Digital Vilage in Corner Area of Jember

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Digital vilage in corner area of jember, Serving residents only with with the

malldesa application
Digital Village is a program concept that apply goverment services and community
services based on the use of information teknology. Currenty, a village in remote Jember has
become a digital village, that village is sidomulyo Village. The beginning of Sidomulyo village
becoming a digital village was that the head of Sidomulyo village, Kamiluddin had a vision,
namely a village digitalization program. He believes that digitalization is a necessity for the
effectiveness of servise to the community. He Collaborated with the Muhammadiyah University
of Jember to create an Integrated Application System -application under the auspices of the
Sidomulyo Online System.

The Malldesa application provides many benefit. The malldesa application takes care of
all your correspondence needs. Starting from business certificates, birth certificates, loss
Certificates, transfer letters, disability certificates, parents' In come letters and others. In fact,
the Malldesa application does not only provide administrative service features. There are also
places for complaints, disaster mitigation, buying and selling stalls and lists of tourist

Sidomulyo village is in the Mount Gumitir area, on the border of Jember and
Banyuwangi Regencies. This Village is quite far from urban areas. In fact, it is located in the
middle of a coffee plantation and on top of a mountain. for this reason, Village residents must
adapt to technological developments so as not to be left behind. And with the Malldesa
application it the helps Sidomulyo village become more advanced.

The Integrated Application System application is now transformed In to the Mulldesa

application. Malldesa provides various features such as disaster prevention, market place
complaints, Village vews, and others. This application provides digital service information to the
community so there is no need to come to the village office. Digital service innovation has
become a necessity amids current developments. People need fast and easy services. This can
be done by utilizing technology

The Village Mall Application makes it very easy to take care of correspondence needs,
even the Village Mall Application not only provides administrative service features. it can also
be a place for complaints, disaster mitigation to tourist destinations. but there are villagers who
have difficulty using the Village Mall Application because of limited internet and villages far
enough from urban areas, villagers who are less updated with technology are now quite
difficult to adapt to technological developments. The challenge is the readiness of the
community, especially the elderly.
Secondly, not everyone has a smartphone. As we know, there are still many people who
don't have smartphones. This is because there are still many people who have economic
limitations. Apart from that, there are also parents who don't buy it because they find the
smartphone difficult to operate. Apart from that, there are also people who are comfortable
with their old cellphone.

Lastly, Requires expensive costs. As we know, the price of smartphones is quite

expensive. Apart from that, we also need a signal, be it WiFi or data. and we also know that the
price of wifi or data for a month is also expensive, so not everyone can own or use a

We are neutral with this opinion because this opinion has a positive impact on society,
but besides this positive impact there is also a negative impact on society.

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