Liinru and Everest

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A swift piercing sound of blades clashing echoes through the windy fields where the wind wipes

through my long brown hair making it blow in my face. I thrash my hair away, trying to push back
the long strands of hair that blinds my vision as unease clouds my stomach and i swallow
nervously, my breath stuttering and my lips trembling. I watch as

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ʚ♡ɞ Chapter 1 ʚ♡ɞ

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~♥✿❀ ❀✿♥~

Dapples of sunlight pry through the thick leaves of the tree that stands not far off
from me. I can feel them gently touch my skin and warm the coolness in just the right
temperature. My eyes close as light as feathers, humming softly at the smell of scented
flowers, nature and the small delicious meal my best friend, Queen Liinru, had
brought for our tea party. I create small circles around the rim of my cup, not caring
to taste my tea. I normally dislike tea and the ones i enjoy are very few, non the less
i’ll sip my tea out of politeness. We sat in the castle garden where a cherry tree
hovered over me and casted a cool shadow, its pink leaves moving softly to the calm
winds. Beside the table was a massive bush of red roses, so red they almost looked like
blood, as if someone cut their fingers and let the scarlet drops gently paddle on a
white rose to stain it. Our table is a basic round one which has a cloth to cover it, a
cloth that is firmly decorative with pink outlines. Our chairs have a golden rim to it
and copper colored footing. The seat itself is purple and a creamish white. I finally
bring my teacup to my lips, sipping slowly as my eyes open slightly to narrow onto my
best friend, watching her movements. I can taste the sweetness of my tea against my
tastebuds and the warmth that it brings along with a strange bitter taste that lingers.
I will never understand how people can enjoy tea, or maybe my taste buds are off.
Liinru is sitting straight with her legs politely crossed as she brings a soft and
wonderful smelling croissant to her lips, parting them as her teeth sink into the soft
flesh of the bread and taking a small chunk before quickly swallowing it.
“So did you ask me to join your tea party just to hang out or is there something you
wish to discuss?” I ask, sipping the last bit of my tea before setting the glass down
beside my paper plate, my blue eyes narrowing.
Liinru shrugs, bringing her shoulders up before dropping them as she swallows her
second bite. “I do have some news to share with you.” she says, a small smile
appearing from the corner of her lips.
“Oh?” I raise an eyebrow, smiling in interest.
Liinru raises her hand and my eyes narrow onto the sparkle from the sunlight of her
ring. A diamond looking jem with the ring itself being golden, i had notice it before
but sense Liinru is the queen, i had expected that it was just some random jewelry,
but now that i really place my mind on it, it is on her ring finger. I gasp.
“Sir Blade proposed to me!” she exclaimed.
I smile at her uneasily, anger, boiling my blood. I should be happy for her, but I
despise Blade, I've always had, he's so cruel to me and Liinru. Well mostly to me. I do
see the love in Blade’s eyes everytime he sees Liinru yet he treats her so unkindly. I
suspect he simply doesn’t do well with showing his emotions. Most of my dislike
towards him comes from jealousy, feeling as if Blade is stealing my best friend away
from me. I clear my throat. “Do you think he’ll even make a good king? A ruler who
treats his wife unkindly?” I curl my lips with disgust at the thought of my rival being
Liinru’s smile falters. “He's a good guy, Elizabeth, he's just… Well Blade.”
“Yea, Blade, a man who hates me and treats you awfully.” I sneer, picking up a
chocolate frosted donut from my plate and biting onto it, chewing it slowly.
“He doesn’t treat me terribly! He insults me but that's just his love language!” Liinru
argues defensively.
“Insulting? A love language?” I scoff.
“You insult me all the time as well!”
“Yea, i’m your friend, not your spouse.”
Liinru leans back in her chair, crossing her arms. “I don’t see the difference!”
“The difference is, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, he is.” I say simply.
Liinru sighs, “He does love me, I know it, he just has his own ways to show love.”
~★⋆ ⋆ ★~

