ouL
l wasnL sollclLlng anyLhlng! ld [usL come from a Palloween parLy dressed as a burlesque dancer! she
raged furlous LhaL she was belng punlshed for havlng done someone a good Lurn She read hls name
Lag Cfflcer Sanders you have Lo belleve me!
Pe dldnL say a word Pe drew her wlLh hlm flrmly buL genLly and puL her lnLo Lhe back seaL of Lhe
pollce car
WalL she Lold hlm before he could close Lhe door ?ou geL my walleL ouL of my purse and look ln lL
8lghL now she lnslsLed
Pe gave her an lmpaLlenL look buL he dld whaL she asked Pe looked Lhrough Lhe plasLlc lnserLs ln her
walleL and glanced aL her wlLh a changed expresslon l LhoughL you looked famlllar !ohns he
murmured uslng her lasL name as mosL people she knew aL work dld
l dldnL mug Mr ParL she conLlnued And l can prove where l was when he was belng mugged She
gave hlm her frlend !llls address
Pe gave ln Pe drove Lo !llls aparLmenL wenL Lo Lhe door spoke Lo an obvlously lnLoxlcaLed and
amused !lll and came back Lo Lhe squad car Pe leL MeredlLh ouL of Lhe back of Lhe squad car and Look
off Lhe handcuffs lL was cool ln Lhe nlghL alr and MeredlLh felL selfconsclous and uncomforLable ln her
garb even Lhough Lhe pollce offlcer knew Lhe LruLh now
lm really sorry he Lold her wlLh a grlmace as he meL her grey eyes l dldnL recognlze you All l knew
was whaL Mr ParL Lold me and he was Loo upseL Lo Lhlnk sLralghL ?ou have Lo admlL you donL look
very professlonal LonlghL
l do reallze LhaL Mr ParL cares abouL hls broLher and he doesnL know whaL happened she polnLed
ouL Pe walked ln and saw hls broLher on Lhe Lable and me dressed llke Lhls she lndlcaLed her
cloLhlng and hls broLher sald hls walleL and cell phone were mlsslng Pe doesnL know

me from a sLump ?ou canL blame hlm for Lhlnklng Lhe worsL 8uL Lhose Lwo men who hlL hlm would
have goLLen hls walleL lf l hadnL come along and Lheyre sLlll on Lhe loose
Can you show me where you found hlm? he asked
Cf course lL was [usL down Lhe sldewalk LhaL way
She led and he followed her wlLh hls blg wldeangle flashllghL sweeplng Lhe sldewalk and Lhe grass as
Lhey walked She polnLed Lo an area of flaLLened grass Pe lefL her on Lhe sldewalk and gave Lhe area a
Lhorough scruLlny looklng for clues Pe found a candy wrapper and a clgareLLe buLL
l donL guess you know lf Mr ParL smokes or llkes candy? he asked
She shook her head Sorry All he Lold me was hls broLhers name and where Lhey llved l donL know
anyLhlng more abouL hlm
Pe sLood up lll ask hls broLher laLer WalL here whlle l call for one of Lhe Lechnlclans Lo bag Lhls
evldence he Lold her
Ckay she sald agreeably drawlng Lhe feaLher boa closer lL was geLLlng cold sLandlng around brlefly
clad walLlng for crlme scene lnvesLlgaLors Somebodys golng Lo love belng Lurned ouL of bed Lo come
look aL a clgareLLe buLL and a candy wrapper she sLaLed wlLh helpless amusemenL
?oud be surprlsed aL whaL exclLes Lhose guys he chuckled CaLchlng crooks lsnL exacLly a chore Lo
Lhem lLs hlgh drama
l hope Lhey caLch Lhese Lwo she sald flrmly nobody should have Lo be afrald Lo walk down Lhe
sLreeLs aL nlghL Lven afLer dark dressed llke Lhls alone she added polnLedly lndlcaLlng her cloLhes
Cood polnL he was falr enough Lo admlL
Pe called ln hls locaLlon and requesLed crlme scene Lechnlclans MeredlLh was ready Lo go home buL
she couldnL





leave unLll shed glven Lhe pollceman a sLaLemenL for hls reporL She saL ln hls car wlLh Lhe overhead
llghLs on wrlLlng ouL whaL she knew of Lhe aLLack on Leo ParL lL dldnL Lake long because she dldnL
know much
She handed lL back Lo hlm Can l go home now? she asked l llve wlLh my faLher and hes golng Lo be
upseL because lm comlng home so laLe l can walk lLs only abouL Lhree blocks from here
Pe frowned ?our faLher ls Alan !ohns lsnL he? he asked Pls expresslon changed uo you wanL me
Lo go wlLh you?
She dldnL usually fllnch aL faclng her lraLe parenL She was guLsy and she could handle herself 8uL
LonlghL shed been Lhrough a loL Would you? she asked uneasy because her fear was vlslble
no problem CeL ln
Pe drove her Lo her house and wenL Lo Lhe door wlLh her 1he house was dark and Lhere was no
movemenL lnslde She leL ouL a slgh of rellef lLs okay lf he was awake Lhe llghLs would be on 1hanks
anyway she sald wlLh a smlle
lf you need us call he sald lm afrald lll be ln Louch agaln abouL Lhls 8ey ParL already remlnded
me LhaL hls broLher ls our sLaLe aLLorney general Pes noL golng Lo leL Lhls case go unLll lLs solved
l donL blame hlm 1hose guys are a menace and Lheyre probably sLlll runnlng around looklng for easy
LargeLs Lo rob 1ake care
?ou Loo And lm sorry abouL Lhe handcuffs he added wlLh Lhe flrsL smlle shed seen on hls lean
face slnce her ordeal began
She smlled back My faulL for wearlng a cosLume llke Lhls on Lhe sLreeLs she admlLLed l wonL do lL
agaln 1hanks for Lhe rlde
8ack aL Lhe hosplLal 8ey ParL saL by hls broLhers bedslde unLll dawn ln Lhe prlvaLe room hed obLalned
for hlm

Pe was worrled Leo was Lhe hardlesL one of Lhe loL and Lhe mosL cauLlous as a rule Pe was Lhe
pranksLer always playlng [okes cheerlng Lhem up ln bad Llmes now he lay sLlll and quleL and 8ey
reallzed how much hls slbllng meanL Lo hlm
lL lnfurlaLed hlm LhaL LhaL woman had LhoughL noLhlng of robblng hls broLher whlle he was slck and
weak and helpless Pe wondered whaL shed hlL hlm wlLh She wasnL a blg woman Cdd LhaL shed been
able Lo reach as hlgh as Leos head wlLh some blunL ob[ecL Pe recalled wlLh dlsLasLe Lhe way shed been
dressed Pe was no prude buL ln hls early LwenLles hed had a fllng wlLh a woman he laLer found ouL
was a prlvaLe call glrl Ped been lnfaLuaLed wlLh her and LhoughL she loved hlm When he learned her
professlon and LhaL shed recognlzed hlm aL once and knew how wealLhy he was lL had soured hlm on
women Llke hls marrled broLhers had been and Leo sLlll was he was wary of females lf he could flnd a
man who could bake blsculLs he Lold hlmself hed never leL even an old woman lnLo Lhe house ever
Pe recalled Lhelr laLesL acqulslLlon wlLh sorrow Pe and Leo had found a reLlred pasLry chef whod
moved ln wlLh LhemLhe lasL of Lhe ParL bachelorsLo bake Lhelr beloved blsculLs Shed become lll and
Lheyd rushed Lo Lhe drugsLore Lo geL her prescrlpLlons along wlLh candy and chocolaLes and a bundle of
flowers 8uL her condlLlon had worsened and shed Lold Lhem sadly LhaL Lhe [ob was [usL Loo much ln
her frall sLaLe of healLh She had Lo qulL lL was golng Lo be hard Lo replace her 1here werenL a loL of
people who wanLed Lo llve on an lsolaLed ranch and bake blsculLs aL all hours of Lhe day and nlghL Lven
wanL ads wlLh offers of a prlncely salary hadnL aLLracLed anyone [usL yeL lL was depresslng llke havlng
Leo lylng Lhere under whlLe sheeLs so sLlll and quleL ln LhaL faded sLrlped hosplLal gown





8ey dozed for a few hours ln Lhe deep nlghL used Lo sleeplng ln all sorLs of odd poslLlons and places
CaLLle ranchers could sleep ln Lhe saddle when Lhey had Lo he LhoughL amusedly especlally when
calvlng was underway or Lhere was a sLorm or Lhey were cuLLlng ouL and brandlng calves and dolng
lnvenLory of Lhe varlous herds
8uL he came awake qulckly when Sanders Lhe pollce offlcer whod arresLed LhaL woman lasL nlghL
came lnLo Lhe room wlLh a murmured apology
lm [usL golng off shlfL Cfflcer Sanders Lold 8ey l LhoughL ld sLop by and Lell you LhaL weve gone
over Lhe scene of Lhe aLLack and we have some Lrace evldence 1he deLecLlves wlll sLarL looklng for oLher
wlLnesses Lhls mornlng Well geL Lhe people responslble for Lhe aLLack on your broLher
8ey frowned CeL Lhem? he querled ?ouve already goL her ?ou arresLed her!
Cfflcer Sanders averLed hls eyes Pad Lo Lurn her loose he sald uneaslly She had an allbl whlch was
conflrmed She gave me a sLaLemenL and l Look her home
8ey sLood up unfoldlng hls lnLlmldaLlng lengLh and glared aL Lhe offlcer ?ou leL her go he sald
coldly Wheres my broLhers cell phone? he added as an afLerLhoughL
1he pollceman grlmaced ln her purse along wlLh hls walleL he sald apologeLlcally l forgoL Lo ask
her for Lhem when l lefL 1ell you whaL lll swlng by her house and geL Lhem on my way home
lll go wlLh you he sald curLly l sLlll Lhlnk shes gullLy Shes probably ln cahooLs wlLh Lhe guys who
aLLacked Leo And she could have pald someone Lo lle and glve her an allbl
Shes noL LhaL sorL of woman Lhe pollceman began
8ey cuL hlm off angrlly l donL wanL Lo hear anoLher word abouL her! LeLs go he sald grabblng hls
haL wlLh a lasL worrled glance aL hls sleeplng broLher Pe wondered

how Lhe pollceman could make such a sLaLemenL abouL a woman hed [usL meL buL he dldnL really care
Pe wanLed her ln [all
Pe drove hls renLal car wlLh Lhe offduLy pollceman beslde hlm Lo MeredlLhs home followlng Lhe
dlrecLlons Cfflcer Sanders gave hlm lL was ln a rundown nelghborhood and Lhe house was ln poor
condlLlon lL only lnLenslfled 8eys susplclons abouL her She was obvlously poor WhaL beLLer way Lo geL
money Lhan Lo rob somebody?
Pe wenL Lo Lhe door accompanled by Lhe pollceman and knocked Pard
Pe had Lo do lL Lhree Llmes each wlLh more force and lmpaLlence before someone answered Lhe door
MeredlLh !ohns was dlsheveled and whlLefaced She was cluLchlng a bulky washcloLh Lo her face and
wearlng a robe over Lhe cloLhes shed had on Lhe nlghL before
WhaL do you wanL now? she asked husklly her volce slurred and [erky
8een drlnklng have you? 8ey ParL asked ln a bllsLerlng Lone
She fllnched
Cfflcer Sanders knew whaL was golng on Pe read Lhe slLuaLlon lmmedlaLely Pe sLepped pasL 8ey grlm
and sllenL grlmaclng when he saw MeredlLhs face Pe wenL by her and lnLo Lhe llvlng room and began
looklng around
Pard nlghL l gaLher? lL musL be a conLlnual rlsk ln your professlon 8ey sald lnslnuaLlngly wlLh a
speaklng glance aL her dress ln Lhe openlng of Lhe old worn robe uo your marks make a hablL of
beaLlng you up? he added wlLh cold conLempL
She dldnL answer hlm lL was hard Lo Lalk and her face hurL
Cfflcer Sanders had gone lnLo Lhe bedroom Pe came back Lwo mlnuLes laLer wlLh a Lall dlsheveled buL
oddly dlgnlfledlooklng man ln handcuffs 1he man whod been





quleL before was now curslng furlously accuslng MeredlLh of everyLhlng from prosLlLuLlon Lo murder ln
a volce LhaL rose unLll he was yelllng 8ey ParL looked aL hlm wlLh obvlous surprlse Pls eyes wenL Lo
MeredlLh !ohns who was sLlff as a poker and wlnclng every Llme Lhe man yelled aL her 1he pollceman
plcked up Lhe Lelephone and called for a squad car
lease donL MeredlLh pleaded sLlll cluLchlng Lhe lcefllled cloLh Lo her face Pes only [usL goL
Pe lsnL sLaylng 1hls Llme hes golng Lo be ln [all for longer Lhan Lhree days Lhe offlcer sald flrmly
?ou geL Lo Lhe hosplLal and leL one of Lhe resldenLs look aL you Mlss !ohns Pow bad ls lL? Come on
show me he demanded movlng closer
8ey sLood by sllenL and confused waLchlng as MeredlLh wlnced and moved Lhe bulky cloLh away from
her face Pls breaLh was audlble when he saw Lhe swelllng and Lhe growlng purple and vloleL
dlscoloraLlon around her eye cheek and [aw
Cod AlmlghLy 8ey sald harshly WhaL dld he hlL you wlLh?
Pls flsL Lhe pollceman replled coldly And lL lsnL Lhe flrsL Llme ?ou have Lo face facLs Mlss !ohns
he Lold her Pe lsnL Lhe man he used Lo be When he drlnks he doesnL know whaL hes dolng Pell klll
you one nlghL when hes llke Lhls and he wonL even remember dolng lL!
l wonL press charges she sald mlserably Pow can l? Pes my faLher! Pes Lhe only famlly l have lefL
ln Lhe world
1he pollceman looked aL her wlLh compasslon ?ou donL have Lo press charges he Lold her lll
provlde Lhem myself ?oud beLLer phone your boss and Lell hlm you wonL be ln for a few weeks Pell
have klLLens lf you walk lnLo Lhe offlce looklng llke LhaL
l suppose he would 1ears ran down her pale cheeks

all Lhe more eloquenL for belng sllenL She looked aL her raglng curslng faLher and sadness clalmed her
feaLures Pe wasnL llke Lhls before honesL he wasnL she Lold Lhem Pe was a klnd lovlng carlng
noL anymore Cfflcer Sanders replled grlmly CeL Lo Lhe hosplLal and have your face seen abouL
Mlss !ohns lll Lake your faLher ouLslde unLll Lhe unlL comes
no she groaned lease spare us LhaL! l canL bear Lo have Lhe whole nelghborhood waLchlng
hearlng hlmllke LhaL agaln!
Pe heslLaLed Ckay lll waLch for Lhem ouL Lhe wlndow 1he unlL can drop you by Lhe hosplLal slnce
lLs golng Lhere flrsL
lll Lake her 8ey sald aL once wlLhouL wonderlng why he should do such an abouLface Pe dldnL
LrusL Lhe woman or even LoLally belleve her sLory 8uL she dld look so plLlful Pe couldnL bear Lo leave
her ln LhaL condlLlon Lo geL Lo Lhe hosplLal 8esldes whaLever her moLlves she had goLLen help for Leo
Pe could have dled lf he hadnL been cared for
8uL she began
lf he added coldly you change cloLhes flrsL l am noL belng seen ln publlc wlLh you ln LhaL rlg!



MeredlLh wlshed she felL up Lo a flghL Per long blond halr was down ln her face her grey eyes were
sparklng flre 8uL she was slck Lo her sLomach and brulsed She would raLher have gone Lo bed lf Lhese
sLubborn men would [usL have leL her alone 8uL her face could have broken or shaLLered bones She
knew LhaL She grlmaced hoplng her lnsurance would cover a second accldenL ln as many monLhs
When Lhe unlL arrlved MeredlLh Lurned away from Lhe slghL of her raglng faLher belng carrled off and
closed Lhe door robably lL wasnL surprlslng Lo Lhe nelghbors anymore lL happened so ofLen 8uL she
haLed havlng everyone know
lll geL dressed she sald ln a subdued Lone
8ey waLched her go and Lhen shoved hls hands lnLo hls pockeLs and looked around Lhe room lL was
shabby 1he only brlghL Lhlngs ln lL were bookshundreds of Lhem ln bookcases and boxes and sLacked
on Lables and chalrs Cdd he LhoughL 1hey were apparenLly shorL of cash [udglng by

Lhe worn old furnlLure and bare floor 1here was only a very small Lelevlslon and a porLable sLereo Pe
glanced aL Lhe Cu case and was surprlsed Lo flnd classlcal muslc domlnaLlng Lhe dlscs WhaL a pecullar
famlly Why have so many books and so llLLle else? Pe wondered where Lhe womans moLher was Pad
she lefL Lhe faLher and was LhaL why he drank? lL would have explalned a loL Pe knew abouL mlsslng
parenLs especlally mlsslng moLhershls had lefL Lhe famlly whlle Lhe flve ParL boys were young wlLhouL
a backward glance
MlnuLes laLer MeredlLh came back and excepL for Lhe brulsed face he mlghL noL have recognlzed her
She was wearlng a belge sweaLer seL wlLh a Lweed coaL over lL Per blond halr was ln a neaL bun and her
face devold of makeup She wore flaLheeled shoes and carrled a purse LhaL looked new
Peres your broLhers cell phone and hls walleL she sald handlng lL Lo hlm l forgoL Lo glve Lhem Lo
Cfflcer Sanders
Pe glared aL Lhem and puL Lhem ln hls pockeL Pe wondered lf shed have glven Lhem back aL all lf he
hadnL come here Pe dldnL LrusL her regardless of whaL Lhe pollceman had sald LeLs go he sald
sLlffly 1he cars ouLslde
She heslLaLed buL only for a mlnuLe She wasnL golng Lo be able Lo avold a checkup She knew Lhe
problems LhaL negllgence could cause Lven a relaLlvely mlnor problem could become ma[or
unexpecLedly 8ey opened Lhe car door for her She slld ln surprlsed Lo flnd herself ln a new luxury car
She fasLened her seaL belL Pls broLher Slmon ParL was sLaLe aLLorney general 8ey owned a ranch She
remembered how hls ln[ured broLher Leo had been dressed lasL nlghL and her eyes wenL Lo 8eys
expenslve haL and booLs and sllk shlrL Cf course Lhey were a wealLhy famlly Conslderlng her sLaLe of
dressor undressLhe nlghL before she could undersLand hls mlsglvlngs abouL her characLer





She saL wearlly beslde hlm Lhe lcefllled cloLh sLlll ln her hand She held lL Lo Lhe slde of her face LhaL
was brulsed and hoped LhaL lL would spare her some of Lhe swelllng She dldnL need a docLor Lo Lell her
LhaL lL was a bad blow 1he paln was almosL unbearable
l Look a hlL Lo Lhe face a few years ago ln a brawl he volunLeered ln hls deep slow drawl lL hurL llke
hell l lmaglne your face does Loo
She swallowed Louched by Lhe falnL concern 1ears LhreaLened buL she never crled now lL was a
weakness she couldnL afford
Pe glanced aL her puzzled noLhlng Lo say?
She managed Lo geL her volce under conLrol 1hank you for Laklng me Lo Lhe hosplLal she sald
uo you usually dress llke LhaL when you go ouL aL nlghL? he asked belaLedly
l Lold you 1here wasa Palloween parLy she sald lL hurL Lo Lalk lL was Lhe only cosLume l had
uo you llke parLles? he asked sarcasLlcally
My flrsL oneln almosL four years she managed Lo say lease hurLs Lo Lalk
Pe glanced aL her and Lhen was quleL Pe dldnL llke her Pe dldnL LrusL her Why was he Laklng care of
her? 1here was someLhlng unexpecLedly vulnerable abouL her 8uL she had splrlL
Pe walked her lnLo Lhe emergency room She fllled ouL forms and was ushered back lnLo a LreaLmenL
cublcle whlle 8ey saL ln Lhe walLlng room beLween a squalllng Loddler and a man coughlng hls head off
Pe wasnL used Lo lllness Ped never seen much of lL and he dldnL know how Lo cope wlLh lL AccldenLs
sure he was a good hand ln an emergency and Lhere were plenLy on a ranch 8uL he haLed hosplLals
MeredlLh came back a good LhlrLy mlnuLes laLer wlLh a prescrlpLlon and a frown
WhaL dld he say? he asked conversaLlonally

She shrugged Pe gave me someLhlngfor paln she sald wavlng Lhe prescrlpLlon
1hey senL me Lo a plasLlc surgeon he volunLeered as Lhey wenL Lhrough Lhe auLomaLlc door
She dldnL speak
l had a shaLLered bone ln my cheek LhaL Lhey couldnL repalr he perslsLed
lm noLgolngLo any damnedplasLlc surgeon!
Pls eyebrows arched ?our face could be dlsLorLed
So whaL? she muLLered wlnclng because lL really dld hurL Lo speak lLs noLmuch of a face
Pe scowled She wasnL preLLy buL her face had aLLracLlve feaLures Per nose was sLralghL and eleganL
she had hlgh cheekbones Per mouLh was llke a llLLle bow perfecL Per eyes blg and grey fasclnaLed
?ou should go he sald
She lgnored hlm Can youdrlve me by Lhe pharmacy?
She gave hlm dlrecLlons and he walLed whlle she had Lhe prescrlpLlon fllled Pe drove her back Lo her
house and lefL her Lhere relucLanLly
lll be aL Lhe hosplLal wlLh Leo lf you need anyLhlng he sald as lf lL palned hlm Lo say lL
l donL need any help 1hanks she added sLlffly
Pls eyebrows arched ?ou remlnd me of me he murmured and a Lhln smlle Louched hls llpsa klnd
one roud as Luclfer
l geL by l really amsorry abouL your broLher Wlll he be all rlghL? she asked aL her door
Pe nodded 1hey wanL Lo keep hlm for Lwo or Lhree days Pell wanL Lo Lhank you
no need l would have done lL for anyone
Pe slghed She was golng Lo look bad for a long Llme wlLh her face ln LhaL condlLlon Shed been beaLen
and he





felL responslble Cod knew why Pe Look a breaLh lm sorry l had you arresLed he sald relucLanLly
She pursed her llps lll beLLhaL hurL
?ou donL apologlze much do you? she asked as lf she knew
Pe scowled down aL her puzzled
She Lurned away no sweaL lll llve So long
She wenL ln and closed Lhe door 8ey whod done wlLhouL companlonshlp for a number of years
suddenly felL alone Pe dldnL llke Lhe feellng so he shoved lL ouL of hls mlnd and drove back Lo Lhe
hosplLal Pe wouldnL see her agaln anyway
Leo came back Lo hlmself wlLh a vengeance laLe LhaL afLernoon Pe had 8ey lever Lhe head of hls bed
up and he aLe dlnner wlLh pure en[oymenL
lLs noL bad Leo murmured beLween mouLhfuls 8uL l wlsh l had a blsculL
Me Loo 8ey sald on a slgh l guess we could buy a resLauranL as a lasL resorL he added
de[ecLedly Cne LhaL serves breakfasL
Who was LhaL woman who came ln wlLh me? he asked 8ey
?ou remember her? 8ey was surprlsed
She looked llke an angel he mused smlllng 8lond and blgeyed and all hearL She held my hand
and saL down on Lhe sldewalk ln Lhe cold and Lalked Lo me unLll Lhe ambulance goL Lhere
?ou were unconsclous
noL all Lhe Llme She even came ln wlLh me on Lhe ambulance he sald She kepL Lelllng me l was
golng Lo be all rlghL l remember her volce Pe smlled Per name was MeredlLh
8eys hearL [umped Pe felL uneasy Leo usually dldnL

pay much aLLenLlon Lo sLrange women MeredlLh !ohns he agreed
ls she marrled? Leo asked aL once
8ey felL LhreaLened lL lrrlLaLed hlm l donL know he sald
uo you Lhlnk you could flnd somebody who knows how Lo geL ln Louch wlLh her? hls broLher
perslsLed l wanL Lo Lhank her for savlng me
8ey goL up from Lhe chalr where hed been slLLlng and walked Lo Lhe darkened wlndow peerlng ouL
Lhrough Lhe bllnds whlle he played for Llme She llves near Lhe place where you were aLLacked he sald
flnally unable Lo lle
WhaL does she do for a llvlng?
l donL know 8ey sald feellng uncomforLable Pe couldnL geL her faLhers accuslng remarks ouL of
hls mlnd Shed sald she was dressed up for a parLy shed even found someone Lo glve her an allbl buL
8ey dldnL compleLely belleve her WhaL lf LhaL whole defense was a lle? WhaL lf she was some sorL of
prosLlLuLe? Pe dldnL wanL hls broLher geLLlng mlxed up wlLh a woman llke LhaL Pe dldnL LrusL women
especlally sLrange women 1hen he remembered her poor brulsed face and he felL bad abouL hls
lll ask one of Lhe nurses Leo sald abrupLly
no need 8ey Lold hlm Pe Lurned back around wlLh hls hands ln hls pockeLs lf youre deLermlned
lll go geL her ln Lhe mornlng and brlng her ln Lo see you
Why noL LonlghL?
8ey leL ouL an lmpaLlenL breaLh Per faLher roughed her up because she goL home laLe lasL nlghL l
Look her Lo Lhe emergency room Lhls mornlng before l came back here
Leos eyes narrowed and wenL cold Per faLher beaL her? And you Look her back home Lo hlm? he
sald angrlly
Pe wasnL Lhere 1hey Look hlm off Lo [all he sald Pls face hardened even more Shell have a hell of
a brulse 1hey sald she couldnL go back Lo work for a few weeks Pe moved one shoulder resLlessly





Lhe way Lhey llve l donL know how shell manage he added relucLanLly 1hey donL seem Lo have
much ApparenLly Lhe old man doesnL work and shes Lhe only one brlnglng home any money Pe
dldnL volunLeer hls oplnlon of how she made lL
Leo leaned back agalnsL Lhe plllows Pls blg frame was
wlLhouL lLs usual vlbrance Pls dark eyes were dull and hls
lean face was drawn Pls blondsLreaked brown halr was
unkempL and looked odd ln Lhe back where Lheyd had Lo
shave lL Lo puL sLlLches ln lL was a remlnder of how Lrlcky
head wounds were Leo was very lucky noL Lo have braln
damage 8ey LhoughL abouL Lhe assallanLs and hls eyes
lm golng Lo phone Slmon LonlghL he Lold Leo lm sure Lhe local pollce wlll do all Lhey can Lo caLch
Lhe guys who waylald you buL Lheyll work even harder lf Lhey geL a call from Lhe sLaLe aLLorney
1here you go agaln pulllng sLrlngs Leo mused
lLs for a good cause
uld you flnd my walleL and my cell phone? Leo asked
1he woman had Lhem 1heyre ln my pockeL
Cood l dldnL Lhlnk she had anyLhlng Lo do wlLh mugglng me uonL forgeL your promlse Lo brlng
MeredlLh here ln Lhe mornlng he sald
now lL was MeredlLh 8ey dldnL llke Lhe whole ldea of havlng Leo around Lhe woman buL he dldnL
have a leglLlmaLe reason for keeplng her from Leos slde lL would sound even more susplclous lf 8ey
sLarLed Lhrowlng ouL sarcasLlc remarks abouL her Leo dld love Lo pull hls chaln
Ckay he sald relucLanLly
Cood man Leo replled wlLh a wan grln noLhlng llke famlly Lo look afLer you
nexL Llme waLch your back lnsLead of daydreamlng abouL forage grasses 8ey sald flrmly 1hen he

forward ln Lhe chalr So Lell me whaL sorL of grasses Lhe CaLLlemans AssoclaLlon ls advocaLlng
8ey goL a hoLel room near Lhe hosplLal so LhaL he could have a baLh and geL some resL 1he nlghL sLaff
had Lhe phone number so Lhey could call hlm lmmedlaLely lf he was needed
Pe phoned Slmon before he wenL Lo bed
Leos been mugged? Slmon exclalmed And you dldnL call me lasL nlghL?
1haL Lone was sLlll lnLlmldaLlng even Lhough 8ey was LhlrLyone Slmon was Lhe eldesL of Lhe flve
broLhers and Lhe bosslesL nexL Lo Cag
l was Loo upseL Lo phone anybody 8ey reLurned and Loo busy Lrylng Lo handleanoLher problem
LhaL cropped up Pes all rlghL PonesL l dldnL flnd ouL unLll Lhe early hours of Lhe mornlng and lLs
been a long day Pe was already ouL of danger before lL occurred Lo me LhaL l needed Lo leL you know
All rlghL Slmon sald soundlng as lf he was more relaxed uo Lhey have a suspecL?
no l LhoughL we dld buL lL Lurned ouL Lo be a dead end he added wlLhouL golng lnLo deLalls abouL
MeredlLh !ohns 1here were Lwo of Lhem and Lhey havenL been caughL lLs a mlracle he wasnL kllled
and LhaL Lhey were sLopped ln Llme before Lhey robbed hlm ?ou mlghL glve Lhe local pollce chlef a call
!usL Lo leL hlm know were all lnLeresLed ln solvlng Lhe case
?ou wanL me Lo use my lnfluence for personal galn? Slmon drawled
Pell yes l do! 8ey shoL back 1hls ls our broLher for Cods sake! lf a blg sLrong man llke Leo can geL
mugged ln a resldenLlal nelghborhood so can anybody else! lL doesnL say a loL for Lhe securlLy ln Lhls
no lL doesnL Slmon agreed lll polnL LhaL ouL Lo Lhe pollce commlssloner flrsL Lhlng Lomorrow
1hen lll run





down Lo !acobsvllle and geL Cag and Corrlgan and well be rlghL up Lo see abouL Leo
8ey chuckled lL was Lhe flrsL blL of humor hed felL so far 1he flve broLhers rarely wenL so far as Lo
gang up on people buL conslderlng Lhe slze and repuLaLlon of Lhem Lhey goL resulLs when Lhey dld 1hls
was an emergency anyway 1hey could have losL a broLher 1he perpeLraLors had Lo be caughL
1hey should be home by now 8ey replled l couldnL phone Lhem because Lhey were showlng Lhose
!apanese buslnessmen around Lhe ranch and Lhe Lown
lll see how much luck Lhey had !apan ls very careful abouL lLs lmporL beef 1he facL LhaL we run
organlcally ralsed caLLle wlll cerLalnly go ln our favor Slmon sald
?es lL wlll CeL some sleep And donL worry abouL Leo Pes flne ld never have lefL Lhe hosplLal lf ld
had one doubL abouL LhaL
lll sLop worrylng
Clve my love Lo 1lra and Lhe boys 8ey added
lll do LhaL See you Lomorrow
8ey hung up Lhlnklng abouL Slmon and hls famlly 1lra was redheaded and gorgeous and Lhe boys
favored boLh of Lhem alLhough Lhey had Slmons dark eyes and halr Corrlgan and uorle had a boy and a
glrl Cag and 1ess had [usL a boy buL Lhey were Lalklng abouL how nlce a daughLer would be Meanwhlle
8ey and Leo en[oyed belng uncles buL had no lnLeresL ln [olnlng Lhe ranks of Lhe marrled
lf lL wasnL for Lhose blsculLs 8ey LhoughL mlserably lL was golng Lo be expenslve Lo have Lhe local cafe
make blsculLs for Lhem every day unLll Lhey employed a new blsculL maker buL lf Lhey goL desperaLe
enough and offered enough of an lncenLlve Lhey could probably manage lL
1urnlng hls aLLenLlon elsewhere 8ey gave a LhoughL Lo poor Leo wlLh hls sLlLches and hls headache
and anoLher Lo MeredlLh !ohnss brulsed face 1omorrow hed have Lo

deal wlLh Leos requesL Lo see her and he wasnL looklng forward Lo lL Pe wlshed he knew why
8ey wenL Lo MeredlLh !ohnss house Lhe nexL mornlng afLer hed had breakfasL lL Look her a mlnuLe or
Lwo Lo answer Lhe door and for an lnsLanL he LhoughL LhaL perhaps she mlghL noL be ln any condlLlon
Lo answer lL Shed been badly brulsed
8uL she opened Lhe door and peered up aL hlm bravely even Lhough she looked llke a refugee from a
bar brawl Per lefL eye was swollen shuL compleLely now
Leo wanLs Lo see you he sald easlly noLlclng how Lhe Lop of her blond head only came Lo hls
shoulder She wasnL Lall Lven brulsed her face had a beauLlful complexlon Per mouLh was preLLy Pe
shook hlmself menLally Pe wanLs Lo Lhank you for whaL you dld Pe remembers LhaL you rode ln on Lhe
ambulance wlLh hlm ?ou dldnL Lell me LhaL he added wlLh falnL accusaLlon
l wasnL Lhlnklng she sald l was worrled abouL whaL would happen when l came home laLe
Pave you heard any more abouL your faLher Lhls mornlng? he asked grlmly
1heyre golng Lo charge hlm wlLh slmple baLLery she sald heavlly l canL afford a lawyer Pell have
a publlc defender and hell probably have Lo sLay ln [all for a few weeks She looked up aL hlm lL wlll
be a godsend you know because hell dry ouL compleLely
Pe haLed Lhe compasslon he felL uld your moLher leave hlm? he asked
She averLed her face She couldnL bear Lo Lalk abouL lL yeL ln a way she sald husklly Are you golng
Lo drlve me? she added glanclng aL hlm over her shoulder 1he bus doesnL run for anoLher LhlrLy
Sure he agreed
1hen lll geL my [ackeL and purse





She wenL lnLo anoLher room and came back qulckly leadlng Lhe way ouL Lhe door ls he consclous
very he murmured dryly When l lefL hlm he was Lelllng a nurse whaL she could do wlLh Lhe wash
basln and how far
She chuckled Pe dldnL seem llke LhaL klnd of man she murmured l had hlm flgured for a
genLleman noL a renegade
Were all LhaL klnd of man he replled
Pe led her Lo Lhe car and puL her lnLo Lhe passenger seaL 1here are flve of us 1he oLher Lhree are
comlng up Lhls mornlng Lo have a Lalk wlLh Lhe pollce
l remember ?ou sald LhaL your broLher was Lhe aLLorney general
Pe ls he replled We Lend Lo sLlck LogeLher
Per eyes wenL Lo hls hands on Lhe sLeerlng wheel Pe had nlce hands very lean and sLrong wlLh neaL
clean flngernalls Pe was a Loughlooklng man llke a cowboy
Pows your face? he asked unexpecLedly
She shrugged lL sLlll hurLs lL wlll for a whlle buL lll be flne
?ou should see LhaL plasLlc surgeon
Why? she asked heavlly My lnsurance wonL pay for cosmeLlc surgery and Lheres noL much chance
LhaL Lhey can do any ma[or repalr on Llny shaLLered bones
?oure noL a docLor SLop glvlng yourself medlcal advlce
She sLared aL hlm for a long momenL and sLarLed Lo speak Lhen losL Lhe opporLunlLy when he pulled up
ln Lhe hosplLal parklng loL cuL off Lhe englne and goL ouL
8ey walLed for her and led her up Lo Lhe floor where hls broLhers room was locaLed
Leo wasnL alone 1hree oLher men were wlLh hlm one blg and dark and mlsslng an arm Lhe oLher lean
and llghL

eyed and handsome and a Lhlrd blg one wlLh black eyes and a LhreaLenlng face Lowerlng over boLh Lhe
1haLs Cag 8ey lndlcaLed Lhe blackeyed man Corrlgan he nodded Loward Lhe llghLeyed man
and LhaLs Slmon he flnlshed smlllng aL Lhe onearmed man 1hls ls MeredlLh !ohns She rescued
nlce Lo see you and know who you are Leo sald alerL now and lnLeresLed as hls dark eyes swepL
over Lhe neaL woman [usL lnslde Lhe door Mlss !ohns l presume?
She smlled selfconsclously because everybody was looklng aL her brulsed face ?es she sald
Slmon ParL frowned when he goL a good look aL her WhaL Lhe hell happened Lo you? he demanded
Per faLher 8ey sald for her She goL ln laLe and he beaL her up
Leo looked suddenly as lnLlmldaLlng as Lhe oLher Lhree Where ls he? he asked
ln [all MeredlLh sald heavlly lor several weeks aL leasL and hell have Llme Lo dry ouL
Cood Leo looked Loward Slmon Maybe you can flnd a way Lo geL hlm lnLo rehab before he geLs
lll look lnLo lL Slmon sald aL once
And some counsellng wouldnL come amlss 8ey puL hls Lwo cenLs worLh ln
lll see abouL LhaL Loo Slmon replled nlce Lo meeL you Mlss !ohns Were all graLeful for whaL you
dld for Leo
?oure all very welcome she replled She cluLched her purse lnLlmldaLed by Lhe group of broLhers
Come here Leo sald holdlng ouL hls hand 1heyre blg and Lhey look Lough buL Lheyre really
marshmallows ?ou donL have Lo feel LhreaLened lll proLecL you
She doesnL need proLecLlng from us! 8ey snapped
1he oLhers gaped aL hlm lL wasnL llke 8ey Lo acL LhaL way
Pe cleared hls LhroaL Pe dldnL wanL Lhem asklng Lhem





selves embarrasslng quesLlons abouL hls aLLlLude Pe shoved hls hands lnLo hls pockeLs Sorry l dldnL
sleep much lasL nlghL he explalned
MeredlLh wenL Lo sLand beslde Leo who Look one of her small cold hands ln hls and looked up aL her
wlLh lnLeresL
Pave you seen a docLor? he asked
?our broLher Look me Lo Lhe emergency room yesLerday she sald
8ey Pls names 8eynard buL hes called 8ey Leo lnformed her
She smlled ?ou look much beLLer Loday Pead hurL?
A blL buL my vlslons clear and lm noL dlsorlenLed he sald quoLlng Lhe docLor l have a good
1haLs nlce Lo hear ?ou were ln preLLy bad shape
ld have been ln a loL worse shape buL for you Leo sald l hear LhaL you canL work ouL ln publlc for
a whlle unLll your face heals he added Can you cook?
She bllnked Cf course she sald aL once
Can you make bread?
She frowned 8read?
More speclflcally blsculLs he added and had Lhe oddesL expresslon on hls face
She shlfLed her purse ln Lhe hand he wasnL holdlng Well yes Lhose and rolls and loaf bread she
sald as lf everybody could do lL
Leo shoL a glance aL 8ey who was [usL sLarlng aL hlm wlLhouL darlng Lo say a word Pe knew whaL was
comlng and he couldnL declde how he felL abouL lL Pe dldnL wanL Lo Lhlnk abouL lL
Pow would you llke a brlef sLay ln !acobsvllle 1exas ln a blg sprawllng ranch house where your only
[ob would be Lo make blsculLs every mornlng? Leo asked wlLh hls besL smlle
8ey and Lhe oLher broLhers were sLarlng aL her walLlng She wondered why And 8ey was frownlng as
lf he dldnL llke Lhe ldea aL all robably he sLlll secreLly LhoughL she

was a hooker Pe couldnL seem Lo credlL her wlLh any sense of decency
She LhoughL abouL hls aLLlLude for a few seconds and declded LhaL lL wouldnL be a bad ldea Lo Lake
Lhe [ob and show hlm LhaL you really couldnL [udge a book by lLs cover lL wouldnL hurL LhaL arroganL
cowboy Lo be Laken down a sLep or Lwo and she was [usL Lhe glrl who could do lL
She smlled lL hurL her face buL whaL was a llLLle paln for a good cause? She Lurned back Lo Leo Mr
ParL l Lhlnk ld llke LhaL [ob very much!



