SBLaxman's AD&D Monster List

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Compiled by SBLaxman

General Notes:
Attempts were made to be as accurate to the text. In some cases, errors or inconsistancies were found, and c

In the main "MM" tab, the columns are sortable via the pull down menu in the first row

Monster Type: General descriptor of the type of creature. The type should not be used for determining spell effects


Monstrous Humanoid


Magical Beast



Listing Definitions



Tab Labeling
Tabs are labeled with abbreviated names of the monster manual books. Long name is included inside each ta

Source List
CD (TSR 9547: Cult of the Dragon)
Dragon 167
Dragon 172
Dragon 238
Dragon 268
Dragon 269
Dragon 269
Dragon 270
DS1 (TSR 2405: Dark Sun Appendix I)
DS2 (TSR 2433: Dark Sun Appendix II)
Dungeon 24
Dungeon 76
FF (Fiend Folio, First Edition)
MCA1 (TSR 2145 Monstrous Compendium Annual, Volume One)
MCA2 (TSR 2158 Monstrous Compendium Annual, Volume Two)
MCA3 (TSR 2166 Monstrous Compendium Annual, Volume Three)
MCA4 (TSR 2173 Monstrous Compendium, 1997 Annual, Volume IV)
MCAQ (TSR 2129: Al-Qadim Appendix)
MCDL (TSR 2158 Monstrous Compendium 4, Dragonlance)
MCFF (TSR 2132 - MC14 - Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio)
MCFR (TSR 2125: Forgotten Realms Appendix)
MCGH1 (TSR 2107: Monstrous Compendium Greyhawk Adventures Appendix)
MCKT (TSR 2116: Kara-Tur Appendix)
MCM (TSR 2501: Mystara - Monstrous Compendium Appendix)
MCSC (TSR 2524: Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix)
MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 MC7 Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix)
MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix II)
MM (Monster Manual, First Edition)
MM2 (Monstrous Manual II, First Edition)
MM2e (TSR 2140 Monstrous Manual, Second Edition)
OPA (TSR 2118: Outer Planes Appendix)
PS1 (TSR 2602: Planescape Appendix I)
PS2 (TSR 2613: Planescape Appendix II)
PS3 (TSR 2635: Planescape Appendix III)
RL12 (TSR 2162: Ravenloft Appendix I & II)
RL3 (TSR 2153: Ravenloft Appendix III)
TSR 1049: Adventures in Space
TSR 1055: The Horde (Boxed Set)
TSR 1060: Ruins of the Undermountain
TSR 1064: From the Ashes
TSR 1065: The Legend of Spelljammer
TSR 1066: Maztica Campaign Setting
TSR 1083: Menzoberranzan
TSR 1088L Castles Forlorn
TSR 1089: Dragon Mountain
TSR 1091: City of Delights
TSR 1109: City of Splendors
TSR 1120: Ruins of Zhentil Keep
TSR 1124: The Nightmare Lands
TSR 11372: Chaos Spawn
TSR 11405: The Wyrmskull Throne
TSR 11431: Guide to Hell
TSR 11507: Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium II
TSR 1162: Return to the Tomb of Horrors
TSR 1163: The Shadow Rift
TSR 2104: Forgotten Realms Appendix
TSR 2137: Lankhmar City of Adventure
TSR 2400: Dark Sun Boxed Set
TSR 2408: Dragon Kings
TSR 2412: Asticlian Gambit
TSR 2413: Valley of Dust and Fire
TSR 2417: Black Flames
TSR 2418: The Ivory Triangle
TSR 2432: City by the Silt Sea
TSR 2437: Thri-Kreen of Athas
TSR 2438: Dark Sun Campaign Setting (Revised)
TSR 2444: Mind Lords of the Last Sea
TSR 2600: Planescape Campaign Setting
TSR 2603: Planes of Chaos
TSR 2607: Planes of Law
TSR 2615: Planes of Conflict
TSR 2631: Dead Gods
TSR 3110: Warlock of the Stonecrowns
TSR 3117: Book of Magecraft
TSR 3140: Bloodspawn
TSR 9258: Test of the Samurai
TSR 9270: Vale of the Mage
TSR 9274: Old Empires
TSR 9275: Dragon Dawn
TSR 9278: Otherlands
TSR 9279: Falcon's Revenge
TSR 9289: Falconmaster
TSR 9295: Wonders of Lankhmar
TSR 9309: Vecna Lives!
TSR 9333: Fires of Zatal
TSR 9340: Endless Armies
TSR 9348: Islands of Terror
TSR 9349: City of Gold
TSR 9351: The Great Glacier
TSR 9364: Thoughts of Darkness
TSR 9419: Dark of the Moon
TSR 9430: Elves of Evermeet
TSR 9449: Corsairs of the Great Sea
TSR 9452: Ravenloft Adventure
TSR 9487: Giantcraft
TSR 9529: A Guide to Transylvania
TSR 9539: The Sea Devils
TSR 9541: Servants of Darkness
TSR 9569: The Illithiad
TSR 9570: A Darkness Gathering
TSR 9572: Dawn of the Overmind
TSR 9575: City of Ravens Bluff
were made to be as accurate to the text. In some cases, errors or inconsistancies were found, and common sense was used to fill in the ga
Example: Intelligence listings as "Average" were changed to "Average (8-10)"
n "MM" tab, the columns are sortable via the pull down menu in the first row
Can sort alphabetically, or list only specific entries. Select "all" to view all entries

descriptor of the type of creature. The type should not be used for determining spell effects

Human or Human-like races (includes orcs, bugbear, and elves)

Bipedal humaoid races with monstrous or very animal appearance (includes minotaur, sahuagin,
and harpy)
Giant sized humanoids (Includes trolls, ogres, and giants)

Normal animals, or creatures similar to real world animals (includes snakes, dinosaur, and bats)
Mice, Rats, Insects, Spiders, and another creepy crawlies
Chimeric creatures and animal like creatures with magical abilities (includes griffin, owlbear, and
displacer beasts)
Creatures not native to the prime material plane (includes devils, demons, and elementals)
Creatures created by magic (includes golems and homonculus)
Races of the forest (includes pixies, brownies, and centaur)
Any undead creature
Plant or Fungi based creatures (includes shambling mounds, ents, and molds)
Slimes, Puddings, and Ooze like creatues (includes crystal ooze, gelatenous cubes, and green
Dragons or related monsters (includes true dragons, wyvern, and dragonet)

Monstrous creatures which fall into no clear category (includes umberhulks, otyughs, and naga)

Information is undefined in the text, or varies depending on age category, etc

Information is too long to insert into database, and is included in the approriate monster book. If
the monster entry says "See Below" for special attacks of defences, "Special" is recorded in the
Some abreviated entries are missing information, and the correct data is not obvious, so is left

abeled with abbreviated names of the monster manual books. Long name is included inside each tab in the column Y
Monstrous Manual
Monstrous Compendium Annuals 1 through 4
Monstrous Compendium Setting Appendicies (Dragonlance, Spell Jammer, Greyhawk, etc)

9547: Cult of the Dragon)

2405: Dark Sun Appendix I)
2433: Dark Sun Appendix II)

Folio, First Edition)

R 2145 Monstrous Compendium Annual, Volume One)
R 2158 Monstrous Compendium Annual, Volume Two)
R 2166 Monstrous Compendium Annual, Volume Three)
R 2173 Monstrous Compendium, 1997 Annual, Volume IV)
SR 2129: Al-Qadim Appendix)
R 2158 Monstrous Compendium 4, Dragonlance)
R 2132 - MC14 - Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio)
R 2125: Forgotten Realms Appendix)
SR 2107: Monstrous Compendium Greyhawk Adventures Appendix)
R 2116: Kara-Tur Appendix)
R 2501: Mystara - Monstrous Compendium Appendix)
R 2524: Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix)
SR 2109 MC7 Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix)
SR 2119 Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix II)
ter Manual, First Edition)
strous Manual II, First Edition)
R 2140 Monstrous Manual, Second Edition)
2118: Outer Planes Appendix)
2602: Planescape Appendix I)
2613: Planescape Appendix II)
2635: Planescape Appendix III)
R 2162: Ravenloft Appendix I & II)
2153: Ravenloft Appendix III)
Adventures in Space
The Horde (Boxed Set)
Ruins of the Undermountain
From the Ashes
The Legend of Spelljammer
Maztica Campaign Setting
L Castles Forlorn
Dragon Mountain
City of Delights
City of Splendors
Ruins of Zhentil Keep
The Nightmare Lands
2: Chaos Spawn
5: The Wyrmskull Throne
1: Guide to Hell
7: Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium II
Return to the Tomb of Horrors
The Shadow Rift
Forgotten Realms Appendix
Lankhmar City of Adventure
Dark Sun Boxed Set
Dragon Kings
Asticlian Gambit
Valley of Dust and Fire
Black Flames
The Ivory Triangle
City by the Silt Sea
Thri-Kreen of Athas
Dark Sun Campaign Setting (Revised)
Mind Lords of the Last Sea
Planescape Campaign Setting
Planes of Chaos
Planes of Law
Planes of Conflict
Dead Gods
Warlock of the Stonecrowns
Book of Magecraft
Test of the Samurai
Vale of the Mage
Old Empires
Dragon Dawn

Falcon's Revenge
Wonders of Lankhmar
Vecna Lives!
Fires of Zatal
Endless Armies
Islands of Terror
City of Gold
The Great Glacier
Thoughts of Darkness
Dark of the Moon
Elves of Evermeet
Corsairs of the Great Sea
Ravenloft Adventure

