Digital Media Technology

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Report of Cognition Practice

Practice Teaching
Category: Cognition Practice

School: School of Information and Electronic Engineering

Major: Digital Media Technology

Class: DMT201

Name 、Student ID Vanja Nikolic 9200281007

Instructor 刘省权

Cognition Practice Period:

From 06/month 26/day 2021/year To 07/month 02/day 2021/year

Report of Cognition Practice

Report of Cognition Practice (at least 2000 words)

(Try to visit some companies relative with DMT near where you live, or make a visit of exhibition with

DMT near where you live or on the internet, or surf the companies and DM technologies information

through the internet, try to write a report of Cognitions Practice about your deep understanding of the DMT

Major, in your report you should try to answer the following questions:

1. What is your understanding of DMT? What dose DMT include? ……

2. How the company applies the technologies concerning with digital media technologies in design and

development, production and etc. What Kind of Talent does the Modern DMT Enterprise want the Most,

you should give details here.

3. On which area of DMT you are very interested in?

4. What is your study plan in the campus to promote your abilities?

5. What will you do after graduation?

6. Other topics and themes concerning with DMT you are interested in and you can also write here……)

1 Preface
Date: 07/Month 02/day 2021/Year

Digital media technology is everything and

everywhere. Due to its high prevalence, I took a
closer look at what digital media is specifically
about and tried to find the field that I am more
interested in. I found a company in my country that
works with a few aspects of digital media
technology (specifically web design and digital
marketing). In about a week I have learnt more
about types of digital media and found some of its
examples (to get a better understanding). I have done some research on how big digital media
companies (such as Netflix, Facebook, Amazon) use digital media technology for
development, production, marketing, etc. After that I wrote about which area of digital media
I am more interested in and what I want to do after graduating from ZUST.

Report of Cognition Practice

2 Introduction
Digital media is a term that is somewhat hard to define, since it can refer to many
different things. Since the term “media” refers to a method of transmitting information, we
could refer to “digital media” as information shared through a digital platform, device or
screen. That makes digital media any form of media that relies on an electronic device for its
creation, distribution and so on.

In order to understand digital media better, I searched online for a DMT company in my
country and saw what services they have to offer. And although it relies on digital media
technologies for its business and work, it is far from the truth to say that they cover all the
aspects of digital media. Let us have a closer look.

Company “Digital media” Novi Sad offers a lot of digital media services. They are a
company that specializes in digital marketing and web design. They offer services such as:
creating a site, site maintenance, graphic design, copywriting and translation, Facebook,
Google and SMS marketing, designing Android and iOS applications.

In the field of graphic design, they not only do logo, flayer, poster and brochure design, but
also menu, t-shirt, business card, billboard design etc. Their Google marketing services
include creating and implementing Google ads, appearance at the first places for specific
keywords when using Google, search using the Google Ads system, and mapping customer’s
site using Google tools.

So as I said, this company relies a lot on digital media, but which areas? They mostly do
web design, graphic design, and marketing. That is to say they do not make video, or do any
video or sound editing. They don’t do filmmaking, videography, creating video games and
such. I could also say that they work in a digital media field I am less interested in.

Report of Cognition Practice

3 Cognition Practice Content

In my understanding, digital media
products can include anything we see on
television, mobile phones or any digital
device (from video games, websites, and
commercials, to huge billboards, movie
posters and business cards). Anything
that is played on television (sport events, documentary programs, music videos, movies,
cartoons) is created using a great extent of DM technologies (video production, video editing,
filmmaking, 2D and 3D animation…).

There are three main types of digital media:

Owned media – media that a person or a company controls and is in possession of (ex.
website, blog, video, social media platform);
Earned media – shared information via word of mouth, testimonials, social media, or
another format (ex. when your customer recommends your services on social media);
Paid media – digital media that you’ve paid for in order to promote your products or
services (ex. display ads and paid search ads).

In order to have a better understanding of digital media and its applications, I also found
some examples of digital media:

Digital audio – a song, a podcast, or other auditory message; a sound that we can receive
through a digital device;
Digital video – streaming movie and television
services, videos;
Online advertising – a form of digital media that’s
used to promote a product or service (ex. website ads or
social media ads);

Report of Cognition Practice

Social media – media which enable their users to interact with one another through text
posts, photographs, videos etc.; they can also be used by companies to promote their brands;
Video games – electronic games with images that you can manipulate;
Websites – a collection of webpages that is published on at least one web server;
Digital photos – standalone photographs comprised of pixels that often accompany
written content;
Electronic books – books, magazines, or newspapers that can be read through the screen.

Some of the most famous companies that use digital media

are: Google, Netflix, Apple, Facebook and Twitter, and Amazon.
These companies use DM technologies for their design,
development, production etc. They have social media platforms,
can use digital video/audio for making their products, Apple uses
mobile device programming, and Facebook has video games…

Netflix is a streaming service that offers a wide variety of

award-winning TV shows, movies, anime, documentaries, etc. As
such service, their UI design is extremely important, as it needs to
attract users by being a simple-to-use, and visually appealing
platform where user can find anything he/she wants without much
effort. Netflix also promotes itself by, for example, playing its contest in short YouTube ads.
After watching a Netflix ad, someone might decide to start using this platform, becoming a
regular user, sharing it with friends, thus expending the public influence of this media.

That said, advertising a company via online ads (paid social media marketing) is the best
way to attract new customers and users. It is especially good to have ads on well used
applications like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and other social media… Using digital
media to promote someone or a company is called digital marketing. This is the most
essential use of digital media for profitable organizations, as with the increase of customers
and users companies can drastically gain in profit.