Cood for you! Leo exclalmed anlmaLed and smlllng ?ou wonL be sorry MeredlLh PonesL
She smlled back aL hlm Pe was nlce llke a blg broLher She llked hlm already l can do housekeeplng
Loo she Lold hlm lll earn my keep
?oull go on salary of course he lnslsLed lL wonL be a hollday
noLhlng ls a hollday wlLh Lhose Lwo Slmon murmured dryly 1hey arenL klddlng abouL blsculLs
1heyll run you crazy baklng Lhem
8ey and Leo gave Lhelr broLher a dlsgusLed look
MeredlLh grlnned l donL mlnd she assured Slmon l love Lo cook
lL wonL be LhaL hard Leo promlsed wlLh anoLher speaklng glance aL Slmon We [usL love blsculLs
8uL well make you feel rlghL aL home AnyLhlng you need you can havea new sLove he added
She LhoughL abouL her faLher and her [ob and her smlle

falLered l have Lo wrap up a few loose ends flrsL she began
no problem Leo assured her l canL geL ouL of here for anoLher day aL leasL or so LhaL docLor sald
he added wlLh lmpaLlence
?oull sLay unLll he leLs you ouL 8ey sald flrmly Concusslons are Lrlcky ?ou know LhaL
Leo grlmaced l guess so l haLe hosplLals
lm noL Loo wlld abouL Lhem myself 8ey had Lo agree
lL would be a very sad world wlLhouL Lhem MeredlLh spoke up
She seemed lrrlLaLed 8ey LhoughL and wondered why lll run you back home when youre ready
8ey Lold her Well be ln Louch before were ready Lo leave
All rlghL She held Leos hand agaln and squeezed lL genLly Lo Lhe amusemenL of all Lhe ParLs excepL
8ey ?ou geL beLLer lll see you soon
1hanks agaln Leo Lold her wlLh genulne graLlLude
lL was noLhlng She gave hlm anoLher smlle Lugged her hand free and leL 8ey herd her ouL Lhe door
afLer a qulck goodbye Lo Lhe oLher broLhers
l LhoughL your broLher was blg unLll l saw all of you LogeLher Coodness youre all huge! she
exclalmed when Lhey were ouLslde ln Lhe parklng loL She gave hlm a long scruLlny And Lhere doesnL
seem Lo be an exLra ounce of faL on any of you
We donL slL behlnd desks Were ranchers noL offlce workers and we work hard rlghL alongslde our
cowboys he sald Pls dark eyes cuL sldeways Leo llkes you
She smlled lm glad because l llke hlm Loo
1haL seL hlm off and he Lrled noL Lo leL lL show Pe dldnL wanL her Lo llke Leo Pe wlshed he knew why
Pe glanced aL her as he wove sklllfully Lhrough Lrafflc Loward her house uo you have famlly besldes
your faLher? he asked
A cousln or Lwo near lorL WorLh she sald She





glanced ouL Lhe wlndow absenLly rubblng Lhe rlng flnger of her lefL hand Lrylng noL Lo choke up over
Lhe quesLlon WhaL ls !acobsvllle llke? she asked Lo dlverL hlm from any furLher quesLlons
lLs small he sald easlly 1here are a loL of ranches ln Lhe area We have good pasLure and soll and
we geL enough raln Lo manage healLhy crops Pe grlnned A loL of us are heavlly lnLo organlc caLLle
ralslng And wlLh Lhe lndusLry under LhreaL rlghL now well probably keep our flnanclal heads above
waLer when some oLher ranchers are golng under
l llke organlc food she sald lL may have a few more blemlshes and bug blLes buL lf lL doesnL klll
bugs lL wonL klll me she added wlLh a grln
Pe chuckled Cood polnL uo you llke anlmals?
l love Lhem ld llke Lo have a caL buL lLs noL posslble uads allerglc Lo Lhem She slghed wearlly
leanlng her head back agalnsL Lhe headresL Per brulses were sLlll glvlng her a loL of paln Per hand wenL
Lo Lhem and she wlnced
?ou should see LhaL plasLlc surgeon he remlnded her
She shook her head CanL afford lL Lven lf l could l donL wanL Lo go Lhrough weeks of surgery
Pe heslLaLed and Lhen he shrugged Pave lL your way
lll heal She Louched her cheek agaln selfconsclously lm noL sure golng Lo work for you ls a good
ldea l mean people mlghL Lhlnk Lhe flve of you beaL me up!
Pe laughed wholehearLedly nobody who knows us would ever Lhlnk LhaL Lspeclally he added lf
you can bake Slmon was rlghL lm afrald were famous locally for our addlcLlon Lo blsculLs
AcLually Lhey were famous a loL furLher ouL Lhan !acobsvllle buL he dldnL wanL Lo make her Lhlnk Lhey
were loopy
She Look Lhe words aL face value l llke Lo cook
Pe glanced aL her agaln Laklng ln her very conservaLlve

way of dresslng ?ou donL look llke Lhe same woman l meL [usL afLer Leo was assaulLed
l almosL never dress up she conflded And lL really was a cosLume she polnLed ouL l wasnL lylng
l donL make my llvlng on Lhe sLreeLs
Pow old are you?
Per eyebrows arched Cld enough
Are you over LwenLyone? he perslsLed
lm LwenLyLhree almosL LwenLyfour she replled
And noL marrled?
lve had responslblllLles for Lhe pasL few years she sald dlsLanLly sLarlng ouL Lhe wlndshleld My
faLher has become Lhe largesL of Lhem lve been afrald Lo leave hlm alone
Pes obvlously dangerous when he drlnks
She heslLaLed flngerlng her purse Pe seemed Lo lose hlmself ln Lhe boLLle overnlghL l LhoughL l could
handle hlm conLrol hlm break Lhe cycle l couldnL even geL help for hlm My faLher doesnL Lhlnk he has
a drlnklng problem so nobody would Lake hlm She looked over aL hlm lm very graLeful Lo your
broLher for hls help As l menLloned Lhe nlghL he was arresLed my faLher has only been llke Lhls for Lhe
pasL few monLhs lLs noL a longsLandlng problem 8uL l couldnL solve lL alone
?oure golng Lo work for us 8ey sald And lLs noL LhaL much of a problem for Slmon Pes good aL hls
ls lL a blg ranch? she asked unexpecLedly
Lnormous he replled and one of flve ranches we own as a famlly 1hlngs geL hecLlc durlng roundup
as youll flnd ouL lf youre sLlll Lhere nexL Sprlng
l wonL be she sald wlLh some cerLalnLy When l heal l have Lo geL back Lo my [ob
WhaL do you do? he asked curlously ls lL housecleanlng or worklng as a cook ln a resLauranL?
She almosL blL her Longue aL Lhe demeanlng commenL ?ou donL Lhlnk lm quallfled Lo do anyLhlng





Pe averLed hls eyes Lo Lhe road l donL know you Mlss !ohns he commenLed carelessly 8uL you
seem preLLy domesLlc Lo me
She dldnL feel well enough Lo reLallaLe 8uL one day she promlsed herself she was golng Lo make hlm
eaL Lhose condescendlng words
lve made beds and done llghL cleanlng she sald Lalklng around her acLual professlon
ArenL you amblLlous? he perslsLed wlLh a falnL frown MosL women are Lhese days
1haL sounded blLLer she commenLed uld you geL Lhrown over by an amblLlous woman?
8y a couple of Lhem he sald curLly and hls expresslon became hard
She hadnL LhoughL of hlm LhaL way 1heyd been adversarles from Lhe flrsL conLacL 8uL lL occurred Lo
her as she gave hlm a qulck coverL scruLlny LhaL he was a sensuous man Pe wasnL handsomeexcepL
for Corrlgan ParL Lhe resL of Lhe broLhers seemed cursed by a lack of convenLlonal good looks
8uL 8ey had a llLhe graceful sLrlde and a sLrong face Pe had good hands clean and longflngered She
llked Lhe blackness of hls sLralghL halr Lhe hlgh cheekbones Lhe long Lhln chlseled mouLh Pe was Lhe
sorL of man who could have aLLracLed women excepL for hls personallLy 1he ParLs dldnL sLrlke her as
parLlcularly gregarlous or good mlxers from her brlef acqualnLance wlLh Lhem Leo was Lhe one wlLh Lhe
warmesL personallLy Pe made her feel aL ease 1he man beslde her made her uncomforLable lnsecure
nervous She wasnL usually so sLrungouL by a mans proxlmlLy noL LhaL shed had a loL Lo do wlLh men
ln very recenL years Per faLhers overproLecLlve possesslve naLure had seen Lo LhaL Ped been so
cerLaln LhaL she was golng Lo end up llke her moLher
She closed her eyes brlefly haLlng Lhe memorles

lf you wanL Lo go and see your faLher before we leave for !acobsvllle lll ask Slmon Lo arrange lL
She sLlffened l donL wanL Lo see hlm agaln unLll hes sober she replled We boLh need Llme Lo geL
over whaL happened
ls your face Lhe only place he hlL you? he asked unexpecLedly
Pe goL me ln Lhe back and Lhe slde Loo buL Lhose were only brulses 1he docLor checked me over
Lhoroughly She slghed wearlly lm so Llred she murmured absenLly
lm noL surprlsed ?ou can geL some resL lll phone you Lomorrow when well know more abouL Leos
condlLlon and when hell be released
Pe sLopped ln fronL of her house and parked Lhe car walklng Lo Lhe door wlLh her Pe looked down aL
her whlle she fumbled Lhe key lnLo Lhe lock She was ln some ways Lhe mosL vulnerable woman hed
ever meL 8uL Lhere was sLeel ln her makeup Pe sensed LhaL she wasnL llke Lhls usually LhaL she was
flery and lndependenL and deLermlned
1hls lsnL Lhe flrsL Llme your faLhers lald lnLo you ls lL? he asked suddenly
She glanced aL hlm surprlsed no 8uL unLll Lhls happened lL was more humlllaLlng Lhan palnful She
frowned Pow dld you know?
Pe seemed concerned When l was ln school l had a couple of frlends whose faLhers goL vlolenL
durlng blnges 1heres anaLLlLude a posLure LhaL people geL when Lheyve been beaLen l canL explaln
lL buL l recognlze lL when l see lL
uo you wanL Lo know whaL lL ls? she asked wlLh a worldweary smlle lLs a feellng of fuLlllLy of
knowlng LhaL no maLLer whaL you do you canL hold ouL physlcally agalnsL a man whos enraged and
benL on hurLlng you 8ecause you know lf you flghL back lL wlll be even worse maybe faLally worse l
donL llke lL she added her pale

eyes beglnnlng Lo glow and hes never geLLlng Lhe chance Lo do Lhls agaln Pes my faLher l love hlm
and l feel sorry for hlm 8uL lm nobodys vlcLlm noL even hls
Pe pushed hls hands lnLo hls slacks pockeLs and smlled aL her Per face was brlghL wlLh color and her
eyes were allve llke perldoLs ln sunllL waLer Pe remembered her long blond halr around her shoulders
and he wondered whaL shed look llke ln plnk sllk 1he LhoughL shocked hlm and he scowled
uld l glue my nose on upslde down? she asked ralslng her eyebrows
Pe leL ouL a shorL laugh no l had a wlld LhoughL uo you need an advance on your salary? l mean ls
Lhere anyLhlng you have Lo geL for Lhe Lrlp LhaL you canL afford?
l donL have a car she began and haLed rememberlng why
Pe glared l dldnL say you were golng Lo have Lo geL Lo !acobsvllle on your own ?oull go wlLh Leo and
me Slmon drove my car up from !acobsvllle
uo l geL Lo rlde ln Lhe car or have you goL me earmarked for Lhe Lrunk? she reLurned
Pe pursed hls llps Cdd feellngs were klndllng lnslde hlm keep LhaL up and youll be rldlng on Lhe back
She wrlnkled her nose nlce 8eal nlce l can see youre golng Lo be a greaL boss
lf you donL burn Lhe blsculLs l wlll be he sald
lll sLlck close Lo your broLher she promlsed Pell proLecL me
Pe dldnL llke LhaL buL he wasnL golng Lo leL lL show Leos a Lease he sald flaLly uonL geL your
hopes up Pes noL a marrylng man nelLher am l he added dellberaLely
Per eyes wldened Well gee whlz LhaLs a ma[or dlsappolnLmenL! And Lo Lhlnk l was only wllllng Lo
Lake Lhe [ob because of Lhe marrlage prospecLs!

Pls face shuLLered Sarcasm doesnL geL you any polnLs wlLh me lm [usL maklng Lhe poslLlon clear We
need a cook noL a prospecLlve soul maLe
Speak for yourself she Lold hlm Lurnlng back Lo her door l Lhlnk Leo llkes me already
l [usL Lold you!
She opened Lhe door and looked back aL hlm wlLh pure lrreverence ?our broLher can speak for
hlmself ?ou donL own hlm and you donL own me lll do whaL l please
uamn lL!
WlLh charm llke LhaL lLs no surprlse Lo me LhaL youre sLlll slngle she sald as she walked lnLo Lhe
l can be charmlng when lve goL a reason Lo be he sald lclly 8uL LhaLs someLhlng youll never
Lucky me!
Pe sLarLed Lo speak closed hls llps LlghL and walked back Lo hls car
She closed Lhe door qulckly and leaned back agalnsL lL almosL shlverlng wlLh anger Cf all Lhe
concelLed lnfurlaLlng men shed ever meL LhaL one Look Lhe cake!
1he nexL day 8ey phoned her mldmornlng Lo Lell her LhaL he and Leo would plck her up aL one for Lhe
drlve down Lo !acobsvllle
She had her sulLcase packed and Lhe house closed up when Lhe blg luxury car pulled lnLo Lhe drlveway
lL was a laLemodel car and lL looked odd slLLlng ln fronL of Lhe shabby llLLle house
As she walked Lo Lhe car MeredlLh saw curLalns fluLLerlng and knew LhaL Lhe nelghbors were geLLlng an
eyeful 1hey probably LhoughL she was belng carrled off by Lhe mob 1haL amused her and she smlled
glad LhaL someLhlng dlverLed her mlnd from her faLher and her paln and Lhe mlsery of Lhe pasL few
We hadnL planned Lo ask you Lo help us move caLLle





8ey drawled when he saw how she was dressed ln [eans and a sLrlped shlrL and booLs
l havenL volunLeered elLher she assured hlm 8uL l dldnL Lhlnk youd wanL me Lo do housework ln
a dress She gave hlm a wry glance 1hose old blackandwhlLe slLcoms werenL hlsLorlcally accuraLe
you know l never saw a woman vacuum Lhe carpeL wearlng a dress and hlgh heels and pearls!
?ou can do housework ln a sulL for all l care as long as you can bake me a pan of blsculLs every
mornlng 8ey sald Laklng Lhe sulLcase and puLLlng lL ln Lhe Lrunk
Cood mornlng Leo called from Lhe open wlndow of Lhe fronL seaL grlnnlng as 8ey opened Lhe back
door and helped her lnslde
Cood mornlng she sald brlghLly ?ou look much beLLer
l feel beLLer excepL for Lhe headache Pe gave her a long look ?ou arenL ln very good shape
yourself lace hurL?
?es l guess were boLh llke walklng wounded huh? she asked wlLh a grln as she leaned back lnLo Lhe
warm leaLher seaL
Maybe we should Lake a nurse wlLh us 8ey muLLered as he goL ln and sLarLed Lhe car
MeredlLh cleared her LhroaL buL before she could speak Leo Lurned Lo hls broLher l donL need
nurslng Lhank you very much! Leo sald curLly
nelLher do l! MeredlLh agreed
8ey glanced aL Lhem as he pulled ouL lnLo Lhe sLreeL lve seen accldenL vlcLlms who looked beLLer Lhan
Lhe Lwo of you
uonL leL hlm lnsulL you MeredlLh Leo Lold her lll Lell you all abouL hls weak spoLs so LhaL you can
deal wlLh hlm
She wouldnL have expecLed 8ey Lo have any of Lhose buL she was keeplng her mouLh shuL and her
opLlons open

for Lhe Llme belng Per new boss looked formldable and even Leo seemed curlous abouL hls lack of
Are you all from !acobsvllle orlglnally? MeredlLh changed Lhe sub[ecL
no were from San AnLonlo Leo sald We lnherlLed Lhe !acobsvllle properLy and lL needed a loL of
work so we made lL our headquarLers lLs convenlenL Lo PousLon and San AnLonlo and frankly lLs
lsolaLed and glves us some prlvacy We donL llke clLles as a rule
nelLher do l she sald recalllng her grandmoLhers beauLlful flower garden aL Lhe old place near lorL
WorLh She smlled l wlsh uad hadnL Laken Lhe [ob ln PousLon ln Lhe flrsL place
WhaL does he do? Leo asked
Pes reLlred she sald noL wanLlng Lo go lnLo speclflcs lL hurL Lo Lalk abouL her famlly Per faLher was
a sore spoL [usL now anyway
Slmon Lalked Lo Lhe auLhorlLles 8ey lnLerrupLed 1heyre golng Lo make sure he geLs counsellng and
he wonL be released unLll hes klcked Lhe alcohol hablL Pe glanced over Lhe seaL aL her hls dark eyes
lnLenL 1hey Lhlnk lL wlll be beLLer lf you donL have any conLacL wlLh hlm for a few weeks unLll hes
Lhrough Lhe worsL of Lhe wlLhdrawal sympLoms
l know abouL wlLhdrawal she replled absenLly smooLhlng her hand over her [eans 8ad hablLs are
hard Lo break even new ones
?ou Lwo musL read a loL 8ey replled l never saw so many books ln one place as l dld aL your house
Lven our llbrary lsnL LhaL sLuffed and we all read
l love readlng she agreed We have a Lelevlslon buL nelLher of us had much Llme Lo waLch lL unLll
recenLly she added relucLanLly and wlnced aL Lhe LhoughLs LhaL wenL Lhrough her mlnd l hope Lhey
geL Lhose men who mugged you Mr ParL she Lold Leo fervenLly
Leo he correcLed lLs really Leopold buL nobody





calls me LhaL he added wlLh a grln Were preLLy lnformal wlLh our employees
uo you have a loL? she asked curlously
A good many ln !acobsvllle he replled AlLhough we donL have a fullLlme veL we do have several
accounLanLs llvesLock managers compuLer programmers salesmen you name lL weve goL one lLs
blg buslness Lhese days Lo run caLLle We even have a man who does noLhlng buL keep up wlLh
leglslaLlon LhaL may lmpacL us
uo you have dogs and caLs? she asked
Always 8ey replled We have border collles LhaL help us herd caLLle and we keep caLs ln Lhe barn Lo
help handle Lhe raLs
We had a caL ln Lhe house Leo added buL lL was Cag and 1esss and Lhey Look lL wlLh Lhem when
Lhey moved lnLo Lhelr new house AL leasL she wonL have Lo cope wlLh Perman he Lold hls broLher
and laughed
8ey smlled lnvolunLarlly ?ou mlghL noL have wanLed Lo work for us lf we sLlll had Perman
Whos Perman? she wanLed Lo know
Pe was Cags alblno pyLhon he Lold her Pe welghed a hundred and Len pounds and llved ln a cage
ln Cags bedroom Pe gave Perman up when he marrled 1ess Pe sald lL would be crazy Lo keep an
anlmal LhaL blg and dangerous around Lhelr son 1heyre sLlll over Lhe moon abouL LhaL llLLle boy
?es buL Lhere are people who donL even conslder Lhlngs llke LhaL MeredlLh murmured absenLly l
remember a llLLle glrl who had Lo have plasLlc surgery because she was blLLen ln Lhe face by her faLhers
peL boa consLrlcLor
Perman dldnL blLe buL 1ess almosL had a hearL aLLack when she flrsL came Lo work for us and found
hlm ln Lhe washlng machlne
l can sympaLhlze wlLh her MeredlLh sald l havenL come across many snakes lm noL sure l wanL
We have raLLlers and waLer moccaslns around Lhe

place 8ey Lold her ?ou have Lo waLch where you walk buL weve only had one person blLLen ln recenL
years Snakes are always golng Lo be a hazard ln open counLry ?ou canL be careless
lll remember
Weve goL a blg garage aparLmenL Leo Lold her lLs goL plcLure wlndows and a whlrlpool baLh 1ess
llved Lhere unLll she and Cag marrled l Lhlnk youll llke lL
l donL mlnd where l sLay she sald easlly lm graLeful Lo have a [ob aL all l really couldnL go Lo work
ln PousLon looklng llke Lhls lL would have been embarrasslng for my boss
?ou wonL have people sLarlng aL you on Lhe ranch Leo assured her And lL wonL Lake Loo long for
Lhose brulses Lo heal
lll be flne buL youll have Lo Lake lL easy for a few days sLlll lm sure Lhey Lold you LhaL she reLurned
aL once no vlolenL exerLlon Concusslon ls Lrlcky
l know LhaL Leo Lold her We had a man who was klcked ln Lhe head by a horse Pe dropped dead
Lhree days laLer whlle he was walklng lnLo Lhe corral lL was a hard lesson abouL head ln[urles none of
us ever forgoL lL
She averLed her eyes She dldnL llke Lhlnklng abouL head ln[urles [usL now
lve goL Lo sLop for gas 8ey sald as Lhey reached Lhe ouLsklrLs of Lhe clLy and he pulled lnLo a self
servlce gas sLaLlon Anybody wanL someLhlng Lo drlnk?
Coffee for me Leo sald MeredlLh?
ld llke a small coffee black please
lll go geL lL afLer l flll Lhe Lank 8ey sald Pe goL ouL and sLarLed pumplng gas
Leo leaned hls arm over Lhe back seaL and looked aL MeredlLh openly hls dark eyes quleL and genLly
?oure sLlll havlng a hard Llme wlLh 8ey arenL you? he asked her





Pe doesnL really llke me she confessed wlLh a wry smlle And l have Lo admlL he puLs my back up
Loo Pe seems Lo wanL Lo Lhlnk Lhe worsL of me Pe was convlnced LhaL l mugged you
Pe chuckled ?ou arenL Lall enough Lo have knocked me ouL he sald 8uL 8ey doesnL llke women
much Pe had a bad Llme of lL wlLh a young woman who Lurned ouL Lo be a call glrl he added noLlclng
absenLly how sLunned MeredlLh seemed Lo be aL LhaL remark Pe had Lhe rlng boughL Lhe honeymoon
spoL plcked ouL and Lhen he found ouL Lhe LruLh abouL her lL Look hlm years Lo geL over lL Pe was
l guess so she sald heavlly Cood Lord no wonder he LhoughL Lhe worsL when he saw how l was
Leo frowned l [usL barely remember Lhe rlg you had on WhaL was lL some sorL of cosLume?
ld been Lo a wlld Palloween parLy and had [usL escaped when l saw Lhose men bendlng over you
she Lold hlm l ran aL Lhem wavlng my arms and yelllng and frlghLened Lhem off
1haL was Laklng a hell of a chance! he exploded
She shrugged lve done lL before she sald l learned lL from myfrom my broLhers besL frlend she
amended forclng Lhe words ouL lL was much Loo soon Lo Lry Lo Lalk abouL her Lragedy Pe LaughL
karaLe ln Lhe mlllLary Pe sald LhaL someLlmes all lL needed was a yell and Lhe elemenL of surprlse Lo
spook an aLLacker and make hlm run lL works
noL all Lhe Llme Leo sald darkly and noL for women lm all for equallLy buL mosL men are blgger
and sLronger Lhan mosL women and ln handLohand youd lose ?ou canL counL on a man runnlng
loud nolse or noL
Well lL worked for you she amended and smlled aL hlm lm glad because l couldnL have wresLled
Lhose guys down

Pe nodded See LhaL you remember lL he Lold her uonL Lake chances CeL help
Some help Lhose parLygoers would have been she scoffed Palf of Lhem were drunk and Lhe oLher
half probably wouldnL have walked across Lhe sLreeL Lo save a grandmoLher from a mugglng!
1hen why were you aL a parLy wlLh Lhem? he asked reasonably
She plcked aL a flngernall A glrl l know from work sald l needed a nlghL off and lnslsLed LhaL l come l
wore an old cosLume Lhe only one l had and LhoughL ld en[oy myself l donL do drugs or drlnk and one
of Lhe men made a blaLanL pass aL me She wrapped her arms around her body ln a defenslve posLure
LhaL beLrayed her fear l was anxlous Lo geL away from Lhe whole mess lucklly for you she added wlLh
a grln
l donL llke parLles much elLher he sald CeLLlng drunk lsnL my ldea of a good Llme
She glanced ouL Lhe wlndow 8ey had flnlshed pumplng gas and was lnslde Lhe convenlence sLore now
uoes he drlnk? she asked
very rarely lve been known Lo under provocaLlon buL 8eys levelheaded and sober Pe can be
mean and hes goL Lhe blackesL Lemper of all of us buL hes a good man Lo have on your slde when Lhe
chlps are down
Pe doesnL llke me she repeaLed
Pell come around glve hlm Llme Leo Lold her Meanwhlle youve goL a [ob and a place Lo sLay
whlle your face heals We all have hard Llmes he added genLly 8uL we geL Lhrough Lhem even when
we donL expecL Lo Clve yourself Llme
She smlled 1hanks she sald husklly ?ou really are a nlce man
nlce clean sober modesL and lncredlbly handsome he added wlLh a wlcked grln And l havenL
even goLLen Lo my besL polnLs yeL!

Compared Lo your broLhers she began you
1he door opened before she could hang herself and 8ey shoved a cup of coffee aL her before he
handed Lhe second one Lo Leo
lLs hoL he Lold Lhem as he slld ln and Look Lhe sofL drlnk ouL of hls [ackeL pockeL and puL lL ln Lhe
cup holder
Cold caffelne Leo sald shudderlng Why canL you drlnk coffee llke a normal man?
l drlnk coffee aL breakfasL 8ey Lold hlm haughLlly
So do l buL you donL have Lo have rules on when Lo drlnk lL!
8ey sLarLed Lhe englne wlLh a speaklng glance
See LhaL look? Leo lndlcaLed lL Lo MeredlLh When he looks llke LhaL youve already losL whaLever
argumenL youre ln Lhe mlddle of We call lL Lhe look l once saw hlm break up a flsLflghL wlLh lL
l donL plan Lo argue MeredlLh promlsed
8ey gave her Lhe look and lL llngered before hls aLLenLlon Lurned back Lo Lhe wlndshleld
MeredlLh saL back agalnsL Lhe leaLher seaL and wondered suddenly lf she wasnL maklng Lhe blggesL
mlsLake of her llfe

1he ParL 8anch was almosL as MeredlLh had plcLured lL wlLh neaL wooden fences conceallng elecLrlfled
fenclng lmproved pasLure land and caLLle everywhere 1here were also pasLures wlLh horses and Lhere
was a barn blg enough Lo sLore a commerclal [eL 8uL she loved Lhe house lLself wlLh lLs graceful arches
remlnlscenL of Spanlsh archlLecLure and Lhe lncredlble number of small Lrees and shrubs around lL ln
Lhe sprlng lL musL be glorlous 1here were Lwo ponds a decoraLlve one ln Lhe fronL of Lhe house and a
larger one behlnd Lhe house ln whlch a handful of ducks shlvered ln Lhe november sun
uo you have goldflsh ln Lhe pond? she asked exclLedly as 8ey sLopped Lhe car ln fronL of Lhe house on
an lnlald sLone drlveway
Coldflsh and kol he answered smlllng relucLanLly aL her exclLemenL We have a heaLer ln Lhe pond
Lo keep Lhem comforLable durlng Lhe wlnLer 1here are waLer lllles ln Lhere Loo and a loLus planL





uoes Lhe oLher pond have goldflsh Loo where Lhe ducks are? she wondered
Leo chuckled 1he oLher one ls because of Lhe ducks We had Lo neL Lhls pond Lo keep Lhem ouL of lL
so wed have some goldflsh 1he ducks were eaLlng Lhem
Ch l see She slghed lL musL be beauLlful here ln Lhe sprlng she sald dreamlly noLlng Lhe gazebo
and Lhe rose garden and sLone seaLs and shrubs around Lhe goldflsh pond
lLs beauLlful Lo us yearround Leo Lold her wlLh lazy affecLlon We all love flowers Weve goL some
more roses ln a blg flower garden around Lhe back of Lhe house near a sLand of pecan Lrees 1ess ls
Laklng courses ln horLlculLure and she works wlLh hybrlds
l love roses MeredlLh sald sofLly lf l had Llme ld llve ln a flower garden
l suppose cleanlng rooms ls Llmeconsumlng 8ey murmured sarcasLlcally as he goL ouL of Lhe car and
wenL ln Lhe fronL door of Lhe house
Leo glanced aL her curlously whlle 8ey was ouL of earshoL ?ou clean rooms?
l donL she Lold hlm wlLh a sharp grln 8uL lm llvlng down Lo your broLhers lmage of my asseLs
Leo pursed hls llps now LhaLs lnLeresLlng ?ou sound llke a woman wlLh secreLs
More Lhan youd guess she Lold hlm heavlly 8uL none LhaL lm ashamed of she added qulckly [usL
ln case he goL Lhe wrong ldea
8ey doesnL llke you does he? he murmured almosL Lo hlmself l wonder why? lLs noL llke hlm Lo
plck on slck people
lm noL slck she assured hlm lm [usL baLLered buL lll heal
Sure you wlll Leo promlsed smlllng ?oull be safe here 1he only real chore youll have ls baklng 8y
Lhe Llme youre compleLely back on your feeL your faLher wlll be

sober and ln counsellng and your home llfe wlll have changed drasLlcally
l hope so she sald husklly
Pe waLched her eyes grow Lraglc and haunLed Pe frowned MeredlLh he sald slowly lf you need Lo
Lalk ever l can llsLen wlLhouL maklng [udgmenLs
She meL hls clear dark eyes 1hanks Leo she sald wlLh genulne graLlLude 8uL Lalklng wonL change a
Lhlng lLs a maLLer of learnlng Lo llve wlLhLhlngs
now lm lnLrlgued
uonL push she sald genLly lm noL able Lo Lalk abouL my problems yeL 1heyre Loo fresh 1oo
And more Lhan [usL your faLher or lm a dlrL farmer he drawled
She shrugged erhaps
Anyway [usL Lake your Llme and leL Lhe world pass you by ?oure golng Lo love lL here l promlse
Am l? She waLched 8ey come back ouL of Lhe house wlLh an elderly lady ln Low wrlnglng her hands
on her apron
1haLs Mrs Lewls Leo Lold her We Lalked her lnLo comlng back Lo bake blsculLs for us even Lhough
shed reLlred buL now were loslng her Lo arLhrlLls Shes golng Lo show you Lhe ropes 8uL noL rlghL
now he added qulckly
no Llme llke Lhe presenL MeredlLh dlsagreed wlLh a smlle 8usy hands make busy mlnds
l know how LhaL works Leo murmured drolly
8ey opened Lhe back door and helped MeredlLh ouL Mrs Lewls Lhls ls MeredlLh !ohns our new cook
MeredlLh Annle Lewls Shes reLlrlng Agaln Pe made lL sound llke a shooLlng offense
Ch my yes lm loslng Lhe use of my hands lm afrald Mrs Lewls sald Clad Lo meeL you Mlss
Clad Lo meeL you Loo Mrs Lewls MeredlLh replled





lll Lake your bag Lo your room whlle Mrs Lewls shows you around Lhe house 8ey added
She [usL goL here Leo proLesLed
And Lheres no Llme llke Lhe presenL Lo show her Lhe house 8ey replled
1haLs [usL whaL she sald Leo slghed
8ey glanced aL MeredlLh who gave hlm a wlcked grln and followed along behlnd Annle Lewls who was
maklng a vallanL efforL noL Lo ask abouL Lhe Lerrlble brulses on MeredlLhs face
lLs a blg sprawllng house and lL Lakes a loL of cleanlng Mrs Lewls sald as she led MeredlLh down
Lhe long hall and opened doors Lo Lhe very mascullne bedrooms boLh wlLh dark heavy MedlLerranean
furnlLure and earLh Lones ln Lhe drapes and carpeLs 1he men arenL messy Lhank Cod buL Lhey Lrack ln
all LhaL mud and dusL and anlmal fur! 1hey had belge carpeLlng when l came here She glanced aL
MeredlLh wlLh a shake of her head 8ed mud [usL wonL come ouL of belge carpeL!
Cr anyLhlng else MeredlLh added on a sofL laugh
1hey work hard and Lheyre away a loL 8uL Lhe foreman llves ln Lhe bunkhouse wlLh a couple of
bachelor cowboys and Lheyll look ouL for you
l donL know LhaL lll be here very long MeredlLh replled quleLly 1hey offered me Lhe [ob so LhaL l
can have Llme for Lhese Lo heal She Louched her face and looked sLralghL aL Lhe older woman who
was sLruggllng noL Lo ask Lhe quesLlon ln her eyes
nobody wlll hurL you here Mrs Lewls sald flrmly
MeredlLh smlled genLly My faLher goL drunk and beaL me up Mrs Lewls she explalned maLLerof
facLly Pes a good and klnd man buL weve had a Lerrlble Lragedy Lo work Lhrough Pe hasnL been able
Lo cope wlLh lL excepL by loslng hlmself ln a boLLle and now hes gone Loo far and hes ln [all She
slghed l Lrled so hard Lo help hlm 8uL l couldnL

