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Warrior cats
Slothbelly’s steps

Written by: Everest + Thorn

Cats creation: Geo
Art by: Everest
Story creator: Everest
Credits to the warrior cats series by Erin hunter.

My name is Skyler White yo




Leader - Pearlstar - Silver she-cat with white splotches and blue
eyes. (82 moons.7/9 lives)
Deputy - Mothmane - Thick furred Brown color pointed tom with
hazel eyes. (43 moons)
Medicine cat - Foxgrove - Dark ginger cat (32 moons)
Apprentice vinepaw - Small brown she-cat (12 moons)
Hawksoul - Muscular black and white tom with unusual bright
yellow eyes. (48 moons)

Driftripple - Golden tabby (27 moons)

Apprentice Roseypaw - Calico she-cat (9 moons)

Honeysplash - curly furred golden calico she-cat with sky blue

eyes and a distinct nasty scar across her hind leg.

Sloewhisker - dark she-cat with blue eyes (79 moons

Apprentice Quillpaw - Pale ginger cat with brown eyes.

Rainwhispers - Misty Blueish/gray pelted cat with green eyes

Owlclaw - Thick furred orange she-cat with yellow eyes.

Whitewhisker - Rude White she-cat

Apprentice Echopaw - Liliac tabby she-cat with white paws

Sunfeather - Pale brown tom with a black tipped tail and

Apprentice Gempaw - Black tortoiseshell

Goldtail - Gray Tortoiseshell with a darker blonde tail.

Stonetalon - White and gray tom

Apprentice wolfpaw - big gray tom

Boulderleap - gray tabby tom

Apprentice Goldenpaw - golden tom

Blazeheart - slender gray tom with blazing blue eyes formerly of


Eveningspots - pretty black she-cat with white spots


Mistysea - Blue/gray she-cat

Fishtail - Basic tabby tom with a stub tail.

Sagecrystal - Transgender spotted tabby she-cat.

Shellstrike - Light gray she-cat with white patches Mother to
Hawksoul's Kits
Kits: Chestnutkit and Loudkit
Cindershadow - Darker gray she-cat mother to Mothmane’s kits:
Slothkit✦, Lovekit, And Mousekit.

Flowerear - Soft furred-Bright tortoiseshell she-cat with curled

Kits: Flutterkit and Sleepykit

Sharpjaw - Solid dark blue/gray she-cat with amber eyes.

Mother to: Sootkit

Mattedjem - white she-cat with silver markings. Expecting

Sagecrystal’s kits.

Sunshineheart - Thick furred,Pale ginger and white she-cat with a
wobbly scar across her shoulder.

Graysky - Smooth furred, Solid gray she-cat.


Mattedskin - Almost hairless tom with patches of matted fur

across his body.

Leader - Kindlestar - Brown tabby she-cat with a distinctive battle
scar on her right hind leg (84 moons)
Deputy - Halftree - Skinny bluish-grey tom with piercing green
eyes (79 moons)
Medicine cat - Rockpelt - Speckled grey she-cat with amber eyes
(53 moons)
Treeleg - Sarcastic black tom with a white jaw(94 moons)
Whiteclove - Bright white tom with black rear paws(25 moons)
Leafclaw - Angry tabby she-cat with vibrant blue fur and a
half-missing ear(54 moons)
Apprentice: Badgerpaw - Black cat with uneven white
markings(12 moons)
Warmfur - Ginger tom with white face markings(12 moons)
Rosefang - Plain black she-cat (43 moons)
Greywhisker - Pure black she-cat with long scars on her right
flank (76 moons)
Yewleaf - Pale tan tabby with dark eyes (55 moons)
Blazingoak - A dark brown tabby with black stripes and bright
amber eyes (19 moons)

Alderhope - Orange she-cat who retired early due to a crushed

hind leg (42 moons)

Leader - Knottedstar - Brown tabby with odd circular markings
(93 moons)
Deputy - Berryfur - Tan she-cat with a badly torn ear (83 moons)
Apprentice: Coldpaw - Solid black tom with white paws (9
Medicine cat - Moonwing - Solid black she-cat with green
eyes(112 moons)
Apprentice: Willowpaw - Tiny grey she-cat with mottled
legs(9 moons)
Patchear - A solid black tom with one blue eye and one brown(65
Apprentice: Applepaw - Dark bluish-grey tom with an angry
temper(10 moons)
Embernight - Pearl gray tabby she-cat(69 moons)
Frondlove - Dark brown she-cat with orange eyes(69 moons)
Apprentice: Daypaw - Solid pale tan tom(6 moons)
Duskyshadow - Black Tom with brown eyes.
Hollyflank - Black she-cat with green eyes(29 moons)
Kits: Expecting
Kestrelwing - Dark brown tabby she-cat( 62 moons)
Kits: Whitekit, Jaykit(0.5 moons)
Adderprowl- Dark ginger tabby Mother to Duskshadow’s kits:
obsidiankit, Nightkit, Flykit and Mothkit.

