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Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 3 3CLogic Client Download ........................................................................................................................ 3 Device Setup assistant .............................................................................................................................. 8 Start 3CLogic Client ................................................................................................................................. 13 Logging In ................................................................................................................................................ 13 3CLogic Client - User Interface .................................................................................................................... 16 Lead Window .......................................................................................................................................... 16 Calls Window........................................................................................................................................... 18 Contacts Window .................................................................................................................................... 19 Phone window ........................................................................................................................................ 20 Scripts Window ....................................................................................................................................... 21 HOW TO ?.................................................................................................................................................... 22 Start Dialing Leads................................................................................................................................... 22 Transfer a call .......................................................................................................................................... 23 Conference a call..................................................................................................................................... 25 Report Issues and Problems.................................................................................................................... 26 Add a Contact.......................................................................................................................................... 27 Adding a P2P contact .......................................................................................................................... 27 Adding an External Contact................................................................................................................. 28 Barge In to call ........................................................................................................................................ 28 Start Coaching ......................................................................................................................................... 29 Change your status ................................................................................................................................. 30 Auto Forward all Inbound calls ............................................................................................................... 31 Auto Forward all Outbound calls ............................................................................................................ 31 Tune your Headset to the 3CLogic Client................................................................................................ 32 Add a new Lead from the client .............................................................................................................. 32 Go back to the original layout ? .............................................................................................................. 33 Switch to CRM window ........................................................................................................................... 34 Configure Caller ID on the client ............................................................................................................. 34 Sign out of the Client .............................................................................................................................. 35

This guide is to help 3CLogic agents understand and use the 3CLogic client. If the 3CLogic client is not installed on your PC, please contact your 3CLogic call center administrator. 3CLogic client can run on Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista PCs. 3CLogic client is a user interface which allows agents to make outbound calls and receive incoming calls. Each agent in the call center is given a unique username & password to log onto the client. While logging onto the client, agent can choose one among various service centers / projects he is working on. The client GUI is customizable as per the end user requirement.

3CLogic Client Download

3CLogic Client can be installed in two ways : 1) Agent/supervisor can log onto Portal and download the client from Support tab a. Click Support in the main menu b. Click on Download Now c. 3CLogic will start downloading d. Once it is downloaded, click on Run to begin the installation e. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation 2) A downloadable link can be provided by 3CLogic Admin a. Click on the download link or open it in a web browser

b. Click on Run c. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation See the installation procedure below: (the version number will vary depending on the latest build)

Click on Next

Click on Next

Click on Next

Click on Next

Uncheck the Launch 3CLogic at Startup and click on Next

Installation started.

Click on Next.

Uncheck the Launch Service Node Configurator and click on Finish

Device Setup assistant will help you test your PC sound quality. Make sure your headset is
connected to the PC before starting device setup assistant.

Click on Next

Click on Next

Click on Next

Choose the Audio device that you will be using from the drop down menu and click on Test

Choose the Input device (microphone device) from the drop down & click on Test

Press Start Test button to place test call and you will be asked to record a message. The recorded message will be played back to you. If you hear it properly, the test is successful. Else, we will have to tune your settings.

Click on Next

If any of the status is either grey or Red, please contact 3CLogic support and we will help you identify and resolve the issue. Now click on Exit to exit from the Device Setup Assistant.

Start 3CLogic Client

You can start 3CLogic by following any of the three methods described below. 1. Click on the Start button. 2. Select All Programs from the popup menu. 3. Point the mouse pointer to 3CLogic. 4. Select 3CLogic from 3CLogic to open the client application.

OR You may double-click the 3CLogic icon on the Desktop. OR You may click the 3CLogic icon in Quick Launch.

Logging In
Your call center administrator has to add you to the call center and provide Username and Password for 3CLogic client.

1) Enter your username and password in the 3CLogic log in window.