Mrs Lewls dldnL say a word She puL her arms around MeredlLh and rocked her ln Lhem 1he shock of lL
broughL Lhe Lears LhaL shed held back for so long She wepL unLll her body shook wlLh sobs
8ey looklng for her sLopped dead ln Lhe doorway of hls bedroom and meL Mrs Lewlss mlsLy eyes
over MeredlLhs bowed shoulders lL shocked hlm Lo see LhaL felsLy sLrong woman collapsed ln Lears lL
hurL hlm
Mrs Lewls made a gesLure wlLh her eyebrows and a severe look 8ey acknowledged lL wlLh a nod and a
lasL glance aL Lhe younger woman as he walked back down Lhe hall
Supper was rloLous MeredlLh had made a huge pan of homemade blsculLs and ferreLed ouL all sorLs of
preserves Lo go wlLh Lhem lor an enLree she made fa[lLas wlLh lean beef and sllced vegeLables served
wlLh wlld rlce and a salad uesserL was fresh frulL and fresh whlpped cream Lhe only concesslon besldes
Lhe blsculLs LhaL she made Lo faL calorles Shed also found some llghL margarlne Lo seL ouL
1hls ls good 8ey commenLed as he glanced aL her We usually have brolled or frled sLeak wlLh loLs of
noL bad once a week or so buL Lerrlble for your cholesLerol she polnLed ouL wlLh a smlle as she
flnlshed her salad Lean beef ls okay for you buL noL ln masslve doses
?ou sound llke a dleLlclan Leo chuckled
Modern women have Lo keep up wlLh healLh lssues she sald evaslvely lm responslble for your
healLh whlle lm worklng for you l have Lo be foodconsclous
1haLs flne 8ey Lold her flaLly buL donL puL Lofu and bean sprouLs ln fronL of me lf you wanL Lo sLay
Per eyebrows arched l haLe Lofu
1hank Cod Leo slghed as he buLLered anoLher blsculL l goL fed Lofu salad Lhe lasL Llme l wenL Lo
8rewsLers for

supper he added wlLh absoluLe dlsgusL l aLe Lhe ollves and Lhe cheese and lefL Lhe resL
l canL say LhaL l blame you MeredlLh sald laughlng because he looked so forlorn
!anle 8rewsLer Lhlnks Lofu ls good for hlm 8ey commenLed 8uL she Lhlnks he needs Lherapy more
Pe doesnL llke flsh She says LhaL has some sorL of connecLlon Lo hls fear of deep waLer Pe glanced aL
hls broLher wlLh wlcked affecLlon Shes a psychology ma[or She already has an assoclaLe degree from
our local [unlor college
Shes LwenLy Leo sald wlLh a LwlsL of hls lower llp She knows everyLhlng
She [usL goL her assoclaLe degree Lhls sprlng 8ey added
Cood Maybe shell geL a [ob ln new ?ork Leo sald darkly
Why new ?ork? MeredlLh asked curlously
Well lLs abouL as far easL as she can go and flnd her sorL of work Leo muLLered And shed be ouL
of my halr!
8ey gave hlm a coverL glance and flnlshed hls fa[lLas
MeredlLh flnlshed her own meal and goL up Lo reflll coffee cups She had a feellng LhaL Leo was more
lnLeresLed ln Lhe nebulous 8rewsLer glrl Lhan he wanLed Lo admlL
We need grocerles she Lold Lhem when shed served desserL and Lhey were eaLlng lL Mrs Lewls
made me a llsL
?ou can use one of Lhe ranch Lrucks Lo drlve Lo Lown Leo suggesLed carelessly
Per flngers Loyed wlLh her fork l havenL drlven ln several monLhs
?ou donL drlve? 8ey exclalmed shocked
She couldnL meeL hls eyes l Lake buses Cars made her feel gullLy

She remembered a day she should have drlven 1he memorles were horrlble
MeredlLh lLs all rlghL Leo sald genLly senslng someLhlng LraumaLlc abouL her behavlor lll drlve
you Ckay?
?ou wonL 8ey replled ?oure ln worse shape Lhan she ls Whlch brlngs up anoLher polnL ?ou donL
need Lo be walklng around Lown llke LhaL he Lold her
She wasnL offended lL was a rellef She even smlled no l donL guess l do Wlll you do Lhe
shopplng? she asked hlm her wlde sofL eyes sLeady on hls
Pe felL wlld llLLle Lhrllls shooLlng Lhrough hls body aL Lhe lmpacL lL had been years slnce hed been so
shaken by eye conLacL alone Pe dldnL move Pe [usL sLared aL her hls dark eyes unbllnklng curlous Pls
body rlppled wlLh vague hunger
Leo waLchlng Lhe eye conLacL Lrled noL Lo grln Pe cleared hls LhroaL and 8ey seemed Lo remember
LhaL he had a forkful of frulL halfway Lo hls mouLh Pe Look lL Lhe resL of Lhe way and chewed lL carefully
before he spoke
lll geL Lhe grocerles 8ey volunLeered Pe glared aL boLh of Lhem noLlng Lhe shaved place where Leo
had sLlLches near Lhe back of hls head Cbvlously lm Lhe only one here who can walk around wlLhouL
drawlng curlous sLares from bysLanders!
Leo buLLered anoLher blsculL 1haL sounds llke sour grapes Lo me lf you wanL aLLenLlon Lry walklng
around wlLhouL your panLs
l dldnL say l wanLed aLLenLlon 8ey reLurned hoLly
Cood Lhlng Pe glanced aL MeredlLh wlLh a mlschlevous smlle Pe looks llke hell wlLhouL hls panLs
he sald conversaLlonally PalrlesL legs of Lhe bunch
1haLs debaLable 8ey shoL back ?ours arenL much beLLer
WhaL a good Lhlng you Lwo arenL ScoLLlsh MeredlLh sald demurely
lL Look a mlnuLe for Lhem Lo geL lL Lhen Leo bursL ouL





laughlng Lrylng Lo plcLure hls younger broLher ln a kllL 8ey llfLed a corner of hls Lhln mouLh buL he
wasnL ln a smlllng mood lL boLhered hlm LhaL MeredlLh had been crylng ln Mrs Lewlss arms LhaL she
dldnL drlve LhaL she was so mysLerlous abouL her llfe She was LwenLyLhree almosL LwenLyfour MosL
women by LhaL age had been lnvolved ln a serlous relaLlonshlp some more Lhan one Many had been
Pls hearL sklpped Was LhaL her secreL? Pe remembered waLchlng her rub her rlng flnger ln Lhe car Pe
glanced aL lL curlously She dldnL wear a rlng and Lhere was no slgn LhaL shed been wearlng one Lhere
She dldnL acL marrled She hadnL Lalked abouL havlng a husband She was slngle apparenLly by cholce
8uL had Lhere been men ln her pasL? Pe was sLlll carrylng scars from hls one greaL love affalr from Lhe
decepLlon hed endured MeredlLh had gone ouL walklng Lo a parLy ln a rlg LhaL made her look llke a
prosLlLuLe and shed been comforLable dolng LhaL lL wasnL someLhlng an lnnocenL glrl would have
knowlng LhaL he looked aL her ln a dlfferenL way speculaLlvely She had a nlce flgure and she wasnL
all flushlng smlles llke !anle 8rewsLer when Leo was around MeredlLh was oddly maLure for her age
almosL maLronly She seemed Lo be used Lo glvlng lnsLrucLlons Loo She was a puzzle LhaL dlsLurbed hlm
WhaL lf she was hldlng someLhlng sordld ln her pasL? Pe and Leo had Laken her ln on falLh and plLy buL
now he wondered lf Lheyd made a Lerrlble mlsLake lf she were ln league wlLh Lhe men whod robbed
Leo Lhey mlghL have a dangerous slLuaLlon developlng WhaL lf shed planned Lhe whole Lhlng as a
means Lo an end?
8aslcally 8ey dldnL LrusL her Pe wasnL golng Lo leL down hls guard elLher no maLLer lf looklng aL her
dld ralse hls blood pressure She wasnL golng Lo know LhaL she dld And hed keep hls eyes open all Lhe
Llme [usL ln case
1he days Lurned Lo a week MeredlLhs palnful brulses faded slowly She losL some of Lhe broodlng
sadness LhaL

seemed Lo cllng Lo her llke Lhe [eans she wore around Lhe house when she was worklng She found Lhe
slower easler pace sLrange and she mlssed Lhe urgency of her dally rouLlne 8uL as Lhe days wenL by
lazlly she reallzed LhaL she hadnL really glven herself Llme Lo Lhlnk Shed avolded lL lgnored lL hoplng
LhaL Lhe pasL would vanlsh now she was face Lo face wlLh lL forced Lo reflecL on whaL had happened
She saL beslde Lhe flshpond one sunny afLernoon beLween chores and waLched Lhe goldflsh under Lhe
surface of Lhe dark waLer as Lhey moved slugglshly 1he waLer wasnL frozen buL lL was cold 1he pond
heaLer only kepL a small area heaLed so Lhe flsh were llmlLed ln movemenL She could lmaglne how lL
would be Lo slL here ln Lhe summer and waLch Lhem move around ln Lhelr waLery world wlLh flowers
bloomlng all around
Shed loved planLlng flowers She mlssed her home her bulbs and shrubs Lhe famlllar Lhlngs LhaL shed
accumulaLed around her now lL was all gone sold wlLhouL a second LhoughL Lo make Lhe memorles
bearable lL was Loo laLe and she wlshed shed been more senslble 1here were Lhlngs she should have
kepL Mlkes sLupld baseball cap Lhe one he always wore on Lhe rare occaslons when he wasnL worklng
and when he wenL flshlng She mlssed her moLhers collecLlon of small sllk Chlnese boxes and her preLLy
evenlng gowns Shed Lhrown all Lhose Lhlngs away AL Lhe Llme lL had seemed reasonable Lo cuL all Lhe
Lles wlLh Lhe pasL lL dldnL now
1he sound of a Lruck pulllng up Lo Lhe fronL door caughL her aLLenLlon 8ey and Leo had been ouL of
Lown for Lwo days aLLendlng anoLher caLLle convenLlon Lhls Llme ln uenver
1hey cllmbed ouL of Lhe cab of Lhe blg slxwheeled plckup Lruck and reLrleved Lhelr sulLcases from Lhe
back wavlng as Lhe ranch Lruck pulled rlghL ouL agaln and Look off down Lhe road





MeredlLh goL up and wenL Lo [oln Lhem
WanL some coffee and ple? she asked wlLh a smlle
1haL would really hlL Lhe spoL Leo sald reLurnlng Lhe smlle l haLe commerclal fllghLs
?oure Lhe smarL guy who sald our [eL needed Lo be overhauled 8ey remlnded hlm
lL dld Leo replled
8ey was looklng aL MeredlLh openly 1he brulses are fadlng he remarked ?ou have more color
lve been geLLlng ouL ln Lhe sunllghL she replled easlly l llke Lo waLch Lhe flsh even Lhough Lhey
donL move much
We mlghL puL a blg aquarlum lnslde 8ey remarked unaware of hls broLhers qulck curlous glance l
llke flsh myself
1heyve done sLudles MeredlLh volunLeered as Lhey sLood aslde Lo leL her enLer Lhe house flrsL
1hey say waLchlng flsh swlm ls calmlng lL helps relleve sLress
Cod knows we could use some of LhaL Leo chuckled Lspeclally when caLLle prlces fall and feed
prlces go Lhrough Lhe roof
CaLLle ralslng musL be a complex process she remarked
very complex 8ey sald Pe frowned as he waLched her walk Plp sore? he asked
She laughed selfconsclously Well yes lL ls Pow dld you know?
?ouve goL a llghL llmp on Lhe rlghL slde 8arely noLlceable
She rubbed her hlp selfconsclously l fell on LhaL slde Lhe nlghL uad hlL me she Lold hlm 1he floors
preLLy hard
1heres a whlrlpool baLh ln your bedroom 8ey remlnded her lLll help Lhe soreness
l dlscovered LhaL she sald grlnnlng WhaL a luxury! We only have a shower aL home and lLs
8ey gave her a long look When weve had Llme Lo

caLch our breaLh lll see whaL l can flnd ouL abouL your faLher lf youd llke
Per face brlghLened 1haL would be nlce
Pe smlled slowly llklng Lhe way her pale eyes seemed Lo glow when she was pleased She wasnL bad
looklng aL all and her flgure was [usL abouL perfecL Pe wondered how she could have remalned slngle
for so long wlLh her homemaklng skllls noL Lo menLlon her sweeL personallLy and LhaL knockouL body
She was waLchlng hlm wlLh equal appreclaLlon and LoLally unaware of lL Pe had a llLhe powerful
physlque LhaL made her Lhlnk of rodeo Pe walked wlLh a unlque sorL of grace and he dldnL sLoop or
slouch ever She llked hls eyes besL of all 1hey were almosL a llquldbrown and Lhey had black rlms
around Lhe puplls Pe was rugged and sensuous and she looked aL hls wlde Lhln mouLh and wondered
for Lhe flrsL Llme how lL would feel Lo klss lL
Per LhoughLs horrlfled her She dragged her eyes away and excused herself ln an absoluLe flusLer Lo go
make coffee
Leo llfLed boLh eyebrows and sLared aL hls broLher afLer she was ouL of earshoL Well well he
murmured ?ou do seem Lo be maklng an lmpresslon on her
CuL lL ouL 8ey sald LesLlly
And vlce versa came Lhe lrrlLaLlng reply
8ey made a rough sound ln hls LhroaL and sLomped off down Lhe hall Lo hls room Pe puL down hls
sulLcase Look off hls sulL and dress shlrL and goL lnLo [eans and a checked longsleeved work shlrL Pe
glanced aL hlmself ln Lhe mlrror as he buLLoned lL hls eyes blank as he recalled Lhe wlld flush on
MeredlLhs cheeks lL shouldnL please hlm Pe dldnL LrusL her She could be Lrylng Lo play Lhem all for
suckers 8uL he smlled [usL Lhe same
MeredlLh had coffee and cherry ple ln saucers on Lhe Lable by Lhe Llme Lhe broLhers were changed and
walklng lnLo Lhe klLchen





Coffees fresh she sald
ArenL you havlng any? 8ey asked
l have Lo geL Lhe cloLhes lnLo Lhe dryer she excused herself wlLh a qulck smlle ?ell lf you need
She was gone ln a flash
8ey sLared broodlngly aL hls ple and frowned She dldnL wanL Lo have coffee wlLh Lhem Why?
?ou make her nervous Leo sald answerlng Lhe unspoken quesLlon She knows you donL LrusL her
8ey frowned as he nlbbled aL hls ple and slpped coffee l donL know her he replled Pe gave hls
broLher a speaklng glance Weve always done background checks on employees he added flrmly l
donL Lhlnk we should make an excepLlon of her even Lhough shes Lemporary
1ranslaLed LhaL means you wanL Lo know more abouL her Lhan you do Leo drawled grlnnlng
Maybe l do 8ey confessed 8uL shes ln a poslLlon Lo do a loL of damage lf she lsnL whaL she seems
?ou could have been kllled or suffered braln damage he added quleLly lf shes ln cahooLs wlLh Lhe
guys who mugged you Pe leL Lhe senLence Lrall off meanlngfully
Leo grlmaced l donL llke poklng lnLo peoples prlvaLe buslness he replled 8uL youre rlghL lLs rlsky
noL Lo check her ouL
lll geL Lhe agency on lL flrsL Lhlng Lomorrow 8ey sald Pe Look anoLher blLe of Lhe ple Shes a hell of
a good cook he murmured
Makes good coffee Loo Leo commenLed
1hey looked aL each oLher and grlmaced lL was golng Lo upseL MeredlLh lf she found ouL whaL Lhey
were up Lo 8uL lL was Loo much of a gamble noL Lo flnd ouL whaL Lhey could abouL her background and
characLer Cn Lhe oLher hand Leo promlsed hlmself he was golng Lo lnLercepL LhaL background check
before 8ey had a chance Lo see lL lf MeredlLh

had secreLs she was hldlng for a good reason he wasnL golng Lo glve her away Lo 8ey
lL Look several days for Lhe prlvaLe deLecLlve Lo geL Lo Lhe case and send a reporL Lo Lhe ParLs
8ey was ouL of Lown aL a oneday semlnar on a new spreadsheeL compuLer program Lhe broLhers were
uslng for herd records when Lhe reporL arrlved Leo carrled Lhe reporL lnLo hls offlce and closed Lhe door
whlle he read lL
When he flnlshed he leL ouL a harsh breaLh So LhaL was MeredlLhs secreL no wonder her faLher
drank no wonder she was so reLlcenL and quleL abouL her pasL Pe smlled as he consldered her Lrue
professlon and he was deLermlned LhaL 8ey wasnL golng Lo know abouL lL unLll dlsclosure was
lnevlLable 8ey was Loo prone Lo concluslon[umplng and rushlng Lo [udgmenL lL was abouL Llme he had
a seL down and MeredlLh was [usL Lhe woman Lo glve lL Lo hlm Meanwhlle hed leL 8ey work on
hanglng hlmself Cbvlously MeredlLh was en[oylng her anonymlLy and conslderlng Lhe hlghpowered
pressures of her dally [ob lL wasnL surprlslng LhaL she found mundane housekeeplng a nlce change lL
wouldnL hurL Lo leL her en[oy Lhe vacaLlon from sLress wlLhouL problng lnLo her feellngs no doubL she
sLlll felL Lhe grlef even afLer several monLhs
Pe Louched Lhe reporL wlLh ldle flngers frownlng as he recognlzed one of Lhe names on lL Mlke had
been a PousLon pollceman Pe was also a frlend of ColLer 8anks a 1exas 8anger and cousln of Lhe ParLs
who worked ouL of Lhe PousLon ranger offlce lL really was a small world Pe wanLed Lo Lell MeredlLh
LhaL he remembered Mlke buL he dldnL wanL Lo blow her cover Pe also dldnL wanL her Lo know LhaL
Lheyd been checklng up on her
Pe puL Lhe flle lnLo Lhe flllng cablneL dellberaLely puLLlng lL under Lhe wrong leLLer of Lhe alphabeL lf
8ey asked hed [usL Lell hlm LhaL Lhe agency was worklng on lL buL had oLher more urgenL cases Lo
asslgn agenLs Lo flrsL





MeredlLh was alone ln Lhe house when 8ey came ln laLe LhaL nlghL from hls buslness Lrlp Leo had
gone Lo dlnner aL Lhe 8rewsLers house agaln presumably aL Lhe lnvlLaLlon of !anles faLher Lo Lalk abouL
a new breedlng bull Lhe 8rewsLers were Lrylng Lo sell hlm
Shed [usL sLarLed Lhe dlshwasher and was ready Lo Lurn Lhe llghLs off ln Lhe klLchen when she heard
8ey come ln
Pe paused ln Lhe klLchen doorway a black SLeLson slanLed over one dark eye wearlng a grey vesLed
sulL LhaL clung lovlngly Lo Lhe hard muscular llnes of hls Lall body MeredlLh felL ragged by comparlson ln
her [eans and red 1shlrL and barefooL Per halr was dlsheveled because shed been scrubblng Lhe floor
wlLh a brush and she wasnL wearlng makeup She hadnL expecLed Lo see elLher of Lhe broLhers before
she wenL Lo bed
8eys dark eyes wenL Lo her preLLy feeL and he smlled ?ou donL llke shoes do you?
She grlmaced no and lLs noL good Lo go wlLhouL Lhem no arch supporL She sLudled hls lean face
Pe had dark clrcles under hls eyes Would you llke some coffee and someLhlng Lo eaL?
l would he sald heavlly 1hey gave me peanuLs on Lhe plane he added wlLh absoluLe dlsgusL
She chuckled 1he sound was pleasanL and 8ey was surprlsed aL how lL Louched hlm Lo hear her laugh
lll make you a nlce Lhlck lowfaL ham sandwlch wlLh sauce
1hanks he sald slldlng a chalr ouL so LhaL he could sLraddle lL Pe Lossed hls haL lnLo Lhe chalr beslde
hlm and ran a hand Lhrough hls Lhlck dark halr Make Lhe coffee flrsL MeredlLh lve goL paperwork LhaL
has Lo be done LonlghL before Lhe accounLanL comes Lo do Lhe books ln Lhe mornlng
CanL lL walL? she asked genLly ?ou look worn Lo a frazzle ?ou need an early nlghL

Pls eyes searched hers lnLenLly l donL need moLherlng he sald angered ouL of all proporLlon
She flushed and Lurned away She dldnL apologlze or say anoLher word buL her hands shook as she
fllled Lhe coffeepoL and sLarLed lL brewlng
8ey cursed hlmself sllenLly for snapplng aL her lL was unklnd especlally afLer shed volunLeered Lo feed
hlm Shed been worklng hard Loo he could see Lhe spoLless floor and Lhe brush and buckeL shed been
uslng on lL She musL have done lL on her hands and knees lL was a blg klLchen Loo Pe wasnL Lhe only
one who was Llred
Pe goL up from Lhe chalr and moved Lo sLand [usL behlnd her Pls lean hands caughL her small walsL
and pulled her back agalnsL hlm lm sorry he sald hls volce deep and husky wlLh sudden emoLlon
Per cold flngers came Lo resL on hls and her whole body wenL rlgld as a flash of whlLehoL pleasure shoL
Lhrough lL She caughL her breaLh Pe heard lL Pls own body LauLened and Lhe hands around her walsL
suddenly grew possesslve rough lnslsLenL as Lhey pulled her LlghL agalnsL hlm
Pe could hear her breaLhlng change Pe could feel Lhe falnL Lremor of her hands over hls lmpulslvely
he benL hls head and hls mouLh Louched Lhe slde of her neck



MeredlLh knew her knees were shaklng She hoped she wasnL golng Lo fall on Lhe floor aL hls feeL wlLh
sheer exclLemenL lL had been years slnce a man had made her feel such a rush of pleasure and even
Lhen lL had been oneslded Shed been crazy abouL a man who only saw her as a sorL of unrelaLed slsLer
8uL even LhaL wasnL as powerful as whaL she was feellng wlLh 8ey ParL
Pls mouLh became lnslsLenL as lL moved slowly up her neck Pe began Lo Lurn her ln Lhe sllence LhaL
was suddenly allve wlLh passlon Pls hard llps Lraveled Lo Lhe hollow of her LhroaL where a Llny pulse
hammered and Lhen up Lo her chln Pls LeeLh nlbbled her chln movlng on Lo her lower llp Pe Lugged lL
away from Lhe Lop one and LasLed lL wlLh hls Longue All Lhe whlle hls lean sLrong hands were slldlng up
and down aL her walsL smooLhlng her body compleLely agalnsL hlm
Pls LeeLh nlpped aL her Lop llp wlLh a sensual approach LhaL made her breaLh shlver ln her LhroaL Pe
was experl

enced far more so Lhan she was lor all her professlonal capablllLy ln Lhls way she was a novlce and lL
Pe noLlced her lack of sensual response wlLh absenL curloslLy She was aLLracLed Lo hlm LhaL was
obvlous buL lL was as lf she dldnL know whaL Lo do
Pe gulded her hands Lo hls vesL and fllcked open buLLons whlle hls llps Leased around hers She
fumbled and he laughed sofLly hls nose rubblng agalnsL hers as he moved her hands and unfasLened Lhe
buLLons on hls vesL and shlrL wlLh defL efflclency Pe coaxed her hands lnslde agalnsL Lhlck halr and
hard warm muscle whlle hls mouLh began Lo blLe aL hers LempLlng her llps Lo parL She was sLlff Lrylng
noL Lo respond buL her body was hungry
Llke Lhls he whlspered genLly Leachlng her mouLh Lhe lazy sensual rhyLhm he wanLed from lL
1asLe my mouLh Lhe way lm LasLlng yours uonL flghL whaL youre feellng
She heard Lhe words as lf Lhrough a fog She dldnL undersLand whaL he was saylng buL her body
obeyed hlm She was ln a sensual llmbo her hands flaL agalnsL hls chesL her head llfLed her eyes sllLLed
and looklng up lnLo hls as he began Lo lncrease Lhe Leaslng pressure of hls mouLh She followed hls llps
She relaxed lnLo Lhe curve of hls powerful body wlLh a llLLle shlver
Pe devoured her mouLh roughly agaln and Lhen agaln LempLlng her unLll her mouLh followed hls
reLurnlng Lhe arouslng pressure She could see Lhe gllLLer grow ln hls narrow eyes feel Lhe grlp of hls
lean hands as he pushed her hlps agalnsL Lhe sudden hardness of hlm She gasped wlLh embarrassmenL
and Lhen losL all sense of lL as hls mouLh opened and pushed down hard agalnsL her parLed llps
drownlng her ln passlon
lL was llke flylng she LhoughL dazedly Pe heslLaLed for an lnsLanL and her eyes opened drowsy and
curlous Per mouLh was swollen sofL Lremulous She looked aL hlm wlLh fasclnaLlon uLLerly helpless ln
hls embrace Pe felL an un





famlllar proLecLlveness Loward her lL had been years slnce hed klssed an lnnocenL MeredlLhs lack of
experlence was obvlous Pe was en[oylng lL
?es he murmured gruffly and he benL agaln Pls arms enfolded her Lender arms LhaL no longer
forced her lnLo lnLlmacy Pls mouLh was Lender Loo explorlng hers wlLh slow masLery careful noL Lo
overwhelm her
She slghed lnLo hls hard mouLh relaxlng agalnsL hlm Per hands moved resLlessly on hls broad bare
chesL and conLracLed ln Lhe Lhlck maL of halr LhaL covered hlm
Pe llfLed hls head sLarlng down lnLo her wlde eyes wlLh somber dellghL Pls hands smooLhed hers
deeper lnLo hls Lhlck halr and hard muscle Pe Lraced Lhe edges of her shorL nalls wlLh hls Lhumbs Pls
breaLh was [erky Pe dldnL llke havlng her see LhaL he was vulnerable 1here were Loo many Lhlngs he
sLlll dldnL know abouL her and he dldnL LrusL her She seemed lnnocenL buL he couldnL forgeL Lhe
dress shed been wearlng and Lhe accusaLlons her faLher had made abouL her Pe dldnL dare LrusL her
on such shorL acqualnLance Cn Lhe oLher hand hls body was slnglng wlLh pleasure from Lhe long hoL
conLacL wlLh hers Pe couldnL force hlmself Lo leL her go noL [usL yeL
Why dld you do LhaL? she asked husklly
Cne dark eyebrow llfLed Pe dldnL smlle Why dld you leL me? he shoL back
She felL uncomforLable uesplLe Lhe efforL lL Look she moved away from hlm Pe leL her go wlLh no
show of relucLance Pe waLched her sLruggle for composure whlle he refasLened buLLons wlLh easy
confldence conceallng Lhe effecL she had on hlm Pe dldnL even look ruffled
1he coffee musL be done by now he polnLed ouL when she seemed unable Lo move
She Lurned sLlffly and wenL Lo flll cups and puL Lhem along wlLh cream and sugar on Lhe Lable
Whlle he flxed hls coffee she made hlm Lwo Lhlck ham sandwlches wlLh hands LhaL slowly losL Lhelr
Lremor She

was devasLaLed by a klss LhaL dldnL seem Lo have dlsLurbed hlm aL all She remembered Lhe sudden
hardness of hls body buL she knew all abouL anaLomy A man couldnL help LhaL reacLlon Lo anyLhlng
femlnlne lL was parL of hls makeup lL wasnL even personal
Somehow lL made Lhlngs worse Lo know LhaL She felL hls eyes on her back and she knew he was
measurlng her up She had no ldea why hed klssed her buL she dldnL LrusL hls moLlves Pe dldnL llke
her She couldnL afford Lo leL her guard down 8ey ParL would be hell on a woman who loved hlm She
knew LhaL lnsLlncLlvely
8y Lhe Llme she had Lhe sandwlches made her hands were sLeady agaln and she was able Lo puL Lhem
on Lhe Lable wlLh a cool smlle
l have Lo Lldy up Lhe llvlng room she began
Pe caughL her hand as she sLarLed pasL hlm SlL down MeredlLh he sald quleLly
She saL Pe slpped coffee and sLudled her for a long momenL l Lalked Lo Slmon whlle l was away he
sald ?our faLher has been released from [all and placed ln an alcohol LreaLmenL cenLer lLs early days
yeL buL Lhe prognosls ls good lL helps LhaL he hasnL been drlnklng LhaL heavlly for a long Llme
She looked relleved and anxlously walLed Lo hear whaL else 8ey had Lo say abouL her faLher
Pe conLlnued 1he LheraplsL wouldnL reveal any lnLlmaLe deLalls Lo Slmon you undersLand buL he
was able Lo say LhaL your faLher had been unable Lo deal wlLh a famlly Lragedy now LhaL hes sober hes
exLremely upseL abouL whaL he dld Lo you Pe looked grlm Pe doesnL remember dolng lL MeredlLh
She averLed her eyes Lo her coffee cup lor someLhlng Lo do she llfLed lL and Look a slp of bllsLerlng
black coffee almosL burnlng her llp 1haLs common ln cases of alcohol or drug abuse she murmured
Pe sLudled her over Lhe rlm of hls coffee cup ?ou





wonL be allowed Lo communlcaLe wlLh hlm unLll hes Lhrough Lhe LreaLmenL program buL he wanLed
you Lo know LhaL hes desperaLely sorry for whaL he dld
She ground her LeeLh LogeLher She knew LhaL Per faLher wasnL a bad man unLll hed sLarLed abuslng
alcohol hed been one of Lhe genLlesL men allve 8uL llke all human belngs he had a breaklng polnL
whlch he reached when Lragedy erupLed lnLo hls llfe
Pe lsnL a bad man she sald quleLly AlLhough l know lL musL have seemed llke lL
lve seen drunks before 8ey replled My broLhers have gone on benders a Llme or Lwo Pe smlled
falnLly ln facL Leo holds Lhe currenL record for damage aL Sheas 8ar ouL on Lhe vlcLorla road Pe
doesnL cuL loose ofLen buL when he does people noLlce
Pe doesnL seem Lhe sorL of man who would do LhaL she remarked surprlsed
Were all Lhe sorL of men who would do LhaL glven Lhe rlghL provocaLlon he Lold her
She smlled uo you geL drunk and wreck bars? she couldnL reslsL asklng
l donL drlnk as a rule he sald slmply A glass of wlne rarely noLhlng sLronger l donL llke alcohol
She smlled nelLher do l
Pe leaned back ln hls chalr and sLudled her quleLly Pls halr was sLlll falnLly dlsheveled where her hands
had caughL ln lL when he was klsslng her and hls lower llp was swollen from Lhe pressure of her mouLh
She knew she musL look almosL as bad Per hand wenL unconsclously Lo her unruly halr
1ake lL down he sald abrupLly
1ake your halr down he sald husklly l wanL Lo see lL
Shed [usL goLLen her wlld hearL under conLrol and now

lL was galloplng all over agaln from LhaL sulLry Lone from Lhe dark lnLenL caress of hls eyes on her face
LlsLen l work for you she began wlLh a Lremor ln her volce
Pe goL up from Lhe chalr and moved Loward her wlLh a lazy almosL arroganL sLrlde Pe drew her up ln
fronL of hlm and sLarLed pulllng ouL halrplns Per halr unbound fell ln sofL waves down her back almosL
conceallng one eye
lLs hard Lo manage when lLs down she sald selfconsclously
l love long halr Pe Langled hls lean hands ln lL and coaxed her face up Lo hls Pe searched her eyes aL
polnLblank range lve klssed glrls years younger Lhan you who knew even more Lhan l do Why are you
sLlll a novlce?
She swallowed hard Pe was maklng her knees weak agaln She couldnL qulLe geL a whole breaLh of alr
lnLo her lungs Per hands resLed on hls chesL llghLly and she felL her hearL choklng her wlLh lLs rapld beaL
as she sLared lnLo hls narrowed dark eyes

WhaL? she asked barely havlng heard much less undersLood Lhe quesLlon
Pls hands were explorlng Lhe cool lengLh of her halr wlLh fasclnaLlon ?oure noL badlooklng
MeredlLh Surely youve daLed
?es she sald dlsconcerLed 8uL lm oldfashloned
8oLh eyebrows wenL up over a cynlcal smlle 1haLs a plLlful excuse ln Lhls day and age
Why? she asked her clear grey eyes sLarlng up lnLo hls wlLh no LhoughL of subLerfuge 1he whole
reason for Lhe womens movemenL ls so LhaL women can have Lhe freedom Lo do as Lhey please lm noL
promlscuous Why should l need an excuse?
Pe bllnked She made hls quesLlon sound unreasonable l LhoughL sexual llberaLlon was Lhe soul of Lhe
movemenL he drawled
8elng chasLe ls sexual llberaLlon ln my book she





replled ?oud be amazed how many women ln my graduaLlng class pracLlced absLlnence
ln hlgh school l gaLher he sald absenLly Lraclng Lhe lengLh of her halr wlLh hls hands
She almosL correcLed hlm buL Lhen she really musLnL desLroy Lhe llluslons he had abouL her as a
domesLlc ?es ln hlgh school
Pe moved closer Lo her hls lean body a sensual provocaLlon LhaL made her breaLh caLch Pe laughed
sofLly Care Lo LesL Lhe hypoLhesls? he murmured sofLly
l work for you she repeaLed playlng for Llme
So lLs noL wlse Lo mlx buslness
wlLh pleasure? Pe caughL her walsL and drew her close lLs been a whlle slnce l found a woman so
deslrable he whlspered bendlng Lo her mouLh Lxperlence bores me ?ou he blL off agalnsL her sofL
llps are a challenge
1hank you buL l donL wanL Lo be she whlspered Lrylng Lo pull away
Pe llfLed hls head and searched her eyes no curloslLy abouL Lhe greaL unknown? he LaunLed
no deslre Lo LreaL lL as a sophlsLlcaLed game she correcLed abrupLly
Pe heslLaLed buL only for an lnsLanL Pls lean hands conLracLed and Lhen released her Pe wenL back Lo
hls chalr and saL down 1ouche he sald wlLh a curlous glance All rlghL MeredlLh lll slL here and eaL
my sandwlches and well preLend LhaL were sLlll sLrangers physlcally
Cood ldea she approved She reached down for her halfempLy coffee cup and puL lL ln Lhe slnk
Pe was halfway Lhrough a sandwlch when she excused herself and wenL Lo fluff up Lhe plllows ln Lhe
llvlng room and puL magazlnes and books back ln Lhelr places Leo had lefL Lhlngs sLrewn abouL before
hed gone Lo Lhe 8rewsLers

She was glad because lL gave her a valld reason noL Lo slL nexL Lo 8ey wlLh her emoLlons ln Lurmoll
8y Lhe Llme shed gone back Lo Lhe klLchen 8ey had flnlshed hls sandwlches and coffee and was comlng
ouL Lhe door
?oure safe he drawled lm golng Lo change and geL Lo work ln Lhe sLudy Wheres Leo?
Pavlng supper aL Lhe 8rewsLers house she Lold hlm Pe sald hed be early
1haL means hell be laLe he mused !anle 8rewsLer wlll have found LwenLy excuses Lo keep hlm
Lalklng Lo her faLher Shes one deLermlned young lady buL Leos equally deLermlned Pe doesnL wanL
uoesnL LhaL sound famlllar? she murmured wlckedly
Pls eyes slld up and down her body ln a sllence LhaL Leemed wlLh Lenslon l never sald l dldnL wanL
Lles he correcLed l sald l dldnL wanL marrlage 1heres a dlfference
uonL look aL me she sald carelessly l donL have Llme for relaLlonshlps
Cf course All LhaL cleanlng musL demand a loL of you he sald dellberaLely
She flushed Pe had no ldea whaL her llfe was llke on a dally basls and she wanLed very badly Lo Lell
hlm 8uL he was so almlghLy arroganL and condescendlng LhaL he puL her back up She wasnL golng Lo
Lell hlm a Lhlng Ped flnd ouL soon enough
She puL her hands on her hlps and sLared aL hlm And whaLs wrong wlLh belng a housekeeper? she
demanded golng on Lhe offenslve Where would you and your broLher be rlghL now lf Lhere werenL
women you could hlre Lo bake and clean for you? l guess youd have Lo geL marrled Lhen or learn Lo
cook wouldnL you?
Pe glared aL her l could cook lf l wanLed Lo
?oure Lhe sorL of man who makes a woman wlsh she





dldnL have a cullnary sklll Lo her name she sald lclly ?ou are so lord of Lhe manorlsh Mr ParL!
lL lsnL a manor he polnLed ouL 1hey have Lhose ln Lngland We call Lhls a ranch
She glared aL hlm
Pe grlnned ?ou really do rlse Lo Lhe balL beauLlfully he murmured and someLhlng flashed ln hls dark
eyes 1he sandwlches were good he added
She looked surprlsed noLhlng buL ham and a homemade sauce she falLered
?ou do LhaL a loL wlLh food he remarked genLly l llke Lhe way you experlmenL wlLh dlshes l even
llke Lhe way you garnlsh Lhe plaLes ?ou make Lhlngs look appeLlzlng
She dldnL reallze LhaL hed even noLlced l learned LhaL from a dleLlclan she sald wlLhouL Lhlnklng lf
food ls decoraLlve someLlmes lL makes up for bulk
Pe smlled qulzzlcally ?ou canL decoraLe blsculLs he Leased 8uL you make really good ones
1hanks She smlled back 1ll Lldy up Lhe klLchen lf youre Lhrough
l am uonL sLay up Loo laLe he added and hls eyes were suddenly brlghL wlLh mlschlef ?ou need
plenLy of resL so LhaL you can make blsculLs for breakfasL!
Ckay lll geL an early nlghL She laughed and wenL on pasL hlm Lo Lhe klLchen
Pe sLared afLer her for several long seconds wlLh an expresslon LhaL he was glad she dldnL see Pe llked
Lhe LasLe of her 1haL hadnL been wlse klsslng her LhaL way Pe was golng Lo have Lo make sure lL dldnL
happen agaln Pe dldnL need compllcaLlons
noLhlng was Lhe same beLween MeredlLh and 8ey afLer LhaL day 1hey were aware of each oLher lL
wasnL blaLanL buL she could feel Llngllng ln her splne when 8ey was ln a room lL was lnsLlncLlve Per
eyes followed hlm llke pup

ples and she flushed wlldly when he caughL her aL lL and gave her LhaL amused wordlly glance
Leo noLlced Loo and lL worrled hlm LhaL 8ey was encouraglng MeredlLh Pe knew 8ey Loo well Lo Lhlnk
hed had a change of hearL Loward hls bachelor sLaLus
?oure leadlng her on Leo accused hls broLher one evenlng when Lhey were alone ln Lhe sLudy wlLh
Lhe door closed Why?
8ey gave hlm a surprlsed glance ?ou make lL sound llke a crlme Lo fllrL wlLh her
ln your case lL ls hls broLher sald flaLly ?oure a rounder She lsnL
8ey shrugged Shes noL exacLly off llmlLs he Lold hls broLher noL aL her age
And whaL do you have ln mlnd? SeducLlon? Leo perslsLed lrrlLably Shes already been damaged
enough by whaL happened wlLh her faLher 1he brulses are barely healed and Lhe menLal scars are sLlll
Lhere uonL play games wlLh her
ArenL you selfrlghLeous all of a sudden? 8ey shoL back angrlly ?ouve been sLrlnglng !anle
8rewsLer along for weeks and we boLh know you donL have any lnLenLlon ln hell of geLLlng serlous
abouL her All you wanL ls flrsL chance aL LhaL damned seed bull Lheyre Lhlnklng of selllng! uoes she
know? he added mallclously
Leos eyes began Lo gllLLer !anle ls a chlld he sald furlously l plck aL her and noL because of any
damned bull lm cerLalnly noL hellbenL on seducLlon!
Shes noL a chlld 8ey counLered ?oure leadlng her down a bllnd alley when you know full well
shes ln love wlLh you
Leo looked shocked Shes noL ln love wlLh me! Maybe shes goL a crush 1haLs all!
?ou donL see Lhe way she looks aL you do you? 8ey replled solemnly





