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Copyright © 2002 by The American Association of Endodontists VOL. 28, NO. 6, JUNE 2002


Effect of Early Coronal Flaring on Working Length

Change in Curved Canals Using Rotary Nickel-
Titanium Versus Stainless Steel Instruments

R. Dean Davis, DDS, J. Gordon Marshall, DMD, and J. Craig Baumgartner, DDS, PhD

This in vitro investigation examined pre- and A number of methods for determining WL have been described,
postinstrumentation working length (WL) measure- including the use of radiographs, electronic apex locators, and
ments in curved root canals. The conditions com- tactile discrimination (4). Regardless of the method, once the
appropriate WL has been established, maintaining consistency of
pared were combinations of (a) stainless steel
that measurement throughout the course of endodontic treatment is
hand files ⴙ Gates Glidden drills (SS) versus nickel- crucial to the clinician’s ability to instrument and obturate to the
titanium rotary files (Ni-Ti); and (b) early coronal desired apical location. Should the WL change over the course of
flaring (flaring completed before WL determina- treatment, the depth of canal treatment becomes unpredictable.
tion) versus late coronal flaring (flaring completed This is particularly true in the instrumentation of curved canals.
after WL determination). Coronal flaring was ac- Both in vitro (5) and in vivo (6) studies have shown that changes
complished for the SS group using Gates Glidden in WL commonly occur during the cleaning and shaping of curved
drills and for the Ni-Ti group using rotary Ni-Ti files root canals. Weine et al. (7) found that changes in WL were
produced by straightening of the canal during the course of treat-
(n ⴝ 15/group). WL was determined before coronal
ment. Stainless steel hand files were used in studies that showed
flaring, immediately after coronal flaring, and again WL change occurring during canal instrumentation (5, 6). Nickel-
after canal preparation. Results indicated that WL titanium rotary instruments have been shown to produce less
decreased for all canals as a result of canal prep- change in canal configuration than stainless steel files (8). The use
aration. The mean decrease in WL was significantly of nickel-titanium rotary instruments may decrease the amount of
greater for the SS group (ⴚ0.48 mm ⴞ 0.32) than for WL change that occurs during cleaning and shaping procedures.
the Ni-Ti group (ⴚ0.22 mm ⴞ 0.26). Less change in Commonly taught instrumentation techniques advocate the
coronal flaring of root canals (9). Flaring the coronal portion of the
WL occurred in both groups when initial WL was
root canal before instrumenting the apical region may provide a
determined after coronal flaring (SS: ⴚ0.12 mm ⴞ number of benefits. Flaring of the coronal canal has been found to
0.13, Ni-Ti: ⴚ0.14 mm ⴞ 0.25). facilitate the placement of files into the apical portion of curved
root canals (10). It is not known if determining WL after the initial
coronal flaring of the root canal has been completed, but before
apical preparation, will minimize the change in WL that occurs
during the instrumentation of curved canals.
Root canal working length (WL) may be defined as the distance The purpose of this in vitro investigation was to compare pre-
from a coronal reference point to the point at which canal prepa- and postinstrumentation WL in curved root canals prepared by (a)
ration and obturation should terminate. The accurate determination using early coronal flaring (flaring completed before WL determi-
of WL and the use of this measurement when cleaning, shaping, nation) versus late coronal flaring (flaring completed after WL
disinfecting, and obturating root canals may significantly influence determination); and (b) using either stainless steel or nickel-tita-
treatment success. A number of studies have reported a relation- nium instruments.
ship between long-term endodontic success and the location of
obturation materials with respect to the apical extent of the root
canal (1–3). Success has been found to be greatest in teeth in which METHODS AND MATERIALS
the obturation material extended to within 2 mm of the radio-
graphic apex but did not extend beyond the radiographic apex Extracted human maxillary and mandibular first and second
(1–3). molar teeth were collected. Teeth with external defects or multiple