A Guide to Transylvania
The Sea Devils
Servants of Darkness
The Illithiad
A Darkness Gathering
Dawn of the Overmind
City of Ravens Bluff
nse was used to fill in the gaps
Name Type Climate Terrain Frequency Organization
Aarakocra Monstrous N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Aarakocra Monstrous Temperate to TropMountains Very Rare Tribe
Aarakocra - Athas Monstrous Any Deep Desert Rare Tribe
Aartuk - Elder Plant Any Any Very Rare Tribe
Aartuk - Warrior Plant Any Any Rare Tribe
Aasimar Outsider Any Any Rare Solitary
Aasimon - Agathi Outsider Upper Planes or P Any Uncommon (Upper) - Army (Upper) - Solitary
Aasimon - Agathi Outsider Upper Planes Any Uncommon (upper) orArmy (Upper) or Solitar
Aasimon - Deva - AOutsider Upper Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Aasimon - Deva - Outsider Upper Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Aasimon - Deva - Outsider Upper Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Aasimon - Diva - AOutsider Upper Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Aasimon - Diva - Outsider Upper Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Aasimon - Diva - Outsider Upper Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Aasimon - Light Outsider Upper Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Aasimon - Light Outsider Upper Planes or P Any Very Rare Solitary
Aasimon - PlanetaOutsider Upper Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Aasimon - PlanetaOutsider Upper Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Aasimon - Solar Outsider Upper Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Aasimon - Solar Outsider Upper Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Aballin Monster Temperate to TropSubterranean and Uncommon Solitary
Aballin Monster Temperate to TropSubterranean and Uncommon Solitary
Aboleth Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Aboleth Monster Temperate to TropSubterranean Very Rare Brood
Aboleth - Savant Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Brood or Community
Abrian Outsider Outlands; Lower PAny Common Flock
Abyss Ant Outsider The Abyss or Tem Forests, Hills, and Uncommon (Abyss) orColony
Achaierai Monster Acheron N/A Very Rare N/A
Achaierai Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Flock
Achaierai Outsider N/A Any Very Rare Flock
Actaeon Fey Temperate Forests Rare Solitary
Addazahr Vermin Temperate to TropDeserts, Hills, and Uncommon Swarm
Adherer Monstrous N/A N/A Rare N/A
Adherer Monstrous Temperate Forests Rare Pack
Aerial Servant Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Aesepent Outsider Beastlands Any Very Rare Solitary
Afanc Magical Be N/A Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Afanc Animal Warm N/A Very Rare N/A
Afanc (Gawwar SaMagical Be Any Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Agarat Undead Any Land Very Rare Pack
Agathion Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Agrutha Monstrous Temperate Swamps Very Rare Tribe
Air Sentinel Outsider Twin Paradises (S Any Uncommon Family
Akikage Undead Ravenloft Rokushima Very Rare Solitary
Alaghi Monstrous Temperate Mountain forests Very Rare Family
Alaghi Monstrous Temperate Mountain forests Very Rare Family
Albari Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Alchemy Plant Plant Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Aleax Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Algoid Plant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Algoid Monstrous Temperate Swamps Very Rare Pack
Alguduir - Adult Magical Be Any Marshes Rare Solitary
Alguduir - Young Magical Be Any Marshes Rare Family
Al-Jahar Humanoid Any Urban Very Rare Solitary
Al-Jahar (Dazzle) Humanoid Warm Urban Very Rare Solitary
Allura Monster Any Any Very Rare Group
Al-Mi'raj Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Al-mi'raj Magical Be Temperate Forests, GrasslandVery Rare Herd
Amiq Rasol Undead Any Ocean Coasts Very Rare Solitary
Ammonite - Giant Animal Tropical Ocean Depths andRare Solitary
Ammonite - Golde Animal Any Ocean Depths Very Rare Solitary
Ammut Magical Be Any Underground Very Rare Clan
Ancient Mariner Undead Phlogiston Any Very Rare Crew
Anemone - Giant Animal Temperate to TropOceans Very Rare School
Anemone - Giant Animal Tropical Coasts and OceanRare Solitary
Anemone - Giant -Animal Temperate to TropOceans Very Rare School
Anguiliian Monster Temperate to TropOceans Very Rare Tribe
Anhkheg Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Animal - Cenozoic Animal Any Savannahs Uncommon Solitary
Animal - Cenozoic Animal Temperate Plains Uncommon Solitary
Animal - Cenozoic Animal Temperate Forests Common Herd
Animal - Cenozoic Animal Temperate Plains Rare Solitary
Animal - Cenozoic Animal Temperate Plains Common Herd
Animal - Cenozoic Animal Tropical Fresh Water Rare Family Group
Animal - Cenozoic Animal Any Savannahs Rare Solitary
Animal - Cenozoic Animal Tropical Forests Uncommon Family Group
Animal - Cenozoic Animal Any Savannahs Common Herd
Animal - Cenozoic Animal Temperate Plains Uncommon Solitary
Animal - Domestic Animal Any Verdant Belt Common Herd
Animal - Domestic Animal Verdant belt (Atha Any Common Herd
Animal - Domestic Animal Verdant belt (Atha Any Common Herd
Animal - Domestic Animal Tablelands/Hinterl Any Common Flock
Animal - Domestic Animal Tablelands/Hinterl Any Uncommon Solitary
Animal - Domestic Vermin Tablelands/Hinterl Any Common Hive
Animal - Domestic Animal Tablelands/Hinterl Any Rare Solitary
Animal - Domestic Vermin Verdant belt (Atha Any Uncommon Solitary
Animal - Domestic Animal Verdant belt (Atha Any Common Flock
Animal - Domestic Animal Any Verdant Belt Common Herd
Animal - Domestic Animal Any Verdant Belt Uncommon Solitary
Animal - Domestic Animal Any Verdant Belt Common Flock
Animal - Herd - Ja Animal Any Sandy Wastes andCommon Community
Animal - Herd - Ki Animal Any Scrub Plains Common Herd
Animal - Herd - Z't Animal Any Any Common Leap
Animal - Household Animal Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Animal - HouseholVermin Any Any Common Solitary
Animal - HouseholVermin Any Any Common Solitary
Animal - HouseholVermin Any Any Common Solitary
Animal - Pleistoc Animal Any Plains Uncommon Flock
Animal - Pleistoce Animal Any Plains Rare Solitary
Animal - PleistocenAnimal Any Forests Rare Herd
Animal - Pleistoc Animal Any Forests Uncommon Solitary
Animal - Pleistoc Animal Any Plains Uncommon Flock
Animal - Pleistoce Animal Any Plains Uncommon Herd
Animal - Pleistoc Animal Any Plains Common Herd
Animal Lord - Cat Outsider Beastlands Any Very Rare Solitary
Animal Lord - Cat Outsider Beastlands Any Very Rare Solitary
Animal Lord - HawOutsider Beastlands Any Very Rare Solitary
Animal Lord - HawOutsider Beastlands Any Very Rare Solitary
Animal Lord - Liza Outsider Beastlands Any Very Rare Solitary
Animal Lord - WolfOutsider Beastlands Any Very Rare Solitary
Animal Lord - WolfOutsider Beastlands Any Very Rare Solitary
Animator - Comm Monster Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Animator - Greate Monster Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Animator - Minor Monster Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Animental Outsider Inner Planes Any Common Solitary
Animus Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Ankheg Magical Be Temperate to TropForests and PlainsRare Brood
Annis Monstrous N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Ant - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Ant - Piranha Vermin Temperate Urban Rare Colony
Ant Lion Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Antloid - Desert - Vermin Any Sandy Wastes Rare Warrens
Antloid - Desert - Vermin Any Sandy Wastes Very Rare Warrens
Antloid - Desert - Vermin Any Sandy Wastes Uncommon Warrens
Antloid - Desert - Vermin Any Sandy Wastes Uncommon Warrens
Ape - Carnivorous Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Ape - Gorilla Animal N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Aperusa Humanoid Any Any Common Clan
Apparition Undead Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Apparition Undead N/A Any Very Rare Tribe
Arak - Alven Fey The Shadow Rift ( Any Rare Clan
Arak - Brag Fey The Shadow Rift ( Any Uncommon Clan
Arak - Fir Fey The Shadow Rift ( Any Rare Clan
Arak - Muryan Humanoid The Shadow Rift ( Any Uncommon Clan
Arak - Portune Fey The Shadow Rift ( Any Very Rare Solitary
Arak - Powrie Fey The Shadow Rift ( Any Common Clan
Arak - Shee Fey The Shadow Rift ( Any Rare Clan
Arak - Sith Fey The Shadow Rift ( Any Rare Clan
Arak - Teg Fey The Shadow Rift ( Any Common Clan
Aranea Magical Be Any Any Uncommon Clan
Aranea Magical Be Any Any Uncommon Clan
Arashaeem Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Arcane Monstrous Space Any Very Rare Entourage
Arcane Outsider Any Any Very Rare Company
Arcane Monstrous Any Any Very Rare Band
Arcane Head Monster The Nightmare LanAny Very Rare Flock
Archomental - Evil Outsider Paraplane of Ice Any Unique Unique
Archomental - Evil Outsider Plane of Fire Any Unique Unique
Archomental - Evi Outsider Plane of Earth Any Unique Unique
Archomental - Evil Outsider Plane of Water Any Unique Unique
Archomental - Evil Outsider Plane of Air Any Unique Unique
Archomental - Go Outsider Plane of Water Any Unique Unique
Archomental - Go Outsider Plane of Air Any Unique Unique
Archomental - GooOutsider Plane of Earth Any Unique Unique
Archomental - Go Outsider Plane of Fire Any Unique Unique
Archon - Hound Outsider Mount Celestia Any Common Group
Archon - Hound Outsider Seven Heavens Any Common Hierarchy
Archon - Lantern Outsider Mount Celestia Any Common Group
Archon - Lantern Outsider Seven Heavens Any Common Hierarchy
Archon - Sword Outsider Mount Celestia Any Rare Group
Archon - Sword Outsider Seven Heavens Any Rare Hierarchy
Archon - Throne Outsider Mount Celestia Any Very Rare Hierarchy
Archon - Tome Outsider Mount Celestia Any Very Rare Group
Archon - Tome Outsider Seven Heavens Any Very Rare Hierarchy
Archon - Trumpet Outsider Mount Celestia Any Very Rare Hierarchy
Archon - Warden Outsider Mount Celestia Any Uncommon Group
Archon - Warden Outsider Seven Heavens Any Uncommon Hierarchy
Arch-Shadow Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Arch-Shadow - DeUndead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Argos Monster Space Any Very Rare Solitary
Argos Monster Space or Earth-ba Any Very Rare Solitary
Ascomoid Plant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Ash Crawler Monster Arid Fire Rare Solitary
Ashira Fey Any Domesticated TreeRare Clan
Asperii Magical Be Any Mountains Rare Herd
Aspis - Cow Vermin N/A N/A Very Rare Hive
Aspis - Cow Vermin Any Subterranean Very Rare N/A
Aspis - Drone Vermin N/A N/A Rare Hive
Aspis - Drone Vermin Any Subterranean Rare N/A
Aspis - Larva Vermin N/A N/A Rare Hive
Aspis - Larva Vermin Any Subterranean Rare N/A
Asrai Outsider Oceanus, Ysgard, Waters Rare School
Assassing Bug Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Astereater Monster Space Any Very Rare Solitary
Astral DreadnoughOutsider Astral Plane Any Very Rare Solitary
Astral Searcher Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Asuras Outsider Upper Planes Any Very Rare Hierarchy
Asuras Outsider Any Any Rare Hierarchy
Atomie Fey N/A N/A Rare N/A
Audreeana Magical Be Any Any Mythical Solitary
Aurumvorax Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Aurumvorax Magical Be Temperate to TropHills Very Rare Solitary
Autognome Construct Any Any Very Rare Nil
Automaton - CoppConstruct Any Ruins Very Rare Solitary
Automaton - EnchaConstruct Warm Land and Subterr Very Rare Special
Automaton - ScalaConstruct Warm Land and Subterr Very Rare Special
Automaton - Triob Construct Any Subterranean Very Rare Special
Automaton - TriobrConstruct Any Subterranean Very Rare Special
Automaton - TriobrConstruct Any Subterranean Very Rare Special
Avanc Magical Be Lake Kronov (RaveAny Unique Solitary
Avangion Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Averx Monstrous Any Subterranean Rare Clan
Avian - Boobrie Animal Subtropical Swamps Rare Solitary or Pair
Avian - Eblis Magical Be Subtropical Swamps Very Rare Flock
Avian - Flightless Animal Subtropical Plains Common Flock
Aviarag Magical Be Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Axe Beak Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Azer Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Baatezu - Abishai Outsider The Nine Hells Any Very Rare Solitary
Baatezu - Abishai Outsider The Nine Hells Any Common Solitary
Baatezu - Abishai Outsider The Nine Hells Any Common Solitary
Baatezu - Greater Outsider The Nine Hells Any Rare Solitary
Baatezu - Greater Outsider Baator Any Rare Solitary
Baatezu - Greater Outsider Baator Any Very Rare Solitary
Baatezu - Greater Outsider The Nine Hells Any Very Rare Solitary
Baatezu - Greater Outsider Baator Any Rare Solitary
Baatezu - Greater Outsider The Nine Hells Any Rare Solitary
Baatezu - Greater Outsider Baator Any Very Rare Solitary
Baatezu - Greater Outsider The Nine Hells Any Very Rare Solitary
Baatezu - Least - Outsider Baator Any Common Army
Baatezu - Least - Outsider The Nine Hells Any Common Army
Baatezu - Least - Outsider Baator Any Common Solitary
Baatezu - Least - Outsider The Nine Hells Any Common Solitary
Baatezu - Lemure Outsider Baator Any Common Horde
Baatezu - Lemure Outsider The Nine Hells Any Common Horde
Baatezu - Lesser -Outsider Baator Any Common Solitary
Baatezu - Lesser -Outsider The Nine Hells Any Common Solitary
Baatezu - Lesser -Outsider Baator Any Common Solitary
Baatezu - Lesser -Outsider The Nine Hells Any Common Solitary
Baatezu - Lesser -Outsider Baator Any Common Solitary
Baatezu - Lesser -Outsider The Nine Hells Any Common Solitary
Baatezu - Lesser Outsider Baator Any Common Troupe
Baatezu - Lesser Outsider The Nine Hells Any Common Military
Baatezu - Lesser -Outsider Baator Any Uncommon Solitary
Baatezu - Lesser -Outsider The Nine Hells Any Uncommon Solitary
Baatezu - Lesser Outsider Baator Any Uncommon Solitary
Baatezu - Lesser Outsider The Nine Hells Any Uncommon Solitary
Baatezu - Lesser Outsider Baator Any Uncommon Pack
Baatezu - Lesser Outsider Any Any Rare Solitary
Baatezu - Lesser -Outsider Baator Any Uncommon Solitary
Baatezu - Lesser -Outsider The Nine Hells Any Uncommon Solitary
Baatezu - Pit Fien Outsider The Nine Hells Any Common Solitary
Baazrag Animal Any Stony Barrens Uncommon Pack
Baazrag - Bonecl Animal Any Stony Barrens Very Rare Solitary
Babbler Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Baboon Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Bacar Monster Tropical Any Very Rare Colony
Bacchae Outsider Arborea Pastoral Uncommon Mob
Badger Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Baelnorn Undead Temperate Land Very Rare Solitary
Bainligor Monstrous Underdark Any Rare Tribe
Bajang Humanoid Tropical Jungles Very Rare Solitary
Bakhna Rakhna Humanoid Temperate Forests Uncommon Tribe
Baku Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Baku Outsider Outlands Forests Very Rare Solitary
Balaena Outsider Upper planes Oceans and River Rare Solitary or Pod
Balaena Outsider The River Oceanu Any Rare Solitary or Pod
Balandar Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Baluchitherium Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Banderlog Animal N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Banedead Undead Any Any Rare Pack
Banedead Undead Any Any Rare Pack
Baneguard Undead Any Land Rare Solitary
Banelar Monster Hot to Temperate Land and Waters Rare Solitary or small bands
Banelich Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Banshee Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Banshee - Dwarf Undead Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Bargda Monstrous Any Subterranean and Rare Solitary
Barghest Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Bariaur Outsider Gladsheim Any Uncommon Flock
Bariaur Outsider Ysgard Any Uncommon Flock
Barkburr Plant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Barracude Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Basidirond Plant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Basilisk Monster N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Basilisk - Dracolis Magical Be Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Basilisk - Greater Magical Be Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Basilisk - Greater Magical Be N/A Land Very Rare Solitary
Basilisk - Lesser Magical Be Any Land Uncommon Solitary
Bastellus Undead Any Urban Very Rare Solitary
Bat Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Bat - Azmyth Magical Be Any Land Rare Solitary
Bat - Bonebat Undead Any Land Rare Flock
Bat - Bonebat - BaUndead Any Land Rare Flock
Bat - Common Animal Any Land Common Swarm
Bat - Deep - AzmyMagical Be Temperate Any Rare Solitary
Bat - Deep - Night Animal Temperate Any Uncommon Pack
Bat - Deep - Sinist Magical Be Any Any Rare Band
Bat - Deep - Were Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Bat - Fire Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Bat - Giant Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Bat - Huge Animal Warm Subterranean Rare Flock
Bat - Large Animal Any Land Uncommon Flock
Bat - Mobat Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Bat - Night Hunter Animal Any Land Uncommon Pack
Bat - Ravenloft - SAnimal Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Bat - Ravenloft - SUndead Any Land Rare Solitary
Bat - Sinister Magical Be Any Land Rare Band
Bat - Sporebat Plant Temperate Hills and Plains Very Rare Clutch
Batracine Magical Be Any Rivers Common Family
Bear - Black Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Bear - Black Animal Temperate Land Common Family
Bear - Brown Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Bear - Brown Animal Temperate Land Uncommon Family
Bear - Cave Animal Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Bear - Cave Animal N/A Land Uncommon Family
Bear - Ice Animal Arctic Hills, Mountains, a Uncommon Pack
Bear - Northern (PAnimal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Bear - Polar Animal Cold Any Rare Family
Beast - Undead - Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Beast - Undead - Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Beast of Chaos Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary or Pack
Beastman Humanoid Subtropical and Tr Forests Very Rare Tribe
Beatle - Giant - B Vermin N/A N/A Common N/A
Beaver - Giant Animal N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Bebilith Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Bebilith Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Bee - Giant - Bum Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Bee - Giant - Sol Vermin N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Bee - Giant - Wor Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Beetle - Agony Vermin Any Any Rare Solitary
Beetle - Death WaVermin N/A Forests Very Rare Solitary
Beetle - Death WaMagical Be Temperate N/A Very Rare N/A
Beetle - Deathwat Vermin Temperate Forests Very Rare Solitary
Beetle - Dragon Vermin Giustenal (Athas) Subterranean Uncommon Nest
Beetle - Dragon Vermin Any Deserts and SubteUncommon Nest
Beetle - Giant - B Vermin Any Forests Common Solitary
Beetle - Giant - BoVermin Any N/A Common N/A
Beetle - Giant - BoVermin N/A Land Common Solitary
Beetle - Giant - Fi Vermin Any N/A Common N/A
Beetle - Giant - Fi Vermin N/A Land Common Solitary
Beetle - Giant - R Vermin Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Beetle - Giant - R Vermin N/A Jungles Uncommon Solitary
Beetle - Giant - St Vermin Any N/A Common N/A
Beetle - Giant - St Vermin N/A Forests Common Solitary
Beetle - Giant - W Vermin Any N/A Common N/A
Beetle - Giant - W Vermin N/A Fresh Water Common Solitary
Beetle - Scarab - Vermin Temperate Land and Subterr Rare Swarm
Beetle - Scarab - Vermin Temperate Land and Subterr Common Swarm
Beetle - Scarab - Vermin Temperate Land and Subterr Rare Solitary
Beetle - Skrit Vermin Any Deserts Rare Solitary
Beetle - Slicer Vermin N/A Forests Rare Solitary
Beetle - Slicer Vermin Temperate Forests Rare Solitary
Beetle - Slicer Vermin Temperate N/A Rare N/A
Beetle - Stink Vermin Temperate Forests Rare Solitary
Beguiler Magical Be Any Dry Steppes Rare Solitary
Behemoth Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Behemoth - Black Magical Be Any Forests and PlainsVery Rare Solitary
Behemoth - Snow Magical Be Arctic Cold Wastes Very Rare Family
Behemoth - SwamMagical Be Any Marshes and Swa Very Rare Solitary
Behir Monster Any N/A Rare N/A
Behir Magical Be N/A Land Rare Solitary
Beholder Monster Space Any Very Rare N/A
Beholder Monster N/A N/A Rare Tribe or Ship
Beholder - Elder OMonster Any Remote areas Very Rare Solitary
Beholder - Hive M Monster Space Any Very Rare Solitary or Ship
Beholder - Kashar Undead Spelljammer Any Rare Community
Beholder - Orbus Monster Space Any Rare Ship
Beholder and BehoMonster Any Remote areas Rare Solitary
Beholder and Behol Monster Any Remote areas Very Rare Solitary
Beholder and Behol Monster Any Remote areas Very Rare Squad
Beholder and BehoMonster Any Remote areas Very Rare Squad
Beholder and BehoMonster Any Deep Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Beholder and BehoMonster Any Remote areas Rare Solitary
Beholder and BehoMonster Any Remote areas Very Rare Solitary
Beholder and BehoMonster Any Remote areas Very Rare Squad
Beholder and BehoMonster Any Remote areas Very Rare Solitary
Beholder and BehoMonster Any Remote areas Very Rare Solitary
Beholder and BehoMonster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Beholder and BehoMonster Any Remote areas Very Rare Solitary
Beholder-kin - DeaMonster Any Remote areas Rare Solitary
Beholder-kin - Dir Monster Any Any Uncommon Squad
Beholder-kin - Ex Monster Any Any Rare Squad
Beholder-kin - Le Monster Any Any Uncommon Squad
Beholder-kin - Ov Monster Space Any Very Rare Solitary
Beholder-kin - Wa Monster Space Any Rare Solitary
Belabra (Tangler) Monster Temperate Forests Rare Solitary
Belgoi Humanoid Athas Tablelands Deserts Uncommon Tribe
Belker Outsider Paraplane of Smo Any Rare Solitary
Berbalang Monstrous N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Bezekira (Hellcat) Outsider Baator Any Rare Solitary
Bhut Humanoid Any Settled Very Rare Clan
Bi-Nou - Bi-Nou Monster Any Subterranean Rare Solitary or Clan
Bi-Nou - Rocklord Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Bi-Nou - Rockwor Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Bionoid Monstrous Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Bird - Bird of Tyaa Magical Be Any Any Rare Flock
Bird - Blood Hawk Animal Any Avian Uncommon Flock
Bird - Boobrie Animal Any Avian Rare Solitary or Pair
Bird - Condor Animal Any Avian Common Solitary or Pair
Bird - Eblis Magical Be Any Avian Rare Flock
Bird - Emre Animal Temperate to TropPlains Rare Flock
Bird - Falcon Animal Any Avian Common Solitary or Pair
Bird - Falcon - Fir Magical Be Any Deserts, Mountain Uncommon Family
Bird - Flightless Animal Any N/A Common N/A
Bird - Flightless Animal N/A Avian Common Flock
Bird - Giant Eagle Animal Any Avian Rare Flock
Bird - Giant Owl Animal Any Avian Uncommon Flock
Bird - Giant RavenAnimal Any Avian Very Rare Flock
Bird - Giant Vultur Animal Any Avian Rare Flock
Bird - Huge RavenAnimal Any Avian Rare Flock
Bird - Jaleeda Monster Temperate and SubAny Very Rare Solitary
Bird - Kingfisher Animal Temperate to TropForests, Hills, and Uncommon Flock
Bird - Large Hawk Animal Any Avian Common Solitary or Pair
Bird - Lyra Bird - Magical Be Temperate and Sub Plains Very Rare Solitary
Bird - Magpie - Animal Temperate Any Common Solitary
Bird - Magpie - Gi Animal Temperate Any Rare Solitary
Bird - Owl Animal Any Avian Common Solitary or Pair
Bird - Owl - Space Animal Any Any Rare Parliament
Bird - Piranha BirdAnimal Non-Arctic Forests Very Rare Flock
Bird - Piranha BirdAnimal Non-Arctic Forests Rare Flock
Bird - Raven Animal Any Avian Common Flock
Bird - Skullbird Animal Any Any Uncommon Flock
Bird - Skyfisher Animal Temperate to TropHills and Mountain Uncommon Flock
Bird - Sprackle - GMagical Be Temperate Mountains Very Rare Flock
Bird - Sprackle - Magical Be Temperate Mountains Very Rare Flock
Bird - Swan Animal Any Avian Common Flock
Bird - Talking Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Bird - Talking Animal Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Bird - Talking Owl Magical Be Any Avian Very Rare Solitary
Bird - Vulture Animal Any Avian Common Flock
Bird - 'Wari Animal Temperate to TropPlains Rare Flock
Bird - Wild Eagle Animal Any Avian Common Flock
Bisan Fey Temperate to TropForests and Jungl Very Rare Solitary
Black Cloud of V Outsider Any Deserts Very Rare Solitary
Black Pudding Ooze N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Blackball Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Blackroot MaraudeConstruct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Bladeling Outsider Acheron Any Rare Theocracy
Bladeling Outsider Acheron Any Rare Theocracy
Blazing Bones Undead Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Blazozoid Monster Wildspace Any Rare Solitary
Blindheim Monster Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Blindheim Monstrous N/A Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Blink Dog Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Blood Hawk Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Bloodgrass Plant Any Forests and VerdanUncommon Clump
Bloodsac Ooze Wildspace Any Rare Swarm
Bloodsipper Plant Special Land Very Rare Plant
Bloodthorn Plant Outlands, Abyss, Any Very Rare N/A
Bloodthorn Outsider N/A N/A Common Patch
Bloodvine Plant Any Forests Common None
Bloodworm - GiantVermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Boalisk Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Boar - Giant Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Boar - Warthog Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Boar - Wild Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Bodak Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Bodak Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Bodak Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Bog Wader Monstrous Any Verdant belts and Uncommon Solitary
Boggart Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Boggle Humanoid N/A N/A Very Rare Family
Boggle Monstrous Any Subterranean Very Rare N/A
Bolandi Humanoid Subtropical and Tr Hills, Jungles, MouVery Rare Clan
Bone Weird Outsider Any Bone-filled area Rare Group
Boneless Undead Ravenloft Darkon or Hazlan Very Rare Nil
Bonesnapper Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Bonesnapper Animal Subtropical and Tr Forests and SwamRare Solitary
Bonespear Outsider Acheron, GehennaAny Rare Solitary
Boobrie Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Booka Fey N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Booka Fey Temperate and Sub Inhabited Lands Uncommon Family
Bookworm Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Boowray Fey Temperate Forests Rare Solitary
Bowler Monster N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Bowlyn Undead Any Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Brain - Living (Ru Monster Ravenloft Dementlieu (Port-aUnique Solitary
Brain Collector Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Brain Mole Magical Be Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Brain Mole Magical Be N/A Subterranean Very Rare Family
Brambleweed - Tr Plant Any Any Common Solitary
Brambleweed - W Plant Any Any Common Trellis
Braxat Monstrous Athas Tablelands Mountains Rare Solitary
Breiryn Monster Any Any Mythical Solitary
Broken One - Co Monstrous Any Land Rare Pack
Broken One - GreaMonstrous Any Land Very Rare Pack
Broken One - GreaMonstrous Any Land Very Rare Pack
Broken One - LessMonstrous Any Land Rare Pack
Brownie Fey N/A N/A Rare N/A
Brownie Fey Temperate Rural Rare Tribe
Brownie - Buckaw Fey Temperate Forests Rare Clan
Brownie - Dobie Fey Temperate Rural Rare Tribe
Brownie - Killmoul Fey Any Urban Uncommon Solitary
Brownie - Quicklin Fey Temperate Forests Very Rare Clan
Brownie - Quicklin Fey Temperate Forests Very Rare Clan
Bruja Monstrous Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Buckawn Fey N/A N/A Rare N/A
Buffalo Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Bugbear Humanoid Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Bugbear Humanoid N/A Subterranean Uncommon Tribe
Bugbear - Chief Humanoid Any Subterranean Uncommon Tribe
Bugbear - Leader Humanoid Any Subterranean Uncommon Tribe
Bugbear - Shama Humanoid Any Subterranean Uncommon Tribe
Bulette Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Bulette Magical Be Temperate Land Very Rare Solitary
Bulette - Gohlbror Magical Be Underdark Any Rare Pack
Bull Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Bullywug Monstrous N/A N/A Rare N/A
Bullywug Humanoid Temperate to TropSwamps Rare Tribe
Bunyip Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Bunyip Magical Be Temperate Fresh Water Rare Solitary
Buraq Magical Be Elysium (Upper PlaAny Very Rare Solitary or Herd
Buraq Outsider Any Any Uncommon (Rare) Solitary or Herd
Burbur Monster Any Land Rare Solitary
Burnbones Undead Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Burnflower Plant Any Any Very Rare Patch
Busen Outsider Arcadia Any Very Rare Solitary
Buso - Tagamalin Humanoid Any Any Uncommon Pack
Buso - Tigbanua Humanoid Non-Arctic Forests and MountUncommon Pack
Bussengeist Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Buzzjewel Magical Be Wildspace Any Very Rare Swarm
Bvanen Monster Any Cliffs and Mountai Very Rare Tribe
Bzastra Outsider Plane of Water Any Very Rare Varies
Cabhaigh Magical Be Temperate Any Mythical Solitary
Cactus - Hunting Plant Any Any Rare Solitary
Cactus - Rock Plant Any Non-Forest Uncommon Plant
Cactus - Sand Plant Any Sandy Wastes Rare Solitary
Caller in DarknessOutsider Giustenal (Athas) Any Unique Solitary
Camel - Desert Animal Any Land Common Herd
Camel - Mountain Animal Any Land Common Herd
Camel - Racing Animal Any Land Common Herd
Camel - War Animal Any Land Common Herd
Camel - Wild Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Camel of the Pear Magical Be Any Any Rare Solitary
Campestri Plant Any Saltwater Swamps Rare Herd
Caniquine Magical Be Temperate Any Uncommon Pack
Cantobele Magical Be Any Forests and SwamRare Solitary
Carapace Plant Underdark Any Very Rare Solitary
Carbuncle Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Carrion Crawler Monster Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Carrion Crawler Monster N/A Subterranean Uncommon Solitary
Carrion Stalker Monster Any Subterranean Uncommon Solitary
Carrionette Monster Ravenloft Odiare Very Rare Solitary or Pack
Carrionette Monster Any Urban Very Rare Solitary or Pack
Caryatid Column Construct N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Cat - Change Cat Magical Be Temperate Forests and PlainsRare Solitary
Cat - Crypt - Larg Undead Any Crypts and Tombs Very Rare Group
Cat - Crypt - NormUndead Any Crypts and Tombs Very Rare Group
Cat - Domestic Animal N/A N/A Common Solitary
Cat - Domestic Animal Any Inhabited Lands Common N/A
Cat - Elfin Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Cat - Elven Magical Be Temperate Forests Rare Solitary
Cat - Great - Cath Magical Be Any Forests Rare Solitary
Cat - Great - CheeAnimal Warm Grasslands and Pl Uncommon Family
Cat - Great - Gian Animal Subarctic Forests Rare Solitary
Cat - Great - Jagu Animal Tropical Jungles Uncommon Solitary
Cat - Great - Leop Animal Tropical Forests and Jungl Uncommon Solitary
Cat - Great - Lion Animal Warm Grasslands and Pl Uncommon Pride
Cat - Great - Lion Animal Warm or TemperatAny Uncommon Solitary
Cat - Great - Lion Animal Warm Deserts and PlainsRare Pride
Cat - Great - Smil Animal Subtropical and Tr Forests Rare Solitary
Cat - Great - SnowAnimal Subarctic and TemWilderness Uncommon Solitary
Cat - Great - Tiger Animal Subtropical and Tr Forests Uncommon Solitary
Cat - Luck Eater Magical Be Non-Arctic Any Rare Solitary
Cat - Marine Animal Any Shipboard Rare Solitary
Cat - Midnight Magical Be Non-Arctic Urban Very Rare Solitary
Cat - Plains Animal Temperate Grasslands Rare Solitary
Cat - Psionic - TagMagical Be Any Sandy Wastes andUncommon Solitary
Cat - Psionic - Ti Magical Be Any Hinterland and Mo Uncommon Pride
Cat - Sand Animal Any Deserts and Dry S Uncommon Den
Cat - Skeletal Undead Any Any Uncommon Pack
Cat - Small - DomeAnimal Any Inhabited Lands Common Solitary
Cat - Small - Elve Magical Be Temperate Forests Rare Solitary
Cat - Small - Wild Animal Non-Arctic Any Uncommon Solitary
Cat - War Animal Any Any Very Rare Pack
Cat - Wild Animal Non-Arctic N/A Uncommon Solitary
Cat - Wild Animal N/A Any Uncommon N/A
Cat - Winged - GreMagical Be Temperate Grasslands and HilVery Rare Family Group
Cat - Winged - GreMagical Be Temperate Grasslands and HilVery Rare Family
Cat - Winged - Le Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Cat - Winged - Le Magical Be Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Cat - Winged - Tr Magical Be Temperate Land Very Rare Solitary
Cat Lord Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Caterwaul Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Caterwaul Magical Be Temperate Mountains Rare Solitary
Catfish - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Catoblepas Magical Be Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Catoblepas Monster N/A Swamps Very Rare Solitary
Cattle - Wild Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Cave Cricket Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Cave Fisher Vermin Any N/A Rare Group
Cave Fisher Monster N/A Subterranean Rare N/A
Cave Fisher Magical Be Any Subterranean Rare Group
Cave Moray Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Centaur Fey N/A N/A Rare N/A
Centaur Fey Temperate Forests Rare Tribe
Centaur - Desert Fey Subtropical Deserts and GrassRare Tribe
Centaur - Leader Fey Temperate Forests Rare Tribe
Centaur - Nomadi Fey Any Plains and Steppe Rare Tribe
Centaur - Priest Fey Temperate Forests Rare Tribe
Centaur - Sylvan Fey Temperate Forests Rare Tribe
Centaur-Kin - Dor Fey Temperate Hills and Mountain Very Rare Clan
Centaur-Kin - Gno Fey Temperate to TropHills and Mountain Very Rare Clan
Centaur-Kin - Ha' Fey Temperate Any Very Rare Community
Centaur-Kin - Zeb Fey Temperate Plains Very Rare Tribe
Centipede - Giant Vermin Any N/A Common N/A
Centipede - Giant Vermin N/A Any Common Nil
Centipede - Huge Vermin Any N/A Common N/A
Centipede - Huge Vermin N/A Any Common Nil
Centipede - MegalVermin Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Centipede - MegalVermin N/A Any Very Rare Nil
Centipede - Spirit Magical Be Non-Arctic Land Very Rare Solitary
Centipede - Spirit Magical Be Non-Arctic Land Very Rare Solitary
Centipede - Spirit Magical Be Non-Arctic Land Very Rare Solitary
Centipede - TunneVermin Any Subterranean Rare Swarm
Cerebral Parasite Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Chac Monstrous Any Mountains and SubVery Rare Clan
Changeling - Faer Fey Any Urban Very Rare Solitary
Changeling - HumaFey Shadow World (BirtAny Very Rare Solitary
Changeling - HumaFey Seelie Court (Birth Any Very Rare Cluster
Changeling (Kin) Humanoid The Shadow Rift ( Any Uncommon Solitary or Pack
Chaos Beast Outsider Limbo Any Very Rare Solitary
Cha'thrang Animal Any Sandy Wastes, StoRare Trine
Chattur Animal Space Any Common Pack
Cheetah Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Chevall Fey Non-Arctic Forests, MountainsRare Solitary
Children of the Se Humanoid Temperate Coasts Very Rare Solitary
Children of the Se Humanoid Temperate Oceans Rare Solitary
Chimera Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Chimera Magical Be Temperate Any Rare Solitary or Pride
Chimere - Gorime Magical Be Temperate Any Very Rare Solitary
Chitine Monstrous Any Subterranean Rare Tribe
Chitine Monstrous Any Subterranean Rare Tribe
Choke Creeper Plant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Choker Monstrous Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Chosen One Monstrous Any Any Rare Band
Chososion Outsider Inner Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Chraal Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Chronolily Plant Ethereal Plane Any Very Rare Solitary
Chronovoid Outsider Demiplane of TimeAny Common Colony
Chu-u Undead Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Cifal Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Cildabrin Magical Be Warm Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Cildabrin Magical Be Warm Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Cilops Magical Be Any Salt Flats and Sto Rare Nil
Cilops Magical Be Any Salt Flats and Sto Rare Nil
Cinnavixen Animal Temperate Forests and MountUncommon Family
Cistern Fiend Monster Any Waters Rare Solitary
Clam - Giant - Car Animal Tropical Ocean Shallows Very Rare Solitary
Clam - Giant - OysAnimal Any Ocean Shallows Rare Solitary
Cloaker Monster Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Cloaker Monster N/A Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Cloaker - Lord Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary or Community
Cloaker - Resplen Monster Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Cloaker - Sea Monster Simorgya (LankhmOceans Very Rare School
Cloaker - Shadow Monster Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Cloaker - Undead Undead Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Clockwork Horror Construct Any Land Unique Race
Clockwork Horror Construct Any Land Unique Solitary
Clockwork Horror Construct Any Land Uncommon Race
Clockwork Horror Construct Any Land Uncommon Pack
Clockwork Horror Construct Any Land Rare Race
Clockwork Horror Construct Any Land Rare Pack
Clockwork Horror Construct Any Land Very Rare Race
Clockwork Horror Construct Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Clockwork Horror Construct Any Land Unique Race
Clockwork Horror Construct Any Land Unique Solitary
Clockwork Horror -Construct Any Land Rare Race
Clockwork Horror -Construct Any Land Rare Pack
Clockwork Sword Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Cloud Ray Animal Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Clubnek Magical Be N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Cockatrice Monster N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Cockatrice Magical Be Temperate to TropAny Uncommon Flock
Cockatrice - Pyroli Magical Be Temperate to TropAny Rare Flock
Coffer Corpse Undead N/A Any Rare N/A
Coffer Corpse Undead Any N/A Very Rare Solitary
Coffer Corpse Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Cold Woman Monster Arctic Cold Wastes Unique Solitary
Colossus Giant Wildspace Any Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Colossus - Stone Construct Any Outdoors Rare Solitary
Coltpixy Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Constellate Monster Wildspace Any Common Constellation
Contemplator Humanoid Any Asteroids Very Rare Solitary
Con-Tinh Undead Temperate to TropForests, Hills, Jun Rare Solitary
Cooshee Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Coral - Brain Animal Tropical Tidal Water Very Rare Solitary
Coral - Worm Animal Any Deep Coastal Wat Very Rare Colony
Corpse Candle Undead Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Couatl Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Couatl Outsider Subtropical and Tr Jungles Very Rare Solitary
Crab - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Crabman Monstrous N/A N/A Rare N/A
Crabman Monstrous Temperate to TropCoasts Rare Tribe
Crabman Monstrous Temperate to TropOcean Coasts Rare Tribe
Crane - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Crawling Claw Monster Any Any Rare Swarm
Crayfish - Giant Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Crimson Bones Undead The Shadow Rift ( Any Uncommon Pack
Crimson Death Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Critter - Temple Construct Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Crocodile Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Crocodile Animal Subtropical and Tr Rivers and Saltwa Common Nil
Crocodile - Albino Animal Any Sewers Common Solitary or Pack
Crocodile - Giant Animal N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Crocodile - Giant Animal Subtropical and Tr Rivers and Saltwa Very Rare Nil
Crocodilian - Brut Monstrous Any Rivers Very Rare Solitary or Tribe
Crocodilian - Mast Monstrous Any Temples and Citie Very Rare Solitary or Tribe
Crodlu Animal Any Deserts and ScrubCommon Herd
Crodlu - Heavy Animal Any Sandy Wastes andRare Herd
Crone of Chaos Monstrous Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Crustacean - Gian Animal Any Ocean Coasts Rare Nil
Crustacean - GiantAnimal Temperate Fresh Water Uncommon Nil
Crypt Servant Undead Any Tombs Rare Solitary or Staff
Crypt Servant Undead Any Tombs Rare Solitary or Staff
Crypt Thing Undead Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Crypt Thing Undead N/A Tombs or Graves Very Rare Solitary
Crypt Thing Undead Any Tombs or Graves Very Rare Solitary
Crysmal Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Crystal Ooze Ooze N/A N/A Rare N/A
Crystalmist Monster Temperate and Sub Mountains Uncommon Swarm
Curse Dead (HungUndead Black Water OasisAny Common None
Cursed One Undead Any Any Rare Solitary
Curst Undead Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Curst Undead Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Cwn Annwn Magical Be Shadow World, VosAny Uncommon (Very RarPack
Cyclopskin Giant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dabus Outsider Sigil (Planescape) Urban Uncommon Hierarchy
Daegandal Monstrous Any Wilderness Mythical Solitary
Daemon - Charon Outsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Daemon - Greater Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Daemon - Greater Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Daemon - Lesser Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Daemon - Lesser Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Daemon - Lesser Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Daemon - Lesser Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Daemon - Lesser Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Daemon - OinodaeOutsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Daemonlord Outsider Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Dagorran Magical Be Any Tablelands and WaRare Pack
Dakon Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dao Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dark Creeper Monstrous N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dark Creeper Humanoid Temperate Forests, Mountain Rare Solitary or Clan
Dark Lord Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Dark Stalker Humanoid N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Dark Stalker Humanoid Temperate Subterranean Very Rare Leader
Darkenbeast Monster Any Any Very Rare Pack
Darkhood (RorphyUndead Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Darklight Outsider Quasiplane of RadAny Very Rare Solitary
Darkling Humanoid Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Darklore Outsider Lower Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Darktentacles Monster Any Wetlands Very Rare Solitary
Darktentacles Monster Any Wetlands Very Rare Solitary
Darkweaver Outsider Abyss, Limbo, Pa Any Very Rare Solitary
Darkwing Monstrous Any Hills, Mountains, Very Rare Flock
Darter Animal Temperate to TropSwamps Rare Nest
Death Dog Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Death Knight Undead Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Death Knight Undead N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Deathmare Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Death's Head Tre Plant Ravenloft Forlorn Rare Solitary
Debbi Magical Be Subtropical and Tr Deserts Uncommon Pack
Decapus Monster Any Forests Rare Solitary
Deep Glaurant Monstrous Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Deepspawn Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Deer - Fey (Byut) Animal Any Sylvan WoodlandsRare Herd
Delphinid Monster Phlogiston Any Uncommon School
Delphon Outsider Oceanus Any Rare Clan
Demarax Outsider Outlands or LawfulAny Very Rare Clutch
Demilich Undead N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Demodand - FarastOutsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Demodand - Keluba Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Demodand - ShatoOutsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Demon - Demogorg Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Demon - Juiblex ( Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Demon - Lesser Go Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Demon - Lord - B Outsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Demon - Lord - FraOutsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Demon - Lord - Gr Outsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Demon - Lord - KoOutsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Demon - Lord - PaOutsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Demon - Major - Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Demon - Manes ( Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Demon - Minor - Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Demon - Minor - BOutsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Demon - Minor - Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Demon - Minor - DOutsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Demon - Minor - Ru Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Demon - Orcus (PrOutsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Demon - Semi - A Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Demon - Semi - C Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Demon - Semi - CaOutsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Demon - Succubu Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Demon - Type I - Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Demon - Type II - Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Demon - Type III - Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Demon - Type IV -Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Demon - Type V - M Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Demon - Type VI -Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Demon - YeenoghuOutsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Denzelian Monster Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Denzelian Monster N/A Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Deva - Astral Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Deva - Monadic Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Deva - Movanic Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Devete Outsider Astral Plane Any Rare Solitary
Devil - Arch - BeliaOutsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Devil - Arch - Ma Outsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Devil - Arch - Mep Outsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Devil - Arch - Mol Outsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Devil - Arch-Devil Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Devil - Arch-Devil Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Devil - Arch-Devil Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Devil - Arch-Devil Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Devil - Duke - Am Outsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Devil - Duke - Bae Outsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Devil - Duke - Huti Outsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Devil - Duke - TitivOutsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Devil - Greater - Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Devil - Greater - I Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Devil - Greater - P Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Devil - Greater - S Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Devil - Least - Nu Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Devil - Least - Sp Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Devil - Lemure Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Devil - Lesser - AbOutsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Devil - Lesser - AbOutsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Devil - Lesser - A Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Devil - Lesser - AbOutsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Devil - Lesser - AbOutsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Devil - Lesser - B Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Devil - Lesser - B Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Devil - Lesser - B Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Devil - Lesser - Er Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Devil - Princess - Outsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Devil Dog Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Devourer - Lankh Monster Unknown Any Very Rare Solitary or Corporation
Devourer (Planes Outsider Astral or Ethereal Any Very Rare Solitary
Dhampire Humanoid Transylvania Any Rare Solitary
Dhaot Undead Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Dharculus Outsider Ethereal Plane Any Very Rare Solitary
Dharum Suhn Outsider Plane of Earth Any Uncommon Clan
Dhour Outsider Astral or Ethereal Any Rare Solitary
Diabolus Outsider Any Any Very Rare Anarchy
Diakk - Carcene Outsider The Gray Waste Any Common Flock
Diakk - Varath Outsider The Gray Waste Any Common Flock
Diakka Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Dimensional WarpMonster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Dinosaur - AllosauAnimal Any Land Uncommon Solitary
Dinosaur - Anatos Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - Ankisa Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - Ankylo Animal Any Land Uncommon Solitary
Dinosaur - Ankyls Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Antrod Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Apatos Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - AquaticAnimal Any Oceans Uncommon Solitary
Dinosaur - AquaticAnimal Any Oceans Common Solitary
Dinosaur - Aquati Animal Any Waters Uncommon Solitary
Dinosaur - Aquati Animal Any Waters Uncommon Solitary
Dinosaur - AquaticAnimal Any Oceans Common Solitary
Dinosaur - Aquati Animal Any Oceans Rare Solitary
Dinosaur - ArcheloAnimal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Brachi Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Bronto Animal Any Swamps Common Solitary
Dinosaur - Camar Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - Campt Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - Cerato Animal N/A N/A Uncommon Pack
Dinosaur - Cerato Animal Any Land Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Cetios Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Comps Animal N/A N/A Common Pack
Dinosaur - Comps Animal Any Land Common N/A
Dinosaur - Dacent Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Deinon Animal Any N/A Rare N/A
Dinosaur - Deinon Animal N/A Land Rare Pack
Dinosaur - Diloph Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dinosaur - Dimetr Animal N/A N/A Uncommon Solitary
Dinosaur - Dimetr Animal Any Land Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Dinicht Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - Diplod Animal Any N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - Diplod Animal N/A Swamps Common Family
Dinosaur - ElasmoAnimal Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - ElasmoAnimal N/A Oceans Uncommon Solitary
Dinosaur - Eupark Animal N/A N/A Common Pack
Dinosaur - Eupark Animal Any Land Common N/A
Dinosaur - GorgosAnimal N/A N/A Uncommon Solitary
Dinosaur - GorgosAnimal Any Land Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Iguana Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - Iguano Animal Any Land Common Herd
Dinosaur - Kentro Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Lambe Animal Any N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - Lambe Animal N/A Land Common Herd
Dinosaur - MamecAnimal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Masso Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - MegaloAnimal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Monocl Animal N/A N/A Common Herd
Dinosaur - Monocl Animal Any Land Common N/A
Dinosaur - Mosas Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Nothos Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - OrnithoAnimal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dinosaur - Paleos Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Pentac Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - Phoror Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Plateo Animal N/A N/A Common Herd
Dinosaur - Plateo Animal Any Land Common N/A
Dinosaur - Plesio Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - Podok Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Pteran Animal Any N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - Pteran Animal N/A Any Common Flock
Dinosaur - PterosaAnimal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dinosaur - Stegos Animal Any N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - Stegos Animal N/A Land Common Herd
Dinosaur - Struth Animal N/A N/A Uncommon Solitary
Dinosaur - Struth Animal Any Land Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Styaco Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - Tanyst Animal N/A N/A Rare Solitary
Dinosaur - Tanyst Animal Any Swamps Rare N/A
Dinosaur - Tenno Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dinosaur - Terato Animal N/A N/A Uncommon Solitary
Dinosaur - Terato Animal Any Land Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Tracho Animal Any Land Common Herd
Dinosaur - Tricera Animal Any Land Common Herd
Dinosaur - Tricero Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Dinosaur - Tyrann Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dinosaur - Tyrano Animal Any Land Uncommon Solitary
Dire Corby Monstrous N/A N/A Rare N/A
Disenchanter Monster Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Disenchanter Monster N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Disir Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Tribe
Displacer Beast Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Displacer Beast Magical Be Temperate Mountains Very Rare Pack
Dispossessed Undead Shadow World (BirtAny Uncommon Band
Dizantar Humanoid Space Any Very Rare Solitary
Djunni Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Doc cu'o'c Fey Temperate to TropForests, Hills, Jun Very Rare Solitary
Dog - Blink Magical Be Temperate Plains Rare Pack
Dog - Blood Houn Animal Any Cerilia (Birthright) Very Rare Solitary
Dog - Bog Hound Magical Be Any Swamps Very Rare Pack
Dog - Death Magical Be Warm Deserts and SubteVery Rare Pack
Dog - Moon Outsider Elysium and PrimeAny Rare Solitary or Pack
Dog - Moor HoundMagical Be Any Swamps Very Rare Pack
Dog - Ruve Monster Any Any Uncommon Pack
Dog - Saluqi Animal Arid Land Uncommon Pack
Dog - Shadowhou Outsider Abyss Ice Spires (Forgot Very Rare Pack
Dog - Stalking De Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Dog - Temporal Outsider Demiplane of TimeAny Uncommon Solitary or Pack
Dog - Vos Hound Animal Any Cerilia (Birthright) Very Rare Pack
Dog - War Animal Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Dog - War Animal N/A Any Uncommon Solitary
Dog - Weisshund Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Dog - Wild Animal Any N/A Common N/A
Dog - Wild Animal N/A Any Common Pack
Dohwar Magical Be Any Any Common Cartel
Dolphin Animal Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Dolphin Animal N/A Oceans Uncommon School
Dolphin - AthasianAnimal The Last Sea (Ath Oceans Uncommon Pod
Doom Guard Construct Any Castle or Ruin Rare Solitary
Doombat Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Doppelganger Monstrous Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Doppelganger Monstrous N/A Any Very Rare Tribe
Doppelganger - GrMonstrous Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Doppelganger - GrMonstrous Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Doppelganger - RaHumanoid Any Any Rare Clan
Doppelganger Pla Plant Temperate Land Very Rare Patch
Doppelganger PlanPlant Temperate Land Very Rare Band
Dracimera Dragon Temperate to TropAny Very Rare Solitary
Dracohydra Dragon Temperate Barrens and MountVery Rare Solitary
Dracolich Undead Any As base Very Rare Solitary
Dracolich Undead As base Any Very Rare Solitary
Dracolisk Dragon N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Dracon Dragon Space Prairies Rare Herd
Draconian - Aurak Monstrous Any Land Rare Solitary
Draconian - Baaz Monstrous Temperate to TropForests, Plains, a Uncommon Band
Draconian - BozakMonstrous Temperate to TropForests Uncommon Band
Draconian - KapakMonstrous Temperate to TropForests and MountUncommon Band
Draconian - Sesk Monstrous Temperate Forests and PlainsVery Rare Tribe
Draconian - Sivak Monstrous Temperate to TropHills and Mountain Uncommon Band
Draconian (Proto) Monstrous Temperate Forests and PlainsVery Rare Tribe
Dragger Outsider Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Dragon - AdamantiDragon Twin Paradises Any Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Amphi Dragon Temperate to TropOceans Rare Solitary
Dragon - Astral - Dragon The Abyss Any Very Rare Pair
Dragon - Astral - Dragon The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Athas Dragon Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Black Dragon N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dragon - Blue Dragon N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dragon - Brass Dragon N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dragon - Brine Dragon Any Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Bronze Dragon N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dragon - Brown Dragon Arid Deserts Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Brown Dragon Arid Deserts Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Cerilian Dragon Any Mountains Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - ChromatiDragon Any Jungles, Subterra Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - ChromatiDragon Arid Deserts, Caves andVery Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - ChromatiDragon Subtropical and T Forests and Subte Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - ChromatiDragon Temperate to TropHills and Mountain Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - ChromatiDragon Arctic Hills, Mountains, Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - ChromatiDragon N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Dragon - Cloud Dragon N/A Clouds and MountaVery Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Cloud Dragon Temperate to TropClouds and MountaVery Rare N/A
Dragon - Cloud Dragon Temperate to TropN/A Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Copper Dragon N/A N/A Uncommon to Rare N/A
Dragon - Crimson Dragon Any Any Cursed Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Crystalli Dragon Arctic or Subarctic Mountains Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Deep Dragon Any Hills, Mountains, Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Deep Dragon Any Hills, Mountains, Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Dregoth Undead New Giustenal (At Any Unique Solitary
Dragon - Electrum Dragon Any Barrens and MountRare Solitary
Dragon - EormennDragon Ravens Bluff (For Any Unique Solitary
Dragon - Fang (DraDragon Any Barrens and MountVery Rare Solitary
Dragon - Gem - A Dragon Temperate and CoLakes and Mounta Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Gem - A Dragon Temperate and CoLakes and Mounta Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Gem - CrDragon Temperate and CoMountains Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Gem - CrDragon Temperate and CoMountains Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Gem - E Dragon Subtropical and Tr Extinct Volcanoes Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Gem - E Dragon Subtropical and Tr Extinct Volcanoes Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Gem - SaDragon Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Gem - SaDragon Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Gem - T Dragon Temperate and CoOcean Coasts Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Gem - T Dragon Temperate and CoOcean Coasts Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Ghost Undead Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Ghost D Undead Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Gold Dragon N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Dragon - Green Dragon N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dragon - GreyhawDragon Temperate Cities, Hills, Plan Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Half Dra Dragon Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Jade Dragon Any Forests Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Kodrago Dragon Plane of the Astra Any Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Lesser UUndead Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Lesser Undead Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Linnorm Dragon Any Land Unique Solitary
Dragon - Linnorm Dragon Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Linnorm Dragon Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Linnorm Dragon Non-Arctic Forests Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Linnorm -Dragon Arctic or Subarctic Land Very Rare Family
Dragon - Linnorm Dragon Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Linnorm Dragon Non-Arctic Land Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Linnorm Dragon Any Deep Oceans Unique Solitary
Dragon - Linnorm Dragon Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Linnorm Dragon Any Waters Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Maztica Dragon Tropical Clouds and MountaVery Rare Solitary
Dragon - Mercury Dragon Subtropical and T Mountains Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Metallic Dragon Arid Deserts and PlainsRare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Metallic Dragon Temperate to TropLakes, Ocean CoasVery Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Metallic Dragon Arid and TemperatHills and Mountain Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Metallic Dragon Any Any Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Metallic -Dragon Temperate to TropCloud Islands and Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Mist Dragon N/A Forests, Lakes, Ri Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Mist Dragon Subtropical and Tr Forests, Lakes, Ri Rare N/A
Dragon - Mist Dragon Subtropical and Tr N/A Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Moon Dragon Moons Any Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Neutral Dragon Any Coniferous ForestsVery Rare Solitary
Dragon - Neutral - Dragon Temperate Oriental Forests Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Neutral - Dragon Any Deserts Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Neutral Dragon Any Sylvan Woodlands,Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Neutral - Dragon Any Rocky Coasts and V Cery Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Onyx Dragon Non-Arctic Shady Wetlands Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Oriental Dragon N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dragon - Oriental Dragon N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Dragon - Oriental Dragon N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dragon - Oriental Dragon N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dragon - Oriental Dragon N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Dragon - Oriental Dragon N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dragon - Othlorx Dragon Any Any Very Rare Varies
Dragon - Platinum Dragon N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Dragon - PrismaticDragon Temperate to TropAny Very Rare Solitary (clan)
Dragon - Radiant (Dragon Space Any Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Red Dragon N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dragon - Red HawDragon Any Mountains Rare Clan
Dragon - Ruby Dragon Non-Arctic Hills, Mountains, Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Rust Outsider Acheron Any Rare Solitary
Dragon - Sea Dragon Temperate to TropOceans Rare Solitary
Dragon - Shadow Dragon N/A Ruins, Subterrane Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Shadow Dragon Non-Arctic N/A Very Rare N/A
Dragon - Shadow Dragon Non-Arctic Ruins, Subterrane Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - Silver Dragon N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Dragon - Steel Dragon Temperate Cities, Hills, Plan Very Rare Solitary
Dragon - Stellar Dragon Wildspace and PhlAny Very Rare Solitary or Tribe
Dragon - Sun Dragon Stars Any Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragon - White Dragon N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dragon - Yellow Dragon Any Deserts Very Rare Solitary
Dragon Horse Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dragon of Tyr Dragon Any Any Unique Solitary
Dragon Turtle Dragon N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Dragon Turtle Dragon Subtropical and T Waters Very Rare Solitary
Dragonet - Faerie Dragon Temperate to TropForests Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Dragonet - Firedr Dragon Temperate Hills and Mountain Rare Familial Lair
Dragonet - Pseud Dragon Subtropical and T Forests and Subte Very Rare Solitary
Dragonfish Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Dragonfly - Black Magical Be Varies Varies Very Rare Solitary
Dragonfly - Blue Magical Be Varies Varies Very Rare Solitary
Dragonfly - Giant Vermin N/A Forests, Jungles, Rare Solitary or Swarm
Dragonfly - Giant Vermin Temperate to TropN/A Rare N/A
Dragonfly - Giant Vermin Temperate to TropFresh Water Rare Solitary
Dragonfly - Green Magical Be Varies Varies Very Rare Solitary
Dragonfly - Red Magical Be Varies Varies Very Rare Solitary
Dragonfly - White Magical Be Varies Varies Very Rare Solitary
Dragon-kin Dragon Any Land Very Rare Tribe
Dragon-kin - Albi Dragon Underdark Any Rare Solitary
Dragon-kin - Cult Dragon Any Land Very Rare Tribe
Dragon-Kin - Sea Dragon Subtropical and Tr Oceans Rare Solitary
Dragon-kin - Triba Dragon Any Land Very Rare Tribe
Dragonne Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Dragonne Magical Be Warm Temperate to Deserts and Hills Very Rare Solitary
Dragonnel Dragon Non-Arctic N/A Very Rare Solitary or Band
Dragonnel Dragon N/A Any Very Rare N/A
Drake - Athasian - Outsider Any Mountains Very Rare Solitary
Drake - Athasian - Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Drake - Athasian - Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Drake - Athasian - Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Drake - Magma Outsider Any Volcanos Very Rare Solitary
Drake - Mystaran Dragon Cold Any Rare Cells
Drake - Mystaran Dragon Any Any Very Rare Cells
Drake - Mystaran Dragon Any Any Rare Cells
Drake - Mystaran Dragon Any Forests Rare Cells
Drake - Rain Outsider Any Verdant Belt Very Rare Solitary
Drake - Silt Outsider Any Sea of Silt (Athas) Rare Solitary
Drake - Sun Outsider Any Any Rare Solitary
Draknor Monster Special Any Very Rare Solitary
Dray Monstrous New Giustenal, Kr Any Common Clan or Patrol
Dray Monstrous Athas Kragmorta and New Common Clan or Patrol
Dread Undead Any Land Rare Solitary or Group
Dread Warrior Undead Any Any Rare Band
Dream Spawn - Gre Outsider The Nightmare LanAny Very Rare Solitary
Dream Spawn - LeOutsider The Nightmare LanAny Common Group
Dream Spawn - LeOutsider The Nightmare LanAny Rare Pack
Dreamshadow Monster Any Any Very Rare Varies
Dreamslayer Monster Wildspace or AstraAny Very Rare Solitary
Dreamstalker Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Dreamweaver Outsider The Nightmare LanAny Common Swarm
Dreamwraith Monster Any Any Very Rare Varies
Drelb (Haunting C Undead N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Drider Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Drik Animal Any Rocky Badlands Very Rare Family
Drik - High Magical Be Any Rocky Badlands Very Rare Solitary
Dryad Fey Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Dryad Fey N/A Secluded Oak Gro Very Rare Solitary
Dryad - HamadryaFey Temperate and Sub Forests Very Rare Solitary
Dryad - HamadryaFey Temperate and Sub Forests Very Rare Solitary
Duhlarkin - Generi Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Duhlarking - Wolv Magical Be Non-Arctic Any Very Rare Solitary
Dune Freak Humanoid Any Sandy Regions Uncommon Tribe
Dune Reaper - Dr Monster Any Any Common Pack
Dune Reaper - WarMonster Any Any Common Pack
Dune Runner Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Dune Stalker Humanoid N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Dune Stalker Outsider Tropical Deserts Very Rare Solitary
Dune Trapper Monster Any Sandy Wastes; SaltVery Rare Solitary
Duruch'i-lin - Ch'i-l Magical Be Temperate Forests Very Rare Solitary
Duruch'i-lin - Duru Magical Be Temperate Forests Very Rare Solitary
Dusanu (Rot FiendPlant Temperate to TropAny Very Rare Pack
Dustdigger Monster N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Dwarf Humanoid N/A N/A Common N/A
Dwarf - Arctic Humanoid Arctic Great Glacier (For Rare Clan
Dwarf - Arctic - In Humanoid Arctic Any Rare Clan
Dwarf - Athasian Humanoid Any Land Uncommon Clan
Dwarf - Cursed D Undead Groaning City (AthAny Uncommon Solitary or Pack
Dwarf - Daergar Humanoid Temperate to TropSubterranean Uncommon Clan
Dwarf - Derro Humanoid Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Dwarf - Derro Monstrous N/A Subterranean Very Rare Tribe
Dwarf - Derro Humanoid Any Subterranean Very Rare Tribe
Dwarf - Duergar Humanoid Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Dwarf - Duergar Humanoid N/A Subterranean Very Rare Tribe
Dwarf - Gully (AghHumanoid Temperate to TropLand Rare Clan
Dwarf - Hill Humanoid Subarctic to Subtr Rocky Hills Common Clan
Dwarf - Hill (Neida Humanoid Subtropical and T Forests and Hills Common Clan
Dwarf - Mountain Humanoid Subarctic to Subtr Mountains Common Clan
Dwarf - Mountain (Humanoid Temperate to TropSubterranean Uncommon Clan
Dwarf - Theiwar Humanoid Temperate to TropSubterranean Very Rare Clan
Dwarf - Undead Undead Any Subterranean Very Rare Clan
Dwarf - Urdunnir Humanoid Any Subterranean Rare Clan
Dwarf - Wild Humanoid Tropical Jungles and SubteRare Hunting Band
Dwarf - Zakhar Humanoid Temperate to TropSubterranean Very Rare Clan
Dweomerborn Monster Wildspace Any Rare Solitary
Eagle Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Eagle - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Ear Seekers Vermin N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Eater of KnowledgOutsider Outlands Any Very Rare Solitary
Eblis Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Echyan Vermin Any Waters Uncommon School
Eel - Electric Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Eel - Electric Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Eel - Giant Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Eel - Giant Moray Animal Any Oceans Rare Solitary
Eel - Weed Animal N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Efreeti Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Egarus Outsider Quasiplane of Va Any Rare Patch
Einheriar Outsider Upper Planes Any Common Troupe or Army
Einheriar Outsider Upper Planes Any Common Troop or Army
Ekimmu Undead Any Ruins and Wildern Very Rare Solitary or Band
Eladrin - Greater - Outsider Arborea Any Rare Solitary
Eladrin - Greater Outsider Arborea Any Rare Solitary
Eladrin - Greater - Outsider Arborea Any Very Rare Solitary
Eladrin - Lesser - Outsider Arborea Pelion Uncommon Band
Eladrin - Lesser - Outsider Arborea Any Common Band
Eladrin - Lesser - Outsider Arborea Any Uncommon Clan
Eladrin - Lesser - Outsider Arborea Any Common Company
Elemental - Air Outsider Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - Air Outsider N/A Air Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Air - GOutsider Any Air Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Air - Outsider Any Air Rare Solitary
Elemental - Air-KinOutsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Air-KinOutsider Any High Altitude or Tr Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - ChaosOutsider Any Air Very Rare Clique
Elemental - ChaosOutsider Any Earth Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - ChaosOutsider Any Fire Very Rare Tribe
Elemental - ChaosOutsider Any Waters Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - ClericaOutsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - CompoOutsider Arctic Any Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - CompoOutsider Any Deserts Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Compos Outsider Subtropical Deserts Very Rare Pack
Elemental - CompoOutsider Any Outdoors Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Earth Outsider Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - Earth Outsider N/A Earth Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Earth Outsider Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Earth Outsider Any Land Rare Solitary
Elemental - Earth Outsider Any Subterranean Rare Clan
Elemental - Earth Outsider Temperate to TropSands or Subterra Rare Solitary
Elemental - Earth Outsider Dry Any Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Fire Outsider Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - Fire Outsider N/A Land Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Fire - Outsider Any Dry Land Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Fire - Outsider Any Dry Land Rare Solitary
Elemental - Fire Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Fire-K Outsider Fire Land Uncommon Pack
Elemental - Fire-K Outsider Special Land Rare Pack
Elemental - Law - Outsider Any Air Very Rare Flock
Elemental - Law - Outsider Any Fire Very Rare Family
Elemental - Law - Outsider Any Waters Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Law - Outsider Any Earth Very Rare Cluster
Elemental - Natur Outsider Any Forests Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Natur Outsider Any Forests Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Negat Outsider Negative Energy PAny Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Para - Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - Para Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - Para Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - Para Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - Prince Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - Prince Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - PrinceOutsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - PrinceOutsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - Prince Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - Quasi Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - RavenlOutsider Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - RavenlOutsider Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - RavenlOutsider Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - RavenlOutsider Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Sand Outsider Subtropical and Tr Deserts Rare Family
Elemental - Smok Outsider Any Smoke Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Time Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - Water Outsider Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Elemental - Water Outsider N/A Waters Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Water Outsider Any Waters Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Water Outsider Any Waters Rare Solitary
Elemental - Water-Outsider Temperate to TropWaters Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Water Outsider Any Waters Very Rare Solitary
Elemental - Wind Outsider Tropical Deserts, Plains, a Rare Pack
Elemental Beast - Outsider Any Air Very Rare Solitary
Elemental Beast - Outsider Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Elemental Beast - Outsider Any Dry Land Very Rare Solitary
Elemental Beast - Outsider Any Waters Very Rare School
Elemental Kin - EaOutsider Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Elemental Kin - FirOutsider Any Fire Very Rare Band
Elemental Vermin -Outsider Any Any Rare Solitary
Elemental Vermin -Outsider Any Any Rare Solitary
Elemental Vermin -Outsider Any Any Rare Pack
Elemental Vermin -Outsider Any Any Rare Pack
Elemental Vermin -Outsider Dry, Warm Any Rare Pack
Elemental Vermin -Outsider Dry, Warm Any Rare Pack
Elemental Vermin -Outsider Moist, Cold Any Rare Solitary
Elemental Vermin -Outsider Moist, Cold Any Rare Solitary
Elephant - African Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Elephant - African Animal Subtropical and Tr Jungles Common Herd
Elephant - Asiatic Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Elephant - MammoAnimal Subtropical Plains Very Rare Herd
Elephant - MastadAnimal Subarctic Plains Very Rare Herd
Elephant - OliphanAnimal Temperate and Sub Plains and Tundra Rare Herd
Elephant Bird Magical Be Any Jungles Rare Flock
Elf Humanoid Any Land Common Clan
Elf Humanoid N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Elf Humanoid Temperate and Sub Forests Uncommon Band
Elf - Aquatic Humanoid Temperate Salt Water Very Rare Band
Elf - Aquatic Humanoid Temperate Salt Water Very Rare Band
Elf - Athas Humanoid Any Land Common Clan
Elf - Drider Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Band
Elf - Drow Humanoid N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Elf - Drow (Dark) Humanoid Any Subterranean Very Rare Clan, Band
Elf - Ee'aar Humanoid Arctic to Temperat Mountains Uncommon Clan
Elf - Grugach Humanoid N/A Deep Forests Very Rare Band
Elf - Grugach Humanoid Temperate N/A Very Rare N/A
Elf - Half Humanoid Temperate Forests and PlainsVery Rare Solitary
Elf - High - QualineHumanoid Temperate Forests Uncommon Clan
Elf - High - SilvaneHumanoid Temperate Forests Uncommon Clan
Elf - Rockeer Humanoid Any Subterranean Very Rare Tribe
Elf - Sea - Dargon Humanoid Temperate to TropOceans Very Rare Clan
Elf - Sea - DimerneHumanoid Temperate to TropOceans Very Rare School
Elf - Valley Humanoid Temperate N/A Very Rare Band
Elf - Valley Humanoid N/A Hills Very Rare N/A
Elf - Wild - KagoneHumanoid Temperate to TropForests and PlainsVery Rare Tribe
Elf - Winged (AvariHumanoid Temperate and Sub Forests and MountRare Band
Elmarin Monster Wildspace Any Rare Pack
Enduk Monstrous Tropical Forests and MountRare Family
Entrope Outsider Inner Planes Any Very Rare None
Enveloper Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Ephemeral Undead Phlogiston Any Rare Solitary
Erdland Animal Any Any Common Herd
Ermordenung Humanoid Borca (Ravenloft) Any Rare Solitary
Ermordenung (NosHumanoid Ravenloft Borca (Ravenloft) Unique Solitary
Esperweed Plant Any Forests and Jungl Rare Nil
Esthetic Monster Space Any Very Rare Solitary
Ethyk Outsider Bytopia (Outer Pla Any Very Rare None (Domesticated)
Ethyk Outsider Outer Planes (BytoAny Rare (Very Rare) None
Ettercap Monster Any N/A Rare N/A
Ettercap Monster N/A Forests Rare Solitary or Pair
Ettin Giant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Executioner's Hoo Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Eye - Floating Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Eye Killer Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Eye of Fear and F Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Eye of the Deep Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Eyewing Outsider The Abyss Any Rare Band
Eyewing Outsider The Abyss Any Rare Band
Facet Outsider Quasiplane of Salt Any Uncommon Army
Fachan Giant Any Barren Mountains Very Rare Tribe
Fachan Monster Any Swamps Very Rare Tribe
Fael Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Faerie - Faerie FidFey Any Sylvan WoodlandsUncommon Solitary
Faerie - Faux Fey Tropical Forests Very Rare Solitary
Faerie - Petty - B Fey Subarctic and TemGrasslands, Hills, Rare Nomadic Band
Faerie - Petty - G Fey Subarctic and TemGrasslands, Hills, Uncommon Tribe
Faerie - Petty - S Fey Any Any Common Tribe
Faerie - Petty - St Fey Temperate Land Common (Rare) Solitary
Faerie Dragon Dragon N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Fal Monster Wildspace Any Very Rare Solitary
Falcon (Hawk) - L Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Falcon (Hawk) - S Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Familiar - Aryth Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Familiar - Bogan Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Familiar - Fylgar Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Familiar - Gretch Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Familiar - Pseudo Magical Be Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Familiar - Ulzaq Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Familiar - Undead Undead Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Feeblestar - Kuo- Magical Be Any Kuo-Toa CommunitUncommon Breeding Farm
Feeblestar - Norm Magical Be Any Deep Oceans Rare Colony
Feesu Magical Be Wildspace Any Common Swarm
Feliquine Magical Be Temperate Steppes Uncommon Pride
Feng Huang Magical Be Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Fenhound Magical Be Ravenloft Moors and SwampVery Rare Pack
Fensir Outsider Ysgard Highlands Uncommon Family
Fetch Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Feylaar Magical Be Any Forests Rare Clan
Feyr Monster Any Urban Very Rare Band
Feyr Monster Any Urban Very Rare Band
Feyr - Great Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Feyr - Great Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Feystag Magical Be Temperate to ArctiForests and Hills Very Rare Solitary or Mated pair
Fhorge Outsider Outlands, AcheronAny Uncommon Pack
Fiend - NarvaezanMonster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Figurine - CeramicConstruct Ravenloft Sri Raji Very Rare Solitary
Figurine - Crystal Construct Ravenloft Sri Raji Very Rare Solitary
Figurine - Diamon Construct Ravenloft Sri Raji Very Rare Solitary
Figurine - Ivory Construct Ravenloft Sri Raji Very Rare Solitary
Figurine - Obsidia Construct Ravenloft Sri Raji Very Rare Solitary
Figurine - Porcelai Construct Ravenloft Sri Raji Very Rare Solitary
Fire Bat Outsider Plane of Fire Any Common Pack
Fire Minion Outsider Any Volcanos Very Rare Hierarchy
Fire Snake Magical Be N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Firebird Magical Be Wildspace Any Uncommon Solitary
Firedrake Dragon N/A N/A Rare N/A
Firedrake Dragon Temperate Hills and Mountain Rare Family
Firefriend Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Firenewt Monstrous Hot N/A Rare N/A
Firenewt Monstrous N/A Volcanos Rare Tribe
Fireshadow Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Firestar Monster Temperate Forests and Hills Uncommon Pack
Firetail - Lesser Outsider Non-Arctic Any Rare Solitary or Flock
Firetail - Lesser Outsider Non-Arctic Any Rare Solitary or Flock
Firetail - Tshala Outsider Non-Arctic Any Very Rare Solitary
Firetail - Tshala Outsider Non-Arctic Any Very Rare Solitary or Flock
Firethorn Plant Any Grasslands and SaRare Clusters, Patches, Gro
Firetoad Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Fish - Ascallion - Animal Any Oceans Very Rare School
Fish - Ascallion - Animal Any Oceans Rare School
Fish - Ascallion - Animal Any Oceans Rare School
Fish - Athasian - KAnimal The Last Sea (Ath Oceans Uncommon School
Fish - Athasian - Animal The Last Sea (Ath Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Fish - Athasian - Animal The Last Sea (Ath Oceans Uncommon School
Fish - Athasian - SAnimal The Last Sea (Ath Oceans Common Flock
Fish - Barracuda Animal Any Oceans Common School
Fish - Carp - GiantAnimal Any Fresh Water Rare Solitary
Fish - Catfish - Gi Animal Any Fresh Water Rare Solitary
Fish - Deep OceanAnimal Any Ocean Depths Uncommon Solitary
Fish - Deep Ocea Animal Any Ocean Depths Very Rare Solitary
Fish - Deep OceanAnimal Any Ocean Depths Uncommon Solitary
Fish - Deep OceanAnimal Any Ocean Depths Uncommon Solitary
Fish - Dragonfish Animal Any Oceans Uncommon Solitary
Fish - Eel - Electri Animal Any Fresh Water Rare Solitary
Fish - Eel - Giant Animal Any Fresh Water Rare Solitary
Fish - Eel - MarineAnimal Any Oceans Rare Solitary
Fish - Eel - Weed Animal Any Oceans Rare School
Fish - Floating Ey Magical Be Any Oceans Rare School
Fish - Giant Carp Animal Temperate to TropFresh Water Uncommon Solitary or School
Fish - Giant Gar Animal Any Fresh Water Very Rare Solitary
Fish - Giant LungfiAnimal Any Swamps Rare School
Fish - Great Glaci Animal Arctic Oceans and River Uncommon Solitary or School
Fish - Great GlacieAnimal Arctic Oceans and River Rare School
Fish - Great GlacieAnimal Arctic Oceans and River Very Rare School
Fish - Great GlacierAnimal Arctic Oceans and River Very Rare School
Fish - Great Glaci Animal Arctic Oceans and River Very Rare School
Fish - Hetfish Magical Be Any Waters Uncommon Den
Fish - Lamprey Animal Any Oceans Common Solitary
Fish - Lamprey - GAnimal Any Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Fish - Lamprey - Animal Any Oceans Rare School
Fish - Manta Ray Animal Any Oceans Uncommon Solitary
Fish - Masher Animal Tropical Coral Reefs Uncommon School
Fish - Pike - Giant Animal Any Fresh Water Very Rare Solitary
Fish - Piranha Animal Any Fresh Water Common School
Fish - Piranha - Gi Animal Any Fresh Water Rare School
Fish - Pungi Ray Animal Any Oceans Common Solitary
Fish - Quipper Animal Any Oceans Common School
Fish - Seahorse - Animal Any Oceans Uncommon School
Fish - Shark Animal Any Oceans Common School
Fish - Shark - GianAnimal Any Oceans Rare Solitary
Fish - Stingray Animal Any Oceans Common Solitary
Fish - SubterraneaAnimal Any Underground pools,Very Rare School
Fish - Subterrane Animal Any Underground pools,Uncommon Solitary
Fish - SubterraneaAnimal Any Underground pools,Rare School
Fish - Tropical - E Animal Tropical Coasts Rare Solitary
Fish - Tropical - Animal Tropical Coasts Uncommon Solitary
Fish - Tropical - Animal Tropical Coasts Uncommon Solitary
Fish - Tropical - P Animal Tropical Coasts Rare Solitary
Fish - Verme Animal Any Large Rivers Very Rare Solitary
Fish - Vurgens (Gi Animal Any Ocean Depths Very Rare Solitary
Flail Snail Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Flailer Animal Any Stony Barrens Rare Solitary
Flame Spirit - Gre Outsider Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Flame Spirit - LeasOutsider Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Flame Spirit - Les Outsider Any Volcanos Very Rare Solitary
Flameskull Undead Any Land Rare Solitary or Small Group
Flareater Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Flawder Magical Be Temperate to TropOceans Rare Tribe
Fleas of Madness Vermin Temperate to TropLand Rare Infestation
Flind Humanoid N/A N/A Rare N/A
Floater Animal Any Sea of Silt (Athas) Common Flock
Flowfiend Monstrous Phlogiston Any Rare Pack
Flumph Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Flumph - CommonMonster Any Dark Areas Rare Solitary
Flumph - MonasticMonster Any Dark Areas Very Rare Monastic
Fly - Giant - Blueb Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Fly - Giant - HorseVermin N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Focoid Monster Deep space or nearAny Very Rare Solitary
Fogwarden Outsider Arctic or Subarctic Any Very Rare Solitary
Foo Creature - Do Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Foo Creature - Fo Outsider Any Land Rare Pair or Pack
Foo Creature - Fo Outsider Any Land Rare Mated Pair
Foo Creature - Fo Outsider Astral or Ethereal Any Very Rare Solitary or Pride
Foo Creature - Fo Outsider Astral; Ethereal; Any Very Rare Solitary or Pride
Foo Creature - Lio Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Fordorran Magical Be Any Tablelands Uncommon Solitary
Forester's Bane ( Plant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Forlarren Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Formian - Myrmar Outsider Arcadia Any Very Rare Hive
Formian - Myrmar Monster Arcadia N/A Very Rare N/A
Formian - Myrmar Outsider N/A Any Very Rare Hive
Formian - Queen Outsider Arcadia Any Very Rare Hive
Formian - Queen Outsider Arcadia Any Very Rare Hive
Formian - Warrior Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Formian - Warrior Outsider Arcadia Any Very Rare Hive
Formian - Warrior Outsider Arcadia Any Very Rare Hive
Formian - Worker Outsider Arcadia Any Rare Hive
Formian - Worker Monster Arcadia N/A Rare N/A
Formian - Worker Outsider N/A Any Rare Hive
Foulwing Monster Any Land Rare Flock
Foulwing Monster Any Land Rare Flock
Fraal Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Company
Fractine Monster Space Any Very Rare Solitary
Frelon Dragon Temperate Forests and Hills Very Rare Solitary
Frog - Giant Animal Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Frog - Giant Animal N/A Fresh Water Uncommon Pack
Frog - Giant - Kille Animal N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Frog - Giant - Poi Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Frog - Killer Animal Any Fresh Water Very Rare Pack
Frog - Poisonous Animal Any Fresh Water Rare Pack
Froghemoth Monster N/A N/A Very Rare Solitary
Froghemoth Monster Any Swamps Very Rare N/A
Frost Fey Subarctic and Col Forests Rare Tribe
Frost Salamander Outsider Paraplane of Ice Any Rare Solitary
Frostman Humanoid N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Fundamental Outsider Inner Planes Any Common Flock
Fundamental - Air Outsider Any Windy Rare Flock
Fundamental - EarOutsider Any Subterranean Rare Flock
Fundamental - Fir Outsider Any Fire Rare Flock
Fundamental - NegOutsider Negative Energy PAny Rare Murder
Fundamental - WaOutsider Any Waters Rare Flock
Fungi - Violet Plant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Fungus - Ascomid Plant Any Subterranean Very Rare Multicellular
Fungus - Gas SpoPlant Any Subterranean Rare Multicellular
Fungus - Phycomi Plant Any Subterranean Rare Multicellular
Fungus - Shrieker Plant Any Subterranean Common Multicellular
Fungus - Violet Plant Any Subterranean Rare Multicellular
Funno Animal Any Subterranean Common Herd
Furies - Alecto Monstrous Ravenloft Any Unique Triune
Furies - Megarea Monstrous Ravenloft Any Unique Triune
Furies - Tisiphone Monstrous Ravenloft Any Unique Triune
Fyrefly Magical Be Temperate to TropAny Rare Solitary
Gadabout Humanoid Wildspace Any Rare None
Gaj Monster Any Sands, Stony Barr Very Rare Solitary
Gaki - Jiki-ketsu-g Undead Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Gaki - Jiki-niku-ga Undead Any Land Rare Solitary or Band
Gaki - Shikki-gaki Undead Any Land Uncommon Solitary
Gaki - Shinen-gakiUndead Any Land Uncommon Solitary or Band
Galeb Duhr Monster Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Galeb Duhr Monster N/A Mountains Very Rare Family
Galltrit Monstrous N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Gambado Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Gambado Monster Temperate and SubPlains and Subter Rare Solitary or Family
Gambado Monster Temperate and SubPlains and Subter Rare Solitary or Family
Gammaroid Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Gar - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Garbug - Black Monster Any Jungles and SwamRare N/A
Garbug - Black Monster Any N/A Rare Pack
Garbug - Black Monster N/A Jungles and SwamRare Pack
Garbug - Violet Monster Any N/A Rare N/A
Garbug - Violet Monster N/A Swamps and DampRare Solitary
Garbug - Violet Monster Any Subterranean and Rare Solitary
Gargantua - Carri Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Gargantua - HumaMagical Be Subtropical and Tr Islands, Jungles, Very Rare Solitary or Pair
Gargantua - HumaMagical Be Subtropical and Tr Islands, Jungles, Very Rare Solitary or Pair
Gargantua - InsectMagical Be Temperate to TropMountains Rare Solitary or Pair
Gargantua - InsectMagical Be Temperate to TropMountains Rare Solitary or Pair
Gargantua - ReptilMagical Be Subtropical and Tr Islands Rare Solitary or Pair
Gargantua - ReptilMagical Be Subtropical and Tr Islands Rare Solitary or Pair
Gargantua - Troll Giant Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Gargoyle Monstrous Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Gargoyle Monstrous N/A Land and Subterr Uncommon Tribe
Gargoyle - Archer Monstrous Any Buildings or Ruins Very Rare Solitary
Gargoyle - Grandf Monster Any Buildings or Ruins Very Rare Solitary
Gargoyle - GuardgMonster Any Land Rare Solitary
Gargoyle - GuardgMonster Any Land Rare Solitary
Gargoyle - KapoacMonstrous Any Oceans Uncommon Tribe
Gargoyle - MargoyMonstrous Any Land and Subterr Rare Tribe
Gargoyle - SpouteMonster Any Buildings or Ruins Very Rare Solitary
Gargoyle - Stone Monster Any Buildings or Ruins Very Rare Solitary
Gargoyle - True - Monstrous Any Buildings or MountVery Rare Solitary
Garigal Monster Any Any Mythical Solitary
Garmorm Outsider Astral Plane Any Rare Solitary
Gas Spore Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Gaund Magical Be Warm Subterranean Rare Group
Gautiere Outsider Carceri Any Uncommon Tribe
Gehreleth - Farats Outsider Carceri Any Very Rare Solitary
Gehreleth - Farats Outsider Tarterus Any Very Rare Solitary
Gehreleth - KelubaOutsider Carceri Any Very Rare Solitary
Gehreleth - KelubaOutsider Tarterus Any Very Rare Solitary
Gehreleth - ShatorOutsider Carceri Any Very Rare Solitary
Gehreleth - ShatorOutsider Tarterus Any Very Rare Solitary
Geist Undead Border Ethereal Any Very Rare Solitary
Gelatinous Cube Ooze N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Gen - Air (Djinnlin Outsider Any Any Uncommon Tribe
Gen - Fire (Efreeti Outsider Any Any Uncommon Tribe
Gen - Sand (DaolaOutsider Any Any Uncommon Tribe
Gen - Water (Mari Outsider Any Any Uncommon Tribe
Genie - Dao Outsider Any Earth Rare Khanate
Genie - Djinni Outsider Any Air Very Rare Caliphate
Genie - Efreeti Outsider Any Fire Very Rare Sultinate
Genie - Jann Outsider Any Land Very Rare Emirate
Genie - Marid Outsider Any Waters Very Rare Padishate
Genie - Noble DaoOutsider Plane of Earth Mountains Very Rare Khanate
Genie - Noble DjinOutsider Plane of Air Deserts Very Rare Caliphate
Genie - Noble EfreOutsider Plane of Fire Deserts Very Rare Sultinate
Genie - Noble MarOutsider Plane of Water Oceans Very Rare Padishate
Genie - Tasked - AOutsider Any Cities Very Rare Solitary or Family
Genie - Tasked - AOutsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary or Family
Genie - Tasked - AOutsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Genie - Tasked - AOutsider Any Cities Very Rare Solitary
Genie - Tasked - Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Genie - Tasked - Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Genie - Tasked - Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Genie - Tasked - Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Genie - Tasked - Outsider Any Plains Rare Family
Genie - Tasked - Outsider Any Any Rare Solitary
Genie - Tasked - Outsider Any Any Rare Solitary
Genie - Tasked - Outsider Any Any Very Rare Order
Genie - Tasked - SOutsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Genie - Tasked - Outsider Any Any Rare Solitary
Genie - Tasked - Outsider Temperate and Sub Villages and Hills Very Rare Solitary
Geonid Monster Any Subterranean Rare Clan
Ghast Undead N/A N/A Rare N/A
Ghaunadan Ooze Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Ghost Undead Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Ghost Undead N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Ghost - Animal - BUndead Temperate Land Very Rare Solitary
Ghost - Animal - MUndead Warm or TemperatAny Very Rare Solitary
Ghost - Animal - SUndead Temperate Land Very Rare Solitary
Ghost - Animal - WUndead Temperate Land Very Rare Solitary
Ghost - Animal - WUndead Temperate Non-Mountain Very Rare Solitary
Ghost - Animal - WUndead Non-Tropical Land Very Rare Solitary or Pack
Ghost - Casurua Undead Any Ruins Very Rare Doomed group
Ghost - Ker Undead Any Any Very Rare Trio or Solitary
Ghost - Pasocada Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Ghost Mount Undead Any Deserts and PlainsVery Rare Solitary
Ghostlight Outsider Any Any Rare Solitary
Ghostly Horde Undead Any Battle Site Very Rare Troop
Ghoul Undead Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Ghoul Undead N/A Land Uncommon Pack
Ghoul - Ghast Undead Any Land Rare Pack
Ghoul - Ghast (Ju Undead Ravenloft Tepest Unique Pack
Ghoul - Kleshite Undead Any Jungles Rare Pack
Ghoul - Lacedon Undead Any Waters Very Rare Pack
Ghoul - Lord Undead Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Ghoul - Nehwon Undead Any Any Rare Tribe
Ghriest Magical Be Temperate Forests and MountRare Family
Ghul - Great Undead Any Deserts and MountRare Pack
Ghul - Great Outsider Any Deserts and MountRare Pack
Ghul-kin - Soultak Undead Any Land Rare Pack
Ghul-kin - Withere Undead Any Land Rare Pack
Giant - Athach Giant Any Hills and Mountain Rare Family
Giant - Athasian - Giant Any Sea of Silt Islands Rare Clan
Giant - Athasian - Giant Any Sea of Silt and Ta Uncommon Clan
Giant - Athasian - Giant Any Sea of Silt and Ta Uncommon Clan
Giant - Cerilian - Giant Any Forests Very Rare Solitary
Giant - Cerilian - I Giant Northern Cerilia Any Rare Family
Giant - Cloud Giant N/A Cloud Islands and Rare N/A
Giant - Cloud Giant Any N/A Very Rare Tribe
Giant - Crag Giant Any Mountains Uncommon Clan
Giant - Cyclops Giant Temperate Hills and Mountain Very Rare Clan
Giant - Cyclopskin Giant Temperate Hills and Mountain Rare Clan
Giant - Desert Giant Any Deserts Very Rare Tribe
Giant - Desert Giant Any Deserts Very Rare Tribe
Giant - Ettin Giant Subarctic and TemHills and Mountain Very Rare Solitary
Giant - Fhoimorie Giant Any Forests, Marshes, Uncommon Family
Giant - Firbolg Giant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Giant - Firbolg Giant Temperate Forests and Hills Very Rare Clan
Giant - Fire Giant Temperate to TropAny Uncommon N/A
Giant - Fire Giant N/A N/A Rare Tribe
Giant - Fog Giant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Giant - Fog Giant Temperate Bogs, Marches, S Very Rare Clan or Hunting Group
Giant - Fog Giant Temperate Coasts, Forests, Very Rare Clan
Giant - Fomorian Giant N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Giant - Formorian Giant Any Mountains and SubUncommon Solitary
Giant - Frost Giant N/A Land Rare N/A
Giant - Frost Giant Arctic N/A Very Rare Tribe
Giant - Half-giant Giant Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Giant - HephaestoGiant Any Mountains and SubVery Rare Solitary
Giant - Hill Giant N/A Hills and Mountain Common N/A
Giant - Hill Giant Any N/A Rare Tribe
Giant - Jungle Giant Tropical Jungles Uncommon Tribe
Giant - Jungle Giant Tropical Jungles Uncommon Tribe
Giant - Mountain Giant Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Giant - Mountain Giant N/A Mountains Very Rare Family
Giant - Mountain Giant Any Mountains Very Rare Family
Giant - Reef Giant Subtropical and Tr Ocean Reefs Very Rare Solitary
Giant - Reef Giant Subtropical and Tr Oceans and ReefsVery Rare Solitary
Giant - Shadow Monster Any Any Very Rare Pack
Giant - Spacesea Giant Wildspace Any Rare Tribe or Ship
Giant - Stone Giant Subtropical and T Mountains Uncommon N/A
Giant - Stone Giant N/A N/A Rare Tribe
Giant - Storm Giant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Giant - Storm Giant Special Cloud Islands and Very Rare Solitary or Tribe
Giant - Verbeeg Giant Arctic to Temperat N/A Uncommon N/A
Giant - Verbeeg Giant N/A Hills Uncommon Tribe
Giant - Wood (VoaGiant Subtropical and T Forests Very Rare Clan
Giant Strider Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Giant-kin - B'rohg Giant Any Any Common Band or Cliques
Giant-kin - Sprigg Giant Any Wilderness Very Rare Pack
Giant-kin - Voadk Giant Temperate and Sub Forests Very Rare Clan
Gibbering MoutherMonster N/A N/A Very Rare Solitary
Gibbering MoutherMonster Any Subterranean and Very Rare N/A
Gibberling Monstrous N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Gibberling Monstrous Temperate Forests and Subte Uncommon Herd
Gibberling Monstrous Temperate Forests and Subte Uncommon Herd
Gibberling - Brood Monstrous Special Special Very Rare Clan
Giff Monstrous Any Any Rare Platoon
Giff Monstrous Any Any Rare Platoon
Gith Humanoid Arid Mountains and TabUncommon Tribe
Gith - Pirate Humanoid Any Wildspace Rare Ship/Military
Githyanki Humanoid Astral or Prime N/A Very Rare N/A
Githyanki Humanoid Astral or Prime Any Very Rare Dictatorship/Monarchy
Githyanki Outsider Astral or Prime Any Very Rare Dictatorship/Monarchy
Githyanki Outsider N/A Any Very Rare Dictatorship/Monarchy
Githzarai Humanoid N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Githzerai Humanoid Limbo Any Very Rare Dictatorship/Monarchy
Githzerai Outsider Limbo Any Very Rare Monarchy/Dictatorship
Githzerai Outsider Limbo Any Very Rare Monarchy/Dictatorship
Gloomwing Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Gloomwing - Flyin Magical Be Any Any Rare Solitary or Flock
Gloomwing - Gloo Magical Be Any, Demi-Plane Any Rare Solitary
Gloomwing - Moth Magical Be Any, Demi-Plane Any Rare Solitary
Gloomwing - Ten Magical Be Any Forests Uncommon Solitary
Glutton - Sea Monster Any Deep Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Gnasher - Normal Magical Be Any Forests and Hills Uncommon Pack
Gnasher - Winged Magical Be Any Forests and Hills Rare Pack
Gnoll Humanoid N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Gnoll Humanoid Temperate to TropNon-Desert Uncommon Tribe
Gnoll - Flind Humanoid Temperate to TropNon-Desert Rare Tribe
Gnome Humanoid N/A N/A Rare N/A
Gnome - Forest Humanoid Any Forests Very Rare Clan
Gnome - Gnome ( Humanoid Any Hills Rare Clan
Gnome - Ice Humanoid Arctic Any Rare Tribe
Gnome - SprigganHumanoid Any Wilderness Very Rare Pack
Gnome - Svirfneb Humanoid N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Gnome - Svirfnebl Humanoid Any Subterranean Very Rare Colony
Gnome - Tinker Humanoid Any Mountains Rare Colony/Guild
Gnome - Tinker (mHumanoid Temperate to TropSubterranean Rare Colony
Goat Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Goat - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Goatman Monstrous Any Mountains Uncommon Clan
Goblin Humanoid N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Goblin Humanoid Non-Arctic Land Uncommon Tribe
Goblin - Bakemon Monstrous Non-Arctic Land Uncommon Band
Goblin - Cerilian Humanoid Any Any Common Clan or Tribe
Goblin - Cerilian Humanoid Any Any Common Clan or Tribe
Goblin - Cerilian - Humanoid Any Any Common Clan or Tribe
Goblin - Gurik ChaMonstrous Temperate Forests Rare Solitary
Goblin Rat Magical Be Temperate to TropForests, Hills, Mou Rare Pack
Goblyn Humanoid Any Any Rare Servant
Goldbug Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Golden Ammonite Magical Be Any Ocean Depths Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Amber Construct Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Ash Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Bone Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Bone Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Brain Construct Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Brass MinConstruct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Burning Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Chitin Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Clay Construct N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Golem - Doll Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Doll Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Drolem Construct Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Flesh Construct N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Golem - Flesh Construct Ravenloft Lamordia Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Furnace Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Gargoyle Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Gargoyle Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - GemstoneConstruct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - GemstoneConstruct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - GemstoneConstruct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Glass Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Glass Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Greater - Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Greater - Construct Any Settled Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Greater - Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Greater - Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Half (De Humanoid Ravenloft Nova Vaasa Unique Solitary
Golem - Hammer Construct Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Iron Construct N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Golem - Iron Garg Construct Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Lesser - Construct Any Mountains Rare Solitary
Golem - Lesser - Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Lesser - Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Lesser - GConstruct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Lightning Construct Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Maggot Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Magic Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Magic Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Magma Construct Athas Ring of Fire, Ur Dr Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Mechanic Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - MechanicaConstruct Ravenloft Vechor Unique Solitary
Golem - Metagole Construct Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Mist Construct Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Mud Construct Any Land Rare Solitary
Golem - Naaruk Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Necrophi Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Obsidian Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Obsidian Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Phantom Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Radiant Construct Any Any Unique Solitary
Golem - Radiant Construct Any Any Unique Solitary
Golem - Rock Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Rock Construct Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Salt Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Sand Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Scarecro Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - ShaboathConstruct Any Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Silver Construct Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Skeletal Construct Any Land Rare Solitary
Golem - Snow Construct Arctic Land and Mountai Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Spidersto Construct Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Stone Construct N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Golem - Stone VarConstruct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Stone VarConstruct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Stone VarConstruct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Vault GuaConstruct Any Any Rare Solitary
Golem - Wax Construct Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Wood Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Golem - Zombie Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Gonn Monster Wildspace Any Very Rare Scale
Gorak Animal Any Deserts Common Herd
Gorbel Monster N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Gorbel Monster Tropical Land Uncommon Herd
Gorgimera Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Gorgon Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Gorgon Magical Be Temperate to TropSubterranean and Rare Group
Gorilla Bear Magical Be N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Gorynych Dragon Temperate Mountains and SubVery Rare Solitary
Gossamer - Noble Magical Be Wildspace and PhlAny Rare Flotilla
Gossamer - Stand Magical Be Space Any Uncommon Shoal
Grav Humanoid Any Any Uncommon Clan
Grav - Elite Humanoid Any Any Rare Clan
Gravislayer Monster Wildspace and AstAny Very Rare Solitary
Gray Ooze Ooze N/A N/A Rare N/A
Gray Philosopher Undead Any Ruins Very Rare Solitary
Gray Philosopher Undead Any Ruins Very Rare Cluster
Great Dreamer Magical Be Wilderness Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Greatswan Animal Wilderness Sylvan WoodlandsUncommon Flock
Greelox Vermin Any Ruins and Subterr Very Rare Solitary
Green Slime Ooze N/A N/A Rare N/A
Greenhag Monstrous N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Grell Monster Any N/A Rare N/A
Grell Monster N/A Any Rare Solitary
Grell - Colonial - PMonster Any Shipboard Very Rare Solitary
Grell - Colonial - Monster Any Any Very Rare Hive
Grell - Colonial - Monster Any Any Rare Hive
Grell - Patriarch Monster Any Any Very Rare Hive
Grell - Philosophe Monster Any Any Very Rare Hive
Grell - Wild Monster Any Subterranean and Rare Solitary
Grell - Worker Monster Any Any Rare Hive
Gremishka Monstrous Ravenloft Any Rare Swarm
Gremlin Monstrous Any Land Very Rare Pack
Gremlin Monstrous Any Land Very Rare Pack
Gremlin - Fremlin Monstrous Any Land Very Rare Pack
Gremlin - Fremlin Monstrous Any Land Very Rare Pack
Gremlin - Galltrit Monstrous Any Land Very Rare Pack
Gremlin - Galltrit Monstrous Any Land Very Rare Pack
Gremlin - JermlainHumanoid Any Subterranean Uncommon Clan
Gremlin - Mite Monstrous Any Land Rare Tribe
Gremlin - Snyad Monstrous Any Subterranean Uncommon Family
Griffon Magical Be N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Griffon Magical Be Subtropical and T Hills and Mountain Uncommon Pride
Grig Fey N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Grim Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Grim Reaper Outsider Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Grimlock Monstrous Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Grimlock Humanoid N/A Mountains Uncommon Tribe
Grimlock Monstrous Any Mountains Uncommon Tribe
Grippli Monstrous N/A Jungles and SwamRare Tribe
Grippli Monstrous Tropical Jungles and SwamRare N/A
Grippli Monstrous Tropical N/A Rare Tribe
Griveling Outsider Any Mountains and SubVery Rare Clan
Groaning Spirit Undead N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Grommam Monstrous Temperate to TropForests Very Rare Clan
Groundling Monstrous Any Any Very Rare Pack
Grudgling Monster Any Land Rare Family
Grue - Chaggrin Outsider Any Any Uncommon Family
Grue - Elemental Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Grue - Elemental -Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Grue - Elemental - Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Grue - Elemental -Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Grue - Harginn Outsider Any Any Uncommon Caste
Grue - Ildriss Outsider Inner Planes Any Uncommon Solitary or Band
Grue - Varrdig Outsider Inner Planes Any Uncommon Triad
Grung Monstrous Subtropical and Tr Swamps Uncommon Tribe
Gryph Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Grythok Vermin Any Subterranean Uncommon Swarm
Guardian DaemonOutsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Guardian Familiar Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Guardian Warrior Construct Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Guardian Warrior -Construct Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Guardinal - Avoral Outsider Elysium Any Uncommon Solitary
Guardinal - Cervid Outsider Elysium Any Common Family
Guardinal - EquinaOutsider Elysium Any Common Solitary or Band
Guardinal - LeonalOutsider Elysium Any Very Rare Solitary
Guardinal - LupinaOutsider Elysium Any Rare Pack
Guardinal - Ursina Outsider Elysium Any Rare Solitary
Gulguthhydra Monster Any Subterranean and Very Rare Solitary
Gulguthydra Magical Be Any Subterranean and Very Rare Solitary
Gullion Animal Planets Around Ships Common Flock
Gyerian Monstrous Temperate Forests and PlainsRare Flock
Gyerian - Cockrob Monstrous Temperate Forests and PlainsRare Flock
Gyerian - Rooster Monstrous Temperate Forests and PlainsRare Flock
Hadozee Monstrous Space Any Uncommon Company
Hag - Annis Monstrous Any Land Very Rare Covey
Hag - Bheur Humanoid Cold regions (Ra Any Very Rare Solitary
Hag - Green Monstrous Any Land and Rivers Very Rare Covey
Hag - Night (StyrixHumanoid Ravenloft Darkon Unique Solitary
Hag - Sea Monstrous Any Waters Rare Covey
Hag - Sea - Great Monstrous Any Waters Very Rare Solitary
Hag - Silat - Adult Monstrous Any Land Rare to Very Rare Solitary or Family
Hag - Silat - Youn Monstrous Any Land Uncommon Solitary
Hag - Spectral - A Undead Any Land Very Rare Covey
Hag - Spectral - G Undead Any Land Very Rare Covey
Hag - Spectral - S Undead Any Land Very Rare Covey
Hai Nu Monstrous Subtropical and Tr Oceans Rare School
Hakeashar Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Hakeashar Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Hakeashar Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Half-giant Giant Any Land Rare Solitary or Community
Halfling Humanoid Any Forest Ridges Common Tribe
Halfling Humanoid N/A N/A Rare N/A
Halfling - Athas Humanoid Forest Ridge (AthaForests Common Tribe
Halfling - Hairfoot Humanoid Any Pastoral Uncommon Community
Halfling - Renega Humanoid Temperate Forests and Jungl Rare Tribe
Halfling - Stout Humanoid Any Forests and Hills Rare Community
Halfling - Tallfello Humanoid Any Hills and Mountain Rare Community
Hama Magical Be Any Any Rare Solitary
Hamster - Giant S Animal Temperate Grasslands and HilCommon to Very RarSmall pack
Hangman Tree Plant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Hannya Monstrous Any Land Very Rare Solitary or Covey
Harpy Monstrous N/A N/A Rare N/A
Harpy Monstrous Temperate to TropCoasts and Land Rare Flock
Harrier Monstrous Any Jungles Very Rare Solitary
Harrier - Larva Monster Any Jungles Very Rare Nest
Harrla Monster Any Urban Very Rare Solitary
Hatori - Greater Magical Be Any Deserts Rare Solitary/Small Herd
Hatori - Greater Magical Be Any Deserts Very Rare Solitary
Hatori - Lesser Magical Be Any Deserts Very Rare Solitary
Hatori - Lesser Magical Be Any Deserts Rare Solitary/Small Herd
Haun Magical Be Arctic Ice Packs and GlacVery Rare Brood
Haundar Magical Be Arctic Icebergs and ValleRare Solitary
Haunt Undead Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Haunt Undead N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Haunt - Knight Undead Any Battle Site Very Rare Military
Hawk - Elven (Cra Animal Any Sylvan WoodlandsRare Family
H'Calos Monster Tropical (Ixtul) Any Unique Solitary
Head - Archane Outsider The Nightmare LanAny Very Rare Flock
Head Hunter Monster Ravenloft Any Rare Solitary
Hearth Fiend Outsider Ravenloft Open Fires Very Rare Solitary
Hebi-No-Onna Humanoid Ravenloft Rokushima Taiyoo Very Rare Solitary
Hej-kin Monstrous Any Subterranean Rare Clan
Hell Hound Outsider Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Hell Hound Outsider N/A Land Very Rare Pack
Hellcat (Bezekira) Outsider Any N/A Rare N/A
Hellcat (Bezekira) Outsider N/A Any Rare Solitary
Helmed Horror Monster Any Any Rare Special
Hendar Monster Temperate Desolate Areas Rare Solitary
Hengeyokai Humanoid Any Any Uncommon Solitary or Band
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant - Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Heraldic Servant Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Herd Animal Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Herex - Adult Monster Any Land Rare Clutch
Herex - Larva Monster Any Subterranean Rare Clutch
Hermit - Sea Monster Any Coasts Very Rare Solitary
Heucuva Undead Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Heucuva Undead N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Heway Magical Be Any Desert Oasis Uncommon Solitary
Hippocampus Animal Any N/A Rare N/A
Hippocampus Magical Be N/A Waters Rare Herd
Hippogriff Animal Any N/A Rare N/A
Hippogriff Magical Be N/A Unpopulated Rare Herd
Hippopotamus Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Hivebrood - Brood Monster Any Subterranean Rare Colony
Hivebrood - ControMonster Any Subterranean Very Rare Colony
Hivebrood - Lieut Monster Any Land Very Rare Colony
Hivebrood - MotheMonster Any Subterranean Very Rare Colony
Hivebrood - SolideMonster Any Land Rare Colony
Hoar Fox Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Hobgoblin Humanoid N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Hobgoblin Humanoid Non-Arctic Any Uncommon Tribe
Hobgoblin - Norke Monstrous Non-Arctic Any Rare Tribe
Hollyphant Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Hollyphant Outsider Upper Planes Any Rare Solitary
Homunculus Construct Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Homunculus Construct N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Homunculus - Elem Outsider Varies Varies Varies Nil
Homunculus - Elem Outsider Varies Varies Varies Nil
Hook Horror Monster Any N/A Rare N/A
Hook Horror Monster N/A Subterranean Rare Clan
Hook Horror Monster Any Subterranean Rare Clan
Horag Giant Any Hills and Mountain Very Rare Tribe
Horax Vermin Any Subterranean Uncommon Colony
Horde Outsider Any Land Very Rare Collective
Hordling Outsider The Gray Waste Any Common (Prime: Ver Solitary
Hordling Outsider Hades or Prime Any Common (Prime: RarSolitary
Hordling (Hordes Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Horgar Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Hornet - Giant Vermin N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Horse - Draft Animal Any N/A Common N/A
Horse - Draft Animal N/A Non-Mountain Common Herd
Horse - Heavy Animal Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Horse - Heavy Animal N/A Non-Mountain Uncommon Herd
Horse - Light Animal Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Horse - Light Animal N/A Non-Mountain Uncommon Herd
Horse - Medium Animal Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Horse - Medium Animal N/A Non-Mountain Uncommon Herd
Horse - Moon-hor Magical Be Any Plains and Sylvan Rare Herd
Horse - Mule Animal Any Non-Mountain Common Herd
Horse - Nars Animal Temperate Any Uncommon Herd
Horse - Pony Animal Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Horse - Pony Animal N/A Non-Mountain Uncommon Herd
Horse - Raurin Animal Arid Any Rare Herd
Horse - Riding Animal Any Non-Mountain Common Herd
Horse - Semphari Animal Arid Any Very Rare Herd
Horse - Sosser Animal Temperate Any Uncommon Herd
Horse - Steppe Animal Any Steppes Uncommon Herd
Horse - Wild Animal Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Horse - Wild Animal N/A Non-Mountain Uncommon Herd
Hound - Phantom Undead Ravenloft Any Very Rare Pack
Hound - Skeletal Undead Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary or Pack
Hound - Spectral Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary or Pack
Hound - Yeth Magical Be Any Land Very Rare Pack
Hound of Ill Omen Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Hound of Ill-Omen Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Hound of Law Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary or Pack
Howler Outsider Pandemonium Any Very Rare Pack
Hsiao Magical Be Temperate Forests Rare Households
Hsing-sing Monstrous Subtropical Forests and MountRare Tribe
Hu Hsien Fey Temperate Forests, Hills, Mou Rare Solitary or Pack
Human - Aborigin Humanoid Any Any Rare Tribe
Human - Adventur Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Group
Human - Amazon Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Clan
Human - Bandit/BrHumanoid Any Any Common Group
Human - Barbaria Humanoid Any Any Rare Tribe/Clan
Human - BerserkerHumanoid Any Any Rare Tribe/Clan
Human - Cerilian - Humanoid Any Any Rare Group
Human - Cerilian Humanoid Any Any Common Group
Human - Cerilian - Humanoid Any Any Common Group
Human - Cerilian - Humanoid Any Any Uncommon Tribe
Human - Cerilian Humanoid Any Any Common Group
Human - Cursed (JHumanoid Ravenloft Barovia Unique Solitary
Human - Darksun Humanoid Valley of Dust and Any Uncommon Clan or Patrol
Human - Darksun Humanoid Valley of Dust and Any Uncommon Tribe
Human - Dragon SHumanoid Any Any Rare Group
Human - Dune TraHumanoid Any Land Uncommon House/Guild
Human - Ex-gladiaHumanoid Any Land Uncommon Tribe
Human - Ex-slave Humanoid Any Land Common Tribe
Human - Farmer/HHumanoid Any Any Common Group
Human - Gentry Humanoid Any Any Common Group
Human - HerdsmaHumanoid Any Land Common Douar
Human - Knight Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Group
Human - Madman H ( umanoid Ravenloft Invidia (Karina) Unique Solitary
Human - MercenarHumanoid Any Any Rare Group
Human - MerchantHumanoid Any Waters Common Group
Human - MerchantHumanoid Any Any Common Group
Human - Middle C Humanoid Any Any Common Group
Human - Nobles Humanoid Any Land Uncommon Varies
Human - Peasant/ Humanoid Any Any Common Group
Human - Pilgrim Humanoid Any Any Uncommon Group
Human - Pirate/B Humanoid Any Any Common Group
Human - Police/CoHumanoid Any Any Uncommon Group
Human - Priest Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Group
Human - Pygmy Humanoid Tropical Islands and JungleUncommon Village
Human - Sailor Humanoid Any Waters Common Group
Human - Slaver Humanoid Any Any Common Group
Human - Soldier Humanoid Any Any Uncommon Group
Human - TemplarsHumanoid Any Land Common Varies
Human - Thief/Th Humanoid Any Any Common Group
Human - TradesmaHumanoid Any Any Common Group
Human - TribesmaHumanoid Any Any Rare Group
Human - Vistana Humanoid Any Land Very Rare Clan
Human - Voodan (Humanoid Ravenloft Sourange Unique Solitary
Human - Wizard Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Group
Huptzeen Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Hurdu Humanoid Temperate to TropForests and MountRare Tribe
Hutaakan - Other Humanoid Temperate Mountains and RuiVery Rare Town
Hutaakan - Priest Humanoid Temperate Mountains and RuiVery Rare Town
Hutaakan - Warrio Humanoid Temperate Mountains and RuiVery Rare Town
Hybsil Fey Temperate N/A Rare Tribe
Hybsil Fey N/A Forests, Hills, and Rare N/A
Hybsil Fey Temperate Forests, Hills, and Rare Tribe
Hydra Magical Be Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Hydra Magical Be N/A Swamps Uncommon Solitary
Hydra - CyrohydraMagical Be Arctic Any Very Rare Solitary
Hydra - Lernaean Magical Be Any Marshes, Swamps,Very Rare Solitary
Hydra - Pyrohydra Magical Be Any Marshes, Swamps,Rare Solitary
Hyena Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Hyena - Giant Animal N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Hypnos Humanoid The Nightmare LanAny Unique Solitary
Ibrandlin Monster Any Land and Subterr Very Rare Family Pack
Ibrandlin Magical Be Any Land and Subterr Very Rare Family or Pack
Ice Crab Outsider Arctic Any Rare Solitary
Id Fiend Magical Be Any Any Rare Solitary
Ikiryo Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Illithid - Alhoon (Illi Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary or Community
Illithid - Illithocyte Monster Subpenumbra: TheAny Common Mass
Immoth Outsider Paraplane of Ice Varies Rare Solitary
Imorph Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Imp Outsider Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Imp Outsider N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Imp Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Imp - Assassin Outsider Ravenloft Any Rare Solitary
Imp - Blood Sea Monstrous Subtropical and Tr Oceans Very Rare School
Imp - Bog Monstrous Any Swamps Rare Tribe
Imp - Chaos Outsider Limbo Any Rare Swarm
Imp - Chaos Outsider Limbo Any Rare Swarm
Imp - Garden Monstrous Any Garden Very Rare Solitary
Imp - Mephit - FireOutsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Imp - Mephit - Ice Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Imp - Mephit - Lav Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Imp - Mephit - Mis Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Imp - Mephit - Sm Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Imp - Mephit - St Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Imp - Quasit Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Imp - Quasit Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Imp - Wishing Monster Ravenloft Any Very Rare Unique
Imp - Wood Monstrous Temperate Forests Rare Tribe
Impersonator Monster Any Subterranean and Rare Solitary
Incantifier (Sect) Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Incarnates Outsider Any Plane Any Very Rare Solitary
Ingundi Monstrous Temperate Forests Very Rare Solitary
Inquisitor Undead Any Subterranean and Very Rare Solitary
Inquisitor Undead Any Subterranean and Very Rare Solitary
Insect - Ant - Gian Vermin Any Any Uncommon Colony
Insect - Ant Lion - Vermin Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Insect - Aratha Magical Be Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Insect - Aspis - C Vermin Any Any Uncommon Colony
Insect - Aspis - D Vermin Any Any Uncommon Colony
Insect - Aspis - La Vermin Any Any Uncommon Colony
Insect - Assassin Vermin Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Insect - Bee - SoldVermin Any Any Uncommon Colony
Insect - Bee - Wor Vermin Any Any Uncommon Colony
Insect - Bumblebe Vermin Any Any Uncommon Colony
Insect - Cave Cric Vermin Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Insect - Dragonfly Vermin Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Insect - Dragonfly Vermin Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Insect - Ear SeekeVermin Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Insect - Firefriend Vermin Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Insect - Fly - BluebVermin Any Any Uncommon Swarm
Insect - Fly - HorseVermin Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Insect - Fyrefly Vermin Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Insect - Horax Vermin Any Any Uncommon Pack
Insect - Hornet - GVermin Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Insect - Pernicon Vermin Any Any Uncommon Swarm
Insect - Praying M Vermin Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Insect - Termite - Vermin Any Any Uncommon Colony
Insect - Termite - Vermin Any Any Uncommon Colony
Insect - Termite - Vermin Any Any Uncommon Colony
Insect - Termite - Vermin Any Any Uncommon Colony
Insect - Tick, Gian Vermin Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Insect - Wasp - Gi Vermin Any Any Uncommon Colony
Insect Swarm - AthVermin Any Plains Very Rare Swarm
Insect Swarm - AthVermin Any Plains Very Rare Swarm
Insect Swarm - Gr Vermin Subtropical and Tr Forests, Hills, and Very Rare Swarm
Insect Swarm - Gr Vermin Subtropical and Tr Forests, Hills, and Very Rare Swarm
Insect Swarm - VeVermin Temperate to TropForests, Hills, and Very Rare Swarm
Insect Swarm - VeVermin Temperate to TropForests, Hills, and Very Rare Swarm
Insectare Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Clan
Intellect Devourer Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Intellect Devourer Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Intellect Devourer Monster Any Damp, dark placesVery Rare Solitary
Invisible of Stardo Monster Stardock (Zankhm Any Very Rare Kingdom
Invisible Stalker Outsider Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Invisible Stalker Outsider N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Irish Deer Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Iron Cobra Construct Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Iron Cobra Construct N/A Any Extremely Rare Solitary
Ironmaw Outsider Lower Planes Forests Uncommon Solitary
Ivy - Crawling Plant Temperate Land Very Rare Colony
Ixitxachitl Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Ixitxachitl Magical Be Tropical Waters Very Rare Tribe
Ixitxachitl - Ixzan Monster Underdark Fresh Water Very Rare Tribe
Ixitxachitl - VampirMagical Be Tropical Waters Very Rare Tribe
Ixitxachitl - VampirMagical Be Tropical Waters Very Rare Tribe
Jabberwock Monster Any Forests Unique Solitary
Jack Frost Monster Arctic Land and Mountai Rare Flurry
Jackal Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Jackalwere Monstrous N/A N/A Rare N/A
Jackalwere Monstrous Temperate Any Rare Pack
Jaculi Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Jagre Monstrous Any Land Very Rare Tribe
Jaguar Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Jakar Humanoid Vally of the Mage Any Unique Solitary
Jalath'gak Monster Any Sandy wastes and Uncommon Swarm
Jann Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Jarbo Animal Any Deserts Common Flock or Colony
Jelly - Mustard Ooze N/A N/A Rare N/A
Jellyfish - Giant - Animal Non-Arctic Oceans Rare School
Jellyfish - Giant - Animal Non-Arctic Oceans Rare School
Jellyfish - Giant - Animal Non-Arctic Oceans Uncommon School
Jellyfish - Giant Animal Tropical Oceans Uncommon Solitary
Jermlaine Humanoid N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Jhakar Animal Any Tablelands Uncommon Pack
Jishin Mushi Magical Be Temperate Forests Very Rare Solitary
Jolly Roger Undead Ravenloft Sea of Sorrows Rare Solitary
Jorri Animal Any Salt Water Rare Family
Jozhal Magical Be Tablelands/Hinterl Any Rare Family
Juhrion Animal Any Any Uncommon Family
Kaisharga Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Kala - Cave Humanoid Arctic Hills, Mounatins, a Rare Pack
Kala - Earth Humanoid Arctic Hills, Mounatins, a Rare Pack
Kalin Vermin Any Subterranean Uncommon Solitary or Mated Pair
Kalin Vermin Any Subterranean Uncommon Solitary or Pair
Kalothagh (Prickle Magical Be Any Oceans Uncommon School
Kaluk Fey Temperate Forests and Hills Very Rare Solitary
Kamadan Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Kamatlan Magical Be Tropical Any Very Rare Solitary
Kamatlan - Kama Magical Be Tropical Forests and Jungl Rare Solitary
Kampfult Plant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Kani Doll Construct Any Rural Rare Nil
Kank - Wild Vermin Any Stony Barrens andCommon Hive
Kappa - Common Monstrous Temperate to TropFresh Water Rare Family
Kappa - Kappt-Ti Monstrous Temperate to TropFresh Water Very Rare Solitary
Kappa - Vampric Monstrous Temperate to TropFresh Water Very Rare Solitary
Kech Monstrous N/A Forests Rare Band
Kech Monster Subarctic to TropicN/A Rare N/A
Keeper Outsider Outlands Any Very Rare Group
Kelpie Plant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Kender Humanoid Temperate to TropLand Rare Family
Kenku Monstrous Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Kenku Monstrous N/A Land Uncommon Clan
Kercpa Monstrous Temperate Forests Rare Tribe
Kes'trekel Animal Any Any Uncommon Flock
Khaasta Outsider Any Any Rare Band
Khargra Outsider Plane of Air Any Very Rare N/A
Khargra Outsider Any N/A Extremely Rare Herd
Khargra Outsider N/A Subterranean Common School
Kholiathra Fey Any Forests and SylvanVery Rare Group
Killmoulis Monster N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Kindori (Space WhMagical Be Space Any Uncommon Pod
Ki-rin Monster Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Ki-rin Magical Be N/A Sky Very Rare Solitary
Kirre Magical Be Any Forest Ridges Rare Pack
Kirre Magical Be Any Forest Ridges Rare Pack
Kizoku Humanoid Ravenloft Rokushima Taiyoo Very Rare Solitary
Kla'a-Tah Magical Be Temperate Waters and Coastl Very Rare Solitary
Kla'a-Tah - Cluu-ri Magical Be Temperate to TropWaters and Coastl Very Rare Solitary
Klar Animal Athas Mekillot Mountains Rare Family
Kluzd Animal Any Mudflats Very Rare Solitary
Klyndes Outsider Quasiplane of Ste Any Rare Solitary
Kna Monstrous Any Oceans Common Tribe
Knight - Death Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Kobold Humanoid Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Kobold Humanoid N/A Land Uncommon Tribe
Kobold - Dragon MHumanoid Any Subterranean Uncommon Clan
Kobold - Urd Humanoid Temperate to TropHills and Mountain Rare Gens
Kopru Monster Tropical Oceans and SwamRare Pack
Korobukuru - Co Humanoid Temperate to TropHills, Forests, Ju Uncommon Clan
Korobukuru - Ishi Humanoid Arctic or Subarctic Hills, Forests, Ju Very Rare Clan
Korred Fey N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Kracken Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Krag Undead Special Any Very Rare Solitary
Krag Undead Special Special Very Rare Solitary
Kragling Undead Special Special Very Rare Band