(If you do not have the login credentials, contact your administrator ) 2) If you want the system to remember your username each time you log in to the 3CLogic client, select the checkbox against Remember my user name and Click OK 3) Now you will be prompted to select an outbound campaign (also known as project)

4) Select a campaign from the drop down list. (If you cannot see campaigns in the drop down list, please ask your call center admin to assign you to a campaign from the portal). Service center is an Inbound Campaign and is used for answer incoming calls. Agents can be logged onto both Campaigns and service centers at the same time. 5) Click on Ok and the client will displayed with start button

Important: When you login, if the 3CLogic client gives an error message "Could not fetch leads", then your call center administrator needs to assign leads to the campaign you are part of or assign leads directly to you. Please contact your call center administrator. If you are not assigned a package by the administrator from the portal, you would not be able to dial the leads and will receive a warning "No Line Associated" or No valid route found to make calls. Please contact the administrator to assign you to a package so that you can start calling the leads. If you get an error that You are already logged on from another Machine, please contact your call center administrator and have them Unlock you from the portal. To avoid getting this message, make sure you properly log of by selecting File Signout on the client If you receive any other errors, please contact 3Clogic administrator.

3CLogic Client - User Interface

Client is composed of different windows which have their own purpose. See the detailed explanation of each window below.

Lead Window
Also known as SLV Single Lead View (shown in orange border below).

It has 5 tabs: Active On initial login, the lead Active window would show Click here to Start dialing button. Agent can start dialing the leads by clicking on this button. This window would show all the lead info once the agent starts dialing. Scheduled- It displays the list of leads which are scheduled to be called on that day. All- It displays list of all leads that are loaded onto the client and are waiting to be dialed. History- It displays the list of leads dialed till now. Chat-All the chat conversations are displayed here.

Lead Window Tool Bar :

Calls Window
The Calls Window (top right corner) displays the calls in progress. You can view details about the status of the call by moving the cursor on the call. Status of the call (alerting, dialing, answering machine etc.) is indicated by different colors. If there is a conference call, then the phone numbers in conference will also be displayed. Supervisors can perform additional task of whisper and coach by using this window.

By right clicking within the calls window, following options will appear:

Contacts Window
The Contacts Window (below the Calls Window) is used to communicate with other agents in your call center or any external contact. Supervisors can use this window to Barge-in to the agents call. Contacts can be added from the portal or from the client. The options available in the Contacts Window are:

By right clicking on any contacts, you can do the following:

Barge In: the supervisor can barge-in to other agents calls and hear the conversation without disturbing the agent and the call in progress. Barge in privilege is enabled from the portal by the call center admin. After barge-in, the supervisor can whisper or start coaching by right clicking on the calls window, if needed.

Phone window
The Phone Window (lower right corner) is used to make manual calls, if displayed on your client screen. The options available in the Phone Window are:

Fetch : the ! button that is used for fetching the lead info needs to be enabled from the portal by the call center admin.

Scripts Window
The Script Windows (bottom of the 3CLogic Client screen) are used to display the pre-defined script that your administrator has written for you to refer while you are on call with leads. Readout: This window displays the script to be read by the agent when the lead picks up the call. Notes: This window displays information about the campaign. Faqs: This window displays frequently asked questions and answers about the campaign.

Call center admin can add as many scripts as the campaign demands.

This section describes how to perform various tasks on the client.

Start Dialing Leads

Once you are logged onto the Client , please click on Click here to start dialing

The screen would immediately switch to single lead view as shown below:

Once you are done with the call, do the following to move to next lead: 1. Enter the notes ( not mandatory) 2. Select an appropriate Result code 3. Finalize the call

You can also do the following while you are on the call : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Edit / Update Lead information Hold/ unhold the lead call if needed Conference the lead call with another call if needed Transfer the lead call to another agent or to a third party verifier if needed. Send an email to the lead (provided leads email address is available & email settings are configured on portal) 6. Reschedule the call for a later time or date

Transfer a call
Agents can transfer calls by clicking on a call in progress to highlight it and then click on the Transfer button. The Transfer current call dialog box appears. An agent can transfer calls to: A contact added by the agent, which in most cases would be another agent running the client. To an external number.

In case an agent decides to transfer the call to another agent present in the contact list, the lead information would also be transferred to the other agent. An agent can verify that the call is being

transferred by taking the mouse over the call in the Call Window. The text would display Transferring. If for some reason the transfer fails, the call comes back to the Agent. Procedure: 1. You can either click on Transfer button below the finalize option Or You can right click on the ongoing call and select Transfer option

2. Transfer window pops up ( as shown below). Select an option and click on OK.

Conference a call
To make conference with the other agents follow the steps given below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In the calls window, click conference button while call in on. Conference window will be displayed. In the conference window, select the required participant from the available contacts. Click the Add button. Click the Ok button and the conference is created.