Mottledpelt - Tortoiseshell she-cat with a very short tail(138


Leader - Harestar - Aging grey tom with a horribly torn ear and
blue eyes (146 moons)
Deputy - Runningwind - Calico she-cat (67 moons)
Medicine cat - Gullfeet - White tabby tom with grey stripes(44
Summerflight - Solid white tom with black ears and no tail(84
Apprentice: Hawkpaw - Brown she-cat with orange eyes(8
Honeypelt - Ginger and white tom (25 moons)
Sprigleaf - She-cat with a distinctive black and white striped
pelt(71 moons)
Volemound - Very dark brown tom with extensive scars(50
Apprentice: Flyingpaw - Solid black tom(10 moons)
Grassflow - Solid white tom with a long muzzle(105 moons)
Stoneleap - Gray spotted tabby with blue eyes (19 moons old)
Melonfoot - swift brown spotted tabby with blue eyes. (64 moons)
Windhope - Solid white she-cat(43 moons)
Kits: Expecting
Colouredpelt - Tortoiseshell she-cat with a very heavily mottled
Kits: Swallowkit, Brightkit, and Speckledkit(2 moons)

Nightwing - Retired former leader; solid black she-cat with green

Leader - Condorstar- former kitty pet-a black Devon Rex she-cat(74
moons) [5 lives]
Deputy - Blackrump-a white tom with solid black on their backside(78
Medicine cat - Mossfeather a green-gray tabby she-cat (96 moons)
Apprentice- Pamperpaw a gray and light brown she-cat shes a
hermafedit tecunintly idk haff and haff (6 moons)

Snowfur-a white she cat (18 moons)
Lavendermoth- a light gray tom with a purple tint (16 moons)
Finchface- a tortoiseshell she-cat with a red muzzle and brown
body(96 moons)
Apprentice-Newtpaw- a solid black she-cat with a red hind
leg(10 moons)
Marshsplash- a gray tom with small white spots on its flank(32
ladyspots-former kitty pet- a red she-cat with small black freckles
along her back(34 moons)
Larkwing- a speckled brown tom(23 moons)
Borisjump- former kitty pet- a light gold tom with a green
Pantherjump- a dark gray tom with black spotted tabby markings(51

Apprentice- Hopepaw-former lost kit-a dark gray tom with light gray
tabby spots and short legs(11 moons)
Crystalstripes- a light gray tom with thick gray stripes (14 moons)
Lemonback- white tom with a yellow saddle on her back (21 moons)
Gloom -former loner- a old man that takes care of the
if u chang his name 1 mor time im going to kill you

queens and kits- his a purple brown tom with a tattered blue bandana
on his tael (122 moons)
Moonfall- a gray queen with dark gray spots (53 moons)
Creekmist- a gray tuxedo queen with a blinded eye (53 moons)
bunnykit-Falconkit-Lionkit ( 4 moons)
Batberry- a black she cat with a v shaped white spot on her chest(121
Horsemane- dark brown color pont tom with a long tuft of slicked-back
hair(127 moons)

Cats outside of clans

Sandy - pale she-cat who lives in a barn

Mew-mew - Strange colored kittypet



Cries of fierce anger and pain carried in the bloody-red lit sky as
felines leapt at each other, tearing at each other till one or both of
them fell lifelessly to the ground, leaving the earth painted with
blood, fur, and corpses. Orange hues from fire, that lit the earth and
forest, burned ruthlessly, burning away any life that dared exist near
it to a crisp. Silver claws flashed like lightning and bodies flung at
each other, biting, clawing, hissing. Every cat’s fur was bristled, teeth
bared, ears pinned on their heads, tails lashing. Every feature on their
bodies was filled with hostility. The color from the bloody sky only
made them appear more deadly.
amid the battle, a brown color-pointed she-cat, whose fur matted
and blood stain from battling, ran across the fiery edge of the stony
field where the battle was fought, barely dodging any cat who
noticed her. anger yet hints of fear clouded her blue eyes. Another
cat flung at her with a raspy hiss, a rosslet gray tom-cat. The
color-pointed she-cat attempted to dodge the attack, but was
quickly met with fierce, sharp claws across her back. The she-cat
gasped in pain, shooting her head fiercely towards the tom who
attacked her.
The tom-cat lunged at her and she quickly twisted her body around,
catching the tom off balance, throwing him over and landing him
beside the burning fire. It barely missed the tom-cat, however, but
stunned him enough for the brown she-cat to make an escape.