Kragling - Greater Undead Special Any Very Rare Band
Kragling - Lesser Undead Special Any Very Rare Band
Krajen - Adult Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Krajen - Immature Magical Be Any Any Common Colony
Krakentua Monster Temperate to TropOceans Very Rare Solitary
Krotter Animal Arctic Ice Spires (Forgot Uncommon Herd
K'r'r'r Monster Wilderness Jungles Rare Community
Kuei Undead Any Any Rare Solitary
Kuo-Toa Monstrous Aquatic N/A Very Rare N/A
Kuo-Toa Monstrous N/A Subterranean Very Rare Tribe
Kupuk Magical Be Arctic Great Glacier (For Rare Solitary or Pack
Kyrie Monstrous Subtropical and Tr Mountains Very Rare Flock
Kyton Outsider Baator Any Rare Solitary
Kyton Outsider Baator Any Rare Solitary
Laerti Humanoid Temperate Dry Any Rare Tribe
Laerti - Stingtail Humanoid Temperate Dry Any Very Rare Tribe
Lakshu Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Division
Lamia Magical Be Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Lamia Magical Be N/A Deserts, Caves andVery Rare Solitary
Lamia - Noble Magical Be Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Lamia - Noble Magical Be N/A Deserts, Caves andVery Rare Solitary
Lammasu Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Lammasu - CelestiOutsider Olympus Any Rare Solitary
Lammasu - GreateMonster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Lammasu - GreateMagical Be Warm Any Very Rare Solitary (Pride)
Lammasu - LesserMagical Be Warm Any Rare Pride
Lamprey - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Lamprey - Land Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Lamprey - Normal Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Laraken Monster Any Swamps Very Rare Solitary
Larva Outsider Lower Planes Any Common N/A
Larva Outsider Lower Planes N/A Common Masses
Larva Outsider N/A Any Common Masses
Lashweed Plant Ravenloft Any Rare Patch
Lava Children Humanoid N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Leech - Giant Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Leech - Giant Animal Temperate Marshes and Swa Uncommon Group
Leech - Jammer Magical Be Any Any Rare Solitary or Cluster
Leech - Legacy Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Leech - Magical Magical Be Ravenloft Wetlands Uncommon Solitary
Leech - Psionic Magical Be Ravenloft Wetlands Uncommon Solitary
Leech - Swarm Animal Temperate Marshes and Swa Uncommon Swarm
Leech - Throat Animal Temperate Marshes and Swa Common Group
Leomarh Outsider Outlands Plains Uncommon Pride
Leopard Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Leprechaun Fey N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Leprechaun Humanoid Temperate Green Lands, Sylv Uncommon Clan
Leucrotta Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Leucrotta Magical Be Temperate Wasteland, BrokenRare Pack
Leucrotta - GreateMagical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Leucrotta - GreateMagical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Lhee - Common Magical Be Any Any Uncommon Pack
Lhee - Greater Magical Be Any Any Uncommon Pack
Lhee - Lesser Magical Be Any Any Uncommon Pack
Lhiannan Shee Undead Subarctic to TropicForests Very Rare Solitary
Lich Undead Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Lich Undead N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Lich - Bane Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Lich - Bardic (And Undead Ravenloft Any Unique Solitary
Lich - Defiler Undead Athas or RavenloftAny Very Rare Solitary
Lich - Demilich Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Lich - Drider Undead Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Lich - Drow Undead Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Lich - Elemental Undead Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Lich - Fire Undead Wildspace Any Very Rare Solitary
Lich - Illithid (Alho Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary or Community
Lich - Inheritor Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Lich - Master Undead Spelljammer Any Unique Leader
Lich - Psionic Undead Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Lich - Psionic Undead Athas or RavenloftAny Very Rare Solitary
Lich - Suel Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Life-Shaped CreatConstruct Tropical Cliffs Very Rare None
Life-Shaped CreatiConstruct Tropical Cliffs Very Rare None
Life-Shaped CreatiConstruct Tropical Cliffs Very Rare None
Life-Shaped CreatConstruct Tropical Cliffs Very Rare None
Life-Shaped CreatConstruct Tropical Cliffs Very Rare None
Life-Shaped CreatiConstruct Tropical Cliffs Very Rare None
Life-Shaped CreatiConstruct Tropical Cliffs Very Rare None
Life-Shaped CreatConstruct Tropical Cliffs Very Rare None
Life-Shaped CreatiConstruct Tropical Cliffs Very Rare None
Lillend Outsider Ysgard, Arborea, Any Rare Family
Lillend Outsider Ysgard, Arborea, Any Rare Family
Linqua Outsider Gehenna (Any) Any Rare (Very Rare) Pack
Lion Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Lion - Mountain Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Lion - Spotted Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Lirr Animal Any Tablelands Uncommon Pack
Living Idol - AnimaMonster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Living Idol - Death Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Living Idol - ElemeMonster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Living Idol - Heali Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Living Steel Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Living Tattoo - Da Monster Ravenloft Nightmare Very Rare Bonded
Living Tattoo - Li Monster Ravenloft Nightmare Rare Bonded
Living Tattoo - Pa Monster Ravenloft Nightmare Rare Bonded
Living Tattoo - Ra Monster Ravenloft Nightmare Rare Bonded
Living Tattoo - W Monster Ravenloft Nightmare Very Rare Bonded
Living Wall Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Lizard - Draco Animal Temperate Forests and Hills Uncommon Pack
Lizard - Fire Animal N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Lizard - Fire Animal Warm Land Very Rare Solitary
Lizard - Giant Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Lizard - Giant Animal Warm Land Uncommon Solitary
Lizard - Giant - F Animal Temperate Hills and Subterra Rare Pack
Lizard - Giant - G Animal Temperate Forests Uncommon Pack
Lizard - Giant - Tu Animal Dry Temperate Plains Uncommon Pack
Lizard - Giant Igu Animal Temperate and Sub Forests Rare Solitary
Lizard - Gladiator Animal Bleak Shore (LankAny Very Rare Group
Lizard - Horned Animal Temperate Forests and Hills Uncommon Pack
Lizard - Ice Dragon Arctic N/A Very Rare N/A
Lizard - Ice Monster N/A Any Very Rare Solitary or Family
Lizard - Lava Magical Be Any Volcanos and SubtVery Rare Pack
Lizard - Minotaur Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Lizard - Minotaur Animal Tropical Hills and Mountain Rare Solitary
Lizard - Rockhom Animal Non-Arctic Subterranean Common Pack
Lizard - Subterra Animal Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Lizard - Subterra Animal N/A Subterranean Uncommon Solitary
Lizard - Subterran Animal Any Any Common Solitary or Pack
Lizard - Subterran Animal Any Subterranean Common Solitary or Pack
Lizard - Xytar Magical Be Subtropical and Tr Deserts Rare Pack
Lizard King Humanoid N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Lizard Man Humanoid N/A N/A Rare N/A
Lizard Man Humanoid Temperate to TropSwamps Rare Tribe
Lizard Man - BakalHumanoid Subtropical and Tr Swamps Very Rare Tribe
Lizard Man - JarakHumanoid Temperate to TropSwamps Rare Tribe
Lizard Man - Lizar Humanoid Temperate to TropSwamps Very Rare Tribe
Lizard Man (Athas Humanoid The Last Sea (Ath Any Rare Tribe
Lizard Man (Athas)Humanoid The Last Sea (Ath Any Unique Tribe
Lizard-Kin - Caym Monstrous Temperate and Sub Forests and SwamUncommon Village
Lizard-kin - Caym Monstrous Temperate and Sub Forests and SwamUncommon Village
Lizard-kin - Cham Monstrous Non-Arctic Forests, Plains, a Rare Clan
Lizard-kin - Gator Monstrous Temperate and Sub Swamps Rare Village
Lizard-Kin - Gurra Monstrous Any Bayous Rare Village
Lizard-Kin - Krolli Monstrous Any Hills and Mountain Rare Community
Lizard-Kin - ShazaMonstrous Temperate and Sub Forests and SwamRare Tribe
Lizard-kin - Sis'thi Monstrous Subtropical and Tr Deserts Rare Tribe
Locathah Humanoid N/A N/A Rare N/A
Locathah Humanoid Subtropical and Tr Costal Waters Rare Clan
Lock Lurker Monster Any Land Rare Solitary
Losel Humanoid Non-Tropical Forests Rare Tribe/Troupe
Lost Souls Undead The Nightmare LanAny Uncommon Solitary
Loxo Monstrous Temperate to TropGrasslands Very Rare Herd
Loxo Monstrous Temperate to TropGrasslands Very Rare Herd
Luck Eater Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Lumineaux Monster Phlogiston Any Very Rare Solitary
Lupasus Magical Be Any Steppes Uncommon Pack
Lupin Humanoid Any Forests and PlainsRare Tribe
Lupin Humanoid Temperate Any Common Band
Lurker Monster Any Subterranean Uncommon Solitary
Lurker - Above Monster N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Lurker - Forest Monster Any Forests Rare Solitary
Lurker - Shadow Undead Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Lurker - Trapper Monster Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Lutum (Mud WomaMonster Any Any Rare Solitary or Clan
Lycanthrope - Fo Humanoid N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Lycanthrope - Lou Humanoid Any Boreal forests or P Very Rare Pack
Lycanthrope - Lou Humanoid Temperate Forests and Hills Very Rare Pack
Lycanthrope - Lou Humanoid Temperate Hills and Mountain Very Rare Pack
Lycanthrope - LythHumanoid Any Sylvan WoodlandsVery Rare Solitary or Pack
Lycanthrope - Seaw Humanoid Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Lycanthrope - Seaw Humanoid N/A Salt Water Very Rare Pack
Lycanthrope - SeaHumanoid Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Lycanthrope - SeaHumanoid N/A Salt Water Very Rare Pack
Lycanthrope - We Humanoid Temperate Hills and Subterra Very Rare Solitary
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Temperate Forests Rare Flock
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Temperate Forests Rare Flock
Lycanthrope - We Humanoid Cold or TemperateN/A Rare N/A
Lycanthrope - We Humanoid N/A Any Rare Solitary
Lycanthrope - We Humanoid Dry N/A Rare N/A
Lycanthrope - We Humanoid N/A Land Rare Tribe
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Any Deserts and SwamRare Pack
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Any Deserts and SwamRare Pack
Lycanthrope - We Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Lycanthrope - We Humanoid Tropical Deserts and PlainsUncommon Pack
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Ravenloft Har'Akir Rare Solitary
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Any Jungles Uncommon Solitary
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Subtropical and Tr Jungles Very Rare Solitary
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Any Jungles Rare Tribe
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Arid Mountains and PraUncommon Tribe
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Subtropical Jungles, Plains, anRare Pride
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Tropical Hills and Mountain Rare Pride or Tribe
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid N/A Any Uncommon Pack
Lycanthrope - We Humanoid Temperate Forests Uncommon Flock
Lycanthrope - We Humanoid Temperate Forests Uncommon Flock
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Ravenloft Sea of Sorrows Uncommon School
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Any N/A Very Rare Solitary
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Any Oceans Very Rare N/A
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid N/A Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Any Forests and UrbanVery Rare Solitary
Lycanthrope - We Humanoid Any Forests, Swamps, Uncommon Herd
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid N/A Wilderness Very Rare Solitary
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Ravenloft Sri Raji Very Rare Pack
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid Any N/A Common N/A
Lycanthrope - WerHumanoid N/A Any Common Pack
Lynx - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Lythlyx Magical Be Any Remote Land or WRare Solitary or Group
Maelephant Outsider Lower Planes Any Rare Solitary
Maelephant Outsider Lower Planes Any Rare Solitary
Magebane Monster Any Ruins, Subterrane Rare Solitary
Magedoom Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Magedoom Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Magen - Caldron Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Magen - Demos Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Magen - Galvan Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Magen - Hypnos Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Magman Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Magnesium Spirit Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Magran Outsider Ethereal Plane Any Rare School
Malfera Outsider Any Jungles Very Rare Solitary
Mammal - Ape, CaAnimal Any Forests Rare Troop
Mammal - Baboon Animal Any Plains Uncommon Troop
Mammal - Badger Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - BanderlAnimal Any Plains Very Rare Troop
Mammal - BhaergaMagical Be Any Any Rare Solitary
Mammal - Boar - WAnimal Any Any Common Herd
Mammal - Chattur Animal Any Outerspace Rare Clan
Mammal - CoosheAnimal Any Any Uncommon Pack
Mammal - Dakon Animal Any Forests Rare Troop
Mammal - Debbi Magical Be Any Deserts Rare Pack
Mammal - Giant - Animal Any Any Very Rare Troop
Mammal - Giant - Animal Any Fresh Water Very Rare Family
Mammal - Giant - Animal Any Any Very Rare Herd
Mammal - Giant - Animal Warm Plains Very Rare Pack
Mammal - Giant - Animal Any Fresh Water Very Rare Family
Mammal - Giant - Animal Any Forests Very Rare Solitary
Mammal - Giant - Animal Any Forests Very Rare Solitary
Mammal - Giant - Animal Any Forests and Subte Very Rare Family
Mammal - Giant - Animal Cold Any Very Rare Solitary
Mammal - Goat Animal Any Any Common Herd
Mammal - Gorilla Animal Any Forests Common Troop
Mammal - Herd - AAnimal Temperate to TropPlains Common Herd
Mammal - Herd - BAnimal Temperate to TropPlains Uncommon Herd
Mammal - Herd - BAnimal Any Any Common Herd
Mammal - Herd - Animal Any Land Common Herd
Mammal - Herd - Animal Subarctic Steppes and Tund Common Herd
Mammal - Herd - CAnimal Any Land Common Herd
Mammal - Herd - GAnimal Any Hills Rare Herd
Mammal - Herd - Animal Any Hills and Mountain Uncommon Herd
Mammal - Herd - GAnimal Temperate Forests and Mead Common Herd
Mammal - Herd - Animal Any Fresh Water Uncommon Herd
Mammal - Herd - Animal Any Mountains Common Herd
Mammal - Herd - RAnimal Subtropical Savannahs Uncommon Herd
Mammal - Herd - RAnimal Subtropical Savannahs Uncommon Herd
Mammal - Herd - Animal Any Land Common Herd
Mammal - Herd - WAnimal Temperate Forests and Mead Common Herd
Mammal - Hsing-s Animal Any Forests Very Rare Troop
Mammal - Hyena Animal Any Any Common Pack
Mammal - Jackal Animal Any Deserts Common Pack
Mammal - Losel Animal Any Any Uncommon Troop
Mammal - MonkeyAnimal Any Forests Common Troop
Mammal - PorcupinAnimal Any Forests Common Solitary
Mammal - Porcupi Animal Any Forests Common Solitary
Mammal - Rothe Animal Any Subterranean Very Rare Herd
Mammal - Skunk Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Sleek Animal Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Rivers and Wetlan Common Family
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Forests Common Group
Mammal - Small - Animal Arctic Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Tribe
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Waters Common Family
Mammal - Small - OAnimal Any Oceans Common Family
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Oceans Common Family
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Herd
Mammal - Small - PAnimal Any Any Common Herd
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - SAnimal Any Forests Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - SAnimal Any Forests Common Solitary
Mammal - Small - Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Stag - WAnimal Any Forests Uncommon Herd
Mammal - Stench Outsider Any Any Very Rare Herd
Mammal - Taer Animal Arctic Subterranean Uncommon Troop
Mammal - Tyrg Animal Any Any Rare Pack
Mammal - Wartho Animal Any Any Common Herd
Mammal - Weasel Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammal - Wolveri Animal Any Any Common Solitary
Mammoth Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Man - Krynn - Ice Humanoid Arctic Hills, Mountains, a Very Rare Tribe
Man - Krynn - Kni Humanoid Temperate to TropHills, Mountains, Very Rare Solitary and Patrol
Man - Krynn - Pla Humanoid Temperate to TropForests, Hills, Mo Rare Tribe
Man - Krynn - RebHumanoid Any Urban Rare Band
Mandragora Plant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Manikin Plant Any Wizard Laboratori Rare Solitary
Manni Monstrous Temperate Forests and Stepp Rare Flock
Manotaur Monstrous Any Desolate Rocky FoVery Rare Solitary
Manscorpion Monstrous Subtropical and Tr Deserts and SubteRare Squad, Swarm, and Cit
Manscorpion - Ni Monster Subtropical and Tr Deserts and SubteRare Squad or City
Mantari Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Mantari Monster Temperate to TropSubterranean Very Rare Pack
Manticore Magical Be Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Manticore Magical Be N/A Any Uncommon Solitary
Mantidrake Dragon Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Mantis - Giant Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Mantrap Plant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Mara (Great WalkeMonster Any Any Rare Group
Margoyle Monstrous N/A N/A Rare N/A
Marid Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Marikith Monstrous Any Sewers and Catac Common Pack or Hive
Markeen Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Marl Monster Temperate to TropRivers and SwampRare Solitary
Marrashi Outsider Any Deserts and Jungl Rare Solitary
Marut Outsider Mechanus and UppAny Rare Solitary
Marut Outsider Nirvana and UpperAny Rare Solitary
Masher Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Maskhi Monstrous Tropical Land Rare Tribe
Mason Wasp - GiaMagical Be Tropical Deserts and PlainsUncommon Solitary
Mastiff - Shadow Magical Be Demiplane of Sha Any Uncommon Pack
Mastiff - Shadow Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Mastodon Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Mastyrial - Black Monster Any Mountains Uncommon Pack
Mastyrial - Desert Monster Any Deserts Uncommon Solitary
Meazel Humanoid Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Meazel Humanoid N/A Marshes and Subt Uncommon Solitary
Meazel (Salizarr) Humanoid Ravenloft Darkon Unique Solitary
Mediator Outsider Nirvana Any Very Rare Solitary
Mediator - Mecha Outsider Mechanus Any Very Rare Solitary
Mediator - Transla Outsider Upper Planes Any Common Solitary
Medusa Monstrous Any N/A Rare N/A
Medusa Monstrous N/A Any Rare Solitary
Medusa - Glyptar Monstrous Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Medusa - Greater Monstrous Any Any Rare Solitary
Medusa - Maedar Monstrous Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Medusa (Althea) Monstrous Ravenloft Lamordia (Demise Unique Solitary
Meenlock Monster Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Meenlock Monster N/A Subterranean Very Rare Band
Megapede Vermin Any Sandy Wastes andVery
S Rare Solitary
Mek Construct Any Ruins Very Rare Solitary
Memedi - Commo Fey Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Memedi - Gendru Fey Any Any Uncommon Solitary
Men - Abber Nom Humanoid The Nightmare LanAny Common Tribe
Men - Bandit/Brig Humanoid N/A N/A Common N/A
Men - Berserker Humanoid N/A N/A Rare N/A
Men - Buccaneer/PHumanoid N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Men - Caveman/T Humanoid N/A N/A Rare N/A
Men - Dervish/No Humanoid N/A N/A Rare (Uncommon) N/A
Men - Frost Barba Humanoid Arctic Mountains Rare Tribe
Men - Lost Ones Humanoid Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Men - Madmed Humanoid Any Urban Very Rare Solitary
Men - Merchant Humanoid N/A N/A Common N/A
Men - Pilgrim Humanoid N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Men - Wako (Sea P Humanoid Temperate to TropCoasts and OceanUncommon Band
Menglis Outsider Inner Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Men-shen Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Meorty Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Mephit - Air Outsider Any Any Common Solitary
Mephit - Ash Outsider Any Any Common Solitary
Mephit - Dust Outsider Any Any Common Solitary
Mephit - Earth Outsider Any Any Common Solitary
Mephit - Fire Outsider Any Any Very Rare N/A
Mephit - Fire Outsider Any N/A Common (Low Planes)
Mephit - Fire Outsider N/A Any Common Solitary
Mephit - Ice Outsider Any Any Common (Low Planes)
Mephit - Ice Outsider Any Any Common Solitary
Mephit - Lava Outsider Any Any Common (Low Planes)
Mephit - Lave Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Mephit - Lightning Outsider Any Any Common Solitary or Band
Mephit - Magma Outsider Any Any Common Solitary
Mephit - Mineral Outsider Any Any Common Solitary
Mephit - Mist Outsider Any Any Common (Low Planes)
Mephit - Mist Outsider Any Any Common Solitary
Mephit - Ooze Outsider Any Any Common Solitary
Mephit - Radiant Outsider Any Any Common Solitary
Mephit - Salt Outsider Any Any Common Solitary
Mephit - Smoke Outsider Any Any Very Rare N/A
Mephit - Smoke Outsider Any N/A Common (Low Planes)
Mephit - Smoke Outsider N/A Any Common Solitary
Mephit - Steam Outsider Any Any Very Rare N/A
Mephit - Steam Outsider Any N/A Common (Low Planes)
Mephit - Steam Outsider N/A Any Common Solitary
Mephit - Water Outsider Any Any Common Solitary
Mercurial Outsider Hyper-Reality Any Very Rare Solitary (Family)
Merkhant (Sect) Outsider Any Any Rare Solitary
Merman Humanoid Temperate Oceans Uncommon Community
Mermen Humanoid N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Metalmaster (SworMagical Be Any Land Rare Solitary or Hunting Gro
Meteorspawn Monster Wildspace Any Uncommon Solitary
Mezzodaemon Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Mihstu Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Mimic Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Mimic - Common Monster Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Mimic - Greater Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Mimic - House Hunt Monster Any Land Rare Pack
Mimic - House HunMonster Any Land Rare Pack
Mimic - House HunMonster Any Land Rare Pack
Mimic - Killer Monster Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Mimic - Space Monster Wildspace Any Very Rare Solitary
Mind Flayer Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Mind Flayer (Illithi Monster Any Subterranean Rare Community
Miner Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Minimal Animal N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Minion - Divine Magical Be Any Deserts and Cities Uncommon Group
Minion of Set Outsider Baator Any Uncommon Hierarchy
Minotaur Monstrous N/A N/A Rare N/A
Minotaur Monstrous Subtropical and T Labyrinths Rare Clan
Minotaur - Krynn Humanoid Subtropical and Tr Coasts and Island Rare Family
Misi Monster Wildspace and PhlAny Very Rare Pack
Mist - Crimson De Monster Any Bogs and SwampsVery Rare Solitary
Mist - Scarlet Dan Monster Any Sewers and SwamRare Cluster
Mist - Scarlet Dan Monster Any Sewers and SwamRare Cluster
Mist - Vampiric Monster Non-Arctic Subterranean and Rare Solitary
Mist - Vampiric Monster Non-Arctic Subterranean and Rare Solitary
Mist Ferryman Undead Any Mists and Fog BanRare Solitary
Mist Horror - Co Monster Ravenloft Mists Common Solitary
Mist Horror - Wan Monster Ravenloft Mists Uncommon Solitary
Mite Humanoid Any N/A Rare N/A
Mite Monstrous N/A Subterranean Rare Tribe
Mite - Snyad (PestMonstrous Any Subterranean Uncommon Family
Modron - Base - Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Modron - Base - Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Modron - Base - P Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Modron - Base - Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Modron - Base - T Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Modron - Hierarch Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Modron - Hierarch Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Modron - Hierarch Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Modron - Hierarch Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Modron - Hierarch Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Modron - Hierarch Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Modron - Hierarch Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Modron - Hierarch Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Modron - Hierarch Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Modron - Primus ( Outsider N/A N/A Unique N/A
Moigno Outsider Mechanus Any Rare Patrol
Moilian Heart Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Mold - Brown Plant Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Mold - Brown Plant N/A Subterranean Very Rare Patch
Mold - Chromatic Plant Underdark Any Uncommon Patch
Mold - Death Plant Any Subterranean Very Rare Patch
Mold - Deep Plant Any Subterranean Uncommon Patch
Mold - Gray Plant Any Subterranean Rare Patch
Mold - Russet Plant Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Mold - Russet Plant N/A Subterranean Very Rare Patch
Mold - Yellow Plant Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Mold - Yellow Plant N/A Subterranean Uncommon Patch
Mold Man (Vegep Plant Subtropical and Tr Forests and Subte Very Rare Tribe
Mongrelman Monstrous Any N/A Rare N/A
Mongrelman Monstrous N/A Any Rare Tribe
Monitor Monstrous Any Any Uncommon Patrol
Monolisk Magical Be Any Deep Waters Very Rare Solitary
Monster of Legen Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Moon - Rogue Monster Wildspace Any Very Rare Nil
Moon Dog Outsider Elysium and PrimeAny Rare Solitary or Pack
Moondog Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Moor Man Humanoid Any Moors Uncommon Tribe
Morg - Absalom Undead New Giustenal (At Any Unique Solitary
Morin Monster Any Plains and Steppe Uncommon Pack
Morkoth Monster Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Morkoth Monster N/A Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Morpheus Humanoid The Nightmare LanAny Unique Solitary
Mortai Outsider Beastlands Any Rare Solitary
Mortai Outsider Beastlands Any Rare Solitary
Mortiss Vermin Space Any Rare Colony
Muckdweller Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Muckdweller Magical Be Temperate to TropSwamps Rare Tribe
Mudman Monstrous Any Pools Very Rare Pack
Mud-man Monstrous N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Mujina Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Mul Humanoid Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Mul - Wild Humanoid Any Tablelands Common Clan
Mule Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Mullonga Humanoid The Nightmare LanAny Unique Solitary
Mummy Undead Any N/A Rare N/A
Mummy Undead N/A Deserts and SubteRare Pack
Mummy - Bog Undead Any Swamps Rare Solitary
Mummy - CreatureUndead Arid and Arctic Barren Rare Pack
Mummy - CreatureUndead Arid and Arctic Barren Very Rare Solitary
Mummy - Greater Undead Any Deserts and SubteVery Rare Solitary
Mummy - Greater Undead Any Deserts and SubteVery Rare Solitary
Mummy - Greater Undead Ravenloft Har'Akir Unique Solitary
Murderoid Monster Wildspace Any Very Rare Solitary
Murska Outsider Pandemonium Any Very Rare Colony
Myconid (Fungus Plant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Myconid (Fungus Monster Any Subterranean Rare Community
Mythu'nn Folk Humanoid Arctic Mountain tops Rare Village
Naga - Bone Undead Any Land Very Rare Solitary or group
Naga - Dark Monster Non-Arctic Land Very Rare Solitary or Group
Naga - Dark Monster Non-Arctic Land Very Rare Solitary or Group
Naga - Guardian Monster Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Naga - Guardian Monster N/A Land Very Rare Solitary
Naga - Spirit Monster Any N/A Rare N/A
Naga - Spirit Monster N/A Subterranean Rare Solitary
Naga - Water Monster Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Naga - Water Monster N/A Fresh Water Uncommon Solitary
Nagpa Monstrous Non-Arctic Deserts and Ruins Very Rare Solitary
Narwhale Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Nasnas Humanoid Any Isolated stronghol Uncommon Tribe
Nat - Einsaung Fey Tropical Jungles Rare Solitary
Nat - Hkum Yeng Fey Tropical Jungles Very Rare Solitary
Nat - Lu Fey Tropical Jungles Rare Solitary
Nathri Outsider Ethereal Plane Any Uncommon Clan
Nautilus - Giant Magical Be Any Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Nawidnehr Magical Be Temperate to TropOceans Very Rare Solitary
Nay-Churr Monster Space Any Very Rare Solitary
Necrophidius Construct Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Necrophidius (De Construct N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Needleman Plant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Needleman Plant Temperate Forests Very Rare Grove
Needleman Plant Temperate Forests Very Rare Grove
Neh-thalggu (BrainOutsider Far Realm Any Very Rare Solitary
Neogi Monster Space Any Rare Tribe
Neogi Monster Any Any Rare Tribe or Ship
Neogi - Great Old Monster Space Any Very Rare Solitary plus feeders
Neogi - Great Old Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Neo-Otyugh Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Nereid Fey N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Neshezu Monster Subtropical and Tr Forests Common Tribe
Nic'Epona Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary or Herd
Night Hag Monstrous Lower Planes Any Very Rare N/A
Night Hag Outsider Lower Planes N/A Very Rare Solitary
Night Hag Outsider N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Night Terror - ManMonster Clinic of Egertus ( Any Unique Solitary
Nightmare Outsider Lower Planes Any Very Rare N/A
Nightmare Outsider Lower Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Nightmare Outsider Lower Planes N/A Very Rare Solitary
Nightmare Outsider N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Nightmare Beast Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Nightshade Fey Any Forests and Subte Uncommon Tribe
Nightshade - Nigh Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Nightshade - Nigh Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Nightshade - Nigh Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Ni'iath Outsider Bytopia Any Rare Pack
Nikaal Humanoid Any Land Uncommon Tribe
Nikt'oo Animal Any Coasts and Forest Uncommon Solitary
Nilbog Humanoid N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Ningyo Humanoid Temperate to TropOceans Rare School
Nishruu Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Nixie Fey N/A N/A Rare N/A
Noctral Outsider Mount Celestia Any Rare Solitary
Noctral Outsider Seven Heavens Any Rare Solitary
Nonafel (Cat O' Ni Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Noran Plant Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Norker Monstrous N/A N/A Rare N/A
Nosferatu Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Nuckalavee Monster Temperate and Sub Coasts and Ruins Rare Solitary
Nycadaemon Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Nymph Fey Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Nymph Fey N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Nymph - Grain Fey Any Farmland Rare Solitary
Nymph - Unseelie Fey Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Nyth Monster Any Any Rare Solitary
Nyth Monster Any Any Rare Solitary
Obedient Humanoid Ravenloft Dementlieu Common Special
Obliviax (Memory Plant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Observer Outsider Acheron, MechanuAny Very Rare Solitary
Ochre Jelly Ooze N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Octopus - Giant Animal Any N/A Rare N/A
Octopus - Giant Animal N/A Salt Water Rare Solitary
Octopus - Octo-Hi Animal Any Ocean Depths Uncommon Solitary
Octopus - Octo-JelMagical Be Any Ocean Depths Rare Solitary
Octopus - Sea De Animal Tropical Ocean Depths Very Rare Solitary
Octopus - Sea De Animal Tropical Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Odem Undead Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Ogre Giant Any N/A Common N/A
Ogre Giant N/A Land Common Tribe
Ogre - Aquatic (M Giant N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Ogre - Half Humanoid Any Land Very Rare Tribe
Ogre - Half - Ogril Humanoid Any Land Rare Tribe
Ogre - High (Irda) Humanoid Temperate to TropAny Very Rare Family
Ogre - Ice Spire Giant Arctic Ice Spires (Forgot Uncommon Tribe
Ogre - Krynn Humanoid Temperate to TropAny Common Tribe
Ogre - Krynn - OruHumanoid Subtropical and Tr Forests, Hills, an Very Rare Tribe
Ogre - Marrow Giant Any Waters Uncommon Tribe
Ogre - Mischta Giant Temperate to TropForests, Hills, Ju Very Rare Family
Ogre - Nzunta Giant Temperate to TropForests, Hills, Ju Very Rare Family
Ogre - Stonecrow Giant Any Hills and Mountain Common Tribe or Company
Ogre - Zakharan Giant Any Land Common Varies
Ogre Mage Giant Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Ogre Mage Giant N/A Land Very Rare Tribe
Oliphant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Omm-wa Magical Be Subtropical and Tr Waters Rare Matriarchal
Omshirim Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Ondonti Humanoid Any Land Rare Tribe
Oni - Common Monster Temperate Hills, Forests, Mo Rare Solitary or Band
Oni - Go-Zu-Oni Monster Any Land Very Rare Solitary or Band
Oni - Me-Zu-Oni Monster Any Land Very Rare Solitary or Band
Ooze Sprite Outsider Paraplane of OozeAny Common Tribe
Ooze, Slime, Jell Ooze Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Ooze/Slime/Jelly - Ooze Any Dimly Lit Waters Rare Solitary
Ooze/Slime/Jelly Ooze Any Subterranean Uncommon Solitary
Ooze/Slime/Jelly Ooze Any Subterranean Rare Colony
Ooze/Slime/Jelly Ooze Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Ooze/Slime/Jelly - Ooze Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Ooze/Slime/Jelly - Ooze Any Subterranean Uncommon Solitary
Ooze/Slime/Jelly - Ooze Any Subterranean Very Rare Colony
Ooze/Slime/Jelly - Ooze Any Damp Areas Rare Colony
Ooze/Slime/Jelly - Ooze Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Ooze/Slime/Jelly - Ooze Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Ophidan Monster N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Ophidian Monster Tropical Jungles and SubteUncommon Clan
Opinicus Magical Be Any N/A Very Rare Solitary
Opinicus Magical Be N/A Surface Ruins Very Rare N/A
Opinicus Magical Be Any Surface Ruins Very Rare Solitary
Opposition Outsider Inner Planes Any Very Rare Sect
Orc Humanoid Any N/A Common N/A
Orc Humanoid N/A Land Common Tribe
Orc - Neo-Orog - Humanoid Any Any Uncommon Tribe
Orc - Neo-Orog - Humanoid Any Any Uncommon Tribe
Orc - Ondonti Humanoid Any Land Rare Tribe
Orc - Orog Humanoid Any Land Uncommon Tribe
Oread Outsider Arborea, Beastlan Any Rare Solitary
Oreillon Humanoid N/A N/A Rare N/A
Ormyrr Outsider Non-Arctic, Non-ArLand Very Rare Tribe
Orpsu Monster Temperate and AriAny Rare Swarm
Osquip Magical Be N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Otter Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Otter - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Otyugh Monster Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Otyugh Monster N/A Subterranean Uncommon Solitary
Otyugh - Neo-Oty Monster Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Owl Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Owl - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Owlbear Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Owlbear Magical Be Temperate Forests Rare Pack
Owlbear - Arctic Magical Be Arctic Any Very Rare Pack
Owlbear - Winged Magical Be Non-Arctic Any Very Rare Family
Pahari Fey Tropical Oceans Uncommon Community
Paka Humanoid Ravenloft Any Rare Pride
Pakubrazi Magical Be Any Urban and Inhabit Uncommon Solitary
Palimpsest Monster Temperate Urban Very Rare Nil
Palimpsest Monster Temperate Urban Very Rare None
Pananggalan Undead Any Any Rare Solitary
Paraelemental - Ic Outsider Paraplane of Ice Any Common Band
Paraelemental - Outsider Paraplane of Mag Any Common Band
Paraelemental - O Outsider Paraplane of OozeAny Common Band
Paraelemental - Outsider Paraplane of Smo Any Common Band
Paraelemental Be Outsider Any Lava Very Rare Solitary
Paraelemental BeaOutsider Any Rain Very Rare Solitary
Paraelemental Beas Outsider Any Silt Very Rare Solitary
Paraelemental BeaOutsider Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Parai Outsider Mechanus Any Rare Patrol
Parasite - Bloodri Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Parasite - Bloodri Magical Be Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Parasite - Ear SeaVermin Any Urban and Ruins Very Rare Solitary
Parasite - Ear SeaVermin Any Urban and Ruins Very Rare Nest
Parasite - Goldbu Vermin Any Any Rare Solitary
Parasite - Goldbu Vermin Any Land Rare Nest
Parasite - Lice - In Vermin Any Any Rare Nil
Parasite - Moth - Vermin Any Any Rare Nil
Parasite - Pest - J Vermin Any Any Rare Nil
Parasite - Plague Vermin Any Any Rare Nil
Parasite - Tick - C Vermin Any Any Rare Nil
Parasite - VermiliaVermin Any Any Rare Nil
Parasite - Vilirij Vermin Any Urban Rare Solitary
Parasite - Vilirij Vermin Any Urban Rare Solitary
Parasite - Wizard Magical Be Any Urban Rare Solitary
Parasite - Wizard Magical Be Any Urban Rare Nest
Pasari-Niml - Cali Vermin Any Land Very Rare Squad
Pasari-Niml - Cali Vermin Any Land Very Rare Colony
Pasari-Niml - Nobl Vermin Any Land Rare Squad
Pasari-Niml - Nobl Vermin Any Land Rare Squad
Pasari-Niml - WarrVermin Any Land Uncommon Squad
Pasari-Niml - WarrVermin Any Land Uncommon Squad
Pech Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Pedilap - Giant Vermin N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Pedilap - Huge Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Pedilap - Large Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Pegasus Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Pegasus Magical Be Subtropical and T Forests Very Rare Herd
Pegataur Fey Temperate Mountains Very Rare Tribe
Pegatuar Fey Temperate Mountains Very Rare Tribe
Peltast Monster Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Peltast Monster Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Peltast - Greater Monster Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Peltast - Greater Monster Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Penanggalan Undead N/A N/A Rare N/A
Per Outsider Upper Planes Any Rare Solitary
Per Outsider Upper Planes Any Rare Solitary
Pernicon Vermin Any N/A Rare N/A
Pernicon Vermin N/A Deserts Rare Swarm
Peryton Magical Be Any N/A Rare N/A
Peryton Magical Be N/A Mountains Rare Nest
Peryton Magical Be Any Mountains Rare Nest
Phaerimm Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Phaethon Humanoid Any Mountains Rare Family
Phaethon - Elder Humanoid Any Mountains Very Rare Solitary
Phanaton Monster Subtropical and Tr Forests and Jungl Rare Clan
Phanaton - Jibaro Magical Be Subtropical and Tr Forests and Jungl Rare Clan
Phantom Undead Any N/A Very Rare Solitary
Phantom Undead N/A Land Very Rare N/A
Phantom Undead Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Phantom Stalker Outsider Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Phantom Stalker Outsider N/A Any Very Rare Group
Pheonix Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Phirblas Outsider Ethereal Plane Any Rare Family
Phiuhl Outsider Gehenna Any Rare Pairs
Phlog-Crawler Monster Space Any Rare Solitary
Phoenix Outsider Elysium Any Very Rare Solitary
Phoenix Outsider Elysium Any Very Rare Solitary
Phthisic Monster Special Any Very Rare Solitary
Phycomid Plant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Piercer Monster Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Piercer Monster N/A Subterranean Uncommon Colony
Pike - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Pirate of Gith Humanoid Wildspace Any Rare Ship/Military
Pit Snatcher Monster Any Tar pits Uncommon Pack
Pixie Fey N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Plant - Amber Plant Any Rivers Common Bed
Plant - Bloodrose Plant Ravenloft Any Uncommon Patch
Plant - Carnivorou Plant Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Plant - Carnivorou Plant Any Forests and Jungl Rare Solitary
Plant - Carnivoro Plant Any Jungles Rare Solitary
Plant - Carnivorou Plant Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Plant - Carnivorou Plant Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Plant - Carnivoro Plant Any Forests Rare Solitary
Plant - Carnivorou Plant Warm Land Rare Cluster
Plant - Carnivoro Plant Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Plant - Carnivorou Plant Any Jungles Rare Solitary
Plant - Carnivorou Plant Any Land Rare Cluster
Plant - Carnivoro Plant Any Deserts Very Rare Solitary
Plant - Carnivorou Plant Tropical Forests Rare Cluster
Plant - Carnivoro Plant Non-Arctic Dark Areas Uncommon Solitary
Plant - Carnivoro Plant Non-Arctic Ruins Uncommon Solitary
Plant - Dangerous Plant Temperate to TropForests and Jungl Rare Solitary
Plant - Dangerous Plant Temperate Forests and PlainsRare Solitary
Plant - Dangerous Plant Temperate Forests Rare Solitary
Plant - Dangerous Plant Temperate Any Rare Patch
Plant - Dangerous Plant Temperate Forests Rare Solitary
Plant - Dangerous Plant Subtropical and Tr Grasslands and SaRare Cluster
Plant - Dangerous Plant Non-Arctic Hills and Plains Common Solitary
Plant - Dangerous Plant Tropical Forests and Hills Very Rare Pair
Plant - Dangerous Plant Warm Land Rare Cluster
Plant - Dangerous Plant Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Plant - Dangerous Plant Any Land Rare Cluster
Plant - Dangerous Plant Tropical Forests Very Rare Stand
Plant - Dangerous Plant Temperate Swamps Rare Stand
Plant - Dangerous Plant Temperate and Sub Plains, Ruins, an Rare Solitary
Plant - Dangerous Plant Temperate Forests and Subte Rare Solitary
Plant - Dangerous Plant Temperate Forests and Subte Rare Squad
Plant - Eyeweed Plant Any Oceans Rare Solitary
Plant - Fearweed Plant Ravenloft Any Uncommon Patch
Plant - Fungus - V Plant Any Any Rare Multicellular
Plant - Infinity Vin Plant Wildspace Any Very Rare Solitary
Plant - Intelligen Plant Subtropical and T Forests Very Rare Solitary
Plant - Intelligent Plant Temperate to TropSalt Water Very Rare Solitary
Plant - Intelligent Plant Warm Land Rare Colony
Plant - Intelligent Plant Any Forests Very Rare Solitary
Plant - Intelligen Plant Any Subterranean and Rare Solitary
Plant - Intelligent Plant Subtropical and Tr Oceans Common Bed
Plant - Intelligent Plant Temperate to TropForests Uncommon Solitary
Plant - Intelligent Plant Warm Wet Forests or Ca Very Rare Pack
Plant - Pimpernel -Plant Any Any Rare Bed
Plant - Rose - Ga Plant Any Forests Rare Solitary
Plant - Vampire M Plant Any Forests and SwamRare Colony
Plantar Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Plasm - Giant Outsider Ethereal Plane Any Very Rare Solitary
Plasm - Normal Outsider Ethereal Plane Any Very Rare Solitary
Plasman Construct Any Land, Fire-based wVery Rare Solitary
Plasmoid - DeGle Ooze Non-Arid Any Rare Family
Plasmoid - DelNor Ooze Any Any Rare Family
Plasmoid - Ontala Ooze Any Remote areas Very Rare Solitary
Plumazotl - GreateMagical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Plumazotl - Lesse Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
P'oh Humanoid Temperate Hills and Plains Very Rare Solitary
P'oh - Gohei Monster Any Any Very Rare Group
Poltergeist Undead Any N/A Rare N/A
Poltergeist Undead N/A Subterranean Rare Group
Porcupine - Giant Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Portuguese Man-OAnimal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Primal Outsider Inner Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Pristatic Monster Phlogiston Any Very Rare Solitary
Prolonger Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Protein PolymorphMonster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Pseudo-Dragon Dragon N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Psionocus Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Psuedo-Undead Monstrous N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Psurlon Monstrous Astral Plane Any Very Rare Community
Psurlon Outsider Astral Plane Any Very Rare Community
Psurlon - Adept Monstrous Astral Plane Any Very Rare Solitary
Psurlon - Adept Outsider Astral Plane Any Very Rare Solitary
Psurlon - Giant Monstrous Astral Plane Any Very Rare Solitary
Psurlon - Giant Outsider Astral Plane Any Very Rare Solitary
Pteraman Monstrous Any Jungles Uncommon Tribe
Pterran Humanoid Any Forests Common Clan
Pterrax Magical Be Any Rocky Badlands Common Flock
Pudding - Deadly -Ooze Any Subterranean Uncommon Solitary
Pudding - Deadly Ooze Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Pudding - Deadly Ooze N/A Marshes Uncommon Solitary
Pudding - Deadly Ooze N/A Deserts Rare N/A
Pudding - Deadly Ooze Arid N/A Rare Solitary
Pudding - Deadly Ooze Arctic N/A Rare N/A
Pudding - Deadly Ooze N/A Plains Rare Solitary
Pudding - Subterr Ooze Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Pudding - Subterr Ooze Any Subterranean Uncommon Solitary
Pudding - Subterr Ooze Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Pudding - VermilioOoze Any Any Rare Solitary
Puffer Magical Be Space Any Rare Solitary
Pulp Bee Vermin Any Scrub Plains Rare Hive
Purple Worm Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Pyreen (Peace-bri Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Pyrolisk Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Q'nidar Monster Wildspace/TemperaAny Uncommon Pack
Quaggoth Humanoid Any N/A Rare N/A
Quaggoth Monstrous N/A Subterranean Rare Tribe
Quaggoth Humanoid Any Any Rare Tribe
Quasielemental - Outsider Quasiplane of Ash Any Common Band
Quasielemental - Outsider Quasiplane of DusAny Common Band
Quasielemental - NOutsider Quasiplane of Salt Any Uncommon Solitary
Quasielemental - Outsider Quasiplane of Va Any Uncommon Band
Quasielemental - POutsider Quasiplane of LighAny Common Band
Quasielemental - POutsider Quasiplane of MineAny Common Band
Quasielemental - POutsider Quasiplane of RadAny Common Band
Quasielemental - POutsider Quasiplane of Ste Any Common Band
Quasit Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Quelzarn Monster Temperate to TropWaters Uncommon Solitary
Quesar Outsider Elysium Any Very Rare Solitary
Quevari Humanoid Any Land Uncommon Village
Quickling Fey N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Quickwood Plant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Quickwood (Spytr Plant Any Forests Very Rare Solitary
Quill Outsider Any Brush or Scrub Uncommon Family
Quipper Animal N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Qullan Humanoid N/A N/A Rare N/A
Raaig Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Racked Spirit Undead Any Any Uncommon Pack
Radient Spirit Undead Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Rager (Sect) Outsider Any Any Rare Band
Raggamoffyn - C Monster Temperate Urban Uncommon Hive/Colony
Raggamoffyn - C Monster Temperate Urban Uncommon Hive/Colony
Raggamoffyn - GutMonster Temperate Urban Rare Hive/Colony
Raggamoffyn - GutMonster Temperate Urban Rare Hive/Colony
Raggamoffyn - Sh Monster Temperate Urban Very Rare Hive/Colony
Raggamoffyn - Sh Monster Temperate Urban Very Rare Hive/Colony
Raggamoffyn - Ta Monster Temperate Urban Uncommon Hive/Colony
Raggamoffyn - Ta Monster Temperate Urban Uncommon Hive/Colony
Rakasta Humanoid Non-Arctic Deserts and PlainsRare Pride
Rakasta Humanoid Temperate to TropAny Common Band
Rakshasa Outsider Subtropical and Tr Forests, Jungles, Rare to Very Rare N/A
Rakshasa Outsider N/A N/A Rare Solitary
Rakshasa - GreateOutsider Subtropical and Tr Forests, Jungles, Very Rare Solitary
Ram Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Ram - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Rasclinn Animal Any Rocky Badlands Rare Pack
Rast Outsider Quasiplane of Ash Any Uncommon Pack
Rastipede Monster Space Any Uncommon Nest
Rat Animal Any Any Common Pack
Rat - Camprat Vermin Any Barrens and Hills Common Pack
Rat - Cranium Outsider Outer Planes Any Uncommon to Very RPack
Rat - Giant Animal Any Any Common Pack
Rat - Giant (SumatAnimal N/A N/A Common N/A
Rat - Ordinary Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Rat - Osquip Animal Any Subterranean Uncommon Pack
Rat - Vapor Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Rat - Vapor Rat Magical Be Any Cloud Islands Rare Pack
Rat - Zhentish Se Magical Be Any Subterranean Uncommon Pack
Ratatosk Outsider Arborea and YggdrSylvan WoodlandsCommon Pack
Rautym Magical Be Any Subterranean Rare Pack
Raven Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Raven - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare Flock
Raven - Giant Animal Any Land Rare N/A
Raven - Greater Magical Be Any Any Uncommon Solitary, Pair, or Flock
Raven - Huge Animal N/A N/A Rare Flock
Raven - Huge Animal Any Land Rare N/A
Raven - Ordinary Animal Any Land Common Flock
Ravenkin Monstrous Temperate Land Very Rare Flock
Ravid Outsider Positive Energy P Any Very Rare Solitary
Ray - Cloud Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Ray - Forest Magical Be Any Forests Rare Solitary
Ray - Invisible Fly Magical Be Stardock (Zankhm Mountains Very Rare Solitary
Ray - Manta Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Ray - Pungi Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Ray - Sting Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Razhak Monster Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Razorvine Outsider Any Any Common Patch
Razorwing Animal Any Sea of Silt; Inland Uncommon Pack
Reave Outsider Any Any Uncommon Band
Reaver Monstrous Any Oceans Rare School
Recluse Humanoid Ravenloft Any Uncommon Solitary
Reggelid Humanoid Any Mountains and S Very Rare Band
Reigar Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Remnant - AquaticUndead Any Oceans Rare Solitary or Group
Remorhaz Monster Arctic N/A Very Rare N/A
Remorhaz Magical Be N/A Plains Very Rare Solitary
Render Monstrous Any Any Unique Solitary
Render Monster Any Any Unique Solitary
Resident Undead Any Any Rare Solitary
Retch Plant Plant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Retriever Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Retriever Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Retriever Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Revenant Undead Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Revenant Undead N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Rhinoceros Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Rhinoceros - WoolAnimal N/A N/A Common N/A
Rhoeghn Fey Any Any Mythical Solitary
Rilmani - AbiorachOutsider The Spire, Inner P Any Rare Band
Rilmani - Argenac Outsider The Spire, Any Pr Any Very Rare Solitary
Rilmani - AurumacOutsider The Spire Any Very Rare Solitary
Rilmani - Cuprilac Outsider The Spire, Inner P Any Rare Band
Rilmani - Ferruma Outsider The Spire, Outer Any Uncommon Platoon
Rilmani - Plumach Outsider The Spire, The OuAny Common Band
Ringworm Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Roc Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Roc Animal Subtropical Mountains Rare Solitary
Roc - Athasian Magical Be Any Mountains Rare Family
Rock Hopper Humanoid Asteroids Any Common Clan or Crew
Rock Man Monster Temperate Mountains Very Rare Clan
Rock Reptile Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Rohch - Dark Magical Be Subtropical and Tr Any Rare Solitary
Rohch - Killer Magical Be Any Forests Uncommon Pack
Rohch - Swamp Magical Be Any Swamps Rare Pack
Rohch - Wood Magical Be Any Forests Uncommon Pack
Rom Undead Any Subterranean and Rare Tribe
Roper Monster Any N/A Rare N/A
Roper Monster N/A Subterranean Rare Solitary
Rot Grub Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Rothe Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Ruktoi Monster Athas Sea of Silt and Sal Very Rare Solitary
Rushlight Undead Ravenloft Any Uncommon Solitary
Rust Monster Monster Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Rust Monster Monster N/A Subterranean Uncommon Solitary
Ruvkova Outsider Inner Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Ruvoka - Brajeti Outsider Any Sands Rare Solitary
Ruvoka - Ethilum Outsider Any Windy Very Rare Solitary
Ruvoka - Kaltori Outsider Any Volcanos Very Rare Solitary
Ruvoka - Zathosi Outsider Any Mountains Very Rare Solitary
Saberclaw Monster Non-Arid Ruins Very Rare Wing
Sabu Lord Magical Be Tropical Plains and SavannRare Solitary
Sacaanti Monstrous Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Sacrol Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Sahuagin Monstrous N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Sahuagin Monstrous Temperate Salt Water Uncommon Tribe
Sakina Fey Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Salamander Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Salamander - FrosOutsider Arctic Any Very Rare Solitary
Salamander - Les Outsider Plane of Fire Any Uncommon Tribe
Salamander - Nob Outsider Plane of Fire Any Very Rare Solitary
Sand Bride Outsider Any Sandy Wastes Rare Solitary
Sand Bride - Moth Outsider Any Sandy Wastes Very Rare Solitary
Sand Howler Magical Be Any Sand Wastes and Uncommon Pack
Sand Vortex Monster Any Sea of Silt (Athas) Rare Solitary
Sandcat Animal Any Deserts and Dry S Uncommon Den
Sandling Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Sandman Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Satyr Fey N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Satyr Fey Temperate Sylvan WoodlandsUncommon Band
Satyr - Korred Fey Temperate Forests and SylvanVery Rare Clan
Saugh - Dearg-Du Undead The Shadow Rift ( Any Uncommon The Saugh (Loht's Army
Saugh - Gossame Undead The Shadow Rift ( Any Uncommon The Saugh (Loht's Army
Saurial - BladebacMonstrous Any Jungles Very Rare Community
Saurial - BladebacMonstrous Any Jungles Very Rare Community
Saurial - Finbacks Monstrous Any Jungles Very Rare Community
Saurial - Finhead Monstrous Any Jungles Very Rare Community
Saurial - Flyer Monstrous Any Jungles and MountVery Rare Community
Saurial - Flyers Monstrous Any Jungles and MountVery Rare Community
Saurial - Hornhea Monstrous Any Jungles Very Rare Community
Saurial - Hornhea Monstrous Any Jungles Very Rare Community
Scalamagdrion Dragon Subarctic Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Scalandar Construct Warm Land and Subterr Very Rare Special
Scamille Ooze Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Scarecrow Construct Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Scarecrow Construct N/A Farmland Very Rare Solitary
Scarecrow Construct Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Scathe Monster Arctic Icy Plains Rare Pack
Scathe - Larvae Monster Arctic Icy Plains Very Rare Nest
Scavver - Brown Monster Space Any Uncommon Pack
Scavver - Gray Monster Space Any Common Pack
Scavver - Night Monster Space Any Uncommon Pack
Scavver - Void Monster Space Any Rare Pack
Scile Outsider Quasiplane of RadAny Common Cloud
Scorpion - Barbed Vermin Any Any Uncommon Swarm
Scorpion - Giant Vermin N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Scorpion - Giant Vermin Warm Subterranean and Uncommon Swarm
Scorpion - Gold Vermin Any Any Common Swarm
Scorpion - Huge Vermin Warm Subterranean and Uncommon N/A
Scorpion - Huge Vermin N/A N/A Common Swarm
Scorpion - Large Vermin N/A N/A Common N/A
Scorpion - Large Vermin Warm Subterranean and Uncommon Swarm
Scrab Monster Any Sandy Wastes andUncommon Nest
Screaming Devilki Monstrous N/A N/A Rare N/A
Scro Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Tribe
Scryxull Undead Any Any Rare Solitary
Scum Creeper Vermin N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Sea Hag Monstrous N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Sea Hermit Animal Any Coasts Very Rare Solitary
Sea Horse - Giant Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Sea Lion Magical Be Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Sea Lion Magical Be N/A Costal Waters Uncommon Pack
Sea Serpent (Sea Magical Be Any Deep Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Sea Spawn - MastMonstrous Ravenloft Sea of Sorrows Rare Solitary
Sea Spawn - Mini Monster Ravenloft Sea of Sorrows Rare Group
Sea Worm (Echya Animal Tropical Coasts, Oceans, a Uncommon School
Seed - Brain Plant Any Forest Ridges and Rare Solitary
Selkie Magical Be Cold to Subarctic N/A Very Rare N/A
Selkie Magical Be N/A Waters Very Rare Solitary or Tribe
Selkie - Star Monster Wildspace and PhlAny Very Rare Solitary or Tribe
Serpent - Feather Magical Be Tropical Land and Subterr Rare Solitary
Serpent - Winged Magical Be Tropical Forests Rare Flock
Serpent Lord Magical Be Tropical Hills and Ruins Very Rare Solitary
Sha'az Monster Arctic Glaciers Rare Hive
Shad Outsider Plane of Earth Any Rare Tribe
Shade Humanoid Plane of Shadow N/A Very Rare Solitary
Shade Monster N/A Land Very Rare N/A
Shadeling Outsider Any Shadowy Area Very Rare Pack
Shadow Undead Any N/A Rare N/A
Shadow Undead N/A Ruins and Subterr Rare Band
Shadow - Slow Undead Any Ruins and Subterr Rare Group
Shadow - Slow Undead Any Subterranean Rare Band
Shadow Asp Magical Be Ravenloft Har'Akir Rare Special
Shadow Demon Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Shadow Fiend Outsider Lower Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Shadowdrake Outsider Lower Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Shadowfiend Outsider Lower Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Shadowperson Monstrous Any Subterranean Rare Clan
Shadowperson - RMonstrous Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Shadowrath - GreaUndead Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Shadowrath - GreaUndead Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Shadowrath - LessUndead Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Shadowrath - LessUndead Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Shalarin Humanoid Temperate and Sub Salt Water Very Rare Caste
Shambling Mound Plant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Shan Sao Humanoid Temperate to TropForests and Hills Uncommon Tribe
Shapeshifter - AdaHumanoid Any Any Very Rare Cells
Shapeshifter - Me Humanoid Temperate Forests and MountRare Clan
Shapeshifter - Po Monster Any Any Rare Pack
Shapeshifter - Ra Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Sharg Monster Blackjaw River (At Rivers Unique Solitary
Shargugh Fey Any Forests Very Rare Solitary or Clan
Shark Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Shark - Giant (Me Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Shark-kin Monster Any Oceans and SwamCommon Tribe
Sharn Monster Any Land Very Rare Clan
Sharn Monster Any Land Very Rare Clan
Shatjan Monstrous Arctic Forests and Tundr Very Rare Solitary
Shattered Brethre Monstrous Ravenloft Bluetspur Rare Fraternal
Shedu Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Shedu - Greater Magical Be Any Any Unique Leader
Shedu - Greater Magical Be Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Shedu - Greater Magical Be N/A Open Regions Very Rare Herd
Shedu - Lesser Magical Be Hot Any Rare Herd
Sheet Ghoul Undead Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Sheet Ghoul Undead N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Sheet Phantom Undead Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Sheet Phantom Undead N/A Buildings Very Rare Solitary
Shimmerfish Magical Be Any Salt Water Uncommon School
Shimmerweed Plant Temperate Forests and PlainsRare Patch
ShirokinukatsukamMonster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Shivak - Common Construct Spelljammer Any Common Squad
Shivak - Guardian Construct Spelljammer Control Room Unique Solitary
Shocker Outsider Any N/A Rare N/A
Shocker Outsider N/A Land Rare Solitary
Shocker - Conten Outsider Quasiplane of LighAny Common Varies
Shocker - Sojourn Outsider Quasiplane of LighAny Rare Varies
Shrieker Plant N/A N/A Common N/A
Siddwynd Magical Be Any Any Mythical Solitary
Silatic - Gold Ooze Space Any Rare Solitary
Silatic - Iron Ooze Space Any Rare Solitary
Silatic - Platinum Ooze Space Any Rare Solitary
Silt Horror - Black Monster Any Silt Common Clutch
Silt Horror - Brow Monster Any Silt Very Rare Solitary
Silt Horror - Gray Monster Any Silt Rare Solitary
Silt Horror - MagmMonster Any Volcanos Rare Solitary
Silt Horror - Red Monster Any Silt and Mudflats Uncommon Solitary
Silt Horror - White Monster Any Silt Uncommon Solitary
Silt Runner Monstrous Any Sea of Silt Islands Common Tribe
Silt Spawn Monster Any Sea of Silt (Athas) Uncommon Clutch
Silt Spawn Monster Athas Sea of Silt (Athas) Uncommon Clutch
Silver Dog Magical Be Any Forests Very Rare Solitary
Simorgyan Magical Be Any Oceans Very Rare Tribe
Simpathetic Magical Be The Abyss Deserts and PlainsVery Rare Solitary or Flock
Simpathetic Outsider Any Plains Very Rare Family or Flock
Simurgh Magical Be Warm Hills and Mountain Very Rare Solitary
Singing Tree Plant Temperate to TropForests Very Rare Solitary
Sink Worm Magical Be Any Sea of Silt and S Rare Solitary
Sirin - Ravenloft Undead Any Oceans Rare School
Sirine Fey Temperate to TropWaters Very Rare N/A
Sirine Fey Temperate to TropWaters Rare (salt water), Ve Solitary or Family
Sirine Humanoid N/A N/A Rare (Fresh Water) oSolitary or Family
Sislan Outsider Plane of Air Any Rare Triumvirate
Sitak Animal Athas Forests Very Rare Flock
Skeleton Undead Any N/A Rare N/A
Skeleton Undead N/A Any Rare Band
Skeleton - Animal Undead Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Skeleton - Animal Undead N/A Any Very Rare Band
Skeleton - Archer Undead Ravenloft Ravenloft Very Rare Band
Skeleton - Dust Undead Any Any Very Rare Band
Skeleton - Giant Undead Any Any Rare Solitary
Skeleton - Giant Undead Any Any Rare Solitary
Skeleton - InsectoiUndead Ravenloft Ravenloft Rare Band
Skeleton - InsectoiUndead Ravenloft Ravenloft Rare Solitary
Skeleton - Insecto Undead Ravenloft Ravenloft Rare Solitary
Skeleton - Monste Undead Any Any Very Rare Band
Skeleton - ObsidiaUndead Any Any Very Rare Band
Skeleton - Spike Undead Any Any Very Rare Band
Skeleton - Strahd Undead Ravenloft Barovia Very Rare Pack
Skeleton - Warrior Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Skeleton - Warrior Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Skeleton Warror Undead N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Skin Thieves Monstrous Ravenloft Any Rare Clan
Skinwing Monster Subtropical and Tr Land Rare Flock
Skriaxit Monster Subtropical Deserts Very Rare Pack
Skulk Humanoid N/A N/A Rare N/A
Skulk Humanoid Temperate to TropForests and Subte Rare Band
Skum Monstrous Temperate to TropSubterranean Very Rare Brood
Skunk Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Skunk - Giant Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Skuz Undead Any Lakes and Ponds Very Rare Solitary
Slaad - Blue Outsider Limbo Any Rare N/A
Slaad - Blue Outsider Limbo Any Rare Group
Slaad - Blue Outsider Limbo N/A Rare Group
Slaad - Blue Outsider N/A Any Rare Group
Slaad - Death Outsider Limbo Any Very Rare N/A
Slaad - Death Outsider Limbo N/A Very Rare Group
Slaad - Death Outsider N/A Any Very Rare Group
Slaad - Gray Outsider Limbo Any Very Rare Group
Slaad - Gray Outsider Limbo Any Very Rare Group
Slaad - Green Outsider N/A Any Rare N/A
Slaad - Green Outsider Limbo Any Very Rare Group
Slaad - Green Outsider Limbo N/A Very Rare Group
Slaad - Grey Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Slaad - Lord - Sse Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Slaad - Lord - YgorOutsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Slaad - Red Outsider N/A Any Rare N/A
Slaad - Red Outsider Limbo Any Uncommon Group
Slaad - Red Outsider Limbo Any Uncommon Group
Slaad - Red Outsider Limbo N/A Uncommon Group
Slasrath Outsider Gehenna Any Rare Solitary
Sleek Animal Temperate Any Uncommon Solitary or Tribe
Slig Monstrous Any Land Uncommon War Band
Slime - Mercurial Ooze Wildspace Any Very Rare Colony
Slime - Olive Ooze N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Slime Creature Ooze N/A N/A Rare N/A
Slinker Magical Be Any Any Common Pack
Slithering Hoard Ooze Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Slithering Tracker Ooze N/A N/A Rare N/A
Slithermorph Monster Any Land and Waters Rare Solitary
Sloth - Athasian Animal Any Forest Ridges Uncommon Family
Slug - Giant Vermin Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Slug - Giant Vermin N/A Subterranean Uncommon Solitary
Sluk Plant Wildspace and PhlAny Common Bed
Smog - Deadly Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Snail - Flail Magical Be Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Snail - Sea Magical Be Any Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Snake - AmphisbaAnimal N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Snake - AmphisbaAnimal Temperate Any Very Rare Solitary
Snake - Boalisk Magical Be Tropical Any Rare Solitary
Snake - Carpet Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Snake - ConstrictoMagical Be N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Snake - ConstrictoAnimal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Snake - ConstrictoAnimal Warm Any Uncommon Solitary
Snake - ConstrictoAnimal Warm Any Uncommon Solitary
Snake - Flying - D Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Snake - Flying - F Magical Be Any Any Uncommon Solitary or Flock
Snake - Giant CobAnimal Tropical Any Common Solitary
Snake - Heway Animal Any Desert Oasis Uncommon Solitary
Snake - MahoganyAnimal Subtropical Forests, Marshes, Uncommon Solitary
Snake - MessengeMagical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Snake - MessengeMagical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Snake - Poisonou Animal Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Snake - Poisonou Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Snake - Poisonou Animal N/A Land Uncommon Solitary
Snake - PoisonousAnimal Any Land Uncommon Solitary
Snake - Sea Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Snake - Sea - Gia Animal Tropical Marine Uncommon Solitary
Snake - Serpent - Magical Be Tropical Forests Rare Solitary
Snake - Serpent - Animal Tropical Forests Rare Solitary
Snake - Serpent VMagical Be Any Subterranean ForeUncommon Solitary
Snake - Sewerm Animal Temperate Subterranean and Rare Solitary
Snake - Sewerm Animal Temperate Subterranean and Rare Solitary
Snake - Silk WyrmAnimal Any Badlands Uncommon Solitary
Snake - Silt Serpe Animal Any Silt Shallows Uncommon Solitary or Nest
Snake - Spitting Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Snake - Spitting Animal Tropical Land Rare Solitary
Snake - Stone Magical Be Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Snake - Winged Magical Be Tropical Forests Rare Flock
Snow Serpent Magical Be Arctic Mountains and Tu Rare Solitary
Snyad (Pestie) Humanoid N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Solar Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Solifugid - Giant Vermin N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Solifugid - Huge Vermin N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Solifugid - Large Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Sollux Humanoid Any Deserts, Mountain Very Rare Solitary
Son of Kyuss Undead Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Son of Kyuss Undead N/A Subterranean Very Rare Group
Son of Kyuss Undead Any Ruins and Subterr Very Rare Group
So-ut (Rampager) Monster Any Tablelands Very Rare Solitary
Space swine Magical Be Any Any Uncommon Herd
Spanner Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Spawn - Cedar Plant Special Special Rare Pack
Spawn - Sand Monster Special Special Rare Pack
Spawn - ScavengeMonster Special Special Rare Pack
Spawn of Nimmur Undead Subtropical and Tr Deserts and SubteVery Rare Solitary
Spawn of Nimmur -Undead Subtropical and Tr Deserts and SubteVery Rare Squad
Spectator Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Spectral Death Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Spectral Minion Undead Any Any Very Rare Varies
Spectral Scion Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Spectral Wizard Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Spectre Undead N/A N/A Rare N/A
Spectre (Jezra WaUndead Ravenloft Barovia (Mt. Barat Unique Solitary
Spell Weaver Monster Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Spellhaunt Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Sphinx - Andro Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Sphinx - AndrosphMagical Be Warm Land Very Rare Solitary
Sphinx - Astro Magical Be Any Any Rare Solitary
Sphinx - Crio Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Sphinx - CriosphinMagical Be Warm Forests Rare Solitary
Sphinx - Draco Monster Any Deserts and MountVery Rare Solitary
Sphinx - Draco Magical Be Any Deserts and PlainsVery Rare Solitary
Sphinx - Gyno Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Sphinx - GynosphiMagical Be Warm Land Rare Solitary
Sphinx - Hieraco Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Sphinx - Hieracos Magical Be Warm Hills Rare Solitary
Spider - Asteroid Vermin Asteroids Any Rare Colony
Spider - Brain Magical Be Subtropical Subterranean Rare Pack
Spider - Crystal Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Spider - Dark Vermin Any Subterranean Very Rare Tribe
Spider - Gargantu Vermin Non-Arctic Any Very Rare Nest
Spider - Giant Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Spider - Giant Vermin Non-Arctic Land Uncommon Nest
Spider - Giant - M Vermin N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Spider - Giant - W Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Spider - Giant Tra Vermin Temperate to TropForests, Jungles, Very Rare Family
Spider - Hairy Vermin Non-Arctic Land Common Swarm
Spider - Hook Outsider Acheron, Baator, Any Rare Nest
Spider - Huge Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Spider - Huge Vermin Non-Arctic Land Common Pack
Spider - Large Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Spider - Large Vermin Non-Arctic Land Common Swarm
Spider - Monkey Animal Tropical Rain Forests Rare Tribe
Spider - Mountain Vermin Any Any Very Rare Pack
Spider - Phase Magical Be Any N/A Rare N/A
Spider - Phase Magical Be N/A Any Rare Solitary
Spider - Silt Vermin Any Silt Common Swarm
Spider - Sword Magical Be Any Jungles Very Rare Solitary
Spider - Vortex Outsider Demiplane of TimeAny Uncommon Solitary
Spider - Watch Vermin Temperate Any Rare Varies
Spider - Whisper Vermin Temperate to TropAny Very Rare Family
Spider - Wraith Undead Any Any Rare Pack
Spider Cactus Plant Any Tablelands Uncommon Patch
Spider-kin - Arane Magical Be Non-Arctic Forests Rare Solitary
Spider-kin - Plana Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Group or Nation
Spider-kin - Plopp Vermin Any Mountains Very Rare Solitary
Spider-kin - Rhag Vermin Any Forests, Mountain Rare Solitary
Spider-spy Magical Be Any Forests Very Rare Webs
Spinewyrm Animal Any Tablelands Uncommon Solitary
Spirit - Druj Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Forest - Ut Fey Rashemen Forests Rare Solitary
Spirit - Forest - Fey Rashemen Forests Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Gear Outsider Mechanus Any Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Greater - Fey Any Steppes Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Greater - Fey Any Any Unique Solitary
Spirit - Greater - Fey Arid Mountains Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Heroic Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Ice - Orgla Fey Rashemen Mountains and Icy Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Nature - G Monster Any Any Common Solitary
Spirit - Nature - L Monster Any Any Common Solitary
Spirit - Nature - L Monster Any Any Common Solitary
Spirit - Odic Undead Any Non-Desert Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Psionic Undead Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Psionic Undead Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Radiant Undead Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Rock - Tho Fey Rashemen Mountains and RocVery Rare Solitary
Spirit - Stone - La Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Stone - M Monster Any Any Very Rare Group
Spirit - Stone - SmMonster Any Any Rare Group
Spirit - Wallaran Fey Dreamlands Any Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Wallaran - Fey Dreamlands Any Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Wallaran Fey Dreamlands Any Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Wisdom Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Spirit - Zhentarim Undead Zhentarim-Control Any Very Rare Solitary
Spirit Folk - Bamb Fey Temperate to TropForests and Jungl Uncommon Clan
Spirit Folk - River Fey Temperate to TropForests and Jungl Uncommon Clan
Spirit Folk - Sea Fey Temperate to TropForests and Jungl Uncommon Clan
Spirit of the Air Outsider Any Any Very Rare Pack
Spirit of the Land Monster Any Any Common Solitary
Spirit Warrior Undead Any Any Very Rare N/A
Spirit Warrior - Zw Undead Any Any Very Rare N/A
Spiritjam Undead Space Any Very Rare Solitary
Spriggan Humanoid N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Sprite Fey Any N/A Rare N/A
Sprite Fey N/A Meadows and WooRare Tribe
Sprite - Atomie Fey Temperate Forests Rare Tribe
Sprite - Atomie Fey Temperate Forests Rare Tribe
Sprite - Baobhan SFey Temperate Forests Rare Band
Sprite - Grig Fey Temperate Forests Very Rare Band
Sprite - Grig Fey Temperate Forests Very Rare Band
Sprite - Nixie Fey Temperate Fresh Water Rare Tribe
Sprite - Ooze Outsider Paraplane of OozeAny Common Tribe
Sprite - Pixie Fey Temperate Forests Very Rare Community
Sprite - Sea Fey Tropical Coral Reefs Rare Community
Sprite - Sea SpriteFey Tropical Coral Reefs Rare Community
Sprite - Seelie FaeFey Any Forests and SylvanVery Rare Community
Sprite - Unseelie Fey Any Forests and SylvanVery Rare Tribe
Spyder-Fiend - Ka Outsider Any Any Very Rare Pack
Spyder-Fiend - LycOutsider Any Any Very Rare Pack
Spyder-Fiend - Ph Outsider Any Any Very Rare Pack
Spyder-Fiend - RaOutsider Any Any Very Rare Pack
Spyder-Fiend - SpiOutsider Any Any Very Rare Pack
Squealer Monster N/A Forests and Jungl Very Rare Solitary
Squealer Monster Temperate to TropN/A Very Rare N/A
Squid - Giant Animal Any N/A Rare N/A
Squid - Giant Animal N/A Deep Oceans Rare Solitary
Squid - Giant - Kr Magical Be Any Deep Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Squid - Squark Magical Be Any Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Squirrel - Carnivor Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Squirrel - Giant - Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Squirrel - OrdinaryAnimal N/A N/A Common N/A
Ssurran Monstrous Any Any Uncommon Tribe
Stag Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Stag - Giant Animal Temperate N/A Rare Solitary
Stag - Giant Animal N/A Forests, Hills, Pla Rare N/A
Stag - The White Magical Be Evermeet (Forgott Forests Unique Solitary
Stag - White Magical Be Temperate Forests, Hills, Pla Unique Solitary
Stag - Wild Animal Temperate Forests, Hills, Pla Common Herd
Stalking Horror Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Starfish - Giant SuAnimal Any Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Starfly Plant Plant Wildspace and PhlAny Rare Solitary
Stargazer Monster Wildspace or Aste Any Uncommon Solitary
Statue - Living - C Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Statue - Living - Ir Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Statue - Living - J Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Statue - Living - Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Statue - Living - SiConstruct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Statue - Living - S Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Steel Shadow Monster Any Any Rare Solitary or Pack
Stegocentipede Vermin N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Stench Kow Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Stirge Monster N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Stone Guardian Construct N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Stone Maiden Fey Any Stone or Near DesVery Rare Solitary
Storoper Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Strahd's Skeletal Undead Borovia Any Very Rare Solitary
Strangle Weed Plant N/A N/A Common N/A
Strangleweed Plant Temperate Any Uncommon Clusters, Patches, Gro
Strider - Giant Monster Hot Volcanos Rare Flock
Strige Magical Be Any Forests and Subte Uncommon Cluster
Stunjelly Ooze N/A N/A Rare N/A
Stwinger Fey Temperate Any Common (Rare) Solitary
Succulus Magical Be Any Land Rare Family
Suisseen Outsider Plane of Water Any Common None
Su-Monster Monster Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Su-Monster Magical Be N/A Dark Areas, Subte Uncommon Family or Clan
Sundew - Giant Plant N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Sunfly Outsider Upper Planes Any Uncommon Cloud
Surtaki Magical Be Any Open Hills and Ba Very Rare Solitary
Survivor Humanoid Phlogiston Any Very Rare Solitary
Sussurus Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Sussurus Monster Subtropical and Tr Land Very Rare Solitary
Suwyze Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Swampmare Magical Be Any Rain Forests and Uncommon Solitary
Swan Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Swanmay Humanoid N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Swanmay Humanoid Temperate Wetlands Very Rare Flock
Swanmay - Bird MHumanoid Tropical Mountains Very Rare Solitary
Sword Spirit Outsider Acheron Battle Site Very Rare Solitary
Swordfish Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Swordsman - ClocConstruct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Syllix Magical Be Space Any Uncommon Hive/Platoon
Sylph Fey N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Symbiont Monster Non-Arctic Any Rare Colony
Symbiont - Shado Outsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Symbiotic Jelly Ooze Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Symbiotic Jelly Ooze N/A Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Tabaxi Monstrous Subtropical and Tr Jungles Rare Clan
Tabaxi (Cat man) Monstrous N/A N/A Rare N/A
Tabaxi Lord Monstrous Subtropical and Tr Jungles Rare Solitary or Clan
Tabi Monster Any Ruins, Subterrane Very Rare Solitary
Taer Monstrous Arctic or Subarctic Mountains Very Rare Clan
Taer Monstrous N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Tako - Female Monster Temperate to TropOceans Very Rare Tribe
Tako - Female Monster Temperate to TropOceans Very Rare Tribe
Tako - Male Monster Temperate to TropOceans Rare Tribe
Tako - Male Monster Temperate to TropOceans Rare Tribe
Tanar'ri - Abyssal Outsider Abyss Any Unique Leader
Tanar'ri - Abyssal Outsider Abyss Any Unique Leader
Tanar'ri - Balor Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Greater Outsider The Abyss Any Uncommon Solitary
Tanar'ri - Greater Outsider The Abyss Any Uncommon Solitary
Tanar'ri - Greater Outsider The Abyss Any Common Group
Tanar'ri - Greater Outsider The Abyss Any Common Group
Tanar'ri - Greater Outsider Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Greater Outsider Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Greater Outsider The Abyss or PrimAny Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Greater Outsider The Abyss or PrimAny Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Greater -Outsider Any Waters Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Guardia Outsider The Abyss Any Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Guardia Outsider The Abyss Any Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Least - Outsider The Abyss Any Common Group
Tanar'ri - Least - Outsider The Abyss Any Common Group
Tanar'ri - Least - Outsider The Abyss Any Common Horde
Tanar'ri - Least - Outsider The Abyss Any Common Horde
Tanar'ri - Least - ROutsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Least - ROutsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Lesser - Outsider The Abyss Any Uncommon Pack
Tanar'ri - Lesser - Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Lesser - Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Lesser - Outsider Abyss Any Rare Troop
Tanar'ri - Lesser - Outsider Abyss Any Rare Troop
Tanar'ri - Lesser - Outsider The Abyss Any Uncommon Pack
Tanar'ri - Lesser Outsider The Abyss Any Uncommon Group
Tanar'ri - Lesser Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Lesser Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Lesser Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Lesser Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Lesser Outsider The Abyss Any Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Lesser Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Lesser Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar-ri - Lesser Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - Lesser - Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Group
Tanar'ri - Marilith Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - True - AlkOutsider The Abyss Any Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - True - BaOutsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - True - BaOutsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - True - G Outsider The Abyss Any Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - True - G Outsider The Abyss Any Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - True - H Outsider The Abyss Any Common Group
Tanar'ri - True - H Outsider The Abyss Any Common Group
Tanar'ri - True - MaOutsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - True - MaOutsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - True - Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - True - Outsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Tanar'ri - True - V Outsider The Abyss Any Uncommon Group
Tanar'ri - True - V Outsider The Abyss Any Uncommon Group
Tarek Monstrous Any Plains Uncommon Tribe
Tari Monstrous Any Any Uncommon Pack
Tari - Chieftain Monstrous Any Any Very Rare Pack
Tari - Warrior Monstrous Any Any Rare Pack
Tarrasque Monster Any N/A Unique N/A
Tarrasque Magical Be N/A Land Unique Solitary
Tasloi Humanoid N/A N/A Rare N/A
Tasloi Humanoid Tropical Jungles Rare Tribe
Tatalla Monstrous Any Urban Rare Guild
Tatalla Monster Any Urban Rare Guild
Taylang Monstrous Tropical Islands Very Rare Solitary or Small Villag
Tayling Humanoid Tropical Islands Very Rare Solitary or Small Villag
T'Chowb Humanoid Any Any Rare Solitary
Tembo Monster Athas Tablelands Mountains Uncommon Pack
Tempest Monster Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Temporal Glider Outsider Demiplane of TimeAny Uncommon Solitary
Temporal Stalker Outsider Demiplane of TimeAny Rare Solitary
Tengu - Crow Magical Be Temperate to TropMountains Rare Flock
Tengu - HumanoidMonstrous Temperate to TropMountains Rare Solitary or Flock
Tentamort Monster Any N/A Rare N/A
Tentamort Monster N/A Subterranean Rare Nest
Terithran Outsider Ethereal Plane Any Very Rare N/A
Terithran Monstrous Ethereal Plane N/A Very Rare Solitary
Terithran Outsider N/A Any Rare Solitary
Terlen Outsider Carceri, Gehenna, Any Uncommon School
Termite - Giant HaVermin N/A N/A Special N/A
Termite - Giant HaVermin N/A N/A Special N/A
Tether Beast Outsider Demiplane of TimeAny Rare Family
Thanoi (Walrus M Monstrous Arctic Hills, Mountains, a Uncommon Tribe
Thassaloss - GreaConstruct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Thassaloss - Less Construct Any Any Very Rare Solitary
The Ghost DancerUndead The Nightmare LanAny Unique Solitary
The Hand Monstrous Any Any Unique Solitary
The Nightmare MaMonster The Nightmare LanAny Unique Solitary
The Rainbow SerpMagical Be The Nightmare LanAny Unique Solitary
Thessalhydra Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Thessalmonster - Magical Be Any Damp, dark placesVery Rare Solitary
Thessalmonster - Magical Be Any Damp, dark placesRare Solitary
Thessalmonster - Magical Be Any Damp, dark placesVery Rare Solitary
Thessalmonster - Magical Be Any Damp, dark placesVery Rare Solitary
Thoqqua Outsider Planes of Fire, E Any Very Rare Pair
Thoqqua (Rock W Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Thork Magical Be N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Thought Eater Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Thought-Eater Monster Ethereal Plane Any Rare Solitary
Thoul Monstrous Non-Arctic Any Very Rare Solitary or Tribe
Thrax Humanoid Any Sea of Silt and Ta Rare Solitary
Thrax (Palik) Humanoid Ravenloft Kalidnay Unique Solitary
Thri-Keen Monster Temperate to TropArid Land Uncommon Pack
Thri-kreen Monster N/A N/A Uncommon Clutch and Pack
Thri-Kreen Monster Any Land Rare N/A
Throat Leech Vermin N/A N/A Common N/A
Thunder Beast Outsider N/A N/A Common N/A
Thunder Children Monstrous Temperate Any Rare Group
Thunderhead Dragon Any Arial, Thunderstor Very Rare (Common iSolitary
Thunderherder Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Tick - Giant Vermin N/A N/A Rare N/A
Tick - Heart Vermin Temperate to TropSubterranean and Very Rare Solitary
Tiefling Outsider The Abyss Any Uncommon Solitary or Pack
Tiger Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Tiger - Ebon Magical Be Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Tiger - Saber-Too Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Tiger Fly Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Time Dimensional Outsider Demiplane of TimeAny Very Rare Solitary
Time Dimensional Outsider Demiplane of TimeAny Very Rare Solitary
Time Dimensional Outsider Demiplane of TimeAny Very Rare Solitary
Tirapheg Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Tirichik Dragon Arctic Any Very Rare Solitary
Titan Outsider Olympus Any Very Rare N/A
Titan Outsider N/A N/A Uncommon Group
Titan Outsider Olympus Any Uncommon Group
Titanothere Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Tlincalli Monstrous Subtropical and Tr Deserts and SubteRare Squad, Swarm, and Cit
T'liz Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Toad - Giant Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Toad - Giant Animal Non-Arctic Subterranean Common Colony
Toad - Giant - FireMagical Be Non-Arctic Subterranean Rare Colony
Toad - Giant - Ice Magical Be Arctic or Subarctic Subterranean Rare Colony
Toad - Giant - Poi Animal Non-Arctic Subterranean Uncommon Colony
Toad - Ice Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Toad - Poisonous Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Tohr-kreen - J'ez Monster Any Land Very Rare Clutch and State
Tohr-kreen - J'hol Monster Any Land Very Rare Clutch and State
Tohr-kreen - T'ke Monster Any Land Uncommon Clutch
Tohr-kreen - Tond Monster Any Fertile Land Very Rare Solitary
Tohr-Kreen (Manti Monster Any Any Rare Pack
Tome Tapper - Th Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Clan
Topi Undead Subtropical and Tr Jungles, Ruins, a Very Rare Group
Tortle Monstrous Non-Arctic Coasts and Forest Rare Solitary or Clan
Tortle Monstrous Any Coasts, Forests, Uncommon Tribe
Tortle - Snapper Monstrous Any Coasts and OceanRare Pack
Tortle - Snapper Monstrous Non-Arctic Ocean Coasts Rare Pack
Translator Outsider Upper Planes Any Common Solitary
Transposer Monstrous N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Trapper Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Treant Plant Any N/A Rare N/A
Treant Plant N/A Forests Rare Grove
Treant - Athasian Plant Any Forests Very Rare Grove
Treant - Evil Plant Any Forests Very Rare Grove
Treant - Evil (Blac Plant Ravenloft Tepest Unique Solitary
Treant - Lyranniki Plant Any Forests Very Rare Solitary
Treant - Undead Undead Any Forests Very Rare Copse
Tree - Dark Plant Tropical Jungles Rare Grove
Tree - Deaths HeaPlant Temperate Land Rare Special
Tree - Singing Plant Temperate to TropForests Very Rare Solitary
Tree - Viper Outsider Abyss, Carceri, G Any Rare Solitary
Tren Monstrous Any Subterranean Rare Clan
Tren Monstrous Damp Subterranean Rare Clan
Tri-Flower Frond Plant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Trilloch Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Trilloch Outsider Negative Energy PAny Very Rare Solitary
Trin Monster Any Land Uncommon Clutch
Trin Monster Any Land Uncommon Clutch
Triton Outsider Any N/A Rare N/A
Triton Outsider N/A Oceans Rare Community
Troglodyte Humanoid Any N/A Common N/A
Troglodyte Humanoid N/A Mountains and SubCommon Clan
Troll Giant Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Troll Giant N/A Land Uncommon Group
Troll - Desert Giant Any Deserts Rare Solitary
Troll - Freshwater Giant Any Fresh Water Rare Group
Troll - Giant Giant Any N/A Rare N/A
Troll - Giant Giant N/A Land Rare Tribe
Troll - Giant - Tw Giant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Troll - Ice Giant Arctic N/A Rare N/A
Troll - Ice Giant N/A Fresh Water Rare Tribe
Troll - Ice Giant Temperate to ArctiLand Rare Tribe
Troll - Legacy Giant Any Coasts and Swam Uncommon Group
Troll - Marine (Scr Giant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Troll - Marine (Scr Giant N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Troll - Saltwater Giant Any Coasts Uncommon Group
Troll - Snow Giant Arctic or Subarctic Land Rare Solitary or Pair
Troll - Spectral Giant Any Forests Very Rare Solitary
Troll - Spirit Giant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Troll - Two Heade Giant Any Land Very Rare Group
Troll Mutate Giant Far Realm Gate Any Rare Group
Trosip Vermin Any Indoors or Subter Very Rare Colony
Tsnng Outsider Quasiplane of MineAny Rare Cabal
Tso Outsider Outlands or LawfulAny Rare Brood
Tualleiaght Monster Any Subterranean Mythical Solitary
T'uen'rin Outsider Arcadia Any Very Rare Solitary
T'uen-Rin Outsider Arcadia Any Very Rare Solitary
Tul'k Humanoid Any Mountains Uncommon Clan
Turtle - Giant - Se Animal Any Oceans Uncommon Solitary
Turtle - Giant - Se Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Turtle - Giant - S Animal Any Fresh Water Uncommon Solitary
Turtle - Giant - S Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Turtle - Giant Sea Animal Any Oceans Uncommon Solitary
Turtle - Giant Sna Animal Any Fresh Water Uncommon Solitary
Tuyewera Undead Tropical Land Uncommon Band
Tween Outsider Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Tween Outsider N/A Any Very Rare Solitary
Twilight Bloom Plant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Tylor Dragon Any Any Rare Solitary or Clan
Tyminid Magical Be Any Forests and MountUncommon Solitary
Tyrg Animal Any Mountains or Hilly Rare Pack
Ulitharid (Noble Illi Monster Any Subterranean Very Rare Community
Umber Hulk Monster Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Umber Hulk - Vod Monster Any Fresh Water Rare Solitary
Umberhulk Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Umbra Undead Ravenloft Any Common Clan
Umpleby Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Umpleby Monster Temperate Forests Very Rare Solitary
Umpleby Monster Temperate Forests Very Rare Clan
Undead - Stellar Undead Wildspace Any Rare Nil
Undead Dragon SlUndead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Undead Lake MonsUndead Any Deep Lakes Very Rare Solitary
Undead Lake MonsUndead Special Any Unique Solitary
Ungulosin Outsider Plane of Water Any Very Rare Solitary
Unicorn Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Unicorn Magical Be Temperate Sylvan WoodlandsRare Family
Unicorn - Black Magical Be Any Forests and PlainsVery Rare Solitary
Unicorn - Shadow Magical Be Ravenloft Forests Rare Solitary
Urchin - Black Animal Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Urchin - Black Animal N/A Coasts and OceanUncommon Bed
Urchin - Green Animal Any N/A Rare N/A
Urchin - Green Animal N/A Coasts and OceanRare Group
Urchin - Land Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Urchin - Land Animal Temperate to TropLand Rare Pair
Urchin - Red Animal Any N/A Rare N/A
Urchin - Red Animal N/A Coasts and OceanRare Group
Urchin - Silver Animal Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Urchin - Silver Animal N/A Coasts and OceanVery Rare Pair
Urchin - Yellow Animal Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Urchin - Yellow Animal N/A Coasts and OceanVery Rare Group
Urdunnir Humanoid Any Subterranean Rare Clan
Ur-Histachii Undead Tropical Jungles and SubteVery Rare Band
Urophion Monster Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Ursoi Monstrous Arctic to Temperat Subterranean Uncommon Tribe
Ustilagor Plant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Utukku Outsider Carceri Any Common (Carceri) or Solitary
Vaath Outsider Carceri Any Common Pack
Vaath Outsider Carceri Any Common Pack
Vaati (Wind Duke) Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Solitary or Collective
Vacuous Outsider Quasiplane of Va Any Rare Pack
Vagabond Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Valpurgeist Undead Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Vampire Undead Any N/A Rare N/A
Vampire Undead N/A Land Rare Solitary
Vampire - CerebraUndead Any Any Common Varies
Vampire - Drow Undead Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Vampire - Dwarf Undead Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Vampire - Eastern Undead Ravenloft Any Unique Solitary
Vampire - Elf Undead Non-Arctic Forests Very Rare Solitary
Vampire - Gnome Undead Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Vampire - Goblin Undead Ravenloft Any Rare Solitary
Vampire - Halfling Undead Temperate Forests Very Rare Solitary
Vampire - Illithid Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Vampire - Illithid Undead Ravenloft Bluetspur Unique Solitary or Pack
Vampire - Kender Undead Sithicus Any Very Rare Solitary
Vampire - Nosfera Undead Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Vampire - Oriental Undead Ravenloft Rokushima Taiyoo Very Rare Solitary
Vampire - Velya Undead Any Oceans and SwamVery Rare Solitary
Vampire - Velya Undead Any Oceans and SwamVery Rare Solitary
Vampyre Humanoid Any Urban Very Rare Pack
Vampyre (VladimirHumanoid Ravenloft Falkovnia Unique Pack
Vaporighu Outsider Gehenna Any Rare Solitary
Vaporighu Outsider Gehenna Any Rare Solitary
Vargouille Monster Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Vargouille Outsider N/A Ruins, Burial plac Very Rare Pack
Vargouille Outsider Any Ruins, Burial plac Very Rare Pack
Varkha Monstrous Underdark Subterranean Uncommon Tribe
Varrangoin (AbyssOutsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Varrangoin (AbyssOutsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Solitary
Varrangoin (AbyssOutsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Group
Varrangoin (AbyssOutsider The Abyss Any Very Rare Group
Vegepygmy Plant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Venger Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Verme Animal N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Vestige (Undead Undead City of Moil Any Unique Solitary
Villichi Humanoid Any Any Very Rare Community
Vilstrak Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Virus - Combustio Monster Ravenloft Any Very Rare N/A
Virus - Crystal Monster Ravenloft Any Very Rare N/A
Virus - Petrificatio Monster Ravenloft Any Very Rare N/A
Virus - Phobia Monster Ravenloft Any Rare N/A
Virus - Psionic Monster Ravenloft Any Very Rare N/A
Virus - Shadow Monster Ravenloft Any Very Rare N/A
Visage Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Vishap Dragon Tropical Hills and Deserts Rare Solitary or Clan
Vision Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Vizier's Turban Monster Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Voat Animal Any Any Common Pack
Voat - Herathian Magical Be Any Forests and PlainsRare Pack
Vodyanoi Monster N/A N/A Rare N/A
Volt Monster N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Volt Monster Temperate to TropLand Uncommon Herd
Voor Larva Monster Truespace Nubula Any Rare Hive
Vorlog Humanoid Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Vorr Outsider Carceri, Abyss, OuAny Common Pack
Vortex Monster N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Vulchling Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Vulture - Giant Animal N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Vulture - Ordinary Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Vulturehound Magical Be Temperate to TropSteppes Rare Pack
Wall Walker Vermin Any Subterranean Uncommon Hive
Wallara Monstrous Non-Arctic Forests, Plains, a Rare Clan
Wall-Walker Monster Any Subterranean Uncommon Hive
Wang-Liang Giant Temperate Forests and MountVery Rare Solitary or Tribe
Warden Beast Outsider Beastlands Any Rare Solitary
Warden Beast Outsider Beastlands Any Rare Solitary
Wasp - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Wastrel Outsider Any Forests, Marshes Common Flock
Watchghost Undead Any Land Rare Solitary or Group
Water Weird Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Wavefire Outsider Quasiplane of Ste Any Uncommon Solitary
Weasel Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Weasel - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Web - Living Monster Any Subterranean and Very Rare Pack
Web - Memory Monster Any Subterranean and Very Rare Solitary
Webbird Monster N/A Forests and Subte Very Rare Flock
Webbird Magical Be Temperate and Sub
N/A Very Rare N/A
Wemic Monstrous N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Wemic Monstrous Temperate Plains Very Rare Pride
Weredragon Dragon Any Urban Very Rare Solitary
Wezer - Brood Qu Vermin Any Tablelands Rare Solitary
Wezer - Solider Vermin Any Tablelands Rare Brood
Wezer - Worker/Wa Vermin Any Tablelands Rare Brood
Whale Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Whale - Common Animal Any Oceans Common Pod
Whale - Giant Animal Any Oceans Very Rare Pair
Whale - Killer Animal Any Oceans Common Pod
Whale - Leviathan Magical Be Any Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Whale - Narwhal Animal Any Oceans Rare Pod
Whipsting Monster Any Rocky, SubterraneUncommon Solitary or Small packs
Whipweed Monster N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
White Fang Dragon Arctic Any Rare Solitary
Wichtlin Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Widow - Red Humanoid Temperate Land Very Rare Solitary
Wiggle (Hurwaet) Monstrous Space Any Very Rare Tribe/Ship
Wiggle (Hurwaet) -Monstrous Temperate and Sub Ocean Coasts Very Rare Tribe
Wiggle (Hurwaet) Monstrous Temperate and Sub Swamps, Bogs, anVery Rare Tribe
Wight Undead Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Wight Undead N/A Land Uncommon Solitary
Wight - Winter Undead City of Moil Any Uncommon Solitary
Will O'dawn Monster Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Will O'deep Monster Any Subterranean Rare Clan
Will O'mist Monster Ravenloft Any Rare Solitary
Will O'sea Monster Ravenloft Sea of Sorrows Rare Solitary
Will o'wisp Monster Any Swamps Uncommon Solitary
Willow - Black Plant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Will-O-Wisp Monster N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Wind Walker Outsider N/A N/A Rare N/A
Windghost Outsider Any Air Very Rare Servant Group
Wingless Wonder Monster Any Any Rare Solitary
Wingless Wonder Monster Non-Arctic Any Very Rare Solitary or Pair
Witchlight MaraudeMonster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Witchlight Maraud Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Witchlight Maraud Monster Any Any Very Rare Horde
Witchlight Maraud Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Witchlight MaraudeMonster Any Any Very Rare Swarm
Witherstench Magical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Witherweed Plant N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Wizshade Monster Any Any Rare Solitary
Wizshade Monster Any Any Rare Solitary
Wolf Animal Non-Tropical Land Uncommon Pack
Wolf Animal N/A N/A Common N/A
Wolf - Astral Outsider Astral Plane Any Very Rare Pack
Wolf - Dire Animal Any Forests Rare Pack
Wolf - Dire (Worg) Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Wolf - Dread Magical Be Any Land Very Rare Pack
Wolf - Mist Magical Be Subarctic and TemNon-Desert Very Rare Pack
Wolf - Stone Construct Any Land Very Rare Special
Wolf - Vampriric Undead Any Land Very Rare Pack
Wolf - Winter Magical Be Arctic N/A Very Rare N/A
Wolf - Winter Magical Be N/A Land Very Rare Pack
Wolf - Worg Animal Any Forests Rare Pack
Wolf - Zombie Undead Any Land Very Rare Nil
Wolf-in-Sheep's-ClPlant N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Wolfwere Monstrous Any N/A Rare N/A
Wolfwere Monstrous N/A Forests Rare Solitary
Wolfwere - Greate Humanoid Any Forests Very Rare Solitary
Wolverine Animal N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Wolverine - Giant Animal N/A N/A Rare N/A
Wolvern Magical Be Any Any Rare Pack
Worm - BookwormAnimal Any Books Rare Solitary
Worm - Caecillia Vermin Non-Arctic Any Rare Solitary
Worm - Fyrsnaca Magical Be Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Worm - Giant Blo Animal Any Subterranean PoolRare Solitary
Worm - Great AnneVermin Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Worm - Leviathan Vermin Any Deserts Very Rare Solitary
Worm - Leviathat Vermin Any Oceans Very Rare Solitary
Worm - Lukhorn Monster Underdark Any Very Rare Solitary
Worm - Purple Monster Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Worm - Red WormVermin Any Subterranean Rare Brood
Worm - Rot Grub Animal Any Refuse Uncommon Swarm
Worm - Slime Wo Vermin Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Worm - TenebrousMagical Be N/A N/A Rare N/A
Worm - Tunnel Vermin N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Wraith Undead Any N/A Uncommon N/A
Wraith Undead N/A Any Uncommon Pack
Wraith - Athasian Undead Any Any Rare Solitary
Wraith - Desert Undead Subtropical Deserts Rare Solitary or Group
Wraith - Shimmeri Outsider Any Any Very Rare Special
Wraith - Snow (Ar Undead Arctic Any Very Rare Solitary
Wraith - Soul Bec Undead Any Subterranean Rare Solitary
Wraith - SwordwraUndead Any Battle Site Rare Military Unit
Wraithworm Outsider Any Deserts and WasteUncommon Solitary
Wryback Monstrous Any Any Rare Pack
Wurmling Monster Hot Any Very Rare Patron
Wyndlass Monster Temperate Forests and SwamVery Rare Solitary
Wynzet Animal Any Forests Very Rare Solitary
Wyrd - Greater Undead Any Forests and Ruins Very Rare Solitary
Wyrd - Lesser Undead Any Forests and Ruins Rare Solitary
Wyste Monster Far Realm Gate Any Very Rare School
Wyvern Dragon N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Wyvern Dragon Temperate Forests, Jungles, Uncommon Solitary
Wyvern Drake Dragon Temperate Forests and MountVery Rare Solitary
Xag-Ya/Xeg-Yi Outsider Energy Planes N/A Very Rare N/A
Xag-Ya/Xeg-Yi Outsider N/A Any Uncommon Solitary
Xantravar (Stingin Monster Any Ocean Coasts an Rare Solitary or Hunting Gro
Xaren Outsider N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Xaver Monster Any Land Very Rare Solitary or Family
Xerichou Monster Any Dry Land Uncommon Solitary
Xill Monster Ethereal or Inner N/A Very Rare N/A
Xill Outsider Ethereal Plane Land Very Rare Clan
Xill Outsider N/A Any Uncommon Clan
Xixchil Monster Any Any Uncommon Solitary or Tribe
Xorn Outsider Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Xorn Outsider N/A Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Xorn - Xaren Outsider Any Subterranean Very Rare Solitary
Xvart Humanoid N/A N/A Uncommon N/A
Xvart Humanoid Temperate to ArctiLand Uncommon Tribe
Yaggol (Mind Flay Monster Any Jungles Very Rare Tribe
Yak-Man (Yikaria) Monstrous Any Mountains Very Rare Priesthood
Yaun-ti Histachii Monstrous Tropical Jungles Very Rare Tribe or Nation
Yellow Musk Cree Plant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Yeshom Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Yeth Hound Magical Be Any N/A Very Rare N/A
Yeth Hound Outsider N/A Land Very Rare Pack
Yeti Monstrous Arctic N/A Very Rare N/A
Yeti Humanoid N/A Hills and Mountain Very Rare Clan
Yeti-kin - Saquala Humanoid Cold Mountains Very Rare Family
Yitsan Monstrous Any Any Very Rare Pack
Yochlol (HandmaidMonster N/A N/A Common (Very Rare)N/A
Yowler Magical Be Any Land Very Rare Solitary or Pack
Yphoz Monster Any Subterranean Uncommon Swarm
Yuan Ti Monstrous N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Yuan-ti Monstrous Tropical Jungles Very Rare Tribe or Nation
Yuan-ti - Histachii Monstrous Tropical Jungles Very Rare Tribe
Yugoloth - Canolo Outsider Lower Planes Any Uncommon Group
Yugoloth - GreaterOutsider Lower Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Yugoloth - GreaterOutsider Lower Planes Any Rare Solitary
Yugoloth - GreaterOutsider The Gray Waste Any Rare Solitary
Yugoloth - GreaterOutsider Lower Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Yugoloth - GreaterOutsider Lower Planes Any Uncommon Solitary
Yugoloth - GreaterOutsider Lower Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Yugoloth - GreaterOutsider Lower Planes Any Common Solitary
Yugoloth - GuardiaOutsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Yugoloth - GuardiaOutsider Any Any Rare Solitary
Yugoloth - GuardiaOutsider Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Yugoloth - Lesser Outsider Lower Planes Any Uncommon Solitary
Yugoloth - Lesser Outsider Lower Planes Any Common Group
Yugoloth - Lesser Outsider Lower Planes Any Rare Solitary
Yugoloth - Lesser Outsider Lower Planes Any Uncommon Solitary
Yugoloth - Lesser Outsider Lower Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Yugoloth - Lesser Outsider Lower Planes Any Rare Solitary
Yugoloth - Lesser Outsider Lower Planes Any Common Group
Yugoloth - Lesser Outsider Lower Planes Any Uncommon Group
Yugoloth - Lesser Outsider Lower Planes Any Uncommon Group
Yugoloth - Lesser Outsider Lower Planes Any Very Rare Solitary
Yugoloth - Lesser Outsider Lower Planes Any Uncommon Solitary
Yugoloth - Lesser Outsider Lower Planes Any Uncommon Solitary
Yuki-on-na Humanoid Arctic Hills, Forests, an Very Rare Solitary or Family
Zaratan Magical Be Tropical Waters Very Rare Solitary
Zaratan Magical Be Tropical Waters Very Rare Solitary
Zard Magical Be Any Any Uncommon (Wildspace
Zhackal Animal Any Forests, MountainsRare Pack
Zhentarim Spirit Undead Any Zhentarim-Controll Very Rare Solitary
Zik-trin'ak Monster Any Land Very Rare Solitary
Zin Magical Be Any Fresh Water Very Rare Band
Zodar Monster Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Zombie Undead N/A N/A Rare N/A
Zombie - CannibalUndead Ravenloft Any Very Rare Pack
Zombie - CommonUndead Any Any Rare Nil
Zombie - Desert Undead Ravenloft Har'Akir Very Rare Pack
Zombie - Fog Undead Ravenloft Any Very Rare Solitary
Zombie - Fog - Ca Undead Ravenloft Any Very Rare Nil
Zombie - Juju Undead N/A N/A Very Rare N/A
Zombie - Ju-ju Undead Any Any Very Rare Nil
Zombie - LightningUndead Any Mountains Very Rare Solitary
Zombie - LightningUndead Any Mountains Very Rare Solitary
Zombie - Lord Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Zombie - Moilian Undead City of Moil Any Uncommon Solitary
Zombie - Monster Undead Any Any Very Rare Nil
Zombie - Mud Undead Any Swamps and Wetl Very Rare Nil
Zombie - Red Undead Any Any Rare Solitary
Zombie - Salt Undead The Great Ivory Pl Any Very Rare Solitary
Zombie - Sea Undead Any Shallow Water Rare Pack
Zombie - Sea Undead Any Shallow Water Rare Pack
Zombie - Strahd Undead Ravenloft Barovia Very Rare Nil
Zombie - Thinking Undead Any Any Very Rare Solitary
Zombie - Wolf Undead Ravenloft Forlorn Very Rare Nil
Zombie - Yellow Plant N/A N/A Rare N/A
Zombie Lord Undead Ravenloft Land Very Rare Solitary
Zombie Plant Plant Any Forests and Scrub Uncommon Solitary
Zorbo Magical Be Non-Arctic N/A Rare Solitary
Zorbo Magical Be N/A Land Rare N/A
Zoveri Outsider Mount Celestia Any Common School
Zoveri Outsider Seven Heavens (LAny Common Group
Zurchin Animal Wildspace or Aste Any Common Solitary
Zygom Plant N/A N/A Rare Solitary
Zygom Plant Any Land Rare N/A
Zygraat Magical Be Any Forests Uncommon Solitary
Activity Cycle Diet Intelligence % in LaTreasu Alignm No. Ap AC MovemHD Thac0
N/A N/A Average (8-1 5% D NG 1-10 7 6, Fl 3 1+2 N/A
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A D NG 1-10 7 6, Fl 3 1+2 19
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Varies Any 1-10 7 6, Fl 3 2+2 17
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A W (I) LE 1 per t 5 (6) 5 (6) 5+1 15
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Q (I) LE 10-100 6 (6) 6 (6) 2+1 19
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A R,U Non-E 1 (1-2) 3 (10) 12 3+3 17
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A IncidenNG 1 (50-10 15 8 13
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A IncidenNG 50-100 0 15 8 13
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil G 1 (1-3) -5 24, Fl 12 9
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil G 1 (1-3) -3 15, Fl 10 11
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil G 1 (1-3) -1 12, Fl 8 13
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil G 1 (1-3) -5 24, Fl 12 9
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil G 1 (1-3) -3 15, Fl 10 11
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil G 1 (1-3) -1 12, Fl 8 13
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A Nil G 1 -10 Fl 48 ( 10 11
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A Nil G 1 -10 Fl 48 ( 10 11
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil G 1 -7 15, Fl 14 7 (+6
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil G 1 -7 15, Fl 14 7 (+6
Any Omnivore Supra-genius N/A Nil G 1 -10 18, Fl 22 (17 5 (+5
Any Omnivore Supra-genius N/A Nil G 1 -10 18, Fl 22 (17 5 (+5
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A I N 1-4 4 6, Sw 3 17
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A I N 1-4 4 6, Sw 3 17
N/A N/A High (13-14) 20% F LE 1-4 4 3, Sw 8 N/A
Night Omnivore High (13-14) N/A F LE 1-4 4 3, Sw 8 13
Any (Night) Omnivore Exceptional t N/A (F,U) LE 1 2 3, Sw 12+12 7
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A J,K,M (CE 4-40 6 18 2+3 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 50-300 3 18 3 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 5% F CE 1-8 8 (legs:18 40 hp ( N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A F CE 1-8 8 (legs:18 9 (40H 17 (cla
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LE 1-8 -1 (leg 18 6+6 13
Day Herbivore Very (11-12) N/A P (B) N 1 3 15 11 9
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 6-60 4 6, Fl 1 1 hp 20
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 20% Nil LE 1-4 3 9 4 N/A
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil LE 1-4 3 9 4 17
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 0 Nil N 1 3 24 16 N/A
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 or 2 3 (-1 i 18 7 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialN 1 6 Sw 15 15 5
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N(E) 1 6 Sw 15 15 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialN(E) 1 6 Sw 15 15 5
Night Scavanger Low (5-7) N/A R (B,T)CE 1-8 4 9 4+3 15
N/A N/A Very to GeniuNil Nil NG 1 0 18 7+7 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A D N 1-8 5 6, Sw 4+3 17
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Z CG 2-8 6 Fl 36 ( 5+1 15
Night Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil LE 1 1 12 6+3 13
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A I(no co N 2-5 4 12 9 11
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A I,Q N 2-5 4 12 9 11
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A Any or CN 1 8 1, Fl 3 6 15
Any Any Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 SpecialNil 1 Nil
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 Nil Nil Special1 Special12 SpecialN/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 20% Dx1/2 CN 1-6 5 6 5 N/A
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Dx1/2 CN 1-6 5 6 5 15
Day Carnivore Low to AveragN/A Nil N 1-2 6 6, Fl 2 4+4 17
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-2 8 4, Fl 1 1+1 20
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A O,Q NE 1 8 12, Fl 5 15
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A O,Q NE 1 8 12, Fl 5 15
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A W CN 1-6 6 9 6+1 15
N/A N/A Animal (1) 5% Nil N 2-20 6 18 1 N/A
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil CN 2-20 6 18 1 19
Any Special High (13-14) N/A (C) NE or 1-10 4 18, Sw 9 11
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 6 or 8 Sw 1 7 13
Any Scavenger Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 1-3 2 or 8 Sw 1 8+3 11
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A A NE 1-12 3 9, Sw 16 15
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A H CE 1-6 4 9 5+3 15
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 3-18 2 1/4 16 5
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 6 (8) Sw 1 7 13
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 3-18 2 2 16 5
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A (I,O,P, LE 5-20 (14 9, Sw 3 17
N/A N/A Non (0) 15% C N 1-6 2 (4) 12, Br 3-8 N/A
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 15 8 13
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 15 7+7 13
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-20 6 15 10+5 9
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 15 9+9 11
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-20 6 15 7 13
Special Special Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 4 6, Sw 10+5 9
Night Special Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 15 7 13
Special Special Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-10 6 15 5 15
Special Special Non (0) N/A Nil N 4-40 6 (3) 15 6 15
Special Special Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-12 6 12 9 11
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-20 4 9 1-1 20
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-20 4 9 1-1 20
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 5-50 7 12 3+3 17
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 50-500 7 12 3 18
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 or 2 6 15 6 15
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 50-500 5 15 2 19
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 or 2 7 (9) 9 11 9
Any Leaves Non (0) N/A Nil N 10-100 10 3, Fl 1 1/8 N/A
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-20 7 12 1 20
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 5-50 7 12 3+3 17
Any Leaves Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-1000 10 3, Fl 1 1/8 N/A
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-20 7 12 1 20
Night Herbivore Animal (1) N/A K,Q,U N 1-1000 6 12 1+1 19
Night Omnivore Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 1-100 4 6 1+2 19
Day Omnivore Non (0) N/A SpecialN 1-20 5 12 2+2 19
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 1 5 12 1+1 19
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 1 8 6 (12) 1-1 20
Any Scavanger Non (0) N/A SpecialN 1-10 8 1/10 1/2 20
Any Scavanger Non (0) N/A SpecialN 1 10 1/10 1/4 20
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 6 18 3 17
Day Herbivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-3 5 12 14 7
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-8 7 18 4 17
Any Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 6 6 10 11
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-12 6 15, Jp 7+7 13
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-12 6 12 12 9
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 12 10 11
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil N Unique3 21 15 (12 5
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil NG Unique3 21 15 (12 5
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil N Unique4 12, Fl 15 (12 5
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil NG Unique4 12, Fl 15 (12 5
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil NG Unique3 15 15 (12 5
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil N Unique5 15 15 (12 5
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil NG Unique5 15 15 (12 5
Any Karmic resonan Exceptional ( N/A Nil CE 1 Varies 12 Varies Varies
Any Karmic resonan Exceptional ( N/A Nil CE 1 Varies Nil Varies Varies
Any Karmic resonan Exceptional ( N/A Nil CE 1 Varies 9 Varies Varies
Any Varies Varies N/A Nil N Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies
Any Nil Varies N/A SpecialE 1 10 12 14 7 or be
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A C N 1-6 2 (unde12, Br 3 to 8 17 to 1
N/A N/A Low to Except20% D CE 1-3 0 15 7+3 to N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 10% Q(x3), N 1-100 3 18 2 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N Special10 6 1 hp peSpecial
N/A N/A Animal (1) 95% SpecialN 1 2 9, Br 1 9 N/A
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-10 6 12 4+2 17
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A J,K,N, N 1 10 3 8+1 13
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-20 3 18 6+1 15
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-100 6 12 3 17
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 10% C N 2-8 6 12 5 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1-4 6 12 4+1 N/A
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A E (O,V CN(G) 5-50 6 12 1+1 19
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% E CE 1-4 0 24 8 N/A
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A E CE 1-4 0 24 8 Special
Night Flowers, Nectar High (13-14) N/A Q CG 2-8 2 9, Fl 1 1 19
Night Herbivore High (13-14) N/A Q LN 2-12 4 12 or 1 4 16
Night Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A Q NG 2-12 4 9 3 18
Night Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Q CN 2-8 2 15 5 15
Night Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Q LG 1 -2 3 2 18
Night Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Q CE 2-8 2 9, Fl 1 5 15
Night Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A Q N 1-3 6 15 7 13
Night Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Q LE 2-12 0 15 7 13
Night Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Q NE 2-20 4 6, Br 1 3 17
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A M,O (UN 1-6 7 18, Wb3 17
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A O,R (U N 1-6 7 18, Wb3 17
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A T,U (H)E(C) 1 3 18, Wb9+3 11
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A R LN 1 (1-6) 5 (3) 12 10 11
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A R (G) LN 1-6 2 (5) 12 10 11
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A R LN 1 (1-6) 5 (3) 12 10 11
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 13 3 (7) Fl 15 ( 2 18
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A H,V,X NE 1 -6 9 90 HP 5
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A R,U NE 1 -4 18 90 HP 5
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A H,U,Z NE 1 -7 9 110 HP5
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A H,S,U NE 1 -5 6, Sw 90 HP 5
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A U,Z NE 1 -6 Fl 48 ( 85 HP 5
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A U,Z NG 1 -4 12, Sw 90 HP 5
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A H,S,U NG 1 -6 Fl 48 ( 90 HP 5
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A H,U,Z NG 1 -7 9 115 HP5
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A R,U NG 1 -3 12 80 HP 5
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LG 1-6 1 12 6 15
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LG 1-6 1 12 6 15
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil LG 3-18 5 Fl 24 ( 1/2 20
Any Any Low (5-7) N/A Nil LG 3-18 5 Fl 24 ( 1/2 20
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil LG 1-6 -5 12, Fl 10 11
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil LG 1-6 -5 15, Fl 10 11
Any Nectar Genius (17-1 N/A Nil LG 1 -7 15, Fl 12 7
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil LG 1-3 -5 12, Fl 12 9
Any Ambrosia Supra-genius N/A Nil LG 1 -5 15, Fl 20 9
Any Mead Exceptional ( N/A Nil LG 1-3 -3 12, Fl 11 11
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LG 1-6 -1 12 8 13
Any Herbivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil LG 1-6 -1 15 8 13
Any Nil Supra-genius N/A (C) E 1 6 9 8 or m 12
Any Nil Supra-genius N/A (W) E 1 1 9 11 or 9
Special Omnivore Low to High ( N/A U NE 1 0 9, Fl 3 5 to 10 15 to 1
Any Omnivore Low to High ( N/A U NE 1 0 9, Fl 3 5 to 10 15 to 1
N/A N/A Unratable 40% IncidenN(E) 1 3 12 6+6 N/A
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 1-6 6 6, Br 6 3+1 17
Daylight Sunlight Average (8-1 N/A Nil CG 2-12 7 12 3 17
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil NG 1-4 (4- 4 21, Fl 4 17
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 7 3 10 11
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 95% Nil N 1 7 3 10 N/A
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A F N 2-20 3 (2) 15 6 15
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 30% F N 2-20 3 (2) 15 6 N/A
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 6-60 6 1, Sw 2 to 5 19 to 1
N/A N/A Non (0) 90% Nil N 3-30 6 1, Sw 2 to 5 N/A
Night Herbivore High (13-14) N/A R CG 2-20 8 9, Sw 1/2 to 20 to 1
N/A N/A Animal (1) 50% Nil N 2 5 6, Fl 1 1+1 N/A
Any Carnivore Low to AveragN/A SpecialLE 1 -2 Fl 3 (B 8 13
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil CN 1 -4 15 (48 15+30 5
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil Any 4-24 10 12 2 N/A
Constant Positive materiaGenius (17-1 N/A Nil CG 1 (2-20-2 12, Fl 8 13
Constant Positive Energy Genius (17-1 N/A Nil CG 2-20 -2 12, Fl 8 13
N/A N/A Average to Ve35% M,Q,C CN(G) 30-120 4 12, Fl 1/2 N/A
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A I,W G 1 3 15, Fl 14 7
N/A N/A Animal (1) 30% IncidenN 1 0 9, Br 3 12 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 1 0 9, Br 3 12 9
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialNG 1 0 5, Fl 6 5+5 15
Constant Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 (3-183 9 6 15
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A Any NE 1-4 2 9 7+7 13
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Any N 1-4 2 9 7+7 13
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A IncidenN 1-6 4 6 5 15
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A SpecialN 1 4 18 3 17
Any Nil Non (0) N/A IncidenN 2-5 0 12 12 10
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1 4 9, Sw 6+3 15
Any Omnivore High to SupraN/A Varies G 1 9 to -6 Varies 10+11 t10 to 5
Any Omnivore ???? N/A W (Q) N 4-16 4 9, Fl 1 1+3 19
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 5 15, Fl 9 11
Any Carnivore Low to ExceptN/A (U) NE 4-16 3 12, Fl 4+4 15
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-20 7 18 1 to 3 19 to 1
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil NG 1 4 12, Fl 8 13
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-6 6 18 3 N/A
N/A N/A Low to Very ( Nil (20 Nil (Q, LN 1-4 (3- 2 12 2+1 to N/A
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A G,W LE 1-4 -5 15, Fl 13 7
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 2-20 5 9, Fl 1 4+1 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 2-8 3 9, Fl 1 5+2 15
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A V,Y LE 1-2 -1 6, Fl 1 9 11
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A V,Y LE 1-2 -1 6, Fl 1 9 11
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A D,S LE 1-4 -2 9, Fl 1 10 11
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A D,S LE 1-4 -2 9, Fl 1 10 11
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A A,W LE 1-8 -3 15 11 9
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A A,W LE 1-8 -3 15 11 9
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A G,W LE 1-4 -5 15, Fl 13 7
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A G,W LE 1-4 -5 15, Fl 13 7
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil LE 10-100 9 6 1 19
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil LE 1-100 9 6 1 19
Any Carnivore Average to VeN/A Nil LE 1 (1-3) 4 6, Fl 1 3+3 17
Any Carnivore Average to VeN/A Nil LE 1 (1-3) 4 6, Fl 1 3+3 17
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil LE 10-100 7 3 2 19
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil LE 10-100 7 3 2 19
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 2-20 5 9, Fl 1 4+1 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 2-20 5 9, Fl 1 4+1 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 2-8 3 9, Fl 1 5+2 15
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 2-8 3 9, Fl 1 5+2 15
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 1 1 9, Fl 1 6+3 13
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 1 1 9, Fl 1 6+3 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil LE 20-100 3 15 6+6 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil LE 20-100 3 15 6+6 13
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A SpecialLE 1 2 12, Fl 6+6 13
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A SpecialLE 1 2 12, Fl 6+6 13
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil LE 1 (3-121 12 7 13
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil LE 1 (3-121 12 7 13
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LE 3-18 2 (0) 12, Fl 6+6 13
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 1 As bas 12, Fl 1 to 6 Varies
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil LE 2-8 3 12 5 15
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil LE 2-8 3 12 5 15
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 1 1 9, Fl 1 6+3 13
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 (4-404 18 1 19
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 0 18 6 15
N/A N/A Average (8-1 15% B CE 1-4 6 6 or 12 5 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 10-40 7 12 1+1 N/A
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A A N 2-8 5 (4) 9 3 18
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A O,R (Z CN 8-64 7 12 2 19
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 2-5 4 6, Br 3 1+2 N/A
Any Nil Genius to SupN/A Any LG (LN1 0 9 9+6 11
Night Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil (Qx NE 4-400 7 6, Jp 9 2+1 to 19 to 9
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A P CE 1 2 12 6 15
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A C (K) NE 4-24 7 6 1 19
N/A N/A Exceptional t Nil Nil NG 1 (2-5) -2 21 12+12 N/A
Day Herbivore Exceptional t N/A SpecialN 1 (2-5) -2 21 12+12 7
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NG 1 4 Sw 18 9 11
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NG 1 (1-6) 4 Sw 18 9 11
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A P (B) NE 1 3 15 6 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-3 5 12 14 N/A
N/A N/A Low to Averag15% SpecialN 4-24 6 6, Cl 1 4 N/A
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 2-12 4 12 6 15
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 2-12 4 12 6 15
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A V NE 1-10 7 12 4+4 15
Any Carnivore Exceptional t N/A Q,V LE 1-4 6 (head12 7+7 13
Any Nil Supra-genius N/A A,S,Z LE 1 0 9 17 or b 5
Night Nil Exceptional ( N/A D CE 1 0 15 7 13
Any Nil Varies N/A SpecialE 1 0 12 Varies Varies
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A O,R (D CE 1-4 4 12 12 9
N/A N/A High to GeniuNil SpecialE(L) 1-2 2 to -4 15 6+6 to N/A
Day Herbivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CG Special6 15 7 13
Day Herbivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CG Special6 15 7 13
N/A N/A Non (0) 100% SpecialN 1-5 SpecialSpecial2 to 6 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-12 6 30 1-3 N/A
N/A N/A Unratable 60% IncidenN(E) 1-2 4 6 5+5 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 40% F N 1-4 4 6 6+1 N/A
Day Carnivore Low to AveragN/A C,I CE 1-2 3 9, Fl 1 7+3 13
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 50% H N(E) 1-2 2 6 10 N/A
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A H N 1-7 2 6 10 11
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A F N 1-4 4 6 6+1 15
Night Dream EssenceAverage (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1 0 Fl 15 ( 4 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-100 8 1, Fl 2 1/4 N/A
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CN 1 2 3, Fl 2 2 19
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 2-8 7 3, Fl 1 4 17
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 2-8 8 3, Fl 1 4 16
Night Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-100 8 1, Fl 2 1/4 20
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CN 1 2 3, Fl 2 2 19
Night Carnivore Average to HiN/A (M,O,Z NE 1-12 (16 2, Fl 1 2+2 19
Any Omnivore Average to ExN/A Nil LN 1-6 3 2, Fl 2 4+4 17
Special Hemativore (BloVariable N/A Varies Varies 1 (1-2) 7 1, Fl 1 Variabl 13
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 50% I NE 11-20 8 6, Fl 2 2 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 50% Nil N 3-18 8 3, Fl 1 1/2 to N/A
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A C NE 1-8 7 3, Fl 1 4 to 6 17 to 1
Night Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 3-18 8 3, Fl 1 1/2 to 20 to 1
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 15% C N(E) 1-8 7 3, Fl 1 4 to 6 N/A
Night Carnivore Average to HiN/A M,O,Z NE 1-12 (16 2, Fl 1 2+2 19
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil Special1 6 3, Fl 1 1 19
Night Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-12 5 1, Fl 1 1-1 20
Any Omnivore Average to ExN/A Nil LE 1-6 3 2, Fl 2 4+4 17
Night Carnivore Average to VeN/A Nil N 1-4 8 3, Fl 3 8 13
Dusk and Dawn Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 8 6, Sw 2+2 19
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-3 7 12 3+3 N/A
Day Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-3 7 12 3+3 17
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-6 6 12 5+5 N/A
Day Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-6 6 12 5+5 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-2 6 12 6+6 N/A
Day Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 12 6+6 13
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-4 6 12, Sw 6+2 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-6 6 12, Sw 8+8 N/A
Day Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-6 6 12, Sw 8+8 11
Any Nil Non (0) N/A G,H N 1 6 Nil 12+12 7
Any Nil Non (0) N/A G N 1 6 9, Sw 12+12 7
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil CN 1 to 2- 0 18 9 11
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A K,Q N(G) 2-12 8 12 2 10
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 3-12 4 9 2+2 N/A
N/A N/A Low to Averag80% C N 10-40 6 6, Sw 4 N/A
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil CE 1 -5 9, Wb 12 9
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil CE 1 -5 9, Wb 12 9
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 10% Nil N 1 6 6, Fl 2 6+4 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 90% Nil N 1 5 12, Fl 4+2 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% Nil N 1-10 6 9, Fl 3 3+1 N/A
Any Pain/Psionic Dr Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 6 3, Fl 6, 1+5 19
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 3 12 9 11
N/A N/A Animal (1) 10% SpecialN 1 3 12 9 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 3 12 9 11
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A (B) N 2-16 7 15 1 20
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-16 7 15 1 20
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-12 4 9 2+2 19
N/A N/A Animal (1) 40% C,R,S, N 3-18 3 6 5 N/A
Night Omnivore Animal (1) N/A C,R,S, N 3-18 3 6 5 15
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 3-12 4 12 1+2 N/A
Night Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-12 4 12 1+2 19
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-6 2 6 12 N/A
Any Herbivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-6 2 6 12 9
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-12 3 6 7 N/A
Any Herbivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-12 3 6 7 13
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-12 3 3, Sw 4 N/A