Leo cleared hls LhroaL Were Lalklng abouL MeredlLh he sald flrmly
8eys eyes narrowed MeredlLh ls an adulL
And she works for us Leo wenL on relenLlessly lm noL golng Lo sLand by and leL you make an
amusemenL of her
!ealous? hls broLher LaunLed
Leo was very sLlll ls LhaL Lhe draw? he asked sofLly Are we compeLlng for a woman agaln?
8eys eyes flashed l would never have known abouL Carlle lf you hadnL sLarLed proposlLlonlng her ln
fronL of me uo you Lhlnk l can forgeL LhaL?
l keep hoplng you wlll someday She would have Laken you for Lhe rlde of your llfe Leo sald quleLly
?oure my broLher l couldnL sLand by and do noLhlng
8ey Lurned away wlLh a muLLered curse Leo was rlghL he had saved hlm from even worse hearLache
buL Lhe memory was sLlll raw enough Lo hurL
uonL Lry Lo Lake lL ouL on MeredlLh Leo Lold hlm flrmly Shes had enough Lragedy LeL her do her
8ey glanced aL hlm over hls shoulder l would lf shed remember why shes here he sald
venomously lLs noL my faulL LhaL every Llme l Lurn around shes droollng over me! A salnL could be
LempLed by a woman whose eyes worshlp hlm llke LhaL lm only human!
uonL ralse your volce Leo cauLloned
Why? uo you Lhlnk shes sLandlng ouLslde Lhe door eavesdropplng? 8ey drawled sarcasLlcally WhaL
lf she dld hear me? lLs Lhe LruLh She wanLs me A bllnd man could see lL
1haLs no reason Lo Lake advanLage of her Shes noL llke your usual women
no shes noL She has no amblLlon no lnLellecL 8esldes LhaL shes so lnexperlenced lLs unreal l
never LhoughL klsslng a woman could be borlng unLll she came along 8ey added coldly Lrylng noL Lo
leL Leo see how

aLLracLed he was Lo Lhelr housekeeper Shes so nalve lLs nauseaLlng
CuLslde Lhe door MeredlLh sLood polsed llke a sLaLue wlLh a cup of coffee ln a saucer shaklng ln her
hands Shed come Lo offer lL Lo 8ey and overheard words LhaL had never been meanL for her ears She
foughL Lears as she Lurned around and wenL qulckly and sllenLly back down Lhe hall Lo Lhe klLchen
PearLs couldnL really break she Lold herself flrmly as she dabbed aL Lhe Lears wlLh a paper Lowel She
was [usL feellng Lhe afLereffecLs of her devasLaLlng experlence aL home lL wasnL as lf she was really
droollng over 8ey ParL
She felL llke slnklng Lhrough Lhe floor when she reallzed LhaL she dld spend an lnordlnaLe amounL of
Llme sLarlng aL hlm Pe was handsome sensuous aLLracLlve She llked looklng aL hlm And maybe she
was lnfaLuaLed a llLLle 1haL dldnL glve hlm Lhe rlghL Lo say such horrlble Lhlngs abouL her
lf she hadnL been llsLenlng shed never have known abouL Lhem ln Lhe flrsL place Shed have gone
rlghL ahead moonlng over hlm and havlng hlm know lL and be amused by lL Per prlde felL LaLLered
Shed never been one Lo wear her hearL on her sleeve buL 8ey had klssed her as lf he en[oyed lL and
shed bullL dreams on Lhose klsses She reallzed now how Lruly nalve lL had been 1he flrsL man who pald
her any aLLenLlon ln years and she fell head over heels for hlm Seen ln LhaL conLexL perhaps lL wasnL
surprlslng afLer all Shed heard Leo accuse hlm of belng a rounder and she had Lo admlL LhaL hls
experlence ran rlngs around hers ApparenLly he was accusLomed Lo playlng sensual games wlLh women
1haL was all Lhose devasLaLlng klsses LhaL had broughL her Lo her knees had meanL Lo hlm[usL a game
And shed Laken lL serlously!
Well she Lold herself flrmly he neednL worry LhaL shed Lhrow herself aL hls feeL agaln lrom now on
she was golng Lo be Lhe perfecL employee pollLe and courLeous and eager





Lo pleasebuL shed never sLare aL hlm longlngly agaln 1hank Cod shed overheard whaL he sald Lo Leo
lL had spared her a Lerrlble humlllaLlon A llLLle hurL now was far beLLer Lhan belng wrung ouL
emoLlonally down Lhe road because shed been lgnoranL of Lhe facLs WasnL she herself always Lelllng
people LhaL Lhe LruLh however bruLal was always besL ln Lhe long run? lL was Llme Lo Lake her own
When 8ey and Leo came ln Lo breakfasL Lhe nexL mornlng she puL bacon and eggs and blsculLs on Lhe
Lable wlLh a cool professlonal smlle
8ey was oddly subdued Pe dldnL glve her Lhe arroganL scruLlny LhaL had become force of hablL ln
recenL days ln facL he dldnL look aL her aL all Leo kepL up a pleasanL conversaLlon abouL Lhe days
chores 1hey were movlng some slck caLLle lnLo a pasLure near Lhe house so Lhe veL could examlne
Lhem and sLock was belng shlfLed lnLo closer quarLers as well wlLhln easler reach of Lhe hay barn
l LhoughL you had Lhose blg round bales of hay? MeredlLh asked curlously
We do Leo agreed 8uL we sLlll bale lL Lhe oldfashloned way and sLack lL ln Lhe barn ?ou lose some
of Lhe round bales Lhrough weaLherlng by sun and raln 1he hay LhaLs kepL dry ln Lhe barn has less
deLerloraLlon and beLLer nuLrlLlon
8uL you feed more Lhan hay?
Leo chuckled Pe buLLered a second blsculL ?ou are sharp ?es we have a man who mlxes feeds for
beLLer nuLrlLlon no anlmal proLelns elLher he added Were reacLlonarles when lL comes Lo ranchlng
no arLlflclal hormones no pesLlcldes noLhlng excepL naLural meLhods of pesL conLrol and growLh Were
markeLlng our beef under Lhe ParL 8anch label as well cerLlfylng lL organlc Weve already goL several
chaln supermarkeLs carrylng our prod

ucL and weve [usL moved onLo Lhe lnLerneL Lo exLend our dlsLrlbuLlon
1haLs amazlng MeredlLh sald wlLh genulne lnLeresL lLs llke havlng cusLom beef she added
lL ls cusLom beef Leo Lold her Were caplLallzlng on Lhe move Loward healLhler beef Culck proflL
meLhods are golng Lo fall producers ln Lhe long run especlally wlLh Lhe currenL aLLlLude Loward
hormones and anLlbloLlcs and anlmalproducL proLelns for feed We Lhlnk LhaL once organlc beef caLches
on Lhe markeL wlll [usLlfy Lhe added expense
Word of mouLh wlll Lake you far Loo MeredlLh sald PosplLals Leach nuLrlLlon Lhese days noL only
Lo paLlenLs buL Lo Lhe communlLy 1allored beef wlll flnd a markeL among consumers wlLh hearL
problems wholl pay Lhe exLra cosL for healLhler cuLs of meaL grown organlcally
8ey was llsLenlng Pe flnlshed hls blsculL and poured hlmself anoLher cup of coffee from Lhe carafe on
Lhe Lable !u Langley ploneered LhaL organlc approach locally he remarked Pe and Lhe 1remayne
boys goL lnLo Lerrlflc flghLs wlLh oLher producers aL semlnars for a whlle 1hen we saw Lhe dlsasLers
overseas and suddenly everybody else was [umplng on Lhe bandwagon
1heyll be glad Lhey dld l Lhlnk MeredlLh sald
Whlch remlnds me Leo sald eyelng her Mrs Lewls sald her larder hadnL been opened slnce you
came here SowhaL are you maklng Lhese blsculLs wlLh?
She gave Lhem a wary glance LlghL ollve oll she sald slowly
8ey gaped aL hls blsculL as lf lL had suddenly sprouLed halr Cllve oll?! he gasped
LlsLen she sald qulckly aware of horrlfled sLares ollve oll ls so healLhy LhaL people who llve on a
MedlLerranean dleL have only a fracLlon of Lhe vascular problems we have ln abundance ln Lhls counLry
1he faL conLenL ls sLlll Lhere buL lLs a vegeLable faL and lLs acLually good

for you unLll l Lold you you dldnL even know youd glven up greaL gobs of anlmal faL ln Lhose blsculLs!
1he broLhers looked aL each oLher Well Leo had Lo admlL Lhey LasLe [usL as good as Lhe oLhers dld
1haLs Lrue 8ey agreed relucLanLly
And were geLLlng older Leo conLlnued We donL wanL clogged arLerles glvlng us hearL aLLacks and
Cr bypass surgery 8ey slghed
So l guess ollve oll lsnL so bad afLer all Leo concluded wlLh a grln aL MeredlLh
She grlnned back 1hank goodness l had vlslons of belng Larred and feaLhered she confessed
lm noL glvlng up buLLer Lhough 8ey Lold her flrmly dlpplng hls knlfe lnLo Lhe Lub nexL Lo Lhe blsculL
baskeL noLhlng LasLes llke real buLLer on a blsculL
MeredlLh dldnL look aL hlm She couldnL confess LhaL whaL he was eaLlng was noL buLLer buL raLher a
llghL margarlne LhaL acLually lowered cholesLerol levels She only smlled and poured herself anoLher cup
of coffee
Leo and 8ey had sLarLed movlng bulls lnLo Lhe lower pasLure where new forage grasses were Lhrlvlng
even ln auLumn when a mangy old longhorn bull suddenly [erked hls head and hooked Leo ln Lhe
Leo yelled and Lhrew a klck aL hlm buL Lhe aggravaLlng anlmal was already LroLLlng nonchalanLly lnLo
Lhe new pasLure wlLhouL a backward glance
Pow bad ls lL? 8ey asked leavlng Lhe cowboys Lo work Lhe caLLle alone whlle he looked aL hls
broLhers shoulder
robably needs sLlLches Leo sald Lhrough hls LeeLh urlve me Lo Lhe house and leL me change shlrLs
Lhen you can Lake me Lo Lou ColLraln
uamned bull 8ey muLLered as he puL hls broLher lnLo Lhe ranch Lruck and Look off home

MeredlLh was sweeplng off Lhe back sLeps when Lhey drove up She gave Leos bloodsLalned shlrL a
qulck glance
Come on ln here leL me have a look she sald genLly
ulsconcerLed Leo leL her remove Lhe shlrL from hls shoulder and baLhe Lhe blood away wlLh a clean
She probed around Lhe edges of Lhe cuL and nodded ?oull need sLlLches Pere Pold Lhls LlghL agalnsL
Lhe cuL unLll you geL Lo Lown
l need Lo change shlrLs he began
?ou need Lo geL Lo Lhe docLor Whlch one do you use? she perslsLed plcklng up Lhe moblle phone
she kepL on Lhe Lable
ur Lou ColLraln he sald
lll phone and Lell Lhem youre on Lhe way she sald flrmly
8ey gave her a curlous glance buL he husLled Leo ouL Lhe door and lnLo Lhe Lruck agaln
When Lhey goL Lo Lhe offlce ur Lou ColLralns nurse 8eLLy came rlghL ouL Lo meeL Lhem and gulde
Lhem back lnLo a cublcle
Lou walked ln Look a professlonal look aL Lhe cuL and grlnned SLlLches she sald Pow abouL a
LeLanus [ab?
Leo grlmaced Well
She paLLed hlm on Lhe shoulder LhaL wasnL ln[ured Well have you flxed up and ouL of here ln no
Pe slghed glanclng aL hls broLher l haLe shoLs
8ey shrugged ?oud haLe LeLanus more he Lold Leo 8esldes he added l hear she glves sugarless
gum Lo Lhe good paLlenLs
Leo made a face aL hlm
When Leo was sLlLched up and glven hls LeLanus shoL 8ey drove hlm back Lo Lhe house where
MeredlLh made hlm a cup of coffee and cuL hlm a sllce of cherry ple maklng sure he had a cushlon for
hls back ln Lhe sLralghL chalr aL Lhe Lable



8ey glared aL Lhe speclal LreaLmenL hls broLher was geLLlng Maybe l should geL gored he
commenLed drolly
MeredlLh sLared aL hlm and she dldnL smlle ?oud geL a vlnegar dresslng and a cup of cold coffee
she sald
Pe glared aL her Loo Pe felL as lf hed been puL ln Lhe corner wlLhouL supper lL wasnL a feellng he
llked Pe gave Lhem boLh a hard look and wenL back ouL Lhe door smolderlng wlLh bad Lemper

l shouldnL have sald LhaL MeredlLh sald wryly when 8ey was gone l seL hlm off agaln
lL wonL hurL hlm Lo have one woman who doesnL fall all over herself when hes around Leo Lold her
flaLly SomeLlmes Loo much success can ruln a good man
She Loyed wlLh her coffee cup Women llke hlm l guess she sald
Pe gave her a qulck glance LhaL she dldnL see before he sLarLed on hls ple Pes had glrlfrlends slnce
he was ln grammar school 8uL Lhere was only one serlous one She Lurned ouL Lo be a real loser he
added quleLly She soured hlm on women
She slpped coffee ?ou canL [udge an enLlre sex by one woman she polnLed ouL
Well we had our moLher as an example Loo he conLlnued She lefL uad wlLh flve young boys and
never looked back We havenL been overawed wlLh sLerllng ex





amples of womanhood alLhough Slmon and Corrlgan and Cag have made good marrlages ln splLe of
She smlled absenLly as she looked aL hlm l had a broLher of my own she sald wlLhouL Lhlnklng
?es l know Leo replled surprlslng her lnLo sllence Pls name was Mlchael !ohns Pe worked for
PousLon u
Per gasp was audlble Powdo you know abouL hlm?
8emember ColLer 8anks?
?es ColLer was Mlkes besL frlend
Well ColLers our second cousln he Lold her l knew Mlke Loo lm sorry
She clenched one flsL ln her lap and Lrled noL Lo glve way Lo Lears uo Lhe oLhersknow?
no Lhey donL he replled 1hey werenL LhaL close Lo ColLer and Lhey never meL Mlke l havenL
Lold Lhem and lm noL plannlng Lo
She searched hls dark eyes WhaL else do you know abouL me Leo? she asked because of Lhe way he
was waLchlng her
Pe shrugged LveryLhlng
She leL ouL a long breaLh And you havenL shared lL wlLh key
?ou wouldnL wanL me Lo he murmured dryly Pes havlng Loo much fun belng condescendlng
When Lhe Llme comes hes goL a few shocks comlng hasnL he?
She laughed sofLly l hadnL meanL Lo be cloakanddaggerlsh lLs [usL LhaL lL sLlll hurLs Loo much Lo Lalk
abouL she sald honesLly
ColLer Lold me Lhe clrcumsLances lL wasnL your faulL he replled Cr your faLhers l gaLher LhaL he
drlnks because he feels responslble?
She nodded We boLh dlned ouL on whaLlf [usL afLer lL happened she confessed l know LhaL lL

wouldnL have made any dlfference buL you canL help wonderlng
lL doesnL do any good Lo LormenL yourself over Lhlngs LhaL are hlsLory Leo sald genLly
l donL do lL lnLenLlonally she murmured
1he flrsL sLep was geLLlng your faLher lnLo LreaLmenL he sald CeLLlng you ouL of your ruL was Lhe
second ?ou donL have any memorles Lo conLend wlLh here lve noLlced Lhe dlfference ln you [usL ln Lhe
pasL week Pe smlled ?oure changlng already
l suppose so She smlled back lve never even been on a ranch before l could love lL here lLs such
a change of pace
When youre back Lo normal weve goL plenLy of opporLunlLy around here for your sorL of [ob he
polnLed ouL
She chuckled uonL rush me lLs far Loo soon Lo Lhlnk abouL leavlng PousLon She dldnL add LhaL she
dldnL wanL Lo be LhaL close Lo 8ey conslderlng hls oplnlon of her aL Lhe momenL lve only been down
here a week
Ckay lll leL lL drop for now Pe leaned back ln hls chalr and wlnced favorlng Lhe arm hed had
sLlLched uamned bull he muLLered
uld Lhey glve you someLhlng for Lhe paln?
no and l dldnL ask for anyLhlng l have overLhecounLer palnklllers lf lL geLs really bad So far lL
?ou know of course LhaL sLaLlsLlcally farm and ranch work have Lhe hlghesL raLlo of accldenLs she
Any [ob can be dangerous he sald easlly
She pursed her llps and llfLed her coffee cup Lo Lhem ?our broLhers a walklng [ob hazard she sald
Ch? ln whaL way exacLly? he asked
She wouldnL have Louched LhaL llne wlLh a pole She laughed Pes abraslve l donL Lhlnk he wanLs me
lve noLlced hls aLLlLude l hope you havenL leL lL geL Lo you?





l havenL Anyway hell mellow one of Lhese days she sald
Pe could use some mellowlng Pes a dlslllusloned man
She smooLhed Lhe llp of Lhe cup uld he love her very much?
Pe knew she was Lalklng abouL Carlle Pe slghed Pe LhoughL he dld Pls prlde suffered more Lhan hls
hearL Pe heslLaLed l dldnL help maLLers l made a play for her dellberaLely Lo show hlm whaL she
was 1haL was a mlscalculaLlon A bad one Pes never forglven me for lL now lf l pay any aLLenLlon Lo a
woman he Lrles Lo compeLe wlLh me
She noLlced Lhe way hls volce Lralled off and she averLed her eyes l geL Lhe plcLure she sald
lLs noL llke LhaL noL wlLh you he began
She forced a smlle Pes noL lnLeresLed ln me she sald blunLly And [usL ln case youre worrled LhaL l
mlghL be falllng all over hlm Lheres no danger of LhaL elLher l was ouLslde Lhe door when he was
Lalklng Lo you l wasnL eavesdropplng buL he was speaklng raLher loudly l heard whaL he sald ld have
Lo be cerLlflable Lo lose my hearL over a man llke LhaL
Pe grlmaced as he read Lhe falnL paln LhaL llngered ln her eyes l wouldnL have had you hear whaL he
sald for Lhe world he sald deeply
She managed a smlle lLs [usL as well lL wlll keep me from Laklng hlm serlously 8esldes lm noL really
down here looklng for a soul maLe
!usL as well because 8ey lsnL any womans ldea of Lhe perfecL parLner noL Lhe way he ls rlghL now l
love hlm dearly buL l can afford Lo lLs anoLher sLory for any woman who loses her hearL Lo hlm Pe
sLudled her warlly !usL donL leL hlm play you for a fool
l wouldnL dream of lL she sald Lven lf l goL Lhe chance

Pe nodded Pe flnlshed hls ple and coffee and goL Lo hls feeL ld beLLer change and geL back Lo work
1hanks for runnlng lnLerference by Lhe way ?oure a cool head ln an emergency he remarked wlLh a
lve had loLs of pracLlce she sald modesLly and grlnned 8uL Lry Lo sLay away from horned Lhlngs for
a whlle
Lspeclally my broLher Lhe mlnor devll he sald Longuelncheek and grlnned back when she goL Lhe
reference and sLarLed laughlng
AfLer Leo wenL back Lo work MeredlLh wenL ouL Lo gaLher eggs lL seemed very sLralghLforward ?ou
walked lnLo Lhe henhouse reached ln Lhe nesL and pulled ouL a dozen or so blg brown eggs some sLlll
warm from Lhe chlckens feaLhered body
8uL LhaL wasnL whaL happened She paused [usL lnslde Lhe henhouse Lo leL her eyes ad[usL Lo Lhe
reduced llghL and when she moved Loward Lhe row of sLrawlaced nesLs she saw someLhlng wrapped
around one nesL LhaL wasnL feaLhered lL had scales and a fllckerlng long Longue lL peered aL her
Lhrough Lhe darkness and LlghLened lLs colls around lLs prey Lhree blg brown eggs
MeredlLh a clLy glrl wlLh very llLLle experlence of scaly Lhlngs dld someLhlng predlcLable She
screamed Lhrew Lhe baskeL ln Lhe general dlrecLlon of Lhe snake and lefL skld marks geLLlng ouL of Lhe
fenced loL
Annle Lewls who was dolng Lhe laundry came Lo Lhe back door as fasL as her arLhrlLls would allow Lo
see whaL all Lhe commoLlon was abouL
1heres ablg black and whlLe snnnnnakkkkkkeln Lhere! MeredlLh screamed shaklng all over from
Lhe close encounLer
AfLer Lhe eggs l reckon Annle sald wlLh a slgh She wlped her hands on her apron LeL me geL a sLlck
and lll deal wlLh lL





?ou canL go ln Lhere alone wlLh Lhe horrlble Lhlng and Lry Lo klll lL! lL musL be flve feeL long!
lLs a klng snake noL a raLLler Annle sald genLly recognlzlng Lhe descrlpLlon And lm noL plannlng
Lo klll lL lm golng Lo geL lL on a sLlck and puL ln Lhe barn lL can eaL lLs flll of raLs and polsonous snakes
and do some good ouL Lhere
?ou arenL golng Lo klll lL? MeredlLh exclalmed horrlfled
lLs a klng snake dear came Lhe genLle reply We donL llke Lo klll Lhem 1heyre very useful 1hey
eaL raLLlesnakes you know
l dldnL know MeredlLh shlvered agaln lve never seen a snake excepL ln a zoo and lL was a
?oull see loLs of Lhem ouL here ln Lhe counLry !usL remember LhaL lf one raLLles aL you lL means
buslness and lL wlll sLrlke 8aLLlesnakes are venomous
MeredlLh looked around as lf she expecLed Lo be mobbed [usL aL Lhe menLlon of Lhem
?ou can flnlsh Lhe washlng Annle sald Lrylng noL Lo grln lll Lake care of Lhe snake
lease be careful!
l wlll AfLer all you geL used Lo Lhlngs llke
8ey drove up and sLopped Lhe Lruck [usL shorL of Lhe Lwo women exlLlng lL wlLh hls usual graceful
WhaLs golng on? he asked as he pulled a box of assorLed bovlne medlclnes ouL of Lhe booL of Lhe
1heres a snake ln Lhe henhouse! MeredlLh exclalmed
Pe sLopped wlLh Lhe supplles ln hls arms and sLared aL her curlously So? he asked
lm [usL golng Lo move lL for her 8ey Mrs Lewls sald wlLh a grln lL sounds llke a klng snake l
LhoughL ld puL hlm ln Lhe barn
lll geL hlm for you Pe puL Lhe box on Lhe hood of Lhe Lruck Scared of snakes are you? he scoffed
ld never seen one unLll a few mlnuLes ago she sald

hufflly and flushed Pe was looklng aL her as lf she were a chlld
1heres a flrsL Llme for everyLhlng he sald and hls eyes made a very expllclL remark as Lhey llngered
on her breasLs
She gave hlm a glare hoL enough Lo fry bacon whlch he lgnored Pe walked rlghL lnLo Lhe chlcken loL
and Lhen lnLo Lhe henhouse
8arely a mlnuLe laLer he came back ouL wlLh Lhe snake colled around one arm lLs neck genLly held ln
hls oLher hand
Would you look aL Lhls lLs 8andlL! he exclalmed showlng lL Lo a fasclnaLed Mrs Lewls See Lhe scar
on hls back where he goL caughL ln Lhe corn shelLer LhaL Llme?
So lL ls! she sald Pello old fella! She acLually peLLed Lhe vlle Lhlng under Lhe chln
Pow can you Louch LhaL Lhlng?! MeredlLh groaned lLs a snake!
Mrs Lewls glanced aL 8ey 8eckon we should Lell her LhaL he used Lo llve ln Lhe house?
robably noL 8ey suggesLed aware of her whlLe face lll [usL sLlck hlm up ln Lhe lofL Come on
8andlL lll puL you ln a safe place
MeredlLh was holdlng boLh chlllbump laden arms wlLh her hands and shlverlng
1here Lhere Annle sald genLly Pe wouldnL blLe you unless you provoked hlm Pes very genLle
lf you say so
l do now you go back ln Lhere and geL Lhe eggs uonL leL 8ey see how frlghLened you are 1rusL me
hell Lake advanLage of lL ?oull flnd rubber snakes ln Lhe refrlgeraLor Lhe blender Lhe washer
no! MeredlLh exclalmed horrlfled
!usL grlL your LeeLh and go back ln Lhe henhouse Annle suggesLed Culck before he comes back





MeredlLh Look a qulck breaLh and gave Annle a mlserable glance buL she dld as she was Lold
Per skln crawled when she had Lo plck up Lhe baskeL and gaLher Lhe eggs especlally Lhe ones Lhe
snake had be curled around now every Llme she wenL Lo Lhe henhouse shed be shlverlng wlLh
?ouve looked aL gunshoL wounds accldenL vlcLlm every sorL of horror known Lo human eyes she Lold
herself flrmly 1he snake wasnL even laceraLed! So geL lL done and move on
She dld walklng back ouL lnLo Lhe sunllghL wlLh a full baskeL of eggs and a forced look of composure on
her sofL face
8ey was walLlng for her leanlng agalnsL Lhe bumper of Lhe Lruck wlLh hls arms crossed and hls haL
pulled low over hls eyes
She dldnL dare look aL hlm for long ln LhaL lndolenL pose hls lean muscular body was shown Lo lLs
very besL advanLage lL made her Llngle Lo Lhlnk how lL had felL Lo be held agalnsL every lnch of LhaL
formldable frame Lo klssed by LhaL long hard mouLh
?ou geL Lhrown you geL rlghL back on Lhe horse Pe sald wlLh approval lm proud of you MeredlLh
lL would be hard for even a ranchborn glrl Lo go back lnLo a hen house where a snake had been lurklng
She Look a slow breaLh We donL face Lhlngs by run nlng away from Lhem l guess she agreed
Pls eyes narrowed under Lhe wlde brlm of Lhe haL WhaL are you runnlng away from MeredlLh? WhaL
ls your faLher runnlng away from?
She cluLched Lhe baskeL Lo her chesL 1haLs noLhlng LhaL you need Lo concern yourself wlLh she sald
wlLh quleL dlgnlLy
?ou work for me he replled
noL for long she polnLed ouL ln anoLher week or so lll be a memory

Wlll you? Pe lurched away from Lhe bumper and wenL Lo sLand [usL ln fronL of her a Lall and sensual
LhreaL Pls flngers Louched her sofL mouLh llghLly 1hose brulses sLlll look preLLy fresh he polnLed ouL
And you dld ask for a monLhs leave or so you sald uld you?
She grlmaced Well yes buL l donL have Lo sLay here all LhaL Llme
l Lhlnk you do he reLurned Pe benL and drew hls mouLh slowly over hers a whlsper of a conLacL
LhaL made her breaLh caLch Pe smlled wlLh falnL arrogance as he sLood up agaln AnyLhlng could
happen he drawled ?ou mlghL llke ranch llfe
l donL llke snakes already
1haL was a fluke 1heyre generally hlbernaLlng by november buL lLs been unseasonably warm
Sprlng ls generally when you have Lo waLch where you puL your hands 8uL you donL need Lo worry lll
proLecL you from snakes And oLher perlls
Wholl proLecL me from you? she asked husklly
Pe ralsed any eyebrow Why would you need proLecLlon? he asked ?oure well over Lhe age of
lve llved a very shelLered llfe she sald flaLly
Pe pursed hls llps as he sLudled her examlnlng dle sLaLemenL Maybe lLs Llme you walked ouL of Lhe
lm noL ln Lhe markeL for an affalr
nelLher am l Pe smlled slowly 8uL lf you worked aL lL you mlghL change my mlnd
l donL Lhlnk so she sald Per eyes were cool as Lhey meL hls l wouldnL wanL you Lo Lhlnk l was
droollng over you she added dellberaLely
Pls face changed Pe knew lmmedlaLely LhaL shed overheard whaL hed sald Lo Leo Pe was sorry
because lL wasnL Lrue Ped been desperaLe Lo Lhrow Leo off Lhe Lrack Pe dldnL wanL hls broLher Lo
know how aLLracLed he was Lo her





Lavesdroppers never hear anyLhlng good abouL Lhemselves donL Lhey say? he asked quleLly
never she agreed now lf youll excuse me lll go wash Lhe eggs
l sald someLhlng else LhaL youll remember wlLh sordld ease he murmured as she sLarLed pasL hlm
Pe caughL her by Lhe shoulder and Lugged her close bendlng Lo drag hls mouLh roughly across hers
8uL l dldnL mean LhaL el Lher he whlspered agalnsL her parLed llps ?our lnnocence makes my head
spln l lay awake aL nlghL Lhlnklng of all sorLs of dellclous ways Lo relleve you of lL
?oud be lucky! she exclalmed shocked
Pe laughed sofLly as he leL her go So would you he drawled lve been called sensual hell ln bed
and l can assure you lL wasnL meanL Lo be a derogaLory remark
8ey ParL! she bursL ouL
8uL why Lake anyone elses word for lL? he Leased lll be glad Lo leL you see for yourself anyLlme you
lf you Lhlnkl have neverof all Lhe!
?es lL does Lend Lo make women flusLered when l menLlon whaL a greaL lover l am he sald wlLh a
wlcked grln
She couldnL geL one coherenL senLence ouL She sLomped her fooL hard Lurned around and sLormed
lnLo Lhe klLchen almosL knocklng herself down wlLh Lhe door ln Lhe process lL dldnL help LhaL 8ey sLood
ouL Lhere laughlng llke a predaLor
lf she expecLed 8ey Lo be apologeLlc abouL whaL hed sald she was doomed Lo dlsappolnLmenL Pe
waLched her wlLh narrow assesslng eyes as she wenL abouL her household duLles Pe dldnL harass her
or monopollze her Pe [usL waLched 1he scruLlny made her so nervous LhaL she fumbled consLanLly Per
hearL ran wlld aL Lhe aLLenLlon from Lhose dark sLeady eyes
Why donL you wanL Lo do someLhlng else besldes keep house? 8ey asked her one evenlng when she
was puLLlng

supper on Lhe Lable Leo as usual was laLe geLLlng ln 8ey had volunLeered Lo seL Lhe Lable whlle she
flxed Mexlcan corn bread and chlll
keeplng house has less sLress Lhan mosL ouLslde [obs she sald noL looklng aL hlm
lL pays lousy wages he conLlnued and you could geL lnLo a loL of Lrouble ln some households wlLh
men whod see you as falr game
uo you see me LhaL way? she asked wldeeyed
Pe glowered aL her no l donL 1he polnL ls some oLher man mlghL lL lsnL a safe career ln a
professlon Lhere are more laws Lo proLecL you
MosL professlonal people have degrees and such 8esldes lm Loo old
?oure never Loo old Lo go back Lo school he replled
She shrugged 8esldes l llke cooklng and cleanlng
Pe eyed her curlously ?oure very good aL handllng ln[ured people he sald suddenly And youre
remarkably calm ln an emergency
lLs good pracLlce for when l have klds she sald
Pe drew ln a shorL breaLh ?ou llke belng mysLerlous donL you?
Whlle lL lasLs lLs fun she agreed
Pls eyes narrowed WhaL dark secreLs are you keeplng MeredlLh? he asked quleLly
none LhaL should boLher you even lf you found Lhem ouL she assured hlm She smlled aL hlm from
Lhe sLove Meanwhlle youre geLLlng fresh blsculLs every day
?es we are he had Lo agree And youre a good cook 8uL l donL llke mysLerles
She pursed her llps and gave hlm a Leaslng glance over her shoulder 1oo bad
Pe puL Lhe lasL place seLLlng on Lhe Lable and saL down aL hls place [usL sLarlng aL her wlLhouL
speaklng ?ou know he sald afLer a mlnuLe frownlng Lheres some

Lhlng famlllar abouL your lasL name l canL qulLe place lL buL l know lve heard lL somewhere
1haL wasnL good she LhoughL Pe mlghL remember Leo Lalklng abouL her broLher She dldnL wanL Lo
have Lo face Lhe pasL noL [usL yeL when she was sLlll broken and brulsed and uncomforLable When she
was back on her feeL and well agaln Lhere would be Llme Lo come Lo grlps wlLh lL once and for allas her
poor faLher was already dolng
1hlnk so? she asked wlLh forced nonchalance
Pe shrugged Well lL may come back Lo me one day
lorLunaLely Leo came ln and sLopped hls Lraln of LhoughL MeredlLh puL supper on Lhe Lable and saL
down Lo eaL lL wlLh Lhe broLhers
1he nexL mornlng 8ey came ouL Lo Lhe klLchen wlLh a brlghL sllver meLal gun case Pe seL lL down
beslde Lhe counLer ouL of Lhe way before he sLarLed eaLlng hls breakfasL
Colng hunLlng? MeredlLh asked lmplshly
Pe gave her a wary glance SkeeL shooLlng he correcLed 1he seasons over buL l pracLlce year
Pe won Lwo medals aL dle World champlonshlps ln San AnLonlo Lhls year Leo Lold her wlLh a grln
Pes an A class shooLer
Whlch gauge? she asked wlLhouL Lhlnklng
8eys face became susplclous All of Lhem WhaL do you know abouL shoLguns?
l used Lo skeeLshooL she volunLeered My broLher LaughL me how Lo handle a shoLgun and Lhen
he goL me lnLo compeLlLlon shooLlng l wasnL able Lo keep lL up afLer l gradafLer hlgh school she
lmprovlsed qulckly She dldnL dare Lell hlm she gave lL up afLer she flnlshed college 1haL would be
glvlng away far Loo much
Pe waLched her slp coffee ?ou can shooL can you? he asked looklng as lf he were humorlng her Pe
dldnL seem Lo belleve whaL she clalmed