Blood roared in her ears as she neared the burning forest. A loud
thunder snapped in the sky with a boom. Starclan was angry.
“Slothbelly!” a voice behind her called.
She snapped her body around to meet the gaze of a black furred
Slothbelly glanced nervously around. “I-” her eyes widened as she
spotted the glimpse of a calico she-cat creeping from behind, about
to land a strike. “Obsidianheart, behind you!”
The calico let out an annoyed hiss as she leapt at Obsidianheart.
Obsidianheart managed to turn around enough to knock the she-cat
to the ground with her body. The she-cat landed roughly on the
ground with a grunt and slowly-yet quickly raised to her paws, tail
lashing as she hissed angrily. Obsidianheart stood in a battle stance,
ready for the next attack. Instead of attack she flashed Slothbelly a
threatening glare. “Traitor!”
Slothbelly readied a battle stance, refusing to meet her eyes. “I’m
sorry, Roseystar.” she muttered, quite coldly.
“I offered you back into my clan!” she hissed. “Even after everything!”
Slothbelly did not reply.
Roseystar straightened her poster, still glaring.
“Is Obsidianheart really worth throwing away your own clan?”

Chapter 1

The sun rose upon a new day,it's glow rested on Riverclan camp.
Rays of sunlight seeped into the nursery.
Slothkit blinked as the sun reached her face, casting a waking, yet
warming, light. Slothkit lifted her head up sniffing in the morning air
and the warming milk scent from her mother, Cindershadow.
She glanced her head around to her sleeping mother. Her gray body
rising and falling along with her silent snores. Cindershadow’s tail
rested besides Slothkit and her littermates. Slothkit glances around
the den, observing the sleeping queens and kits. Flowerear had
recently birthed her kits and was sleeping beside Cindershadow.
Slothkit’s aunts rested besides the pregnant Mattedjem at the corner
of the den. Feeling a sense of curiosity she rises to her paws, still
glancing as she quietly and slowly attempts to escape the den. She
wants to explore, and is excited to do so. By the time she makes it
to the entrance of the den an exaggerated ahem comes from behind
her. Her pulse seems to stop for a moment and she slowly turns her

head around. Her mother gives her a stern look. “What are you
doing?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.
Slothkit opens her mouth, desperately trying to find an excuse, but
she closes it when she can’t find one. “I wanted to explore camp.” she
Cindershadow’s tail twitched slightly. “You have to wait till the clan
wakes, then you can.”
“But that would take forever!” She complained, stomping her paw in
A grumble came from her aunt, Shellstrike, likely of annoyance as
Cindershadow glared at Slothkit. “Or you can just stay in the nursery
all day if you wanna be like that.”
“No wait! I’ll be good!” her voice was more of a whisper now.

The clan had become active, Lovekit and mousekit had woken and
also wanted to explore.
A rustle from the entrance of the nursery and Their father,
Mothmane, the deputy, emerged from the reeds and sticks that made
up the entrance of the den. His thick brown coat gets trapped in the
twigs every once in a while. In his jaws, he held a recently caught fat
trout. He smiles and drops the massive meal at slothkit and her
littermate’s paws. The heavy trout lands with a thud and the sand
from the ground flys from the impact creating a small cloud of dusty
Cindershadow purrs, noticing his presence. “Good morning, my love!”
Mothmane purrs in response before glancing at the other queens.
“Have all of you eaten?” he asked.

Mattedjem nods. “Echopaw recently stopped by with some prey,

Cindershadow already ate as well.”
Mothmane looked at his catch and frowned. “I suppose you would be
Slothkit had already been drooling over the massive prey. Although
she was not old enough to eat solid food, it did look amazing. “Can I
explore camp?” Slothkit looked up to her father, stars in her eyes.
Mothmane opened his mouth to speak but was cut off when
Chesnutkit, Slothkit’s cousin, leapt to her paws. “I wanna see camp!”
She was a half-moon older than Slothkit.
“Me too!” Sootkit meowed with the prick of his ears. He was also her
cousin, Whose mother was Sharpjaw.
Mothmane smiled. “Only on your mother’s permission.” he replied,
sitting down and resting his fluffy brown tail neatly on his pale
brown paws.
Slothkit was practically the copy of her father, with the same
color-pointed brown fur. Tho sloth had taken her Mother’s bright
blue eyes.
All the queens seemed to nod in response. To which all of the kits
jumped to their paws.
“We should play hide and seek, it will make exploring camp more fun!”
Lovekit suggested excitedly.
Loudkit (chesanutkit’s brother) eagerly nodded eagerly. “Who is going
to be it?”
“I am!” Chestnutkit declared.
Slothkit nodded. “But when you're caught, do not reveal where the
other is hiding, cause that would be cheating!”
The others nodded in agreement. Mousekit glanced to Chestnutkit.
“Okay, turn around and count to 30!”
Chestnutkit nodded, turning her body to face the wall.
“Ready?” Slothkit asked everyone.
With that all the kits rushed out of the den, greeted by the camp.

