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Use of Technology in Rural Communities

By: Karolina Nil

1. Technology in agriculture
In fact, the people of Indonesia have known modern farming methods for centuries.
Precisely when the Dutch Government imposed a policy of forced cultivation. At that
time, modern agriculture using intensification farming methods was known.
a. Technology in the green revolution
The green revolution is a movement for the development of agricultural technology
to increase food production in several ways, namely:
1) Development of irrigation to ensure water supply
2) Maintenance of plants to get superior seeds
3) Utilization of artificial fertilizers to enrich the nutrients in the soil
4) Use of chemicals to eradicate pests
b. Technology in the organic revolution
The world community is starting to realize the dangers posed by the use of chemicals
in agriculture. People are getting wiser in choosing food ingredients that are safe for
health and environmentally friendly. Organic farming is an agricultural cultivation
technique using natural ingredients without using chemicals. The main goal of
organic farming is to provide agricultural products, especially food ingredients that
are safe for the health of producers and consumers and do not damage the
c. Agricultural technology equipment
1) Hand tractors
This machine is often used by rural farmers to plow land or rice fields. Its
function is to replace the role of the rice field plow which uses livestock power.
This machine has several advantages, including simple construction using a
diesel electric motor. In addition, hand tractors are also light and easy to find.
This convenience causes many farmers to take advantage of the function of this
tractor to grow crops in paddy fields, fields, or on mountain slopes.
2) Paddy threshing machine
The rice harvest period is the moment that farmers have been waiting for.
Months of hard work finally paid off. After the rice is harvested, farmers need
tools to thresh the rice
3) Water pump machine
In general, this machine is used by farmers when the dry season comes.
Therefore, farmers use this water pump to suck water from the irrigation canals
into the rice fields
4) Pest control tool
This tool is commonly used by farmers to spray liquid pesticides on agricultural
2. Information and Communication Technology
a. Radio
Radio is an informative medium or tool that is important for the life of both rural and
urban communities. Radio disseminates the information needed by the community.
b. Television
Communication technology is a phenomenon that is not limited by space and time.
Every moment its development moves fast. One of the products of modern
technological developments is television, which is an audio-visual medium with a
very wide reach.
c. Mass media
The development of mass media such as newspapers or newspapers is now not only
concentrated in urban areas but also in rural areas. With the mass media, people can
easily access information.
d. Mobile
One of the communication media most often used by the public is the mobile phone.
The use of this communication tool is classified as very broad in scope.
e. Film
One of the media that is widely used in society is film. There are many messages and
information in the film.

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