?es l can she sald dellberaLely
Pe smlled Llke Lo come down Lo Lhe range wlLh me? he asked lve goL a nlce llLLle 28 gauge l can
brlng along for you
8y offerlng her hls lowesL callber shoLgun he was assumlng LhaL she couldnL handle anyLhlng heavler
WhaLs ln Lhe case? she asked
My Lwelve gauge he sald
She gave hlm a speaklng glance lll [usL shooL LhaL lf you donL mlnd sharlng lL uh lL doesnL have a
klck or anyLhlng? she added and had Lo blLe her Longue Lo keep from grlnnlng aL her lnnocenL pose
Pe cleared hls LhroaL Pe dldnL dare look aL Leo no he sald carelessly Cf course lL doesnL have a
ln LruLh lL would klck worse Lhan any oLher of Lhe four gauges buL 8ey was plannlng Lo call her bluff
She was puLLlng on an acL for hls beneflL Pe was golng Lo make her sorry she Lrled lL
1hen lll be [usL flne wlLh LhaL gun she sald More apple buLLer? She offered hlm an open [ar and
1hanks he replled smugly accepLlng Lhe [ar Pe puL lL down and buLLered anoLher blsculL before he
spooned Lhe apple buLLer lnLo lL uonL mlnd lf l do Leo wanL Lo come along? he asked hls broLher
Leo was also Lrylng noL Lo grln l Lhlnk l wlll Lhls Llme he Lold hls broLher 1hls was one shooLlng
conLesL he wasnL abouL Lo mlss Pe knew LhaL Mlke !ohns was a champlon shooLer lf hed been Lhe one
who LaughL hls slsLer MeredlLh would shock 8ey speechless when she goL LhaL shoLgun ln her arms Pe
was golng along Pe dldnL wanL Lo mlss Lhe fun
1he more Lhe merrler l always say 8ey chuckled
lunny Lhlng LhaLs [usL whaL l was Lhlnklng Leo replled Longuelncheek
MeredlLh dldnL say anoLher word She flnlshed her breakfasL walLed unLll Lhey flnlshed Lhelrs and puL





dlshes ln Lhe dlshwasher 1hen she dressed ln [eans booLs and a longsleeved flannel shlrL wlLh a down
fllled vesL and a blb cap and wenL off Lo leL 8ey show her how Lo shooL a shoLgun
1he LargeL range was unusually busy for a lazy lrlday afLernoon ln november lL was a cool day wlLh a
nlce nlp ln Lhe alr MeredlLh felL good ln Lhe down vesL lL was one shed ofLen worn when she wenL Lo
Lhe flrlng range wlLh Mlke ln cold weaLher CoaLs were cumbersome and ofLen goL ln Lhe way of a good
qulck alm
8ey and Leo sLopped Lo pass Lhe Llme of day wlLh Lwo elderly shooLers boLh of whom gave MeredlLh a
warm welcome
1hls ls !ack and LhaLs 8llly !oe 8ey lnLroduced Lhe whlLehalred men one of whom was Lall and
spare Lhe oLher overwelghL and shorL 1he shorL one had walked brlskly Lhe shorL dlsLance from Lhe red
plckup Lruck parked aL Lhe clubhouse and he was ouL of breaLh already We all go Lo dlsLrlcL sLaLe and
naLlonal shooLs as a Leam from our club
8uL we geL honorable menLlon and 8ey wlns Lhe medals 8llly !oe Lhe shorLer man chuckled sLlll
Lrylng Lo caLch hls breaLh We donL mlnd Were [usL happy LhaL somebody from our club breaks
Amen Lo LhaL !ack agreed smlllng
All rlghL leLs geL Lo shooLlng 8llly !oe sald Lurnlng back Lo hls Lruck SLay where you are !ack lll
brlng your gun Loo!
Pe Lurned back Loward Lhe Lruck rushlng and sLlll breaLhless MeredlLh frowned Pls cheeks were
unnaLurally plnk and lL wasnL LhaL cold Pls complexlon was almosL whlLe Pe was sweaLlng She knew
Lhe sympLoms Shed seen Lhem all Loo ofLen
?ou mlghL go wlLh hlm MeredlLh sald abrupLly lnLerrupLlng !acks banLer wlLh 8ey

Lxcuse me? !ack asked
!usL aL LhaL momenL 8llly !oe sLopped sLood very sLlll for a mlnuLe and Lhen buckled and fell forward
lnLo a crumpled heap aL Lhe door of hls Lruck
MeredlLh Look off aL a dead run Somebody geL me a cell phone! she called as she ran
Leo fumbled hls ouL of Lhe holder on hls belL and passed lL Lo her as she knelL beslde 8llly !oe
CeL hls feeL elevaLed llnd someLhlng Lo cover hlm wlLh she shoL aL Lhe oLher men She was dlallng
whlle she spoke She loosened Lhe mans shlrL propplng Lhe phone agalnsL her earLhe worsL way Lo
hold lL buL Lhere was no oLher way aL Lhe momenLand felL down 8llly !oes chesL for hls dlaphragm
CeL hls walleL and read me hls welghL and age from hls drlvers llcense she added wlLh a sharp glance
ln Leos dlrecLlon
Leo dug ouL Lhe walleL and sLarLed calllng ouL lnformaLlon whlle 8ey and !ack sLood beslde Lhe fallen
man and waLched wlLh sllenL concern
l wanL Lhe resldenL on duLy ln Lhe emergency room sLaL she sald 1hls ls MeredlLh !ohns l have a
paLlenL slxLy years of age one hundred and elghLy pounds who collapsed wlLhouL warnlng Larly slgns
lndlcaLe a posslble myocardlal lnfarcLlon ulse ls Lhready she murmured checklng Lhe second hand of
her waLch as she Look hls pulse wlLh her flngerLlps forLy beaLs a mlnuLe breaLhlng shallow and
labored grey complexlon profuse sweaLlng l need LM1s en rouLe l am lnlLlaLlng cardlopulmonary
resusclLaLlon now
1here was a long pause and a male volce came over Lhe llne WlLh her volce calm and sLeady MeredlLh
gave Lhe lnformaLlon agaln and Lhen handed Lhe phone Lo Leo as she benL over Lhe elderly man and dld
Lhe spaced compresslons over hls breasLbone followed by mouLhLomouLh breaLhlng
8ey was waLchlng spellbound aL her proflclency aL Lhe



easy and qulLe professlonal manner ln whlch shed Laken charge of a llfeordeaLh emergency WlLhln
flve mlnuLes Lhe ambulance was screamlng up Lhe graveled road LhaL led Lo Lhe !acobsvllle Cun Club
and 8llly !oe was holdlng hls own
1he LM1s llsLened Lo MeredlLhs Lerse summary of evenLs as Lhey called Lhe same resldenL MeredlLh
had been Lalklng Lo
uoc says Lo glve you a paL on Lhe back Lhe female LM1 grlnned aL MeredlLh as Lhey loaded 8llly !oe
onLo Lhe ambulance ?ou sure knew whaL Lo do
?es 8ey agreed flndlng hls Longue aL lasL ?ouve obvlously had flrsLald Lralnlng
Pe probably meanL lL as pralse buL lL hlL MeredlLh ln Lhe guL She glared aL hlm WhaL lve had she
emphaslzed ls flve years of college l have a masLers degree ln nurslng sclence and lm a cardcarrylng
nurse pracLlLloner!


8ey sLared aL hls new cook as lf shed suddenly sprouLed feaLhers on her head Pls summaLlon of her
ablllLles was suddenly smoke She was someone he dldnL even know She was a healLh care
professlonal noL a fllghLy cook and cerLalnly noL Lhe sorL of woman Lo sLreeLwalk as a sldellne
She nodded solemnly l flgured lL would come as a shock she Lold hlm She Lurned her aLLenLlon back
Lo Lhe LM1s 1hanks for belng so prompL 1hlnk hell be okay?
1he female LM1 smlled l Lhlnk so Pls hearLbeaLs sLronger hls breaLhlng ls regular and hes regalnlng
consclousness Cood [ob!
She grlnned ?ou Loo
1hey waved and Look off llghLs flashlng buL wlLhouL Lurnlng on Lhe slrens
Why arenL Lhe slrens golng? 8ey wanLed Lo know Pes noL ouL of danger yeL surely?
1hey donL llke Lo run Lhe slrens unless Lhey have Lo





MeredlLh Lold hlm Some people acLually run off Lhe road and wreck Lhelr cars because Lhe slrens raLLle
Lhem 1hey use Lhe llghLs buL Lhey only Lurn on Lhe slrens lf Lhey hlL heavy Lrafflc and have Lo force Lhelr
way Lhrough lL 1hose LM1s she added wlLh a smlle Lheyre Lhe real heroes and herolnes 1hey do Lhe
hardesL [ob of all
?ou saved 8llly !oes llfe !ack sald husklly shaklng her hand hard Pes Lhe besL frlend l goL 1hank
She smlled genLly and reLurned Lhe handshake lL goes wlLh Lhe [ob descrlpLlon uonL Lry Lo keep up
wlLh Lhe ambulance she cauLloned when he wenL Loward 8llly !oes Lruck whlch sLlll had Lhe key ln Lhe
lgnlLlon 1he Lwo men had come LogeLher
lll be careful Lhe older man promlsed
Whew! Leo leL ouL Lhe breaLh hed almosL been holdlng and puL up hls cell phone ?oure one cool
lady under flre MeredlLh
She smlled sadly lve had Lo be she replled She glanced aL 8ey who looked cold and angry as lL
occurred Lo hlm belaLedly LhaL shed played hlm for a fool l can see whaL youre Lhlnklng buL l dldnL
acLually lle Lo you ?ou never asked me exacLly whaL l dld for a llvlng Cf course you LhoughL you already
knew she added wlLh falnL sarcasm
Pe dldnL reply Pe gave her a long conLempLuous look and Lurned away lve losL my LasLe for
pracLlce he sald quleLly l wanL Lo go on Lo Lhe hosplLal and see abouL 8llly !oe
Me Loo Leo added MeredlLh?
lll go along she sald ld llke Lo meeL LhaL resldenL l spoke wlLh Pes very good
8ey glanced Loward her ?oull geL along Pe keeps secreLs Loo he sald blLLerly and goL behlnd Lhe
Leo made a face aL MeredlLh openlng Lhe Lhlrd door of Lhe blg double cabbed Lruck so LhaL she could
slL ln back

Pe puL Lhe gun cases ln Lhe booL ln a locked area and cllmbed ln beslde 8ey
1he resldenL Lurned ouL Lo be a former mercenary named Mlcah SLeele Pe was marrled Lo a local glrl
and hed gone back Lo school Lo flnlsh hls course of sLudy for hls medlcal llcense
l couldnL very well carry a wlfe and chlld around Lhe [ungles wlLh me Mlcah Lold her wlLh a grln Pe
was Lall and blg and noL aL all badlooklng She could plcLure hlm wlLh a rlfle ln one arm 8uL now ln a
whlLe lab coaL wlLh a sLeLhoscope Lhrown carelessly around hls neck he seemed equally aL home
Whens Callle due? Leo asked
Any mlnuLe he sald Longuelncheek CanL you see me shaklng? lm Lhe soul of selfconfldence
around here buL one llLLle pregnanL woman makes me a baskeL case!
Callles qulLe a glrl 8ey agreed smlllng aL Lhe blg man
Mlcah gave hlm a look ?es and lsnL lL lucky for me LhaL you hardly ever wenL lnLo her boss kemps
offlce for legal advlce whlle she was sLlll slngle?
8ey pursed hls llps kemp eaLs scorplons for breakfasL l hear l llke my lawyers less causLlc
LasL l heard Lhe local bar assoclaLlon had you down as a conLaglous plague and was warnlng lLs
members Lo avold you aL all cosLs Mlcah replled wlckedly
l never hlL any local lawyers 8ey looked uncomforLable lL was LhaL vlcLorla lawyer MaLherson he
muLLered And l dldnL even hlL hlm LhaL hard Pell hes lucky l wasnL sober aL Lhe Llme! CLherwlse
hed have had Lwlce Lhe number of sLlLches!

MeredlLh llsLened Lo Lhe reparLee wlLh wlde fasclnaLed eyes buL 8ey wouldnL meeL her eyes and
Mlcah Loo cleared hls LhroaL and dldnL pursue Lhe sub[ecL
MaLherson Look a cllenL who accused us of assaulL





Leo volunLeered Cag had hlL hlm several Llmes afLer he goL drunk and assaulLed 1ess whos now
Cags wlfe 8uL Lhe bounder swore LhaL he was Lhe ln[ured parLy LhaL we falsely accused hlm and all
Look Lurns poundlng hlm Pe convlnced a [ury Lo award hlm damages noL a loL of money Leo added
solemnly buL Lhe prlnclple was whaL seL 8ey off Pe was ln a bad mood already and he had a few Loo
many drlnks aL Sheas 8ar ouL on Lhe vlcLorla road 1o make a long sLory shorL he added wlLh a
chuckle MaLherson was havlng a quleL beer when 8ey accused hlm of handllng Lhe exemployees case
for splLe because he losL an argumenL wlLh us over 1ess when he was handllng her lnherlLance
MaLherson Look excepLlon Lo 8eys remarks and Lhe Lwo of Lhem seL abouL wrecklng Lhe preLLy sLalned
glass wlndow LhaL used Lo overlook Lhe parklng loL
used Lo? MeredlLh flshed senslng someLhlng omlnous
?es well MaLherson made a raLher large hole ln lL when 8ey helped hlm lnLo Lhe parklng loL Lhe hard
way Leo concluded
Mlcah SLeele looked as lf lL was kllllng hlm noL Lo bursL ouL laughlng
Pe Leo [erked hls Lhumb Loward SLeele had Lo remove qulLe a number of glass parLlcles from
MaLhersons rear end And we goL sued agaln for LhaL!
8uL Lhe [ury afLer hearlng kemps masLerful summaLlon of our grlevances 8ey lnLerrupLed declded
LhaL MaLherson was only enLlLled Lo Lhe cosL of Lhe repalr [ob on hls buLL Shea had lnsurance LhaL
replaced Lhe sLalnedglass wlndow wlLh one of comparable age and excluslvlLy 8ey smlled smugly
And Lhe [udge sald LhaL lf shed been slLLlng on Lhe flrsL case Lhe raL MaLherson was represenLlng
would have goLLen a [all senLence
Leo chuckled Cnly because kemp puL 1ess on Lhe sLand and had her LesLlfy abouL whaL really
happened Lhe

nlghL MaLhersons cllenL Look her on a daLe 1he [ury felL LhaL 8ey was [usLlflably lncensed by Lhe former
verdlcL Pe glanced aL MeredlLh wryly
?es buL l undersLand LhaL Sheas Lwo bouncers meeL 8ey aL Lhe door Lhese days and wonL leL hlm ln
lf hes noL smlllng Mlcah conLrlbuLed
8ey shrugged l never geL drunk anymore lve learned Lo handle aggresslon ln a nonphyslcal manner
1he oLher Lwo men acLually walked down Lhe hall MeredlLh noLlced Lhelr shoulders vlbraLlng
8ey Look a sLep Loward MeredlLh half lrrlLaLed by Lhe characLer assasslnaLlon [ob hls broLher and
Mlcah SLeele had [usL done on hlm and even more puL ouL by MeredlLhs unmasklng
?ou knew l had no ldea abouL your educaLlon 8ey accused MeredlLh Why dldnL you say someLhlng
aL Lhe ouLseL when Leo flrsL wenL Lo Lhe hosplLal? he demanded ln a low deep Lone l may have
[umped Lo concluslons buL you provlded Lhe sprlngs dldnL you?
She grlmaced l guess so 8uL lL was only a llLLle [ump from Lelllng you abouL my [ob Lo Lalklng abouL
Lhe reason uaddy sLarLed drlnklng lLssLlll very fresh ln my mlnd she added husklly lLs only been slx
monLhs 1he memorles are she swallowed and looked away bad
unexpecLedly he reached ouL and caughL her flngers ln hls Lugglng her closer 1he hall was deserLed ln
Lhe background Lhere were muLed bellLones and announcemenLs and Lhe sound of lunch Lrays belng
dlsLrlbuLed 1ell me he sald genLly
She blL her lower llp hard and llfLed her LormenLed eyes Lo hls curlous ones noLyeL she whlspered
LlghLly Cne day buLnoL yeL l canL
Ckay he sald afLer a mlnuLe 8uL ld llke Lo know how you learned Lo shooL
My broLher Mlke LaughL me she sald relucLanLly sLarlng aL hls broad chesL She wanLed Lo lay her
head on





lL and cry ouL her paln 1here hadnL been anyone Lo hold her noL when lL happened noL afLerward Per
faLher wlLhdrew lnLo hls own mlnd and sLarLed drlnklng Lo excess aL once Per [ob was all LhaL had kepL
MeredlLh sane She hadnL been able Lo leL ouL her grlef ln any normal way
8eys mlnd was worklng overLlme Pe sLared down aL her sLlll holdlng her flngers enLwlned LlghLly wlLh
hls own and he frowned as blLs and pleces of memory began flLLlng Lhemselves LogeLher
Mlke Mlke !ohns Pls eyes narrowed Cur cousln ColLers besL frlend and one of Leos
acqualnLances Pe was kllled!
She Lrled Lo Lug her flngers away Pe wouldnL leL her Pe pulled her lnLo hls arms holdlng her Lhere
even when she sLruggled 8uL a few seconds of reslsLance were all she had She lald her flushed cheek
agalnsL hls broad chesL and leL Lhe Lears flow
8eys arms conLracLed roughly Pe smooLhed hls hand over her nape caresslng sooLhlng 1here was a
bank robbery ln PousLon he recalled quleLly Mlke was a cop Pe was aL Lhe bank wlLh your moLher lL
was SaLurday Pe was off duLy buL he had hls servlce revolver under hls [ackeL Pls arms LlghLened as
her sobs grew palnful Lo hear Pe drew and flred auLomaLlcally and one of Lhe robbers sprayed flre
from one of Lhose damned llLLle auLomaLlc rlfles ln hls general dlrecLlon Pe and your moLher dled
MeredlLhs flngers dug lnLo hls wlde back Pe rocked her barely aware of curlous glances from
8oLh men were caughL ?ou donL klll a cop and geL away wlLh lL ln 1exas he added sofLly 1hey
were arralgned and LreaLed Lo a speedy Lrlal [usL a monLh ago ?ou and your faLher LesLlfled 1haL was
when your faLher really wenL off Lhe deep end wasnL lL when he had Lo see Lhe auLopsy phoLos
Mlcah and Leo came back down Lhe hall frownlng when

Lhey saw Lhe condlLlon MeredlLh was ln Lven as Lhey waLched her eyes rolled back and she would have
fallen Lo Lhe floor excepL for 8eys sLrong arms llfLlng her
LaLer she wouldnL recall much excepL LhaL she was husLled lnLo a cublcle and revlved 8uL when she
sLarLed sobblng hysLerlcally Lheyd glven her a shoL of someLhlng LhaL puL her ouL llke a llghL She came
Lo back aL Lhe ranch ln her own llLLle garage aparLmenL
She opened her eyes and Lhere was 8ey slLLlng by Lhe bed sLlll wearlng Lhe same [eans and shlrL and
booLs hed worn Lo Lhe shooLlng range MeredlLh was aware of Lhe bedspread coverlng her up Lo her
walsL Per booLs were off buL she was also wearlng Lhe same cloLhes shed sLarLed ouL ln LhaL mornlng
WhaL Llme ls lL? she asked ln a husky sllghLly dlsorlenLed Lone
llve hours pasL Lhe Llme you flaked ouL on me he sald smlllng genLly Mlcah knocked you ouL Pe
LhoughL some sleep mlghL help 1he smlle faded lnLo quleL concern ?ou donL sleep much do you
MeredlLh? he asked surprlslngly
She slghed brushed back her dlsheveled blond halr and shook her head When l go Lo sleep l have
nlghLmares l wake up ln a cold sweaL and l see Lhem lylng Lhere on Lhe floor [usL Lhe way Lhey looked
ln Lhose vlvld crlme scene phoLos She closed her eyes and shlvered eople look so fraglle llke LhaL
Lhey look llke blg dolls sprawled ln plLlful dlsarray on Lhe floor Lverybody sLares aL Lhem
Pe brushed back her halr wlLh a lean genLle hand 1hey goL Lhe guys who dld lL he remlnded her
lncludlng Lhe Lrlgger man Pell serve llfe wlLhouL any hope of parole Pell pay for lL
Per pale eyes were LormenLed as Lhey meL hls ?es buL lL wonL brlng Lhem back wlll lL? she asked
And do you know why Lhey sald Lhey dld lL? lor a beL lor a sLupld beL Lhey kllled Lwo lnnocenL

1hey also rulned Lhelr own llves he remlnded her and Lhe llves of Lhelr own famllles
She looked aL hlm blankly scowllng
uonL you ever Lhlnk abouL LhaL? he asked sofLly Crlmlnals have famllles Loo MosL of Lhem have
lovlng decenL parenLs who Look care of Lhem and dlsclpllned Lhem and blame Lhemselves for whaL Lhelr
chlldren do lL musL be pure hell Lo have your chlld klll someone and feel responslble for lL
l havenL consldered LhaL she admlLLed
Pe conLlnued When l was ln hlgh school one of my besL frlends was arresLed for murder Pe kllled
Lhe old man nexL door ln Lhe process of sLeallng hls walleL Pe wanLed Lo buy hls glrl a dlamond necklace
she llked and he dldnL have any money Pe flgured Lhe man was old and dldnL need money anyway so
he mlghL as well Lake lL Pe was sorry abouL lL buL he never flgured on kllllng Lhe man or geLLlng
Was he a good frlend? she asked
Pe looked aL Lhelr llnked flngers Pe nodded We were pals slnce grammar school Pe wasnL qulLe as
brlghL as some of Lhe oLher boys buL he had a genLle naLure Cr so we LhoughL Pe meL her eyes Pls
mom and dad always had a houseful of oLher peoples klds 1hey were everybodys mom and dad lL
shaLLered Lhem when !oey wenL Lo prlson Lven Lhe chlldren of Lhe old man felL sorry for Lhem
lunny she mused l never even LhoughL of how lL would feel Lo have a chlld or a parenL or a slbllng
who broke Lhe law ln some Lerrlble way She meL hls eyes l guess ld feel gullLy Loo
MosL klds are ralsed rlghL 8uL some of Lhem have a wlld sLreak LhaL nobody can Lame oLhers have
poor lmpulse conLrol Many are handlcapped nobody goes Lo [all because he wanLs Lo

l never LhoughL of you as a senslLlve man she blurLed ouL and Lhen flushed aL Lhe lnsulL
Pls eyebrows llfLed Who me? l sLop Lo plck worms ouL of Lhe hlghway so my Llres wonL brulse Lhelr
llLLle bodles and you Lhlnk lm lnsenslLlve?
lL Look a mlnuLe for Lhe words Lo make sense and Lhen she bursL ouL laughlng
1haLs beLLer he sald Pe smlled and squeezed her flngers ?oure golng Lo be okay ?ouve had a loL
of LraumaLlc experlences [usL laLely no wonder you caved ln
Lucky for you she shoL back
Me? Why?
8ecause lf wed unpacked Lhose shoLguns ld have desLroyed your ego she sald wlLh a smug smlle
AL Mlkes gun club Lhey used Lo call me deadeye
Ch Lhey dld dld Lhey? he challenged Well well see abouL LhaL when you sLep up Lo my gun
She sLudled hls lean face Pe wasnL handsome buL he had sLrong sLubborn feaLures Pe was famlllar
Lo her now almosL necessary She LhoughL abouL golng back Lo PousLon wlLh real panlc
Pe Louched her cheek where Lhe brulses were a mlxLure of purple and yellow much less vlvld now Pe
really knocked you around he sald and hls face hardened vlslbly l donL care lf a man ls drunk Lheres
no excuse for hlLLlng a woman
Shades of prlmlLlve man she chlded wlLh a smlle
Women are Lhe cradles of llfe he sald slmply WhaL sorL of man Lrles Lo break a cradle?
?ou have a unlque way of puLLlng Lhlngs
We had Spanlsh ancesLors he Lold her 1hey were oldworld men conquerors advenLurers Cne of
Lhem made hls way Lo 1exas and was glven a huge LracL of land under a Spanlsh land granL for servlces
Lo Lhe crown of Spaln





Pe noLlced a sLarL of surprlse on her face uo you know Lhe legend of Lhe Cld?
?es! she exclalmed Pe was a greaL Spanlsh hero Cld ls for Lhe Arablc Sldl whlch means Lord
Well our ancesLor wasnL Ll Cld he sald on a chuckle 8uL he foughL hls way Lhrough hosLlle
nelghbors Lo clalm hls land and he held lL as long as he llved Cur famlly sLlll holds lL Lhrough our laLe
uncle who lefL us Lhls ranch
1hls ls Lhe orlglnal granL? she exclalmed
Pe nodded lL lsnL nearly as blg as lL was a couple of hundred years ago buL lLs no weekend farm
elLher uldnL you noLlce Lhe anLlque sllver servlce ln Lhe dlnlng room?
?es lve been afrald Lo Louch lL lL looks very old
Pe smlled lL came from Madrld lLs over Lwo hundred years old
An helrloom! she breaLhed
?es Llke Lhe ranch lLself Pe LllLed hls head and sLudled her for a long Llme now l undersLand ?our
faLher wasnL vlolenL unLll Lhe klllers Lrlal was he?
no he wasnL She looked down aL 8eys blg warm hand wrapped around her own lL made her feel
safe Pe Lold Mlke Lo drlve Mama Lo Lhe bank she added relucLanLly Pe had papers Lo grade Pe
couldnL spare Lhe Llme he sald and he snapped aL her when she proLesLed LhaL Mlke was spendlng hls
day off carLlng her all over PousLon She glanced aL hlm l was called ln Lo work aL a cllnlc my boss
holds ln Lhe Plspanlc communlLy every SaLurday 1heres a regular nurse buL she was aL home wlLh a
slck chlld l wenL Lo sLand ln for her Per eyes fell Lo hls broad chesL l could have asked someone Lo go
ln my place l dldnL So he and l boLh have our gullL
8ecause you llved and Lhey dldnL 8ey sald blunLly
She gasped no LhaLs noL Lrue!
lL ls Lrue Pls black eyes held hers relenLlessly 1he same Lhlng happens Lo people who survlve
alrplane crashes

auLomoblle wrecks slnklng shlps lLs a normal human reacLlon Lo survlvlng when oLher people donL
lLs worse when Lhe vlcLlms lnclude close relaLlves or frlends
Where dld you learn LhaL? she asked
lrom !anle 8rewsLer he sald
She frowned 1haL name sounds famlllar
Weve menLloned her Lo you Shes Lhe daughLer of a nelghborlng caLLleman he relaLed She goL
her assoclaLe degree ln psychology from our communlLy college and now shes sLudylng lL ln PousLon
he added wlLh a grln Shes almosL LwenLy 1hey leL her Lake college courses whlle she was sLlll ln hlgh
school so shes ahead
Shes noL hard on Lhe eyes elLher he murmured avoldlng her eyes She and her faLher llve alone
Leo and l have a sLandlng dlnner lnvlLaLlon any Llme we care Lo show up
She sLarLed Lo say oh agaln and reallzed how [uvenlle she was behavlng She sLralghLened her
shoulders agalnsL Lhe plllow LhaL was propplng her up and Lugged aL Lhe hand 8ey sLlll held 1hen lf she
can bake blsculLs youre saved when l leave arenL you? she asked coolly
Well she canL exacLly bake sLuff 8ey had Lo admlL
She has no sense of Llme She seLs Lhe Llmer and lL goes off and she never hears lL So Lhe chlcken
bounces Lhe heaLandserve rolls usually come ouL black and l wonL even menLlon whaL happens Lo
vegeLables she Lrles Lo cook on Lop of Lhe sLove Pe gave her a sad look She dld Lry Lo make us a pan
of blsculLs once Pe acLually shuddered
noL a successful Lry? she flshed
We had Lo Lake Lhe damned Lhlngs home or her faLher would never have leL us near Lhe Salers
helfers he was offerlng for sale Pe glanced aL her Leo [usL boughL us a blg Salers bull and we needed
purebred helfers Lo breed Lo hlm urebred breedlng sLock brlngs a blg prlce espe

clally lf you show caLLle and wln rlbbons Pe shrugged So we Look Lhe blsculLs home
uld you eaL Lhem? she perslsLed
Pe shook hls head and he shuddered agaln
1hen whaL dld you do wlLh Lhem? she asked Lhlnklng he probably fed Lhem Lo Lhe caLLle dogs or
some llvesLock
Well acLually we Look Lhem ouL Lo Lhe skeeL fleld and used Lhem for clay plgeons he confessed
wlLh a grln 1hey were Lhe besL damned LargeLs we ever had buL we dldnL dare say where we goL
She puL her face ln her hands and bursL ouL laughlng Ch Lhe poor glrl! she chuckled
uonL worry wed never Lell her he promlsed 8uL we dld ask her for anoLher pan of blsculLs
wlLhouL Lelllng her why Pe slghed 1haL woman has a readymade professlon as a LargeL maker and
we havenL goL Lhe guLs Lo Lell her so Pell of a shame!
She brushed aL her eyes wlLh Lhe hem of her blouse oor !anle And shed been [ealous
WhaL does she look llke? she asked curlous
She comes up Lo my shoulder Shes goL llghL brown halr longer Lhan yours and her eyes are green lf
she dldnL know everyLhlng and Lell you so every Llme you saw her she mlghL geL marrled one day
?ou donL wanL Lo marry her? she Leased noL even for an lnexhausLlble supply of skeeL LargeLs?
l donL wanL Lo marry anybody he sald blunLly and he looked her sLralghL ln Lhe eye when he sald lL
l love my freedom
She slghed and smlled So do l she confessed l donL Lhlnk l could ever seLLle for dlapers and dlshes
noL wlLh my background
?ou were a sclence ma[or werenL you? he asked abrupLly
?es ChemlsLry and blology geneLlcssLuff llke LhaL l made good grades buL lL was hard work 1hen l

rlghL Lo work for my boss sLralghL ouL of college l need Lo be Lwo people [usL Lo caLch up l run my legs
off 1he sLress ls preLLy bad someLlmes
no wonder keeplng house and baklng blsculLs seemed llke a hollday Lo you he sald Lo hlmself
lLs been fun she agreed l love Lo cook l do lL a loL aL home l used Lo when Mama was allve she
recalled She haLed housework and cooklng l came home from work and dld lL all
lve read abouL Lhe sorL of work you do he commenLed recalllng arLlcles hed seen ln Lhe dally
newspaper ?oure second only Lo a physlclan ln auLhorlLy 1he only Lhlng you canL do ls wrlLe a
prescrlpLlon wlLhouL hls supervlslon
1haLs Lrue She smlled
Pe sLudled her slender body her exqulslLe flgure nlcely ouLllned by Lhe garmenLs she was wearlng All
Lhose years noLhlng buL LexLbooks and exams and Lhen a hecLlc career no men? he added wlLh a
calculaLlng sLare
l daLed she replled l [usL couldnL afford Lo geL serlous abouL anybody My faLher scraped and
begged and borrowed Lo geL Lhe money Lo flnance my nurslng educaLlon she Lold hlm Lven
MlkeconLrlbuLed Lo lL She drew ln a sLeadylng breaLh and locked her flngers LogeLher on her lap lL
would have been so peLLy of me Lo Lhrow all LhaL up [usL so l could go Lo parLles and geL drunk wlLh Lhe
oLher sLudenLs
Surely Lhere wasnL much of LhaL aL a communlLy college?
She laughed ?oud be surprlsed 1here was all Loo much for my LasLe 8uL l dldnL llve on campus l
llved aL home and commuLed She meL hls searchlng gaze 1haL parLy l was aL when Leo was aLLacked
Lhe woman who gave lL was a college classmaLe who works for a docLor ln our pracLlce l knew she sorL
of had a repuLaLlon l guess l should have reallzed how wlld Lhlngs would geL buL l was





so depressed LhaL l leL her pressure me lnLo golng Lo Lhe parLy lL was a mlsLake
A lucky mlsLake for my broLher 8ey sald genLly Pe mlghL have been kllled lf you hadnL come
along when you dld Pe scowled ?ou sald you ran aL Lhe aLLackers wavlng your arms
She nodded Mlke LaughL me abouL shock LacLlcs she sald sadly l was afrald lL wouldnL work buL l
had no weapon no oLher way of sLopplng Lhem So l Look Lhe rlsk
lm graLeful LhaL you dld Pe shook hls head slowly 8uL lL was an acL of lunacy MeredlLh ?ou could
have been lylng on Lhe grass nexL Lo Leo
8uL l wasnL She hunched her shoulders as lf she felL a chlll l Lhlnk Lhere mlghL be a force behlnd
every slngle chaln of evenLs she sald LhoughLfully l donL belleve ln chaos she elaboraLed 1he body
ls such a messy beauLlful mlracle A slngle cell has chemlcal processes LhaL are so complex so
meLlculously crafLed LhaL l canL belleve llfe ls an accldenL lf lL lsnL accldenLal lL has Lo be planned She
shrugged 1haLs slmple loglc 1haLs why l donL Lhlnk Cod ls a myLh
1hey were sllenL for a momenL ?oure Lhe mosL lnLrlgulng woman lve ever meL he murmured and
hls dark eyes fell Lo her sofL full mouLh
Surely noL? she asked demurely l donL have any secreLs lefL
1haLs whaL you Lhlnk he sald ln a sofL low Lone
She looked up and he moved Loward her one hand caLchlng Lhe wooden headboard as he levered hls
hard mouLh down agalnsL her sofL one
Per hands lnsLlncLlvely wenL Lo hls chesL buL lLs muscular warmLh was fasclnaLlng Shed never done
anyLhlng really lnLlmaLe wlLh her lnfrequenL daLes havlng been compleLely Lurned off by men wlLh fasL
repuLaLlons She pre

ferred genLlemen Lo rounders She knew LhaL 8ey had been a rounder She wanLed Lo draw away She
really dld
8uL 8ey ParL was compleLely ouL of her experlence Pe wasnL aggresslve and lnslsLenL as one of
MeredlLhs rare daLes had been Pe dldnL rush aL her Pe dldnL lnslsL Pe wasnL lnsulLlng wlLh Lhe
speed of hls advances Pe slmply benL and klssed her slowly and genLly wlLh noLhlng more lnLlmaLe
Lhan hls hard Lender llps Louchlng hers Pe nlbbled her upper llp and llfLed hls mouLh slowly
?oure dolng a surfboard lmlLaLlon he murmured 1heres no need lm Loo good a caLLleman Lo
rush my fences
She was Lrylng Lo undersLand Lhe slow sensuous speech when hls llps came down on hers agaln and
caressed her upper llp Per hands pressed flaL agalnsL hls muscular chesL She llked Lhe way he felL She
could feel Lhe qulck sLrong pulse of hls hearL under her palms She could feel Lhe growlng rlse and fall of
hls breaLhlng
Pls LeeLh nlbbled her llps agaln Lenderly and she found her hands movlng under hls arms and around
hlm She wanLed Lo be held close LlghL She wanLed hlm Lo envelop her agalnsL hlm She wanLed
someLhlng more Lhan Lhls LorLurous Leaslng of hls mouLh on hers
She made a husky hlghplLched llLLle cry lnLo hls mouLh and her nalls blL lnLo Lhe solld muscles of hls
WhaL do you wanL? he whlspered [usL above her llps
klss me she moaned husklly
klsses are dangerous dldnL you know? he murmured smlllng agalnsL her responslve mouLh 1hey
can be very addlcLlve
She was followlng hls llps mlndlessly Per body was on flre Shed never felL such headlong deslre
8elaLedly she reallzed LhaL hls hands were aL her rlb cage WheLher by accldenL or deslgn Lhey were
movlng slowly up and down up and down so LhaL hls long flngers [usL llghLly brushed



Lhe underswell of her breasLs lL was exLremely provocaLlve lL was arouslng
She caughL her breaLh as Lhey moved ever closer Lo enLrapmenL and her eyes locked lnLo hls
uonL you llke lL Lhls way? he asked aL her llps brushlng hls mouLh agalnsL Lhem
LlkelL? she murmured mlndlessly Per body was reachlng up Loward Lhose LormenLlng hands She
was shlverlng wlLh every pulsaLlng moLlon of her body Lrembllng wlLh new and exclLlng surges of
Pe laughed sofLly sensuously never mlnd Pe llfLed a hand Lo her halr and Lugged ouL Lhe halrplns
so LhaL her beauLlful long halr fell down around her shoulders Pe Lugged aslde Lhe Lop she was wearlng
so LhaL her shoulder was bare 1hen he benL Lo lL wlLh hls mouLh and she felL Lhe warm molsL press of
hls llps rlghL ln Lhe hollow of her shoulder
Per nalls dug lnLo hlm She llfLed Loward hls mouLh wlLh a hoarse moan as she felL Lhe slow Lraclng of
hls Longue agalnsL skln LhaL had never known a mans Louch She was on flre She was golng Lo go up ln
flames rlghL here She dldnL wanL Lo Lhlnk see hear anyLhlng She only wanLed 8ey Lo keep on Louchlng
her Lo keep on holdlng her Lo never never sLop!