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-12 3 3, Sw 4 17
Night Scavanger Non (0) N/A (Z) N 1-6 sw 4 6, Br 3 6 per 15
Night Scavanger Non (0) N/A (Z) N 1-4 sw 4 6, Br 3 5 per 15
Night Scavanger Non (0) N/A (C,R,S,N 1-6 2 9, Br 3 8 13
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 3 15 6 15
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A SpecialN 1-3 3 6 6 15
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A SpecialN 1-3 3 6 6 15
N/A N/A Non (0) 25% SpecialN 1-3 3 6 6 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-3 5 3 3+1 17
Day Omnivore Average to HiN/A D (L,N N 1-4 9 14 2 19
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-4 4 6, Sw 10+5 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 3 12, Sw 16 5
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 4 12, Br 15 5
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 4 12, Sw 14 5
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil SpecialNE 1-2 4 15 12 N/A
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialNE 1-2 4 15 12 9
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 80% I,S,T LE 1 0/2/7 3 45 to N/A
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A I,S,T LE 5-20 0/2/7 Fl 3 (B 45-75 11 to 5
Any Carnivore Godlike (21+)N/A S,T,V ( LE 1 0/2/7 Fl 3 (B 70-75 5
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A I,S,T LE 1 0 Fl 6 (A 20 3
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil NE 1-4 6 Fl 3 (B 10 11
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-6 10 Fl 3 (B 5 to 10 Nil
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A I,S,T LE 1 0/2/7 Fl 3 (B 10 to 1 11 to 5
Any Carnivore Average to HiN/A I,S,T NE 1 4/6/8 Fl 9 (B 18 (77 11
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A G LE 2-5 2(4) 15, Fl 12 (8) 9
Night Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Vx4 LN 1-6 5 Fl 6 (C 8 13
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A R LE 1 5 Sw 6 10 to 1 11 to 9
Day Magic Exceptional ( N/A B NE 1 0/2/7 Fl 9 (B 6+6 or 13 or 1
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A I,S,T LE 1 0 Fl 6 (A 20 5
Day Insectivore Low (5-7) N/A R NE 1-10 3/7 9 2 19
Any Omnivore Supra-genius N/A U LE 1 2/7 1 14 7
Day Omnivore Very to High N/A SpecialLN 1 4/7/7 Fl 9 (B 4+4 15
Any Nil Special N/A E LE 1 0/2/7 Fl 2 (C 10 to 1 11 to 5
Any Scavenger Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 7 Fl 6 (A 3+3 17
Any Carnivore Average to HiN/A SpecialNE 1 4/6/8 Fl 9 (C 77-84 11
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A G (1/2 LE 5-100 2 (4) 18 to 6 10 to 1 11 to 3
Night Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Vx4 (V LN 1-6 5 Fl 6 (C 8 13
Day Insectivore Low (5-7) N/A R (L) NE 2-20 3/7 9 2 19
Any Omnivore Supra-genius N/A (U,Vx2 LE 1 2/7 1 14 7
Any Scavenger Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NE 1-4 7 Fl 6 (A 3+3 17
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 -2 (6) 3, Fl 6 4+4 15
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A M (I) LE 4-10 7 12 5 15
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 1 (1-3) -2 12, Fl 7+3 13
N/A N/A Very (11-12) SpecialD CE 1 6 6, Fl 2 1+1 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 1 6 15 7+2 13
Night Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A M (D) LE 2-8 4 12 7+2 13
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Eggs CE 1 (2-8) 1 6 5+5 15
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Hide N 1 -4 6 10 11
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Eggs CE 1 or 2 -2 9 7 13
Any Omnivore Average to ExN/A SpecialNG 1 -3 48 12 9
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Q NE 3-30 7 1, Fl 1 1/2 20
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 4-15 7 1, Fl 2 1+1 19
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 5 15, Fl 9 11
Day Scavenger Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 7 3, Fl 2 3+3 17
Day Carnivore Average to HiN/A Nil NE 4-16 3 12, Fl 4+4 15
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-20 7 18, Fl 3 17
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 5 1, Fl 3 1-1 20
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Q N 2-6 4 3, Fl 3 1 20
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 2-20 7 18 1 to 3 N/A
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-20 7 18 1 to 3 19
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NG 1-20 7 3, Fl 4 4 17
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-5 6 3, Fl 1 4 17
Any Scavenger Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 4-16 4 3, Fl 1 3+2 17
Day Scavenger Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-12 7 3, Fl 2 2+2 19
Any Scavenger Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-8 6 1, Fl 2 1-1 20
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A D NE 1 (1-4) 4 15, Fl 8 13
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Q N 4-24 5 1, Fl 3 1 19
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 1, Fl 3 1 19
Day Insectivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 7 Fl 18 ( 1/8 Nil
Day Insectivore Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 1-6 7 1, Fl 3 1/4 20
Day Insectivore Semi (4) N/A SpecialN 1-4 6 3, Fl 3 1+1 19
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 (2) 5 1, Fl 2 1 19
Night Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil CG 1 (2-8) 6 3, Fl 1 3+3 17
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CN 2-12 6 Fl 36 ( 2 19
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CN 1-4 gro7 Fl 36 ( 1/2 20
Any Scavenger Animal (1) N/A Nil N 4-32 7 1, Fl 361/4 20
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A R NE 2-5 2 6, Fl 9 6+6 14
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A L,M,N, N 1-20 3 3, Fl 2 4 17
Day Insectivore Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 2-12 6 3, Fl 3 2 19
Day Insectivore Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 2-12 7 1, Fl 3 1/2 20
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-16 7 3, Fl 1 1+2 19
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A U N 1 6 6, Fl 1 5 15
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A U N 1 6 6, Fl 1 5 15
Any Carnivore Average to HiN/A Nil N 1 3 1, Fl 3 2+2 19
Day Scavenger Animal (1) N/A Nil N 4-24 6 3, Fl 271+1 19
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 6-60 6 15 3 17
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 5-12 6 1, Fl 3 1+3 19
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Q,T N 1 0 24 10 11
Any Unknown Exceptional ( N/A G CE or 1 -3 Fl 24 ( 15 to 2 7 to 5
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-4 6 6 10 N/A
Any Any Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 10 3 None Nil
Any None Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NE 1 2 15 9 (40 h 11
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A R,M (DLE(N) 2-20 2 12 2 or 11 19 or 9
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A R,M (DLE(N) 2-20 2 12 2 to 11 19 to 9
Any Nil Very to GeniuN/A Nil CE 1 5 12 5+5 15
Any Anything Very (11-12) N/A Nil CN 1 7 Fl 36 ( 15 5
N/A N/A Animal (1) 5% B CE 1-4 3 (1) 9 4+2 N/A
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil (B) CE 1-4 3 or be 9 4+2 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% C LG 4-16 5 12 4 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 25% Qx2 N 5-15 7 24 1+1 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 clum 8 Nil 1 HP/c Special
Any Hemativore (BloSemi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 3-12 6 3, Fl 1 4+4 16
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil CN 1 (2-121 0 (deni 20 (denNil (de
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 4 (tendrNil 5 to 30 N/A
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A IncidenN 1-6 3 1 3 to 8 15
Night Carnivore Non (0) N/A IncidenNil 1-10 6 1/2 3+5 17
N/A N/A Non (0) 50% Q N 1-4 4 6 6 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-5 5 12 5+1 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 2-8 6 12 7 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-6 7 12 3 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-12 7 15 3+3 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil E 1 5 6 9+9 N/A
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1 5 6 9+9 11
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1 5 6 9+9 11
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A O,U CE 1 4 3, Sw 4+3 15
N/A N/A Very to ExcepNil Nil CE 2-5 -6 18 6 N/A
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A (25% MCN 1-3 (2- 5 9 4+3 17
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 25% C CN 2-8 5 9 4+3 N/A
Any Herbivore Average to VeN/A Nil CG or 1-10 7 12, Sw 2+3 17
Any Life Force Very (11-12) N/A I,O,P,YCE 2-5 0 9 11+1 9
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-30 8 6, 12 o 3 17
N/A N/A Non (0) 20% C N 1-3 4 6 4 N/A
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A C N 1-3 4 6 4 17
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 1 (head6 5+2 15
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-2 6 15, Fl 9 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 75% J N(CG) 1-4 7 12, Fl 1/2 N/A
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A J N(CG) 1-4 7 12, Fl 1/2 20
N/A N/A Non (0) 25% SpecialN 1-2 (102 12, Br 1/4 N/A
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A Nil LE 1 2 12, Fl 4 17
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 35% SpecialN 2-12 4 6 2-5 hp N/A
Night Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 10 18 4+3 15
Any Special Supra-genius N/A Nil NE 1 10 Special1 (8 HP19
Any Brains Very (11-12) N/A Nil CN 1 2 18 10 11
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-3 9 1 1/8 N/A
Night Psionic Energy Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-3 9 1, Br 3 1/8 Nil
Day Photosynthesis Non (0) N/A IncidenNil 1-20 5 1" per 2-4 Nil
Day Photosynthesis Non (0) N/A IncidenNil 10-100 8 1' per 1 per 1 20
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A R,V NE 1 or 2 0 15 10 11
Night Unknown High to ExcepN/A F CG Unkno -2 18, Sw 11 9
Any (Night) Varies Low (5-7) N/A I,K,M NE 3-12 7 (10) 9 3 17
Any (Night) Varies High (13-14) N/A I,K,M ( NE 1-4 5 (8) 9 5 15
Any (Night) Varies High (13-14) N/A I,K,M ( NE 1-4 5 (8) 9 5 15
Any (Night) Varies Low (5-7) N/A I,K,M NE 3-12 7 (10) 9 3 17
N/A N/A High (13-14) 20% O,P,Q LG 4-16 3 12 1/2 N/A
Night Herbivore High (13-14) N/A O,P,Q LG 4-16 3 12 1/2 20
Day Omnivore Average to VeN/A X N 5-20 3 12 1-1 20
Night Herbivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NG 2-8 5 (9) 9 1/2 20
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A K N(CG) 1-3 6 15 1/2 20
Night Omnivore High to GeniuN/A (O,P,Q CE(N) 4-16 -3 96 1+1/2 19
Night Omnivore High to GeniuN/A O,P,Q, CE(N) 4-16 -3 96 1 to 4 19 to 1
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A (D) CG 1 0 15 8 13
N/A N/A Average to Ve10% X N 5-20 3 12 1-1 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 4-24 7 15 5 N/A
N/A N/A Low to Averag25% J,K,L,MCE 6-36 5 9 3+1 N/A
Any Carnivore Low to AveragN/A J,K,L,MCE 2-8 5 (10) 9 3+1 17
Any Carnivore Low to AveragN/A J,K,L,MCE 2-8 3 (10) 9 4 (28- 16
Any Carnivore Low to AveragN/A J,K,L,MCE 2-8 4 (10) 9 4 (22- 16
Any Carnivore Low to AveragN/A J,K,L,MCE 2-8 5 (10) 9 3+1 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-2 -2/4/6 14, Br 9 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 -2/4/6 14 (3) 9 11
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 3-6 3 9, Br 1 5 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-20 7 15 4 N/A
N/A N/A Low to Averag20% (J,K,M CE 10-80 6 or be 3, Sw 1 N/A
Any Carnivore Low to AveragN/A J,K,M,QCE 10-80 6 (or be3, Sw 11 19
N/A N/A Animal (1) 30% Nil N(CG) 1 10 12 5 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 5 12 5 15
Day Herbivore High (13-14) N/A Nil NG 1-4 4 27, Fl 5 15
Day Herbivore High (13-14) N/A Nil NG 1-4 4 27, Fl 5 15
Any Slimes, Molds, Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 9 12 1-1 20
Any Nil High to GeniuN/A Nil NE 1 3 12 10 11
Day Photosynthesis Non (0) N/A O,U Nil 10-100 10 0 1 per p 19
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A Nil LN(G) 1-3 0 18 8 13
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil CE 1-6 5 12 SpecialSpecial
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil CE 1-6 4 12 8+2 13
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 1 Nil 9 Nil Special
Any Gems Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 10-60 -3 3, Fl 2 1+1 19
Night Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil NG 3-12 4 6, Sw 3+1 17
Any Omnivore Average to GeN/A V N 1-6 6 (0) Sw 9 5 15
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A F LG 1 1 3, Fl 1 8 13
Day Omnivore Special N/A Nil N 1-2 6 9 5+5 15
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-10 7 Special2 19
Any Special Non (0) N/A IncidenN 1 8 (bodySpecial5 to 8 15 to 1
Any Spiritual EnergyGenius (17-1 N/A Nil NE 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil
Day Herbivore Animal to SemN/A Nil Nil 1-12 7 21 3 17
Day Herbivore Animal to SemN/A Nil Nil 1-12 7 21 3 17
Day Herbivore Animal to SemN/A Nil Nil 1-6 7 21 2+2 19
Day Herbivore Animal to SemN/A Nil Nil 1-12 7 21 3+3 16
N/A N/A Animal to SemNil Nil N 1-12 7 21 3 N/A
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LG 1 (2-126 24 5 15
Day Herbivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 4-24 8 12 1 20
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 2-8 6 18 4+1 17
Any Carnivore Average to HiN/A Varies NE 1 7 12 2 to 4 19 to 1
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 10 or s 1 1+2 to 19
N/A N/A Low to Averag10% Nil N(C) 1 2 3 1 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 50% B N 1-6 3/7 12 3+1 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A B N 1-6 3/7 12 3+1 17
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A (B) N 1-6 2 9 4 17
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 (2-8) 6 6 2 19
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 (2-8) 6 6 2 19
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-12 5 6 22 hp N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 7 15, Spr4 17
Night Nil Animal (1) N/A W CN 1-8 7 15 4+1 17
Night Nil Animal (1) N/A W CN 1-12 7 12 1+1 19
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 (1-126 15 1-3 20
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 (2-126 5 1-5 hp N/A
N/A N/A Semi to Low (5% SpecialN 1 4 18 3+6 N/A
Any Carnivore Semi to Low (N/A Nil N 1 4 18 3+6 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN(G) 1 4 18 4+3 15
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 15, Spr3 17
Night Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil N 1-4 6 12 2+2 19
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 15 4+1 17
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 15 3+2 17
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-12 5/6 12 5+2 15
Dawn and Dusk Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 12 3+1 17
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-8 5/6 12 6+2 15
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 12 7+2 11 (13)
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 12 6+3 15
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 6 12 5+5 15
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 7 15 4 17
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 12 2+1 19
Night Life Energy Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 1 4 18 3+6 17
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 15 4+1 17
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 6 15 4+2 17
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 6 12 5+2 15
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 8 15 1+1 19
Night Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 4-40 6 18 1 19
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 (1-126 9 1/2 20
Any Carnivore Semi to Low (N/A Nil N 1 4 18 3+6 17
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 (2-5) 5 18 1 19
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil LN 13 0 18 10 11
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 (2-5) 5 18 1 19
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 (2-5) 5 18 1 N/A
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1-4 6 12, Fl 5+5 15
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1-4 6 12, Fl 5+5 15
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 9, Fl 1 1+1 19
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 9, Fl 1 1+1 19
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil CN 1 (1-4) 6 6, Fl 1 2 19
N/A N/A Supra-genius .01% S,T,W, N Unique-9 27, Sw 19 (81 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% N,R,S, CE 1 6 18 or 2 4+2 N/A
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Qx4 CE 1 6 or be 18 or 2 4+2 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 7 Sw 18 7 to 10 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 60% C N 1-3 7 6 6+2 N/A
Day Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A C N 1-2 7 6 6+2 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 20-200 7 15 1-4 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-8 4 6, Jp 3 1+3 N/A
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Any N 1-4 4 1 3 17 or 1
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 100% IncidenN 1-4 4 Cl 1 3 N/A
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Any N 1-4 4 1 3 17 or 1
N/A N/A Animal (1) 100% Nil N 4-16 0 (5) 1 4+4 N/A
N/A N/A Low to Averag5% M,Q (D,NG/CG4-24 5 (4) 18 4 N/A
Day Omnivore Low to AveragN/A M,Q (D,N or C 1-8 5 18 4 17
Night Omnivore Low to AveragN/A M,Q (D,NG(CG1-8 (4- 6 21 3 17
Day Omnivore Low to AveragN/A M,Q (D,N or C 1-2 4 18 4 17
Day Omnivore Average to VeN/A Q (I,V) N or L 2-20 5 (3) 24 6 15
Day Omnivore Low to AveragN/A M,Q (D,N or C 1-2 5 18 4 17
Day Omnivore Low to AveragN/A M,Q (D,NG/CG1-8 5 (4) 18 4 17
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A M,Q (BN 2-12 (84 (7) 12 4 17
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A M,Q (I) N 3-12 ( 6 15 3+1 17
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A M (I) NG 2-8 (807 or 6 12 2+2 19
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A M,Q (I N 2-16 (57 18 3+4 17
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-24 9 15 1/4 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-24 9 15 1/4 20
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 5-30 9 21 1/8 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 5-30 9 21 1/8 20
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-4 5 18 3 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 18 3 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 5 Special5+5 15
Any Special Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 9 Special1+5 19
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 7 Special3+5 17
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A (M,N,QN 1-6 4 6 9+3 11
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 3-12 N/A Nil n/a N/A
Any Special Very to High N/A SpecialLN 1-4 4 12, Fl 5 15
Day Any but milk High (13-14) N/A J,K (W N 1 4 12 4+2 17
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A W Non-E 1 8 (10) 12 2 20
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A J Non-E 1-8 10 12 1/2 20
Night Faerie food Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 (2-1210 9 or be 3+2 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1 4 6 8 to 12 13 to 9
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 3 -2 (8) 3 8+3 11
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A B CG 2-24 7 12 1-1 20
N/A N/A Animal (1) 15% Nil N 1-4 5 15, Sp 3 N/A
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A M,Q (CNG 1-3 2 (5) 24 (as 7 13
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1 5 6, Sw 4 17
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A SpecialN 1-2 7 12, Sw 2 19
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 40% F CE 1-4 6/5/2 9, Fl 1 9 N/A
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A F CE 1-4 6/5/2 9, Fl 1 9 11
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A F N 1 5/2 12, Fl 10 11
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A D (K,Q LE 10-60 6 (9) 12, Wb2 19
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A D (K,Q LE 10-60 9 (6) 12, Wb2 19
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 6 (5) 1/2 25 N/A
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 1-6 4 9, Br 3 3 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 3-30 7 12 3 17
Any Inner-planar na High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 -5 Fl 12 ( 8 13
Any Special Semi (2-4) N/A Nil E 1 ???? ???? ???? ????
Any Special Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 10 Nil 3 Nil
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A G CN 1-12 6 6 12+1 9
Night Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1 1 or -2 3 8 13
N/A N/A Non (0) 15% Q N 1-6 6 6 8 or 10 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A (B or CNE 1-2 5 15, Wb11 9
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A C or D NE 1-2 5 15 11 9
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 3 15 5 15
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 3 15 5 15
Dusk and Dawn Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 20 1+1 19
Any Special Animal (1) N/A Water N 1 0 12 10+10 9
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 1-4 4 (10) 1, Sw 34+4 15
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A SpecialN 1-4 3 (10) 1 3+3 17
N/A N/A High (13-14) 15% C CN 1-4 3 (1) 1, Fl 1 6 N/A
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A C CN 1-3 3 (1) 1, Fl 1 6 15
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A C,V CN 1 3 (1) 2, Fl 1 9 11
Day Special High (13-14) N/A Nil CN 1 5 12, Fl 6 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A E CE 1-6 2 6, Sw 5 15
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Nil CN 1 7 12, Fl 6 15
Night Special High (13-14) N/A C (K) CE 1 3 3, Fl 1 6 15
Any Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Nil LE 1 -6 9 7 13
Any Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Nil LE 1 -6 9 7 13
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil LE 2-20 4 9 2 19
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil LE 2-20 4 9 2 19
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A Nil LE 1-6 0 9 4 17
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A Nil LE 1-6 0 9 4 17
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil LE 1 -2 9 5 15
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil LE 1 -2 9 5 15
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil LE 1 -4 9 6 15
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil LE 1 -4 9 6 15
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 1-10 2 9 3 17
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 1-10 2 9 3 17
Any Nil Very to ExcepN/A Qx2 CG 1 2 12 5 to 10 15 to 1
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 5 Fl 24 ( 12+7 t 7 to 5
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil N N 2-8 8 12 2 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 30% D N 1-6 6 6, Fl 1 5 N/A
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A D N 1-6 6 6, Fl 1 5 15
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A D NE 1-4 6 6, Fl 1 6+2 13
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 80% B CE 1 8 6 2 N/A
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A (B) CE 1 8 6 2 19
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A B CE 1 8 6 2 19
Day Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A F N 1 -2 9 16 5
Day Herbivore Low to AveragN/A Nil C 1 (1-6) 10 48, Fl 35 5
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil Nil 1 2 12 22 (1005
Any Herbivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 2 6 90 3 17
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 5 (-10) Varies N/A 2
Any Nil Godlike (21+)N/A H N 1 0 24 13+1 7
Night Special Average (8-1 N/A I CE 1-2 7 12 5 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-8 5 16, Sp 3+3 N/A
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A IncidenN 1 5 (10) Nil 3 Nil
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A (C) N 10-100 0 (8) Speical3 to 8 17 to 1
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1 4 12, Fl 6 15
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 10% B,I LG 1-4 5 6, Fl 1 9 N/A
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A B,I LG 1-4 5 6, Fl 1 9 11
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-12 3 9 3 N/A
N/A N/A Low to Averag25% K N 2-12 4 9, Sw 3 N/A
Any Omnivore Low to AveragN/A (Kx5,Ix N 2-12 4 9, Sw 3 17
Any Omnivore Low to AveragN/A Nil (Kx N 2-12 4 9, Sw 3 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-20 5 9, Fl 1 3 N/A
Any Special Non (0) N/A Any N 1-20 7 9 1/2 20
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-4 4 6, Sw 4+4 N/A
Night None Non (0) N/A Nil CE 2-12 8 12 1+3 19
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 60% Z NE 1 0 (4) Fl 12 ( 13 N/A
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Q N(E) 1-4 5 15 3+1 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 3-24 5 6, Sw 3 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 3-24 5 6, Sw 3 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 (3-9) 5 9, Sw 2+3 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 (2-124 6, Sw 7 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 to 2- 4 6, Sw 7 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A D N 1 (2-7) 5 9, Sw 5 15
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A K CE 1 (2-7) 5 9, Sw 3+2 17
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 5-30 4 24 4+4 15
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 4 18 6+6 13
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A M (Z) CE 1 7 12 6 15
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-12 3 9 3 17
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 4 6, Sw 4+4 15
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A SpecialLN 1-20 5 12 6 15
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A SpecialLN 1-20 ??? 12 6 15
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 100% Z N 1 3 12 6 N/A
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A Z N 1 3 12 6 15
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A Z N 1 3 12 6 15
N/A N/A High to ExcepNil Qx2 to N(E) 1-5 -4 (0) 6 6+6 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-2 8 1, Sw 4 N/A
Night Special Animal (1) N/A Nil N 200-30 7 Fl 6 (A 50 HP 13
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil NG(CE100-10 8 8 1 18
Night Cinnabryl Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 1-4 2 15, Fl 6 15
Night Nil Special N/A Nil CN 2-11 7 or by 12 As leveAs leve
Night Nil Special N/A Nil CN 2-11 7 or be 12 SpecialSpecial
Any (Night) Elves Low (5-7) N/A C LE 3-12 4 15 7+2 13
N/A N/A Low to Averag35% C C/CE 1-8 3 12 5 N/A
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil N 1-8 7 12 4 to 8 17 to 1
Any Herbivore Genius (17-1 N/A Rx2,SxN Unkno 4 9, Jp 1 7 13
N/A N/A Godlike (21+)Nil Nil NE 1 -5 18 140 hp N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius 10% H NE 1-3 -2 12, Fl 13+39 N/A
N/A N/A Genius to Sup25% G,R NE 1 -5 15, Fl 14+28 N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 100% I NE 1 -1 18 10+20 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% SpecialNE 1-4 0 12 11+22 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 5% I,Y NE 2-8 2 6, Fl 6 9+36 N/A
N/A N/A Average to Ve50% E NE 3-12 -1 6, Sw 6 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 30% R NE 1-6 1 18 13+13 N/A
N/A N/A Godlike (21+)50% R,W NE 1 -6 18 233 hp N/A
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A W CE 1 -2 12, Fl 15 5
Night Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-8 7 Jp 9 4 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 50% E LN 6-60 5 6 1+1 N/A
N/A N/A Low to Very ( Nil Nil NE 1 (10%3 9, Fl 1 8+3 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% SpecialCN 1 (20-80 (8) 9 1+1 N/A
Night Scavenger Average (8-1 N/A SpecialCN 1-3 2 (10) 9 1+1 19
N/A Carnivore Exceptional t N/A H CE 1 -2 12 13 or Varies
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% SpecialCN 1 0 (8) 9 2+1 N/A
Night Scavenger Average (8-1 N/A SpecialCN 1 2 (10) 9 2+1 19
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N Special4 18 5+5 19
Night Fear High (13-14) N/A (W) NE 1-2 -2 24 13 7
Any Life Energy Very (11-12) N/A Nil E 1 0 Fl 12 ( 6+6 13
Any Omnivoire Very (11-12) N/A J,K,M (CE 1 8 (10) 12 2 19
Any Knowledge Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1 0 3 6+2 15
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A (B) CE 1 3 1 9 11
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Any CE 1 3 1 9 11
Night Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A D CE 1 -4 (4) 9 6+2 15
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (B) NE 10-30 5 6, Fl 1 3 17
Day Hemativore (BloAnimal (1) N/A Nil N 2-24 8 3 1 19
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N(E) 5-50 7 12 2+1 N/A
N/A N/A Average to GeNil N CE 1 0 9 or 12 9 (10 s N/A
Any Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Nil CE 1 0 12 9 (10 s 11
Night Life Energy Low (5-7) N/A O,R CE 1 7 24 5+2 15
Any Special Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialNE 1 10 (tru 0: tree 10 + 6 11
Day Scavenger Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-8 7 15, Cl 1+1 19
Night Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A (C) CE 1 5 3, Fl 9 4 17
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A V (U) CN 1-2 4 9, Sw 97 13
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A K,L,M, CE 1 6 6, Sw 14 7
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N Varies 7 12 1 19
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CG 2-12 6 21 3+3 17
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1-8 5 Sw 15 5 15
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil LN 1-3 0 6 5+5 15
N/A N/A Supra-genius 100% Z N(E) 1 -6 Special50 hp N/A
N/A N/A Average to ExNil (25 Nil (A) CE(N) 1 (2-12-1 15, Fl 11 N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional t Nil Nil (A) CE(N) 1 (1-10-2 12, Fl 13 N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional t Nil (40 Nil (Z) CE(N) 1 (1-8) -3 9, Fl 1 15 N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius 50% R,S,T, CE 1 -8 15 200 hp N/A
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 60% P(x2)/RCE 1 -7 3 88 hp N/A
N/A N/A Godlike (21+)25% Qx5,R, CE 1 -10 (-2 1, Cl 9 16 (66 N/A
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 40% S,T,W, CE 1 -4 24 106 hp N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius 20% O,P,U, CE 1 -2 12, Fl 233 hp N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius 60% U,Z CE 1 -9 12 186 hp N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius 25% A,I,S,T CE 1 -3 6 96 hp N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius 15% S,T,U, CE 1 -9 13, Fl 155 hp N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) 5% SpecialCE 1 4 to -5 15, Fl 5 + 2-2N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) n/a Nil CE 4-16 7 3 1 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 20% C CE 1-3 (1- -3 15 7+14 N/A
N/A N/A Very to High 10% C CE 1-3 (1- -3 9, Cl 1 6+6 N/A
N/A N/A Average to Ve5% B CE 1-3 (1- -1 6, Fl 2 7+2 N/A
N/A N/A Semi to Low (15% J,K,L, CE 2-8 (5- 2 9 4 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% Lx10,MCE 1-4 (3- 1 12 5+1 N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius 50% P,S,T, CE 1 -6 9, Fl 1 120 hp N/A
N/A N/A Very to Geniu15% S,T,U CE 1 5 12, Fl 6+2 to N/A
N/A N/A Very to GeniuSpecialSpecialCE 1 2 15 9 to 16 N/A
N/A N/A Average to ExSpecialSpecialCE 1 6 15 5 to 8 N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 5% I,Q CE 1 0 12, Fl 6 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 5% B CE 1-3 (1- 0 12, Fl 8 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 10% C CE 1-3 (1- -2 6, Fl 1 9 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 15% D CE 1-3 (1- -4 9 10 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 15% E CE 1-3 (1- -1 9, Fl 1 11 N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) 10% G CE 1-3 (1- -7/-5 12 7+7 N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) 20% F CE 1-3 (1- -2 6, Fl 1 8+8 N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 35% C,G,I CE 1 -5 18 100 hp N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 100% Nil N 1-2 0 1 6 N/A
Any Rock Semi (2-4) N/A Q N 1-2 0 3, Br 1 6 15
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 Nil Nil G 1-3 -6 18, Fl 9+36 N/A
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 Nil Nil G 1-4 -4 15, Fl 8+32 N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( Nil Nil G 1-6 -5 12, Fl 7+28 N/A
Any N/A Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 (1-3) 6 12 (42 4 17
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 75% A,S,T, LE 1 -4 9, Fl 1 154 hp N/A
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 65% H,R LE 1 -3 6, Fl 1 139 hp N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius 70% R,X,Z LE 1 -6 15, Fl 188 hp N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 95% I,R,S,T LE 1 -3 12 126 hp N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius 90% I,R,U,VLE 1 -7 12, Fl 199 hp N/A
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 80% E,R,V LE 1 -5 9, Fl 2 166 hp N/A
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 80% Q(x10) LE 1 -2 15 144 hp N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 70% H,R LE 1 -3 3, Fl 1 133 hp N/A
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 60% G,P LE 1 -2 18 126 hp N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 55% G,P LE 1 -3 12 106 hp N/A
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 30% G LE 1 -4 9, Fl 1 111 hp N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius 35% G,S,T LE 1 -2 15, Fl 86 hp N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) 55% I LE 1-2 (2- -5 9, Fl 1 5+5 N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) 60% Q,R LE 1 (1-4) -4 6 11 N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 65% J,R LE 1 (1-3) -3 6, Fl 1 13 N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) 60% Q,R LE 1-2 -1 6, Fl 1 6+6 N/A
N/A N/A Special Nil Nil LE 10-100 9 6 1 N/A
N/A N/A Low to Averag10% Nil LE 2-5 (5- 3 6, Fl 1 3+3 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 100% Nil LE 5-30 7 3 3 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% Nil LE 1-4 (2- 2 9, Fl 1 8 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 35% Nil LE 1-4 (3- 3 15, Fl 5+1 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 30% Nil LE 1-3 (3- 3 12, Fl 6 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 40% Nil LE 1-4 (3- 1 18, Fl 4+2 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 25% Nil LE 1-3 (3- 3 9, Fl 1 7 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 50% Nil LE 1-2 (3- 0 12 8 N/A
N/A N/A Average to Ve15% Nil LE 1-2 (4- 1 15 6+6 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 55% Nil LE 1-2 (2- -1 15 9 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% R LE 1-3 (4- 2 6, Fl 2 6+6 N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 80% I,Qx5, LE 1 -2 15, Fl 69 hp N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 10% Nil CE 4-16 6 30 6 N/A
Any Omnivore Exceptional t N/A Qx10,ZLE 1 0 18 10 11
Any Life Energy Exceptional ( N/A Nil NE 1 2 12 9+3 11
Any Hemativore (BloHigh (13-14) N/A Any LN 10 12 Varies Varies Varies
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A O CN or 1 3 or as 9 3+3 or a17 or as
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil CN 1 2 9 10 11
Any Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Qx20 N(L) 1-4 0 6 24 5
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A B NE 1 (2-8) 5 9 7+7 13
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A M (A) Any (C Any 9 (base12 1 20
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 2-12 3 12 8+8 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 2-16 0 21 6+6 15
N/A N/A Low to Averag25% Nil NE(L) 2-16 0 (3) 21 or 1 6+6 or N/A
Any Omnivore Supra-genius N/A Nil N 1 1 12 8 to 10 13 to 1
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-2 5 15 15 8
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-12 5 12 12 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-20 7 12 2 N/A
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-5 0 6 9 11
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-5 0 6 9 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-2 5 15 15 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-6 5 6 30 N/A
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 3 3, Sw 7 13
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 7 Sw 21 10 11
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-3 7 3, Sw 12 9
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 6 3, Sw 6 15
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-3 7 Sw 15 20 5
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 (10%4 Sw 24 10 11
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-4 3 3, Sw 7 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-6 5 6 36 N/A
Day Herbivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-6 5 6 30 5
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-8 6 6 20 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-16 7 9 1 to 3 N/A
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 15 8 13
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-4 5 15 8 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-4 6 6 24 N/A
Night Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-12 5 10 1-1 20
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-12 5 10 1-1 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-8 3 (6) 9 10 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-6 4 21, Jp 4+1 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 4 21 4+1 17
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-3 5 18, Jp 8+2 N/A
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-2 4 12, Sw 3 to 5 17 to 1
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 or 2 4 12, Sw 3 to 5 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-4 7 21 10 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-6 6 6 24 N/A
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 6 6 24 5
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-2 7 15 15 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 7 3, Sw 15 5
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-8 5 15 1+1 19
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-8 5 15 1+1 N/A
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-2 5 15 13 7
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-2 5 15 13 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 3-18 4 15 6 N/A
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-2 4 12, Sw 3 to 5 17 to 1
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-6 2 (6) 9 11 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-16 6 12 12 N/A
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-16 6 12 12 9
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-6 7 6 18 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 4-16 5 15 7 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-2 5 12 12 N/A
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-8 5 15 1+1 19
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-12 3/4 6 8 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-3 7 3, Sw 12 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 8 3, Sw 14 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-12 4 24 2 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-3 -3 3 9 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-12 2/6 9 12 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-12 6 15, Jp 7+7 N/A
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 5-20 5 12 3 12
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 5-20 5 12 8 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-3 7 15 20 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 3-12 4 21 2+2 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 3-18 7 3, Fl 1 3+3 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 3-18 7 3, Fl 1 3+3 17
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-8 5 3, Fl 1 6+6 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-8 2/5 6 18 N/A
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-8 5 6 18 5
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 6 18 6+3 13
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-6 6 18 6+3 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-8 2/4 6 10 N/A
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 5 6, Sw 6+6 13
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 5 6, Sw 6+6 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 (10%4 Sw 24 10 N/A
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-3 5 18 10 11
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-3 5 18 10 N/A
Day Herbivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-12 5 12 12 9
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-8 2/6 9 16 5
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-8 2/6 9 16 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-2 5 15 18 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 5 15 18 5
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% Qx5 NE 1-12 6 12 2 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil Nil N 1-2 5 12 5 N/A
Any Magic Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1-2 5 12 5 15
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A (B) LE 2-8 3 12 5 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 25% D N 2-5 4 15 6 N/A
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A (D) LE 2-5 4 15 6 15
Any None Average (8-1 N/A Nil Varies 1-20 0 9 4 17
Any Unknown Exceptional ( N/A Nil LE 1 -3 15 8 13
N/A N/A Average to HiNil Nil CG 1 4 9, Fl 2 7+3 N/A
Night Nil Genius (17-1 N/A G CG 1 -3 24 10 11
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A C LG 4-16 5 12 4 17
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 6 12 3+2 19
Night Carnivore Semi (3) N/A Nil NE 2-20 5 15 2+2 19
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NE 5-50 7 12 2+1 19
Any Carnivore High to ExcepN/A Nil NG 1 (2-8) 0 30, bip 9+3 11
Night Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 1 1 18 8 13
Any Omnivore High to GeniuN/A Nil LG 1-10 5 18 4+4 16
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 3-12 7 18 2 19
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 2-8 3 16 3 17
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil N 1 0 20 12 9
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A (W) LN 1 (15%3 18 4+1 15
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NE 3-18 6 12 3+2 19
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1 6 12 2+2 N/A
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N Varies 6 12 2+2 19
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NG Varies 4 15 4+8 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 4-16 7 15 1+1 N/A
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 4-16 7 15 1+1 19
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A H (Z) CN 4-40 (95 3, Sw 3 18
N/A N/A Very (11-12) Nil Nil LG 2-20 5 30 2+2 N/A
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil LG 2-20 5 30 2+2 19
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil G 1-10 4 Sw 30 3+3 17
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-6 2 9 5 15
N/A N/A Animal (1) 100% Nil NE 1-8 4 18 6+3 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 20% E N 3-12 5 9 4 N/A
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A E N 3-12 5 9 4 17
Any Omnivore Exceptional t N/A K,L,M NE 1-4 2 12 9 11
Any Omnivore Exceptional t N/A G,Ux3 NE 1-4 2 12 9 11
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A E NE 3-12 5 12 5 15
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A Nil CE 1-2 10 (vin Nil 11 to 1 Nil
Any Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Varies CE 1-20 Varies Varies Varies Varies
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (F) E(C or 1 2 to -3 10, Fl 12 9
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialCE 1 (1-4) 2 (base6, Fl 2 12 (bas9 (base
Night None As Base N/A B,H,S, E 1 As bas As bas As bas As bas
Night Special As per dragonN/A B,H,S, E(any) 1 As per As per As per As per
N/A N/A Low to Averag35% C,I CE 1-2 3 9, Fl 1 7+3 N/A
Day Herbivore High (13-14) N/A M,Q LG 3-18 5 (3) 18 6 15
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A K,L,N, LE 1-2 0 15 8 13
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A M,Q (D,LE/CE 2-20 4 6, Run 2 19
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Qx2 (ULE 2-20 2 6, Run 4 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A K,L,M (LE 2-20 4 6, Run 3 17
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 2-12 6 9 2 18
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Q,Vx1/2NE 2-20 1 6, Run 6 15
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 2-12 4 6 3 17
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Q N 1-6 0 12, Br 2 to 6 19 to 1
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A SpecialNG 1 -10 15, Fl 21 (Ba 5 (base
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A SpecialNE 1-4 3 (base6, Sw 9 (base11 (bas
Any Any Liquid Godlike (21+)N/A Nil N 2 -5 15, Fl 35 5
Any Any Liquid Genius (17-1 N/A Nil N 1 5 6, Fl 1 3 17
Any Omnivore High to SupraN/A Varies E 1 10 to - Varies 30+10 t11 to -
N/A N/A Average (8-1 30% H CE 1-4 3 12, Fl 6 to 8 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 50% H,S LE 1-4 2 9, Fl 2 8 to 10 N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) 25% H CG(N) 1-4 2 12, Fl 6 to 8 N/A
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialCN 1 (2-5) 2 (baseSw 9 11 (bas9 (base
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 45% H,S,T LG 1-4 0 9, Fl 2 8 to 10 N/A
Any Special High (13-14) N/A SpecialN(E) 1 (2-5) 2 12, Br 14 7
Any Special High (13-14) N/A SpecialN(E) 1 (2-5) 2 (base12, Br 14 (bas7
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A (H,S,T)N 1 0 or be 9, Fl 2 15 (bas6 (base
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A SpecialCE 1 (2-5) 1 12, Fl 12 9
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A SpecialLE 1 (2-5) 0 9, Fl 3 14 7
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A SpecialLE 1 (2-5) 0 9, Fl 3 13 7
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A SpecialCE 1 (2-5) -3 9, Fl 3 15 7
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A SpecialCE 1 (2-5) 1 12, Fl 11 9
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 90% 100% HLE 1 0 6, Fl 1 16 (128N/A
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A SpecialN 1 (2-5) 0 6, Fl 3 14 7
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 25% R,T,X, N 1-2 0 or -3 6, Fl 3 12 to 1 N/A
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A SpecialN 1 (2-5) 0 6, Fl 3 14 7
N/A N/A High (13-14) 35% H,S CG 1-4 1 9, Fl 2 7 to 9 N/A
Day Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Varies NE 1 0 (base9, Fl 3 13 (bas7 (base
Any Ore, Gems, CrysGenius (17-1 N/A SpecialLN 1 (2-5) -2 (bas 9, Fl 3 15 (bas5 (base
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A SpecialCE 1 (2-5) 0 12, Fl 14 7
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A SpecialCE 1 (2-5) 0 12, Fl 14 7
Any Nil Supra-genius N/A H CE 1 -8 15, Fl 29 (173-1
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A Varies NG 1 2 (base12, Fl 9 (base11 (bas
Any Anything Exceptional ( N/A H,S,Tx LG 1 -6 9, Fl 3 18 0
Any Carnivore Average to VeN/A Varies CN 1 1 (base12, Fl 11 (bas9 (base
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A SpecialN 1 (2-5) -4 (bas 12, Fl 14 (bas8 (base
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A SpecialN 1 (2-5) -4 12, Fl 14 7
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A SpecialCN 1 (2-5) 0 (base9, Fl 2 10 (bas11 (bas
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A SpecialCN 1 (2-5) 0 9, Fl 2 10 11
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A SpecialLN 1 (2-5) -2 (bas 9, Fl 3 12 (bas9 (base
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A SpecialLN 1 (2-5) -2 9, Fl 3 12 9
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A SpecialLN 1 (2-5) -3 (bas 9, Fl 3 13 (bas7 (base
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A SpecialLN 1 (2-5) -3 9, Fl 3 13 7
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A SpecialCN 1 (2-5) -1 (bas 9, Fl 2 11 (bas9 (base
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A SpecialCN 1 (2-5) -1 9, Fl 2 11 9
Any None Exceptional ( N/A SpecialN 1 0 9 20 2
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A SpecialN 1 0 9 20 2
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 65% H,R,S, LG 1-3 -2 12, Fl 10 to 1 N/A
N/A N/A Average to Ve40% H LE 1-4 2 9, Fl 2 7 to 9 N/A
Any Special Supra-genius N/A SpecialLN(G) 1 0 9, Fl 3 11 9
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A O LG 1 6 15 1 20
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A SpecialN 1 (2-5) -1 (bas 9, Fl 3 13 (bas7 (base
Any Any Liquid Exceptional ( N/A Nil N(G) 1 5 6, Fl 2 5 15
Any None Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 As bas As baseAs bas As bas
Any None Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 As bas Half baAs bas As bas
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A Ax3,BxNE 1 -10 24, Fl 28 (170-3
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Varies CE 1 -4 (bas 18, Sw 20 (bas1 (base
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A SpecialNE 1 -4 (bas 24, Fl 20 (bas1 (base
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A SpecialCE 1 1 (base24, Sw 11 (bas9 (base
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A SpecialNE 1-8 -4 (bas 12, Sw 15 (bas5 (base
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A SpecialCE 1 -1 (bas 12, Fl 13 (bas7 (base
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A SpecialCE 1 -1 (bas 18, Sw 13 (bas7 (base
Any Special Supra-genius N/A S,T,U,VLE 1 -12 18, Sw 25 (2002
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A SpecialCE 1 3 (base18, Fl 10 (bas11 (bas
Any Herbivore Exceptional ( N/A SpecialLE 1 -2 (bas 9, Sw 13 (bas7 (base
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A SpecialLE 1 0 (base3, Fl 3 12 (bas7 (base
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A SpecialCG 1 (2-5) -1 15, Fl 11 9
Any Special High (13-14) N/A SpecialCG(N) 1 (2-5) 0 9, Fl 3 12 9
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A SpecialLG 1 (2-5) -2 9, Fl 3 14 8
Any Special High (13-14) N/A SpecialCG 1 (2-5) 1 9, Fl 3 13 9
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A SpecialLG 1 (2-5) -4 12, Fl 16 5
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A SpecialLG 1 (2-5) -3 9, Fl 3 15 5
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A SpecialN 1 (2-5) 1 or -2 12, Fl 11 9
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 35% X,Y,Z N 1 or 2 1 or -2 6, Fl 3 9 to 11 N/A
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A SpecialN 1 (2-5) 1 or -2 12, Fl 11 9
Night Omnivore High (13-14) N/A SpecialVaries 1 (1-3) 4 (base12, Fl 9 (base12 (bas
Any Herbivore Exceptional ( N/A IncidenN 1 3 (base9, Fl 2 8 (base13 (bas
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A SpecialN 1-3 0 (base9, Fl 2 7 (base13 (bas
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A SpecialN 1 1 (base9, Fl 2 9 (base13 (bas
Night Special Exceptional ( N/A Varies N 1 -1 (bas 9, Fl 2 10 (bas9 (base
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A SpecialN 1-3 2 (base9, Fl 1 6 (base15 (bas
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialN 1 (2-5) 0 (base12, Fl 12 (bas9 (base
N/A N/A Average (8-1 60% H N 1-4 4 9, Fl 2 7 to 9 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 60% Hx2 N 1 0 3, Sw 11 to 1 N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) 60% Hx1/2 CN 1-4 2 12, Fl 6 to 8 N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) 60% H CN 1-4 1 12, Fl 9 to 11 N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 60% Hx2 LN 1 -2 9, Fl 4 11 to 1 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 60% Nil N 1-4 3 6, Sw 5 to 7 N/A
Any Special Variable N/A Varies Varies 1 Varies Varies Variabl Varies
N/A N/A Supra-genius 75% 100% HLG 1 -3 9, Fl 3 21 (168N/A
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Varies CN 1 (2-4) 0 (base0, Fl 3 11 (bas9 (base
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A SpecialAny 1 (2-5) 1 12, Fl 15 5 (base
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 60% H,S,T CE 1-4 -1 9, Fl 2 9 to 11 N/A
Day Carnivore High (13-14) N/A SpecialLN 1-3 0 (base8, Fl 3 9 (base11 (bas
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A SpecialLN 1 (2-5) -4 (bas 9, Fl 3 14 (bas7 (base
Any Metal and Magi Low (5-7) N/A Nil LN(E) 1 0 (base15, Fl 12 (bas9 (base
Any Special High (13-14) N/A SpecialNE 1-6 -2 (bas 3, Sw 15 (bas5
Night Special Genius (17-1 N/A SpecialCE 1 (2-5) -4 18, Fl 12 9
N/A N/A Very to Geniu40% SpecialNE 1 or 2 -2 18, Fl 4+1 to N/A
Night Special Genius (17-1 N/A SpecialCE 1 (2-5) -4 18, Fl 12 9
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 55% H,T LG 1-4 -1 9, Fl 2 9 to 11 N/A
Any Special Supra-genius N/A SpecialLN(G) 1 0 9, Fl 3 11 9
Any Special Godlike (21+)N/A SpecialN 1 -2 12, Fl 50 5
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A SpecialG 1 (2-5) 1 (base12, Fl 10 (bas11 (bas
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% E,O,S CE 1-4 3 12, Fl 5 to 7 N/A
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A SpecialCE 1 (1-4) 0 12, Fl 13 7
N/A N/A Average to ExNil Nil N(G) 1 or 2- 0 24, Fl 8 N/A
Any Omnivore Supra-genius N/A (H) LE 1 -10 15, Fl 32 (250-3
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 5% B,R,S, N 1 0 3, Sw 12 to 1 N/A
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A B,R,S, N 1 0 3, Sw 12 to 1 9 to 7
Any Herbivore Genius (17-1 N/A S,T,U CG 1-6 5 (1) 6, Fl 2 4 17
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-8 5 6, Fl 1 4 17
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Q (x10 N(G) 1 (50% 2 6, Fl 2 2 19
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 4 Sw 6 2 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 3-18 1 6, Fl 2 3+2 17
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 3-18 -1 6, Fl 2 4+2 17
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 3 3, Fl 3 7 (8 + 13 (11)
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1-6 3 1, Fl 3 7 to 9 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 3 9, Sw 36+1 (7 15 (13)
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 3-18 0 6, Fl 2 4 17
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 3-18 -2 6, Fl 2 5 15
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 3-18 2 6, Fl 2 3 17
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A SpecialCE 2-16 3 6, Fl 1 7 13
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A I,U (Nil NE 1-3 4 (base15, Br 7 (base13 (bas
Constant Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A V CE 2-16 3 6, Fl 1 7 13
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A (Rx2) CN 1-3 5 9, Sw 7 to 14 13 to 7
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A SpecialCE 2-16 3 6, Fl 1 7 13
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 40% B,S,R N 1 6/2 15, Fl 9 N/A
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A B,S,T N 1 2, Fl 6 15, Fl 9 11
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N(E) 1-4 3 (base12, Fl 8+4 11
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 10% Nil N(E) 1-4 3 12, Fl 8+4 N/A
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 1 -2 9, Fl 3 25+9 ( 5
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 1 -4 12 25+8 ( 5
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialNE 1 -3 12, Jp 20+8 ( 5
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 1 -1 12, Sw 20 (14 5
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialN 1 0 18, Br 13 8
Night Omnivore High (13-14) N/A R (E) C 1-4 0 12, Fl 5 15
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1-4 0 12, Fl 6 15
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A R (E) C 1-4 0 12, Fl 3 17
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A R (E) C 1-4 0 12, Fl 4 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A SpecialN 1 1 12, Sw 14+6 6
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-2 4 6, Sw 12 9
Day Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 -1 12, Fl 17+5 3
Any Heat/Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 -7/-1/2 0 20 5
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A N,O,R Any 2-12 7 12 3 to 4 18
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A N,O,R A? 2-12 7 12 3 to 4 18
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Any N 1 (1-6) 6 6, Fl 1 3+3 17
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-12 2 to 4 9 4 17
Night Special High (13-14) N/A Nil LE 1 5 9, Fl 2 8 13
Night Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil LN 4-24 7 6 3 17
Night Special Very (11-12) N/A Nil LE 1-4 4 12 5 15
Any Nil Variable N/A Nil Varies Varies Varies Varies Variabl Varies
Night Special Exceptional ( N/A Nil CE 1 -2 12, Fl 8 13
Night Dream EssenceAverage (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1 0 Fl 18 ( 3 Nil
Night Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil LN 3-18 6 9, Wb 1+1 19
Any Nil Variable N/A Nil CE 1-4 3 Varies 8 13
N/A N/A Average to Ve100% SpecialN(E) 1 2 6 5+3 N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) Nil Nx2,Q CE 1-4 3 12 6+6 N/A
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-4 2 6 16+6 5
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1 0 12 8+3 13
N/A N/A High (13-14) 10% M(x100N 1-6 9 12 2 N/A
Any Herbivore High (13-14) N/A M(x100N 1 (1-6) 9 12 2 19
Any Water and SunliHigh (13-14) N/A Nil N 1-2 7 15 4 17
Any Water and SunliHigh (13-14) N/A Nil N 1-2 7 15 4 17
Any Special Special N/A Nil N 1 SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecial
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 4 (5) 6, Fl 1 3+2 17
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A P NE 2-12 8 9, Br 1 3 17
Day Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-5 (5- 2 12, Jp 8 13
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 (2-5) 0 12, Jp 10 11
Night Nil Varies N/A Nil E 1-4 Varies 18 Varies Varies
N/A N/A High (13-14) Nil Nil NE 1 3 12 6 N/A
Day Unknown High (13-14) N/A Nil NE 1 3 12 6 15
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A O,I,R, N 1 10 0 16+3 5
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A Nil LG 1 -2 24, Fl 16 5
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A Nil LG 1 0 36, Fl 13 7
Night Scavanger Average (8-1 N/A W CN 2-4 4 12 9+2 11
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-20 4 3 4 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 50% Mx5 (GLG 40-400 4 6 1 N/A
Any Omnivore Varies (3-18) N/A Mx5,Q LN 10-100 8 (10) 6 1 19
Any Omnivore High to GeniuN/A M (Qx5LN 10-100 8 (10) 6 1 19
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Varies LN 3-30 6 (10) 6 1+2 19
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1 (2-5) 6 9 8 13
Any Omnivore Varies (3-18) N/A Mx5 (GLE 4-400 4 (10) 6 1 19
N/A N/A Very to Geniu20% SpecialCE 3-30 Varies 9 3 N/A
Night Omnivore Very to GeniuN/A SpecialCE 3-30 5 or 4 9 3 17
Night Omnivore Very to GeniuN/A SpecialCE 3-30 5 or 4 9 3 17
N/A N/A Average to Ge5% M,O (F,LE(N) 2-8 (204 6 1+2 N/A
Any Omnivore Average to GeN/A M,Q (BLE(N) 2-9 (204 6 1+2 19
Any Omnivore Semi to AveraN/A Jx1/4 ( CN 2-20 7 (10) 6 1 19
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A M(x5) LG 4-400 4(10) 6 1 20
Any Omnivore Varies (3-18) N/A Mx2 (GNG 1 (10-16 (10) 6 1 19
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A M(x5) LG 4-400 4(10) 6 1+1 19
Any Omnivore Varies (3-18) N/A Mx5,Q LN 4-24 4 (10) 4 (6) 1 19
Night Carnivore Varies (3-18) N/A Mx2 (GCE 3-30 7 (10) 6 1 19
Special Nil Average (8-1 N/A U N 2-8 6 9 3+12 17
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A M,Q (HN 10-100 0 6, Br 6 2 19
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A K,L,M, LN 20-200 8 (10) 9 1+1 19
Any Omnivore Varies (3-18) N/A Mx5 (GN 2-20 3 (10) 6 1 19
Any Magic Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 1 -4 6 + Spe10 11
N/A N/A Animal (1) 20% SpecialN 1-2 (5- 6 1, Fl 3 1+3 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% Q,C (ma N 1-20 7 3, Fl 4 4 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 90% Nil N 1-4 9 1 1/8 N/A
Night Special Genius (17-1 N/A Rx3,U NE 1 1 6 10 11
N/A N/A Low to Except50% SpecialNE 4-16 3 12, Fl 4+4 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 7-12 4 (10) 6, Sw 5 15
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-3 9 12 2 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 6 Sw 9 6 to 8 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-4 6 6 5 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A IncidenNE 1 (7-124 Sw 6 5 or m 15
N/A N/A Non (0) 100% O,P,R N 10-60 8 15 1-1 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) Nil Nil N(LE) 1 2 9, Fl 2 10 N/A
N/A Absence Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-3 10 Nil N/A N/A
Any Nil Average to HiN/A Nil Varies 10-100 Varies 12 Varies Varies
Any Nil Average to HiN/A Nil Varies 10-100 Varies 12 4 or m Varies
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A (F, 25 E 1 (1-4) -6 or a 12 or a 8 Nil or
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A IncidenCG 1-4 -3 15, Fl 7+10 13
Any Omnivore Exceptional t N/A IncidenCG 1 (1-3) -5 18, Fl 10+15 11
Any Omnivore Supra-genius N/A IncidenCG 1 (1-2) -7 18, Fl 12+20 7
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A IncidenCG 1-3 (3- 2 (-2) 15, Fl 6+9 15
Night Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A IncidenCG 2-40 5 (0) 9, Fl 2 2+1 19
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A IncidenCG 2-16 3 (-3) 15, Sw 5+7 15
Night Omnivore Very to ExcepN/A IncidenCG 3-24 4 (-4) 15, Fl 8+12 13
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1 2 36 8 12 or N/A
Any Air Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 2 Fl 36 ( 8, 12, 13, 9,
Any Air Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 1 Fl 36 ( 10 to 1 11 to 5
Any Air Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 4 Fl 18 ( 2 to 6 19 to 1
Any Wind Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 3 Fl 24 ( 16 5
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A Qx10,XN(G) 1 9 12, Fl 3 17
Any Air, Clouds Very (11-12) N/A Nil C 1-4 2 Fl 36 ( 8 13
Any Earth, Metal Very (11-12) N/A SpecialCN 1 0 18 10 11
Any Fire Very (11-12) N/A Nil CE 2-7 3 12, Fl 7 13
Any Water Average (8-1 N/A Nil CG 1 4 9, Sw 8 11
Any Omnivore Varies N/A Varies Varies 1 Varies Varies Varies Varies
Any Special Low to AveragN/A K CN 1 2 Fl 24 ( 9 to 12 11 to 9
Any Special Low to AveragN/A K CN 1 2 Fl 24 ( 9 to 12 11 to 9
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A Nil NE 3-18 -5 12, 18, 16+16 5
Any Special Low to AveragN/A K CN 1 2 Fl 24 ( 9 to 12 11 to 9
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1 2 6 8 12 or N/A
Any Earth, Metal, o Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 2 6 8, 12, 13, 9,
Any Earth, Metal, o Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 1 9 10 to 1 11 to 5
Any Earth, Metal, o Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 4 6 2 to 6 19 to 1
Darkness Omnivore Average to ExN/A SpecialNG 5-20 3 9 4 17
Any Minerals Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 3 12, Br 4 17
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A I,O,P,YCE 1 0 9 8+3 13
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1 2 12 8 12 or N/A
Any Any CombustabLow (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 2 12 8, 12, 13, 9,
Any Any CombustabAverage (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 1 12 10 to 1 11 to 5
Any Any CombustabLow (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-3 4 Fl 15 ( 2 to 6 19 to 1
Any Fire, Electricity Average (8-1 N/A One guN 1 2 12 4+4 17
Any Fire Semi (2-4) N/A Q N 1-6 6 4 2 19
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A F CE 2-5 5/3 9 7+7 13
Any Air Very (11-12) N/A Nil LN 1-6 1 12, Fl 9 11
Any Fire High (13-14) N/A Nil LG 2-5 1 9, Fl 2 9 11
Any Ice Very (11-12) N/A Nil LE(LN)1 2 6, Sw 5 to 12 15 to 9
Any Earth, Rock Average (8-1 N/A Nil LG 1-6 2 24 9 11
Any Unknown Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 0 12 18 5
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 0 12 18 (1405
Any Life Force Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1 2 12 8 to 16 13 to 5
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1 3 6 8 to 16 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1 3 6 8 to 16 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1 3 Fl 36 ( 8 to 16 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1 3 6, Fl 1 8 to 16 N/A
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 55% H,V,X NE 1 -6 9 90 hp N/A
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 45% R,U NE 1 -4 18 90 hp N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 65% H,U,Z NE 1 -7 9 110 hp N/A
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 75% H,S,U NE 1 -5 6, Sw 90 hp N/A
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 15% U,Z NE 1 -6 Fl 48 85 hp N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N(C) 1 2 Fl 18 ( 6 to 12 N/A
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 0 12 8 to 16 13 to 5
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 0 6 8 to 16 13 to 5
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 0 Fl 36 ( 8 to 16 13 to 5
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 0 12 8 to 16 13 to 5
Night Minerals Average (8-1 N/A A,Q NE 1-6 3 9 4 17
Any Smoke Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 3 12 4 17
N/A N/A Very to SupraNil Nil N 1 2 1 12 to 2 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1 2 6, Fl 1 8 12 or N/A
Any Any Liquid Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 2 6, Sw 8, 12, 13, 9,
Any Any Liquid Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 1 6, Sw 10 to 1 11 to 5
Any Any Liquid Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-3 4 6 2 to 6 19 to 1
Any Clean Water Very (11-12) N/A X C(any) 1-4 10 12, Sw 4 17
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A I,O,P,YCE 1-3 4 12 3+3 15
Day Special Very (11-12) N/A C,R CN 1-3 7 Fl 30 ( 6+3 13
Any Air Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 2 Fl 36 ( 8+3 13
Any Earth Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 2 12 8+3 13
Any Fire or CombustSemi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 2 18 8+3 13
Any Water Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 5-10 2 6, Sw 11+1 Special
Day Petrivore High to ExcepN/A Qx2-8 NE 1-6 0 6 6+6 13
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A SpecialLN 2-16 2 12 2+1 to 19 to 1
Any Scents, FlowersSemi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 1 4 6, Fl 6 2 19
Any Scents, FlowersSemi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 1 4 6, Fl 6 2 19
Any Vegetable and Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 1-6 3 6, Br 6 2 19
Any Vegetable and Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 1-6 3 6, Br 6 2 19
Any Any CombustabSemi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 2-8 4 6, Fl 6 2 19
Any Any CombustabSemi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 2-8 4 6, Fl 6 2 19
Any Any Liquid Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 1 6 6, Sw 2 19
Any Any Liquid Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 1 6 6, Sw 2 19
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-12 6 15 11 N/A
Morning and Evening Herbivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-12 6 15 11 9
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-20 6 12 10 N/A
Day Herbivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-12 5 12 13 7
any Herbivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-12 6 15 12 9
Day Herbivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-8 4 15 8+4 (1 11 (9)
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 10-100 5 Fl 18 ( 3+3 18
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Varies CN or 3-30 6 (10) 12 1+1 19
N/A N/A High and Up 10% N (G,S CG 20-200 5 12 1+1 N/A
Any Omnivore High to SupraN/A N (G,S CG 20-200 5 (10) 12 1+1 19 (18)
Any Omnivore High to GeniuN/A K,Q (I, CG 20-120 6 (9) 9, Sw 1+1 19
Any Omnivore High to GeniuN/A K,Q (I, CG 20-120 6 (9) 9, Sw 1+1 19
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Varies CN 3-30 6 (10) 12 1+1 19
Any (Night) Hemativore (BloHigh (13-14) N/A Nx2,Q CE 1 (1-4) 3 12 6+6 13
N/A N/A High (13-14) Nil Nx5,QxCE 5-50 4 or be 12 (Fem2 and bN/A
Any (Night) Omnivore High to SupraN/A Nx5,QxCE 50 4 (10) 12 2 19
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A R (F) N(LG) 2-8 8 16, Fl 2+1 19
Night Omnivore Average to GeN/A N,Q CN 20-80 6 (10) 15 1+1 19
N/A N/A Average and 50% N,O N(C) 20-80 6 15 1+1 N/A
Any Omnivore Average to GeN/A K,V LG/NG 1 5 (10) 9 (12) 1+1 19 (18)
Any Omnivore Average to GeN/A M (E,S LG/NG 10-100 5 (10) 12 1+1 19 (18)
Any Omnivore Average to GeN/A N (G,S NG/CG20-200 5 (10) 12 1+1 19 (18)
Night Omnivore High to SupraN/A M,1 Je N 5-20 (14 (10) 12 1+1 or 19 or b
Any Omnivore Average to GeN/A F (S) CG/LG 10-40 8 (10) 9, Sw 1+1 19 (18)
Any Omnivore Average to GeN/A G (S) CG/NG10-100 5 (10) 9, Sw 1+1 19 (18)
Any Omnivore High to SupraN/A M,N (GCN 10-40 4 (10) 12 1+2 19
N/A N/A High and Up 10% M,N (GCN 10-40 4 12 1+2 N/A
Any Omnivore Varies (3-18) N/A R (S) NG/CG20-200 8 (10) 12, Spr1+1 19 (18)
Any Omnivore High to SupraN/A N (G,S N or C 5-20 8 (10) 9, Fl 1 1+1 19
Any Warmth Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-10 4 18 5 to 9 15 to 1
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A P,Q (I) LN 1-6 6 15, Fl 4+4 15 (lea
Any Planar Boundar Low to AveragN/A Nil CN 1 3 12 11+6 9
N/A N/A Variable 85% E Varies 1 4 9 3 or be N/A
Any Living beings Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 1-8 2 18 5 15
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 10-30 7 (9) 12 3 17
Any Omnivoire Very (11-12) N/A W (I) LE 1 10 15 4 17
Any Omnivoire Very (11-12) N/A W (I) LE 1 10 15 4 (27 17
Nil Nil Nil N/A Nil Nil 1-4 or 10 0 1/4 Nil
Any Special Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 0 Fl 50 ( 20 to 1 5
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 4 12 1+3 19
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 4 12 1+3 19
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 30% Nil NE 1-2 6 12 5 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-2 6 12 5 15
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% O (C,Y CE 1-4 3 12 10 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1 6 6 2+2 to N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-12 Fl 9 30 1/2 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 25% Nil CE 1-4 (2- 5 9 4 N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) Nil Nil CE 1 2 9 12 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 20% R LE 1 5 Sw 6 10 to 1 N/A
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil LE 1-20 4 Fl 24 ( 3 17
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil LE 1-20 4 Fl 24 ( 3 17
Any Water Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 2-12 4 9 3 17
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A M,Q (BCE 1-4 4 10 8+3 11
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A K NE 2-12 (45 (head9, Sw 4+2 17
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A R CE 1 6 or as 8 6+3 or a15 or as
Night Nil Average (8-1 N/A nil NG 1 0 12 1 19
Day Herbivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1 4 18 4 17
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A O,Q NE 2-16 2 (8) 3 1/4 20
Day Herbivore Very (11-12) N/A (O,P,Q N 5-40 6 (2 fly 3, Fl 1 1/8 20
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil C 2-40 10 12 1/2 20
Night Herbivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CN 1 (2-4) 7 6 1/2 20
N/A N/A High to Geniu25% S,T,U CG 1-6 5 (1) 6, Fl 2 1/4 to N/A
Any Herbivore Supra-genius N/A F,T LN 1 1 9, Fl 3 15 6
N/A N/A Animal (1) 30% SpecialN 1-2 6 1, Fl 3 1 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 30% SpecialN 1-2 5 1, Fl 3 1-1 N/A
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Q G 1 0 9, Fl 1 3 17
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Q E 1 0 12, Fl 3 17
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Q L 1 0 6, Fl 2 3 17
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Q N 1 0 15, Fl 3 17
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Nil NE 1 Varies Varies Varies Varies
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Q C 1 0 6 3 17
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1 7 9 1+1 19
Any Scavenger Animal (1) N/A Nil N 6-60 8 1 1/8 10
Any Scavenger Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-8 8 1 1/8 10
Any Herbivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 6-48 7 3, Fl 1 2+2 18
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 3-12 5 18 4+4 15
Any Herbivore Exceptional ( N/A B,H,U, CN 1 -4 12, Fl 22 7
Full Moon Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil CG 2-8 4 15 5 15
Night Omnivore Low to Very ( N/A B,M,Q, CN 2-8 7 (4) 15 4 17
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1 4 6 9 11
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 1-4 4 9 7+1 13
Night Emotions Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1-4 2 12 4 17
Night Emotions Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1-4 2 12 4 17
Any Emotions High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1 -2 12, Fl 16 5
Any Emotions High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1 -2 12, Fl 16 5
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Vx2,X CN 1-2 7 14 2-4 19
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 (2-8) 6, Hea 15 5+5 15
Night Special High (13-14) N/A H,S,T CE 1 3 Fl 24 ( 6+2 15
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 5 12 4 17
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 2 9 6 15
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 4 9 6 15
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 6 9 4 17
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 6 9 4 17
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 1 12 6 15
Any Hemativore (BloSemi (2-4) N/A I NE 11-20 8 6, Fl 2 2 19
Any Special Very to GeniuN/A Nil LE 1-4 3 12 6 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 100% Q N 1-6 6 4 2 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialN 1-20 4 Fl 24 ( 5 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 80% Nil N 2-8 5 6, Fl 1 4 N/A
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-8 5 6, Fl 1 4 17
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N(G) 1-4 4 3, Fl 1 1+4 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 75% K,M (F NE 10-100 5 9 2+2 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A K,M (F NE 10-100 5 9 2+2 19
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A Nil CE 1 0 6 13+3 7
Night ThermosynthesiHigh (13-14) N/A Nil N 1-12 2 Fl 15 ( 2+2 19
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1-6 6 Fl 15 ( 4+4 15
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1-6 6 Fl 15 ( 4+4 17
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A Gems oCN 1-2 2 Fl 21 ( 9+9 11
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A Gems oCN 1-2 2 Fl 21 ( 9+9 12
Any Nutrients Non (0) N/A Nil N 20-200 8 0 6 15
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% C CN 1-6 10 6 4+1 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 5 Sw 24 5+5 15
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 6 Sw 18 6+6 13
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 2-12 3 Sw 21 1+1 19
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-20 (17 Sw 12 3 17
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 6 Sw 3 9 11
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil E 3-12 4 Sw 24 5 15
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-6 5 3, Sw 21+1 19
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-12 6 Sw 30 1 to 3 19 to 1
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 6 Sw 18 8 to 12 13 to 9
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 7 Sw 18 7 to 10 13 to 1
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 8 Sw 12 8 13
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 10 Sw 9 ( 6 15
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 9 Sw 15 9 11
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 7 Sw 18 10 11
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 4 Sw 6 2 19
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-3 9 Sw 12 2 16
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 6 Sw 9 5 15
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 6 Sw 9 6 to 8 13 to 1
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 10-60 8 Sw 15 1-1 20
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-12 9 Sw 30 1/2 20
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 6 Sw 18 8 to 12 13 to 9
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 3 Sw 30 8 20
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A J-N,Q, LG 1-4 6 6, Sw 5 to 7 15 to 1
Any Scavenger Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 (3-128 Sw 9 1/4 20
Any Scavenger Non (0) N/A Nil N 10-40 9 Sw 6 1/8 20
Any Scavenger Non (0) N/A Nil N 10-40 9 ???? 1/8 Nil
Any Scavenger Non (0) N/A Nil N 10-60 10 1, Sw 1/8 20
Any Scavenger Non (0) N/A Nil N 10-40 10 Sw 15 1/8 20
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A (Qx3) N 20-70 5 Sw 12 1 to 3 19 to 1
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 7 Sw 12 1+2 13
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 6 Sw 9 5 19
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-12 7 12 1+2 15
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 6 Sw 18 8 to 11 13 to 9
Night Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-8 7 Sw 9 8 13
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-8 5 Sw 36 4 17
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 5-50 8 Sw 9 1/2 20
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-20 7 Sw 15 2+2 16
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-3 7 Sw 12 4 17
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 5-50 8 Sw 9 1/2 20
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-20 7 Sw 21 2 to 4 19 to 1
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 3-12 6 Sw 24 3 to 8 17 to 1
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-3 5 Sw 18 10 to 1 11 to 5
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-3 7 Sw 9 1 20
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 10-100 9 Sw 12 1-1 20
Night Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-3 6 Sw 24 4 to 9 17 to 1
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 10-40 8 Sw 18 1 19
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-3 7 Sw 9 2+4 Nil
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil (R, N 1 5 Sw 12 6 15
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 3 (6 if Sw 15 3+2 17
Any Coral Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 Sw 9 1 19
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A IncidenN 1 3 (8) 3, Sw 18+18 5
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 4 Sw 15 7+7 to 13 to 1
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1 4 3 4 to 6 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 1 9 9+9 11
Any Any CombustabLow (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 3 12 6 15
Any Any CombustabLow (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 4 9 2 19
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 4 12 4 17
Any Nil Average to ExN/A Any LE 1 (1-6) 3 Fl 21 ( 4+4 15
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1-4 0 15 6 to 12 15 to 9
Any Herbivore Average (8-1 N/A SpecialNG 4-80 7 (-3) 3 1 to 3 19 to 1
Any Hemativore (BloNon (0) N/A Nil N HundreN/A 3 N/A Special
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% A LE 2-24 5 12 2+3 N/A
Night Herbivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 2-8 8 Fl 12 ( 3 17
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil NE 2-8 0 9, Fl 1 7+7 13
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil Nil LG 2-16 0 (8) 6 2 N/A
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LG 2-16 0 (8) Fl 6 (D 2 19
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A (U) LG 4-32 0 (8) Fl 6 (D 2 to 5 19 to 1
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-10 6 9, Fl 3 3 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-4 5 6, Fl 2 6 N/A
Constant Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Q N 1 0 24 6+3 13
Any Emotions Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 1 0 15 4 Special
N/A N/A Very (11-12) Nil Nil CG 2-8 9 27 7+7 N/A
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A Nil CG 2-8 0 27 7+7 13 or 1
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A Nil CG 2-8 0 27 7+7 13 or 1
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A Nil CG 1-4 -1 21 11+11 9 or 5
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A Nil CG 1-4 -1 21 11+1 9 or 5
N/A N/A Exceptional ( Nil Nil CG 1-4 -1 21 11+11 N/A
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A (Q) CN or 1 4 (0) 6 5 15
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-2 4 (stal Nil 5 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil NE 1 2 9 3 N/A
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil LN 5-8 1 15 6+6 13
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 100% Nil LN 5-8 1 15 6+6 N/A
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil LN(G) 5-8 1 15 6+6 13
Any Omnivore Supra-genius N/A Nil LN 1 7 1 9+9 Nil
Any Omnivore Supra-genius N/A Nil LN(G) 1 7 1 9+9 Nil
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 50% Nil LN 21-40 2 15 3+3 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LN 21-40 2 15 3+3 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LN(G) 21-40 2 15 3+3 17
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil LN 100-40 3 18 1+1 19
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% Nil LN 100-40 3 18 1+1 N/A
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil LN(G) 100-40 3 18 1+1 19
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-4 3 6, Fl 1 6 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-4 3 6, Fl 1 6 15
Any Herbivore High to GeniuN/A SpecialLN 7-12 ( 8 (or 2)12 2 19
Constant Light and magicUnknown N/A Nil N 1 -1 Fl 1 to 6 to 13 15 to 7
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1-4 3 8, Fl 1 6+3 13
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 5-40 7 3, Sw 1 to 3 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 5-40 7 3, Sw 1 to 3 19 to 1
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 3-18 8 6, Sw 1+4 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-12 8 3, Sw 1 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-18 8 6, Sw 1+4 18
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-12 8 3, Sw 1 19
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A IncidenN 1 4 (tent 4, Sw 16 5
N/A N/A Animal (1) 40% SpecialN 2 2 (tent 2, Sw 816 N/A
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Qx2 NG 1-6 9 (Flyi 6, Fl 2 1/2 20
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A E CE 1-3 3 12 12 9
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% C LE 1 5 12 4 N/A
Any Varies Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-20 3 to 6 9 to 24 1+1 19
Any Air Semi (3) N/A Nil N 2-20 6 Fl 24 ( 1+1 19
Any Earth, Metal Semi (3) N/A Nil N 2-20 3 Fl 9 (B 1+1 19
Any Any CombustabSemi (3) N/A Nil N 2-20 5 Fl 18 ( 1+1 19
Any Life Force Semi (3) N/A Nil NE 2-20 3 Fl 18 ( 1+1 19
Any Any Liquid Semi (3) N/A Nil N 2-20 4 Fl 12 ( 1+1 19
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-4 7 1 3 N/A
Any Scavenger Unratable N/A Nil N(E) 1 3 12 6+6 13
Any Scavenger Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-3 9 3 1/8 Nil
Any Scavenger Unratable N/A Nil N(E) 1-4 5 3 5 15
Any Scavenger Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-8 7 1 3 17
Any Scavenger Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 7 1 3 17
Day Herbivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 10-100 7 6 1 20
Day Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil LE 3 7 6, Fl 1 7 13
Day Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil LE 3 7 6, Fl 1 7 13
Day Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil LE 3 7 6, Fl 1 7 (d10)11
Night Herbivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1 5 Fl 18 ( 1/8 20 (15)
Any PhotosynthesticNon (0) N/A Nil N 1 7 36 2 N/A
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Z NE 1-2 2 12 7 13
Night Special Very (11-12) N/A Nil CE 1 2 12, Fl 8 13
Night Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1-4 6 12, Fl 3 17
Night Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1 4 12, Fl 5 15
Night Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1-3 0 Fl 18 ( 4 17
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 15% Qx3, X N 1-4 -2 6 8 to 10 N/A
Day Special Very (11-12) N/A Q(x3), N 1-4 -2 6 8 to 10 13 to 1
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% 1-3 ge CE 1-4 2 3, Fl 1 1/4 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 100% P,R CN 1-8 6 Special4 N/A
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A R CN 1-8 6 Special4 17
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A R CN 1-8 6 Special4 17
N/A Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Variou N 1 -2 (-10 9, Sr 9 100 5
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil N N 1-6 3 Sw 30 8 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 40% C N 1-3 5 6, Fl 9 2+2 N/A
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-5 5 6, Fl 1 2+2 19
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-5 5 6, Fl 1 2+2 19
N/A N/A Animal (1) 40% C N 1-3 5 6, Fl 9 3+1 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 5 6, Fl 9 3+3 17
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 5 6, Fl 9 3+3 17
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Bx2 N 1 3 (Body24 13+4 7
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 1-2 4 21 35 5
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 1-2 4 21 35 5
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 1-3 6 6, Fl 3 20 to 3 5
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 1-3 6 6, Fl 3 20 to 3 5
Night Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 1-2 2 18, Sw 50 5
Night Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 1-2 2 18, Sw 50 5
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Qx2 (DCE 1 4 24 24+24 3
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% M(x10) CE 2-16 5 9, Fl 1 4+4 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Mx10 ( CE 2-16 5 9, Fl 1 4+4 15
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1 6 9 4+5 17
Day Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil LN 1 6 0 6+2 Nil
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-6 4 9, Fl 1 1+1 19
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-6 4 9 3+1 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Mx10 ( CE 2-16 5 9, Sw 4+4 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Q (C) CE 2-8 2 6, Fl 1 6 15
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1 6 12 5+7 15
Day Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil NG 1 2 21 8+3 11
Any Special Semi (2-4) N/A L,M,N N 2-8 0 9, Fl 1 8+4 (4211
Day Herbivore High to GeniuN/A S,V,X LN 1 -4 24 6 15
Any Mental Energy Very to GeniuN/A V CE 1-3 4 or 0 18 5 to 10 15 to 1
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-3 9 Fl 3 1/8 N/A
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Qx4 N 1-20 6 15 4+4 17
Any Carnivore Average to VeN/A O,U NE 2-5 6 12 4+3 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 -1 15, Fl 11 9
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 -1 15, Fl 11 9
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil CE 1 -2 12, Fl 13 7
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil CE 1 -2 12, Fl 13 7
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil CE 1 -3 9, Fl 1 15 5
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil CE 1 -3 9, Fl 1 15 5
Night Nil Varies N/A Nil Varies 1 10 Fl 12 ( Nil Nil
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil SpecialN 1 8 6 4 N/A
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 5 Fl 12 ( 1/2 masVaries
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 5 18 1/2 masVaries
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 5 9 1/2 masVaries
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 5 Sw 12 1/2 masVaries
Day Omnivore Low to Very ( N/A Nil NE 1 3 9, Fl 1 8+3 11
Day Omnivore Average to HiN/A Nil CG 1 4 9, Fl 2 7+3 13
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil N(LE) 1 2 9, Fl 2 10 11
Day Omnivore Very to ExcepN/A Nil N(G) 1-2 2(5) 12, Fl 6+2 15
Day Omnivore High to GeniuN/A Nil CN 1 0 9, Fl 1 13 7
Day Omnivore Very to ExcepN/A U,Q (QNE 1 0 12, Fl 12+3 7
Day Omnivore High to GeniuN/A U,Q (QCG 1 1 12, Fl 10+3 9
Day Omnivore Very to ExcepN/A U,Q (QLE 1 -1 12, Fl 13 7
Day Omnivore Genius to SupN/A T,U C 1 -2 12, Fl 16 5
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A E,G L 1 (2-5) 6 9, Sw 16 15
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A E,G L 1 (2-5) 6 9, Sw 16 15
Day Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil N 1 4 15 9 11
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A R(x3) CN 1 5 9 7 13
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A F,U NE 1-2 0 (4) 12, Fl 9 11
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A F,G,Z L 1 -4 15 14 7
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A W LN 1 4 12 7 13
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A W LN 1 4 12 7 13
Day Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A D (P) N 1-100 6 21 3 18
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A U N 1-2 5 15, Fl 3 17
Day Petrivore High (13-14) N/A Qx10 N 1-6 0 15 6 15
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A C,H,T LN 1 -1 15, Fl 12 9
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A U NE 1 -2 24, Fl 12 9
Day Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A B LE 1 4 12 7 13
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A X,C N(G) 1 8 12 2 19
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A K (C) CN 2-12 -2 6 2 19
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 10% B,Q,R, CE 1-6 4 15 4 N/A
Any Carnivore Very to High N/A IncidenCE 1-4 1 12 5 15
N/A N/A High (13-14) 25% E,S LE 1 0 (8) 9 10 N/A
Night Nil High (13-14) N/A E,S LE 1 0 or 8 9 10 11
Night Nil Semi (2-4) N/A R LE 1 0 ot 8 12 5+5 15
Night Nil Semi (2-4) N/A R LE 1 0 ot 8 12 3+1 17
Night Nil Animal (1) N/A R LE 1 0 ot 8 24 3 17
Night Nil Semi (2-4) N/A R LE 1 0 ot 8 15 3+3 17
Night Nil Animal (1) N/A R LE 1 0 ot 8 24 2+2 19
Night Nil Low (5-7) N/A R LE 1 0 ot 8 18 3 17
Any Nil Non (0) N/A A (25%Any 1 0 Nil 22 5
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil E 1 or 3 1 12, Fl 9+9 11
Night Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 1 0 or 10 9 10 N/A
Night Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1 5 30 3 17
Night Special Genius (17-1 N/A B,Z CE 1 -4 Fl 18 ( 7 13
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N/A Special4 12 3 17
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% B,T CE 2-24 6 9 2 N/A
Night Corpses Low (5-7) N/A B,T CE 2-24 6 9 2 19
Night Corpses Very (11-12) N/A B,Q,R, CE 1-4 4 15 4 17
Night Corpses Very (11-12) N/A Q,R,S, CE 1 4 15 4 (24 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A B,V CE 2-16 5 12, Br 3 17
Night Corpses Low (5-7) N/A B,T CE 2-24 6 Sw 9 2 19
Night Corpses High (13-14) N/A Q,R,S, CE 1 4 15 6 15
Any Carnivore Average to HiN/A M (A) NE 1-100 10 12 3 17
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 6 0, Fl 2 4+1 17
Night Scavanger High (13-14) N/A C NE 1-3 0 18, Br 4 15
Night Scavenger High (13-14) N/A C NE 1-3 0 18, Br 4 15
Night Scavanger Exceptional ( N/A C NE 1-3 0 18, Sw 8 13
Night Scavanger Genius (17-1 N/A C NE 1-3 0 18, Sw 9 11
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Q (I) CE 1-6 0 18 14 7
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A O (C) NE 3-6 3 15 15 5
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A J (I) NE 5-10 4 15 14 7
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A K (H) CG 5-10 5 15 16 5
Day Herbivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NG 1 2 9 16+6 5
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A E LE 1-4 1 12 15+7 5
N/A N/A Average to Ve40% E,Q(x5 N(G or 1-6 2 15 12+2-7N/A
Any Special Average to VeN/A E,Q (x5NG-NE1-10 0 15 16 + 2 5
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A K (H) CG 5-10 6 15 16 5
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A C CE 1-4 2 15 13 7
Any Omnivore Low to AveragN/A C C(E) 1-8 3 12 5 15
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A B N 2-20 1 15 13 7
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A B N 2-20 1 15 13 7
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A O (C,Y CE 1 (1-4) 3 12 10 11
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Qx10 ( NE 1-4 3 9 13+3 9
N/A N/A Average to Ge45% Mx10,QN(CG) 1-4 (4- 2 15 13+ 2- N/A
Any Omnivore Average to GeN/A E,Y (M N(CG) 1-4 (4- 2 15 13+7 9
N/A N/A Low to Averag25% E LE 1-8 3 12 11+2-5N/A
Any Omnivore Low to AveragN/A E LE 1-8 -1 (5) 12 (15)15 + 2 5
N/A N/A Average to Hi50% E N 1-4 (1- 1 15 14 N/A
Day Omnivore Average to HiN/A E,R N(G or 1-4 (1- 1 15 14 7
Day Omnivore Average to HiN/A E,R NG-NE1-4 1 15 14 7
N/A N/A Average (8-1 45% D,Qx10NE 1-4 3 9 13+ 1- N/A
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A D,Qx10NE 1-4 3 9 13+3 9
N/A N/A Low to Averag30% E CE 1-8 4 12 10+1-4N/A
Any Omnivore Low to AveragN/A E CE 1-8 0 (5) 12 (15)14 + 1 7 or 5
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A J,K, or Varies 1 6 (10) 15 3+12 17
Night Omnivore High (13-14) N/A W (F) N 1 -2 12 25 3
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 25% D CE 1-10 4 12 8+1-2 N/A
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A D,Qx10CE 1-12 3 (5) 12 12 + 1 9
Day Carnivore Average to HiN/A Q (A) N 1 (1-6) 3 15, Cl 11 9
Day Carnivore Average to HiN/A Q (A) N 1 (1-6) 3 15, Cl 11 9
N/A N/A High (13-14) 90% E CN 1-4 4 12 12 N/A
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A E CN 1-4 4 12 15+3 5
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A E CN 1-4 4 12 15+3 5
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Z (A) NG 1 (1-4) 0 or -4 15, Sw 18 5
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Z (A) NG 1 (1-4) 0 or -4 15, Sw 18 5
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A U (F) CN or 1-4 4 6 7 13
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A W (F) NG 11-20 0 12 14+1/2 7
N/A N/A Average (8-1 30% D N 1-8 0 12 9+1-3 N/A
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A D N 1-10 0 12 14 + 1 7
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 55% E,Q(x1 CG 1-4 1 15 15+2-7N/A
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A E,Qx10CG 1 (2-4) -6 (0) 15, Sw 19 + 2 3
N/A N/A Average to Ve30% K,L,Mx N(E) 1-2 (1- 4 or be 18 5+5 N/A
Any Omnivore Average to VeN/A B (K,L N(E) 1-6 (5- 4 or be 18 5+5 15
Day Herbivore High to ExcepN/A E CG 1-4 8 (5 in 12 7+7 13
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil NE 1-6 4 15 2 N/A
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A J,K N 1-12 7 (10) 15 5+3 15
Any Omnivore Average to ExN/A A CE 3-12 3 or 5 9 to 15 4 or 8+17 to 1
Day Herbivore High to ExcepN/A E CG 1-4 5 (8) 12 7+7 13
Day Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Q N 1 1 3, Sw 4+3 17
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 95% Q N 1 1 3, Fl 6 4+3 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 40% D CN 40-400 10 9 1 N/A
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 40-400 10 9 1 20
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 40-400 10 9 1 19
Night Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil (E) CN 1-4 8 12 4+2 16
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil LN 11-20 6 (2) 6 4 17
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil LN 10-20 6 (2) 6 (base4 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A M (I) CE 10-100 8 10 3 17
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A A (N) LE 20-40 0 12 7 to 11 Special
N/A N/A Exceptional t 40% N (A,Z E 1-4 Varies Varies Variabl N/A
Any Omnivore Exceptional t N/A R (H) E 2-8 Per Ar 12, 96 Per ClaPer Cla
Any Omnivore Exceptional t N/A R (H) E 2-8 Per Ar 12, 96 Per ClaPer Cla
Any Omnivore Exceptional t N/A R (H) E 2-8 Per Ar 12, 96 Per ClaPer Cla
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 50% A CN 1-4 Varies Varies Variabl N/A
Any Omnivore Exceptional t N/A P (Hx2 CN 2-8 Per Ar 12, 96 Per ClaPer Cla
Any Omnivore Exceptional t N/A P (Hx2 CN 2-8 Per Ar 12, 96 Per ClaPer Cla
Any Omnivore Exceptional t N/A P (Hx2 CN 2-8 Per Ar 12, 96 Per ClaPer Cla
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 1 Fl 12 ( 5+1 N/A
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A A NE 1-4 6 4, Fl 2 3+3 17
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 1 2, Fl 1 5+1 15
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 1 2, Fl 1 5+1 15
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 1 10 10 11
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N(E) 1-2 6 10, Sw 9+2 11
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 2-20 6 15 3 15
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 2-12 5 12, Fl 4 15
N/A N/A Low to Averag20% L,M (D CE 20-200 5 9 2 N/A
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A D,Qx5, CE 2-12 5 (10) 9 2 19
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A A LE 1-4 5 (10) 12 2+3 17
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 50% Mx3 (CN to L 40-400 5 6 1 N/A
Day Omnivore Varies (3-17) N/A J,K,Qx NG 1-4 10 12 2 (base18
Any Omnivore Varies (7-19) N/A Mx3 NG 4-12 6 6 1 (base19
Day Omnivore Low to AveragN/A K (C) LN 1-6 (206 (9) 6 2 19
Any Omnivore Average to ExN/A A CE 3-12 3 or 5 9 or 15 4 or 8+17 or 1
N/A N/A Exceptional ( Nil Kx2,QxN(G) 3-30 2 or be 9 3+6 N/A
Any Omnivore Varies (3-17) N/A Kx2,QxN(G) 5-8 2 9 3+6 (b 17
Any Omnivore Average to GeN/A Mx30 NG/LG 1-12 5 (10) 6 1 (base19
Any Omnivore Average to GeN/A Mx3 (CNG/LG 40-400 5 (10) 6 1 19
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 5-20 7 15 1+2 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-12 7 18 3+1 N/A
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A M,N,O N(E) 5-10 5 (7) 18 2+2 19
N/A N/A Low to Averag40% K (C) LE 40-400 6 6 1-1 N/A
Night Carnivore Low to AveragN/A C (K) LE 4-24 6 (10) 6 1-1 20
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A A CE 1-100 6 6 1-1 20
Any Carnivore Low to High ( N/A K (C) LE 4-24 (63 (10) 6 3+1 17
Any Carnivore Low to High ( N/A K (C) LE 4-24 (67 (10) 6 1-1 20
Any Carnivore Low to High ( N/A K (C) LE 4-24 (65 (10) 6 1+1 19
Night Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 1-2 8 6 2 19
Night Omnivore Low to AveragN/A B LE 1-20 7 9 3 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 3-24 4 12 4+4 15
N/A N/A Non (0) 100% Nil N 1-20 9 1 1 N/A
Any Scavenger Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 1-3 6 or 8 Sw 1 8+3 11
Any Nil Non (0) N/A SpecialN 1 6 18 10 (50 11
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 7 9 8 13
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 0 12 14 (70 7
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 0 12 14 (70 7
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil LE 1 3 6 12 (60 9
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 4 8 18 (80 5
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NE 1 4 12 14 (60 7
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 6 9 9 11
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 7 7 50 hp N/A
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 4 15 10 (40 11
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 4 15 10 (40 11
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 -3 12, Fl 20 3
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1 9 8 40 hp N/A
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 6 12 9 (40 11
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A Nil N 1 2 6 20 (90 5
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 0 9 15 (60 5
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 0 9 15 (60 5
Any Nil Non (0) N/A SpecialN 1 0 6 14 (60 7
Any Nil Non (0) N/A SpecialN 1 0 6 12 (55 9
Any Nil Non (0) N/A SpecialN 1 0 6 10 (50 11
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 4 12 9 (40 11
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 4 12 9 (40 11
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 3 6 18 (80 3
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A A (+) N 1 0 9 30 (150Special
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 1 6 18 (90 3
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 5 6 14 (60 7
Any Omnivoire High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1 9 9 7 (50 13
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 0 6, Br 6 14 (60 7
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 3 6 80 hp N/A
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-2 -1 3, Fl 9 16 5
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 2 3 18 9 (60 h 11
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 7 7 11 (50 9
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 9 8 9 (40 11
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A Qx4 LN 1 (1-6) 2 9, Fl 3 8 (60 h 13
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 0 12 11 (66 9
Any Rotting Flesh Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 8 9 8 (45 13
Any Magic Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 -2 18 8 (64 h 13
Any Magic Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 -2 18 8 (64 h 13
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 5 9 12 9
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 -2 12 13 (75 7
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1 -2 12 13 (75 7
Any Electricity Very (11-12) N/A SpecialAny 1 SpecialSpecial9 (40 h 11
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1 -2 9 18 (90 3
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 9 9 8 13
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 5 6, Fl 2 12 (50 9
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 2 9 2 19
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 4 6 12 9
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Z NE 1 -2 18 11 9
Night Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 6 3, Fl 1 11 (50 9
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N(G) 1 1 6 20 (90 5
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N(G) 1 1 6 20 (90 5
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 4 6 10 11
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-2 -2 6 16 5
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 4 6 9 11
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 3 6 8 13
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 6 6 5 15
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 3 6, Sw 11 (50 9
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-3 0 30 12 9
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 2 12 6 (30 15
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 1 9 12 9
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil CE 1 3 9 11 (55 9
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 5 6 60 hp N/A
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-12 5 6 5 (22 15
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 2 3 to 12 10 to 1 11 to 7
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 2 9 4+4 15
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 0 18 8 (50 h 13
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1-25 4 12 8 13
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 6 6 8 13
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 2 6 18 (60 4
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A U LG 8 -4 Fl 48 ( 18 3
Day Insectivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 5-30 5 15 1+1 19
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N(C) 1-20 3 (10) Fl 18 SpecialN/A
Day Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-20 3 (10) 1, Fl 1 2 19
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 25% F CE 1 5 (2) 12, Fl 10 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 40% E N 1-4 2 12 8 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A (E) N 1-4 2 12 8 13
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 50% Nil N 2-7 4 9 4 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A H CE 1 4 9, Fl 1 9 11
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-8 4 Sr 4 58 8
Any Scavanger Non (0) N/A Nil N 20-200 10 Fl 12 ( 1/8 19
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A J LN 6-60 10 9 3+1 17
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A R (E) LN 1-2 6 (10) 9 5+1 15
Constant Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NE 1 0 24 8+1 13
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-3 8 1 3+3 N/A
Night Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil NE 1 4 Nil 9 Nil
Night Nil Non (0) N/A Nil NE Special1 15 1 11
Any Omnivore Godlike (21+)N/A SpecialL 1 0 Sw 18, 72 to 1 5
Any Herbivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CG 1-6 5 6, Fl 3 3+3 15
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A A NE 1 1 15, Wb 6+12 13
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-6 9 0 2 N/A
N/A N/A Low to Very ( 40% Mx100,NE 1 -2 12, Sw 9 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil Nil NE 1 4 12 5 N/A
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1 4 Fl 12 ( 5 15
Any Carnivore Supra-genius N/A H NE 1 -10 (10Sr 9 9 11
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A W NE 1-2 5 (0) Fl 12 ( 7 13
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A U NE 1-10 5 Fl 12 ( 5 15
Any Carnivore Supra-genius N/A H NE 1 10 0 9 11
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A W NE 1-2 5 (0) Fl 12 ( 7 13
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1 4 Fl 12 ( 5 15
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A U NE 1-10 5 Fl 12 ( 5 15
Night Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Z CE 3-18 4 12 1/2 20
Night Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Q,X CE 1-6 4 6, Fl 1 4 17
Night Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Q,X CE 1-6 4 6, Fl 1 4 17
Day Herbivore Average (8-1 N/A X CN 1-4 6 6, Fl 1 3+6 17
Day Herbivore Average (8-1 N/A X CN 1-4 6 6, Fl 1 3+6 17
Night Hemativore (BloAverage (8-1 N/A Q CE 1-4 2 6, Fl 1 1/4 20
Night Hemativore (BloAverage (8-1 N/A Q CE 1-4 2 6, Fl 1 1/4 20
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A O,Q (CNE(LE)12-48 7 15 1/2 20
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A K (C) LE 6-24 8 3 1-1 20
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A J (I) N 1-8 -4 21 1-1 20
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 25% C,S N 2-12 3 12, Fl 7 N/A
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A (C,S) N 2-12 3 12, Fl 7 13
N/A N/A Low to Averag10% X,Y N(G) 2-12 (52 6, Jp 1 1/2+1 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil Nil NG 1 0 18, Fl 4+ 2-8 N/A
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 0 Fl 9 (A 5 15
N/A N/A Average (8-1 50% K,L,M (NE 20-200 5 12 2 N/A
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A K,L,M (NE 20-200 5 12 2 19
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A K,L,M (NE 20-200 5 12 2 19
Day Omnivore Very to High N/A Qx4,I N 1-10 9 9, Lea 1+1 19
N/A N/A Very to Excep30% Qx4,I N 1-10 (59 9, Cl 1 1+1 N/A
Day Omnivore Very to High N/A Qx4,I N 1-10 9 9, Lea 1+1 19
Any Minerals High (13-14) N/A SpecialNG 2 (2-242 (-1) 9, Br 1 5+2 15
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 10% D CE 1 0 15 7 N/A
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A 50% of LG 10-120 5 (10) 9, Cl 1 2+1 (maBy HD/
Any (Night) Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A K,M (NiLE 2-8 4 6, Br 1 3+6 17
Dusk Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 6 12 2+2 19
Any Minerals Low to AveragN/A (C,Qx5NE 2-5 4 12, Br 5+5 15
N/A N/A Low to AveragNil (20 (C,Qx5NE 1 (2-5) 4 12, Br 5+5 N/A
N/A N/A Average to HiNil (15 (Ix1/2) NE 1 (2-8) 3 15 4+4 N/A
N/A N/A Low to Very ( Nil (10 (Qx2,X NE 1 (2-8) 2 3, Fl 2 4 N/A
N/A N/A Semi to AveraNil (20 (Fx1/2)NE 1-3 (2- 5 6, Sw 6+6 N/A
Day Omnivore Average to HiN/A (Ix1/2) NE 2-8 3 15 4+4 15
Day Omnivore Low to Very ( N/A Qx2,X NE 1 (2-8) 2 3 as fo 4 17
Night Omnivore Semi to AveraN/A Fx1/2 NE 1-3 (2- 5 6, Sw 6+6 13
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A C LE 4-48 7 9, Sw 1+2 19
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil NE 1-6 6 Fl 21 2 to 4 N/A
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 10-80 5 1, Fl 9 1 19
N/A N/A Very (11-12) Nil SpecialN 1-3 1 9 8 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil SpecialAny 1 8 12 1 (9) N/A
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 1-10 4 15 5 15
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialN 1-10 4 9 5 15
Day Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A IncidenNG 1 (1-4) -1 15, Fl 7+4 13
Day Herbivore High (13-14) N/A IncidenNG 1 (2-5) 2 18, Jp 4+2 17
Day Herbivore High (13-14) N/A IncidenNG 1-2 (3- 0 24 6+3 15
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A IncidenNG 1 -5 24 12+6 9
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A IncidenNG 1-8 -2 18 8+4 13
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A IncidenNG 1 (1-2) -4 12 10+5 11
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A (B) N 1 0 6 15 5
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A IncidenN 1 0 6 15 5
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 10-100 10 (6 in10, Fl 1 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A K (W) CG 2-8 3 15 3 17
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A K (W) CG 2-8 2 15 5 15
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A K (W) CG 2-8 1 15 7 14
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A G N 3-18 6 12 3 17
Night Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A (D) CE 1-3 0 15 7+7 13
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A (D) CE 1 -3 12, Fl 10 11
Night Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A (X,F) NE 1-3 -2 12, Sw 9 11
Night Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil NE 1 0 9 8 (40 13
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A (C,Y) CE 1-3 7 Sw 15 3 17
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A B,C,Y CE 1 5 Sw 15 2 to 8 17 to 1
Night Carnivore High to ExcepN/A W (D) C 1 (3-9) 0 or -3 15 9 or 12 8 (11)
Night Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A R C 1 4 15 7 10 (13)
Night Nil High (13-14) N/A (D) CE 1-3 0 15, Sw 8 13
Night Nil High (13-14) N/A (X,F) NE 1-3 -2 15, Sw 9 11
Night Nil Very (11-12) N/A (C,Y) CE 1-3 2 15, Sw 6 15
Any Carnivore Average to HiN/A U LN 4-40 7 6, Sw 1 to 4 19 to 1
Any Magic High (13-14) N/A Nil CN 1 10 3 9 11
Any Magic High (13-14) N/A Nil CN 1 10 3 9 11
Any Magic High (13-14) N/A Nil CN 1 10 3 9 11
Any Omnivore Average to HiN/A Varies Varies 2-5 (4- 7 (10) 15 3+12 17
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Varies LN 4-32 7 (10) 6 1 19
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 70% K (B) LG 30-300 7 9 1-2 N/A
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Varies LN 4-32 7 (10) 6 1 19
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A K (B) LG 2-12 7 (10) 6 (9) 1-2 20
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A P (D) CN 2-12 8 9 5 15
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A K (B) LG 2-12 6 (10) 6 (9) 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A K (B) LG 2-12 6 (10) 6 (9) 1-2 20
Day Nil Low to Very ( N/A Nil Any 1 2 (7) 1, Fl 3 1 20
Night Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N Special8 9, Br 3 4 17
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil IncidenN(E) 1 3 (5) 0 61 hp/ N/A
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A X,Y CE 1-4 3 9 8 13
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 25% C,S CE 2-12 7 6, Fl 1 3 N/A
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A R (C) CE 2-12 7 6, Fl 1 7 13
Night Carrion Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-2 6 3, Glid 7+7 13
Night Carrion Non (0) N/A Nil E 25 9 1 1 19
Night Life Energy Very (11-12) N/A Nil CE 1 0 Fl 15 ( 4+3 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A U CN 1 (2-5) 2 15 1 to 5 Varies
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A U (Ux2 CN 1 1 12 6 to 20 Varies
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A U (Ux2 CN 1 1 12 6 to 20 Varies
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A U CN 1 (2-5) 2 15 1 to 5 Varies
Night Scavenger Exceptional ( N/A (W) C(E) 2-5 10 6 1/2 20
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 2 6, Fl 1 20 1
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil Any 1 0 or as 6 or as 5 or as N/A
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil Any 1 0/victi 6/as vi 5/as vi 15
Full moon Nil Low (5-7) N/A SpecialLG 1-8 2 or be 9 8 13
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N Varies 5 1, Fl 3 1-1 20
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Hx3 CN 1 -3 9, Br 6 20 1
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 13 3 (7) Fl 15 ( 2 18
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1-3 3 6, Wb 5+5 15
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1 0 SpecialVaries Varies
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A U (A) LE 1 0 12, Sw 14 7
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A O (C) NE 4-16 10 6 2 19
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 30% C,S LE 2-8 4 12 4 to 7 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A C LE 2-8 4 12 4 to 7 17 to 1
N/A N/A Animal (1) 30% Nil LE 1 6 12 7+2 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 1 6 12 7+2 13
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A V N 1-20 2 12, Fl 4+1 per12
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Varies N(E) 1 (1-3) 5 6, Sw 16+6 15
Any Special Very to ExcepN/A N,P Varies 1-20 10 (bas12 1 20
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 4 16 7+2 13
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 5 12 6+6 13
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil N 1 5 8, Fl 3 6+4 13
Any Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Nil N 1 4 20, Sw 4+4 15
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 0 12, Fl 7+7 13
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil N 1 6 6. Fl 4 5+2 15
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil N 1 3 12, Fl 7+2 13
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 6 16, Fl 5+2 15
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil N 1 6 18 6+3 13
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 -3 8, Fl 4 8+3 11
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil N 1 6 16 5+4 15
Any Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Nil N 1 7 16, Fl 4+3 15
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 2 11, Sw 4+3 15
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 5/3 8, Sw 6+6 13
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 6 21 6+3 13
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil N 1 7 6, Fl 1 4+4 15
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 6 24 6+2 15
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 6 12 8+1 13
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil N 1 2 24 6+6 13
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 3 6, Fl 2 7+7 13
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 20-200 8 to 7 12 to 2 1 to 5 N/A
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-3 2 12, Fl 13 7
Night Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-6 3 12 6 to 12 15 to 9
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A H NE 1 0 (3) 6, Sw 10+5 9
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 10% C CE 1-10 3 9 2 N/A
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A C CE 1-10 3 9 2 19
Dawn and Dusk Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1-2 7 12, Sw 1+3 19
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil Nil CG 2-8 5 Sw 24 4 N/A
Any Herbivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CG 2-8 5 Sw 24 4 17
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 10% Q(x5) N 2-16 5 18, Fl 3+3 N/A
Day Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Qx5 N 2-16 5 18, Fl 3+3 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 2-12 6 9, Sw 8 N/A
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A O (I) N 10-100 6 12 2+1 or 19 or a
Night Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A N,O,U,VN 1-4 6 3 6+6 13
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A N,U,V (N 2-8 2 12 5+1 15
Night Carnivore Non (0) N/A N,O,U,VN 1 8 1 12+2 9
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A N,O,U (N 10-100 3 12 3+1 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) 20% SpecialN 1-6 6 15 2 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 25% J (M,D LE 20-200 5 9 1+1 N/A
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,M,D LE 2-20 5 (10) 9 1+1 19
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A E CE 3-30 3 9 1+2 19
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 Nil Nil G(L) 1-3 -4 9, Fl 4 8+8 N/A
Any Herbivore Genius (17-1 N/A IncidenNG 1 (1-3) -4 9, Fl 3 6+6 15
N/A N/A Special Nil Nil Special1 6 6, Fl 1 2 N/A
Any Omnivore Special N/A Nil Any 1 6 6, Fl 1 2 19
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 8 Nil 1/3 N/A
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 10 Nil 2 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% P N 2-12 3 9 5 N/A
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A P (Hx2 N 2-12 3 9 5 15
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A P (Hx2 N 2-12 3 9 5 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A M,Q CE 1 (1-3) 6 (4) 12 8+3 13
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A (D) N 3-30 3 15 4 17
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LE 2-8 (103 15 3 to 21 17 to 3
Any Carnivore Semi to AveraN/A Nil NE 1-6 (1) 3 -2 -1 6, 8, 1 6+3 - 715 to 1
Any Carnivore Semi to AveraN/A Nil NE 1-6 (1) 3,2,1, 6, 8, 1 6+3, 7+15 to 1
N/A N/A Semi to Very Nil (C) NE 1 (1-6) 3 to 0 6 to 15 6+3 to N/A
Any Rocks and Eart Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 -10 (he3 30 to 1 5
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 70% Nil N 1 2 (4) Fl 24 5 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 7 12 3 N/A
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 7 12 3 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 7 15 3+3 N/A
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 7 15 3+3 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 7 24 2 N/A
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 7 24 2 19
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 7 18 2+2 N/A
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 7 18 2+2 19
Day Herbivore Average to VeN/A Nil CG 5-20 7 18 4 17
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 7 12 3 17
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-5 7 18 3+3 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 7 12 1+1 N/A
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 7 12 1+1 19
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-3 7 24 2+3 17
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 5-50 7 24 3 17
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-3 7 24 3+3 17
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-20 6 18 4+3 15
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 3-30 6 24 4+3 15
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 7 24 2 N/A
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 5-30 7 24 2 19
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A P (X,Y)N 1-6 6 18 2+2 19
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-20 8 6 1-1 20
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 1-6 -2 15 5 15
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 4-16 0 15, Fl 3+3 18
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 N/A Nil NA N/A
Any Unknown Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 10 48 1 20
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LN(LG)1 (2-7) 6 Fl 18 ( 8+2 13
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1-6 5 (3) 24 6 15
Night Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A O (I) LN or 1-4 5 9, Fl 2 4 to 15 17 to 5
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A B N 2-20 6 6, Sw 2+1 19
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A I,S,T CE 1-6 7 15 6 15
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 10-100 8 12 1-2 or 20 (19)
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A By Cla Any 1-8 Varies 12 Variabl Varies
Day Omnivore Low to GeniusN/A M,Q (RN 5-30 Varies 15 4 or m 19
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,N,Q CE 20-200 10 to 6 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A L,M Any 30-300 10 to 6 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NG/LG 10-100 10 to 6 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A L,M L 1-20 2 or 4 12 2 or m 19 or l
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A 1-100 Any 2-12 8 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A I Any 10-100 8 to 4 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 10-100 8 to 6 12 1-1 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A L,M LN 10-100 7 to 4 12 1 20
Day Omnivoire Very (11-12) N/A (F) NE 1 10 12 5 (20 15 (12)
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A K,M,N LE 1-12 (25 12 3 (10 s 18
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 2-12 10 (6) 12 2 19
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A L,M,U Any 2-12 4 or be 12 2 or m 19 or b
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A W N 1-4 7 12 5 19
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 2-8 6 12 5 16
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 4-24 8 12 2+2 19
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N(G) 1-20 10 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,K,L, Any 1-20 10 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LN 3-36 9 12 3+2 19
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A L,M L(any) 1-4 4 or 2 12 2+ 19 or b
Night Omnivoire Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 8 12 5 (17 18
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A L,M Any 10-100 7 to 4 12 1+1 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A 10-60s Any 4-80 10 to 8 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A 10-100 Any 30-300 10 to 5 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,M,N Any 2-40 10 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A M N 1-4 8 12 3 19
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil Any 1-100 10 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A I Any 10-100 10 to 8 12 1-2 20
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,M,N, E(any) 30-300 10 to 6 12 1-2 20
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A 10-60s L(any) 2-20 7 to 4 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,K,M Any 1-8 Varies 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 11-20 (10 or b 9 1 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A L,M Any 4-80 10 to 8 12 1-2 20
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil Any 1-100 10 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A I Any 10-100 8 to 4 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A W LN 2-7 7 12 5 18
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,K,N, E(any) 1-8 10 to 8 12 1 to 3 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A 1-100g Any 2-12 10 12 1-2 20
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil Any 10-100 8 12 1-2 20
Any Omnivore Average to ExN/A J,K,M (N 5-50 6 (10 12 1 20
Night Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A S,V LN 1 10 6 1 (3 HPSpecial
Day Omnivore Average to ExN/A L,N,Q Any 1-8 10 12 Variabl Varies
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A SpecialN 1-3 3 Fl 3 (D 3 to 7 17 to 1
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 3-18 6 12 2 18
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A S (I) LN 1-10 9 9 1 20
Night Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A S (I) LN 2-5 7 (10) 9 2 19
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A S (I) LN 5-8 6 (10) 9 1+1 19
Day Omnivore Average to VeN/A I,K LG 1-6 (8- 7 15 1 19
N/A N/A Average to Ve30% I LG 10-60 7 15 1-1 N/A
Day Omnivore Average to VeN/A I,K LG 1-6 (8- 7 15 1 19
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 20% B N 1 5 9 5 to 12 N/A
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 5 9 5 to 12 15 to 9
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 5 9 5 to 8 15 to 1
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 5 9 5 to 12 15 to 9
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 5 9 7 to 8 13 to 1
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 2-12 7 12 3 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 2-8 7 12 5 N/A
Night Special Supra-genius N/A A LE 1 7 0 11 Nil
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil LN 1-8 3 9 10 11
Any Carnivore Semi (4) N/A Nil LN 1-8 3 9 10 11
Any Ice Animal (1) N/A Q N 3-9 5 6 2 19
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A (A) N 1-2 6 12 5+5 15
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A Nil CE 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A S,T,Vx NE 1-4 5 12 8+4 11
Any Psychosphere raAnimal (1) N/A Nil N 3-30 6 6 4 17
Any Carnivore High to ExcepN/A SpecialN 1 2 12 10+3 9
N/A N/A Animal (1) 10% Nil N 1 5 6 5 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil O LE 1 2 6, Fl 1 2+2 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A O LE 1 2 6, Fl 1 2+2 19
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A O LE 1 2 6, Fl 1 2+2 19
Any (Night) Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A O LE 1 0 6, Fl 1 3 17
Night Special Very (11-12) N/A E CE 10-40 4 or 1 12, Fl 5+3 15
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A O (A) CE 2-12 7 (10) 9 1-1 20
Any Unknown Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 2-12 3 12 3 17
Any Unknown Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 2-12 3 12 3 17
Night Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A R CN 1 8 (10) 9 1 19
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nx2 E(any) 1 5 12, Fl 3+1 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A N E(any) 1 5 12, Fl 3 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nx2 E(any) 1 6 12, Fl 3 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nx2 E(any) 1 7 12, Fl 3+2 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nx2 E(any) 1 4 12, Fl 3 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nx2 E(any) 1 7 12, Fl 3+3 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Qx3 CE 1 2 15 3 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Ox3 CE 1 2 15 3 17
Night Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A O CE 1 0 6, Fl 1 3 (20 17
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A S (C,N CE 1-8 6 (10) 9 1-2 20
Any Hemativore (BloSemi (2-4) N/A Varies NE 1 8 3 5+2 15
Any Special Supra-genius N/A Rx3 N(E) 1 0 or be 12 9 (9d4 13
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A Nil Special1 0 Fl 18 ( 10 (4) 11 (17)
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A D CE 1 6 6 3+3 17
Night Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil (W) LE 1 4 9 6 15
Night Omnivore High (13-14) N/A W LE 1 4 9 6 15
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-100 3 18 2 or 3 16
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 2 9, Br 1 8 12
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 3 11 9 11
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 7 3 10 11
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-20 3 15 6 15
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 6-60 6 1, Sw 2 to 5 19 to 1
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2 5 6, Fl 1 1+1 20
Any Herbivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 5 12, Fl 4+2 15
Any Herbivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-10 6 9, Fl 3 3+1 17
Any Herbivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 5 6, Fl 2 6+4 13
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-8 4 6, Hop 1+3 20
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-6 3 3, Fl 3 7 13
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 3 9, Sw 36+1 15
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 9 1 1/8 20
Any Herbivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 4 3, Fl 1 1+4 20
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-10 6 9, Fl 3 3 19
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 6, Fl 2 6 17
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 5 Fl 18 ( 1/8 15
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-30 3 15 4 17
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 2 6, Fl 2 5 15
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 4-200 3 12 1/8 20
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-2 5 15 2 to 12 19 to 9
Any Herbivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 5 6 6+6 15
Any Herbivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 4 3 8+8 13
Any Herbivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-18 2/8 9 2+2 19
Any Herbivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 6-60 2/10 9 1+2 20
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-12 3 3 2 to 4 19 to 1
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-20 4 6, Fl 2 4 17
Day Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2000-5 10 Fl 18 ( 1 per 1 Special
Day Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2000-5 10 Fl 15 ( 1 per 1 Special
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 8 (6) 8 or 6 6, Fl 1 1hp/20 Special
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 8 (6) 8 or 6 6, Fl 1 1hp/20 Special
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 8 6 SpecialSpecialSpecial
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 8 6 SpecialSpecialSpecial
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A W (A) LE 2-12 3 9 3+1 17
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 60% D CE 1-2 4 15 6+6 N/A
Any Mental Energy Very (11-12) N/A D CE 1-2 4 15 6+6 13
Any Emotions Unratable N/A Qx1d2 N(E) 1-3 5 9 3+3 17
Any Omnivore Average to HiN/A Q (D) NE 1-6 (306 (10) 12 3 17
N/A N/A High (13-14) Nil Nil N 1 3 12 8 N/A
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 3 12, Fl 8 13
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-8 7 18 4 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil SpecialN 1 0 12 1 N/A
Any Nil Non (0) N/A SpecialN 1 0 12 1 19
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A IncidenNE 1 (1-4) 1 1 9 11
Any Hemativore (BloSemi (2-4) N/A Nil N 3-10 6 6 7 or 8 13
N/A N/A Average to Hi60% SpecialCE 10-100 6 12 1+1 N/A
Day Carnivore Average to HiN/A P,R,S (CE 5-12 6 Sw 12 1+1 to 19 to 1
Day Omnivore High to GeniuN/A (P,R,S)CE 3-10 (24 3, Sw 1+1 to 19 to 1
Night Carnivore Average to HiN/A P,R,S (CE 5-12 6 Sw 12 2+2 19
Night Carnivore Average to HiN/A P,R,S (CE 5-12 6 Sw 12 8+8 11
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A IncidenN 1 -10 15, Fl 15 (99 5
Any Body Heat Low (5-7) N/A B NE 3-30 0 or 5 12, Fl 5 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-6 7 12 1/2 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 30% C CE 1-4 4 12 4 N/A
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A C CE 1-4 4 12 4 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 11-20 6 9 1 N/A
Any Carnivore Low to Very ( N/A D E 1-4 5 12 12 9
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 5% Nil N 1-2 6 15 4+1 N/A
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A SpecialN 1 As baseas bas 18 (90 3
Constant Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 3-30 5 9, Fl 2 8+8 11
N/A N/A Very to ExcepNil Nil N(G) 1-2 (105 or be 12, Fl 6+2 N/A
Night Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-20 7 24 1/2 20
N/A N/A Average (8-1 35% SpecialN 1 4 9 7+14 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A U N 1-4 6 Sw 3 6 15
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-6 8 Sw 12 5 15
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-10 9 Sw 1 4 17
Diurnal Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-10 9 1 1 to 4 19 to 1
N/A N/A Average (8-1 SpecialO,Q (CNE(L) 12-48 7 15 1/2 N/A
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-8 4 15 2+3 17
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-3 3 9, Fl 3 5+4 15
Night Nil Average (8-1 N/A R CE 1 4 9, Sw 6+2 15
Day Fish Average (8-1 N/A (Q) N 2-5 5 10, Sw 2+1 19
Night Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A U CN 5-10 3 18 4 17
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A W,X,Y N 1-4 5 12 (18)5+5 15
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A E,S,T, E 1 (1-3) 0 or as 12 10 HD o11 or as