The castle hallways are quiet, candlelights that hang from the walls are lit with a
warm orange hue as it shines across the gray stone walls and the dark wood flooring
which is mostly covered by a bright purple soft carpet. The candle’s flames flicker
with its blaze, burning brightly across the halls, soft sparks floating nearby before
fading. I walk through the hall towards my Sleeping chambers, taking light steps, the
sounds of my heels pressing against the soft yet rough rug under me with each step
echoing through the castle hallways. The taste of dinner still lingers in my mouth,
making me wish for more despite how full I was from the meal. I pause slightly by the
sound of footsteps from not too far, whoever it is should appear from the corner
where I was about to turn. I walk slower and watch as the person appears from the
corner, hand on their sword which rests to their side. I can recognize this black haired
knight anywhere, Blade.
I bit my lip, tempting to send insults at my friend’s fiance, but I didn't. Instead I give a
low glare as he approaches. He wears his casual clothing. His dark hair fades into a
bright shade of red by the bottoms, his eyes are amber and carry the same stoic
expression his face does before his amber eyes drop into my blue eyes and he scoffs at
the sight of me. Rage boils in my blood as it bubbles to the service but I inhale and
narrow my eyes. “Hello, Sir Blade.” I speak smoothly.
Blade raises an eyebrow but nods. “Hello, Madam Elizabeth.” he says slowly.
“Heading to your chambers?”
I nod, holding my chin high. “Yes, that is the case.”
Blade holds his gaze firmly. “You must have heard the news about me and her
I curl my lips like a canine, nose wrinkling in disgust. “Yes, I did. It's a shame though,
She could’ve found someone better.”
Blade snarls, calm amber eyes now full of hatred, burning like fierce flames as he
suddenly hovers over me, his tall figure standing dominantly, casting a shadow over
me. I don’t flinch, however, I stand straight, lifting my chin to meet his burning gaze.
He could not lay a finger on me, unless he's stupid enough to do so. If he harms me, I
would be sure that he’ll be hanged as my best friend would surely not tolerate him
hurting me.
“I’d watch my tongue if i were you!” he growls, voice low and threatening. “Who
pray tell, would be a better husband then me?”
“Someone who respects his spouse and doesn’t go out of his way to put her down.” I
reply in a smooth tone.
Blade’s nostrils flare angrily, gripping the hilt of his sword tighter as he leans into my
face. “You have no respect, do you?! I love Queen Liinru and will protect her with
my life, something I am sure you would not do! In fact I'm sure you’d let her burn in
the pits of evil for the crown!”
I scoff at his words, my anger only boiling over the edge as I shove my finger to his
face. “I would die for Liinru and you know that! I would sacrifice my own sibling for
her!” I snapped. “You think you’re so special just because the Queen loves you and
you’re her precious little knight! Well sorry to break the news to you, you are not
special or powerful!”
As soon as I finish my words, Blade begins to laugh dramatically, throwing his head
back for a moment before glaring at me. “And what makes you think you’re so
powerful, huh? Because your mother was a god? Your family has served the royal
family for eons? Because you’re best friends with the queen? You think you’re
powerful because you're some demi-god?!”
I clench my fists angrily, my anger boiling to the point I begin to breathe heavily. He
was right, I was a demi-god. My mother was a god while my father was a great royal
knight. I do have powers but everyone knows I can not control them at all and have
to resort to using god blades. His words sliced deep into me, heat burning my body
from rage but I took a deep breath, steadying it. “Insult me of my heritage all you
want, Sir Blade, But my loyalty to Liinru is better than yours” I inhaled again, eyes
unmoving from my rival. “Have fruitful dreams.” I turn, chin held high as I walk
away from Blade.
“Running away to cry to the Queen?!” Blade taunts.
I almost stop in my tracks to yell at him but I push forward, fists clenched. I will not
fall for his taunting.