Vol. 28, No. 6, June 2002 Coronal Flaring and Working Length Change 439

root curvatures were excluded. The distal roots of mandibular was introduced into the canal. While rotating at 4500 rpm, the #2
molars and the palatal and distobuccal roots of maxillary molars Gates Glidden drill was advanced until slight resistance was felt.
were removed by using a tungsten carbide bur in a high-speed With slight pressure directed away from the inner canal curvature,
handpiece, so that the mesial root and the associated crown were the #2 Gates Glidden drill was withdrawn. A #3 Gates Glidden drill
separated from the remainder of the tooth. Radiographs of the was used in the same fashion. The Gates Glidden drills were not
mesial roots were exposed from the buccal. Using the technique used to a predetermined depth. Canal diameter and location of the
described by Schneider, canal curvature of the mesial root was curve, which varied among the canals, determined the depth at
determined and recorded (11). Roots with mesial-distal curvatures which slight resistance was detected. After the use of the #3 Gates
between 20 and 45 degrees were selected. Glidden drill, the canal was irrigated and the distance to the apical
A coronal access preparation was made in each specimen by glass barrier was determined as previously described. This length
using a carbide bur in a high-speed air rotor handpiece. Air-water was designated the group 1 flared WL.
spray was used at all times during access preparations. The orifice Instrumentation was completed by using the balanced-force
of the mesiobuccal canal was exposed and penetrated to a depth of technique as described by Roane et al. (12). Initial apical shaping
1 to 2 mm using a #2 Gates Glidden drill (Moyco, Union Broach, was completed at the full depth of the canal with #10, #15, and #20
York, PA). The mesiobuccal cusp tip was flattened by using a K-type files. When the canal had been instrumented with a #20 file,
grinding/polishing wheel to provide a reproducible reference point the apical portion of the canal was flared by using a step-back
for WL determinations. Silicon markers (“stops”) were placed on technique, as described by Walton and Torabinejad (13). Step-back
all rotary and hand files to use as a reference gauge in determining instrumentation was initiated with a #30 file placed 0.5 mm short
the depth of canal penetration. A #10 K-type file (Flex-R file, of the flared WL. Each successively larger instrument was carried
Moyco, Union Broach) was introduced into the mesiobuccal canal to a depth 0.5 mm shorter than the previous file. Canal flaring was
of each specimen. The location on the root where the file first considered complete when the hand instrumented portion of the
appeared at the apical foramen when viewed through a clinical canal blended with the portion of the canal shaped using Gates
microscope (Global Surgical Corp., St. Louis, MO) at ⫻12 mag- Glidden drills. A #30 file was then taken to the depth of the apical
nification was noted. Any specimen in which the canal could not glass barrier by using the balanced force technique, and the step-
be negotiated with a #10 file was discarded. The root end was back instrumentation procedures were repeated, beginning with a
resected at, or slightly coronal to, the level of the apical foramen #35 file placed 0.5 mm short of the flared WL. Recapitulation was
using a flat-sided diamond abrasive disk (Brasseler USA Inc., completed followed by irrigation with 1 ml of 2.6% sodium hy-
Savannah, GA). The flattened root end was placed against a flat pochlorite after each change of file. For both groups, any file that
glass surface. A file was placed into the canal until it reached the showed signs of distortion in the file flutes was replaced with a
apical glass barrier. Penetration of the file to the apical area was new file. After the step-back procedure using the #30 file as the
confirmed visually by using the clinical microscope. Using the master apical file (13), a group 1 final WL determination was
flattened coronal surface as a reference point, a WL measurement made.
was determined. With the aid of a digital micrometer (Mitutoyo Each specimen in group 2 was treated as follows: the root canal
Corp., Tokyo, Japan), length was recorded to the nearest 0.01 was flooded with 2.6% sodium hypochlorite. GT files (Profile GT,
millimeter. This measurement was designated the nonflared WL. Tulsa Dental Products, Tulsa, OK) were used to enlarge the coro-
This measuring procedure was completed three times in succession nal portion of the canal to a point 5 mm coronal to the previously
for each canal, and a mean value for WL was calculated and determined nonflared WL. A crown-down technique was used for
recorded. All preparations and WL determinations were completed canal enlargement using an electric handpiece (Quantec E, Ana-
by a single operator. lytic Endodontics, Glendora, CA). All engine-driven rotary files
Thirty specimens were rank ordered by degree of maximum were operated at 150 rpm throughout the course of the study. The
canal curvature and divided into two groups (n ⫽ 15/group). The force applied during canal instrumentation with rotary instruments
root demonstrating the smallest curve was assigned to group 1, the was the force recommended by the file manufacturer. The manu-
next smaller curve to group 2, etc. The mean canal curvature per facturer describes this force as “gentle pressure” and defines it as
group was calculated and compared to verify similarities in “the force that might be applied when writing with a sharpened
curvature. lead pencil.” Irrigation with 1 ml of 2.6% sodium hypochlorite was
Specimens in group 1 were instrumented using Gates Glidden completed each time a rotary file was removed from the canal.
drills and hand-held 0.02 taper stainless steel K-type files. Speci- While rotating at 150 rpm, the 0.10 GT file (tip size #20) was
mens in group 2 were instrumented using engine-driven rotary placed into the canal until it no longer moved apically with the
nickel-titanium files. application of gentle pressure. The file was removed, wiped free of
Each specimen in group 1 was treated as follows: the root canal debris, and examined for signs of distortion using ⫻3.5 magnifi-
was flooded with a solution of 2.6% sodium hypochlorite. A #15 cation. The canal was irrigated with 1 ml of 2.6% sodium hypo-
stainless steel K-type file (Flex-R file, Moyco, Union Broach) was chlorite, and the file was reintroduced into the canal. When the file
introduced until moderate resistance was felt. None of the canals no longer moved apically but stopped short of the desired depth
permitted passage of the #15 file to the nonflared WL. The file was (5-mm coronal to the nonflared WL), the 0.08 taper GT file was
rotated clockwise 1⁄4 turn without apical pressure and was then used. As with the 0.10 GT file, the 0.08 taper GT file was used in
removed from the canal. In the same manner, the next larger file a crown-down approach until it reached a point 5 mm coronal to
was placed, rotated, and withdrawn, again without attempt to the nonflared WL or until it no longer moved apically with the
advance against resistance. This was continued until a #25 file size application of gentle pressure. If the 0.08 taper GT file did not
had been used, penetrating no closer than 5 mm from the nonflared reach the desired depth, the 0.06 taper GT file was used. This
WL, creating a path for a Gates Glidden drill to follow. Apical sequence was repeated until the 0.08 taper GT file penetrated to a
patency was verified using a #10 file. The canal was irrigated with point 5-mm coronal to the nonflared WL. At that point, an acces-
1 ml of 2.6% sodium hypochlorite, and a #2 Gates Glidden drill sory 0.12 taper GT #35 file was placed into the canal and rotated
440 Davis et al. Journal of Endodontics