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A O N 1-10 -1 9 8 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A P N 1-12 2 6 6 15
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil LN 1-6 5 18, Cl 7 13
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil LN 1-6 5 18, Cl 7 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Qx3 N 2-12 7 Sw 12 4+4 15
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A SpecialCE 1 6 15 11 10
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% C N(CE) 1 4 18 4+2 N/A
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 1 4 15 5+2 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A C N 1 4 15 4+2 17
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 35% SpecialN(E) 1 4 3 2 N/A
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil CE 2-12 10 9 2 19
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 50-500 5 15 3 17
Any Carnivore Low to AveragN/A D CE 1-6 3 or -2 6, Sw 4 17
Any Carnivore Low to AveragN/A D CE 1 3 12, Sw 8 13
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A D CE 1-2 0 or -2 9, Sw 7+7 13
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A B NE 2-8 4 15, Cl 5 15
N/A N/A Average (8-1 30% B NE 2-8 4 15 5 N/A
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A K,L,M LN 3-6 6 15 4+4 15
N/A N/A Low to Averag70% D NE 1-4 3 9, Sw 5 N/A
Any Omnivore Low to GeniusN/A O,X (P LN/CN 1-20 8 (10) 6 (9) 1 19
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% F N 2-8 5 6, Fl 1 2 to 5 N/A
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A F N 2-8 5 6, Fl 1 2 to 5 19 to 1
Day Herbivore Average to HiN/A Nil N or C 3-12 3 9, Cl 1 1 19
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 3-30 6 1, Fl 2 1+2 19
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A J,K,L ( CN(E) 6-24 5 (2) 9 3+3 17
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil SpecialN 1-6 -3 3, Br 1 6 N/A
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A SpecialN 1-6 -3 3, Sw 16 15
Any Minerals Low (5-7) N/A SpecialN 1-8 -3 15 (3) 6 9
Any Herbivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NG 1-6 0 Fl 24 ( 3+3 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 60% K N(CG) 1-3 6 15 1/2 N/A
Any Light Low (5-7) N/A Nil LN 2-8 5 18 20 3
N/A N/A Supra-genius 5% I,S,T LG 1 -5 24, Fl 12 N/A
Any Herbivore Supra-genius N/A I,S,T LG 1 -5 24, Fl 12 9
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (A) N 1 7 15 6+6 13
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil (A) N 1 7 15 6+6 13
Any Life Energy Exceptional ( N/A Z LE 1 0 12, Fl 10 11
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Qx4 NG 1 -1 (-3) 6, Sw 7+1 13
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A M,Q (MNE 1 0 (-2) 3, Sw 8+3 11
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-2 2 15 11+2 9
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 2 (8) 12, Br 4 17
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil N 1 4 Fl 12 ( 4 17
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A P (A) NG (802-20 5 Sw 15 7 15
Any Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Nil CE 1 0 12 9 (10 s 11
N/A N/A Low to Averag40% J (O,Q LE 40-400 7 6 1/2 N/A
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,O (Q LE 5-20 7 (10) 6 1/2 20
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,O (Q LE 5-20 7 (10) 6 1/2 20
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A J (Qx5)NE 3-300 8 6, Fl 1 2 to 5 19 to 1
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A I,N CE 1-3 3 3, Sw 8+4 13
Any Omnivore Semi to High N/A L,N (R,CG 20-200 10 6 1 20
Any Omnivore Semi to High N/A M,N,Q CG 10-100 10 6 1+2 20
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 1% E CN 1-4 5 9 6+1 N/A
N/A N/A Genius to Sup75% G,R,S NE 1 5/0 Sw 3, J20 N/A
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A C CE 1 4 12 11 12
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A C CE 1 4 12 11 12
Any Nil Low to AveragN/A Q CE 1-12 6 (8) 12 3 or 5 17 or 1
Any Nil Low to AveragN/A Q CE 1-12 8 12 5 15
Any Nil Low to AveragN/A Q CE 1-12 6 12 3 17
Any Omnivore Semi (4) N/A G N 1 3 18 12 9
Any Scavenger Non (0) N/A Nil N 10-100 9 3 1/2 20
Night Special Genius (17-1 N/A Nil CE 1 4 18, Sw 50 7
Any Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 4-40 3 6 4 17
Day Carnivore High (13-14) N/A A (N) LN 10-40 5 12 3 18
Night Nil Average to VeN/A N Special1 -4 18 3 to 6 Special
N/A N/A High and Up SpecialL,M,N (NE(C) 2-24 (44 9, Sw 2 or m N/A
Night Carnivore High and Up N/A L,M,N (NE(C) 2-24 4 9, Sw 2 to 10 19 (or
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 (4-164 9, Sw 5 15
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A B N 2-12 5 6, Fl 1 4 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialLE 1-8 2 12 8 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialLE 1-8 2 12 8 13
Night Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A O (D) LE 6-48 5 18, Br 3+3 17
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A O (Q,RNE 2-13 3 14, Br 7 13
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil N 2-20 0 (7) 12 5 Special
N/A N/A High (13-14) 60% D CE 1 3 24 9 N/A
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A D CE 1 3 24 9 11
N/A N/A High (13-14) 60% D CE 1 6 9 10+1 N/A
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A D CE 1 3 24 10+1 11
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 30% R,S,T LG 2-8 6 12, Fl 7+7 N/A
Any Special Supra-genius N/A Nil G 1 3 15, Fl 20 (14 5
N/A N/A Supra-genius Nil Nil LG 1-2 3 15, Fl 12+7 N/A
Day Herbivore Supra-genius N/A Nil LG 1-2 3 15, Fl 12+7 7
Day Herbivore Genius (17-1 N/A R,S,T LG 2-8 6 12, Fl 7+7 13
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-4 6 9 5 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-12 7 12 1+2 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-2 7 12 1+2 N/A
Any Magic Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1 6 Fl 12 ( 15 5
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 100% Nil E 10-40 7 6 1 N/A
Any Unknown Semi (2-4) N/A Nil E 10-100 7 3 1-1 20
Any Unknown Semi (2-4) N/A Nil E 10-100 7 3 1-1 20
Night Hemativore (BloSemi (2-4) N/A Nil (I) N 2-20 7 9 4 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil Q N 3-18 4 9 4 or m N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 4-16 9 3 1 to 4 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 4-16 9 3, Sw 1 to 4 19 or 1
Any Parasite Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 3 1 3 17
Any Legacies Supra-genius N/A Nil CE 1 -2 18 10 11
Any Magical EnergieNon (0) N/A Nil N 5-30 10 0, Sw 1 hp 20
Any Psionic Energy Non (0) N/A Nil N 5-30 10 0, Sw 1 hp 20
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 200-50 10 Sw 1 SpecialNA
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-6 10 1, Sw 1 hp 20
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 2-12 4 15 6+2 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 5% Nil N 1-2 6 12 3+2 N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 10% F N 1 (1-208 15 2-5 hp N/A
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A F N 1-20 8 15 2-5 HP 20
N/A N/A Average (8-1 40% D CE 1-4 4 18 6+1 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A D CE 1-4 4 18 6+1 15
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A (D,Qx3NE 1-3 4 18 8 13
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A D,Q(x3NE 1-3 4 18 or a 8 13
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A D N 1-12 2 9, Fl 1 1+1 19
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A W CG 1-6 4 9, Fl 1 5+5 15
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 1-8 3 9, Fl 1 3+3 17
Night Special Average to VeN/A K,M,N, NE 1 8 (darkn12 5 15
N/A N/A Supra-genius 90% A N(E) 1 0 6 11 or b N/A
Night Nil Supra-genius N/A A E(any) 1 0 6 11+ 9
Any Nil Supra-genius N/A R (A,S,LE 1 0 9 17 or 5
Night Magical EnergieGenius (17-1 N/A W NG 1 0 12 9 (45 11
Any Nil Supra-genius N/A R,X (E)CE 1 0 6 11 or 9
Night Nil Supra-genius N/A Z E(any) 1 SpecialSpecialSpecial9
Night Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Z (G) CE 1 -1 12 11 9
Night Nil Supra-genius N/A U (G) CE 1 0 12 11 9
Night Nil Supra-genius N/A W (C) CE 1 0 6 11 9
Any Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Nil E 1 0 Fl 36 ( 16 or 4
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A S,T,Vx NE 1-4 5 12 8+4 11
Night Nil Supra-genius N/A A E 1 0 6 15 5
Constant Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Hx4 CE 1 -2 6, Fl 1 13 8
Night Psionic Energy Supra-genius N/A A E 1 0 6 9+18 11
Night Psionic Energy Supra-genius N/A A E 1 0 6 9+18 11
Any Nil Supra-genius N/A P,Q (A NE 1 7 (as h 12 (as 15 or b 16
Any Special Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N Varies 4 6 2 19
Any Special Non (0) N/A Nil N Varies 5 Nil 2 19
Any Special Animal (1) N/A Nil N Varies 6 8 3 17
Any Special Animal (1) N/A Nil N Varies 6 24 1/8 Nil
Any Special Non (0) N/A Nil N Varies 10 Nil 1 Nil
Any Special Animal (1) N/A Nil N Varies 4 Fl 45 ( 4 17
Any Special Animal (1) N/A Nil N Varies 7 18 4 17
Any Special Animal (1) N/A Nil N Varies 10 Fl 24 ( 9 11
Any Special Animal (1) N/A Nil N Varies 5 Fl 32 ( 6 15
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A (A) CN(CG2-12 3 9, Fl 2 7+14 13
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A A C(N or 2-12 3 9, Fl 2 7+14 11
Any Omnivore Average to VeN/A M NE 3-24 (14 6 2 19
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 25% Nil N 2-12 5 (6) 12 5+2 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 10% Nil N 1-2 6 15 3+1 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 25% Nil N 2-8 5 (6) 12 6+2 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-12 5 15 5+2 15
Any Sacrifices Semi (2-4) N/A IncidenLN 1 4 6 9 3
Any Sacrifices Semi (2-4) N/A IncidenNE 1 4 3 16 3
Any Sacrifices Semi (2-4) N/A IncidenCN 1 4 Nil 12 3
Any Sacrifices Semi (2-4) N/A IncidenNG 1 4 3 12 3
Any Metal Average (8-1 N/A SpecialN 1 -2 12, Sw 10 11
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 1 7 12 3+3 17
Any Special Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 1 Nil 2+2 19
Any Special Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 6 15 3+2 17
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A Nil NG 1 6 1, Fl 3 2+2 19
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Feathe N 1 5 12, Fl 4+4 17
Any Assimilation Varies (3-18) N/A Varies CE 1 8 (Base0 Variabl Varies
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A U N 1-4 5 12, Gl 4+2 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) 50% B,Qx10N 1-4 3 9 10 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A B,Q(x1 N 1-4 3 9 10 11
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-12 5 15 3+1 N/A
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-12 5 15 3+1 17
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-8 6 12, Cl 2+1 19
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A U N 1-6 5 12, Cl 3+1 17
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A V N 1-2 4 9 6 15
Night Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 (2-126 12 6+2 15
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 1-4 -3 15 7 13
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A U N 1-3 2 12 5 15
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 30% G CE 1-4 1 9, Fl 1 3+3 N/A
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A G CE 1-4 1 9, Fl 2 3+3 17
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 3 9 4 17
N/A N/A Non (0) 80% J-N,Q, N 1-8 5 6 8 N/A
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A J-N,Q, N 1-8 5 6 8 13
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-8 5 15 3 17
N/A N/A Non (0) 20% O,P,QxN 1-6 5 12 6 N/A
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A O,P,Q( N 1-6 5 12 6 15
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Q N(L) 1-4 (1- 3 9, Sw 9 13
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LN 1-6 7 16, Sw 5 15
Day Carnivore Semi (4) N/A Nil N 1-6 3 12 5+1 15
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% E CE 1 3 15, Sw 8 N/A
N/A N/A Low to Averag30% D N 10-40 5 (4) 6, Sw 2+1 N/A
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A D N 8-15 5 6, Sw 2+1 19
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,K N(E) 1-10 7 9, Sw 2+1 19
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A D N(E) 10-40 5 6, Sw 2+1 19
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A E CE 1 3 9, Sw 8 13
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A D N 8-15 4 6, Sw 2+1 19
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A E N 1 3 9, Sw 8 13
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A K N 10-60 7 9 2 19
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A K N 10-60 7 9 2 19
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A E (Q,S N 2-8 10 12 2 19
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A M CE 1-6 3 12, Sw 7 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A M CE 1-6 5 12, Sw 3 17
Any Omnivore Average to VeN/A M (A) Any 1-20 3 (2) 10, Fl 3 17
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A K (A) N 3-18 5 9 3 17
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A A NE 3-18 4 (5) 9 3+3 17
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 10% A N 20-200 6 12 2 N/A
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A A N 20-200 6 1, Sw 2 19
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 3 9 1+3 19
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A (Ox10) LE(N) 3-30 7 6, Cl 9 2 19
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A O CE 1 7 6 4+4 17
Day Herbivore Low to ExceptN/A U (Z) N 10-60 6 12 4+4 15
Day Herbivore Low to ExceptN/A U (Z) N 10-60 6 12 4+4 15
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1 7 15 4 N/A
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A Nil Unkno 1-2 2 18 20 Nil
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 4-16 6 18, Fl 5+5 15
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A C G 2-12 10 (8) 12 2 19
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A K Any (G 2-12 10 12 2 19
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A C,Y N 1 (1-4) 6 1, Fl 9 10 11
N/A N/A Non (0) 50% C,Y N 1 (1-4) 6 1, Fl 9 10 N/A
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A G N 1 4 3, Br 6 10 11
Night Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1 4 3, Fl 9 5+3 15
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A G N 1 3 3 12 9
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A P,Q (D LE 1 (1-8) 7 (base12, Rol6 15
N/A N/A Average to Ex25% E,Qx5, CE 1 2, 4, or 24, 18, 8+1 N/A
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A D CE 1-6 3 15 6+3 13
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A K,M CE 2-12 4 12, 15, 5+4 15
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A R CE 3-12 3 12, 15, 7 15
Night Carnivore Average to VeN/A Nil CG 1 (2-126 18 4 17
N/A N/A Low to High ( Nil Nil CE 4-16 5 9, Sw 9+2 N/A
Any Carnivore Low to High ( N/A N CE 4-16 5 9, Sw 9+2 11
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil Nil NE 3-18 6 (7) 30, Sw 2+2 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A N NE 3-18 6 (7) 12, Sw 2+2 19
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A M,Q,V CE 1 4 6, Br 3 5 15
Night Hemativore (BloAverage (8-1 N/A B NE 1-4 5 9, Fl 1 4+2 17
Night Hemativore (BloAverage (8-1 N/A B NE 1-4 5 9, Fl 1 4+2 17
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 10% R,T,X CG 1-4 2 9 7+3 N/A
Night Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A R,T,X CG 1-4 2 9 7+3 13
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% B,S N 2-8 4 12 5+2 N/A
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A B,S N 2-8 4 12 5+2 15
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1-3 1 3, Sw 5+5 15
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1-3 1 3, Sw 5+5 15
Night Carnivore Average to ExN/A E,Q(x5 CE 1 2, 4, or 24, 18, 8+1 13
Day Scavenger Very (11-12) N/A Qx10 NE 2-12 5 12 5+1 15
Night Carnivore Average to HiN/A K,M LE 1 5 15 6 15
Night Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A D NE 1 4 15 5+2 15
Any Carnivore Low to Very ( N/A U CE 1 4 18 5+2 15
Any Carnivore Average to HiN/A Nil (I) LN 1 (3-185 18 5 15
Any Carnivore Low to High ( N/A K (I) LN to 3-18 5 18 5 15
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A D,U LE 2-8 7 15, Jp 6+6 15
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A (C) LE 1-2 (2- 4 12 or 1 5+1 15
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 30% C LE 4-24 6 12 3+1 N/A
Night Scavenger Very (11-12) N/A C LE 4-24 6 12 3+1 17
Day Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Qx10 NG 2-8 6 1, Fl 2 4+2 17
Day Omnivoire Genius (17-1 N/A Qx10 NG 2-8 6 1, Fl 2 4+2 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A (D) CE 3-18 5 Sw 12 5 15
Any Carnivore Low to ExceptN/A (W) NE 1 0 12, Sw 10+3 9
N/A N/A Low to Except20% Nil NE 1 0 12, Sw 10+3 N/A
Any Carnivore Low to ExceptN/A SpecialNE 1 0 12, Sw 10+3 9
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A M (B) NE 1 4 12, Wb5+5 14
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A C CE 1-3 3 18 9 11
N/A N/A Average (8-1 15% D,Qx5 N 1-6 3 12 6+2 N/A
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A D,Q(x5N 1-6 3 12 6+2 15
Any (Night) Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Qx5 (DLE 1 3 12 6+2 (4 15
N/A N/A Average (8-1 25% B CE 3-18 5 15 4+3 N/A
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A B CE 3-18 5 15 4+3 15
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 5% Nil N 1-4 6 12 2+2 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LN 1 (3-181 6, Fl 1 5+6 15
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LN(E) 1 0 12 8+2 13
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LN(E) 1 0 12 8+2 13
Any Magical EnergieLow (5-7) N/A Nil CN 1 Special6, Fl 1 2+4 17
Any Magic Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 1 -2 18, Fl 10 11
Any Magic Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 1 -2 18, Fl 10 11
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A V N 1-4 5 12 4 17
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A C N 2-12 7 or ar 12 3+2 17
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A C N 1-3 3 12 5 15
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A U N 1 7 12 2 17
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil CN 2-24 6 9, Br 6 2 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) Nil Nil LE 1 0 36 6+1 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialN 1-3 (3- 3 18 12 9
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A E CE 1 (1-2) 3 6 9 11 (8 w
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-8 6 12, Cl 5 15
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 10-40 7 12, Cl 1+1 19
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-5 4 6, Br 3 1+2 19
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 4-24 6 6, Cl 1 4 15
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 6 15 4+4 15
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-12 7 15 3+3 17
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 2-24 7 12 1-1 20
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-8 5 15, Spr3+3 17
Day Omnivore Low to AveragN/A Nil N 6-60 5 6 1+1 20
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-8 7 15, Cl 1+1 19
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-5 4 6, Br 3 3 17
Day Herbivore Low to AveragN/A Nil N 4-40 6 6, Sw 4 17
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-8 6 12 7 13
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-8 7 12 5 15
Day Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-5 5 9, Sw 5 15
Night Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 5 6 6 15
Night Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 7 9 5 15
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-8 6 15 3+3 17
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 4 15 4+4 15
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 5-20 7 15 1+2 19
Day Herbivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 6 12 4+1 17
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 4-24 7 24 2 19
Day Herbivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 4-24 7 15 5 15
Day Herbivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-20 7 15 4 17
Day Herbivore Animal to SemN/A Nil N 1-13 7 21 3 17
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-16 7 21 3+2 17
Day Herbivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 20-200 7 15 1 to 4 17
Day Herbivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-12 7 18 3+1 17
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-8 6 15 4 17
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 7 21 5 15
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-12 6 9/12 8 12
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-12 7 15 2 19
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 6 12 8 13
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 6 12 9 11
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 10-100 7 12 2 19
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 7 24 3 17
Day Herbivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 2-20 6 6, Sw 2+1 19
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-12 7 12 3 17
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 7 12 1/2 20
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 3-30 7 6, Cl 9 2 19
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 20-60 6 18, Cl 1 hp 18
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 9, Cl 2 1-2 20
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 9, Cl 2 1-2 20
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-20 7 9 2 19
Night Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 8 12 1/4 20
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-10 3 36 2+1 19
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 10-40 9 4, Sw 1/2 20
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 7 12, Br 1 hp 20
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 15 1 20
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 15 1 20
Night Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 7 15 1 20
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-20 8 12, Br 1-3 hp 20
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 8 4 1/4 20
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 15, Br 1 20
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 10 1, Br 1 1 hp 20
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-50 8 9 1+1 20
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-100 7 15, Br 1 hp 20
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 10 4 1-3 hp 20
Night Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-8 10 4 1-3 hp 20
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 12, Sw 1-1 20
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-5 5 9, Sw 5 15
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 12, Sw 1+1 20
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-20 10 12 2 19
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-8 9 12 2 19
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-12 6 18 1-3 hp 20
Night Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 9 5 1-2 20
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 8 12 1 hp 20
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 7 8 12, Fl 1 hp 20
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-12 6 12 1+1 20
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 9 5, Br 2 1-2 20
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 7 24 3 17
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 15-60 2 15 3+3 17
Day Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 10-40 4 18 3+6 17
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-10 5 18 5 to 8 15 or 1
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 7 12 3 17
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 15 1/4 20
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 5 12 3 17
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-12 5 12 13 N/A
Any Omnivore Varies (3-18) N/A Q,V LG 20-200 5 (10) 6 (9) 1 19
Any Omnivore Varies (3-18) N/A Varies LG 1 (2-124 (10) 9 (12) Variabl Varies
Any Omnivore Varies (3-18) N/A Varies Varies 1 (2-8) 10 12 1-2 20
Any Omnivore Varies (3-18) N/A K,L LG 2-20 Special12 1-2 20
N/A N/A Low to Averag45% SpecialNE 3-18 5 12, Br 1+1 or N/A
Any Water and soil nAnimal (1) N/A Nil N 1 6 12 1/2 Nil
Dusk Scavenger Low (5-7) N/A P (Yx2 CE 1-6 5 9, Fl 1 3 17
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A K,M (E CE 1 4 24 13 7
Any Carnivore Low to GeniusN/A J,K,M, NE 8+ 5 12 8 to 12 13 to 9
Any Carnivore Low to GeniusN/A J,K,M, NE 8 or m 7 12 6 to 12 15 to 9
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil NE 1-3 9 Fl 18 1+1 N/A
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-6 7 1, Fl 1 1+1 19
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% E LE 1-4 4 12, Fl 6+3 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A E LE 1-4 4 12, Fl 6+3 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (E) E 1-2 2 to -3 12, Fl 6+3 13
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 3 6, Fl 1 10 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 100% J-Nx5, N 1-2 6 Nil 4 to 9 N/A
Night Special Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NE 1-3 5 6 10 11
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 30% Q (C) CE 2-8 2 6, Fl 1 6 N/A
N/A N/A High to GeniuNil Nil C 1 0 9, Fl 1 13 N/A
Night Fear Low (5-7) N/A (A,B,F)LE 2-20 3 15 3+2 16
Day Omnivore Low to GeniusN/A Nil Any 1 7 12, Fl 2 19
Day Carnivore Average to VeN/A R N 1-4 6 6, Sw 10 11
Day Carrion Average (8-1 N/A B LE 1-3 5 12, Fl 7 13 (12
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil LN 1-6 0 15 15 5
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil LN 1-6 0 15 15 5
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-8 7 9 8 N/A
Day Omnivore Average to HiN/A P (C) CN 2-40 5 or 0 9 or 0 4+1 17
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A IncidenNG 1-2 2 6, Fl 2 6+1 15
Night Living Creature Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NE 4-16 6 18 (9 in4 17
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 20% Nil N(E) 4-16 6 18 (9 in4 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-12 6 15 12 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 5-20 0 12 8 13
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A D N 1-3 0 15 12 9
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 95% B CE 1 8 12 4 N/A
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A M (B) CE 1 8 12 4 17
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (B) CE 1 8 12 4 (13 15
Any Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Nil LN 1 5 9 3 17
Any Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Nil LN 1 5 Fl 9 (A 3 17
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 8 Fl 65 ( 5 Miss on
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 50% P,Qx10LE 1-3 5 9 6 N/A
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A P,Q(x1 LE 1-3 5 9 6 15
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A SpecialLE 1 5 Fl 9 (A 1/2 20
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A P,Q(x1 LE 1-3 3 12 8 13
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A P,Q(x1 LE 1 5 9 6 15
Day Omnivoire Very (11-12) N/A P,Qx10LE 1 5 9 6 (27 15
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 100% Nil LE 3-5 7 9 4 N/A
Night Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil LE 3-5 7 9 4 17
Night Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 3 12 10 11
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 -4 9 11 to 1 9 to 5
Night Special High (13-14) N/A Nil CN(G) 1-3 5 24 3 17
Night Special Semi to High N/A Nil N 1 6 24 1 19
Day Omnivoire Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 10-40 8 (10) 12 2 19
N/A N/A Average to Ve20% M (A) N(CE) 20-200 SpecialSpecial1-6 hp N/A
N/A N/A Average to Ve10% K (B) N 10-100 7 12 2-7 hp N/A
N/A N/A Average to Ve80% (1K (W) N(CE) 50-300 Special12 1-6 hjp N/A
N/A N/A Low to Averag40% SpecialN 10-100 8 (7) 12 2 or 1 N/A
N/A N/A Average to Ve5% (15J or L ( LG(N) 30-300 SpecialSpecial1-6 hp N/A
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A C LE 20-80 10 (bas12 1-1 20
Any Omnivoire Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 10 6 1-1 20
Any (Night) Omnivoire Average (8-1 N/A Varies CE 1 Varies 9 2 19
N/A N/A Very to High 0% SpecialN 50-300 SpecialSpecial1-6 hp N/A
N/A N/A Average to Ve0% SpecialSpecial10-100 SpecialSpecial1-6 hp N/A
Any Omnivore Average to VeN/A A LE 30-180 10 (bas12 1-1 20
Any Nil High to GeniuN/A Nil N 1 -4 18 9 11
Night Special Very (11-12) N/A Nil N 1-2 0 12, Fl 10 11
Any Nil Genius (17-1 N/A B,E,H LE 1 0 or be 12 10 or as11 or as
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A N N 1-10 4 12, Fl 3 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 5 12, Fl 3 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1-10 6 12, Fl 3 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A N N 1-10 5 12, Fl 3+3 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil 2-12 pl E 1 5 12, Fl 3+1 N/A
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nx2 E 1 (1-105 12, Fl 3+1 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A N N 1-10 5 12, Fl 3+1 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A N E 1 (1-105 12, Fl 3 17
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A N N 1-10 5 12, Fl 3 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A N E 1 (1-106 12, Fl 3 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil 1-10 pl E 1 6 12, Fl 3 N/A
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1-20 4 12, Fl 3 17
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A N N 1 6 12, Fl 3 17
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A N N 1-20 4 12, Fl 3+2 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A N E 1 (1-107 12, Fl 3+2 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A N N 1-10 7 12, Fl 3+2 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nx2 N 1-10 6 12, Fl 3 17
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1-10 4 12, Fl 3 17
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A N N 1-10 5 12, Fl 3 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil 1-10 pl E 1 4 12, Fl 3 N/A
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A N E 1 (1-104 12, Fl 3 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1-10 4 12, Fl 3 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil 3-18 pl E 1 7 12, Fl 3+3 N/A
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nx3 E 1 (1-107 12, Fl 3+3 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nx2 N 1-10 7 12, Fl 3+3 17
Any Any Liquid Average (8-1 N/A N N 1-10 5 12, Fl 3 17
Any Special Supra-genius N/A Nil N 1 (1-6) -2 (0) 15 (30)14 7
Any Omnivore Average to GeN/A Rx3,U Non-G 1-4 Varies 12 Varies Varies
Any Omnivore Average to VeN/A C,R N 20-200 7 1, Sw 1+1 19
N/A N/A Average to Ve25% C,R N 20-200 7 1, Sw 1+1 N/A
Any Carnivore, Sca Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 1 (1-4) 0 12 4+4 to 15 to 1
Any Rocks and MineNon (0) N/A Nil N 1 -6 Fl 6 (E 19 2
N/A N/A High to ExcepNil Qx5 (X E(N) 1 (1-3) -3 15 10+40 N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) 10% I NE 1-4 -2 6, Fl 6 8+2 N/A
N/A N/A Semi to AveraNil Nil N 1 7 3 7 to 10 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A IncidenN 1 7 3 7 to 8 13
Any Carnivore Very to High N/A Nil N 1 5 (2) 1 15 or 1 5
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A J,K,L, N 1-6 0 (shel 3 15 5
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A (J,K,L N 1-4 0 (shel 3 20 1
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 0 (shel 3 10 11
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A IncidenN(E) 1 7 3 9 to 10 11
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A V (U) N 1 7 3, Fl 1 12 9
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 50% B,S,T, LE 1-4 5 12 8+4 N/A
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A S,T (B)LE 1-4 5 12 8+4 11
N/A N/A High (13-14) 40% G N 1 4 3, Br 6 10 N/A
N/A N/A Animal to Sem40% J,K,L,MN(C) As ani As bas 2/3 ba As bas N/A
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LE 1-20 -2 12 6 (25 h 11 (15)
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LE 1-20 -2 12 6 15
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% C CE 1-8 6 12 6+3 N/A
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A C CE 1-8 6 12 6+3 13
Any Omnivore Low to GeniusN/A L,M (C LE 1-8 (206 (5) 12 6+3 13
Any Magical EnergieVery (11-12) N/A Nil CN 1-6 0 12, Sr 5 N/A
Night Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Z NE 1 0 (4) Fl 12 ( 13 7
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A (S) N 10-100 1 (8) Fl 24 ( 1 per 1 19 or b
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A S N 10-100 1 (8 af Fl 24 ( 1 per 1 Varies
Night Hemativore (BloAverage (8-1 N/A (D) NE 1-3 4 (8) 12 (6) 3 Special
Night Hemativore (BloAverage (8-1 N/A (D) NE 1-3 4 (8) 12 (6) 3 Special
Foggy days and night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1 3 12 4 17
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1 2 15 5 15
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 0 15 5 15
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 10% C LE 6-24 8 3 1-1 N/A
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A K (C) LE 6-24 8 3 1-1 20
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A J (I) N 1-8 -4 21 1-1 20
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil LN 1-12 6 9, Fl 9 2+2 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil LN 12-144 7 6, Fl 1 1+1 or N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) Nil Nil LN 1 3 18, Fl 5+5 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) Nil Nil LN 1-4 4 15, Fl 4+4 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil Nil LN 1-4 5 12 3+3 N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) Nil Nil LN 1 (of 1 2 15, Fl 10+10 N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( Nil Nil LN 1 (of 4 1 9, Sw 13+13 N/A
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 Nil Nil LN 1 (of 3 -2 12, Fl 14+14 N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) Nil Nil LN 1 (of 8 0 18, Fl 11+11 N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( Nil Nil LN 1 (of 6 1 9, Fl 9 12+12 N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius Nil Nil LN 1 (of 1 -4 12, Fl 16+16 N/A
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 Nil Nil LN 1 (or 2 -3 6, Fl 6 15+15 N/A
N/A N/A Godlike (21+)Nil Nil LN 1 (of 4)-6 18 (in 18+18 N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius Nil Nil LN 1 (of 9)-5 12 17+17 N/A
N/A N/A Godlike (21+)Nil Nil LN 1 -10 24 (in 220 hp N/A
Any Nil Special N/A Nil LN 1-4 0 Special2+2 Automa
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil NE 1 10 Nil 3 Nil
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 9 0 N/A N/A
Any Heat Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 Patc 9 0 NA NA
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 Nil 0 (spec2 Nil
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 patch9 0 n/a n/a
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 patch9 0 n/a n/a
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 patch9 0 n/a n/a
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 9 0 12-16 hN/A
Any Moisture Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 Patc 9 0 NA NA
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 9 0 N/A N/A
Any Mental Energy Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 Patc 9 0 NA NA
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A O,P N 6-24 (34 12 1 to 6 19 to 1
N/A N/A Low to Averag35% C LN 1-100 5 9 1 to 4 N/A
Night Omnivore Low to AveragN/A C LN 1-100 5 9 1 to 4 19 to 1
Any Herbivore Exceptional ( N/A D LG 4-7 0 12, Fl 10 11
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 -1 Sw 21 14 7
Any Carnivore Varies N/A G,Zx2 Varies 1 0 or betVaries 75-150 5
Any Omnivore Animal to LowN/A IncidenN 1 5 3, Fl 1 15 5
Any Carnivore High to ExcepN/A Nil NG 1 (2-8) 0 30 or 9 9+3 11
N/A N/A High to ExcepNil N NG 1 (2-8) 2, 0, or 30 8+16 N/A
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A M (I) CE 4-24 8 12 4+2 17
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A V,Y LE 1 4 9 17 (97 10
Dusk Scavenger Animal (1) N/A (Z) N 3-12 7 18 2 19
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 100% G CE 1 3 18 7 N/A
Night Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A (G) CE 1 3 Sw 18 7 13
Night Special Genius (17-1 N/A Nil CE 1 0 12, Fl 12 9
Any Unknown Godlike (21+)N/A Nil NG(C) 1 -5 Fl 48 ( 20 5
Any Unknown Godlike (21+)N/A Nil NG(C) 1 -5 Fl 48 ( 20 5
Constant Organic debris, Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 4 1 1 to 10 20
N/A N/A Average (8-1 40% Q (J-N)LE 5-20 6 3, Sw 1/2 N/A
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Q (J,K, LE 5-20 6 3, Sw 1/2 20
Any Dweomer Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-12 10 3 2 19
N/A N/A Non (0) 100% Nil N 2-12 10 3 2 N/A
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A E CE 1-4 4 12 8 13
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Varies N 1 10 12 1+4 19
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A L (C) Any 2-7 8 (10) 9 5+5 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1 7 12 3 N/A
Night Special Genius (17-1 N/A D LE 1 3 12 13 7
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 80% D LE 2-8 3 6 6+3 N/A
Night Nil Low (5-7) N/A P (D) LE 2-8 3 6 6+3 13
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1 3 9 6 15
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A (R) NE 1-8 6 12 as ani Varies
Night Nil Average (8-1 N/A (I) NE 1-4 3 9 as ani Varies
Night Nil Genius (17-1 N/A V (Ax2 LE 1 2 9 8+3 (b 11 (bas
Night Nil Genius (17-1 N/A V (Ax2 LE 1 2 9 8+3 11
Night Nil Genius (17-1 N/A V (Ax2 LE 1 2 9 8+3 (4 11 (10)
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil NE 1 (1-4) 0 Fl 12 ( 50 5
Any Carnivore Varies N/A Nil CE 2-5 2 12 7 13
N/A N/A Average (8-1 70% Sx2 LN 1-12 (210 9 1 to 6 N/A
Day Herbivore Average (8-1 N/A S (x2) LN 1-12 (210 9 1 to 6 19 to 1
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A (A) G 2-8 3 6 1/2 20
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A Any LE 1 (1-126 12 7 13
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A S,T,W LE 1-3 (us 6 13 9 11
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A S,T,W LE 1-3 (us 6 13 9 11
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 75% H LG 1-2 3 15 11 to 1 N/A
Day Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A X (H) LG 1-2 3 15 11 to 1 9
N/A N/A High (13-14) 60% B,T,X CE 1-3 4 12 9 to 10 N/A
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A X (B,T)CE 1-3 4 12 9 to 10 11
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 45% D N 1-4 5 9, Sw 7 to 8 N/A
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A X (D) N 1-4 5 9, Sw 7 to 8 13
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A I CN 1 3 12 9 11
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-6 6 Sw 21 4+4 to N/A
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A M (Q,DLE 3-30 6 9 2+2 17 (19)
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil CG 1 2 12 2 19
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 0 12, Fl 4 17
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1 -2 9 8 13
Any Omnivore Low to High ( N/A K CN 2-40 (26 18 1+1 19
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil N 1 -3 (she Sw 18 14 7
Any Carnivore High to ExcepN/A (J,K,W CE 1 -2 12, Sw 12+1 9
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 1 -2/4/7 Fl 3 (E 15 to 2 Special
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 2 9 2 19
N/A N/A Average (8-1 10% Nil N 1 2 9 2 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 25% G N 5-50 6 9 3+4 N/A
Day Photosynthetic Low (5-7) N/A M (G) N 5-50 6 9 3+4 17
Day Photosynthetic Low (5-7) N/A G N 5-50 6 9 3+4 17
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A Nil CN 1 2 18 10 11
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Q LE 1-8 3 6 5 15
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Q LE 1-8 3 6 6 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A N LE 1 5 3 20 Nil
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil LE 1 5 3 20 Nil
N/A N/A Average to VeNil SpecialN 1 0 6 9 to 12 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 100% X C 1-4 10 12 4 N/A
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A L (C,O CE 30-100 6 (10) 6, 15 ( 1 19
Any Herbivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil N 1 (5-502 24 7 13
N/A N/A Exceptional ( Nil Nil N(E) 1 9 9 8 N/A
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil NE 1 0 9 8 13
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil NE 1 0 9 8 13
Night Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil CE 1 3 12 9 11
N/A N/A High (13-14) Nil Nil N(E) 1 -4 15, Fl 6+6 N/A
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 1 -4 15, Fl 6+6 13
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 1 -4 15, Fl 6+6 15
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 1 -4 15, Fl 6+6 15
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A (F) CE 1 -5 12 15 5
Night Blood and boneAverage (8-1 N/A B,X NE 1-4 (3- 7 9 1+4 19
Night Nil Supra-genius N/A U CE 1 -4 12, Br 25 4
Night Nil Supra-genius N/A U CE 1 -6 15, Fl 21 5
Night Nil Supra-genius N/A U CE 1 -8 3, Fl 2 17 5
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 2-9 5 Fl 18 ( 5 15
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Varies CN 10-100 8 10 3 18
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 5 (6) 6, Sw 3 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 40% K (C) LE 4-40 6 6 1-1 N/A
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A I CG 2-20 7 Sw 18 2 to 5 19 to 1
Any Magic High (13-14) N/A Nil CN 1 10 6 9 11
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 95% C,Q N 20-80 7 6, Sw 1/2 N/A
Night Carnivore Supra-genius N/A G LG 1 1 1, Fl 3 5 15
Night Carnivore Supra-genius N/A G LG 1 1 1, Fl 3 5 15
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 40% Nil CE 1 5 (6) 9 (12) 9 N/A
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil N 1 2 3 9+5 11
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% E CE 3-30 3 9 1+2 N/A
Any Hemativore (BloAverage to GeN/A F Any (E 1 2 12, Fl 7 to 9 By clas
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 4 12, Sw 11 9
N/A N/A Exceptional t Nil Qx10,XE(N) 1 (1-2) -4 12, Fl 12+36 N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 100% Qx10,XN(G) 1-4 9 12 3 N/A
Day Nil Exceptional ( N/A Q (Qx1N(G) 1-4 9 12 3 17
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil N 1-2 7 15 3 17
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A Q (Qx1NE 1 7 12 4 17
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LE 1 1 Fl 18 ( 7 13
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LE 1 1 Fl 18 ( 7 13
Any Omnivore Average to HiN/A M (I) Special1 10 (by 12 Varies Varies
N/A N/A Average (8-1 100% Nil NE 2-12 10 Nil 1/4 N/A
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A E,R,T LN(E) 1 -2 (2) Fl 3 (A 8+8 9
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-3 8 3 6 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 70% R N(E) 1-3 7 3, Sw 8 N/A
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A R N(E) 1-3 7 3, Sw 8 13
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 10 Sw 9 8 13
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 8 Sw 12 10 11
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil (H) CE 1 0 9, Sw 16+16 5
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil (D) CE 1 2 6, Sw 12+12 9
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1 N/A 9 N/A N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% Mx10 ( CE 2-20 5 9 4+1 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A M (Q,BCE 2-20 5 9 4+1 17
N/A N/A Low to Averag20% A CE 2-24 4 6, Sw 4+4 N/A
Any Omnivore Semi to High N/A B,M (QCE 1-4 5 (9) 12 2+6 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A M (B,S CE 1-4 (5- 6 12 2+4 17
Any Herbivore Varies (5-20) N/A L,M (Q NG/LG 1-10 8 (10) 6 (9) 4+1 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A M (Q,BCE 2-20 4 12 5 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Mx10 ( CE 2-20 5 9 4+1 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Q (Qx1CE 2-12 5 9, Sw 4+1 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A M (A) CE 2-24 4 6, Sw 4+4 15
Any Herbivore Low to Supra-N/A L,M (Q G(N or 1-10 8 (10) 6 4+1 17
Any Herbivore Low to Supra-N/A L,M (Q E(N or 1-4 6 6 4+1 17
Night Carnivore Low to AveragN/A C,Y NE 2-20 5 (3) 9, Cl 6 4+4 to 15
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Varies Any 1-4 (1- 5 9 4+1 17
N/A N/A Average to Ex35% G(magiLE 1-6 4 9, Fl 1 5+2 N/A
Any Carnivore Average to ExN/A G (R,S LE 1-6 4 9, Fl 1 5+2 15
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1-8 4 15 8+4 or N/A
Any Herbivore Low to Very ( N/A K (F) N(G) 2-6 (156 (10) 3, Sw 3 17
Any Carnivore (MetaNon (0) N/A Y(x2) Nil 1 0 15 10 11
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LG 10-60 10 (6) 12 1 to 7 19 or b
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A A LE 1-100 4 9 8 13
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A SpecialLN 1-20 0 9 12+8 9
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A SpecialLN 1-20 2 12 10+5 11
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1-6 (3- 6 6 3 17
Any Carnivore Very to High N/A J (B) CE 1-4 1 12 5 15
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 8 1, Sw 4 17
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A IncidenN 1 8 6 4 17
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-6 9 0 2 19
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-3 8 1 3+3 17
Night Scavenger Average (8-1 N/A SpecialN 1 4 9 7+14 13
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-3 8 3 6 15
Any Scavenger Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 9 0 2+2 19
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-20 9 6 Variabl 17 to 1
Any Living Plasma Average (8-1 N/A C N 1 5 12 5 15
Night Scavenger Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 1 8 4 4 17
N/A N/A Low to Very ( SpecialSpecialC(E) 3-12 5 or be 9, Sw 3 to 4 N/A
Day Carnivore Low to Very ( N/A U CN 3-12 5 (base9, Sw 3 or 4 17
Any Omnivore Very to ExcepN/A A CG 1-2 -2 21, Fl 7+7 13
N/A N/A Very to Excep10% A CG 1-2 -2 21, Fl 7+7 N/A
Any Omnivore Very to ExcepN/A A CG 1-2 -2 21, Fl 7+7 13
Any Omnivore Low to GeniusN/A P,L,Q Varies 1-6 Varies Varies Varies Varies
N/A N/A Low to Averag35% L (C,O LE 30-300 6 9 1 N/A
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A L (C,O LE 30-300 6 (10) 9 (12) 1 19
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A I (C,O, LE 10-100 5 (10) 8 (14) 4 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A I (C,O, LE 10-100 3 (6) 6 (12) 5 15
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A (Ox5) LG 10-60 10 (6 w12 1 (cleri 19
Night Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A L (C,O LE 20-80 4 (10) 6 (12) 3 17
Day Petrivore High (13-14) N/A Qx100,CG(N) 1-4 4 6, Br 2 3 17
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% M (B,S CE 1-4 (5- 6 12 2 N/A
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A R,V (Z)LN 1-12 5 11, Sw 7+7 13
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 4-12 7 2, Fl 1 1+6 19
N/A N/A Animal (1) 80% D N 2-24 7 12, Br 3+1 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 20% Nil N 1-4 5 12, Sw 1-1 or N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 10% Nil N 2-5 5 9, Sw 5 N/A
N/A N/A Low to AveragNil SpecialN 1 (2) 3 6 6 to 8 N/A
Any Omnivore Low to AveragN/A SpecialN 1 (2) 3 6 6 to 8 15 to 1
Any Omnivore Average to VeN/A SpecialN 1 0 6 9 to 12 11 to 9
N/A N/A Animal (1) 10% Nil N 1 or 2 5 1, Fl 2 1 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 5% Qx5,X N 2-5 6 3, Fl 1 4 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 30% C N 2-5 5 12 5+2 N/A
Late Afternoon/Early Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A C N 1 (2-8) 5 12 5+2 15
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A IncidenN 1 (2-8) 5 12, Sw 8+2 13
Dusk Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A IncidenN 1 (2-5) 5 12, Fl 5+2 15
Any Carnivore Very to GeniuN/A U (Qx1CG 2-20 7 12, Sw 3 to 6 17 to 1
Any Carnivore Average to SuN/A U CE 3-18 6 15 Varies By clas
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A B,R CE 1-4 9 or 6 12, Fl 6 15 or
Any Life Energy Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 10 3 1 to 10 Varies
Any Life Energy Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 10 3 1 to 10 Varies
Night Hemativore (BloAverage (8-1 N/A Nil LE 1 10 (Hea12 (HeaVariabl 16
Any Warmth Low to High ( N/A Nil N 1-6 3 6 8 to 16 13 to 5
Any Solids Low to High ( N/A Nil N 2-8 3 6 8 to 16 13 to 5
Any Solids Low to High ( N/A Nil N 1-6 0 36 8 to 16 13 to 5
Any Air Low to High ( N/A Nil N 1-6 2 Fl 18 ( 8 to 16 13 to 5
Any Magma Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 3 9, Sw 8 13
Any Water Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 2 Fl 30 ( 8 13
Any Silt Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 2 9, Sw 7 13
Any Sunlight Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 2 6, Fl 3 9 11
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Nil LN 5 0 9 5+5 15
Any Hemativore (BloNon (0) N/A Nil N 1 10 1 1/2 Nil
Any Hemativore (BloNon (0) N/A Nil N 1 10 1 1/2 Nil
Any Wood, Carnivor Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 9 1 1/8 Nil
Any Wood, Carnivor Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 9 1 1/8 Nil
Any Hemativore (BloNon (0) N/A Nil N 1-20 9 1 1 20
Any Hemativore (BloNon (0) N/A Nil N 1-20 9 1 1 20
Any Special Non (0) N/A Nil Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil
Any Special Non (0) N/A Nil Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil
Any Special Non (0) N/A Nil Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil
Any Special Non (0) N/A Nil Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil
Any Special Non (0) N/A Nil Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil
Any Special Non (0) N/A Nil Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NE 1 5 3, Fl 6 1+1 19
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NE 1 5 3, Fl 6 1+1 19
Any Spells Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 0 1/10 1 per n Special
Any Spells Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 0 1/10 1 per n Special
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A R,Qx2, LE 1 10 1 3 to 6 17 to 1
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A R,Qx2, LE 1 10 1 3 to 6 17 to 1
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A Nil LE 1-2 4 12, Br 2 19
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A Nil LE 1-2 4 12, Br 2 19
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 3-12 4 12, Br 1 20
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 3-12 4 12, Br 1 20
N/A N/A Average to Ex5% SpecialN(G) 5-20 (13 9 4 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 20% I N 1-2 2 6 4+4 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 10% Ox4,T N 1-4 4 9 2+2 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 5% M,Ox2 N 1-4 7 12 1+1 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 15% Nil CG 1-10 6 24, Fl 4 N/A
Day Herbivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CG 1-10 6 24, Fl 4 17
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A M,Q (ENG 2-20 7 or be 18, Fl 5 to 8 15 to 1
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A E NG 2-20 7 18, Fl 5 to 8 15 to 1
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 7 4 1+6 19
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 7 4 1+6 19
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A Nil N 1 3 4 2+6 19
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A Nil N 1 3 4 2+6 19
N/A N/A Average (8-1 SpecialNil LE 1 10 (8) 12, Fl 4 N/A
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil LN 1 -1 12 10 11
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A Nil LN 1 -1 12 10 11
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 20% 1-4 ge N 4-40 ( 3 12 1/2 N/A
Night Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A U,Y N 4-200 3 12 1/8 20
N/A N/A Average (8-1 10% B CE 2-8 7 12, Fl 4 N/A
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A B CE 2-8 7 12, Fl 4 17
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A B CE 2-8 7 12, Fl 4 17
Any Carnivore Supra-genius N/A Any (G NE 1 (1-3) 2 Fl 9 (A 9 11
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A (I) LN 1-10 3 (8) 12, Fl 4 17
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LN 1 2 (8) 12, Fl 6 15
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CG 3-18 7 9, Gl 1 1-1 20
Any Omnivore Average to GeN/A Nil CG 3-18 7 9, Fl 1 1-1 20
Any Nil Nil N/A Nil N 1 Nil 9 Nil Nil
N/A N/A Nil Nil Nil Any 1 Nil 9 Nil N/A
Any Nil Nil N/A Nil N 1 Nil 9 Nil Nil
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-2 3 12, Fl 6 N/A
Any Fire Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-2 3 12, Fl 6 15
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 Nil SpecialNG 1 (1-4) -3 6, Fl 3 20 N/A
Any Herbivore High to GeniuN/A R,U NG 1-4 8 (1) 9 5 15
Any Living Essence Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1-4 -5 18 9 11
Any Life Energy Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 4 6 5 Special
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A O NG 1-3 -3 6, Fl 3 20 1
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A O NG 1-3 -3 6, Fl 3 20 5
Any Mental Energy Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 -3 15 13 7
N/A N/A Unratable 80% IncidenN(E) 1-4 5 3 4 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 3-18 3 1 1 to 4 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-18 3 1 1 to 4 19 to 1
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-8 5 Sw 36 4 N/A
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A A (N) LE 20-40 0 12 7 to 11 Special
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Z NE 1-4 4 Special5 15
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 5% R,S,T, N 5-20 5 6, Fl 1 1/2 N/A
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 10 Nil 1/8 20
Any Hemativore (BloNon (0) N/A U Nil 3-36 10 0 10 11
Any Carnivore Low to Very ( N/A IncidenNE 1 2 1/4 12 to 1 7 to 5
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 9 Nil 8 11
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 SpecialNil 3 to 10 15 or l
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A IncidenNE 1 6 0 7 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A IncidenN(E) 1 4 3 2 19
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 8 Nil 10 Nil
Any Sun, Soil Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-20 8 0 5 to 8 15 to 1
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-2 4/7/9 0 5 15
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 5 Nil 1 to 5 19 to 1
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-12 8 0 4 Special
Any Special Non (0) N/A IncidenN 1-3 6 (core)0 3 (core 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-10 6 3 4 17
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 or 4 3 4 17
Any Special Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 8 0 3 to 6 17 to 1
Day Soil, Water Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-18 9 Nil 1/2 Nil
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A V N 1-20 7 3 2 19
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A IncidenN 1 4 1/4 10 15
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A IncidenN 1 8 0 4 17
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A N N 1 6/5 1/2 25 7
Any Nutrients Non (0) N/A Nil N 20-200 8 0 6 15
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 patch9 3 1 per 5 Nil
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A J-N(x5 N 1-2 6 0 4 to 9 Nil
Any Sun, Soil Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-20 8 0 5 to 8 15 to 1
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-2 4/7/9 0 5 15
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-12 8 0 4 Nil
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-10 9 0 2+8 17
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A IncidenN 1-10 8 0 3 17
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-8 7 3 4 17
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A B N 1 7 0 3 17
Any Nil Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 per 2 10 or b 6 2 (spec19
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 7 1 8 13
Any Carrion Non (0) N/A R N 2-20 10 0 1 20
Any Scavanger Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-8 7 1 3 17
Any Air (gasses and Non (0) N/A SpecialN 1 10 SpecialSpecialNil
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A IncidenN 1 3/5 0 6, +1 h 7
Any Carnivore Low to AveragN/A D NE 1-4 3 9, Sw 5 Nil
Any Soil, Water, Me Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 2-12 10 0 1/4 20
Any Soil, Water Very (11-12) N/A SpecialN 1 (90%)5 1 (roots5 to 10 15 to 1
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A B,T,X N 1-3 0 6 8 to 11 13 to 9
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A J-N,Q, N 3-12 6 0 2 to 4 19 to 1
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-4 7 1 8 13
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-20 3 15 4 17
Day Special Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-8 10 Nil 1 19
Day Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil CG 1 10 Nil 2 19
Any Life Energy Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-6 9 0 1/2 Special
N/A N/A Supra-genius 0 Nil G 1 -7 15, Fl 144 hp N/A
Any Elemental MatteAverage (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1-4 -4 12 12 9
Any Elemental MatteAverage (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1-10 0 12 6 15
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1 2 9, Fl 1 12 9
Any Scavenger Average (8-1 N/A K,L,M Any (s 1-6 2 9 8 13
Any Scavenger Very (11-12) N/A K,L,M Any (s 2-8 3 (8) 6 5 15
When approached Scavenger Low (5-7) N/A A N 1 8 3 16 or 10
Any Special High (13-14) N/A SpecialG 1 (1-2) 3 9, Fl 486 to 10 15 to 1
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A SpecialG 1 3 3, Fl 1 1 to 5 19 to 1
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Q CE 1 4 6 5 15
Any Special Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 4-16 3 Special1+5 19
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 95% Nil LE 1-8 10 6 1/2 N/A
Night Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil LE 1-8 10 6 1/2 15
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-2 5 6 6 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-10 9 1 1 to 4 N/A
Any Omnivore Average to GeN/A R,S,T Any 1-4 Varies 12 Varies Varies
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A Nil CG 1 10 18 8+1 13
Any Omnivore High to GeniuN/A D,X,U E 1 (1-4) Varies 9 Varies Varies
N/A N/A Average (8-1 50% D CN 1 2 9 6 to 8 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 5% Qx10 N(G) 1 2 6, Fl 2 2 N/A
Any Special Special N/A Nil Special1 6 6, Fl 1 3 17
N/A N/A Low to Averag50% A NE SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialN/A
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A V LE 1 (1-4) 4 9 7 13
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A V LE 1-4 4 9 7 13
Any Carnivore Supra-genius N/A R,V LE 1 3 9 12 9
Any Carnivore Supra-genius N/A R,V LE 1 3 9 12 9
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A C,G,V NE 1 2 15 18 5
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A C,G,C NE 1 2 15 18 3
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A P (E) NE 10-100 4 12, Fl 4 17
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A J (C) N 1-10 8 12 4 17
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 7 Fl 12 ( 5 15
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 (1-4) 6 6 10 11
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 (1-4) 5 6 11 N/A
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 (1-4) 5 6 11 9
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 (1-3) 7 12 8+1 N/A
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 (1-4) 7 12 8+1 13
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 (1-3) 8 9 9 N/A
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 (1-4) 8 9 9 11
Any Any Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1 (1-4) 6 6 10 11
Any Any Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1 9 9 10 11
Any Any Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1 (1-3) 4 3 5 15
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil Nil 1 6 6 10 11
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 4 15 9 11
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A (A) N 1-4 4 Fl 18 ( 7 13
N/A N/A Non (0) 30% B,Q(x5 N 1-2 6 9 15 N/A
Any Omnivore Supra-genius N/A Vx3 NG 1 0 (10) 24 16 to 2 5
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 30% D NE 1-4 6 6, Fl 1 43 N/A
Any Light and heat Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-6 -1 (3) Fl 16 ( 6 to 8 15 to 1
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 50% A N 2-24 6 12 1+2 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (O,R) N 2-24 6 12 2+2 19
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil (O, N 2-24 6 12 2+2 19
Any Fire Low to High ( N/A Nil N 1-6 3 12 6 to 12 15 to 9
Any Solids Low to High ( N/A Nil N 1-6 -1 12 6 to 12 15 to 9
Any Water Low to High ( N/A Nil N 1-6 1 3 6 to 12 15 to 9
Any Anything Low to High ( N/A Nil N 1-6 -1 36 6 to 12 15 to 9
Any Energy Low to High ( N/A Nil N 1-6 2 Fl 18 ( 6 to 12 15 to 9
Any Stone Low to High ( N/A Nil N 1-6 0 6 6 to 12 15 to 9
Any Darkness Low to High ( N/A Nil N 1-6 0 Fl 48 ( 6 to 12 15 to 9
Any Gas Low to High ( N/A Nil N 1-6 2 Fl 12 ( 6 to 12 15 to 9
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Qx3 CE 1 2 15 3 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A J,K,L, N 1 5 6, Sw 5 to 10 15 to 1
Day Daylight Average (8-1 N/A Nil NG 1-6 0 24 8 13
Any Omnivoire Average (8-1 N/A A,B,C,DLG or 1-8 10 or 7 17 1 19
N/A N/A High to Geniu10% O,P,Q, CE(N) 4-16 -3 96 1+1/2 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 100% SpecialN 1 (10%5 1 (roots5 to 10 N/A
Any Soil and Water Very (11-12) N/A SpecialN 1 (90%)5 1 (3 for5 to 10 15 to 1
Night Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 5 6 3 17
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 5-50 (18 Sw 9 1/2 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 10% 10% of CE 1-6 10 12 2 N/A
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A E,V Any 1-4 0 or as 9, Fl 1 8 or as 13 or as
Night Nil Average (8-1 N/A Mx2,O CE 3-12 6 or as 12, Fl 4 or as 17 or as
Night Nil Genius (17-1 N/A E,S LE 1 8 9 10 11
Any Carnivore Low to Very ( N/A P,L,Q C 1-8 Varies 12 3 to 8 Varies
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A (Qx3) CN 1-4 5 12, Fl 3 17
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A (Qx3) CN 1-4 5 12, Fl 3 17
Day Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A (Qx3) N 1-3 0 6, Fl 6 5 15
Day Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A (Qx3) N 1-3 0 6, Fl 6 5 15
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A (Qx3) CE 1-2 -5 6, Fl 4 7 13
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A (Qx3) CE 1-2 -5 6, Fl 4 7 13
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-6 10 18, Fl 1 20
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-6 10 18, Fl 1 20
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A M N 3-30 6 9 2+1 19
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A K Any (N 2-12 10 9 2+1 19
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 25% F LE 1-4 -4 15 7 N/A
Night Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A F LE 1-4 -4 15 7 13
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A B,F LE 1 -5 18 8+16 11
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 (1-6) 6 15 2 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 2-8 6 15 4 N/A
Night Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-12 2 36 4 17
Any Carnivore Animal to SemN/A Nil N 2-7 5 Fl 18 ( 4+2 17
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A G (R,U N 1-6 3 15 5 15
Night Scavenger Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-100 7 15 1/4 20
Night Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 11-30 6 15 1/4 20
Night Scavenger Low to Supra-N/A Nil NE 2-20 6 15 1 19
Night Scavenger Semi (2-4) N/A (C) E 5-50 7 12, Sw 1/2 20
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 10% C N(E) 5-50 7 12, Br 1/2 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N(E) 1-100 7 15 1/4 N/A
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A (D) N 2-24 7 12, Br 3+1 16
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 30% SpecialC(N) 2-16 6 or sp 12, Sw 2 N/A
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A IncidenCN 2-16 6 (or s 12, Fl 2 19
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A W NE 3-24 6 12, Sw 2 19
Day Omnivore Low to AveragN/A B,Qx4 CG 4-24 6 9, Fl 1 2 19
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 4-40 3 15 4+4 15
N/A N/A Animal (1) 25% SpecialN 4-36 7 1, Fl 3 1/4 N/A
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialN(E) 4-16 4 3, Fl 1 3+2 17
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 10% SpecialN(E) 4-16 4 3, Fl 1 3+2 N/A
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil N,CN, 1 7 6, Fl 1 1 9
Day Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialN(E) 2-8 6 1, Fl 2 1-1 20
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 15% SpecialN(E) 2-8 6 1, Fl 2 1-1 N/A
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 4-36 7 1, Fl 3 1/4 20
Day Omnivoire Exceptional ( N/A I (U) NG 3-12 6 3, Fl 2 1 19
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 -4 Fl 24 ( 3 17
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 5 Fl 24 ( 12+7 t 7 to 5
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A J-N(x10N 1 6 Fl 18 ( 8 to 11 13 to 9
Day Herbivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 -1 1, Fl 2 6 15
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil J-N(x1 N 1 6 Sw 18 8 to 11 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-3 7 Sw 12 4 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-3 7 Sw 9 1 N/A
N/A Special High (13-14) N/A Nil NG 1 -8 Special15 5
Nil Sun, Soil Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-20 5 0 5 hp/vi 20
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-8 3 (6) 3, Fl 3 4 17
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,K,M (LE 3-24 3 (8) 9 2+4 19
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (A) CE 2-12 4 6, Sw 4+3 15
Any Omnivore Very to ExcepN/A K N 1 10 12 3 17
Night Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A V NE 3-10 7 12 3 19
Day Omnivore Supra-genius N/A Any CN 1 2 12 14 7
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN Varies 0 or 8 Sw 36 3 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) 20% F N 1 0 (head12 7 to 14 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A D N 1 0 (head12 7 to 14 13 to 7
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1 -3 24 13 (1047
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1 -3 24 13 (1047
Any None Average (8-1 N/A Nil LN 1 0 Fl 18 ( 6 12
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-20 8 Nil 5 to 8 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 10% Z CE 1 -2 19 10 N/A
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Z CE 1 -2 18 10 11
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Z CE 1 -2 18 10+10 9
N/A N/A Special Nil Nil N 1 10 9 8 N/A
Night Nil Special N/A Nil N 1 10 9 8 13 (bas
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-6 6 12 8 to 9 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-4 5 12 12 N/A
Any Wildflowers Exceptional ( N/A S,T,U NG Unkno 0 18, Fl 9 11
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A W N 2-8 2 15, Fl 5 15
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A R,Z,U N 1 (1-4) -1 15 9 11
Any Omnivore Godlike (21+)N/A R,U,VxN 1 (1-3) -3 (-7) 15 12 9
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A R,W N 1-2 (1- 0 18 8 13
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A R N 4-16 3 (-4) 12 6 15
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A P,Q N 4-24 4 12 4 17
Any Special Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 2 1 1 hp N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 10% C N 1-2 4 3, Fl 3 18 N/A
Day Omnivore Animal (1) N/A C N 1-2 4 3, Fl 3 18 3
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A C N 1-2 6 6, Fl 4 15 5
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A U LG 5-12 pe7 6 2 19
Any Minerals Average (8-1 N/A I LN 1-6 2 6 3 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) 30% SpecialN 1-2 3 6 5 (+1 hN/A
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A J,K,L, NE 1-6 2 12 8 13
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 4-40 8 15 3 17
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-12 5 12, Sw 4 17
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 10-100 10 15 1 19
Night Nil Low (5-7) N/A R (D) LE 1-8 1 12 15+1 2 (5)
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 90% SpecialCE 1-3 0 3 10 to 1 N/A
Darkness Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A SpecialCE 1-3 0 3 10 to 1 11 to 9
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 5-20 9 1 1/8 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 40% Nil N 2-20 7 9 2 N/A
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 3 9, Sw 12 9
Night Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 4 Fl 18 ( 6 15
N/A N/A Animal (1) 10% Qx10 N 1-2 2 18 5 N/A
Night Metal Animal (1) N/A Q N 1-2 2 18 5 15
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A SpecialN 1 6 or be 12 (18 3 or m 17 or b
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 3 18, Fl 10+3 11
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 6 12, Fl 6+3 15
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 2 12, Fl 9+3 11
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 4 9, Fl 1 14+3 7
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A D LE 2-5 win2 12, Fl 5 11
Day Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A F N 1-2 3 (male12, Jp 8+8 13
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A T E 1 2 6, Fl 2 4 17
Night Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1 5 18 8 13
N/A N/A High (13-14) 25% N (I,O, LE 20-80 5 12, Sw 2+2 N/A
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A N (I,O, LE 20-80 5 12, Sw 2+2 19
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Nil CG 1 0 or -4 Fl 48 ( 7+7 13
N/A N/A High (13-14) 75% F CE 2-5 5 (3) 9 7+7 N/A
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A E CE 1-3 3 12 12 9
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A K,M NE 3-18 8 12 2+2 19
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A G LE 1 0 18 12 9
Night Special Average (8-1 N/A C CE 1 0 24, Br 7 13
Night Special Very (11-12) N/A B,W CE 1 -1 24, Br 9 11
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-16 5 12 4+2 17
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Q N 1 2 0 15 5
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 8 15 1+1 19
N/A N/A Non (0) 65% Nil N 1 3 12, Br 4 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% 100-20 N(E) 1-6 3 9 3 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 40% I,S,X N 2-8 5 18 5 N/A
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A I,S,X N 2-8 5 18 5 15
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A E CN 1-4 5 9 6+1 15
Night Hemativore (BloAverage (8-1 N/A Nil NE 2-12 8 12 5 15
Night Life Energy Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 2-12 0 Fl 12 ( 3 17
Day Herbivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil Any 1-4 4 10 2 19
Day Herbivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil Any 1-4 4 4 2 19
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil Any 1-6 5 12 2 19
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil Any 1-6 5 12 2 19
Day Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil Any 2-8 6 9, Fl 2 2 19
Day Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil Any 2-8 6 10, Fl 2 19
Day Herbivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil Any 1-2 4 10 4 17
Day Herbivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil Any 1-2 4 6 4 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A (S,Q,V N 1 6 15, Fl 6+6 15
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Any N 1-4 2 9 7+7 13
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1-4 5 3 10 11
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil E 1-6 6 6 5 N/A
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil E 1 6 6 5 15
Night Nil Non (0) N/A Nil NE 1 8 9 3 17
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Qx5 CE 4-16 5 1, Skat 4+4 15
Night Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-5 9 1 1 19
Any Scavenger Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-20 5 12 4 17
Any Scavenger Animal (1) N/A Nil N 3-30 7 12 3 17
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-10 3 18 6 15
Any Carnivore Semi (4) N/A Nil N 1 1 18 10 11
Any Color Low to AveragN/A Nil N 10-100 0 Fl 9 (A 1/8 20
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A D N 1-4 1 9 9+5 11
N/A N/A Non (0) 50% D N 1-4 3 15 5+5 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A D N 1-6 3 15 5+5 15
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A D N 1-4 6 6 2+2 19
N/A N/A Non (0) 25% D N 1-4 4 12 4+4 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A D N 1-4 4 12 4+4 15
N/A N/A Non (0) 25% D N 1-6 5 9 2+2 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A D N 1-6 5 9 2+2 19
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A O,M (BCE 2-12 4 18, Br 5 to 13 15 to 7
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% M LE 1-4 2 12 3 N/A
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Z (J,K, LE 30-120 4 (8) 9 (12) 3 18
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-6 5 12 4+8 17
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-24 8 3 1 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 10% C,Y CE 1-4 7 15 3 N/A
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil (H) NE 1 0 (3) 6, Sw 10+5 9
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-20 7 21 2 to 4 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 20% B N 3-12 5/3 18 6 N/A
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A B N 3-12 5/3 Sw 18 6 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N(E) 1-2 6 9, Sw 9+2 11
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A J LE 1 5 9, Sw 10 11
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil LE 3-18 5 3, Sw 1 19
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 7-12 4 (10) 6, Sw 5 15
Day Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil N 1 8 Nil 3 17
N/A N/A Average to Ex0 or 9 A(magiN(G) 1 (12-35 12, Sw 3+3 N/A
Any Omnivore Average to ExN/A A (magiN(G) 1 (12-35 (10 i 12, Sw 3+3 17
Any Carnivore Average to GeN/A A (magiNG 1 (10-22 (-2), Fl 12 ( 4 17
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A X (E) CE 1-3 7 12, Fl 2+2 19
Any Herbivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-8 5 12, Fl 4+4 17
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A A,S,T LG 1 -2 6 16 5
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A (G) LN(G) 2-12 5 6, Fl 1 1 19
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Q N 2-16 6 12 2+1 19
Night Omnivore Low to GeniusN/A K,M,N, Any no 1-2 10 or b 15 10 or b 11 or b
N/A N/A Low to GeniusVariabl As bas Any no 1-2 As bas As bas As bas N/A
Twilight Living Shadows Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1-10 0 (or a 18 (or SpecialNil (or
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 40% F CE 2-20 7 12 3+3 N/A
Night Living Beings Low (5-7) N/A F CE 2-20 7 12 3+3 17
Dusk, Night Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil (P, CE 1 (4-168 12 4 17
Any Living Beings Low (5-7) N/A F CE 4-16 8 12 4 19
Any Nil Animal (1) N/A A N 5-30 2 0 1/2 20
N/A N/A Very (11-12) Nil Nil CE 1 9, 5, or 12 7+3 N/A
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 1 9, 5, or 12 7+3 13
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A SpecialNE 1 (1-2) 1 (base9, Sw 19 (base11 (bas
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A Nil CE 1 9, 5, or 12 7+3 13
Night Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil N(G) 2-40 2 12, Fl 3+1 17
Any Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Nil NG 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil
Any Nil Low to GeniusN/A W NE 1-10 5 12 5+5 15
Any Nil Low to GeniusN/A W NE 1-10 5 12 5+5 15
Any Nil Low to GeniusN/A W NE 2-12 4 9 4+4 17
Any Nil Low to GeniusN/A W NE 2-12 4 9 4+4 17
Any Omnivore Low to High ( N/A N (G,S N 3-30 7 Sw 15 2+1 19
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 30% B,T,X N 1-3 0 6 8 to 11 N/A
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A B CN 3-30 4 6, Fl 1 2 to 4 19 to 1
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A V Any (C 1-6 9 12 8 13
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A W CN 1-20 5 12 3+1 17
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A B LN 1-3 9 6 10 11
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Fx3 NE 1 0 18 14 7
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 4 3, Sw 11 (64 9
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A U N 1-3 7 15 3 17
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 3-12 6 Sw 24 3 to 8 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-3 5 Sw 18 10 to 1 N/A
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A U N 20-80 5 Sw 24 2 19
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil CN 1-12 2 (6) 4, Fl 1 6+6 15
Any Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil CN 1-12 2/6 4, Fl 1 6+6 15
Day Herbivore Very (11-12) N/A W (D) LN 1-4 0 9 8 13
Any Varies Low (5-7) N/A I,K,M NE 5-30 Varies Varies 3 17
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 25% G LG 2-8 4 12, Fl 9+9 N/A
Any Herbivore Supra-genius N/A Nil LG Unique-2 18, Fl 20 (1603
N/A N/A Genius to SupNil Nil LG 1-2 2 15, Fl 14+14 N/A
Day Herbivore Genius (17-1 N/A Nil LG 1-2 2 15, Fl 14+14 5
Day Herbivore Exceptional ( N/A G LG 2-8 4 12, Fl 9+9 11
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil Nil CE 1 2 9 4+2 N/A
Any Corpses Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 2 9 4+2 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 Nil Nil CE 1 3 6 3 N/A
Night Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 3 6, Fl 6 3 18
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 2-20 5 Sw 30 2+2 19
Moonlit Nights Special Non (0) N/A Nil N 6-36 8 Nil 1 hp NA
Night Special Genius (17-1 N/A Nil LG 1 -2 18, Fl 12 9
Constant Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 (1-8) 3 12 5 16
Constant Nil Genius (17-1 N/A Nil N 1 -3 12 20 1
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil 15% 1-N(C) 6-24 0 or 10 9 1+2 N/A
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Q CN 2-8 0 (10) 15 5 to 10 15 to 1
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Q CN 6-24 10 (0) 9 1+2 19
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Q CN 2-8 10 (0) 15 5 to 10 15 to 1
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 2-8 7 1 3 N/A
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Rx2,SxLN 1 -1 9, Fl 1 13 7
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Mx10 N 1 9 12 9+1 11
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Jx10 N 1 5 6 6+1 15
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Lx10 N 1 3 6 10+1 11
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 3-12 7 3, Sw 5 15
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 7 3 9 11
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 7 6 12 9
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil N 1 4 6 12 9
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 6 (8) 8 (6) 8 13
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 8 3 14 7
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A J,K (A) CE 5-30 7 48 2 19
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-112 8 15 2 19
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-12 8 15 2 19
Night Water and MoonGenius (17-1 N/A Nil N 1 -10 18 20 NA
Night Omnivore High (13-14) N/A R (F,I) NE 2-8 5 12, Sw 6 15
Diurnal Scavenger High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1-6 (4- 7 3, Fl 1 1/2 20
Day Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1-6 (4- 7 3, Fl 1 1/2 20
Day Omnivore Genius (17-1 N/A (A) LG 1 1 3, Fl 4 10+10 11
Day Hemativore (BloAnimal (1) N/A SpecialN 1 7 0 12+4 7
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Q N 1 6 12, Br 14 7
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A M (E) NE 2-8 6 8, Sw 4 17
N/A N/A High to Geniu30% L,M,N, Any 1 (2-8) 3 or be 12, Sw 4 to 7 N/A
Any Omnivore High to GeniuN/A L,M,N, Any 1 (2-8) 3 12, Sw 4 to 7 17 to 1
Any Omnivore High to GeniuN/A L,M,N, Any 1 (2-8) 3 12, Sw 4 to 7 17 to 1
Any N/A Average to HiN/A Nil CN 1-3 2 Fl 24 ( 6+3 15 (12
Night Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-12 8 2, Fl 1 1-3 hp 20
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 3-30 7 12 1 N/A
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-30 7 12 1 19
N/A N/A Non (0) 85% SpecialN 2-20 8 6 1-1 N/A
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-20 8 6 1-1 20
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-20 7 12 2 19
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-20 10 9 1-1 20
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-8 4 12 4+4 15
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-8 4 12 4+4 15
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-12 6 18 2 19
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 4 3 4 17
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 3 6 7 13
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-6 6 12 6 15
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-20 6 12 4+4 15
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-20 6 12 3 17
Night Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-20 7 12 2 19
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A A NE 1 2 6 9+2 to 11
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A A NE 1 2 6 9+2 to 11
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 90% A N(E) 1 2 6 9+2 to N/A
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Q (I) CE 3-12 7 (10) 12 2+2 19
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N(E) 2-8 3 (7) 6, Fl 1 4 to 7 17 to 1
Any Destruction Exceptional ( N/A Nil NE 3-18 -5 12 to 2 16+16 5
N/A N/A Average (8-1 40% A CE 1-8 7 12 2 N/A
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A (F) CE 1-8 7 12 2 19
Night Omnivore Animal to VerN/A Nil LE 2-8 7 6, Sw 2+2 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 (1-6) 8 12 1/4 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 7 9 5 N/A
Any Nil Exceptional ( N/A F CE 1-6 0 1, Sw 11 9
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 35% Z CN 2-12 5 7 8+4 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A K,Q CN 2-12 2 6 8+4 11
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A K,Q CN 2-12 2 6 8+4 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A K,Q CN 2-12 2 6 8+4 13
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 50% Zx4 CN 1-2 -4 12 15+7 N/A
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Z CN 1-2 -4 12 15+7 5
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Z CN 1-2 -4 12 15+7 5
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Rx2 CN 1-4 -2 12 10+6 11
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Rx2 CN 1-4 -2 12 10+6 11
N/A N/A Average (8-1 50% C,F,G CN 1-6 3 9 9+3 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A R CN 1-6 0 9 9+5 11
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A R CN 1-6 0 9 9+5 11
N/A N/A High (13-14) 20% SpecialCN 1-2 1 12 10+6 N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius 30% Ax4,Fx CN 1 -6 16, Fl 197 hp N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius 75% Px4,Zx CN 1 -7 18 210 hp N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 30% F CN 3-18 6 6, Jp 9 7 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A K,Q CN 3-18 4 6 7+3 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A K,Q CN 3-18 4 6 7+3 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A K,Q CN 3-18 4 6 7+3 13
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 3 3, Fl 1 5 to 8 15 to 1
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 1-10 3 36 2+1 19
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Varies N 5-30 6 12 4+1 17
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 2 3, Fl 4 4 17
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-4 9 0 2+2 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-20 9 6 3+2 to N/A
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-20 7 15 1/2 20
Any Scavenger Low (5-7) N/A B,S,Z NE 1 4 9, Sw 5 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 10% C N 1 5 12 5 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A J,K,L, NE 1 6 9, Sw 7+7 13
Night Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 24 11 9
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 8 6 12 N/A
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 8 6 12 9
Any Wood, Magic Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 8 3 5 16
Any Special Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 0 10 10 or 10
Night Herbivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 4 3 4 to 6 17 to 1
Any Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 6 3 12 9
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-3 3 12 6 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-3 3 12 6 15
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-3 5 12 5+1 17
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 1-20 5 15 3 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-2 5 9 6+1 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-2 6 9 3+2 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 6 9 3+2 17
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 5 9 6+1 15
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N(E) 1-6 5 6, Fl 1 1+4 19
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A I,Q,S,TN 1-12 5 9, Fl 2 1+4 19
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A (W) N 1-6 8 12 3 17
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 7 12, Sw 1+3 19
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1 3 9, Cl 3 4+3 15
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 4 6, Fl 2 3 17
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 4 6, Fl 2 3 18
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-6 5 15 4+2 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-6 6 15 2+1 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 6 15 2+1 19
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 5 15 4+2 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-8 5 12 8 to 10 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-8 5 12, Sw 10 11
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil NG 1 5 24, Cl 4+4 15
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A (B,Qx1 N 1-2 3 9, Cl 6 8+8 11
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N(E) 1 4 15 10 11
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 4 12, Sw 2 to 4 19 to 1
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 5 12, Sw 2 to 4 19 to 1
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (W) N 1 3 12, Fl 6 15
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 (2- 1 (5) 15 1 20
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-4 5 12 4+2 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 12 4+2 17
Any Minerals Animal (1) N/A Qx5 Nil 1-2 -2 9 8 13
Any Herbivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-8 5 12, Fl 4+4 15
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 6 9 10 11
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 95% J N 1-8 -4 21 1-1 N/A
N/A N/A Supra-genius Nil Nil G 1 9 18, Fl 177 hp N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 25% Nx4,Qx2N 1-4 4 12 6+6 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 20% QxS N 1-6 5 9 5+5 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 10% Q N 1-6 6 9 3+3 N/A
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Z LN 1 0 (8) 12 10 to 1 11 to 7
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil CE 1-3 10 9 4 N/A
Any Living Beings Low (5-7) N/A I, 25% CE 1-3 10 9 4 17
Any Living Beings Low (5-7) N/A Q CE 1-3 10 9 4 17
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 1 -4 18 14+2 7
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NG 1-4 5 9, Fl 1 4+4 16
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A SpecialN 1 0 3 10 to 1 11 or b
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 3-18 2 (bran9 6+6 15
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A R CE 3-24 2 15 5 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 4-40 5 6, Fl 2 4+4 17
Night Life Low to GeniusN/A J,K,M, NE 1 4 12 11 9
Night Life Non (0) N/A Nil NE 2-5 6 9 3 17
N/A N/A Very to High 100% SpecialLN 1-2 4 (eyes10 (B) 4+4 N/A
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1 0 Fl 18 ( 10 11
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil Varies 1-20 2 30 Variabl Varies
Night Nil Average to HiN/A Nil Any 1 2 15 9 12
Night Nil High to GeniuN/A V N 1-2 0 (8) 12, Fl 5 15
N/A N/A High (13-14) 20% Qx3,X, LE 1-6 2 15, Fl 7+3 N/A
Winter Nights Body Heat High (13-14) N/A (Qx3) LE 1 2 15, Fl 7+3 (4 13
Any Herbivore Genius (17-1 N/A MagicaN 1 2 12 10 11
Any Special Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 0 Fl 24 ( 5+5 15
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 60% U CG 1 -2 18, Fl 12 N/A
Day Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A U CG 1 -2 18, Fl 12 9
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A A CE 1 4 18, Fl 9 12
N/A N/A Average (8-1 30% F N 1-4 0 12, Fl 10 N/A
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A F N 1 0 12, Fl 10 11
Day Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A (F) CE 1 -1 9, Fl 2 11+11 9
Day Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A F LE 1 -1 9, Fl 2 11+11 9
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 15% R,X N 1 -1 15, Fl 8 N/A
Day Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A R,X N 1-4 -1 15, Fl 8 13
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 20% E CE 1-6 1 9, Fl 3 9 N/A
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A E CE 1-6 1 9, Fl 3 9 11
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-8 2/7 9, Wb 5+2 15
Any Brain fluid Semi (2-4) N/A Z LE 1-6 2 9, Cl 1 9 13
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Qx2 N 1 2 24 4 17
Any Carnivore High to ExcepN/A Qx2 N 2-20 2 15 6 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A C CE 1-6 4 9, Wb 7+7 or 13 or 1
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 70% C CE 1-8 4 3. Wb 4+4 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A C CE 1-8 4 3, Wb 3+3 or 17 or 1
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 70% IncidenN 1-6 4 15 7+7 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 90% J-N,Q N 1-10 5 15 3+3 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A C Nil 1 4 3, Wb 4+4 15
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-20 8 12, Wb1-1 20
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A A LE 2-8 5 9, Jp 6 4+4 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) 50% J-N,Q N 1-12 6 18 2+2 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A J-N,Q N 1-12 6 18 2+2 19
N/A N/A Non (0) 60% J-N N 2-20 8 6, Wb 1+1 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A J-N N 2-20 8 6, Wb 1+1 19
Day Frugivore Average to HiN/A Nil NG 20-60 6 Cl 18 1 hp 18
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A E,N,Q CN 5-20 2 12 5+3 13
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 75% E N 1-4 7 6, Wb 5+5 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A E N 1-4 7 6, Wb 5+5 15
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 6-36 7 12, Sw 1+1 19
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 3 6, Wb 85+5 15
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A (E) N 1-4 4 9, Wb 7+4 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Any LN 1-8 6 18 2+2 19
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A C CE 1 4 9, Wb 8+8 11
Night Special Average (8-1 N/A IncidenLE 3-18 5 15, Wb3+2 17
Day Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-8 7 0 3 17
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A D CN 1-6 7 18, Wb3 17
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A SpecialAny 3-18 6 18 5 to 12 15 to 9
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 2-12 9 12, Jp 1/2 20
Night Carnivore Non (0) N/A O,U N 1-6 5 15 4+2 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 2-5 8 6, Wb 1+1 19
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1 2 12, Fl 8 13
Night Nil High (13-14) N/A (H) NE 1 -4 Fl 9 (A 14 7
Special Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A (F) CE 1 4 18 5 15
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A Nil CG 1 -6 24 20 3
Any Metal Average (8-1 N/A Nil LN 1 4 6, Br 6 1+3 19
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Y,U (E)CE 1-3 -1 15 8+3 11
Any Herbivore Supra-genius N/A SpecialCG 1 -10 15, Fl 20 2
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A V (G) CE 1-2 -3 12 9+4 11
Any Nil Low to GeniusN/A Nil Any 1 SpecialSpecialNil Nil
Any Unknown Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1 0 12, Fl 8 13
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A H Varies 1 2 12 8 to 15 13 to 5
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A P Varies 1 9 12 1 20
Any Special Very to GeniuN/A I Varies 1 7 12 2 to 7 19 to 1
Night Nil Very (11-12) N/A (H) NE 1 -4 0 16 5
Night Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil NE 1 0 9 9 11
Night Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil NE 1 0 9 9 11
Night Nil Genius (17-1 N/A E,S LE 1 8 9 10 11
Any Minerals Average (8-1 N/A (Qx4,X CN 1 -3 5 5 15
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A R NE 1 1 6 6 15
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Q NE 1-4 3 6 4 17
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Q NE 1-8 5 12 2 19
Any Nil Supra-genius N/A Nil N/G (L)1 0 18 10 11
Any Nil Supra-genius N/A Nil N/G (L)1 0 6 10 11
Any Nil Supra-genius N/A Nil N/G (L)1 0 6, Fl 1 10 11
Night Nil Godlike (21+)N/A Nil LG 1 5 12 8+2 13
Night Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil E 1 -2 Fl 12 ( 7 13
Any Omnivore Very to GeniuN/A L,N (I) LG(N) 1-10 10 12 1 20
Any Omnivore Very to GeniuN/A N,Q (C NG 1-10 10 12, Sw 1 20
Any Omnivore Very to GeniuN/A M,N,Q CG 1-10 10 12, Sw 1 20
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1-10 4 12, Fl 11 (50 9
Any Nil Supra-genius N/A Nil N 1 2 48 20 5
N/A N/A Non (0) N/A Nil NG 1-200 -5 15, Fl Master'Varies
N/A N/A Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-5 -8 18, Fl Master'Varies
Special Nil Exceptional ( N/A Nil E 1 0 Fl 24 ( 10 11
N/A N/A Average to Ex30% A C(E) 3-12 3 or 5 9 or 15 4 or 8+N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 20% C N(G) 10-100 6 9, Fl 1 1 N/A
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A C N(G) 10-100 6 9, Fl 1 1 19
Night Herbivore Average to VeN/A M (X) CN 30-120 4 12, Fl 1/2 18
Night Herbivore Average to VeN/A M (X) CN 30-120 4 12, Fl 1/2 18
Night Omnivore Average to VeN/A (X) CE 5-30 6 6, Fl 1 1 19
Night Herbivore Low to AveragN/A M (X,Y N(G) 2-12 2 6, Lea 1/2+1 20
Night Herbivore Low to AveragN/A M (X,Y N(G) 2-12 2 6, Lea 1/2+1 20
Day Fish Very (11-12) N/A Q (C) N 20-80 7 6, Sw 1/2 20
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1-6 (3- 6 6 3 17
Night Herbivore Exceptional ( N/A R,S,T, N 5-20 5 6, Fl 1 1/2 20
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A (D) CN 5-40 6 6, Sw 1 19
Day Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A (D) CN 5-40 6 6, Sw 1 19
Any Omnivore Average to VeN/A (D) CN 10-100 5 Fl 18 ( 1-1 20
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A (D) CE 10-100 6 6, Fl 1 1-1 20
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 2-20 2 18, Wb 4 17
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Z (Nil) CE 1-4 -4 18, Wb 10+6 9
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A U (Nil) CE 2-8 -3 18, Wb 9+1 11
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A Z (C) CE 1 -6 18, Wb 12+8 7
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 2-12 0 18, Wb 7+1 13
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (C) N 1-4 4 9, Cl 1 10 11
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 15% SpecialN 1 (2-4 6 12, Cl 12 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 40% A N 1 7/3 3, Sw 12 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A A N 1 7/3 Sw 3, J12 9
Any Carnivore Supra-genius N/A G,R,S NE 1 5/0 Sw 3, J20 1
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 1 5 (0) Sw 12, 18 5
N/A N/A Animal (1) 40% IncidenN 3-18 7 9, Fl 1 1-1 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil IncidenN(E) 1-12 6 12 1+1 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-6 8 9 1/8 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A R,S LN or 5-30 4 12 3 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-4 7 24 3 N/A
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-2 7 21 5 15
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-2 7 21 5 N/A
Day Herbivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CG 1 5 36 6 (48 h 14
Any Herbivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LG 1 -5 24 10 11
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 7 24 3 17
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A (E) CE 1 -3 12 18 3
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil (Z) N 1-2 2 6 10 or 1 11 or 9
Any N/A Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-100 10 18 0 N/A
Diurnal Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialCN 1-2 -2 (8) 12 (24)6+2 15
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-6 4 9 3 17
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-4 2 3 4 17
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-6 4 6 3+1 17
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 13- 4 6 5 15
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 2-12 4 12 1+1 19
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-4 1 3 5 15
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A SpecialCN 1-12 7 (2) 14 4+4 17
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1 3 (6) 15 9 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 15-60 2 15 3+3 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 60% D N 3-30 8 3, Fl 1 1+1 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 100% SpecialN 1-4 2 10 4+4 N/A
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A D NG 1 (1-4) 8 12 5 15
N/A N/A High (13-14) 90% M,N,QxCE 1 0 1 6 N/A
Night Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-10 7 18 3+1 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) 100% J-N,Q,CN 3-12 6 Nil 2 to 4 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A SpecialN 12+ Special0 1 Special
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil NE 1-6 4 15 2 19
Night Hemativore (BloAnimal (1) N/A D Nil 3-30 8 3, Fl 1 1+1 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil SpecialN 1 6 3 4 N/A
Night Herbivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CN 1 (2-4) 7 6 1/3 20
Day Omnivore (MetaSemi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-12 2 15 5 15
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N(E) 1 3 or 0 Sw 15 8 13
N/A N/A Average (8-1 30% C,Y C 1-12 6 9 5+5 N/A
Dawn and Dusk Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A C,Y C(E) 1-12 6 9 5+5 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 1-4 7 1 8 N/A
Day Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CG 5-50 6 3, Fl 3 1+1 19
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 1-3 6 12 6 15
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A W NG 1 10 0 10 or 20
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 100% Nil N 1 4 15 8 N/A
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A X (P) N 1 3 15 10 11
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A I N 1 4 12, Cl 4+4 15
Day Herbivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 3-12 5 6, Sw 3+1 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 (2-167 3, Fl 1 1+2 N/A
N/A N/A High to GeniuNil SpecialAs Ran1 (2-5) 7 3 or 15 2 or m N/A
Any Omnivore High to GeniuN/A SpecialG 1 (2-5) 7 3 or 15 2 to 12 Varies
Day Omnivore Average to GeN/A SpecialAny 1 7 12 or 3 2 to 8 Varies
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A C,V LE 1-3 0 18 9 11
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-8 6 Sw 24 1+1 to N/A
Any Nil Very to ExcepN/A Q(x2) CG 1 2 12 5 to 10 15 to 1
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A D LE 2-12 7 12 3+1 17
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 10% Qx10,XN(G) 1 9 12, Fl 3 N/A
Any Magical emanatAnimal (1) N/A Nil N 1-40 9 1/4 1 Nil
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A Nil N 1-4 10 or 2 0 or 15 1 or 8 19 or
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 100% Nil N 1 8 1 2 N/A
Any Special Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 8 1 2 19
Any Carnivore Average to HiN/A U CN 2-8 6 15 2 19
N/A N/A Average (8-1 15% SpecialCN 2-8 6 15 2 N/A
Night Carnivore High to GeniuN/A U CE 1 3 15 8 13
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1-4 6 6, Fl 2 5 15
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 10-40 4 18 3+6 17
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 40% SpecialN 11-30 4 18 3+6 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,Q LN 1-2 2 3, Sw 6 15
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,Q LN 1-2 2 3, Sw 6 15
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,Q LN 3-12 3 3, Sw 4 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,Q LN 3-12 3 3, Sw 4 17
Any Carnivore Supra-genius N/A U,Z CE 1 -9 12 41 (1864 (hits
Day Carnivore Supra-genius N/A S-Z CE 1 -9 12, Fl 34 (1553
Any Carnivore Supra-genius N/A Hx3 CE 1 -8 15, Fl 13 7
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A D CE 1 (1-2) -3 15 8+14 13
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A D CE 1 (1-2) -3 15 8+14 13
Any Carnivore Average to VeN/A Nil CE 1-6 -5 6, Fl 2 8+2 13
Any Carnivore Average to VeN/A Nil CE 1 -5 6, Fl 2 8+2 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (B,C) CE 1 -2 15 20+1201
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A B,C CE 1 -2 15 20 1
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Qx10 CE 1 4 to -5 12, Fl 7+2 to 13
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Qx10 CE 1 4 to -5 12, Fl 7+2 to 13
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A 25-500 CE 1 -1 9, Sw 15 5
Any Carnivore High to ExcepN/A Nil CE 1 -5 15 12 9
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil CE 1 -5 15 12 9
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 4-40 4 9 2 19
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 4-40 4 9 2 19
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 50-500 8 6 1 20
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 50-500 8 6 1 20
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 0 12 4 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 0 12 4 17
Any Carnivore Low to AveragN/A Nil CE 2-12 0 9, Clim 6+6 15
Any Carnivore Average to GeN/A Nil CE 1-2 5 (base12, Fl 5 15
Any Carnivore Average to GeN/A Nil CE 1-2 5 (base12, Fl 2 19
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A (A,D,I) CE 2-20 2 18, Fl 5 15
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A A,D,I CE 2-20 2 18, Fl 5 15
Any Carnivore Low to AveragN/A Nil NE 2-12 0 9, Cl 1 6+6 15
Any Carnivore Low to AveragN/A A CE 3-12 -1 9 7+3 13
Any Carnivore High to GeniuN/A Z,A CE 1 2 15 6 15
Any Carnivore High to GeniuN/A Z,A CE 1 2 15 6 15
Any Carnivore Average to ExN/A R,C CE 1 2 15 4 17
Any Carnivore Average to ExN/A R,C CE 1 6 15 4 17
Any Carnivore Average to GeN/A B CE 1 (1-4) 5 (Base12, Ju 5 to 5+ 15
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A I,Q CE 1 0 12, Fl 6 15
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A I,Q CE 1 0 12, Fl 6 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil (B) CE 1 0 18 7 13
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil NE 1-4 10 (4) 12, Wb6+6 15
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A C,F CE 1-2 -9 15 12 9
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A F CE 1-3 3 6 11 9
Any Carnivore Supra-genius N/A Hx3 CE 1 -8 15, Fl 13 7
Any Carnivore Supra-genius N/A Hx3 CE 1 -8 15, Fl 13 7
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A H CE 1 -7 15 10 11
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A H CE 1 -7 15 10 11
Any Carnivore Average to HiN/A C CE 1-6 -6 12 9 11
Any Carnivore Average to HiN/A C CE 1-6 -6 12 9 11
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A C,F CE 1-2 -9 15 12 9
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A C,F CE 1-2 -9 15 12 9
Any Carnivore Godlike (21+)N/A Hx2 CE 1 -8 12, Fl 11 9
Any Carnivore Godlike (21+)N/A Hx2 CE 1 -8 12, Fl 11 9
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 2-8 -5 12, Fl 8 13
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 2-8 -5 12, Fl 8 13
Day Omnivore High (13-14) N/A P (D) LN 2-12 (27 12 2 19
Night Scavanger Average (8-1 N/A M (C) N 5-30 6 9 3 17
Night Scavanger Average (8-1 N/A M (C) N 1 6 9 4 17
Night Scavanger Average (8-1 N/A M (C) N 2-12 5 9 4+2 17
N/A N/A Animal (1) SpecialSpecialN 1 -3 9, Cha 300 hp N/A
Special Omnivore Animal (1) N/A SpecialNil 1 -3 9, Rus 70 (30 -5
N/A N/A Low to Averag30% Qx5 CE 10-100 6 (5) 9, Cl 1 1 N/A
Night Omnivore Low to AveragN/A Q(x5) CE 10-100 5 (6) 9, Cl 1 1 19
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A K,C LE 1-4 4 12 2+2 19
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A K (C) LE 1-4 4 12 2+2 19
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A J CN 1 (10-16 15 8 13
Day Herbivore Very (11-12) N/A K (I) NG 1 (10-110 (8) 12 4 17
Night Special Special N/A Nil NE 1 3 12 2 19
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1-6 4 15 4 17
Any Special Low to AveragN/A K CN 1 2 Fl 24 9 to 12 11 to 9
Any Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 -2 15 6 to 10 15 to 1
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A Nil NE 1-4 3 18 4+2 15
Day Omnivore Low to AveragN/A C CE 1-4 6 9, Fl 2 2 to 5 19 to 1
Day Omnivore Very to High N/A C CN 1-3 4 12, Fl 5 to 10 15 to 1
N/A N/A Non (0) 95% Nil N 1-10 3 (head1 8 N/A
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-10 3 (tent 1 2 (tent 17
N/A N/A Low to AveragNil (10 SpecialN 1 3 (6) 15 (18)5+1 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Discha N 1 3 (6 in 15 (18 5+1 15
Any Carnivore Low to AveragN/A Nearly N 1 6 (3) 18 (15)5+1 15
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N(E) 1-8 5 3, Sw 14+3 17
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 20% SpecialN 3-18 2 (8) 9 2+2 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 20% SpecialN 6-60 2 (10) 9 1+2 N/A
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A I NE 1-3 0 12 10+2 11
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A M (C) LE 1-20 4 9, Sw 4 17
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 1 0 (base9 10+20 9
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N(E) 1 2 (bas 6 6 15
Night Special Exceptional ( N/A A LE 1 0 or 6 15 12 9
Any Strength Low (5-7) N/A Nil LE 1 0 12 13 7
Night Special Supra-genius N/A E LE 1 2 12 14 7
Night Special Exceptional ( N/A C LE 1 1 9, Fl 6 10 11
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 50% SpecialN 1 0 12 12 N/A
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (A) N 1 2 12 10 11
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A IncidenN 1 0 12 12 9
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil (An NE 1 5/2/0 12 10 11
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (D) N 1 3 12 8 13
Any Stone Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-2 2 12, Br 3 17
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 80% 10-60 N 1-2 2 12, Br 3 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 90% 1-20 p N 1-6 3 6, Sw 3 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-3 9 6 3 N/A
Any Mental Energy Unratable N/A Nil N 1-3 9 6 3 Nil
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A C LE 1-6 6 12 3 17
Night Special Very (11-12) N/A K,M (A NE 1 2 24 9 11
Night Water Very (11-12) N/A K,L,M NE 1 2 24 9 (52 11
Constant Carnivore Average to HiN/A Varies CN 2-24 5 18 6+3 13
Constant Carnivore Average to HiN/A Varies CN 2-12 5 18 6+3 13
N/A N/A High (13-14) 5% Q CN 2-12 5 18 6+3 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-6 10 1, Sw 1/8 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 5-20 4 9, Cha 4+1 to N/A
Night and Storms Fear Average (8-1 N/A F NE 1-6 -1 6, Fl 1 7 14
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1-3 0 3, Fl 1 8 or 16 13 or 5
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 5% Nil N 10-100 3 20, Br 7 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 3-12 3 3 2 to 4 N/A
Night Hemativore (BloNon (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 5 6, Jp 2 1 20
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A C,Q,R N or E 1 (5-8) 4 (10) 12 4+3 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 5% Nil N 1-4 6 12 5+5 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 6 15 6 15
N/A N/A Animal (1) 10% Nil N 1-2 6 12 7+2 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 40% B N 3-18 4 or 9 6, Fl 1 6 (maleN/A
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 2 Special12 or 1 9 or 5
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A Nil N 1 2 Special20 1
Any Special Supra-genius N/A Nil N 1 -5 Special24 or 2 1
N/A N/A Average (8-1 20% Nil N 1 10 3 2 N/A
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 1 1 12, Br 13 7
N/A N/A Genius to Sup10% E,Qx10CG 1-2 (1 2 to -3 21 or 1 17 to 2 N/A
Any Omnivore Supra-genius N/A E,Q(x1 CG 1-10 0 36 20 5
Any Omnivore Supra-genius N/A E,Q(x1 CG 1-10 0 36 20 5
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-12 6 12 12 N/A
Any Carnivore Low to GeniusN/A Qx2 (F NE 40-400 5 12 7+7 to 13 to 9
Night Special Supra-genius N/A F,Tx2 E 1 3 or as 12 13 or a 7
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-12 6 6, Jp 6 2+4 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-12 6 6, Hop 2+4 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A C CN 1-6 10 6, Hop 4+1 17
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Q (C) N 1-4 4 9, Hop 5 15
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-8 7 6, Hop 2 19
N/A N/A Average (8-1 40% C N 1-4 4 9 5 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-8 7 6, Jp 6 2 N/A
Constant Carnivore Average to GeN/A U (F) L 3-36 5 18 6+3 13
Constant Carnivore Average to ExN/A U (F) N or E 3-30 5 18 6+3 13
Constant Carnivore Average to HiN/A Varies NG 2-8 5 18 6+3 13
Constant Carnivore Average to ExN/A Varies N 1-6 5 18 6+3 13
Any Omnivore Very to GeniuN/A R,S (C CN 1 (1-4) 3 36 7 to 12 13 to 9
Any Special High (13-14) N/A Qx4 LN 1-12 -2 9, Br 1 8+8 13
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 2-8 6 12 3 18
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A E LG 1-6 3 or -1 3, Sw 4 17
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A K Any 2-12 3 (1) 6, Sw 2 19
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A U LE 1-20 5 3, Sw 3 17
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A U LE 2-20 5 6, Sw 3 17
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 8 Fl 64 ( 5 Miss on
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1 7 15 6 (up t N/A
N/A N/A High (13-14) 85% G N 1 3 3 12 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 10% Qx5,S CG 1-20 0 12 7 to 12 N/A
Any Sunlight Very (11-12) N/A Q(x5), CG 1-20 0 12 7 to 12 13 to 9
Any Photosynthesis Supra-genius N/A Qx5,X N 1-3 0 12 15 5
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Qx5,X CE 1-20 0 12 7 to 12 13 to 9
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Qx5,X CE 1 0 12 12 (84 9
Any Photosynthesis Very (11-12) N/A Qx5 CE 1 0 12 7 to 12 13 to 9
Night Hemativore (BloHigh (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1-4 0 12 15 5
Night Special Low (5-7) N/A IncidenNE 1-4 0 3 10 11
Any Special Semi (2-4) N/A SpecialNE Special10 (bra0 (tree 10 + 6 11
Day Hemativore (BloAnimal (1) N/A SpecialN 1 7 0 12+4 7
Constant Omnivore Semi to Low (N/A L,M,O E(C or 1-20 7 0 (15 i 2 to 9 19 to 1
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A A,D CE 10-80 4 12, Sw 3+3 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A A,D CE 10-80 4 12, Sw 3+3 17
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-10 9 Nil 2+8 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 N/A 12 NA N/A
Any Waning Life ForAnimal (1) N/A Nil N 1 N/A 12 N/A N/A
Constant Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 2-24 5 21 5+3 13
Constant Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CN 2-24 5 21 8+3 13
N/A N/A High and Up 25% C,R,S, N(G) 10-60 5 15 3 N/A
Day Omnivore High and Up N/A M,Q (CN(G) 6-60 5 Sw 15 3 17
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 15% A CE 10-100 5 12 2 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A A CE 10-100 5 12 2 19
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 40% D CE 1-12 4 12 6+6 N/A
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Q (D) CE 1-12 4 12 6+6 13
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A C CE 1 (10%4 12 7+7 13
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Qx4 (CCE 1-6 3 3, Sw 5+5 15
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 30% C CE 1-12 4 12 8 N/A
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A C CE 1-12 4 12 8 13
N/A N/A Average (8-1 40% D,Q CE 1-3 4 12 10 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 10% D (no CE 1-6 8 9 2 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Q (D) CE 2-12 8 9 2 19
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Q (D) CE 2-12 8 9 2 19
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (D) CE 1-8 2 3, Sw 6+12 13
N/A N/A Semi to Low (20% C C(E) 1-6 3 3, Sw 5+5 N/A
N/A N/A Low to Averag15% D CE 1-8 2 3, Sw 6+12 N/A
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (D) CE 1-8 2 3, Sw 6+12 13
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1-2 4 9 7 13
Night Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A C CE 1 0 12 8 13
N/A N/A Very (11-12) Nil Nil CE 1-2 2 15 5+5 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Q (D) CE 1-3 4 12 10 11
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil (D) CE 4-16 4 12 3+3 17
Any Special Animal (1) N/A Nil N 4-24 10 3 1/8 20
Any Omnivore Genius to SupN/A Qx3,T, N 2-8 2 9 6 15
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A J,K,M, LE 3-18 1 (0) 9, Cl 3 7 13
Any Special Supra-genius N/A Ax2,T, Any 1 0 15, Br 13 7
Any Herbivore Supra-genius N/A H,I LG 1 -8 24, Fl 16 5
Any Herbivore Supra-genius N/A H,I LG 1 -8 24, Fl 16 5
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Q N 1-20 6 12 5+1 15
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-3 2 (5) 1, Sw 15 5
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-3 2/5 1, Sw 15 N/A
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 0 (5) 3, Sw 10 11
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-4 0/5 3, Sw 10 N/A
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-3 2 (5) 1, Sw 15 5
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-4 0 (5) 3, Sw 10 11
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil E 1-3 8 6 6 15
N/A N/A Very (11-12) Nil Nil N 1 (1-3) 10 Varies 1 N/A
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil N 1 (1-3) 10 Varies 1 20
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 1-6 8 Nil 3+8 N/A
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil Varies 1-8 4 (base15 Variabl Varies
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil N(E) 1 5 12, Fl 3 17
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A C CN 1-10 5 18 5 to 8 15 to 1
Any Brain Tissue Supra-genius N/A S,T,Z ( LE 1 3 12 11+8 9
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A G CE 1-4 2 6, Br 6 8+8 11
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A G CE 1-3 2 3, Sw 8 13
N/A N/A Average (8-1 30% G CE 1-4 2 6, Br 1 8+8 N/A
Night Nil Low (5-7) N/A Q CE 2-8 5 12 4+4 17
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil SpecialN 1 4 9 6 N/A
Day Herbivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialN 1-3 4 9 6 15
Day Herbivore Low (5-7) N/A SpecialN 1-3 4 9 6 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-10 3 9 5 16
Any Nil High to GeniuN/A Nil Varies 1 (1-4) 0 (-1 t 12 9 to 11 11 to 9
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A B CE 1 -3 Sw 12 13 7
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A B CE 1 -3 Sw 12 13 7
Any N/A Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 6 Sw 18 5 15
N/A N/A Average (8-1 5% X CG 2-5 2 24 4+4 N/A
Day Herbivore Average (8-1 N/A X CG 1-6 2 24 4+4 15
Night Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1-4 3 24 4+4 15
Night Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A D NE 1 2 24 6 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 10% SpecialN 1-6 4 9, Sw 1+1 N/A
Any Scavenger Semi (2-4) N/A 10x1d1N 1-6 4 6, Sw 1+1 19
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 10% SpecialN 1-4 3 9, Sw 2+1 N/A
Any Scavenger Semi (2-4) N/A 40x1d1N 1-4 3 6, Sw 2+1 19
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil SpecialN 1-2 3 12 3+3 N/A
Day Scavenger Animal (1) N/A SpecialN 1-2 3 12 3+3 17
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 10% SpecialN 1-4 2 9, Sw 3+1 N/A
Any Scavenger Semi (2-4) N/A 90x1d1N 1-4 2 6, Sw 3+1 17
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 10% SpecialN 1-2 0 12, Sw 5+3 N/A
Any Scavenger Semi (2-4) N/A 250x1dN 1-2 0 6, Sw 5+3 15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 10% SpecialN 1-3 1 12, Sw 4+2 N/A
Any Scavenger Semi (2-4) N/A 160x1dN 1-3 1 6, Sw 4+2 17
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A M,Q (HN 10-100 0 6, Br 6 2 20
Night None Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 2-16 6 9 4+2 17
Any Brains Genius (17-1 N/A Nil LE 1-3 0 3 12 9
Day Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Q(20% LN 1-8 6 9 5 15
N/A N/A Unratable 90% Qx1d2 N(E) 1-3 5 9 3+3 N/A
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A F,R,X CE 1 -2 15 10+5 9
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A (A) NE 1 (2-8) 3 15 4+2 17
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A A NE 2-8 3 15 4+2 17
Any Omnivore Exceptional t N/A A (A,WLN 1-4 5 12, Fl 4 17
Any Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil LE 1-6 4 9, Fl 1 4+2 17
N/A N/A Genius to SupNil SpecialN 1 As for As for As for N/A
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 4 9 15 5
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 25% F CE 1-4 1 12/18 8+3 N/A
Night Special Exceptional ( N/A F CE 1-4 1 12, Fl 8+3 11
Day Cerebral Fluids Very (11-12) N/A Varies CE 1-4 1 12, Fl 8+3 11
Night Special Exceptional ( N/A Ix2 CE 1 0 12 8+3 13
Any Special Very (11-12) N/A F NE 1 0 9 9+3 11
Night Special Exceptional ( N/A F CE 1 1 18 8+3 (4 11 (8),
Any Charisma Genius (17-1 N/A F LE 1 2 15 7+3 13
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A F CE 1 0 9 6+3 13
Day Fear, Blood Low (5-7) N/A N CE 1 3 12 3 to 10 16 to 1
Night Special High (13-14) N/A F CE 1 3 9 6+3 13
Night Life Energy Insane (1) N/A Nil CE 1-4 1 12 8+3 10
Night Brains; Life EneInsane (1) N/A Nil CE 1 1 12 8+3 (5 11 (9)
Night Special Average (8-1 N/A Nil LE 1 2 9 4+3 15
Night Hemativore (BloHigh to GeniuN/A F E 1 1 12, Fl 8+3 11
Night Special High (13-14) N/A F CE 1 1 12, Fl 9+3 11
Night Hemativore (BloAverage to VeN/A F CE 1 3 Sw 12 7 13
Night Hemativore (BloAverage to VeN/A F CE 1 3 Sw 12 o7 13
Night Hemativore (BloExceptional ( N/A F CE 3-12 4 12 8+3 11
Night Hemativore (BloExceptional ( N/A F CE 1 4 12 8+3 (4 11
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A C,M NE 1 0 9 10 11
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A C,M NE 1 0 9 10 11
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 80% SpecialNE 1-20 8 Fl 12 ( 1+1 N/A
Darkness Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-20 8 Fl 12 ( 1+1 19
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-20 8 0, Fl 1 1+1 19
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A J,M (D)LE 5-50 (76 12, Sw 1 19
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A SpecialCE 1 -3 3, Fl 1 8+16 11
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A SpecialCE 1 -3 3, Fl 1 8+16 11
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A SpecialCE 1-4 0 3, Fl 1 5+5 15
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A SpecialCE 1-4 0 3, Fl 1 5+5 15
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 40% O,P N 30-300 4 12 1 to 6 N/A
Any Nil Average to HiN/A Nil N 1 7 6 5 15
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil SpecialN 1 3 (Body18 18+18 N/A
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil NE 1 10 Fl 6 (A 20 (1003
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A K,R LN 1-4 Varies 24 Varies Varies
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 5% C N(E) 2-20 2 9 1-2 N/A
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N N/A N/A 0 SpecialNil
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N N/A N/A 0 SpecialNil
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N N/A N/A 0 SpecialNil
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N N/A N/A 0 SpecialNil
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N N/A N/A 0 SpecialNil
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N N/A N/A 0 SpecialNil
Any None High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1-4 0 Fl 15 ( 6 15
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A SpecialNE 1 (2-9) 3 (base18, Jp 8 (base13 (bas
N/A N/A High (13-14) Nil Nil LE 1 0 (10) 15 8 N/A
Any Special Genius (17-1 N/A Nil Any 1 Special3 SpecialNil
Night Scavanger Semi (2-4) N/A (C) N(E) 5-50 7 12, Sw 1/2 20
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-3 5 10 7+3 13
N/A N/A Average (8-1 30% G CE 1-3 2 6 8 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 10% Nil N 2-24 3 6 2+1 N/A
Any Electricity and Animal (1) N/A Nil N 2-24 3 0, Fl 6 2+1 19
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-10 -4 16 12 9
Night Special High (13-14) N/A C CE 1 3 12 6 15
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 3-12 6 15 3+4 17
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil CN 1-8 0 Fl 15 2+2 N/A
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 25% J,K,L, CE 2-16 7 6, Fl 3 1 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 2-12 7 3, Fl 2 2+1 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 4-24 6 3, Fl 2 1+1 N/A
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A J(x10), N 4-24 5 10, Fl 2 19
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (B) LE 1-2 (4- 3 9, Cl 1 6 15
Any Omnivore Average to ExN/A E (Q,S N or G 2-8 9 12 2 19
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A B LE 1-2 3 9, Cl 1 6 14
Any Carnivore Exceptional t N/A A LE 1-100 4 or 3 12 6+3 to 15 to 1
As base As base Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 4 As bas 6 or as 15 or b
Per animal Per animal Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1 4 Per an 6 or pe 15 or b
N/A N/A Non (0) 25% Qx20 N 1-20 4 6, Fl 2 4 N/A
Day Scavanger Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NE 10-100 6 3, Fl 1 1+1 19
Any Nil Average to GeN/A Any L 1-4 1 9, Fl 9 7+2 13
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 50% I,O,P,YCE 1-3 4 12 3+3 N/A
Any Air Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 1-3 1 (6 ou 3, Sw 8 13
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1-2 6 15 1/4 N/A
N/A N/A Animal (1) 15% Nil N 1-8 6 15 3+3 N/A
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-8 9 6 1/2 to 19 to 1
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil N 1 2 3, Jp 1 6 15
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 12-48 8 3, Fl 1 1/2 20
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) Nil Nil N 12-48 8 3, Fl 1 1/2 N/A
N/A N/A Average (8-1 50% B N 2-16 6 (5) 12 5+8 N/A
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A B N 2-16 6, Fem 12 5+8 15
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A SpecialC (N or1 1 (base9, Fl 3 13 (bas9
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A W N 1 4 6 5 15
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N Special7 6 2 18
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 10-200 7 6 2 18
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1-8 4 Sw 18- 12 to 3 N/A
Any Plankton Low (5-7) N/A Nil N 1-8 4 Sw 18 12 to 3 9 to 5
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A SpecialN 1-2 3 Sw 18 18 to 5 5
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 5-40 4 Sw 30 9 to 12 11 to 9
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A SpecialN 1 1 Sw 18 36 to 7 5
Any Fish Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-6 6 Sw 21 4+4 to 15 to 1
Any Carnivore, Sca Animal to Hig N/A Nil N 1-6 7 9, Fl 9 1+4 19 (15
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 50% Nil N 1-2 6 (4) 3 2+4 (baN/A
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1-3 4 18, Br 6 15
Any Nil Semi (2-4) N/A Nil CE 1 2 9 4+4 15
Any Hemativore (BloHigh (13-14) N/A W (Z) NE 1 4 9, Wb 6+3 13
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A M,Q N 1-6 4 (5) 9, Sw 3 17
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Z LE 1-8 2 6, Sw 12 9
Night Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A D N 8-15 4 (5) 9, Sw 4+1 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 70% B LE 2-16 5 12 4+3 N/A
Night Special Average (8-1 N/A B LE 2-16 5 12 4+3 15
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil CE 1 0 9 16 5
Dawn Special Exceptional ( N/A Nil CG 1 (1-2) -6 Fl 18 ( 6 15
Night Special High (13-14) N/A W NE 1-4 0 Fl 12 ( 5 15
Night Special High (13-14) N/A Z CN 1 -6 Fl 18 ( 7 13
Night Special Very (11-12) N/A E NE 1 -4 Fl 18 ( 10 11
Night Special Exceptional ( N/A Z CE 1 (1-3) -8 Fl 18 ( 9 11
N/A N/A Low to Very ( 100% SpecialN(E) 1 2 1/4 12 to 1 N/A
N/A N/A Exceptional ( 5% Z CE 1 (1-3) -8 Fl 18 9 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 20% C,R N 1-3 7 15, Fl 6+3 N/A
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A Nil LN 1-12 -2 Fl 18 ( 9+9 11
Any Omnivore As base N/A Nil As bas 1 8 6, Sw As bas 17
Any Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Qx4 CN 1-2 8 6, Sw 2+2 19
Diurnal Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1-3 -5 9 15 5
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-5 5 24 7 13
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 2-20 0 48 8 13
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1 -3 Sr 3 45 5
Any Omnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NE 1-4 2 16 4 17
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 20% B N 3-12 7 6 2+2 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 100% SpecialN 1 8 0 3 or m N/A
Any Magic and PhlogSupra-genius N/A Nil CN 1 (1-4) 0 12, Fl 10 Nil
Any Phlogiston and Supra-genius N/A Nil CN 1 (1-4) 0 12, Fl 10 Nil
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 2-12 7 18 3 18
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 10% Nil N 2-20 7 18 2+2 N/A
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil NE 3-12 3 18 3 17
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 3-12 6 18 4+4 15
N/A N/A Semi to Low (10% Nil N(E) 3-12 6 18 3+3 (4 N/A
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A Nil NE 3-12 6 18 4+4 15
Night Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil LG 2-20 6 18 3+3 17
Any Nil Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1-4 0 9 5+4 15
Night Hemativore (BloLow (5-7) N/A Nil E 3-18 2 24 6+4 13
N/A N/A Average (8-1 10% I N(E) 2-8 5 18 6 N/A
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A I NE 2-8 5 18 6 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 3-12 6 18 3+3 17
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil NE 2-8 6 9 2+2 19
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil Nil N 1 3/5/7 1 9 N/A
N/A N/A High to Excep35% B, 50%CE 1-3 3 15 5+1 N/A
Any Carnivore High to ExcepN/A B, 50%CE 1-3 3 15 5+1 15
Any (Night) Carnivore Exceptional ( N/A 20% U NE 1-4 2 18 8+2 13
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 15% Nil N(E) 1 5 12 3 N/A
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 15% Nil N(E) 1 4 15 4+4 N/A
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil N 2-8 4 14 8+1 13
Any Books Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-2 (102 12, Br 1/4 Nil
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A B N 1 6 6, Br 3 6 15
Any Minerals Low (5-7) N/A R CN 1-2 5 6, Br 3 10 11
Any Hemativore (BloNon (0) N/A Q N 1-4 4 6, Br 1 6 15
Any Minerals Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 7 30, Br 25-50 3
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 2 Br 24 60 1
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1 4 Sw 24 70 1
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A IncidenN 1 3 (5) 9, Br 9 10 11
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A (B,Qx5 N 1 6 9, Br 9 15 5
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Q CN 2-12 7 9, Br 3 2+2 19
Any Scavenger Non (0) N/A Nil N 5-20 9 1, Br 0 1 hp Nil
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A D N 1 5 6 10 11
N/A N/A Animal (1) Nil Nil N 1 1 1 10 N/A
N/A N/A Non (0) 75% M,N,QxN 1-6 4 6 9+3 N/A
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 25% E LE 2-12 4 12, Fl 5+3 N/A
Night Special Very (11-12) N/A E LE 2-12 4 12, Fl 5+3 15
Any Nil Average to HiN/A R NE 1 (1-4) 2 9 7+3 14
Night Life Energy Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 1-3 4 9 or 18 6+3 13
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N Special4 12 4 17
Blizzards Special Average (8-1 N/A C NE 1-6 3 9 5 15
Any Life Energy High (13-14) N/A E NE 1 2 6 4 (or m17 (or
Night Nil Average (8-1 N/A IncidenLE 2-8 3 9 7 13
Day Carnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 1 5 9 5+3 15
Night Omnivore Low (5-7) N/A O,P,Q CE 2-7 5 15 3 17
Any Omnivore Exceptional ( N/A A,D LE 1 5 24, Br 10 to 1 11 to 5
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Z N 1 3 3 12 9
Any Carnivore Animal (1) N/A J,K,L, N 1 7 12 1 19
Night Nil Average (8-1 N/A B CE 1-2 0 12, Fl 8 13
Night Nil Low (5-7) N/A B CE 1-6 4 12 4 17
Any Carnivore Non (0) N/A Nil NE 2-8 2 3, Sw 5+5 15
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 30% E N(E) 1-6 3 6, Fl 2 7+7 N/A
Dawn and Dusk Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A E N(E) 1-6 3 6, Fl 2 7+7 13
Dusk and Dawn Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A (E) E 1-3 2 to -3 6, Fl 2 8+7 11
N/A N/A High (13-14) Nil Nil N 1 0 6 5 to 8 N/A
Any Energy High (13-14) N/A Nil N 1 0 Fl 6 (B 5 to 8 15 to 1
Any Hemativore (BloLow (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1 (1-4) 6 Fl 15 ( 3+3 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 70% SpecialN 1-4 1 9 5+5 N/A
Any Ferrous metals Average to HiN/A SpecialLN 1-4 2 9, Jp 3 3 17
Day Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil N 6-36 5 9, Fl 1 3 17
N/A N/A Very (11-12) 15% C LE 1-6 0 15 5 N/A
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A C LE 1-6 0 15 8 12 (10
Any Omnivore Very (11-12) N/A C,G,C LE 1-6 0 15 5 15 (13
Diurnal Carnivore Average to GeN/A W Any 1-3 Special12 1+1 19
N/A N/A Average (8-1 40% O,P,QxN 1-4 -2 9 7+7 N/A
Any Minerals Average (8-1 N/A O,P,Q( N 1-4 -2 9, Br 9 7+7 13
Any Minerals and MaAverage (8-1 N/A O,P,X, N 1 1 9, Br 3 5+5 13
N/A N/A Average (8-1 40% K CE 40-400 7 6 1-1 N/A
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A K CE 40-400 7 6 1-1 20
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A U (B) LE 1-6 4 12 9 11
Day Omnivore Average to GeN/A P (D) NE 1 (1-4) 4 9 5 15
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 2-20 8 12 2+2 19
N/A N/A Non (0) 100% Any N 1 7 0 3 N/A
Any Sentient beings Supra-genius N/A A NE 1 0 1 14 7
N/A N/A Low (5-7) 100% IncidenNE 4-16 0 15, Fl 3+3 N/A
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 4-16 0 15, Fl 3+3 17
N/A N/A Average (8-1 10% D N 1-6 6 15 4+4 N/A
Day Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A D N 1-6 6 15 4+4 15
Day Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A (R,W) N 1-6 5 9 8 13
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil N 1-4 0 12, Fl 11 10
N/A N/A High (13-14) Nil Nil CE 1-4 (1) -10 (1012 6 (1-10N/A
Night Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A N CE 2-8 0 15, Fl 3+3 17
Any Scavenger Animal (1) N/A Nil NE 4-32 9 6, Sw 2 19
N/A N/A Genius (17-1 70% C CE 1-4 4/0 12 or 9 6 to 9 N/A
Any Carnivore Genius (17-1 N/A C CE 1-4 4/0 12, Sli 6 to 9 15 to 1
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 2-20 8 12 2+2 19
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-3 0 18 6+12 15
Any Carnivore Supra-genius N/A H NE 1-3 -8 12, Fl 12+24 9
Any Carnivore Supra-genius N/A H NE 1-3 -8 12, Fl 12+24 9
Any Omnivore High to ExcepN/A R,H NE 1 -4 12 11+22 9