If you have an external number that you want to add to conference, simply dial the number using phone window and create a conference by dragging a call on an existing call.

Report Issues and Problems

1. Click on Help > Report Issues and Problems

2. A reporting window will pop up as shown below: Submit report & close the window.

Add a Contact
Contacts can be added from portal as well as client. There are two types of contacts : P2P and External. 1. Go to Contacts window & click on Add Contact (+) button

2. A New Contact window will pop up Adding a P2P contact (P2P is nothing but another agent who is also using the 3CLogic Client)

a. Enter the display name and group name ( contacts can be arranged in different groups. Similar to Family and Friends groups on your personal messengers) b. Select network as P2P as you are adding an agent to your list c. Enter the agents P2P ID under P2P information and click on OK d. The contact will now appear in your contacts list

Adding an External Contact ( any contact that can be reached only by a phone number is an external contact)

a. Enter the display name and group name ( contacts can be arranged in different groups. Similar to Family and Friends groups on your personal messengers) b. Select network as External as you are adding a contact that can be reached via a phone number c. Enter the contacts phone number with country code under External Network information and click on OK d. The contact will now appear in your contacts list

Barge In to call
Barge In is a special feature were a supervisor or admin can listen to the agents calls silently. This feature is not available by default and needs to be enabled from the portal. A supervisor can Barge Into agents calls remotely ( provided network conditions meet our barge In requirement). In order to barge In, the agent needs to be added to the contacts list. 1. Make sure agent is on the call before Bargeing in 2. Right click on the contact and select Barge In as shown below

You can now view the barge in call in the calls window.

*supervisor can only Barge In to other agents who are on the 3CLogic Client and not external contacts.

Start Coaching
This feature is used by the supervisors to silently listen to the agents conversation with the customer and coach/ train the agent if necessary. A supervisor can coach his agents remotely ( provided the network conditions meet our Barge In requirements). 1. 2. 3. 4. Make sure agent is on the call with a customer (indicated by red colored status icon) Right click on the agent and select Barge In (as described in the above section) Now right click on the call in the calls window and select Start Coaching You can now talk to the Agent

Change your status

Please click on the downwards arrow as shown below, it will open up a drop down window with all the available statuses to choose from. Please note that an agent needs to be in available status in order to receive an incoming call. The default status is away, when the agent logs in.

Auto Forward all Inbound calls

Make sure the contact you want to forward calls to, is present in your contacts list. Now select the contact from the drop down menu next to Forward Inbound Call To option.

You can also forward all your inbound calls to another agent in your call center.

Auto Forward all Outbound calls

You can start your dialer and auto forward all outbound calls to a contact from your contacts list, as shown below.

Tune your Headset to the 3CLogic Client

By default Primary Sound option is chosen when an agent logs onto the client initially. If you have any difficulty hearing the customer or the customer has difficulty hearing you, please change the mic and speaker device from the drop down menu and click on Apply. Verify the settings by making a manual call. Sometimes the cause of the issue can be due to the network or the headset settings.

Add a new Lead from the client

Agent can add new leads from the client at any time, even while he is on the call with a customer. 1. Click on Add Lead (+) button

2. Enter the lead details in the Add Lead window and click on Add

The newly added lead will appear on the portal and can be assigned to any campaign.

Go back to the original layout ?

If you have closed any windows accidently and do not know how to get them back, please go to Tools> Reset to Factory Layout. This will cause the client to reboot, and all the closed windows will be replaced.

Switch to CRM window

You can switch back and forth between CRM view and single lead view by using the Agent and CRM window button as shown below. This button is located at the bottom of the client below the scripts windows.

*3CLogic can be integrated with many CRM systems like sales force, Microsoft etc. While dialing the leads, the respective CRM info of the lead can be populated in the CRM window. *CRM window is also used for embedding any http links like survey forms etc

Configure Caller ID on the client

An agent can pass on any caller id from the client. 1. enter the phone number that you want to display as caller id in the field shown below and click on Apply. 2. Restart the client (File Restart)

*Caller ID is not available by default on the client and needs to be enabled from the portal.

Sign out of the Client

Make sure you follow the right procedure to sign out of the client else you might run into the risk of being locked by server, which will prevent you from logging in next time (until you are unlocked by an admin from the portal).

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