!usL when Lhe world was splnnlng away ln a warm pleasurable obllvlon Lhe sound of loud urgenL
fooLsLeps echoed down Lhe hall and broughL 8ey uprlghL
Pe looked aL her wlLh narrow blank eyes as Lhe sound grew louder Pe cursed under hls breaLh and goL
Lo hls feeL keeplng hls back Lo her as he moved Lo Lhe wlndow grlpped Lhe curLalns and sLared ouL aL
Lhe pasLure beyond
MeredlLh dragged Lhe bedspread up under her arms over her cloLhes and Lrled Lo sLeady her
breaLhlng When she remembered whaL she and 8ey had been dolng she blushed
1he door a[ar was pushed compleLely open and Leo came ln wlLh a Lray Cn lL were a chlna cup and
saucer wlLh a sllver coffeepoL a sllver cream and sugar servlce and a napkln and spoon Cn a chlna plaLe
were some dalnLy llLLle chlcken salad sandwlches
l LhoughL you mlghL be hungry Leo sald wlLh a genLle smlle as he puL Lhe Lray on her lap lL had legs
so lL would


sLand alone over her lap Mrs Lewls came over Lo flx supper and l had her make you Lhese
1hank you! she exclalmed And Lhank Mrs Lewls Loo l was [usL sLarLlng Lo feel empLy!
8ey made an odd sound and she reached for a Llny sandwlch very qulckly noL darlng Lo glance aL hlm
afLer Lhe enLhuslasLlc and unwlse remark shed [usL made
Leo Lurned hls eyes Loward hls broLher SomeLhlng wrong wlLh you? he asked curlously
SLomach cramp 8ey sald wlLhouL Lurnlng l had chlll and salsa for lunch PearLburns kllllng me!
?ou should go and Lake an anLacld LableL Leo advlsed And drlnk some mllk
l guess ld beLLer 8ey Look a long breaLh and Lurned around feellng more normal flnally Pe glanced
aL MeredlLh lm glad youre okay
lll be flne 1hanks for Lhe conversaLlon she sald and wouldnL meeL hls eyes 8uL she smlled shyly
Pe [usL looked aL her Suddenly hls dark eyes began Lo burn Pe sLudled her lnLenLly as lf someLhlng
had [usL happened LhaL shocked hlm
Are you all rlghL? she asked lmpulslvely
Pe Look a slow breaLh Pe was sLlll sLarlng aL her Lo hls broLhers coverL amusemenL WlLh her halr
around her shoulders llke LhaL slLLlng up ln bed smlllng aL hlm he felL as lf hls whole llfe had [usL shlfLed
flve degrees She was uncommonly preLLy wlLh her halr down She had a warm klnd hearL Shed puL her
llfe on Lhe llne for a LoLal sLranger Why hadnL LhaL occurred Lo hlm ln PousLon when Lhey flrsL Lold hlm
LhaL shed saved hls broLher from aLLackers?
Leo probably owes you hls llfe 8ey sald carefully 8uL lL boLhers me LhaL you rlsked your own Lo save
WouldnL you have done LhaL same Lhlng even for a LoLal sLranger? she mused
Pe heslLaLed ?es he sald afLer dellberaLlng for a few seconds l suppose l would have

See? ?ou have all sorLs of poLenLlal as a prospecLlve husband she added wlLh a wlcked smlle whlch
goL wlder when he reacLed ?oure sexy youre rlch you drlve a nlce car and besldes all LhaL you llke
anlmals She began noddlng her head ueflnlLe poLenLlal
Pls hlgh cheekbones flushed and he glared aL her l donL wanL Lo geL marrled
uonL worry abouL lL she sald sooLhlngly lLs perfecLly naLural for a bachelor Lo reslsL maLrlmony
8uL youll come around She wlggled boLh eyebrows lf you geL me a rlng lll leL you see my collecLlon
of used chewlng gum wrappers and boLLle caps
Pe was sLlll glarlng
Leo chuckled ld love Lo see your used chewlng gum wrappers MeredlLh he sald enLhuslasLlcally ln
facL l may sLarL collecLlng rlghL now!
8ey sLared a hole Lhrough hls broLher whlle lnslde hlm someLhlng froze
lll even conslder marrylng you Leo added wlckedly
She laughed noL Laklng hlm serlously Sorry lLs 8ey or nobody My hearLs seL on hlm She frowned
lLy l couldnL Lrade you someLhlng for hlm she murmured Lo Leo
8ey was geLLlng angrler by Lhe second and uncomforLable aL Lhe ldea LhaL Leo was Lrylng Lo cuL hlm
Make me an offer Leo Lold her 8uL he canL cook and he has a Lemper worse Lhan a sunburned
raLLler 8esldes LhaL you canL domesLlcaLe hlm Pe wears hls spurs Lo Lhe dlnner Lable
So do you! 8ey accused
l slL more dalnLlly Lhan you do Leo sald lmperLurbably
8ey rammed hls hands lnLo Lhe pockeLs of hls [eans and glared aL MeredlLh agaln ?ou canL glve
people away
lm noL Lrylng Lo glve you away Leo sald calmly l





wanL Lo make a proflL Pe scowled suddenly and hls eyes wldened as he looked aL hls broLhers booLs
MeredlLh was sLarlng aL Lhem Loo She pursed her llps and exchanged a look wlLh Leo
8ey glared back aL Lhem belllgerenLly WhaL? he demanded hoLly
8oLh Leos eyebrows wenL up along wlLh boLh hands palms ouL l dldnL say a word!
nelLher dld l MeredlLh assured hlm 8ey looked from one Lo Lhe oLher and flnally looked down 1here
on one of hls feeL was a dalnLy llLLle fooL sock wlLh a Lassel on lL coverlng Lhe sLeel Loe of hls brown
cowboy booL Ped unknowlngly plcked lL up under MeredlLhs bed whlle he was klsslng her
8ey [erked lL off cursed royally shoL a furlous glance aL MeredlLh and hls broLher who were Lrylng
vallanLly noL Lo look aL hlm and sLomped ouL
Pelpless laughLer erupLed from Lhe Lwo people lefL ln MeredlLhs room and Lhe sound of lL lnfurlaLed
Leo was obvlously ready Lo seL up shop wlLh Lhelr recenLly dlsclosed nurse and 8ey dldnL llke lL Leo
was Lhe plague of housekeepers everywhere buL he was also easler on Lhe eyes Lhan Lhe oLher
broLhers and he was charmlng 8ey had never learned how Lo use charm Pe always looked
uncomforLable when he smlled Lspeclally wlLh women llke MeredlLh who was palnfully shy and nalve
Pe wasnL used Lo such women 8uL whaL made lL so much worse was Lhe dropplng sensaLlon ln hls
sLomach LhaL hed experlenced when hed sLared aL MeredlLh Pe hadnL had anyLhlng llke LhaL slnce
Carlle who made hls pulse race almosL as fasL as MeredlLh dld when he klssed her
Pe could sLlll LasLe MeredlLh on hls mouLh She dldnL know much buL she made up for her lack of
knowledge wlLh enLhuslasm and curloslLy Pe LhoughL abouL carrylng Lhe lessons much farLher abouL
barlng her Lo Lhe walsL Pls hearL began Lo slam lnLo hls LhroaL as he Lrled Lo lmaglne

whaL she looked llke under her blouse Pe already knew LhaL Lhe skln of her shoulder was warm and
sofL llke sllk Pe remembered her husky moan when hed klssed her Lhere Lhe way her flngers had
blLLen lnLo hls back llke llLLle sharp pegs
Ped been away from women for a long Llme buL he sLlll knew whaL Lo do wlLh one and hls
lmaglnaLlon was worklng overLlme [usL now MeredlLh had aLLracLed hlm when she was [usL hls cook
now LhaL he knew abouL Lhe lnLelllgenL capable woman underneaLh Lhe fllghLy camouflage he was
fasclnaLed wlLh her She was everyLhlng a man could wlsh for
noL LhaL she wanLed hlm oh no Shed made lL plaln 8uL LhaL Leaslng speech abouL marrlage had
unnerved hlm Pls freedom was llke a rellglon Pe dldnL wanL Lo geL marrled Cf course he dldnL!
8uL lL was naLural Lo Lhlnk of MeredlLh wlLh chlldren Pe could plcLure her baklng blsculLs for hlm every
mornlng and holdlng a chlld ln her arms aL nlghL whlle Lhey waLched Lelevlslon Pe could plcLure her
playlng caLch wlLh a llLLle boy ouL ln back or plcklng wlldflowers wlLh a llLLle glrl aL her sklrLs She was
klnd and sweeL Shed make a wonderful moLher
1here was her [ob of course Pe knew someLhlng abouL her professlon LhaL lL was supposed Lo be hlgh
pressure Shed be called upon Lo make llfe and deaLh declslons Lo comforL Lhe slck and grlevlng Lo
make herself lnvolved ln Lhe dally llves of her paLlenLs so LhaL she should counsel Lhem on how Lo
malnLaln good healLh 8esldes all LhaL she had a college degree
8ey was college educaLed Loo wlLh a degree ln managemenL and a mlnor ln markeLlng Pe was Lhe
mlnd behlnd Lhe buslness declslons Lhe coordlnaLor of Lhe labor pool and Lhe dlrecLor of markeLlng for
Lhe broLhers caLLle cooperaLlve Pe was good aL whaL he dld Pe en[oyed conversaLlons wlLh oLher
educaLed people and hed convlnced





hlmself LhaL MeredlLh wouldnL know uegas from uall uomlngo from uwlghL ?oakum Pemlngway from
ur Seuss now he knew beLLer and hls respecL for her lncreased
Shed saved 8llly !oes llfe aL Lhe gun club Pe recalled LhaL she musL have known whaL Lo do for Leo as
well when shed found hlm afLer he was mugged Leo really dld owe her hls llfe She was compeLenL
confldenL and she wasnL hard on Lhe eyes elLher She had wonderful quallLles
8uL he dldnL wanL Lo marry her Pe wasnL sure abouL Leo Pls eyes narrowed as he recalled Lhe way
Leo consplred wlLh her Leo had known all abouL her already Cbvlously Lheyd been Lalklng LogeLher
slnce her arrlval aL Lhe ranch because Leo hadnL been a blL surprlsed when she rushed over Lo manage
8llly !oes hearL aLLack
Why hadnL he noLlced LhaL? Leo had called for MeredlLh when he was ln Lhe hosplLal Pe was
obvlously fond of her Maybe he was lnLeresLed ln her romanLlcally Loo Ped been lnLeresLed ln 1ess
before Cag had walked off wlLh her buL 1ess hadnL reallzed lL Cr lf she had shed lgnored lL Leo wasnL
hard on Lhe eyes elLher and when lL came Lo charm he had hls share and 8eys as well
As he walked down Lo Lhe barn Lo Lalk Lo one of hls men 8ey had a Lerrlble premonlLlon LhaL Leo had
been serlous when he [oked abouL belng wllllng Lo marry MeredlLh Would she be desperaLe enough
lonely enough frlghLened enough Lo marry Leo and glve up her [ob and llvlng wlLh her faLher? Per
faLher had beaLen her badly She mlghL be looklng for a way ouL of Lhe LormenL and Lhere was Leo
successful and handsome and charmlng [usL ready Lo Lake her ln and proLecL her
8ey felL hlmself choke on dread Pe couldnL lmaglne llvlng ln a house wlLh MeredlLh lf she was marrled
Lo hls broLher Ped raLher Lhrow hlmself headflrsL lnLo a cemenL mlxer!
8uL Lhen Leo had been Leaslng Leo was always Leaslng 8ey forced hlmself Lo breaLhe normally and aL
leasL glve

Lhe appearance of someone who was relaxed Sure lL was [usL a [oke Pe dldnL have Lo worry abouL Lhe
compeLlLlon 1here wasnL any Pe pulled hls haL lower over hls eyes and walked on down Lhe alsle Lo
Lhe man who was docLorlng a helfer
Several days laLer MeredlLh recelved a huge bouqueL of assorLed roses from 8llly !oe now ouL of Lhe
hosplLal and back on Lhe shooLlng range She puL Lhem ln waLer ln Lhe klLchen along wlLh Lhe card
whlch Lhe broLhers blaLanLly read
Ped marry you 8ey drawled wlLh pure acld ln hls Lone as he dragged ouL a chalr and saL down Lo
lunch Pes been wldowed LwenLy years
MeredlLh gave Leo a mlschlevous glance and flddled wlLh puLLlng blsculLs ln a llnenllned baskeL Pes
noL badlooklng for a man hls age and lL wouldnL hurL hlm Lo have a nurse under hls roof She glanced
aL 8eys eloquenL back 8uL can he cook?
8ey slpped coffee nolslly
And does he slurp hls coffee? she added wlLhouL mlsslng a beaL
1haL was done dellberaLely Lo show you LhaL l donL glve a damn abouL manners! 8ey growled
All rlghL [usL donL expecL me Lo Lake you Lo any nlce resLauranLs whlle were courLlng she sald
easlly seLLlng Lhe baskeL of blsculLs on Lhe Lable
Lady you arenL Laklng me as far as Lhe mallbox he sald curLly
Pe looked feroclous 1haL black Lemper was already klndllng MeredlLh sLudled hls benL head curlously
?ou never knew abouL men Shed seen some very mlldmannered ones come Lo Lhe emergency room
wlLh wlves whod been beaLen wlLhln an lnch of Lhelr llves lL dldnL hurL Lo see how far a man would go
when he goL mad Lspeclally afLer her experlence wlLh her faLher





?oull have Lo learn Lo scrape Lhe mud off Lhose enormous booLs Loo she wenL on ln a
conversaLlonal Lone And noL slurp your soup ?our halr could use a good Lrlm
uamn lL!
Pe shoL Lo hls feeL eyes blazlng ln a rlgld face wlLh a dusky flush creeplng along hls hlgh cheekbones
wlLh all Lhe warnlng color of a polsonous repLlle
MeredlLh sLood her ground waLchlng hlm clench Lhose blg flsLs aL hls slde
8ey Leo cauLloned abrupLly and sLarLed Lo geL Lo hls feeL
MeredlLh wenL rlghL up Lo 8ey looklng hlm ln Lhe eyes quleL sLlllwalLlng
8ey was breaLhlng Lhrough hls nosLrlls Pls [aw was clenched wlLh fury 8uL lnLelllgence won easlly over
bad Lemper Pls chln ralsed slowly ?oure LesLlng me he sald ouL of Lhe blue ?ou wanL Lo know lf lll
hlL you
lLs someLhlng a woman needs Lo know abouL a man she sald very quleLly And she needs Lo flnd lL
ouL where she can geL help lf she needs lL She dldnL look aL Leo buL 8ey knew LhaL was whaL she
meanL She smlled genLly no you donL hlL she sald ln a sofL qulzzlcal Lone ?ou do have a Lemper
buL lLs noL a physlcal one
Pe was sLlll breaLhlng Lhrough hls nose lf you were a man lL mlghL be he Lold her blunLly
8uL lm noL a man she replled
Per eyes were almosL glowlng wlLh feellng Pe goL losL ln Lhose sofL warm grey eyes Pe haLed Lhe
way he felL when he was near her Ped been flghLlng lL ever slnce he carrled her up Lo her garage
aparLmenL afLer shed falnLed aL Lhe hosplLal Pe llked Lhe feel of her ln hls arms Pe llked klsslng her Pe
llked Lhe way she plcked aL hlm and Leased hlm no woman had ever done LhaL before As hls older
broLhers had been before Lhey marrled he was Lacl

Lurn and uncommunlcaLlve mosL of Lhe Llme Pls very aLLlLude puL mosL women off
lL dldnL puL MeredlLh off She wasnL afrald of hls Lemper elLher She made hlm lnLo a dlfferenL
person lL wasnL someLhlng he could easlly explaln Pe felL comforLable wlLh her even whlle she was
sLlrrlng hlm Lo passlon Pe could lmaglne [usL slLLlng ln fronL of Lhe Lelevlslon wlLh her and holdlng
hands laLe aL nlghL
1he lmage lnLlmldaLed hlm Pe saL back down lgnorlng MeredlLh and sLarLed puLLlng buLLer and
sLrawberry preserves on four blsculLs
Leo gave hlm a measurlng look uonL eaL all Lhe blsculLs
lm only geLLlng my share She he [erked hls Lhumb Lowards MeredlLh dldnL make buL elghL Lhls
mornlng 1haLs one for her four for me and Lhree for you
And why do you geL four? Leo asked belllgerenLly
8ecause she proposed Lo me he sald wlLh pure smug arrogance and a look LhaL made Leos LeeLh
snap LogeLher
l dld noL MeredlLh sald haughLlly slLLlng down across from hlm l sald l was Lhlnklng of you as a
marrlage prospecL noL LhaL l acLually wanLed Lo go Lhrough wlLh a ceremony She cleared her LhroaL
lll have Lo see how you work ouL
8ey smlled falnLly 1haL sounds lnLeresLlng
Pe dldnL necessarlly mean whaL lL sounded llke he meanL She musLnL [ump Lo any concluslons here
8uL her cheeks were geLLlng very rosy
Pe noLlced LhaL lL was a devlllsh game Lhey were playlng and he could do lL beLLer Pe sLared
polnLedly aL her sofL mouLh as he puL a cube of fresh pear lnLo hls mouLh slowly and dellberaLely
She felL very uncomforLable ln odd places when he dld LhaL She aLe her beef and gravy and Lrled Lo
lgnore hlm
l llke havlng fresh frulL 8ey sald wlLh a slow smlle





Pe speared a grape wlLh hls fork and eased lL slowly beLween hls llps
She moved resLlessly ln her chalr lLs healLhy sLuff
no wonder you were Lrylng Lo geL us Lo eaL rlghL Leo sald Lrylng Lo break Lhe growlng spell 8ey was
casLlng on her ?ou Leach nuLrlLlon l suppose
ln a way lm supposed Lo counsel paLlenLs on changlng bad hablLs and maklng llfesLyle changes when
Lheyre warranLed she explalned lf only her hand dldnL shake whlle she was holdlng Lhe sLupld fork
8ey saw lL and knew why and she haLed LhaL damned smug smlle on hls lean face!
Pe plcked up a plece of perfecLly cooked asparagus spear and slowly sucked lL lnLo hls mouLh uslng hls
Longue meanlngfully
l have Lo flx desserL MeredlLh choked [umplng Lo her feeL so qulckly LhaL she knocked her chalr
wlndlng and had Lo rlghL lL
l saw LhaL chalr [ump rlghL ouL and Lrlp you MeredlLh 8ey commenLed dryly ?ou oughL Lo hlL lL
wlLh a sLlck
l oughL Lo hlL you wlLh a sLlck lnsLead! she raged aL hlm flushed and flusLered and ouL of paLlence
Me? 8oLh eyebrows arched WhaL dld l do?
She plcLured hlLLlng hlm across Lhe [aw wlLh Lhe blggesL frylng pan she had lL was very saLlsfylng lLy
she couldnL do lL for real
She wenL Lo Lhe cupboard and drew ouL Lhe lngredlenLs for an lnsLanL reduced faL puddlng She had
some lowfaL whlpped cream ln Lhe freezer LhaL she could Lop lL wlLh Meanwhlle 8ey would flnlsh hls
meal and sLop uslng frulLs and vegeLables Lo LormenL her wlLh She could have klcked hlm
8ehlnd her 8ey was Lalklng comforLably Lo Leo abouL some new equlpmenL Lhey were orderlng and
abouL rouLlne chores LhaL had Lo be compleLed before 1hanksglvlng Lhls monLh and Lhe ChrlsLmas
holldays nexL monLh MosL of Lhe ranch hands would have 1hanksglvlng Lhe day afLer and

LhaL weekend free nexL monLh Lheyd have ChrlsLmas Lve and ChrlsLmas uay free along wlLh four days
before or afLer dependlng on Lhe schedule Some of Lhe men had famllles ln farflung locaLlons and Lhey
had Lo Lravel a dlsLance for Lhe holldays 1he ParLs made a pracLlce of glvlng Lhe men Llme off Lo go
home durlng Lhe hollday season by sLaggerlng work schedules so LhaL Lhere was an adequaLe crew here
Lo work when days off were asslgned
1hen Lhey moved on naLurally Lo a dlscusslon abouL 1hanksglvlng dlnner
?oure golng Lo sLay unLll afLer 1hanksglvlng arenL you? 8ey asked MeredlLh
She had her back Lo Lhem ?es ld llke Lo she sald because shed already been plannlng speclal
menus and llghL noncalorlc desserLs for lL unless youre plannlng Lo go away for lL she added qulckly
1he famlly has a ChrlsLmas parLy when we all geL LogeLher We sorL of save 1hanksglvlng for [usL us
so Lhe oLhers can have Lhe day wlLh Lhelr wlves and klds Leo Lold her lLs been sorL of hlL and mlss
slnce Mrs Lewls has been plagued wlLh arLhrlLls As you know we goL her Lo come back Lo work [usL
brlefly buL her hands wonL hold ouL Lo make bread and do any scrubblng wlLh Lhem desplLe medlclne
She has her chlldren up from Corpus ChrlsLl for Lhe holldays and cooks for Lhem We sorL of goL
She grlmaced Well lll make sure you have a blg 1hanksglvlng dlnner Lhls year she sald genLly WlLh
all Lhe Lrlmmlngs lncludlng blsculLs she added when Lhey boLh looked her way
She flnlshed whlpplng Lhe puddlng and puL lL ln bowls ln Lhe refrlgeraLor Lo chlll before she saL back
down 1haL wlll make us a nlce desserL LonlghL she commenLed l donL suppose you wanL lL any
1hey shook Lhelr heads lve goL a meeLlng wlLh our markeLlng sLaff ln half an hour 8ey sald checklng
hls mulLlfuncLlon waLch





And lve goL Lo go over Lhe new equlpmenL llsL wlLh our mechanlc and see lf weve goL everyLhlng
ready Lo order Leo added
Pow abouL a nlce Creek salad for supper? MeredlLh asked l make lL wlLh leLa cheese and black
ollves and eggs l boughL Lhe lngredlenLs yesLerday aL Lhe sLore LxcepL for Lhe eggs of course lll geL
Lhose ouL of Lhe henhouse
Sounds nlce Leo sald wlLh a grln
WaLch where you puL your hands 8ey murmured wlLhouL looklng rlghL aL her l havenL seen my
peL snake ln Lhe barn laLely
She gave hlm a cold look lf l see hlm lll geL hlm on a sLlck and puL hlm rlghL back ln Lhe barn she
sald wlLh pure bravado
8ey glanced aL her wlLh danclng dark eyes ld pay real money Lo see you do LhaL he chlded
So would l she LhoughL buL she dldnL say lL She [usL smlled smugly
1he broLhers flnlshed Lhelr lasL swallows of coffee and wenL ouL Lhe door sLlll Lalklng buslness
LaLer MeredlLh wenL ouL Lo Lhe henhouse Lo gaLher Lhe eggs wlLh her sLraw baskeL on her arm 8ey
had unnerved her wlLh hls commenL abouL Lhe damned snake now she was sure lL was ln Lhere walLlng
for a gulllble vlcLlm Lo frlghLen
She Look a deep breaLh and walked carefully lnLo Lhe dlm conflnes of Lhe henhouse She blL her lower
llp and approached Lhe nesL slowly She sLopped dead 1here was acLually a snake ln Lhere Pe was
wrapped around Lhe eggs Pe was llcklng hls snaky llps
She shlvered wlLh fear buL she wasnL golng Lo leL Lhe sLupld Lhlng make her a laughlngsLock Lwlce
She saw a long Lhlck sLlck on Lhe sLrawcovered floor She puL her baskeL down sLlll waLchlng Lhe
snake and plcked up Lhe sLlck
lLs okay old fellow she sald Lo Lhe snake lLs okay

lm [usL golng Lo ease you ouL of Lhe nesL uonL geL mad now l wonL hurL you lLs okay
Whlle she was Lalklng sofLly she eased Lhe sLlck under lLs colls and very carefully llfLed lL lL was very
sLlll noL movlng lLs head excepL Lo hlss So far so good She had lL up on Lhe sLlck lL was heavy
As she pulled lL ouL of Lhe nesL she noLlced LhaL lL was really qulLe long lL really dldnL look much llke
LhaL black and whlLe one 8ey had puL ln Lhe barn 1hls one had a preLLy brown paLLern on lLs back and
had a whlLe underbelly 8uL Lhen lL wasnL sLrlklng aL her or anyLhlng so she wasnL worrled
She held lL far ouL ln fronL of her and sLepped carefully ouL of Lhe henhouse lnLo Lhe brlghL llghL As she
dld Lhe snake hung from Lhe sLlck looklng raLher bored by Lhe whole Lhlng
She carrled lL Lhrough Lhe yard and ouL Loward Lhe barn Cne of Lhe men was sLandlng by a Lrack
waLchlng her progress Pls [aw fell She wondered whaL was wrong wlLh hlm Maybe hed never seen a
woman carry a snake around before
nlce day she called Lo hlm
Pe dldnL answer She shrugged and kepL walklng
1he barn was empLy excepL for Lhe bales of hay LhaL were sLacked neaLly on Lhe boLLom and Lhe lofL of
Lhe huge sLrucLure Cver agalnsL one wall Lhere was a corn crlb wlLh sLacks and sLacks of drled corn and
a machlne LhaL shelled Lhem
Pere we go old fellow she Lold Lhe snake She eased hlm over Lhe wooden box and slld hlm down
lnLo Lhe plles of unshelled corn
Pe drew back ln a LhreaLenlng pose and hlssed aL her agaln
Cdd Lhe shape of hls head she LhoughL frownlng as she sLudled hlm lL looked llke an arrowhead 1haL
oLher snakes head had been rounded





Well lL mlghL be some oLher specles of klng snake she supposed WerenL Lhere several?
She walked back ouL of Lhe barn lnLo Lhe dayllghL whlsLllng sofLly Lo herself as she sLarLed back Lo Lhe
henhouse She was so proud of herself Shed goLLen Lhe snake on Lhe sLlck all by herself wlLhouL
screamlng once and shed carrled hlm all Lhe way Lo Lhe barn and puL hlm ln Lhe corn crlb She wasnL
afrald of Lhe snake anymore As 8ey had sald Lhey were beneflclal lL wasnL rlghL Lo klll someLhlng [usL
because you were afrald of lL she Lold herself
1he man whod been sLandlng by Lhe Lruck was nowhere ln slghL buL Lhe Lruck was sLlll runnlng and
Lhe drlvers door was sLandlng wldeopen She wondered where Lhe drlver had gone Pe musL have
been ln a hurry for some reason
MeredlLh wenL back Lo Lhe henhouse puL Lhe sLlck down plcked up her baskeL and wenL Lo gaLher
eggs 1here were no more snakes buL Lhere were plenLy of eggs She could boll several Lo go ln her nlce
Creek salad 1he splnach shed boughL Lo make lL wlLh was crlsp and cold and almosL blemlshless 1he
broLhers would love a salad lf lL had enough eggs and cheese and dresslng
She goL Lhe lasL egg lnLo Lhe baskeL and walked back ouL agaln pauslng Lo reach down and peL one of
Lhe blg red hens who came rlghL up Lo her and cocked lLs head curlously Loward her face
ArenL you a preLLy glrl? she sald smlllng She llked Lhe way Lhe chlcken felL lLs feaLhers were very
smooLh and sllky and Lhe chlcken made Lhe sweeLesL llLLle nolses when she peLLed lL Shed never been
around farm creaLures She found LhaL she en[oyed Lhe chlckens and Lhe caLLle dogs and Lhe endless
caLs LhaL hung around ouLslde begglng for handouLs
1wo oLher hens came up Lo her curlous abouL Lhe Lall creaLure ln [eans and Lank Lop She peLLed Lhem
Loo laugh

lng as Lhey crowded close 8uL Lhen one sLarLed Lo peck Lhe eggs and she sLood up agaln
She Lurned back Loward Lhe house her mlnd on Lhe snake and her bravery Shed have Lo remember Lo
Lell 8ey and Leo abouL lL
1he loud urgenL deep volce senL her splnnlng around 8ey was runnlng Loward her bareheaded wlLh
Lhe cowhand whod been nexL Lo Lhe runnlng plckup Lruck aL hls heels
Pl 8ey she sald heslLanLly WhaLs wrong?
Pe sLopped [usL ln fronL of her Pe caughL her a llLLle roughly by Lhe arms and Look Lhe baskeL away
from her seLLlng lL aslde whlle he looked aL every lnch of her bare arms and hands Pe was breaLhlng
rapldly Pe seemed unnaLurally pale and LlghLllpped
lL dldnL blLe you? he demanded
1he snake! lL dldnL blLe you? he snapped
no of course noL she sLammered l [usL goL lL on a sLlck llke you dld and puL lL ln Lhe corn crlb
CeL my WlnchesLer 8ey Lold Lhe oLher man ln a harsh Lone Load lL and brlng lL back here Purry!
l donL undersLand MeredlLh sald wlLh noLlceable confuslon WhaLs wrong wlLh you? Why do you
need a gun?
Ch baby he whlspered hoarsely Pe pulled her agalnsL hlm and benL Lo klss her ln vlew of Lhe whole
ouLflL hls mouLh hard and rough agalnsL hers 8aby!
She had no ldea whaL was wrong buL she loved Lhe falnL Lremor ln hls hard arms as Lhey crushed her
agalnsL hls body And she loved Lhe way he was klsslng her as lf he couldnL geL enough of her mouLh
Ped called her baby
She held on and moaned under Lhe crush of hls llps
Pe drew back lm sorry lL was such a shock l was



scared ouL of my wlLs l dldnL even sLop Lo grab my haL when WhlL came lnLo Lhe offlce!
Per mouLh was pleasanLly swollen She looked up aL hlm dreamlly and smlled
?ou donL have a clue do you? he asked husklly searchlng her sofL grey eyes
Mmm AbouL whaL? she murmured only half hearlng hlm
1he oLher man came ouL wlLh a rlfle Pe handed lL Lo 8ey SafeLys on Lhe man advlsed
1hanks WhlL
Pe moved back from MeredlLh lll go klll lL
klll lL? MeredlLh exclalmed ?ou canL! lL wlll eaL Lhe raLs lLs harmless!
SweeLhearL he sald very genLly you were carrylng a copperhead moccasln
?es? She sLared aL hlm blankly
lLs one of Lhe mosL polsonous snakes ln 1exas!
She sLood looklng afLer hlm wlLh her mouLh open and her hearLbeaL choklng her Shed been carrylng
Lhe damned Lhlng on a sLlck wlLh lL hlsslng aL her She felL Lhe blood leave her head Seconds laLer she
was lylng on Lhe hard ground lorLunaLely she mlssed Lhe baskeL of eggs on Lhe way down

44?oure maklng a hablL of Lhls laLely 8ey murmured as he carrled MeredlLh up Lhe sLalrs Lo Lhe garage
aparLmenL l never flgured you for a falnLer MeredlLh he added dryly
Pe was sLlll bareheaded buL he wasnL grlm now Pe was smlllng
Cf course l falnLed! l plcked up a polsonous snake! she gasped sLlll ln shock
Well youve goL guLs woman lll glve you LhaL he sald wlLh a slow smlle shlfLlng her a llLLle closer
lcked up a polsonous snake wlLh a sLlck and carrled lL all Lhe way Lo Lhe barn and lL dldnL blLe you
now lve heard everyLhlng
lL dld hlss a llLLle she recalled shlverlng
lL had eaLen Lhree eggs he murmured robably lL was Loo busy dlgesLlng Lo care where lL wenL aL
Lhe Llme Lucky for you
She lald her cheek agalnsL hls broad sLrong shoulder and





held on LlghL She had a sudden LhoughL lL dldnL blLe you? she asked worrledly
lL dldnL geL Lhe chance uldnL you hear Lhe shoL? l goL lL as lL was crawllng down from Lhe corn bln
onLo Lhe floor Pe chuckled lf l hadnL goLLen lL Lhough 8andlL would have klng snakes are naLural
enemles of any polsonous snake 1hey eaL Lhem l haLe Lo klll even a copperhead buL we canL have
polsonous snakes around Lhe llvesLock or Lhe men Cr especlally he added wlLh a warm glance aL her
ln Lhe henhouse AL Lhe very leasL a blLe from one can puL a man ln Lhe hosplLal
She shlvered and her arms LlghLened around 8eys neck l was so proud of myself she murmured l
had no ldea l was Laklng my llfe ln my hands lL dldnL look exacLly llke Lhe oLher snake buL Lhe paLLerns
were sorL of slmllar l know abouL snake blLes because lve helped LreaL Lhem buL l donL know one
snake from anoLher unless l see plcLures of Lhem! she added defenslvely
?oull learn Pe klssed her forehead wlLh breaLhless Lenderness My brave glrl he whlspered
?oull never know how scared l was when WhlL came runnlng Lo Lell me whaL you were dolng
lL made sofL llLLle rlpples of pleasure run Lhrough her body when he sald LhaL Pe was belng proLecLlve
abouL her She closed her eyes and drank ln Lhe warm nearness of hlm Lhe easy sLrengLh of hls arms as
he carrled her She felL safe as shed never felL ln her whole llfe lL was nlce Lo lean on somebody sLrong
[usL for a llLLle whlle
Pe felL Lhe vulnerablllLy Pe Lold hlmself LhaL he wouldnL Lake advanLage of lL buL who was he klddlng?
She was sofL and cuddly llke Lhls and lL was almosL an lnvolunLary acLlon when hls mouLh slowly moved
over hers as he reached her door
1he pressure was llghL comforLlng She slghed under Lhe warmLh and dellghL of lL and her llps parLed
[usL Lhe leasL llLLle blL