Any Carnivore Exceptional t N/A Qx10,XNE 1 (1-2) -6 12, Fl 11+22 9
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-4 -3 12 8+16 13
Any Carnivore Supra-genius N/A G,R NE 1 -8 15, Fl 13+26 7
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A I,Y NE 1-6 (10-2 6, Glid 7+14 13
Any Nil High (13-14) N/A SpecialN(E) 1 -1 9, Fl 9 10 11
Any Nil Average (8-1 N/A SpecialN 1 3 9 6 15
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A SpecialN(E) 1 1 9 8 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-4 -3 12 8+16 13
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 2-5 -1 15 10+20 11
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A Nil NE 1-3 -1 24 9+9 11
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A I,Y NE 1-6 (10-2 6, Gl 1 7+14 13
Any Carnivore Exceptional t N/A Qx10,XNE 1 (2) -6 12, Fl 11+22 9
Any Special Exceptional ( N/A I NE 1 -1 18 10+20 11
Any Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 2-5 -1 15 10+20 15
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A E NE 2-8 -5 6, Sw 9+18 11
Any Carnivore Very (11-12) N/A E NE 2-8 -5 6, Sw 9+18 11
Any Carnivore Supra-genius N/A G,R NE 1 -8 15, Fl 13+26 7
Any Carnivore High to ExcepN/A R,H NE 1 -4 18 10+20 11
Any Carnivore High to ExcepN/A R,H NE 1 -4 18 10+20 11
Any Carnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil CE 1-3 1 12 8 13
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A SpecialN 1 -6 (0) 1, Sw 51 to 7 5
Any Omnivore Average (8-1 N/A SpecialN 1 -6/0 1, Sw 51 to 7 5
Any Omnivore Animal (1) N/A Nil N 10-100 8 2, Fl 1 1+1 19
Any Special Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 2-12 7 18 1 19
Night Nil High (13-14) N/A Nil E 1 -2 Fl 12 ( 7 13
Constant Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A Nil CN 1-4 2 24 9 to 12 11 to 2
Any Carnivore High to GeniuN/A W CN 1-6 5 12, Sw 5+1 15
Constant Nil Unknown N/A SpecialCN(G) 1 -8 24 16 or 5
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil N 3-24 8 6 2 N/A
Night Carnivore Low (5-7) N/A Nil CE 2-20 7 6 2+2 19
Night Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-24 8 6 2 19
Night Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 3-18 7 9, Br 6 2 19
Night Special Semi (2-4) N/A Nil NE 1 -1 6 6 to 10 Varies
Night Special Non (0) N/A Nil NE 4-40 8 6 2+2 19
N/A N/A Low (5-7) Nil N N(E) 1-4 6 9 3+12 N/A
Night Nil Low (5-7) N/A Nil NE 1-4 6 9 3+12 15
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A Qx2 CE 1 6 12 4 17
Any Nil Very (11-12) N/A Q N 2-12 8 9 2 19
Night Carrion Average (8-1 N/A A NE 1 6 6 6 15
Any Nil Low (5-7) N/A F CE 1-6 6 9 9 11
Night Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-6 6 9 6 15
Any Nil Non (0) N/A Nil NE 2-8 8 6 4 17
Night Cinnabryl Low (5-7) N/A Nil N(E) 1-6 8 9 2 19
Night Water Low (5-7) N/A As in li CE 1-4 Special12 4+2 17
Night Scavanger Low (5-7) N/A M CE 2-24 7 6, Sw 5 15
Night Scavenger Low (5-7) N/A M CE 2-24 7 6, Sw 5 15
Night Nil Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-10 8 9 4 17
Any Carnivore Average (8-1 N/A SpecialNE 1 6 or as 12 5+6 or a15 or as
Night Nil Non (0) N/A Nil NE 2-8 6 9 2+2 19
N/A N/A Non (0) Nil Nil NE 1-2 Varies 12 2 N/A
Night Carrion Average (8-1 N/A A,B,C,DNE 1 6 6 6 15
Day Photosynthesis Semi (2-4) N/A A N 1 7 0 3 17
Any Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A (P,Q,X N 1-4 (107 (base15, Cl 4+2 17
N/A N/A Semi (2-4) 30% P,Q,X N 1-4 10 15, Fl 4+2 N/A
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LG 1-4 5 Sw 15 7 14
Any Omnivore High (13-14) N/A Nil LG 1-4 5 Sw 15 7 13
Any Omnivore Non (0) N/A Nil N 1-3 4 8 1+1 19
Any Human Tissue Non (0) N/A IncidenNE 1-3 6 1 or as 3 (or h 17 (or
N/A N/A Unratable 50% As hos N(E) 1-3 8 1 or as 3 or as N/A
Day Carnivore Semi (2-4) N/A Nil N 1 3 Fl 24 ( 1 19
No. Att DamagSpecialSpecia MR Size Morale PsionicA/D MoLevel XP Source Edition
2 1-3(x2 Nil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil II 28+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-3(x2)Dive+4 Nil Nil M (20' 11 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-3(x2 Nil Nil Nil M (with11 N/A N/A N/A 65 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 5-30 Spells SpecialNil L (8') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-8 Nil Nil Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-3 or Spell 1/2 dam10% M (5.5-13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 By weaSpecial+1 to h 20% Special13-14 N/A N/A N/A 30500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 or sp By weaSpecialSpecial20% Special13-14 N/A N/A N/A 8000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 3-18(x2Disrupt+2 to h 70% M (7') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 60000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 11-20( Smitin +1 to h 60% M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 52500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 By weaSpecial+1 to h 40% M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 78500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 3-18(x2Disrupt+2 to h 70% M (7') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 15000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 3-12/1 Smitin +1 to h 60% M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 13000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 By weaSpecial+1 to h 40% M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 14000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 1-12 Special+2 to h 50% S 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 35000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 1-12 Special+2 to h 50% S 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 10000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 11-20 Vorpal +3 to h 75% L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 20000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 11-20 Vorpal +3 to h 75% L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 143500OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
4 18-36 Vorpal +4 to h 85% L (9') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 225000OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
4 18-36 Vorpal +4 to h 85% L (9') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 32000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 SpecialDrowni SpecialNil L (10') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 SpecialDrowni +1 to h Nil L (10') 14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
4 1-6(x4)SpecialSlime StandaL N/A 250 CDE/GIVII 1275+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
4 1-6 (x4 SpecialSlime Nil H (20' 13 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
4 1-6 + s Spells; Spells; Nil H (20') 16 N/A N/A N/A 13000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 1-3/1-8Shriek Nil Nil M (7') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 175 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
2 1-6/3-8Spit AcSpecialNil S (2') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 1-8(x2)Nil Toxic 35% L (15') N/A Nil Nil VII 1300+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-8(x2)Nil Toxic 35% H (15') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 2000 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
3 2-16(x2Comman 2-16(x235% L (15') 14 N/A N/A N/A 5000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
3 7-12(x2PolymoCamoufNil L (9') 15 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1 + dis Diseas Nil Nil T (2") 6 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-3 Ahdesi SpecialSpecialM N/A Nil Nil III 150+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-3 Adhesi Adhesi SpecialM (5-6' 12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 8-32 Surpris+1 to hiStanda8' tall N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 3-9 Venom;Invisib Nil L (20') 11-12 Nil Nil N/A 2000 TSR 2615: Planes of2e
1 or 2 5-20 orWhirlpoNil Nil G (50') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 or 2 5-20 orWhirlpoNil StandaL (50') N/A Nil Nil VIII 4000+2MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 or 2 5-20 orWhirlpoNil Nil G (50') 13 Nil Nil N/A 11000 TSR 1091: City of D2e
3 1-3(x3)Screa SpecialNil M (5-7' 20 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial35% M-L N/A 177 All/All VII 1800+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 or 1 1-4(x2)Nil Nil Nil M (7-8' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 120 to Dragon 268 2e
2 1-6(x2)Shocki Missile Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
4 1-6(x4)Death +2 to h Nil M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 3000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
2 2-12(x Missil Stealth Nil L (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 2-12(x2Missil Stealth Nil L (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
2 1-3(x2)SpecialSpecial75% S (3-4' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
Nil Nil Nil SpecialNil S (1-3' Nil N/A N/A N/A 25 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
SpecialSpecialNil Regene100% M N/A Nil Nil SpecialSpecialFF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-10(x2Nil ImmuneImmuneM N/A 101-12 A VII 280+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-10(x2Stun ImmuneSpecialM (5-7' 11 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
5 1-6/2-5Nil Spell r 40% M (7') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 1-4/1-2Nil Spell r 40% S (1-4' 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
2 1-6(x2)Spell u Disgui 20% M (5-7' 5-7 Nil Nil N/A 3000 TSR 1091: City of D2e
2 1-6(x2)Spells Disgui 20% M (5-7' 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-8 (b Spells Spells 20% M (5') 14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil SpecialS (3') N/A Nil Nil I 10+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-4 Nil Telepor25% S (3') 17-18 250 Mt/M- N/A 65 (Psi MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
3 1-4(x2)Energy+2 to h Nil M (5-6' 14 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1-3 per1-3 ParalysNil Nil L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
10 1-4(x10Blindin Immune90% L (6-8') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 or 2 2-16 orSwallo Nil Nil L (12') 14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-6 EnergySpecialNil M (5') 14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 (CMCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialNil L (10') 11 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
10 per 1-3(x10ParalysNil Nil L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialNil L (10') 11 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
4 1-4(x2)Drill; ImmuneNil M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 (ChTSR 9539: The Sea2e
1 3-18 + Squirt Nil Nil L (10-2N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
3 1-10(x3Hug Nil Nil L (10') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 Dragon 167 2e
3 2-8(x2)Nil Nil Nil M (6.5' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 Dragon 167 2e
4 3-18(x2Nil Nil Nil L (10') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 2000 Dragon 167 2e
1 3-18 Nil Nil Nil L (13') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 Dragon 167 2e
1 or 2 1-6 or Nil Nil Nil L (11') 3 N/A N/A N/A 420 Dragon 167 2e
1 5-20 orSurprisNil Nil L (12') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t Dragon 167 2e
1 2-16 orNil Nil Nil G (26') ???? N/A N/A N/A ???? Dragon 167 2e
2 2-12(x2Nil Nil Nil M (3.5' ???? N/A N/A N/A ???? Dragon 167 2e
2 1-10(x2ChargeNil Nil M (6') ???? N/A N/A N/A ???? Dragon 167 2e
3 1-12(x3Nil Nil Nil L (10') ???? N/A N/A N/A ???? Dragon 167 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil S (2-3' 10 N/A N/A N/A 15 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil S (2-3' 10 N/A N/A N/A 15 TSR 2438: Dark Sun2e
2 1-6(x2)Toss; Nil Nil L (10') 9 N/A N/A N/A 175 TSR 2438: Dark Sun2e
2 1-6/1-4Nil Speed Nil M (7') 10 N/A N/A N/A 65 TSR 2400: Dark Su 2e
2 1-6/1-8Crush Nil Nil H (16') 12 N/A N/A N/A 650 TSR 2400: Dark Su 2e
1 1-6 Poison Nil Nil L (8') 14 N/A N/A N/A 35 TSR 2400: Dark Su 2e
1 1-8 Swallo Nil Nil G (30') 12 N/A N/A N/A 6000 TSR 2400: Dark Su 2e
Nil Nil Poison Nil Nil T (8") Nil N/A N/A N/A 35 TSR 2438: Dark Sun2e
3 or 2 1-3(x2)Gore Nil Nil S (3-4' 9 N/A N/A N/A 65 TSR 2438: Dark Sun2e
2 1-6(x2)Toss; Nil Nil L (10') 9 N/A N/A N/A 175 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
Nil Nil Poison Nil Nil T (8") N/A N/A N/A N/A 35 or 7 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 or 2 1-3(x2)Gore Nil Nil S (3-4' 9 N/A N/A N/A 65 or 3 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1 Poison Nil Nil T (1') 11 N/A N/A N/A 35 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 1-3 Phero Phero Nil S (2-4' 8 N/A N/A N/A 65 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 1/1-6 Sonics Sonics Nil S (2-3' 5 N/A N/A N/A 120 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1 Nil SpecialNil T (17") 3 N/A N/A N/A 35 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1 Nil Nil Nil T (1") 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
0 0 Nil Nil Nil T (1/2" None N/A N/A N/A 7 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
0 0 Nil Nil Nil T (2") None N/A N/A N/A 7 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
3 1-3(x2)Nil Nil Nil L (7') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 5-20(x2Nil Nil Nil H (25') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 or 2 2-12 Nil Nil Nil L (7') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 2-12(x2Nil Nil Nil H (20') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-4(x2)Jump Nil Nil L (10') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-16 Trampl Nil Nil H (16') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-12 ChargeNil Nil L (15') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
SpecialSpecialMagic Danger50% Special15-16 N/A N/A N/A 24000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
SpecialSpecialMagicaDanger50% Special15-16 N/A N/A N/A 18000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
SpecialSpecialDive Danger50% Special15-16 N/A N/A N/A 24000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
SpecialSpecialDive Danger50% Special15-16 N/A N/A N/A 18000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
SpecialSpecialHypnotDanger50% Special15-16 N/A N/A N/A 18000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
SpecialSpecialPoison +1 to h 50% Special15-16 N/A N/A N/A 24000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
SpecialSpecialPoison Danger50% Special15-16 N/A N/A N/A 18000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 1-8 Varies Varies Nil M to L 8-10 N/A N/A N/A Varies RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-12 Spell abSpell i Nil L to G 8-10 N/A N/A N/A Varies RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-4 Nil Spell i Nil T to S (8-10 N/A N/A N/A Varies RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
Varies Varies Varies Varies Nil Varies Varies N/A N/A N/A Varies PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialNil M 17-18 Nil Nil N/A Varies TSR 1064: From th 2e
1 3-18 (c Squirt Nil Nil L-H (109 N/A N/A N/A 175-97 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 9-16(x2Grappl 100% vs StandaL (7.5-8N/A Nil Nil VII 1300+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-6 Poison Nil StandaS (2') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 SpecialSurprisNil Nil Special20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 p Dragon Annual 199 2e
1 5-20 SpecialNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil VI 575+10MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-6 PsionicPsionicNil L (10') 15 N/A N/A N/A 270 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 0 Phero Phero Nil H (20'+13 N/A N/A N/A 975 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 3-18 Poison Nil Nil L (10') 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 13-18 Nil Nil Nil L (8') 10 N/A N/A N/A 120 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
3 1-4(x2)RendinNil StandaL (7'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-3(x2)RendinNil StandaM (6') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 By weaSpecialSpecial10% M (5-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 SpecialNil +1 or siStandaM N/A Nil Nil VI 1000+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 SpecialSpecial+1 or siNil M (4-7' 13 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 1 Spells +3 to h 75% T (1') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 1400 TSR 1163: The Sha2e
2 2-5 Spells; +2 to h 30% S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 3000 TSR 1163: The Sha2e
1 2-5 Spells; +2 to h 30% S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 3000 TSR 1163: The Sha2e
1 1-6 Spells; +1 to h 15% M (5') 17 N/A N/A N/A 5000 TSR 1163: The Sha2e
1 1-2 + s Spells; +3 to h 45% T (6") 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 3000 TSR 1163: The Sha2e
1 1 or 1- Spells; +3 to h 45% T (1') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 5000 TSR 1163: The Sha2e
1 1-8 Spells +1 to h 15% M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 5000 TSR 1163: The Sha2e
3 1-8(x3)Spells; +1 to h 30% M (6') 19 N/A N/A N/A 6000 TSR 1163: The Sha2e
1 1-4 Spells; +2 to h 30% S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 3000 TSR 1163: The Sha2e
1 1-6 Poison;Spells Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-6 or Poison;Spells Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 ( MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-8 or ParalysSpells 20% M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 7000 ( MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-8 Nil Invisib 40% L (12' t 15 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 or Minor mInvisib 40% L (12') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 4000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 1-8 (b Nil Invisib 40% L (12') 15 Nil Nil N/A 3000 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
1 1-6 Bash Nil 20% T (1') 13 N/A N/A N/A 270 TSR 1124: The Nig 2e
2 5-20(x2Special+2 to h 75% L (15') 20 N/A N/A N/A 28000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 6-36 Heat; S+2 to h 85% L (18') 20 N/A N/A N/A 25000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 5-50(x2Spells +3 to h 85% L (10') 20 N/A N/A N/A 28000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 2-24 Engulf; +1 to h 70% L (20') 20 N/A N/A N/A 27000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 2-20(x2Special+2 to h 90% L (10') 20 N/A N/A N/A 28000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 3-18(x2Spells +2 to h 80% L (18') 20 N/A N/A N/A 24000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 2-20(x2Spells +2 to h 85% L (10') 20 N/A N/A N/A 28000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 3-36(x2Spells +2 to h 70% L (12') 20 N/A N/A N/A 29000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 3-30 Spells; +2 to h 60% L (10') 20 N/A N/A N/A 23000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
3 or 1 1-4(x2)Special+1 to h 10% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 15000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 or 1 1-4(x2)Shape +1 to h 10% M (6') 18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
2 1-6(x2)Special+1 to h Nil S (3') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 5000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 1-6(x2)Light +1 to h Nil S (3') 18 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
4 2-8(x4)Dive; S+2 to h 30% L (8') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 48500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
4 2-8(x4)Dive; S+2 to hi30% L (8') 18 N/A N/A N/A 14000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
2 1-12(x2Vorpal +3 to hi50% L (10') 18 N/A N/A N/A 16000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
2 1-10(x2Spell u +3 to h 40% L (8') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 53500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 1-10(x2Light r +3 to hi60% L (8') 18 N/A N/A N/A 23000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
2 1-10(x2Trumpet+3 to hi40% L (7') 18 N/A N/A N/A 15000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
3 1-8(x2)Bear hu+2 to h 20% L (8') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 24500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 1-8(x2)Bear hu+2 to hi20% L (8') 18 N/A N/A N/A 7000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
1 2-5 Spell u +1 to hiNil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 4500 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-8 Spell u +2 to hiNil M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 per v 1-4 SpecialSpecial25% L-G (2' 16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 + MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
3 1-4 SpecialSpecial25% L-G (2' 16 N/A N/A N/A 2000-6 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 per 1 Spore jSpecialSpecialL (5-10N/A Nil Nil VII 775+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-2 Tail; L ResistaNil S (2') 10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-6(x2)Charm Meld wi10% M 8 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
3 1-8(x2)Nil True seImmuneL (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 3-18 Nil SpecialNil H (15') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 3-18 Nil SpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil VII 1350+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 1-4 or Nil SpecialNil M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
2 1-4(x2 Nil SpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil V 300+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-7 Nil SpecialNil S (1-3' 11-14 N/A N/A N/A 65 to 2 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 2-7 Nil ImmuneStandaS N/A Nil Nil II to III 28+2 t MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
1 1 or b HypnotProtect25% T-S (1- 5-9 Nil Nil N/A 120 to TSR 2603: Planes 2e
1 1-4 ParalysNil StandaS (2') N/A Nil Nil II 65+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 2-8 Swallo Nil Nil L (8-128-10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
3 4-32(x2Antimag+1 to hi35% G (30') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 22000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 1-6 All vic Nil 50% M N/A Nil Nil III 73+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-10(x2Fiery e Spell i 40% M 19 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
3 1-10(x TrumpetSpell i 40% M (6') 19 Nil Nil N/A 7000 TSR 2615: Planes of2e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial20% S (1') N/A Nil Nil II 40+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
5 1-6(x2)Spells Immune35% M (5-6.14 Nil Nil N/A 9000 TSR 3117: Book of 2e
1 2-8 SpecialSpecialStandaS N/A Nil Nil VIII 2700+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-8 2-8 cla SpecialNil S (3' l 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 or sp 1-10(x2SpecialSpecialNil S (3') 19 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
2 1-6(x2)Heat Spell i Nil M 20 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
3 1-12(x2Electic Special50% H (12'+SpecialN/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-12(x2Electic Special35% H (12'+SpecialN/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 + spe1-3/2-5Fire jet Immune10% M (5-7' 18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil 40% S (2') 19 N/A N/A N/A 640 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-20(x2Gas Special25% H (15') 15 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 3-12(x2SurprisStrengtNil H (20') 16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 1163: The Sha2e
0 Nil PsionicPsionic10-80 M-L (6-17-18 N/A N/A N/A Varies TSR 2408: Dragon 2e
1 By weaSpells: Spells; 25% T (1.5') 11 N/A N/A N/A 650 (LeDragon 172 2e
3 1-6(x2)SurprisImmuneNil L (12') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
4 1-4(x4)Magic Magic Nil L (8') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 650 to MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 1 Nil Nil Nil S to L (8-10 N/A N/A N/A 15 to 6 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 + spe1-8(x2)Rake Nil Nil L (15') 13 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 1-3(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (7'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 By weaHeat Immune5-20% M (4.5-N/A Nil Nil II to IV 40+3 t MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
6 1-4(x2)Fear, PRegener 50% L (12') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 57500 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Poison,Regener 30% L (8') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 21500 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Poison,Regener 30% L (7') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 23500 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Energy+2 to hi50% M (4') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 32500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 2-8 Energy +2 to hi50% M (4') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 11000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
4 or 1 1-4(x2)Fear; +2 to h 50% L (9') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 36500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
4 or 1 1-4(x2)Fear; +2 to h 50% L (9') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 10000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
4 5-8(x2 Tail fr +2 to h 50% H (12') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 39500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
4 5-8(x2 Tail fr +2 to h 50% H (12') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 19000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
6 1-4(x2)Fear; P+3 to h 50% L (12') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 57500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
6 1-4(x2)Fear; P+3 to h 50% L (12') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 21000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 or 1 1-2(x2 Nil RegeneNil M (5') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 65 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 or 1 1-2(x2 Nil RegeneNil M (5') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 120 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-4(x2 Flame Special15% S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 7500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 1-4(x2 Flame Special15% S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 3000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 1-3 Battle RegeneNil M (6') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 120 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 1-3 Battle RegeneNil M (5') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 120 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-4(x2)Poison;+1 to h 30% L (8') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 21500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 1-4(x2)Poison;+1 to h 30% L (8') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 7000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-4(x2)Poison;+1 to h 30% L (7') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 23500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 1-4(x2)Poison;+1 to h 30% L (7') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 8000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-4(x2)Poison;+1 to h 30% M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 25500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 1-4(x2)Poison;+1 to h 30% M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 9000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 or 1 1-2(x2)Glaive; +1 to hi30% M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 23500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 or 1 1-2(x2)Glaive; +1 to hi30% M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 6000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 By weaCharm;+1 to hi30% M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 29500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 By weaCharm;+1 to hi30% M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 7000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 2-8(x2)Fear; +1 to hi30% M (7') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 23000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 2-8(x2)Fear; +1 to hi30% M (7') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 6000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 or 2 1-6(x2)Cause +1 to h 30% M (5') 14 N/A N/A N/A 5000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
1 As bas PossesInsubst5% M 13-15 N/A N/A N/A 650 to TSR 11431: Guide t2e
4 1-4(x2)Fear; +1 to hi30% L (9') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 24000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
4 1-4(x2)Fear; +1 to hi30% L (9') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 7000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-4(x2)Poison,Regener 30% M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 25500 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Swarm;Nil Nil T (2') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 + spe1-6(x2)Chargi SpecialNil L (8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 650 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 1-6(x2)SpecialNil StandaL (8') N/A Nil Nil III 130+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-4 Nil Climbi StandaS (4'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 or 3 1-6/by Insect Nil Nil L (10') 12 N/A N/A N/A 270 TSR 9340: Endless 2e
1 1-10 TearingImmuneNil M (6') 17 Nil Nil N/A 270 TSR 2603: Planes 2e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-10 o Spells +1 to hi50% M (5') 20 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 Varies EcholocDodge Nil M (3-6' 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
2 1-4(x2)Spells; Special10% S (3') 12 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-4 (b Poison Nil Nil S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave2e
3 3-18/2-SpecialSpecial20% L (9') N/A 182-20 BE/FGIVIII 4900+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 3-18/2-PsionicPsionics20% L (9') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 14000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1/2 1-10 Tail sl SpecialNil G (30') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 5000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1/2 2-20 Tail Sl 1/2 da Nil G (30') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 5000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 1-8(x2)Illusio Spells Nil M (6-7' 14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 5-20 Nil Nil StandaL (20') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-5 SpecialNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil III 64+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 2-12/1-Dexteri+1 to h Nil M (5'+) 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 1-6/2-1Dexteri+1 to h Nil M (5'+) 17-18 Nil Nil N/A 2000 TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
1 1-6 or Magic m Blink SpecialM (5-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
up to 5 1-3/2- Spels; RegeneNil H (20-215-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-10 Priest +2 to h 25% M (5-6' 17-18 Nil Nil N/A 22000 TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
1 1-8 Death +1 to hi50% M (5-6' 13 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
Varies 11-12 Gaze; M +1 or stSpecialM (4-5' 17 N/A N/A N/A Variabl DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 4-16/1 DiseaseHideouNil L (9') 16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 2-8 + SpecialSpecial5%/HDM-L N/A Nil Nil VII to I 1275+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-8 or Charge+2 on s10% L (7') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 3000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 1-8 or Charge+2 on s10% L (7') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 1 Lignifi Spell i StandaS (2-3' N/A Nil Nil II to V 45+1 t MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-8 Nil Nil StandaS-L N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 + Halluci SpecialSpecialM (6-7' N/A Nil Nil VI 475+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-10 Gaze tuNil StandaM (7') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-6(x2)Petrifi Nil Nil H (15-215 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)SpecialSurprisStandaL (12') N/A Nil Nil VII 3000+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-6(x2)Petrifi SurprisNil L (12') 16 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-10 Petrifi Nil Nil M (7') 12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 Nil Sleep +3 to h Nil M (6') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 6000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1 SpecialNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil I 1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 1/1-2 Magic Magic 40% S (3') 14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 ParalysNever sNil M (5-6' SpecialN/A N/A N/A 975 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
4 2-8/1-2ParalysNever sNil M (5-6' SpecialN/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1 SpecialNil Nil T (1') 2-5 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1/1-2 Magic Magic 40% S (3') 14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
4 1-4/1-2Nil SpecialNil M (7') 11 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 2-5 Magic Energy 70% L (9') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 1-2 Bite ef Nil Nil M 12+ N/A N/A N/A 975 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 2-8 Nil ImmuneStandaS N/A Nil Nil II 28+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-2 or Nil SpecialStandaS N/A Nil Nil I 5+1 to FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 2-8 SpecialSpecialNil H (12-111-12 N/A N/A N/A 420/65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 or Nil SpecialNil M (5-6' 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 SpecialSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil III 150+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
4 1-4/1-2Nil SpecialNil M (7') 11 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 PowersPowersNil T (1') 20 N/A N/A N/A 65 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-3 Nil SpecialNil T (1') 20 N/A N/A N/A 65 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 2-5 Magic Energy 70% L (9') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-12(x3SurprisAlertneNil M (3') 14 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-4 Nil Leap Nil S (2') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-3(x2)Hug 2- Nil StandaM (6'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-3(x2)Hug Nil Nil M (6'+) 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)Hug 2- Nil StandaL (9'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-6(x2)Hug Nil Nil L (9'+) 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-8(x2)Hug 2- Nil StandaL (12'+ N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-8(x2)Hug Nil Nil H (12'+8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-8(x2)Hugs foSpecialNil L (12') 10 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 1-10(x2Hugh 3Nil StandaL (14') N/A Nil Nil VI 900+12MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-10(x2Hug Nil Nil H (14'+8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 or 1 3-9(x2)Acidic Special20% H (20') 14 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 3-9(x2)EnsnarSpecial20% H (20') 14 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
5 1-4(x2)Rage Immuni30% S-H (3-10 N/A N/A N/A 3000 o MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Camouf80% M (5') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 2-12 Acid C Firing StandaM (4') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 4-16 Nil Nil StandaM (6') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 2-8(x2)Armor d+2 to h 50% H (15') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 13000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 2-8(x2)Armor d+2 to h 50% H (15') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 17000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 1-6 + pSting Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil V 400+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 + pSting Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 200+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-3 + pSting Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil III 150+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1 Spinal Nil Nil T (1") 7 N/A N/A N/A 270 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 3-12 Death VCamoufNil M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 3-12 Death vCamoufStandaL (5') N/A Nil Nil VII 1400+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 3-12 Death rCamoufNil M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Poison Nil Nil T (1') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-4 VenomNil Nil T (1') 6-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 TSR 2432: City by t 2e
1 2-12 Acid C Fire Cl Nil S (4') 13 N/A N/A N/A 12 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 5-20 Nil Nil StandaL (9') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 5-20 Nil Nil Nil L (9') 14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Nil Nil StandaS (2.5')N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 Nil Nil Nil S (2') 12 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 3-18/2 Nil Nil StandaL (12') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 3-18/2 Nil Nil Nil L (12') 14 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 4-16/1-Nil Nil StandaL (10') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 4-16/1 Nil Nil Nil L (10') 13 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-18 Nil Nil StandaL (6') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 3-18 Nil Nil Nil M (6') 14 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 SpecialDiseas Nil Nil T (6") 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 SpecialNil Nil Nil T (3") 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 4-24 Nil Nil Nil L (11') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 1-3(x2)SurpriseNil Nil L (7') 10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 2-16 DismemNil Nil S (3') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 2-16 DismemNil Nil S (3') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 2-16 SpecialNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil V 275+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-6 Stink Nil Nil S (3') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
6 1-2(x4)Illusion CamoufNil S (2') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 4-16 orSpecialNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil VII 1600+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 4-48 SpecialNil Nil G (40') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 9000 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
1 4-40 SpecialNil Nil G (40') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 8000 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
1 4-40 SpecialNil Nil G (40') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 6000 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
2 or 7 2-7/2-5Lightni ImmuneStandaL (40') N/A Nil Nil VII 2850+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 or 7 2-8/2-5Lightni ImmuneNil G (40') 15 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Magic Anti-maSpecialL (4-6') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 Magic; Anti-maSpecialM (4-6' 18 Nil Nil N/A 14000 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
1 2-8 Magic; Anti-ma50% M (4-6' 19 Nil Nil N/A 18000 TSR 1060: Ruins of2e
1 5-20 SpecialAnti-ma5% L (8') 18 Nil Nil N/A 24000 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
1 2-12 DeathcNil Nil M (4-6' 19-20 Nil Nil N/A 3000 TSR 1065: The Leg2e
0 0 Nil Anti-maSpecialM (4-6' 10 Nil Nil N/A 270 or TSR 1049: Adventu2e
1 2-8 Magic Anti MaNil M (4-6' 18 N/A N/A N/A 14000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
10 1-8 Blood dRegeneNil H (6-1217 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-8x2 Magic Nil 20% H (8'-1018 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Magic Magic 25% M (4') 11 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-8x2/1Magic Nil Nil S-M (3-15 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 Magic RegeneNil L (4-6') 15-18 N/A N/A N/A 6000/9 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 5-20 Magic Anti Ma5% H (8') 18 N/A N/A N/A 24000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 Nil Magic Nil M (5') 14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 Magic Magic 35% H (15') 16 N/A N/A N/A 15000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-5 Magic Magic 5% M (4') 14 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Magic Anti MaNil L (4-6') 18 N/A N/A N/A 13000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-18 Magic Magic Nil L (6') 10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
10 1-8 Blood RegeneNil H (6-1217 Nil Nil N/A 8000 TSR 1060: Ruins of2e
2 or 3 1-6(x2)SpecialNil 20% L (8-1018 N/A N/A N/A 8000 t MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-6 or SpecialSpecial25% M (4') 11 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-8 or Nil SpecialNil M (5') 14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 3-12 SpecialSpecial35% H (15') 16 N/A N/A N/A 15000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 3-18 SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 2-8 Bite; B Blood Nil M (5') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 2104: Forgott 2e
2 or 1 3-6(x2 PsionicPsionicNil M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 or 2 1-3(x2)Noxiou Smoke 20% orL (7-9') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
3 1-4(x2)Nil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil III 65+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 2-5(x2)Nil Special20% L (7') 13 N/A N/A N/A 5000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
3 1-4(x2)NumbinSpecialNil M (6') 13 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-8(x2)Spells Immune20% M (5-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 3-18(x2Nil Nil 30% L (8-1515 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 1-12(x2Nil Nil 20% M (5-7' 15 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
6 1-8(x2)Vorpal SpecialNil L (9-1113-14 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 1-4 +1 to a Nil Nil T (1') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
3 1-4(x2)Nil Nil Nil ? 11 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)SurprisNil Nil ? 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-5 Nil Nil Nil ? 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
4 1-4(x4)Magic Magic Nil ? 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 650/14 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 or Nil Nil Nil M (6') 7 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 1(x3) Nil Nil Nil ? 6 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
5 1-3(x2)Fire ImmuneNil S (2.5')11 or 1 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 1-4 or Nil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1 Nil Nil Nil ? 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 15/35/ MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)Nil Nil Nil ? 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-8x2/2Nil Nil Nil ? 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-6 Nil Nil Nil ? 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil ? 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 Nil Nil Nil ? 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-8(x2)Snatch ImmuneNil L (8-9') 7 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 9270: Vale of 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil M (4-5' 7 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Nil Nil ? 9 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 Nil Spell-li Aura ofNil T (4-5')2-4 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
0 1 Nil Nil Nil T( 2') 6 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil S-M (3-8 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Nil Nil ? 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Nil SpecialNil S (2.5')15 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 1-6 Blood f Nil Nil S (2.5')10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-4 +2 to a Nil Nil T (1') 8 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1 Nil Nil Nil ? 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-8(x2)Grab p Slipper Nil L (16') 7 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 or 2 3-11 orDive/D Nil Nil S (3-4' 9 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Electri ElectricNil S (4') 10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-3 Electri ElectricNil T (2') 8 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1(x2)/1 Nil Nil Nil ? 6 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 Nil Nil 50% S (2') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-8 Nil Nil 50% S (2') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 1091: City of D2e
3 1-4(x2)Nil Spell I Nil ? 15 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 Nil Nil Nil ? 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1-2/-1- Trampl Nil Nil M (6') 7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Nil Nil ? 9 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-10 SpecialSpecial40% M (5') 13 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 3-30/4-Fiery r +3 to h 30% G 19 N/A N/A N/A 15000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 3-24 Dissol ImmuneStandaS-L (5- N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
0 Nil Disinte Disinte Nil M (5') 20 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 3-12(x2Poison ImmunitNil M (7') 20 N/A N/A N/A 6000 Dragon 270 2e
2 or 1 1-6(x2 Razor Special10% M (6') 13 N/A N/A N/A 120 to MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1-6(x2 Razor Special10% M (6') 13 N/A N/A N/A 120 to TSR 2607: Planes 2e
2 3-6(x2)HurlingSpecialSpecialM (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 8-48 Firetou SpecialNil G (30') 15 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-8 Blindin Nil StandaS (4') N/A Nil Nil III 130+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-8 Blindin ImmuneNil S (4') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-6 From r TeleporStandaM (3') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-4(x2)Nil Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil I 20+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1 Blood dNil Nil Varies N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 per DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 2-20 SurprisNil Nil S (4') 14 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
2-12 (11-8 + bBlood dVulneraNil G (600+20 N/A N/A N/A 1000 ( MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1-4, 2- SpecialSpecialNil StandaSpecialN/A Nil Nil VI 800+35MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 per 1-6 + s Blood dThorns Nil L (10') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 175 to PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 per 5 1-3 StrengtHalf d Nil L-G (4' 11-12 Nil Nil N/A 50 TSR 2418: The Ivor2e
1 1-8 + bNil Nil StandaL (20') N/A Nil Nil IV 225+6 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-3/2-7Gaze; CNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil V 350+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 3-18 Nil Nil StandaL (5') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 2-8(x2)Nil Nil StandaM (2.5' N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 3-12 Nil Nil StandaM (3') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 By weaDeath SpecialSpecialM N/A Nil Nil VII 1950+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 By weaDeath +1 to h Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 5500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 By weaDeath +1 to h Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 5000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
5 1-3(x4)Impale Nil Nil M (5-7' 11 N/A N/A N/A 420 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 2-12 SpecialSpecialSpecialS(2'+) N/A Nil Nil VI 625+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-4(x3)Rear c Fire re Nil S (3') 7 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-4(x3)Rear clSpecialStandaS N/A Nil Nil IV 170+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-3 SpecialPhase s20% M (4-5' 13 N/A N/A N/A 270 TSR 9278: Otherla 2e
1 1-8 KnockdImmuneNil H (15'+13-14 Nil Nil N/A 8000 TSR 1162: Return t 2e
2 1-4(x2)ConstriSpell i Nil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 270 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
2 1-8/1-4Nil Nil StandaM (5') N/A Nil Nil III 60+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-8/1-4Nil Nil Nil M (5') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 120 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
2 or 1 3-6(x2)HarpooNil Nil L (8') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 1-6(x2)SurprisImmuneStandaL (12') N/A Nil Nil VI 900+12MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecial10% S N/A Nil Nil I 9+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
Nil Nil Nil Invisibi 20% T (1') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecialStandaS N/A Nil Nil I 7+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 Special+1 to hiNil T (2') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 2-5 (1/ SpecialNil StandaS-M N/A Nil Nil I 5+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-6 Haunti SpecialNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 975 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 SpecialSpecialSpecialNil T (8") 9 N/A N/A N/A 975 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-10 Spells Spells Nil L (10') 14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
Nil Nil PsionicNil StandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
Nil Nil PsionicPsionc Nil T (3") 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 1-4/tho Nil Nil Nil S-M (2-None N/A N/A N/A Nil DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
Special1 hp/th Nil SpecialNil G (50'+None N/A N/A N/A 15 per DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 By weaPsioni +1 or mNil H (15') 18 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 2-12(x2Acidic +1 blunt25% (0L (6-7') 16 Nil Nil N/A 7000 TSR 3117: Book of 2e
1 1-6 or SpecialRegeneNil M (4-7' 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 175 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-8 SpecialRegeneNil M (4-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 or SpecialRegeneNil M (4-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 420 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-6 SpecialRegeneNil M (4-7' 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Spells Save asAs abo S (1.5')N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-2 Spells Save asNil T (2') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecial10% T (2') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-2 or Spells Save asNil T (2') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecial20% T (<1') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 By weaSpells; Invisib Nil T (2') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-3/1- SpecialSpecialNil T (2') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
2 7-12(x2SpecialSpecial25% M (5-6' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecial10% S(2'+) N/A Nil Nil III 65+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 1-8(x2)ChargeHead i StandaL (5') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 or SurprisNil StandaL (7'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 surpri Nil Nil L (7') 11-13 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 surpri Nil Nil L (7') 11-13 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 surpri Nil Nil L (7') 11-13 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 surpri Magic Nil L (7') 11-13 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 4-48/3-8' jumpNil StandaL (9.5') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 4-48/3-8' jumpNil Nil L (9' ta 11 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 + spe2-12/3-LaunchCamoufNil M (5-6' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
2 1-6(x2)ChargeNil StandaL (5') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 or 1 1-2(x2)Hop CamoufStandaS-M N/A Nil Nil I to III 18+1 t FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 or 1 1-2(x2)Hop CamoufNil S to M 10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil StandaM (6') N/A Nil Nil III 90+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-6 Roar; SNil Nil M (6') 10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)Trampl Time s 20% L 14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
3 1-6(x2)Trampl Time s 20% L (6') 14 Nil Nil N/A 1400 TSR 2615: Planes of2e
1 2-8 Nil ImmuniNil T (6-125-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 2-20 Searing+2 to h 40% M (6') 17-18 Nil Nil N/A 12000 TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
1 per f SpecialHeat raNil Nil G (50'+Nil N/A N/A N/A 270 perDS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 1-10(x2Shape Special25% M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 4000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
3 1-4(x2)Nil Nil Nil M (5-6' 10 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 1-6(x2)SpecialNil Nil M (7') 10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
Nil Nil Despai SpecialSpecialM (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 0 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-8 Poison Special45% T (6"0 2 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3 1-3(x2)Secret SpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 2-12 TelekinTelekinNil M (5') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 1-4 Keening+3 to hi35% M (3-4' 11 Nil Nil N/A 6000 TSR 3117: Book of 2e
10 or 1 1-3 or Poison Nil Nil S (3') 13 N/A N/A N/A 1400 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2-5 1-3 Impale Nil Nil T (1') N/A N/A N/A N/A 65 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 per 1-3 Blood dCamoufNil M (6') N/A N/A N/A N/A 975 to DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialNil Special20 750 All/All N/A SpecialTSR 2432: City by t 2e
1 1-4 Spittin Nil Nil L (8') 12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-4 Spittin Nil Nil L (8') 12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-4 Spittin Nil Nil L (8') 3 N/A N/A N/A 75 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
3 1-4/1-6Spittin Nil Nil L (8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 95 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-4 Spittin Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 1-8/2-1Trampl Spells 10% G (30') 15 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1 Spores;SurprisNil T-S (3" 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-8 Kick Nil Nil L (9') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 (L MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
8 SpecialSpell ImmuneNil L (7-9') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 650 to MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 1-2 SpecialSpecialNil S (1') 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
Nil Nil Nil SpecialStandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil I 14+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
8 ParalysParalysNil StandaL (9') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
8 or 1 SpecialParalysNil Nil L (9') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 5- 1-6 or Paraly Nil Nil T (1') 9-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1 ParalysSpecialNil T (0.5-220 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1 ParalysSpecialNil T (6" to19-20 N/A N/A N/A 975 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 2-8 Nil SpecialSave a M (7') N/A Nil Nil V 280 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-3(x2)Rake SpecialNil S (3') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 1-4(x2)DiseaseNil Nil S (4') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 650 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-2(x3)DiseaseNil Nil T (18-2SpecialN/A N/A N/A 120 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 1-2/1 Rake 1SpecialNil T (1') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
2 1-2/1 Rear clSpecialStandaS N/A Nil Nil I 5+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecial20% S N/A Nil Nil IV 135+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-2(x2)Magic Magic Nil T (1') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 1-6(x2)SurprisTelepor10% M (4') 15 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-2(x2)Rear CSurprisNil M (4-4.8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x3)Rear CSpecialNil M (4.5' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-3(x2)Rear CSurprisNil L (5-6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-3(x2)Rear CSurprisNil M (4-4.8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Rear CSurprisNil M (4.5-8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-3(x2)Rear CSurprisNil M (4-5' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Rear CSurprisNil L (4.5-68-10 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-5(x2)Rear CSurprisNil L (8-128-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)Rear clNever Nil L (7-108-10 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 2-5(x2)Rear CSurprisNil L (6-9') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecialNil T (1') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 1(x2)/1 Rear c SurprisNil S (2') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 (L MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-2(x2)Spirit Nil 25% T (1') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 1-4(x2)Leap; Move siNil L (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 TSR 9452: Ravenlof2e
5 1-3(x2)PsionicPsionicNil M (4') 9 N/A N/A N/A 270 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
5 1-3(x2)PsionicPsionicNil M (5-7' 9 N/A N/A N/A 420 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
3 1-4/1-3Real cl SurprisNil S (2-3' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 1-2(x2)Cling Spell i Nil T (1') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 65 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 1-2(x2)Rake 1SpecialNil T (1') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x2)Magic Magic Nil T (1') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x3)Rear CSpecialNil T (1-2')8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-8(x2)Rear clNil Nil L (6') 16 N/A N/A N/A 6000 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
3 1-2(x3)Rear CSpecialNil T (1-2')8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 1-2(x3)Rear clSpecialStandaS N/A Nil Nil I 10+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-4(x2)Rear cl-2 bonuNil L (6-7') 8-10 Nil Nil N/A 975 TSR 1091: City of D2e
3 1-4(x2)Rear cl-2 bonuNil L (6-7') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 1(x2)/1 Rear cl-2 bonuNil T (1-2')8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 1(x2)/1 Rear cl-2 bonuNil T (1-2')8-10 Nil Nil N/A 175 TSR 1091: City of D2e
3 1-2(x2)Nil ImmuneNil T (2') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 7-12(x2SpecialSpecial90% M N/A Nil Nil X 13900 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-4(x2)ScreechSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 170+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3+ 1-4(x2)Screec Haste Nil M (5') 12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 3-12 Poison SpecialStandaL (16-2N/A Nil Nil VI 650+12MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-6 + s Gaze cNil StandaL (6') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-6+st Gaze Nil Nil L (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Stamp Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
Nil Nil Jump; Nil StandaS-M N/A Nil Nil I 20+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 2-8(x2)AdhesivSpecialNil M (7') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
2 2-8(x2)AdhesivSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil III 85+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 2-8x2 AdhesivSpecialNil M (7') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 SurprisWithdraStandaM N/A Nil Nil III 130+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 1-6(x2)HumanNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-6(x2 Nil Nil Nil L (8-9') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2 Missil Nil Nil M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 120 to MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
3 1-6(x2 Nil Nil Nil L (8-9') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2 +1 wit Nil Nil L (8-9') 13-14 Nil Nil N/A 420 TSR 1055: The Hor2e
3 1-6(x2 Magic Magic Nil L (8-9') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2 Nil Nil Nil L (8-9') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1-6(x2 Nil +4 to s Nil L (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-6 (b Rear ki+4 to s Nil M (5'+) 12 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-3 +3 with+2 saveNil M (4.5-11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 or 3 1-4(x2 +1 wit Nil Nil L (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 Nil Poison Nil StandaS (1'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 Nil Poison Nil Nil T (1') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 Nil Poison Nil StandaS (6") N/A Nil Nil II 31 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 Nil Poison Nil Nil T (6") 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Poison Nil StandaM (5') N/A Nil Nil III 125+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-3 Poison Nil Nil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Fog cl Nil 25% S (4') 10 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1 Fog cl Nil 10% T (6") 5 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-2 Fog cl Nil 15% T (1') 8 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 2-8 Lungin Nil Nil G (25') 12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 0 Infesta Not ha StandaS (<1") N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-3(x3)SpecialSpecial30% M (5-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 TSR 1066: Maztica 2e
1 1-4 or Spells Nil 10% S (2-4' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 TSR 3140: Bloods 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 TSR 3140: Bloods 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil S (2-4' 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 7 TSR 3140: Bloods 2e
1 1-6 Varies ImmuneNil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 35 or TSR 1163: The Sha2e
2 1-3(x2)CorporeNil 20% M (5-7' 19 Nil Nil N/A 2000 + TSR 2603: Planes 2e
3 1-4(x2)Tether CamoufNil M (6') 8 N/A N/A N/A 2000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-4 or Nil Nil StandaS (1-2' 10 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
3 1-2(x2)Rear clSurprisStandaM N/A Nil Nil III 65+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-6(x2)Summon +1 or siNil L (5-8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-8(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-7' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
6 1-3(x2)Breath Nil StandaL (4') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
6 1-3(x2)Breath Nil Nil L (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
5 1-3(x2)Breath Nil Nil L (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x3)Web tr Nil Nil S (4') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 1-6(x3)WebbinNil StandaS (4') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
8 (or m1-4 StranguSpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil IX 7600+3MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 StranguNil Nil S (3.5')7 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 or 2 1-4(x2)Poison Nil Nil M 18 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 1-8(x2)Discopo+4 to h 95% M (6') 14 N/A N/A N/A 8000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 2-12(x2Breath Immune???? L (8') ???? N/A N/A N/A ???? Dungeon 76 2e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecialNil G (50') Nil N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-12 AbsorpSpecial40% Special10 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Special+1 to hi20% M (5') 12 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-12 Nil ReduceStandaM N/A Nil Nil VII 1350+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-12(x2Crush; Spider 20% H (13') 14 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 1-12(x2SpecialNil 20% H (13') 14 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
2 2-12 Stun Nil Nil H (15') 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 2-12 Stun Nil Nil H (15') 13 40 -/M N/A 420 TSR 2418: The Ivor2e
1 1-4 BleedinNil Nil S (3') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialRegeneNil G (40'+15 N/A N/A N/A 10000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 ram 1-10 SurprisNil Nil M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
SpecialSpecialEntrap Nil Nil M (6') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
2 + spe1-6(x2)SpecialSpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil V 350+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 + spe1-6(x2)SpecialSpecialNil L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 + spe2-12/2-SpecialSpecial30% H (12'+17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 1083: Menzob 2e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecialNil M (7') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 + spe1-6(x2)Envelo Nil Nil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
2 1-6(x2)Constit SpecialNil M (7') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
2 1-6(x2)Level dSpecialNil M (7') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-20 Disinte Special90% S (2') 20 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-20 Disinte Special90% S (2') 20 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-4 Nil Special10% S (2') 20 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Nil Special10% S (2') 20 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-8 Steam Special30% S (2') 20 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-8 Steam Special30% S (2') 20 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-10 Lightni Special50% S (2') 20 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-10 Lightni Special50% S (2') 20 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-12 Lightni Special70% S (2') 20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-12 Lightni Special70% S (2') 20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-6 Spring Special20% S (2') 20 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Spring Special20% S (2') 20 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
2 By weaSpecialSpecialNil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 650 or MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 5-50 orSwallo PsionicNil G (100'14 N/A N/A N/A 19000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
3 1-6(x2)Nil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil I 20+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-3 Touch tNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-3 Petrific Nil Nil S (3') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Gate ImmuneNil S (3') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 or Nil +1 to hiStandaM N/A Nil Nil II 36+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-6 or Nil +1 to h Nil M (4-7' 9 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-6 or Nil +1 to hiNil M (4-7' 9 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 4-40 Illusio Immune25% G (30') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 17000 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
1/2 50-100 StunninNil Nil G (60') 6 N/A N/A N/A 27000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 3-30 Fear SpecialSpecialH (18') 19-20 Nil Nil N/A 18000 TSR 9274: Old Emp2e
2 1-6(x2)Nil SpecialNil T-L (1- 11 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 SpecialSpecialNil Nil G (1-1019-20 N/A N/A N/A N/A MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3 or 5 2-20(x3SpecialSpells 50% L (12') 18 N/A N/A N/A 13000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 1-4 Laugh Special20% M (5') 11 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 7-10 OverbeCamoufStandaM N/A Nil Nil III 110+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 Nil PsionicPsionicNil S (2') Nil N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-4 pe Nil Razor Nil L to H 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Special+1 to h Nil M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
2 1-3/2-8Poison BecomeStandaM (12') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 1-3/2-8Poison Ethere Nil L (12') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-8(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (4'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 1-4(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (9') N/A Nil Nil II 35+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-6(x2)Nil Nil Nil M-L (7-11-12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 1-6(x2)Nil Nil Nil M-L (7-11-12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-10 Nil Nil StandaM (7') N/A Nil Nil II 35+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 (ar Nil SpecialSpecialT (6") 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-12(x2Nil Nil StandaL (8'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-4 Blood Half d Nil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 270 TSR 1163: The Sha2e
1 3-30 SpecialSpecial100% M N/A Nil Nil IX 7050+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-2(x2)Nil +1 to hiNil T (1') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
2 2-8/1-1Nil Nil StandaL (8-15N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 2-8/1-1SurprisNil Nil L (8-159 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-8/1-6SurprisSpecialNil M (4-5' 11 N/A N/A N/A 420 Dragon 238 2e
2 3-18/2 Nil Nil StandaL (21-3N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 3-18/2 SurprisNil Nil H (21-311 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-8/1- Nil Nil Nil L (8') 14 N/A N/A N/A 175 Dragon 268 2e
1 2-8 or Spells Spells Nil M (6-7' 14 N/A N/A N/A 270 to Dragon 268 2e
5 1-4(x2)Grappl Nil Nil L (10'+ 11 N/A N/A N/A 420 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
5 1-4(x2)Ram Nil Nil L (12'+ 11 N/A N/A N/A 2000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 1-6(x2)Animal Nil Nil M (5') 13 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 2-8x2 Nil SurprisNil L (8-1513 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-12(x2Nil SurprisNil L (8+') 13 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-4(x2 Nil ImmuneNil M (4-7' 20 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 1-4(x2 Nil Spell Nil M (4-7' 20 Nil Nil N/A 650 TSR 1091: City of D2e
1 1-8 SpecialSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil V 275+6 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-8 TeleporSpecialNil M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-8 TeleporSpecialNil M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 orCrystal SpecialStandaS (3.5')N/A 91-110 BC/F VI 825+10MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 4-16 SpecialSpecialSpecialM-L N/A Nil Nil IV 225+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-6 Light SpecialNil T (1') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-4 or Nil Nil Nil M SpecialN/A N/A N/A 70 TSR 2417: Black F 2e
1 1-8 Deplete+1 to hi25% M (4-7' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 or as 1-4 or Rot gr Spell i 85% M (5-6' 10 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-4 or Nil Special85% M 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 to TSR 1109: City of 2e
3 1-8(x2)Fire br +1 or s Nil L (7') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 3140: Bloods 2e
1 By weaNil Nil StandaL (7.5') N/A Nil Nil III 90+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-8 or Nil SpecialNil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 75 to 9 TSR 2600: Planesc 2e
4 2-5(x2)Spells Regene25% M (4-6' 13 Nil Nil N/A 4270 TSR 3117: Book of 2e
1 2-8 + pGaze inNil 120% toM (6') N/A 300 All/All X 22200+MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
4 1-4(x2)SpecialSpecial100% toM (6') N/A 202-30 All/All IX 6950+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 2-8(x2)Special+2 to hi110% toM (6.5' N/A Nil Nil X 8100+2MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-8 Gaze inNil 80% to M (5') N/A Nil Nil VIII 5300+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
5 SpecialSpecialSpecial80% to L (8') N/A Nil Nil IX 5800+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 or 5 1-4(x2)EnergySpecial70% to L (10') N/A Nil Nil VIII 3450+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 2-12(x2SpecialSpecial60% to M (5') N/A Nil Nil V 455+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 13-22 SpecialSpecial75% to L (12') N/A Nil Nil X 7050+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 2-12(x2SpecialSpecial120% toL (9') N/A 326-36 All/All X 29555 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-10(x2Paralyz+2 to h 50% L (12') 20 Nil Nil N/A 21000 TSR 11372: Chaos 2e
1 2-12 PsionicNil Nil M (4-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A 1400 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 1-10(x2Nil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil I 20+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 3-18 SpecialSpecialStandaL (8-11N/A Nil Nil VII 1600+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 SpecialNil StandaS (4') N/A Nil Nil III 110+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-4 or SpecialSpecialNil S (4') 12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 1-12(x2Energy Special50% M 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 17000 Dragon Array ? 2e
1 1-6 SpecialSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 200+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-6 (b SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 or 3 1-4(x2)Rear clImmune25% M (4-5' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 2104: Forgott 2e
1 1-4 Fear; P+2 to h Nil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-4(x2)Level d+1 to hiNil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 7000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 1-4 ForeseeForese Nil M (6') 9 N/A N/A N/A 420 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav2e
1-6 1-6 perAbsorb+1 wea20% L (10') 11 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
5 or 2 1-6 or Charm;Sphere60% L to H 13 N/A N/A N/A 14000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
36 1-6, 1- Charm Hold an60% L-H (7- 13 Nil Nil N/A 14000 TSR 1060: Ruins of2e
6 1-2 + s Web; MShado 50% (1M (4') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 8000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 1-4(x2)Nil Nil Nil M (5') 11 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-2 ParalysNil Nil T (1-2')16 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 1-10(x2Diseas Nil StandaM (4') N/A Nil Nil III 105+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 By weaSpecialSpecial75% M N/A Nil Nil VIII 3700+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 By wea+3 to hiSpecial75% M (6-7' 17 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-3(x2)Special+1 or siNil L (8') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 per 1-4 Spit se Immune10% H (15-219-20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-4 Induce Nil Nil S (2') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
9 1-6(x9)Nil Nil Nil M (4') 13 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 2-8(x2)Rear clDarkneNil L (8') 15 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
6 3-12x3 SpecialSpecial77% H (14') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 Nil CamoufNil S (1') 3 N/A N/A N/A 35 Dragon 269 2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil Nil L (9') 9 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 or 2 1-8 or Song Plane sNil L (8') 13-14 Nil Nil N/A 1400 TSR 2615: Planes of2e
1 1-8 Magic m Spell c 90% M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialM N/A SpecialSpecialIX 5950+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 2-7(x2)SpecialSpecial11-20 M (7') N/A Nil Nil VII 2850+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 2-8(x2)SpecialSpecial26-37 M (6.5' N/A Nil Nil IX 3959+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 2-9(x2)SpecialSpecial41-60 M (6') N/A Nil Nil IX 5250+2MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 All spe Special+2 to hi95% L (18') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 4-40 Special+2 to hi65% L (9') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 4-16/b SpecialSpecial70% L N/A 266 All/All X 12470 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 2-12/5 Special+2 to hi75% L (12') N/A Nil Nil X 45000 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 and SpecialSpecialSpecial70% anL (18') N/A 233 All/All X 50000 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 or 4 By weaSpecial+2 to hi70% L (8') N/A 266 All/All X 60000 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 By weaSpecialSpecial60% M (7') N/A 230 All/All X 42500 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 By weaSpecial+2 to hi90% M (7') N/A 255 All/immX 65000 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 2-8(x2)SpecialSpecial5-50% M (7') N/A Nil Nil VII to V1800+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-2(x2)Nil +1 to hiStandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 or 3 By weap SpecialSpecial50% M (7') N/A 140 ACE/F VII 2000+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-6(x2)SpecialSpecial45% M (5') N/A Nil Nil VII 1725+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 2-8(x2)SpecialSpecial40% M (7') N/A Nil Nil VIII 1275+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-4(x2)SpecialSpecial30% S (3-4' N/A Nil Nil IV 175+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 or 2 By weaSpecialSpecial40% M (5-7' N/A Nil Nil V 425+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 3-13/2 Special+3 to hi85% L (15') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 By weaSpecial+1 to hi30% M (5.5-N/A Individ Individ VIII or 3000+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 By weaSpecial+1 to hi25-40 M-L (6-N/A As humAs humVIII or 4409+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 By weaSpecialNil 5-20% M-L (6-N/A Nil Nil VII 1275+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 1-3(x2)Energy+1 to hi70% M (6') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
5 1-4(x2)SpecialSpecial50% L (8.5') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-3(x2)SpecialSpecial55% L (7'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
5 2-12(x2SpecialSpecial60% L (9.5') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-4(x2)+2 bonu+1 to hi65% L (10.5'N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
7 2-8/By Special+1 to hi80% L (7') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-13 Whip &+1 to hi75% L (12') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 (spec3-18 + Special+1 to hi80% L (12') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
Nil Nil Nil Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil Nil Nil FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 5-20 SpecialNil Nil L (10') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 10-21( SpecialSpecial65% M (7') N/A 210 ABCE/ X 10100+MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 7-16(x2SpecialSpecial60% M (6') N/A Nil Nil IX 8100+2MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial55% M (6.5' N/A Nil Nil IX 7850+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 Varies Mimicr MimicryNil M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial80% L (10') N/A 279 All/All X 30000 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial75% L (12') N/A 259 All/All X 32000 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial85% L (9') N/A 309 All/All X 49000 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 8-11(x2SpecialSpecial70% L (14.5'N/A 226 All/All X 42000 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 4-14 Special+3 to hi90% L (13.5'N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-12 + Special+3 to hi85% L (12') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
SpecialSpecialSpecial+2 to hi80% M (7') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 3-18(x2Special+2 to hi75% L (10') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 3-12/B SpecialSpecial70% L (9') N/A 229 All/All X 30000 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial70% L (8') N/A 206 All/All X 35000 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial65% L (13.5'N/A 275 All/All X 30000 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial75% M (5.5' N/A 239 All/All X 29000 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
4 or 1 1-4(x2)Special+1 to hi50% L (9') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
4 1-4(x2)Special+2 to hi55% L (10.5'N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 5-8/7-1Special+2 to hi65% L (12') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 Special+1 to hi50% M N/A 121 BD/FG VII 1275+8FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 or 1 By weaNil RegeneStandaM N/A Nil Nil I 18+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 or 2 By weaSpecialSpecial25% S (3') N/A Nil Nil IV 240+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-3 Nil SpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 5-14 SpecialSpecial35% L (8') N/A Nil Nil VI 855+10MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 5-10 SpecialSpecial20% M (5') N/A Nil Nil VI 550+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 4-10 SpecialSpecial25% M (6') N/A Nil Nil VI 550+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 2-5(x2)SpecialSpecial40% S (4') N/A Nil Nil V 320+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 4-9(x2)SpecialSpecial30% M (7') N/A Nil Nil VI 650+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 2-8(x2)SpecialSpecial35% M (7') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 or 3 1-8/1-2SpecialSpecial45% M (6.5' N/A Nil Nil VII 1125+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 3-12 SpecialSpecial40% L (9.5') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 SpecialSpecial30% M (6') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial60% L (9') N/A 206 All/All X 20000 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-8 Throat Nil StandaM (3') N/A Nil Nil V 350+6 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-8 or EnchanIllusion 15% L (7'+) 16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
1 2-12 Level drHit poi 45% L (8') 17 N/A N/A N/A 13000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 By weaConfus+1 to h Nil M 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 475 or TSR 9529: A Guide 2e
1 SpecialIllusion SpecialNil M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 + DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
6 or 1 1-4(x6)Nil EthereaNil H (30') 14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
2 3-24(x2Spells +1 to h 60% H (20') 20 N/A N/A N/A 32000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 4-16 Engulf; ImmuneNil L (8') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 7000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 By weapPoison Nil 100% M (6') 10 N/A N/A N/A Varies MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 2-8(x2)Spells Spells 30% M (5') 8-10 Nil Nil N/A 4000 TSR 2615: Planes of2e
1 1-12 Spells Spells 30% L (8') 5-7 Nil Nil N/A 2000 TSR 2615: Planes of2e
1 or 2 1-12 orSpecialSpecial30% M-L N/A Nil Nil VII 1300+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-3(X2)SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 14 N/A N/A N/A 3500 t MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 1-4(x2)Nil Nil Nil G (40') 12 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil StandaL (30'+ N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-4 Nil Climbi StandaM (7')` N/A Nil Nil I 20+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 3-18 Nil Nil Nil H (15') 13 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-18 Nil Nil StandaL (15'+ N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-4(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (30') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 3-18 Nil Nil StandaL (70') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 3-12 Nil Nil Nil L (12') 11 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 5-20 Swallo Nil Nil H (25'+11 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 4-32 Nil Nil Nil G (50') 11 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 5-20 Frenzy Nil Nil L (10'+ 10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 3-12 Flipper Nil Nil H (18'+10 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 5-20 Frenzy Nil Nil G (30') 12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 3-12 Nil Nil StandaL (12') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 5-20 Nil Nil StandaL (60') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 1-6/3-1Crush (Nil Nil G (70') 12 N/A N/A N/A 22000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 3-12 Nil Nil StandaL (50') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
0 0 Nil Nil StandaS-L N/A Nil Nil I 5+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-6(x2)Nil Nil Nil H (17') 10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-6(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (17') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 3-18 Nil Nil StandaL (60') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-3 SurprisNil Nil T (1.5') 8 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-3 SurprisNil StandaS (1.5')N/A Nil Nil I 5+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-16 Nil SpecialStandaL (15') N/A Nil Nil VI 900+14MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-2(x2)GuttingNil StandaL (12') N/A Nil Nil III 130+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-3(x2)Nil Nil Nil L (12') 11 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-12(x2Nil Nil StandaL (20') N/A Nil Nil VI 600+12MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 6-15 ( Nil Nil Nil L (9') 11 N/A N/A N/A 65 to 1 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 6-15 Nil Nil StandaL (9') N/A Nil Nil III 65+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 5-20 Nil Nil StandaL (25'+ N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 3-18 Nil Nil StandaL (80') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 3-18 Nil Nil Nil G (80') 12 N/A N/A N/A 16000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 4-24 Nil Nil StandaL (50') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 4-24 Nil Nil Nil G (50') 12 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-5 Nil Nil Nil S (3') 8 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-5 Nil Nil StandaS(3') N/A Nil Nil I 20+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-3(x2)Nil Nil Nil G (30') 11 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-3(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (30'+ N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
3 1-3(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (30') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 6-15 Nil Nil Nil L (9') 11 N/A N/A N/A 65 to 1 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 4-16 Nil Nil StandaL (16') N/A Nil Nil VII 2000+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-12 Nil Nil StandaL (20'+ N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 2-12 Nil Nil Nil H (20') 12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-16 SpecialNil StandaL (80') N/A Nil Nil VII 3000+2MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 3-12 Nil Nil StandaL (18'+ N/A Nil Nil IV 225+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 3-18 Nil Nil StandaL (25') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 2-5 Nil Nil Nil S (3') 8 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-16 Nil Nil StandaL (18') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 4-32 Nil Nil StandaL (50') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 and 5-30 anNil Nil StandaL (60'+ N/A Nil Nil VII 1800+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-8 Nil Nil StandaM (6.5' N/A Nil Nil I 20+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-12 Nil Nil StandaL (20') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
3 1-6/1-1Nil Nil StandaL (20'+ N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
3 1-4(x2)SpecialNil StandaL (10') N/A Nil Nil VI 600+10MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil H (20'+10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
Nil Nil Nil Nil StandaL (20'+ N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 5-20 Nil Nil StandaL (50'+ N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
3 1(x2)/2 Nil Nil StandaS (10') N/A Nil Nil III 35+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-8 Nil Nil StandaL (30') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 2-8 Nil Nil Nil L (30') 9 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 Diving Nil StandaL (50') N/A Nil Nil V 350+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 5-20 Nil Nil StandaL (25') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 5-20 Nil Nil Nil H (25') 13 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Nil Nil H (16'+10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (16') N/A Nil Nil IV 225+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-16 Nil Nil StandaL (18') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 5-12 ( SurprisNil Nil H (30-410 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 5-12 SurprisNil StandaL (31-4N/A Nil Nil V 373+10MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 and 5-20 a Nil Nil StandaL (30'+ N/A Nil Nil VII 1500+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-3(x2)Nil Nil Nil H (20') 11 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-3(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (20') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil G (30'+11 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-8/1- Nil Nil Nil H (24'+13 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-8/1-1Nil Nil StandaL (24'+ N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
3 1-6(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (50') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
3 1-6(x2)Nil Nil Nil G (50') 12 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-6(x2)Nil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil I 20+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 SpecialDisenc +1 to hiStandaM (5') N/A Nil Nil IV 205+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 Nil Drains +1 to hiNil L (5') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 2-8(x2)Pain Fire ReNil M (6-7' 15 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
2 2-8(x2)Nil -2 on o Save asL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 2-8x2 Nil -2 to o Nil L (8-1213-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Depres+1 to hiNil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 3140: Bloods 2e
1 7-16 Spiked Dimens20% L (8') 20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 2-16 SpecialNil StandaL (10.5'N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 1-8(x2)SpecialSpecial70% M (5') 15 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-6 Attack TeleporNil M (4') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Nil Nil Nil M (4-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 TSR 3140: Bloods 2e
3 1-3(x3)Nil Nil Nil M (6') 15 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 1-10(x2Diseas Nil Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 Bay, H Shadowy 25% M (3') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)Nil +1 to hi15% L (7') 20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-6 PsionicPsionic15% S (3') 13-14 100 EW,PBN/A 975 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 1-8 OverbeNil Nil S (3') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-8 Fear +1 to hi5% M 14 N/A N/A N/A 270 TSR 9487: Giantcra2e
3 3-12(x2SpecialSpecialNil L (7') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 4000 TSR 9295: Wonders2e
1 1-8 Haste Timesli10% M (3-4' 10 N/A N/A N/A 375 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 2-12 Nil Nil Nil M (4-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 TSR 3140: Bloods 2e
1 2-8 Nil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 Nil Nil Nil M (4-6' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 3-8(x2)SpecialSpecialNil Varies 15-16 Nil Nil N/A 650 TSR 9289: Falconm2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil S (3') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil S (4') 7 N/A N/A N/A 65 to MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 2-8 Nil Save asStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 Nil Save asNil M (5-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-10 Nil Save asNil M (5-6' 13 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-8 (B Nil SpecialNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
2 1-6/1-4Shriek Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil V 400+7 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-12 SurprisSpecialSpecialM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-12 SurprisSpecialSpecialM 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-12(x2SpecialSpecialSpecialM-L 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 1-12(x2SpecialSpecialSpecialM-L 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 4000 TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 1-12 o SurprisSpecialSpecialM (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 0 Mind b SpecialNil G (10' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 25000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A Varies RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
6 1-3(x2)Breath ImmuneNil L (5') 13-14 Nil Nil N/A 9000 t CD (TSR 9547: Cult2e
4-7 + s 1-8(x2)SpecialSpecialVariabl G (45' 11-12 Nil Nil N/A 1400 t CD (TSR 9547: Cult2e
3 + speAs bas Breath +1 to h As bas As bas 19-20 Nil Nil N/A As bas CD (TSR 9547: Cult2e
As per As per Breath Spell I SpecialAs per 19 N/A N/A N/A As per MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)Breath Nil StandaL (15-2N/A Nil Nil VII 2200+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 or 1 1-4(x2 Nil Nil Nil L (10-110 Nil Nil N/A 270 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
2 or 1 3-10(x2Spells +4 bon 30% M (7') 15 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1-4(x2 Nil Nil 20% M (5.5' 13 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1-4(x2 Spells +2 bon 20% M (6'+) 13 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Poison Nil 20% M (6') 13 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1-4(x2 +1 to h Nil Nil M (4-5' ???? N/A N/A N/A 100 TSR 9275: Dragon 2e
3 or 1 1-6(x2)Nil +2 bon 20% L (9') 14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1-6(x2 Nil Nil Nil M (5-6' SpecialN/A N/A N/A 120 to MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 3-12 Swallo ImmuneNil L (8-1220 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t TSR 9575: City of R2e
3 + Spe1-12(X Special+1 to hiSpecialG (54' 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 19000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 + spe1-8(x2)Tongue;Varies Varies H (25'+16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
6 3-60(x4Spells Immorta95% G (50') 17 N/A N/A N/A 40000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Nil Immort Nil M (5') 12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 2-20(x2Breath SpecialVaries G (40') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A Varies TSR 2408: Dragon 2e
3 1-4(x2)Breath Nil StandaL (30') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-6(x2)Breath Nil StandaL (42') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-4(x2)Breath Nil StandaL (30') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 + spe4-40 Breath SpecialSpecialH (26' 15 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-6(x2)Breath Nil StandaL (42') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 + spe1-4(x2)SpecialVaries SpecialG (54') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-4(x2)SpecialVaries SpecialG (54' 17-18 Nil Nil N/A 1400 t TSR 9274: Old Emp2e
3 + spe1-10(x2Breath SpecialVaries G (40' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 22000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-6(x2)SpecialVaries Varies G (30') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 4000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-8(x2)SpecialVaries Varies G (42') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 6000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-8(x2)SpecialVaries Varies G (36') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-10(x2SpecialVaries Varies G (48') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 7000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-6(x2)SpecialVaries Varies H (24') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
6 2-16/3-Breath Nil StandaL (60') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 + spe1-10(x2SpecialVaries Varies G (66') 17 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
4 1-10(x2Breath Magic StandaL (66') N/A Nil Nil X 6100+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 + spe1-10(x2SpecialVaries Varies G (66') 17 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Breath Nil StandaL (36') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 + spe1-8(x2)Varies Varies Varies G (100'17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-12(x2Varies Varies Varies G (40' 18 N/A N/A N/A 5000 t MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 + spe3-12x2 SpecialVaries Varies H (24') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 + spe3-12x2 SpecialVaries Varies H (24') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-20(x2SpecialSpecial40% G (30') 20 330 All/All N/A 38000 TSR 2432: City by t 2e
3 plus 1-4(x2)SpecialSpecialSpecialG (36' 19 (basN/A N/A N/A 2000 t MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 9-16(x2Tail sl Spells; 35% G (78') 17 N/A N/A N/A 20000 TSR 9575: City of R2e
4 2-8(x2)SpecialSpecialSpecialG (36' 17 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 + spe1-10(x2SpecialVaries Varies G (30' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
3 1-10(x2Varies Varies Varies G (30') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 4000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-6(x2)SpecialVaries Varies L (12' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
3 + spe1-6(x2)Varies Varies Varies L (12') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-8(x2)SpecialVaries Varies H (20' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
3 1-8(x2)Varies Varies Varies H (20') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-8(x2)SpecialVaries Varies H (24' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
3 1-8(x2)Varies Varies Varies G (24') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe2-7(x2)SpecialVaries Varies H (15' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
3 2-7(x2)Varies Varies Varies H (15') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
4 11-20( Breath +3 to h Nil G (40-1SpecialNil Nil N/A 10500 CD (TSR 9547: Cult2e
4 11-20( SpecialSpecialSpecialG (40-1SpecialN/A N/A N/A 10500 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 1-8(x2)Breath Nil StandaL (54') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-6(x2)Breath Nil StandaL (36') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 + spe1-10(x2SpecialVaries Varies H (25') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialNil M (6.5' 11 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-8(x2)Varies Varies Varies G (35' 18 N/A N/A N/A 5000 t MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-2(x2)Breath TeleporNil S (3') 13 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
As bas As bas Spells; Spell i As bas As bas 20 Nil Nil N/A Varies CD (TSR 9547: Cult2e
As bas As bas Spells; Spell i As bas As bas 20 Nil Nil N/A Varies CD (TSR 9547: Cult2e
3 plus 3-36(x2Spells; +1 to hi50% G (330'19 N/A N/A N/A 35000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 plus 5-50(x2Spells +1 to hiSpecialG (68' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 13000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 plus 3-18(x2Spells SpecialSpecialG (40' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 14000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 plus 2-16 Spells; Spells SpecialH-G (2115-16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 plus 3-30/4 Spells Spells SpecialG (48' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 6000 t MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
4 plus 4-24(x2Spells; Spells SpecialH-G (1819-20 N/A N/A N/A 7000 t MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
4 plus 1-10(x2Spells Spells SpecialH (48' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 8000 t MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
4 plus 3-30(x2Spells; +2 to hi70% G (500'19 N/A N/A N/A 31000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 plus 1-12(x2Spells SpecialSpecialH-G (2017-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 plus 3-30/2 Spells; Spells SpecialG (48' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 5000 t MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 + spe3-24/3-SpecialVaries Varies G (30' 17 N/A N/A N/A 10000 TSR 9333: Fires of 2e
3 + spe2-8x2/ SpecialVaries Varies H (25') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-6(x2)SpecialVaries Varies G (30') 17 N/A N/A N/A 4000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-8(x2)SpecialVaries Varies G (42') 17 N/A N/A N/A 6000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-6(x2)SpecialVaries Varies G (36') 16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-10(x2SpecialVaries Varies G (54') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 8000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-8(x2)SpecialVaries Varies G (48') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 7000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + spe2-5(x2)SpecialVaries Nil or G (54') 16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
4 1-4(x2)Breath Magic StandaL (51') N/A Nil Nil VIII 3450+5MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 + spe2-5(x2)SpecialVaries Nil or G (54') 16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 + Spe1-4(x2)SpecialVaries Varies G (25' 15 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3 + spe1-6(x2)Breath Spells; SpecialH-G (2017-18 N/A N/A N/A 8000 t MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 plus 1-6(x2)Breath Spells; SpecialH-G (1817-18 N/A N/A N/A 7000 t MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 plus 2-7(x2)Spells; Spells; SpecialH-G (1617-18 N/A N/A N/A 7000 t MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 + spe2-7(x2)Breath Spells, Varies H to G 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 8000 t MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
3 plus 2-5(x2)Spells; Spells; SpecialH-G (1416-17 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 2-8(x2)Varies Varies Varies G (30' 18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 2-8(x2)Spells Nil StandaL (18') N/A Nil Nil VI to VI575+8 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-12(x2Breath Nil StandaL (30') N/A Nil Nil VIII to 4550+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-3(x2)ConstriNil StandaL (54') N/A Nil Nil V to VI 475+6 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
4 1-4(x2)Spells SpecialStandaL (48') N/A Nil Nil VII 1400+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-6(x2)Breath Nil StandaL (48') N/A Nil Nil VIII to 4550+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-4(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (18') N/A Nil Nil III to V 130+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 2-12(x2Breath Nil StandaL (72') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 + spe2-7(x2)Breath Fear Varies G (30'+17-18 N/A N/A N/A 8000 t MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
3 + spe2-20(x2SpecialVaries Varies G (100'18 Nil Nil N/A 4000 t TSR 1049: Adventu2e
3 1-8(x2)Breath Nil StandaL (48') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-6(x2)Breath Varies Varies H-G (5015-16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-8(x2)Varies Varies Varies G (48' 18 N/A N/A N/A 4000 t MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 + spe1-8(x2)SpecialVaries Varies G (30' 17 N/A N/A N/A 4000 t TSR 2607: Planes 2e
3 + spe1-12(x2Breath Varies Varies G (35'+18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 + spe1-6(x2)SpecialVaries Varies H (21') 16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 t MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
3 2-5(x2)SpecialSpecial20% L (20-3N/A Nil Nil IV 245+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 + spe1-6(x2)SpecialVaries Varies H (21') 16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)Breath Nil StandaL (48') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 + spe1-10(x2SpecialVaries Varies H (25') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
SpecialVaries SpecialVaries Varies G (120019-20 N/A N/A N/A 54000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3 + Spe1-10(x2SpecialVaries Varies G (30' 16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 g MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3 1-4(x2)Breath Nil StandaL (24') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 + spe1-8(x2)SpecialVaries Varies G (36') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-8(x2)Breath;Special25% L (6') N/A Nil Nil VII 1275+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
4 + spe17-35(xBreath Special80% G (40') 20 N/A N/A N/A 42000 TSR 2400: Dark Su 2e
3 2-12(x2SpecialNil StandaL (30') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 2-12(x2Breath Nil Nil G (30') 17 N/A N/A N/A 10000- MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 Breath Invisibi 10-96 T (1-1.511 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Breath Nil Nil S (4') 9 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 + s Poison Chame35% T (1.5') 15 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Poison Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil III 65+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-6 Breath Nil Nil S (3-4' 10 N/A N/A N/A 275 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-6 Breath Nil Nil S (3-4' 10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 3-12 (4Initiat DartingNil M (6-8' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 3-12 (4+2 on inSpecialSave a M N/A Nil Nil VI 525+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 3-18 (4Surpri Nil Nil M (4-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 to MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-6 Breath Nil Nil S (3-4' 10 N/A N/A N/A 275 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-6 Breath Nil Nil S (3-4' 10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-6 Breath Nil Nil S (3-4' 10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-6(x2 Nil Nil Nil L (7-9') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 1-4(x2)Breath ImmuneVaries H to G 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1-6(x2 Nil Nil Nil L (7-9') 17-18 Nil Nil N/A 2000 CD (TSR 9547: Cult2e
1 2-12 orBreath Nil Nil L-H (7- 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 or 1 1-6(x2)Nil Nil Nil L (7-9') 15-16 Nil Nil N/A 1400 CD (TSR 9547: Cult2e
3 1-8(x2)Roar Nil StandaL (5') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-8(x2)Roar Nil Nil M (5') 15 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)Tail Sl Nil Nil H (24') 13 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
3 1-6(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (24'+ N/A Nil Nil VI 600+12MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
4 11-18(xBite/SwPsionicNil G (25'+19 N/A N/A N/A 34000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
4 13-24(xBite/SwPsionicNil G (30'+19 N/A N/A N/A 33000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
4 11-20(xBite/SwPsionicNil G (25'+19 N/A N/A N/A 28000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
4 11-18(xBite/SwPsionicNil H (20'+19 N/A N/A N/A 28000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
4 7-18(x2SwallowNil Nil G (60') 16 N/A N/A N/A 9000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Spell I Nil S (3-4' 12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-3(x2)Nil Spell I Nil L (8') 14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Spell I Nil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Spell I Nil M (3-5' 12 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 or 5 2-12(x2Swallo Nil Nil G (50') 15 N/A N/A N/A 7000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 5-50/2 SwallowSpecialNil G (70') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 7000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
6 8-18(x4SuffocaNil Nil G (80') 16 N/A N/A N/A 17000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
6 3-18(x2Earthqu+2 to h 60% G (56') 20 N/A N/A N/A 26000 Dungeon 24 2e
3 or b 1-6(x2)Nil Half daNil M (7') Varies N/A N/A N/A Varies DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 or b 1-6(x2)Nil Half daNil M (7') Varies N/A N/A N/A Varies TSR 2432: City by t 2e
1 1-4 or Nil SpecialNil S (4') 20 N/A N/A N/A 975 (V MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 3-10 o Nil Nil Nil M 18 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
4 or 2 1-6(x4 Swoop;+3 to hi15% M (6') 16 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Absorp+1 to hiNil S (4') 7 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 1-8(x2)Horror +2 to hiNil M (5') 13 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 SpecialSpecialSpecial90% M (7') 18 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 SpecialComa +1 to hiNil T (4") 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1 Poison +1 to hiNil T (6") 10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-10 or+1 bonuNil SpecialVaries 14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 3-12 Chill SpecialStandaM N/A SpecialSpecialVI 800+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 or Spells; Nil 15% L N/A Nil Nil VI 875+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 2-18/2 Ram Nil Nil G (36') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 9000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 2-12 o Magic Nil 30% H (18') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 9000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-4 Charm Special50% M N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-4 Charm Special50% M (5') 12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 SpecialSpecial75% M (5-5.11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-3 SpecialSpecial75% M (5-5.11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialNil SpecialSpecialN/A N/A N/A SpecialTSR 1109: City of 2e
3 2-5(x3)Wing s Nil Nil M 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 TSR 1109: City of 2e
2 1-4(x2)SurprisBurrowNil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 TSR 2400: Dark Su 2e
3 10-25(xSurprisNil 10% L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 4000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 10-25(xSurprisSpecial25% L (10') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 6000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
Varies Varies PsionicNil Nil M (7') 16 N/A N/A N/A Variabl DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 2-12 Kiss of +1 to hi30% M N/A Nil Nil V 400+6 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 2-12 Kiss of +1 to hi30% M (7') 14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialNil G (100'N/A N/A N/A N/A 19000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
3 1-10(x2SpecialSpecialSpecialG (75') 18 N/A N/A N/A 18000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 1-6(x2)SpecialSpecialSpecialG (60') 18 N/A N/A N/A 15000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 1-8(x2)SporesSpecialNil M (6') 15 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-8 + AIllusio Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil IV 165+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-8 or SpecialSave atAs abo S (4'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-8 SpecialSpecialSpecialS (2-3' 13 N/A N/A N/A Varies MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-8 (b SpecialSpecialSpecialS (2-3' 13 N/A N/A N/A Varies MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-2 or Nil SpecialNil S (4') 12-13 N/A N/A N/A 65 to DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 1-8(x2)Special+1 to hi15% M (4') 18 50 -/IF,MBN/A 1500 TSR 2432: City by t 2e
1 1-8 or SpecialSpecialSpecialS (4') 13 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 or 2 By weaSpecialSpecial30% S (4') N/A Individ Individ Variabl Variabl MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
1 or 2 By weaSpecialSpecial30% S (4') 12 N/A N/A N/A 975+ MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 2 By weaSpecialSpecial30% S (4') 12 Nil Nil N/A 975 an TSR 1064: From th 2e
1 or m By weaSpecialSave a StandaS (4') N/A 71-90 (BCD/F Variabl Variabl MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 By weaSpecialSave +Nil S (4') 13 N/A N/A N/A 420-14 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 2 1-4(x2 SpecialSpecialSpecialS (4') 7 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-8 SpecialSpecialSpecialS-M (4'13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 (w SpecialSpecialSpecialM (4-5' 13 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-8 SpecialSpecialSpecialM (4.5' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 (w SpecialSpecialSpecialM (4.5' 13 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 or 2 1-8 (w SpecialSpecialSpecialS (4') 12 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 3-12 Phase +2 to hi25% M (4-5' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 1-4 SpecialSpecial25% M (4.5' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 (L MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-6 (b Poison ImmuneNil S (3') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-8 (w SpecialSpecialSpecialS (3') 13 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
2 1-12(x2Special+2 to hiSpecialL (8') 17 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3 1-2(x3)SpecialSpecialStandaM (6') N/A Nil Nil III 35+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-6(x2)SpecialSpecialStandaM (20') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 SpecialNil Nil StandaS (1/2" N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
2 3-12(x2Magic Magical25% L (9') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 13000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
4 1-4 SpecialSpecialStandaM (8') N/A Nil Nil IV 165+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-8 Swallo Nil Nil L (12') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 ( MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-3 Jolt Nil StandaM (9') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 2-8, 3- Electri Electri StandaL (20-4N/A Nil Nil V 400+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
1 3-18 Nil Nil StandaM (20') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 (2) 2-8 or Jaw locImmuneNil L-H (8- 12 or 2 N/A N/A N/A 420 to MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1 Poison Nil StandaS (6') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 3-24 SpecialNil StandaL (12') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
0 0 Disinte Telepor25% T (6") N/A N/A N/A N/A 270 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 By weaVaries Varies 5% M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A Varies OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecial5% M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A Varies PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 or as Nil or PossesInvisib Nil L (10') 20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 or 2 3-18(x Spells +2 or c 40% M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 14000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 or 2 2-24(x Positiv +3 or co40% M (6') o19-20 N/A N/A N/A 19000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 14-20 Gaze +4 or c 50% M (7') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 27000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 or 2 1-10(x Whirlw Special35% M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 9000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 2-5 or Magic m Magic 10% S (2') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 650 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 2-16 o Drowni Dolphin20% M (5' or17-18 N/A N/A N/A 5000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
2 By weaGlanceMagic 25% M (7') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 11000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 2-20 Special+2 to hiStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 2-20 Special+2 to hiNil L to H 15-17 N/A N/A N/A 3000/7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 5-50 Whirlw +3 to hi50%/2 L to H 15-18 N/A N/A N/A 7000 t DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-6 to Special+1 to hiNil S-M (2-11-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 to DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 8-32 Special+1 to hiNil L (8') 14 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 0 SpecialSpecial50% M (4-5' 14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 or 1 2-8(x2)SuffocaSpecialNil L (10') 13 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-12(x2Spells SpecialNil L (9') 14 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 2-12(x2Fire; S SpecialNil M (5') 12 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-10 ConstriSpecialNil L (12') 13 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
Varies Varies SpecialSpecialVaries Varies 15-16 N/A N/A N/A Varies TSR 2408: Dragon 2e
1 2-16 Ice St +2 to hiNil G (50') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 6000-9 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-16 Fiery R+2 to hiNil G (50') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 6000-9 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-20(x2Sandst +2 to hi50% L (10') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 16000/ MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-16 Whirlwi+2 to hiNil G (50') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 6000-9 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 4-32 Special+2 to hiStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 4-32 Special+2 to hiNil L to H 15-17 N/A N/A N/A 2000/6 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 4-48 Earthq +3 to hi50%/2 L to H 15-18 N/A N/A N/A 6000 t DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-8 to Special+1 to hiNil S-M (2-11-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 to DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecial25% S (4') 10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-16 Nil SpecialNil L (10') 7 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 SmotheSpecialNil L (10'+ 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 3-24 Special+2 to hiStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 3-24 Special+2 to hiNil L to H 15-17 N/A N/A N/A 2000/6 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 4-40 Engulf +3 to hi50%/2 L to H 15-18 N/A N/A N/A 6000 t DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-6 to Flame +1 to hiNil S-M (2-11-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 to DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-4 FireburSpell i Nil T (1-2')13-14 oN/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-4 ParalysImmuneNil S (2-3' 11 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-12/1-Heat 1 +1 to hiNil M (7') 13 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-10(x3Spells SpecialNil M (5') 14 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-16 Trap; SSpecialNil T-G (1-14 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-10(x2Spells SpecialNil L (8') 14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-12(x3Spells SpecialNil M (6') 14 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 5-50(x2Nil Regener Nil G (35'+20 N/A N/A N/A 15000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 5-50(x2Nil Regener Nil G (35'+20 Nil Nil N/A 15000 TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
1 3-24 Energy+2 to hiNil L-H (8- 17 Nil Nil N/A 5000 t TSR 1162: Return t 2e
1 3-36 Cold +1 to hiStandaL N/A Nil Nil VII 2850+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 4-24 Special+1 to hiStandaL N/A Nil Nil VII 2850+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-16 Special+1 to hiStandaL N/A Nil Nil VII 2850+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
Special2-16 Special+1 to hiStandaL N/A Nil Nil VII 2850+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 5-20(x2Cold d Special75% L (15') N/A 200 All/All X 28000 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 6-36 Fire da Special85% L (18') N/A 190 All/All X 25900 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 5-50(x2Spells Special85% L (10') N/A 185 All/All X 39450 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 2-24 DrowninSpecial70% L (20') N/A 210 All/All X 23000 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 2-20(x2Spells; Special90% L (10') N/A 220 All/All X 25650 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 2-7 pe SpecialSpecialSpecialS N/A Nil Nil VII 1000+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 3-18 SpecialSpecialNil L (8-1615-18 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 4-40 Sink SpecialNil L (8-1615-18 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 2-20 Infuse SpecialNil L-H (8- 15-18 N/A N/A N/A 4000 t RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 3-24 SpecialSpecialNil L-H (8- 15-18 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 Nil Sleep Special20% M (5-6' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1-4 SpecialSpecial+1 to hiSpecialS (4') 14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 TSR 9452: Ravenlof2e
1 3-12, 4 Special+3 to hiStandaS N/A Nil Nil VII 3000+2MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 5-30 Special+2 to hiStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 5-30 Special+2 to hiNil L to H 15-17 N/A N/A N/A 2000/6 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 6-36 Drown +3 to hi50%/2 L to H 15-18 N/A N/A N/A 6000 t DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 2-12 to Ram +1 to hiNil S-M (2-11-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 to DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
0 0 SpecialSpecial50% M (4-5' 11 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 0 Drowni SpecialNil L (10'+ 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 per c 3-18 Attack +1 to h SpecialL (10-113-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 2-12 Special+1 to hiNil L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 3-18/2 Special+1 to hiNil L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 1-8(x2)Special+1 to hiNil L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
5-10 1-8 Special+1 to hiNil S (1') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 300 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 3-12 (2Crystal SpecialNil S (3') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 By weaHeat Immune5-20% M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 520 to MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-4 ObscurInvisibi Nil T (18") 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-4 ObscurInvisibi Nil T (18") 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 TSR 1091: City of D2e
32 1-3(x3)Rear clDisgui Nil T (1') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
32 1-3(x3)Rear clDisgui Nil T (1') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 175 TSR 1091: City of D2e
1 1-3/1-2SpecialImmuneNil T (9") 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-3/1-2SpecialImmuneNil T (9") 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 TSR 1091: City of D2e
1 1-4 Spit RegeneNil T (1') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-4 Spit RegeneNil T (1') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 TSR 1091: City of D2e
5 2-16(x2Nil Nil StandaL (11'+ N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
5 2-16(x2Nil Nil Nil L (11') 7 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
5 2-12(x5Nil Nil StandaL (9'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
5 3-18x2 Nil Nil Nil L-H (107 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
5 2-16(x2Nil Nil Nil L (10') 7 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
4 3-12x2 Nil Nil Nil L (8-107 or 10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 ( MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 3 1-10 orHeatedNil Nil M (5') 5-9 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-2 or Nil SurprisNil M (7') 12-13 N/A N/A N/A 35 to DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-10 o +1 wit Special90% to M (5'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-10 +1 to h Special90% vsM (5'+) 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 2 1-8 (w +1 to h Special90% vsM (6'+) 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 or 2 1-8 (w +1 to h Special90% vsM (6'+) 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 or Nil SurprisNil M (7') 12-13 N/A N/A N/A 35 to DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-4 or SpecialNil 15% L (9') 14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 (pMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 2 By weaSpecialSpecial50% or M (5') N/A Unkno Unkno II and Variabl FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 or 2 By weaSpecialSpecialSpecialM (5'+) 14 N/A N/A N/A 650 (prMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 or Dive; ElDancin Nil M (5-6' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 (L MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-8 (w +1 withTraps 90% to M (4-5' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 By wea+1 withTraps 90% to S (4.5')N/A Nil Nil III 65+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-10 ( SpecialSpecialSpecialM (5-6' 13 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-10 ( SpecialSpecialSpecialM (5') 13 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-10 ( SpecialSpecialSpecialM (5') 13 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 By wea+1 withMeld in50% vsM (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 420 or MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-10 ( SpecialSpecialSpecialM (5') 13 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-10 ( SpecialSpecialSpecialM (5') 13 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-8 (w +1 withSpecial90% to M (5-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-10 o +1 withSpecial90% to M (5.5' N/A Nil Nil III 65+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-10 ( SpecialSpecialSpecialM (5') 12 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 By wea+1 withSpecialNil M (5'+) 15 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-8 Burns Nil Nil S (4') 3 Nil Nil N/A 175 to TSR 1049: Adventu2e
2 2-5 or Extra +1 surpNil L (6-7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 650 (L MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-8(x2)Sunder+2 to h Nil H (20') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 10000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 1-8(x2)SpecialNil Varies L N/A Variabl Variabl III and Variabl FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-4 Drain i +1 to h Nil M (6') 9 Nil Nil N/A 975 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
2 1-8(x2)Nil Nil Nil L (10') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 to DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 SpecialSpecialSpecialNil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 650 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 2-5 Poison ImmuneNil M (5'1117 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil S (3') Nil N/A N/A N/A Nil DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 SpecialJammerNil Nil G 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
3 1-2(x2)Induce CannotNil S (1') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x2)Induce Never sNil S (1') 8-10 Nil Nil N/A 175 TSR 2615: Planes of2e
3 1-3(x2)Poison Traps StandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 165+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-3(x2)Poison Traps Nil M (6') 13 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-16/3 Nil SurprisStandaL (13') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-4 SurprisImmuneStandaS-M (1-N/A Nil Nil V 320+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
Nil Nil HypnotNil StandaS (1') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-6 Death sNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil III 150+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialM N/A Nil Nil VII 2850+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 2-8(x2)SpecialNil StandaL (3-5') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 or 1 1-6(x2)Tears SpecialNil L (15') 12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 or 1 1-6(x2)EyewinSpecialNil L (15') 12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-4(x2)DehydrNil Nil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 to PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 2-12 o HurlingSurprisNil L (9-1111-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 ( MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 or 2 1-4 or Head bu SurprisNil S (2-4' 12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 or as 1-3(x2)Special+1 to hiNil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 975 + DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
0 Nil Fiddlin Immune25% T (2') 13 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 SpecialSpecialSpecial100% T (1-2')12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 1-6 Poison Minor s5% T (3") 12 N/A N/A N/A 65 to 1 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1 +2 to h Cantrip5% T (3") 8 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil S (1') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 SpecialNil SpecialNil T (1.5-211-12 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-2 Breath Invisibi SpecialS (1-1. N/A Nil Nil V 280+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 4-32 Nil Nil Nil G (50'+15 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecialStandaS (3-4' N/A Nil Nil II 25+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1(x3) SpecialSpecialStandaS (2-3' N/A Nil Nil I 15+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 Sleep +1 to h Nil T (1') 11 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-4 or Charm;+1 to h Nil T (1') 10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-4 Nil +1 to h Nil T (2') 13 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-4 Dexteri+1 to h Nil T (2') 11 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
