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Although adults think teenagers are too young to teach other people about anything,

children understand more when they explain things to themselves than when adults teach
them. However, I believe that teenagers can teach other people about anything.

Adults said that when teenagers explain, they do it wrongly because they don´t have as
much experience as adults do. Personally, I believe that teenagers are more connected to
technology than adults because they are born in the technological era. As a result, young
people may understand things that adults may not always grasp.

In addition, teenagers grow up in a world where environmental issues like climate change,
pollution, and deforestation are widely discussed at school. As I mentioned before, since
they have access to information through the internet and social media, teenagers are more
aware of the environmental challenges than adults are.

Finally,since teenagers are generally exposed to social media, they know how to
communicate and that can help today's kids communicate with others.

In conclusion, being a teenager doesn't mean you're too young to teach others anything
because young people have unique perspectives and new ideas. I believe that teenagers can
teach wonderful ideas since they are more open-minded than adults.

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