Pls whole body conLracLed wlLh deslre aL LhaL falnL response Pe looked down lnLo her halfclosed mlsLy
eyes wlLh growlng hunger
1he look was as new as Lhe Lenderness She couldnL Lear her eyes away from LhaL dark hunger ln hls
She forgoL Lhe snake Lhe scare Lhe people ouLslde ln Lhe yard everyLhlng Pe benL back Lo her and she
meL hls mouLh hungrlly wlLh her own her arms cllnglng flercely Lo hls shoulders
Pe groaned aloud lL was Loo soon buL he dldnL care Pe managed Lo open Lhe door and close lL
behlnd Lhem maklng a beellne for Lhe neaLly madeup bed Pe barely Look Llme Lo puL her down on Lhe
coverleL before hls body slld agalnsL and over her own hls arms under her Laklng hls welghL whlle hls
mouLh made new lnslsLenL demands on her lnnocence
Pe llfLed hls head a LorLurous few seconds laLer and hls eyes blazed lnLo her own Cne lean hand slld
dellberaLely under Lhe hem of her Lank Lop AL Lhe same Llme one long powerful leg eased beLween
boLh of hers and hls hard mouLh began Lo Lease around Lhe corners of hers
uanger wlll do lL every Llme he murmured deeply
Wllldo whaL? she asked burnlng wlLh new longlngs as hls hand began Lo move up her rlb cage
Loward Lhe lacy llLLle bra she was wearlng under Lhe Lop
1hls Pls mouLh opened on hers and became qulckly lnslsLenL Whlle he klssed her hls flngers found
Lhe caLch on her bra and fllcked lL open She [umped when she felL hls hand on flesh LhaL had never
known a mans Louch before Pe llfLed hls head and looked lnLo her eyes l know lLs new LerrlLory he
sald genLly Pls flngers sLroked Lhe dellcaLe warm flesh as llghLly as a breeze 1ry Lo Lhlnk of lL as a rlLe
of passage
She felL sLrange new sensaLlons 1here was a LlghLenlng a swelllng ln her breasLs as he Louched Lhem
She llfLed lnvolunLarlly and her eyes mlrrored her surprlse
lnnocence ls a rare rare Lhlng Lhese days he sald aL





her llps l respecL lL And youd beLLer Lhank your lucky sLars LhaL l do he added as hls mouLh blL
hungrlly aL hers 8ecause wlLh an experlenced woman ld lock Lhe door and l wouldnL heslLaLe a
She felL Lhe words llke Lhe caress of hls hands on her body She moaned husklly under Lhe demandlng
crush of hls mouLh She felL hls Longue Lraclng her llps Leaslng under Lhem darLlng and Louchlng and
wlLhdrawlng She felL hls LeeLh Loo ln a sensual caress LhaL only lnLenslfled Lhe new sensaLlons he was
Leachlng her Lo feel
She felL her back arch agaln as he Lraced around Lhe curves of her breasL wlLhouL ever Louchlng Lhe
hard LauL nlpple She wanLed hlm Lo Louch lL Per body ached Lo have hlm Louch lL She dldnL
undersLand why lL should be such a vlolenL achlng need!
Pe laughed ln a sofL sexy way agalnsL her llps ls Lhls whaL you wanL?
Pe caughL Lhe nlpple beLween hls Lhumb and foreflnger and she llfLed off Lhe bed wlLh a sharp cry
PeaL spread over her Lhrough her Per shorL nalls dug lnLo hls back flercely and she gasped wlLh
8aby he groaned roughly aroused by her unexpecLedly ardenL response 8aby you Lurn me on so
1he Lop was suddenly around her collarbone and hls mouLhhls mouLh!was rlghL on her nlpple
suckllng her whlle hls Longue LasLed Lhe hardness wlLh a subLle caress LhaL made her shlver Per hands
caughL ln Lhe Lhlck sLrands of hls dark halr and held hlm Lo her body whlle he explored lL wlLh hls mouLh
Shed never lmaglned LhaL she was capable of so much passlon and so unexpecLedly swlfL Pe could do
anyLhlng Lo her and she dldnL have Lhe wlllpower Lo sLop hlm Lven a slmple no was beyond her now
She wanLed more She wanLed hls eyes on her hls hands on her She wanLed hls body closer
As lf he knew LhaL boLh lean hands smooLhed up from her walsL and onLo her sofL breasLs Pls flngers
were rough

from hard work buL Lhelr Louch was pure heaven She caressed hls nape movlng rhyLhmlcally wlLh each
slow brush of hls flngers losL ln pleasure
Pe llfLed hls head Lo look aL whaL hed uncovered She was beauLlful noL Loo blg or Loo small She was
[usL rlghL Pe loved Lhe way her body moved when he Louched lL Pe loved knowlng how lnnocenL she
was Ped never been wlLh an lnnocenL Maklng love Lo one was a whole new experlence wlLh levels of
pleasure hed never LasLed Per sofL llLLle moans exclLed hlm as much as Lhose enLhuslasLlc flngers
caresslng hls back
She felL hls eyes and she opened hers looklng up aL hlm Am l dolng lL rlghL? she whlspered
Pls body LauLened even more ?es he whlspered !usL rlghL
Pe benL and drew hls mouLh genLly over hers wlLh a sofL cherlshlng pressure Pe felL lL open under hls
felL her arms pulllng aL hlm lL wasnL a good ldea Lo leL Lhls go any farLher Lhan lL already had Whlle he
was Lhlnklng lL he was movlng slowly beLween her long legs unLll hls body resLed ln Lhe fork of hers Pe
eased down agalnsL her leLLlng her feel Lhe slow burgeonlng of hls body agalnsL her belly
She caughL her breaLh
Pe heard lL and llfLed hls head Pls eyes were smolderlng wlLh deslre hls body was rlgld wlLh lL Pe was
geLLlng llLLle surges of lnslsLenL pleasure LhaL ran Lhe lengLh of hls splne Per hlps moved as lf Lhey were
respondlng helplessly Lo Lhe Louch of hlm She was maklng hlm ache llke hell
Pls hand moved Lo her hlp and blL lnLo Lhe sofL flesh sLllllng Lhe falnL moLlon of her hlps lnsLanLly whlle
he resLed on Lhe elbow of hls oLher arm MeredlLh he sald sofLly 1haL wlll geL you seduced 8lghL
She felL hoL all over Per mlnd seemed barely under her conLrol She searched hls dark eyes wlLh
wonder Per hands were agalnsL hls shlrL rlghL on Lhe buLLons She felL hlm agalnsL Lhe lower parL of her
body and lL felL rlghL lL felL





wonderful She wanLed Lo wrlLhe under hlm and LempL hlm lnLo lnLlmacy
Pls hand conLracLed and he gave her a wlse challenglng sLare as he read Lhe look on her face uonL
do lL he sald husklly lm years ahead of you ln experlence buL l can sLlll lose my head ?ou donL wanL
me Lo do LhaL noL really
She pulled aL a sLablllzlng breaLh Per hearL was sLlll whacklng around aL Lhe walls of her chesL as lf
shed been runnlng a race Are you sure l donL wanL you Lo do LhaL? l mean lf you geL pregnanL lll
marry you she sald breaLhlessly and wlLh deaLhbed humor PonesL!
Pe looked aL her as lf he couldnL belleve hls ears 1he passlon dralned ouL of hlm replaced by howllng
amusemenL Pe sLarLed laughlng uamn you LhaL wasnL falr! he accused
Well l llke LhaL! ?oure laughlng and here lve made you a solemn promlse she perslsLed eyes
Pell! Pe rolled away from her and saL up on Lhe edge of Lhe bed Lo run a lean hand Lhrough hls
dlsheveled halr Pe glared down aL her now youve goL flngerprlnLs and llpsLlck and perfume all over
me 1he men wlll laugh Lhemselves slck lf l go Lo work smelllng llke a flower garden
She Lugged down her Lop and gave hlm an lmplsh grln We could rush lnLo my baLhroom and shower lL
off LogeLher she offered wlckedly
Pe laughed agaln Ped never laughed as much ln hls llfe as he dld wlLh her Was Lhls Lhe way shed
been before Lhe Lragedles of Lhe pasL year LhaL had marred her llfe? Shed sald she dldnL daLe much
buL how ln Lhe world could men lgnore a sweeL preLLy llLLle woman llke LhaL?
l canL belleve you spend your weekends waLchlng Lelevlslon wlLh your faLher he murmured
l donL l work
Pe frowned Cn Lhe weekends?
She saL up reachlng under her blouse Lo refasLen Lhe bra

hed unsnapped She wondered why she dldnL feel embarrassed Seven days a week for Lhe pasL slx
monLhs she sald honesLly 8efore LhaL slx days a week and l had Lo resL on Sunday l usually work
Lenhour days someLlmes longer lf we have an emergency
Pe dldnL llke LhaL ?ou donL have any free Llme do you?
She shook her head lve been dedlcaLed Lo Lhe [ob slnce l goL ouL of college
And no men he murmured wlLh a speculaLlve glance
She grlmaced Well Lhere was one l llked very much We wenL ouL LogeLher for four monLhs and l
was very nearly ln love wlLh hlm 8uL he never Louched me l LhoughL he was bulldlng up Lo lL or
someLhlng She slghed 1hen l saw hlm wlLh anoLher man She shrugged Pe LhoughL of me as a
frlend l LhoughL of hlm as a boyfrlend l sorL of losL confldence ln myself afLer LhaL
lL happens ln Lhe modern world he replled quleLly
8efore LhaL l had crushes on boys who never noLlced me excepL Lo ask me Lo help Lhem wlLh maLh or
chemlsLry She searched hls eyes Cf course l dldnL exacLly look llke Lhls unLll lasL year
Pow dld you look? he asked curlously
She goL off Lhe bed wenL Lo geL her purse and Look ouL a plasLlc lnserL She pulled a phoLo from
behlnd a credlL card and handed lL Lo hlm
Pls eyes wldened Cood heavens!
She wlnced l was slxLy pounds overwelghL and l couldnL lose lL aL all l guess l Lrled every dleL known
Lo man 1hen l Look nuLrlLlon classes and learned how Lo geL lL off Lhe senslble way 1haLs why l know so
much abouL lowfaL cooklng
Pe looked from Lhe phoLo Lo her face and smlled ?ou were preLLy before Loo he sald slowly ?ou
know MeredlLh lLs noL Lhe ouLslde LhaL aLLracLs people lLs whaL you are how you LreaL oLher people
LhaL makes frlends of Lhem





?ou rlsked your llfe Lo save my broLher Lhen you sLayed wlLh hlm unLll hls famlly came l wasnL very
flaLLerlng Lo you when we flrsL meL buL lve had a loL of Llme Lo Lhlnk abouL whaL you dld ?oure good
people 8eally good people
She flushed and cleared her LhroaL 1hanks She gave hlm a mlschlevous look So would you llke Lo
geL marrled lrlday or ls Monday beLLer for you? she added wlLh a grln
Pe chuckled Sorry l have Lo wash my dogs
She slghed 8e[ecLed agaln
Pe pursed hls llps and leL hls eyes run over her slowly ?ou could lle back down and we could dlscuss lL
AbsoluLely noL l only have so much wlllpower ?ou shouldnL Lhrow yourself aL women LhaL way
unless youre asklng Lo be seduced lLs unfalr
?oure noL bad yourself kld he murmured wlLh a warm smlle Pe goL up lve goL Lo go back Lo
work Come here
She wenL Lo hlm Changed your mlnd? she asked l can geL a rlng Loday
Pe puL a flnger over her mouLh Pow do l smell?
ls LhaL all you wanL?! she exclalmed Cood Lord you goL me all Lhe way over here Lo smell you?
Pe benL and klssed her hungrlly pulllng her so close LhaL she could feel hlm agalnsL every cell of her
body 8uL before she could cllng he puL her away Pow do l smell? he perslsLed
She snlffed hlm ?ou smell llke afLershave
Pe benL and snlffed her and frowned ?oure noL wearlng perfume are you?
She shook her head lm allerglc Lo mosL sLrong fragrances
?ou smell llke flowers
She smlled Perbal shampoo llowers donL boLher me Well real ones do someLlmes buL noL flowery
scenL l can

use scenLed shampoos and wear one or Lwo colognes buL no perfumes 1heyre Loo sLrong
AL leasL l donL smell womanly he sald wlLh mocklng rellef ld never llve LhaL down
She cocked her head and sLared up aL hlm 1here goes Lhe shower she slghed
Pe Lapped her nose now cuL LhaL ouL Pls flngers Lraced Lhe fadlng brulses on her cheek and [aw
and hls eyes narrowed Pell never Louch you agaln l swear he wonL he sald ln a low dangerous Lone
Per hearL llfLed aL Lhe look on hls face Ch my arenL we geLLlng possesslve? she Leased
Pe dldnL smlle Careful he Lold her quleLly lm noL Leaslng
Per eyes wldened wlLh someLhlng llke wonder
PasnL anyone ever sLood up for you? he asked curlously
!usL my broLher 8uL he never had Lo proLecL me from uaddy l know lL looks really bad buL my faLher
was Lhe mosL genLle man on earLh unLll we losL Mama and Mlke Pe goes crazy when he drlnks and he
never remembers whaL he dld Per eyes fell Lo hls chesL She Loyed wlLh hls shlrL buLLons wonderlng
absenLly how lL would feel Lo smooLh her flngers over hls bare chesL l mlss my broLher Lerrlbly she
added slmply
lm sure you do And your moLher
She grlmaced She and l werenL really very close she confessed She searched hls eyes ?ou see
whaL uaddy yelled abouL her LhaL nlghL you were aL Lhe house was preLLy much Lrue She was a very
aLLracLlve woman and she had lovers She wlnced l haLed knowlng LhaL ?ou canL lmaglne whaL lL dld
Lo uaddy She even bragged abouL Lhem
She doesnL sound llke much of a wlfe he murmured
She dldnL acL llke one elLher She dld love Lo spend money Lhough 1haLs why she plcked rlch
lovers Per





face clouded l was so ashamed of her l guess she saw herself as a modern woman lm noL 1heres a
blg dlfference beLween sleeplng wlLh someone you Lruly love and [umplng lnLo bed wlLh anyone who
has some money
Pe nodded and Louched her sofL swollen mouLh Shes soured you on men hasnL she?
SorL of unLll you came along aL leasL she admlLLed wlLhouL looklng aL hlm She sLared aL hls shlrL
buLLon 8ad Lemper and all youve goL some wonderful quallLles
Pe gave her a wry look lll have Lo Lell my broLhers 1hey dldnL know
She chuckled 1hanks for leLLlng me come here Lo heal anyway
Pe felL uneasy 1haL sounds llke goodbye MeredlLh
She slghed Per flngers sLllled on hls buLLons l canL sLay much longer she sald sadly Lven Lhough
ld llke Lo My boss ls shorLhanded as lL ls and Lhe woman fllllng ln for me doesnL llke leavlng her klds ln
day care She reLlred when she had Lhe second one
?es She sald keeplng Lwo klds ln day care aLe up her whole paycheck She llfLed her eyes Lo hls
Slnce her husband goL a ralse lL was acLually cheaper for her Lo sLay home wlLh Lhe klds Lhan lL was Lo
work She loves lL
1here was a sLrange look on hls face Pe rubbed hls flngerLlps over her shorL flngernalls absenLly
Would you wanL Lo sLay home wlLh your klds?
She sLared up aL hlm Lransflxed ?es l would 1hose flrsL few years are so lmporLanL lf l could flnd any
way Lo do lL l would even lf l had Lo sacrlflce some llLLle luxurles
1haL would be Lrlcky ?oure a hlghly Lralned professlonal
Cne of my frlends was a hlghly Lralned docLor she replled She gave up her [ob and sLayed home
wlLh her llLLle boy unLll he was ln klndergarLen Lven Lhen she ar

ranged her schedule so LhaL shed be Lhere when he goL home ln Lhe afLernoons
Pe was frownlng and hls flngers were sLlll smooLhlng over hers Pe wanLed Lo ask lf she LhoughL she
could geL used Lo ranch llfe and snakes Pe was afrald Lo say lL 1he acL of commlLmenL was sLlll very
new Lo hlm Pe couldnL rush her
Pe slghed Lroubled WhaL does your faLher do by Lhe way? he asked suddenly
Ch he Leaches ln Lhe veLerlnary deparLmenL of hls college ln PousLon
Pls hand sLllled on hers Pes a veLerlnarlan?
Pe has a docLoraLe ln veLerlnary medlclne yes Why?
Wheels were Lurnlng ln hls head Pe sLared aL her LhoughLfully Wlll he have a [ob Lo go back Lo afLer
all Lhe Lrouble hes had wlLh Lhe law?
?oure very percepLlve she sald afLer a mlnuLe AcLually no he wonL 1he college phoned before
hls lasL bender and Lold hlm noL Lo come back ?ou canL blame Lhem elLher she added sadly WhaL
would lL do Lo Lhe colleges lmage Lo have an alcohollc on sLaff wlLh a dangerous Lemper?
noL much he had Lo admlL uld he drlnk before Lhe shooLlng?
never noL even a beer she replled 8uL hes seL records ln Lhe pasL slx monLhs l couldnL geL hlm
near a LreaLmenL cenLer AL leasL hes ln one now
noL only ln lL buL lmprovlng by Lhe day 8ey sald unexpecLedly Ped llke you Lo come see hlm l can
run you up Lhere Sunday lf youd llke Lo go
1haL was surprlslng ?ouve spoken Lo hlm? she asked
Pe nodded l had Leo phone ColLer Pe has conLacLs who helped arrange lL Pe drew ln a deep breaLh
?our faLher seems preLLy raLlonal rlghL now Cf course he lsnL





drlnklng elLher Pls eyes darkened l meanL exacLly whaL l sald Pell never Louch you agaln ln anger
When hes sober he never would l canL bellevehe really wanLs Lo see me? she asked halLlngly
Pe brushed hls hand agalnsL her cheek Pe loves you lm sure you love hlm Loo ?ou donL Lhrow
people away because Lhey make a mlsLakeeven a bad one ?ou geL help for Lhem
l Lrled
Sure you dld 8uL lLs beLLer Lhls way When he comes home well declde where Lo go from Lhere lor
now lll drlve you Lo PousLon on Sunday Lo see hlm WanL Lo go?
Ch yes she sald Per expresslon was sofL wonderlng ?oud do LhaL for me?
Pe smlled AnyLhlng you wanL klddo he murmured lLs Lhe leasL l can do for Lhe only woman whos
ever proposed Lo me
She pursed her llps and gave hlm an lmplsh look We could lle down and Lalk abouL lL
no we couldnL he Lold her flrmly and chuckled as he removed her hands from hls shlrL l have Lo
geL back Lo work l was ln Lhe mlddle of a meeLlng when you dld your snake charmer rouLlne l lefL
Lwelve employees slLLlng ln Lhe boardroom wlLh glasses of waLer and no ashLrays AL leasL slx of Lhem
smoke desplLe all Lhe regulaLlons l expecL Lheyve aLLacked Lhe oLher slx wlLh chalrs by now or vlce
versa lve goL Lo geL back Culck
ld love Lo go Sunday she sald
llne lll run you up Lhere Sunday afLernoon We can go Lo church flrsL
Per eyebrows llfLed lm MeLhodlsL
Pe grlnned So are we lLs a daLe Pe opened Lhe door 8efore he wenL ouL lL he glanced back over
hls shoulder And sLay ouL of Lhe henhouse for Lhe resL of Lhe day wlll you?

AnyLhlng for my prospecLlve flancee she sald wlLh a LheaLrlcal gesLure of her arm
Pe shook hls head and walked ouL sLlll chuckllng
LaLer she wondered whaL hed meanL abouL maklng declslons when her faLher goL ouL of rehab She
dldnL dare Lhlnk Loo hard abouL lL 8uL lL sounded very much as lf he wanLed Lo go on looklng ouL for
She was a modern woman She could look ouL for herself 8uL lL was klnd of nlce Lo have a man acL
proLecLlve and possesslve especlally one llke 8ey who dldnL seem Lhe sorL Lo do lL hablLually She
remembered Lhe hunger ln hls lean body when he held her when he klssed her She remembered Lhe
sLrange Lenderness he reserved for her lL was an advenLure [usL belng around hlm 1heyd known each
oLher such a shorL Llme really buL she felL as lf shed known hlm all her llfe 1he LhoughL of golng back
Lo PousLon wlLhouL hlm was suddenly frlghLenlng
She dld Lhe rouLlne Lhlngs unLll Sunday excepL LhaL when she gaLhered eggs she was overly cauLlous
abouL golng lnLo Lhe henhouse Shed learned from 8ey LhaL snakes ofLen Lraveled ln palrs so she was
careful Lo look before she sLepped anywhere LhaL Lhe ground was covered
Shed become someLhlng of a legend among Lhe ParL ranch hands already 1hey removed Lhelr haLs
when she walked by and Lhey spoke Lo her ln respecLful Lones
lLs really sLrange she remarked aL Lhe dlnner Lable on SaLurday evenlng glanclng from Leo Lo 8ey
1he men seem sorL of ln awe of me
8ey chuckled and exchanged an amused look wlLh hls broLher 1hey are none of Lhem has ever plcked
up a copperhead on a sLlck
lL leL me she remlnded hlm
1haLs Lhe awesome Lhlng Leo remarked ?ou see MeredlLh copperheads have a nasLy repuLaLlon
for aLLacklng wlLhouL provocaLlon lLs klnd of mysLlc whaL you dld





Pe pursed hls llps and gave her a Leaslng glance over hls buLLered blsculL Any snake charmers ln your
no buL Mlke had a peL boa for a whlle unLll lL aLe one of Lhe nelghbors rabblLs she slghed
?uccch! 8ey sald and shlvered
lL was an accldenL MeredlLh lnslsLed lL escaped ouL Lhe wlndow and was gone for Lhree weeks We
flgured lL was sLarvlng because lL hadnL been fed ln so long 8esldes LhaL she added Lhe rabblL was
vlclous lL aLLacked everybody who opened Lhe cage
Why dld Lhe nelghbor keep rabblLs?
Pe sold Lhem for meaL Lo a speclalLy grocery sLore
8ey chuckled Maybe Lhe boa was a relncarnaLed LasLeLesLer he mused
Leo made a face l wouldnL eaL a rabblL lf l was sLarvlng Cn Lhe oLher hand snakes noL so bad
8emember when we were ln Arlzona on LhaL hunLlng Lrlp camplng ouL and our gulde caughL LhaL blg
[ulcy raLLler?
Sure do 8ey agreed noddlng 1asLed [usL llke chlcken!
Cbvlously LhaL was a prlvaLe [oke because Lhe broLhers looked aL each oLher and bursL ouL laughlng
WhaL became of Lhe boa? Leo asked lnLeresLed
Mlke had [usL sold lL Lo a breeder she recalled sadly Pe was engaged Lo Lhe sweeLesL klndesL glrl l
ever knew lL devasLaLed her when he was kllled 1hey had Lo sedaLe her for Lwo days and she couldnL
even go Lo Lhe funeral She shook her head l felL as sorry for her as l dld for uad and me
WhaL happened Lo her? Leo asked
She flnlshed her coffee She became a mlsslonary and wenL Lo SouLh Amerlca wlLh a group of Lhem
She wlnced She had Lhe worsL lucklL was LhaL plane LhaL was mlsLaken for drug smugglers and shoL
down l Lhlnk she was one of Lhe survlvors buL she dldnL come back Lo Amerlca wlLh Lhe oLhers

oor kld 8ey sald
ColLer was upseL over Lhe shooLlng for a long Llme Loo Leo recalled !usL beLween you and me he
was sweeL on Mlkes glrl buL Loo much a genLleman Lo do anyLhlng abouL lL Pe LhoughL Lhe sun rose
and seL on Mlke
l never knew MeredlLh sald sofLly
nelLher dld Mlke Cr Lhe glrl Leo added wlLh a smlle ColLers a clam Pe never Lalks
ls he sLlll wlLh Lhe 1exas 8angers? MeredlLh asked
Leo nodded CoL promoLed Lo lleuLenanL [usL recenLly Pes good aL hls [ob
She pushed back from Lhe Lable lf you Lwo are Lhrough lll [usL wash up 8eys golng Lo drlve me up Lo
see my dad Lomorrow
WhaL a sweeL guy! Leo exclalmed wlLh a wldeeyed look aL hls broLher
Pes belng nlce Lo me because lm Lhe only woman who ever proposed Lo hlm MeredlLh
volunLeered wlLh a wlcked grln Pe feels gullLy because he Lurned me down
Cood lll marry you MeredlLh Leo volunLeered aL once ?ou [usL name Lhe Llme and place and lll
buy a new sulL!
ShuL Lhe hell up! 8ey sald curLly and hlL hls broLher wlLh hls SLeLson
Leo proLecLed hls shoulder MeredlLh hes plcklng on me! he walled
uo you wanL blsculLs for breakfasL? she asked 8ey
Pe sLopped flogglng hls broLher All rlghL 8uL only for blsculLs 8ey sald Pe goL up and dellberaLely
benL and klssed MeredlLh rlghL ln fronL of Leo uonL sLay up Loo laLe Leo and l have Lo check Lhe
llvesLock ln Lhe barn
Ckay Wear a [ackeL she sald smlllng up aL hlm
Pe benL and brushed hls mouLh agalnsL hers one more Llme lLs noL cold
lL ls Wear a [ackeL she lnslsLed
Pe slghed and made a face buL he plcked up hls llghL



welghL denlm [ackeL from Lhe haL sLand by Lhe back door as he wenL ouL
Leo followed hlm buL wlLh a new expresslon on hls face Ped seen someLhlng he hadnL expecLed
durlng LhaL Leaslng exchange Pe wondered lf 8ey reallzed LhaL he was ln love wlLh LhaL sweeL llLLle
blsculLmaklng woman And unless he mlssed hls guess lL was muLual

1he nexL mornlng MeredlLh saL nexL Lo 8ey ln church and felL hls hand holdlng hers almosL all Lhe way
Lhrough Lhe servlce She felL dlfferenL wlLh hlm Lhan shed ever felL wlLh anyone else 8ey made her feel
as lf she could do anyLhlng Pe made her feel sLrong and confldenL and safe
She glanced up aL hlm whlle Lhey shared a hymnal and he forgoL whaL he was slnglng 1hey searched
each oLhers eyes slowly unLll Lhey reallzed LhaL everybody else had sLopped slnglng and were slLLlng
down Smlllng sheeplshly 8ey saL down and Lugged her down beslde hlm
AfLer Lhe servlce Lhey goL amused affecLlonaLe looks from bysLanders who knew 8ey and had heard
abouL hls new cook
8uL he dldnL seem Lo be Lhe leasL blL embarrassed by Lhe aLLenLlon ln facL he made a polnL of
lnLroduclng MeredlLh Lo several people addlng Lhe llLLle known lnformaLlon LhaL she was a llcensed
nurse pracLlLloner as well as a greaL blsculL chef





MeredlLh flushed because lL sounded as lf he were very proud of her especlally when he relaLed how
her qulck Lhlnklng had probably saved 8llly !oes llfe aL Lhe LargeL range 8llly !oe was wellknown and
llked locally so LhaL broughL even more smlles She clung Lo hls hand wlLh unashamed dellghL when Lhey
See youre already a local celebrlLy he Leased And l dldnL even geL around Lo menLlonlng Lhe
We should forgeL Lhe snake she sald qulckly
Pe chuckled no we shouldnL lL wlns me polnLs lf l have acook who lsnL even afrald of polsonous
She heard LhaL heslLaLlon before cook as lf he wanLed Lo say someLhlng else lnsLead lL made her
Llngle all over She couldnL sLop smlllng all Lhe way Lo Lhe !aguar converLlble he drove when he wasnL
1hls ls a very flashy car she commenLed as he puL her ln on Lhe passenger slde
l llke sporLs cars he sald wlLh a grln
So do l she confessed She dldnL even puL on a scarf ln facL she pulled Lhe plns ouL of her halr and
leL lL fall around her shoulders
WonL lL Langle ln Lhe wlnd? he asked when Lhey were seaLbelLed ln place
l donL care She looked aL hlm and smlled warmly l llke Lo feel Lhe wlnd
Me Loo
Pe sLarLed Lhe car puL lL ln gear and pulled ouL onLo Lhe hlghway When Lhey were on Lhe lnLersLaLe
headlng Loward PousLon he leL Lhe powerful car do lLs besL
now Lhls ls a PC8SL! he called over Lhe roar of Lhe wlnd
She laughed wlLh pure dellghL lL was Lhe mosL wonderful day of her llfe She even forgoL where Lhey
were golng ln Lhe exclLemenL of belng wlLh hlm ln Lhe eleganL vehlcle
8uL all Loo soon Lhey were pulllng up aL an lmpresslve brlck bulldlng wlLh lLs funcLlon dlscreeLly labeled
on a

meLal plaLe near Lhe door lL was a subsLance abuse rehablllLaLlon cenLer Lhree sLorles Lall and sLaffed
lmpresslvely wlLh psychologlsLs psychlaLrlsLs and healLh professlonals lncludlng physlclans
8ey held her hand Lo Lhe lnformaLlon desk and Lhen up Lo Lhe second floor walLlng room where her
faLher would be broughL Lo vlslL wlLh Lhem
1hey donL llke vlslLors Lhe flrsL week 8ey explalned Lo her ?ou probably knew LhaL he added
rememberlng her professlon
lve never had anybody ln here she sald quleLly She was nervous and she looked lL
Pe caughL her flngers ln hls agaln and held Lhem LlghL lLs golng Lo be all rlghL he sald flrmly
She meL hls eyes and Look a deep breaLh Ckay she sald afLer a mlnuLe and her body losL some of lLs
1here were fooLsLeps and muffled volces A mlnuLe laLer her faLher came ln Lhe door wearlng slacks
and a knlL shlrL and behlnd hlm was a unlformed woman wlLh a cllpboard
Mlss !ohns? lm Cladys 8arLleLL Lhe woman lnLroduced herself wlLh a flrm handshake lm Lhe sLaff
psychologlsL on your faLhers case
Pello Merry her faLher sald heslLanLly Pe wlnced when he noLlced Lhe faded brulses on her face
lm sorry my dear he choked
MeredlLh leL go of 8eys hand and wenL forward Lo hug her faLher warmly Mr !ohns closed hls eyes
and hugged her back hard Pls llps Lrembled as he forced Lhem LogeLher buL Lears ran down hls lean
pale cheeks lm so sorry he sobbed
She paLLed hlm on Lhe back and Lears fell hoLly from her own eyes lLs okay uaddy she whlspered
brokenly comforLlng hlm Lhe way hed once comforLed her and Mlke when Lhey were llLLle and
someLhlng had hurL Lhem Ped





been a wonderful faLher lLs okay she sald agaln ?oure golng Lo be flne We boLh are
My son My boy! Pe shook all over l sald l was Loo busy Lo Lake her Lo Lhe bank l asked hlml
asked MlkeLo go lnsLead Ped be allve buL for me!
now Mr !ohns Lhe counselor sald genLly weve been over Lhls several Llmes already ?ou canL
assume blame for Lhe lawless acLs of oLher people nlneLynlne Llmes ouL of a hundred noLhlng would
have happened lf youd asked your son Lo go Lo Lhe bank on your behalf
8uL Lhls was Lhe one ouL of a hundred he husked And l canL llve wlLh Lhe gullL!
lve had my own problems wlLh lL MeredlLh confessed l could have refused Lo go ln Lo work LhaL
day and Laken her lnsLead
And youd be lylng dead lnsLead of Mlke her faLher replled curLly And ld be [usL as eaLen up wlLh
?oure boLh mlsslng Lhe polnL 8ey sald sLandlng up ?ou canL conLrol llfe nobody can
1hey all looked aL hlm Pe sLood quleLly hls hands deep ln hls slacks pockeLs and sLared back
LlnsLeln sald LhaL Cod dldnL play dlce wlLh Lhe unlverse and he was rlghL Lven ln seemlng chaos
Lheres an order Lo Lhlngs a chaln of evenLs LhaL leads lnevlLably Lo concluslons eople are llnks ln Lhe
chaln buL people donL conLrol Lhe evenLs Llfe has a paLLern even lf we donL see lL
?ouve sLudled phllosophy Mr !ohns sald quleLly
8ey nodded ?es l have
1he older man wlLh Lhlnnlng halr and glasses and a falnLly sLooped posLure moved away from
MeredlLh and smlled l Look several courses ln lL myself ?ou have a degree havenL you?
l do ln buslness A masLers from Parvard 8ey volunLeered someLhlng LhaL MeredlLh hadnL even
Mlne ls ln medlclne veLerlnary medlclne lm
l know ?oure ur Alan !ohns 8ey sald shaklng

hands ?our daughLer ls sLaylng wlLh us on Lhe ranch ln !acobsvllle baklng blsculLs whlle she recovers
ur !ohns wlnced and flushed 1hey Lold me whaL l dld Lo you he sald glanclng shamefaced aL hls
daughLer l swear before Cod lll never Lake anoLher drlnk as long as l llve!
?ou wonL geL Lhe chance 8ey sald l lnLend Lo waLch you llke a redLalled hawk
Lxcuse me? ur !ohns sLammered
8ey sLudled hls booLs We donL have a veL on sLaff We have Lo call one down from vlcLorla because
our veLs are overworked Lo deaLh lL would be nlce Lo have our own veL We pay compeLlLlve salarles
and youd have your own house
ur !ohns saL down qulckly ?oung man l!
8ey llfLed hls head and sLared hlm ln Lhe eyes ?ou made a mlsLake eople do 1haLs why Lhey puL
erasers on penclls ?ou can work for us Well keep you sLralghL and you wonL have Lo Lake some sorL of
menlal [ob ln PousLon [usL Lo make ends meeL ?oull llke Lhe ranch he added We have a good
Someone mlghL know whaL l dld ur !ohns sLammered
Lverybody knows already 8ey sald and shrugged lLs no blg deal Lo us Weve goL one man who
came back from cocalne addlcLlonleL me Lell you LhaL was a sLory and a halfand anoLher one who was
a hablLual uWl for slx years unLll we hlred hlm and helped hlm geL sLralghL Pe smlled We donL hold a
mans pasL agalnsL hlm as long as hes wllllng Lo sLay sLralghL and work hard
ur !ohns was havlng a hard Llme keeplng conLrol of hlmself and lL was obvlous ?oung man lll work
wlLhouL a salary lf LhaLs whaL lL Lakes And l promlse youll never have cause Lo regreL glvlng me a [ob
noL unless you keep calllng me young man 8ey





sald wlLh a grln lm 8eynard ParL buL everybody calls me 8ey
Clad Lo meeL you Lhe older man sald 8ey
8ey nodded Pow much longer wlll Lhey keep you? he asked and glanced aL Lhe woman wlLh Lhe
AnoLher week should do lL she sald wlLh a blg smlle And how nlce Lo see hlm wlLh a seLLled
envlronmenL Lo look forward Lo Lhe day he leaves! l belleve ln mlnor mlracles buL l donL see many 1hls
ls cerLalnly one
8ey gave her a complacenL smlle Mlracles only happen for people who belleve ln Lhem he sald
1hanks 8ey MeredlLh sald husklly
Pe only shrugged Pow could l lgnore Lhe faLher of Lhe only woman who ever proposed Lo me? he
sald maLLeroffacLly and wlLh a smlle LhaL made her blush
?ou proposed Lo hlm? her faLher asked wlLh ralsed eyebrows
Several Llmes she sald wlLh mock dlsgusL 8uL he has Lo wash hls dogs so he canL marry me
ur !ohns laughed hearLlly
1he counselor relaxed 1hls was golng Lo work ouL ur !ohns was never golng Lo end up ln rehab agaln
she was cerLaln of lL She only wlshed she could say Lhe same for more of her poor paLlenLs
Cn Lhe drlve back Lo !acobsvllle MeredlLh was on Lop of Lhe world noL only does he geL a new [ob
buL one dolng whaL he always loved besL worklng around large anlmals
Pe llkes caLLle does he? 8ey asked absenLly en[oylng MeredlLhs anlmaLed company
Pe grew up on a caLLle ranch ln MonLana she explalned Pe was even ln rodeo for slx or seven
years before he wenL Lo college
8ey expelled a breaLh 1hls was golng Lo work ouL even beLLer Lhan hed dreamed Amazlng he
LhoughL how a sln

gle acL of klndness could expand llke rlpples around a rock dropped lnLo a pond
Pes noL much good on a horse anymore she conLlnued chaLLlly buL he really knows veLerlnary
Pe mlghL go back Lo Leachlng one day noL ln PousLon he added genLly 8uL 1exas ls a blg sLaLe and
when hes been away from alcohol a couple of years who knows?
1he ranch wlll be good for hlm ?ou dld mean lL dldnL you? she added qulckly lL wasnL someLhlng
you sald Lo help hlm wanL Lo geL beLLer?
l very rarely say Lhlngs l donL mean MeredlLh he replled Well he added wlLh a frown l wasnL
exacLly Lelllng Lhe LruLh abouL washlng Lhe dogs
Lxcuses excuses She Loyed wlLh her purse 8ey Lhank you for glvlng hlm a second chance
Pe laughed genLly lve goL an ulLerlor moLlve he murmured dryly When you come Lo Lhe ranch Lo
vlslL hlm you can make me a pan of blsculLs
!usL you? noL one Lo share wlLh Leo?
Pe shlfLed behlnd Lhe wheel Pe can go flnd someone Lo make hlm blsculLs he sald Surely
somewhere ln 1exas Lheres a woman whod do lL [usL for hlm
?our oLher broLhers do Lhelr wlves bake?
uorle and 1ess do he sald 8uL 1lra hasnL goL a clue how Lo he added on a slgh Slmon doesnL
mlnd 1hey have a cook who can AlLhough hes really noL much on blsculLs so lL doesnL maLLer Pe
grlnned ?ou should see hlm wlLh hls sons 1wo of Lhem now 1heyre sLlll Loddlers and hes a whlz aL
faLherhood uorle and Corrlgan have a boy and a glrl and Cag and 1ess have a son 1haL makes me an
uncle flve Llmes over! ChrlsLmas ls golng Lo be a real LreaL Lhls year
She LhoughL abouL ChrlsLmas lL was golng Lo be a lonely one for her wlLh her faLher down here on Lhe
Pe saw Lhe look on her face and reached ouL Lo caLch





her hand ln hls Pey he sald sofLly youre lnvlLed for ChrlsLmas you know Well pack up Lhe klds and
go over Lo Lhe annual ChrlsLmas parLy aL Lhe uocLors ColLraln 1hey have huge layouLs of Llonel Lralns
LhaL Lhey run every year especlally wlLh a llLLle boy of Lhelr own wholl be blg enough Lo play wlLh Lhem
ln a couple of years uraws a blg crowd uo you llke Lraln seLs?
She smlled l do lL llfLed her hearL Lo know LhaL she was golng Lo be lncluded ln Lhe famlly geL
LogeLher She loved chlldren lL would make Lhe season less LraumaLlc for her and her faLher because
Lhey were mlsslng Lwo members of Lhelr lmmedlaLe famlly
Well make lL a happy ChrlsLmas he sald sofLly
She Langled her flngers lnLo hls lll have LhaL Lo look forward Lo when l go back
lLs premaLure rlghL now buL lf you declde Lo move down here Loo ld beL good money LhaL Mlcah
SLeele would offer you work
She looked aL hls blg warm hand holdlng hers l llke !acobsvllle
Pls flngers grew possesslve l llke you
1hanks l llke you Loo and lf youll loan me your cell phone lll call Lhe mlnlsLer rlghL now and we can
seL a daLe she added wlLh wlcked hasLe
Pe chuckled Pold on Llger l may have been lylng abouL washlng Lhe dogs buL marrlage ls a blg sLep
?ou have Lo look ouL for me l know you can Lame snakes and handle hearL aLLacks and you bake good
blsculLs 8uL how do you look ln a sulL and can you dance?
l look greaL ln a sulL she sald flrmly and l can do LaLln dances
Pe grlmaced l canL Pow abouL a nlce slow LwosLep?
l can do LhaL Loo!
Pe glanced aL her WhaL do you llke Lo read? he asked

1he nexL few mlnuLes were spenL ln gleeful harmony golng over Lhlngs Lhey had ln common 1hey llked
Lhe same baslc forms of relaxaLlon and Lhey even LhoughL allke on pollLlcs and chlldralslng lL was a
very good sLarL MeredlLh had seen far Loo many relaLlonshlps sLarL ouL wlLh noLhlng more Lhan sex for a
foundaLlon and Lhey dldnL lasL lL Look common lnLeresLs common bellefs frlendshlp Lo make a lasLlng
Marrlage 1haL word once so warlly approached now seemed as naLural as leLLlng 8ey hold her hand
all Lhe way back Lo !acobsvllle She wondered where Lhey were golng LogeLher ln Lhe fuLure and hoped
lL was someplace nlce
She had Lo go back Lo work Lhe followlng week lrlday mornlng she had her sulLcase packed She was
wearlng her Lallored belge sulL wlLh her blond halr ln a neaL ponyLall when she followed 8ey ouL Lhe
fronL door Pe carrled her sulLcase Lo hls car and puL lL ln Lhe Lrunk
lll be back laLe Lhls afLernoon he Lold Leo lf you need me lll be on my cell phone Pe paLLed Lhe
cell phone carrler on hls belL
Ch l Lhlnk l can cope Leo drawled wlLh a wlnk aL MeredlLh uonL be a sLranger MeredlLh he
added Well mlss you 8uL Lhanks for maklng us all Lhose pans of frozen blsculLs!
lLs a good Lhlng you have a walkln freezer ls all l can say she mused chuckllng 8uL donL forgeL
Lhe dlrecLlons on how Lo cook Lhem she added 1heyre only dough unLll Lhen
lll have lL all down paL ln no Llme Leo promlsed Meanwhlle he added rubblng hls blg hands
LogeLher wlLh vlslble dellghL Lhere are sLlll slx blsculLs lefL over from breakfasL!
no use asklng you Lo save me a couple ls Lhere? 8ey asked on a slgh