Varies Varies Special+2 to hiNil T (2' or 11-12 N/A N/A N/A Varies RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 or 1 1-2(x2)Strengt+1 to h Nil T (2') 10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-4 SpecialSpecialSpecialT (2' or 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
0 N/A EnhancTight g Nil T (8") 2 Nil Nil N/A 35 TSR 11405: The Wy2e
0 N/A Mental Nil Nil T (4") 2 Nil Nil N/A 15 TSR 11405: The Wy2e
1 1 hp Air depNil Nil S (2') 3 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3 1-6(x2)Kick +1 surpNil L (10') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 (L MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-10(x2SpecialSpecialSpecialG (100'17 N/A N/A N/A 24000 TSR 9258: Test of 2e
1 1-10 Baying +2 to h 65% L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
2 or 1 1-4(x2 HurlingNil Nil M-L (6-13-14 Nil Nil N/A 270 to TSR 2603: Planes 2e
2 SpecialDrains Invisib Nil M (4-7' 14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
5 2-7(x4)Grab a Nil Nil L (8') 14-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-4 Fear Nil 10% S (2') 18 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Fear Nil 10% S (2') 18 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1-4 2-12(x4Emotio Invisibi 40% M (7') 18 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1-4 2-12(x4Emotio Invisibi 40% M (7') 18 N/A N/A N/A 13000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1-4(x2)ControlNil 70% M (4') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 3-18 orCharge+2 to s Nil L (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
5 1-6(x4)Spells +1 to hi10% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-4 Special+1 to h Nil T (3-1519-20 N/A N/A N/A 975 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-8 Special+1 to h Nil T (6") 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-8 Special+1 to h Nil T (6") 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 or 2 1-4 or Special+1 to h Nil T to L (19-20 N/A N/A N/A 975 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-8 Special+1 to h Nil T (1-1219-20 N/A N/A N/A 650 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 2-5(x2)Special+2 to h Nil T to L (19-20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 2-8 Heat; BReformNil S (2') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 2-12 Fire ImmunitNil L (7-9') 15 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-4 ParalysImmuneStandaS (2-3' N/A Nil Nil III 73+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-8(x2)Flame lFlame sNil L (20') 15 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 2-8 Breath Nil StandaS (4') N/A Nil Nil III 125+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 2-8 Breath Nil Nil S (4') 9 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 1-2 SpecialImmuneStandaS (1'+) N/A Nil Nil II 36+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 By weaBreatheSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil III to IV90+3 t FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 By weaBreatheSpecialNil M (5-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 or 1 1-6(x2)Special+1 to hi50% G (30') 16 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
SpecialSpecialElectricImmuneNil T (3-6" 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
2 1-6(x2)Heat Nil 40% S (2') 12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 1-6(x2)Heat Nil 40% S (2') 12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
4 1-12(x4Heat; +1 to hi90% S (4') 15 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
4 1-12(x4Heat; +1 to hi90% S (4') 15 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1-10 1-2 + s Poison;ConfusiNil M (4') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 TSR 9449: Corsairs2e
1 Varies Nil Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil IV 165+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 5-20 Nil ImmuneNil L (8') 12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 6-48 Nil ImmuneNil H (18') 12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Nil ImmuneNil T (1') 12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil Nil M (4-6' 7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 3-24 ParalysSpecialNil H (20'+10 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Nil Nil Nil L (10'+ 10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil M (5-6' 12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Nil Nil Nil ? 11 N/A N/A N/A 15-65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-20 Nil Nil Nil ? 9 N/A N/A N/A 3000-7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 Nil Nil Nil ? 9 N/A N/A N/A 2000-5 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-16 Swallo Nil Nil L (8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 SpecialSwallo Shrink Nil T to L (13 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 2-16 ConstriNil Nil L (12') 13 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-20 ConstriNil Nil H (20') 20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil Nil ? 5 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Nil Nil Nil ? 7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-18 Nil Nil Nil ? 8 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 6HD: 2 Nil Nil Nil ? 9 N/A N/A N/A 420/65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 Nil Nil Nil ? 6 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
SpecialNil HypnotNil Nil S (1') 5 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-20 Swallo Nil Nil L (20-39 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 5-20 Nil Nil Nil ? 10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 EntangNil 30% L (9-128-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t TSR 2104: Forgott 2e
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil T (1-2')2 N/A N/A N/A 7 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil T (1-2')2 N/A N/A N/A 7 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
Nil Nil SpecialNil Nil T (1") 2 N/A N/A N/A 7 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
Nil Nil Nil SpecialNil T (6") 2 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
Nil Nil Nil SpecialNil T (1-2')2 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1 Heat Nil Nil S (1-3' 7 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-2 Nil Nil Nil ? 7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil Nil ? 9 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1 Nil Nil Nil ? 7 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 orNil Nil Nil ? 13 N/A N/A N/A 3000-6 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 5-20 Nil Poison Nil H (12-110 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 4-16 Nil Nil Nil ? 8 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 Nil Nil Nil ? 6 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil Nil ? 10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1-12 1-4 Nil Nil Nil ? 5 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 Nil Nil Nil ? 6 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4, 2- Nil Nil Nil ? 10 N/A N/A N/A 35/65/ MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-4HD: Nil Nil Nil ? 10 N/A N/A N/A 65-650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 10-11HNil Nil Nil ? 11 N/A N/A N/A 2000-7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Nil Nil Nil ? 5 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 + spe1 Diseas Nil Nil T (6-2413 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 2-8/4-6Poison Stun C 40% S-M (2-11 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 + spe1-2 ParalysNil Nil T (6-1211 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
Nil Nil SurprisCamoufNil M (6') 8 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 2-12 Swallo Nil Nil H (16'+13 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 3-6 SurprisEvade Nil S (3-4' 10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Poison Nil Nil S (2-3' 5 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 7-28 Swallo SpecialNil G (50-815 N/A N/A N/A 14000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 bite o2-12 orSwallowNil Nil H (20-48-10 N/A N/A N/A 4000 t MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 per t 1-8 ea Nil SpecialSpecialL N/A Nil Nil III to V 150+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
5 1-4(x2)Nil Nil Nil S (4') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-10 Special+1 to hiNil L (10') 11 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-4 Special+1 to hiNil T (1') 10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-6 Special+1 to hiNil M (6') 10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 plus 2-8(x2)Spells Regener 88% S (1') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 3-12 SurprisImmuneSpecialM (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-3 (st Nil Nil Nil S (3-4' 6 N/A N/A N/A 35 to 1 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
SpecialSpecialMadne Nil Nil T Nil N/A N/A N/A 270 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-6 or DisarmNil StandaM (6.5' N/A Nil Nil II to III 35+3 t FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
6 1-4(x5)Poison Nil Nil S (3') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 420 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
5 1-12(x4Special+1 to hi10% Varies 14 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 1-8 + 1Nil SpecialStandaS (2') N/A Nil Nil II 36+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-8 Acid Foul smNil T (2') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-6 Acid Foul smNil T (2') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 to MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-8 SpecialJump StandaM N/A Nil Nil II 35+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-16 SpecialJump 55% L N/A Nil Nil IV 150+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-12(x3Nil Partial Nil L (9') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
Special3-18 Li Fear A +1 wooImmuneM (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
3 2-5(x2)SpecialSpecial45% M N/A Nil Nil VII 1200+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 2-5(x2)+1 vs Special45% M (3-4' 13 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 2-5(x2)+1 vs l Special45% M (3-4' 13 N/A N/A N/A 6000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 2-8(x2)+1 vs Special55% L (7') 15 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 2-8(x2)+1 vs l Special55% L (7') 15 N/A N/A N/A 10000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 2-8(x2)SpecialSpecial55% L N/A Nil Nil VII 2850+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-6(x2)Stench Special20% L (8') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 1400 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 to 6 2-5 ea SpecialNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil IV 165+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 1-4(x2)Heat mNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil III 90+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 2-8/3-3Poison Nil Nil L (7') 15 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 2-8/1-2Poison Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil V 400+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 2-8/3-3Poison Nil Nil L (7') 15 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
Nil Nil Nil 20 Myr 20% L (10') 20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
Nil Nil Nil 20 Myr 20% L (10') 20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
4 1-6/1-4Poison Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil III 150+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
4 1-6(x2)Poison Nil Nil M (5') 17 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
4 1-6(x2)Poison Nil Nil M (5') 17 N/A N/A N/A 420 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil S (4') 19 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil II 20+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil S (4') 19 N/A N/A N/A 35 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
5 2-5(x3)AmmoniNil Nil H (16-213-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
5 2-5(x3)AmmoniNil Nil H (16-214 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 1083: Menzob 2e
1 By weaPsionicPsionicNil M (5') 14 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
Area of2-8 SpecialSpecial25% H (1 sq20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 + MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
4 1-4(x2)Poison Nil 10% L (7') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 ( MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-3, 1- SpecialNil StandaS-M (3-N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-3/1-6TongueNil Nil T-M (2-8 N/A N/A N/A 120-27 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x2)SpecialNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1 SpecialNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Nil Nil S (3') 6 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 Nil Poison Nil T (6"-1'6 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 4 5-50 orSwallowImmuneNil H (18') 19 N/A N/A N/A 21000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1-4 5-50 orSpecialSpecialSpecialL (18') N/A Nil Nil IX 8100+2MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-2 (b Spells Invisib 30% T (1') 12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
5 1-6(x4)Cold +1 to h Nil L (8') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 9000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 By weaIce bla Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil III 125+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-6 Nil +1 to h Nil T (1-2')10-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 1-6 Nil SpecialNil T (1') 8 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-6 Nil SpecialNil S (2.5')12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-6 Nil SpecialNil T (2') 12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-6 Teem +1 to h 10% T (2') 12 Nil Nil N/A 420 TSR 1162: Return t 2e
1 1-6 Nil SpecialNil T (1-2')12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1-4 SpecialSpecialNil StandaS-M N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 SpecialSpore SpecialNil M-L (5-15 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 SpecialSpecialNil Nil M (4-6' 8 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 3-6x2 Infecti SpecialNil T (2') 14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 Nil Nil Noise Nil M (4-7' 12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1-4 Nil RottingNil Nil M (4-7' 12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Nil Nil Nil S (3') 2 N/A N/A N/A 15 TSR 9278: Otherla 2e
3 1-4(x2)Attribu SpecialNil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 peRL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 1-4(x2)Attribu SpecialNil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 peRL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 1-4(x2)Attribu SpecialNil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 peRL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1 Starts fImmuneNil T (1") 11 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
N/A Nil Nil Nil Nil M (4-6' N/A N/A N/A N/A Nil MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 1-6 SpecialSpecialNil L (6') 15 120 Il,EW, N/A 2000 TSR 2400: Dark Su 2e
3 1-3(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 11 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 1-4(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 1-4(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-10 SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 11 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 2-16, 3 SpecialSpecial20% L (8-12N/A Nil Nil VII 2000+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 2-16, 3 SpecialSpecial20% L (8-1217 N/A N/A N/A 8000-1 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 Blood dNil StandaS (6") N/A Nil Nil II 32 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-8/1-4Nil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil III 85+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-8/1-4Nil Nil Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 1-8/1-4Nil Nil Nil M (6') 11 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
3 10-60( SpecialHide L Nil G (250019-20 N/A N/A N/A 125000MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 5 -20 SpecialNil StandaL (21-3N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 and 1-4 andParalysNil StandaL (9') N/A Nil Nil III 145+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
7 1-4/1(x ParalysNil Nil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
7 1-4/1(x ParalysNil Nil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 and 1-6(x2)ParalysNil StandaL (9') N/A Nil Nil IV 190+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
8 1-6(x2)ParalysNil Nil L (9') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
8 1-6(x2)ParalysNil Nil L (9') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
8 or 1 4-8(x8)ParalysNil Nil G (36') 14 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 4-40(x2Trampl RegeneNil G (80-114 N/A N/A N/A 28000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 4-40(x2Trampl RegeneNil G (80-114 N/A N/A N/A 28000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 3-30 SpecialRegeneNil G (60') 13 N/A N/A N/A 14000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 3-30 SpecialRegeneNil G (60') 13 N/A N/A N/A 14000- MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 3-30(x2SpecialRegeneNil G (100-14 N/A N/A N/A 43000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 3-30x2 SpecialRegeneNil G (100-14 N/A N/A N/A 43000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 20-32( Throw RegeneNil H (20') 16 N/A N/A N/A 24000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
4 1-3(x2)Nil +1 to hiStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
4 1-3(x2)Nil +1 to hiNil M (6') 11 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-10 Nil +1 to h Nil S (4') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
Nil Nil Magic m +1 to hiNil S (1-2' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 1-3(x2)SurprisShriek; Nil S (2') 20 Nil Nil N/A 975 TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
3 1-4(x2)Poison Shriek; Nil M (4-6' 20 Nil Nil N/A 975 TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
4 1-3(x2)Nil +1 to hiNil M (6') 11 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
4 1-6(x2)Special+1 to HNil M (6') 13 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-5(x2)Acid +1 to hiNil S (3') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 1-8(x2)Scare +1 to hiNil M (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
4 or 6 1-8(x3)Fear g +1 to hi20% L (12') 19 N/A N/A N/A 7000 TSR 9270: Vale of 2e
1 3-18 Gaze; Invisibi 15% imm S (2-3' 19-20 Nil Nil N/A 4270 TSR 3117: Book of 2e
6-11 2-12 + Mental Immune25% L (12') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 8000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 SpecialSpecialSpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
4 + spe1-4(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
2 or 1 1-4(x2)Acid to ImmuneNil L (7') 17-18 Nil Nil N/A 975 to TSR 2615: Planes of2e
3 2-7(x2)Battle +1 to h 50% M (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 28000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 2-7(x2)Battle +1 to h 50% M (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 14000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 2-8(x2)Stench;+2 to hi50% M (6.5' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 33500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 2-8(x2)Stench;+2 to hi50% M (6.5' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 17000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 2-9(x2)Magica+3 to h 50% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 40000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 2-7(x2)Magica+3 to h 50% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 22000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
Nil Nil Panic InvulneSpecialM (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 0 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave
1 2-8 ParalysSpecialSpecialL (10') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 1-6 Nil Fly Nil S (8-1218 N/A N/A N/A Varies MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-6 ProducNil Nil S (8-1218 N/A N/A N/A Varies MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 2-12 Nil Nil Nil S (8-1218 N/A N/A N/A Varies MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-6 Nil Breath Nil S (8-1218 N/A N/A N/A Varies MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 3-18 SpecialSpecialNil L (8-1115-16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-16 SpecialSpecialNil L (10.5'13-14 N/A N/A N/A 5000, MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-24 SpecialSpecialNil L (12') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 + s SpecialSpecial20% M (6-7' 15 N/A N/A N/A 3000 (+MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 4-32 SpecialSpecial25% L (18') 16 N/A N/A N/A 16000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 4-24(x2SpecialSpecial20% L (12') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 3-24 SpecialSpecial10% L (12') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
2 4-32(x2SpecialSpecial15% L (15') 18 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
2 8-32(x2SpecialSpecial50% H (22') 18 N/A N/A N/A 17000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 2-16 SpecialSpecialNil M (7') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 2-16 SpecialSpecialNil M (7') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 1091: City of D2e
1 4-24 SpecialSpecialNil M (7') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-6 SpecialNil Nil M (7') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 2-20 Spells; Displa 35% M (7') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
4 1-10(x4SpecialSpecial25% L (10') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 13000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
2 1-10(x SpecialSpecial10% L (8') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 1-10(x SpecialSpecial10% L (8') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 TSR 1091: City of D2e
2 By weaSpecialSpecialNil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-8 or Spells SpecialStandaS (4') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 3-18(x2Spells SpecialNil L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 4-24 Spells Immune45% L (9') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 2-16(x SpecialSpecial15% L (10') 20 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-10 o Spells Raise Nil M (5') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-6 or SpecialSpecialNil M 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-8 or SurprisNil Nil S (3-4' 11 N/A N/A N/A 65 to 1 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-4(x2)SpecialSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
2 3-12 SpecialSpecialNil M (5-6' 17 N/A N/A N/A 4000 TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 Age 10SpecialSpecialSpecialM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 Age 10SpecialSpecialNil M (5-6' SpecialN/A N/A N/A 7000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-3(x2)Age EthereaNil L (9') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 1-3(x2)Age EthereaNil M (4-5' 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 or 2 1-3(x2)Age EthereaNil L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 3-12 Age EthereaNil M (5') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-3 Age EthereaNil L (8-9') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 975 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 2-5 Age EthereaNil S (3-4' 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
4 4-18 PoltergInvisibi 75% L-G 20 N/A N/A N/A 15000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-8 Bad luc+1 to hiNil M (5-6' 20 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 SpecialSpecialSpecialNil M (5-6' SpecialN/A N/A N/A 4000 TSR 9349: City of 2e
3 1-8(x2)SpecialSpecialNil L 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 2-5 Hypnoti+2 to hi35% S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 6000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 1-8 Fear Nil Nil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-3(x2)ParalysSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-3(x2)ParalysSpecialNil M (5-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)ParalysSpecialNil M (5-6' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)ParalysStench Nil M (6'3" 13 N/A N/A N/A 650 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
3 1-4(x2)ParalyzNil Nil L (5-6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
3 1-3(x2)ParalysSpecialNil M (5-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)ParalysEvil au Nil M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-6 or Nil -2 to hi Nil M (5-6' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
1 2-12 Dive; SurprisNil L (10') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-6(x2)Magic u+1 to h Nil L (7-108-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 (MMCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-6(x2)Magic u+1 to h Nil M (7-108-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
3 or 1 1-6(x2)PossesImmuneNil M (8-1015-16 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 or 1 1-6(x2)Witheri +2 to hiNil M (10') 17 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
4 9-19(x Poison Nil Nil H (18') 15 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 16-30/ PsionicNil Nil H (20') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 7000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 16-30 Hurl R ResistaNil H (25') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 6000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 16-30 Hurl R ResistaNil H (25') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 10-24 EntangNil Nil H (14') 15 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-12 orCold mImmuneNil H (16') 18 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 6-36 HurlingSurprisStandaL (18') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-10 orHurl RoSurprisNil H (24') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 10000 (MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-12 + Hurl R Nil Nil H (25') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 6-36 Hurl BoNil Nil H (20') 16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil L (7.5') 13 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-10 orHurlingCamoufNil H (17') 14 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-10 orHurl S CamoufNil H (17') 14 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2d8/3d Nil SurprisNil H (13') 14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 Double Hurl ro SurprisNil H (13') 14 N/A N/A N/A 6000 t MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecial15% L (10.5'N/A Nil Nil VIII 3650+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1d10+7Spells Sway a15% L (10.5'16 N/A N/A N/A 8000, MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 5-30 HurlingImperviStandaL (12') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-8 or Hurl RoResistaNil H (18') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 4-24 Hurl ro SpecialStandaL (18') N/A Nil Nil VIII 3950+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-10 orRock HSpecialNil H (24') 14 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 1-10 orHurl R SpecialNil H (24') 14 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 4-32 Nil SpecialStandaL (13.5'N/A Nil Nil VII 2750+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2xweapSurprisSurprisNil H (13.514 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 4-24 HurlingImperviStandaL (15') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-8 or Hurl RoImperviNil H (21') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 or Nil Nil Nil H (13') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 420 (PsMCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 16-52/ Spells; SpecialNil H (18-219 N/A N/A N/A 28000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-16 HurlingSpecialStandaL (10.5'N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-6 or Hurl RoNil Nil H (16') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 2 11-25 oSurprisSpecialNil H (18') 16 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 or 2 2-16+9SurprisSpecialNil H (18') 16 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 4-40 Hurl ro Nil StandaL (14') N/A Nil Nil VII 2850+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-8 or Hurl RoNil Nil H (14') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 or Hurl RoNil Nil H (14') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 1-10 orBoulderImmuneNil H (16') 17 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-10 orBoulderImmuneNil H (16') 17 N/A N/A N/A 13000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 or 1 2-12 + Strengt+2 to hiNil L-H (1015-16 N/A N/A N/A 9000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-10 orHurlingSpecialNil H (18') 16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 3-18 HurlingSpecialStandaL (12') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-8 or Hurl ro SpecialNil H (18') 16 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 7-42 SpecialSpecialStandaL (21') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-10 orSpecialImperviNil G (26') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 14000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 By weaThrow sSpecialStandaL (8.5- N/A Nil Nil V 275+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 1-6+3 oNil Nil Nil L (8-1013 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-10+3-4 to o ResistaNil L (9.5') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-8/1-1Firebal Special+2 to s L (6-7') N/A Nil Nil III 73+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
4 11-18( SpecialSpecialSpecialH (15') 10 N/A N/A N/A 650 to DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 2-8(x2)Spells; SpecialNil S (3') o15-16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 ( MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-10 (w-4 to o ResistaNil L (9.5') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
6+ 1(x6) p GibberiGroundNil M (4-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 to MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
6 or m 1(x6) + Spit; B ControlStandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 210+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-8 SpecialNil StandaS (4-5' N/A Nil Nil I 14+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-8 (b Mass aNil Nil S-M (4-5 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 1-8 (w Mass aNil Nil S-M (4'5 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 + spe5-8 (bit Gibber Nil Nil M (3') 13 N/A N/A N/A 950 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1-6 +7 Head BCall on 10% L (9') 14 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 8-13 o Head bNil 10% L (9') 14 Nil Nil N/A 270 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
1 or 2 By WeaSpringi Nil Nil M 12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
Varies By weaSpecialSpecialNil M (6-7' 16 N/A N/A N/A SpecialMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
Varies By weaNil Nil StandaM N/A 150-25 All but IV and Variabl FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
Per ClaBy weaPossib Nil Nil M (6') 8-14 N/A N/A N/A Per ClaMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
Per ClaBy weaPossiblNil Nil M (6') 8-14 N/A N/A N/A Per cla OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
Per ClaBy weaPossiblNil Nil M (6') 8-14 N/A N/A N/A Per cla PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
Varies By weaNil Nil 50% M N/A 121-25 All/All II and Variabl FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
Per ClaBy weaNil Nil 50% M (6') 8-12 N/A N/A N/A Per ClaMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
Per ClaBy weaPossiblNil 50% M (6') 8-12 N/A N/A N/A Per cla OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
Per ClaBy weaPossiblNil 50% M (6') 8-12 N/A N/A N/A Per cla PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-3(x2)Phero ConfusStandaM (8') N/A Nil Nil VI 525+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-5 VenomDarkne40% L (9') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 1-3(x2)Phero ConfusNil M (8') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-3(x2)Phero ConfusNil M (8') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 2-16 Acid Poison Nil M (6') 13 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-12/2 ConstriNil Nil G (50'+13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 ( MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil Nil M (5-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 120 to MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-8 SurprisNil Nil L (8-1013-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 2-8 or Nil Nil StandaL (7'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 2-8 Nil Nil Nil L (7.5') 11 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 2 1-6 or DisarmNil Nil M (6.5' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 or SpecialSave atAs abo S (3'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 By weaTraps SpecialSpecialS (2-2. 14 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil SpecialSpecialS (3.5')12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil +2 saveNil S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
2 2-8x2 +Spells, SpecialNil S (3') t 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 2 By weaSpecialSpecial20% S (3') N/A Nil Nil V to VI 325+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 By weaStun D Special20% S (3-3. 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil SpecialSpecialS (3.5')8 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 (b SpecialSpecialSpecialS (3') 8 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-3 ChargeNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil II 24+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-16 ChargeNil StandaL (5'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-4 or Nil Nil Nil M (5-6' 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-6 or Nil Nil StandaS (4') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-6 (b Nil Nil Nil S (4') 10 N/A N/A N/A 15 (chi MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 (b Nil Nil Nil S (4') 10 N/A N/A N/A 15 to 3 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil L (7') 10-14 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil S (4') 10-14 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (6') 10-14 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Surpri Nil Nil S (3-4' 9 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-8 or Nil Shape 10% S (3-4' 10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 or 1 1-6(x2)SpecialNil 10% M (4-6' 20 N/A N/A N/A 975 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav2e
1 1-4 Poison Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil II 45+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
10 1-4(x10Blindin Immune90% L (6-8') 10 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 2-12(x2Nil +1 to h Nil L (8-1220 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 3-18 SpecialSpecialNil L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 3-24 SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 18000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-24 Laugh Spell i Nil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 18000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 2-24 Mental +2 to h 70% L (8') 20 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 3-30 + Woundi+3 to h Nil L (12') 20 N/A N/A N/A 17000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
2 2-16(x2Keenin +2 to h Nil H (18') Varies N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-20 Poison SpecialNil L (10') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 3-30 SpecialSpecialSpecialL (8') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 3-18 SpecialSpecialNil T (1') 20 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-18 Bite SpecialNil T (1') 20 N/A N/A N/A 7000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
3 2-12(x2Breath +2 to h Nil G (27-320 N/A N/A N/A 23000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 2-16(x2SpecialSpecialSpecialL (7.5') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
2 2-16(x2StranguSpecialSpecialL (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 SpecialSpecialSpecialNil L (12') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 18000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
2 3-18x2 SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 14000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 3-18(x2SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 16000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 5-50 Diamon+3 to h Nil or L (10') 20 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 4-40 Lightni +2 to h Nil or L (9') 20 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 3-30 Nil +1 to h Nil or L (8') 20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 2-24 SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-24 SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 6000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 4-40 SpecialSpecialNil L (12') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 13000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 10-100 Crush Spell i Nil G (30'x13-14 N/A N/A N/A 21000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
2 2-24(x2Deplete+2 to h Nil L (12') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 14000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 3-24 SpecialSpecialNil L (9.5') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-16 orNil +1 to h Nil M (6'6" 16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
2 2-20/2 Poundi +1 to h SpecialL (9') 20 N/A N/A N/A 13000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 4-40 SpecialSpecialSpecialL (12') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
4 1-8(x2)Breath +2 to h Nil L (12') 20 N/A N/A N/A 19000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 2-12(x2Spells Near inNil L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 3-30 SpecialSpecialNil L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-16(x2Nil SpecialNil L (7.5') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-20 Blindin SpecialNil H 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 4-32 SpecialSpecialNil L (8') 20 N/A N/A N/A 2004 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 SpecialSmotheImmuneNil S-M (3-19-20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 3-30 AbsorbsImmune100% L (9') 20 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 3-30 Absorb Immune100% L (9') 20 Nil Nil N/A 8000 TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
1 4-24 Heat; SpecialNil L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 7000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 4-40 Shock; Spell i Nil M (7') 20 N/A N/A N/A 15000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 4-40 Electri +2 to h Nil M (7') 12 N/A N/A N/A 15000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 Nil Spells Spell i SpecialS-M (3-20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 3-18(x2Special+2 to h 25% L (12') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 14000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 2-12 Contin Half daNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 3-24 Charge+2 to h Nil L (10') 20 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-8 SpecialSpecialNil L (12') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 4-40 SpecialSpecialNil L (12') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 9000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
4 3-18(x4Magic Spell I 20% L (10') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 9000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 2-16(x2SpecialSpecialSpecialH (18') 19 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 6-60 Death SpecialSpecialL (15') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A SpecialMCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 6-60 Death +4 to h SpecialL (15') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A SpecialMCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 2-20 Nil SpecialNil L (9') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 2-20(x2Nil +1 to h Nil L (8-1020 N/A N/A N/A 14000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-16 Pain; SpecialNil L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 4000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 2-12 SuffocaSpecialNil L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 + ga 1-6 + SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-20 Engulfi ImmuniNil L (10') 20 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
4 1-8(x4)Nil +1 to h Nil L (8') 20 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
4 By weaNil +1 to h Nil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 2-24 Special+2 to h Nil L (11') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 7000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
4 1-12(x4Web sp+1 to h 50% L (7') 20 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 3-24 SpecialSpecialSpecialL (9.5') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 2-8 Nil SpecialNil M (7') 20 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1-6 2-12 Crushi ImmuneNil L to H 13-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000-6 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-9x2 Nil SpecialNil M to L 20 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-10(x2SurprisSpell i Nil M (5-6' 20 Nil Nil N/A 8000 TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
1 2-12 SpecialSpecialNil M (5-6' 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
2 2-16(x2Spells SpecialNil L (10') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 3-18(x2Odor Spells Nil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 17000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecial25% H to G 20 N/A N/A N/A 25000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3 1-3(x2)Nil HypnotNil S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-4 or Nil ImmuneStandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil II 32+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-4 or Explos ImmuneNil S (3') 4 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
5 1-3(x2)Breath Nil StandaL (5') N/A Nil Nil VII 2557+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-12 Breath Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 2-12 SpecialNil Nil L (8') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-8(x2)Hug forNil StandaL (9') N/A Nil Nil III 85+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
5 1-8(x2)Tail ca Difficul Nil G (50') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
20 1-6(x20Poison Nil Nil G (120-15-16 N/A N/A N/A 49000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 1-3 Poison Nil Nil T (6") 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 7 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 1-8 (b GravityNil Nil S (3') 13 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 1-8 (b GravityNil Nil S (3') 14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
0 Nil GravityNil Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 2-16 SpecialSpecialSpecialM-L N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
0 Nil Shriek SpecialNil M (5-6' 20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-10 orAttacksSpecialNil T (1-2')15 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 36-288 SpecialVaries Varies G (10-219-20 N/A N/A N/A 61000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
2 1-6/2-1Nil Nil Nil L (10') 14 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
5 1-3(x2)Poison SpecialNil L (14') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
0 Nil SpecialSpecialSpecialS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 7-8(x2)SpecialSpecial35% M N/A Nil Nil VII 1600+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
11 1-4(x10ParalysImmuneStandaM N/A Nil Nil VI 840+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
11 1-4(x1 ParalysImmuneNil M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-8 hul Nil Nil Nil L 17 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
11 By weaNil Nil Nil M 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
11 By weaNil Nil Nil M 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
0 0 SpecialSpecialNil G (30') 17 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
11 1-4(x1 Magic Nil Nil M (4') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
11 1-4(x10ParalysImmuneNil M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
11 1-4(x1 Magic Nil Nil M (4') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Swarm +4 on sNil T (2') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-4 Nil +1 to hi25% T (18") 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-4 Nil +1 to hi25% T (18") 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Nil +1 to hiNil T (1') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-4 Nil +1 to hiNil T (1') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 Blood dNil Nil T (6") 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-2 Blood dNil Nil T (6") 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 or SpecialSpecialSpecialT (1+') 12 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Nil Nil Nil T (2') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
Nil Nil Nil SpecialSpecialT (2') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-4(x2)Nil Nil Nil L (9') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 or 2 By weaSpecialSpells 30% S (1.5')N/A Nil Nil II 50+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecial25% M N/A Nil Nil V 285+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 SpecialSpecial+3 to h SpecialM (7') 20 N/A N/A N/A 4000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-6 or Nil SpecialSave asM N/A Nil Nil II to III 28+2 t FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-6 or Nil SpecialSpecialM (5-6)11 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 1-6 or Nil SpecialSpecialM (5-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A 35 (lea MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 -3 to o Nil Nil S (2.5')8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 (ma MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-4 or SurprisNil StandaS (2.5')N/A 151-25 AC/GJ II 45+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 -3 to o Nil Nil S (2.5')8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 (ma MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-8(x2)Spells +1 to hiNil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 TSR 9270: Vale of 2e
1 1-8 Special+1 to hi50% M N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 or 2 By weaSpells; Spells; Nil M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A Varies MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
3 1-4(x2)Tracki +4 saveNil M (4'+) 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Nil Nil S (2-3' 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 (LegMCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
2 3-6(x2)Special+1 to h Nil S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 3-6(x2)Special+1 to h StandaS N/A Nil Nil V 425+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 5-8 Special+1 to h StandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 245+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 3-12 Special+2 to h StandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 245+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 or 1 4-16 orSpecial+1 to h StandaM N/A Nil Nil VI 650+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 5-8 or Spells; Blink; Nil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 650 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 3-12 Attacks+2 to h Nil S (3') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-4(x2)Special+1 to h Nil M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-3(bit Poison Nil Nil S (3') 13 N/A N/A N/A 120 to MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 2-12 SpecialNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil II to III 28+2 t FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-6 Cause Nil Nil T (6") 3 N/A N/A N/A 65 TSR 9279: Falcon' 2e
3 1-6/1-1SpecialSpecialSpecialVaries N/A Nil Nil VII 1275+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-6/1-4Nil SpecialSpecialS N/A Nil Nil VII 1800+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-6(x2)Nil SpecialNil L (8') 20 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-12 Nil SpecialNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-8(x2)Dive; S+1 or si40% M (6.5' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 3-8(x2)ChargeNegate20% M (5.5' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
2 8-16(x2WhinnyNil 25% L (7.5') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 11-15(xRoar Special50% M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 18000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 5-8(x2)Howl; +2 or si35% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 9000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 9-19(x2Spell-l +3 or si45% L (8') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 14000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
8 2-12(x2Grab; CNil Nil H (20') 16 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
8 2-12(x2Grab Nil Nil H (20') 16 N/A N/A N/A 10000 TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 1-2 Nil Nil Nil S (3') 5 N/A N/A N/A 7 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3 1-4(x2)SneezeNil Nil S-M (3-8 N/A N/A N/A 120 to MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-6(x2)SneezeNil Nil M (5'+) 8 N/A N/A N/A 120 to MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-8(x2)SneezeNil Nil M (6') 10 N/A N/A N/A 120 to MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-8 (b Nil Nil Nil M (7') 13 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
3 9-16(x2SpecialSpecial20% L (8') 15 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-12(x2Staff ofSpecial40% M 17 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 7-8(x2)SpecialSpecial35% M (5-6' 17 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-12 Disease+3, silv 65% M (5') 8 N/A N/A N/A 16000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 7-10 SpecialSpecial50% M (5-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 7-10 orOgre stChange50% M (3') 15 N/A N/A N/A 975 to TSR 9575: City of R2e
3 8-11(x SpecialSpecial55% L-G (1214 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
3 8-11(x SpecialSpecial30% L (10') 14 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 7-14 Special+1 to h 20% L (8') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 7000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 7-14 Special+1 to h 35% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 7000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 7-14 Special+1 to h 50% M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 By weaNil ImmuneNil M (5') 11 N/A N/A N/A 35 to 1 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
0 Nil AbsorbSpecialSpecialL (12') 14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
0 Nil AbsorbSpecialSpecialL (12') 16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 1109: City of 2e
0 Nil AbsorbSpecialSpecialL (12') 16 Nil Nil N/A 2000 TSR 9274: Old Emp2e
1 1-6 or Nil Nil Nil H (10-113-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 to DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-3 or Nil SpecialNil S (3-4' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 65 to DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-6 or +3 withSave atAs abo S (3'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-3 or Nil SpecialNil S (3-4' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 65 to DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-6 (b +3 withSpecialNil S (3') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 (b PsionicNil Nil S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 to DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-6 (b +3 withSpecialNil S (4') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 (b +3 withSpecialNil S (3') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-3(x2)Fear ImmaterNil S 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 2-8 Nil ImmuneNil L (9') 6 or 9 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
3 1-3 SpecialSpecial1% per L (20'+ N/A Nil Nil VII 1600+8MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-4(x2)ConstriSpecial35% M (7') 12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 1-3(x2)Singin Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-3(x2)Singin Nil Nil M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-5(x2)Poison;CamoufNil M (4') 18 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil Nil T (1-2')20 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
0 Nil EmotionSpecialNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
2 3-18/1 Swallo Nil Nil L to G 9 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
2 3-36/2 Swallo Nil Nil G (60-211 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 3-36/2 Swallo Nil Nil G (60-211 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
2 3-18/1 Swallo Nil Nil L to G 9 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 PsionicPsionicNil S (4') 8 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 2-16 Spit AcNil Nil G (30') 15 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 SpecialPossesSpecialSpecialM N/A Nil Nil IV 165+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialNil Varies 16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-8(x2)Horror Cannot10% M (6') 16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x2)Dive Nil Nil S (4') ??? N/A N/A N/A ??? Dragon 269 2e
1 or 4 2-20 orSwallo Immune20% G (100'18 N/A N/A N/A 20000 TSR 9340: Endless 2e
1 1-6 Bash Nil 20% T (1') 13 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Poison Nil 20% T (1') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 Varies Firebol +1 to hiNil Varies 13-14 N/A N/A N/A Varies RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 1-6(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (4-5' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 10000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
2 1-4(x2)PsionicPsionicNil S (4') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 to 1 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-10 BreatheSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-10 BreatheSpecialStandaM 13 N/A N/A N/A 420/65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-5(x2)Nil Special20%; I L N/A Nil Nil VI 1000+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 2-5(x2)Nil Special20% L (6-9') 14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 1-4 or Nil SpecialSpecialM (6-7' SpecialN/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 2-8/1-3Drowni Nil Nil L (14-218 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialNil M (5-6' 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-6 ChargeSpell i 25% M (4') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-10(x2Hold p Spell i 20% M (6.5' 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 2-12 Poison Nil 35% M (5') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 2-8 Spells Specia 15% M (5') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-10(x2Breath Nil 15% M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-8(x2)Dive Majesti30% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 2-5(x2)Spell e +1 to hi25% M (7') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-8(x2)Kick Regene30% M (6.5' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 2-6(x2)EviscerSurpris20% M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-10(x2ImmolaRegene20% M (5') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
4 2-8(x4)Head-bImmune30% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 2-12 Crow Special35% M (5') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
2 2-5/2-8Nil Fire sh 30% M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 2-8(x2)Maul; Nil 20% M (5') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 4-24 ChargeProtect35% M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-6 Charm +1 to hi40% M (5') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 2-8 Nil Invisibl 25% M (5') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-4(x2)Rear c 20% at Nil L (9') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-6(x2)ChargeSpecia 15% M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
2 2-16/2-Poison;Nil 20% M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
Varies Varies Stamp Nil StandaS-L N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
2 1-10/1-Acid; PNil Nil H (20') 16 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-16 Acid Nil Nil L-H (1015 N/A N/A N/A 420 to MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 2-16(x2Spell u Nil 15% G (40') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-6 Diseas +1 or siStandaM N/A Nil Nil III 0+81 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-6 Diseas Silver oSpecialM (5-7' 11 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Poison;Poison Nil M (12') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil H (18') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-6(x2)Nil Nil Nil L (10') 9 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-12 orSpecialNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 or 2 1-4(x2)Hivemi ImmuneNil M (4.5-20 N/A N/A N/A 270 or MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-4(x2)ParalysImmuneNil M (7') 20 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 or 2 1-6(x2)ParalysImmuneNil M (7') 20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
0 Nil Poison ImmuneNil L (12') 20 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 or 2 1-4(x2)ParalysImmuneNil M (5') 20 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-6 Breath Nil StandaS 4') N/A Nil Nil II 28+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-8 or Nil Nil StandaM (6.5' N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (6.5' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 35 (subMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-6/1-3Nil Nil Nil S (3') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 35 to 1 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
2 1-3(x2)SpecialSpecial60% S (2'+) N/A 201-30 All/All VIII 3750+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 1-3(x2)Trumpet+1 to h 60% S (2') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 9000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 1-3 Bite ca SpecialSpecialS (1.5')N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-3 Bite C SpecialSpecialT (18") 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
Nil Nil Nil ImmuneNil T (3") N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
Nil Nil Nil ImmuneNil M (6') N/A N/A N/A N/A 65 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 1-8(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (9') N/A Nil Nil IV 90+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-8(x2)Nil Nil Nil L (9') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
3 1-8(x2)Nil Nil Nil L (9') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-12 o +3 to hiNil Nil L (12') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
1 2-16 -1 initi Nil Nil M (5-6' 10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-6 to TelekinSpecialNil S-H (3-17 N/A N/A N/A 420 to MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
Varies Varies SpecialSpecial0% - 5 S-L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A Varies OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
Varies Varies SpecialSpecial0%, 5%S-L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A Varies PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
Varies Varies Special+1 to h 0 to 3 S-L N/A Nil Nil VI to VI525+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 20-80 Squirt Intens Nil G (30-119-20 N/A N/A N/A 26000 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-4 Poison;Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 165+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-3 Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-3 Nil Nil Nil L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-8(x2)Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-8(x2)Nil Nil Nil L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-4(x2)Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
2 1-4(x2)Nil Nil Nil L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-6(x2)Nil Nil Nil L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-8(x2)Spells ImmuniNil L 15 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 or 2 1-2/1-6Nil Nil Nil L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)Nil N Nil L (7-8') 8-10 Nil Nil N/A 120 TSR 1055: The Hor2e
1 1-2 Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-2 Nil Nil Nil M 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Nil N Nil L (7-8') 5-7 Nil Nil N/A 65 TSR 1055: The Hor2e
2 1-2(x2)Nil Nil Nil L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Nil N Nil L (7-8') 5-7 Nil Nil N/A 120 TSR 1055: The Hor2e
3 1-6(x2)Nil N Nil M (5-7' 8-10 Nil Nil N/A 175 TSR 1055: The Hor2e
3 1-4(x2)Nil N Nil M (5-7' 8-10 Nil Nil N/A 175 TSR 1055: The Hor2e
1 1-3 Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-3 Nil Nil Nil L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Fear; +1 to hiNil M (5-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-4 Nil SpecialSpecialS to M 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 65 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 2-12 Bite vi +1 or s Nil M (5') 19 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-8 Fear +1 or si10% M (4-5' 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 SpecialNil Nil StandaM (5') N/A Nil Nil N/A NA FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
0 Nil Nil Nil Nil M (5') 20 N/A N/A N/A 0 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
Varies Varies Varies Varies 30% T (1') 19 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 2-16 Quills Nil Nil L (8') 13-14 Nil Nil N/A 975 TSR 2603: Planes 2e
3 1-6(x2)Spells Allies Nil M (5') 15 N/A N/A N/A 420 to MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-6 or Nil Nil Nil M (5') 10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-6 or SpecialSpecial50% M (5') 11 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 9 N/A N/A N/A 35 (35)MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' Varies N/A N/A N/A Variabl MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-8 or High StHigh CoNil M (6-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 20 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 14 N/A N/A N/A Varies MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 10 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 20 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 12 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 4-11 DecapitRegene50% M (5'1019 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 By weaPsionicNil Nil M (5-6' 15 30 Nil/Nil N/A 270 TSR 2413: Valley of2e
1 By weaPsionicNil Nil M (5-7' 11 20 Nil/Nil N/A 175 TSR 2413: Valley of2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialNil M (6-7' 13 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialNil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 65 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 35 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 14+ N/A N/A N/A Variabl MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-5 Triple Hide i Nil M (6'2" 7 N/A N/A N/A 650 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 10 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' Varies N/A N/A N/A Variabl MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaSurprisCamoufNil S (3-4' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 10-12 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 120 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' Varies N/A N/A N/A Variabl MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 8-9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 or Evil ey PrognosNil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-2 VoodanVoodanNil M (5') 8 N/A N/A N/A 120 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav2e
1 By weaSpell Nil Nil M (5-6' Varies N/A N/A N/A Variabl MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 Nil Spells SpecialNil T-M (2-20 N/A N/A N/A 650 to MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-6, 1- Nil Nil Nil L (7-8') 14 N/A N/A N/A 100 (ChTSR 9275: Dragon 2e
1 1-4 Nil Move SiNil M (6') 9 N/A N/A N/A 7 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-7 Spells Move SiNil M (6') 11 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-6 Nil Move SiNil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 By weaSleep +4 to s Nil S (3') 9-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 to MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-4 or Nil +4 to s StandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil II 22+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 By weaSleep +4 to s Nil S (3') 9-10 Nil Nil N/A 420 to TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
5 to 12 1-6, 1- SpecialSpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1/Head1-6/heaNil Nil Nil G (30') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1/Head1-6/heaCold Nil Nil G (30') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1/Head1-6/heaExtra Extra Nil G (30') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1/Head1-8/he Fire Nil Nil G (30') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Nil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 3-12 Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
0 Nil Sleep; +3 to hi60% M (6') 17 N/A N/A N/A 13000 TSR 1124: The Nig 2e
5 1-8(x4)Fire br Nil 40% G (40'+SpecialN/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
5 1-8(x4)Fire br Nil 40% G (40'+SpecialNil Nil N/A 5000 TSR 1060: Ruins of2e
2 1-4(x2)SurprisImmuneNil S (2') 10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 or 2 1-6(x2)Fear atNil Nil L (10') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 420 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 Nil Ability SpecialSpecialNil Nil N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
4 SpecialMind blNil 90% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 9000 TSR 1083: Menzob 2e
4 1(x4) Nil 1/2 da 25% S (4') 14 N/A N/A N/A 420 TSR 9572: Dawn of2e
3 2-9(x2)Poison Immune25% L (8') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 8000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 1-4(x2)Nil SpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil III 130+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-4 SpecialSpecial25% S (2') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-4 SpecialSpecial25% T (2') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 SpecialSpecial25% T (2') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 1-4 SpecialSpecial50% T (1') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 975 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav2e
1 1-6 or Nil +1 to hiSpecialT (2') 11 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 or 2 1-3(x2)Poison;CamoufNil T (2') 11 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 Nil Chaos Nil Nil T (2') 19 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 Nil Chaos Nil Nil T (2') 19 Nil Nil N/A 175 TSR 2603: Planes 2e
1 1-3 Summon Nil Nil S (2.5')13 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-3(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1(x2) SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1(x2) SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-5(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
3 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecial25% T (2') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecial25% T (2') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 1-2 Diseas Special100% T (1') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 or 2 1-3 or Poison;Nil Nil T (1.5-211 N/A N/A N/A 65 to 2 MCM (TSR 2501: My2e
1 1-4 SpecialSpecialNil S (4') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 13000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav2e
1 By weaSpells Absorp20% + 5M (5-6' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 13000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 SpecialSpecialSpecialNil T (1') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 ( PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-6(x2)Spells Nil Nil M (5-6' 10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
22 1-6/1-4Fear; PSpell i Nil M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
2 1-4/1-6DiseaseSpell i Nil M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 1-6 or Nil Nil Nil ? 9 N/A N/A N/A 35, WarMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 5-20 Pit Nil Nil ? 8 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
4 1-10(x4PsionicNil Nil ? 16 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-18 Nil Acid Nil ? 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1d4 or Nil ImmuneNil ? 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 2-7 Nil Nil Nil ? 11-14 N/A N/A N/A 65-270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Poison Nil Nil ? 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 1-4 Poison Nil Nil ? 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 1-3 Poison Nil Nil ? 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 1-6 Poison Nil Nil ? 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
Nil Nil Nil Chirp Nil ? 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 3-12 Nil Nil Nil ? 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-18 +2 to s Nil Nil ? 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 Nil Eggs Nil Nil ? 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 1-2 Light Nil Nil ? 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 1-8 Nil Nil Nil ? 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 2-16 Nil Nil Nil ? 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 1 Fire Nil Nil ? 11 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 2-16 Nil Grab Nil ? 10 N/A N/A N/A 270 (y MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Poison Nil Nil ? 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 1-10 Drain CNil Nil ? 4 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Nil Nil ? 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 35-200 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-18 FlamablNil Nil ? 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 5-30 Nil Nil Nil ? 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 FlamablNil Nil ? 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 1-2 Nil Nil Nil ? 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 1-4 Diseas Nil Nil ? 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35-120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-8/1-4Poison Nil Nil ? 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialNil Nil T (8") 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 per DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialNil Nil T (5") 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 per DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 SpecialNil Nil Nil Special6 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 SpecialNil Nil Nil Special6 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 SpecialPoison Nil Nil Special6 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo2e
1 SpecialPoison Nil Nil Special6 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
3 1-2(x2)SpecialNil 20% M (6') 16 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M2e
4 1-4(x4)SpecialSpecialSpecialM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
4 1-4(x4)Psionic+3 to hiNil T (6") 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-5 PsionicPsionicNil T (6") 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo2e
1 By weaNil Invisibi Nil M (5-6' 16 N/A N/A N/A 120 TSR 2137: Lankhmar
1 4-16 SurprisInvisibi 30% L (8') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 4-16 SurprisInvisibi 30% L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 2 2-12(x2Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-3 Poison SpecialSpecialS (3') N/A Nil Nil III 88+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-3 Poison SpecialNil S (3') 12 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2-5 or 2-8(x5)SurprisCamoufNil H (15-217-18 N/A N/A N/A 4000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
2 1-6 EntangeSpell i Nil G (4' p 11 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 3-12 Evil cleNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 3-12 Spells Spells Nil S-L (3- 13 N/A N/A N/A 35-420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 2 2-8/1-8Nil Half daNil M-L (5-16 N/A N/A N/A 65 to 6 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 3-12 Spells, Spells, Nil S-L (3- 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 Spells, Spells, Nil L (8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-30 Burble;Immune80% G (30') 20 N/A N/A N/A 25000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 2-8 or Special+2 to h Nil S (3-4' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-2 Nil Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 Gaze c+1 or ir StandaS (M) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 Gaze c+1 or ir Nil S (3') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil StandaL (8-12N/A Nil Nil I 10+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 8-13, 9 SpecialSpecialNil H (16') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 4000 TSR 1066: Maztica 2e
3 1-3(x2)Rear clSurprisStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
SpecialSpecialAs bas Immune+2 saveVaries 15 N/A N/A N/A 15000 TSR 9270: Vale of 2e
7 1-4(x6)Blood dStink c Nil H (13') 13-14 Nil Nil N/A 4000 TSR 2437: Thri-Kre 2e
1 By weaSpecialNil 20% M (6-7' N/A Nil Nil VI 975+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-3 Nil Nil Nil T (2') 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 7 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 or 2 5-20 ot Special+1 to s 10% L (9-12N/A Nil Nil VI 825+18MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
24 (1-61-12 e Poison Nil 10% H (14') 10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
16 (1-41-8 ea Spit v Nil Nil L (12') 10 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
40 (1-41-10 e ParalysNil Nil L (10') 10 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-10 ParalysTransp Nil S-L (2. 8-12 N/A N/A N/A 65 to 2 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-2 or SpecialSpecialSpecialS (1'+) N/A Nil Nil I to II 7+1 to FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 2-8 SeizingNil Nil S (2') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 2-16 TremorNil Nil L (8-108 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-6 Special+2 to h Nil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
5 1-2(x4)Lock j Nil Nil S (3-4' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-6, 1- Magic iCamouf10% S (4') 11-12 80 EW,PB/N/A 1400 TSR 2400: Dark Su 2e
3 1-8(x2)Maul Nil Nil L (10'+ 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 or as 1-10 o SpecialSpecial5% perM (6') 18 N/A N/A N/A 22000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 1-8(x2 Pain Nil Nil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 1-6(x2 Diseas Nil Nil M (6') 11 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 1-10(x2SurprisNil Nil L (10') 18 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-10(x2Grappl Nil Nil L (12') 18 N/A N/A N/A 650 TSR 2432: City by t 2e
1 or 4 1-2 or Shoots SpecialNil L (12') 10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
2 2-12(x2SpecialSpecialSpecialL (8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 plus 1-3(x2)Breath Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil IV 240+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
7 1-3(x2)Poison Nil Nil L (6-7') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 1066: Maztica 2e
9 1-3(x2)Breath Nil Nil L (5-6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 1066: Maztica 2e
6 1 SurprisNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil II 36+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 Contin Nil Nil T (6") 20 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 or 2 1-6 or Crush; Nil Nil L (8') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 5-10(x2Nil RegeneNil S (2') 11 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 10-20( Nil RegeneNil M (4-5' 11 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 5-10(x2StrengtRegeneNil S (3') 12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 2-5(x2)SpecialCamoufNil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
3 2-5(x2)SurprisCamoufStandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 205+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 3-9 Poison;Spell i 40% M (5-6' 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 165+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-6 (b SpecialSpecialSpecialS (3-4' 20 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 or 1 1-4(x2)Nil Special30% M N/A Nil Nil II to V 28+2 t FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 or 1 1-4(x2)Nil Special30% M (5-7' 13 N/A N/A N/A 175-97 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 weap1-3 SurprisSurprisNil T (1-1.512 N/A N/A N/A 65 to 2 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 2-5 Flock aNil Nil S (1') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 1-6/by Nil Nil Nil M (6-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 3-18 SurprisSpecialStandaS (3.5')N/A Nil Nil V 300+6 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 3-18 SurprisSpecialNil S (3.5')15 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
3 3-18 SurprisImmuneNil S (3.5')13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 1-6 Bad lu Invisibi 25% M (6') 8 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecial20% S N/A Nil Nil I 9+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 3-30 Blindin Nil 5% G (80') 13 Nil Nil N/A 11000 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
3 2-8(x2)Magic Special90% L N/A 130 to All/All N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 2-8x2/ Magic Special90% H (13') 18 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
7 1-4(x2)PsionicNil Nil L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
7 1-4/x2/ PsionicNil Nil L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-10 Energy Reanim20% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 9000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
2 2-8/2-2Nil Shell, Nil L (12'+ 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 ( MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-8(x2)Nil Shell Nil L (10'+ 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 ( MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 2-9(x2)Crushi Nil Nil L (9') 16-17 N/A N/A N/A 6000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-8 SuffocaNil Nil M (6') 14 N/A N/A N/A 270 TSR 2400: Dark Su 2e
4 1-6(x4)SurprisShadowNil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 or 3 1-4(x2)Nil Skin pr Nil L (10-114 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 By wea+3 to hiSpecial75% M (6-7' 17 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-4 or Nil Nil StandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-4 or Nil Nil Nil S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 or Nil Nil Nil S (3') 10 N/A N/A N/A 7 to 35 TSR 1089: Dragon 2e
1 1-3 or Rock Nil Nil S (3') 7 N/A N/A N/A 35/65/ MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
4 1-4(x3)Tail cr +2 sav Nil M (6'+) 13 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialSpecialS (4') 13 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialSpecialS (3') 13 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
I 5-6 or Hurl ro Laugh 25% S (3') N/A Nil Nil VI 900+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 or 5- 2-12(x2SpecialSpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil X 16900+MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 or 2 1-6(x2 By typePsionic20% M (5-7' 15 120 All/All N/A 5000 + DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 or 2 1-6(x2 By typePsionc 20% M (5-7' 15 120 All/All N/A 5000 t TSR 2432: City by t 2e
3 1-4(x2)ElementNil Nil S-M (3-11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 to DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 1-6(x2)ElementNil Nil S-M (3-11-12 60 Il,EW/ N/A 420 TSR 2432: City by t 2e
3 1-4(x2 ElementNil Nil S-M (3-11-12 60 Il,EW/ N/A 175 TSR 2432: City by t 2e
1 + 12 3-18/1-ParalyzNil 30% G (40') 13 Nil Nil N/A 8000 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
1 1-3 ParalyzNil Nil S (1') 7 Nil Nil N/A 35 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
7 or 2 SpecialTrampleSpecialNil G (80-117 N/A N/A N/A 45000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 1-4(x2)Stamp Nil Nil L (6') 10 N/A N/A N/A 80 TSR 9487: Giantcra2e
1 1-4 or Nil Nil StandarM (5-6' 17-18 Nil Nil N/A 1400 TSR 1065: The Leg2e
1 SpecialPossesSpecial10% M (5-6' 14 N/A N/A N/A 1000 t MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 or 2 2-5/by SpecialSpecialSpecialM-L N/A Nil Nil II and Variabl FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 or 2 2-5 an SpecialSpecialSpecialM to L 13 N/A N/A N/A 175-30 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 or 1 1-4(x2)Tail str SpecialSpecialM (6') 16 N/A N/A N/A 420 TSR 9351: The Grea 2e
1 1-6 or Spells Nil 25% M (7') 11 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
2 1-10(x2Chain +2 to h 25% M (6') 17 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 1-10(x2Chain Special25% M (6') 17 N/A N/A N/A 6000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
3 1-2 or Nil Nil Nil M (7') 15 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
4 2-5 or Poison Spell I Nil L (12') 18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 By weaShakti Shakti 20% M (5-6' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-4 SpecialNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-4 (w Spell Nil Nil M 14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Spells Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil VII 2550+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-6 (b Spell Nil 30% M 14 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-6(x2)SpecialSpecial30% L N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 2-12(x2Dive at +3 to h 70% L (12') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 108500OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 2-12(x2SpecialSpecial40% L (5') N/A Nil Nil VIII 3950+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 2-12(x2SpecialSpecial40% L 16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-6(x2)SpecialSpecial30% L 14 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Drain bNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1 hp/r Drain Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil II 36+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-2 Drain bNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 plus 2-5 Spells; SpecialSpecialL (10') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 2-5 Nil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-5 WoundiNil Nil M (5') 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 35 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 2-5 WoundiNil Nil M (5') 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 35 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
4 1-4(x2)Spit po Spell i 20% M (5') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 270 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 1-6(x2)Spells ImmuneStandaM N/A Nil Nil III to VI150+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-4 Drain bNil StandaS-M N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-4 Drain bNil Nil S to M (7 N/A N/A N/A 65-270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 SpecialSpells Special25% S (1') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 As per SpecialSpecial25% L (7') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
Nil Nil Magic dMagic r99% T (1') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 15 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
Nil Nil PsionicNil Nil T (1') 12 N/A N/A N/A 15 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 SpecialDrain bNil Nil L (10' 5 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Choke Nil Nil T (1") 6 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-7(x2)Rear c CamoufNil L (6-7') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 1-3(x2)Rear clSurprisStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
0 Nil SpecialSpecial80% S (2') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
0 Nil SpecialSpecial80% T (2') 11 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-18 SpecialKick in StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 3-18 SpecialKick in Nil L (7' a 14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-18 SpecialSpecial10% M or L 15 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 3-18 SpecialSpecial10% L 15 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 1-2 Nil Nil 45% S (1') 5 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil 15% M (5') 11 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 1-8 Nil Nil 30% S (3') 17 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 SpecialCharm + t 1 to hi90% M SpecialN/A N/A N/A 4000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 1-10 Special+1 to hiStandaM N/A SpecialSpecialN/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-10 Magic +1 to hiNil M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-10 Priest +2 to h 25% M (5-6' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 22000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Magic +1 to h SpecialM (6') 16 N/A N/A N/A 13000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-10 o Special+1 to h Nil M (6') 17 120 All/All N/A 8000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialM (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 SpecialSpecialVaries L (9') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 9000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-10 Special+1 to h Varies M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 9000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-10 o Spe +1 to h Nil M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 25000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 16-96 Fear Nil 40% L (18') 19 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
4 1-4 + s Mind blNil 90% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-10 Touch; +1 to h Nil M (4-7' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 19000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
2 3-18 o SpecialSpecial20% M (5.5' 19-20 Nil Nil N/A 15000 TSR 1065: The Leg2e
1 3-10 Psionic+1 to h Nil M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 16000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 3-10 Psionic+1 to h Nil M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 16000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-10 Death g+1 to h 1% perM (5-6' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-3(x2)Nil Nil Nil S (3') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 65 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-8 Poison Nil Nil S (4') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 65 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Nil Nil Nil M (5') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 120 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialNil T (6") SpecialN/A N/A N/A 7 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil S (3') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 35 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil M (6') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 120 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil Nil L (7') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 120 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil H (20') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 975 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 2-5(x2)Nil Nil Nil L (8') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 270 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 2-12/b Droppin+1 to h 25% L (20') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 2-12/b Droppin+1 to h 25% L (20') 15-16 Nil Nil N/A 9000 TSR 2603: Planes 2e
1 1-3 or Backst Spell u 5% S (3') 8-10 Nil Nil N/A 420 TSR 2615: Planes of2e
3 1-4(x2)Rear clSurprisStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-3(x2)Rear clSurprisStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-4(x2)Rear clSurprisStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 2-5(x2)Roar; RNil Nil M (4') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 4-32 Charm +3 to h Nil L (10-120 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 4-32 Charm +3 to h Nil L (10-120 N/A N/A N/A 16000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 4-32 Charm +3 to h Nil L (10-120 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 4-32 Charm +3 to h Nil L (10-120 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
2 1-10(x2Special+2 to h 20% M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 2-4 Strengt+1 to h Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 420 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 2-7 Poison +1 to h Nil M (4-5' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 420 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 1-3(x2)Surpris+1 to h Nil M (5-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 3-6 Detect +1 to h Nil S (3') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-4 Poison +1 to h Nil M (4-5' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
Varies Varies SpecialSpecial20% L to G 20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-10 SurprisNil Nil M (6') 9 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-8(x2)SpecialSpecialStandaL (30') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-8(x2)SpecialSpecialNil G (30') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 SpecialNil StandaL (15') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-8 SpecialNil Nil H (15') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Nil Climb wNil L (8') 9 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-8 SurprisClimb wNil M (5') 9 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil Nil L (8') 8 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-8 Swallo Nil Nil L (8-108-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
2 1-10 Mental Nil Nil L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
2 2-8/1-6SurprisNil Nil L (7') 10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-6/1-3Spells Special80% S (3') N/A Nil Nil V 255+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-3(x2)Spells Special80% S (3') 14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 1-6 Heat WeaponNil M (6') 15 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 2-12(x2SpecialNil StandaL (40') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 2-12(x2SpecialNil Nil G (40') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil Nil L (6') 10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-12 SpecialNil StandaL (20') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 2-12 SpecialNil Nil H (20') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-12 Nil SpecialNil H (15'+13 N/A N/A N/A 1400 TSR 1083: Menzob 2e
3 2-8/2-1Nil SpecialNil H (12') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 1083: Menzob 2e
1 1-10 Breath Nil Nil L (8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 5-20 SkewerNil 20% L (8') N/A Nil Nil VI 550+10FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-2(x2)SpecialNil StandaM (7') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Nil Nil M (7') 14 N/A N/A N/A 65-270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 or 1 1-2(x2)Squirt SpecialNil M (6-8' 15 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 or 1 1-2(x2)VenomSpecialNil L (7') 13 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 5-20 SkewerNil Nil L (8') 16 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-7 Nil Nil Nil M (7') 11 N/A N/A N/A 65 to 9 TSR 2444: Mind Lor2e
1 5-20 Nil Nil Nil L (8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 2444: Mind Lor2e
1 1-3 or SurprisStealth Nil S (1') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 to MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-3 or SurprisStealth Nil S (1') 9 N/A N/A N/A 65 to 1 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 By weaDimensNil Nil M (7') 10 N/A N/A N/A 120 to MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 2-8 an Nil Nil Nil L (8') 15 N/A N/A N/A 420 to MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-4(x2)Tail sl Nil Nil L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 (L MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 or 4 2-9(x2)AirbornAcute Nil L (7-8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 (L MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Nil Nil M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 65 (LegMCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 or 3 1-6/1- Nil Nil Nil M (6') 13 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 By weaNil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5'+) 9 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 or 6- Paraly Partial Nil T (1") 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 1-3(x2)Nil Climbi Nil M (6') 5 Nil Nil N/A 35 (LeaTSR 1064: From th 2e
4 1-4(x4)Bite; F RegeneNil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 1124: The Nig 2e
2 2-12(x TrampleSpells Nil L (8') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 650 to MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 2-12(x TramplePossiblNil L (8') 15 N/A N/A N/A 650 to MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecialStandaS (1') N/A Nil Nil III 125+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
Nil SpecialSpecialSpecial50% G 17 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 2-12 Nil Nil Nil L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 (L MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 By weaNil Detect iNil M (5-7' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 (LegMCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-6 SpecialNil Nil H (20') 11 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 SpecialNil StandaL (20') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 SpecialSpecialNil Nil H (20') 11 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Strengt+1 to hiNil H (20') 15 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
4+ SpecialSpecialNil Nil H (20-311 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 3 1-6(x2)Smother SpecialNil M-L (5-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-2, 2- Charm;+1 or siStandaM N/A Nil Nil VII 1700+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-12 o Seize t +1 or siNil M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 or 1 1-4(x2)Surpris+1 or si20% M (6-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 or 1 1-4(x2)Surpris+1 or g40% M (6-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 4000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 2-8 Nil +1 or SiNil M (10') 7 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 or 2 3-12 o Nil +1, silv StandaL (12-1N/A Nil Nil VI 900+12MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 or 2 3-12 o Nil Hit onlyNil L (12-113-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 3 2-8 or Nil Nil StandaM (6-7' N/A Nil Nil II 60+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 (3) 2-8 (1- Nil Nil Nil M (6-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 or 1 1-6(x2)Berzerk+1 or siNil S (4') 13-14 oN/A N/A N/A 650 to MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 1-4(x2)SpecialSilver oNil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 420 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
3 1-3(x2)Special+1 or siStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-3(x2)Hug forSilver oNil L (6-9') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-12 Special+1 or siStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-12 o Nil Silver oNil M (5-6' 13 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-12/1-Control+1 or siNil M-L (5-13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 to MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 2-12/1-Infecti +1 or siNil M-L (8-13-14 Nil Nil N/A 650 to TSR 9274: Old Emp2e
1 1-2, 2- Charm,Silver oSpecialM 13 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-12 o Special+1 or i Nil M (5-6' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
3 1-6(x2)Special+1 to hiNil M 12 N/A N/A N/A 975 (cuRL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 or 1 1-3(x2)Rear c +1 or oNil M (6-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 1-4(x2)Rear cl+1 or siNil M (6') 13 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-4(x2)Nil +1 to hiNil M 14 N/A N/A N/A 650 (cuRL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 1-4(x2)HamstrNil Nil M 12 N/A N/A N/A 650 (cuRL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 1-6(x2)Leap; R+1 or siStandaM-L (6' 14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
2 or 3 By weap Scarrin+1 or siNil M (5-6' 14 N/A N/A N/A 420 (LoMCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-8 Special+1 or siStandaS-M N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 By weaNil Silver oNil S-M (3'11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-12 SpecialSilver oNil M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-12 SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
2 1-6/1-8Sting +1 to hiNil M 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 (cuRL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 5-20 Surpris+1 or siNil L (20') 11 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 5-20 Nil +1 or siStandaL N/A Nil Nil VII 1500+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 5-20 Special+1 or siNil M (6') o11 N/A N/A N/A 4000 TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 1-12 orPoison +1 or siNil M-L (6-11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-6 or Charm +1 or siNil M (6') 15 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-4(x2)Special+1 or siStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-4(x2)Rake foSilver oNil M or L 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 or 5 1-4(x2)Forces +1 or siNil M (5'1018 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 2-8 Special+1 or siStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 Nil Silver oNil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x2)Rear clSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 SpecialSpecialSpecialNil H (14-213-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 1-6(x2)Crush; +1 to h 30% L (9') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 21500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 1-6(x2)Crush; +1 to h 30% L (9') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 10000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 3-6 Tail whSpecialSpecialS (1.5- 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 3-24(x2Spell d Anti-maNil L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 3-24(x2Tempora 3' radi 100% L (8') 19-20 Nil Nil N/A 11000 TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
1 By weaEntangSpell I 50% M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 By weaNil Spell I 30% M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 By weaLightni Spell I 50% M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 By weaCharm Spell I 20% M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 3-24 +1 to h ImmuneStandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil III 97+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 3-12 Energy +1 or si50% M N/A Nil Nil VII 1300+8FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 3-24 HypnosInvisibi Nil H (20') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 8000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
3 9-18(x2Acid sl +1 or r 30% L (12') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-4(x2)+2 to s Nil Nil M 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil S 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x2)Nil Nil Nil S 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-5 Rotten Nil Nil S 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)Leap Regener Nil M? 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 3-12 Nil Fight u Nil S to M 8-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1-4 or Nil Nil Nil S 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
3 1-4(x2)Knock Nil Nil S 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
2 1-10(x2+2 bonuNil Nil M 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1-4 Cause Nil Nil S 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
3 1-3(x2)Nil Nil Nil M 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 4-16 Nil Nil Nil M 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 3-18 SpecialNil Nil L 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 3-12 Nil Nil Nil L 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 3-18 Nil Nil Nil L 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-8 Shoot qNil Nil L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-6 Musk Nil Nil M 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-12 Drain bNil Nil M 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 2-5(x2)+4 to h Nil Nil L 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-3 ChargeNil Nil S 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
3 1-3(x2)Nil Nil Nil M 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1-4 Stamp Nil Nil M (5') 3 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
2 1-8(x2)ChargeHead i Nil L (5') 10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
2 1-6(x2)ChargeNil Nil L 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-4 Spittin Nil Nil L (8') 3 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 or 2 2-12 orNil Nil Nil L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-4 Stamp Nil Nil L (8') 4 N/A N/A N/A 15-120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 2-16 ChargeNil Nil L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-12 ChargeNil Nil L 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 or 2 4-16 orNil Nil Nil L 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-12 orSpecialNil Nil L 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-3 Spit Nil Nil L 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-8 ChargeNil Nil L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-12 ChargeNil Nil L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-4 ChargeNil Nil M (5') 3 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 or 2 2-8 or Nil Nil Nil L 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-6 or Nil Nil Nil M 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 2-8 Nil Nil Nil S 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1-2 Nil Nil Nil S 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
3 1-3(x2)Throw Nil Nil M 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1 Eye BitNil Nil S 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1-3 Nil Nil Nil S 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil S 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
3 1-3(x2)Nil Nil Nil L 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1 Nil Musk Nil S 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
3 1-4(x2)+4 to s Nil Nil S 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 0 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1-3 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 27 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
0 0 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
0 0 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 0 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo
1 1 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 0 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 0 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-18 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 0 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 0 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 Nil Nil Nil S 2-9 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 2 1-3(x2)Nil Nil Nil M 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Breath ImmuneNil L 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6/1-4Nil Nil Nil M 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-12 Howl, +Nil Nil M 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270-97 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-8/1-8Nil Fight u Nil M 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 Nil Nil Nil T (2') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)+4 to atNil Nil S 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
5 3-18(x2Nil Nil StandaL (10-1N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialSpecialM (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M (5-6' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
2 1-4(x2)StranguSpecial20% S (1-2' N/A Nil Nil Variabl Variabl MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
0 Nil Shriek Meldin Nil T (10') 6 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-6 an Nil Nil Nil M (4-5' 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 1-6(x2)ChargeNil Nil L (8') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 2-5(x2)Poison,Nil 20% L (6') 15-18 N/A N/A N/A 4000-1 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-5(x2)Poison Nil Nil L (6') 15-18 N/A N/A N/A 975 to MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 SpecialNil Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil III 65+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-4 andSting Nil Nil S (4') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
3 1-3(x2)Tail sp Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-3(x2)Tail Sp Nil Nil H (15') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-3(x2)Breath ImmuneNil H (25') 13-14 Nil Nil N/A 3000 t CD (TSR 9547: Cult2e
1 2-12 orSpecialCamoufStandaL (12') N/A Nil Nil VII 1350+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2-5 SpecialSpecialNil StandaL (3' peN/A Nil Nil V 275+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 3-12(x2SpecialSpecial25% L (20') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
4 1-6(x2)Special+1 to hiStandaM N/A Nil Nil V 350+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 8-32 SpecialSpecial25% L (18') N/A Nil Nil VIII 5000 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-6(x2)Nil SpecialNil M (6-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 TSR 9348: Islands o2e
1 1-6 or Spells Nil Nil M 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
3 to 8 5-6 or ConstriImmuneNil G (40') 14 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-2(x2)Missil ImmuneNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 8-80 Cause +3 to h 10% L (12') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 36000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 8-80 Special+3 to h 10% L (12') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 17000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 5-20 Nil Poison StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
2 1-3(x2 SurprisShapesh Nil M 13 N/A N/A N/A 975 or MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
2 4-16/1-Poison ImmuneNil M (6') 11 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 2-8 Baying Hide i Nil M (5') 17 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Baying Hide in StandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 185+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
5 2-16(x2Nil Nil StandaL (10') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-6(x2)Poison SpecialNil S (3') 13 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
4 1-10(x2Poison RegeneNil M (5-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A 10000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 1-4(x2)Nil SpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil III 85+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-4(x2)Nil SpecialNil M (4-5' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 1-4(x2)StranguThief abNil M (4'6" 11 N/A N/A N/A 270 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav2e
1 2-24 SpecialSpecial90% M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A SpecialOPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 2-24 SpecialSpecial90% M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A SpecialPS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 Stun Spell c Deific Nil S (3') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 1-4 Gaze tuNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-4 Petrifi Nil Nil M (6-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 hp o Nil SpecialNil T (<6") 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 + we 1-4 Petrifi Poison 20% M (6-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-8x2 SpecialSpecialNil M (5-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 or 1- Petrifi Nil Nil M (6') 13 N/A N/A N/A 3000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
2 1-4(x2)ParalysDimensStandaS (2') N/A Nil Nil IV 240+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-4(x2)Fear; PDimensNil T (2') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
5 or 1 1-6(x5)Poison Nil Nil G (100-11-12 N/A N/A N/A 4000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 15-40( ParalyzSpell I Nil L-H (1520 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 By weaFear +1 to hi35% M (5-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
Nil Nil Fear +1 to h Nil S to M 9 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-2 or Nil Resist Nil M (6.5' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav2e
1 By weaLeader StandaStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 or 2 By weaLeader Leader StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 By weaLeader Leader StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 By weaNil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 By weaLeader Leader StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 By weaNil SpecialNil M (4-5' 10 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-2 or Rage Nil Nil M (6') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 15 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav2e
1 1-3 or SurprisNil Nil M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav2e
SpecialBy weaSpecialSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
SpecialBy weaSpecialSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 By wea+2 to h Nil Nil M (5-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 6-12 ( Disinte +1 to h 45% L (10') 20 N/A N/A N/A 8000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 5-12(x2SpecialSpecialNil L (8') 15 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 or as 7-12(x Special+1 to hi25% M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 20000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 1-3(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-3(x2)Belabo SpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-4(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-3(x2)Breath SpecialStandaM (5') N/A Nil Nil III 150+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-3(x2)Breath SpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 2-4(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-2(x2)Breath SpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1(x2) Breath SpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 SpecialBreath SpecialStandaM (5') N/A Nil Nil III 105+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-3(x2)Lightni SpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 2-9(x2)Breath;RegeneNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-4(x2)Glitter SpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1(x2) Breath SpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 1(x2) SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-3(x2)Stinkin Nil Nil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-3(x2)Color SpecialNil M (5') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-3(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-2(x2)Breath SpecialStandaM (5') N/A Nil Nil III 105+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-2(x2)Breath SpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-4(x2)Breath SpecialStandaM (5') N/A Nil Nil III 175+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 2-5(x2)Breath SpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 2-5(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-3(x2)Acid S SpecialNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 2-9(x2)Mental Regener 20% M (5-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 9000 ( MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 2-7 (b Backst Nil Nil M (5-7' 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 650 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 By weaGrappl Nil Nil M (5-6' 10 N/A N/A N/A 65-650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaSpecialNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 3-12 Magnit SpecialNil H (12-213-14 N/A N/A N/A 650 to MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 3-30 Nil Nil Nil G (100'11 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
2 or 1 7-12(x SpecialSpecialSpecialM (7') N/A Nil Nil VII 2700+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
4 2-7(x4)Constit +2 to hi10% M (6') N/A Nil Nil VII 1700+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 3-12 Glue CamoufStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 3-12 ( Glue CamoufNil L 15 N/A N/A N/A 975-14 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 6-24 SurprisCamouf10% H (100017 N/A N/A N/A 7000 t MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 3-18 Mimicr CamouflNil H (15-215-16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3-6 4-24 Mimicr CamouflNil H (30-417-18 N/A N/A N/A 13000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 2-12 Mimicr CamouflNil L (10') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 3-12 ( Glue CamoufNil L 13 N/A N/A N/A 2000-3 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 Glue CamoufNil L 15 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
4 2(x4) Mind blNil 90% M N/A 241-34 B/FGH N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
4 2 Mind BlMagica90% M (6') 15 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil VI 1000+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
As bas As bas +1 surp-1 chan+2 to s 1/2 ba N/A Nil Nil Variabl Variabl MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-12 PolymorSpecial10% M (6.5' 16 Nil Nil N/A 1400 TSR 9274: Old Emp2e
3/2 or 1-12 o SpecialSave as10% M (6.5' 20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 (PTSR 2600: Planesc 2e
2 2-8 or Nil SurprisStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 2-8x2 Grappl +2 to s Nil L (7.5') 13 N/A N/A N/A 1400 (EMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-8/1- SpecialSpecialSpecialL (7-8') 13 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 SpecialSpecialInjured 10% S (3') 7 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 3-30 SpecialSpecial95% M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 pe Blood dNil Nil T (2") 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 35 to MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-3 pe Blood dNil Nil T (2") 15-16 Nil Nil N/A 35 to TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
1 1-8 SpecialSpecialSpecialM (5-8' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-8 SpecialSpecialSpecialM (5-8' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)Diseas +1 to hiNil M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
2 2-12(x2SpecialSpecial50% Varies 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 3000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
2 2-12(x2SpecialSpecial50% Varies 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 5000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-3 Nil Nil StandaS (2') N/A Nil Nil I 5+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-3 Nil Nil Nil T (2') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
Nil Nil Nil SpecialSpecialT (2.5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
2 2-5(x2 Nil ImmuneStandaS (4-6' N/A Nil Nil II 50+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 or Nil ImmuneStandaS (3-6' N/A Nil Nil II 28+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
5 5-8(x5)ParalysSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil V 350+7 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
4 or 2 4-7(x4)AttacksImmuneStandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 165+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 3-6(x3)Nil ImmuneStandaM N/A Nil Nil III 84+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
10 1-4(x10Spell u +2 to hi10% M (7') N/A Nil Nil VII 2550+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
7 1-10(x7Special+2 to hi40% M N/A Nil Nil IX 8250+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
6 2-13(x6Special+3 to hi50% L N/A Nil Nil IX 8250+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
9 1-6(x9)Spell u +2 to hi20% L N/A 199 All/All VIII 5250+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
8 1-8(x8)Special+2 to hi30% L (7-10N/A Nil; Im Nil VIII 5250+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
4 4-26(x4Special+3 to hi70% L N/A Nil Nil X 10950+MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
5 3-17(x5Special+3 to hi60% L N/A Nil Nil X 10950+MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 6-72(x2Special+4 to hi90% L N/A 300-31 All/All X 15200+MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 5-40(x3Special+4 to hi80% L N/A Nil Nil X 15200+MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 20-160 Special+5 to hi100% L N/A 365 All/All X 32500 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-20 ParadoImmuneNil T (1') 20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
Nil Nil Life dr RegeneNil S (6") 20 Nil Nil N/A 975 TSR 1162: Return t 2e
0 0 Freezi SpecialSpecialS-L N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
0 Nil Freezi AbsorbNil S-L N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 Nil FascinaImmuneNil S to L N/A N/A N/A N/A 175 (SoMCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-8 Spores;SpecialNil S-L n/a N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 SpecialSpores;Special20% S-L n/a N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-6 SporesSpecial35% S-L n/a N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
0 0 SporesSpecialSpecialS-L N/A Nil Nil Nil Nil MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
0 Nil Spore ImmuneNil S-L N/A N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 Poison SpecialSpecialS-L N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 Nil Poison Affecte 20% S-L N/A N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 or SpecialSpecialNil S-M (2'8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120-20 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4, 1- Nil CamoufStandaM N/A Nil Nil I to III 20+1 t MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
1 1-4 (1HNil CamoufNil M (5-7' 12 N/A N/A N/A 35-270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 or 3 1-8(x2 SpecialNil 50% M (6') 16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
2 2-8/1-6Electic StrategStandaG (50') 13 N/A N/A N/A 5000 TSR 9295: Wonders2e
Varies Varies Varies Varies Specia Varies 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 35000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 1-10 + ParalyzNil Nil H-G 11 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-12 Bay; H +2 to h 25% M (3') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 30500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 3-12 SpecialSpecial25% M (3') N/A Nil Nil VII 2000+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialNil M 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 270 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave2e
1 3-18 orSpecialSpecialNil M (7') 18 150 -/All N/A 10000 TSR 2432: City by t 2e
6 1-2(x6)Swarm BurrowNil S (1-2' SpecialN/A N/A N/A 120 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 1-10 HypnosSpell r SpecialM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-10 HypnosSpell RNil M (6') 14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-6 Change+2 to hi60% M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 12000 TSR 1124: The Nig 2e
1 SpecialWind anNil 80% G 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 58500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 10-60 Wind mImmune80% G 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 25000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1-6 per1 Sting Withdr Nil S-M (2"20 N/A N/A N/A Varies MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-2 Water jNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil I 7+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
1 1-2 Water Nil Nil T (1') 10 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 SpecialMud ThSpecialNil S (4') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 Nil Mud-th +1 to h StandaS (4') N/A Nil Nil II 28+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 By weaFear Disgui Nil M (5-7' 13 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-3 or Streng Nil Nil M (6-7' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 65 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 2-9 (b PsionicNil Nil M (6-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 or 2 1-2/1-6Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 2-12(x2Spells +2 to hi40% M (5') 18 N/A N/A N/A 11000 TSR 1124: The Nig 2e
1 1-12 Fear SpecialSpecialM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-12 Fear, +1 to hiNil M (6') 15 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-12 Fear; ImmuneUndeadM (5-6' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
By typ Varies Fear; +1 or siNil S-M 13 N/A N/A N/A Base + MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
By typ Varies Fear; D+1 or siNil Varies 15 N/A N/A N/A Base + MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 3-18 Special+1 to hiNil M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-18 SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 8000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 3-18 Fear au+1 to h Nil M (6'3" 18 N/A N/A N/A 8000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 to 3 5-50 e Spells Spells Nil G (1-6016 N/A N/A N/A 51000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 2-24 Hold foImmuneNil L (8') 18 Nil Nil N/A 1400 TSR 2603: Planes 2e
1 1-4 pe Spore Poison StandaS-L (2' N/A Nil Nil I to V 14+1 t MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 pe Spore Poison Nil T-L (2' 12-13 N/A N/A N/A 65-650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 Nil Invisib Nil T (6-9" 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
2 1-4/3-1Spells SpecialNil L (12') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 1-4/2-8SpecialNil Nil L (up t 15 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
2 1-4/2-8SpecialNil Nil L (up t 15 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-6/2-8SpecialNil StandaL (20') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 1-6/2-8SpecialNil Nil H (20') 15 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 SpecialNil StandaL (15') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-3 SpecialNil Nil H (15') 14 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 SpecialNil StandaM (10') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-4 SpecialNil Nil L (10') 11 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 Spells Nil 15% M (5-6' 13 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-24, 6 Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil IV 190+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 By weaFear +1 or ir Nil M 12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-6 Nil Special10% S (3') 11 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 1-6(x2)Fear Special30% M (4') 13 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 1-8(x2)Diseas Special10% M (6') 13 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-4 or Poison +1 sav Nil S (4') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
21 1-8(x20SpecialSpecial20% G (50'+15-16 N/A N/A N/A 15000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 10-25 Roar; +1 to hiNil H (30') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 7000 TSR 9539: The Sea2e
SpecialSpecialSwallo Convul Nil H (200'Nil N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-8 ParalysImmuneNil L (12') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-8 ParalysImmuneSpecialL N/A Nil Nil III 118+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 to 6 1-2 ea SurprisSpecialSub-St M N/A Nil Nil III 85+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 3-12 SurprisSpecialNil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 or 1- 3-12 orSurprisSpecialNil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-10 Spells Spells, Nil L (10') 14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
3 1-3(x2)Slowin Possib Nil S (3') 12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-3(x2)Slowin SpecialNil S (3') 12 Nil Nil N/A 270 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
0 0 Digest Young 10% H (20') 6 N/A N/A N/A 14000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 SpecialYoung Special10% H (20') 6 Nil Nil N/A 500 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
3 2-12(x2Diseas Never sStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
Nil Nil Spit; C Kiss; 50% M N/A Nil Nil IV 200+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-9 (b Uses p Forest Nil M (4-5' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 65 to MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 or 1 1-8(x2)SpecialSpecial30% L 15 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 2600: Planesc 2e
1 2-12 SpecialSpecial65% M N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-12 Cause +3 to h 65% M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 16000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 2-12 Cause +3 to h 65% M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 12000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 3-10(x2Energy+1 to hi10% M (5.5' 12 N/A N/A N/A 6000 TSR 1124: The Nig 2e
3 2-8/4-1Nil SpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 4-10x2 Burnin ParalyzNil L (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 4-10(x Burnin ParalyzNil L (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 4-10(x Burnin ParalyzNil L (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
5 2-12(x2Psionic+1 to h 20% G (30') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 16000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 2-5 or Spells; Spells Nil M (4') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 2-20/2-SurprisSpecialNil G (100'20 N/A N/A N/A 19000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 3-30(x2SurprisSpecialNil H (20') 20 N/A N/A N/A 18000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 7-12 SurprisSpecialNil G (30') 20 N/A N/A N/A 17000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 or 1 1-3(x2)Tail fli ImmuneNil M (5') 11-12 Nil Nil N/A 975 TSR 2615: Planes of2e
1 or 2 1-4(x2 Acid spNil Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 3-12 Sever hNil Nil L (10') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-6 or Nil SpecialStandaS (4') N/A Nil Nil III 53+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 By weaSpells Spells Nil L (6') 10 N/A N/A N/A 120 to MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
0 Nil AbosorSpecialSpecialL (12') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 By weaCharm Nil 25% S (4') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 2-8(x2)Swoop;Invisibi 30% M (20' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 2-8(x2)Swoop Surpris30% M (20') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 7000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 2-20 orNil SpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil VII 1400+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-8(x2)Project Nil 30% L (11') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 1-3/1-6Nil Nil StandaS (4') N/A Nil Nil I 20+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-4 or Charm;+1 to h Nil M (5-7' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 o MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
2 3-24(x2Death Regener 20% H (7') 15 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 or 1 9-16(x SpecialSpecialStandaL (8') N/A Nil Nil IX 6800+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
0 Nil SpecialSpecial50% M N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
0 Nil SpecialSpecial50% M (4-6' 7 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
Nil Nil Intoxic Animal 50% M (4-6' 7 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
0 Nil Charm;Dimens50% M (4-6' 10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Magic m Special44% S (2-4' 17 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-4 SpecialSpecial44% S (2-4' 17 N/A N/A N/A 4000 TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 By weaNil Nil Nil M 14 N/A N/A N/A Varies RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecialStandaS (1/2')N/A Nil Nil II 30+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-8(x3)Blood dNil 25% L (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 15000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 3-12 Nil SpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
7 1-4(x6)ConstriSpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
7 1-4(x6)ConstriInk, C Nil L (9-1213 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 + 1SmotheLuminoNil L (9') 19 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 or Sp2-12 Cold g LuminoNil H (20') 20 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
11 (6 o 1-10(x1ConstriInk 30% H (40') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 15000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