TABLE 1. Mean WL in millimeters TABLE 2. Mean WL change in millimeters

Mean Mean Mean Nonflared WL Flared WL Nonflared WL

Group Group
Nonflared WL Flared WL Final WL to Flared WL to Final WL to Final WL
1 (n ⫽ 15) 18.19 (⫾ 1.00) 17.83 (⫾ 1.06) 17.71 (⫾ 1.03) 1 (n ⫽ 15) ⫺0.36 (⫾ 0.26)* ⫺0.12 (⫾ 0.13)*,# ⫺0.48 (⫾ 0.32)*
2 (n ⫽ 15) 18.32 (⫾ 1.05) 18.25 (⫾ 0.98) 18.10 (⫾ 1.00) 2 (n ⫽ 15) ⫺0.07 (⫾ 0.14) ⫺0.14 (⫾ 0.25)# ⫺0.22 (⫾ 0.26)*
Group 1 ⫽ stainless steel hand files ⫹ Gates Glidden drills. Group 1 ⫽ stainless steel hand files ⫹ Gates Glidden drills.
Group 2 ⫽ nickel-titanium rotary files. Group 2 ⫽ nickel-titanium rotary files.
Statistical comparisons: * indicates statistically significant differences for within-group
comparisons (paired t test with Bonferroni correction, p ⬍ 0.017). For between-group
at 150 rpm until light resistance was encountered. The file was comparisons among vertically aligned boxes (group 1 versus group 2), values that are not
significantly different are annotated with the same symbol # (independent t test, p ⬍ 0.05).
withdrawn, the flutes were cleaned, and the file was reintroduced
into the canal. This was repeated until the file no longer progressed
apically with light pressure. After irrigation, flaring was considered the difference was ⫺0.07 mm (⫾ 0.14). The negative value indi-
complete. Canal patency was verified visually by placing a #10 file cates a shortening of WL resulting from flaring. A comparison
to the complete depth of the canal. A length measurement was within each group of nonflared WL minus flared WL using a
made by using the technique previously described. This measure- paired t test with Bonferroni correction indicated that the differ-
ment was designated the group 2 flared WL. ence was significant for group 1 (p ⬍ 0.001) but not for group 2
Canal instrumentation for group 2 was resumed using 0.06 taper (p ⫽ 0.07).
GT files with a crown-down technique. The 0.06 taper GT instru- The difference between the flared WL and the final WL repre-
ment was placed into the canal and advanced until it either reached sents the length change that occurred as a result of preparation of
the WL or until it no longer moved apically with the application of the apical portion of the canal. For group 1 this difference was
gentle pressure. When the file no longer progressed apically but ⫺0.12 mm (⫾ 0.13), and for group 2 the difference was ⫺0.14 mm
was short of the glass apical barrier, it was removed, wiped free of (⫾ 0.25). The negative values again indicate a shortening of WL.
debris, and inspected for distortion. The canal was irrigated as A Bonferroni-corrected paired t test comparison indicated a sig-
previously described, and the GT file was reinserted into the canal. nificant difference for group 1 (p ⬍ 0.01). For group 2, the
When the 0.06 taper GT file reached the glass apical barrier, the difference between the flared WL and the final WL was not
canal was irrigated and a #25, 0.04 taper, rotary file (Profile, Tulsa statistically significant. For the paired t test with Bonferroni cor-
Dental Products) was taken to this depth. This process was re- rection to detect statistical significance when three groups are
peated using a #30 Profile. After irrigation, canal preparation was compared in alternating pair-wise comparisons, the p value must
considered complete. Working length was measured as previously be less than 0.017. The p value for the group 2 flared WL versus
described and was designated the group 2 final WL. final WL comparison was 0.04.
The difference between the nonflared WL and the final WL
indicates the length change occurring as a result of complete canal
Data Analysis instrumentation. For group 1 this difference was ⫺0.48 mm (⫾
0.32), and for group 2 the difference was ⫺0.22 mm (⫾ 0.26). The
Mean canal curvature and nonflared WL values were compared Bonferroni-corrected paired t test comparison indicated that the
between groups by using an independent t test. For each specimen, difference between the nonflared WL and the final WL was sig-
differences between the nonflared WL, the flared WL, and the final nificant in both of these groups (p ⬍ 0.01).
WL were calculated. Within each group, a repeated measures A comparison between groups 1 and 2 of the WL changes that
analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and a posthoc paired t test with occurred during complete canal instrumentation indicated that
Bonferroni correction were used to determine the presence of samples in group 1 lost a mean of 0.26 mm more than those in
statistically significant differences between (a) the nonflared WL group 2. This difference was significant (independent t test, p ⬍
versus the flared WL; (b) the flared WL versus the final WL; and 0.001).
(c) the nonflared WL versus the final WL. An independent t test No file separation occurred during canal instrumentation. Dis-
was used for a between-group comparison of WL change occurring tortion of the flutes was seen in several files. The files most often
over the course of instrumentation (nonflared WL minus final demonstrating distortion were the small stainless steel hand files
WL). All analyses were completed using p ⬍ 0.05. (#8 and #10 files) and the 0.06 taper GT files.