Report of Cognition Practice

As social media applications, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok

and Snapchat are extremely popular. All of these applications have
over billion downloads on app store, making them the most used
apps in the world. What makes these apps so popular is being able
to share your daily life with public and/or friends, and in return
get likes, comments and shares. Many companies, actors, singers,
TV shows, other famous persona have their own Instagram page
where they can “keep in contact” with general public, advertise
their products and make sure they are always trending and
available. Even video games have Instagram pages which, besides
informing users of new events and game updates, also attract new
users by posting contest that might look interesting and fun.

Amazon is an American multinational technology

company which focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing,
digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. The company is
very well advertised on Google and it is one of the most used
platforms for online shopping in the world. It started as an
online marketplace for books but expanded to sell electronics, software, video games, apparel,
furniture, food, and other products. Amazon distributes downloads and streaming of video,
music, and audiobooks through its Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Music, Twitch, and
Audible subsidiaries. Amazon also has a publishing arm, Amazon Publishing, film and
television studio Amazon Studios, and a cloud computing subsidiary, Amazon Web Services.

All of the mentioned companies use digital media technology in great extent. They all
pay great importance to digital marketing (email marketing, paid social media marketing,
customer service tools…). They have their own websites made using web design, have
applications made using app design and appropriate software, have commercials made using
video editing and production or short animation videos using 2D / 3D animation, and so on.

Report of Cognition Practice

In order to succeed in digital media field one must have the skills required by the
enterprises. Some of the most common careers that use digital media are: video editors,
videographers, filmmakers, animators, video game designers, social media managers, web
developers, graphic designers, and sound editors. Based on this, I would say that most
important skills one should have are content management skills (for web designers),
marketing skills, web design and computer skills, photography and video editing skills. Since
we are talking about media, the employee should also develop communication skills
(managing relationships with clients), storytelling, and content programming.

As I previously mentioned, digital media covers a great variety of different fields related
to media in digital form. That said, there are some areas in which I am more interested than
the others. For example, I would prefer working in a video sector of digital media
(videography, cinematography, camera operating, and video editing), sound design and UI
design rather than web developing and programming or graphic design. Since I would prefer
to work in a fast-paced environment
that requires managing a camera, I am
thinking about having a career as a
videographer (specifically working
with companies and making corporate
documentaries on a variety of topics),
or cinematographer.

Report of Cognition Practice

As an alternative I would like to

shoot movies, series, or sport events (as
camera operator). As for being a sports
cameraman, I know this type of job can
be quite physically demanding, since it
might require traveling, flexible working
hours, working under bad weather
conditions and such, but still I think it can be rewarding after seeing the results of your work.

As for my study plan in the campus:

After I gain some video editing and other skills, I plan on entering many short video
competitions, in order to improve those skills
and get in the field of video making and
filming. I already tried entering one of those
short video competitions, helping a friend
who already had some material. We have
failed to win any prize because of the lack of
good material, but this was only the first try.
After we are allowed to come to China to
have on-campus studies, I will be entering more of these sorts of competition, hopefully with
greater knowledge in video editing and with much better video footage and material.

This statement I found nicely describes my reason for wanting to participate in competitions:
“Competitions play a role in motivating students to perform and excel and offer a lot
more reward than just the winning prize. Competitions offer a chance for participants to gain
substantial experience, showcase skills, analyze and evaluate outcomes and uncover personal
aptitude. Competitions also encourage students to adopt innovative techniques and develop
their ideas and skills.”

Report of Cognition Practice

Program Digital Media Technology at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology

offers a lot of different courses related to digital media. I especially like this because that
means that after graduation I have a bigger spectrum of jobs I can choose. I look forward to
learning more about video directing and production, digital video post-production, but also
2D and 3D animation design, foundation of game design and UI design.

For this reason, after graduation I plan on studying a master’s degree in order to gain
more knowledge about a specific subject. For example, I might choose a master’s in film
production or something related to sport broadcasting. Yet if I don’t go on a master’s degree, I
will for sure finish some courses that are required for becoming videographer,
cinematographer, and camera operator.
Unrelated to digital media, I have interest in Japanese and Korean language. This is why
I am also thinking about finishing some courses or short term programs for these languages. I
would like to do this just for the sake of knowledge, but knowing more foreign languages,
even at a beginner’s level, could be helpful in any career I choose.

But the main question still remains: “What kind of job is right for me?”

After getting a bachelor’s degree in

digital media, getting a master’s degree
in a specific field of digital media,
and/or finishing related courses and
courses in Japanese and Korean
language, I finally plan on getting a
full time job. I did mention that I am more interested in digital video aspect of digital media
technologies, but that doesn’t mean that I will be working in this field for sure. For example I
found out that with this major I could be social media manager (someone who manages social
media platforms for smaller or bigger companies), which doesn’t seem like a bad job either.
Or maybe I could be a multimedia producer (after getting a master’s degree). As for right now,
I still don’t know what job exactly I will do in the future, but I plan on trying a lot of different
ones (of course in digital media field), and stay in the one that I find the best for me.

Report of Cognition Practice

4 Summary & Experience of Cognition Practice

After finishing the Cognition Practice and doing the online research, I learnt more about
the application of digital media technology in daily life. I have also learnt more about the
extent to which companies use digital media technologies, and in what way they do so. I
know what kind of skills are they looking for in employees, what skills should I improve and
what skills I need to acquire.
All in all, now I have a better understanding on practical applications of digital media
technologies, different areas of digital media, what it is that I can do with digital media
bachelor, and what kind of job I am more likely to do in the future.


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