9 (5 on 1-8(x8)ConstriInk 15% H (30') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 Nil DominaImmuneSpecialN/A 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-10 o Nil Nil StandaL (9'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-10 (o+2 to Nil Nil L (9'+) 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270, LeMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 or 1 1-6(x2)SpecialCamoufStandaL (9') N/A Nil Nil II or IV 130+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-8 Nil Nil Nil L (8-9') 12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-7(x2)Nil Nil Nil M (6-7' 10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-10 ( +2 to SpecialSpecialM (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A Varies MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-12 o Mist; B Nil Nil L (10') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 to TSR 9487: Giantcra2e
1 1-10 ( +2 to Nil Nil L (7-9') 11 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-6 (b +2 to Nil Nil M (4-5' 7 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 or 1 1-6(x2)SpecialCamoufNil L (9') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 420, LeMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-10 +2 damSpecialSpecialM (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A Varies TSR 9278: Otherla 2e
1 1-10 +2 damSpecialSpecialM (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A Varies TSR 9278: Otherla 2e
1 or 2 2-12 o Battle- Nil Nil L (9'+) 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 420 to TSR 3110: Warlock 2e
1 1-10 o Streng Nil Nil L (9-1011-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 TSR 1091: City of D2e
1 1-12 SpecialNil StandaL (10.5'N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-12 Magic Nil Nil L (10.5'13-14 N/A N/A N/A 650, ChMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
4 3-12(x4SpecialNil StandaL (8') N/A Nil Nil IV 600+12MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-8 (b Burn l Nil Nil L (9-1111-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
2 2-12 SqueezSpecialNil L (10') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 By weaNil +1 saveNil M (6') 8-10 Nil Nil N/A 120 to TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
2 3-10(x2Spells Nil Nil L (7-8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 6-16(x2SpecialRegene20% L (8-9') 15 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 3-18(x2SpecialRegene40% L (9'+) 14 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-6 Mind CoMalleabNil M (5-6' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 to PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 3-12 ParalysHalf daNil M (5-6' 17 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 4-16 Poison SpecialNil M to L 10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 ParalysSpecialNil L (10') 10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 0 SpecialSpecialNil S (2-4' 10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-16 Corrod SpecialNil M to L 10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 2 5-20 Special+1 to hi10% L (9-1213-14 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 Nil SpecialNil M (4-7' 10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 Nil SpecialSpecialSpecialS (4') 10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 Varies Olive SSpecialSpecialSpecial9 N/A N/A N/A 420, 9 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 Nil ParalysTransp Nil S (3') 15 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 ParalysNil Nil L (10') 9 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-3/by SpecialSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil III 125+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 1-3/by SpecialCamoufNil M (5-6' 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 1-3(x2)Spells; Spells 35% M (3') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 14000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
4 1-3(x2)SpecialSpecial35% M N/A 205-25 All/All VII 2300+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 1-3(x2)Spells; Spells 35% M (3') 11-12 150 All/All N/A 10000 TSR 1091: City of D2e
Varies By weaVaries Varies Varies Varies 14-18 N/A N/A N/A Varies PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 1-8 or Nil Nil StandaM (6'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-8 Nil Nil Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil CamoufNil M (6-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 By weaWar cr Nil Nil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 By weaNil SanctuaNil M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 to MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-10 +1 to Nil Nil M (6-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Charm;Spells; 60% M (6') 12 Nil Nil N/A 420 (S TSR 2603: Planes 2e
2 2-7(x2)Nil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil II 28+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
5 2-5(x4)Hurl ro Nil Nil H (25') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 4-7/1-3SpecialSpecialNil S (2') 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 2-12 Nil Nil StandaS (2') N/A Nil Nil III 60+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-2 or Nil Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil I 5+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
1 3-18 Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-8(x2)Diseas Never sStandaM-L N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-8(x2)Grab, Never sNil M to L 14 N/A N/A N/A 650 to MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-12(x2Grab, Never sNil L (8') 17 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecialStandaS (4-5' N/A Nil Nil II 30+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 2-8(x2)SurprisNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-6(x2)Hug Nil StandaL (8') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-6(x2)Hug Nil Nil L (8') 11-12 +N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-10(x2Hug; SuImmuneNil L (12') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 1-10(x2Hug; SuNil Nil L (8') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 By weapSpells Spells 25% M (5-6' 10 N/A N/A N/A 650 +4 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
2 1-6(x2 Springi Healin 20% M 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 1000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 4-10(x2SpecialSpecialNil L (10') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 975 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-3 AbsorpImmune10% S 5 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-3 Swallo Immune10% S 5 N/A N/A N/A 270 to TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 or 2 1-6 or Blood dSpecialSpecialM (5-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 3-24 Cold A +1 to h Nil L (8-1615-16 N/A N/A N/A 7000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 3-18 Heat A +1 to h Nil L (8-1615-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 2-16 Multipl +1 to h Nil L (8-1615-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 2-16 Blindi +1 to h Nil L (8-1615-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 3-18(x2Special+1 to hiNil L (12') 15 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 3-18 Special+1 to hiNil H (16') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
6 1-6(x6)Special+1 to hiNil L (12') 15 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 3-18/2-Special+1 to hiNil L (16') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 or 1 1-6(x2)Meld RegeneNil M (6') 19 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
Nil Nil Blood dDisgui 30% T (1-1220 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
Nil Nil Blood dDisgui 30% T (1-1220 N/A N/A N/A 65 TSR 1091: City of D2e
Nil Nil BurrowNil Nil T (6") 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
Nil Nil BurrowNil Nil T (6") 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 15 TSR 1091: City of D2e
1 1-4 Blood dDisgui Nil T-S (1- 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-4 Blood dDisgui Nil T-S (1- 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 TSR 1091: City of D2e
Varies Varies Varies Varies Nil T (1') Nil N/A N/A N/A 15 or 6 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
Varies Varies Varies Varies Nil T (1') Nil N/A N/A N/A 15 or 6 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
Varies Varies Varies Varies Nil T (1') Nil N/A N/A N/A 15 or 6 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
Varies Varies Varies Varies Nil T (1') Nil N/A N/A N/A 15 or 6 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
Varies Varies Varies Varies Nil T (1') Nil N/A N/A N/A 15 or 6 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
Varies Varies Varies Varies Nil T (1') Nil N/A N/A N/A 15 or 6 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-4 Blood dDisguisNil T (3-6" 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-4 Blood dDisguisNil T (3-6" 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 TSR 1091: City of D2e
Nil Nil Spell d Weapon10% T (1/1620 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
Nil Nil Spell d Weapon10% T (1/1620 N/A N/A N/A 120 TSR 1091: City of D2e
1 1 Fear a Special25% T-S (1- 5 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1 Fear a Special25% T-S (1- 5 N/A N/A N/A 270 to TSR 1091: City of D2e
2 1-3 or Fear auSpecialNil T (6-8" 18 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 1-3 or Fear auSpecialNil T (6-8" 18 N/A N/A N/A 420 TSR 1091: City of D2e
2 1-2 or Fear auSpecialNil T (4-6" 14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 1-2 or Fear auSpecialNil T (4-6" 14 N/A N/A N/A 270 TSR 1091: City of D2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecial25% S (4') N/A Nil Nil IV 240+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-8(x2)Poison Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil IV 170+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-6(x2)Grip Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil II 5-+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-8 Nil Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil I 20+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-8(x2)Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-8(x2)Dive, RNil Nil L (5.5') 11 N/A N/A N/A 175, GrMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2 Dive 30% imNil L (8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 975 to MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2 Dive 30% imNil L (8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 975 to MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 SpecialSpecialImmune7% T (2') 12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 SpecialSpecialImmune7% T (2') 12 N/A N/A N/A 65 TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 SpecialSpecialImmune33% T 14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 SpecialSpecialImmune33% T 14 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 1-6 or Blood dSpecialSpecialM N/A Nil Nil V 290+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 2-20 (+Magic +1 to h 50% M (6') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 27500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 2-20 (+Magica+1 to h 50% M (6') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 12000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 1-3 Constit Nil StandaS (2") N/A Nil Nil I 7+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-10 Constit Nil Nil T (2") 4 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 4-16 +2 to a +1 to hiStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 4-16 +2 to at+1 to hiNil M (5') 16 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 4-16 +2 to at+1 to hiNil M (5') 16 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
6 1-4(x4)Tail sti Absorb/44% L (12') 17 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 3-18 o Flame +3 to s Nil M (5') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 3-24 o Flame +3 to s 5% M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-4 or Surpris+2 bonuNil S (3') 8 N/A N/A N/A 35 to MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-4 or Poison +2 sav Nil S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 to MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
Nil Nil Fear Nil SpecialM Nil N/A N/A N/A Nil MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
Nil Nil Fear Nil SpecialM N/A Nil Nil Nil Nil MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
Nil Nil Fear, Nil SpecialM Nil N/A N/A N/A Nil MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-4(x2)SpecialImmuneStandaL N/A Nil Nil V 375+6 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-8(x2)SpecialImperviNil L (7'+) 16 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 or 2 2-12 orSpecialSpecial50% M N/A SpecialSpecialIX 8600+3MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-5 or HypnotiESP; I 20% M (6') 11-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 1-10(x2Energy +2 to h 25-50 L (10') 15-16 Nil Nil N/A 10000 TSR 2615: Planes of2e
1 SpecialSpecialAffecte Nil M (5-7' 20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 or 2 2-12 orShriek +3 to h 50% L (40') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 19000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 2 2-12 orShriek +3 to h 50% L (40'+ 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 87000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 2-12(x2Feeblem +2 to h Nil L (9') 14 N/A N/A N/A SpecialTSR 9570: A Darkn 2e
2 3-6(x2)Infecti SpecialSpecialS (2') N/A Nil Nil V 280+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-6 pe 95% likNil StandaS-M N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-6 pe SurprisNil Nil T-M (1-8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 to 4 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 4-16 SurprisNil StandaL (9-14N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
Varies By weaSpecialSpecialNil M (6-7' 16 N/A N/A N/A SpecialMCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
2 1-8(x2)Burnin SpecialNil M (7') 12 60 EW/M, N/A 800 TSR 2432: City by t 2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecial25% S (2.5')N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
0 Nil Sleep Nil Nil S (1') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 to MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-2 + t Blood dNil Nil S (4') N/A N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
7 to 12 1-4 perDrowsi RegeneNil L (6-9' 19-20 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 1-6 ParalysSpecialNil H (45') Nil N/A N/A N/A 2000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-6 Blood dNil Nil M-H (3-Nil N/A N/A N/A 175 to DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
24 1-2 perParalysSharp Nil L (10') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 15-16 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
6 1 -3 penaNil Nil S 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-6 Poison SpecialNil S (2') Nil N/A N/A N/A 2000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 or 1 0 SpecialSpecialNil H (20') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3-6 2-5 Trappi Nil Nil H (15') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 1-10 StranguSpecialNil H (25') Nil N/A N/A N/A 650 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 Volle 2-8 Nil Adhesi Nil M (4') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
12 1-2(x12Blood dNil Nil M (5-6' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-4 ParalysSpecialNil L (20-513-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
2 1-10(x2Frenzy Nil Nil Varies 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
Varies Nil DexteriSmoke Nil Varies 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
0 Nil Sleep PNil Nil T (6") 12 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil S (3') 12 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 25% of Blood SpecialNil L (10') 19 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 per c 5-20 Boring;Must beNil L-H (6- 20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
8 or m 1-4 perStranglSpecialNil G (20-114 N/A N/A N/A 18000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1-10 1-2 Poison;ConfusiNil M (4') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
0 SpecialGrab Nil Nil S-M (3-12 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
0 0 SpecialNil Nil L to G 12 N/A N/A N/A 650 to MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 1 0 SpecialSpecialNil H (20') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1d4+2 2-5 Trappi Nil Nil H (15') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 Volle 2-8 Dew Nil Nil M (4') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 0 SpecialNil Nil M (5-8' 10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 Nil Poison Nil Nil L (8-1320 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-8 Blood dNil Nil S (3-4' 12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2-12 Nil Pollen ImmuniNil L (20') 20 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 or Nil ImmuniNil M (4-7' 20 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2-8 1-3 Nil Nil Nil L (10') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
Nil Nil Cause Nil Nil S (2') Nil N/A N/A N/A 120 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
0 Nil DetonaNil Nil M (4-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
Nil Nil Engulf Regrow25% Any Nil N/A N/A N/A 50 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
3 1-3 SpecialSpecialSpecialH-G (2015 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 0 SpecialSpecialNil M (6-7' 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 0 SpecialSpecialNil T (6") 9 N/A N/A N/A 35 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 Roots SpecialNil L (12'+ 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 + MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-16(x2SuffocaSpecialNil L (6-9') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 6000 + MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 SpecialCrushi Nil Nil L (7-129 N/A N/A N/A 120 to MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
6 per t 1-3 SuffocaSpecialNil M (3-4' 11 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-5 Thorn Nil Nil M (4') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 Nil Legaci Legaci Nil T (2-3')11-12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
0 Nil Legaci Singin Nil T (2-3')11-12 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1 hp/r Nil Nil Nil T-S (1- 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 7 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 By weaSpecialSpecial75% L (8.5') N/A 288 All/All X 60000+MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 3-18(x2Elemen+1 to h Nil L (12') 15 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 2-12(x2Elemen+1 to h Nil M (6') 13 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-16 orHeat blSpecialNil H (12') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1-4 or 1-8 or Boom; SpecialNil M-H 10 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1-3 or 1-6 or Squeal;Special5% S-L 12 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 or m 2-20 orAcid Special10% G 15 N/A N/A N/A 17000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
3 1-6(x3)Spell u +1 to hi5% perM-L (5-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t TSR 1066: Maztica 2e
3 1-4(x3)Spell u +1 to hi5% perT-S (3" 13 N/A N/A N/A 270 to TSR 1066: Maztica 2e
1 1-6 or Drough+1 to hiNil S (2-3' 10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 SpecialSpecialNil 20% T (1') 10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
Nil Nil Fear +1 or siStandaM N/A Nil Nil II 34+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 Nil Fear Invisibi Nil M (6') 10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Shoot qQuills StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-10 ParalysTransp StandaS-L N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-6 or Varies Varies Nil M (5-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecial50% S-M (3-12-16 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
Varies By weaEnergyMagicalNil M (5-6.5-7 N/A N/A N/A 4000 + PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
Varies 6-36 o SpecialNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil V to VI 400+6 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-3 Poison Chamel35% S (1.5')N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-6 or Poison PsionicNil T (18") 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 270 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
SpecialSpecialNil SpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil Variabl Variabl MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 3-12(x2PsionicSpecial40% M (5') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 3-12(x2Psionc Special40% M (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
3 3-18(x2PsionicSpecial50% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 9000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 3-18(x2Psionc Special50% M (10') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 9000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
3 3-24(x2PsionicSpecial60% H (14') 19 N/A N/A N/A 15000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 3-24(x2Psionc Special60% H (20') 19 N/A N/A N/A 15000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
3 1-4(x2)Swoop Nil Nil L (10') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 or 1 1-4(x2)PsionicNil Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 to DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
3 1-8(x2)PsionicNil Nil L (10') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 3-24 SpecialSpecialNil S-L (3- SpecialN/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 5-20 SpecialSpecialStandaS-L (3- N/A Nil Nil VIII 1600+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 5-20 SpecialSpecialNil S-L (3- SpecialN/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 4-24 SpecialSpecialStandaS-L (3- N/A Nil Nil VIII 1000+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 4-24 SpecialSpecialNil S-L (3- SpecialN/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 7-28 SpecialSpecialStandaS-L (3- N/A Nil Nil VIII 1200+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 7-28 SpecialSpecialNil S-L (3- SpecialN/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-20 SurprisSpecial20% L-H (8' 15 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 4-32 SurprisSpecial20% L-H (8' 11 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 3-18 Moves o Special30% L-H (8' 11 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 SpecialNil ImmuneNil S-L (3- SpecialN/A N/A N/A 4000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-12/1-Poison Nil StandaM (12') 18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-6 ParalysNil Nil S (2') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 2-24/2-SpecialNil StandaL (50') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 By weaSpells; Spells; 25% M (6-7' 20 N/A N/A N/A 14000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-4 Gaze ImmuneStandaS N/A Nil Nil IV 240+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 SpecialSpecialImmuneNil H (12-18-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
2 or 1 1-4(x2 SpecialImmuneStandaL (7'+) N/A Nil Nil II 28+2 o FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 or 1 1-4(x2 Bezerk ImmuneNil L (7'+) 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 or 1 1-4(x2 Berser ImmuneNil L (7'+) 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 175, JaMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 + Drain +1 to h Nil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 1-6 + Engulf; +1 to h Nil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 1-8 + Absorb+1 to h Nil L (9-1215-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 1-4 + Draw A+1 to h Nil S (4') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 1-6 + Lightni +1 to h Nil S (3') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 1-8 + Mergin +1 to h Nil L (9-1215-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 1-3 + Beams;+1 to h Nil S (3') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 1-6 + Nil +1 to h Nil G (60') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
3 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecial25% S N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 3-12 Hold mImmune40% G (60') 13-14 Nil Nil N/A 1250 t TSR 11405: The Wy2e
1 1-12 Blindin +3 to h 50% M (6') 8-10 Nil Nil N/A 6000 TSR 2615: Planes of2e
1 1-2 or Nil Nil Nil M (6') 8-10 orN/A N/A N/A 15 or 6 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
3 1-4(x3)SpecialSpecialSave asS (2') N/A Nil Nil IV 200+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
SpecialSpecialSpecialNever sSpecialL N/A Nil Nil V 350+10MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
13-18 Nil and Roots Spell c SpecialL (12'+ 15-16 N/A N/A N/A Variabl RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
2 1-3/2-7Throw qQuills Nil M (4') 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 270 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 1-2 Nil Nil StandaS (3-6" N/A Nil Nil I 5+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 5-11 SpecialSpecialStandaL (8'+) N/A Nil Nil III 73+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 or as 1-8 or Cause +1 to hi50% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 3000 + DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 or as 1-6 or EnergySpecialNil M (5-6' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 + DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-10 Blindin +1 to hiNil M (5-6' SpecialN/A N/A N/A 1000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
Varies By weaBeserk Nil Nil M (5-7' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 270 to PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 1-6 ControlImmuneNil M 11 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-6 ControlImmuneNil M 11 N/A N/A N/A 270 TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 2-16 ControlImmuneNil M 14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-16 ControlImmuneNil M 14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 or 5 2-24 orControlImmuneNil L 16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 or 5 2-24 orControlImmuneNil L 16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 1-2 ControlImmuneNil S 6 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-2 ControlImmuneNil S 6 N/A N/A N/A 120 TSR 1109: City of 2e
3 1-2(x2)Rear ClNil Nil M (5-7' 14 N/A N/A N/A 65 to 1 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-2(x2)Real cl SpecialNil M (5-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 or MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-3(x2)SpecialSpecialSpecialM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-3(x2)Illusion +1 to hiSpecialM (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)Illusion +2 to hiSpecialM (6.5' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 7000, MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 ChargeNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil II 28+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-12 ChargeNil StandaL (6') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-4 Rage Poison Nil S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
4 or 1 1-4(x4)ParalysImmuneNil M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 1-10 Nil Nil StandaM (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1 Diseas Nil Nil T (1') 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 7 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 Nil Nil Nil T (8") 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 7 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-4 SpecialSpecialVaries T (6") 7 N/A N/A N/A 65 TSR 2600: Planesc 2e
1 1-3 Diseas Nil Nil T (2') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Diseas Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1 Nil Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil I 2+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
1 2-12 Nil Nil Nil S (2') 7 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 Stinkin GaseouStandaS N/A Nil Nil II 52+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-2 Nil Stinkin Nil T (1') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 2-5 Blood dDispla 10% S (2') 11-12 Nil Nil N/A 175 to TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
2 or 1 1-4(x2 Swoop Dodge Nil S-M (4-6 N/A N/A N/A 270 to TSR 2603: Planes 2e
3 1-6(x2)SpecialSpecialNil S (4') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1 SpecialSpecialStandaS (2-4' N/A Nil Nil I Nil MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
1 3-6 Nil Never sNil L (6-1013-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 3-6 Nil Nil StandaM-L (6-N/A Nil Nil III 60+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-2 Curse Immune50% S (4') 20 N/A N/A N/A 120 TSR 9575: City of R2e
1 1-2 Eye PeNever sNil M (4-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-2 SpecialSpecialStandaM (4-6' N/A Nil Nil II 30+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1 Eye PeNever sNil S (2-4' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-3 Eye pecNever sNil M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav2e
2 1-4/1-6Energy Animat 20% M (6') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 1400 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 5-50 orSwallo PsionicNil G (100'14 100 -/M-,M N/A 19000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 3-12 orSwallo Nil Nil G (16-213-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-10 Nil Invisibi Nil L (12') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 650 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
2 3-12/2 SpecialNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1-12 1-4 ea SpecialNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-3 SpecialNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1-4 4-24 e Nil RegeneSpecialH (15') 12 N/A N/A N/A 12500 TSR 9278: Otherla 2e
Special1-3, 1- Nil Nil Nil M (12-2Nil N/A N/A N/A 35 per PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 2-8(x2)Surpri Nil Nil M (8') 9-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 By weaNil Fading Nil M (6-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 2-12(x2Grappl CuttingNil M (7') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 420 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav2e
1 1-4 Haunti Nil Nil M 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 35 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 or as 1-6 (b Spells Nil Nil M (7') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 SpecialMagic uMagic u45% M (6-7' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 SpecialSpecialSpecialNil S 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 3000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 6-36 SpecialSpecial75% L (21-4N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 4-24 (7Swallo Heat M75% G (21-413-14 N/A N/A N/A 5000 + MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-10(x2Rending+1 to h 30% L (9') 20 N/A N/A N/A 19000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 1-10(x2Rending+1 to h 30% L (9') 20 Nil Nil N/A 19000 TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
2 1-6(x2)Keen of+1 to h 25% M 18 N/A N/A N/A 3000 TSR 11507: Van Ric2e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecialStandaL (16-2N/A Nil Nil III 150+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
4 3-18(x4Eye ra Nil StandaL (12') N/A Nil Nil VII 4950+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
4 3-18(x4Eye ra Nil 20% L (12') 17 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
4 3-18(x4Eye RaFear; Nil H (12') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 15000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 2-16 ParalysSpecialSpecialM N/A Nil Nil VII 1275+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 2-16 ParalysSpecialSpecialM (5-6' SpecialN/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8/2-1ChargeNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-12 ChargeNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
4 1-8(x4)Wing bu+2 to hi25% M (3-4' 17 Nil Nil N/A 7000 TSR 3117: Book of 2e
1 6-15 ( Spell-l +1 to h 25% M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
2 or 1 1-20(x2Beams;+3 to hi55% M (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 16000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 12-21 Aura; S+4 to h 65% L (10') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 27000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
2 7-13 (s Backst +2 to hi45% M (5.5' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 9000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3/2 10-19 oSpecial+1 to hi35% M (6.5' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 4000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 3-8 or Nil +1 to hi10% M (5.5' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecialNil T (1-2" SpecialN/A N/A N/A 35 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
2 or 1 3-18(x2Nil Nil StandaL (60'+ N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 or 1 3-18x2 SurprisNil Nil G (60') 11 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 or 1 3-18(x2SurprisNil Nil G (50') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 9000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-6 Nil Multipl Nil S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
2 7-14(x2Nil ImmuneNil M (6-7' 12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-4 +1/SurprisChamelStandaM-L (5-N/A Nil Nil V to VI 400+7 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
6 1-6(x6)Diseas +2 to hiNil S (3') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 1-4(x3)Nil +2 to hiNil T (1') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 1-6(x3)Nil +2 to hiNil T (2') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 1-2(x3)Nil +2 to hiNil T (1') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 15 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 9-18 ThrowinSpecialNil H (17') 19 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 5-20 6 poisoSpecial80% L N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 5-20 StrandsSpecial80% L (9') 15 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
0 Nil SpecialNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-3(x2)Nil Nil StandaM (4') N/A Nil Nil I 20+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-12 SmotheCloud; Nil H (20') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 Nil IgnitionSpell r 30% S (2') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
2 Nil SpecialNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 Nil Corrod Nil Nil M (5') 9 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 by weaSpells Spells Nil M-L (7-14-18 N/A N/A N/A 975 to PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 5-20 SpecialSpecialNil L (10') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 4-14 SpecialSpecialNil L (12') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 10-28 SpecialSpecialNil L (8') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 9000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 12-40 SpecialSpecialNil M (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 14000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-12 AttacksSharedNil M (6') 16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 p MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-6(x2)Roar; SpecialNil L (12-116 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
3 1-3(x2)Poison Ethere 25% S (2') 11-12 Nil Nil N/A 2000 TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
2 2-16(x2Level D+1 to hiNil S (4') 20 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialStandaM-L N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 or 4 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (6') o12 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-18 Special+1 to hi50% M (5-6' 16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
2 2-12/b Heat +1 to hiStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
6 1-6(x4)Radiate+1 to h Nil L (8') 11 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 By wea+2 hea SpecialNil M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 6-20/b +1d6 h Special25% L (10') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 10000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 1-10(x2EnergySpecialNil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 1-12(x2EnergySpecialNil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
3 1-3(x2)Paraly Nil Nil M (4') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 5-20 Whirlw SpecialNil H (40') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 12000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
3 1-4/1-3Rake foSurprisNil S (2-3' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 2-16 Nil ImmuneStandaL N/A Nil Nil III 85+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
Nil Nil Sleep Special20% M N/A Nil Nil IV 215+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 2-8 SpecialSpecial50% M N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 or SpecialSpecial50% M (5') 13 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-6 or SpecialSpecial25% S (3') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 Chokin Spell i Nil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 650 TSR 1163: The Sha2e
1 1-8 Surpris+1 to h Nil M (6') 19 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 1163: The Sha2e
1 or 3 By weaSpecialSpecialNil L (7') 12 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 or 3 By weaSpecialSpecialNil L (7') 12 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 or 2 By weaSpecialSpecialNil M (5') 12 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 or 2 By weaSpecialSpecialNil M (5') 12 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 or 3 By weaSpecialSpecialNil S (3') 10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 or 3 By weaSpecialSpecialNil S (3') 10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 or 3 By weaSpecialSpecialNil L (10') 14 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 or 3 By weaSpecialSpecialNil L (10') 14 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
4 or 6 1-6(x2)Pin Spell t Nil H (20') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 1-12(x2ElectricSpecial35% H (12'+SpecialNil Nil N/A 5000 TSR 1060: Ruins of2e
6 3-18(x6SpecialNil Nil M-L (6-13 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-6 + s Charm Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 165+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1+gaze1-6 + Charm SpecialNil M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-4 or SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 420 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
3 1-4(x2)Poison CamoufNil M (5') 16 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil Nil T (1-2')20 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 1-4 Swallo Poison Nil L (10') 7 Nil Nil N/A 420 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
1 1-3 Nil Nil Nil M (6') 5 Nil Nil N/A 65 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
1 1-10 Swallo Nil Nil H (18') 9 Nil Nil N/A 975 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
1 2-20 Swallo Nil Nil H (20') 13 Nil Nil N/A 3000 TSR 1049: Adventu2e
Nil Nil Drain c+1 to h Nil T (1/1017-18 N/A N/A N/A 35 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
3 1-12(x2Poison Barbs Nil M (8-1212 N/A N/A N/A 3000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 1-10(x2Poison Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-10(x2Poison Nil Nil M (5-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x2)Poison Nil Nil S (1-2' 10 N/A N/A N/A 175 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 1-8(x2)Poison Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 165+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-8(x2)Poison Nil Nil M (4') 10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Poison Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil III 90+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-4(x2)Poison Nil Nil S (2') 8 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1-4(x2)PossiblNil Nil S (4') o13 N/A N/A N/A 650 to DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-6 Screa Nil StandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil III 90+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-6 or SpecialNil 10% M-L (5-15 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 2-8 StrengtSpecialNil L (15-2SpecialN/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 9279: Falcon' 2e
1 Nil (1) SpecialNil StandaS (6-12N/A Nil Nil I 14+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 Death Special50% M N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
2 2-16(x2Spell Nil 15% G (40') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-4, 2- Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-6(x2)Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 1-6(x2)MaultinNil Nil L (15') 12 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 (bite, 2-12/2 ConstriNil Nil G (50'+13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
3 1-6(x2)SpecialNil Nil M (7') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 4000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1 SpecialSpecialNil T (6") 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 35 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave2e
1 2-8 SwallowNil Nil L (12') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
3 1-6 SpecialNil Nil L (9-108-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-6 or SpecialSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil III 75+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-6 or Nil ChangeNil M (5-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175, L MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 hil Nil ShapecNil M (5-8' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 1-3 SpecialNil Nil H (15') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave2e
1 1-4 Poison ImmuneNil L (8-109 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 4-24 ConstriSpells 70% G (50') 16 N/A N/A N/A 15000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-4 or Poison EmpathNil M (6') 19 N/A N/A N/A 15 to MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 1-3 or Nil ContortNil S-M (4-11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 or be By weaQuasi-rShadowVaries M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 6000 o MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
As bas By weaSpecialSpecialVaries As orig N/A SpecialSpecialVariabl Variabl MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
1 (or a SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialVaries 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 (vMCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 2-5 Strengt+1 to hiSpecialM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 2-5 Strengt+1 to hiSpecialM (6') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 + s Surpris+2 to h Nil M (4-6' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Slow; S+2 to hiSpecialM (4-6' SpecialN/A N/A N/A 650 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-2 ShadowPiercin Nil T (6-1219-20 N/A N/A N/A 65 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave2e
3 1-8/1-6SpecialSpecialSpecialM N/A Nil Nil VI 825+10FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-6(x2)SpecialSpecialSpecialM (6') 14-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 + spe2-8(x2)Breath;Nil 10% (bH (25') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 1-6(x2)Spell u ImmuneSpecialM (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-8 SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 11 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil N/A N/A N/A Nil MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Energy+1 to hi25% M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Energy+1 to hi25% M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 1-6 Strengt+1 to hi10% M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Strengt+1 to hi10% M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 2-5 or Spells Spells Nil M (6') 8-10 Nil Nil N/A 120 TSR 11405: The Wy2e
2 2-16(x2SuffocaSpecialSpecialL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 By weaDiseas Summon Nil T (1') 11 N/A N/A N/A 120 to MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 By weaSpecialSpecialNil M (5-6' 15 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 By weaNil ShapecNil M (6-7' 10 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-6(x3)Nil Nil Nil S-L (3- 11 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
Varies Varies Spell +1 to hiNil S-M (2-11 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
5 1-8(x4)ConstriNil Nil H (40') 12 N/A N/A N/A 3000 TSR 2432: City by t 2e
1 1-4 or Stone ConcealNil S (3') 11 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-5 or Nil Nil StandaM-L N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 4-16, 5 SpecialNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 or 2 1-3(x2)Nil Nil Nil M (6-7' 12 N/A N/A N/A 65 to 1 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
12 2-5(x3)EthereaRegene30% H (16') 18 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
12 2-5(x3)EthereaRegene30% H (16') 18 Nil Nil N/A 7000 TSR 1060: Ruins of2e
1 1-8 or Breath +1 to hiNil M (5-7' 13-14 Nil Nil N/A 3000 TSR 1055: The Hor2e
Varies Varies SpecialRegener Nil M (4-7' 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 250 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
2 1-6(x2)SpecialSpecial25% L N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 4-24(x2SpecialSpecial95% L (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 22000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
2 3-18(x2SpecialSpecial50% L (6') N/A 120-15 All/All IX 5250+2MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 3-18x2 PsionicPsionics50% L 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 15000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-6(x2)PsionicPsionic25% L 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-3(x2)Acid sqSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 170+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-3(x2)Acid sqSpecialNil M (5-7' 14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 1-4 SuffocaNil StandaSpecialN/A Nil Nil III 105+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-4 SuffocaNil Nil L (11-113 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 2-8 Nil Saves aNil M (6-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
Nil Nil ConfusNil Nil T (6-1820 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 2-5(x2)SpecialSpecial50% L (8') 15 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 1-8 SpecialSpecial40% S-M (3-17-18 Nil Nil N/A 5000 TSR 1065: The Leg2e
2 3-18 SpecialSpecial60% L (10') 19-20 Nil Nil N/A 23000 TSR 1065: The Leg2e
11 10 hp SpecialSpecialSpecialM N/A Nil Nil III 65+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 3-12 SpecialSpecialSpecialM (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 + MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 2-8 Special+1 to h 20% M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 3-12 Special+1 to h 50% M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
0 Nil Nil Noise StandaS-L N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 2-8/1-1ElectricImmune30% L (10-119-20 Nil Nil N/A 8000 TSR 3117: Book of 2e
3 5-10(x3Special+1 to hi30% M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3 8-14(x3Special+1 to hi75% M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
2 8-14(x2Special+1 to hi30% M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 + bit 1-8/1-4EntangAir jet Nil M (4') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 650 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
8 1-6(x8)ConstriAir jet Nil H (20') 12-13 N/A N/A N/A 5000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
12 1-8(x12ConstriAir jet Nil H (25') 14-15 N/A N/A N/A 9000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
8 1-8(x8)ConstriSpecialNil H (25') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
8 1-8(x8)ConstriAir jet Nil L (12') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
10 1-8(x10ConstriAir jet Nil G (50') 10 N/A N/A N/A 7000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
3 or 1 1-3(x2)Nil Nil Nil S (3-4' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 45 to 1 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-8 Nil Nil Nil M (4') 12 N/A N/A N/A 65 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 1-8 Nil Nil Nil M (4') 12 N/A N/A N/A 65 TSR 2432: City by t 2e
NA Nil Nil Special90% M (5') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 1000 o MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 1-4(x2)ShapecNil Nil M (6') 16 N/A N/A N/A 650 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
1 1-4 AlignmeImmune90% T (1') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 1-2 AlignmeImmune20% T (2') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 175 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
2 2-16(x2SpecialSpecialNil G (20') 14 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1-100 1 Singin Singin 25% L (10-220 N/A N/A N/A 10000 TSR 1091: City of D2e
1 2-24 Swallo Phasin Nil G (50') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 7000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 2-8 AdvancImmune10% M (5') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecial20% orM N/A Nil Nil V 350+10MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 By weaSong, SSpells, 20% M (5-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 + MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaSong; Spell p 20% M (5-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 + TSR 1091: City of D2e
3 1-6(x3)Stun; +1 to h Nil L (12') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 4000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 1(x2) Nil Nil Nil T (1') 2-4 5 Nil N/A 15 TSR 2412: Asticlia 2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil SpecialM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-6 Nil SpecialSpecialM (6') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Nil SpecialSpecialS-M N/A Nil Nil I 10+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 Nil SpecialSpecialS to M SpecialN/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 SkeletoDamage Nil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 175 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1 hp Chokin Nil Nil M (5-6' 20 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-12 Nil SpecialNil L (12') 20 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-12 Nil SpecialNil L (12') 20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-6 Nil SpecialNil M (3') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 120 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-6 SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 650 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 4-16/1-ChargeSpecialNil L (10') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 SpecialNil SpecialSpecialL to H SpecialN/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-6(x2 Defilin Half d Nil M (5-6' 20 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-6 BonespHalf d Nil M (5-6' 20 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
3/2 1-6 Nil Turn as20% M (6') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 420 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 By Weap SpecialSpecial90% M (6-7' 15 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 By Weap SpecialSpecial90% M (6-7' 15 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By wea+3 to a Special90% M N/A Nil Nil VII to V2550+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-6(x2)Nil Disgui Nil M (5') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
2 1-4(x2)Bite (2 Nil Nil H (12-211-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
2 2-20(x2Sandst +2 to h 50% L (10') 17-18 Nil Nil N/A 16000 TSR 9274: Old Emp2e
1 By weaNil CamoufStandaM N/A Nil Nil II 36+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 By weaBackst SpecialNil M (5-6' 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
5 2-16/1-Nil Nil SpecialM (4-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1 Squirt Squirt StandaS N/A Nil Nil I 4+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-6 Squirt Squirt StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 2-12(x2Energy +2 to hi25% M (4-7' 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 15000 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
5 2-16/2-SpecialSpecial40% L (10') N/A 47 Nil/FG VIII 2000+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
5 2-12(x2Diseas +1 to H40% L (10') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 16500 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
5 2-12(x4Diseas Special40% L (10') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 16500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
5 2-12(x4Diseas Special40% L (10') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 9000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 or 2 2-20/3-Special+2 to hi75% M (6') N/A 207 All/All X 13250+FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 or 2 3-18(x2Special+3 to hi70% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 61500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 or 2 3-18(x2Special+2 to hi70% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 22000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 or 2 4-10(x2Magica+2 to hi60% M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 45000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 or 2 4-10(x2Magica+1 to hi60% M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 15000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 2-16/3-Special+1 to hi50% L (7'+) N/A 76 BD/Nil VIII 4350+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 3-8(x2)Special+1 to hi50% L (7'+) 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 27500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 3-8(x2)Special+1 to hi50% L (7'+) 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 11000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 or 2 2-16/4-Special+1 to hi55% M (6') N/A 160 ACD/F IX 6200+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 or 1 2-16(x3Energy +3 to h 85% M N/A 379 All/All X 28695 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 SpecialSpecial+3 to hi85% L N/A 379 All/All X 28950 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-4(x2)SpecialRegene35% L (8') N/A Nil Nil VI 875+8 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-4(x2)Stun, ESpecial30% L (8') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 7500 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Stun; ESpecial30% L (8') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 7500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 1-4(x2)Stun; ESpecial30% L (8') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 or 1 1-6/2-8Wing slNil Nil L (10-211-12 Nil Nil N/A 1400 t TSR 2615: Planes of2e
3 1-4(x2)Sever vNil Nil T (1-3')12 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 2-9 or FormatiNil Nil L (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 420 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 5-50 Nil Nil Nil L (10'+ 20 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
0 Nil SpecialSpecialSpecialS N/A Nil Nil V 330+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4, 2- Olive s SpecialSpecialS-L N/A Nil Nil III to VI110+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1 Nil Nil Nil T (8") 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 7 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
2 2-16(x2SuffocaImmuneNil L (20') 11 Nil Nil N/A 1400 TSR 11405: The Wy2e
0 Nil ParalysTransp StandaS (2.5')N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 or 5 1-6/SpeAcid di ShapecNil L (10') 14 Nil Nil N/A 3000 TSR 1060: Ruins of2e
3 2-8(x2)SurprisResistaNil L (8') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-12 Spit ac SpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-12 Acid SpImmuneNil H-G (2512 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 SpecialSpecialSpecialNil G (50'+Nil N/A N/A N/A 420 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
Special1-6 Nil SpecialNil L (100 16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 9295: Wonders2e
1 per t 1-8 Nil SpecialSpecialL (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 2-16 Nil ParalysNil H (15') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
2 1-3(x2)Poison SpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 1-3(x2)Poison SpecialNil M (13' 9 N/A N/A N/A 650 (ElMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-3/2-7Gaze aNil Nil L (25') 10 N/A N/A N/A 975 (ElMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Poison SpecialNil S (4-6' 8 N/A N/A N/A 175 TSR 9279: Falcon' 2e
2 1-4/2-8ConstriNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 1/1-3 ConstriNil StandaM (15') N/A Nil Nil III 85+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 1/1-3 ConstriNil Nil M (10-28 N/A N/A N/A 175 (ElMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-4/2-8ConstriNil Nil L (30') 9 N/A N/A N/A 650 (ElMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 + spe1-3 SpecialSpecialNil S (4') 20 Nil Nil N/A 175 TSR 1060: Ruins of2e
1 + spe1-3 Acid spNil Nil S (4') 12 Nil Nil N/A 120 TSR 1060: Ruins of2e
1 1-8 Poison Nil Nil H (12-215-16 N/A N/A N/A 270 (ElMCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-3 Poison Nil Nil M (12') 6 N/A N/A N/A 175 (ElMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 SpecialConstriSurprisNil H (21') 14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Poison Chame30% S (2') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Poison Chame30% S (2') 11-12 Nil Nil N/A 975 TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
1 1-3 Poison Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1 Poison Nil StandaS (5') N/A Nil Nil V 255+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1 Poison Nil Nil S (5') 8 N/A N/A N/A 175 (ElMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Poison,Nil Nil M (12') 9 N/A N/A N/A 420 (ElMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-6/3-1ConstriNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 1-6/3-1Poison Nil Nil G (50') 11 N/A N/A N/A 3000 (EMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-4(x2)Poison SpecialNil M (7') 8 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 1-6/2-1ConstriCamoufNil H (30') 10 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-12 ConstriCamoufNil H (40') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-4 Drain bAnaesthNil S to M 6 N/A N/A N/A 120 to MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Drain bAnaesthNil S-M (2-6 N/A N/A N/A 120 to TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 1-6 SpecialNil Nil L (50') 11-12 45 Nil/Nil N/A 1400 TSR 2400: Dark Su 2e
1 1-2 Poison CamoufNil S (2') 8-10 60 EW/M- N/A 65 TSR 2432: City by t 2e
1 1-3 SpecialNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 1-3 Spit PoNil Nil M (8') 9 N/A N/A N/A 650 (ElMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-20 orPoison ImmuneNil H (20-211-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-4 Poison ImmuneNil L (8-109 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-10 Poison CamoufNil G (30') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
Nil Nil Nil SpecialStandaS (2.5')N/A Nil Nil I 7+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
4 By weaSpecialSpecial85% L (10') N/A 354 All/All X 95000+MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 or 1 4-16 Grip Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil V 350+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 or 1 3-12 Grip Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 225+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 or 1 2-8 Grip Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil III 85+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 (5/2) By weaWeaponImmuneNil M (7') 16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 t MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-8 SpecialRegeneStandaM N/A Nil Nil IV 215+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-8 Fear; RegeneNil M (5-6' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-8 SpecialRegener Nil M (5-6' SpecialN/A N/A N/A 1400 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
2 or 1 2-12(x2Fear; AHalf d 25% L to H 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 10000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 2-8 SpecialNil Nil S (3') 11 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 0 SpecialSpecialNil G (100-17-18 N/A N/A N/A 5000 + MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
6 1-8(x6)Entangl+1 to hiNil L (12-217 Nil Nil N/A 4000 TSR 11372: Chaos 2e
1 1-12 Cause +1 to hiNil M (6') 18 Nil Nil N/A 975 TSR 11372: Chaos 2e
3 or 1 1-8(x2)Slow +1 to hiNil M (5') 14 Nil Nil N/A 975 TSR 11372: Chaos 2e
3 2-5(x2)Poison +1 or r Nil L (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 8000 (SMCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 2-5(x2)Poison Spell i Nil L (6') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 420 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1 SpecialSpecial5% L (4') N/A Nil Nil V 350+9 MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
2 1-10(x2Wisdom+1 to h Nil M (5') 20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
0, 1, or Varies See Be+1 to hi20% M (5-7' 13 N/A N/A N/A 975 to MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
2 1-8(x2 Constit +1 to h SpecialM 15 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 SpecialSpells; SpecialNil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 t MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-8 Energy+1 to hiSpecialM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 2-16 Heat D +1 to hiNil M (5'1" 16 N/A N/A N/A 7000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
SpecialAs per SurprisImmune50% M (5') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-8 Magic Spell i Nil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
2 2-12(x2SpecialNil StandaL (8') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
2 2-12(x2SpecialNil Nil L (8') 17 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
5 2-12(x2Chain l Nil 25% L (12') 18 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3 2-8(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (7.5') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
3 2-8x2/ Nil Nil Nil L (7.5') 16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 3-12(x2Breath Nil Nil H (9') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 3-12(x2Breath Nil Nil H (9') 17-18 Nil Nil N/A 12000 TSR 9274: Old Emp2e
2 2-8(x2)SpecialNil StandaL (7') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
2 2-8x2 SpecialNil Nil L (7') 17 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-8(x2)Nil Nil StandaL (7') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
3 2-8x2/ Nil Nil Nil L (7') 13 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
6 or 1 1-3(x6)ParalysNil Nil M (5') 9 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
5 1-4/1-8Poison PsionicNil M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 2-8(x2)Poison SpecialNil L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
3 1-10(x2SpecialNil Nil M (4-6' 15 N/A N/A N/A 975 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 2-12 SpecialSpecialNil G (20') 14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 SpecialNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 1-8 SpecialNil Nil L (8-1213 N/A N/A N/A 420 to MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 Poison Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil VI 650+12MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
1 1-4 Poison Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 2-8 Webs; Nil Nil L (8') 9 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1 Poison Nil Nil T (6") 10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Hook; PCamoufNil M (4') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 1-6 SpecialNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 1-6 SpecialNil Nil M (6') 8 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 Poison Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 1 SpecialNil Nil S (2') 7 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1 Eyebit Nil Nil T (1") 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 1-8 Poison Nil Nil M (6') 18 N/A N/A N/A 975 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-6 SpecialSpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 1-6 SpecialPhasin Nil H (14') 15 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Poison Nil Nil T (6") 9 N/A N/A N/A 65 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 2-8 (bi SpecialNil Nil H (12') 13 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Poison Chamele 15% L (12') 10 N/A N/A N/A 2700 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Poison Nil Nil M (6') 17 N/A N/A N/A 420 TSR 1109: City of 2e
1 2-12 Webs; Jumps Nil H (15') 14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Energy +1 or si15% M (4') 15 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
8 1 + SpeParalysSpecialNil M (6-7' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-6 Poison;Spells Nil L (7') 11 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-12 Poison Phasin Nil M (5') 11 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1 Poison Thief AbNil T (9") 6 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-8 Grappl Nil Nil L (7') 12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1 Poison Nil Nil S (2') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 2-12 SpecialNil Nil L (30') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 or 4 0 (eye) Poison Animat Nil T 20 N/A N/A N/A 16000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-6(x2)StranglSpecialNil M (5-6' 12 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 3-30(x2Crush; Regener 50% G (50') 20 N/A N/A N/A 20000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-6 or Comman Meld wi50% S (4') 11 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
2 3-18/B Shapec+1 to h Nil L (8-1015 Nil Nil N/A 2000 TSR 1055: The Hor2e
5 By weaSpecial+3 to h 30% M (5-6' 19-20 Nil Nil N/A SpecialTSR 1055: The Hor2e
2 2-12(x2Breath +2 to hiNil M (5-7' 15 Nil Nil N/A 3000 TSR 1055: The Hor2e
0 Nil SpecialSpecialNil M (4-7' 20 N/A N/A N/A SpecialMCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
2 1-8(x2)Cone ofImmuneSpecialM (5-6' 18 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 1-10(x2SpecialSpecial70% Varies 14 N/A N/A N/A 4000 t MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-4 SpecialSpecial10% Varies 11 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-8 SpecialSpecial20% Varies 12 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-12 Poison Animat Nil M 20 N/A N/A N/A 22000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
9 Nil Psionic+1 to hiNil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 7000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
0 Nil Psionic+1 to hiNil M (6') 19-20 300 PsC/AllN/A 7000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-10 Blindin SpecialNil M (5-6' SpecialN/A N/A N/A 1000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
2 1-10(x2Envelo Block 25% orM 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 3-24 SpecialSpecialNil L (9') 12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 2-16 SpecialSpecialNil M (5-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 1-8 SpecialSpecialNil S (3') 11 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 1-3(x2)Nil Special95% M (5') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 1000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-2 Nil Special95% S (2.5')SpecialN/A N/A N/A 1000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1 Nil Special95% T (18") SpecialN/A N/A N/A 1000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 Nil Pacific +1 or co90% M (6') 14 N/A N/A N/A 4000 TSR 9278: Otherla 2e
1 1-8 Hit poi +1 to h Nil M (5-6' 17-18 Nil Nil N/A 6000 TSR 1120: Ruins of2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialSpecialM (5') 13 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialSpecialM (5') 13 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialSpecialM (5') 13 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 2-20(x2Initiat +1 to hiNil L (8') 19 N/A N/A N/A 4000 TSR 2600: Planesc 2e
2 4-32(x2Special+3 to h 65% L to H 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 25000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
Varies 3-18 o SpecialNil Nil H (20') Varies N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
Equals 3-18 o SpecialNil SpecialG (30') Varies N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
2 1-8(x2)Intelli +1 edg 25% M (5-6' 16 N/A N/A N/A 13000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
2 2-8(x2 Spells; SpecialStandaS (3') oN/A Nil Nil VI 1000+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialStandaS (2') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 By weaSpecialSpecialNil S (2') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial20% T (1') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial20% T (1') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 (b Laught Special25% S (2') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave
3 (dart By weaSpecialSpecial30% T (1.5') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
3 (dart By weaSpecialSpecial30% T (1.5') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaCharm,Special25% S (4') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Mind coMalleabNil M (5-6' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 (KiPS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecial25% S (2.5')11 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialNil T (2') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialNil T (2') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaSpell; Invisibi 25% T (1-1211-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 By weaFear; SInvisibi 25% T (1-1212 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 2-8 Poison Webs; 15% M (5') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
3 2-16/1-Poison +2 to h 60% L (8') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 22000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
3 2-12/1-Poison +2 to h 50% L (7.5') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 18000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
3 2-20/1-Poison +3 to h 70% L (10') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 25000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 2-12 Poison +1 to h 35% M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
4 7-12/2-Drop; HCamoufNil L (8-9') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 7-12/1-SpecialCamoufStandaL N/A Nil Nil V 3000+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
9 1-6(x8)ConstriSpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
9 1-6(x8)ConstriSpecialNil G (60'+13 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
9 3-18x2 SpecialSpecialNil G (90'+18 N/A N/A N/A 14000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
9 2-12(x2ConstriInk, Ps Nil G (75') 16 N/A N/A N/A 15000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-2 Flying; Nil StandaS (6") N/A Nil Nil I 10+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-3 Nil Nil StandaS (2') N/A Nil Nil I 20+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1 Nil Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil I Nil MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
1 5-12 o Bite Half daNil M (4-6' 9-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 or DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 or 2 2-8 or Nil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 or 2 1-4(x2)Nil Nil Nil L (7') 7 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 or 2 4-16 orNil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
3 2-8/1-4Nil Mislea 10% L 20 N/A N/A N/A 650 TSR 9430: Elves of 2e
3 1-12/1-Nil SpecialNil M (7') 16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 or 2 1-3(x2)Nil Nil Nil M (4-5' 7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
7 2-16(x7Psionic+1 to hi25% H (25') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 12000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1-10 or1-10 peShip d Half daNil G (20-311-12 N/A N/A N/A 5000 o MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
0 0 Nil Nil Nil S (2') Nil N/A N/A N/A Nil MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3 or 1 1-8(x2)Electri Stone Nil L (18') 12-13 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
2 1-6(x2)Nil SpecialNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-8(x2)Nil SpecialNil L (8-1020 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-6(x2)Nil SpecialNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 2-12(x2Squirt SpecialNil L (9') 20 N/A N/A N/A 250 or MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-8 Nil SpecialNil T (1') 20 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-8(x2)Nil SpecialNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
5 + spe2-5 Animat ImmuneNil S (2-4' 13 Nil Nil N/A 975 TSR 1060: Ruins of2e
2 2-8/3-1Poison Spine StandaL (18') N/A Nil Nil VII 1700+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-8 SpecialSpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil III 150+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-3 Drain bNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
2 2-9(x2)Nil SpecialSpecialM-L N/A Nil Nil VI 550+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 By weapSuggesSpecial40% M (5') 12 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 1-10 SpecialSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil VI 500+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-6(x2)SpecialSpecialNil L (8') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 270 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav2e
1 SpecialSpecialNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-8 SpecialSpecialNil L (15-2Nil Nil Nil N/A 175 perTSR 9289: Falconm2e
2 1-4/1-1Firebal SpecialNil L (8') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Blood dSpecialNil S (2') 8 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 ParalysNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil III 125+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 SpecialNil SpecialNil T (1-2')11-12 N/A N/A N/A 12 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
1 3-12 Eats meNil Nil S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 2-5 or Drowni ImmuneNil L (10') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
5 1-4(x4)SpecialNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
5 1-4(x4)Psioni PsionicNil M 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
Special1-3 SpecialSpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil VII 1075+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1 Dazzle SundanNil T (1') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 120 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 1-10(x2ChargeQuills; Nil L (5') 13 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-4 Mind coNil 30% S-M 20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
2 1-8(x2)Hug Nil StandaL N/A Unkno Unkno VI 550+10FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 3-18(x2Imaple SpecialSpecialL (7-1215-16 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
8 1-6 Spells; Never sNil H (20') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 1-4(x2)ForefeePlant f Nil L (6-8') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1(x2)/1 SpecialSurprisStandaM (8') N/A Nil Nil I Nil MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
As swaAs swaSpecialSpecial2% perM N/A Unlikel SpecialVariabl Variabl MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
3 or 1 1(x2)/1 Special+1 to hi2% perM 15 N/A N/A N/A 120 to MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1/1-3 Spells +2 to hi5% perM 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 to MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2-7 By weaDust S +1 to hi30% L (10') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 8000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 2-12, 3 Nil Nil StandaM-L N/A Nil Nil II 35+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 By weaSpecialSpecialNil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 650 to MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-8 (b Nil Nil StandaM (7') 13 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
0 Nil SpecialSpecial50% M N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
0 0 SpecialSpecialNil T (1/4" Nil N/A N/A N/A 175 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
13 Nil or Energy+1 to hiNil T (1-3')11-12 oN/A N/A N/A 120 or MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecialStandaS (2-3' N/A Nil Nil III 65+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
Nil Nil SpecialSpecialNil T (2-3" 12-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
3 1-3(x3 Rear clSurprisNil M (6-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 420 (L MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-3(x3 Nil Nil StandaM (6.5' N/A Nil Nil II 20+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 1-4(x2)Magic USurprisNil L (10-18-10 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-4(x2)Poison Nil Nil T (3') 11 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 or 1 1-6/1-4Odor SpecialNil M (6.5' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
3 or 1 1-6/1-4Stench ImmuneStandaM (6.5' N/A Nil Nil III 150+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
7 1-3(x7)ConstriCamoufNil L (7') 12 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
7 1-3(x7)ConstriCamoufNil L (7') 12 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
7 1-2(x7)ConstriCamoufNil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
7 1-2(x7)ConstriCamoufNil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 or 4 7-14/5-Spells; Immuni70% L (8') 19 Nil Nil N/A 43000 TSR 2603: Planes 2e
3 or 2 1-12/9 Spells; Immuni85% L (10') 19 Nil Nil N/A 37000 TSR 2603: Planes 2e
1 or 2 By WeaTerror, +3 to hi70% L (12') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 46000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 3 2-5(x2)Corros +1 to hi50% M (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 42500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 or 3 2-5(x2)Corros +1 to hi50% M (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 17000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 2-8(x2)Terror Special50% M (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 30000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 2-8(x2)Terror Special50% M (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 14000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 and 12-30(xSpells; +1 to h 60% H (21-215-16 N/A N/A N/A 23000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 12-30(xSpells; +1 to h 60% H (21-215-16 Nil Nil N/A 23000 TSR 2603: Planes 2e
3 2-8(x2 Death g+1 to hi50% M (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 22000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 2-8(x2 Death g+1 to hi50% M (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 16000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-8(x2)SpecialSpecial25% L (10') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 19000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 2-12/1-Vorpal Cold ir 90% H (12') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 53500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 2-12/1-Vorpal Cold ir 90% H (12') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 21000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-4(x2)SpecialSpecial10% S (3-4' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 8000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 1-4(x2)SpecialSpecial10% S (3-4' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-2(x2)Acidic Immune10% S (3') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 1000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 1-2(x2)Acidic Immune10% S (3') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 975 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 or 2 2-7(x2 Snap-t Nil 10% M (5-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 12000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 or 2 2-7(x2 Snap-t Nil 10% M (5-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-6(x2)Spring Camouf30% M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 25500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 By weaMagica+1 or c 30% M (5-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 18500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 By weaMagica+1 or c 30% M (5') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 4000 t PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 and 2-12(x Spark b+2 to h Nil L (10') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 2-12(x Spark bImmuneNil L (10') 15-16 Nil Nil N/A 2000 t TSR 2603: Planes 2e
3 1-6(x2)Spring Camouf30% M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 8000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
4 or 3 2-5(x2)Head b+1 to hi25% L (8') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 9000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial30% M (6-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 16500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial30% M (6-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 6000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial30% M (6-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 13500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 By weaSpecialSpecial30% M (6-7' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 4000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-6(x2)Leap; +1 to hi40% M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
2 1-3(x2)Energy+2 to h 30% M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 29000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 1-3(x2)Energy+2 to h 30% M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 11000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-8(x2)Paraly +1 or c Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
8 or 1 5-8(x8)Poison;+2 to hi50% M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 11000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
7 4-24 a Magic +2 to h 70% L (7') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 45000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
4 2-8(x4)Acid; P+2 to h 40% L (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 17000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 or 2 2-12 o Terror; +3 to hi70% L (12') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 46000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 1-12/1-Terror; +3 to hi70% L (12') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 26000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
5 2-12(x2Grab +2 to hi50% H (15') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 44000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
5 2-12(x2Grab +2 to hi50% H (15') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 12000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-6(x2)Bearhu+2 to h 70% L (7'+) 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 39000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 1-6(x2)Bearhu+2 to h 70% L (7'+) 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 14000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
7 4-24/w Magical+2 to h 70% L (7') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 45000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
7 4-24/w Magical+2 to h 70% L (7') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 23000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-4(x2)Magica+2 or c 70% H (20') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 43500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 1-4(x2)Magica+2 or c 70% H (20') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 17000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
5 1-4(x2)Spores;+2 to h 70% L (8') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 39000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
5 1-4(x2)Spores;+2 to h 70% L (8') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 19000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 or 1 1-4(x2 PsionicFight p Nil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 65 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-3 or Diseas Nil Nil S (4') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 120 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 1-6/1-3Diseas Nil Nil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 or DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
3 1-8(x2)Diseas Nil Nil M (5') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 175 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
6 1-12(x2Sharpne SpecialStandaL (50') N/A ImmuneNil X 37500 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
6 1-12(x2Sharpne SpecialNil G (50') 15 N/A N/A N/A 107000MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1-3(x2 SurprisNil StandaS (2-3' N/A Nil Nil I 10+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 or 1 1-3(x2 SurprisNil Nil S (2-3' 10 N/A N/A N/A 35 to 4 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-3(x2 Poison ThievinNil S (2') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 270 (GuMCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 1-3(x2 Poison ThievinNil S (2') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 650 to TSR 1091: City of D2e
3 1-8(x2)Killing ImmuneNil M (7') 9 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Spells Immune10% M (5') 11 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 By weaIntelli SpecialNil T (1') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
5 1-4(x2)PsionicPsionic10% M (3-6' 20 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 2-16 Whirlwi+2 to h Nil G (50') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 6000 t MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 5-20 Nil Half d 20% L-H (1210 N/A N/A N/A 4000 t MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Level d+1 to hi20% M (6') 10 N/A N/A N/A 1750 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-8 or Spells Nil Nil S (2-3' 10 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 1-6 or Spells Invisibi Nil S (3-4' 13 N/A N/A N/A 975 to MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
2 1-6(x2)ConstriNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil V 475+6 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-6 SpecialNil Nil S (10' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
2 2-5(x2)Special+1 or si50% S (4') N/A Nil Nil VI 575+6 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 2-5(x2)Special+1 or si50% S (4') 11 N/A N/A N/A 275 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 2-9(x2)Spell-l Spell-l 50% S (4') 9-10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 2-16 Nil Camouf10% M (7') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 1-4 SpecialNil StandaM (4.5' N/A Nil Nil II 50+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-2 Nil Nil StandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil I 20+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
5 2-12(x4Breath +1 to hi25% H (20') 10 N/A N/A N/A 15000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1-8(x2 Nil ImmuneNil L (8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
4 5-12(x4Feeble Special25% M (7') 19-20 Nil Nil N/A 9000 TSR 1064: From th 2e
4 2-7(x4)ParalyzSpecial5% M (6') 19-20 Nil Nil N/A 2000 TSR 1064: From th 2e
4 3-10(x4Dance; +3 to hi40% M (5.5' 15 N/A N/A N/A 10000 TSR 1124: The Nig 2e
3 9-15(x2StrengtNil Nil M (4.5' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 7000 TSR 9309: Vecna Li2e
2 4-5(x2)Dream +3 to hi60% M (6') 14 N/A N/A N/A 13000 TSR 1124: The Nig 2e
1 2-5 Poison +1 to hi40% S (4') 12 N/A N/A N/A 10000 TSR 1124: The Nig 2e
Up to 1-6(x8)Acid saImmuneStandaL (36') N/A Nil Nil IX 5800+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
9 1-6(x8)Poison;ImmuneNil H (30') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 9000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
10 1-6(x8)Poison;ImmuneNil H (30') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
9 to 10 1-6(x6-Acid; F Regener Nil H (30') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
9 1-6(x8)Poison;Nil Nil H (30') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 2-12 orHeat; Melt weNil M (4-5' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 4-32/2 Heat Fire at StandaS N/A Nil Nil III 65+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-6 Breath Nil StandaL (9') N/A Nil Nil III 90+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
0 Nil SpecialSpecialSpecialS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
0 Nil PsionicEtheralSpecialS (3') 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 or 1 1-3(x2 ParalysRegeneNil M (6.5' 15 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 + spe2-12 o Water Nil Nil M (5-7' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 2-12 Dehydra PsionicNil M (6'8" 15 N/A N/A N/A 4000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
5 or 2 1d4(x4)ParalysMissil Nil L (11') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
5 or 2 1-4(x4)ParalysMissile Nil L (11') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
5 or 3 1-4(x4)SpecialDodge m StandaM (6') N/A Nil Nil VI 800+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-3 Choke Nil StandaS (1") N/A Nil Nil I 6 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 2-12 Trampl SpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil VI 650+10MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-16 Special+1 to hiNil S (4') 10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 2-12(x2Lightni Nil Nil H (30') 14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 o MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 Nil Earthq Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil V 350+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 Blood dNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
4 or 1 1-2(x4)Egg layNil Nil T (6") 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 1-3 or Spells; ImmuniSpecialM (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 650 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 2-5(x2)Rear clSurprisStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-4(x2)Bite ca +1 to h Nil L (8') 20 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 2-5(x2)Rear clSurprisStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 or 1 1-8(x2)Poison;Nil StandaM (5') N/A Nil Nil V, III, o275+6, FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 3-12 orSpecial+3 to hi25% (9S (3') 10 N/A N/A N/A 4000 t MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 5-20 Special+3 to hi25% (9S (4') 10 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 6-24 orSpecial+3 to hi25% (9L (7') 10 N/A N/A N/A 16000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x3)StranglIllusion StandaM (7') N/A Nil Nil III 73+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 or 2 3-24 orSpecialSpecialSpecialG (30') 16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 TSR 9351: The Grea 2e
1 7-42 orSpecialSpecial60% L (18'+ N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 7-42, SpecialSpecial50% G (25'+17-18 N/A N/A N/A 21000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 21-56 Special+1 to h 50% G (25') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 70000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
1 2-16 ChargeNil StandaL (8') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 2-5(2)/ Poison,Nil 20% M (6') 18 N/A N/A N/A 5000 t MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
1 or 2 7-12 o Energy+1 to hiNil M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 10000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 2-8 SpecialNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 SpecialNil Nil M (5') 7 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 Varies SpecialNil Nil S (4') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 SpecialNil Nil L (8') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-5 SpecialNil Nil M (5') 7 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-12 SpecialNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-5 SpecialNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
5 or 2 1-3(x4)ParalysMissile Nil L (9') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
5 or 2 1-4(x4)Leap Missile Nil M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
5 or 2 2-5(x5)ParalysMissile Nil M (7') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
5 or 2 1-4(x4)ParalysCamoufNil L (11') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
5 or 3 1-6(x4)Poison Dodge m Nil L (8-1015-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 t DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
3 or 1 4-24(x2SpecialSpecialNil H (15-216 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 1-6(x2)Poison ImmuneNil T (2') 10 or 2 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 or 2 1-4(x2)Nil Shell Nil M (6') 14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-4(x2 Bite Shell Nil M (5-7' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 or 2 1-6(x2)Nil Nil Nil M (6'+) 11 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-6(x2)Nil Nil Nil M (6-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 Stun Spell e Deific Nil S (3') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 3000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 1-6 SpecialSpecialStandaM (5') N/A Nil Nil VI 525+7 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
4+ SpecialSpecialSpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 2-16, 3 SpecialNever sStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 Varies SpecialNever sNil H (13-115-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 + MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 6-36(x2SpecialNever s65% H (18-219-20 Nil Nil N/A 10000 TSR 2418: The Ivor2e
2 Varies Nil Nil Nil H (13-113-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 + RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
2 4-24(x2AnimateSpells Nil H (18') 14 N/A N/A N/A 14000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
2 Variabl SpecialNever sNil H (13-115-16 Nil Nil N/A 2000 + TSR 1064: From th 2e
2 5-30/8 SpecialSpecialNil H (20') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 15000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
2 or 1 3-18(x2ConfusSpecialNil H (12-115-16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 per 1 or 1- Seed spImmune10% H (15-219-20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1-100 1 Singin Singin 25% L (10-219-20 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 per 2-12 VenomSpells; 15% L-H (5- 11-12 Nil Nil N/A 420 to TSR 2603: Planes 2e
3 or 1 1-3(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (6-7' 14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
3 or 1 1-3(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (6-7' 14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCFR (TSR 2125: F2e
SpecialSpecialNil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil III 120+3 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
NA Nil Nil UndeteSpecialNA N/A Unkno Unkno N/A NA FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
N/A Nil Induce Invisibi Nil S-M (2-5-7 N/A N/A N/A 650 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 3-18(x2Hold opMissile Nil L (9') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 9000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
2 3-18(x2Hold opMissile Nil L (9') 13-14 12 -/Mb N/A 6000 TSR 2437: Thri-Kre 2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecial90% M N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 By weaSpecialSpecial90% M (7') 13 N/A N/A N/A 270 or MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 or 1 1-3(x2)Revuls SpecialStandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 or 1 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 11 N/A N/A N/A 120 (chMM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 5-8(x2)SpecialRegeneStandaL (9'+) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 5-8(x2)SpecialRegeneNil L (9') 14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 3-6x2/ SurprisRegeneNil L (9') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-5(x2)SpecialRegeneNil L (8') 14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-16 Nil RegeneStandaL (10'+ N/A Nil Nil VI 725+10FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 2-12+7Nil RegeneNil L (10') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
4 1-6(x2)Nil RegeneStandaL (10'+ N/A Nil Nil VII 1800+1FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-8(x2)Nil +1 to h StandaL (9') N/A Nil Nil II 44+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-8(x2)Nil SpecialNil L (8') 11 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
2 1-8(x2)Nil RegeneNil L (8') 11 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)SpecialRegeneNil L (10') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 2-5(x2)SpecialRegeneStandaM (7'+) N/A Nil Nil V 400+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-4(x2)SpecialRegeneStandaL (10') N/A Nil Nil VI 900+12MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-4(x2)SpecialRegeneNil L (10') 16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 3-10(x2SpecialRegener Nil L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 3-6x2/ Nil Regener Nil L (10') 15 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6/1-3Strengt+1 to h 30% L (8'+) N/A Nil Nil VI 575+6 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
4 5-8(x2)SpecialRegeneNil L (10') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
4 2-5(x3)SeveredRegeneNil L (8') 14 N/A N/A N/A 1000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 0 SuffocaNil Nil T (6-9" 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-4 or Spells; Nil Nil M (5-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
4 1-4(x2 Poison Nil Nil M (5.5' 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 3000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
2 2-8(x2)Spells; +1 edge30% L (9-1117 Nil Nil N/A 8000 TSR 3117: Book of 2e
3 1-10(x2Awe Never s90% H (13') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 150000OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 1-10(x2Awe; SNever s90% H (13') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 28000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 or 1 2-9(x2)Headbut Nil Nil H (13') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 4-16 Upset cHind li Nil H (50') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 4-16 Nil SpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 6-24 SurprisHind li Nil H (40') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 6-24 SpecialSpecialStandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 4-16 Nil Hide L Nil G (50') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 6-24 Long NHide L Nil G (40') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-4 or Steal b SpecialNil M (6') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 975 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 By weaNil Ethere StandaM N/A Nil Nil I 14+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 (on EBy weaNil Ethere Nil S (3') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 17 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialNil StandaL N/A Nil Nil III 125+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 1-10(x2Nil Special5% Varies 16 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
3 1-4(x2)Musk Nil Nil S (2-4' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 1-12 Stunni Nil Nil L (6-9') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
6 SpecialSpells; Spells 95% L (7.5') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
3 3-12x2 SpecialNil Nil L (8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 3-12x2 Nil SpecialNil L (8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 3-12(x2ConfusNil StandaL (8') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 1-6(x2)Strike Invisibi 20% M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 9541: Servants2e
1 1-4 Electri ImmuneStandaL (8'+) N/A Nil Nil V 350+6 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-4 Electic ImmuneNil L (8') 14 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-4 Electri ImmuneNil L (8') 14 N/A N/A N/A 240 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
3 2-8(x2)SpecialSpecialNil S-M (3-12 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3/2 By weaSpecialSpecial60% M (6-7' 19 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 3-24 Breath +1 to h 20% G (100'15-16 N/A N/A N/A 10000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 3-24 Breath +1 to h 20% G (100'16 N/A N/A N/A 11000 TSR 1088L Castles 2e
1 5-8 Poison SpecialNil H (15') 12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
3 1-6(x2)ChargeSpecialSpecialL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
3 1-6(x2)ChargeSpecialNil L 14 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
4 1-6(x2)ChargeTeleporNil L 14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
3 or 1 1-8(x2)Charge;+1 to h Nil L (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-6 Nil Nil StandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil II 28+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-4 SpecialNil Nil S (3') 11 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-7(x2)Nil Nil StandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil II 50+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 2-7 SpecialNil Nil S (3') 11 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2-12 1-2 ParalysSmoke StandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil III 150+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
6 1-2 SpecialNil Nil S (3') 11 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 2-5(x3)VenomNil StandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil III 85+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
3 2-5 SpecialNil Nil S (3') 11 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
5 2-5(x5)VenomNil StandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil V 400+6 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
5 2-5 SpecialNil Nil S (3') 11 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
4 1-6(x4)Nil Nil StandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil IV 205+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
4 1-6 SpecialNil Nil S (3') 11 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-4 SpecialSpecial25% M (4.5' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 (L MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
3 1-4(x2)BerserkSpell i Nil M (5-6' 19-20 Nil Nil N/A 420 CD (TSR 9547: Cult2e
6 3-6 Tendril Immune-4 saveL (9') ??? 101-20 EW/II/MN/A ??? TSR 9569: The Illit 2e
3 or 1 2-16/1-Hug Nil Nil L (9') 16 N/A N/A N/A 775 TSR 9278: Otherla 2e
1 2-5 Poison;PsionicSpecialS (1-1. N/A 155-18 D/F III 135+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 4-16(x2Spell u +1 to h 50% L (11-115-16 N/A N/A N/A 16000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
2 1-8/1-4Poison;Nil Nil L (8') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 1-8/1-4Poison;Nil Nil L (8') 11-12 Nil Nil N/A 975 TSR 2615: Planes of2e
1 By weaSpecialSpecialNil M (7') 13-20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 + MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
2 1-6(x2)SuctionImmuneNil M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
As for As for Nil As for As for As for N/A 201-30 All/All Variabl Variabl MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 1-6(x2)StranguSpecialNil M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 5-10 Energy+1 to hiSpecialM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 5-10 Energy+1 to hiSpecialM (5-6.16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 t MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 4-9 +1 to a SpecialNil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 8000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 or 2 5-8(x2)Spells; +1 to h 25% M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 7000 + RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-4 or Special+2 to h Nil S (4') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 + RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 (touc 7-13; 1 Energy+1 to h Nil M (7') 16 N/A N/A N/A 10000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-4 or Charis +1 to h Nil M (5-6' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 + RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-4 Smile +1 to h Nil S (3-4' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 + RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
2 4-9(x2)Fear a Spell a 25% M (6') 17 N/A N/A N/A 3000 TSR 9541: Servants2e
1 1-4 Lethar +2 to h Nil S (4-5' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 3000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
SpecialSpecialEnergy +1 to hi90% M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 10000 TSR 9364: Thought2e
4 5-10 Mind bl+1 to h 90% M (6'4" 20 N/A N/A N/A 14000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-6 Spiritr +1 to h Nil S (2-4' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 4000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 5-10 Special+1 to hiNil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
2 5-8(x2)Energy +1 to h Nil M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 9000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 or as 1-8 or Energy+1 to h Nil M (6') 18 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 or as 1-8 or Energy+1 to h Nil M (6') 18 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
3 1-4(x2)Charm Charm Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
3 1-4(x2)Charm Nil Nil M (6') 12 N/A N/A N/A 3000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
2 1-6(x2)Poison Cold iro40% L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 24000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 3-8(x2)Poison Cold iro40% L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 14000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 1-4 SpecialNil StandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil III 118+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 Poison;Nil Nil S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 1-4 Poison;Nil Nil S (1-2' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 1091: City of D2e
2 (or 1 1-6(x2 Nil Nil Nil M (4-5' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 35 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
4 1-6(x2)SpecialSpecial35% M (4-5' 17-18 Nil Nil N/A 6000 TSR 1064: From th 2e
4 1-6(x2)SpecialSpecial35% M (4-5' 17-18 Nil Nil N/A 6000 TSR 2603: Planes 2e
3 1-4(x2)SpecialSpecial25% M (4-5' 17-18 Nil Nil N/A 2000 TSR 1064: From th 2e
3 1-4(x2)SpecialSpecial25% M (4-5' 17-18 Nil Nil N/A 2000 TSR 2603: Planes 2e
1 1-6 or SpecialSpecialSpecialS N/A Nil Nil III to V 53+1 t MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 1-10(x Vengef+2 to hi15% M (4-7' 17-18 Varies Varies N/A 1000 TSR 2432: City by t 2e
1 7-28 Swallo SpecialStandaL (50-8N/A Nil Nil IX 8550+2MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1-12 2-12 Fear; M+4 to h 90% H (40') 20 Nil Nil N/A 21000 TSR 1162: Return t 2e
1 By weaNil Nil 10% M (7') Varies N/A N/A N/A Variabl DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
2 2-5(x2)SurprisNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil I 7+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
0 Nil CombusSpecialNil T (micr N/A N/A N/A N/A 650 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave2e
0 Nil Crystal SpecialNil T (micr N/A N/A N/A N/A 420 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave2e
0 Nil Petrific SpecialNil T (micr N/A N/A N/A N/A 650 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave2e
0 Nil Cause SpecialNil T (micr N/A N/A N/A N/A 270 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave2e
0 Nil PsionicSpecialNil T (micr N/A N/A N/A N/A 650 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave2e
0 Nil ShadowSpecialNil T (micr N/A N/A N/A N/A 975 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave2e
2 1-8(x2)Lucidit +1 to h 25% M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 4000 TSR 2631: Dead G 2e
3 and 1-4(x2)SpecialSpecialSpecialH (25' 14 N/A N/A N/A 420 to MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
Nil Nil Aging Semi-E75% M N/A Nil Nil VI 825+10FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
0 0 Nil SpecialSpecialS (2-4' 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1-3 Diseas LegacyNil T (1-2')5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 1-6(x2)Stun RegeneNil L (7') 20 N/A N/A N/A 2000 ( MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 3-12(x2Nil SpecialStandaL (8') N/A Nil Nil VI 650+10FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 1-4/2-1Nil ImmuneStandaS (2') N/A Nil Nil II 50+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 1-4 Electrif ImmuneNil S (2') 11 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
5 1-6(x4)Poison;Immune25% L (8') 20 N/A N/A N/A 8000 TSR 9572: Dawn of2e
1 5-10 Charm;+1 to h Nil M (5-6' 11 N/A N/A N/A 3000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
3 1-3(x2)Knockdo ShadowNil M (5') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 420 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 SpecialNil Nil StandaVaries N/A Nil Nil II 50+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 or 2 2-5 or Nil Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil I 10+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 Nil Nil StandaL (12'+ N/A Nil Nil I 20+2 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-2 Nil Nil StandaM (5-6' N/A Nil Nil II +35 MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
3 1-3(x2)Legaci Nil Nil S (4') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 or 1 2-24(x2ParalysPsionicNil M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1500 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 By weaVanish Mimic Nil (10 M (7') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
3 2-12(x2PsionicPsionicNil M (5') 13-14 80 -/M- N/A 1500 TSR 2432: City by t 2e
2 or 1 1-10(x SpecialSpecialNil L (10') 13 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
As bas As bas Spells Spells; 25% As bas 11-12 Nil Nil N/A 8500 + TSR 2615: Planes of2e
Per an Per an SpecialSpecial25% Per an 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 8500 + OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 2-8/1-4Poison Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 1-3 Ability Nil 50% S (3') 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 270 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
1 2-16 Chill ra Insubst25% M (6') 19-20 Nil Nil N/A 4000 TSR 1060: Ruins of2e
0 Nil Drowni SpecialStandaL (10'+ N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 3-18 Scaldi +1 to h Nil L (12') 8 N/A N/A N/A 4000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 1 Nil Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil I 2+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu1e
1 2-12 Drain bNil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,1e
1 SpecialLightni SpecialNil S (1-7' 9-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 to MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1-6 Nil Half d Nil Special13-14 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
1 1 Webs; E Nil Nil S (5") 5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
1 1 Webs; E Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil I 7+1 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
3 1-4(x2 Nil SurprisStandaL (7') N/A Nil Nil IV 200+7 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 or 3 1-4(x2 Nil -2 initi Nil L (7') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 to MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 or 1 1-6(x2)SpecialSpecialSpecialM or H 17 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
2 1-6(x2)Egg im Nil Nil M (7') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 TSR 2400: Dark Su 2e
2 1-4(x2)Poison Nil Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 TSR 2400: Dark Su 2e
1 1-4 Nil Nil Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 65 TSR 2400: Dark Su 2e
1 5-20 to Tail sp Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 Varies Tail Nil Nil G 15 N/A N/A N/A 2000 + MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 Varies SpecialNil Nil G 15 N/A N/A N/A 8000 + MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 5-20 SpecialNil Nil H-G 14 N/A N/A N/A 975 to MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 Varies SpecialNil Nil G 15 N/A N/A N/A 26000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-24 Nil Nil Nil H-G 12 N/A N/A N/A 175 to MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-2/1(x VenomNil Nil S-L (5- 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 1-10(x2SpecialNil StandaVaries N/A Nil Nil III 120+4 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 2-12(x2Poison CamoufNil H (15-216 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 SpecialSpecial+1 to hiSpecialM (5') 12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Poison Nil Nil M (5-6' 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 3000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
1 1-8 (b Nil Fog cl Nil M (6.5' 14 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
3 1-4(x2)RendinFog cl Nil L (9') 15 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
2 2-8/2-7Nil Fog cl Nil M (7') 15 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-4 Energy+1 or siSpecialM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-4 EnergySilver oSpecialM (4-7' 14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 5-20(x2Blackfi Regener 30% M (6') 20 Nil Nil N/A 14000 TSR 1162: Return t 2e
One spe Nil Color SSpell imNil T (1-2')15-16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
4 1-4(x4)Burnin Spell imNil T (1') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 1000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 2-16 Electri Spell imSpecialS (2-4' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 2000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 10-60 Lightni Spell i Nil H (12-217-18 N/A N/A N/A 6000 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 2-16 Nil SpecialSpecialS (2-4' 17 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
7 to 12 1-4 ea SpecialSpecialStandaL (6-9') N/A Nil Nil VIII 2400+2MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-16 SpecialSpecialSpecialS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
Special3-18 SpecialSpecialSpecialL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 plus 3-12 WindsoWarp d45% H (24') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
10 2-8/1(x SpecialNil 90% S (4') As bas N/A N/A N/A Varies TSR 1083: Menzob 2e
10 2-8/1(x PsionicAnti-ma90% S (4') 19 N/A N/A N/A 975 TSR 1083: Menzob 2e
7 3-18(x6SpecialSpecialNil G (200'19-20 N/A N/A N/A 12000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 SpecialSpecialSpecialNil G (25') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
6, Spit 2-12(x6SpecialSpecialNil H (20') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
7, Sun 1-6(x6)SpecialSpecialNil G (100019-20 N/A N/A N/A 40000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
3 4-9(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (5-6' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
2 1-6(x2)Nil SpecialStandaS (4') N/A Nil Nil III 65+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
Varies SpecialSpecialNil StandaVaries N/A Nil Nil III to V 90+3 t FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
SpecialNil Random +1 to h 25%; spM (5-6' 15 N/A N/A N/A 13000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
0 0 Random Special25% M (5') 15 N/A N/A N/A 13000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 2-5 Nil Nil Nil S (3-4' 10 N/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-5 Nil Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 2-8 Astral Nil Nil L (4') 16 N/A N/A N/A 270 TSR 2137: Lankhmar 2e
1 2-8 Nil Nil Nil L (7-1210 N/A N/A N/A 175 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Nil Nil StandaM (L) N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-10 Diseas Regener Nil S (2-4' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 2-6 Nil Breath 10% M (4') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 2-8 Initiat ResistaNil S (5-6' 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 3-12 Cause fRegener Nil S (2-3. 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 2-8 Frost Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 2-8 Frost Nil Nil L (7-1213 N/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-8 Nil Nil Nil M (4-7' 11 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-5 Nil SpecialNil S (2-4' SpecialN/A N/A N/A 65 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 to 3 1-4 SpecialNil StandaS N/A Nil Nil VI 900+14MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 or 2 2-12/b Singing+1 or ir 10% M N/A Nil Nil VI 560+6 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 or 2 2-12 a SingingIron or 10% M (4-7' 14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 to 3 2-16, 1 SpecialSpecial50% M to L 15 N/A N/A N/A 8000 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
3 1-4(x2)Musk Nil StandaS N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
3 2-5(x2)Musk Nil StandaM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
3 1-4(x2)Nil Telepa Nil S (3') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 1400 TSR 9295: Wonders2e
0 0 Nil CamoufNil T (1") 2-4 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 Swallo Nil Nil G (30') 13 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-8 Fiery BNil Nil G (70') 13 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-8 Blood dNil Nil H (20') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 3-18 Swallo ImmuneNil G (100016 N/A N/A N/A 16000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 3-36 Swallo SpecialNil G (500'19 N/A N/A N/A 20000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 4-40 SwallowSpecialNil G (650'18 N/A N/A N/A 25000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 SpecialDigesti CamoufNil H (100'8-10 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
2 2-24/2 SpecialNil Nil G (25') 12 N/A N/A N/A 13000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-4 Poison Nil Nil L (10') 15 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
0 0 SpecialNil Nil T (1/2- 5 N/A N/A N/A 15 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-12 Swallo Nil Nil G (30') 10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 2-20 Acid Poison StandaM (6') N/A Nil Nil VII 2400+2MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-16 Lunge aNil StandaL (30') N/A Nil Nil VII 1350+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-6 Energy+1 or siSpecialM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
1 1-6 EnergySilver oNil M (6') 15 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 3/ 1-4 or Animate+2 to hiNil M (6') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 1-4 or Energy+1 to hi30% M 13-14 Nil Nil N/A 2000 TSR 9274: Old Emp2e
1 1-6 ShadowImmuneNil M (5-6' SpecialN/A N/A N/A SpecialMCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
1 2-7 Chillin SpecialNil M (6') 17 N/A N/A N/A 175 TSR 9419: Dark of 2e
2 1-6(x2)Eerie w+1 to hiNil M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
3/2 (as 1-10 Strengt+2 to hiNil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-8 Level DWraith 30% M (10') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 3000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
2 1-3(x2)SpecialSpecialSpecialS (3') 10 N/A N/A N/A 175 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
2 2-16/1-Roll ov Spell i 2% perH (30-417-18 N/A N/A N/A 5000 + MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
11 1-10(x1SurprisNil Nil H (20') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-3 Bite le Nil Nil T (1-2')11-12 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
2 1-10(x2Paralys+1 or siNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 5000 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 1-6(x2)Nil +1 or siNil M (6') 20 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
4 2-5(x4)Drowni Nil Nil H (25') 12 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
2 2-16/1-Poison Nil StandaL (35') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual,
2 2-16/1-Poison Nil Nil G (35') 14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-20/1-Breath ImmuneNil G (45') 13-14 Nil Nil N/A 9000 t CD (TSR 9547: Cult2e
1 7-12 Energy +1 to hi15% M N/A 130-18 All/All VIII 1100+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 7-12 Energy Special15% M (4') 11 N/A N/A N/A 5000 t PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
2 1-4(x2)Poison;Spell i Nil L 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 975 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
4 1-3(x3)SurprisImmuneStandaM (4') N/A Nil Nil III 55+8 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-5 Metal cSpecial45% S-M (3-13-14 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCA1 (TSR 2145 M2e
2 2-8 SpecialSpecialNil S (1') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
4 1-4(x4 SpecialSpecial70% M N/A Nil Nil V 325+5 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
4 1-4(x4 ParalysEtherea70% M (4') 15 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
4 1-4(x4 ParalysSpecial70% M (4-5' 15 N/A N/A N/A 3000 PS3 (TSR 2635: Pla2e
1 (3) 2-12(x2Poison Nil Nil M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A Varies MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
4 1-3(x3)SurprisSpecialStandaM (5') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
4 1-3(x3)SurprisSpell I Nil M (5') 16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
4 1-3(x3)SurprisSpell I Nil M (4') 16 N/A N/A N/A 3000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 2-5 or Nil Nil StandaS (3') N/A Nil Nil I 5+1 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 2-5 or Nil Nil Nil S (3') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 15 to 3 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
6 5-10(x2Mind BlCamouf50% M (7') 15 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
1 1-10 o SpecialSpecial10% L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 1400 ( MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
3 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecialSpecialM (5-6' 10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2-12 SpecialNil Nil StandaL N/A Nil Nil III 65+3 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
1 Varies Black +1 to h 75% M (6') 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 20000 MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 2-8 Fear +1 or si10% L (4-5') N/A Nil Nil IV 235+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-8 Fear +1 or si10% M (4-5' 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 975 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-6(x2)SpecialImperviStandaL (8') N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
2 1-6(x2)SqeezeImmuneNil L (8') 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 2-16(x2Nil ImmuneNil L (10') 10 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCDL (TSR 2158 Mo 2e
6 1-6(x2)Special+1 to hiNil L (10') 18 N/A N/A N/A 7000 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecial50% M N/A 133 CD/FH VII 1275+1MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 2-8 Baying +1 or s Nil M (4') 18 N/A N/A N/A 1400 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-6 Poison Nil Nil T (1-2')2-4 Nil Nil N/A 65 TSR 9289: Falconm2e
2 SpecialSpells Nil 20% M N/A 150 BD/FIJ Variabl Variabl MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
2 SpecialSpells Nil 20% M to L 14 N/A N/A N/A Variabl MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-2(x2)SpecialSpecialSpecialM (5-6' 10 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
3 1-6(x2)Tongue+1 to hi25% M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 9000 PS2 (TSR 2613: Pla2e
3 1-4(x2)Claw; S+3 to h 60% M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 49500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 1-4(x2)Claw; S+3 to h 60% M (6') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 20000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-8(x2)Spells Spells; 50% L (8') 14 Nil Nil N/A 19000 TSR 2615: Planes of2e
2 or 1 9-16(x Magical+2 to h 70% L (9') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 66000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
5 SpecialGrab; +1 to h 40% L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 12000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-12(x Magical+3 to h 60% M (6.5' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 84000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
3 or 5 1-8(x2)Sleep a+1 to hi40% L (10') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 14000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
3 1-10/1 SpecialSpecial25% L (9') 18 N/A N/A N/A 11000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-3/1- SpecialSpecialNil Varies 14 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
3 1-6/1- SpecialSpecialNil Varies 16 N/A N/A N/A 4000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
5 SpecialGrab; +1 to h 40% L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 25500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 or 1 7-12(x Magica+2 to hi50% M (7') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 21000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 claws2-12(x2Acid to +1 to hi40% L (8') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 18000 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
3 or 5 1-8(x2)Sleep a+1 to hi40% L (10') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 26500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 or 1 9-16(x Magical+2 to h 70% L (9') 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 25000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 2-8 Gaze inNil 80% to M (5') 15 N/A N/A N/A 7000 TSR 2600: Planesc 2e
2 or 1 14-19( Magic +1 to hi50% M (7') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 40500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 2-16(x2Severin+1 to h 40% M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 19000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 2-16(x2Severin+1 to h 40% M (5') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 40500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 1-12(x Magical+3 to h 60% M (6.5' 15-16 N/A N/A N/A 26000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
2 1-12 o Magica+1 to hi40% L (12') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 26500 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 1-12 o Magica+1 to hi40% L (12') 13-14 N/A N/A N/A 20000 PS1 (TSR 2602: Pla2e
1 + ga 1-10 SpecialSpecialNil M (5') 13 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCKT (TSR 2116: K2e
1 10-100 Swallo +1 to h Nil G (200-19 N/A N/A N/A 46000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
1 10-100 Swallo ImmuneNil G (200-19 N/A N/A N/A 46000 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-2 Nil Nil Nil S (1.5')5-7 N/A N/A N/A 65 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-3 PsionicPsionicNil T (1') 12 N/A N/A N/A 120 to DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
1 1-8 Hit poi +1 to h Nil M (5-6' 17-18 N/A N/A N/A 6000 MCA3 (TSR 2166 Mo 2e
5 or 2 7-12(x4ParalyzMissile Nil L (11') 19-20 52 All/All N/A 8000 t TSR 2437: Thri-Kre 2e
1 1-6 Poison Special30% M (6-1210 N/A N/A N/A 2000 MCAQ (TSR 2129: A 2e
2 2-40(x2SpecialInvulne100% M (6') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 22000 MCSJ1 (TSR 2109 2e
1 1-8 Nil Nil SpecialM N/A Nil Nil N/A N/A MM (Monster Manual, 1e
1 1-8 or Poison ImmuneNil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 270 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-8 Nil Spell I SpecialM (6') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 65 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 1-8 SurprisSpecialNil M (5') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 120 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 SpecialCause d+1 to h Nil G (60-115-16 N/A N/A N/A 1400 t RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 1-6 Nil Spell i Nil M (5-6' 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 175 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 3-12 Special+1 to hiSpecialM N/A Nil Nil III 110+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 3-12 SpecialSpell I SpecialM (6') SpecialN/A N/A N/A 975 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
2 1-6(x2 Jolt (2 ImmuneNil M (6') 13 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
1 1-3 or Jolt (1- ImmuneNil M (6') 13 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCM (TSR 2501: My 2e
2 2-8x2 SpecialSpell I Nil M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 By weaLife dr RegeneNil M (5-6' 20 Nil Nil N/A 4000 TSR 1162: Return t 2e
1 4-16 Nil Spell I SpecialL (8-12SpecialN/A N/A N/A 650 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1 or 2 1-6(x2)DiseaseImmuneNil M (5-6' 20 N/A N/A N/A 650 MCA4 (TSR 2173 Mo 2e
1 1-8 DepleteSpell i Nil M (4-7' SpecialN/A N/A N/A 420 to MCSC (TSR 2524: S2e
1 3-18 Blood dSpecialSpecialM (6') 19-20 Nil Nil N/A 420 TSR 2418: The Ivor2e
1 1-10 Stench;Spell I Nil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
1 1-10 Stench,Spell I Nil M (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 420 MM2e (TSR 2140 Mo 2e
1-3 1-8 Nil Turn a SpecialM (6') 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 270 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 or 2 1-6(x2 SpecialSpecialNil S-L (4- 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 420 + DS2 (TSR 2433: Dar2e
1 2-5 Nil SpecialNil S (2-4' 19-20 N/A N/A N/A 120 RL3 (TSR 2153: Rave 2e
1 By weaNil Nil SpecialM N/A Nil Nil II 28+2 FF (Fiend Folio, Firs1e
2 2-8(x2)SpecialSpecialNil M (6') 8-10 N/A N/A N/A 650 RL12 (TSR 2162: Rav 2e
0 0 BerriesBerriesNil M (5-6' N/A N/A N/A N/A 120 DS1 (TSR 2405: Dar2e
3 1-4(x2)AbsorpDrain m20% S (3') 11 N/A N/A N/A 420 MCA2 (TSR 2158 M2e
2 1-2(x2)Aborpt Absorp20% S (3') N/A Nil Nil V 280+5 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-6 Nil Dark; I Nil M (6') 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 2000 TSR 2607: Planes 2e
1 1-6 None Dart Nil M (6-7' 11-12 N/A N/A N/A 20000 OPA (TSR 2118: Ou2e
2 3-6 Poison Spines Nil T (6-125-7 N/A N/A N/A 120 MCSJ2 (TSR 2119 M 2e
1 (or h SpecialMilky GNil Nil S (or a SpecialN/A N/A N/A 120 MCGH1 (TSR 2107:2e
As hos As hos Milky g SpecialSpecialAs hos N/A Nil Nil III 85+4 MM2 (Monstrous Manu 1e
1 1-4 + s Poison Nil Nil S (4') 10 N/A N/A N/A 270 MCFF (TSR 2132 - 2e
Select Terrain: Forest
Select Climate/Plane: Temperate/Subtropical, Wilderness
Random Monster: Neshezu

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