The mean canal curvature for group 1 was 31.9 (⫾ 5.5) degrees The results of this study indicate that shortening of WL consis-
and for group 2 was 33.6 (⫾ 5.1) degrees. Comparison using an tently occurs during the instrumentation of curved canals. The
independent t test found no significant difference between these amount of shortening found approximates the results reported by
values (p ⫽ 0.40). Caldwell, who found that the use of stainless steel hand files
Working length measurements are depicted in Table 1, and resulted in a mean length change of ⫺0.35 mm in the mesiobuccal
changes in WL that occurred during instrumentation are shown in canals of maxillary molars and a decrease of ⫺0.29 mm in the
Table 2. Within-group analysis using the repeated measures mesiobuccal canals of mandibular molars (5). In this study, the
ANOVA revealed a significant difference among the mean WL mean loss of WL was significantly greater in the stainless steel
values for both groups 1 and 2 (p ⬍ .05). The change in length hand file ⫹ Gates Glidden drill group (⫺0.48 mm) than in the
occurring as a result of canal flaring is reflected in the difference rotary nickel-titanium file group (⫺0.22 mm).
between the mean nonflared WL and the mean flared WL. For In a clinical study, Farber and Bernstein evaluated WL change
group 1 this difference was ⫺0.36 mm (⫾ 0.26), and for group 2 that occurred during instrumentation (6). They found that 30% of
Vol. 28, No. 6, June 2002 Coronal Flaring and Working Length Change 441