Slothkit blinked in awe at the sight. Her clanmates were everywhere.

Some were eating, getting ready for patrols, chatting, doing chores,
all sorts of activities. Riverclan camp was mostly made out of sand
and reeds. In the center of camp was a large oak tree trunk with a
clutter of rocks surrounding it. The camp is a small island surrounded
by a river. But there was no time to stay there in awe, She had to
hide somewhere.
She glanced around to find somewhere to hide, obviously not out of
camp. She could see her denmates running around finding somewhere
to hide as well. Finally after a bit of examining she decided near a
den by the patch of reeds.
She nuzzled under the patch of reeds hiding near a small hole by the
den. She glanced inside the den. This must be the elders’ den!
She spotted her great grandmother, Sunshineheart speaking to the
Elder Mattedskin. Her other great grandmother, Graysky, was listening
She slipped into the den quietly, not wanting to disturb the elders
but wanting somewhere good to hide, she slipped behind
Sunshineheart. Mattedskin noticed this and glanced over
sunshineheart. “What might you be doing, Young one.” His voice was
calm but cracked and raspy.
Sunshineheart glanced behind her and her eyes softened. “You should
be in the nursery.”
Slothkit shook her head and whispered. “Not today, we are playing
hide and seek.”
Sunshineheart flicked her tail. “Ah, I see, So you’re hiding behind me?”
Slothkit nodded. “If Chestnutkit comes in here, don’t tell her I'm
All three elders nodded.
Eventually, after a long while, she hears Chestnutkit and Mousekit.
Mousekit must have been caught.
“Can you give me another hint?” Chestnutkit scoffed as they entered
the den, she turned to the elders. “Have you seen slothkit?”

Sunshineheart shook her head. “We saw her nearby here but she left
the den.”
Slothkit struggled not to squeal with excitement, crouching behind
Sunshineheart’s ,thick, pale ginger fur.
Chestnutkit raised an eye. “You sure?”
Mattedskin nodded. “Last time we saw she was heading near the
medicine den to hide.”
Mousekit and Chestnutkit glanced at each other before sighing.
“Okay thanks!” Mousekit dipped his head.
Graysky purred. “I hope you find her.”
Chestnutkit glanced again before scurrying away. Mousekit followed.
After slothkit was sure they had left she giggled softly. “I’m going to
win!” she whispered to her great grandmother eagerly.
The elderly she-cat purred as a reply.

“Games over!” Cindershadow called from outside. She had won!

Slothkit hurried out of the elders' den. “I won, right!” She asked to
meet up with the other kits. Chestnutkit grumbled, “Sunshineheart
said that you were not in the den, Not fair!”

A moon had passed, Mattedjem had just given birth to her kits:
Moonkit, Stormkit, otterkit and Bellkit.

Sprinkles of water tattered down from the gray cloudy sky, resting
on Slothkit’s fur. Drops of the rain stuck to her fur. She lifted her
muzzle, sniffing the air. Half of the clan had left to investigate a
situation with Skyclan, to which Riverclan had offered help to the
clan. Slothkit’s attention turned to the sound of rustling from the
nursery to which she sat near. Suddenly Flutterkit bursted out of the
nursery with her sibling, Sleepkit. Squeaking as she did. Slothkit
attempted to make a warning scowl that she was just about to get
knocked over but she was too late and flutterkit ran straight into
her, knocking her off her feet and landing with an OOF.

Slothkit squeaked in protest knocking the Tortoiseshell she-kit off.