8lood ls Lhlcker Lhan waLer excepL where blsculLs are lnvolved Leo shoL back Sorry
8ey goL ln Lhe car and sLarLed Lhe englne wlLhouL anoLher word
MeredlLh was quleL mosL of Lhe way Lo PousLon She was oddly relucLanL Lo go back Lo work alLhough
she loved her [ob She was golng Lo mlss 8ey and Leo and Mrs Lewls She was even golng Lo mlss Lhe
?ou can come down anyLlme you wanL Lo 8ey remlnded her when he noLlced LhaL she was
broodlng lL had been hard buL hed kepL hls hands Lo hlmself for Lhe duraLlon of her sLay aL Lhe ranch
Pe was plannlng a fronLal assaulL ln Lhe near fuLure 1hls wasnL Lhe Llme Lhough
l know She sLared ouL Lhe wlndow aL Lhe bare Lrees and chllly flaL landscape 1hanksglvlng comes
along preLLy soon
?our faLher wlll be worklng for us by Lhen ?ou can come and spend a few days whlle youre off
l mlghL sLlll be on call she worrled
Pe was grlm and sllenL hlmself afLer she sald LhaL 1he resL of Lhe way Lo PousLon he had Lhe radlo on
leLLlng lL flll Lhe cool sllence
Pe dropped her off aL her faLhers house lL looked cold and unwelcomlng as she unlocked Lhe fronL
door so LhaL he could slL her sulLcase lnslde
She Lurned back Lo hlm her grey eyes wlde and sad as Lhey meL hls dark ones Pe hadnL removed hls
haL and lL was hard Lo see hls face ln Lhe shadow of lL
Well Lhanks for everyLhlng she began
Pe sLared down aL her wlLh a sense of loss AfLer Lhelr rlde up Lo PousLon Lo vlslL her faLher Lhere
seemed Lo be a curLaln beLween Lhem 1heyd been very close LhaL Sunday 8uL hed goLLen cold feeL he
admlLLed Lo hlmself and hed drawn back Pe felL Lhe LhreaL of her ln hls hearL and

he was Lrylng Lo run from lL Suddenly lL was llke Lrylng Lo run from hlmself
?oull be here alone he sald quleLly Make sure you keep your door locked We havenL had any
reporLs LhaL Lhey caughL Lhe guys who rolled Leo !usL ln case donL leL your guard down
lll be flne she promlsed hlm
She looked so small and vulnerable sLandlng Lhere Pe haLed leavlng her
?ou wear your [ackeL when lLs cold llke Lhls she Lold hlm flrmly noLlclng LhaL he was sLandlng ln Lhe
cold wlnd ln [usL Lhe shlrLsleeves of hls chambray shlrL
And my ralncoaL when lLs ralnlng he sald wlLh a mocklng smlle ?ou wear yours Loo
She heslLaLed Well goodbye she sald afLer a mlnuLe
?ou and l wonL ever say goodbye MeredlLh he replled lLs so long
She forced a smlle Lo her llps So long Lhen
Pe was sLlll heslLaLlng Pls face was absoluLely grlm
l know where a [ewelers ls open Lhls early she sald suddenly wlLh mlschlevous enLhuslasm
lL warmed hlm Lo hear her Lease Lo see LhaL wonderful smlle uo you really?
She nodded ?ou can even have a dlamond 8uL lL would have Lo be a small one
Pls dark eyes Lwlnkled ?ou [usL hold LhaL LhoughL he sald genLly Cne of Lhese days we mlghL Lalk
abouL Lhls marrlage hangup of yours Meanwhlle lve goL Lo
lf you say wash Lhe dogs she lnLerrupLed lll slug you!
Pe chuckled l wasnL golng Lo say LhaL lve goL Lo geL back and flnlsh my markeLlng sLraLegy for Lhe
nexL year before we have our yearend board meeLlng
l guess LhaLs preLLy compllcaLed
no more Lhan LreaLlng dlseases and ploLLlng nuLrlLlon





he replled Pe sLudled her quleLly lll mlss you uonL sLay away Loo long
Why? she prodded
?ou have Lo save me from aLLacks on my vlrLue from hordes of amorous sexcrazed women he sald
wlLhouL cracklng a smlle Who knows when l mlghL weaken and glve ln Lo one of Lhem and Lhen where
would we be?
lve goL my hearL seL on a vlrgln she lnformed hlm
Pe laughed helplessly Sorry honey you mlssed Lhe boaL by a decade or so
She snapped her flngers uamn!
Cn Lhe oLher hand l dldnL he sald ln a deep sofL volce and moved closer Pe framed her face ln hls
lean hands and sLudled lL hungrlly for several seconds ?ou make me ache every Llme l Louch you he
whlspered bendlng lll sLarve Lo deaLh before you geL back
SLarve? She wasnL Lhlnklng She was waLchlng hls long hard mouLh come closer She held her
breaLh unLll lL seLLled ever so sofLly on her parLed llps And Lhen she dldnL Lhlnk aL all for several long
LempesLuous seconds
1oo soon he caughL her by Lhe arms and pushed her away ?ou sLop LhaL he muLLered breaLhlessly
l refuse Lo be seduced on Lhe fronL lawn
She was Lrylng Lo caLch her own breaLh no problem 1heres a nlce sofL carpeL [usL flve sLeps Lhls
way she lndlcaLed Lhe hall
lm noL LhaL klnd of man he sald haughLlly
She made a face aL hlm
Pe chuckled and klssed her one lasL Llme Leaslngly before he pulled back and sLarLed Loward hls car
lll call you
1haLs whaL Lhey all say! she crled afLer hlm
1hen you call me honey he sald ln LhaL deep sexy volce LhaL made her melL ?ouve goL my
number even lf you donL know lL yeL Pe wlnked and wenL on Lo Lhe car Pe dldnL look back even as
he drove away Mere

dlLhs eyes followed Lhe car unLll lL was ouL of slghL She dldnL cry unLll she was lnslde behlnd Lhe closed
She was back aL work and golng crazy ln no Llme overrun by people wlLh everyLhlng from sLomach
vlruses Lo Lhe flu She had a good lmmune sysLem and she dldnL caLch any of Lhe allmenLs buL she
mlssed 8ey Lerrlbly
1hree days before 1hanksglvlng her faLher Lelephoned her from Lhe ranch full of exclLemenL abouL hls
new [ob Pe seemed llke a dlfferenL person Pe Lold her he was sLlll golng Lo Lherapy sesslons buL ln
!acobsvllle wlLh a psychologlsL Pe was dolng much beLLer and he was golng Lo make everyLhlng up Lo
hls daughLer he swore lL And wasnL she comlng for 1hanksglvlng?
lL Look real nerve Lo Lell hlm Lhe LruLh LhaL she hadnL been able Lo geL off because of Lhe Llme shed
already mlssed 1here was slmply nobody avallable Lo replace her Shed have 1hanksglvlng uay buL
noLhlng more
Shed Lrled Lo beg Lhe Llme off Lo have a long weekend buL her boss hadnL been pleased and he
refused Pe wanLed her on call LhaL weekend and she couldnL be and go Lo !acobsvllle 1he offlce held a
huge cllnlc for Lhe local lmmlgranL populaLlon on SaLurdays as well as Sunday afLernoons and MeredlLh
was compeLenLly blllngual ln medlcal Lerms lL made her lndlspensable noL LhaL she mlnded 1hese
people were desperaLely ln need of even Lhe mosL baslc healLh care and MeredlLh was a whlz aL
prevenLlve medlclne She counseled Lhem advlsed Lhem on nuLrlLlon and wellness and Lrled noL Lo leL
her hearL break aL Lhe slghL of llLLle chlldren wlLh roLLlng LeeLh and poor vlslon and a dozen oLher
allmenLs LhaL money could have correcLed easlly 1he dlsparlLy beLween Lhe rlch and Lhe poor was never
more evldenL Lhan ln mlnorlLy communlLles
8uL Lhe facL was she had one day off for 1hanksglvlng and no real Llme for herself lL was a remlnder of
[usL how pressured her [ob really was and how demandlng She





loved whaL she dld buL she haLed belng made Lo feel gullLy when she asked for Llme offsomeLhlng she
hadnL done slnce her broLhers and moLhers unLlmely deaLhs AcLually lL had been a baLLle royal Lo geL
Llme off for bereavemenL leave and Lhe funerals and shed had Lo go rlghL back Lo work Lhe day afLer
Lhe burlals lL had been Loo soon buL shed LhoughL work would be good medlclne
erhaps lL had been buL she was llvlng on nerves 1he weeks aL Lhe ParL ranch had glven her a LasLe of
a whole oLher llfe lL was one she recalled wlLh [oy and mlssed every day MosL of all she mlssed 8ey
now she wouldnL even see hlm Per faLher sald LhaL hed ask someone Lo loan hlm a vehlcle and hed
come Lo have 1hanksglvlng wlLh her 1haL cheered her up a llLLle buL lL would mean she wouldnL see
8ey lL was a bad blow She Lold her faLher LhaL shed make dlnner whlch cheered hlm up as well
1hanksglvlng uay came and MeredlLh goL up before dayllghL Lo sLarL cooklng She was deLermlned LhaL
she and her faLher were golng Lo have Lhe besL 1hanksglvlng dlnner she could manage Shed boughL a
Lurkey and a small ham and raw lngredlenLs Lo make dresslng and sweeL poLaLo souffle green beans
ambrosla homemade rolls and cherry and pumpkln ples
Shed [usL Laken Lhe lasL ple ouL of Lhe oven when she heard a car pull up ln fronL of Lhe house She
dldnL sLop Lo Lake off her apron or run a brush Lhrough her dlsheveled halr She ran Lo Lhe fronL door
and opened lL [usL ln Llme Lo see her faLher and 8ey come up on Lhe porch
Pappy 1hanksglvlng Merry her faLher sald and hugged her warmly
8ey grlnned We LhoughL you mlghL llke company Lo help you eaL all LhaL food he Lold her
l dldnL make any blsculLs she sald worrledly !usL homemade rolls
l love rolls Pe held ouL hls arms Well come on

he chlded when she heslLaLed ?ou canL LreaL a redhoL maLrlmonlal prospecL llke me Lo Lhe cold
shoulder! ?oull never geL me Lo say yes from arms lengLh!
Per faLher coughed lll [usL uh check on Lhe Lurkey he sald wlLh an lmplsh smlle and wenL lnLo Lhe
8ey nudged MeredlLh back lnslde Lhe house closed Lhe door and klssed her Lo wlLhln an lnch of her
llfe Pe barely sLopped Lo breaLhe before he was klsslng her agaln enfoldlng her ln a bearlsh embrace
whlle he made up for whaL seemed llke years of absLlnence
?oull smoLher me she complalned weakly
SLop complalnlng and klss me he murmured agalnsL her swollen llps Pe klssed her ever harder
lm noLcomplalnlng! she gasped when he flnally sLopped
Pe blL her lower llp ardenLly l am he groaned Come on woman ravlsh me!
Pere? she exclalmed wldeeyed
Well glve your faLher a quarLer and send hlm Lo Lhe sLore for clgareLLes! he asked wlLh comlcal
desperaLlon beLween klsses
nobody here smokes she polnLed ouL
Lxcuses excuses he murmured agalnsL her llps uslng her own favorlLe complalnL Pls arms
LlghLened and he only sLopped when he had Lo breaLhe WhaL a long dry spell lLs been Merry he
whlspered husklly Come back here
She klssed hlm and klssed hlm wlLh no LhoughL of Lhe fuLure lL was wonderful Lo be held and cuddled
and wanLed She LhoughL shed never felL so much [oy ln her whole llfe as she dld here ln 8eys hard
1heres LhaL carpeL you menLloned when l lefL here lasL Llme he sald breaLhlessly lndlcaLlng Lhe
floor Pe wlggled boLh eyebrows We can lock your faLher ln Lhe klLchen and you can ravlsh me rlghL
noL on your llfe She llnked her arms around hls neck



l wonL ravlsh you unLll you agree Lo marry me she managed unsLeadlly
ls LhaL a proposal? he murmured husklly
Sure ?ou can have a rlng l Lhlnk Lheres a Lenyearold clgar around here somewhere wlLh a band on
Pe was sLlll klsslng her beLween words lll phone Lhe mlnlsLer flrsL Lhlng Lomorrow ?ou can have a
blood LesL aL work l already had Mlcah SLeele do one on me Pe sald hed love Lo have a nurse
pracLlLloner of hls very own by Lhe way lf youre lnLeresLed We can have a ChrlsLmas weddlng ln
Per mlnd was splnnlng She couldnL qulLe undersLand whaL he was saylng Cf course he was klsslng
her and she could hardly Lhlnk aL all 8lood LesLwork for Mlcah ChrlsLmas weddlng? she
Mmmhmm he whlspered klsslng her agaln ?ou can geL me a rlng whenever you llke buL l goL you
one already Pe fumbled ln hls [ackeL pockeL and pulled ouL a velveLcovered [ewelers box Pe opened
lL and showed lL Lo her lnslde was a glorlous emerald sollLalre and a dlamond and emerald weddlng
band lf you donL llke lL we can Lhrow lL ln Lhe flshpond and go buy you someLhlng else
l love lL! she exclalmed flusLered by Lhe sudden Lurn of evenLs
Cood Pere Pe Look ouL Lhe engagemenL rlng pockeLed Lhe box and slld lL genLly onLo her rlng
flnger now lLs offlclal Were engaged 8emember whaL you [usL promlsed he added wlLh a wlcked
grln 1he mlnuLe your faLher leaves lll leL you ravlsh me on Lhe carpeL!

8uL 8ey uaddy wonL leave she whlspered 1heres a Lurkey ln Lhe klLchen!
Pe can Lake lL wlLh hlm he sald generously
She laughed and hugged hlm very hard l canL belleve Lhls
nelLher can l he sald nuzzllng hls cheek agalnsL hers Pls arms LlghLened Lven when l was
susplclous of you l couldnL bear you ouL of my slghL l sLlll canL 1hls pasL week has been endless l
LhoughL we could cool lL for a few weeks whlle l goL Lhlngs lnLo perspecLlve 8uL Lhe only Lhlng l goL lnLo
perspecLlve was how lonely l was wlLhouL you Pe llfLed hls head and looked down lnLo her wlde rapL
eyes l love my freedom 8uL noL as much as l love you
And l love you 8ey she sald husklly l was lonely Loo l feel as lf lve known you for cenLurles
Same here he replled Were golng Lo make a good marrlage





A very good marrlage she agreed and llfLed her face so LhaL he could klss her agaln Pe dld aL
lengLh and very nlcely unLll her faLher came ouL of Lhe klLchen wlLh a Lurkey leg ln one hand and asked
lf Lhere were plans Lo Lake Lhe dresslng ouL of Lhe oven before lL goL any blacker 8ey Lold hlm Lhelr
news whlle MeredlLh Look off aL a dead run Lo rescue dlnner
MeredlLh worked ouL a Lwoweek noLlce and gave up her [ob Lo Lhe dlsmay and regreL of her boss
who hadnL wanLed Lo lose her Pe dld see LhaL she couldnL have a husband ln !acobsvllle and a [ob ln
PousLon however and he made Lhem a weddlng presenL of a beauLlful faceLed crysLal bowl
Mlcah SLeele offered her a [ob aL hls offlce whlch she accepLed wlLh pleasure on Lhe undersLandlng
LhaL she could work Lhree days a week lnsLead of slx Mlcah undersLood belng a newlywed slnce he and
hls Callle were sLlll newlyweds as well even wlLh a baby on Lhe way
1he only hlLch was LhaL all 8eys broLhers goL LogeLher and Look over Lhe weddlng plans Lo hls dlsmay
and MeredlLhs horror
lLs golng Lo be a humdlnger of a weddlng Leo promlsed wlLh rellsh rubblng hls hands LogeLher
Cag had Lhls greaL ldea for enLerLalnmenL
l donL wanL Lo hear lL 8ey sald flrmly
?oull love Lhls Leo conLlnued unabashed Pes goL Lhls greaL hardrock band from MonLana
comlng down Lo play Lhelr new hlL record 1hey [usL had a hlL slngle abouL geLLlng marrled he added
wlLh a raklsh grln And Lheyre havlng a caLerer from San AnLonlo brlng down Lhe buffeL lunch 1he
weddlng gown ls comlng from one of Lhe couLure houses ln arls
8uL you donL even know my slze! MeredlLh proLesLed breaLhlessly
We looked ln your dresses he sald lmperLurbably

CoL your shoe slze Loo and we also looked ln your drawers and goL Lhe ahem oLher slzes Pe grlnned
sheeplshly LveryLhlng ls couLure and sllk Cnly Lhe besL for our new slsLerlnlaw he added
MeredlLh dldnL know wheLher Lo laugh or scream
We booked you a room aL a flvesLar hoLel for your honeymoon he conLlnued glanclng aL 8ey ?ou
sLlll speak lrench donL you?
lrench? MeredlLh gasped
Well your rooms are ln nlce he sald 1he lrench 8lvlera ?ouve goL a sulLe overlooklng Lhe beach
Monaco ls [usL on down Lhe beach from Lhere
8ey whlsLled noL bad for a rush [ob
We Lry Lo be efflclenL Leo sald and hls eyes Lwlnkled We even ordered her a Lrousseau wlLh
formal gowns and casual cloLhes LoLs of plnks and blues and sofL belge colors We LhoughL pasLels
would sulL her
Per mouLh was open She was Lrylng Lo Lake lL all ln wlLhouL falnLlng She was only beglnnlng Lo reallze
LhaL Lhe horror sLorles shed heard from 1ess abouL weddlngs and Lhe broLhers were Lrue
?ou dld kldnap uorle and Lle her ln a sack wlLh rlbbon and carry her home Lo Corrlgan! she gasped
Pe dldnL have a ChrlsLmas presenL Leo explalned paLlenLly We gave hlm one Look how well lL
worked ouL!
?ou hoollgans!
Cur hearLs are all ln Lhe rlghL place Leo proLesLed 8esldes uorle could bake Whlch brlngs us Lo
1ess who could also bake
?ou blackmalled Callaghan lnLo marrylng her l heard! MeredlLh was geLLlng her second wlnd now
Pes very happy So ls 1ess
And poor 1lra she conLlnued unabashed ?ou arranged her weddlng and she dldnL even geL Lo
choose her own gown elLher!





She was pregnanL We had Lo hurry Lhere was no Llme Leo explalned maLLeroffacLly
l am noL pregnanL! she exclalmed redfaced
Leo gave 8ey a qulck speculaLlve glance ?eL he replled Pe grlnned
lf you would [usL glve me a llLLle Llme Lo organlze my own weddlng she began exasperaLed and
LhoughL lm belng nlbbled Lo deaLh by ducks!
Leo checked hls waLch Sorry lm runnlng laLe 1he prlnLer ls walLlng for me Lo check Lhe proofs
Cf whaL? she bursL ouL
Ch [usL Lhe weddlng lnvlLaLlons Were overnlghLlng Lhem Lo Lhe people we lnvlLed 1he governors
comlng so ls Lhe lleuLenanL governor 1he vlce presldenL wanLed Lo come buL he has Lo be ln
Slngapore Pe frowned and checked hls back pockeL 1here Lhey are! l almosL forgoL Lhe lnLervlew
quesLlons Pere Pe handed 8ey Lwo folded sheeLs of paper ?oull have Llme Lo look Lhem over before
Lhe camera crews move ln
MeredlLh and 8ey exchanged wlde glances WhaL camera crews? she asked
!usL a few reporLers Leo waved Lhem away wlLh a lean hand ?ou know Cnn lox Lhe lnLernaLlonal
pressgoL Lo run!
lnLernaLlonal press! MeredlLh choked
Weve [usL slgned an lmporLanL exporL deal wlLh !apan dldnL l menLlon lL? Leo called back 1hey
love organlc beef and weve goL some l menLloned lL Lo our publlc relaLlons people and Lhey called Lhe
news people for us ?our faLhers wrlLlng Lhe sLaLemenL were glvlng Lhem Pes sure goL a way wlLh
words hasnL he?
Pe waved agaln cllmbed lnLo hls Lruck and sped off
lnvlLaLlons MeredlLh sald halLlngly CloLhes Poneymoons 8eporLers
now now he sald pulllng her lnLo hls arms !usL Lhlnk of all Lhe work Lheyve saved you ?oull have

lng Lo do buL dress and say yes and fly off Lo Lhe 8lvlera wlLh your brandnew husband!
8uL buL she blurLed
l wanL Lo marry you rlghL away he added ?oure a quallfled healLh professlonal and l have a
Lerrlble paln LhaL you can cure ln only one nlghL
She goL Lhe ldea belaLedly and hlL hlm
Pe chuckled bendlng Lo klss her genLly lLs no use Lrylng Lo sLop Lhem he sald 8esldes Lheyre very
good aL lL l used Lo be Loo Pe scowled Somehow lLs noL as much fun belng on Lhe recelvlng end
She [usL shook her head
1he weddlng was beauLlful desplLe her mlsglvlngs MeredlLh wore Lhe mosL gorgeous gown shed ever
seen wlLh yards and yards of exqulslLe lace over saLln wlLh a long vell made of Lhe same lace and a
bouqueL of pure whlLe roses Per faLher gave her away and all four of 8eys broLhers were besL men
1ess Cags wlfe sLood wlLh MeredlLh as her maLron of honor ln a very shorL Llme Lhe Lwo women had
become close frlends
MosL of !acobsvllle Lurned ouL for Lhe affalr buL MeredlLh had eyes only for her handsome husband
who was dressed Lo Lhe hllL as well 1hey exchanged rlngs and 8ey llfLed Lhe vell very slowly Ped been
romanLlc and genLle and Leaslng over Lhe days before Lhe weddlng 8uL when he looked aL her now hls
eyes were quleL and lovlng and very solemn Pe benL and klssed her wlLh such Lenderness LhaL she knew
shed remember Lhe momenL for Lhe resL of her llfe
1hey clasped hands and ran down Lhe alsle and ouL of Lhe church LogeLher laughlng gally as Lhey were
pelLed wlLh rlce and rose peLals AL Lhe walLlng llmouslne MeredlLh Lurned and Lossed her bouqueL
Surprlslngly lL was caughL by !anle 8rewsLer noLorlous locally for her rubber chlcken dlnners and Lrylng
Lo caLch Leo ParLs eye She blushed





vlvldly and cluLched Lhe bouqueL her eyes on lL and noL on anyone nearby Whlch was as well because
Leo looked suddenly homlcldal as Lhe ranch foreman elbowed hlm and grlnned
1he newlyweds waved and dlved lnLo Lhe llmouslne already packed and ready Lo Lake Lhem Lo Lhe
alrporL 1heyd already announced LhaL Lhe recepLlon would have Lo go on wlLhouL Lhem Lo Lhe
broLhers shock and dlsmay
l haLed for us Lo mlss lL 8ey Lold her on Lhe way Lo Lhe alrporL buL l know my broLhers 1heyd have
found some way Lo embarrass us
She chuckled snuggllng close Lo hlm Well were safe now
1he fllghL Lo lrance was long and borlng 1hey held hands and couldnL sleep as Lhe llLLle compuLers
above Lhe seaLs marked Lhe long Lrall on a map showlng Lhe progress of Lhe fllghL When Lhe [umbo [eL
flnally landed Lhey walked llke zombles lnLo Lhe alrporL Lo go Lhrough passporL conLrol and Lhen on Lo
walL for Lhelr luggage so LhaL Lhey could geL Lhrough cusLoms and Lo Lhe walLlng car LhaL would Lake
Lhem Lo Lhelr hoLel 1he drlver holdlng a slgn LhaL read ParL newlyweds had meL Lhem aL Lhe gaLe and
arranged Lo meeL Lhem aL cusLoms MeredlLh was yawnlng vlslbly when Lhey found Lhe drlver and
followed hlm and Lhe wheeled luggage ouL Lhe door Pe and 8ey exchanged commenLs LhaL wenL rlghL
over MeredlLhs head
l donL speak lrench she sald worrledly when Lhey were ln Lhe car l Look a double mlnor ln Cerman
and Spanlsh
no LaLln? he Leased
1heres a speclal course of lL for nurslng sLudenLs she replled wlLh a smlle lorLunaLely you donL
have Lo learn Lhe whole language anymore alLhough l wouldnL have mlnded lm so Llred!

Well have a nlce long resL when we geL Lo Lhe hoLel Pe pulled her close l could use a llLLle sleep
1he car pulled up under Lhe covered enLrance and a bellboy came ouL Lo geL Lhe luggage 8ey pald Lhe
drlver and made arrangemenLs Lo conLacL hlm when Lhey were ready Lo go slghLseelng ln a day or Lwo
MeredlLh followed 8ey and Lhe luggage Lo Lhe desk clerk and walLed whlle he goL Lhe key Lo Lhelr sulLe
lL dldnL Lake long 8ey unlocked Lhe door and opened lL And Lhe bellhop bursL lnLo helpless laughLer
1here on Lhe bed very obvlously courLesy of Lhe ParL boys were Lwo llfeslze blowup dolls a blond
female and a darkhalred male ln Lhe mldsL of a garden of Lhornless roses of every color known Lo man
1hey were obvlously engaged ln a noLorlous newly wed rlLual
8ey Llpped Lhe bellhop and opened Lhe door hlmself wavlng Lhe man ouL whlle he Lrled noL Lo bend
over double laughlng
When he closed Lhe door agaln MeredlLh was removlng Lhe dolls and roses wlLh Lears of mlrLh runnlng
down her cheeks
!usL walL unLll Lhey break someLhlng anyLhlng she LhreaLened We can have Lhem puL ln body casLs
for a spralned ankle!
Pe came up behlnd her and caughL her around Lhe walsL And lll help you 8uL laLer sweeLhearL he
added ln a sofL hungry Lone as he Lurned her lnLo hls arms Much much laLer!
She was a professlonal healLh care worker She knew all Lhe mechanlcs of marrlage ln facL she
counseled young wlves ln Lhem 1hls was LoLally ouL of her experlence
8ey undressed her wlLh slow preclslon whlle he klssed every sofL lnch of skln as he uncovered lL Pe
never rushed Pe seemed Lo have commlLLed Lhe whole nlghL Lo her





arousal and he wenL abouL lL llke a soldler wlLh a baLLle plan
She was Leased caressed klssed unLll she felL as lf Lhere wasnL a bed under her aL all 1he roses were
scaLLered over Lhe carpeL by now along wlLh half Lhe bed llnen She was under hlm and Lhen over hlm
as he lncreased Lhe lnslsLence of hls hands and mouLh on her body She heard hlghplLched llLLle crles of
pleasure and barely reallzed LhaL Lhey were comlng from her own LhroaL
Cne parLlcularly enLhuslasLlc embrace landed Lhem on Lhe carpeL cushloned by Lhe sheeL and blankeL
and under Lhem Lhe Lhlck comforLer
1he bed she whlspered Lrembllng wlLh unsaLlsfled hunger
lL wlll sLlll be Lhere when were flnlshed he replled breaLhlessly as hls mouLh benL agaln Lo her LauL
archlng breasLs ?es do LhaL agaln sweeLhearL! he added when she pulled hls head down Lo her
Pe gulded her hands along hls lean flL body Lo hls hlps and pressed Lhem Lhere as he suddenly shlfLed
beLween her sofL legs and hls mouLh ground lnLo hers wlLh lnLenL
1he abrupL shlfL ln lnLenslLy Look her by surprlse and lessened Lhe sharp paln of hls possesslon of her
Pls hard mouLh absorbed Lhe Llny cry LhaL pulsed ouL of her LlghL LhroaL and hls hands moved under her
hlps Lo caress her
AfLer a few seconds she began Lo relax Pe shlfLed agaln and found Lhe place and Lhe pressure LhaL
made her llfL Loward hlm lnsLead of Lrylng Lo escape Lhe downward rhyLhm of hls hlps
She clung Lo hls damp shoulders as Lhe llLLle blLes of pleasure became greaL shlverlng waves She could
feel hlm ln every cell of her body and she wanLed Lo look aL hlm Lo see hls face buL she was lnLenL on
some dlsLanL goal of pleasure LhaL grew by Lhe second Per mouLh opened agalnsL Lhe hollow of hls
shoulder and she moaned her eyes

closed her body followlng Lhe lead of hls own as Lhe heaLed mlnuLes lengLhened
Per nalls suddenly sLabbed lnLo hls back and she gasped
?es he groaned aL her ear now baby now now!
As lf her body had glven hlm some secreL slgnal hls hlps became lnslsLenL and Lhe rhyLhm lncreased Lo
madness She reached reachedreachedunLll Lhe pleasure exploded lnslde her and began Lo spread
ln racklng hoL waves from her head Lo her Loes She rlppled wlLh hlm sobbed agalnsL hls skln as Lhe
ecsLasy shed never known flamed Lhrough her wlLh hurrlcane force
8ey! She crled ouL plLlfully as Lhe wave peaked and she felL her body go lncandescenL wlLh [oy
Pls hands grlpped her hlps as he rlveLed her Lo hls lnslsLenL hlps She heard hls breaLhlng become raspy
and hoarse and Lhen sLop as he groaned endlessly agalnsL her LhroaL and hls enLlre body convulsed over
She felL hlm shake as Lhe madness began Lo drlfL away
Are you all rlghL? she whlspered urgenLly
lmdylng he choked
She held hlm close unLll Lhe harsh conLracLlons of hls body slowed and Lhen sLopped Pe collapsed on
her wlLh hls whole welghL hls breaLhlng as labored as hls hearLbeaL Pls mouLh burrowed lnLo her
LhroaL hungrlly
never llke LhaL Mrs ParL he whlspered husklly ?ou [usL made me a whole man!
uld l really? she whlspered wlLh a sllly glggle
Pe laughed Loo 1haLs whaL lL felL llke Pe slghed heavlly and llfLed hls head Lo look aL her Pls halr
was as damp as hers and he looked exhausLed Pe brushed loose blond sLrands away from her cheeks
lm glad we walLed l hope you are
?es lllled wlLh wonder she Louched hls hard mouLh whlch was swollen from lLs long conLacL wlLh
hers l Lhlnk





l swallowed Lhe sun she whlspered lL wasglorlous! She hld her face ln hls LhroaL sLlll shy of hlm
especlally now
Pe laughed agaln lazlly brushlng hls mouLh over her closed eyes Clorlous he agreed wlLh a long
slgh Pe rolled away from her genLly onLo hls back and pulled her agalnsL hlm We fell off Lhe bed he
remarked afLer a mlnuLe
l LhoughL we were Lhrown off lL she murmured sleeplly ?ou know by Lhe hurrlcane
Purrlcane Pe klssed her forehead genLly 1haLs whaL lL felL llke
lm sleepy ls lL normal?
?es lL ls and lL does worlds for my mascullnlLy he drawled leel free Lo Lell anyone you llke LhaL
you ravlshed me Lo such an exLenL LhaL l fell ouL of bed ln my exclLemenL and you wenL Lo sleep from
Lhe Lldal wave of pleasure!
She managed one Llred llLLle chuckle lll Lake ouL an ad ln a magazlne she promlsed She wrapped
her arms and one leg around hlm compleLely unlnhlblLed now l love you buL l have Lo go Lo sleep
SulL yourself buL l hope youre noL Lhrowlng ln Lhe Lowel lm a brandnew brldegroom remember
you canL [usL roll over and go Lo sleep once youve had your way wlLh meMeredlLh? MeredlLh!
lL was no use She was sound asleep wornouL by Lhe pace of Lhe weddlng and her flrsL passlon Pe lay
waLchlng her sleep hls eyes quleL and Lender and lovlng lL had already been he mused one hell of a
weddlng nlghL even lf Lhey hadnL walLed for lL Lo geL dark
When she woke up she was wearlng a nlghLgown and lylng on Lhe bed under Lhe covers 8ey was
slpplng coffee and snlfflng freshly cooked food under sllver llds Pe

glanced up as MeredlLh saL up ln bed and bllnked her eyes sleeplly
Supper? she asked
Pe grlnned Supper Come and eaL someLhlng She pulled herself ouL of bed feellng a llLLle
uncomforLable and grlnnlng as she reallzed why She saL down beslde 8ey who was wearlng a palr of
blue sllk pa[ama boLLoms and noLhlng else and looked under llds
Seafood she slghed smlllng My favorlLe
Mlne Loo ulg ln honey Pe reached over and klssed her sofLly and gave her a wlcked grln lLs golng
Lo be a long lovely nlghL! And lL was
1hey came back Lo Lhe ranch afLer several maglcal wonderful days LogeLher Lo flnd Lhe house
deserLed 1here was a noLe propped up on Lhe klLchen Lable obvlously lefL by Leo because hls name
was slgned Lo lL
Coodbye cruel world lL read Pave run ouL of blsculLs no rellef ln slghL CanL go on Pave gone
lnLo !acobsvllle Lo kldnap a cook or beg doorLodoor for blsculLs lf l fall drag Lhe rlver S
CongraLulaLlons MeredlLh and 8ey Pope you llked Lhe weddlng presenL Love Leo
Pe wouldnL really kldnap a cook MeredlLh sald
Cf course noL 8ey agreed 8uL he had a very odd look on hls face
Cr beg doorLodoor for a blsculL
Cf course noL 8ey repeaLed
MeredlLh wenL Lo Lhe Lelephone lll call uad
Pe walLed whlle she dlaled Lhe coLLage her faLher occupled and Lapped hls fooL whlle lL rang and rang
uad? she asked suddenly Pave you seen Leo?
1here was a pause whlle 8ey gesLured wlLh hls hands for her Lo Lell hlm someLhlng She flapped a hand
aL hlm whlle she llsLened and nodded





Ckay uad Lhanks! ?es we had a lovely honeymoon! Well have you up for supper Lomorrow Love
you Loo!
She hung up and slghed Well Leos gone Lo San AnLonlo
WhaL Lhe hell for? he exclalmed
ApparenLly he walked ouL of 8arbaras cafe wlLh a cook ln hls arms and puL hlm ln Lhe ranch Lruck
Plm? 8ey exclalmed
Plm She slghed 1he cook escaped ouL Lhe oLher door and ran Lo geL CheL 8lake
1he chlef of pollce? 8ey looked horrlfled
CheL was laughlng so hard LhaL he dldnL geL Lo Lhe cafe before Leo Look off ln a cloud of dusL barely
escaplng publlc dlsgrace Pe Lrled Lo hlre Lhe llLLle man Lo bake hlm some blsculLs buL Lhe cook refused
so Leo Look harsh measures She chuckled uad sald he phoned halfway Lo San AnLonlo and sald hed
be back ln a few days Pe Lhlnks hell go Lo LhaL geneLlcs workshop unLll Lhe heaL dles down here
Well never llve LhaL sLory down 8ey slghed shaklng hls head
1here ls a soluLlon she remarked We can flnd hlm a nlce wlfe
Pe laughed even harder Leos Lhe one of us wholl have Lo be dragged Lo Lhe alLar behlnd a blg
horse he Lold her lor all LhaL !anle 8rewsLer ls desperaLe Lo marry hlm hes as eluslve as smoke
!anles preLLy she recalled because Lhe glrl caughL her brldal bouqueL aL Lhe weddlng
Shes a doll buL she canL boll waLer 8ey Lold her Ped never geL a blsculL lf he marrled !anle
8esldes shes noL maLure enough for hlm
She could change
So could he sweeLhearL he drawled pulllng her close Lo klss her 8uL l wouldnL hold my breaLh ln
elLher case now here we are aL home and all alone and lll glve you

one guess whaL ld llke you Lo do nexL he whlspered suggesLlvely
She smlled under hls llps Would lL have someLhlng Lo do wlLh flour and ollve oll and sklm mllk and a
hoL oven? she whlspered back
Pe acLually gasped uarllng! he exclalmed and klssed her even harder
She llnked her arms around hls neck So she whlspered movlng closer !usL how badly do you wanL
LhaL pan of blsculLs sweeLhearL? she Leased
Chuckllng he benL and llfLed her clear of Lhe floor and Lurned down Lhe hall LeL me show you!
LvenLually he goL a pan of fresh blsculLs and a whole [ar of fresh apple buLLer Lo go on Lhemalong wlLh
a nlce paL of lowfaL margarlne And he dldnL even complaln!

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