~★⋆ ⋆ ★~
Steeped in the darkness of my room, moonlight falling gracefully across my bedroom
floor. The darkness quickly falters as I shine my candle light over it, brightening the
shadows that consume it. I move forward, its warm colors falling on my cheeks. I slide
in, each step making the room brighter. My room has a soft circle rug in the middle,
my bed nested against the wall not far from my window. My window, however, is
just barely away from my bed, just barely bathing it with the moonlight outside. My
side table lies on the left side of my bed, it is brown and made out of wood but the top
is covered by a white fabric. I have a desk in the right corner of my closet with a
wooden bookshelf beside it. I move to my table where it had once had papers
scattered all over but now neatly stacked to the side from the maids tidying up my
room. The pencils that were once uneven were sorted and put away. I frown, feeling
bad for the maids having to clean my mess, even though I knew it was their job and
they were pretty well paid for their nice cleaning. I slide into my chair, placing my
candle on the shelf of my desk before moving my eyes to the big middle drawer in my
desk, sliding it open slowly and taking my diary from my desk. I place it in the middle
of my desk, lifting myself up slightly to shuffle through my pencil cup, pulling out a
pencil and plopping myself fully down onto my seat. I open the next empty page of my
diary and write about my day. The soft glow of the candlelight gently flickers in the
air, little flames crack. I glance over, watching the candle wax melt, sliding down onto
the plate that holds it. The flame should go out in an hour and I shouldn’t stay up too
late. My writing is smooth and calm until Blade comes to mention where I begin my
angry rant on him, my writing becoming un-neat and messy from the thought of him.
He truly has gotten on my nerves and I know It won’t be the last. I despise him. My
only hope is that Liinru would not get hurt by his cruelty. I sigh as I finish my words,
writing going neat again. I find myself doodling in my diary, providing a sense of
calmness that washes away the anger like an ocean wave, cooling down the burning
flames that burns a forest. I place my pencil down and glance towards my bookshelf
that is nested beside my desk. I don’t bother putting my stuff away, I'll do it in the
morning if the maids do not. I take the candle by its handle, shining the light onto the
many books that are shelved neatly from the maids. “Reading could do me some
good.” I whisper to myself, as if there's someone listening to me. A habit I’ve had
since I was very little. My eyes scavenge for a book I might enjoy which quickly lands
on the romance section. Most of the romance books I have are rather spicy. I let my
fingers trace over the leatherbacks of the books before they land on a book I especially
like; Humming raindrops.
I take the book onto my hands. I have some time before the candle light blows and I
head to bed. I take the book, examining the hot-pink leather cover and the golden
imported words of the title. There's a picture over it depicting a masculine hand
touching fingers with a more feminine hand, hands brushing up against each other. I
bring the book to my chest as I bring the light towards my bed, making sure I do not
trip over an edge, knowing how clumsy I am, I do not wish to start a fire. I place the
candle on my bedside table slowly and place my book onto my bed, remembering
immediately that I still have not changed my clothing. I sigh, untying the strap that
holds the bodice and letting go undone where I place it in a neat basket where they
can get cleaned later. After taking off my clothes and putting them away, the cold air
touching my bare skin and making me shiver, I move towards the closet where I pull
my nightgown on and finally lay into bed, knowing that I now have even less time to
read now. After adjusting myself to a point I'm comfortable with, I open my book,
flipping until I was on the last page I was on previously.

The smell of breakfast floats in the air making my stomach growl with hunger as I
enter the royal dining room. Candle lights flicker from the chandeliers above, casting
warm colors in between the bright cloudy daylight that seeps through the magenta
tinted curtains. My eyes narrow to my best friend and her fiance, who sit not far from
each other. Liinru sits in her royal chair that has copperish outlines, patterns of a
crown on the top. The rest of the chair is made of purple soft silk that looks as if it
sparkles under light. Her chair is placed at the edge of the long narrow table, it is dark
oak brown with its long purple table cloth. Blade sits not far, beside her and he is first
to notice me, wrinkling his nose in disgust but he says nothing. Liinru glances over to
me, a smile gracing her lips. “Elizabeth!”
I move to sit beside her, pulling my chair back, my heels making a clicking sound each
step I take on the smooth dark oak floor. Sliding into my chair, I examine the delicious
breakfast that faces me. Fluffy powered crepes, topped with all sorts of rich fruit and
drizzled with milk chocolate beautifully, the smell is divine and the cinnamon porridge
only adds to it, making my stomach rumble. The porridge is mixed with perfect
amounts of cinnamon and sugar. I normally don’t like porridge but the chiefs know
how to make it good. There's an extra plate of blueberry scones with a drizzle of
cream. The plates themselves are white with golden flowery patterns that line the
edge. I immediately take the silver fancy forks, digging into my meal.
Liinru clears her throat, glancing at me while I scarf down my meal. “I have a request
for you, Elizabeth.”
I swallow my large bite of my crape, my attention turning to the queen. “Hm?”
“Me and Blade have decided when our marriage will be, and I will like for you to be
my bride of honor

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