“Watch out!” She snapped.
Flutterkit got back to her paws. “Sorry, slothkit.” She apologized.
Slothkit frowned, feeling bad for snapping at her friend. “It’s okay.”
Flutterkit smiled. “Wanna play?”
Slothkit sighed, she was tired and had no mood to play right now,
ever since her father left, she was nervous non-stop. Thunderclan
has been pretty hostile lately.
“No thanks.” she smiled.
Flutterkit frowned but shrugged and hurried back in the den.
Her attention easily changed to the apprentice den. Rosepaw was
talking to Gempaw, Both clearly upset that they couldn't help.
“I still think it's unfair.” Gempaw grumbled with a lash of her tail. The
two apprentices had been apprentices for 4 moons now.
Slothkit listened to the cats before the smell of pearlstar and her
party made her ears perk. They must have returned.
Her excitement quickly faded when the scent of blood stained her
nostrils. It seems even the cats who stayed in camp had noticed it
too as they all peaked their heads out of the den. Foxgrove, the
medicine cat, picked up on the unease that settled in the air and
hurried out of the medicine den. “What happened?” xe asked as
pearlstar who just entered camp. The Queen was limping on her hind
leg, blood pouring down it. Her throat was stained with blood and
her right ear was shredded, blood trickling down her face and dyeing
her silver and white dappled coat. Mothmane followed from behind,
hazel eyes stained with an indescribable emotion. His thick brown fur
matted and blood stained. He did not seem to have a lot of wounds
besides the long bloody claw-cut across his muzzle. Most of the clan
who came with Pearlstar had matted fur and bloody wounds. Some
barely wounded others were terribly wounded. Practically the whole
clan was now out of their dens, eyes rounded in shock.
Slothkit attempted to hurry over to her father and ask what
happened but Cindershadow stopped her by grabbing slothkit by her

scruff and placing her beside her siblings. Slothkit opened her mouth
to protest but her mother’s hard-yet worried glare shut her up.
“Blazeheart and Driftripple have it worse, you need to tend to them
immediately!” Mothmane huffed, his deep voice sounding more raspy.
Foxgrove called over xyr apprentice Vinepaw, who quickly hurried
“What in the name of starclan happened?!” the she-cat, Mistysea
asked eyed round in shock.
“When we went to Skyclan to-” She suddenly coughed, her voice was
raspy as she continued. “We were ambushed by a group of rogues, big
enough of a group to take us. We-” She coughed again, claws digging
into the earth.”
Mothmane frowned and spoke for her. “Pearlstar lost a life in the
process, the deadly wounds were healed enough but she needs
medical attention as soon as she can.” He hurried over to the tall
trunk, standing on it to which everyone immediately turned their
gaze to him. “We need every cat that is wounded to rest for the day,
take turns and wait for Foxglove and Vinepaw to treat you!” he
ordered. “The cat that is hurt the most will go next and so on! Any
warrior and apprentice who has stayed in camp needs to use any
knowledge they have on herbs to help, ask Foxglove for help to be
sure that you are doing it correctly that way we can free up xyr
paws! Do I make myself clear?”
The clan nodded.
“All kits will stay in the nursery until then!”

It had been a long day of being cooped up in the nursery. Every kit
was complaining that they wanted to go outside. Slothkit wanted to
know more about what was happening.
A sudden cry echoed through camp. One of distress and grief.
Cindershadow immediately lifted herself to her paws. Slothkit tilted
her head. “What's wrong?” Lovekit asked.
“That's what I'm finding out.” Cindershadow said, disappearing from
the reed-made den.

The sorrowful cries only grew louder and Cindershadow returned,

blue eyes filled with sorrow. “What happened?” Shellstrike asked,
raising her head from her paws. Cindershadow whispered something
to her sister. It must have been something bad as the queen’s eyes
widened in shock and a frown was drawn to her lips. Cindershadow
proceeded to explain what was going on to the other queens before
drawing back and turning her gaze to the kits. “Everyone wait here,
we’ll be back.”
All the queens began to leave, even Mattedjem, leaving her sleepy
new-born kits alone.
Slothkit and the other kits glanced at each other, shrugging.
“Did you hear anything?” Mousekit asked Chestnutkit and Loudkit.
“I barely heard anything.” Loudkit frowned.
“Same.” Flutterkit replied.
The sadden cries seemed to lower and slowly faded into silence.
The quietness was broken by the river rippling softly and wind
blowing. it was getting dark and soon Mattedjem was the one to
return as the newborns were mewling and crying.
“What happened?” Sootkit asked.
Mattedjem frowned. “Blazeheart died.”
Shared Shocked gasps came from all the kits at once.
“It was Honeysplash that cried, poor sweetheart.” Mattedjem sighed.
Slothkit’s heart shattered for Honeysplash, she was the mate of
She knew what death was, she wished she did not. Mattedjem gently
cuddled her kits, eyes furrowed and full of sadness, gently licking her
A dark unease swallowed her heart… things would not be better.

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