CLC Blog 1

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Claire Caparanga

April 2, 2024
Blog Journal #1

As of April 2, I haven’t been able to start my capstone project. During spring break,
finding an organization or law firm to work with for my capstone has been a struggle. I’ve
reached out to most law firms in Langley and half of them didn’t reply to my inquiry and half of
them were not able to accommodate me. The organizations that responded to my request
however took too long before I was able to set a meeting with them to discuss my capstone
project in detail. Due to most law firms rejecting my request, I started looking for alternative
which are non-profit organizations in Langley that was connected to psychology. I intend to
study psychology in university before I pursue law which is why psychology has always been
one of my top choices when applying to universities. Last week, the non-profit organization that I
reached out to responded to my inquiry and is willing to accommodate me however, the
coordinator who is also my possible mentor, was on work leave and vacation for half of spring
break which is why I haven’t been able to schedule a meeting with them to discuss my
intentions for my capstone.

Today, I was able to set a meeting with them this upcoming Thursday after school. The
non-profit organization that I’m working with is the Ishtar’s Women Resource Society located in
Langley. They are advocate for, supports, and emporwers women and children who have been
affected by different forms of abuse by providing housing, counselling, and education. They
offered me to join their psycho-educational program for children and youth who have
experienced Intimate Partner Violence that will start in April and ending in May.

My goal for this week is to carefully plan and manage my schedule to allocate my time
for my volunteer hours. I also plan to start creating a list of questions and inquiries to ask the
coordinator during our meeting to avoid missing anything important. A well-planned proposal to
present to the coordinator is what I intend to finish by tomorrow. I plan to start my capstone
project once the schedule of the psycho-educational program that I will be joining is given to me,
which I anticipate will be starting next week. In addition to this, I’m starting to finalizing my draft
proposal that I will submit by the end of the week for confrimation from Mr. Green. For the next
two weeks, I will focus on finalizing my proposal and prioritizing time management to avoid any
complications with my capstone and school work.

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