the curved canals decreased in length by 1 mm or more and two findings. In addition to the relationship of overfill to long-term
canals were shortened by 2 mm. In this study, the working lengths success, extrusion of obturation materials beyond the radiographic
in 13% of group 1 canals and 0% of group 2 canals were shortened apex has been associated with an increased incidence of postop-
by approximately 1 mm, whereas 40% of group 1 canals and 20% erative pain (17).
of group 2 canals decreased in length by approximately 0.5 mm. The results of this study indicate that nickel-titanium rotary files
Our finding that nickel-titanium rotary files caused small but can be expected to consistently produce a small decrease in WL,
consistent changes in WL are in agreement with those of other whereas the combination of Gates Glidden drills and stainless steel
investigators who evaluated length change associated with the use files causes more than twice as much decrease in WL. The fact that
of nickel-titanium rotary files. Thompson and Dummer reported 13% of the canals in group 1 lost at least 1 mm of length seems to
that WL decreased by a mean of 0.5 mm in 33/40 canals when indicate significant potential for overinstrumentation and overfill-
instrumented using nickel-titanium rotary files (14). We speculate ing of curved canals when Gates Glidden drills and stainless steel
that the differences found between stainless steel and nickel- files are used, when WL is determined before flaring. None of the
titanium instruments in our study are due to the superior ability of canals in group 2 lost 1 mm or more of length, indicating signif-
nickel-titanium to remain centered within the canal during instru- icantly less risk of overinstrumentation and overfilling when nick-
mentation, thus minimizing the straightening of the canal. This el-titanium rotary files are used, regardless of whether flaring is
supposition is supported by the findings of both Dummer and completed before or after WL determination.
Thompson (15) and Bryant et al. (16), who reported that nickel- The clinical impact of length changes that occur during instru-
titanium rotary files caused minimal change in canal configuration. mentation may be reduced if WL is verified immediately before
It is also consistent with the results of Weine et al., who found that obturation. Even if WL were shortened during cleaning and shap-
stainless steel files tended to straighten curved canals (7). ing procedures, length verification completed just before obtura-
Groups 1 and 2 differed in the relative amounts of WL change tion would permit adjustments to the obturation material and
that occurred as a result of coronal flaring. The Gates Glidden drills reduce the risk of overfill. Use of an electronic apex locator can be
used in the teeth of group 1 caused a significantly greater decrease advantageous in this situation. It lends itself to rapid length deter-
in length during initial canal flaring than did the nickel-titanium mination, permitting repeated WL assessments throughout the pro-
Greater Taper files used in the teeth of group 2. In group 1, initial cedure with little impact on treatment time. Although radiographic
coronal flaring was the factor with the greatest influence on length estimates of WL have been found to be relatively inaccurate and to
change. Of the overall 0.48-mm mean length decrease that was consistently underestimate canal length (18), electronic apex loca-
found in group 1, 0.36 mm occurred during initial canal flaring. Of tors have been found to correctly identify the apical foramen more
the overall 0.22-mm mean length decrease that was found in group than 90% of the time (19). Importantly, Ibarrola et al. (20) found
2, only 0.07 mm occurred during initial flaring. We speculate that that flaring of the canal before WL determination with an elec-
the relatively large length change produced by the Gates Glidden tronic apex locator significantly improved the accuracy with which
drills in group 1 was due to the removal of the cervical bulge of the apex locator was able to identify the apical constriction.
dentin. Coronal flaring with Gates Glidden drills tended to create The findings of this study indicate that WL in curved canals is
a straight-line access to the mid-root canal. Flaring in group 2 with consistently decreased during the course of instrumentation. Work-
GT files tended to follow the original canal contour and did not ing length is decreased significantly more when a regimen of Gates
create the same type of straight-line access to the mid-root canal. Glidden drills and stainless steel hand files is used versus nickel-
Once coronal flaring had been accomplished, little change in titanium rotary files. When Gates Glidden drills and stainless steel
length occurred for either group during the shaping of the apical hand files are used, the greatest WL decrease occurs as a result of
portion of the canals. The length change that occurred during apical coronal flaring, and the most stable and predictable WL determi-
shaping in the stainless steel file group was ⫺0.12 mm versus nation would be accomplished after coronal flaring has been com-
⫺0.14 mm for the nickel-titanium rotary file group. It is possible, pleted. When nickel-titanium rotary files are used, there is little
although not investigated in this study, that coronal flaring with difference in WL whether measurements are made before flaring or
Gates Glidden drills could even further reduce the small WL after flaring has been completed.
changes that resulted from apical instrumentation with nickel-
titanium rotary files. Although the length change in the apical Dr. Davis is a former resident, Department of Endodontology, OHSU
School of Dentistry, Portland, Oregon and is presently in private practice in
portion of the canal for group 1 was statistically significant, this San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Marshall is associate professor, and Dr. Baumgartner
change seems too small to be clinically meaningful. The fact that is professor and chairman, Department of Endodontology, OHSU School of
Dentistry, Portland, Oregon.
the paired t test found the difference between the flared WL and the
final WL to be statistically significant is indicative not of clinical Address requests for reprints to Dr. J. Gordon Marshall, Department of
importance but of the consistency with which it occurred. Endodontology, School of Dentistry, OHSU, 611 S.W. Campus Drive, Port-
land, OR 97201.
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